Construction of the lesson in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard. Fgos forms of work with parents

Olga Mishurova
Methods and forms of organizing motor activity in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Additional Education

The system of physical education in preschool institutions represents a unity of goals, objectives, means, forms and methods of work aimed at improving the health and comprehensive physical development of children.

A distinctive feature of the modern approach to the organization of motor activity is changes in the priorities of goals. If earlier the goal of developing motor skills and abilities was in the foreground, then at the present stage, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard for Education, the goal is to develop in children an interest and value attitude towards physical education, harmonious physical development, which is specified by the tasks:

1. Protecting and strengthening the physical and mental health of children (including their emotional well-being).

2. Formation of the foundations of one’s own safety and the safety of the surrounding world.

3. Mastery of basic norms and rules of a healthy lifestyle (in nutrition, physical activity, hardening, and the formation of healthy habits).

4. Gaining experience in motor activity, including basic movements (walking, running, jumping, climbing, etc., as well as scootering, sledding, biking, skiing, sports games, development of gross and fine motor skills , participation in outdoor games and competitions).

Motor activity is a natural need for children to move, the satisfaction of which is the most important condition for the harmonious development of the child and his state of health.

The motor activity of a preschooler must correspond to his experience, interests, desires, and functional capabilities of the body. Therefore, we, as teachers, need to take care of the organization of motor activity, its diversity, as well as the fulfillment of the main tasks and requirements for its content.

To make this work effective, the following forms of organizing motor activity in preschool educational institutions are used:

OOD on physical development;

Morning exercises;

Outdoor games and physical exercises while walking;

Physical education minutes;

Health-improving and preventive gymnastics;

Gymnastics after sleep;

Hardening procedures;

Sports and mass events;

Rhythm, aerobics, clubs, sections;

Independent motor play activity of children.

Let's look at these forms of work separately.

Physical education classes are the main form of organized systematic teaching of motor skills and abilities through physical exercises.

Create conditions for the comprehensive development of children.

Ensure the development and training of all systems and functions of the body through optimal loads;

Give each child the opportunity to demonstrate their motor skills to their peers and learn from them;

The following types of classes are distinguished:

1 Combined type classes (on didactic tasks or educational training) - 50% of all classes

2 Subject lesson: built on one plot (“Zoo”, “Snow Maiden”, “Space”).

3. Game activity: built on the basis of a variety of outdoor games, relay games, attraction games, and game exercises.

4. Training session: the basis is sports games and exercises (basketball, hockey, tennis, gymnastics, etc.)

5. Integrated lesson: aimed at synthesizing various types of activities.

6. Physical education and cognitive classes: classes are complex in nature, for example, environmental-physical, moral-physical, mental and physical development of the child, etc.

7. Thematic physical education lesson: dedicated, as a rule, to any one type of sports games or exercises.

8. The control lesson is aimed at quantitative and qualitative assessment of children’s motor readiness in basic movements and physical qualities.

9. Non-traditional classes (classes in modern and folk dances, rhythmic gymnastics, on exercise machines, with elements of folklore, hatha yoga, etc.).

10. Exercises using exercise machines.

Morning exercises are one of the most important components of motor activity.

The purpose of morning exercises is to create a good mood in children, raise emotional and muscle tone, and intensify further activities.

Daily physical exercise promotes the manifestation of certain volitional efforts and develops in children the useful habit of starting the day with morning exercises.

In my work, I use various options for morning exercises:

Traditional complex of morning exercises

Morning exercises in a playful way

Using an obstacle course

Including health jogging

Using simple simulators.

Gymnastics after daytime sleep is a set of activities that facilitate the transition from sleep to wakefulness, which, with proper guidance, has a health-improving nature.

In any gymnastics complex after sleep we include different types of walking, running, jumping, corrective exercises to prevent flat feet and poor posture.

It is necessary to try to use different types of gymnastics: warming up in bed and self-massage, play-based gymnastics, walking along massage paths.

Hardening methods include: breathing exercises, walking barefoot, walking on massage paths, extensive washing, hand washing with a gradual transition from the hand to the forearm, contrasting foot baths. When organizing hardening procedures, you must be guided by 3 basic principles:

Hardening should be carried out only when children are in full health;

It is advisable to increase the intensity of hardening procedures gradually;

Observe systematicity and consistency when carrying out hardening.

Health-improving and preventive gymnastics - aimed at correcting posture and coordinating the entire musculoskeletal system, strengthening muscle tone, respiratory muscles, and increasing the body's resistance to diseases.

To do this, it is necessary to systematically work on solving the following problems:

To help each child gradually understand and feel the importance of physical exercise in strengthening and healing their body.

To instill in children the need for systematic physical exercise or some kind of sport.

Physical education minutes are carried out with the aim of reducing fatigue and relieving static tension. Duration is 2-3 minutes.

Physical education sessions can take the form of:

General developmental exercises;

Outdoor game;

Didactic game with movement;

Dance movements;

Performing movements to a poetic text;

In the form of any task or motor action.

Outdoor play is a conscious, active activity of a child, characterized by accurate and timely completion of tasks related to the rules that are mandatory for all players.

With the correct organization and content of outdoor games, children develop attention and observation, discipline, the ability to control their feelings and movements, and therefore develop their will and character.

Outdoor play is an exercise through which a child prepares for life.

The exciting content and emotional richness of the game encourage the child to make certain mental and physical efforts. Outdoor games create favorable conditions for the development of active motor activity.

Outdoor games are divided into plot-based, plotless, fun, and competition games.

The main tasks solved in the process of daily outdoor games and physical exercises while walking are:

Further expansion of children’s motor experience, enriching it with new, more complex movements;

Improving children's existing skills in basic movements by applying them in changing play situations;

Development of motor qualities: agility, flexibility, speed;

Fostering independence, activity, positive relationships with peers.

Independent motor activity of children provides wide scope for the manifestation of their individual motor capabilities. Independent activity is an important source of activity and self-development, and increasing the child’s performance.

For the rational organization of independent motor activity of children in a group room, it is recommended to place physical education equipment and equipment in such a way that children have the opportunity to act individually or together with peers. Didactic material in the physical education corner should be presented with drawings, diagrams, cards, illustrations about events and sports, and portraits of athletes. It is also necessary to equip group areas with portable equipment (jump ropes, soccer and basketball balls, scooters, bags for long-distance throwing).

Physical education and mass events contribute to the development of endurance, ingenuity, and dexterity in children, increase interest in physical exercise, and introduce them to sports and a healthy lifestyle. The main goal in organizing sports events and leisure activities is to satisfy children’s natural need for movement, to create a need for systematic physical education and sports.

Holidays spiritually enrich a child, expand his knowledge about the world around him, help restore old and good traditions, unite and encourage creativity.

Interesting content, humor, music, games, competitions, and a joyful atmosphere contribute to the activation of motor activity. When spending leisure time, all children are introduced to direct participation in various competitions, competitions, and enthusiastically perform motor tasks, while children behave more directly than in physical education classes, and this looseness allows them to move without much stress.

Physical education events and leisure activities can be organized not only indoors, but also on the kindergarten site. During the year, 2-3 holidays should be held outdoors and in the hall with children of senior preschool age.

Educational activities under the conditions of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education are open in nature, based on cooperation with the families of pupils, that is, their direct involvement in the educational process.

Using the example of parents, we introduce children to physical education.

The development of children's interest and value attitude towards physical education is facilitated by the use of a variety of methods and techniques in organizing motor activity and in encouraging children's success:

Game method with the inclusion of a plot, creation of an imaginary situation,

Competitive method

Quizzes, crosswords, educational games,

Circuit training method

A surprise moment, the arrival of heroes,

The use of music, literary words, riddles and nursery rhymes, etc.

- "moment of joy"

Collecting information from various sources (books, TV shows, sporting events, etc.,

Dialogue, conversation about events in the physical education and sports life of the kindergarten, city, country,

Sensory appeal of equipment and materials,

Encouraging creative motor activity of preschool children, manifestations of children's initiative, experiences of success in the classroom,

- “minute of desires” (at the end of the lesson, children perform their favorite movements,

- “a moment of trust” (children’s participation in organizing and conducting morning exercises, physical education classes in senior and preparatory groups, etc.). Children like to demonstrate, remind others of the rules of a familiar game or technique for performing an exercise, and participate in assessing the quality of performance.

With proper organization of motor activity in kindergarten, the child grows and develops in accordance with his age. He has a good appetite, sleep, balanced behavior, positive forms of communication with adults and peers. His activities are varied and age-appropriate.

In modern pedagogical literature, a lesson is a holistic, logically completed, limited time frame, work plan and composition of participants, organizational unit of the educational process.

  • the main form of organization of educational work;
  • a dynamic, improving system that reflects all aspects of the educational process;
  • social system;
  • the basis of students’ independent activities in the educational process;
  • an action that is determined by the socio-economic needs of society and the level of its development;
  • an elementary structure-forming unit of the educational process with the implementation of a certain part of the curriculum;
  • link in the lesson system;
  • aspect of interaction with family and school, which is especially effective in the education and development of the student if positive processes also take place in the family.

Modern education abandons the traditional presentation of learning outcomes in the form of knowledge, skills and abilities; The formulations of the Federal State Educational Standard indicate real types of activities.

The task at hand requires a transition to a new system-activity educational paradigm, which, in turn, is associated with fundamental changes in the activities of the teacher implementing the Federal State Educational Standard. Educational technologies are also changing; the introduction of information and communication technologies opens up significant opportunities for expanding the educational framework for each subject in educational institutions.

What main points should a teacher take into account when preparing for a modern lesson in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard?

Modern is both completely new and not losing touch with the past, in a word - relevant. Current [from lat. actualis - active] means important, essential for the present time. And also - effective, modern, directly related to the interests of people living today, urgent, existing, manifested in reality. In addition, if the lesson is modern, then it certainly lays the foundation for the future.

The main form of education in primary school today is still the traditional lesson. This is explained by the fact that most of the teachers are teachers who have worked at school for decades, and therefore adhere to the traditional classical teaching methodology. In any business, it is not easy for a person to change his mind. Likewise, a teacher needs time and conditions in order to learn to work in a new way.

As you know, the most commonlesson type - combined . Let's consider itfrom the perspective of basic didactic requirements , and also reveal the essence of the changes associated with conducting a modern lesson:

Lesson requirements

Traditional lesson

Modern type lesson

Announcing the topic of the lesson

The teacher tells the students

Communicating goals and objectives

The teacher formulates and tells students what they should learn


The teacher tells the students what work they must do to achieve the goal

Under the guidance of the teacher, students perform a number of practical tasks (the frontal method of organizing activities is more often used)

Students carry out educational activities according to the planned plan (group and individual methods are used), the teacher advises

Exercising control

The teacher monitors students' performance of practical work

Students exercise control (forms of self-control and mutual control are used), the teacher advises

Implementation of correction

The teacher makes corrections during the implementation and based on the results of the work completed by the students.

Students formulate difficulties and carry out corrections independently, the teacher advises, advises, helps

Student assessment

The teacher evaluates students' work in class

Students evaluate activities based on their results (self-assessment, assessment of the results of the activities of comrades), the teacher advises

Lesson summary

The teacher asks the students what they remember

Reflection is taking place


The teacher announces and comments (more often - the task is the same for everyone)

This table allows us to conclude: what differs, first of all, is the activity of the teacher and students in the lesson. The student, from being present and passively following the teacher's instructions in a traditional lesson, now becomes the main actor. “It is necessary that children, if possible, learn independently, and the teacher guides this independent process and provides material for it” - words of K.D. Ushinsky reflect the essence of a modern lesson, which is based on the principle of a system-activity approach. The teacher is called upon to carry out hidden control of the learning process and to be an inspirer of students. The words of William Ward now become relevant: “The mediocre teacher expounds. A good teacher explains. An outstanding teacher shows. A great teacher inspires.”

How to design a lesson, taking as a basis a lesson of a combined type that will solve problems in the formation of not only subject, but also meta-subject results? In the Federal State Educational Standards LLC, meta-subject results are universal learning activities mastered by students (cognitive, regulatory and communicative), ensuring mastery of key competencies that form the basis of the ability to learn.”

Let us analyze the activities of students at each stage of the lesson and highlight those universal learning activities (ULAs), which, with the correct organization of student activities, are formed:

Lesson requirements

Modern type lesson

Universal learning activities

Announcing the topic of the lesson

Formulated by the students themselves (the teacher guides the students to understand the topic)

Cognitive general educational, communicative

Communicating goals and objectives

Students themselves formulate, defining the boundaries of knowledge and ignorance (the teacher leads students to an awareness of goals and objectives)

Regulatory goal setting, communicative


Students planning ways to achieve the intended goal (the teacher helps, advises)

Regulatory planning

Practical activities of students

Students carry out educational activities according to the planned plan (group and individual methods are used)

(teacher consulting)

Exercising control

Students exercise control (forms of self-control and mutual control are used)

(teacher consulting)

Regulatory control (self-control), communicative

Implementation of correction

Students formulate difficulties and make corrections independently

(teacher advises, advises, helps)

Communicative, regulatory corrections

Student assessment

Students evaluate activities based on their results (self-assessment, assessment of the performance of peers)

(teacher consulting)

Regulatory assessments (self-assessments), communicative

Lesson summary

Reflection is taking place

Regulatory self-regulation, communicative


Students can choose a task from those proposed by the teacher, taking into account individual capabilities

Cognitive, regulatory, communicative

Of course, the table presents universal learning activities in a generalized form. There will be more specifics when selecting tasks, forms of organizing activities and teaching aids for each stage of the lesson. And yet, this table allows me, as a teacher, even when planning, to see at what stage of the lesson what meta-subject results are formed with the correct organization of students’ activities.

It's not difficult to notice thateducation childrengoal setting, formulation of lesson topics possible through the introduction to the lessonproblematic dialogue , it is necessary to create a problematic situation for students to determine the boundaries of knowledge - ignorance.

Thus, through creating a problem situation and conducting a problem dialogue, students formulatedtopic and purpose lesson. Thus, the teacher only assumes what plan the lesson will follow. But the main figures in the lesson, even at the planning stage, are children. Having decided on the tasks that can be completed by students in the lesson (one should take into account the invariant and variable parts of the textbook, the differentiation of students by level of preparation and pace of activity, etc.), one should considerforms of organizing practical activities of students.

Already in the process of developing basic answers to questions and rules under the guidance of the teacher, the children learn to listen to each other and jointly develop a common solution.

Work in groups at the lesson stage to consolidate subject knowledge by students can be organized in the formeducational practice-oriented project . Today there is a lot of talk about project activities in the educational process. Educational projects can become a tool that will allow both to maintain learning motivation and to form universal learning activities in students. You can dedicate an entire lesson to students completing project tasks. But you can find time for a project in a combined lesson. Then it will be a mini-project, but in essence it will remain significant and practice-oriented.

When designing any lesson, including a combined type, aimed at developing universal educational actions in students, it is necessary to make maximum use of the capabilities of the mainteaching aids - textbooks . The textbook at school was and still remains the main source of knowledge. If the textbook has been examined for compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC. This means that both the content, the structure, and the system of tasks contain ideas that make it possible to achieve the results required by the standard. Therefore, at the lesson planning stage, it is necessary to carefully study whattypes and types of tasks the authors suggesttextbook, figure out,for the formation whatUUD Theydirected .

It can be a great help for the teacher when selecting tasks for a lesson.table with typical tasks indicating the planned results for each type of UUD. A teacher can compile such a table independently (for example, when developing work programs) by analyzing the author’s materials (textbooks, manuals, teaching materials) using which he organizes students’ educational activities in the classroom.

When selecting textbook assignments for organizing lesson activities, one should take into account its invariant and variable parts, the differentiation of students by level of preparation and pace of activity, as well as other characteristics of students in the class.

Another effective means of achieving the planned meta-subject results is systematically organized work withreference materials . Frequent reference toreference books forms students' informational cognitive learning skills.

In the context of the introduction into practice of the Federal State Educational Standard LLC school, the teacher needs to learn how to plan and conduct lessons aimed at developing not only subject, but also meta-subject results. The system-activity approach underlying the standard involves conducting lessons of a new type. Teachers have yet to master the technology of conducting such lessons. Today, a teacher, using the capabilities of a traditional lesson, can also successfully develop both subject and meta-subject results in students. To do this, it is necessary to reconsider the lesson from the point of view of the effectiveness of using methods, teaching techniques and ways of organizing students’ learning activities in the lesson.

Technological lesson map- this is a way of graphically designing a lesson, a table that allows you to structure a lesson according to parameters chosen by the teacher. Such parameters can be the stages of the lesson, its goals, the content of educational material, methods and techniques for organizing the educational activities of students, the activities of the teacher and the activities of students

Routing - this is a new type of methodological products that ensure effective and high-quality teaching of educational courses at school and the ability to achieve the planned results of mastering basic educational programs in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard

The structure of the technological map includes: - the name of the topic indicating the hours allocated for its study - the goal of mastering the educational content - the planned results (personal, subject, meta-subject, information-intellectual competence and learning achievements) - meta-subject connections and organization of space (forms of work and resources) - the basic concepts of the topic - technology for studying the specified topic (at each stage of work, the goal and predicted result are determined, practical tasks are given to practice the material and diagnostic tasks to check its understanding and assimilation) - a control task to check the achievement of the planned results.

The technological map will allow the teacher:

  • implement the planned results of the Federal State Educational Standard;
  • determine and systematically form students’ UDL, which are formed in the process of studying a specific topic, of the entire educational course;
  • comprehend and design the sequence of work to master the topic from goal to final result;
  • determine the level of concept development at this stage and correlate it with further training (inscribe a specific lesson into the lesson system);
  • plan your activities for a quarter, half a year, year by moving from lesson planning to topic design;
  • free up time for creativity - the use of ready-made developments on topics frees the teacher from unproductive routine work;

determine the possibilities for implementing interdisciplinary knowledge (establish connections and dependencies between subjects and learning outcomes);

implement meta-subject connections in practice and ensure coordinated actions of all participants in the pedagogical process;

carry out diagnostics of the achievement of planned results by students at each stage of mastering the topic.

solve organizational and methodological problems (substituting lessons, implementing the curriculum, etc.);

correlate the result with the purpose of learning after creating a product - a set of technological maps;

ensure improved quality of education.

The technological map will allow the school administration monitor the implementation of the program and the achievement of planned results, as well as provide the necessary methodological assistance.

The use of a technological map makes it possible : careful planning of each stage of activity; the most complete reflection of the sequence of all actions and operations carried out leading to the intended result; coordination and synchronization of the actions of all subjects of pedagogical activity; introduction of student self-assessment at each stage of the lesson. Self-assessment is one of the components of activity. Self-esteem is not related to marking, but is related to the procedure of evaluating oneself. The advantage of self-assessment is that it allows the student to see his own strengths and weaknesses. Technological map capabilities

Structure of the technological map

Stage 1. Self-determination in activity;

Stage 2. Educational and cognitive activity;

Stage 3. Intellectually - transformative activity;

Stage 4. Reflection on activity (lesson summary);

The use of the technological map provides conditions for improving the quality of education, since: - the educational process for mastering a topic (section) is designed from goal to result; -effective methods of working with information are used; - stage-by-stage independent educational, intellectual, cognitive and reflective activities of schoolchildren are organized; - conditions are provided for the application of knowledge and skills in practical activities.

Technological maps are individual. Technological maps are developed by the teacher independently, based on his level of creativity and qualifications; the level of training and learning ability of students, the level of development of general educational skills, skills and methods of activity of students, the provision of the educational process with the necessary educational equipment and modern teaching aids

So what is the modern lesson for us?
Ethen a lesson-cognition, discovery, activity, contradiction, development, growth, step to knowledge, self-knowledge, self-realization, motivation, interest. professionalism, choice, initiative, confidence, need.

Date of publication: 08.29.17

Innovative forms of working with parents

on environmental education of preschool children in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for Education

2017 has been declared the year of “Ecology in Russia”. It was decided to implement such a task in connection with the global trend of drawing public attention to environmental problems of each country individually and the whole world as a whole.

Working with parents on environmental education of preschool children is one of the components of the work of a preschool institution. Only by relying on the family, only by joint efforts can we solve our main task - raising an environmentally literate person, a person who will live in the 21st century.
Nowadays, the problems of environmental education have come to the fore, and more and more attention is being paid to them. Why did these problems become relevant? The reason is human activity in nature, often illiterate, incorrect from an environmental point of view, leading to a violation of the ecological balance. That is why the role of preschool institutions in the environmental education of children, starting from an early age, is so great. Our task is to show parents the need to instill an environmental culture in their children.
Ecological culture- this is knowledge, practical skills, aesthetic experiences, practical actions and behavior of children (empathy, sympathy, interest and desire to help nature, the ability to admire its beauty, etc.)

The main tasks of the teacher:
- establish partnerships with the family of each student;
- join efforts for the development and education of children;
- create an atmosphere of mutual understanding,
- activate and enrich the educational skills of parents;
The principles of interaction with parents are:
1. Friendly style of communication between teachers and parents.
The teacher communicates with parents every day, and it depends on him what the family’s attitude towards the kindergarten as a whole will be. Daily, friendly interaction between teachers and parents means much more than a well-executed event.
2. Individual approach.
It is necessary not only when working with children, but also when working with parents. The teacher, when communicating with parents, must feel the situation, the mood of mom or dad.
3. Collaboration, not mentoring.
Modern mothers and fathers, for the most part, are literate, knowledgeable people and, of course, well aware of how they should raise their own children. It will be much more effective to create an atmosphere of mutual assistance and family support in difficult pedagogical situations.
4. We prepare seriously.
Any event, even the smallest one, to work with parents must be carefully and seriously prepared.

When working with parents on environmental education of children, it is necessary to use both traditional forms (meetings, consultations, conversations) , so non-traditional forms of work (business games, round table, etc.).
Practice shows that traditional parent-teacher meetings and consultations do not give the desired effect, because parents take only formal participation in them. When choosing forms of communication with parents, one must remember: that it is necessary to involve parents in solving important problems and finding common correct answers. For example, when organizing a parent meeting on an environmental topic, you must first conduct a preliminary parent survey in order to clarify their understanding of the environmental education of children.
Consultations on environmental issues , you can start by viewing an exhibition of nature books for children. During the consultation, you can show your parents a sketch in which fairy-tale characters will talk about how to behave in nature. After watching, the teacher can talk with the parents, give them specific advice, recommend making sketches about nature with the children at home, look at paintings and illustrations about nature, watch some television programs, etc.
To form an ecological culture, you need to give children basic scientific knowledge about nature. To maintain interest in understanding the world around us, to teach us to see the wonderful in the ordinary, the unusual in the familiar, and to evoke aesthetic experiences. Parents can be offered this form of work as a series of observations in nature and special tasks like: listen to the voices of birds, admire the colors of the sunset... And if this is offered to children and parents regularly, then they will learn to listen to the music of “meadows and fields, admire the grass, insects, birds - in a word, look closely, peer into life.”
Children need to not only be educated, but also taught how to behave in nature. The norms of behavior in nature should be learned by every child like a multiplication table. Joint preparation by teachers and parents will help with this. rules of behavior in nature .

For example:
Medicinal plants are a common property, this is our wealth, which must be carefully used and protected. Do not allow children to tear them aimlessly.
Insects pollinate plants and create beauty for our meadow. Without butterflies, grasshoppers, dragonflies, bumblebees and bees, our meadow is not a meadow. Avoid catching butterflies, grasshoppers, dragonflies, bumblebees and bees.
Berries are a source of food not only for humans, but also for animals. Collect berries and nuts so as not to damage the branches.
It is important from early childhood to instill in children a sense of irreconcilability towards the facts of irresponsible behavior of people in nature, for example, not extinguishing fires, leaving garbage.

To gain experience in behavior in the natural environment, such a form of work as creating environmental situations, which parents are invited to solve together with their children at home.
For example, the children found a hedgehog in the forest and brought it home. Is this good for the hedgehog? Before your eyes, the baby ran up to a flock of pigeons and scattered them. Please rate this action.
It helps to awaken interest in the life of children in preschool educational institutions, to attract parents to participate in environmental events environmental actions .
Forms of organizing communication help to establish warm informal relationships between teachers and parents, as well as more trusting relationships between parents and children - leisure .
Carrying out various competitions and exhibitions makes it possible to strengthen the interaction of the kindergarten with the families of pupils and to intensify pedagogical communication between parents and children. An important aspect of holding competitions is the competitive spirit, which helps parents of the same group unite and increases the initiative of inactive parents.
The most important thing in outreach work with parents on environmental education is the design of visual materials for parents. It can be information stands, booklets, leaflets, wall newspapers .
An interesting way to work with families - pedagogical screens , in which parents are given clear, specific, practical advice on a narrow topic. At the same time, parents receive answers to their questions. For example: what to tell the child, what to teach him, what to pay attention to. Logical tasks are also placed in the screen, which children can solve independently or with the help of an adult. For example, a lot of earthworms crawled onto the asphalt after heavy rain. Why? What will you do?
All materials offered to parents for review must be aesthetically designed;
- the content must be updated regularly, otherwise parental interest in this information will quickly disappear;

The design is done in such a way as to attract the attention of parents (text on colored paper, photographs of children in the group, pictures-symbols).

Thus, the interaction of the kindergarten with the family on environmental education can be carried out in different ways. It is only important to avoid formalism.
Of course, the process of developing environmental values ​​in children and parents is complex and problematic, since it depends not only on the content of environmental education in an educational institution, but also on the real life situation. Therefore, the most important thing is the personal conviction of the teacher, his ability to awaken in parents the desire to love, cherish and protect nature and thereby be a role model for preschoolers.

This methodological material contains the basic requirements for a modern lesson, an approximate form of a technological lesson map, a diagram of analysis and self-analysis of the lesson, as well as a catalog of useful Internet resources about educational technologies of the system-activity approach.



Municipal budgetary educational institution

city ​​of Irkutsk

secondary school No. 67




“The modern lesson is a free lesson,

lesson freed from fear:

no one scares anyone and no one is afraid of anyone.”

NOT. Shchurkova

Lesson requirements

Traditional lesson

Modern type lesson

  1. Announcing the topic of the lesson

The teacher tells the students

Formulated by students themselves

  1. Communicating goals and objectives

The teacher formulates and tells students what they should learn

The students themselves formulate, defining the boundaries of knowledge and ignorance.

  1. Planning

The teacher tells the students what work they must do to achieve the goal

Students planning ways to achieve the intended goal

  1. Practical activities of students

Under the guidance of the teacher, students perform a number of practical tasks (the frontal method of organizing activities is more often used)

Students carry out educational activities according to the planned plan (group and individual methods are used)

  1. Exercising control

The teacher monitors students' performance of practical work

Students exercise control (forms of self-control and mutual control are used)

  1. Implementation of correction

The teacher makes corrections during the implementation and based on the results of the work completed by the students.

Students formulate difficulties and make corrections independently

  1. Student assessment

The teacher evaluates students for their work in class

Students evaluate activities based on their results (self-assessment, assessment of the performance of peers)

  1. Lesson summary

The teacher asks the students what they remember

Reflection is taking place

  1. Homework

The teacher announces and comments (more often the task is the same for everyone)

Students can choose a task from those proposed by the teacher, taking into account individual capabilities

The main provisions enshrined in the new standards:

  1. Systematic-activity approach to planning and conducting lessons -approach to lesson construction with a focus on the final educational results.

Systematic - activity approach -The pedagogical techniques and techniques used in the lesson should be based on the following basic principles: the principle of activity, the principle of feedback, the principle of openness, the principle of freedom, the principle of creativity and the principle of ideality.

A modern lesson should answer the following questions: “WHY does a student need to perform this or that activity in the lesson? WHAT should be the result of this activity? WHAT IS THE PRODUCT? And HOW does the student use this in the following lessons?

  1. Setting the goals and objectives of the lesson to achieve results (subject, personal, meta-subject).

A modern lesson is a lesson that is planned, thought out and conducted in accordance with the assigned tasks to achieve results.

The purpose of the lesson is determined by:

  • planned outcome of the lesson
  • ways to implement this plan


Subject - correlates with the topic and content of the lesson, its didactic task (what they should know and be able to do)

  • Consolidation of concepts, rules, laws....; skills...
  • Application by students of knowledge and methods of action (specific knowledge and skills are indicated) in a variety of situations
  • Organization of students’ activities to study and initially consolidate facts, concepts, laws, rules….
  • Organization of student activities to summarize and systematize knowledge on the topic...
  • Testing and assessing students’ knowledge and methods of action on the topic….
  • Organization of student activities to correct knowledge and methods of action

Subject results– specific elements of social experience (knowledge, abilities and skills), experience in solving problems, experience in creative activity, mastered by students within a separate subject.

Personal – formation of personal learning skills through the content of educational material

  • Patriotism, respect for one’s people, Russian civic identity, a sense of responsibility to the Motherland, pride in one’s land, past and present, respect for state symbols (coat of arms, flag, anthem)
  • Formation of a civic position (activity, responsibility, self-esteem, humanism...)
  • Formation of a worldview corresponding to the modern level of development of science and social practice...
  • Formation of the foundations of self-development and self-education in accordance with universal human values; readiness for independent, creative and responsible activities
  • Tolerant consciousness and behavior
  • Aesthetic attitude to the world
  • Acceptance and implementation of healthy lifestyle values, the need for physical self-improvement; rejection of bad habits; careful, responsible attitude towards physical and psychological health
  • Formation of ecological thinking
  • Conscious choice of future profession
  • Responsible attitude towards creating a family, acceptance of the values ​​of family life.

Personal results– a system of value relations of students to themselves, other participants in the educational process, the educational process itself and its results, and to the teacher.

Metasubject – development of cognitive (intelligence), communicative, regulatory (will) skills

  • COGNITIVE UUD: the ability to classify, compare, prove, synthesize, group, establish cause-and-effect relationships, choose a solution, pose and formulate a problem, the skill of searching for the necessary information...
  • REGULATORY UUD: goal setting, planning, control, forecasting, correction, the ability to follow teacher instructions, organize your workplace, the ability to draw conclusions, choose a way to achieve a goal, self-regulation...
  • COMMUNICATIVE UUD: the ability to participate in dialogue, express and defend one’s point of view, listen and understand the speech of others, perform various roles in a group, cooperate, develop a culture of interpersonal relationships, the ability to ask for help, offer help, exercise mutual control….

Meta-subject results– methods of activity applicable both within the educational process and when solving problems in real life situations, mastered by students on the basis of one, several or all academic subjects.

  1. Learning task - this is a reformulated goal of educational activity, set before students in the form of a generalizededucational task. By solving it, students acquire relevant knowledge and skills, develop personal qualities aimed at"ability to learn"
  2. Reflection - Feedback. Assessment, tracking, achievement of results planned by the teacher in the lesson (subject, meta-subject, personal)


Technological lesson map– a generalized graphic expression of the lesson scenario, the basis for its design, a means of presenting individual work methods. A lesson project is a lesson plan presented by the teacher with possible adjustments (based on the variability of the lesson initially).

The technological map will allow the teacher:

Organize an effective educational process;

Implement the planned results of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard;

Systematically form universal learning activities in students;

Design your activities for a module, half a year, year by moving from lesson planning to topic design;

Implement interdisciplinary connections in practice;

Carry out diagnostics of the achievement of planned results by students at each stage of mastering the topic.

The technological map will allow the administration of the educational institution to monitor the implementation of the program and the achievement of planned results, as well as provide the necessary methodological assistance.

Approximate form of a technological lesson map



Type of lesson/activity



Basic terms and concepts

Planned result

Subject skills; personal UUD; meta-subject UUD (regulatory, cognitive, communicative)

Interdisciplinary connections

Lesson steps

Methods, techniques, forms of work, teaching aids

Teacher activities

Student activities

Motivation (organizational)

Initial check of understanding

Application of new knowledge

Didactic objectives of the lesson/session stages

Lesson steps

Didactic tasks

Motivation (organizational)

Preparing students for work in a lesson/session: developing, at a personally significant level, internal readiness to fulfill the regulatory requirements of educational activities.

Updating basic knowledge and skills

Activation of relevant mental operations (analysis, generalization, classification...) and cognitive processes (attention, memory).

Statement of educational problem (goal setting)

Providing motivation for students to accept the goals of educational and cognitive activities.

Formulating the problem, planning activities

Creating conditions for formulating the purpose of the lesson and setting educational objectives.

Discovery of new knowledge. Search for information.

Ensuring the perception, comprehension and primary memorization of knowledge, connections and relationships in the object of study.

Initial check of understanding

Establishing the correctness and awareness of mastering educational material, identifying gaps, misconceptions, and correcting them.

Application of new knowledge

Ensuring the assimilation of new knowledge and methods of action at the level of application in a changed situation.

Reflection on educational activities. Assessment.

Analysis and assessment of the success of achieving the goal; identifying the quality and level of knowledge acquisition.

Lesson modeling and analysis


Traditional teacher activities

Activities of a teacher working according to the Federal State Educational Standard

Preparing for the lesson

Rigidly structured lesson notes, 0% teacher freedom

Scenario lesson plan, giving 30-60% freedom to the teacher

When preparing for a lesson, the teacher uses methodological recommendations and a textbook

When preparing for a lesson, the teacher uses methodological recommendations, a textbook, Internet resources, materials from colleagues, and exchanges notes.

Main stages of the lesson

The main time is devoted to the stage of explanation and consolidation (80% - teacher speaking)

Explanation takes up 20-30% of the lesson; consolidation – 5-10% of the lesson; independent activity of students – 60-70% of the lesson

The main goal of the teacher in the lesson

Have time to complete what is planned for the lesson

Organize children's activities by:

Searching and processing information;

Generalization of methods of activity;

Setting a learning task...

Student activities are determined through the formulation of tasks

Solve, write, compare, find, complete....

93% reproductive tasks;

7% - explore (more often for strong students)

Analyze, prove (explain), compare, express in symbols, create a diagram or model, continue, generalize (draw a conclusion), choose a solution or method of solution, research, evaluate, change, invent….

Scheme of lesson analysis according to the Federal State Educational Standard.

general information

Teacher's name

Lesson date



Students according to the list

Students in fact

Purpose of attending the lesson

The teacher's timely attendance at class.

The teacher is ready to start the lesson.

Students' readiness for the start of the lesson. Class organization. Degree of discipline.

Equipping the lesson with visual aids, technical aids, didactic and handouts, teacher resources and student information resources

Sanitary condition of the classroom




Availability of a technological lesson map.

Correspondence to the lesson topic with QTP

Teacher's pedagogical behavior

Self-control and pedagogical tact

Behavior style

Relationships with students.

Ability to organize a class for educational activities and maintain discipline

Correct speech





Using artistic skills

Analysis stages


Main objectives of the lesson: subject, meta-subject, personal.

Is the implementation of the lesson goals set by the teacher monitored?

Lesson organization: type of lesson, structure of the lesson, stages, their logical sequence and dosage in time, compliance of the lesson structure with its content and goal.

How does the teacher provide motivation studying this topic (educational material)

Compliance of the lesson with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard:


Focus on new educational standards.


The focus of activities on the formation of UUD


Use of modern technologies: design, research, ICT, health-saving technologies, etc.


Scientific correctness of the material covered in the lesson, its correspondence to age characteristics


Compliance of the lesson content with the requirements of the program.


The connection between theory and practice, the use of students’ life experiences for the purpose of developing cognitive activity and independence.


Connection of the material being studied with previously covered material, interdisciplinary connections.

Lesson methodology:


Updating students' knowledge and methods of activity. Raising problematic questions, creating a problematic situation.


What methods were used by the teacher?

Problem-based learning.

Creative nature

Reproductive tasks:(“read”, “retell”, “repeat”, “remember”)


Search tasks(analyze, prove, explain, compare, express in symbols, create a diagram or model, continue, generalize (draw a conclusion), choose a solution or solution, research, evaluate, change, invent, “compare,” “find an error”)



The relationship between teacher activity and student activity. Volume and nature of independent work.


Which of the following methods of cognition does the teacher use (observation, experience, information search, comparison, reading, etc.)


Application of dialogue forms of communication.


Creating non-standard situations when using students' knowledge.


Providing feedback: student-teacher.

Forms of work




Work in pairs


Implementation of differentiated instruction. Availability of tasks for children of different levels of learning.


Means of education. The expediency and rationality of their use in accordance with the topic and stage of training.

Printed products: textbooks, manuals, printed notebooks

Technical means:



Use of visual material:

as an illustration, for emotional support, for solving educational problems. Visual material is redundant, sufficient, appropriate, insufficient.


Formation of self-control and self-esteem skills.

Psychological foundations of the lesson:


The teacher takes into account the levels of current development of students and their zone of proximal development.


Implementation of the developmental function of training.

Development of qualities: perception, attention, imagination, memory, thinking, speech.


Rhythm of the lesson: alternation of material of varying degrees of difficulty, variety of types of learning activities.


The presence of psychological pauses and relaxation of the emotional sphere of the lesson.

Physical exercises

Working posture

Prevention of fatigue and overwork.

Alternation of activities (listening, counting, writing, practice).

Homework: optimal volume, availability of instructions, differentiation, representation of the right to choose..

The presence of new elements in the teacher’s pedagogical activity (lack of a template)

Lesson result

Student activity

Expression of creativity

Piques interest

Fosters cognitive needs

Summing up

Student self-esteem

Implementation of a plan

Achievements of goals

Results: subject



Marks: "5" - "4" - "3" - "2" -



  1. What is the place of this lesson in the topic, section, course? Its connection with the previous ones, reliance on them. How does this lesson feed into subsequent lessons? Interdisciplinary connections.
  2. What problems do I solve in class? (subject; personal; meta-subject). Have they been resolved? How? At what stages of the lesson?
  3. Rationality of the chosen lesson structure, its correspondence to that developed by the teachertechnological map.Logical connection between the different stages of the lesson.
  4. What educational technologies were used in the lesson? What combination of forms and teaching methods was chosen to cover the main material? Were technical teaching aids and visual aids used appropriately?
  5. How was control organized during the lesson? Under what standards and by what methods was it carried out?
  6. What ensured high performance of students throughout the lesson? How and through what means was the rational use of time and the prevention of overload ensured in the lesson?
  7. Have you been able to fully achieve all of your goals? If it failed, then why? When are unrealized tasks planned to be completed?

Dear Colleagues!

I bring to your attention a catalog of Internet resources about educational technologies of the system-activity approach

Catalog of Internet resources (SDP technologies)

  1. Technology for developing critical thinking through reading and writing

Developing critical thinking through reading and writing.

Technology "Development of critical thinking"

Seminar-workshop Technology “Development of critical thinking through reading and writing”

  1. Technologies for organizing group work

Technology for organizing group work

Technology of full assimilation in mathematics lessons

Pietiläinen Elena Evgenievna. Technology of complete assimilation of knowledge as a condition for increasing the effectiveness of the lesson

Description of several technologies (full assimilation, multi-level training, modular, collective mutual learning)

Criteria-Based Learning

Modern approaches to organizing training and interactive technologies

Interactive teaching methods

Interactive learning: new approaches

  1. Level differentiation technologies

About the technology of developmental education and types of cognitive activity

Recipe for a good lesson

Take a dozen of the best emotions. Carefully select only those who are devoid of disappointment, resentment and anger. Once you have selected 12 emotions, divide them into 5 or 6 lessons that you have to teach every working day. Add to each lesson one portion of wisdom, patience, courage, efficiency, optimism, dedication to your work, free-thinking and free-thinking, kindness, rest and health care, good humor, tact, faith in each student.

In the Federal State Educational Standard for Preschool Education, one of the psychological and pedagogical conditions for the successful implementation of the program is the use in the educational process of forms and methods of working with children that correspond to their psychological, age and individual characteristics. In kindergarten, frontal, group, and individual forms of organized learning are used.

Customized form the organization of training allows you to individualize training (content, methods, means), but requires a lot of nervous effort from the child; creates emotional discomfort; uneconomical training; limiting cooperation with other children.

Group form organization of training (individual-collective). The group is divided into subgroups. Reasons for recruitment: personal sympathy, common interests, but not according to levels of development. At the same time, it is first of all important for the teacher to ensure the interaction of children in the learning process.

Frontal form organization of training. Work with the whole group, clear schedule, uniform content. At the same time, the content of training in frontal classes can be activities of an artistic nature. The advantages of the form are a clear organizational structure, simple management, the ability for children to interact, and cost-effectiveness of training; The disadvantage is the difficulty in individualizing training.

Throughout the day, the teacher has the opportunity to carry out training using various forms of organizing children; frontal forms of training take place:

  • · a walk, which consists of: observations of nature, surrounding life; outdoor games; labor in nature and on the site; independent play activities; excursions;
  • · games: role-playing; didactic games; dramatization games; sport games;
  • · children's duty: in the dining room; in class:
  • · work: collective; household; in a corner of nature; art;
  • · entertainment, holidays; experimentation; project activities; reading fiction; conversations; puppet theater show; evenings-leisures, etc.
  • · In preschool educational institutions, special time is allocated during routine activities and individual work with children is organized. The content of learning in this case is the following types of activities: subject-based games, labor, sports, productive, communication, role-playing and other games that can be a source and means of learning.

Methods and techniques for organizing training. In preschool education, visual and playful methods are used in combination with verbal methods. The learning process for children in kindergarten is based on visual learning, and the special organization of the environment helps expand and deepen children’s understanding.

The main form of organization of education in a preschool educational institution is direct educational activities (DEA) . Direct educational activities are organized and conducted by teachers in accordance with the main general educational program of the preschool educational institution. ECDs are conducted with children of all age groups in kindergarten. In the daily routine of each group, the time for carrying out educational activities is determined in accordance with the “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the structure, content and organization of the work schedule of preschool educational organizations.” Work in the kindergarten is carried out in the following areas:

  • -Social and communicative development;
  • -Cognitive development;
  • -Speech development;
  • -Physical development;
  • -Artistic and aesthetic development.

Of course, changing the quality of education and updating the content of preschool education requires meaningful restructuring. However, success awaits those who look for new approaches, new interesting forms. Forms and methods of working with children in new conditions are used in all areas of the child’s personality development.

Updating the content of education requires teachers to: use new modern forms of working with children; integrated educational activities; project activities (research, creative projects; role-playing projects; information-practice-oriented projects; creative projects in kindergarten); production of layouts; creating a problematic situation; the use of game learning situations, heuristic conversations, collecting, various creative activities - making panels, joint collages, working in a mini-workshop, organizing creative competitions, exhibitions, etc.

One of the important conditions for updating the content of education is new information and resource support for the educational process. Information and resource support means educational resources (any educational materials and means, a set of technological means, information and communication technologies: computers, other ICT equipment (multimedia boards, projectors, communication channels (telephone, Internet), a system of modern pedagogical technologies that provide education in a modern information and educational environment. Today, information and computer technologies can be considered a new way of transferring knowledge that corresponds to a qualitatively new content of learning and development of the child. This method allows the child to learn with interest, find sources of information, fosters independence and responsibility in acquiring new knowledge, develops the discipline of intellectual activity.

People have been using games as a learning method for a long time. Gaming activities can be used in the following cases: a) as independent technologies for mastering a topic or section; b) as elements of a broader technology; c) as a lesson or part of it (explanation, reinforcement). Communication games involve working in pairs, groups of large and small, and as a whole group, while participants must be able to move freely around the room. For such games, a subject-spatial environment or child development centers are created, with rich mobile, replaceable material. The pedagogical process should not impose a template approach to solving tasks; it should respect and develop the uniqueness of the individual style of each preschooler.

The educational games used in preschool classes are based on the principle of organizing classes in small groups. This makes it possible to include all children in active work, organize competition between teams, and develop the ability to work in a team. Game situations help create a positive attitude towards learning and development, which is a necessary prerequisite for successful learning of the material. Education is based on the following types of activities: cognitive, playful, creative, communicative.

As a result, preschoolers will sufficiently develop moral standards of behavior, a culture of communication in a team, and the ability to cooperate. When using games in your work, you should take into account that they must have two principles: educational and cognitive and entertaining. Of the wide range of methods and techniques for working with children, those play activities that allow them to comprehensively solve developmental, educational and educational tasks are used first.

With the introduction of the new Federal State Educational Standard, such a method of working with children as traveling along the “river of time” (the idea of ​​historical time - from the past to the present) began to be widely used. It can also be called the “directory method”. The essence of the method is as follows. Before us, as if in focus, is an object that needs to be improved. During fantasy classes, preschool children play “Inventors.” They invent furniture, dishes, animals, vegetables and fruits, confectionery, and Christmas tree decorations. To select other objects, subject pictures of 7-8 pieces are used. This creates an atmosphere of mystery, further interests children, and concentrates their attention. During the lessons, children become more relaxed and are not afraid to express their thoughts and ideas. Children of senior preschool age master the ability to arbitrarily designate and replace with signs various phenomena, objects, their signs and properties; as well as the ability to arbitrarily separate the designated content and means of designation. These skills relate to children’s ability to use sign-symbolic means. And finally, children master the method of creativity. They create new original objects, try to draw them, experience joy and satisfaction from mental efforts. They are proud of the results of their creativity, master the skills of a culture of behavior (they learn to treat another person’s statements with patience and understanding, respect other people’s opinions, etc.).

The requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the conditions of implementation of the program are based on the fact that the forms and methods of working with preschoolers should ensure the full development of the personality of children in the areas of social-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic, aesthetic and physical development of the personality of children against the background of their emotional well-being and positive attitude towards to the world, to yourself and to other people. It is necessary to give each pupil the opportunity to fully live the period of preschool childhood.

Thus, in preschool age it is necessary to organize optimal conditions for the further formation of educational activity and the development of the child’s creative, proactive personality.