A strong-willed girl. This is a strong-willed woman, not a jezebel

Eat conventional wisdom that educated and sophisticated women from good families rarely find themselves in politics or at the helm of the state. But history knows many cases when ladies challenged traditional rules and behavior, while forever changing the course of history.

1. Queen Ranavaluna I

Madagascar's Queen Ranavaluna I was known as the "mad monarch" for good reason. She was suspected of poisoning her husband (to take over the throne alone) and also began a brutal persecution of Christians during her 33-year reign. People who disagreed with her policy of freeing Madagascar from European colonialism were tortured and killed. However, as a result of Ranavaluna's death, her weak-willed successors could do little, and Christian missionaries returned to the country. Three decades later, the last monarch was exiled and Madagascar became a French colony.

2. Irina Afinskaya

The Byzantine Empress Irina of Athens not only loved power, she would do anything to keep power in her hands. In the 8th century, Irene took the Byzantine throne as regent after the death of her husband. But when her son grew up and received the right to the throne, Irina... gouged out his eyes in order to rule alone. Although the empress was deposed five years later and died in exile, she is remembered for restoring the veneration of icons in the Eastern Roman Empire. In Greek Orthodox Church Irina is considered a saint.

3. Queen Nefertiti

IN Ancient Egypt legendary queen Nefertiti and her husband, Pharaoh Amenhotep IV, caused a real cultural revolution, completely changing the religious structure of the empire. Nefertiti received equal status with the pharaoh when they abandoned the veneration of all Egyptian gods and introduced the cult of worship of the sun god, Aten.

They built new town Akhenaten, to which they moved their residence. Although Egypt returned to the veneration of the old gods after the end of her reign, Nefertiti forever went down in history as the pioneer of one of the most remarkable religious revolutions in ancient Egyptian history.

4. Queen Didda

Kashmiri Queen Didda did away with her own grandchildren to ensure the country's sovereignty. Alternating between kindness and cruelty, Didda ruled Kashmir for most of the 10th century. The insidious and talented queen captured full control over the country, getting rid of competitors: on Didda’s orders, her son and three grandchildren were tortured to death.

Although Didda was ambitious and cruel, she effectively ensured the longevity of her dynasty. In Kashmir it is still considered one of the greatest rulers in history.

5. Queen Nandi

For those who have ever wondered what women of easy virtue can achieve, it will be interesting to know the story of Queen Nandi. When Nandi of the Langeni tribe became pregnant by the Zulu chief Senzangakhona in 1700, the tribal elders were outraged. After the birth of the child, who was named Shaka, Nandi received the rather disgraceful status of Senzangakhon's third wife and faced mockery and ridicule.

Despite the humiliation, Nandi raised Shaka a fierce warrior. He became chief of the Zulu in 1815, and Nandi became queen mother, receiving the name Ndlorukazi ("Great Elephant"). After this, she took brutal revenge on everyone who mistreated her and her son.

6. Yulia Agrippina

When the wife of Emperor Claudius Messalina decided to excommunicate Claudius from power and make her lover emperor of Rome, she was executed. After this, the “vacancy” of the Roman Empress was free. The insidious Agrippina masterfully seduced her uncle Claudius, becoming his fourth wife. After this, Agrippina upset the engagement of Claudius' daughter (Claudia Octavia) to Lucius Junius Silanus Torquatus in order to marry her to her son from a previous marriage, Nero. After Claudius died of poisoning (this is also assumed to be Agrippina's fault), Nero became Roman emperor, forever changing the face of the Roman Empire.

However, Agrippina was so controlling of her son that she even (rumored) considered removing him from the throne after Nero began making decisions independently of her. As a result, Nero killed own mother. In history, Agrippina became known as one of the most influential women Julio-Claudian Empire.

7. Empress Theodora

The beginning of Empress Theodora's career was, to put it mildly, far from the image of decency and aristocratic behavior. Performing on stage with early age, young Theodora became notorious for her lewd interpretation of Leda and the Swan, where she stripped naked on stage. Also, her contemporaries claimed that Theodora was a heterosexual and “sold her youthful beauty, serving her craft with all parts of her body.”

However, Theodora's fortunes changed when she married Justinian I, heir to the throne of Byzantium. The Empress soon skillfully put an end to those who threatened her position. She is also remembered for building housing for prostitutes, giving women additional rights and expelling brothel owners from Byzantium. Today Theodora is considered a saint in the Orthodox Church.

8. Isabella of France

Edward II's wife Queen of England Isabella was hated by the king's favorites Piers Gaveston and Hugh Despenser the Younger. In conditions of constant humiliation, Isabella gave birth to four children to Edward II, among whom was the future King Edward III. Saving for for long years dissatisfied with her husband, Isabella eventually, together with her lover Roger Mortimer, led a baronial rebellion against Edward II and overthrew him from the throne.

Thus, she carried out the first constitutional parliamentary coup. After usurping the throne, she became queen regent for Edward III, but when her son came of age, he overthrew his mother. As a result, Edward III continued to rule England for 50 years.

9. Queen Fredegonda

Frankish Empire Merovingian
Through a series of murders, Queen Fredegonda caused dramatic changes in the Merovingian Empire in the 5th century. The wife of King Chilperic 1 led to the king's first wife being exiled to a monastery, and after that she organized the death of Chilperic's second wife, Galesvinta. When Galesvintha's sister Brunnhilde swore revenge, Fredegonda mercilessly killed her husband and sisters. This led to half a century of dynastic wars, which were called the "Wars of Fredegonde and Brünnhilde."

10. Princess Olga

Kievan Rus
When the husband of Princess Olga, Grand Duke Kyiv Igor Rurikovich was killed by the Drevlyan tribe, Olga took brutal revenge, several times. First, she ordered the matchmakers the Drevlyans sent to her to be buried alive. Then they burned him in the bathhouse official ambassadors Drevlyans After this, during the funeral feast for their husbands, about 5 thousand Drevlyans were drunk and killed. As a result, the princess went on a campaign against the rebellious tribe and completely burned its capital.

It was this revenge that went down in history, but when Olga returned, she continued to reform the government structure and returned the lost lands to Kyiv. Subsequently, Olga went to Constantinople and accepted christian name Elena became the first Christian ruler of Kyiv, bringing religion to the previously pagan city. Today former princess considered a saint in the Russian Orthodox Church.

The list of these strong-willed and strong women could well be replenished by the woman, who had 200 victories and who died in battle with two dwarfs.

Strong-willed character, pride, fortitude, stubbornness and reluctance to succumb to circumstances - these are the character traits that are inherent in strong women. It seems to those around such an “iron lady” that she has long killed all her weaknesses or, at least, does not allow them to get the better of her. However, superwomen have no less worries and complexes than any other person.

Majority modern women I can't even call it the weaker sex. Business women, experienced bosses, mothers of many children- they know how to cope life's difficulties and everyday problems better than men. manifest sentimental weakness This kind of woman is not used to it; for her it is an unaffordable luxury that takes up precious time. What is this “snow queen” so diligently hiding from others?

Fear of relationships

Dedication is a quality that Strong woman usually “transfers” from the area of ​​personal relationships to the area of ​​building successful career. She is unlikely to invest her soul and emotions into such a dubious undertaking as communicating with a new fan - after all, it will not bring her the treasured financial well-being. And he will feel such coldness and run away after the first date. What, according to the selfish beauty, is Once again will confirm her theory.

The exception to the rule is a self-confident, successful partner. It is with him that she will be happy strong girl, considering him equal to himself. She will initially perceive any other man as low-ranking, unworthy of her attention and time investment.

Disillusioned with the representatives of the stronger sex, " The Iron Lady"can rush to the other extreme - fall for the bait of a gigolo or warm up a spineless weakling. The first uses all of it to the maximum material resources and will disappear from sight, and the second will never become support and support. Such an affair will again bring only pain and disappointment.

A strong woman who neglects her feelings completely deprives herself of the opportunity to know the true happiness of love and affection. She trusts only irrefutable facts, direct evidence and her intuition, and not men, girlfriends and relatives. By protecting herself from possible emotional losses, she will never experience sincerity, reciprocity, friendship and love.

Pallas Athena complex

Athena was the beloved daughter of the ancient Greek god Zeus. She was also the goddess of war, known for her indestructibility, bravery and unwavering character. That is, she possessed all those qualities that are so necessary for a woman to succeed in the modern world.

The current “Pallada Athens” are successful in business, they surprise others with their “multiple spirit”, they are communicative, but at the same time they are powerful. Business acumen has replaced sensuality, self-confidence has replaced falling in love and the need for friends, and rationality has outlived the ability to relax. "Athena" chooses unisex clothing, wears masculine scents, wears her hair in a bun and uses a minimal amount of makeup.

Over time, such a woman becomes a real “general in a skirt.” Female subordinates who are more popular with men will be bullied and humiliated by the “Athena” boss. Being the embodiment of anti-femininity, she will methodically seek the dismissal of women who like to flirt with the opposite sex.


Fear of loneliness appears in successful women by the age of 30-35. By this time, they have managed to survive several unsuccessful novels, experience the betrayal of friends and the prudence of relatives on their own skin. Autophobia on early stages disguises itself as chronic fatigue, the desire to take a break from new acquaintances, parties and meetings with friends. During this period, you associate loneliness with comfort, relaxation and peace of mind...

Only a few months will pass and you will understand the depth of your loneliness. Your friends will stop calling because you no longer want to meet with them and share your problems and joys. Admirers will get tired of hearing excuses about “we’ll meet some other time.” Colleagues will consider you a callous “cracker” and will also turn away from you. The only true friends who will always be there are career achievements and economic independence.

To stop your own suffering, remember: loneliness is just a state of mind. You are only lonely because you want to be. Make new acquaintances, while trying to behave openly and at ease. Don’t let your success become a reason for inflated self-esteem and a disdainful attitude towards your family and friends.

To maintain the delicate balance between the two social roles(careerist and housewife), stop treating work as the only purpose of your existence. Psychologists have long proven that for sensations to arise true happiness a person needs to realize himself in three or four areas at the same time. Do what you love, surround your husband and children with love, don’t give up on exciting hobbies and sports, help your parents - this way you won’t have to fight autophobia and other fears that are common to any accomplished woman.

Many women have thought about the character of a strong-willed person; he has certain traits and a style of behavior.

Everyone has met in their life a person who... more likely could be called a strong-willed person or a strong-willed person. But has anyone thought what makes this person different from the rest?

So scientists and psychologists have discovered various points view on the meaning of meaning who is strong-willed person . No consensus even psychologists. So what can we say about people who are not interested in and do not study the science of psychology, and use their experience and experiments in life.

In our understanding, the meaning of the word “will” implies the concept of “willpower,” and this means that a person must be able to cope with any difficulties. But is it?

Understand differently what a strong-willed person should be :

1) A person who has a strong motive, a motive to move and achieve goals.

2) A person who may have difficulty achieving goals may have habits that get in the way. A person who needs to make an effort and has extra energy.

3) A person who can move towards goals and perform uncomfortable actions, changing the meaning of actions, filling actions in a different way. This in turn will regulate and strengthen the motive.

4) A person who can achieve goals through emotion regulation.

5) A person who can use willpower. Usually, for example, among athletes, musicians, etc.

Sometimes for concept of "willpower" often take on a volitional manifestation, for example, a person can in some situation show great perseverance and determination. And in another situation, you cannot cope with fear or boredom of monotonous work, and do not show patience. Most likely, it will be correct to say that “willpower” refers to certain volitional qualities of a person, and since these are qualities, then they can be developed!

Those. a strong-willed person has a sum of characteristics, which in a given situation can manifest themselves in different ways, namely: a strong or weak need, the intensity of experienced emotions that can strengthen or weaken the energy, and the actual volitional efforts that we usually see in athletes. It is these three components that must be taken into account when we characterize a person as strong-willed.

How can we become more strong-willed?

If you are currently doing something and are worried that it is moving slowly and ineffectively, then look at and strengthen the following points:

1) Your need for this. How strong she is. Is the result of this case exactly what you need?

2) What emotions do these actions evoke in you? If negative, then what can be done, what images or meanings of your actions can be replaced in order to neutralize negative emotions?

For example, if you are doing monotonous work, you can always come up with positive image your actions. Imagine and imagine that your actions in your head carry a colossal, important meaning and bring joy.

3) Does it take energy? If the strength becomes less, see the point above.

4) Perhaps you don’t make enough volitional efforts? Should you adjust your schedule and lifestyle to achieve your goals?

Perhaps you can answer these questions for yourself. But know that there are also psychologists who deny the formation strong-willed personality through coercion (Gippenreiter Yu. B.). Perhaps there is some truth here too.

Try to find your middle ground, your path. After all, people are all built the same way, but everyone had their own past, their own experience and their own level of understanding and awareness, and, accordingly, the speed of switching.

Let's look at the example of driving a car: first we learn to drive a car at 1-2 speeds, and then after a certain period of time we can easily control the car at 5 speeds!

Therefore, I wish you the development of your talent as a professional “driver of life” and a bright manifestation of your strong-willed personality!

The book of Judges describes Deborah, a woman who was a prophetess and judge in Israel. In the fourth chapter we read how she calls Barak, the commander of the army of Israel, to her and says to him: “Didn’t the Lord tell you to go fight? Didn’t He tell you that He would deliver the enemy into your hands?” Note that she was not seeking glory for herself, but was reminding Barak of the word from the Lord.

Barak replied that he would not go to fight unless she accompanied him. Deborah went with him, but warned him that now victory would not belong to him alone.

As Barak fought the battle, Deborah was nearby and prophetically encouraged him to follow the word of the Lord and attack the enemy. By doing this, Barak won the battle.

Then Deborah and Barak glorified the Lord on behalf of all Israel. In front of all the people, Barak called Deborah “the mother of Israel.” Note, “mother”, and not “independent boss”.

A person with the qualities of a mother will not be among those seeking advancement! Strong mother gives all of himself to his family, encouraging the diligent and pushing the careless!

That's the difference between Deborah and Jezebel! Deborah was strong in the Lord. She didn't control Barak, didn't dominate him, didn't try to get him out of her way. She did not try to seize a leadership position or take advantage of Barak's weaknesses. Deborah knew her place and stood firm in it. She did not seek honor for herself, but received it thanks to Barak's request. Her only purpose was to fulfill the word of the Lord. She turned out to have more courage and strength than the army commander!

Human motivation of interdependence

As I said, not every problem is a Jezebel spirit. The cause of the problem can often be the wrong motivation coming from human soul. These people have a problem of self-doubt, so they want all your attention to be focused on them. They won't be dangerous to you if you know how to keep them in place.

Usually these people either walk in the Spirit or lose that position. At first they are in the Spirit, then a sense of danger and self-doubt overwhelms them, so that they remain depressed and enslaved for months. They are attracted to people who will give them "alms" and take care of them, without requiring them to grow spiritually, thanks to which they could take care of themselves.

They will accept the point of view of any person, as long as that person treats them in this way: “Don’t worry, I will take care of you.”

If you go up to such a person and say, “From now on, this and that in your life must change so that you can take care of yourself,” his world will be destroyed! Moreover, you will become for him worst enemy- and all because he demanded spiritual growth from this dependent person. He will whine, cry and moan, because you have deprived him of mental, emotional support.

Human motivation comes from the soul, with only a small admixture of the Spirit to cover it, because it is based more on logic and emotions than on spiritual laws. She may look strong, but in reality she is helpless in spiritual matters. She does not like to delve into what comes from the Spirit, so she relies on the soul and turns to anyone who can help her with this.

When we're talking about about “evading” responsibility, about searching for a source of money and emotional advice, age does not play any role. It's sad to see forty-year-olds acting just as dependent as twenty-year-olds.

The problem is this: addicted people do not have the spiritual power to dominate their soul and body. There is a constant crisis in their lives, or a feeling of inferiority. They live from prophecy to prophecy, hoping that they will magically reveal their future and they won't have to do anything. They are always waiting for God to do something, for a door to open, for guidance or direction to come, not realizing that the key is within themselves. If they were spiritually mature and developed, they would be able to hold the truth and live in power.

A person motivated by his soul always tries to connect with successful individuals, hoping that in this way he will be able to break through to success with minimum quantity effort.

As I said earlier, such people can talk Right words, going to the right church and rubbing shoulders with the best - but it's just a game. The sad thing is that these emotionally dependent people are almost innocent! They are so spiritually ignorant and spiritually blind that they are barely aware of their game! Of course, they understand that they do not have the strength required to achieve their goal, but instead of moving on their own, they try to ride on the success of the stronger one.

A person who acts on the basis of his emotions desires spiritual success, but does not want to make the necessary efforts for this. He wants someone else to clear the way for him. These motives are different from those of a person with a Jezebel spirit. To take a leadership position, Jezebel is even capable of murder, while dependent people simply want to rise at the expense of others.

One of the reasons for this is that addicted people do not believe in themselves. They don't trust what they hear in their spirit. Their head knowledge is stronger because they have neglected the development of their spiritual man.

When such a person's illusions are destroyed, he may experience all sorts of symptoms, for example: severe depression, withdrawal, hopelessness, thoughts of suicide. He becomes seriously ill mentally or physically, may overeat or undereat, and even destroy his property.

But because he looked so spiritual, you might not recognize internal problem, looking for the cause in demons. You come to his house and begin to expel the one who is not there. Why? Because this person, having a weak spirit, is charged with spiritual human motivation, and if this condition is not corrected, he will depend on any person who cares for him.

How to help?

Remember that people with human motivation seek happiness for which they do not have to pay dearly. They will catch what they believe will be the source of their happiness and feel threatened by the loss of this source.

Recognize the motives of such a person and address the problem in his spirit. Don't think that if you continue to give spiritual "alms" or be an emotional support dependent person, then this indicates your spirituality.

Any time you act from (or in response to) an emotional need rather than from Divine command, you will not see fruit. The soul cannot give that which will have an eternal reward. This act of yours will be your only reward.

Keep your words and your calling. Do only what God tells you. Don’t even consider yourself obligated to answer a spiritual request.

You say, “But Roberts, can I empathize with their pain?”

Can. But that's all your emotional emotions can do except create confusion. Often people want to get from you, instead of your spiritual dedication to victory, just emotions. They'll try to pull you in emotional sphere their problem, and before you know it, you'll be in trouble with them! By the time you get this far, your spiritual efforts and abilities as a discerning minister are very low. low level. Why? Because you have identified yourself so strongly with someone else's problem that you yourself have lost the ability to see clearly.

When supporting someone in spirit, do not involve your emotions. You may ask: “But Roberts, don’t you feel sorry for them?”

Of course it's a pity! But don't live, act, or shape your destiny or the destiny of others based on the pain you feel. We live by the Word and by the Spirit.


Human motivation tries to creep into every situation. For example, some person temporarily has to live in a deserted corner of the world. He left his friends and family at home. In this new place, life is not in full swing the way he is used to seeing it at home.

By chance he starts talking to someone, and wakes up one morning to discover that he has fallen in love.

No, he didn’t find love - he found convenience!

To alleviate his loneliness, this man gave in to his emotional emotions. While he is there, he cannot see it, but when he returns home, he will discover that a mistake has been made! And, unfortunately for some, they made too many promises to make a difference.

Seeking comfort in the current situation, some people go so far that they see no way out of it. Or sometimes coming out brings with it so much suffering and pain that they question whether it makes sense? Thus, due to strong emotions and the weak human spirit sets another life on a course of mental ruin.

What to do in this case? It's good that there is such a thing called a telephone. Pick up the phone and call someone! Airlines offer cheap tickets. Buy a ticket and go somewhere, see your friends, visit your family, meet Mickey Mouse. At this point, your life is like an advertisement: “It’s time to reach out and touch someone!”

This is the moment when you must recognize the situation. The course of your life is closely connected with the fulfillment of your calling. It is much better to trust that God will provide you with money for travel than to spend the rest of your life handicapped out of convenience.

Man and stupidity

There is also human motivation that manifests itself as the flesh. In this case, you must distinguish between where is the Spirit of God and where is human flesh.

Let me give you an example. In one city there is a movement of God known to the whole world. I am for this move of God, and believe that it is a refreshment from heaven. However, there is also much of the flesh in these meetings.

I'm not criticizing. You must know that before you judge something, you must analyze all aspects of it in relation to the character and Word of God.

Any spiritual refreshment is not perfect. There is no such thing as a perfect church, a perfect Bible school, a perfect pastor, etc. This does not exist here on earth.

The movement of God comes from heaven to earth perfect, but through imperfect vessels. We are the ones who distort and corrupt. Whether we want it or not, it happens sometimes.

For example, in this specific movement which I mentioned, God visited them in a wonderful way. He came and brought a beautiful outpouring of His Spirit. He spoke to them, healed them and set them free.

Of course, news of this outpouring spread throughout the world. And now in those services you can see people “shooting at the demons that are flying around the hall.” What does this mean? They put their fingers together like a pistol, and “pang! - everything looks as if they are shooting at invisible spirits flying around the hall. We, adults, shoot at invisible ghosts in the name of God!

Give me one scripture that says something like this.

You may ask: “So this is from the devil?”

No, it is just uncontrolled, ignorant flesh that has been brought into play by overactive human motivation. Some of the leaders just needed to explain to those people that demons are not shot, but tied up and cast out!

When a move of God is manifested in a place, many things can be seen. But often it is the lack of discernment among leaders that harms the pure movements of God. Such leadership allows the flesh to reign freely with the Spirit, which results in the quenching of the Spirit.

There are also people in this city who go down on all fours to imitate animals. They claim to roar like lions. Where can we read about this in Scripture? The book of the prophet Isaiah actually says that the Spirit of God roars, but not on all fours!

I believe in the roar of God. I heard that roar and the power coming from it. I heard it mostly in church congregations when the anointing of supernatural power came down from heaven and people responded with shouts. It sounded like a holy roar! By the way, it was measured on the Richter scale and found that it was louder than the launch turbines of the aircraft! This, my friends, is supernatural. I believe that meetings with such an atmosphere are the only place where such scriptures can be manifested.

There is not one scripture that says God wants you to act like an animal. The Holy Spirit wants you to live and act like Jesus, not like some African lion. He's trying to get you out of this animal, carnal state of mind. He's trying to make sure you live on top, not on all fours. On all fours in the Bible you can only find those people who were under a curse. When they repented, they received liberation.

You will say, “But Robert, the Spirit of God made me roar.”

No, that's not true. Perhaps He came upon you, but you yourself chose to react to this anointing with your flesh. That's why you growled.

Under the anointing, you can decide by your own will how to act. Under the anointing, your flesh can still do what it wants if you allow it. But by doing this you will stop the intention of the Spirit of God.

You are so busy putting out the flesh that you do not accept what He came to give you.

You ask, "Okay, then are spiritual movements like this of the devil?"

No! But you need to deal with the flesh or the consequences of passive leadership during these movements.

Passive leadership can cause the end of God's move just like in the story of Seymour and Azusa. I'm going to talk about Azusa in the next chapter. However, understand that when dealing with someone's flesh, you should not be harsh or cruel. Just teach and train people so that they can receive the full blessings of God's anointing.

The flesh is the number one way to disqualify you in the realm of discernment. If you are constantly in contact with someone acting in a weak spirit, help him in truth. Reveal to this person where he is robbing himself and encourage him to develop his inner man. Recognize what direction you should go in when giving him advice. If he refuses to change his life, then love him from a distance and pray for him.


Everyone is familiar with the states of mobilization of will and its weakening. We either experience decline, weakening of will, then we mobilize our efforts and show perseverance and strength. Some forms of behavior become habitual over time and turn into character traits.
A strong-willed person has a number of characteristic qualities.
How strong will manifested in character? What qualities are strong-willed? How does lack of will manifest itself?
In a row strong-willed qualities at the first place determination. Purposefulness is:
- ability to set clear goals and objectives,
- ability to plan your actions;
- the ability to carry out what is planned, to subordinate oneself to achieving a set goal, for example, to comply strict regime, if necessary to achieve the goal, etc.
Aristotle said: “An end is that for the sake of which something is done... for the sake of it everything else is done.”
The more clear a person’s goal is to which he strives, the more persistent he is in overcoming obstacles, the more purposeful he is.
But people have different persistence in overcoming difficulties. It happens that a person does not finish what he has started. Some people start working with enthusiasm, but quickly cool down. How stronger obstacles, the more intense it should be volitional effort, the more strong will is required from a person.

The next important volitional quality is perseverance- this is the fortitude shown by a person who has set long-term goals for himself. In order to fix distant goals well in consciousness, you need to reflect them in specific tasks. The desire to achieve distant goals forms a strong and persistent will in a person.
Personal qualities such as endurance and patience are closely related to perseverance. They should not be confused with humility, lack of initiative, weak-willed submission to the force of circumstances or someone else's will. Patience and consistency are always associated with initiative, active in achieving a goal and overcoming troubles. Patient man knows why he endures something.

Such a strong-willed quality as self-control. It is important in life and in any work, especially for those whose work involves communication. No matter how excited a person of such a profession may be, complete control of his voice, facial expressions and pantamimics is his professional duty.
Self-control consists of:
- in the ability to maintain clarity of thought, i.e. remain attentive and focused on the work at hand, despite the influence of disruptive factors. This is the ability to prevent “defeatist” thoughts and negative ideas under the influence of failures, interference, and mistakes;
- also in the ability to control your feelings: it is easy to increase your emotional tone in a state of confusion, apathy, fear, etc.; reduce the level of emotional arousal in case of excessive joy or excitement, pain, indignation, etc.; and in case of success, do not show excessive self-confidence, carelessness, feelings of imaginary superiority and other unwanted experiences;
- and in the ability to manage one’s actions: control one’s movements when fatigue appears, pain, dissatisfaction with oneself and other unfavorable internal states; V conflict situations refrain yourself from unethical actions - bickering, rudeness, etc.

The following two qualities may be mistakenly assessed as positive.
“Stubbornness is a weakness that has the appearance of strength” (V.A. Zhukovsky). Stubbornness- a quality different from persistence. In this case, it means persistence in implementing decisions made without sufficient grounds. A stubborn person defends his opinion contrary to logic, reasonable arguments and facts. “A stubborn person does everything his own way, does not listen to anyone’s advice and soon becomes a victim of his own delusions.” (Aesop).
If a stubborn person determines the goal of an activity, re-education into a persistent person is carried out.

Compliance- a quality of will that is determined by slight change decision taken under the influence of others. It is the opposite of stubbornness. If stubborn person It is difficult to convince or convince someone who is pliable of anything, but on the contrary, it is very easy. Despite the fact that for a pliable person the opinions of other people can become a determining factor in making a decision, he still makes the decision on his own.
Re-education of this quality does not mean a transition to harshness and rudeness in behavior. You can be firm and polite in your interactions with other people.

If a decision is given to a person in a ready-made form from the outside (and it is accepted without criticism), then they speak of such a quality as suggestibility. Suggestibility, as well as pliability, does not prevent a person from being, for example, good worker. However, it is believed that this trait needs to be re-educated in order to save a person from possible harmful influences. Re-education in this case is recommended to be carried out by strengthening the will and developing critical thinking.

For a person, such a strong-willed quality as determination. It is defined as the ability to quickly assess circumstances and make decisions. certain solutions, and, having accepted them, do not hesitate, but act confidently.
Decisiveness - important quality when the situation cannot tolerate delay, it requires a quick response.

If a person has enough time, but still does not make a decision or changes it to the opposite, they talk about especially negative quality will - indecision.

If it is necessary to quickly make a decision and act, but a person is unable to do this, they speak of a condition confusion. A confused person either remains inactive or starts different actions and doesn't finish them. (“Speed ​​is necessary, but haste is harmful” (A.V. Suvorov)) These actions can be opposite in meaning. Instead of calmly analyzing the situation and making a decision, he can change decisions.

The considered volitional qualities are manifested in every person in individual situations, but can also be a personality trait. Therefore, it is important to know exactly how a person behaves in a decision-making situation most often: he hesitates, or makes decisions quickly; thoughtlessly and then quickly changes them, or makes thoughtful and accurately executed decisions.

There are also such qualities of will as:
Performance- manifests itself in the diligent and systematic execution of decisions made. An executive person feels the need to completely complete the work he has started.

Discipline- a person’s ability to act in accordance with norms, rules and laws. Work discipline stands out, which develops perseverance, determination, and the ability to overcome one’s impulses. Thus, justified demands, strengthening discipline, thereby strengthens the will. Here we are not talking about the so-called “stick” discipline, which is based on fear. Discipline should be based on an understanding of the motives of behavior and human actions.

There is also a group of volitional qualities associated with behavior in a situation of danger - these are such personality qualities as courage, bravery, bravery, courage. And the opposite of them - cowardice, timidity are considered a manifestation of lack of will.

Different shapes fear in different ways, but always negatively affect activity.
In the fight against fear, it is recommended to use the following general rule - the more primitive and biological the emotion, the less amenable to eradication with the help of words. You cannot persuade a person to be fearless. But emotions are easily replaced by each other. It is enough to make a frightened person angry for his fear to go away. If you make an angry person laugh, he will stop being angry.

But danger can also cause positive emotions of sthenic excitement. Stenic, not pronounced fear can tone the cerebral cortex from the subcortex and in combination with critical thinking manifest itself as “reasonable fear” in the form of apprehension, caution. “Expose yourself to dangers with prudence,” said the sage Bias.
How much cowardice, timidity and timidity - negative traits personality, so caution is considered positive feature.

Such a reaction to danger as reasonable excitement associated with the activation of conscious activity in a moment of danger.

The connection between the degree of activity at the moment of danger and experiences has been determined: the more active a person is in a dangerous situation, the easier the subjective content of his experience is.
A. Suvorov said: “It is better to meet danger than to wait on the spot.”

Highlight various shapes overcoming fear - fearlessness, which differ in their manifestations. This is courage, bravery, bravery, courage, heroism.
Plutarch also said: “The beginning of victory is courage.” When courage is shown, fear remains, but activity is determined by thinking and strong-willed decisions. Such a person is considered brave, who knows that there is danger ahead and still goes for it. He knows why he suppresses fear, what goal he achieves by acting contrary to fear. Courage consists of the ability to suppress feelings of fear: when a person, in conditions of real physical danger, experiences a desire for risk and a desire to take action. Under these conditions, he mentally disconnects from worries and fear and focuses entirely on action. Courage is manifested in various types of activity: “bold thought”, “brave solution to a problem”, etc. Helvetius said: “Often it is to courage that we owe the discovery of the greatest truths”; Goethe: “Every artist has courage, without which talent is unthinkable.”

Bravery - associated with sthenic emotional experiences excitement during danger. A brave person enjoys the feeling of danger. His experiences are sthenic, his activities are not disorganized. But it is good when courage is based on reasonable risk: insane courage is as harmful as insane fear. It is recommended to cultivate courage through reasonable risk: taking risky actions and experiencing satisfaction from them successful implementation.

In the formation of courage, they warn against the following extreme: they advise to ensure that courage does not turn into negative form fearlessness - daring. Prowess is defined as courage that has reached the level of affect, which is characterized by a loss of critical thinking.

Psychology claims that cultivating courage is cultivating faith in one’s strength and technique. This is the development of confidence in high probability successful completion of any risky but feasible task.
There is a pedagogical recommendation - to carefully choose the moment at which you can allow a person to take risks for the first time. One must be sure that, based on the level of his knowledge, skills and experience, he is prepared for this risk and can independently cope with the situation.

Courage stands out as the opposite of prowess. Courage is understood as the ability to act. A person who defends personal interests can be brave and courageous. Courage is manifested in achieving a goal that is perceived as a common cause. In a brave person, fear is overcome by a sense of duty, which is associated with the person’s worldview and beliefs.
Brave man When going towards danger, one is tense, the brave one is excited, and the courageous one is calm.

Courage is defined as the highest, most complex shape fearlessness.
“And whoever faces danger with courage,
That is why the thought is clear and the tongue is firm.” (Sophocles)
Goethe says: “If you lose a good thing, you lose a little!” If you lose honor, you will lose a lot! If you lose your courage, you’ll lose everything; then it would be better not to be born at all.”
Courage summarizes a number of aspects of a person’s personality. IN different situations one or another of these sides predominates. Courage manifests courage, daring, bravery, as well as responsibility, patience, resourcefulness, determination, self-control, consciousness, conviction that one is right, worldview, initiative, willpower (defined as resistance to the force of a single blow) and fortitude (defined as resistance to a series of subsequent strikes).

As an example of courageous behavior, one can cite a case from world history - the philosopher Socrates calmly looked death in the face, forgiving his enemies.
Heroism is defined as a concept that goes beyond psychology and has social content. Heroism manifests itself high level positive emotions when performing feats that have public importance.
Fearlessness, expressed in bravery, bravery, courage and heroism, is a clear manifestation of a person’s mastery of his emotions, example strong-willed behavior.
So, now you can imagine the image of a strong-willed person with such qualities as:
- determination,
- persistence,
- patience,
- consistency,
- self-control,
- determination,
- diligence,
- discipline,
- strength of will
- willpower,
- caution,
- reasonable excitement,
- courage,
- courage,
- courage,
- courage;
and its opposite - a state of lack of will, manifests itself in such qualities as:
- stubbornness,
- pliability,
- suggestibility,
- indecisiveness,
- cowardice,
- timidity,
- daring.