How to explain the endings of adjectives. Case endings of adjectives

Adjective suffixes

Adjectives complete vocabulary Russian language is as active as nouns, due to a variety of ways morphological education: from noun stems ( kind, plastic, bearish), adjectives ( red-brown, sweet and sour), verbs ( marketable, deceitful, grumpy). Most in a productive way formation is suffixal. In this case, suffixes, as a rule, are used depending on the part-speech stem. Thus, adjectives are formed from nominal stems using suffixes -enn-, -onn-, -an-(-yan-), -m-, -iy-, -ov-(-ev-), -iy- and etc.; from verbs - -chiv-, -nn-, -eat-, -im-, -ist- and etc.

Spelling of suffixes in denominative and verbal adjectives regulated by special rules

Suffixes of adjectives formed from nouns and adjectives

1. The suffix -iv- is written on stressed adjectives, suffix

-ev- - without accent : playful, beautiful, whiny, polite, but: aluminum, ermine, guest, mud, lobar, yeast, potassium, astrakhan, glue, bullet, steering, soy, core.

Exceptions: gracious, holy fool.

2. The suffixes -liv-, -chiv- are written only with a vowel and (in Russian there are no suffixes “-lev-”, “-chev-”): bizarre, sympathetic, conscientious, reckless.

In adjectives gutta-percha, enamel suffix -ev-, and the consonants ch, l are included in the root (gutta-percha, enamel).

3.Suffix -й (variant suffix -j-) written for adjectives formed from nouns with the suffixes -ik-, -nik-, -chik-, while k alternates with h : cab driver(cab), hunting(hunter), carpenter(a carpenter), colonel(Colonel), landowner(landowner). IN indirect cases These adjectives are written with the letter ь ( landowner, landowner and so on.).

In adjectives like froglike And froglike V unstressed position only e is written: turkey - turkey, old lady, boyish, feline(writing feline outdated).

4. The suffixes -ov-, -ovat-, -ovit- are written after hard consonants (except c); -ev-, -evat-, -evit- are written after soft consonants, after sibilants and c : whitish, businesslike, angular, homely, verbal, spongy, reddish, glossy, scarred.

5. The suffix -onk- is written after the back lingual g, k, zh; after other consonants the suffix -enk- is written: tall, light, dry; blue, cheap, trashy (from trashy), lukewarm.

6. In adjectives before the suffix -sk-, the final consonant stems of the noun from which the adjective is formed, in some cases remain unchanged, and in others they alternate or disappear :

1) the consonants d, t, z, s are preserved: abbot-sk-y, adjutant, Abkhazian, Vosgesian, Volgograd, Dutch, gigantic, amateurish, decadent, Canadian, Kronstadt, Kurdish, occupier, post office, positivist, Polesie.

If the stem of a noun ends in ts (or tsts), which is preceded by a vowel, then the suffix -k- is used in the adjective: Cherepovets (Cherepovets), Nitstsky (Nice), German;

2) the consonants k and ch of the bases of nouns alternate with c, while in adjectives it is written - To-: batrats-k-iy (farm-hand), burlatsky (burlak), gornyatsky (miner), kabatsky (tavern), Kalmyk (Kalmyk), permyak (Permyak), fisherman (fisherman), Slovak (Slovak), tkatsky (weaver).

For some adjectives, the final consonant of the base does not change and a suffix is ​​written -sk -: Uzbek-sk-iy (Uzbek), Tajik (Tajik), Uglich (Uglich);

3) if the stem of a noun ends in s, which is preceded by a consonant, then the final s in the stem of the noun disappears: Reims (Reims), Welsh (Wales), Odessa (Odessa), Cherkasy (Cherkasy).

Exception: Helsingfors (Helsingfors), Daugavpils (Daugavpils), Tammerfors (Tammerfors).

In adjectives Abosky(Abo is the Swedish name for the Finnish city of Turku), Bordeaux(Bordeaux), Tartu(Tartu) is written alone with (suffix -sk-);

4) in adjectives formed from Russian geographical names ending in sk, one s is written, since there is an overlap suffix -sk- on sk basics: Amur(Amursk), Omsk(Omsk), Privolzhsky(Privolzhsk). Foreign-language names of this type lose the finite k at the base, so ss is written in adjectives: Damascus(Damascus), San Francisco(San Francisco), Etruscan(Etruscan).

Exception: Basque(Basque), Oskskiy(oski).

7. In adjectives, the letter ь is not written before the suffix -sk-, if the noun stem ends in н or р: Amgun-sky (Amgun), Kuban (Kuban), Ryazan (Ryazan), Jaeger (jaeger), znakharsky (witch doctor), monastic (monastery), pisarsky (clerk).

Exceptions: a) adjectives formed from the names of the months: June, September, October, November, December (but: January), as well as the combination day-day; b) adjectives formed from foreign names: Sichuan, Taiwanese, Tien Shan.

8. The spelling of consonants before suffixes differs - at-, -an- in adjectives like plank, cobblestone: ш is written in cases where the sounds it denotes belong to the same morpheme (meaningful part of the word): planks-at-th- dosk-a (sch alternates with sk within one morpheme - root), wax-en-oh - wax.

9. Before the suffix -chat- the final c of the noun stem alternates with t: croup-chat(grain), ciliated(eyelash), tiled(tiles).

10. Adjectives end in -Insky:

1) if they are formed from nouns ending in -a, -ы (-и): Elninsky(Yelnya), Okhtinsky(Ohta), Mytishchi(Mytishchi), Taborinsky(Tabors);

2) if it is possible to form possessive adjectives in in from the corresponding nouns: Elizabethan(Elizabeth - Elizavetin), Mariinsky(Maria - Mariin), Olginsky(Olga - Olgin), sister(sister - sisters);

3) if the adjective is formed from a noun in English: military(warrior), Hellenic(Hellene).

In other cases, adjectives end in -ensky: Grozny(Grozny), Zarechensky(Zarechye), Kerch(Kerch), cemetery(cemetery), beggarly(beggar).

Adjectives Kolomensky(Kolomna), Krapivensky(Krapivna), Lebanese (Livny) and some similar ones are formed from nouns using the suffix -sk-, and the vowel e (denoting a fluent sound) is part of the root.

Adjectives Inzensky, Lopasnensky, Penza, Presnensky written with e according to tradition (although Inza, Lopasnya, Penza, Presnya).

13. In adjectives formed from the stems k, c, h, h is written before the suffix -n- (although it can be pronounced [sh]): mustard(mustard), peppery(pepper), fist(fist), starling n y (starling), lactic(milk), bakery(bun), boring(boredom).

In adjectives formed from stems ending in x, w is written before the suffix -n- : buckwheat(buckwheat), funny(fun), hectic(commotion).

Spelling variations everyday And everyday are equally valid, although the first is preferable.

Suffixes of adjectives formed from verbs

1. Suffixes -iv-, -liv- Verbal adjectives are written only with a vowel and regardless of whether they are stressed or unstressed: flattering, mellifluous, envious, talkative, hardy.

2. Suffixes -eat-, -im- are used to form adjectives with and without the prefix not- from Not transitive verbs, as well as from transitive verbs perfect form: -em- is written without stress, -im- - under stress: indescribable, indisputable, waterproof, unscathed, irresistible, irrefutable, invincible, unquenchable.

3. Suffix -ist- written only with a vowel and: bubbly, sparkling, quirky, hysterical, rolling. Wed. also for adjectives formed from nouns: clayey, broad-shouldered, glib.

Adjective endings

Adjectives are characterized by the fact that they do not have independent morphological features gender, number and case. These features are determined by the noun with which the adjective is combined, i.e. is subject to approval. In other words, the meanings of gender, number and case of an adjective are expressed syntactically.

1. Adjectives have endings similar to those of question word Which , which is given as a noun: with oars th(How them?) character, oh cheerful ohm(How ohm?) character etc.

It is necessary to distinguish:

a) for masculine and neuter adjectives singular graduation -ym(s) V instrumental case (by the wind How them ? fresh them, abroad How them ? far them ) and endings -om(s) in the prepositional case ( about the wind How ohm ? fresh eat, about abroad How ohm ? far eat );

b) for adjectives female singular ending -yu (-yu) in the accusative case ( the road How wow ? exactly wow, dawn How wow ? spring yuyu ) and endings -oh (-ee) in the instrumental case ( dear How oh ? exactly oh, the dawn How oh ? spring by her ).

2. B genitive case singular masculine and neuter adjectives ending -Wow(-his) the letter is written according to tradition G , although pronounced V, eg: kind, good, big, blue.

3. Possessive adjectives on -y, -ya, -ye, -y (hare, hare, hare, hare) in all cases except the nominative and similar ones accusative case male singular, written with ь: bearish, bearish, bearish, bearish, about bearish; bearish, bearish, bearish, bearish, bearish, oh bearish.

Such adjectives are formed from nouns using the suffix -j- (iot), so before the ending the separator ь is written as an indicator of this suffix.

4. Adjectives suburban, intercity, suburban are changed according to the solid variety of declension and are written with endings

-y, -y, -oe, -b/e; the adjectives nonresident, beskrayny change according to the soft variety of declension and are written with endings -y, -y, -ee, -oe(forms out-of-town And boundless- outdated). Adjective intercity has an option intercity.

5. Adjectives ending in -yny, have in nominative case masculine singular short form on -en: sultry - sultry, calm - calm, slender - slender. Exception: worthy - worthy.

Declension of adjectives

Like a flower cannot live without water and sunlight, so an adjective cannot live without a noun and repeats everything after it. Therefore, adjectives, just like nouns, change according to cases, that is, they are declined.

We decline the adjective solar.

I.p. sunny th day

R.p. sunny Wow day

D.p. sunny wow day

V.p. sunny th day

etc. sunny th during the day

P.p. oh sunny ohm day

The case of an adjective is determined by the case of the noun on which it depends. Let's look at an example.

Enjoy your new toy

To determine the case of an adjective new, first we determine the case of the noun toy. rejoice(to what?) toy. For questions to whom? what? The dative case answers. Adjective new repeats the case of the noun toy, therefore, is used in the dative case.

Spelling adjective endings

When declension of adjectives, the stress does not always fall on the case ending, and therefore it is impossible to determine by ear exactly which vowel letter should be written in this case.

Enjoy your new toy. At the unstressed ending of the adjective, either A or O is heard. A “mistaken” situation arises. To correctly write the unstressed case ending of an adjective, you must:

- ask an adjective a question from a noun,

- highlight the ending in the question word,

- write in the adjective the same ending that we highlighted in the question word.

Let's apply this algorithm to an example: enjoy the (what?) new toy.

In an adjective NEW the same ending ОY is written, which we highlighted in the question word Which?

The following poetic hint will help you successfully apply this simple spelling rule in practice and correctly write unstressed case endings of adjectives.

When there is an adjective

And it is absolutely necessary

Find out about the ending -

Attention attention! -

Run to the noun

And tell me kindly

Simple Spell

From all ignorance:

“Ene-bene, tufi-ros!

I need a question from you!”

There are no simpler rules in the world:

What's in the question is in the answer!

Let's determine which vowel letter should be written in the unstressed “mistaken” endings of the following adjectives.

Approach the old house. To home(Which one?). In the question word the ending OMU is clearly heard, we write the same ending in the adjective old.

Visit a distant lake. Using the algorithm, we ask on behalf of the noun lakes adjective question distant. At a lake(Which one?). We remember: the same ending in a question word is the same in an adjective, only after a soft consonant, E is written instead of O. At a lake(Which one?) far.

Buy an evening newspaper. Buy a newspaper(Which one?) evening


  1. Russian language. 6th grade / Baranov M.T. and others - M.: Education, 2008.
  2. Babaytseva V.V., Chesnokova L.D. Russian language. Theory. 5-9 grades - M.: Bustard, 2008.
  3. Russian language. 6th grade / Ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta. - M.: Bustard, 2010.
  1. ().
  2. ().

Match the adjectives in brackets with the nouns they refer to. Insert the missing letters where necessary, open the brackets.

1. In the (next) room, a deaf telegraph operator (Chekhov) was tapping on his machine. 2. The crow croaked at the top of its (raven) throat (Krylov). 3. For a long time my wife kept whispering to me some kind of nonsense about a despot-uncle, about the weakness of (human) in general and (young) wives in particular, about our (direct) obligation to give shelter to everyone, even (big ) sinners (Chekhov). 4. Round-faced, with a (good), very (clear) look (girlish) eye, I liked him (M. Gorky). 5. We saw (amazing) things at the (bird) market (Arsenyev). 6. The Dnieper turns silver like (wolf) fur in the middle of the night (Gogol). 7. The sea and sky merged into (blue) infinity (M. Gorky). 8. There is a lot of mud in (standing) water (proverb). 9. The fog was driven away by the (morning) breeze (Chekhov). 10. (Small) work is better than (big) idleness (proverb). 11. In general (pr..boring) life (Chekhov). 12. He specially kept a (dog) cook (Pomyalovsky). 13. A (small) woman with (big) eyes (Chekhov) was sitting at the table. 14. For the (“folk”) party... I chose the (wide) part of the river between the market and the (bishop’s) courtyard (Chekhov). 15. Wooden stakes were stuck into the sand of the spit, strewn with (fish) scales (M. Gorky). 16. The watchman Mikhailo Peskov (Gladkov) lived in the (neighboring landowner) forest. 17. (Spring cool) skyIt was getting dark, as if it was going higher (Platonov). 18. The (hot) sun was the mother of every blade of grass, every berry (Prishvin). 19. The (mighty) luminary rises (Turgenev). 20. The (blue) evening fog fell on the sea (Pushkin). 21. We discover worlds (distant), we conquer depths (blue) (Kalugin). 22. (Early July) left in the morning and rolled with a roar along the (postal) road of the brich..ka (Gogol). 23. Above the (smokeless red) flame of the fire hung a bucket on (Mushrooms) three..leg. 24. Meanwhile, the sun began to break through the (morning) darkness (Chekhov). 25. During the (hot summer) season, our horses are driven out for the night... to feed in the field (Turgenev). 26. Once during the (autumn mushroom) season, mushroom pickers (Kozlov) were riding in an electric car. 27. Chersky was seated on (fresh deer) skin (Aldanov). 28. In the evenings we talk about (future..shy) expedition..and (Kozlov). 29. (New) greenery babbles a song (new) and linden (pale..leaf), and (white) birch..nka with (green)oblique! (Nekrasov). 30. A puppy (Kozlov) ran up to the (chubby) boy. 31. Burning... bitter frost (Nikitin). 32. The air is transparent, fresh... and warm (Chekhov). 33. The forest was old and dense.. (Bubentsov). 34. Here I am wandering along the (high) road in the (quiet) light of the (fading) day (Tyutchev).

Spelling case endings of adjectives can be checked posing the question Which?, since the endings of the question word and the endings of adjectives coincide. The exception is the masculine nominative singular, where under stress the ending is written -Ouch(young Ouch man, field Ouch flower), and no accent is written th or -th(old th warrior, sin th handkerchief).

In the feminine gender in the nominative singular case it is written -and I or -yaya: new and I syn yaya sweater (which jacket?), and in the neuter gender it is written -oh or -her: new oh syn her coat (which coat?).

In the plural of all three genders the ending is written -s or -ies: new s syn no scarves, dresses, sweaters (which?).

In the masculine and neuter gender, the ending is written in the instrumental case of the singular -th or -them(answers the question what?), and in the prepositional - -ohm or -eat(answers the question which one?): admired the new th syn them suit (dress), talked about new ohm syn eat suit (dress).

In the feminine gender in the accusative case the singular ending is written -yy or -yuyu(answers the question which one?), and in the instrumental - -Ouch or -to her (-oh or -her) (answers the question Which? which one?): bought new wow syn yuyu jacket, admire the new Ouch (-oh) sin to her (-her) jacket.

After the sizzling at the end of adjectives under stress is written oh no accent is written e, For example: stranger O wow, great O wow, stranger O mu, big O mu; redhead e oh, more e go, red e mu, more eat at(compare with nouns).

After sibilants in adjectives under stress the suffix is ​​written -ov-(penny ov oh, hedgehog ov oh, brocade ov oh, canvas ov y), and no accent- suffix -ev-(plush ev oh, klu h ev water).

    Note. Something to remember writing a word desh ёв th(cf. cheaper).

IN short adjectives under stress after sibilants is written O: the food is hot O (O ending), funny O n (O fluent in suffix).

In adjectives on -th, -ya, -ye(fox, fox, fox) in all forms, except nominative and accusative cases of singular masculine gender (fox), before graduation is written b: fox b him, fox b him, fox b And etc.

Diminutive adjectives are formed using a suffix -enk-: syn yenk oh, fat yenk th; after g, k, x possible and -onk-, And -enk-: lay down onk th And lay down yenk yay, wide onk th And wide yenk oh, quiet onk th And quiet yenk th.

In the suffix -an-, -yan- forming adjectives from nouns, one is written n: leather en oh, sand en oh, silver yang oh, behind with the exception of three words: tree Jann oh, tin Jann y, glass Jann th.

In adjectives formed using a suffix -n- from nouns with a stem on n, spelled two n: kame nn oh, with nn oh, long nn th.

    Note. From such adjectives must be distinguished adjectives with one n: Yu n oh, sir n Ouch etc. (they Dont Have suffix -n-).

In the suffix -in- forming adjectives from nouns with the meaning of belonging or property, one is written n: goose in oh, sparrow in oh, donkey in th.

    Note. One n is written in a noun GOST in and I, which used to be an adjective: living room.

In the suffix -he N- forming adjectives from foreign words , spelled two n: division he N oh, revolution he N oh, constitution he N th.

In the suffix -enn- forming adjectives from nouns, two are written n: productions enne oh, celebrations enne oh, related enne oh, straw enne oh, cranberries enne th.

    Note 1. Adjective wind en th written with one n. Adjectives with prefixes formed from the word wind , written with two n: without wind enne oh, behind wind enne oh, under wind enne th and so on. It is necessary to distinguish adjectives wind en th(with suffix -en-) And wind yang Ouch(with suffix -yan-). Suffix -en- written in adjectives meaning “with the wind”: wind en and I weather (weather with wind), wind en oh summer (summer with the wind), as well as used in figurative meaning: wind en and I young woman, wind en oh behavior. These adjectives have a short form: the weather is windy, the girl is windy. Suffix -yan- used in adjectives meaning “driven by the wind”: wind yang and I mill, wind yang Ouch engine. These adjectives do not have a short form. With suffix -yan- the name of the disease is also written: wind yang smallpox(chickenpox).

    Note 2. In the first base compound adjectives spelled two n, if it is formed from an adjective with two n: wave nn o-tractor station(mashi station nn aya and tractor), wagon nn o-locomotive park(car park nn y and locomotive). But if the first stem is formed from a noun on n, then it says one thing n: wave n construction plant(machine construction plant), wagon n repair plant(wagon repair plant).

    Note 3. Nouns on -Nick--nitsa And -ness, formed from adjectives with two n, are also written with two n: morning nn y-morning nn IR; society nn y-society nn IR society nn itza-society nn awn; revolutionio nn th-revolution nn awn; production nn y-production nn IR; this nn y-tse nn awn, and educated from adjectives with one n are also written with one n: hemp n y - hemp n ik, sand n y - sand n ik, yu n y - y n awn.

    Note 4. With two n nouns formed using suffixes are also written -Nick-nitsa from nouns with a stem on n: be friends n a - be friends nn ir-friend nn itza, mosh n a-moshe nn ik-moshe nn itza.

Full adjectives with two n, save them in a short form: this nn this thing is the thing nn A.

Before the suffix -sk- letter b written after l(village - village b sk ii) and in adjectives formed from the names of months on ny, ry: December b sk th, November b sk th, Jun b sk th, july b sk th(exception: word January sk th).

In other cases, after n And R before the suffix -sk- letter b not written: horse n sk hey, hero - rich R sk th.

To distinguish suffixes -To- And -sk-, we must remember what with the suffix -To- qualitative adjectives are formed, which have a short form(bottom To th - low, narrow To й - narrow), and with the suffix -sk- - relative adjectives, not having a short form(Frenchman sk yy, Kyrgyz sk oh, Circassian sk y).

    Note. From nouns with a stem on k, h And ts relative adjectives are formed with a suffix -To- , and sounds To And h are replaced by sound ts: kaza To- kaza ts To oh, yeah h-tka ts To oh, no ts- mute ts To th. But in some, mainly bookish, formations sounds To And h do not change and the suffix is ​​used -sk-: Uzbek To-Uzbek To sk yay, Ugli h-coals h sk y, also Pfahl ts-pfal ts sk th.

Adjectives on -yny in short form ends with -en: calmly yny-calm en, it's clear yny-it's sunny en , except worthy yny- worthy in .

    Note. Short form participles honored from the verb honor written according to general rule: honored en .

Are being written With capital letter adjectives, formed from proper names using suffixes -ov-, -ev-, -in-, -yn-(Gave ev dictionary, Ivan ov oh childhood, Liz in and the doll, Zhuchk in s puppies, etc.) with the exception of phraseological combinations, used V figuratively , in which lost contact with own name (Adam ov oh apple, based ov and illness, sissy f ov labor, prokr y hundred bed, etc.).

Are being written with lowercase letter adjectives, formed from people's own names, if adjectives contain a suffix -sk- (T Urgenev sk"Notes of a Hunter" P Ushkin sk y style, l Ermontov sk prose, etc.).

    Note. Capitalized adjectives are written with a suffix -sk-, If they are part of names that have meanings "name, memory", For example: L Omonosov sk no reading, L enin sk and I bonus.

I. 1. Case endings The most convenient way to check adjectives is by asking the question which? in the required case, since the endings of the adjectives and the question coincide. The exception is the nominative (and similar accusative) case of the masculine singular.
In the nominative case of the singular in the masculine gender it is written -ой (with emphasis on the ending), -й
or -й (with emphasis on the base); in the feminine gender aya
or -yaya; in the neuter gender oe or -ee, for example: bright blue (green) color; bright blue paint; bright blue dress. In the plural of all three genders it is written -е or -е, for example: bright blue (colors, paints, dresses).
In the instrumental case of the singular number of masculine and neuter adjectives the ending -ym or -im is written (answers the question of which?), and in the prepositional case -om or -em (answers the question of which?), for example: we made our way through the gloomy, dense (what ?) forest; they talked about a gloomy, dense (what?) forest.
In the accusative case of the singular feminine adjectives, the ending -yu or -yu is written
(answers which question?), and in the instrumental oh or
-ey (-oh or -ey) (answers the question which? which?), for example: I see a beautiful morning (what?) dawn; I admire the beautiful morning (what? what?) dawn.
IN possessive adjectives na -iy, -ya, -e (hunting, hunting, hunting) ь is written in all forms except the nominative (and similar accusative) case of the singular masculine (hunting), for example: hunting dog, hunting rifle, hunting adventures etc.
In the short form of masculine singular adjectives, the following sibilants are not written: burning, brilliant.
236. Write it off. For adjectives, put in brackets the question they answer. Underline the endings.
Sample. In the blue (what?) sky the stars shine.
I. 1) A summer day is like a winter week. 2) Good, the case has lived for two centuries. 3) Yesterday... you can’t turn back the day. 4) In agreement, the wolf is not afraid of the herd. 5) Thin, you can’t catch fish with a net.
6) Bottomless... you can’t fill a barrel with water. 7) On the sharp side, I mow a lot. 8) On a summer night the dawn meets the dawn. 9) You can’t hide in thorny bushes.
II. 1) The fog was driven away by the morning breeze. (Ch.) 2) Tall grasses grow here and there through last year’s foliage. (T.) 3) The company of hunters spent the night in fresh hay. (Ch.)
It smelled of rain and fresh hay. (Ch.) 5) The chaise squealed at the slightest... movement. (Ch.) 6) Late.. at night, over the tired.. village, sleep reigns.. reigns, only the old woman, a hundred years old.., ancient.. he did not visit - he does not sleep. (N.) 7) A roar from the morning wind stretched across the tops of the forest. (Cor.) 8) With enormous... force, Nagulnov pushed the door with his left... shoulders. (School.) 9) Davydov sat at the table for a long time, gloomily... thinking... (Shol.)
Write it down, matching the adjectives in brackets with the nouns they refer to.
1) The Dnieper turned silver like (wolf) fur in the middle of the night. (G.) 2) We saw amazing things at the (bird) market. (Are.) 3) The Sitsa River is considered a (good, hunting) place. (Are.) 4) He [Sobakevich] threw half the (lamb) side onto his plate, ate it all, gnawed it, sucked it down to the (last) bone. The (lamb) side was followed by cheesecakes. (G.)
To complete the similarity, his tailcoat was completely (bear) in color. (G.) 6) The next day, at 8 o’clock in the morning, Anna got out of the (cab) carriage and rang the bell at the large entrance of her (former) house. (JI. T.) 7) The trapper inspects the (wolf and fox) trails in advance. (Ax.) 8) The (Wolf) gear sang howling. (Paust.) 9) Already behind the mountain (dense) the evening ray has gone out, barely a stream of (explosive) hot spring sparkles. (JI.) 10) The mustachioed (landowner) huntsman, waving across the ditch on his (agile) horse, takes the road away from the dogs. (N.)
Write it off by replacing full forms short adjectives. When (before or after replacement) is the statement expressed more categorically?
1) Hot frost. - The frost is hot. 2) The wind is sharp and fresh. 3) The borscht is hot. 4) Chintz is quite shedding. 5) The motive of the song is sluggish and drawn-out. 6) The answer is witty and brilliant.

In all (hare, hare, hare, about hare, hare, hare, hare, hare, hare, about hare). The exception is the nominative and accusative masculine singular (hare).

Adjectives ending in –chiy (sighted, wandering) in case forms are written differently. Due to the absence of the yot suffix in indirect cases soft sign V similar words Not . For example, a sighted pirate with a stray dog.

The words interurban, suburban, suburban are exceptions and end in -y, -oe (suburban, intercity, out-of-town), -aya (suburban, intercity, out-of-town), -y (suburban, intercity, out-of-town), due to a change in firm types of declension. The words beskrayny, nonresident change according to the soft variety of declension and end in –iy, -ee (beskrainye, nonresident), -yaya (beskrainaya, nonresident), -ie (beskrainye, nonresident). The spelling of these words must be remembered.

According to the site materials, based on the research of D. E. Rosenthal, adjectives ending in –yny, in the nominative case of the masculine singular have a short form that ends in –en. For example, slender is slender.



In good manners modern society is the ability to competently express one’s thoughts both orally and in writing. With the spread of computer technology and electronic communications, it has become easier to check spelling.


If you use a computer, then Word from the package may be suitable for checking Microsoft programs Office. Run it and select the “New” command from the “File” menu. Start typing. As you type, the program will check your , and erroneous ones will be highlighted with a red underline, offering correction options through a context menu called by right-clicking the mouse.

You can use Internet resources to check spelling. Launch your browser and type in the address line, and then press the Enter key. You will see the verification page interface in the form of a large text field. Enter text or paste a previously copied passage, and then click “Check Text.”

A similar service can be used by Use the multilingual spell checking resource of the Advego service, which is located at Try Orangoo, an alternative multilingual service. To do this, go to the page

If you need automatic correction of words with , the services on the page will help with this or a service with extended functionality at

Video on the topic


  • Yandex.Speller in 2019

Tip 3: How to check unstressed ending noun

Name and correct writing endings are studied at school. With time, simple rules are forgotten and errors begin to appear. Remember what you need to do to check the unstressed ending name noun.


Names differ by gender: masculine, feminine, neuter. The ending of a noun depends on case and declension. To ending, first determine the declension of the noun. Repeat: 1st declension – masculine, feminine, gender, endings A, Z; 2nd declension – husband. gender zero ending, 3rd declension – feminine. gender zero ending.

Next, determine the case of the noun. If the word is written in the genitive case and refers to the first declension - Y-I; second declension - A-Z; third declension - I. If the word is in the dative case of the first declension - E; second declension – U-Yu; third declension – I. If the word is in the prepositional case of the first declension – E; second declension – E; third declension – I.

If a noun of the first declension is in name the corporal case ends with A, in the prepositional and dative singular write E - about the water(s), about the galley(s), to the youth(s). If the noun is feminine in name the corporal case ends in the FL, in the genitive and dative cases write I. For example, from arm(s), to discussion(s). The same rule applies to proper names - to Mari (and), about Mari (and).

Nouns plural feminine, ending in A, write without if the word has a hissing, for example, barge - barge, theft - theft, grove - grove. If a feminine noun ends in TL and the emphasis is on ending does not fall, in the genitive case write IY - arm(s), parod(s), excursion(s). If the emphasis is on ending falls, for example, bench(es), write to HER - bench(es).