60 years of the 20th century USSR. Dresses and trousers

1. Soviet society during the reign of Brezhnev

After the dismissal of N.S. Khrushchev, L.I. Brezhnev was elected first secretary of the party's Central Committee. It was he who was one of the initiators of the party conspiracy and the removal of Khrushchev.

During Brezhnev's stay in power, the role of the party was maximally elevated above the state. Party bodies received broad rights of control over the activities of the administration itself. different levels, starting from primary and ending with sectoral and republican ones. The XXIII Congress of the CPSU, held in 1966, was
post restored Secretary General Central Committee of the CPSU, which was immediately occupied by Brezhnev

During the same period, a number of important changes, which gave a certain impetus to the development of the Soviet economy. These economic reforms of the 60s were associated with the name of A.N. Kosygin, who at that time held the post of Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR. Being a supporter of radical measures in the economy, he sought to develop some elements of the market mechanism. First of all, he considered it necessary to improve the motivational mechanism, in which the results of work would be more closely linked with wages. The core of the Kosygin reform was economic accounting, to which industrial enterprises were transferred. According to the innovation, they had the right to keep part of their income for themselves, and then distribute it within the team for material incentives, socio-cultural and everyday needs of workers. This was an attempt to implement Lenin’s idea that “socialism is working for yourself.” The economic councils introduced under Khrushchev were to be liquidated, and the sectoral management system in the form of ministries was restored. Economic reform began in January 1966. In the first years of the Eighth Five-Year Plan, positive results. Volume industrial production increased by one and a half times during this period. By the end of the 60s, economic reform began to decline. The main obstacle to its path was the command-administrative system, total planning and industry monopoly.

Reforms in the mid-60s also affected agriculture. For rural residents household plots were returned subsidiary plots, selected or greatly reduced in Khrushchev period. Debts were written off from collective farms, purchase prices were increased, and premiums were established for the delivery of excess production to the state. However, the gigantic sums of money invested in agriculture and spent inefficiently ultimately resulted in a very low increase in labor productivity in the agricultural sector of the Soviet economy. And the USSR was forced, as before, to purchase a significant part of food products abroad.

If we talk about the increase in production in all spheres of the national economy, then it was, first of all, of an extensive nature. During the Brezhnev period, the country faced insurmountable difficulties. In almost all sectors of the economy, indicators of growth in labor productivity and production approached zero.

The Soviet Union lagged sharply behind the leading countries of the world in terms of implementation of scientific and technical achievements. The production assets of enterprises were not updated. Repair costs were rising. Even in the defense industries, one could observe a trend of aging and deterioration of equipment. As an example, even in aviation industry, many enterprises in the industry still have not updated their equipment and still use machines and units that were supplied from Germany after the reparations war.

The country was increasingly turning into a raw material appendage of the West. At the same time, a total shortage of goods and services has become a very common occurrence. The queue has become a familiar landscape of Soviet society.

In the period of the 70s - early 80s, a braking mechanism developed in the country, stagnation began to increase sharply, which were increasingly accompanied by feast events. The country objectively needed serious and radical reforms.

During the years of Brezhnev's rule, the Soviet foreign policy was quite active. Despite the ongoing arms race and increased international tension in the 70s, the USSR came out with a number of peace initiatives. In 1970, an agreement was signed between the USSR and Germany, in which both sides renounced the use of force and confirmed the post-war borders. In 1972, the USSR and the USA signed the Strategic Arms Limitation Treaty (SALT-1), and in 1978 they signed the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty. A number of other important agreements were signed with leading world powers. The culmination of détente was the Pan-European Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe (CSCE) with the participation of the United States and Canada. It began work in 1972 in Helsinki (Finland), then worked for two years in Geneva (Switzerland) and ended again in Helsinki in 1975, where the Final Act was signed. And in conclusion, it is necessary to note the most serious foreign policy miscalculation of the Brezhnev leadership - the introduction of Soviet troops into Afghanistan in December 1979.

2. Increasing stagnation and Gorbachev’s “perestroika”

A striking manifestation of the systemic crisis that gripped Soviet society was frequent change aging and sick party leaders who replaced each other for three years. In 1982, after the death of Brezhnev, the post of General Secretary
was occupied by the former head of the KGB, Yu.V. Andropov, who was the first to pose the sacramental question to the party and the country: “What kind of society was built in the USSR.” After his death in 1984, the post of General Secretary was taken by the elderly and sick K.U. Chernenko. After his death in March 1985, the young and energetic M.S. Gorbachev ascended to the political Olympus of the Soviet party nomenklatura. However new leader clearly could not imagine the depth and complexity of the problems that faced society and the country's leadership. He did not have a pre-prepared reform program. Moreover, the transformations themselves that began in the country in March 1985, their direction and nature, did not go beyond the framework of the usual paradigm. The qualitative transformations themselves were conceived as socialist and were aimed at improving socialism, eliminating negative factors in the development of society and creating an acceleration mechanism that would contribute to the rapid advancement of the country along the paths further development socialism.

In this regard, the decisions of the April (1985) Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee are characteristic. It outlined a course to accelerate social economic development The USSR, which assumed active use achievements of science and technology, implementation of decentralization in management national economy, expanding the rights of enterprises, introducing economic accounting, strengthening order and discipline in enterprises and institutions. Particular emphasis was placed on strengthening the role of the human factor. This meant creating conditions for increasing creative activity people in production process and its use to accelerate social development and overcoming stagnation. However, the party leadership did not dare to seriously improve the entire motivational mechanism. As before, the leading role in the renewal of society was assigned to the party. At the XXVII Congress of the CPSU, held in 1986, the course towards accelerating social development was confirmed; at the congress the question of expanding openness and a deeper study of the experience of the CPSU and drawing lessons from it was raised. The main significance of the congress was that Gorbachev announced new approaches in foreign and domestic policy— and about new political thinking. When it became clear that the course of acceleration in itself was still insufficient, and that acceleration could only be achieved by making fundamental changes in social order. From that moment on, the concept of perestroika, put forward by Gorbachev at the January (1987) Plenum of the CPSU Central Committee, was accepted. Under
Perestroika was understood as a radical reform of all aspects of totalitarian Soviet society while preserving the main parameters of the system and its ideology.

However, by introducing glasnost, pluralism of opinions, and elements of democracy into the country, the party leadership, unwillingly, opened a “Pandora’s box.” The process of transformation, with indecision and delay in decisions being made, did not go in the direction at all as the “architects of perestroika” themselves wanted. Instead of growing creative tendencies, from the point of view of reformers, oppositional currents and sentiments rapidly crystallized. There was a total revision of the past, of the entire history of the 20th century, its content, assessments and conclusions changed.

A new stage in the clash of opinions about the past and future of the country was the XIX Party Conference of the CPSU in 1988. Here, for the first time, the core problem of perestroika was touched upon - the need political reform in the country. At the conference, a course was approved for the creation of a socialist rule of law state, which implied the separation of powers and the creation of “Soviet parliamentarism.” At Gorbachev’s initiative, a proposal was put forward to create a new supreme authority of the Congress people's deputies, and the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was supposed to become a parliament - a permanent body legislative branch. The practice of elections changed; they had to be held on an alternative basis. The decisions of the conference were implemented. The term “democratization” entered the political lexicon.

After carrying out on the new democratic basis elections, the Congress of People's Deputies of the USSR was created. At the congress, the Supreme Soviet of the USSR was elected from among its deputies - a permanent legislative body of power. In total, five Congresses of People's Deputies took place. At the first congress (May-June 1989) Chairman Supreme Council The USSR elected M.S. Gorbachev. At the same congress, a number of disagreements emerged and opposition took shape. It became the Interregional Deputy Group, headed by Academician A.D. Sakharov and B.N. Yeltsin. This group included 256 deputies.

At the third (extraordinary) congress in March 1990, Gorbachev was elected President of the USSR. The most important decision This congress was the abolition of Article 6 of the USSR Constitution on the “leading and directing role of the CPSU.” This meant the elimination of the one-party system in the country. It is from this time that you can
talk about the beginning of the process of emergence of new political groups, parties and movements.

Attempts at change did not lead to improvement socio-economic situation in the country. On the contrary, as perestroika deepened, chaos grew in the country, labor productivity fell sharply, and the shortage of essential goods and services rapidly increased. In order to overcome these negative trends, Soviet economists proposed a reform project that included expanding the independence of enterprises on the principles of self-financing, reviving the private sector in the economy, reducing the number of line ministries, and abandoning monopoly foreign trade, recognition in the agricultural sector of cooperatives and farms along with collective and state farms. The reform project was approved and put into practice. From that moment on, the country started talking about the need to develop the so-called. "socialist market". One of these programs for the transition to the market was the “500 days” program, developed by S.S. Shatalin and G.A. Yavlinsky. However, this program was not supported by management. However, many of its provisions, for example, the privatization of enterprises and price liberalization, were applied in practice, in particular during the reforms of E.T. Gaidar and A.B. Chubais. From this period, foreign currency began to be sold freely in the country. From this period, entrepreneurship began to develop in the country.

During the period of Gorbachev's perestroika, the principles of new political thinking were formulated, based on the priority universal human values. The country's new foreign policy began to be built on its basis. New relations began to take shape between the USSR and the USA, the countries of Europe and Asia. A declaration was signed between the USA and the USSR to end the Cold War. Numerous meetings between M.S. Gorbachev and leaders took place Western countries. All these processes have led to irreversible changes in the sphere international relations. The course towards the renewal of socialism, in fact, led to increased confrontation between opposition forces in socialist countries and local leadership, and in the fall of 1989, mass protests against the existing regimes took place in these countries. Power passed into the hands of the opposition. Thanks to new political thinking, the withdrawal of Soviet troops from Afghanistan began in 1988 and was completed in February 1989.

In general, new political thinking marked a transition from confrontation to cooperation between states and a rejection of the idea of ​​a world socialist revolution.

3. The collapse of the USSR and the collapse of perestroika

Perestroika had a mixed impact on social processes inside the USSR. Contrary to party conclusions that in the USSR the national question had been resolved completely and finally, the process of aggravation began to rapidly accelerate in the USSR interethnic relations, developed into individual regions in ethnic wars. These processes were based on both political and economic reasons. A sharp decline in the economy, the weakening role of the CPSU, the transfer of local power into the hands of local national elites, interfaith and ethnocultural contradictions - all this contributed to the aggravation of interethnic conflicts on the territory of the USSR. One of the most acute conflicts of this nature was the conflict in the Nagorno-Karabakh Autonomous Region (NKAO), which was part of Azerbaijan. On the basis of this conflict, hostilities began between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

The culmination of interethnic conflicts was the “parade of sovereignties.” It was initiated by the Baltic republics. On June 12, 1990, the RSFSR joined it. The Declaration of Sovereignty called into question the continued existence of the USSR. In the summer and autumn of 1990, the republics, territories and regions of Russia began to declare themselves sovereign. A “parade of sovereignties” unfolded. They declared the supremacy of their own laws on their territory and the suspension of the allied laws, which was called the “war of laws.” In March 1991, a referendum was held on the territory of the USSR, which showed that the majority of the population wanted to live in a single state. However, local and regional democrats ignored the opinion of the people.

The collapse of a single economic complex, the desire to break a single state space forced the leadership of the Union to look for ways to reform and develop a new alliance treaty. This work began in May 1991 in Novo-Ogarevo. The signing of the agreement was scheduled for August 20, 1991. It was planned to create a Union of sovereign states, which would include nine former republics THE USSR. Changes were also planned in the structure of government and management bodies, the adoption new Constitution, changing the electoral system.

However, opponents of signing such an agreement - representatives of the old party apparatus - decided to prevent its signing. In August 1991 they attempted a coup. These events went down in the history of our country under the name “August Putsch.” The events of August 19-22, 1991 accelerated the collapse of the USSR.

In December 1991, the leaders of three sovereign states gathered in Belovezhskaya Pushcha - Russia (B.N. Yeltsin), Belarus (S.S. Shushkevich) and Ukraine (L.M. Kravchuk) - signed an agreement according to which the USSR, as subject of international law ceased to exist. The creation of the Commonwealth was also announced independent states(CIS).

The collapse of the USSR and the conclusion of the Belovezhskaya Accords did not receive unanimous approval in Russia. With the collapse of the USSR and the formation of the USSR, perestroika collapsed.


Intensification - obtaining certain results with the help of extremely small use of resources, work force or squares.

Extensification - obtaining results while ignoring costs. Results at any cost.

Stagnation - characteristic social system, in which there is no social evolution.

Glasnost - this term means openness, accessibility of information, absence of censorship, etc.

Pluralism - diversity of opinions, freedom of judgment and expression.


1. What are the most important provisions of the Kosygin reform in the industry of the USSR?

2. What measures were taken during Brezhnev’s reign in agriculture? What results were obtained?

3. What does the concept of “command-administrative economy” mean?

4. What meaning did the party leadership put into the term “acceleration”.

What were the reasons behind the collapse? Soviet Union?

Good afternoon
I ask you to help me find information about the rule for writing dates, namely: 20th, 30th, 40th, etc.
Writing "20s", "50s", etc. considered obsolete, but there are no rules or regulations regarding this in modern dictionaries I couldn't find it. On the Internet, information is also provided without links.
In the rules of Russian spelling and punctuation of 1956, examples are given to explain the continuous or hyphenated spelling words, but the endings are not explained in any way.
Thank you in advance for your help in finding information and sources.
Editor of the website of the GPIB of Russia.

The corresponding rules are given in the “Publisher and Author’s Handbook” by A. E. Milchin, L. K. Cheltsova:

The increment of the case ending in ordinal numbers indicated by Arabic numerals can be one-letter or two-letter.

According to established tradition, the increment should be one-letter if the last letter of the numeral is preceded by a vowel sound: 5th day (fifth day), 25th anniversary (twenty-fifth anniversary), in the 32nd edition (in the thirty-second edition), in the 14th row (in the fourteenth row).

The extension must be two-letter if the last letter is preceded by a consonant: 5th day (fifth day), to the 25th student (to the twenty-fifth student), from the 32nd edition (from the thirty-second edition), from the 14th row (from the fourteenth row).

If two ordinal numbers follow in a row, separated by a comma or connected by a conjunction, the case ending is increased for each of them: 1st, 2nd cars; 80s and 90s.

If more than two ordinal numbers follow in a row, separated by a comma, semicolon, or connected by a conjunction, then the case ending is increased only for the last numeral: 1st, 2nd and 3rd cars, 70s, 80s, 90s.

If two ordinal numbers are separated by a dash, then the case ending is increased:

a) only for the second numeral, if the case ending for both numerals is the same: 50–60s, 80–90s;

b) for each numeral, if case endings different: in the 11th – 20th rows.

Question No. 280308
To question No. 244413 about the sixties.
Indeed, the 60s are from 1960 to 1969.
Question about the expression “in the sixties” - is it the period from 1951 to 1960?
Both the expressions “sixties” and “in the sixties” are expressions about different periods?

Russian help desk response

Sixties And in the sixties - about the same period (from 1960 to 1969).

Question No. 269804
Hello, I read the answer to the question about how to write the vocative form of the name Tanya - Tanyush (question 259511), I think the same rule applies in all other cases Mish, etc.. Could you explain why?

Russian help desk response

Yes, in all such vocative forms the soft sign is not written: Mish, Tanyush, Sash, Natash etc. This is connected with this. Firstly, the soft sign is written after the hissing nouns at the end in the nominative case (mouse, false), shapes Mish, Tanyush, Natash - special, this is truncation nominative case (Misha, Tanyusha, Natasha). Secondly, the spelling of b in words like mouse, rye due solely to tradition, the history of the language, the origins of such writing should be sought in Old Russian language. It is no coincidence that every time there is talk about improving our spelling, linguists propose to abolish the spelling of b after hissing words at the end, and write mouse, face, fake etc. (such proposals were made in the 1910s, and in the 1930s, and in the 1960s). And vocative forms Mish, Tanyush, Sash, Natash, Seryozh arose recently, they do not have such ancient history like words mouse, rye, therefore, the soft sign at the end of these forms simply has nowhere to come from.

Question No. 267255
Good afternoon Unfortunately, you did not answer my question, so I have to repeat it: how should decades be written? Is it possible to write, for example, “60s” without indicating the century, if it is quite clear from the context which century? we're talking about, - or, if indicating the century is inappropriate, should you definitely write “1960s”? Thank you,

Russian help desk response

If it is clear from the context which century we are talking about, it is correct: 60s.

Question No. 267188
"Hello! I've heard the following saying: sneeze like a Moscow pussy. I can't find anything about the origin of this saying in any source. Are capital cats really that prone to colds? Where did this saying come from? Please help me find out.
Best regards, Surprised
Russian help desk response
This expression is not recorded in the sources available to us. Are you sure that this is exactly the saying (i.e. stable expression, reproduced in speech), and not an individual author’s metaphor?”

Sure. This saying was used in Irkutsk region in the 60s (at that time they heard it there). It may still be used now. It was something like this. The child sneezed, and they asked him: “Why are you sneezing like a Moscow pussy?”
What to do if this proverb is not found in the sources? Where to look for an explanation?

Russian help desk response

Yes, a mysterious expression. One can offer the following explanation: perhaps, by “Moscow pussy” here we mean a pampered, weak, spoiled person by metropolitan life (something like a “muslin young lady”) - as opposed to a Siberian, who should be strong, strong, in full health. But this is just our guess, internal form expressions may be different.

And here is the commentary of V.I. Belikov, Doctor of Philology, presenter research fellow Institute of Russian Language named after. V.V. Vinogradov RAS, scientific consultant of the project “Languages ​​of Russian Cities”, to whom we turned for advice:
“Comparison sayings are usually very tenacious. If it had been widely used 50 years ago in the Irkutsk region, it could not have completely disappeared. The blogosphere is now quite developed everywhere, but phrases like a Moscow pussy or like a Moscow cat are not found anywhere at all.
This, of course, does not exclude that the expression is still alive. Maybe throughout the Irkutsk region, maybe, relatively speaking, in Bratsk. Maybe somewhere else: in Barnaul, Tambov, Odessa... But in any case, it is not widespread.” It is possible, believes V.I. Belikov, that they could say this in very narrow circle: within one or more families, one or more household companies.

Question No. 266838
Dear Certificate!
I received the layout of the book, throughout the 250-page text the publisher's proofreader corrected the constructions “built in the 1960s”, “wrote in the 1830s” to “in the 1960s”, “in the 1830s”. Is it correct? It seems to me that these phrases are equal and which one to choose is determined by the writer.
If possible, please answer as soon as possible, the book needs to be sent to the printing house.
Thank you.

Russian help desk response

You are right, there are errors in source text No.

Question No. 259517
If they say in the 60s, do they mean 1950-59 or 1960-60?

Russian help desk response

The sixties of the twentieth century are the years from 1960 to 1969.

Question No. 257550
Are the 1960s 1951-1960 or 1960-1969?

Russian help desk response

The 1960s (sixties) are the years from 1960 to 1969.

Question No. 256686
Hello, help resolve the dispute: 53 is the 50s or 60s, if it’s the 50s, then why do they say it’s in the 60s? Thank you.

Russian help desk response

The 50s are the years from 50 to 60 of a century, the 60s are the years from 60 to 70 of a century. In relation to the 20th century, the 50s - from 1950 to 1960, the 60s - from 1960 to 1970.

The fact is that the first ten years of any century are not called tenth years; tenth years - these are the years from the 10th to the 20th of a century. At the same time, the first 10 years of a person’s life are the first ten, so upon reaching the age of 50 they say: the sixth decade has begun.

Question No. 253560
Good afternoon, please help us, we have a question. For example, 1955 is the 60s of the 20th century or the 50s of the 20th century. And where can you find out for sure?

Russian help desk response

The years from 1950 to 1959 are called fifties.

Question No. 243467
Good afternoon How to correctly say: a book was written in the 60s of the last century or in the 60s? Or are both options correct? Thank you.

Russian help desk response

Usually the first option is used.

Question No. 237154
Which is correct - in the 50s - 60s or in the 50s - 60s?

Russian help desk response

The second option is correct.

Question No. 218952
I would like to add to question 177039 about the expression “Making love”. But the addition is not related to the phrase “Making love”, but simply to the use of the word “love” in such a derogatory context. The use of the word “love” in the meaning of “sex”, “sexual intercourse”, etc. this, as I noted, is not the 1990s of Russia or even the 1960s of the USA. Let me give you an example: Arkady Averchenko, “A Cheerful Evening.” “Few people paid attention to this stereotyped girl, old from drinking and love, despite her twenty-five years, sadly annoying and funny, with her rote, pathetic methods of seduction.” Best regards, Andrey Kulyapin.

Russian help desk response

Thank you very much for the addition!
Question No. 211700
Good morning! How to spell 1960s or '60s correctly! Thank you.

Russian help desk response

Preferably: _60s_.
Question No. 209053
Which is correct? In the 1960s - 1970s. or in the 1960s - 70s? From October 2, 1874 or from October 2, 1874? In the 2nd half of the 17th century. or in the 2nd half of the 17th century?

Russian help desk response

Correct: _in the 1960-70s_ (dash without spaces), _from October 2, in the 2nd half_.

Many consider the 60s to be the best period in the history of the USSR. And for good reason. Actually, the choice is not great, either the 60s, or the 70s... Probably, in material terms, the choice will be obvious, prosperity Soviet people grew steadily. At a minimum, a huge number of workers have learned the beauty of personal kitchens and bathrooms - glory to those “Khrushchevs”. However, most older people do not hesitate to choose the 60s.
And the reason does not lie at all in the material plane. The 60s were a time of spiritual uplift, a time of hope. Whereas the 70s became a period of disappointment, disbelief and apathy.
How could it be otherwise?

In 1961, Nikita Sergeevich Khrushchev said: Current generation Soviet people will live under communism!

When I was in school in the 70s, no one except first-graders believed in this. We were given a surrogate called “developed socialism.” I remember that it was very disappointing...))
The funny thing is that we have lived to see communism, as we understood it in childhood. He appeared to us in the form of an “all-inclusive” at Turkish-Egyptian resorts.
But let's go back to the 60s...

Space! Of course it is main symbol, peak, top, orgasm! And today, after half a century, we can say that Gagarin’s flight was truly the most grandiose event of the 60s.

Such women loved him...

And these too...

He was applauded in London...

It was also the time of young romantics. Physicists and Lyricists. Bearded geologists and young dreamers...

Mountains, a fire on a moonlit night, “my dear, forest sun”... And stakhs! Voznesensky, Yevtushenko...

Faces of the era...

Igor Stravinsky

Anatoly Firsov and Alexander Maltsev

Lev Yashin

Innokenty Smoktunovsky

Valentina Leontyeva

Igor Kirilov

Boris Spassky and Tigran Petrosyan

Igor Stravinsky and Karen Khachaturian

But, not everything was so rosy. On the border the clouds are gloomy...

Military defector from the GDR to the Federal Republic of Germany

This became widespread, and construction began in 1961. Berlin Wall, which for decades became a symbol of the growing Cold War...

And it could very well go into a hot phase. Fiery friendship with some and willingness to bury others led to Cuban missile crisis 62 years old.
The world was on the verge of war...

Novocherkassk happened that same year. Since childhood, I have heard adults mention this event in a low voice. Back then, they didn’t write about such things in the newspapers, they didn’t show reports on TV, but even 10 years after the events, people passed stories from mouth to mouth about the shooting of a workers’ demonstration...

The majority of the population at that time did not even hear about these tragic events.
Life seemed in completely different colors. The wounds of the war had mostly healed, the country was being built, people wanted not just to live, but to live beautifully. Black marketeers, speculators, dudes appeared...
The country has become sick with previously prohibited cybernetics and robotics. It seemed that if we had already flown into space, then robotizing life on earth would be a piece of cake.

Stars didn’t drive drunk in oncoming traffic back then))

The things were beautiful and durable. There were legends about the reliability of the then “ZIL”, “Moscow”, “Dnepr” refrigerators...

Much later, in the old Dnepr, which my parents had worked for 40(!) years, I discovered a Japanese compressor... And in general, these were good copies of refrigerators General Electric)

In general, a lot of good things blew in through the slightly open window, including fashion. Back then in Europe it was Golden time. Fashion was still made by heterosexuals))

In London, the most scandalous clothing of the sixties was born - the miniskirt, a symbol of emancipation and the sexual revolution. In 1962, the legendary Mary Quant showed her first collection of mini-length items. A new style, called “London style,” very quickly conquered young people around the world.
Everything came to the USSR with a slight delay; Cardin with his geometric shapes was popular here.

Of course, all this affected mainly young people major cities, the province lived its usual life...

A big blot on the page of the 60s were the tanks on the streets of Prague in 1968...

The honor of the country was saved by eight brave compatriots who came to Red Square...

And this was the beginning of another era, which would later be called stagnation. I am not inclined to believe that the so-called. stagnation is the worst thing in the history of our country. Not at all!

But, alas, that spark that accompanied the 60s was no longer there.

Returning Paris to its status as a fashion capital

In the 1960s, many talented people began their careers. Not only journalists, but also sellers fashionable clothes from all over the world gathered for the show, which took place twice a year in Paris, which had once again become the capital of world fashion. The establishment of an economic fashion infrastructure in France was greatly facilitated by the introduction of copyright licensing for griffe or brand label clothing. Thus began the craze for famous people. Also helping to maintain status were the regulated sale of legally sanctioned clothing styles known as toile, as well as the emergence of a powerful perfume industry.

The emergence of youth fashion

In the 1960s, children born during the so-called "baby boom" became teenagers, and the era of mass production and mass consumption reached its zenith. In 1961, the USSR made the first manned launch spaceship, and in 1963, President John F. Kennedy was assassinated. In May 1968, student riots broke out in Paris, and in 1969, man landed on the moon for the first time. Against the backdrop of such diverse, but identical significant events the younger generation tried to find a unique way of self-expression. The obvious choice was the new, growing American culture. The voice of youth is clearly visible in the lyrics of the British ensemble The Beatles. Bold moods now reigned in fashion. Young people have discovered that radical changes in clothing style are the most effective remedy, giving you the opportunity to emphasize your difference from the older generation.

The concept of "body awareness"

In 1964, American designer Rudi Gernreich introduced a topless swimsuit, and in 1965, a thin flesh-colored nylon, which became known as the “no bra.” This phenomenon can be called a demonstration of the new concept of “body awareness”. , revealing the legs up to the upper thighs, were called “mini” and became another stone in the foundation of this concept.

The appearance of mini

Bare legs appeared in women's fashion in the 1920s, but the trend went through several conceptual phases in the 1960s. Marshall McLuhan insisted that clothes are an extension of the skin. London designer Mary Quant also contributed to the fact that length was officially admitted into the world of fashion, becoming a recognized style of the 20th century. Andre Courrèges also promoted minidresses.

Women's trousers as casual wear

The public was just getting used to miniskirts, and women burst into the fashion world. Although the style, popularized after World War I, introduced the masculine woman to the world, trousers were only worn at home or on the beach. In the 1930s, jeans became the casual wear for men and women in the United States. As for Europe, here trousers were recognized as casual women's clothing only after the Second World War.

In 1964, Courrèges presented a women's evening trouser ensemble in Paris, and the taboo on ladies appearing in such an outfit was finally lifted. Pantsuits are at the peak of popularity. Dresses also appeared in the 1960s. In particular, they were also proposed by André Courrèges.

New inventions by designers

The dresses offered by the presenters at this time also created a sensation.

Pierre Cardin. In his 1964 "Space Age" collection, he presented models of the future, designed in simple geometric shapes, and they were made mainly from inorganic materials. Cardin's name first appeared in the fashion world in 1953. This ingenious designer buried the classic elegance of the 1950s, and his minimalist clothing became the forerunner of the clothes to come. In 1959, Cardin introduced his line of ready-to-wear dresses. So Pierre Cardin, who was at the zenith of his fame, established the production of ready-made dresses, produced under the patronage of his House High fashion. Moreover, in 1960 the designer began to design men's clothing, although until then it was completely closed area, controlled by fashionable tailors, in a system that has remained virtually unchanged since the French Revolution. Thus, Cardin influenced the birth of the “” style.

In the spring-summer 1968 collection, Saint Laurent introduced the style. The couturier transformed the hunting suit, turning it into everyday wear for women.

It was Saint Laurent's company that proposed a line of women's trousers, which later became fashionable casual wear. The student uprising in France in May 1968 also contributed to the increase in the popularity of the trouser style. It influenced changes in social values.

Emilio Pucci. The 1960s also saw popular outfits from - with their bright and bold color combinations reminiscent of the psychedelic designs that were fashionable at the time. Thin silk fabrics that were used to create such clothes were also relevant.

The era of artificial materials

New artificial materials opened up vast horizons for minimalist fashion and helped shape the synthetic style of the 60s. experimented with artificial materials back in the 1930s, but then it seemed more like an artist’s whims. In the middle of the twentieth century, synthetic fabrics began to be valued for their excellent functional qualities and unique textural properties. In the 60s, I was fond of plastic when creating my outfits. André Courrèges used vinyl.

In 1966 he made his debut in the world of Haute Couture. He finally refuted the idea that clothes can only be created using fabric and thread. One of his minidresses was made of aluminum plates and brass wire. The top and skirt from the spring-summer 1967 collection were made of aluminum disks connected with metal wire. The minidress from the spring-summer 1969 collection consisted of chrome plated steel and plastic discs connected by stainless steel rings.

In the 60s, mass production developed rapidly. However, thin handmade haute couture designers still remained unrivaled.

In the 1960s, there was a distinct resonance between op art (optical art) and pop art in fashion. Op art returned to its peak of popularity in the 1990s. Pop art, which used traditional painting methods to reproduce the things of consumer society in all their banality, quickly attracted everyone's attention. in 1966 he produced banana dress and fragile dress.

In the late 1960s, men under the influence began to let go long hair and wear clothes bright colors with and frills. This period was aptly nicknamed the “peacock revolution.”

60s style in the 21st century

The style of the early 60s was relevant in the fall-winter 2010-2011 season: fluffy midi skirts, wide belts. Sets in this style appeared in the collections of L’wren Scott, Dries van Noten.

In the fall-winter 2011-2012 season, the style of the 60s became one of the main ones. Miniskirts, high-waisted dresses, a-line dresses, short bright ones, polka dots, briefcase bags, and elegant suits came into fashion. Clothes in the style of the 60s were presented by Giambattista Valli, Jean Paul Gaultier, Prada,.

In the spring-summer season of 2013, straight-cut dresses in the style of the 60s with geometric prints, as well as a tuxedo, became fashionable. Dresses of this style were presented by Louis Vuitton, Prada, Marc by and. Shoes in the spirit of the decade became popular - pointed pumps with thin, not too high heels. They were presented by Louis Vuitton and. Makeup in the style of the 60s also became a trend of the season: black eyeliner combined with fair skin and graphic form eyebrows, metallic shadows and glossy lips. Pat McGrath for Louis Vuitton suggested peachy eyes, pink lipstick and full lashes. A classic of the era, the “floating line” on the eyelids in bright blue and green colors was recreated by Dick Page for Michael Kors. Val Garland for Mary Katrantzou did a daring cat eye with winged lines and natural lips. Guido Palau created ponytail in the style of the 60s for shows and Marc Jacobs, and for hairstyles in the style.

The music of the 60s in the USA and in the Land of the Soviets was significantly different - it was difficult to imagine that this was really the music of the same era. Rock walked across the world with a sweeping and nervous gait. Prohibitions and traditional cultural foundations were violated.

The great and decent Great Britain was shocked by how quickly different rock bands began to appear in it - it became one of the two main unique hot spots in the world in terms of music.

In 1963, Britain offered the world its secret weapon - four guys singing simple (at first glance!) lyrical songs and playing musical instruments. These were The Beatles, and their fifth single, “I want to hold your hand,” managed the almost impossible - it displaced American performers from the first lines of the American charts! Animals, The Zombies - all of them became the first signs of the “British invasion” into the musical world space.

In America, meanwhile, those destined to become legends of rock music were emerging from their garages. Rock was then called garage rock, mainly because its main leaders were those who only yesterday had borrowed their father’s garage for their first rehearsals. In such a seemingly everyday environment, real hits were born, which later tormented the hearts and souls of young and adult music lovers.

An alternative to garage rock, oddly enough, was the music that came from it. Complex, multifaceted psychedelic rock and avant-garde rock are the trends that have sank into the souls of those who lived at that time and their descendants for many years. Bob Dylan opened the way for all performers of such genres with his The Tambourine Man, and then it went on and on - The Doors, Jefferson Airplane, Frank Zappa... It was in the direction of psychedelic rock, as well as the avant-garde, that Pink Floyd first showed themselves. This music was closely related to the interest in illicit substances that young people were increasingly showing at that time. The musicians were inspired by psychedelic substances and created music that perfectly continued the line of the drug trance state. However, many of the bands that began to create their legacy at that time, on the wave of psychedelia, are perfectly listenable sober to this day - the reason for this, obviously, is the desire to create truly complex and high-quality songs that are remembered for a long time and do not go away from consciousness.

The Woodstock festival became a haven for hippies - and this culture at that time was becoming more and more popular and demanded attention, thirsting for appropriate music that could become their anthem. It all started with California Dreamin’ from the legendary The mamas and papas, and then it went from there. The Woodstock Music and Arts Fair in 1969 offered a generation in love with freedom, music and self-expression from the best artists of the era - from The Who to Janis Joplin, from Jefferson Airplane to Jimi Hendrix, from the Grateful Dead to Carlos Santana...

As for the sixties in the USSR, it should be noted that then interest in “overseas” groups and performers began to flourish. Slowly, recordings of The Doors, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, and Jimi Hendrix began to leak into the Land of the Soviets. They immediately found a lot of fans - and this was predictable, because the music of the sixties in the vastness of the USSR was very monotonous and did not reach such a flourishing and progress. For the first time, VIA began to appear, among which were the quite iconic “Gems”, “Pesnyary”, “Earthlings”, “Singing Guitars”. Russian rock had not yet begun to develop, but the original song was flourishing - it was in the sixties that Vladimir Vysotsky, Yuri Vizbor and many others brought the truth through music. For the USSR, everything was still ahead...