Then another week passed. Stylistics of speech (stylistics of text)

The concept of an act of communication. Components of the act of communication. Taxonomy of speech messages. The concept of a speech act (primary speech genre) and secondary speech genre. Generalization of the concept of speech genre to the type of speech activity in the understanding of F. Saussure. Classification of types of speech activity based on extralinguistic features (components of the act of communication): functional styles, colloquial speech, literary works. Interaction of extralinguistic and linguistic features in different types of speech activity. The concept of text and functional-textual norm, the difference between text and discourse. Style as a general semiotic and linguistic concept. Necessary and sufficient conditions for the emergence of style. Definition of linguistic style in the stylistic concept of V.V. Vinogradov. Language styles as intralingual multilingualism. Individual author's style as a manifestation of linguistic personality. Individual author's style in literary works.

Stylistics of speech (stylistics of text). Functional style

Basic functional styles of the Russian language. Common features of functional styles in terms of extralinguistic characteristics. Characteristics of functional styles based on tightness - permeability. Functional styles in relation to colloquial and artistic speech. Linguistic means of functional styles in colloquial speech and literary texts. Scientific style. Extralinguistic features of scientific style. Scientific language as a special linguistic subsystem. The relationship between extralinguistic and linguistic characteristics in a scientific text. Homogeneity of stylistic space in a scientific text. “Picture of the world” in a scientific text. Typology of scientific genres. The evolution of scientific genres and functional textual norms. Stylistic means of scientific language in a literary text. Official business style. Extralinguistic characteristics. Features of vocabulary, morphology, word formation and syntax. Structure of stylistic space. Typology of genres of official business style. “Picture of the World” in an official business style. Means of official business style in literary text. Oratorical and journalistic style. Extralinguistic features. Language characteristics. Style dominant. Genres of journalism. Evolution of genres and functional text norms. The pragmatic meaning of linguistic requirements for oratorical discourse. Extralinguistic characteristics of colloquial speech. Colloquial speech as a subsystem of the literary language. Language especially colloquial speech. “Picture of the world” in colloquial speech. Genres of colloquial speech. The structure of a coherent message in colloquial speech.

Stylistics of speech (stylistics of text). Stylistics of artistic speech

Extralinguistic characteristics of a literary text. Two contexts of speech of a literary work in the understanding of V. V. Vinogradov. The concept of the language of verbal art (artistic language) and its two main forms: artistic prose words and poetic language. Methods of linguistic-stylistic analysis of literary text. “Microscopic” analysis of V. V. Vinogradov, structural-semiotic and intertextual approaches. Poetic language and poetic text as an object of linguistic poetics. The category of the author's image as a constitutive category of a literary text. Descriptive, typological and diachronic aspects of the author’s image category. Structural parameters of the category of the author's image. The concept of the narrator and the narrator's positions in a literary text. Local position and its subtypes. Epistemic position and its subtypes. The narrator's evaluative position. Compositional and speech structures of literary text. Criteria for identifying compositional speech structures. Characteristics of the author's monologue, artistic dialogue, internal monologue and improperly direct speech as the main compositional speech structures. Structural, quantitative and qualitative transformations of compositional speech structures. Russian artistic language in comparison with the literary language and its stylistic system in the 19th-20th centuries: general processes, rapprochement, mutual enrichment.

***Revzina O.G. Stylistics of the Russian language: Course program//

Russian language and its history. Programs of the Russian language department for students of philological faculties of state universities. M., 1997. - P.94 - 102.

1.5 Educational and methodological support of the discipline

Plans for seminar (practical) classes

Lecture topics

1. The subject of stylistics, main problems and methods. Classification of stylistic disciplines.

2. The structure of the Russian stylistic system. The concept of stylistic meaning, meaning, linguistic expressiveness.

3. Functional style. Common features of functional styles in terms of extralinguistic characteristics.

4. Scientific style. Typology of scientific genres. Evolution of functional textual norms.

5. Official business style. Features of vocabulary, morphology, word formation and syntax. Typology of genres of official business style.

6. Genres of journalism. Style dominant. Functional-textual norms.

7. Colloquial speech as a subsystem of the literary language. Language features and genres.

8. Stylistics of artistic speech.

9. Poetic language and poetic text as an object of linguistic poetics.

10. Stylistic concepts in domestic and world scientific literature.

Seminar lesson plan

Lesson 1. Stylistics in a number of philological disciplines

1. Subject and tasks of stylistics.

2. Structure and use of language.

3. Three levels of language study.

5. Style, stylistic coloring, style norm.

6.Synonymy and correlation of methods of linguistic expression.

Lesson 2. Stylistics and culture of speech

1. Language, speech, culture.

2. Speech culture as a component of culture as a whole.

3. Speech culture as a culture of speech activity.

4. Speech culture of society and speech culture of the individual.

5. Criteria for assessing speech culture.

6. Normalization as a mechanism of speech culture. Types of norms

7. Levels of speech culture.

Lesson 3. Functional style.

1. Functional styles of the Russian language.

2. Extralinguistic characteristics of functional styles.

3. Language tools of functional styles.

4. Functional styles in relation to colloquial and artistic speech.

5. Functional styles based on tightness - permeability.

6. “Picture of the world” in functional styles.

Lesson 4. Text as a phenomenon of language use (text stylistics)

1. Different approaches to the text.

2. Text features.

3. Defining text

4. The term "discourse"

5. Fiction and non-fiction texts.

7.Intertextual connections.

Lesson 5. Subjectivization of the narrative and linguistic constructions with a focus on the image of “someone else’s word” (text stylistics).

1. The concept of subjectivation of narrative.

2. Verbal techniques of subjectification.

3. Compositional techniques of subjectivization.

4. “Objectification” of the narrator’s narrative.

5. The concept of linguistic constructions with a focus on the image of “someone else’s word.”

6. Stylization. Tale Parody.

Lesson 6. The structure of the text and its stylistic analysis.

1. Approaches to the concept of text structure.

2. Problems of text structure.

3. Stylistic analysis of the text.

4. Problems, ways and techniques of stylistic analysis.

5. Practical tasks on stylistic analysis of text.

Lesson 7. Phonics and orthoepy (practical stylistics)

1. The concept of phonics.

2. The importance of the sound organization of speech.

3. Phonetic means of language that have a stylistic meaning.

4. Russian orthoepy from a stylistic perspective.

5. Stylistic meanings of pronunciation options.

6. Sound recording in artistic speech.

7. Stylistic shortcomings in the sound organization of prose speech.

Lesson 8. Lexical and phraseological stylistics (practical stylistics)

1. Stylistic use of synonyms, antonyms, homonyms, ambiguous words in speech.

2. Paronymy and paronomasia.

3. Stylistic coloring of words.

4. Vocabulary that has a limited scope

5. Outdated words, new words.

6. Stylistic assessment of borrowed words.

7. Features of the use of phraseological units in speech.

8. Phraseological innovation of writers.

9. Speech errors associated with the use of phraseological units.

10. Lexical figurative means.

Lesson 9. Stylistics of word formation (practical stylistics)

1. Creation of evaluative meanings by means of word formation.

2. Expressive word formation in artistic and journalistic speech.

3. Functional and stylistic fixation of word-forming means.

4. Stylistic use of bookish and colloquial word-formation means by writers.

5. Word-formative archaisms.

6. Occasional word formation.

7. Elimination of shortcomings and errors in word formation during stylistic editing.

Lesson 10. Stylistics of parts of speech (practical stylistics)

1. Stylistics of a noun.

2. Stylistics of the adjective and numeral.

3. Stylistics of the verb.

4. Stylistics of the pronoun.

5. Stylistics of the adverb.

6. Elimination of morphological and stylistic errors.

Lesson 11. Syntactic stylistics (practical stylistics)

1. Stylistic use of various types of simple and complex sentences.

2. Stylistic use of word order.

3. Elimination of speech errors in the structure of a simple sentence.

4. Stylistic assessment of the main members of the proposal and options for harmonizing definitions and applications, management options.

5. Stylistic use of homogeneous members of the sentence, addresses, introductory and plug-in constructions.

6. Syntactic means of expressive speech.

Lesson 12. The language of fiction.

1. Fiction and non-fiction. The language of fiction and literary language.

2. The language of fiction and functional styles.

3. The question of “poetic” language.

4. Imagery of a literary text. Image in art. Word and image. The nature of imagery and image. "Ugly" imagery.

5. The structure of a verbal image.

1..5.2 Educational and methodological support for students’ independent work

Abstract topics

1. Stages of development of the stylistic system.

2. Language policy and the active position of the philologist during periods of instability and decline in speech culture norms.

3. Interaction of literary language and the language of fiction.

4. Norms of the modern Russian language.

6. Culture of Russian speech.

7. Russian orthoepy and stylistics.

8. Features of colloquial speech.

9. Concept by V.V. Vinogradov.

10. Text stylistics.

11. Methods of linguistic-stylistic analysis.

12. Emotional-evaluative components.

13. Stylistic scale and its structure.

15. Stylistic signs.

16. Linguistic expressiveness.

17. Russian artistic language.

18. Concept of Sh. Bally.

19. Concept by G.O. Vinokur.

20. Linguistic poetics.

21.Modern terminology.

22. Scientific and professional speech.

Tasks for independent work*

Exercise 1. Distribute the words into three groups: 1) pronunciation of E after soft consonants; 2) pronunciation of O after soft consonants; 3) variant pronunciation of E and O after soft consonants.

Option 1.

Scam, being, wandering, guardianship, sedentary, fade, maneuverable, nonsense, obscene.

Option 2.

Stiffened, sharp, eponymous, maneuver, faded, pomp, nonsense, perfect appearance, glitter.

Option 3.

Whitish, bile, successor, lattice, firebrand, pompous, foreign, named, swollen.

Option 4.

Hopeless, faded, multi-temporal, this, crypt, ridge, transferred, humble, brought.

Exercise 2. Distribute words of foreign language origin into two groups: 1) with a soft consonant before E, 2) with a hard consonant before E. Note cases of variant pronunciation.

Option 1.

Vernissage, chapel, beefsteak, interior, pince-nez, thesis, toaster, decoration, remark, annexation, Flaubert, terror.

Option 2.

Version, caravel, sandwich, muffler, polonaise, pace, tunnel, incident, reprise, bacteria, session, terrorism.

Option 3.

Bearing, coupe, genesis, motorcade, rendezvous, trend, citadel, clarinet, summary, decadent, maxim, track.

Option 4.

Abwehr, resume, genetics, hotel, sideboard, thermos, masterpiece, component, dean, claim, therapy, fashionable.

Task 3. Place the emphasis in the following words. Pay special attention to words that have variant stress.

Option 1.

Pamper, seal, exorbitant prices, lighten, soar, more beautiful, dowry, convocation, catalogue, cake, heavy, large, curved.

Option 2.

Pampered, sealed, utterly, vulgarize, chased, quarter, intention, spark, rubles, beetroot, thick, sweet, touched.

Option 3.

Dividing, sparkling, from ancient times, molding, busy, rusting, slumber, illness, thinking, about stamps, tablecloths, fit, curved.

Option 4.

Frost, mark, masterfully, force, began, chunk, sign, stroke, stalls, about positions, thin, college.

Task 4. Find the error (underline), determine its type as accurately as possible, and provide the corrected version.

Option 1.

1) Kuprin’s story “The Duel” was prepared by a whole galaxy of stories dedicated to the life of the army.

2) Everyone listened intently to the performance of the famous artist, who performed in our city for the first time.

3) Proper organization of work plays an important role.

4) Tolstoy’s work excites readers in a variety of languages.

5) Rainwater should be boiled well before use due to the presence of contaminants in it.

6) I don’t trust a politician who sprinkles beautiful phrases with pearls.

7) We brainstormed for a long time and finally found the right solution,
which should be followed.

8) How do they show patriotism towards their Motherland?

9) This was an innovation in literature that had not taken place

10) We must be patient with people’s shortcomings.

11) Every night, patrol boats vigilantly guard our border.

12) The boy grew up an orphan.

Option 2.

1) The poet’s love for his homeland often revived him from decadent moods.

2) The scientist stood at the sources of aircraft construction.

3) Kuprin is an amazing writer of his time.

4) A drug den has been identified in the city.

5) The institute has developed new methods and developments on this problem.

6) The nobles remained faithful to the beauty of the cherry orchard, and therefore

they are so insignificant.

7) All students should be aware of changes in the lesson schedule.

8) Speakers and speakers noted serious defects and shortcomings in the complex automation of the plant.

9) The situation of these young people has become difficult.

10) Bazarov loves and understands the people, he himself has been in their shoes.

11) Fedorov deliberately tried to refrain from commenting on the merits of the experiments.

12) Chief accountant Ivanova came to work.

Option 3.

1) But before I use the material and lightly vibrate it, I want to express my thoughts about Bazarov.

2) When Rus' was fragmented, it was able to be conquered by the Tatar-Mongol yoke.

3) The patient was immediately admitted to the hospital.

4) Trofimov’s speech, like other characters in the play, is characterized by

5) “The Tale of Igor’s Campaign” will be understood by every person who
truly loves his homeland.

6) These traffic violators look unsightly.

7) Rumors have begun in Hollywood about what will be filmed
biographical film about Liz Taylor.

8) The factors cited by the speaker did not convince anyone.

9) The above mentioned students did not appear for the exam.

10) The bullet fired by Dantes stuck deep in Lermontov’s heart.

11) The sown area in the region is 43 thousand hectares.

12) Finally I was able to buy 5 meters of beautiful tulle.

Option 4.

1) Speakers usually appear in such expressions as “takes place”, “provides assistance.” and so on.

2) The artist won the gratitude of the audience.

3) A nourishing mask nourishes the skin.

4) There is a shortage of educational literature in the library.

5) There is a great desire to get the next edition of this book.

6) For the whole school, this student became a legend.

7) Yesenin knew how to overcome his melancholy, various gloomy feelings, and conquer himself.

8) It is impossible not to say a few hospitable words about our guests.

9) The part of the Countess from this opera cannot be reduced to the type of buffoon characters.

10) Defects in the preparation of graduates will be revealed during exams.

11) The useful capacity of the scraper is 1500 kilograms.

12) The speaker focused on the most basic problems.

Task 5. Describe the options: what this group is, what are the differences between the options (gender, case, plural).

Option 1.

A row of people sat - a row of people sat

You can't buy matches - you can't buy matches

Gorges - gorges

Option 2.

Dear Comrade Ivanova - Dear Comrade Ivanova

Towels - towels

In the workshop - in the workshop

Option 3.

About a million people are on strike - about a million people are on strike

This crybaby is a crybaby

Because of an error - by mistake - due to an error

Option 4.

The driver and assistant have gone - the driver and assistant have gone

Work in the village - work in the village

Windy - windier

Task 6. Find figurative and expressive means of language (tropes, stylistic figures) in the proposed text, characterize them, show their function in creating an image.

Option 1.

Then another week passed. One night there was heavy rain, and then the hot sun somehow immediately came into its own, spring lost its meekness and pallor, and everything before our eyes began to change by leaps and bounds. They began to plow open the stubble and turn it into black velvet, the field boundaries turned green, the grass in the yard became juicier, the sky became thicker and brighter, the garden quickly began to be dressed in fresh, even soft-looking greenery, the gray clusters of lilacs began to turn purple and smell, and many black ones had already appeared, large flies shining metallic blue on its dark green glossy foliage and on the hot spots of light on the paths. The branches of the apple and pear trees were still visible, they were barely touched by the small, grayish and especially soft foliage, but these apple and pear trees, spreading networks of their crooked branches everywhere under other trees, were all already curled with milky snow, and every day this color became more and more whiter, thicker and more fragrant. During this wonderful time, Mitya joyfully and intently watched all the spring changes taking place around him. But Katya not only did not retreat, did not get lost among them, but on the contrary, she participated in them all and gave herself to everything, her beauty, blossoming along with the blossoming of spring, with this ever more luxuriously whitening garden and an ever darker blue sky.

Option 2.

In Oreanda they sat on a bench, not far from the church, looked down at the sea and were silent. Yalta was barely visible through the morning fog; white clouds stood motionless on the mountain tops. The leaves did not move on the trees, the cicadas screamed, and the monotonous, dull sound of the sea coming from below spoke of peace, of the eternal sleep that awaits us. It was so noisy below, when there was neither Yalta nor Oreanda here, now it is noisy and will be noisy just as indifferently and dully when we are not there. And in this constancy, in complete indifference to the life and death of each of us, lies, perhaps, the guarantee of our eternal salvation, the continuous movement of life on earth, continuous perfection. Sitting next to the young woman, who at dawn seemed so beautiful, calm and enchanted in view of this fabulous setting - the sea, mountains, clouds, wide sky, Gurov thought about how, in essence, if you think about it, everything is beautiful in this world, everything except what we ourselves think and do when we forget about the highest goals of existence, about our human dignity.

Option 3.

The forest road also rustles - it is also all under leaves - and this rustling can be heard far away through the forest, still through, open, but still no longer winter. The forest is silent, but this silence is not the same, but alive, waiting. The sun has set, but the evening is bright and long. And Tamara feels all this spring beauty no less than me - she walks especially easily. Raising his neck and looking forward, into the far visible and still spacious grayish bowl of trunks coming towards us, peeking out from behind each other. Suddenly, like a stake, a shaggy owl fell from the old aspen tree, smoothly darted and landed with a flourish on a birch stump - waking up, jerked its eared head and with its sighted eye burst out all around: hello, they say, forest, hello, evening, even I now the one before is ready for spring and love! And as if approving of her, somewhere nearby the triumphant clattering and crackling of a nightingale echoed throughout the entire forest. And under the old birches, showing their lacy nakedness against the grayish, but light and deep evening sky, tight and sharp, glossy dark green tubes of lilies of the valley are already sticking out.

Tula printed gingerbread, sitting in an almost empty carriage. Then the train dispersed
and wound him up and put him to sleep.
He woke up only in Verkhovye. The train was stopped, it was quite crowded and
fussy, but also somehow provincial. There was a pleasant smell of the station kitchen.
Mitya happily ate a plate of cabbage soup and drank a bottle of beer, then again
dozed off - deep fatigue attacked him. And when he woke up again,
the train rushed through the spring birch forest, already familiar, before the last
station. It was getting dark again like spring, and the smell of rain came through the open window.
and like mushrooms. The forest was still completely bare, but still the rumble of the train
could be heard in it more clearly than in the field, and in the distance they were already flashing like spring
sad lights of the station. Here is the high green light of the semaphore - especially
lovely in such twilight in the bare birch forest - and the train began to knock
to switch to another path... God, how pathetic and sweet the worker is in a rustic way,
waiting for the barchuk on the platform!
Twilight and clouds were thickening as we drove from the station through a large village,
also still spring, dirty. Everything was drowning in these unusually soft
twilight, in the deepest silence of the earth, warm night merged with darkness
vague, low-hanging rain clouds, and again Mitya marveled and
I rejoiced: how calm, simple, wretched the village is, these fragrant smoke huts, already
sleeping for a long time, - since the Annunciation, good people do not fan the fire, - and how
good in this dark and warm steppe world! The tarantas dived over potholes,
mud, the oak trees behind the rich man's yard stood still completely naked,
unfriendly, blackened with rooks' nests. He stood at the hut and peered into
strange twilight, as if from ancient times a man: bare feet, a torn army coat,
a lamb's cap on long straight hair... And he went warm, sweet,
fragrant rain. Mitya thought about the girls, about the young women sleeping in these huts,
about everything feminine that he had come close to over the winter with Katya, and everything merged into
one thing, - Katya, girls, night, spring, the smell of rain, the smell of plowed land, ready for
fertilization of the earth, the smell of horse sweat and the memory of the smell of kid


Life in the village began with peaceful, charming days.
At night, on the way from the station, Katya seemed to fade, dissolved in everything
surrounding But no, it just seemed like that and it seemed like that for a few more days,
while Mitya slept, came to his senses, got used to the novelty of acquaintances from childhood
impressions of home, village, village spring, spring nakedness and
the emptiness of the world, again pure and young, ready for a new flowering.
The estate was small, the house was old and simple, the farming was simple,
not requiring a lot of housekeeping - life began quietly for Mitya. Sister Anya,
a second-grader high school student and brother Kostya, a teenage cadet, were still in Orel,
studied, should have arrived no earlier than the beginning of June. Mom, Olga Petrovna,
was, as always, busy with housework, in which only the clerk helped her,
- the headman, as he was called in the courtyard, - was often in the field, lay down
sleep as soon as it gets dark.
When Mitya, the next day after his arrival, having slept for twelve hours,
washed, in everything clean, he came out of his sunny room - she was
windows into the garden, to the east - and walked through all the others, he vividly experienced the feeling
their kinship and peaceful, soothing simplicity to both soul and body. Everything is everywhere
stood in its usual places, as many years ago, and in the same way
it smelled familiar and pleasant; everywhere everything was tidied up for his arrival, in all
The floors of the rooms were washed. They only cleaned the hall adjacent to the hallway, to
lackey, as she was still called. Freckled girl, charwoman with
villages, stood on the window near the doors to the balcony, reaching for the top glass,
wiping it with a whistle and being reflected in the lower windows turning blue, as if
distant, reflection. Maid Parasha, pulling out a large rag from a bucket with
hot water, barefoot, white-legged, walked along the flooded floor on small heels and
said in a friendly, cheeky patter, wiping the sweat from the flaring
face with the crook of a rolled-up hand:
- Go and have some tea, mother left for the station before daybreak.
Headman, you probably haven’t heard...
And immediately Katya powerfully reminded herself: Mitya caught himself
lust for this rolled up female hand and for the feminine curve of the stretching
up the girl on the window, to her skirt, under which strong bedside tables went
bare legs, and joyfully felt Katya’s power, that he belonged to her,
felt her secret presence in all the impressions of this morning.
And this presence was felt more and more alive with each new day and
it became more and more beautiful as Mitya came to his senses,
calmed down and forgot that ordinary Katya, who is in Moscow so often
so painfully did not merge with Katya, created by his desire.


For the first time he lived at home as an adult, with whom even his mother stayed
somehow differently than before, and most importantly, he lived with the first true love in his soul,
already realizing the very thing that his entire being had been secretly waiting for since childhood, with
Even in infancy, something marvelously and mysteriously stirred
inexpressible in human language. Sometime and somewhere, it must be too
in the spring, in the garden, near the lilac bushes, I remember the pungent smell of Spanish
flies, - he, very small, stood with some young woman, -
probably with his nanny - and suddenly something seemed to dawn on him
heavenly light - either her face or her sundress on her full chest - and
something passed through him like a hot wave, leaped within him, truly like a child in the womb
mother... But it was like a dream. As in a dream, everything that happened later - in
childhood, adolescence, and high school years. There were some special ones, no matter what
dissimilar admirations from one or the other of those girls who came
with his mothers on his children's holidays, a secret greedy curiosity for
every movement of this charming, also unlike anything little
creatures in a dress, shoes, with a silk ribbon bow on their heads. Was
(this was later, in the provincial town) which lasted almost the entire autumn and already
much more conscious admiration for the schoolgirl who often appeared on
in the evenings on a tree behind the fence of a neighboring garden: her playfulness, mockery,
brown dress, round comb in hair, dirty hands, laughter,
a ringing cry - everything was such that Mitya thought about her from morning to evening,
he was sad, sometimes even cried, insatiably wanting something from her. Then this
somehow it ended by itself, was forgotten, and there were new ones, more or less long,
- and again hidden - admiration, there were sharp joys and sorrows
sudden love at school balls... there were some yearnings in
body, but in the heart there are vague premonitions, expectations of something...
He was born and raised in the village, but as a high school student he inevitably spent the spring in
city, with the exception of one year, the year before last, when he, having arrived in
village for Maslenitsa, fell ill and, recovering, stayed at home for March and half
April. It was an unforgettable time. For two weeks he lay and only looked out the window
saw every day changing along with the increase in warmth and light in the world
heaven, snow, garden, its trunks and branches. He saw: it’s morning, and in the room it’s like this
bright and warm from the sun, that reviving flies are already crawling on the glass... here
afternoon the next day: the sun is behind the house, on the other side, and
in the window there is already pale spring snow and large white clouds in
blue, in the tops of the trees... and here, another day, in the cloudy sky such
bright clearings, and there is such a wet shine on the bark of the trees, and so much dripping from the roof
above the window, you can’t get enough of it, you can’t get enough of it... Then warm fogs began to set in,
rains, the snow dissolved and was eaten up in a few days, the river began to move,
It’s joyful and new to turn black, to be naked in the garden and in the yard... And for a long time
Mitya remembers one day at the end of March when he rode horseback for the first time
in field. The sky is not bright, but it shone so vividly, so youthfully in the pale,
colorless trees of the garden. There was still a fresh breeze in the field, the stubble was wild and red, and
where they plowed - they were already plowing for oats - oily, with primitive power
the upswings were black. And he rode entirely through these stubbles and upslopes towards the forest and
from afar I saw him in the clear air - naked, small, visible from the end to
end, - then he descended into its hollows and rustled his horse’s hooves in the deep
last year's foliage, in some places completely dry, fawn, in others wet,
brown, moved through the ravines filled with it, where hollow water still flowed, and from under
bushes burst out with a crash right from under the feet of the dark-gold horses
woodcocks... What was this whole spring and especially this day for him?
it blew so freshly towards him in the field, and the horse, overcome by the moisture-saturated
stubble and black arable land, she breathed so noisily with wide nostrils, snoring and roaring
guts with magnificent wild power? It seemed then that it was this spring and
was his first true love, days of being completely in love with someone and
into something when he loved all the schoolgirls and all the girls in the world. But what
This time seemed far away to him now! How much was he then still completely
a boy, innocent, simple-hearted, poor in his humble sorrows,
joys and dreams! A dream, or rather a memory of some wonderful
The dream was then his pointless, ethereal love. Now in the world there was
Katya, there was a soul that embodied this world and was above everything above it


Only once during this first time did Katya ominously remind herself.
One day, late in the evening, Mitya went out onto the back porch. Was really
dark, quiet, smelled of damp fields. From behind the night clouds, above the vague ones
the outlines of the garden, small stars were tearing up. And suddenly somewhere in the distance something wild,
it boomed devilishly and began to bark and squeal. Mitya shuddered, became numb,
then he carefully stepped off the porch and entered the dark, as if from all sides
hostilely guarding his alley, stopped again and began to wait, listen: what
this is it, where is it - that which so unexpectedly and terribly announced the garden? Owl,
a forest scarecrow fulfilling his love, and nothing more, he thought, but all
froze as if from the invisible presence of the devil himself in this darkness. And suddenly
Again there was a booming howl that shook Mitya’s entire soul, somewhere nearby, in
at the tops of the alley, there was a crackling noise - and the devil silently moved somewhere
to another place in the garden. There he first barked, then became plaintively, pleadingly, like
child, whining, crying, flapping its wings and squealing with painful
with pleasure, began to squeal and burst into such scornful laughter, as if
he was tickled and tortured. Mitya, trembling all over, stared into the darkness with both his eyes and
hearing. But the devil suddenly broke loose, choked and, cutting through the dark garden
with a death-languorous cry, as if he had fallen through the ground. Waiting in vain
resumption of this love horror for a few more minutes, Mitya quietly returned
home - and all night I suffered through sleep with all those painful and
disgusting thoughts and feelings that turned into in March in Moscow
his love.
However, in the morning, in the sun, his nightly torment quickly dissipated. He
remembered how Katya cried when they firmly decided that he should
time to leave Moscow, I remembered with what delight she grabbed the idea,
that he would also come to Crimea in early June, and how touchingly she helped him
in his preparations for departure, as she saw him off at the station... He took out
her photographic card, for a long, long time peering at her little
elegant head, amazed at the purity and clarity of its straight, open (slightly
round) look... Then the hedgehog wrote a particularly long and especially heartfelt
a letter full of faith in their love, and again returned to the unceasing
the feeling of her loving and bright presence in everything in which he lived and rejoiced.
He remembered what he had experienced when his father died, nine years ago. This
It was also spring. The day after this death, timidly, with bewilderment and
walking in horror through the hall, where with his chest raised high and folded on it
he lay on the table with his large pale hands, blackened by his through beard and
The father, dressed in a noble uniform, turned white, Mitya went out onto the porch,
looked at the huge coffin lid, upholstered in gold brocade, standing near the door,
- and suddenly I felt: there is death in the world! She was in everything: in the sunlight,
in the spring grass in the yard, in the sky, in the garden... He went into the garden, into the motley
light along the linden alley, then into the side alleys, even sunnier, looking at
trees and the first white butterflies, listened to the first birds singing sweetly
- and recognized nothing: there was death in everything, a terrible table in the hall and a long
brocade cover on the porch! Not the same, somehow the sun didn’t shine as well, not
the grass was so green, not so frozen in the spring, only still hot on top
butterflies on the grass - everything was not the same as a day ago, everything was transformed
as if from the proximity of the end of the world, and the beauty of spring, its
eternal youth! And it lasted for a long time and then, it lasted all spring, for how long
felt - or imagined - in a washed and many times ventilated house
terrible, disgusting, sweetish smell...
The same obsession, only of a completely different order, was experienced by
Mitya and now: this spring, the spring of his first love, was also completely different,
than all previous springs. The world was transformed again, again full as if
something extraneous, but not hostile, not terrible, but on the contrary -
wonderfully merging with the joy and youth of spring. And this stranger was Katya
or, rather, Mitya demanded the most beautiful thing in the world that he wanted from her.
Now, as the spring days passed, he demanded more and more from her.
more. And now, when she was not there, there was only her image, the image was not
existing, but only desired, she seemed to do nothing to disturb that
immaculate and beautiful, which was demanded of her, and every day more and more vividly
and was felt more alive in everything that Mitya looked at.


He was glad to see this in the first week of his stay.
Houses. Then it was still the eve of spring. He sat with a book near the open
living room window, looked between the trunks of fir and pine trees in the front garden at the dirty
a river in the meadows, to a village on the slopes behind the river: from morning to evening,
tirelessly, exhausted from blissful fussiness, in the way they only shout
early spring, rooks were screaming in the bare century-old birches in the neighboring landowner's
garden, and still wild, gray was the view of the village on the slopes, and only one more lozin
were covered there with yellowish greenery... He walked into the garden: and the garden was still low and
bare, transparent - only the clearings were green, all dotted with small
turquoise flowers, and the akatnik along the alleys became pubescent and turned pale white, finely
one cherry tree was blooming in the hollow, in the southern, lower part of the garden... It overlooked
field: still empty, it was gray in the field, stubble still stuck out like a brush, still wiry
and the dried field roads were purple... And all this was the nakedness of youth,
times of waiting - and it was all Katya. And it just seemed that way
distracted by the charwoman doing this and that on the estate, the workers in
human, reading, walks, going to the village to see men you know, talking
with my mother, trips with the headman (a tall, rude retired soldier) to the field on
racing droshky...
Then another week passed. One night there was heavy rain, and then it got hotter
the sun somehow immediately became stronger, spring lost its meekness and pallor,
and everything around before our eyes began to change by leaps and bounds. Become
plow up, turn the stubble into black velvet, turn the field boundaries green,
the ants in the yard became juicier, the sky became thicker and brighter, the
dress the garden with fresh, soft even-looking greenery, flooded and smelled of gray
brushes of lilac, and a multitude of black, metallic shiny
blue of large flies on its dark green glossy foliage and on hot
spots of light on the paths. The branches of the apple and pear trees were still visible, they were barely
touched by small, grayish and especially soft foliage, but these apple and pear trees,
spreading networks of their crooked branches everywhere under other trees, all already
curled up with milky snow, and every day this color became more and more
whiter, thicker and more fragrant. At this wonderful time, joyfully and intently
Mitya watched all the spring changes taking place around him. But
Katya not only did not retreat, did not get lost among them, but on the contrary -
participated in them all and gave herself to everything, her beauty, blossoming
along with the blossoming of spring, with this ever more luxurious whitening garden and ever darker
blue sky.


And then one day, going out into the hall full of afternoon sun for tea, Mitya
unexpectedly he saw mail near the samovar, which he had been waiting in vain all morning.
He quickly walked up to the table - Katya should have answered at least one question long ago
from the letters that he sent her - and flashed brightly and terribly into his eyes
a small, ornate envelope with an inscription on it in familiar, pathetic handwriting. He
grabbed it and walked out of the house, then through the garden, along the main alley. He left
to the farthest part of the garden, to where the ravine ran through it, and,
stopping and looking around, he quickly tore the envelope. The letter was brief, just
in several lines, but Mitya had to read them five times to finally
understand,” his heart was pounding. "My beloved, my only one!" --
he read and re-read - and the earth swam under his feet from these
exclamations. He raised his eyes: the sky was shining solemnly and joyfully over the garden,
around the garden shone with its snowy whiteness, the nightingale, already sensing the evening
a chill, clearly and strongly, with all the sweetness of a nightingale’s self-forgetfulness, clicked
in the fresh greenery of distant bushes - and the blood drained from his face, goosebumps
ran through my hair...
He walked home slowly - the cup of his love was full to the brim. And also
He carried it carefully within himself for the next few days, quietly, happily waiting for something new.


The garden was dressed in various ways.
A huge old maple tree, towering over the entire southern part of the garden, visible
from everywhere, became even larger and more visible - dressed in fresh, thick greenery.
The main alley, which Mitya constantly looked at, also became higher and more visible.
from her windows: the tops of her old linden trees, also covered, although still transparent,
a pattern of young foliage, rose and stretched over the garden in a light green ridge.
And below the maple tree, below the alley, lay something solid, curly, fragrant
creamy color.
And all this: the huge and lush top of the maple, the light green ridge of the alley,
the wedding whiteness of apple trees, pears, bird cherry trees, the sun, the blue of the sky and everything that
grew in the bottom of the garden, in the hollow, along the side alleys and paths and under
the foundation of the southern wall of the house - lilac, acacia and currant bushes, burdocks,
nettle, Chernobyl - everything amazed with its density, freshness and novelty.
In the clean green yard, the vegetation approaching from everywhere became
the house seemed to become smaller and more beautiful. It was as if he was waiting
guests - the doors and windows in all rooms were open all day long: in
white hall, in a blue old-fashioned living room, in a small sofa, also blue and
hung with oval miniatures, and in the sunny library, large and empty
corner room with old icons in the front corner and low bookcases
ash cabinets along the walls. And everywhere they looked into the rooms festively
approaching the house variously green, sometimes light, sometimes dark, trees with
bright blue between the branches.
But there was no letter. Mitya knew Katya’s inability to write letters and how
it is always difficult for her to get ready to sit down at her desk, to find a pen, paper,
an envelope, buy a stamp... But reasonable considerations again began to be of little help.
The happy, even proud confidence with which he waited for several days
the second letter, disappeared - he languished and became more and more worried. After all, for
with a letter like the first, something else should have immediately followed
more beautiful and pleasing. But Katya was silent.
He began to visit the village and go to the fields less often. He was sitting in the library
I leafed through magazines that had been yellowing and drying in closets for decades. IN
magazines there were many wonderful poems by old poets, wonderful lines,
who almost always talked about one thing - about what all the poems and songs with
the beginning of the world, what his soul now lived with and what he could invariably in one way or another
attributed to himself, to his love, to Katya. And he sat for hours at a time
an armchair near the open wardrobe and tormented himself by reading and re-reading:
People are sleeping, my friend, let's go to the shady garden!
People are sleeping, only the stars are looking at us...
All these enchanting words, all these calls were as if his own,
were now addressed as if only to one thing, to the one whom he constantly saw
in everything and everywhere he, Mitya, and sometimes they sounded almost menacing:
Over mirrored waters
Swans flap their wings -
And the river sways:
Oh, come! The stars are shining
The leaves are slowly fluttering
And the clouds find...
He closed his eyes, growing cold, and repeated this several times in a row.
call, call of the heart, overflowing with love power, thirsting for its
triumph, blessed resolution. Then he looked in front of him for a long time, listened
the deep village silence that surrounded the house, and shook his head bitterly.
No, she did not respond, she silently shone somewhere out there, in a strange and distant
Moscow world! - And again the tenderness drained from the heart - it grew again,
this menacing, ominous, incantatory word expanded:
Oh, come! The stars are shining
The leaves are slowly fluttering
And the clouds find...


Linguistic text analysis

Everyone has a text on their desk. Read it and think about how you could title it.


Then another week passed. One night there was heavy rain and then the hot sun suddenly suddenly burst in, spring came into force, lost its meekness and pallor, and everything around before our eyes began to change by leaps and bounds. They began to plow open the fields...they turned the stubble into black velvet, the field boundaries turned green, the ants in the yard became thicker and more cheerful, the sky quickly began to dress in fresh, soft greenery, gray tassels with...rain and already a lot of black meta... large flies shining with blue on (dark green gloss...twisted foliage and on hot spots of light on the paths. On the apple and pear trees their branches were still visible, barely touched by small grayish and especially soft foliage, but these apple and pear trees are everywhere the networks of their crooked branches stretching out under other trees were already curled with milky snow, and every day this color became whiter, thicker and more fragrant.

M.A. Alekseev.

- The arrival of spring.

- What is the idea of ​​the text?

- The swift joy of spring renewal.

We will answer this question after linguistic analysis of the text.

We will work in pairs and groups.

Before you begin, pay attention to the text.

- Does it have paragraphs?

- No.

- Why?

- Then tell me, what style does this text belong to?

- Towards the artistic.

- Determine the type of speech?

- Connection of narration and description.

Work in groups.

1 group.

What does the expression “bummer rain” mean? What is his role? Why does the author use it?

Interpretation of the words “meekness” and “fragrance”. Choose synonyms and antonyms for them.

Find phraseological units in the text. What is his role?

Artistic and visual means used in the text. What is their role?

Bummer rain - sudden, strong, powerful, breaking off tree branches. It surged with such force that spring suddenly lost its meekness and pallor.

Meekness – gentleness, humility, humility.

Synonyms : obedience, lack of arrogance, even temperament.

Antonyms : anger, rebellion, disobedience, arrogance, violence, lack of calm.

Incense - aroma, pleasant smell.

Antonyms : unpleasant odor, stench.

Not by business, but by hour - quickly, lightning fast, swiftly, instantly.


black velvet

dark green foliage

glossy foliage

grayish foliage

milky snow

They paint a picture in colors and convey the mood.

fresh, soft greens

hot spots of light

hot sun

soft foliage


    the sun came into force

    spring has lost its meekness and pallor

    the sky shone more cheerfully

    the garden began to dress up

    the foliage touched the branches

    apple and pear trees curled up

Nature becomes alive and speaking, creating a poetic picture of living nature .


The emphasis [р], , [л], [л’] creates the image of a seething stream of life.

What spring month do you think the author describes?

- Beginning of May (last offer) .

Conclusion: Lexical features of the text are subordinated to the idea: the author showsthe rapid inevitability of spring renewal .

2nd group.

    Insert the missing spellings and explain them, group them.

    Indicate the type of verbs. Which ones predominate? Explain this species relationship.

    Find comparative adjectives. What is their role?

    Find comparative adverbs. What is their role?

1. Unstressed vowels, checked by stress:

    lost (loss)

    appeared (will appear)

2. Unverifiable vowels and consonants:




3. o, ё after sibilants in the root and suffix:



4. n and nn in the suffix:


5. pre- and pre-:


6. Writing complex adjectives:

    dark green

What parts of speech words are used most often in the text? Why?

- Nouns (39), denoting an object. The author shows what changes in spring (sun, spring, boundaries, grass, garden, greenery, foliage, trees, apple trees, pears, etc.).

Adjectives and participles (24) help to more clearly convey those updates in nature that happen in spring.

Verbs (19) – action of the object.

Perfective verbs alternate with imperfective verbs. Perfective verbs predominate, which convey the speed of action and the completeness of the process. Using imperfective verbs, it is important for the author to show that the action is happening here and now.

Adjectives and adverbs in the comparative degree.

became juicier than ant

the color became whiter, thicker, more fragrant

turned bluer and more cheerful

They help convey the color of the grass, sky, branches, so that we can more vividly imagine spring renewal.

Conclusion: Morphological features of the text also help to reveal the idea.

3rd group.

    Place punctuation marks and explain them.

    Highlight the sentence stems.

    Find all types of sentence complications.

    Analyze the first sentence for structure. How is it different from the others?

    What is the role of homogeneous members of the sentence and isolated definitions expressed by participial phrases?

    Why are repetitions used in the text?

The first sentence is simple in structure, since it is a chord, an introduction. All other sentences are complex, but they are connected only by coordinating and non-conjunctive connections. There is no subordinating connection here, because it is important for the author to show the swiftness and sequence of actions.

Homogeneous subjects, predicates, objects, definitions and circumstances “expand” the scope of the arrival of spring.


    then it passed

    then it came in

    soft greens

    soft foliage

    hot spots

    hot sun

strengthen the process of the onset of spring.

Conclusion: Through syntactic and punctuation features, the author conveys to the reader the rapid flows of spring. He doesn’t even want to pause (he doesn’t narrate in simple sentences, except for the first one). Everything is in one breath, inextricably united.

So, we have in our hands the key with which we can write a miniature essay. This is your homework.

Russian is one of the most difficult languages ​​to learn. Why?

To answer this question, analyze statements about the Russian language.

  • “You marvel at the preciousness of our language: every sound is a gift: everything is grainy, large, like the pearl itself.”
  • N.V.Gogol
  • “Rich, sonorous, lively, distinguished by the flexibility of stress and infinitely varied in onomatopoeia, capable of conveying the finest shades, the Russian language seems to us created for poetry.”
  • P. Mermier

Indeed, the Russian language is unique; everything in it is important: the pronunciation of a word, its spelling, lexical meaning, order in a sentence, and its morphemic composition.

It, our language, is like a light cobweb, its threads are invisible, but try, pull one of them - you will immediately change the entire pattern. But! If you have learned not only know , understand him, but also feel , then such a unique world opens up before you that you no longer want to leave it.

Until today you looked through the keyhole, but today you will receive a key in your hands, which is called linguistic text analysis. The topic of our lesson : “Linguistic text analysis.”

What is the practical goal of our lesson?

Preparation for the Unified State Exam.

Everyone has a text on their desk. Read it and think about how you could title it.

Then another week passed. One night there was heavy rain and then the hot sun suddenly suddenly burst in, spring came into force, lost its meekness and pallor, and everything around before our eyes began to change by leaps and bounds. They began to plow open the fields...they turned the stubble into black velvet, the field boundaries turned green, the ants in the yard became thicker and more cheerful, the sky quickly began to dress in fresh, soft greenery, gray tassels with...rain and already a lot of black meta... large flies shining with blue on (dark green gloss...twisted foliage and on hot spots of light on the paths. On the apple and pear trees their branches were still visible, barely touched by small grayish and especially soft foliage, but these apple and pear trees are everywhere the networks of their crooked branches stretching out under other trees were already curled with milky snow, and every day this color became whiter, thicker and more fragrant.

M.A. Alekseev.

- The arrival of spring.

What is the idea of ​​the text?

- The swift joy of spring renewal.

We will answer this question after linguistic analysis of the text.

We will work in pairs and groups.

Before you begin, pay attention to the text.

Does it have paragraphs?

Then tell me, what style does this text belong to?

Towards the artistic.

Determine the type of speech?

Connecting narration and description.

Work in groups.

1 group.

What does the expression “bummer rain” mean? What is his role? Why does the author use it?

Interpretation of the words “meekness” and “fragrance”. Choose synonyms and antonyms for them.

Find phraseological units in the text. What is his role?

Artistic and visual means used in the text. What is their role?

Heavy rain - sudden, strong, powerful, breaking off tree branches. It surged with such force that spring suddenly lost its meekness and pallor.

Meekness - gentleness, humility, humility.

Synonyms: obedience, lack of arrogance, even disposition.

Antonyms: anger, disobedience, disobedience, arrogance, violence, lack of calm.

Incense is an aroma, a pleasant smell.

Antonyms: unpleasant smell, stench.

Not by business, but by the hour - quickly, lightning fast, swiftly, instantly.



  • the sun came into force
  • spring has lost its meekness and pallor
  • the sky shone more cheerfully
  • the garden began to dress up
  • the foliage touched the branches
  • apple and pear trees curled up

Nature becomes alive and speaking, creating a poetic picture of living nature.


The emphasis [р], , [л], [л’] creates the image of a seething stream of life.

What spring month do you think the author describes?

Beginning of May (last offer).

Conclusion: The lexical features of the text are subordinated to the idea: the author shows the rapid inevitability of spring renewal.

  1. Insert the missing spellings and explain them, group them.
  2. What parts of speech words are used most often in the text? Why?
  3. Indicate the type of verbs. Which ones predominate? Explain this species relationship.
  4. Find comparative adjectives. What is their role?
  5. Find comparative adverbs. What is their role?

1. Unstressed vowels, checked by stress: lost (loss)

  • appeared (will appear)
  • 2. Unverifiable vowels and consonants:

    • transform
    • lilac
    • metallic

    3. o, ё after sibilants in the root and suffix:

    • black
    • glossy

    4. n and nn in the suffix:

    • especially

    5. pre- and pre-:

    • transform

    6. Writing complex adjectives:

    • dark green

    What parts of speech words are used most often in the text? Why?

    Nouns (39) denoting an object. The author shows what changes in spring (sun, spring, boundaries, grass, garden, greenery, foliage, trees, apple trees, pears, etc.).

    Adjectives and participles (24) help to more clearly convey the renewal in nature that occurs in spring.

    Verbs (19) – the action of the subject.

    Perfective verbs alternate with imperfective verbs. Perfective verbs predominate, which convey the speed of action and the completeness of the process. Using imperfective verbs, it is important for the author to show that the action is happening here and now.

    Adjectives and adverbs in the comparative degree.

    Conclusion: Morphological features of the text also help to reveal the idea.

    1. Place punctuation marks and explain them.
    2. Highlight the sentence stems.
    3. Find all types of sentence complications.
    4. Analyze the first sentence for structure. How is it different from the others?
    5. What is the role of homogeneous members of the sentence and isolated definitions expressed by participial phrases?
    6. Why are repetitions used in the text?

    2 people at the board.

    The first sentence is simple in structure, since it is a chord, an introduction. All other sentences are complex, but they are connected only by coordinating and non-conjunctive connections. There is no subordinating connection here, because it is important for the author to show the swiftness and sequence of actions.

    Homogeneous subjects, predicates, objects, definitions and circumstances “expand” the scope of the arrival of spring.

    • then it passed
    • then it came in
    • soft greens
    • soft foliage
    • hot spots
    • hot sun

    strengthen the process of the onset of spring.

    Conclusion: Through syntactic and punctuation features, the author conveys to the reader the rapid flows of spring. He doesn’t even want to pause (he doesn’t narrate in simple sentences, except for the first one). Everything is in one breath, inextricably united.

    So, we have in our hands the key with which we can write a miniature essay. This is your homework.