How to learn Russian vocabulary words for a child. “completely wrong rules” or how to memorize vocabulary words

Primary school teachers know how much trouble learning vocabulary words can be. This is often explained by an incorrect approach, since drawing a child’s attention to the spelling features of a particular word, offering to write it down in a dictionary and memorize it is clearly not enough for a small schoolchild who does not know any memorization techniques to learn the information.

We should not forget about age-related characteristics of thinking. Thus, primary school students and high school students perceive the same information differently, and therefore the approach to learning vocabulary words is significantly different.

There are several methods based specifically on the characteristics of a child’s age-related thinking that will help cope with the difficulties that arise when learning vocabulary words.

Method No. 1

The mnemonic system of “connections” is one of the most common memorization techniques, the meaning of which is as follows:

1. The easiest words to remember are those that evoke certain associations in the child, be it an object, phenomenon, action, etc.;

2. Objects combined into one group need to be “revived”, made to “move”.

Method No. 2

The thinking of children aged 6-9 years is based on clear ideas and images. Consequently, the type of memory most children have is figurative. Here are a few conditions, the observance of which will significantly speed up memorization:

1) psychological attitude: the child himself must strive to remember what is needed;

2) passion: what arouses interest in the student is remembered faster;

3) vividness of perception: something unusual, bright, and capable of evoking certain emotions in a child is easier to remember;

4) figurative memorization: memorization based on images is much more effective than mechanical memorization.

The essence of this method is for the child to remember words by drawing pictures on “controversial” letters, the spelling of which cannot be checked. This method of memorization arouses keen interest in children. The fascinating process of drawing brings them true pleasure and, in addition, contributes to the development of imagination, which subsequently leads to very tangible results.

1) write down the desired word in block letters on the board;

2) explain the meaning of the word to children;

3) identify letters that are difficult to remember;

4) invite children to come up with and depict on “controversial” letters objects with which they associate this word;

5) upon completion of the work, offer to demonstrate their options on the board.


1) there is no need to allow the child to get too carried away: drawings should be made exclusively for those letters that cause difficulties. Otherwise, a “pile of images” occurs, which slows down the memorization process;

2) children tend to quickly forget what they have learned, so the teacher needs to carefully consider a system for repeating what has been learned.

We are starting a series of letters dedicated to the Russian language, literacy, beautiful handwriting, and teaching Russian to children.

And today we’ll talk about how to quickly and effectively learn vocabulary words. They, like the multiplication table, need to be learned.

But if the multiplication table has only 100 examples, then at least 800 vocabulary words are studied at school.

And it’s rare that a teacher teaches vocabulary words to children in the classroom. Usually, “complex” and “difficult” things are given to children to memorize on their own, or memorize with their parents.

We present to your attention little tricks on how to remember the spelling of vocabulary words

We divided them into classical methods, this is how they work with vocabulary words at school, and techniques for effectively memorizing words.

Classic ways to memorize vocabulary words

1. Reading words by a child. Copy vocabulary words into a dictionary.

2. Explain the meaning of the word (if the child does not know the meaning of the word, use a dictionary) and discuss possible reasons for writing the word this way.

3. Spelling work on the word:
- placing emphasis, highlighting difficult letters in green,
- sound-letter analysis of a word,
- dividing a word into syllables and for hyphenation.

4. Learning the spelling of a given word:
- selection of words with the same root,
- composing a phrase or sentence with this word,
- selection of synonyms, antonyms, riddles, sayings with a given word.

5. Recording the word in a spelling dictionary.

6. Writing from memory.

Methods for memorizing words using effective learning techniques.

1. To the vocabulary word that needs to be remembered, add a word or even several where the letter being tested is heard very well.

For example, the word MILK. Need to remember O.

We come up with associations: a horse drinks milk from a spoon.

We present this picture with the child, focusing on the fact that the spoon and horse tell us the right letter.

2. Write down the word with your eyes closed.

After the child reads the word, he writes it down on sheets of paper blindfolded; it is better to use felt-tip pens or bright pens.

When a word is written, it must be examined.

This exercise gives children a lot of pleasure, and most importantly, it uses various organs of information perception and enhances the effect of memorizing words.

3. Compare letters with geometric shapes. A is like a triangle, O is like a circle, E is like a rectangle.

For example, ORANGE.

You can imagine a triangular plate on which there are “strange”, rectangular and triangular oranges.

4. Mnemonic method.

When you need to remember a letter in a vocabulary word, you can use bright alphabetic images, adding them to the word and linking them into a bright association.

What does it mean?

Remember, A-bus, B-drum, etc.

For example, we need to remember how to write ORANGE correctly.

Imagine a Bus (A) full of Apelsins, which is stuck or hanging on the Spruce (E)

5. Game “Eye-Photographer”

The words are printed on strips of paper.

Each word is on a separate strip. Printed in large block font. The child is shown the word for one second. And then he writes it down from memory. You can show 5-8 words in one game.

This game develops attentiveness and increases interest in learning.

It’s worth starting with the most ordinary word work, especially if we are talking about elementary school students.

  1. Read the word syllable by syllable.
  2. Make a word from letters using a flannelgraph and letters cut out of velvet paper or textured cardboard (you can do it without a flannelgraph, if you don’t have one, just on the table); The child must run his finger over the letters.
  3. Divide the word into syllables and for transfer, count the number of letters, vowels, consonants.
  4. Determine the composition, part of speech.
  5. Find the “dangerous” letter, rewrite the word, highlighting it with color.
  6. Come up with sentences and phrases with the word, a riddle, maybe draw a picture.
  7. Write down the word several times in different forms (cases, persons, etc.), being sure to carefully pronounce it out loud.

What's next?

All these methods are usually used in the classroom, and often this is enough to memorize a word. But just as often this is not enough. Either the word came across some kind of “evil” one - it doesn’t want to be remembered, or the child learns words poorly, or there are too many words - there are different reasons. And then the work is worth continuing. There are many techniques, you can choose according to your taste or use them all. It is desirable that all work should be fun and interesting, so that the games that children like the most will be the most preferred.

"Word Tree"

You need to draw (you can very schematically) a tree. Its root is the root of a dictionary word. And twigs are words with the same root. Whose tree will turn out to be more spreading?


If the game is conducted by a teacher, especially in high school, it is still worth paying attention to the students’ distinction between the concepts of “single root word” and “word form”: only words with the same root should be written on the branches.

Morphemic and phonetic “charades”

If a game of linguistic “charades” is played in the lessons, it is worth including vocabulary words in it and riddle them and their cognates.

For example, the word “walked” is remembered.

Phonetic "charade". The first sound is like the last sound in the word “knife”; the stressed vowel is like the stressed vowel in the word “cat”, the last sound is like the last sound in the word “floor”.

"Third wheel"

It’s also worth including vocabulary words in the game “The Third Wheel”.

Let me remind you that the student must not only name the extra word, but also justify his choice. Different words can be considered “redundant” for different reasons. All reasonable answers are correct. Example:

K..randash, k..row, d...rkov

An extra word is “pencil”, because it is necessary to insert an A, and the rest are O. An extra word is “carrot”, because it is in M, and the rest are in K. An extra word is “pencil”, because it is masculine, and the rest are feminine . Etc.

"Letter from a Bottle"

Text in which individual letters and words are missing (“washed away with water while the letter floated in a bottle across the endless sea”). It needs to be restored. You need to skip words and letters that can be mistaken.

"Punch cards"

The control method proposed by G. Bogdanova requires preparation from the teacher, but it enjoys constant success among schoolchildren. For it, you need to prepare punched cards - cardboard boxes in which “windows” are cut out in three columns. The author of the method has 9 in each column, I do 4. In total, the teacher dictates 27 (12) vocabulary words (you cannot repeat words!), and the children write only one “dangerous” letter in the “window”. It is both executed and verified in a matter of minutes.

Your own vocabulary dictation

Homework in the form of “Create your own vocabulary dictation” arouses great enthusiasm. If the children are advanced, let them compose a dictation in the form of a text that includes at least 10 vocabulary words.

“Correct the mistakes” (“Corrector”)

Children are offered text or words that contain mistakes here and there. The student’s task is to find them and correct them.

Puzzles, crosswords

Games of this kind are liked by many children and also help in memorizing vocabulary words.


If there are creative children in the class, then you can offer to write a burime using the words being studied. Let me remind you that some rhymes are selected for the game. It is necessary to compose a poem with these rhymes. For example, “unexpectedly - instantly - fog - overtook.”

What if the words are not remembered?

It happens that words still don’t want to be remembered. Then you will have to work with them more seriously, using various mnemonics.

cut word

Write the word in large block letters on a strip of paper, cut the strip not syllable by syllable, but randomly into several parts, mix them and put the word together. It turns out? Now cut the letters and fold them again.

"It's the other way around"

Write the word “back to front” using the Olya-Yalo principle. Even if you succeed the first time, still repeat a couple more times.

For a younger child, you can offer a word in which the letters are rearranged. For example, “mrokov”, “mkorov”, “moovkr”, etc. It is advisable not to rearrange the first letter.

"Fluent Vowels"

All the vowels from the words have escaped somewhere! They need to be restored. The student receives a card either like this: “m_rk_v, k_p_st_,” or like this: “mrkv, kpst.” Of course, a hint is needed: “These are words from a home exercise” or “These are the names of vegetables.”

Association pictures

If one of you - you or a child - draws well, then this option is for you. You need to depict a dictionary word so that the “dangerous” letter is encrypted in the picture. For example, the letter A cut out from a newspaper; a dog with a tail curled in the shape of the letter O; Cucumber, cut into circles in the shape of O, etc.

The pictures should be done colorfully, the letter should be highlighted in a bright color that is not used anywhere else in the image, and then a vernissage should be held throughout the apartment, especially where the child spends more time.

Associations and consonances

This is such a creative method to memorize words. Of course, not everyone likes it or is suitable for it, and from the very beginning, children may not accept the game and will not want to come up with associations. It’s worth offering them this game again with different words, simpler ones. But you can’t make up associations for a child, except perhaps for the first time, as an example.

The essence of consonance is that this word or combination is similar in sound and corresponds in spelling to the dictionary. For example, to remember the spelling of the word “vinaigrette”, you can use the consonant phrase “... and it doesn’t warm”:

Let's cook in AND n E gree T,

It's not fried AND n E gree T.

The essence of the association is to come up with a word that is associated with the dictionary and contains a “dangerous” letter in a strong position. A textbook example: “cabbage is a hare.”

Bottom line

Learning vocabulary words is not the most interesting thing. But if you approach it creatively, even in it you can find a lot of exciting and enjoyable things. And the reward will be high literacy!

Here vocabulary words –
Difficult, treacherous.
Without verification relatives
They live alone in the dictionary.

Magical ways to memorize vocabulary words become an exciting game and joint creativity for parents and children.
  • We write down the words, highlighting dangerous places in color, and select an illustration, find it if a lexical interpretation is needed;
  • We group words, for example, by topic or by the initial letter of the alphabet.
  • Drawing hints for difficult letters.

Poster with pictures for vocabulary words grades 1-2
Irina Lando in her super books “One Class in One Day” shows how you can draw a letter that is difficult to remember.

The wonderful teacher nataliigromaster has a whole project on this topic - it’s interesting to see how it ends. Children insert the missing letters from ready-made cards with pictures and words, and then play different games with these cards.
You can use ready-made cards, or you can draw with pleasure yourself, especially since the lists of vocabulary words in different textbooks differ.

76 word picture cards
cards for 36 words (grade 1)

  • Using a semantic cross. For example:

L m


T r

About e

  • With the help of harmonies. Words that are consonant and similar in pronunciation help to remember vocabulary words. For example:
mandarin - we need to remember ma and da - we select words with the same syllables, only with stressed vowels: mama gives mandarin.
  • I. D. Ageeva’s associative method with memory rhymes and crossword puzzles I really like the generalized method of memorizing groups of words:
  1. division of vocabulary words from grades 1 to 4 depending on the “dangerous place” - a letter that can be spelled incorrectly;
  2. compiling a small coherent text from these words;
  3. coming up with a supporting word for all the words of the story in which it is impossible to make a mistake;
  4. drawing for your story.
  • Find an associative image associated with a vocabulary word and write it down opposite the vocabulary word. An associative image must be associated with the dictionary word by some common feature.(
    The associative connection can be by:
    - color;
    — location;
    - form;
    - sound;
    - action;
    - taste;
    - material;
    - purpose;
    - quantity
An associative image must have in its writing a letter that is not in doubt, which is doubtful in the dictionary word.

For example:
Dictionary word
* birch - by color _white
* birch - curly: you need a comb to comb (shape like the letter E)
b_E.reza - b_E.bark,
- gr_E.ben (_E.)

Examples of vocabulary words and associative images:

g_A.zeta -,
k_A.rman - holes_A.,
d_I.rekt_O.r - cr_I.k, r_O.t,
k_O.concert - n_O.ta, d_O., x_O.r,
z_A.water - pipe_A.,
k_O.rabl - v_O.lny, b_O.tsman, k_O.k,
in_E.y -, sn_E.g,
l_A.don -,
k_A.empty - z_A.yats
k_A.randash - gr_A.n,,
s_O.tank -

My pupil and I draw cards like this and collect them in an envelope

In order for the pictures not only to temporarily attract the child’s attention, but also to be forgotten in high school, spelling exercises are necessary. Yes, xGood learning of the correct spelling of a word is facilitated by the use of a cheating system developed by psychologist Polina Solomonovna Zhedek. In an article useful for parents" - a page of tasks for each word.
On this site you can find funny poems for every word by alphabetical search.
The result of the extensive project "Atlas of Dictionary Words" is a collection of approaches to the study of vocabulary words.
funny online trainer
online trainer

Memo to student:
When reading books, learn to highlight all unfamiliar words and mentally imagine the spelling of each such word. To do this, simply stop at a word that is unknown to you in terms of spelling and imagine it written, for example, on a blackboard, in a notebook or on glass.


How to memorize vocabulary words.

Man has a remarkable ability to remember what he feels and perceives in the world around him. The human brain receives various information, processes and stores it.

Of course, not everything that happens to us is remembered. Suppose that everything a person sees, hears, and does is stored in memory. Then the human brain would be very overloaded and would not be able to work quickly and accurately. Therefore, along with the processes of memorization, there is also the process of forgetting. This is important for ensuring a normal human life. What is MEMORY?

Memory is the process of memorizing, storing and reproducing various information. Without memory, we would not remember the names of our relatives and friends, we would not be able to learn lessons, we would not remember where we live, we would not know our names.

All people have different memories. Some people may remember more, others less. One person remembers quickly, but also quickly forgets. And another person needs a lot of time to memorize, but he will remember what he has memorized for a long time. There are known people in history who had excellent memories. Such memory is called phenomenal.

For example, the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin could remember a poem after reading it only 2 times. The French Emperor Napoleon also had a very good memory: he remembered all his soldiers by name. The famous Austrian composer W. A. ​​Mozart could remember the most complex piece of music after one listening.

However, there are also diseases associated with memory. For example, a serious illness such as split personality, occurs due to memory impairment. In France there lived a girl named Felida. She was sad, sick and often fainted. But when she came to her senses, she became a different person - cheerful, active. The girl lived, as it were, two lives. But unusual cases are rare.

Not only humans have memory. It turns out that animals are also capable of remembering something, and often for a long time. The cat always remembers where its food bowl is. The dog remembers its name and several commands.

But unlike a person, an animal never sets itself the task of consciously remembering something. Memorization in animals is involuntary. This means that it happens by itself, without effort on the part of the animal. And a person has involuntary memory, in which memorization occurs without special effort, just like that, by itself.

But a person can manage his memory intelligently. He may set himself the task of remembering some material. This kind of memory is called arbitrary.

Voluntary memorization - This is memorization when a person specifically sets himself the goal of remembering something.

When a person is born, he does not yet know how to manage his memory. Gradually, along with involuntary memory, a person also develops voluntary memorization. Voluntary memory develops especially quickly in a child when he enters school. This happens because when learning you cannot completely rely on random, involuntary memorization. Therefore, you have to set yourself special goals and objectives to remember what you study. Memorization then becomes more and more arbitrary. In this case, you can use special techniques and tools that help you remember better and faster.

Saving information occurs in different ways. Psychologists distinguish short-term memory and long-term memory. Every person has both. They differ from each other in two main properties. The first is the storage time of information (how long what we remember is not forgotten). The second is the amount of memory (how much information can be stored).

In elementary school, the Russian language program provides for the compulsory study of words, the spelling of which is not checked by the rules. These words pose a particular difficulty, because there are simply no rules for writing them, and it is impossible to check them with related words. And so there are long, dull rows of words that you just need to remember. And the child’s memory is not adapted to remembering a symbol that means nothing to him - a letter in a word. But this memory is very vivid and imaginative. Let's take advantage of this and come up with our own rules for dictionary words - “wrong”.

To improve vocabulary work, it is necessary to use such techniques for memorizing words with untestable spelling patterns that would activate students’ mental activity and memory.

“Completely Wrong Rules” will help you correctly write words for which there are no usual rules at all, and you will understand that memorizing and cramming are not the same thing. They will also teach you to play with associations, awaken your imagination and turn “working with vocabulary words” into a fun and exciting activity.

There are different types of memory:

Auditory (we use this type of memory when the teacher explains something in class, when we listen to our mother, when we watch and listen to TV, etc.);

Visual (when we see something and remember);

Motor (while learning to dance, swim and even write! You remember certain movements. This is your motor memory).

Memory quality can be improved through exercise.

To develop auditory memory, you can use a simple exercise: listen carefully to the words, try to remember them, and then repeat (house, cat, winter, bridge, window, smoke, mushroom, ball, ball, flower). What words do you remember?

The game “Memorize” will help in the development of visual memory:

For 1 minute I demonstrate objects. I’ll close them, and you try to name them. The task is more difficult: describe each item in detail (its size, color). Another option: the game “What has changed?” I will change the arrangement of items, add or remove other items. Close your eyes. What changes have occurred?

It is very useful to use dance games to train motor memory.

Mnemonic techniques for working with difficult words.

Teachers and methodologists include in the group of techniques for memorizing the spelling of words with unchecked spellings mnemonic techniques.

Mnemonics or mnemonics (from the Greek mnemonikon - the art of memorization) is a set of techniques and methods that facilitate memorization and increase memory capacity through the formation of artificial associations.

Association is a connection between individual events, facts or phenomena reflected in our consciousness and fixed in our memory. Associative techniques are based on a psychological approach to memorization.

Mnemonics is a set of special techniques and methods that facilitate the memorization of necessary information and increase memory capacity through the formation of associations (connections). Replacing abstract objects and facts with concepts and ideas that have a visual, auditory or kinesthetic representation, linking objects with already existing information in various types of memory to simplify memorization.

I decided to use the following types of mnemonic activities: the method of graphic associations, the method of sound (phonetic) associations, the combined method. Some examples.

1.Method of graphic associations. During lessons or as creative homework, children work on creating schematic drawings in place of gaps that are directly or indirectly associated with the image of a given word:

m Lina gherkin

You quickly remember the word-picture

Here the letters will become your clue!

You will write vocabulary dictations

Now, of course, you’re only a “five”!

2.Method of sound (phonetic) associations used when there is a successful consonance between a phrase and a dictionary word:

de d inde jealousyne cash is washedne Noah

behind tomorrow onbehind waterma tireMa shi

de youde zhennyeChe ryomukha –what brown flour.

Co. stya inco suit, andPa led topa lto.

U pia Nino donkeyEeyore sings: "IA IA »

In this case we call the words not test words, but hint words, at the same time we come up with a little fairy tale, for example, how a dirty pencil case was washed with foam; the girl Masha loved to play with the car, etc.

The invented phrase both sounds good and is easy to imagine. Children do not make mistakes in such words; they have something to rely on.

3.Combined method- this is used when memorizing a word and graphic and sound associations at the same time.

Tree nya – from the word " tree O"; a place cleared of trees; peasant village (Village – test: tree).

Earth Nika - from the word " Earth"; earth berry. (Strawberries - test: earth).

Horse ki – from the word " horse"; Initially, the curve of the ridge was decorated with the image of a horse's head. (Skates – check: horse).

In the process of work, creativity is born, the students themselves come up with “hints and memos.” Here are some of them:

Word wheel . The car has round wheels. Hence the vowel “o”.

Word weather . When it’s bad, it rains, the raindrops are round, reminiscent of “o”. The umbrella is also round, like "o"

Word"frost". Frost looks like snow. And in the word “ snow"one vowel "e".

Therefore, it is easy to remember that the word “frost” is spelled “e”, as in the word “snow”.

Word"dinner". The children said that mom puts plates on the table that are shaped like the letter “o.” This is where the combination to remember comes from: “U O ttsa O trouble."

Children can make an association for almost every word with an untestable vowel. Moreover, each child has his own. Children's imagination is inexhaustible.

4 .Speech material for memorizing words of different roots.

I use some tricks (poems "Burim"), facilitating the process of learning words, for which words are repeatedly played out in different combinations. The speech material contains words of different roots selected in rhyme that are almost in no way connected with the same dubious vowels, which greatly facilitates their memorization by children. I give vocabulary words in “blocks”, dividing them into groups: words with a vowel sound A, O, E, I. I give a group of 3-4 words for homework if desired.

For example, words with a dubious vowel "E" - gasoline, kerosene, dolphin.

When during a crisis

Increased in price PETROL, I had to buy one for the primus


Rhyming phrases from dictionary words are also used, designed for involuntary memorization due to their unusual nature ( "Abracadabra" reception » ). For example, rhyming words are given “parade - salad”: We went to the PARADE to eat SALAD there.

Or : SALAD does not go to PARADE.

Or: SALAD doesn't like PARADE.

Group of words with vowel O : cucumber, peas, tomato, carrots.

cucumbers And tomatoes I collected indiscriminately,

All carrot put it in the basket

Treated peas Nina.

Speech material for memorizationrelatedwords

Malin A, Malin ka, Malin Nick, Malin new

And there is another bird like this - Malin sheep.

Ticket er at his cash register ticket Noah

Sells something ticket, That ticket ik.

5. REBUS - a riddle in which the searched word or phrase is depicted by a combination of pictures, figures, letters or signs. Dictionary S.I. Ozhegova .

6.Drawings -

7. Fairy tale “The Bear and the Honey”

Once upon a time there lived in the forest a good-natured, huge, clumsy animal. Some called him “toptygin”, some “master”, some “Mikhailo Potapych”. And he loved most...honey. As soon as he hears the smell of honey, he just loses his mind! And he makes excuses to his friends:

It's honey! Bear!

So they called him “bear”. He began to bear his new name, and the dots above the letter “Y” in this name hover over him and sting, like bees! He waved his clawed paw and brushed off the dots. And from then on it began to be called

And spelled with the letter "E".

8. Classification of words by origin. The work began by studying the literature on this topic.

The fate of any word in a language is connected with nature, the environment, the life and communication of people, with the characteristics and history of those objects, concepts and phenomena that these words denote.

So, the words of the Russian language according to their origin can be divided into two large groups:

    Original Russian words.

    Borrowings are words that came into the Russian language from other languages.

A. Linguistics distinguishes the following groups original Russian words by educational characteristics (some examples):

By color :

    Birch - the ancient Slavs have a word ber meant “light, white, clear.”

    Crow - from the word raven, voronoi - black.

    Beautiful – from the adjective “red” - beautiful.

    Rowan - by the color of the berry, from the adjective pockmarked or ripple.

By form:

    Cabbage - the name is given by its shape, derived from the word kaput(head).

    Skates - the name is given by the shape; in the old days, the front part of the skates depicted a horse's head.

    Cow – from the ancient Slavic “korva” - horned, the root “kor” means horn.

By behavioral characteristics:

    Hare – from the ancient root “zai” - to jump.

    Bear - the addition of the roots "medv" - honey, "ed" - eating, literally - the one who eats honey, the name is given according to the characteristics of behavior.

    Rooster - from the word - to sing, literally means - singing.

According to other signs:

    Village - derived from the Old Slavonic “tear, tear”, the original meaning of the word village is a place where a forest has been torn out, uprooted.

    Vegetable garden and city - from the verb “to fence”, the original meaning is a place fenced with something.

    Monday - derived from “by week” - after Sunday (the old meaning of the word “week” is Sunday).

    Ax - from the same root as the word tepat, tepat, chop, beat.


    Hello - from the verb “hello” - to be healthy.

    People – from the verb “naroditi” - to give birth.

    Eleven - from another Russian - one on ten - one over ten.

    Weather - from the extinct word “goda”, the original meaning is good weather.

    Distance - from the Old Slavonic verb - distance (to be, to stand at a distance).

B. Borrowed words.

In addition to native Russian words in the Russian language, in addition to Old Slavonicisms, words from other languages ​​also entered the Russian language.

Some words - foreigners - have long since come into our language (notebook, book) and have become so familiar in the Russian language that people use them in proverbs and sayings

Even in ancient times, many names from the field of religion (lamp, angel, demon, choir, etc.), scientific terms (geography, mathematics, philosophy), names from the field of science and art (anapaest, comedy, trochee) came from the Greek language. ).
There are many scientific and socio-political terms from Latin in Russian: revolution, constitution, evolution, vertical, dictatorship, plenum, manifesto, president.
From the Turkic languages, especially many words appeared during the Tatar-Mongol yoke: caftan, sheepskin coat, sundress, money, watermelon, bazaar.
There are few Scandinavian borrowings, and they date back to the ancient period: anchor, herring, pood, Oleg, Igor, Rurik. Borrowings from Western European languages ​​are significant and are explained by numerous contacts with these peoples.
Borrowings from English are still actively penetrating into our language today: computers, trams, football, scuba gear, jeans, etc.
There are many everyday names from French, from the field of art: bracelet, medallion, coat, frock coat, director, poster, conductor, vinaigrette.
Musical terminology came from Italian: aria, sonata, carnival, libretto, tenor.
There are a few borrowings from Spanish: guitar, serenade, mantilla, caramel, etc.
In connection with the development of contacts, borrowings also appear from other languages: Japanese (karaoke, kimono), Indian (sari), etc.

So, let's highlight the origin of some vocabulary words.

    Car (French) - from the Greek autos (auto) - itself, Latin mobilis (mobils) - moving.

    Bus - from the French autobus - a car for many.

    Agronomist - from the Greek agros - land, nomos - law.

    Accurate – from the Latin word accuratus – diligent, precise.

    Alley – from the French alleê – passage, road.

    Pharmacy – from the Greek apotheke – warehouse, pantry

Indeed, knowing the origin of words, you can understand how to write them correctly and why they are written that way. When studying the rules and laws of spelling of the Russian language, it is important to know the origin of words; this allows you to understand and quickly remember the spelling rules, and to better understand the patterns of the Russian language.

So, if you use mnemonic techniques in teaching children of primary school age that help develop the skill of spelling unchecked spellings, then the effectiveness of your work will significantly increase.

An associative image must be connected with the vocabulary word by some common feature. The associative connection can be by color, shape, action, material, quantity. When memorizing any material, each person first needs to understand the meaning of what he wants to remember. Without this, it is very difficult to remember anything, and the material is quickly forgotten. For better memorization, the student must create or take an active part in creating a model (scheme).