Specific needs compared. Satisfying their specific needs in comparison with similar objects, before

The most famous distinction between the concepts of “need” and “need” belongs to Karl Marx. By “need” he understood a person’s urgent desire to receive a vital benefit, for example, food, clothing, housing, etc. This also includes the desire to protect oneself from such undesirable situations as loneliness, mortal dangers, illnesses, etc.

“Need” is a need that takes a specific form. For example, when in need of food, a person has a need to consume pasta, canned food or other dishes and products that he likes most, or he has the opportunity to consume them exclusively due to a certain financial income, health and well-being, living in a certain region, etc. .d. Thus, need is a personal characteristic of a person that distinguishes him from other people.

Karl Marx divided needs into individual and collective, into material, which are satisfied with the help of goods, and intangible, satisfied by receiving certain services.

Differences between the concepts of “need” and “need”

One of the main differences between needs and wants is the insatiability of the former and the saturation of the latter. This means that a person needs food, water, shelter throughout his life, which makes these needs insatiable. Needs are often satisfied once: having purchased a particular product or received a certain service, a person ceases to feel the need for them for a certain time or forever.

There is currently debate about classifying certain human desires as needs or wants. This may include the desire to communicate. In fact, communication is an integral part of a person’s life, but at the same time a person can exist without it and without negative consequences. The same goes for love, intimacy and procreation - for some people this is a vital need, while for others it is an ordinary need.

Needs occupy one of the central places in philosophy, legal and other disciplines, since they are important factors in human existence. The image and meaning of a person’s life, his goals and aspirations, his attitude towards other members of society, etc. are most often built on them. It is important to be aware of your desires, distinguish positive needs from negative ones and try to achieve what you want.

Headhunting. Technologies for effective recruitment. Competition, shortage, recruitment, personnel assessment Baksht Konstantin Aleksandrovich

Questionnaire “Needs Satisfaction Analysis”

In fact, this questionnaire (an important nuance!) does not show satisfaction of needs, but just the opposite - degree of unsatisfaction of this need:

If the sum of points is less than 14, then the need is considered satisfied;

From 14 to 27 points – zone of partial dissatisfaction of needs;

From 28 to 42 points – expressed dissatisfaction with this need.

How to fill out this form? 15 statements are taken. Each of them is compared with the other 14. Each time you choose which of the two compared statements is closer to your heart. What would you like more – “to achieve recognition and respect” (statement No. 1) or “to have warm relationships with people” (statement No. 2)? The number of the statement you choose is written down in a triangle sign.

Then, when all comparisons have been made, you must count for each option how many times you chose it. An important nuance: the number of the next option (for example, 8) can appear not only in the column under the number of the corresponding option, but also diagonally to the left-down from the top of the column to the left of this option (for 8 - to the left-down from the top of column 7).

Please note how the example form is filled out! The dotted line shows where the numbers for options 8 and 11 are located in the table.

Then, summing up the scores for certain triplets of statements, you get the degree of dissatisfaction of five levels of needs:

“Material needs” – statements No. 4, 8 and 13 are summarized;

“Security needs” – statements No. 3, 6 and 10 are summarized;

“Social (interpersonal) needs” – statements No. 2, 5 and 15 are summarized;

“Recognition needs” – statements No. 1, 9 and 12 are summarized;

“Needs for self-expression (self-development)” – statements No. 7, 11 and 14 are summarized.

PLEASE NOTE: The sum of the number of times you selected each of the 15 statements must be equal to 104 points! Similarly, the sum of points for all five levels of needs should also be equal to 104 points. If you get significantly fewer points, the results are calculated incorrectly. Most likely, the number of times a given statement was selected was summed up only by the column of that statement. And they didn’t look down to the left from the top of the column. If you get many times more points than you need, most likely you also made a mistake in the calculation. They added up not the number of times a given statement was selected, but the values ​​in the cells. For example, the 15th statement was chosen four times. And the result was written down not as 4, but as 15 + 15 + 15 + 15 = 60. This is also an error.

Before us, of course, is Maslow’s classic pyramid of needs. However, in this case too, much depends on the correct interpretation of the results.

Level 1 needs are material needs. Define selfishness applicant.

Level 2 needs determine how much the applicant strives for reliability and stability in work. To a large extent developed needs of the 2nd level may indicate potential loyalty applicant. Also, if the needs of the 1st level are low, and the needs of the 2nd level are expressed, this does not mean that the applicant does not really need money. This may rather indicate that it is extremely important for the applicant to have a certain stable income.

It’s not bad for a businessman that the 1st level of needs is developed to an average level (for example, 18–22 points). Provided that the 2nd level of needs is developed in the same way or almost the same (16–20 points or higher). But if the 1st level of needs is strongly expressed, and the 2nd is weak (less than 10 points), this is a bad sign. Before us is a selfish and disloyal man.

On the contrary, for an accountant-cashier it is good if the 1st level of needs is low, and the 2nd is quite high. Why do we need excessive selfishness in a person who works with money? But high loyalty is always what you need!

The 3rd level of needs shows how much a person lacks quality personal communication. If the result for the 3rd level of needs is low, great! And the lower, the better. Before us is a sociable person who easily establishes relationships with other people. On the contrary, if the score for the 3rd level of needs is high, this is always alarming. This means that this person has a clear lack of quality personal communication. Perhaps he is an unsociable person, a misanthrope. It's difficult to get along with other people. For some professions, such as a programmer, this may be a consequence of how a given person’s work is structured. But if outwardly a person seems sociable, and the 3rd level of needs is high – what’s the matter then? Perhaps serious complexes are hidden behind the outward sociability? Or this person recently moved from another city. This also happens.

The 4th level of needs is the desire for reputation, image, status. If the result for the 12th statement - “I want to ensure myself a certain influence in society” - gave a high score (from 10 to 14), we have a clear desire for a career and power. By the way, what do we have in the Belbin Test and in the Command Staff Questionnaire? If in one place we have a clearly expressed desire for power, and in another – not a trace of careerism, it is possible that the applicant is lying. Or trying to fake test results.

If the score on the 12th statement is low, perhaps everything is limited by the desire to obtain a higher status. And/or be the best professional in your field. The second option is very likely if this person also has seriously developed Level 5 needs.

Level 5 of needs – needs for professional and personal growth, working on oneself, achieving professional and personal goals. Before us is a person who works on himself, is engaged in self-development, loves to learn, and is purposeful.

My favorite type for leadership positions is low 1st and extremely low 3rd level of needs, fairly pronounced 2nd level, high 4th and very high 5th.

The applicant who filled out the questionnaire from our example is very selfish (level 1 – 31 points). His desire for stability, reliability and loyalty is developed slightly above average (level 2 – 24 points). His ability to build relationships with people and trusting personal relationships is more than fine (level 3 – 5 points). A very high desire for reputation, image, status (4th level - 30 points) and especially for power over people (12th statement - 14 points out of 14). But he has almost completely no desire for personal and professional growth and development (level 5 – 14 points).

Clearly dangerous combinations.

High level 3 needs. At the same time, the 4th level of needs is high, and the result for the 12th statement - “I want to ensure a certain influence in society” - is from 10 to 14 points. A person with obvious problems with trusting communication, with difficulties in relationships. Most likely, with a bunch of problems and complexes. And at the same time – striving for power. Dangerous combination.

If, while the 2nd level of needs is low, the 1st level is extremely high (28 points or higher), we have a thief in front of us. Or, in any case, a person who, on occasion, could easily become a thief if given the opportunity.

It’s even worse if the 1st level of needs is extremely high (28 points or more). Levels 2 and 3 of need are low – only a few points each. Level 5 is low or not very high. At the same time, the 4th level of needs is extremely high, and the result for the 12th statement - “I want to ensure a certain influence in society” - is from 12 to 14 points. Before us is an extremely selfish person who is interested in power as much as money, or even more so. At the same time, his loyalty is practically zero. But high sociability and the ability to establish relationships with others make him even more dangerous. Such an employee may try to steal not money from the cash register, but the entire business. Or at least take a piece of your business. At the same time, he will not stop at setting you up, leaking information to competitors or the tax office or even order You. Hiring such employees into your team is deadly.

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Motivation is the process of determining the needs and motives of employees and creating conditions to satisfy these needs. The generally accepted hierarchy of human needs according to A. Maslow reflects their quantitative decrease from simple physiological to complex spiritual.

A) 15 statements are evaluated in pairs and compared with each other. Let us determine the degree of satisfaction of each need, comparing each one in turn with the subsequent ones. That is, first we compare the first need with the 2nd and write down the more preferable option for ourselves in column 1 (line 1), then compare 1 need with the 3rd and write down the more preferable option in column 1 (line 2), then compare 1 need from the 4th and write the more preferable option in column 1 (line 3), etc. until the 1st column is filled. Column 1 will contain the numbers: either 1 or the number of the preferred need being compared. After this, we proceed to compare need 2 with all other subsequent needs (3rd, 4th, etc.) and fill out column 2. After this, we compare the 3rd need with all subsequent ones (4th, 5th and etc.), filling out column 3.

We will similarly work with all the needs of the table and fill in all 15 columns. For a more effective comparison, we put the phrase before the comparison: “I want more... (need 1, etc.) than... (compared need).”


  • 1. Achieve recognition and respect.
  • 2. Have warm relationships with people.
  • 3. Secure your future.
  • 4. Earn a living.
  • 5. Have good people to talk to
  • 6. Strengthen your position.
  • 7. Develop your strengths and abilities.
  • 8. Provide yourself with material comfort.
  • 9. Increase the level of skill and competence.
  • 10. Avoid trouble.
  • 11. Strive for the new and unknown.
  • 12. Secure yourself a position of influence.
  • 13. Buy good things.
  • 14. Do something that requires full dedication.
  • 15. Be understood by others.

Table 1 Comparison of needs

After filling out the table, we will determine how many times we gave preference to each need in the entire table, not taking into account the numbers of the first title line, i.e. how many times units occur in the entire table (need 1) and is indicated in the final row in column 1; how many times the number 2 (need 2) appears in the entire table and is indicated in the final line in column 2; how many times the number 3 (need 3) appears in the entire table and is indicated in the final line in column 3, etc.

The maximum number in the resulting table row can be 14.

Let's select the 5 needs that received the greatest importance and arrange them in hierarchy. These are my main needs, i.e. what I desire most.

table 2

  • B) we will arrange the needs in accordance with A. Maslow’s 5-level hierarchy of needs.
  • 5 - needs for self-expression (self-realization);
  • 4 - need for recognition and respect;
  • 3 - social needs (communication);
  • 2 - need for security;
  • 1 - material needs.

Human needs are shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1 Hierarchy of needs according to A. Maslow

To determine the degree of satisfaction of the 5 main needs, it is necessary to calculate the sum of the numbers at 5 levels, as follows:

  • 1) material needs are determined as the sum of the total figures of the columns - art. 4 + art. 8 + art. 13 = 8 + 13 + 2 = 23;
  • 2) need for security - art. 3 + art. 6 + art. 10 = 13 + 7 + 3 = 23;
  • 3) social needs - art. 2 + art. 5 + art. 15 = 9 + 3 + 3 = 15;
  • 4) the need for recognition - art. 1 + art. 9 + art. 12 = 8 + 7 + 9 = 24;
  • 5) the need for self-realization - art. 7 + art. 11 + art. 14 = 7 + 7 + 4 = 18.
  • 6) calculate the sum of points for each of the 5 levels.

Figure 2 Needs satisfaction schedule

The constructed graph shows 3 zones of satisfaction for 5 needs. A score of no higher than 14 reflects satisfaction of this need, from 15 to 27 - partial satisfaction, over 28 - dissatisfaction of the need.

According to this graph, all 5 considered needs have not reached the zone of dissatisfaction, all my needs are in the zone of partial satisfaction, and social needs, according to the graph (Figure 2), are mostly in the zone of satisfaction.

In satisfying needs, and they are different for different people, it is important to know their content side.

Nowadays, there are many different types of need classifications. It should be noted that the classification of needs causes considerable difficulties, since it is not easy to decide what to base it on.

In the domestic scientific literature, needs are usually divided into material, spiritual and social. Material needs are called primary; they underlie human life. These needs were formed in the process of socio-historical development of man. The entire history of people's struggle with nature was, first of all, a struggle to satisfy material needs. Spiritual and social needs reflect the social nature of a person, his socialization. However, it must be emphasized that material needs are also a product of human socialization.

According to the method of satisfaction, needs are divided into individual, which a person can satisfy himself (purchase of a TV, refrigerator, food, etc.), and public, requiring general efforts and large expenses (for example, building roads, airports, maintaining public order, etc.) .

The problem of classification of needs in foreign science was dealt with by Thomas, F. Herzborg, K. Levin, A. Maslow, Z. Freud, K. Obukhovsky, K. Horney and others.

Foreign scientists do not so much classify needs as list them.

Sociologist Thomas (1924), answering the question: “What is the minimum number of needs that must be satisfied in order for a person to function normally,” lists four basic human needs:

need for security,

need for recognition

need for friendship

the need for new experience.

The most harmonious system of needs was given by A. Maslow. He grouped them into groups:

  • 1. Physiological needs - needs for what a person cannot live without, including air, food, liquid. These needs (of the average citizen) are met by 85%.
  • 2. The need for self-preservation - confidence that our psychological needs will be consistently satisfied in the future. This need is satisfied by 70%.
  • 3. The need for society and love - the need to communicate with others like oneself, the desire to be loved. She is 50% satisfied.
  • 4. The need for recognition, self-esteem - the desire to assert oneself, to earn the respect of people. This need is satisfied by 40%.
  • 5. The need for self-expression, self-respect - to realize your potential as fully as possible. Only 10% satisfied.

K. Obukhovsky’s general needs are divided:

I. Self-preservation needs:

  • 1) physiological,
  • 2) indicative.

II. The need for reproduction (preservation of the species).

Physiological needs are understood as a state of health (digestion, sleep, etc.).

“Indicative” means that the object of the need is human activity and external situations related to orientation in the environment. They are satisfied individually. Three factors have been identified that determine the progress of individualization. They are concretization, mentalization, socialization.

  • 1. Specification of ways to satisfy needs is based on the fact that each need is satisfied in a certain way. The number of these methods is limited, since “the willingness to use ineffective ... methods fades, while the use of other methods becomes consolidated.” This is the process of forming individual behavioral traits (including consumer behavior) of a person.
  • 2. Mentalization is based on the reflection in consciousness of the content of the need or several of its aspects. It makes it possible for a person to consciously participate in specifying ways to satisfy needs. Mentalization significantly influences the process of satisfying needs.
  • 3. Socialization of ways to satisfy needs is based on their subordination to certain values ​​of the culture within which our life takes place. Culture consists of ideas, technologies, behaviors, rules, rituals and traditions passed down in a society from generation to generation. Culture is thus learned through social interaction rather than acquired at the genetic level. Culture “is a broad system that provides man with better opportunities to solve specific problems that arise in the course of adapting to the environment and satisfying needs.”

Without going into a discussion of the question of why Ershov finds similarities in two people who are completely distant from each other in terms of intellectual development and interests, let us briefly consider the content of these classifications as presented by P. M. Ershov.

Dostoevsky divided the many interests and needs of people to complicate their content into three groups:

Needs for material goods necessary to maintain life.

Needs of cognition.

The needs of a global unification of people.

Hegel has 4 groups:

Physical needs.

The needs of law, laws.

Religious needs.

Needs of cognition.

The first group, according to Dostoevsky and Hegel, can be called vital needs; the third, according to Dostoevsky, and the second, according to Hegel, by social needs; the second, according to Dostoevsky, and the fourth, according to Hegel, are ideal.

Berezhnoy N.M. in his book “Man and His Needs” he identifies the following large groups of needs:

Basic needs: These are universal needs that are common to all people. Basic needs include: biological, material, social, spiritual needs.

Group of value-oriented needs. They can be distinguished: reasonable and unreasonable (perverted) needs, true and false, progressive and regressive.

Biological (natural) needs

These are the universal primary needs of the life of the body, the normal functioning of the human body: the need for nutrition and excretion, the need to expand living space, childbirth (reproduction), the need for physical development, health, communication with nature.

Submitting to the call of his nature, a person is encouraged to take actions aimed at immediately satisfying biological needs. Natural needs are manifestations of that instinct of life that are characteristic of man as well as of the entire species of animals.

Material needs.

Material needs are the means and conditions for satisfying biological, social and spiritual needs.

Among the variety of these needs, Marx identified three needs: food, housing and clothing. The norm of material needs is determined by the level of development of material production existing in the country, the presence of natural resources in it, a person’s position in society, and the type of activity. One norm is for a miner, another - for an entrepreneur and businessman, a third - for a scientist and statesman, etc. The norm of material needs should provide each individual with normal conditions for his work and other activities, comfort of life and transport, recreation and restoration of health, conditions physical and intellectual development. All material needs and methods of satisfying them taken together determine a person’s standard of living.

It should be emphasized that material needs are not unlimited. They are quantified for each country, each region and each family and are expressed in such concepts as “food basket”, “living wage”, etc.

Social needs.

Unlike biological and material needs, social needs do not make themselves felt so persistently; they exist as a matter of course and do not prompt a person to immediately satisfy them. It would, however, be an unforgivable mistake to conclude that social needs play a secondary role in the life of man and society.

On the contrary, social needs play a decisive role in the hierarchy of needs. At the dawn of the emergence of man, in order to curb zoological individualism, people united, created a taboo on owning harems, jointly participated in hunting wild animals, clearly understood the differences between “us” and “strangers,” and jointly fought the elements of nature. Thanks to the prevalence of needs “for another” over needs “for oneself,” a person became a person and created his own history. The existence of a person in society, being for society and through society is the central sphere of manifestation of the essential forces of man, the first necessary condition for the realization of all other needs: biological, material, spiritual.

Social needs exist in an endless variety of forms. Without trying to present all manifestations of social needs, we will classify these groups of needs according to three criteria:

needs for others;

needs for oneself;

needs together with others.

Needs for others are needs that express the generic essence of a person. This is the need for communication, the need to protect the weak. The most concentrated need “for others” is expressed in altruism - the need to sacrifice oneself for the sake of another. The need “for others” is realized by overcoming the eternal egoistic principle “for oneself.”

Need “for oneself”: the need for self-affirmation in society, the need for self-realization, the need for self-identification, the need to have one’s place in society, in a team, the need for power, etc. Needs “for oneself” are called social because they are inextricably linked with the needs “for oneself” for others,” and only through them can they be realized. In most cases, needs “for oneself” act as an allegorical expression of needs “for others.” P. M. Ershov writes about this unity and interpenetration of opposites - needs “for oneself” and needs “for others”: “The existence and even “cooperation” in one person of opposite tendencies “for oneself” and “for others” is possible, as long as we are not talking about individual or deep-seated needs, but about the means of satisfying one or another - about auxiliary and derivative needs. The claim to even the most significant place “for oneself” is easier to realize if at the same time, if possible, the claims of other people are not affected; the most productive means of achieving egoistic goals are those that contain some compensation “for others” - those who claim the same place, but can be content with less ... "

Needs "together with others." A group of needs that expresses the motivating forces of many people or society as a whole: the need for security, the need for freedom, the need to curb the aggressor, the need for peace, the need for a change in the political regime.

The peculiarities of the needs “together with others” are that they unite people to solve urgent problems of social progress.

Spiritual Needs

As we noted above, any need is characterized by a focus on some subject and encourages a person to master this subject.

Biological need encourages a person to master the universal resources of life, material need has as its subject the material means of satisfying all needs, social need encourages a person to master forms of communication and connection with other people. The subject of spiritual need is spirituality. Spirituality is the desire to overcome oneself in one’s consciousness, to achieve high goals, to follow personal and social ideals, and universal human values. Spirituality is also manifested in the desire for beauty, for the contemplation of nature, for classical works of literature and art. Lack of spirituality is one of the main reasons for the loss of humanity in a person; alcoholism, drug addiction, cynicism of prostitution, immorality - all those vices that hinder social progress. An unspiritual person is an alienated person, he is alienated from the sublime form of his being.

Spiritual needs are the desire to acquire and enrich one’s spirituality. The arsenal of spirituality is infinitely diverse: knowledge about the world, society and man, art, literature, philosophy, music, artistic creativity, religion.

Value-oriented needs.

The basis for identifying this group of needs is the classification of needs according to the criteria of their humanistic and ethical orientation, according to their role in the lifestyle and comprehensive harmonious development of the individual.

Based on these criteria, one can distinguish between reasonable and unreasonable (perverted) needs, true and false, progressive and destructive needs.

Let's consider reasonable and unreasonable needs. Reasonable needs are needs, the satisfaction of which contributes to the normal functioning of the human body, the growth of the prestige of the individual in society, its humane development, and the humanization of all aspects of social life. The following criteria for reasonable needs can be distinguished:

  • 1. A sense of proportion in satisfying needs, without leading to personality degradation.
  • 2. Harmonious combination of different needs. Even a spiritual need cannot be recognized as reasonable if its satisfaction is achieved through the suppression of other (natural and material) needs. In this sense, the saying: “Even if there is one, but a fiery passion,” cannot be considered appropriate.
  • 3. Correspondence of needs to the abilities of the individual and the availability of means for their implementation.
  • 4. Manageability of needs. Reasonable needs can be called those needs that are controlled by a person, and not vice versa, when needs control a person.

The formation and satisfaction of reasonable needs is a noble and honorable task of the system of public administration, education and upbringing, and the entire way of social life.

Unreasonable needs are a group of needs that create dead-end situations in the functioning of the human body, in the development of the individual, harm the interests of society, and if they are misaligned, lead to the degradation of human society and the dehumanization of all social relations. The range of irrational needs is extremely wide: from smoking to narcotic acupuncture.

Perverted (harmful) can be called those needs that, if satisfied, lead not only to the destruction and cynical violation of the moral and legal norms of human society, but also, in their extreme manifestations, contribute to the degradation of human nature and a dead end in the development of the “human” race.

This is an excessive need for alcohol, drugs, homosexuality and lesbianism, and some plastic surgeries.

This is how the famous German philosopher G. Marcuse defines false needs in his book “One-Dimensional Man”: “False” are those that are imposed on the individual by special social interests in the process of his suppression: these are the needs that perpetuate hard work, aggressiveness, poverty and injustice. Their satisfaction may bring considerable satisfaction to the individual, but it is not a happiness that should be protected and protected, since it fetters the development of the ability to recognize the illness of the whole and find ways to cure it. The result is euphoria in the face of misfortune. Most of the prevailing needs (to relax, to have fun, to consume and behave in accordance with advertising models, to love and hate what others love and hate) belong to this category of false needs."

But what needs does Marcuse call true needs? “Only primary needs have an unconditional right to satisfaction,” writes G. Marcuse, “food, clothing, housing in accordance with the achieved level of culture. Their satisfaction is a prerequisite for the satisfaction of all needs, both non-sublimated and sublimated.” And further: “The optimal task remains the displacement of false needs by true ones and the renunciation of repressive satisfaction.”

One of the most popular classifications of needs belongs to X. Murray. Needs are divided primarily into primary needs and secondary needs. There are also differences between explicit and latent needs; These forms of existence of needs are determined by the ways of satisfying them. In terms of functions and forms of manifestation, introverted needs and extroverted needs differ. Needs can be expressed at the action or verbal level; they can be egocentric or sociocentric.

According to H. Murray, the list of needs is as follows:

dominance - the desire to control, influence, direct, persuade, hinder, limit;

aggression - the desire to shame, condemn, mock, humiliate in word or deed;

search for friendships - desire for friendship, love; good will, sympathy for others; suffering in the absence of friendly relations; the desire to bring people together and remove obstacles;

rejection of others - the desire to reject attempts at rapprochement;

autonomy - the desire to free yourself from all restrictions: from guardianship, regime, order, etc.;

passive obedience - submission to force, acceptance of fate, intrapunitivity, recognition of one's own inferiority;

need for respect and support;

the need for achievement - the desire to overcome something, surpass others, do something better, reach the highest level in some activity, be consistent and purposeful;

the need to be the center of attention;

the need for play - preference for play over any serious activity, desire for entertainment, love of witticisms; sometimes combined with carelessness, irresponsibility;

egoism (narcissism) - the desire to put one’s own interests above all else, self-satisfaction, auto-eroticism, painful sensitivity to humiliation, shyness; a tendency towards subjectivity when perceiving the outside world; often merges with the need for aggression or rejection;

sociality (sociophilia) - oblivion of one's own interests in the name of the group, altruistic orientation, nobility, compliance, concern for others;

the need to search for a patron - expectation of advice, help; helplessness, seeking consolation, gentle treatment;

need for assistance;

the need to avoid punishment - restraining one's own impulses in order to avoid punishment and condemnation; the need to take into account public opinion;

the need for self-defense - difficulties in admitting one’s own mistakes, the desire to justify oneself by citing circumstances, to defend one’s rights; refusal to analyze your mistakes;

the need to overcome defeat, failure - differs from the need to achieve with an emphasis on independence in action;

need to avoid danger;

the need for order - the desire for neatness, orderliness, accuracy, beauty;

the need for judgment - the desire to pose general questions or answer them; a penchant for abstract formulas, generalizations, passion for “eternal questions,” etc.

The free encyclopedia Wikipedia provides the following classification of needs:

The needs are distinguished:

by areas:




by object of need:





by functional role:




by origin:


simple purchased

complex acquired

by subject of needs:





In K. Alderfer's classification, three groups of needs are distinguished: existence, connection and growth. Existence needs correspond to the first two groups of Maslow's needs, communication needs correspond to the third and fourth groups; growth needs - the fifth group. This scheme, like Maslow's scheme, has a hierarchical structure.

D. McClelland identifies the needs of achievement, participation and power. These needs do not have a hierarchical structure; they interact depending on the individual psychology of a person.

One of the most famous is F. Herzberg’s two-factor theory of needs. According to this theory, all factors that determine human behavior in an enterprise can be divided into two groups, hygienic and motivating. Herzberg proposed to include sanitary and hygienic working conditions, ensuring physiological needs, as well as the needs for safety and confidence in the future. Motivating factors are correlated with the needs of self-expression and development.

Considerable attention is paid to the analysis of needs in domestic literature on psychology and sociology. In particular, V.I. Tarasenko considered two groups of needs: existence and development; V. G. Podmarkov - three groups: security, vocation and prestige.

Comparative analysis of needs classification.

Before making a comparative analysis of the types of needs classifications, I would first like to identify the advantages and limitations of each classification given in the first chapter.

Unfortunately, sometimes training programs are developed and implemented without sufficient analysis and planning, and training is introduced because everyone else is doing it, and at the same time imitate firms using some special programs. They are copied as if it were the latest fashion, without anglicizing whether such a style really suits the needs of a particular case."

In some branches of the electrical industry, they are further divided into sub-sectors. The signs of the formation of sub-sectors are mainly constructive, dimensional and dimensional in nature (dimensions, power, voltage, current, principle of operation) and thus differ from the signs of the formation of the industry. An indispensable feature of the sub-industry is the presence of its own production base, which ensures the ability to satisfy certain national economic needs with a specific type of electrical products.

The proposed methodology makes it possible not only to plan the values ​​of individual indicators, but also allows you to hone the economic strategy of the university, i.e. combine its development and implementation within one dynamic process - an optimization model. It is only an element of strategic planning, but in no way a substitute; its use must be adapted to the conditions and needs of a particular university.

The main goal of an integrated approach to planning the reproduction of light industry goods is the constant resumption of production of competitive products to meet the needs of a specific market with lower total costs per unit of useful effect compared to the best similar products on this market.

AIS is created to meet the information needs of a specific user, and he is directly involved in its work. The functioning of AIS in this case means the solution of problems by the user on the basis of information software, which were created by designers and other specialists at the stages of design and preparation of the process of automating information processing.

Today, banks do not have a very good idea of ​​what they will need tomorrow, and if they do, they cannot clearly formulate and present to development companies their requirements in the field of AIT. First of all, this relates to the insufficient development of banking and the lack of competent goal setting. Replicated (standard) ABS differ significantly from custom-made (individual) ones in terms of manufacturing and implementation technology. If a custom development is adjusted immediately in accordance with the current needs of a particular bank, then a replicated one changes when new needs become widespread and appear in many banks. Thus, the ABS market satisfies the new needs of banks with a significant shift in time, which will consist of the time of understanding and formalizing the bank’s new problems, and then the creation of systems by the ABS development companies of time for design, programming and comprehensive debugging of the entire system as a whole.

This predetermines the main legal feature of the tax - the unilateral nature of its establishment. Since the tax is levied to cover public needs that are separate from the individual needs of a particular taxpayer, the tax is individually gratuitous. The payment of a tax by a taxpayer does not give rise to a counter-obligation of the state to do anything in favor of a specific taxpayer.

Various incomes. With this form, the freedom of local authorities is quite insignificant, because in this case the amounts of collected tax revenues are divided between budgets of different levels. The procedure and conditions for this division are established by the central government, either according to the needs of specific regions, or according to certain standards (population, volume of tax revenues, etc.).

When drilling wells and maintaining fixed assets in working order in the process of oil and gas production, specific types of materials of a certain quality, size, type and range are used, corresponding to technical projects and technological schemes. Determining the specific need for material resources is achieved by specifying the allocated funds in a consolidated nomenclature. The preparation of specified applications begins from the receipt of advance and final funds. This work is carried out by the departments for the implementation of UPTOC according to the assigned nomenclature in close cooperation with the production departments (drilling, production, etc.) of the association, involving, if necessary, employees of enterprises and production units of the association. Drawing up detailed requests is the most critical stage in logistics planning. Specifications drawn up taking into account the consumption of specific standard sizes of materials corresponding to technological processes already at the stage of planning material support, predetermine the rational use of materials for their intended purpose, as well as savings in the production process, on the one hand, and ensure the systematic loading of the production capacities of individual manufacturing enterprises types of products - on the other. When drawing up specific applications, technical projects for the construction of wells commissioned from drilling in the planned year, as well as other design and technical documentation, are taken as a basis. To supply equipment and materials for objects under construction and reconstruction, for example, working drawings and specifications for them are used. As a rule, applications for equipment and materials for completing objects under construction, which are supplied by the customer, are drawn up only in a specified form, which is reflected in the personal accounts of the equipment of each object, and a separate document in the form of a specified application is not drawn up. An illustration of a specified application for the completion of facilities under construction is given in Table. 3. For materials consumed in the main production, a specification is drawn up in a form approved by the USSR State Supply Committee. The specification deciphers the needs of a specific type of material in terms of sizes, grades and other indicators necessary to complete the production program. Based on specified applications, economic ties and relationships with suppliers and consumers are built. When drawing up a specified need - specification order, the varieties are specified,

Account parameters can be used in calculations when generating output forms. To use account parameters in calculations, the user must independently describe the algorithms for these calculations. This usually requires considerable knowledge about the capabilities of the system itself and certain programming skills in the language built into it. Thus, account parameters are a mechanism for flexible adaptation of the information model of the accounting automation system to the needs of a specific user.

The variety of software products on the market designed to solve accounting problems naturally raises the question of the effective choice of software for AIS-BU. The task of selection is complicated by significant differences in the concepts of constructing software, their functional completeness, the procedure for adaptation to the needs of specific users, the possibility of use on various software and hardware platforms, cost, etc.

A circulation computer program should be considered both as a ready-made solution that offers a specific accounting methodology, and as a tool that can adapt to the specific needs of specific users. Accounting software offered on the market usually allows you to solve the most typical problems of financial accounting and reporting with varying degrees of completeness. However, the regulatory accounting framework is constantly changing, which requires either a transition to new versions of programs or their adjustment by the user himself to changing conditions.

A number of publications are intended for specialists administering computer accounting systems and adapting them to the needs of specific enterprises. Company 1 is especially active in publishing such publications. They summarize the experience of creating and supporting 1C Enterprise system configurations developed by company 1, its partners and final

The implementation of commercial transactions and operations involves the development of certain principles and rules for the application of new methods of work in the market. The manufacturer needs to determine in advance the market opportunities for the range of specific types of products. At the same time, the manufacturer cannot limit itself to the research and development of today. He must see the future and focus research and development on the most promising areas of development of science and technology and himself dictate (offer) to consumers the most promising types of products. Practice shows that if marketing activity is limited to the tasks of solving current market demand, then it essentially loses its advantages. Its main purpose is to study trends and possibilities for the development of consumer needs and play a decisive role in the formation of these needs and specific market demand.

The book brought to your attention covers one of the fundamental aspects of marketing activities - the process of segmentation. In the scientific literature, quite a lot of attention is paid to this issue, since all marketing activities are based on knowledge of the needs of specific consumer groups. Segmentation allows you to identify different customer needs, group them according to the degree of similarity and adapt the manufacturer’s marketing activities to the requirements. However, in practice, the segmentation process seems to be something divorced from reality, some kind of abstract and abstruse action. Manufacturers find it difficult to group customers based on characteristics other than the product being purchased, believing that a departure from the traditional method will lead to an undesirable change in the entire activity of the organization. It is characteristic that this limitation is characteristic not only of Russian manufacturers; the geographical location of the enterprise, as the authors note, does not play a role in this case. The complexities of the process of dividing an initially homogeneous group of consumers are obvious, as, however, the benefits that a company derives from competently implemented segmentation are also obvious. The authors of the proposed publication have an excellent command of the practical side of the issue, therefore they focus on the phased implementation of the segmentation process. The book offers many forms, filling out which will allow practitioners to consistently go through all the stages, logically justifying decisions made on consumer segmentation.

Segment marketing has a number of advantages over mass marketing. A company that practices marketing aimed at meeting the needs of a specific target segment has the opportunity to make a more reasonable offer of goods/services at an affordable price, making it easier for itself to choose distribution channels and means of communication. Finally, the company has fewer competitors in a particular market segment.

Consider the shift from product orientation to market orientation. Many companies consist of product divisions, each of which serves multiple markets. To be market-oriented means to create an organization that will deal with the needs of specific markets, coordinate planning and provide segments with all the necessary products.

At the same time, in Russia a simplified understanding of the term quality has developed, which means compliance with any standards or the presence of a certified quality system according to ISO 9000. Thus, the simplest equation “compliance with standards = quality” is a native creation of the planned economy. A market economy requires an orientation not only towards compliance with norms and standards, but towards the most complete satisfaction of the needs of a particular consumer and society as a whole. At the same time, the presence of a certified quality system does not guarantee immediate success in the market, but is only one of the elements of competition.

How well this index corresponds to the needs of a particular person mainly depends on the proximity of his purchases to the set that was used to calculate

The need for a specific program to invest in related areas

Since the cost of use is related to the needs of a particular

To fully select software tools and use database design technologies that are adequate to the needs of a specific development, an in-depth analysis and classification of available design tools is necessary.

This military system in the Gulf zone itself or on its outskirts is intended to establish military-political control of American imperialism over oil-exporting countries and create a US military bridgehead here for anti-Soviet purposes. It is characteristic that American politicians avoid deciphering the concepts of what is permitted and what is not permitted in the actions of oil-producing countries. This, obviously, should give greater flexibility to the policy of military pressure and adapt it to the needs of a specific situation. In the early 80s, the introduction of a new oil embargo on oil supplies to the United States, as well as a sharp reduction in oil production in producing countries and disruption of communication lines through which Middle Eastern oil flows to developed capitalist countries, was called absolutely unacceptable. At the same time, American leaders