River flow lighthouse accident. The Techa River in the Kurgan and Chelyabinsk regions

The small coastal village of Dzhubga, not far from Tuapse, is one of the most popular Black Sea resorts. And there are many reasons for this, the main one of which is still easy transport accessibility: the settlement is the first on the route of tourists entering Krasnodar region along the M4 federal highway, called “Don”. Residents of nearby Krasnodar territories do not deprive the village of attention either. That is why during the holiday season, holidays in Dzhubga always attract many people, and the village itself is becoming prettier from year to year and makes every effort to justify the location of vacationers.

Geography and climate

Situated on the coast of the bay of the same name and surrounded by coniferous forests, the village stretches between two capes – Shapsukho from the east and Ezhik – from the west. Local climate belongs to the Mediterranean type, moderately humid. Summers are warm and sunny, and winters are mild and rainy. Snow falls extremely rarely and always melts instantly. This is not surprising given the average winter temperature of plus 10 degrees. Sea water in summer months It warms up quite quickly, so the swimming season starts in mid-May.


Archaeological sources give reason to believe that these places, like most of the Black Sea coast, were inhabited in ancient times. The main history of the land is connected with the Circassian tribes - Shapsugs, who are called the indigenous population of the Caucasus regions. There is a beautiful but sad legend telling about the etymology of the name of the village. In ancient times, a famous merchant had a beautiful daughter named Dzhubga. Her father was extremely jealous, protected her from prying eyes, allowed her to walk only at dusk and refused numerous suitors. But she still ran away with her beloved. Then the enraged Shapsug killed the young man. Having learned about the misfortune, the girl threw herself off the cliff and turned into a river. And to this day it gurgles in the vicinity of the resort. Out of grief, the father began to drink greedily sea ​​water and petrified - this is how the Hedgehog rock appeared, the bizarre outlines of which, overgrown with dense forest, resemble a prickly, disheveled animal.


Despite the fact that the village is quite compact, there are beaches for every taste and tourist request. The central village beach stretches for almost a kilometer. It is sandy and pebbly, well equipped and well maintained. There is a rental of sun loungers, umbrellas and other equipment. The entry into the water is smooth, the depth increases extremely slowly.

The “A-Sea” coast is delimited by breakwaters. The bottom is smooth and clean. The beach itself is equipped with canopies, benches and gazebos. The area is fenced, you can enter for an additional fee or with a guest card of the boarding house of the same name. Of course, the service here is organized at the highest level.

Beach "Dream Coast" is less noisy and crowded. It is easier to get to it from the A-147 highway, from which there is a special exit. There is a campsite here, there are showers, toilets, changing cabins, and gazebos. The beach strip is not wide, and the bottom is reefy in places - you need to be extremely careful.

For lovers of solitude and silence, the wild beaches of the coast are perfect. One of these is near Mount Hedgehog. There is no talk of any landscaping here; under your feet there are not always smooth stones and sometimes a dangerous bottom, so it is better not to go in this direction without beach shoes. But gorgeous views from the mountain are guaranteed.

Five kilometers from the center towards Gelendzhik there is a beautiful Blue Bay beach, known for its unique hilly landscapes. The sea here is especially clean, the shore is small-pebble. So the place is ideal for a family holiday with children.

And if you drive a little further from Dzhubga, in the direction Arkhipo-Osipovka, you can enjoy amazing beaches Inal Bay. This resort area is extremely popular for its deposits of healing blue clay. So you can set up a SPA center right on the beach.


Of course, we can’t help but mention water activities - excursions on boats and yachts to the open sea, special fishing, catamaran riding, water skiing and hydro scooters. There is a place for surfing and diving.

In addition to the standard beach holiday, Dzhubga offers many interesting attractions. Children will be interested in the Oceanarium, Dolphinarium, Penguinarium, Jurassic Park and amusement towns. The whole family should definitely go to the Water Park and enjoy two hectares of water activities. Adults will definitely be captivated natural beauty cascade Colonel's and Tenginsky waterfalls. For fans of extreme recreation, there are multi-hour and two-day excursions to mountain valleys on ATVs and jeeps.

In the river delta there is one of the oldest Caucasian dolmens, dating back to the 3rd century BC. Three-tier megalithic structure It is four meters long and is considered the largest on the entire coast.

How to get there

There are several options here. The nearest airport is in Gelendzhik. From there to Dzhubga - 85 kilometers. If you get there by railway– go to Tuapse, and then by minibus or regular bus. It was said above about a personal car: the federal highway “Don” leads from the center of Russia to the resort.

The name of this resort village, translated from the Adyghe language, sounds like “Valley of the Winds”. The village is very small, but it is extremely attractive for vacationers with its beaches and budget holiday prices. Surprisingly, it is more profitable to eat here in small cafes, although of course you can cook yourself. I will not describe local cafes, but rather tell you about local attractions, there are few of them, but they still exist.

City Beach. Since the village is a resort, it is quite logical to start your story from the beach. The beach is sand and pebbles, clean and well-groomed. It is equipped with everything you need and there are sun loungers, canopies and other amenities of civilization. Kids will certainly enjoy this beach, because there is a whole bunch of entertainment for them here - inflatable slides, frogs, bananas, etc. Adults can dispel the sun's bliss by riding a water scooter or renting a catamaran. Well, those who are quite happy with passively lying on the beach can add pleasant moments on your holiday by ordering a massage session. You don’t have to worry about your safety, since there is a group of professional lifeguards working on the beach. During the day it is fun and noisy, and when evening comes, cafes and restaurants open.

Snake Gorge. There is nothing to do here with children, I’ll tell you right away, and a little later you’ll understand why. This is a kind of gathering place for creative, informal people, hitchhikers and bards. The people are diverse and there are even very intelligent individuals. Essentially, this is a tent city. By the way, why this gorge was called the snake gorge is not clear to me personally, since not only will you not see snakes here, but you won’t find them even if you really wanted to. Mainly from living creatures, there are glowing crickets and crabs, which serve as a source of food for the residents of the tent city. Vacationers in this area are cheerful, but penniless, and that’s why they not only eat crabs, but also sell them. This area was chosen by informals for two reasons - the presence of a source with drinking water And close proximity with a nudist beach. I highly recommend not staying here, especially if you are with children and drunken orgies are an unacceptable sight for you, but as an excursion site, the snake gorge is quite suitable.

Nudist beach. This beach is not official. It is located one kilometer on foot from the central beach, if you move towards Mount Hedgehog. It attracts vacationers with its wildness, but oddly enough, there are always very few people here. The reason for this could be two things. Firstly, the beach itself is pebbly. Although it is clean, it does not have the slightest signs of civilization. Secondly, you need to swim very carefully, since the bottom is not level and large quantities there are stones and boulders.

Cape Shapsho. It looks like a piece of land that juts out into the river of the same name. You can call it mountain peak, whose height is 677 meters. It is located between the Rattled Gap and the river. The name of the cape, translated from the Adyghe language, sounds like “tamed horse.” Why it was given this name is incomprehensible to me, since even in the silhouette of the hill one cannot discern even the slightest hint of the outline of a horse. Anyway. In the river valley, at the very foot of the peak, people live in two villages - Defanovka and Moldavanovka. The nature here is very picturesque, but it is impossible to describe it in words, since this place is one of those that you need to see with your own eyes.

Dzhubga River. The length of the river is twenty-one kilometers. It originates on the slopes of the Greater Caucasus Range, and the mouth is the place where the village of the same name is located, and about which we're talking about. It is here that the river connects with the waters of the Black Sea, flowing into it. The waters of the river are relatively calm and you can even swim here. Vacationers prefer to swim in the sea and go on boat trips and excursions along the river.

Museum "Wonders of the Forest". It is located in the urban village of Dzhubga, on Chernomorskaya Street at number eight. The founder of the museum is a local and very gifted woodcarver Anton Mikhailovich Gzhelyak. No special building was allocated for the museum, since it is located where Anton Mikhailovich lived and created his masterpieces. Even if you forget the address where this museum is located, you can find it without any problems, because right in front of the house there is a wooden sculpture of an eight-meter dinosaur. In principle, this dinosaur is a kind of business card this place. The house is divided into two exhibitions, the first of which is presented in the form of personal belongings of the talented author, but the second includes most his works and there are about one and a half thousand of a wide variety of wooden figurines.

Water park "Dzhubga". Here's dessert. Just like a good housewife, I left the best for last. Surprised? I was no less surprised than you when I found out that in an ordinary urban village there is a very decent water park. So, this water park is the largest in the Tuapse region. Please note that there are slides here that have no analogues anywhere else in Russia. I can’t help but describe to you in a nutshell the Ufil Flying Boards slide. This slide is also called a flying slide and for good reason, since it has a lot of ups, downs and sharp bends. For adults, the real test will be the Tsunami slide, which is not allowed for children under the age of twelve. For the little ones there is a special swimming pool with safe slides. The water in the children's pool undergoes special filtration and if a child swallows water, there will be no consequences.
The water park is located in the village of Dzhbuga, on Novorossiysk Highway, building 10-A. Working hours are from ten in the morning to twelve at night. In the evenings, there are often parties for adults - foam parties. The cost of a ticket depends directly on the time of visit, for example from 10 to 14 the price of an adult ticket is 1200 rubles, and a child ticket is 800 rubles. From 14 to 19 - adults 1000 rubles, and children 600 rubles.

55.769444 , 60.733889 55°46′10″ n. w. 60°44′02″ E. d. /  55.769444° s. w. 60.733889° E. d.(G) (O) (I)(T) Estuary (T) Iset · Location 353 km along the right bank, Dalmatovo · Coordinates Coordinates:  /  (G) (O) (I)56.236667 , 62.950833 56°14′12″ n. w. 62°57′03″ E. d. /  56.236667° s. w. 62.950833° E. d.(G) (O) (I)(T) River slope 0.6 m/km Location
A country Russia Region Chelyabinsk region, Kurgan region
Water Register of Russia
Pool code
GI code 111200308
Volume GI 11 (issue 2)

Nuclear pollution

The Techa River was polluted as a result of the authorized and emergency discharge of liquid radioactive waste from the Mayak Production Association into an open hydrographic network.

The first contamination occurred in 1949. The reason was the forced shutdown of the plant’s evaporators due to inefficiency and the threat of their corrosion destruction due to multiple excesses of the design concentration of dichromate and other salts in liquid waste, high radioactivity waste vapors and gases during evaporation, the then unknown effect of increasing the rate of corrosion of metals and alloys under irradiation and for other reasons. Steel underground tanks built to store evaporated high-level liquid waste could not accommodate large volumes of unevaporated waste. To avoid shutting down Plant B, which reprocesses irradiated uranium, producing plutonium concentrate and high-level liquid waste, management nuclear project In 1949, led by L.P. Beria, decided to dump high-level waste from the enterprise directly into the river. Techa, which was envisaged by the project for the discharge of only low- and medium-level waste.

In 1949-1951, the bulk of radioactive nuclides were dumped: about 12 PBq of strontium-90, 13 PBq of cesium-137, 106 PBq of short-lived radionuclides. In the period from 1951 to 1956, the intensity of activity discharges in river system decreased by 100 times, and after 1956, intermediate level waste began to flow into the open hydraulic network in small quantities. However, during the period from 1949 to 1956, about 76 million m³ of radioactive wastewater entered the Techa River ecosystem, general activity by beta radiation 2.75 MCi.


The extended Techa River cohort includes 29,873 people born before 1950 and living on the banks of the river during any time interval between and 1960. For most individuals included in this cohort, information is available on vital status and causes of death. A dose-dependent increase in cancer mortality among cohort members was established. Preliminary estimates of the radiation risk of malignant neoplasms based on mortality data are presented. The analysis included 1,842 deaths from malignant tumors and 61 deaths from leukemia. Calculations show that about 2.5% of deaths from malignant tumors and 63% of deaths from leukemia in this cohort are associated with exposure to ionizing radiation(AI) .

Techensky cascade of reservoirs

Techa Cascade of Reservoirs (TCR) - complex hydraulic structures, owned by Mayak PA. TKV is a relatively closed system of four reservoirs (V-3, V-4, V-10, V-11) and channels in which low-level liquids settle radioactive waste and water-insoluble particles, including radioactive ones, formed during the operation of the Mayak plant, settle at the bottom. total area reservoirs is 67.4 km², and overall volume- 357.9 million m³.

The Techa cascade of reservoirs is an almost closed system. It is separated from the Techa, and therefore from the open hydrographic network, by a dam. Thus, the entry of radioactive nuclides into the Techa is possible only when the lakes of the Techa cascade overflow, or when the dam wears out - such a precedent is known (see section Sadovnikov’s criminal case)

Pollution of the Techa River also had a negative impact on the territory of the Khanty-Mansiysk region. Since 1999 due to high level water in animals (cows, horses) a blood disease is detected. All animals are destroyed. This fact the contamination of the Irtysh River (below Tobolsk) with radioactive substances is confirmed by facts: the residents of the area in the 1950s virtually all died, the main diagnosis was cancer, the official one was “acute heart failure.”

Criminal case of Sadovnikov

Water register data

According to geographic information system water management zoning of the territory of the Russian Federation, prepared by the Federal Agency for Water Resources:

  • Code water body in state water register - 14010500712111200003085
  • Code for hydrological knowledge (HI) - 111200308
  • Pool code -
  • Volume number according to GI - 11
  • Issue according to GI - 2

Tributaries (km from mouth)

  • 37 km: Shutishka river (lv)
  • 39 km: Borovaya river (lv)
  • 61 km: Baskazyk river (pr)
  • 88 km: Mezhevaya river (lv)
  • 201 km: Zyuzelga River (Zyuzelka) (pr)
  • 226 km: Mishelyak river (pr)


  • Mortality from malignant neoplasms in a cohort of persons irradiated on the Techa River: preliminary risk estimates. Krestinina L.Yu., Preston D.L., Ostroumova E.V.1, Ron E., Vyushkova O.V., Akleev A.V. Bulletin of Siberian Medicine, No. 2, 2005.
  • FSB investigators raided the Mayak chemical plant, which was dumping waste into the Techa River NEWSru.com
  • Radiation accident at Southern Urals in 1957 and the elimination of its consequences / Nikipelov B.V., Mikerin E.I., Romanov G.N. et al. - Vienna:, 1990. - P.373-403. - Russian
  • Medvedev Zhores Before and after the tragedy: Reflections on the causes and consequences of the Kyshtym nuclear storage accident. waste on Sept. 1957 Ural.-1991.- N 4. - P.97-116.
  • Despite the criminal case, new batches of spent nuclear fuel from Bulgaria and Ukraine will arrive at Mayak. Expert channel “UralPolit. Ru". Ural federal district. Media registration certificate: IA No. FS11-0602 dated February 26, 2006
  • National Atlas of Russia. Section No. 13. Federal agency geodesy and cartography
  • The State Duma forgave the pollution of water bodies - NewsInfo.ru. Registered by the Ministry of Press as a medium mass media“Tape “in the Center””, registration number EL No. 77-6583 dated October 22, 2002.
  • Resolution on the federal target program "Social and radiation rehabilitation of the population and territories of the Ural region affected by the activities of the Mayak Production Association" for the period until 2000
  • F. A. Bayramova “Nuclear archipelago or atomic genocide against the Tatars” - Atom atavynda yaki tatarlarga karshi atom genocides BBK 67.408 - 20.1 (2 Ros), B-18, Kazan: Ayaz publishing house, 2005, 304 pp. pdf version
  • Ecology of Ozersk

), flows into the Iset River in the Kurgan region (Trans-Urals).

The length is 243 km, the river drop is 145 m, the average slope is 0.6%.


The Techa River was polluted as a result of the authorized and emergency discharge of liquid radioactive waste from Mayak PA reactors into an open hydrographic network.

The first contamination occurred in 1949. The reason was the forced shutdown of the plant's evaporators due to inefficiency and the threat of their corrosion destruction due to multiple excesses of the design concentration of dichromate and other salts in liquid waste, the high radioactivity of exhaust vapors and gases during evaporation, and the then unknown effect of increasing speed corrosion of metals and alloys under irradiation and for other reasons. The steel underground tanks built to store evaporated high-level liquid waste could not accommodate large volumes of unevaporated waste. To avoid shutting down Plant B, which processes irradiated uranium, producing plutonium concentrate and high-level liquid waste, the management of the nuclear project, headed by L.P. Beria in 1949 decided to dump high-level waste from the enterprise directly into the river. Techa, which was envisaged by the project for the discharge of only low- and medium-level waste.

In 1949-1951, the bulk of radioactive nuclides were dumped: about 12 PBq of strontium-90, 13 PBq of cesium-137, 106 PBq of short-lived radionuclides. In the period from 1951 to 1956, the intensity of activity discharges into the river system decreased by 100 times, and after 1956, intermediate-level waste began to enter the open hydraulic network in small quantities. However, during the period from 1949 to 1956, about 76 million m³ of waste radioactive water entered the ecosystem of the Techa River, with a total beta radiation activity of 2.75 MCi.

  1. by air in the direction of the wind in the northeast direction, forming the East Ural Radioactive Trace (EURT) from the sources of the river. Techa a little before reaching Tyumen;
  2. by waterway to the east from the explosion site in diverging directions from (EURT) along the hydrographic direction of the Techa River. During the work to eliminate the consequences of the explosion, to prevent the spread of radiation by the population, sanitary protection protected zones were created in the most contaminated parts (EURT) and along both banks of the river bed. Techa. During 1958-1964 in the upper reaches of the river. Techa built 4 ponds to clean up pollution from the Mayak village. At the same time, Lake Karachay in the upper reaches of the river. The leak was overflowing with radioactive waste. For decades, they have been trying to fill it up to prevent water and wind erosion.

Radiation contamination of the river. The leak is passing narrow corridor along the riverbed. The specificity of this pollution is that water from the river has become impossible to use for drinking, watering livestock, and irrigation. At the same time, the territories outside the floodplain and tributaries of the Techa River, at least the right ones, are apparently practically safe for the population and economic use. By virtue of natural processes In nature, radiation is carried on a small scale to the areas surrounding the riverbed by small animals, birds, fish, and by the wind when silt dries after floods.

The discharge of radioactive waste into the reservoirs of the Techa River in small quantities continues to this day.


The extended Techa River cohort includes 29,873 people born before

Techa River

Techa River in the Muslyumovo area

Techa River

photo vmenchikh

Techa River

photo Kuzmin Viktor

Techa River under the bridge in the upper reaches

photo fishkapb

Direction from Ekaterinburg: Chelyabinsk
Distance to the nearest access point (in range): 100-200km
How to get there:

Distance from Yekaterinburg - 180 km. Distance from Chelyabinsk - 67 km.

The river crosses the entire Chelyabinsk region from west to east, so it is not difficult to find. For example, we are driving towards Chelyabinsk along the M-5 highway, turn into the village of Kunashak, and go to the village of Muslyumovo.

Average upper/lower depths: 3-5m
Length: 243km
Catchment area: 7600km 2
Tributaries: Tributaries: Shutishka River (37 km), Borovaya River (39 km), Baskazyk River (61 km), Mezhevaya River (88 km), Zyuzelga River (Zyuzelka) (201 km), Mishelak River (226 km).
Origins: originates from Lake Irtyash in the Chelyabinsk region at an altitude of 225 meters above sea level.
Width in upper/middle/lower reaches (m): 10-20
Cultural recreation: I don’t bank in the villages.
Pay: For free
Bottom: silt, sand.
A comment:

The river is fed by 80% snow, and through a network of swamps the Techa River is replenished with water from lakes: , , Bolshoy Kogan, , Minishty (Minshity), Temnoye, Uruskol, Sharypkol, as well as ponds: the city pond of the city of Kyshtym and the Pimenov pond on.

The Techa River is radioactive and any stay near it is dangerous to health and is prohibited by law!

Geographic coordinates of the source and mouth: source 55°46′9″ N. latitude, 60°44′3″ e. d., mouth 56°14′13″ N. latitude, 62°57′3″ e. d.
Mouth: The Iset River is 353 km from the mouth at an altitude of 79 meters above sea level.
Height difference from mouth to source: 146
Settlements on the coast: Ozersk, Muslyumovo village, Brodokalmak village, Russkaya Techa village, Nizhnepetropavlovskoye village, Lobanovo village, Anchugovo village, Verkhnyaya Techa village, Skilyagino village, Bugaevo village, Biserova village, Shutikhinskoye village, Pershinskoye village, Klyuchevskoye village, Zatechenskoye village, Dalmatovo. In all these populated areas the radiation level is exceeded. The Techa River is by far the most contaminated river near which people live.
Alloy capability: No.
Possibility of using motorboats: prohibited.
Lakes and reservoirs along the way:

The Techa River flows through Lake Kyzyltash (Kyzyl-Tash), also on the Techa River there is the Techa Cascade of Reservoirs (TCR) - a complex of hydraulic structures consisting of four reservoirs: V-3, V-4 (Metlino pond), V-10 and V -11 () and channels belonging to PA Mayak. The total area of ​​the reservoirs is 67.4 km², the total volume is 357.9 million m³. In the TKV, low-level liquid radioactive waste settles and water-insoluble particles, including radioactive ones discharged by the Mayak plant, settle to the bottom. TKV is separated from Techa by a dam, so getting radioactive substances into the river is possible only when the TKV overflows or when the dam leaks; such a precedent already occurred from 2001 to 2004.


The Techa River flows through the territory of Chelyabinsk and Kurgan regions. Belongs to the Irtysh basin district. Right tributary of the Iset River. There is enough on the Techa River fast rapids, because The elevation difference on the river is about 145 meters.

The Techa River was polluted from 1949 to 2004 by waste from the Mayak Production Association into the open hydrographic network. Pollution of the Techa River manifests itself very negatively: people are dying en masse from oncology and leukemia, and animals are getting sick.

Fish The following are found in the river: crucian carp, perch, chebak, pike, gudgeon, ide, tench, chub, ruff, there are very large specimens, but fishing is prohibited! Unfortunately, the river is often caught by poachers and the caught fish are later sold.