Entries in the category “Language practice. Free speaking events

A bright auditorium, rows of school desks. A stern teacher in glasses, talking about techniques of female seduction, moves a pointer along a cross-sectional diagram of a man - something like this is how I imagined the “Art of Oral Sex” training. In reality, everything turned out to be much more fun and serious. NedoSMI correspondent became the first man in the world to attend blowjob courses.

ATTENTION! The photos below the cut may shock some readers. Be careful at work!

For negative comments about the girls in the photo, I will be eternally banned. I spent a whole week looking for them on social networks who were willing to be photographed during training. Out of two dozen, seven made it, but only four remained. Respect their courage, because they agreed to be filmed so that you could see this report.

Three times a week, the cozy “Smart Style Personality Development Studio” gathers students in the center of Moscow for the most unusual training for our country, “The Art of Oral Sex.”

“Ekaterina Lyubimova, sex coach,” the tall blonde introduces herself, offering the girls some champagne. Although the fake students giggle, they are clearly constrained and embarrassed. Naturally, no one will be allowed to take photographs during the actually paid training, but our three-hour training will be no different from the real thing. Well, except for the number of students, usually twenty of them. I quietly sit down in the corner, take out the camera and from the very first minutes I understand that there will be no theory and blah blah blah here - Ekaterina picks up the dildo and begins practice. First, he tells how men masturbate, asks which of the “schoolgirls” saw this in real life, and very accurately explains to them the force of compression of the penis and what sensations we want to get. I’m surprised to myself that “he” has “cheeks” and I understand that there will still be a lot open for me today. And even more so for girls.

“It was very important to create a training that a woman could come to and be absolutely sure that the skills she acquired would have an effect on a man.” Look, for example, a woman goes to psychological training and they tell her: “You will become so cool, men will start to like you” - agree, it’s not a fact that she will pass it and all men will be drawn to her.

“But if she gives a great blowjob, then they will definitely accept it.”

– I start not only from female psychology, but also from a man: it is very difficult to impress a man with anything other than sex. Sex is only language which they understand very well. Moreover, the more interest you show in sex, the more more than a man are interested in you - this is a 100% weapon.

“You don’t need any training to improve your self-esteem, you don’t need to try to become self-confident, you don’t need this nonsense, trying to remake yourself. Roughly speaking, if you are great at sex, then the rest is not so important, everything will begin to attract itself.”

– At one time I thought that our clients were everyone, but I noticed that very often women born in 72-85 come - these are like magic dates. Although, the main audience is women from 20 to 45 years old. Teenagers under 18 don’t come to us, and we won’t just let them in. And, accordingly, women after menopause are much less interested in such trainings. In our country there is a strange attitude towards menopause, as if after it a woman’s sex life is closed, although in the West the opposite has long been the case.

– And of course family! Moreover, I noticed that the biggest sluts are not lonely girls who are actively looking for a guy, but family women. I'm shocked. They do such things! In our country, the idea that people cheat in marriage is exaggerated. Nothing like this! In marriage, our very life and debauchery begins - the search for monstrous positions, sex games, desires to do such things! And I was also shocked that married women engage in anal sex the most. Precisely anal. Straight from mouth to anal. I'm actually shocked by them, they're very sexy. Especially if you have been married for 10 years. This is simply amazing, they have such a fantasy - with a strap-on and with anything.

“That is, it’s all a myth that there is no sex in marriage, there is such sex that your mother is your own! Their depravity sometimes makes my eyes pop out.”

– We practically don’t have supermodel and glamorous girls with hair extensions, tanned, with colored lenses in their eyes and busty blondes, they don’t come. Why? Because they think that they are on their own appearance already a miracle. They believe that their appearance is like a commodity; they can already surprise a man and that’s enough.

– And to say that ugly women walk around is also wrong. That is, the audience is completely different, but there are no older or super beautiful women. And prostitutes, they don’t go around much either, they don’t need it. It’s just that when a man goes to a prostitute, he doesn’t need anything at all, the techniques are unimportant, the very fact of sex with a prostitute is already most powerful technology. Myself psychological fact“I’m going to a prostitute” works - I’m going for money and everyone has it. How will this happen? Fantasy works to its fullest and the feeling of depravity is born out of the blue.

– It was a revelation to me that a woman’s main motivation is not her own satisfaction and pleasure in sex, but rather the man’s – women are fixated on doing everything for him: surprising him, giving him pleasure. Women are such witches, in fact, just to influence. Still, a woman is really close to magic and all women understand perfectly well that the main magic is sex

“Sex is something that is given to any person by nature by God and everyone should give a good blow job, have good sex, be able to use sophisticated positions in the bedroom, a real buzz from this should reign in the family”

– There are similar trainings in Moscow, but at excessively inflated prices. It turns out that the service is for the elite and this is wrong. Sex is for everyone, and I don't understand how it can be for a select public. This service should be available to any consumer: girls 20-22 years old, if they want to go and do something for their boyfriend or get acquainted somehow and improve their life; women who are 40 years old and have been married for a long time and are tired of everything - so that they can afford it, and not just a certain stratum. Our training costs 3,000 rubles, and on coupon sites, if you’re lucky, you can even buy it for fifteen hundred.

– From the age of 14-15 I was fixated on sex. At first I found it very interesting and necessary for life, and I constantly thought about it all the time. When I received my first theater education, I constantly had novels, as if I had flown off the planet Venus. And I gradually, about 5 years ago, realized that I, in fact, don’t know anything about sex. And I became very interested in techniques, read in English, practiced tantric sex, studied, a lot came from knowledge specifically oriental culture sex, because sophisticated Thai massage originated in the East and many sexual tricks that now seem Western came from there. Learned American techniques from various sources– I constantly educated myself on this topic. I did this purposefully for several years in order to write a book. And, suddenly, I realized that

“if you get an education as a sexologist, then it doesn’t give you anything - you still don’t know the techniques, you don’t know how and don’t know anything, you’re just a doctor and well versed in pathologies and erogenous zones”

– I have extensive knowledge, experience, training and more training. People ask me, for example, how I manage to give a throat blowjob. I have character, and if I wanted, then I will definitely get it, find out and achieve my goal. This knowledge is exactly the same. And then, probably, it’s still a desire and some kind of awareness of one’s own purpose. My interests, excesses, attraction to sexual themes - everything turns into a favor. I found myself in this.

– We have a very high return rate of clients, about 50 percent, who attended all four trainings. That is, for almost all trainings in this area. And every time a survey is taken after the training and more than 90 percent positive feedback about Us. Girls generally love me very much, they tell their friends and a lot of people come through word of mouth, I really like it. Although, sometimes it happens that they write in the comments on the site something like “Oh, this is what the actual development of a woman consists of - sucking a dick?”

“Now the market conditions are such that women themselves buy this particular training. We have the psychological “The Magic of Female Sexuality”, but they don’t want to go for it, they want to go for “this”

– And it turns out that it’s not that we focused on this, we just take into account the individual needs of the client and this training is developed based on these needs.

– Nowadays women have a colossal need for sexual development. There is also social prerequisites- after all, there was a period in the Soviet Union when “there was no sex,” then perestroika, and all these facts fit together - to the fact that women have begun to be interested in this now. Women realized that a man can be taken by sex. For some reason this was not understood before. And having realized this, they decided to expand their consciousness and horizons, and change their attitude towards sex. If earlier, for example, they denied some forms of sex and considered them too depraved, now they don’t.

– We are able to attract a male audience to trainings of a sexual nature, to those aimed at giving a woman pleasure - “Mastery of the Female Orgasm.” We originally made it for women, but men called and asked if there was one for them. We are talking about G-spot stimulation, erection rings and other assortment of products so that a woman will eventually experience a strong, real orgasm. There is practice on artificial vaginas. Couples are very active in this training.

– A lot of people want to study individually, but now it’s impossible to do them purely in terms of time, we spend all our days in training. But I want to note that group classes are no worse.

– We also have support trainings, when girls can then, after some time, come and repeat some points again after all the trainings, that is, like homework on what you do worst. The girl comes with some specific questions– she can’t give a deep blowjob at home, and I see why. Maybe she doesn’t relax well, or she’s breathing incorrectly, or she’s tense and constrained, or she just hasn’t found the angle. And we are working on this with her. Another, for example, cannot do something with her hands or cannot repeat some technique. And we are working on this and this supportive activity costs much less.

“There are no absolutely untalented girls who, no matter how hard you try, can’t give a good blowjob.”

– There are women who are not interested in this and do not want to do it. But you can be interested, when interest in this matter arises, she will find some charm for herself. The main thing is interest; if there is interest, a person will do anything. And motivation. Sometimes the girls come like this - huge, plump - but that's how they do it! They are so motivated! I think: “Oh my God, she’s going to tear the dildo.”

– And how many people come are those who have never done this at all and this is their first time at a training. Therefore, the question here is not that “hands are hooks”, but about motivation: if she is motivated, then she is ready right away. And to some extent I still motivate them, and when she understands, she begins to fantasize, to think what she can actually do with this at home - she rises and everything begins to burn within her.

“But it also happens that she comes, sits and watches. And he doesn't do anything. But this is very rare. They say that their husband sent"

– There are problems with those who lack motivation. Those who have no motivation, they came, sat, listened, remembered something and that’s it. But there are few of them, basically everyone really wants to learn new completely untried manual techniques that are specifically designed to visually influence men, techniques that can combine several sensations into one.

“Women are very inclined towards oral sex, it is exaggerated that women do not like oral sex. For her to be so revolted by this, there are practically no such women, or every woman must have reasons for this, and often they are of a traumatic-psychological nature. The main thing is to give the feeling that oral sex can be completely new, with techniques that she has not known before. This is how interest is born, imagination flares up and desire comes on its own.”

– Every woman has one of the archetypes that makes them feel like lovers. And they seem to discover it within themselves. And if he is not open, then for some reason: either in his youth there was tightness or psychological trauma, or because of men, because of love suffering. But, it seems to me, there is a libertine in every woman. In fact, women are very depraved.

“Sometimes I tell them such things and I think that their eyes will pop out of their heads, but they, on the contrary, perceive it positively and are ready to try.”

“That’s why I was surprised: when I started doing this activity, I thought there would be “blue stockings” who don’t know how to do anything, but it turned out the other way around - where did the girls get such a temperament and such skills?

– The difference between our trainings is that a woman can evaluate the results immediately; the training is result-oriented.

“70 percent of the time we do manual techniques, oral, lingual”

– The training consists of about 50 different techniques and a woman, leaving the training, has mastered about 50 percent of the theory, and Additional materials They help her later remember the rest. Therefore, it is more effective compared to others, where in the first lesson they gave some techniques, a week later in the second - others. And there are also courses where they chat, it’s all theory, they tell you how cool it is to have oral sex, which is understandable. Sex is first and foremost an action. This means we must learn to act.

“My task is for the woman to immediately come out all charged and quickly want to come home and try everything new on her man. So that after the training she would give her husband a blowjob that happens once in a lifetime, and then come back to me again.”

– And then exotic techniques. This is no longer oral sex - scrotal caresses, anal caresses, prostate massage - more refined, in general. Then we always have playful things, unusual sex, girls are very often interested in this. We come up with games for them that she can play with her boyfriend. For example, in Lately The game of “prostitute” is popular among us. There are different variations: nurse, school, but we try to come up with different ones that are easy to do in any conditions.

“Well, isn’t it easier to play an erotic game on Skype, for example? You lock yourself in one room, he locks himself in another. And you pretend to be a girl from the Internet who wants to pick up a man for money. This game is easy to play at home. This training is just about how easy it is to kill your man at home.”

– Everything in a relationship with a man is decided by sex. Even problems. Absolutely all problems can be solved through sex. When a woman begins to do something in a new way, it means that she learned it somewhere, learned it, and this spark is passed on to the man. Their energy interaction immediately changes; a moment of curiosity gives rise to play in the relationship, igniting it.

“Girls sometimes come and say: “I’m going to have my first date or first sex, prepare me.” And I am very interested in preparing girls who will have oral sex for the first time. You understand what moment - she will do this for the first time, and I open for the person new world»

– Blowjob is fashionable. At any time of the year, in any country, in any part of the world. Plus, blowjob is promotion career ladder(remember Monica Lewinsky), it’s always easy to do and cool. This came from America, since the time of the sexual revolution, AIDS appeared in the 80s and in America now teenagers engage in oral sex much more often than vaginal sex. Because you don’t get pregnant, you don’t have to lose your virginity, you give pleasure to a man, you get a man. Therefore, in America, condoms for oral sex are sold in huge quantities compared to regular ones. These condoms are slightly different, without special lubricants, sold in regular schools in the vending machines, and they sell out with a bang. In America, blowjob is such a youth form of contact, youth fashion. And with the advent of office fashion, it has become simply a universal form of spending time, flirting, even a way of life. Since you can’t really have full-fledged sex in the office, there is the possibility of oral sex.

– The engines of sex are women. Men are passive in this regard, while women are driven by the search for novelty. As a rule, talk about the fact that men cheat all the time is still a myth. It doesn't correspond to reality. Men's passivity in sex partly gives rise to these tales, the passivity that is characteristic of them is very often mistaken for dissatisfaction and thought of as betrayal (I'm talking about passivity to offer and try new things), most often they do not want to admit even what they like, what they don’t like, why orgasm is stronger or weaker. They hide this from the woman. But in fact, they are most often simply lazy in sexual development, much lazier than women.

– Women in general are consumers: their share of the market for sexual toys and pleasures is almost 70 percent. She buys everything: anal plow, nipple jewelry, vibrators, fishnets, panties with a slit. At this time, the man works and earns money, mostly. Men are overworked to such an extent that they do not even have time to fantasize sexually properly. Perhaps the reason for men’s sexual laziness is precisely the constant race for championship in their career, in size...

Anticipating the questions “Tell me, as a man who has been there, is it worth going to see them?”, I will answer yes. They teach practical things. Some things are super simple, some things I don’t agree with myself, but the taste and color of all dildos are different. In any case, this knowledge, especially if you are interested in it, will certainly not be superfluous for you.

    It is possible to give serious linguistic explanations about how American English differs from British English.

    Or you can explain everything in such an ironic manner, as the British comedian Michael Mcintyre did:

    (watch the video first without looking at text transcript and translation, and check which phrases you could understand and which you couldn’t)

    A small funny video about a cat with very strange tendencies :)

    First, watch it without looking at the text transcript and translation, and check which phrases you were able to understand and which you couldn’t:

    Text transcript and translation:

    A very deep and very personal speech from Steve Jobs:

    We invite you to enjoy Al Pacino’s excellent spoken English - watch his monologue from the film “Every Given Sunday”:

    Just in case, the video has Russian subtitles, but try not to look at them at first and try to understand the meaning of the spoken phrases without translation. And when you watch it again, check yourself.

    Some spoken English from Leonardo DiCaprio :)

    Leo talks very funny about the reaction of Russian passengers to a force majeure situation in the air:


    When Leo talks about “the Sully incident,” he is referring to the story of American pilot Chesley B. “Sully” Sullenberger, who was able to land his plane on the Hudson River on January 15, 2009 after colliding with a flock of geese.

    This happened immediately after takeoff and both engines of the Airbus A320-214 failed. All 155 people on board survived.

    Well, the incident with DiCaprio that he talks about happened in 2010 (it was a Delta Airlines flight New York - Moscow) and was also widely covered in the press:

    Cool video that might explain why your neighbors are constantly making some noise :)

    With English subtitles:

    With Russian subtitles:

    Here are a few more phrases that can be used when talking about neighbors:

    Neighbors! We all have them.
    Neighbours! Everyone has them.

    And we are all neighbors to the people that live beside, above or below us.

    And we are all neighbors to people who live next to, above or below us.

    Some people fall into the category annoying/nuisance neighbors «

    These folks are either noisy[noisey] or nosy[nouzie]

    These people (comrades, people) either noisy, or curious (literally: big-nosed)

    Here's how to deal with an annoying neighbor.

    Your downstairs neigbor turned his music up really loud at night.

    Your downstairs neighbor turned on very loud music late at night.

    “Sorry to bother you, but could you turn down your music down a little bit?”

    “Sure, sorry about that.”

    "I'm sorry for disturbing you. But could you turn the music down a little?”

    "Of course, sorry about that."

    10 minutes later the music slowly got louder and louder.

    After 10 minutes it gradually became louder and louder.

    “Your music is still too loud. Could you turn it down, please?”

    "Yeah, sure."

    “Your music is still playing loudly. Please, could you turn it down?"

    "Yes, sure."

    5 minutes later the music was even louder than before.

    After 5 minutes the music was playing louder than before.

    "Please, keep your music down."


    "Please turn the music down"

    The music didn't really go down this time, in fact it got louder and louder.

    The music never became quieter, but rather became louder and louder.

    “Hey, cut it out! Some people are trying to sleep.”

    “Hey, turn it off already! People are trying to sleep here."

    Good walls make good neighbors.

    Good fences make good neighbors.

    Good walls make good neighbors.

    Good fences make good neighbors.

One of our favorite comedians, Irishman Dylan Moran, talks about how he sees Russians:

American comedian Dan Soder talks about why he pretends to be Russian:

In any country and in any language, young people develop some stereotypical phrases with the help of which they try to start communicating with the opposite sex.

To those who use them, these phrases seem witty. Although, as a rule, these are rather flat jokes :)

How can a girl answer them if the interlocutor does not inspire sympathy?

Of course, you can limit yourself to the rude “Get lost!” (which can be translated as “Get lost!” or “Fuck off!”).

But you can do it more elegantly:

When we are talking with an interlocutor who says some kind of garbage or with whom we are simply bored of communicating, we can behave in different ways.

Some will patiently continue to carry on an unnecessary conversation. Someone will come up with a plausible excuse to go somewhere on supposedly “urgent business.”

But there are those among us who cannot resist sarcasm and let the interlocutor understand how uninteresting this conversation is (and this interlocutor too :)).

Usually a sarcastic person already has some established speech patterns for such situations. But that's when we start speaking foreign language, then, unfortunately, sarcasm can very easily turn into outright rudeness. Simply due to insufficient language proficiency.

So we decided to record a humorous video with examples of sarcastic expressions. Of course, some of them, to put it mildly, are not entirely polite and most people never dare to say so in real life.

But we think the video turned out funny and it will be interesting to watch even for polite and non-sarcastic people (oh, I think the term “ polite people"in Russia it means something else... but oh well 🙂)

Mark Gungor is a very popular person in the USA. His programs are broadcast on 250 radio stations throughout the country. He talks about the secrets of the relationship between a man and a woman, but does it in the style of stand-up comedy. (The most amazing thing is that he is also a pastor in the state of Wisconsin :)

Here is a funny excerpt from his speech:

Surely every person learning English has heard this advice: The best way mastering a language means communicating with its native speakers. What to do if you don’t know English people and a trip to America is not in your immediate plans? Thanks to the Internet, you can immerse yourself in English-speaking environment, without leaving home. Language exchange sites can help you with this.

These sites for communication with native speakers are created so that speakers of different languages ​​can help each other in learning them. As a rule, to get started you need to register and describe yourself and your interests a little in your profile. Then you can find English-speaking users interested in learning Russian and write messages to them inviting them to meet and chat in real time.

A community of enthusiasts: teachers, students and simply English lovers

This community consists of enthusiasts: teachers, students and simply lovers of English as a native or foreign language. You can communicate with other users who will check the exercises you have completed and explain all the intricacies of using various constructions. You can also record an audio file so that a native English speaker can comment on your pronunciation and advise you on how to improve it. Active site users receive points and medals for completing tasks, which is additional motivation for those who love to compete.

A site for personal communication between people from all over the world

This site connects people from all over the world, providing them with the opportunity to communicate personally, participate in group discussions and use various multimedia materials. In addition, users can upload their own materials to the site and give access to them.

3. Voice chat is the main tool for developing speaking skills

Like many similar sites, here you need to register and, using the search, choose a partner to communicate in Skype or Windows Messenger. But there is one more unusual advantage. Thanks to this resource, you will get the opportunity not only to talk with other users in the chat, but also to learn about native speakers who live in your city and are ready to communicate “face to face”. Having met online, you can meet in public place and continue mutual learning.

Practice oral speech with native speakers will certainly benefit any English learner. If you have already reached Pre-intermediate level, you should definitely try it. You will not only improve your listening and speaking skills, but also gain confidence in your abilities, and at the same time make new friends.

Bonus for our new readers!

We offer a free private lesson!

  • exercise at home or at work anytime
  • A dream teacher who is fun to learn and chat with
  • guarantee of results: more than 10,000 students achieved their goal

Big and friendly EnglishDom family

Resources for learning foreign languages ​​regularly appear on the Internet: reading texts, audio and video with tasks for training listening comprehension. And most importantly, there are services that help you find interlocutors for speaking practice among native speakers of a foreign language!

Bookmark this article so you don't lose the list!

1 italki

I really love this resource, because it is suitable for different purposes: language exchange, full lessons with a teacher, conversation practice with any native speaker, or just communication with like-minded people from all over the world.

When the plans include not only communication, but also balanced training for everyone linguistic aspects, you should try the paid option of the site - classes with a professional teacher. You can schedule a lesson in advance or take it as soon as you log into the site. Through searching, you will find people who can contact you without prior arrangement.


An online platform for those who not only want to communicate with native speakers, but also undergo a consistent speaking practice By relevant topics, from simple to complex and with error correction.

SkyEng is regular lessons With professional teachers and carriers in English in one person.

3 EnglishDom

Online school English for students from beginner to advanced levels. The company has its own teaching methodology, which includes classes on a special interactive platform. The teacher and student have access to an office where materials and assignments are displayed online.

Additional hands-on training options include: conversation club, courses for self-study, database of reference materials.

4 PrePly

In general, the Preply platform is a tool for finding tutors in foreign languages, music lessons and mentors in other creative disciplines. But, one of the functions is to search for a native speaker of the target language for traditional activities at your home or at your tutor's. So, if you want to communicate in English and other languages ​​with native speakers, plus “live”, this resource is worth your attention.

5 LinguaTrip

Linguatrip is a company that helps you select foreign language courses abroad and organize the entire travel process. But that is not all. The resource also offers educational services: intensive courses are regularly held with native speakers in spoken English and.

6 Speaky

Cool site that I discovered recently. I'll review it soon after testing it.

Registration is simple and fast. Once you're in your profile, you can start communicating with other members. A list of potential online interlocutors appears on the right side of the screen, and it’s easy to write a chat message to each of them. If you add each other as friends, you can call each other by connecting video.

7 Verbling

A site for those who are mostly interested in lessons with native-speaking teachers, and not just in practicing communication on various topics.

The choice of teacher is based on different parameters. For example, a native French speaker who teaches Spanish. Or an Englishman who will teach you his native language. 🙂 In general, there are many options.

Join one-on-one sessions morning, afternoon or evening. To get more speaking practice, meet new people and save on lesson costs, join group classes or invite your friends to learn the language together!

8 HelloTalk

The site provides communication through text chats and voice messages in more than 100 languages. There is a convenient mobile application.

The program even helps with pronunciation training: there is an option to listen to every message that is sent to you. The resource also helps to create your own database of language learning materials: sentences, pictures, words, audio.

With the help of special tools in the program, native speakers can easily correct you if necessary. You too can become such a helper for someone.

9 Pen4Pals

More than 15,000 people around the world who are ready to practice learning foreign languages ​​through language exchange are waiting for you on this resource. The site has a simple search option based on various parameters: gender, native language, language of study.

10 Couchsurfing

Community of travelers from different countries. Join meetings around the world, stay with new friends in another country, host them as guests. Or just chat with a native speaker over a cup of coffee.

11 Polyglot Club

Do you learn languages ​​not out of necessity, but because you absolutely love it? Take a look at this resource.

The site regularly organizes meetings for everyone who wants to practice communicating in different languages. Choose the language of study and the city where you live. You will find out what meetings are taking place near you and can organize your own. On the site, native speakers answer questions about learning the language and offer language exchanges.

12 Interpals

This site is mainly intended for communicating with foreigners by correspondence. Of course, when you find like-minded people, you will already personally agree to communicate on Skype.

If you are not yet ready for speaking practice, this site will give you the opportunity to start communicating with native speakers in writing. This will help you learn to formulate phrases in another language, gain confidence before a real conversation, and find new acquaintances with whom you can realistically continue communicating further.

13 Meetup

When you know a language at an advanced level or even live abroad, you look for ways to improve your foreign language level. One option is to attend meetings and lectures on a variety of topics in the location where you are currently located.

14 Internations

Additional site in the section for advanced users of foreign languages. Through this resource you can connect with people around the world and attend various events and meetings. It’s especially great for immigrants - you can quickly acquire an interesting social circle and find new friends.

15 Conversation Exchange

Another resource for finding language exchange partners. The choice of friends depends on the country of residence, language of study and native language, as well as the type of communication: chat, correspondence and conversation. To fully use the search, you must register.

16 Penpaland

After registering on this language exchange site, you can not only find new pen pals, but also maintain your own microblog, as well as create albums with photos. Real social network, only with greater benefit!

17 Easy Language Exchange

On this resource you can easily find interlocutors for language exchange and correspondence. An additional option on the site is registration as a teacher. If it's relevant to you, go for it!

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18 LingQ

Among the features of the site are communication with other participants by correspondence and in conversation, lessons and courses with teachers, online sessions individually and in groups. You can ask to correct your writing or pronunciation. Please note that some options are paid.

19 Livemocha[closed]

This is a global community for learning 36 languages, where you can take training courses and create your own company of like-minded native speakers who will become your language exchange partners, Skype interlocutors, and in the future good friends.

20 Paltalk

The service provides video chats with people around the world. You can join other participants in an online chat room to discuss music, sports, language learning, various events and other topics. Additionally, there is an option to communicate via text messages.

21 Lang-8

Surely, while learning a language, you have encountered a problem: you make up sentences and examples with new words, but there is no one to check you. This service solves the problem. Copy here the dialogue, text, phrases you composed, and get corrections from native speakers. Help participants who are learning Russian by answering their questions if you feel you can give a hint.

22 The Mixxer

A free educational site for finding language exchange partners with subsequent practice on Skype. Contacts can be viewed directly in the user’s profile. Eat free lessons in English, Chinese, Spanish, French, German.

23 My Language Exchange

The site is dedicated to language exchange. It looks like this: you find someone who is interested in learning your native language, but is also a native speaker of the language you are learning. By choosing a form of communication (chat, email, conversation), you help each other in learning languages: mutual lessons, tips, vocabulary consultations or just conversations on different topics.

The site has more than a million members from 133 countries, who in total practice 115 languages! Unfortunately, you can write messages to other people only after making a monetary contribution on the site. Free options: respond to requests and messages from other people, communicate on the forum.

What service do I use?

All of the sites listed are useful in their own way. Try the training on several and you will decide which site is right for you. As for me, I chose the site for language practice italki. Conveniently search for teachers and native speakers for lessons and language exchange, track completed lessons and feedback teacher. And another bonus: it’s easy to find a teacher who can conduct a lesson or conversation practice via Skype without prior arrangement.

What other sites do you know for practicing speaking a foreign language? Share in the comments!


You ask: “How can I learn English?” Very simple.

Learning English may not be as challenging as you think, provided you are aware of the right interesting sites to practice English online.

I know them and will be happy to share them with you.

So what do you need?

You need to know a sufficient number of English words, basic grammar, and most importantly, you must learn to speak easily. With everyone, about everything.

The 6 unusual and interesting sites you will find below will help you achieve this and practice English online at your convenience.

1. Language exchange sites and classes with native speakers

There is also the option to practice English with English-speaking people from all over the world via Skype. Why not try it. Moreover, often all you need is to register on a particular site for free.

It is especially worth noting the practice with native English speaking tutors. You can study with tutors either via Skype or live. There are advantages to taking classes via Skype, as you can study with tutors from the USA or UK and practice speaking in a very high level. Another side of such classes is the opportunity to study with tutors from regions where the cost of training is low. This way you can study and practice your speech very cheaply.

2. Facebook

And then there's Facebook, which you visit every minute, or at least every day. Why not study English there?

Now you have the opportunity to do this because on the page in Facebook you can find a new one every day interesting information about English.

3. GCFLearnFree.org

With the help of this site you can learn not only English, but also mathematics, master basic computer programs and develop reading skills, while at the same time replenishing your lexicon. This is a site that takes a practical approach to life. Visit GCFLearnFree.org and see for yourself. Interactive lessons on a variety of everyday topics - practice and more practice.

4. TED.com

It's not surprising, many people started with TED. Just a fantastic site for learning English with brilliant ideas and people. If you like National Geographic, then this is the place for you!

TED is a bit like YouTube, but here real experts will present their best ideas and theories. The topics can be very diverse - languages, mathematics, computers, marketing, politics, or even something that you haven’t even heard of, but it exists.

What's so great about this resource? First of all, you won't be bored. The more videos you watch, the more you will understand what is being said.

Secondly, your vocabulary will consist not of 100, but of 100 thousand words. While you're unlikely to use all of these huge numbers of words, if you happen to hear any of them, you won't have to feel awkward. Sounds good, right?


Personally, I find it really difficult to digest dry educational material. My mind is much better at accepting colorful and funny things. English grammar was boring, dry... until now! This is no longer the case, because, fortunately for us, infographics (large pictures with text) have appeared on grammar, and not only.

If you love color as much as I do, from now on, use only infographics to learn both grammar and new English words. Plus, the Grammar website offers a lot of infographics to help you if you want to learn English idioms faster and easier.

6. Activities for ESL/EFl Students

This is a wonderful resource with a huge amount of materials. Here you can practice all aspects of the language. A huge variety of materials for both English learners and teachers and tutors. Crosswords, grammar quizzes, videos and bilingual (two-language) tasks. A simple but mega useful site.

I hope you liked our selection of 6 sites for practicing and learning English. Learn English and you will be happy.

How do you practice English?