What is syncwine in biology. What is syncwine: traditional and didactic forms

The curriculum today is strikingly different from previous ones and every year it acquires new features. All these innovations sometimes amaze the parents of modern schoolchildren. But, if high school students at least independently master the new standards, then parents of primary school students have nowhere to go: they get used to the requirements together with their children, sometimes mastering them in practice.

One of these innovations was the writing of syncwines. An obscure word with a French flair forced moms and dads to activate their literary abilities while doing homework, but writing syncwines is often asked in class lessons. Therefore, one way or another, you need to explain to your child how to write a syncwine, and at the same time comprehend this poetic form yourself. Fortunately, writing syncwines is not as difficult a job as it might seem. Upon closer examination, it turns out that this is quite logical and therefore accessible to understanding and mastery.

What is syncwine? Shape and features of syncwine
Cinquain is the name of a form of poetry, and (at this point it’s easy to imagine the relieved sigh of schoolchildren and their relatives) which does not imply the presence of rhyme. It was invented by the American poet Adelaide Crapsey, who was passionate about Japanese tanka and haiku poetry. And, apparently, in order to complete the internationality of her brainchild, she named the literary form in the French manner: cinquain, that is, consisting of five elements. These five elements, as you might guess, are lines - in syncwine there are actually exactly five of them, and each carries a specific function and semantic load. True, the classic syncwine is slightly different from the didactic syncwine used in speech development lessons:

  1. Classic syncwine implies strict adherence not only to the number of lines, but also to the syllables in them. The 22 syllables of the classic syncwine are distributed along the lines according to the pattern: 2-4-6-8-2. Based on it, poets have created several variations, each of which plays on the rules of creating a syncwine in its own way: reverse syncwine, mirror syncwine, butterfly cinquain, crown of syncwine and even a garland of syncwine. These literary games concern the number of syllables, their combination and the form of stanzas, but retain the basic principle of five lines.
  2. Didactic syncwine was invented by American teachers, and in the late 1990s it appeared in our school curriculum. Unlike a traditional poetic work, in a didactic cinquain the form is less important than the content. Therefore, maintaining the number of syllables and words in lines is not necessary. The main thing is that five lines contain a figurative description of an object or phenomenon, the theme of the poem.
Since it is the second type that is used in school classes, that is, didactic syncwine, we will dwell on it in more detail. As a rule, in literature lessons, syncwine is used to summarize the study of a work, in literature lessons - to expand the vocabulary and skills of oral expression of thoughts. To optimally achieve these goals, a free interpretation of the syncwine form is allowed: you can vary the number of words, replace nouns with pronouns, adjectives with participles, and vice versa. The following description can serve as a basic diagram that generally describes the composition of a didactic syncwine:
  1. In the first line, one word indicates the theme of the syncwine - it can be any subject/object/phenomenon named in one word. You can use a noun or pronoun., contains a single word (usually a noun or pronoun) that designates the object or thing that is being discussed.
  2. The second line already describes in a nutshell the topic outlined in the previous line. A simple description of the actual properties of the object is sufficient, for which adjectives and/or participles can be used.
  3. The third line talks about the abilities that the object from the first line has - the actions that it performs. Three words are used: verbs and/or gerunds, but more words can be used if necessary.
  4. In the fourth line, the author no longer expresses an objective perception of the topic, but his subjective attitude towards it. Ideally, it should be fit into four words - the most difficult and most interesting part of any syncwine.
  5. In the fifth line, only one word is written again, summing up - this is a certain conclusion that is drawn from all the information in the previous four lines and laconically expresses the essence of the topic, as if closing it and looping the meaning of the text.
This is what an ideal “A” syncwine should be like. Of course, no one can write it the first time, not even an excellent student. Therefore, most teachers allow a slight deviation from the basic scheme if the student’s creative impulse requires it and this will help him cope better with the task. You, for your part, can also help your child learn to write syncwine by practicing at home in a calm environment. This activity can even turn out to be a fun pastime for the whole family if you approach it not as a chore, but as a fun linguistic game.

Rules for compiling a syncven: instructions
Most teachers admit that soon after their first acquaintance with a new form of assignments, schoolchildren overcome uncertainty in the face of unfamiliar requirements and perceive syncwines literally “with a bang,” receiving not only benefit from their preparation, but also pleasure. To make writing a syncwine easier, choose an interesting topic - one that arouses sincere enthusiasm in the child. You can combine business with pleasure and use a character from your favorite book or cartoon as this. The child definitely knows enough about it, and besides, there will be no problems with his own attitude towards the object. Over time, when the basic principle is understood and writing a syncwine becomes easier, it will be possible to use other topics assigned by the teacher. In the meantime, learn to write syncwine line by line like this:

  1. Line No. 1: Write one word that will be both the theme and title of the piece. For example: Batman.
  2. Line No. 2: Write two words describing the character. For example: Strong and brave.
  3. Line No. 3: Write three verbs that convey the character's activities. For example: Helps, saves, fights evil. Please note that here, instead of the third verb, a phrase is used that is quite suitable in meaning - which is a priority when composing a didactic syncwine. Therefore, do not limit your imagination for the sake of formality.
  4. Line No. 4: Write what emotions and feelings the character evokes. For example: I want to be like him. Sometimes it is convenient to use a set expression or phraseological unit as the fourth line. For example, in this case the aphorism “The city takes courage” is suitable. Most likely, the teacher will appreciate the student's knowledge of popular expressions.
  5. Line No. 5: Write one word that matches the topic and your attitude towards it. How would you describe the character? For example: Hero.
So, we got this syncwine:

Strong and brave.

Helps, saves, fights evil.

I want to be like him.

Well, show me a boy who won’t get carried away by composing such a text?! For girls, you can take the cinquain theme as Disney princesses, favorite actresses, sweets, etc. The main thing is that the child shows his own creative abilities and finds ideas and words on his own. At the same time, syncwine makes it possible to develop other related skills: explaining your thoughts to others, defending your point of view, finding compromises and working collectively. These abilities can be useful if writing a syncwine is difficult for a child at first. Then you can, together with an adult or another child, try a different way of completing the task. Let everyone write their own syncwine on the same topic, and then show their work to their partner. Together they will choose the most successful lines from each and compose them into a new, common work. In the process of such creativity, horizons broaden, ideas and opinions are exchanged, which is also very important for the development of speech and analytical abilities in children. But this alone is not enough to include a new form of work in the training program. Synquains bring much more benefits to all participants in the educational process.

Why do you need syncwine?
Both literary critics and teachers agree on one thing: syncwine is a manifestation of creative self-expression and reveals not only the artistic potential of the writer and the theme of the work itself, but also gradually makes it possible to understand the poet’s attitude to what he writes about. It was this aspect that interested teachers so much that it prompted them to include the creation of syncwines in the school curriculum. Sinkwine as a teaching tool turned out to be really a very convenient way both for mastering and testing the linguistic abilities and knowledge of primary school students. And it has taken root in the school curriculum thanks to a combination of such functions:

  • development of imaginative thinking;
  • expansion of vocabulary;
  • acquiring the skill of analyzing complex information;
  • acquiring the skill of identifying the main thing from the mass of information;
  • development of the ability to formulate and draw conclusions;
  • for the teacher to assess the student’s vocabulary and knowledge.
And at the same time, both writing and reading a syncwine takes incomparably less time than a regular essay. Just imagine how many more syncwines can be compiled and discussed during one lesson than even the shortest essays containing an introduction, main part and conclusion. Thus, the form of syncwine, created more than a century ago, turned out to be very relevant to the requirements of today. With the right approach and skill, cinquain develops and teaches younger students in a playful way, making lessons not a boring chore, but an exciting game. Therefore, all parents who are wary of school innovations can breathe a sigh of relief and, together with their heirs, get involved in this creative process. You'll see, soon your child will proudly show you a diary with excellent grades for syncwine!


Zolotareva I.G., biology teacher

Municipal Budgetary Educational Institution "General Educational School No. 3" of Mariinsk

One of the effective methods of child development, which allows you to quickly get results, is to work on creating an unrhymed poem, a syncwine.

Cinquain (from fr. cinquains, Englishcinquain) - five-linepoetic form that arose in USA at first XX century influenced Japanesepoetry. Later it began to be used (lately, since 1997, and inRussia) for didactic purposes, as an effective method of developing figurative speech, which allows you to quickly get results. A number of methodologists believe that syncwines are useful as a tool for synthesizing complex information, as a snapshot for assessing students’ conceptual and vocabulary knowledge.

Didactic syncwine developed in the practice of the American school. In thatgenrethe text is based not on syllabic dependence, but on the content and syntactic specificity of each line.

Writing a syncwine is a form of free creativity that requires the author to be able to find the most significant elements in information material, draw conclusions and formulate them briefly.

Compiling a syncwine, a short summary based on large amounts of information, is useful for developing the ability to analyze. Unlike a school essay, a syncwine requires less time, although it has more rigid boundaries in the form of presentation, and its writing requires the compiler to realize almost all of his personal abilities (intellectual, creative, imaginative). Thus, the procedure for compiling a syncwine allows you to harmoniously combine elements of all three main educational systems: informational, activity-based and personality-oriented.

Rules for compiling syncwine:

Line 1 – one word, usually a noun, reflecting the main idea;

Line 2 – two words, adjectives describing the main idea;

Line 3 – three words, verbs describing actions within the topic;

Line 4 - a phrase of several words expressing an attitude towards the topic;

Line 5 – one word (association, synonym for the topic, usually a noun, descriptive language is allowed, emotional attitude to the topic).

By composing a syncwine, everyone realizes their talents and abilities: intellectual, creative, imaginative. If the task is completed correctly, the cinquain will definitely turn out to be emotional.
Here are some examples of fairly successful syncwines:

studying, cellular
examines, establishes, diagnoses
a branch of biology that studies living cells, their organelles, their structure, functioning, processes of cell reproduction, aging and death
cell biology

ancient, scientific
examines, examines, examines
the science of the form and structure of individual organs, systems and the body as a whole
group of scientific branches

living, flowing
multiply, develop, exist
way of being of entities
fatal hereditary disease sexually transmitted

scientific, complex
studies, researches
form and structure of animal and plant organisms
complex of scientific branches

alive, active
consists, possesses, differs
body with organs

modified, shortened
attracts pollinated develops
organ of seed reproduction of flowering plants
sporiferous shoot

watery, changing
moves, grows, reproduces
internal environment of a living or dead cell

Random, persistent.
Changes, manifests, inherits.
There would be no happiness, but misfortune would help!

Stem cell

Unspecialized, flexible

Divides, differentiates, migrates

A stem cell is the doctor inside you!



Barrel-shaped, selective

Recognizes, splits, regulates

A damaged protein is not a cell mate!



Growing, hollow

Move, lean, transport

Without microtubules the cell pipe!



Three-dimensional, unique

Accelerate, regulate, protect

You can’t live in the world without proteins, no!

Hard workers!


Large, double membrane

Regulates, controls, transmits

A cell without a nucleus is neither here nor there!


Four-stage, the most common,
Provides, reproduces, supports,
Mitosis is the basis of growth and vegetative reproduction,

How to work with syncwines.

We offer the following ways for students to work with syncwines:

  1. Compiling a new syncwine (individually, in pairs, in groups).
  1. Compiling a short story based on a ready-made syncwine using words and phrases that are part of the syncwine.

Example. Compiling a short story based on syncwine.


Adaptive, reversible

Vary, adapt, shape

Without it, like without water, we cannot exist!



Modifications – these are specific values ​​of a variable characteristic of an organism that are formed under specific environmental conditions. They are wearing adaptive character – ensure the adaptability of organisms in the environment. Modifications reversible : they disappear after the cessation of the action of the factor that caused their formation. Modifications vary (change within certain limits) with typical environmental changes. Forming modifications, the organismadaptsto specific environmental conditions. Formation modifications occur at the stages of gene expression that determine the development of the trait. Modifications are the result evolution of the species.

  1. Correction and improvement of the finished syncwine.

Example. Syncwine correction


Divides, multiplies, renews

A cell is an elementary particle of living matter


Modified syncwine.


Eukaryotic, prokaryotic

Share, specialize, renew

Elementary particle of life


  1. Analysis of an incomplete syncwine without specifying the theme of the syncwine and determination of the name of the theme of this syncwine.

Example . Determining the theme of syncwine (guess the word of the first line)

Sinkwine 1.

Strong, varied

Fight, compete, get ahead

Fight and search, find – and don’t give up!


Sinkwine 2.

Autotrophic, green

Begin, synthesize, transmit

CO 2 Yes, water is our food!

food chain

Sinkwine 3.

Live, cubic

Share, eat, breathe

You can't build a house without bricks.


Sinkwine 4.

Complex, resilient

Eat, live, reproduce

My home is my castle.


Sinkwine 5.

Viral, chimeric,
Encode, synthesize, condition
One is good, but two are more reliable!

Sinkwine 6.

Multifactorial, chromosomal
violate, change, condition
Misfortune never comes alone.

Sinkwine 7.

Resistant, infectious
To strike, to change, to destroy
This is the mystery of the century - the death of the human world!

Sinkwine 8.

Helpful, neutral

Form, transmit, change

He catches everyone's eye!


Sinkwine 9.

Fixed, spherical

Store, merge, sell

She does good - it is encrypted.


Sinkwine 10.

Smooth, rough

Synthesize, transport, store

The protein path from the ribosome to the Golgi apparatus lies through it

Vacuolar system

Cinquains are an excellent way to control. It is impossible to write a poem correctly without reading the text.

If suddenly you have difficulties associated with the selection of words that are appropriate in syncwine, then the problem is most likely explained by the following. Either the topic of syncwine is not close to you (it is not understood by you or is simply not interesting). Or you need to work on expanding your vocabulary.

Synquains are also very convenient to use for self-control or for mnemonic purposes. If you can easily compose a poem, then rest assured that the topic has been mastered well. In addition, syncwine contains the quintessence of the material - your emotional perception of it. Therefore, you can later repeat this topic simply by remembering your syncwine.

Parents and teachers are concerned that children have stopped loving reading. But it is important not only to cultivate an interest in books, but also to teach them to analyze what they read. That is why in literature lessons, techniques aimed at developing critical thinking - for example, composing a syncwine - become especially relevant.

The essence of the methodological technique

Cinquain (senkan) is translated from French as “a poem of five lines.” Originally, the short rhyming work was a kind of American “answer” to Japanese haiku and tanka, invented in the 20th century by the poet Adelaide Crapsey. Sengkan was built according to a certain syllabic pattern: 2 in the first line, 4 in the second, 6 in the third, 8 in the fourth and 2 in the fifth. There were 22 syllables in total. In pedagogy, the structure of syncwine has become not syllabic, but semantic. It reflects the result of synthesis and analysis of this or that information, that is, each line meets certain requirements of the topic:

  • 1st - word-concept (noun or pronoun in initial form);
  • 2nd - two words describing qualities (adjectives or participles in the nominative case);
  • 3rd - three words telling about actions associated with the concept (verbs or gerunds in the initial form);
  • 4th - a sentence (4–5 words) reflecting the attitude towards the concept;
  • 5th - a summary word that expresses the essence of the topic.

Sinkwine is an effective reflection tool that allows children to develop the following:

  • the ability to briefly express the essence of a particular issue;
  • systems thinking;
  • analytic skills;
  • respect for the word.

In addition, composing five-line unrhymed poems expands students' vocabulary and implements the principle of a creative approach to learning.

Why write a syncwine in a literature lesson?

Sinkwine can be used both when compiling notes for a literature lesson and at the stage of testing knowledge acquisition

Sinkwine is part of the technology of critical thinking, which is based on three stages of organizing the learning process:

  • challenge (updating past experience, for example, checking homework);
  • comprehension (contact with new information);
  • reflection (consolidation of acquired knowledge).

Shinkan can be used at any of these stages. When used in a literature lesson, this method of organizing information helps:

  • study the images of heroes (analyze the positive and negative aspects of the character, the motives of his actions);
  • understand certain concepts (syncwine helps not only to interpret the term, but also to provide a specific example);
  • understand the point of view of the author of the work and his contemporaries (what is duty, honor, morality, and so on).

Using a five-line poem composed by a child, a teacher can easily draw conclusions about the quality of learning the material, the depth of understanding of the problem, the degree of development of imaginative thinking and the gaps in knowledge that the student has.

Rules to help you make syncwine (with diagram, plan and example)

The syncwine scheme is simple and understandable to students of any level

An exciting and creative activity - composing a syncwine - teaches children to organize their thoughts. In order for the technique to meet the teacher’s expectations, it is necessary to clearly explain to students how senkan is done:

  1. From a problem or a new body of information, one main word stands out.
  2. The most appropriate definitions for the phenomenon are selected. These can be both real-life signs and associative ones (for example, Pushkin’s Onegin is dapper, that is, this characteristic is objective; curly-haired - by analogy with the author, who is often called the prototype of the character - an associative sign);
  3. Then there are action words that describe the concept. It is desirable that these verbs are actually present in the text when working with a literary work.
  4. To describe the concept, you need to come up with a short phrase. For elementary and middle school students, it can be a proverb or saying, but older students can write their own statement.
  5. The compilation of the syncwine is completed by selecting a word that denotes a concept synonymous with the original one.

For example, the simplest senkan could be like this:

  • BOOK
  • Interesting, new
  • Enrich, teach, distract
  • Reading is the path to the world of images.
  • Pleasure

Tips on how to compose senkan in a literature lesson (with examples)

With the help of syncwine it is very convenient to characterize a character’s image

Sinkwine can be used in lessons in any class. The teacher's task is to make the work feasible for children of different ages. Methodological recommendations for composing an unrhymed five-line poem can be divided into advice for elementary, middle and senior levels.

1–4 grades

In a primary school lesson, when compiling a senkan, you need to do the following:

  • Together with the students, highlight the general concept - the first line;
  • for the second and third lines, choose the first word collectively;
  • give examples for the fourth line;
  • in case of difficulties, help with the selection of a synonym or allow you to express the essence of the phenomenon not in one word, but in a phrase of two.

5–9 grades

At the middle level, it makes sense to give an alternative for the first word, since the psychological characteristics of children at this age determine the negative attitude of adolescents towards the lack of choice and can cause children to refuse to complete a task because of its “difficulty”. It is better for schoolchildren to work on lines 2 and 3 themselves: choosing words of these categories is not so difficult, it is almost impossible to make mistakes, but making an independent choice will increase the authority of the young poet in his own eyes. Finding the appropriate phrase and synonym for the original concept can be much more difficult. In this case, you need to start from the capabilities of a particular student: perhaps it makes sense to help the child or make this stage of compiling a syncwine a group one.

When compiling a syncwine in a lesson in primary school, the teacher is recommended to help a student experiencing difficulties

10–11 grades

At the senior level, the teacher may limit himself to suggesting the use of senkan to work on a particular literary work. Students can complete all stages of the work without outside help. At the same time, five-line poems can be used to compile a summary, and to analyze the character’s actions, and to evaluate the role of the hero in the system of the entire work.

Samples to help you compose a syncwine

A five-line poem without rhyme in a literature lesson can relate to different aspects of the course: both theoretical and practical. Theory includes familiarity with the conceptual apparatus. For example, kids need to learn what a fairy tale is:

  • Magic, household
  • Tell, listen, read
  • A fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it
  • History (as an option - a magical story).

This is how the essence of other concepts can be expressed: poem, true story, story, and so on.

In the middle level, many lessons are devoted to getting to know the areas of literature. This could be an example of a syncwine based on one of them:

  • Fictional, sentimental, tragic
  • Add up, suffer, think
  • Romanticism is the flowering of literature.
  • Pushkin (this line can contain any name of a romantic writer).

In a similar way, one can imagine the trends of the Silver Age (Acmeism, Futurism), and the genre uniqueness of modern literature (free libre, tragifarce).

Younger schoolchildren can compose a syncwine collectively

As for the study of specific literary works, this is the most fertile ground for using the technique. For example, kids will remember Carlson’s characterization faster if they make up a syncwine during class:

  • Fat, kind, cheerful
  • Play naughty, fly, calm down
  • A man in his prime.
  • Propeller

The study of characters in grades 5–9 is based on comparing the moral principles of different personality types. The task of the subject teacher is to show the children that a person is a tangle of contradictions that does not fit into the framework of only a positive or negative set of qualities.

  • Young, seeking, extra
  • Serve, love, die
  • Pechorin is the image of Lermontov.
  • Onegin (or Chatsky, representative of the galaxy of images of the “superfluous man”)

For high school students, images of writers are no less interesting:

  • Talented, sick, allegorical
  • Ironize, be afraid, suffer
  • Bulgakov is a genius of his time.
  • Master

Sinkwine in a literature lesson is not only a great way to make students think and analyze, but also a technique that allows you to unleash the creative potential of the younger generation. In addition, the methodological features of using senkan in different classes make it possible to place it in first place among the universal methods of presenting material.

Using crossense and syncwine technologies in biology lessons.

Biology teacher, MBOU Secondary School No. 8, village. Levokumka

Mineralovodsk district, Stavropol region

Myasishcheva Natalya Alekseevna

Active learning methods – methods that stimulate the cognitive activity of students, they are based mainly on dialogue, involving a free exchange of opinions on ways to resolve a particular problem, and are characterized by a high level of student activity. Research shows that it is in active classes—if they are goal-oriented and well-organized—that students often learn the material most fully and profitably. Active teaching methods, when skillfully applied, allow simultaneous solution of three educational and organizational tasks:

1) subordinate the learning process to the control influence of the teacher;

2) ensure the active participation in educational work of both prepared and unprepared students;

3) establish continuous control over the process of mastering educational material.

Active learning methods (according to A.M. Smolkin) are ways to intensify the educational and cognitive activity of students, which encourage them to active mental and practical activity in the process of mastering the material, when not only the teacher is active, but the students are also active.

Active teaching methods involve the use of a system of methods that is aimed primarily not at the teacher’s presentation of ready-made knowledge and its reproduction, but at students’ independent acquisition of knowledge in the process of active cognitive activity.

Sinkwineis a creative work that has the short form of a poem consisting of five unrhymed lines.Sinkwine - five-line form that arose in at the beginning under the influence . Later it began to be used (lately, since 1997, and in ) for didactic purposes, as an effective method of developing figurative speech, which allows you to quickly get results

Sinkwine- this is not a simple poem, but a poem written according to the following rules: 1 line - one noun expressing the main theme of the syncwine.

Line 2 – two adjectives expressing the main idea.

Line 3 – three verbs describing actions within the topic.

Line 4 is a phrase that carries a certain meaning.

Line 5 – conclusion in the form of a noun (association with the first word).

Making cinquain is very simple and interesting. And besides, working on creating a syncwine develops imaginative thinking.

Writing a syncwine is a form of free creativity that requires the author to be able to find the most essential elements in the information material and makeconclusions and formulate them briefly.

By composing a syncwine, everyone realizes their talents and abilities: intellectual, creative, imaginative. If the task is completed correctly, the cinquain will definitely turn out to be emotional.

Mutation Random, persistent.Changes, manifests, inherits.There would be no happiness, but misfortune would help!Evolution.

How to work with syncwines.

I suggest the following ways for students to work with syncwines:

    Compiling a new syncwine (individually, in pairs, in groups).

2. Compiling a short story based on the finished syncwine using words and phrases included in the syncwine.

Example. Compiling a short story based on syncwine.


Adaptive, reversible

Vary, adapt, shape

Without it, like without water, we cannot exist!



Modifications – these are specific values ​​of a variable characteristic of an organism that are formed under specific environmental conditions. They are wearingadaptive character – ensure the adaptability of organisms in the environment. Modificationsreversible : they disappear after the cessation of the action of the factor that caused their formation. Modificationsvary (change within certain limits) with typical environmental changes. Forming modifications, the organismadapts to specific environmental conditions.Formation modifications occur at the stages of gene expression that determine the development of the trait. Modifications are the resultevolution kind.

3. Correction and improvement of the finished syncwine.

Example. Syncwine correction


Divides, multiplies, renews

A cell is an elementary particle of living matter


Modified syncwine.


Eukaryotic, prokaryotic

Share, specialize, renew

Elementary particle of life


4. Analysis of an incomplete syncwine without indicating the theme of the syncwine and determining the name of the theme of this syncwine.

Example . Determining the theme of syncwine (guess the word of the first line)

Strong, varied

Fight, compete, get ahead

Fight and search, find – and don’t give up!


Smooth, rough

Synthesize, transport, store

The protein path from the ribosome to the Golgi apparatus lies through it

Vacuolar system

the ability to find the most important elements in the educational material, draw conclusions and express all this in brief conclusions. This means that the author of the syncwine must have deep knowledge. Compiling a syncwine requires the student to have a topic, have his own opinion on it and express it according to certain rules.Cinquains are an excellent way to control. It is impossible to write a poem correctly without reading the text.

No one will argue that every teacher should develop the logical thinking of students. This is a requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard, it is stated in the methodological literature. However, the teacher does not always know how to do this. Mathematics plays a huge role in the development of logical thinking, but the question arises - Doesn’t our subject develop logical thinking?

I also believe that logical thinking can be developed in any lesson. Today I would like to tell and show my experience in developing logical thinking in biology lessons using the “Crossence” technique

What is "Crossens"?

The word "crossence" was coined by the authors by analogy with the word "crossword", which in English means "intersection of meanings". This technique was developed by Sergei Fedin - writer, teacher, mathematician and Vladimir Buslenko - Doctor of Technical Sciences, artist and philosopher. Crossens was first published in 2002 in the journal Science and Life.

The idea of ​​crossence, like everything simple, is ingenious, and like everything ingenious, it is very simple. Unlike a crossword puzzle, where all the cells are empty, in a crossword they are already filled with pictures. There are nine pictures in total, and twelve tasks (according to the number of adjacent pairs). You can read crossense in one of the following ways:

from top to bottom and from left to right (as a rule of reading in Russian), then move only forward and end on the central 5th square, this way you get a chain wrapped in a “snail”;

You can start either with the first one or with any recognizable picture. The central square is the square with number 5. At the request of the author, it can be connected in meaning with all the images in the crossense

usually you need to establish connections along the perimeter between squares 1–2, 2–3, 3–6, 6–9, 9–8, 8–7, 7–4, 4–1, as well as along the central cross between squares 2– 5, 6–5, 8–5 and 4–5 (Fig. 3).

Crossens are used at different stages of the lesson:

when checking homework;

when formulating the topic of the lesson, setting the goal of the lesson;

when opening the information block of a topic,when summarizing the material, consolidating;

when organizing group work;

creative homework.

The algorithm for creating crossence is quite simple and understandable: 1) determination of the topic, general idea;

2) search and selection of images illustrating elements;

3) highlighting 9 elements - images related to the idea, topic;

4 connection between elements, determination of sequence;

5) concentration of meaning in one element (5th square);

6) highlighting the distinctive features and characteristics of each element.

Here is the crossword that I use in biology lessons to formulate the lesson topic “Root”, “Types of roots. Root functions"

I show the students crossens on the screen. I ask:

What word combines these pictures? Justify your answer.

How would you formulate the topic of the lesson?

Thus, crossness is a methodological technique that makes it possible to practically implement in the teacher’s activities a change in priorities dictated by the goals of the modern education system - not to teach, but to create conditions for the student’s independent creative search; receptionnew generation puzzle.

Becoming a creator who knows how to create his own unique imaginative worlds filled with meaning is a brilliant victory for the student and the teacher. Isn't this the main purpose of EDUCATION?

I wish you all health and great victories in your creative field!

Cinquain was invented at the beginning of the 20th century by Adelaide Crapsey, an American poet. Inspired by Japanese haiku and tanka, Crapsey came up with a five-line poem form, also based on counting the syllables in each line. The traditional one she invented had a syllable structure of 2-4-6-8-2 (two syllables in the first line, four in the second, and so on). Thus, the poem should have had 22 syllables in total.

Didactic syncwine was first used in American schools. Its difference from all other types of syncwine is that it is based not on counting syllables, but on the semantic specificity of each line.

The classic (strict) didactic syncwine is structured like this:

  • , one word, noun or pronoun;

  • second line – two adjectives or participles, which describe the properties of the topic;

  • third line - or gerunds, telling about the actions of the topic;

  • fourth line – four word sentence, expressing the personal attitude of the author of the syncwine to the topic;

  • fifth line – one word(any part of speech) expressing the essence of the topic; a kind of resume.

The result is a short, unrhymed poem that can be devoted to any topic.

At the same time, in a didactic syncwine, you can deviate from the rules, for example, the main topic or summary can be formulated not in one word, but in a phrase, a phrase can consist of three to five words, and actions can be described in compound words.

Compiling a syncwine

Coming up with syncwines is quite a fun and creative activity, and it does not require special knowledge or literary talents. The main thing is to master the form well and “feel” it.

For training, it is best to take as a topic something well-known, close and understandable to the author. And start with simple things. For example, let’s try to create a syncwine using the topic “soap” as an example.

Respectively, First line- "soap".

Second line– two adjectives, properties of an object. What kind of soap? You can list in your mind any adjectives that come to mind and choose two that are suitable. Moreover, it is possible to describe in syncwine both the concept of soap in general (foaming, slippery, fragrant), and the specific soap that the author uses (baby, liquid, orange, purple, etc.). Let’s say the end result is “transparent, strawberry” soap.

Third line– three actions of the item. This is where schoolchildren often have problems, especially when it comes to syncwines devoted to abstract concepts. But we must keep in mind that actions are not only the actions that an object produces in itself, but also what happens to it and the impact it has on others. For example, soap can not only lie in a soap dish and smell, it can slip out of your hands and fall, and if it gets into your eyes, it can make you cry, and most importantly, you can wash yourself with it. What else can soap do? Let's remember and choose three verbs in the end. For example, like this: “It smells, it washes, it bubbles.”

Fourth line– the author’s personal attitude to the topic of syncwine. Here, too, sometimes problems arise - what kind of personal attitude can you have towards soap if you are not a fan of cleanliness, who really loves to wash, or not, who hates soap. But in this case, personal attitude means not only the emotions that the author experiences. These could be associations, something that, in the author’s opinion, is the main thing in this subject, and some facts from the biography related to the topic of syncwine. For example, the author once slipped on soap and broke his knee. Or tried making soap yourself. Or he associates soap with the need to wash his hands before eating. All this can become the basis for the fourth line, the main thing is to put your thought into three to five words. For example: “Wash your hands before eating.” Or, if the author ever as a child tried to lick soap with a delicious smell - and was disappointed, the fourth line could be: “The smell, the taste is disgusting.”

And finally last line– summary in one or two words. Here you can re-read the resulting poem, think about the image of the object that has arisen, and try to express your feelings in one word. Or ask yourself the question - why is this item needed at all? What is the purpose of his existence? What is its main property? And the meaning of the last line greatly depends on what has already been said earlier. If the fourth line of the cinquain is about washing your hands before eating, the logical conclusion would be “cleanliness” or “hygiene.” And if the memories of a bad experience of eating soap are “disappointment” or “deception”.

What happened in the end? An example of a classic didactic syncwine of strict form.


Transparent, strawberry.

It washes, it smells, it bubbles.

The smell is sweet, the taste is disgusting.


A small but entertaining poem in which all children who have ever tasted soap will recognize themselves. And in the process of writing, we also remembered the properties and functions of soap.

After practicing on simple subjects, you can move on to more complex, but familiar topics. For training, you can try to compose a cinquain on the theme “family” or a cinquain on the theme “class”, poems dedicated to the seasons, and so on. And a cinquain on the theme “mother”, composed by elementary school students, can be a good basis for a postcard in honor of the 8th of March holiday. And syncwin texts written by students on the same topic can form the basis for any class-wide projects. For example, for Victory Day or New Year, schoolchildren can make a poster or newspaper with a selection of thematic poems written in their own hand.

Why make a syncwine at school?

Compiling a syncwine is a rather exciting and creative activity, which, despite its simplicity, helps children of all ages develop systematic thinking and analytical abilities, isolate the main thing, formulate their thoughts, and expand their active vocabulary.

In order to write a cinquain, you need to have knowledge and understanding of the subject - and this, on top of everything, makes writing poems an effective form of testing knowledge in almost any subject of the school curriculum. Moreover, writing a syncwine in biology or chemistry will take less time than a full-fledged test. A cinquain in literature, dedicated to any of the literary characters or a literary genre, will require the same intensive work of thought as writing a detailed essay - but the result will be more creative and original, faster (to write a cinquain for children who have mastered the form well, it is enough 5-10 minutes) and indicative.

Sinkwine - examples in different subjects

Sinkwine in the Russian language can be devoted to different topics, in particular, you can try to describe parts of speech in this way.

An example of a syncwine on the topic “verb”:


Returnable, perfect.

Describes an action, conjugates, commands.

In a sentence it is usually a predicate.

Part of speech.

In order to write such a syncwine, I had to remember what forms a verb has, how it changes, and what role it plays in a sentence. The description turned out to be incomplete, but nevertheless it shows that the author remembers something about verbs and understands what they are.

In biology, students can write syncwines dedicated to individual species of animals or plants. Moreover, in some cases, to write a syncwine on biology, it will be enough to master the content of one paragraph, which allows you to use the syncwine to test the knowledge acquired during the lesson.

An example of a syncwine on the theme “frog”:


Amphibian, chordate.

Jumps, spawns, catches flies.

Sees only what moves.


Synquains in history and social studies allow students not only to systematize their knowledge on the topic, but also to feel the topic more deeply, “pass” it through themselves, and formulate their personal attitude through creativity.

For example, cinquain on the theme "war" could be like this:


Terrible, inhumane.

Kills, ruins, burns.

My great-grandfather died in the war.


Thus, syncwine can be used as part of the study of any subject in the school curriculum. For schoolchildren, writing thematic poems can become a kind of “creative break”, adding pleasant variety to the lesson. And the teacher, having analyzed the students’ creativity, can not only assess their knowledge and understanding of the subject of the lesson, but also feel the students’ attitude to the topic, understand what interested them most. And, perhaps, make adjustments to plans for future classes.

Composing syncwines - short, unrhymed poems - has recently become a very popular type of creative task. School students, students of advanced training courses, and participants in various trainings encounter it. As a rule, teachers ask you to come up with a syncwine on a given topic - a specific word or phrase. How to do it?

Rules for writing syncwine

Cinquain consists of five lines and, despite the fact that it is considered a type of poem, the usual components of a poetic text (the presence of rhymes and a certain rhythm) are not mandatory for it. But the number of words in each line is strictly regulated. In addition, when composing a syncwine, you must use certain parts of speech.

Synquain construction scheme is this:

  • first line – syncwine theme, most often one word, a noun (sometimes the topic can be two-word phrases, abbreviations, first and last names);
  • second line – two adjectives, characterizing the topic;
  • third line – three verbs(actions of an object, person or concept designated as a topic);
  • fourth line – four words, a complete sentence describing the author’s personal attitude to the topic;
  • fifth line – one word, summing up the syncwine as a whole (conclusion, summary).

Deviations from this rigid scheme are possible: for example, the number of words in the fourth line can vary from four to five, including or not including prepositions; Instead of “lonely” adjectives or verbs, phrases with dependent nouns are used, and so on. Usually, the teacher who gives the task to compose a syncwine decides how strictly his students should adhere to the form.

How to work with the syncwine theme: first and second line

Let's look at the process of inventing and writing a syncwine using the topic “book” as an example. This word is the first line of the future poem. But a book can be completely different, so how can you characterize it? Therefore, we need to specify the topic, and the second line will help us with this.

The second line is two adjectives. What's the first thing that comes to mind when you think of a book? For example, it could be:

  • paper or electronic;
  • sumptuously bound and richly illustrated;
  • interesting, exciting;
  • boring, difficult to understand, with a bunch of formulas and diagrams;
  • old, with yellowed pages and ink marks in the margins made by grandmother and so on.

The list can be endless. And here we must keep in mind that there cannot be a “correct answer” here - everyone has their own associations. Of all the options, choose the one that is most interesting to you personally. This could be an image of a specific book (for example, your favorite children's books with bright pictures) or something more abstract (for example, “books of Russian classics”).

Now write down two characteristics specifically for “your” book. For example:

  • exciting, fantastic;
  • boring, moralizing;
  • bright, interesting;
  • old, yellowed.

Thus, you already have two lines - and you already have an absolutely accurate idea of ​​the “character” of the book you are talking about.

How to come up with the third line of syncwine

The third line is three verbs. Here, too, difficulties may arise: it would seem, what can a book “do” by itself? To be published, to be sold, to be read, to stand on the shelf... But here you can describe both the impact that the book has on the reader and the goals the author set for himself. A “boring and preachy” novel, for example, might enlighten, moralize, tire, put to sleep and so on. “Bright and interesting” book for preschoolers - entertains, interests, teaches reading. Exciting fantasy story - captivates, excites, awakens the imagination.

When choosing verbs, the main thing is not to deviate from the image that you outlined in the second line and try to avoid words with the same root. For example, if you described a book as fascinating, and in the third line you wrote that it “fascinates,” you will feel like you are “marking time.” In this case, it is better to replace one of the words with a similar meaning.

Let’s formulate the fourth line: attitude to the topic

The fourth line of the syncwine describes a “personal attitude” to the topic. This causes particular difficulties for schoolchildren who are accustomed to the fact that attitudes must be formulated directly and unambiguously (for example, “I have a good attitude towards books” or “I think books are useful for raising the cultural level”). In fact, the fourth line does not imply evaluativeness and is formulated much more freely.

In essence, here you need to briefly outline what is most important for you in the topic. This may be relevant to you personally and your life (for example, “ Began reading at age four" or " I have a huge library", or " I can't stand reading"), but this is optional. For example, if you think the main disadvantage of books is that they use a lot of paper to produce, for the production of which forests are cut down, you don’t have to write “I” and “condemn.” Just write that " paper books – tree graves" or " book production is destroying forests", and your attitude to the topic will be quite clear.

If it is difficult for you to immediately formulate a short sentence, first express your thought in writing, without thinking about the number of words, and then think about how you can shorten the resulting sentence. As a result, instead of " I love science fiction novels so much that I often can’t stop reading them until the morning"It might turn out, for example, like this:

  • I can read until the morning;
  • I often read all night long;
  • I saw a book - I said goodbye to sleep.

How to sum it up: the fifth line of syncwine

The task of the fifth line is to briefly, in one word, summarize all the creative work of writing a syncwine. Before you do this, rewrite the previous four lines - almost a finished poem - and re-read what you got.

For example, you thought about the variety of books, and you came up with the following:


Fiction, popular science.

Enlightens, entertains, helps.

So different, everyone has their own.

The result of this statement about the endless variety of books can be the word “library” (a place where many different publications are collected) or “diversity”.

In order to isolate this “unifying word”, you can try to formulate the main idea of ​​the resulting poem - and, most likely, it will contain the “main word”. Or, if you are used to writing “conclusions” from essays, first formulate the conclusion in your usual form, and then highlight the main word. For example, instead of " thus we see that books are an important part of culture”, write simply – “culture”.

Another common option for the ending of a syncwine is an appeal to one’s own feelings and emotions. For example:


Fat, boring.

We study, analyze, cram.

Classic is a nightmare for every schoolchild.



Fantastic, fascinating.

Delights, captivates, deprives you of sleep.

I want to live in a world of magic.


How to learn to quickly write syncwines on any topic

Compiling syncwines is a very exciting activity, but only if the form is well mastered. And the first experiments in this genre are usually difficult - in order to formulate five short lines, you have to seriously strain.

However, after you have come up with three or four syncwines and mastered the algorithm for writing them, things usually go very easily - and new poems on any topic are invented in two or three minutes.

Therefore, in order to quickly compose syncwines, it is better to practice the form on relatively simple and well-known material. For training, you can try to take, for example, your family, home, one of your relatives and friends, or a pet.

Having dealt with the first syncwine, you can work on a more complex topic: for example, write a poem dedicated to any of the emotional states (love, boredom, joy), time of day or time of year (morning, summer, October), your hobby, hometown, etc. Further.

After you write several such “test” works and learn to “package” your knowledge, ideas and emotions into a given form, you will be able to easily and quickly come up with syncwines on any topic.