Qualitative relative or possessive how to define. Qualitative and relative adjectives

Almost every schoolchild knows that brokers work on stock exchanges, but few people really have a clear idea of ​​who brokers are, why this work is considered so prestigious, what these same brokers actually do and how they earn money.

Let's shed some light on the mysterious profession of a broker and the essence of his work.

So, a broker can be either physical or legal entity, he plays the role of an intermediary between the seller and the buyer in the market valuable papers. A broker is an experienced stock exchange player and professional financier to whom the client entrusts his right “on behalf” (that is, on behalf of, on behalf of and at the expense of the customer) to carry out any transactions with securities. In this case, the broker receives profit in the form of a commission, which is measured as a percentage of the transaction amount. But the broker does not necessarily act in the interests of the customer, but only directly carries out instructions for placing orders on the market. At the same time, the importance of a broker in the securities market is due to the fact that private traders do not have the right to directly carry out transactions with securities, thus, in any case, they are forced to resort to brokerage services.

In Russia, brokerage activities are subject to mandatory certification in Federal service on financial markets, as well as each broker operating on a specific exchange must be accredited within this exchange.

In addition to the main functions, brokers can also provide other types of services, namely:

  1. Dealing trading is the provision by a brokerage firm of a workplace equipped with all necessary equipment and software and information support that facilitates successful work on the exchange.
  2. Custody services are services provided by a brokerage firm for the safekeeping of securities, titles, and other documents owned by a trader.
  3. Providing brokerage leverage is a service, the essence of which is that the broker provides the trader with credit funds as collateral. The main advantage of using such a financial instrument is that leverage allows you to use financial resources that are hundreds of times greater than the trader’s own capital. In addition, such a loan is available and does not require large number various guarantees and large collateral. Leverage is considered in the ratio own funds to credit and is expressed in a ratio, for example, 1:200. This ratio means that for one monetary unit 200 units of borrowed funds are provided.
  4. Investment research and fundamental analysis of the stock market, as well as establishing contacts with sellers and buyers of securities on behalf of the trader.

In addition to brokers who represent the interests of clients on stock exchanges, there are so-called Internet brokers. Such specialists provide their services via the Internet and work on Internet exchanges such as Forex, providing an uninterrupted supply of information to the client, conducting analytical research on stock markets, and also providing the client with technical support.

It should also be noted that the range of work of brokers is not limited to the securities market: there are brokers who serve financial cooperation between shipowners and charterers, buyers and sellers (for example, mortgage brokers, customs brokers), insurers and policyholders (insurance brokers).



a set of properties, characteristics of products, goods, services, works, labor that determine their ability to satisfy the needs and demands of people, meet their purpose and requirements. Quality is determined by the measure of compliance of goods, works, services with the conditions and requirements of standards, agreements, contracts, and consumer requests. It is customary to distinguish between the quality of products, work, labor, materials, goods, and services.

Raizberg B.A., Lozovsky L.Sh., Starodubtseva E.B.. Modern economic dictionary. - 2nd ed., rev. M.: INFRA-M. 479 pp.. 1999 .

Economic dictionary. 2000 .


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    Wed. property or accessory, everything that constitutes the essence of a person or thing. Quantity means count, weight and measure; to the question of how much: quality; to the question of what, it explains the goodness, color and other properties of the object. People understand the quality of a person in... ... Dahl's Explanatory Dictionary

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In a sentence, an adjective is most often a modifier, but can also be a predicate. Has the same case as the noun it refers to.

Classes of adjectives[ | ]

Discharge is the only constant morphological feature of this part of speech. There are three category adjectives: qualitative, relative and possessive.

Qualitative adjectives[ | ]

They denote a characteristic that can be present to a greater or lesser extent.

As a rule, they have the following symptoms:

  • combined with the adverbs “very” (and its synonyms) and “too” ( very big, too handsome, extremely smart).
  • from qualitative adjectives it is possible to form
    • compound adjective by repetition ( delicious-delicious, big-big).
    • cognate adjective with prefix Not- (not stupid, ugly).
  • have an antonym ( stupid - smart), and sometimes a hypernym ( big - huge)

Some qualitative adjectives do not satisfy all of the above criteria.

Most qualitative adjectives, and only they, have two forms: full ( smart, delicious) and short ( smart, delicious). The full form changes according to numbers, genders and cases. Short form - only by gender and number. In a sentence, the short form is used as a predicate, and the full form is usually used as a definition. Some qualitative adjectives do not have short form (friendly, amiable) . Others, on the contrary, do not have full form (glad, much, must, need)

Possessive adjectives[ | ]

Indicate that an object belongs to a living creature or person ( paternal, sisters, fox). They answer the question “whose?”, “Whose?” Possessive adjectives can become relative or qualitative: hare (possessive) fur, hare (qualitative) soul, hare (relative) trace.

General information [ | ]

The boundaries of the lexico-grammatical categories of adjectives are flexible. So, possessive and relative adjectives can acquire qualitative value: dog tail(possessive), dog pack(relative), dog life (quality).

Declension of adjectives[ | ]

Adjectives are declined according to cases and inflected according to numbers, in singular also vary by gender. The exception is short adjectives and comparative adjectives: they are not declined. In addition, there are a number of indeclinable adjectives: Komi people, khaki, gross weight.

The gender, case and number of the inflected adjective depend on the corresponding characteristics of the noun with which it agrees. Indeclinable adjectives are usually found after the noun; their gender, number, and case are determined syntactically by the characteristics of the corresponding noun: beige jackets.

  • solid: red th, red Wow, red wow
  • soft: syn th, syn his, syn to him
  • mixed: great Ouch, more Wow, more them.

Formation of adjectives[ | ]

Adjectives are most often formed in a suffixal way: swamp - swamp. Adjectives can also be formed by prefix: small, and prefix-suffix ways: underwater. Adjectives are also formed in a complex suffix way: flaxseed cleaning. Adjectives can also be formed by combining two stems: pale pink, three-year-old.

Quality is the most important consumer characteristic of a product or service. Its required level can be achieved based on criteria determined by the enterprise itself or, for example, those contained in state standards. In some cases, the corresponding indicators are formed based on consumer expectations. What is meant by the term “quality” in the environment Russian experts? What could be its main signs?

Definition of quality

Many researchers associate the concept of quality with a set of certain properties, appearance, conditions of use of the product, which characterize the product in terms of its purpose. The corresponding characteristics also form the requirements that the product must meet, both at the level of design documents and in terms of the actual consumer properties of the already manufactured product.

Quality and market

IN market economy the concept of quality largely correlates with the laws of demand. That is, the corresponding characteristics of the product are determined primarily by the consumer. If a manufacturer meets such expectations, then his products will be purchased. At the same time great importance In this communications formula, price also matters. The fact is that high quality a product, as a rule, involves significant costs for the manufacturer to develop the required product concept, to purchase the necessary materials, and to monitor the release and acceptance of the product. Therefore, high quality of a product most often means its subsequent sale in the appropriate price segment. The question is whether the buyer will be ready to purchase a product, even a high-quality one, at a set price.

Quality indicators

The concept of quality involves determining the characteristics of a product based on certain indicators. Among them:

Product purpose criteria;

Product reliability indicators;

Product characteristics in terms of standardization;

Ergonomic criteria;

Aesthetic indicators;

Product characteristics in terms of compliance with patent laws and legal acts in the field of intellectual property protection;

Characteristics in terms of product safety.

Let us now study how the quality of a product can be assessed.

Quality assessment: objective methods

It can be produced on the basis wide range methods. Let's look at the most popular ones.

So, there are objective methods for determining quality.

Among these is the measuring one. It involves identifying numerical quality indicators. Based on information that is generated during activation technical tools and other measuring instruments (for example, chemical reagents). The use of resources is carried out taking into account the established quality assessment methodology. Through measurement it is possible to identify external characteristics product or some of its performance properties. The concept is associated with the need to accurately determine the relevant parameters. The measuring method in this sense can be irreplaceable. Accuracy is its main advantage.

There is a registration method by which the quality of a product can be assessed. It is based on observation and subsequent calculation of the number of certain events, precedents, goods produced, or costs associated with their production. Using the registration method, you can determine, for example, the number of incorrect operations when starting mechanisms that are present in the product. Also, when using the tool in question, you can classify products into certain types, for example, first-class and second-class.

In some cases, a calculation method may be used. The concept of quality can be associated, as we noted above, not only with finished products, but also with the stages of its design development. The calculation method can thus be used to model the quality of the finished product at the time of its design. The initial data when using the appropriate tools can be informational resources(For example, specifications individual parts or mechanisms that are present in the structure of the product) or materials that have specific properties (which, in turn, can be a significant factor in the formation of the performance properties of the product).

Heuristic methods

The concept of product quality can also be associated with involvement in determining the appropriate characteristics of a product.

Among these is organoleptic. It involves determining the quality of a product, in which the human senses play the main role. When using the organoleptic method, the smell, taste of the product, some of its physical properties. If necessary, the person studying the product can use auxiliary equipment: microscopes, gas analyzers, microphones, etc.

Among other heuristic methods, expert. The concept of product quality also presupposes its regular use to determine certain characteristics of the product. The main role when using the appropriate method is played by experts - people with specialized education or the necessary experience in determining the required product parameters. The opinion of these experts may play a role decisive role, and can perform auxiliary function. In some cases, the assessment of experts is of decisive importance when comparing results obtained using other heuristics or objective methods product quality research.

Sociological methods are also commonly classified as heuristic methods, despite the fact that in many ways they are similar to those classified as objective. Yes, the results opinion polls, in essence, are captured through registration approaches. However, the interpretation of the results obtained corresponds to heuristic criteria.

The quality of goods in an enterprise most often involves the use of several methods in question, as well as others that are common in research communities. It all depends on the specifics of a particular product and the characteristics of the conditions for its production at the enterprise.

Quality criteria

We explored the definition of the concept of “quality”, as well as some of its possible indicators. Let us now study the key types of criteria within the framework of which the corresponding characteristics of products can be determined. The concept of quality level involves the study of product characteristics related to several key categories.

So, there are general criteria. These may include, for example, the dimensions of the product, its volume, grade, and material of manufacture. The criteria under consideration are general ones, since the corresponding parameters can be exactly the same for a group of products. Despite the fact that each of them can be characterized by the specific internal structure.

There are complex criteria. They assume that several product characteristics that are interconnected will be taken into account at once. This could be, for example, the product's ability to operate using multiple power sources, such as a wall outlet and a battery. The quality of a product can be assessed, on the one hand, based on possible quantity hours of battery life, as well as battery charging speed.

There are, in turn, single criteria for the quality of goods. They can be classified into those that characterize the product in terms of reliability, level of manufacturability, ease of use, standardization or, for example, economic efficiency. As a rule, these criteria are sufficiently isolated. Although, of course, some of them can be considered in the same context.

For example, a high-tech product in many cases implies ease of use. But this is not always the case, since manufacturability can mean not only the way a product is controlled, but also the materials used to make it. It may well turn out that a product of lower quality in terms of the raw materials used in production is more convenient to use than one made from high-tech materials.

Enterprise system

Concept and on modern enterprises, as a rule, take the form of a system. That is, the requirements for certain characteristics of goods are stable; they are reproduced over time. As a rule, they are fixed in standards and norms. Systemic nature quality control at enterprises ensures the constant release of goods that meet the required consumer properties. The presence of uniform norms and standards makes it possible to increase economic efficiency production. Standardization can also be carried out at the level legal regulation. The corresponding criteria thus become mandatory not only for a specific enterprise, but also for a particular industry or the economy of the state as a whole.

The concept of product quality management involves multi-stage control of the release of goods for compliance with standards and norms that are approved by the state, industry or local sources of law. The study of the relevant characteristics of a product can be carried out both at the stage of its development (we said this above), and during its production or at acceptance. The subjects of product quality control can be both internal corporate structures and government agencies.

Priorities of the state and business

At the very beginning of the article, we noted that the quality of goods produced by enterprises in a market economy largely correlates with the laws of demand. On the one hand, consumers can form a certain set of criteria that, in accordance with their expectations, products produced by a particular brand must meet; on the other hand, the client expects a product at an acceptable price. In this regard, commercial enterprises have a need to standardize business processes, as well as to ensure quality control of manufactured products, for obvious reasons. If a company does not carry out the necessary regulation and monitoring of production, it will simply be uncompetitive.

But what could be the state's interest in standardizing the quality of goods produced by commercial enterprises? It can be explained by several reasons.

Firstly, the standardization of goods for the state is a social necessity. The fact is that the consumer, expecting the required level of quality of certain products, conveys his opinion to the manufacturer indirectly, through market mechanisms of demand. The state, in turn, facilitates communication between the consumer and the supplier at the level of substantive information messages in the form of laws that set out standards. Compliance with them will help businesses supply the market with goods that people need so much.

Secondly, the state in most cases is a subject international relations. Its task is to ensure competitiveness national economy. The introduction of standards at certain levels of production may well contribute to this. The fact is that individual enterprises do not always have access to necessary criteria competitiveness of business processes. In turn, specialists developing state standards, as a rule, are necessary requirements they know perfectly well.

Thirdly, standardization is important for the state in terms of ensuring the sustainability of industries economic system, primarily industry. If each enterprise produces goods according to its own standards, then there may be much fewer buyers of such products than if the company adheres to state standards: The parameters of the corresponding products may simply not be compatible with those needed by the consumer. The norms prescribed in the laws form, as a rule, criteria for product compatibility that are uniform for the entire industry or even the market as a whole. Such unification facilitates communication between producers of goods and their consumers, and, as a result, ensures the stability of the country’s economic system as a whole.

Quality of services

So, we have studied the basic concepts of quality characteristic of production sector. But there is a large number of other activities modern man, in relation to which the term in question is applicable.

So, if we talk about business, there is the concept of quality of services. Their provision differs very significantly from the supply of goods, despite this, the corresponding characteristics may largely coincide. As well as methods.

Services, unlike goods, are quite difficult to characterize in terms of external signs. The fact is that the object of their provision in most cases perceives the result of the service provider’s activities very individually. Standardization of services is quite framework in nature. And in this sense, a possible deviation of an enterprise from the desired norms may already be a factor in increasing competitiveness. A hairdresser, by offering a client a creative haircut that was previously unknown in salons, can dramatically increase its popularity among consumers.

Regarding the service sector, quality factors, as in the case of the production of goods, are largely determined by the laws of demand. However specific needs The service provider most often finds out the client empirically on an individual basis, and not on the basis of average preferences based on declared individual clients wishes, or norms fixed at the level of state standards. An enterprise providing services has, in many cases, greater freedom to set prices, limited, as a rule, only by the level of competition in a particular market segment, or, if the segment capacity is small, by the level of demand, depending on solvency and other social characteristics target audience consumers.

Social aspect of quality

There is a term “quality of life”. Its concept is interpreted very ambiguously by researchers. Some experts believe that it directly correlates with a person’s income level. Other researchers believe that “quality of life” is a concept in to a greater extent ecological, having to do not so much with the economy as with the environment. Some experts view the corresponding term in terms of perfection social institutions. Thus, the concept of quality of education, the level of development of medicine, laws adopted in the state can be directly related to the category under consideration.

Eat psychological interpretations the term in question. Thus, there is the concept of “personal quality”. Their interpretation in some cases can be completely subjective. Personal qualities is an evaluation category. Same psychological characteristics may be interpreted different people in a different way, based on a personal vision of their usefulness and significance for a particular subject of society.

What makes a person’s speech (whether written or oral) most understandable? Without what would she be poor and expressionless? Of course, without adjectives. For example, if you read the word “forest” in the text without definitions, you will never understand which one is meant. After all, it can be coniferous, deciduous or mixed, winter, spring, summer or autumn. The Russian language is great. The qualitative adjective is a direct confirmation of this. In order to vividly and accurately present any picture, we need this wonderful part of speech.

Meaning and main features

An adjective is a name indicating the attribute of an object, that is, its properties that contain characteristics of quality, quantity, belonging. For example, they give a definition by color, taste, smell; indicate an assessment of a phenomenon, its nature, etc. Usually questions are asked to it: what (th, -th)? what is (-a, -o)? whose(s)? This is a significant (independent) part of speech.

The grammatical ones include:

  • variability by gender (for example, red - masculine, yellow - female, green - average);
  • declension by cases (let's check: nominative - sandy, genitive - iron, dative - morning; instrumental - evening; prepositional - about night);
  • the possibility of a short form and degree of comparison (qualitative adjectives);
  • changeability by numbers (for example, blue is singular, blue is plural).

Syntactic role

  • The most common position for an adjective in a sentence is the modifier. It most often depends on a noun and is completely consistent with it. Consider the sentence: Deep footprints were visible in the snow. The tracks (what?) are deep. An adjective is a subject-dependent adjective expressed by a noun. Graphically indicated
  • Ability allows an adjective to be the main member of a sentence - the subject. ( For example: The patient was admitted to the hospital in serious condition.)
  • Quite often, what adjectives are found as part of the predicate in the form of a nominal part? Quality in short form. ( Compare: He was weak from illness. - The boy was weak. In the first case, the main member is a verb, in the second - an adjective in a compound nominal predicate.)

Adjectives: qualitative, relative, possessive

This part of speech has three categories, differing in both form and meaning. Let's look at all their features for comparison in the table.

Quality Relative


This feature of an object has varying degrees manifestations in him. One may be redder or whiter, while the other may be smaller or larger.

Only they can form phrases with such adverbs as “not enough” and “extremely”, “very” and “extraordinarily”, “too”.

Capable of having a short form: strong, invincible, glorious.

Only qualitative adjectives can form degrees of comparison. Examples: sweeter, kindest, tallest.

From them they can be obtained Difficult words by repeating: darling-darling, blue-blue.

The sign they designate does not contain more or less degree, as qualitative adjectives. Examples: one nail cannot be more iron than another, and there is no such thing as the greatest clay pot in the world.

They indicate the material from which the object is made or composed: a wooden floor, a sandy beach, gold jewelry.

Show location or proximity to something: sea region.

Evidence of time: February snowstorms, evening promenade, the year before last.

The quantity is determined: a three-year-old child, a one and a half meter pointer.

The purpose of the item is revealed: a sewing machine, a regular bus, a loading platform.

They do not have a short form or degrees of comparison.

They indicate that this item belongs to someone or something. If the tail is a fox, then it is a fox, the hat could be grandma's or dad's.

The main distinguishing feature is the question “whose”?

Quality varies

It is worthwhile to dwell in some more detail on the most flexible definitions in use and word formation, which are known as quality adjectives. Examples of their meanings are incredibly varied. They may indicate:

  • on the shape of the object: multifaceted, round, angular;
  • its size: tall, wide, huge;
  • color: orange, dark green, purple;
  • smell: stinking, fragrant, odorous;
  • temperature: cold, lukewarm, hot;
  • sound level and characteristics: quiet, loud, booming;
  • overall rating: necessary, useful, unimportant.

Additional exclusivity

There are more features, which you need to know so as not to confuse qualitative, relative and possessive adjectives with each other. So, the first of them have the following features:

  • the formation of new words using the prefix “not”: a sad person, an expensive product; or diminutive suffixes: gray - gray - grayish;
  • the ability to select synonyms: cheerful - joyful; bright - brilliant; antonyms: cold - hot, evil - kind;
  • adverbs ending in -o, -e originate from qualitative adjectives: white - white, gentle - tenderly.

More about degrees of comparison

They also only have qualitative adjectives. Examples of the formation of a simple comparative degree: more visible, darker, longer. Composite comparative is a phrase: “less” or “more” is added to the adjective: less hard, softer.

The superlative degree is called that because it indicates the predominance of a characteristic in one object over other similar ones. It can be simple: it is formed using the suffixes -eysh-, -aysh-. For example: the most faithful, the lowest. And compound: the adjective is used in combination with the word “most”: the most wonderful, the deepest.

Can adjectives change their category?

And again it is worth remembering the broad capabilities of the Russian language. Everything is possible in it. Therefore, it is not surprising that qualitative, relative and possessive adjectives in a certain context change their meaning according to category.

For example, in the phrase “glass beads” everyone understands that we're talking about about beads made of glass. But “glass arguments” are already a metaphor, these are completely fragile, fragile arguments. We can conclude: the relative adjective (first example) has turned into a qualitative adjective (second example).

If you compare the expressions “fox hole” and “fox character”, you can see how the belonging of animal housing passes into the quality of human nature, which means possessive adjective has become high quality.

Let’s take two more phrases as an example: “hare’s trail” and “hare’s hat.” The prints of the animal are not at all the same as the headdress made from it. As you can see, a possessive adjective can turn into a relative adjective.