All these adjectives have the suffix sk. Formation of adjectives using the suffixes -k- and -sk- (5th grade)

1. With the suffix -k- qualitative adjectives that form a short form are written, and with the suffix -sk- relative adjectives that do not form a short form are written: hot (hot), sweet (sweet); Scottish, civilian.

Before the adjective suffix -sk-, the final consonant stems of the noun from which the adjective is derived, in some cases remain without any changes, and in other cases they alternate or disappear:

a) the final consonant stems of the noun d, t, z, s are preserved: Canada > Canadian, giant > gigantic, Abkhazia > Abkhazian, sailor > sailor.

b) the letter c is preserved if it is preceded by any consonant other than c: Konstanz > Konstanz, Pfalz > Pfalz.

Note. If the stem of a noun ends in ts (and also tsts), which is preceded by a vowel, then the adjective is formed using the suffix -k-: German > German, Cherepovets > Cherepovets, Nitsa > Nitstsky.

Exceptions: Graz c) if the stem of a noun ends in the consonants k and ch, then they alternate with c, and the suffix -k- is written in the adjective: barge hauler > burlatskiy, weaver > weaver.

Exceptions: Tajik Worm.

Exceptions: Helsingfors Damascus, Etruscan > Etruscan. Exception: Basque (e) if the stem of a noun ends in ss, then before the suffix -sk- one s is omitted, since in the Russian language three identical consonants are not written in a row: Odessa 2. In the suffixes -ev-, -iv- are stressed the letter is written and, without emphasis - e: playful, beautiful, courteous; but: zero, steering, shadow.

Exceptions: holy fool, merciful.

3. In the suffixes -liv-, -chiv- the letter and is always written: conscientious, trusting.

4. In the suffixes -ov-, -ovat-, -ovit- the letter o is written after hard consonants; after soft consonants, hissing and c, the letter e is written: coastal, grayish, homely; speech, reddish, glossy.

5. The suffixes -insk-, -in- + -sk- are characteristic of adjective names formed from stems ending in -in- (Elizabethan Exceptions: inzensky (In other adjectives the suffix -ensk- is used: Kerch Note: In the words Kolomna 6. The suffix -enk- is used to form adjectives from words whose stem ends in any consonant except g, k, x: pretty, small, scarlet.

The suffix -onk- is used after the consonants g, k, x: light, quiet.

7. If the productive stem ends in -sk- (in the words wax, board), then when forming adjectives this combination is replaced by sch in adjectives: waxed, plank

8. If the generating stem ends in -k-, then when forming adjective names using the suffix -am- there is an alternation of k//h: freckled 9. If the generating stem ends in -ts-, then when forming adjective names using the suffix -chat- there is an alternation of c/t: ciliated (

1) Mark the nouns from which adjectives are formed with the suffix to

a) January
b) fleet
c) passenger
d) fisherman
d) weaver
g) village
h) June
2) mark the adjective with the suffix to
3) mark the adjectives in which the mistake was made. Correct.
a) Kazakh
b) close
c) admiralty
d) brutal
e) Vyazsky
e) May
g) Moscow
h) Vilnius
i) research
4) form complex adjectives from words and phrases. Write them in two columns.
a) ten meters
b) bright and yellow
c) white trunk
d) scientific and technical
d) build ships
e) north west
g) left side
h) pale face
i) silver and blue
j) English and German

1) Mark the nouns from which adjectives with the suffix -sk- are formed:

a) Uzbek d) Miner
b) Belarusian e) fleet
c) Well done g) Tajik
d) pirate h) weaver
2) Find the adjective with the suffix -k-.
a) French
b) witchcraft
c) forever
d) Turkish
d) sailor.
3) Insert the suffix -k- or -sk-
a) Circassian
b) Ryazan
c) shaking
d) elm_y
e) city
g) Swedish
h) light
i) Caucasus
j) engels_y
4) Indicate the adjectives in which errors were made:
a) Caucasian e) Kulak
b) Nizsky g) artillery
c) White Guard h) daring
d) narrow i) curfew
e) German k) bulky
5) Insert a soft sign where necessary. Mark the words in which the soft sign is not written before -sk-
a) December
b) Kazan_sky
c) November
d) July
d) Siberian
e) Tyumen_skiy
6) indicate the adjective with the letter e:
a) reed
b) pear
c) arctic fox
d) walrus
7) Indicate the adjective with the letter o:
a) quartz
b) holts_vy
c) calico
d) plush

652.Explain. what are the mistakes in the use of adjectives. Correct these mistakes. 1) This day was the best, most memorable day

my summer holidays. 2) Alyonushka walks through dense forests and sticky swamps. 3) This is a brave and strong-willed person. 4) he is very calm about his idle life. Explain. what are the errors in the use of adjectives. Correct these errors

1.Indicate the inconjugated form of the verb

A. gate B. courage C. window D. hide and seek
2. The words “spectacular” and “effective” in relation to
A. synonyms B. homonyms C. antonyms D. paronyms
3. Indicate complex sentences with an explanatory clause:
A. The man who came out to meet us was not our name.
B. We didn’t know where to look for him.
B. His house stood where the ravine crossed the street.
G. The wind blew with such force, as if it wanted to carry the houses into the ocean.
4. A derivational affix that performs a connecting function in the structure of a word, since it is located between the roots of a compound word, is called:
A. suffix B. prefix C. interfix D. postfix
5. The following category of adjectives does not exist:
A. qualitative B. possessive C. demonstrative D. relative
6. Indicate a word that is not a real noun:
A. sugar B. water C. oil D. frost
7. Specify the reflexive verb:
A. tell B. have fun C. fever D. greet
8. Indicate the part of speech that is unchangeable
A. verb B. pronoun C. preposition D. numeral
9. Indicate a sentence that contains a superlative adjective:
A. It was coldest in the back room B. It was the most talented student. V. On this excellent evening I didn’t want to think about anything. G. These doors are more reliable than the ones we saw yesterday.
10. Indicate a phrase in which there is a syntactic connection “coordination”
A. think about it. B. new house. B. look out the window. G. arrived a long time ago.
Guys please help!!! The answers may be one, or two, or three, or four, or even none, please help!!!


  1. teach how to correctly form and use adjectives with the suffixes -K-, -SK-;
  2. teach to distinguish the suffix -K- from the suffix -SK-;
  3. enrich students' vocabulary;
  4. to cultivate a feeling of love for the games of grandparents, to arouse interest in them.

During the classes

I. Checking homework.

Students write a letter from memory.

II. Repetition of what has been covered.

1) Lexical work. Assignment: determine the lexical meaning of foreign adjectives by selecting synonyms for them. Then, with any adjective, each student will make one sentence.

Avant-garde, infectious, phlegmatic, active, delicate, similar.

Words for reference:

advanced, infectious, calm, active, polite, similar.

2) Parsing the sentence

The horses were black.
The steppe snowy desert is monotonous and boring.

3) Formation of adjective names with suffixes -CHIV-, -OVAT-, -LIV-.

Respond, sort out, blue, fuss, grey, red, remain silent.

III. Learning new material.

1) Analysis of examples.

Today in the lesson we will continue to study the rules for forming adjectives using suffixes. Namely, using the suffixes -K-, -SK-. In writing, students often mix the suffixes -K-, -SK-. It is necessary to learn to distinguish adjectives with the suffixes -K- (low) from adjectives with the suffixes -SK- (Caucasian). Let's write down adjectives in notebooks and on the board. LOW, UZBEK, CLOSE. Form their short form (low, narrow, close).

– When is the suffix -K- written in adjectives? (In qualitative adjectives the suffix -K- is written (i.e. in adjectives, if a short form can be formed)).

Now we form adjectives from nouns:

German - German, fisherman - fisherman, weaver - weaver.

What are these adjectives? What does the stem of nouns end in?

– What happens at the root when adjectives are formed? (alternating K//C, Ch//C)

– What suffix were used to form adjectives?


  1. The suffix -K- is added to the stem of words starting with -C when forming adjectives.
  2. In other adjectives, most often formed from various geographical names and names of persons (Moscow, Ural, Norwegian), the suffix -SK- is used.

IV . Fixing the material.

1. Task: highlight suffixes, coordinate with nouns.

Turk - Turkish language, Leningrad bridges, Komsomol, Georgian. Tatar, Portuguese, teacher's, spectator's, sharp, sensitive, Volga, children's, Chinese, coachman.

2. Do exercise 676. Write out adjective names with the suffixes -SK-, sort by composition.

3. Individual work on the board. Task: sort words by composition

a) Russians, Belarusian; b) Udmurt, Kalmyk.

4. Exercise 677 is performed.

V. Physical education minute.

VI. Reading the rule § 88 (p. 274)

VII. Learning new material.

Spelling of the letter b before the suffix -SK-

– After which consonant in adjectives with the suffixes -SK- is the letter b written?

– When is the letter b not written?

– Which word constitutes an exception?

VIII. Consolidate the rule.

1. Exercise 678, 679 is performed.

2. Dictation with numbers (or letters). Assignment: Instead of adjectives, write numbers (or letters):

-LCK - denoted by the number 1 (or the letter A);
-SK- is denoted by the number 2 (or the letter B).
-K- is designated by the number 3 (or the letter B);

  1. The evening was clear, quiet and fresh, as usual December evenings in the Caucasus.
  2. We hunted on Lake Orsa, where there was only a few centimeters of clear water, and underneath it lay a bottomless viscous ill.
  3. It was clear January day, the silver sun sparkled everywhere.
  4. Birds flew in from all sides of the earth: French tits, Belgian goldfinches, Norwegian loons, Dutch dives.
  5. Narrow the streets quickly fill with people.
  6. The army has broken through German defense and entered the breakthrough with all her might, clearing the way Soviet troops going on the offensive.
  7. Bengal The lights are lit on New Year's Eve.

Key to the task: 1, 3, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 2, 1. (AVBBBBBBVVBA)

IX. Lesson summary.

– What new did you learn in the lesson?

– When is –K-, -SK- written in adjectives?

X. Homework.

– What games of the Chuvash people do you know about? Ask your grandparents about them. Record the progress of the game.

For example, the game “Rural Round Dance”.

The Chuvash people have an amazing game “Rural round dance”; in Chuvash it sounds like “Vaya karti”. In the old, ancient times, fair maidens and good fellows gathered after evening work on the main street of the villages or in a wide meadow. Here, from the feast of the Holy Trinity until Peter's Day (July 12), rural youth began

her cultural holiday, led a round dance. Round dance is a folk game - the movement of people in a circle with singing and dancing, as well as a general ring of people holding hands - participants in some kind of game, dance.

Rural youth were having fun and enjoying life.