Modern science has established it absolutely precisely. Social conflict is...

The earth reached 1% of its current level. This was sufficient for the life activity of some microorganisms, but for multicellular plants and especially animals, a noticeably higher level is required concentration oxygen (that is, its amount in each cubic meter of air).

In any case, there were no predators in the ecosystems of that time. The world of the most ancient multicellular organisms remains extremely mysterious, and paleontologists studying them are actually in the position of astronauts faced with the fauna of an alien planet.

Apparently, the first multicellular animals did not leave direct descendants. And the skeletal organisms that were familiar to us that replaced them arose on a completely different basis and spread widely throughout our planet.

On this page there is material on the following topics:

  • The ancestors of the first multicellular organisms were

  • Proterozoic era in brief

  • Report 5th grade on biology Proterozoic era

  • Aramarthoses of the Proterozoic era

  • Where did multicellular organisms on earth come from?

Questions for this article:

  • What is the origin of multicellular plants and animals?

  • Why do multicellular organisms need a higher concentration of oxygen than single-celled organisms?

  • Why do animals require more oxygen for their metabolism than plants?

  • Has the total mass of all living organisms on Earth decreased or increased as a result of the “oxygen revolution”?

  • Did the emergence of multicellular organisms lead to the extinction of single-celled organisms? Why?

  • How are some ancient multicellular organisms similar to modern lichens?

  • Is it possible to meet the first multicellular animals on our planet now?

  • The body of multicellular animals consists of a large number of cells, varied in structure and function, which have lost their independence, since they constitute a single, integral organism.

    Multicellular organisms can be divided into two large groups. Invertebrate animals are two-layer animals with radial symmetry, the body of which is formed by two tissues: the ectoderm, which covers the body from the outside, and the endoderm, which forms the internal organs - sponges and coelenterates. It also includes flat, round, annelids, arthropods, mollusks and echinoderms, bilaterally symmetrical and radial three-layered organisms, which in addition to ecto- and endoderm also have mesoderm, which in the process of individual development gives rise to muscle and connective tissues. The second group includes all animals that have an axial skeleton: notochord or vertebral column.

    Multicellular animals

    Coelenterates. Freshwater hydra.

    Structure – Radial symmetry, ectoderm, endoderm, sole, tentacles.
    Movement – ​​Contraction of skin-muscle cells, attachment of the sole to the substrate.
    Nutrition - Tentacles, mouth, intestines, cavity with digestive cells. Predator. Kills stinging cells with poison.
    Breathing – Oxygen dissolved in water penetrates the entire surface of the body.
    Reproduction - Hermaphrodites. Sexual: egg cells + sperm = egg. Asexual: budding.
    Circulatory system - No.
    Elimination - Food remains are removed through the mouth.
    Nervous system – Nerve plexus of nerve cells.

    Flatworms. White planaria.

    Roundworms. Human roundworm.

    Annelids. Earthworm.

    Structure – Elongated worm-shaped mucous skin on the outside, a dissected body cavity inside, length 10–16 cm, 100–180 segments.
    Movement – ​​Contraction of the skin-muscle sac, mucus, elastic bristles.
    Nutrition – Mouth pharynx esophagus crop stomach intestine anus. It feeds on particles of fresh or decaying plants.
    Respiration – Diffusion of oxygen across the entire surface of the body.
    Reproduction - Hermaphrodites. Exchange of sperm mucus with eggs cocoon of young worms.
    Circulatory system – Closed circulatory system: capillaries, annular vessels, main vessels: dorsal and abdominal.
    Excretion – Body cavity metanephridia (funnel with cilia) tubules excretory pair.
    Nervous system – Nerves, ganglia, nerve chain, peripharyngeal ring. Sensitive cells in the skin.

    Soft-bodied. Shellfish. Common pondweed.

    Structure – Soft body enclosed in a helical shell = torso + leg.
    Movement – ​​Muscular leg.
    Nutrition – Mouth, pharynx, tongue with teeth = grater, stomach, intestines, liver, anus.
    Breathing - Breathing hole. Lung.
    Reproduction - Hermaphrodites. Cross fertilization.
    The circulatory system is not closed. Lung heart vessels body cavity.
    Excretion – Kidney.
    Nervous system – Peripharyngeal cluster of nerve nodes.

    Arthropods. Crustaceans. Crayfish.

    Structure – + belly.
    Movement – ​​Four pairs of walking legs, 5 pairs of ventral legs + caudal fin for swimming.
    Nutrition - jaw mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, section with chitinous teeth, filtering apparatus, intestines, food. gland - anus.
    Breathing - gills.
    Reproduction – Dioecious. Eggs on abdomen legs before hatching. During growth, chitin shedding is characteristic. There is a nauplius larval stage.
    Circulatory system – Unclosed. Heart – blood vessels – body cavity.
    Excretion - Glands with an excretory canal at the base of the antennae.
    Nervous system – Periopharyngeal ring = suprapharyngeal and subpharyngeal node, ventral nerve cord. The organ of touch and smell is the base of the short antennae. The organs of vision are two compound eyes.

    Arthropods. Arachnids. Cross spider.

    Structure – Cephalothorax + abdomen.
    Movement - Four pairs of legs, 3 pairs of arachnoid warts on the belly, arachnoid glands for weaving a fishing net.
    Nutrition – Mouth = jaws with venom and claws. Poison is pre-digestion outside the body. Esophagus – stomach, intestines, anus.
    Respiration - In the abdomen there are a pair of pulmonary sacs with folds. Two bundles of trachea respiratory openings.
    Reproduction – Dioecious. Eggs in a cocoon - young spiders
    Circulatory system – Unclosed. Heart – blood vessels – body cavity
    Excretion – Malpischian vessels
    Nervous system – Pairs of ganglia + ventral chain. The organs of vision are simple eyes.

    Arthropods. Insects. Chafer.

    Structure – Head + chest + abdomen (8 segments)
    Movement – ​​3 pairs of legs with hard claws, a pair of wings, a pair of elytra
    Nutrition – Mouth = upper lip + 4 jaws + lower lip esophagus, stomach with chitinous teeth, intestines, anus
    Breathing – Spiracles on the abdominal segments of the trachea, all organs and tissues
    Reproduction – Females: ovaries, oviducts, spermatic receptacles.
    Males: 2 testes, vas deferens, canal, complete metamorphosis.
    The circulatory system is not closed. Heart with valves, vessels, body cavity.
    Excretion – Malpish vessels in the body cavity, fat body.
    Nervous system – Circumpharyngeal ring + ventral chain. Brain. 2 compound eyes, olfactory organs - 2 antennae with plates at the end.


    Structure – Star-shaped, spherical or human-shaped body shape. Underdeveloped skeleton. Two layers of integument - the outer one is single-layer, the inner one is fibrous connective tissue with elements of a calcareous skeleton.
    Movement – ​​Move slowly with the help of limbs, muscles are developed.
    Nutrition - Mouth opening, short esophagus, intestine, anus.
    Respiration - Skin gills, body coverings with the participation of the water-vascular system.
    Reproduction – Two ring vessels. One surrounds the mouth, the other the anus. There are radial vessels.
    Circulatory system – No special ones. Excretion occurs through the walls of the canals of the water-vascular system.
    Discretion – The genital organs have different structures. Most echinoderms are dioecious, but some are hermaphrodites. Development occurs through a series of complex transformations. The larvae swim in the water column; during metamorphosis, the animals acquire radial symmetry.
    Nervous system - The nervous system has a radial structure: radial nerve cords extend from the peripharyngeal nerve ring according to the number of people in the body.

    All living organisms are divided into subkingdoms of multicellular and unicellular creatures. The latter are one cell and belong to the simplest, while plants and animals are those structures in which a more complex organization has developed over the centuries. The number of cells varies depending on the variety to which the individual belongs. Most are so small that they can only be seen under a microscope. Cells appeared on Earth approximately 3.5 billion years ago.

    Nowadays, all processes occurring with living organisms are studied by biology. This science deals with the subkingdom of multicellular and unicellular organisms.

    Unicellular organisms

    Unicellularity is determined by the presence in the body of a single cell that performs all vital functions. The well-known amoeba and slipper ciliates are primitive and, at the same time, the most ancient forms of life that are representatives of this species. They were the first living creatures to live on Earth. This also includes groups such as Sporozoans, Sarcodaceae and bacteria. They are all small and mostly invisible to the naked eye. They are usually divided into two general categories: prokaryotic and eukaryotic.

    Prokaryotes are represented by protozoa or some species of fungi. Some of them live in colonies, where all individuals are the same. The entire process of life is carried out in each individual cell in order for it to survive.

    Prokaryotic organisms do not have membrane-bound nuclei and cellular organelles. These are usually bacteria and cyanobacteria, such as E. coli, salmonella, nostoca, etc.

    All representatives of these groups vary in size. The smallest bacterium is only 300 nanometers long. Unicellular organisms usually have special flagella or cilia that are involved in their movement. They have a simple body with pronounced basic features. Nutrition, as a rule, occurs during the process of absorption (phagocytosis) of food and is stored in special cell organelles.

    Single-celled organisms have dominated as a form of life on Earth for billions of years. However, evolution from the simplest to the more complex individuals changed the entire landscape, as it led to the emergence of biologically evolved connections. In addition, the emergence of new species has created new environments with diverse ecological interactions.

    Multicellular organisms

    The main characteristic of the metazoan subkingdom is the presence of a large number of cells in one individual. They are fastened together, thereby creating a completely new organization, which consists of many derivative parts. The majority of them can be seen without any special equipment. Plants, fish, birds and animals emerge from a single cell. All creatures included in the subkingdom of multicellular organisms regenerate new individuals from embryos that are formed from two opposite gametes.

    Any part of an individual or a whole organism, which is determined by a large number of components, is a complex, highly developed structure. In the subkingdom of multicellular organisms, the classification clearly separates the functions in which each of the individual particles performs its task. They engage in vital processes, thereby supporting the existence of the entire organism.

    The subkingdom Multicellular in Latin sounds like Metazoa. To form a complex organism, cells must be identified and joined to others. Only a dozen protozoa can be seen individually with the naked eye. The remaining nearly two million visible individuals are multicellular.

    Pluricellular animals are created by the union of individuals through the formation of colonies, filaments, or aggregation. Pluricellular organisms developed independently, like Volvox and some flagellated green algae.

    A sign of the subkingdom metazoans, that is, its early primitive species, was the absence of bones, shells and other hard parts of the body. Therefore, no traces of them have survived to this day. The exception is sponges, which still live in the seas and oceans. Perhaps their remains are found in some ancient rocks, such as Grypania spiralis, whose fossils were found in the oldest layers of black shale dating back to the early Proterozoic era.

    In the table below, the multicellular subkingdom is presented in all its diversity.

    Complex relationships arose as a result of the evolution of protozoa and the emergence of the ability of cells to divide into groups and organize tissues and organs. There are many theories explaining the mechanisms by which single-celled organisms may have evolved.

    Theories of origin

    Today, there are three main theories of the origin of the multicellular subkingdom. A brief summary of the syncytial theory, without going into details, can be described in a few words. Its essence is that a primitive organism, which had several nuclei in its cells, could eventually separate each of them with an internal membrane. For example, several nuclei contain mold fungus, as well as slipper ciliates, which confirm this theory. However, having several nuclei is not enough for science. To confirm the theory of their multiplicity, it is necessary to demonstrate the transformation of the simplest eukaryote into a well-developed animal.

    Colony theory says that symbiosis, consisting of different organisms of the same species, led to their change and the emergence of more advanced creatures. Haeckel was the first scientist to introduce this theory in 1874. The complexity of the organization arises because cells stay together rather than separate as they divide. Examples of this theory can be seen in such protozoan multicellular organisms as green algae called Eudorina or Volvaxa. They form colonies of up to 50,000 cells, depending on the species.

    Colony theory proposes the fusion of different organisms of the same species. The advantage of this theory is that during times of food shortage, amoebas have been observed to group into a colony, which moves as one unit to a new location. Some of these amoebas are slightly different from each other.

    However, the problem with this theory is that it is unknown how the DNA of different individuals can be included in a single genome.

    For example, mitochondria and chloroplasts can be endosymbionts (organisms within a body). This happens extremely rarely, and even then the genomes of endosymbionts retain differences among themselves. They separately synchronize their DNA during mitosis of host species.

    The two or three symbiotic individuals that make up a lichen, although dependent on each other for survival, must reproduce separately and then recombine, again creating a single organism.

    Other theories that also consider the emergence of the metazoan subkingdom:

    • GK-PID theory. About 800 million years ago, a small genetic change in a single molecule called GK-PID may have allowed individuals to move from a single cell to a more complex structure.
    • The role of viruses. It has recently been recognized that genes borrowed from viruses play a crucial role in the division of tissues, organs, and even in sexual reproduction, during the fusion of egg and sperm. The first protein, syncytin-1, was found to be transmitted from a virus to humans. It is found in the intercellular membranes that separate the placenta and brain. A second protein was identified in 2007 and named EFF1. It helps form the skin of nematode roundworms and is part of the entire FF family of proteins. Dr. Felix Rey at the Pasteur Institute in Paris built a 3D model of the EFF1 structure and showed that it is what binds the particles together. This experience confirms the fact that all known fusions of tiny particles into molecules are of viral origin. This also suggests that viruses were vital for the communication of internal structures, and without them the emergence of colonies in the subkingdom of multicellular sponges would have been impossible.

    All these theories, as well as many others that famous scientists continue to propose, are very interesting. However, none of them can clearly and unambiguously answer the question: how could such a huge variety of species arise from a single cell that originated on Earth? Or: why did single individuals decide to unite and begin to exist together?

    Maybe in a few years, new discoveries will be able to give us answers to each of these questions.

    Organs and tissues

    Complex organisms have biological functions such as defense, circulation, digestion, respiration, and sexual reproduction. They are performed by specific organs such as the skin, heart, stomach, lungs and reproductive system. They are made up of many different types of cells that work together to perform specific tasks.

    For example, heart muscle has a large number of mitochondria. They produce adenosine triphosphate, which keeps blood moving continuously through the circulatory system. Skin cells, on the contrary, have fewer mitochondria. Instead, they have dense proteins and produce keratin, which protects the soft internal tissues from damage and external factors.


    While all simple organisms, without exception, reproduce asexually, many of the subkingdom metazoans prefer sexual reproduction. Humans, for example, are highly complex structures created by the fusion of two single cells called an egg and a sperm. The fusion of one egg with a gamete (gametes are special sex cells containing one set of chromosomes) of a sperm leads to the formation of a zygote.

    The zygote contains the genetic material of both the sperm and the egg. Its division leads to the development of a completely new, separate organism. During development and division, cells, according to the program laid down in the genes, begin to differentiate into groups. This will further allow them to perform completely different functions, despite the fact that they are genetically identical to each other.

    Thus, all the organs and tissues of the body that form nerves, bones, muscles, tendons, blood - they all arose from one zygote, which appeared due to the fusion of two single gametes.

    Multicellular advantage

    There are several main advantages of the sub-kingdom of multicellular organisms, due to which they dominate our planet.

    As the complex internal structure allows for increased size, it also helps develop higher order structures and tissues with multiple functions.

    Large organisms have better protection from predators. They also have greater mobility, which allows them to migrate to more favorable places to live.

    There is another undeniable advantage of the multicellular subkingdom. A common characteristic of all its species is a fairly long life expectancy. The cell body is exposed to the environment from all sides, and any damage to it can lead to the death of the individual. A multicellular organism will continue to exist even if one cell dies or is damaged. DNA duplication is also an advantage. The division of particles within the body allows damaged tissue to grow and repair faster.

    During its division, a new cell copies the old one, which makes it possible to preserve favorable features in subsequent generations, as well as improve them over time. In other words, duplication allows for the retention and adaptation of traits that will improve the survival or fitness of an organism, especially in the animal kingdom, a subkingdom of metazoans.

    Disadvantages of multicellular

    Complex organisms also have disadvantages. For example, they are susceptible to various diseases arising from their complex biological composition and functions. Protozoa, on the contrary, lack developed organ systems. This means that their risks of dangerous diseases are minimized.

    It is important to note that, unlike multicellular organisms, primitive individuals have the ability to reproduce asexually. This helps them not waste resources and energy on finding a partner and sexual activity.

    Protozoa also have the ability to take in energy by diffusion or osmosis. This frees them from the need to move around to find food. Almost anything can be a potential food source for a single-celled creature.

    Vertebrates and invertebrates

    The classification divides all multicellular creatures without exception into the subkingdom into two species: vertebrates (chordates) and invertebrates.

    Invertebrates do not have a hard frame, while chordates have a well-developed internal skeleton of cartilage, bones and a highly developed brain, which is protected by the skull. Vertebrates have well-developed sensory organs, a respiratory system with gills or lungs, and a developed nervous system, which further distinguishes them from their more primitive counterparts.

    Both types of animals live in different habitats, but chordates, thanks to their developed nervous system, can adapt to land, sea and air. However, invertebrates also occur in a wide range, from forests and deserts to caves and the mud of the seafloor.

    To date, almost two million species of the subkingdom of multicellular invertebrates have been identified. These two million make up about 98% of all living beings, that is, 98 out of 100 species of organisms living in the world are invertebrates. Humans belong to the chordate family.

    Vertebrates are divided into fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals. Animals without a backbone include phyla such as arthropods, echinoderms, worms, coelenterates and molluscs.

    One of the biggest differences between these species is their size. Invertebrates, such as insects or coelenterates, are small and slow because they cannot develop large bodies and strong muscles. There are a few exceptions, such as the squid, which can reach 15 meters in length. Vertebrates have a universal support system, and therefore can develop faster and become larger than invertebrates.

    Chordates also have a highly developed nervous system. With the help of specialized connections between nerve fibers, they can respond very quickly to changes in the environment, which gives them a distinct advantage.

    Compared to vertebrates, most spineless animals use a simple nervous system and behave almost entirely instinctively. Such a system works well most of the time, although these creatures are often unable to learn from their mistakes. The exceptions are octopuses and their close relatives, which are considered among the most intelligent animals in the invertebrate world.

    All chordates, as we know, have a backbone. However, a feature of the subkingdom of multicellular invertebrate animals is their similarity to their relatives. It lies in the fact that at a certain stage of life, vertebrates also have a flexible supporting rod, a notochord, which subsequently becomes the spine. The first life developed as single cells in water. Invertebrates were the initial link in the evolution of other organisms. Their gradual changes led to the emergence of complex creatures with well-developed skeletons.


    Today there are about eleven thousand species of coelenterates. These are some of the oldest complex animals to appear on earth. The smallest of the coelenterates cannot be seen without a microscope, and the largest known jellyfish is 2.5 meters in diameter.

    So, let's take a closer look at the subkingdom of multicellular organisms, such as the coelenterates. The description of the main characteristics of habitats can be determined by the presence of an aquatic or marine environment. They live alone or in colonies that can move freely or live in one place.

    The body shape of coelenterates is called a “bag”. The mouth connects to a blind sac called the gastrovascular cavity. This sac functions in the process of digestion, gas exchange and acts as a hydrostatic skeleton. The single opening serves as both the mouth and anus. Tentacles are long, hollow structures used to move and capture food. All coelenterates have tentacles covered with suckers. They are equipped with special cells - nemocysts, which can inject toxins into their prey. The suction cups also allow them to capture large prey, which the animals place in their mouths by retracting their tentacles. Nematocysts are responsible for the burns that some jellyfish cause to humans.

    Animals of the subkingdom are multicellular, such as coelenterates, and have both intracellular and extracellular digestion. Respiration occurs by simple diffusion. They have a network of nerves that spread throughout the body.

    Many forms exhibit polymorphism, which is a variety of genes in which different types of creatures are present in the colony for different functions. These individuals are called zooids. Reproduction can be called random (external budding) or sexual (formation of gametes).

    Jellyfish, for example, produce eggs and sperm and then release them into the water. When the egg is fertilized, it develops into a free-swimming, ciliated larva called a planla.

    Typical examples of the subkingdom Multicellular coelenterates are hydra, obelia, Portuguese man-of-war, sailfish, aurelia jellyfish, cabbage jellyfish, sea anemones, corals, sea pens, gorgonians, etc.


    In the subkingdom Multicellular plants are eukaryotic organisms that are able to feed themselves through the process of photosynthesis. Algae were originally considered plants, but they are now classified as protists, a special group that is excluded from all known species. The modern definition of plants refers to organisms that live primarily on land (and sometimes in water).

    Another distinctive feature of plants is the green pigment - chlorophyll. It is used to absorb solar energy during the process of photosynthesis.

    Every plant has haploid and diploid phases that characterize its life cycle. It is called alternation of generations because all phases in it are multicellular.

    My dear curious readers who want to develop themselves!
    Here is the most modern, verified, accurate data on the true origin of matter, the entire material world!
    They are presented in the most accessible form in the most understandable language possible (for the popularization of these areas of science).
    Almost all of us have thought about where the objective reality given to us in sensations came from.
    Some dark people still naively and blindly believe in its eternity and infinity.
    As modern science has firmly established, matter is a secondary, derivative entity.
    It definitely arose, happened.
    Matter, all, all of matter as a whole, all, all, all of a single, integral material world arose as a result of the so-called Big Bang about 14 billion years ago.
    Science believes that matter originated from a complete zero-dimensional vacuum outside of space and time.
    And space and time, as properties-attributes of matter, were born along with matter itself.
    Scientists also believe that matter arose and materialized from a complete vacuum for a reason, not out of the blue.
    Someone really helped her with this.
    I will also give out a lot of interesting purely scientific information about this someone and His role below in my article.
    Modern scientists have discovered and proven this:
    Matter is fundamentally incapable of having primacy and self-sufficiency.
    Science has absolutely proven that matter is a secondary, derivative entity.
    In the beginning there was no matter.
    All matter, the entire material world, as a whole, materialized and arose from “scratch” about 14 billion years ago.
    Before this, matter had not yet arisen.
    There was no matter - and suddenly it appeared.
    Actually, both time and space as inseparable properties-attributes of matter appeared along with matter itself.
    Matter, as scientifically established, is most likely generated by our Creator, the Creator, from the so-called NOTHING - that is, from a complete physical vacuum.
    A complete physical vacuum outside of space and time is not matter, but a meaningful void.
    It is deprived of specific properties and limitations inherent in matter, is not constrained by the framework of physical Laws that our Creator imposed with His Will on matter (to make it capable of generating life and Mind - the seat of the Spirit in the material world), by the framework of the Laws that God gave to matter for its elementary functioning.
    In potency, the complete physical vacuum contains everything, everything, everything, and is inexhaustible in its potencies.
    But only in potencies.
    Without the Creator, the Demiurge, a complete physical vacuum is simply incapable of giving birth to extremely complex worlds of trillions of galaxies (most of which are hundreds of billions of stars) and giving birth to a lot of other things.
    Despite the fact that the actual physical vacuum contains nothing, it is actually sterile in itself, it contains everything, everything, everything potentially.
    Therefore, due to the greatest commonality, he (along with God) can act as the ontological basis of the entire diversity of objects and phenomena in the world.
    In this sense, God and emptiness are the most meaningful and most fundamental entities.
    And matter is undoubtedly a secondary, emerging entity.
    I want to define the terms as precisely as possible.
    Sometimes (not always) in their scientific jargon they call a vacuum a physical vacuum.
    Most scientists and I understand the concept of “physical” first of all precisely: NOT SUPERNATURAL.
    Theories of the origin of matter from purely supernatural phenomena are already beyond the scope of modern science.
    But vacuum as a meaningful emptiness is not matter, but a dialectical opposite, the antithesis of matter.
    So matter and its dialectical opposite are sometimes (not always) united under the concept of physical.
    That is, they mean that elementary physics, and not just theological and teleological sciences and philosophy, can study the origin of matter itself.
    In the broadest sense, GOD, the CREATOR, is material, since HE exists objectively, completely realistically, truly, independently of human consciousness and human opinion about His real existence.
    In the broadest sense, God can be called a superintelligent spiritual primary form of matter.
    By the term matter, I specifically understand everything, everything, everything that in the Soviet official Diamatovian philosophy was designated as reality, given to us in sensations and well verifiably fixed, amenable to study by our instruments, this same matter Diamatovian philosophers traditionally contrasted with God, Spirit and consciousness in the so-called "The Fundamental Question of Philosophy."
    They (Diamatian philosophers) considered this very essence (as opposed to spirit, consciousness and God) to be primary, eternal and infinite.
    But it turned out that matter is absolutely SECONDARY and finite in space and time.
    Of course, you can clumsily try to “save the situation” by calling anything matter – God, the souls of people, angels, demons, any spirits, and any metaphysical phenomena radically different from matter, and at the same time absolutely any dialectical opposite of matter.
    In this article, I personally mean by the term “MATTER” exactly what Marx, Engels and Lenin understood by matter.
    And what Marx, Engels and Lenin considered NOT EXISTING phenomena (including supernatural and (or) metaphysical), I now scientifically and conclusively position as creators and co-creators of this very matter.
    Complete vacuum as a meaningful emptiness is no longer MATTER, but its dialectical opposite.
    And it is primary in relation to matter.
    If anyone is too biasedly picky about the concept of “not matter”, I will further explain: then call THIS “not quite matter”, well, for example, angels and demons and spiritual grace - “not quite matter”, “not quite material”, but then they will already be incompatible with Marxism and Marxist materialism (and not only with them), non-canonical, your personal CONVENTIONAL terms.
    That is, by “saving matter” with far-fetched terminological tricks, the opponent will inevitably excommunicate himself and fall away from generally accepted Marxist terminology.
    So, vacuum as a meaningful emptiness is no longer matter.
    This is its dialectical opposite.
    Or (according to another philosophically well-founded version) – a counter-dialectal antipode of matter.
    In a word - not matter.
    Well, the same thing from which, according to the Bible, God created matter, created the material world.
    Vacuum is primary in relation to matter.
    But the vacuum is not the most primary essence; it is also, in a certain sense, secondary and derivative in relation to the Superintelligent Creator.
    The completely primary and truly absolutely eternal essence in Eternity is only God.
    He is the alpha and omega of everything.
    No one has ever created God out of anything, He himself is the CREATOR, the Creator, the Demiurge.
    It did not arise, did not arise, did not happen, it was and will ALWAYS be!!!
    God is the true source of all things.
    Let's return to the vacuum.
    In itself, a complete absolute zero-dimensional vacuum outside the space and time of material worlds, as a meaningful emptiness, is not matter.
    There are simply theories (and I will touch on them shortly) about the origin of matter directly from supernatural or other NON-physical entities.
    In order to remain within the framework of natural science, fundamental physics, not entangled in the Divine and supernatural science, I (like many scientists before me) designate the dialectically opposite to matter (and primary in relation to matter. But not to God) meaningful emptiness with the term PHYSICAL VACUUM.
    This is just a conventional scientific term.
    And some gentlemen, militant atheist-demagogues from among the readers can, have the liberal right in their works to even christen the Lord God himself as matter, nature and nature - this is their copyright.
    I will simply modestly prove and scientifically justify that everything, everything, everything that Marx, Engels and Lenin considered the primary essence, in fact (and this has been truly scientifically proven) is a secondary essence, not eternal and finite, and in particular having limited finite mass and energy.
    So vacuum is not just emptiness, but meaningful emptiness.
    Such a scientific understanding of the physical vacuum forces us to recognize the reality of the existence not only in theory, but also in reality, of “nothing” and “something” in one “bottle” (vacuum) in their inextricable unity - the dialectic of something and nothing.
    “Something” actualized (by the Creator), known to us under the philosophical term MATTER, exists as a manifested (by the Creator from the vacuum) existence - in the form of the substance-field physical world observed by us, in the form of what is given to us (partially directly, partly through devices) in the senses of objectified reality, but “nothing”, a potentially pregnant “something” exists as an unmanifested being - in the form of a physical vacuum.
    Therefore, unmanifested being, when extending this concept to the physical vacuum, should be considered precisely as an independent physical entity essentially different from MATTER, which needs to be studied.
    The physical vacuum is not directly observed, but the manifestation of its mysterious properties is recorded in experiments. Already known vacuum effects include: the creation of an electron-positron pair, the Lamb-Rutherford effect, and the Casimir effect. As a result of vacuum polarization, the electric field of a charged particle differs from the Coulomb field.
    This leads to a Lemb shift of energy levels and to the appearance of an anomalous magnetic moment in particles. When a high-energy photon acts on a physical vacuum, material particles - an electron and a positron - appear in the field of the nucleus.
    The Casimir effect indicates the occurrence of forces that bring two plates in a vacuum closer together.
    These (and many other) effects indicate that the vacuum is a very real existing entity.
    The reality is that within the framework of conventional (developed for matter) quantum physics, the theory of the physical vacuum did not take place.
    It is becoming more and more obvious that the “life zone” of the theory of physical vacuum should be outside the boundaries of quantum physics and, most likely, precede it.
    Apparently, quantum theory should be a consequence and continuation of the theory of physical vacuum, since physical vacuum is assigned the role of the most fundamental physical entity, the role of the basis of the world, the ancestor of matter.
    A very important and interesting scientific (and philosophical) question is whether matter arose (was created, was it created) from a PHYSICAL vacuum or from NON-physical entities.
    Let's consider this issue in more detail.
    Matter appeared along with its properties-attributes - space and time.
    The linear counting of time itself began from the moment of the appearance (creation) of this very secondary entity - matter.
    Before the appearance of matter, neither the space known to us nor the time known to us simply existed.
    At all.
    Our Creator was and is outside of time in Eternity.
    Which, however, does not at all prevent Him from being superbly pantheistically present in the space-time continuum of the matter He created.
    Outside the material Universe, as well as outside other secondary material world-universes, there is absolutely no “empty” space and no “empty” time flows.
    I understand that this is a little difficult to visualize (however, just like infinity) - but it is so.
    If there are other parallel material worlds, then OTHER spaces are spread out in them and OTHER times flow.
    That is why, first of all, we do not observe parallel worlds in any way - we simply do not come into contact with them in space-time.
    As you know, the inseparable properties-attributes of our material world, our Physical Universe, are space and time - our four-dimensional space-time continuum.
    We ourselves are observers within this space-time continuum and therefore observe the physical vacuum precisely through the prism of space and time.
    And it is very difficult for our brains to imagine a physical vacuum outside of space and time.
    And BEFORE the appearance of matter, the physical vacuum could only be outside the space and time familiar to us.
    Either this way or not at all.
    There simply could not be and was not any “empty” space or “empty” space (in no way connected with the movement of matter, with moving matter).
    Therefore, there is a smart, interesting hypothesis of the talented scientist Andrei Makarov that matter may have arisen not from a physical vacuum, but from NON-physical entities.
    This is a completely scientific and very talented hypothesis of Andrei.
    Before the appearance of matter, there really could have been (and now they are OUTSIDE matter) NON-physical entities, for example, METAphysical entities, such as divine energies, divine emanations, etc.
    But their study, unfortunately, takes us beyond the line of modern natural science, beyond the framework of ordinary earthly science into the sparkling heights of metaphysics, esotericism and theology.
    Therefore, we will modestly try to comprehend the phenomenon of materialization of matter from NOTHING within the strict limited framework of canonical natural science.
    In natural science, due to the fact that the physical vacuum claims to have a fundamental status, even the status of the ontological basis of matter materialized from it, it should have the greatest generality and should not have the particular features inherent in matter, characteristic of many observable material entities - objects and phenomena.
    It is known that assigning any additional attribute to an object reduces the universality of this object.
    So, for example, a pen is a universal concept. Adding any attribute narrows the range of objects covered by this concept (door handle, ball handle, etc.).
    Thus, we come to the conclusion that ontological status can be claimed by an entity that is devoid of any signs, measures, structure and which in principle cannot be modeled, since any modeling involves the use of discrete objects and description using signs and measures.
    A physical entity claiming fundamental status need not be a composite, since a composite entity has a secondary status in relation to its constituents.
    Thus, the requirement of fundamentality and primacy for a certain entity entails the fulfillment of the following basic conditions:
    1. Not to be composite.
    2. Have the least number of signs, properties and characteristics.
    3. Have the greatest commonality for the entire variety of objects and phenomena.
    4. To be potentially everything, but actually nothing.
    5. Have no measures.
    Not to be compound means not to contain anything other than itself. Regarding the smallest number of signs, properties and characteristics, the ideal requirement should be to not have them at all. To have the greatest generality for the entire variety of objects and phenomena means not to have the characteristics of particular objects, since any specification narrows the generality. To be potentially everything, but actually nothing, means remaining unobservable, but at the same time maintaining the status of a physical object.
    To have no measures means to be zero-dimensional.
    The original, complete physical vacuum that gave birth to matter must be exactly zero-dimensional and in terms of space-time characteristics too.
    It is very difficult to imagine associatively and speculatively – a zero-dimensional complete vacuum outside of space and time.
    The physical vacuum is not just zero-dimensional, but also NON-DISCRETE.
    The five requirements listed above are not satisfied by any discrete object of the material world and, in particular, by any quantum object of any material field.
    It follows that these requirements can only be satisfied by a continuous entity.
    Therefore, the physical vacuum, if considered the most fundamental entity, must be continuous. In addition, extending the achievements of mathematics to the field of physics (Cantor's continuum hypothesis), we come to the conclusion that the multiple structure of the physical vacuum is untenable.
    This means that the physical vacuum cannot be identified with the ether, with a quantized object, or considered to consist of any discrete particles, even if these particles are virtual and not material.
    Vacuum gives birth to virtual particles under appropriate conditions, but does not consist of them at all, is not formed by them.
    In my opinion, physical vacuum should be considered as a dialectical antipode of matter. Thus, I view matter and the physical vacuum as dialectical opposites.
    The holistic physical world known to us (meaning: not supernatural) is represented by both the physical vacuum and the matter secondary to it, materialized from it.
    Vacuum complements and enriches itself with matter as its other.
    Matter contains vacuum in a “sublated” form, dialectically denies vacuum and is negated by it (dialectical negation is not just a negation, but at the same time an affirmation).
    This approach to these two philosophical entities corresponds to the true essence of dialectics.
    And the pseudo-scientific biased dogmatic old Diamatovian myth about the primacy of matter is anti-dialectical, antagonistic to dialectics.
    In such relations of mutually complementary dialectical opposites, physical vacuum and matter should be considered.
    That is why the Creator-First Cause, for his complete self-realization in something else through something else, needs not only a vacuum, but also matter, and the creation of material worlds by Him too.
    And in His tireless creation of more and more material worlds from the primary NOTHING, that is, from the vacuum.
    Vacuum is a special, specific universal antipode of matter.
    Physics has never encountered this kind of physical object - unobservable, in which no measures can be specified.
    Now I’ve finally encountered the last of the Stalinist dogmas refuted by science on the mountain.
    It is necessary to overcome this barrier in science and recognize the existence (in addition to matter) of a fundamentally new type of reality - a physical vacuum, which has the property of continuity.
    Despite the fact that the physical vacuum is such a paradoxical object, it is increasingly becoming a subject of study in physics.
    At the same time, due to its continuity, the traditional approach based on model representations is inapplicable for vacuum. Therefore, science will have to find fundamentally new methods for studying it.
    Clarification of the nature of the physical vacuum allows us to take a different look at many physical phenomena in particle physics and astrophysics.
    The entire material Universe (and the familiar matter given to us in sensations, and dark matter, and dark energy) is in an unobservable, continuous physical vacuum.
    The physical vacuum genetically precedes matter, it gave birth to it, therefore the entire material Universe lives not only according to the Laws of Nature known to us given by the Creator directly to matter itself, but also according to the mysterious laws of the physical vacuum, which are not yet fully known to science, almost unknown.
    In the chain of problems associated with understanding the nature of the physical vacuum, there is a key link related to the assessment of the entropy of the physical vacuum.
    I believe that the physical vacuum has the highest entropy among all known real objects and systems, therefore Boltzmann's H-theorem does not apply to it.
    The above five criteria of primacy and fundamentality indicate that only an object with the highest entropy can satisfy such requirements.
    And (accordingly) the lowest negentropy.
    I believe that the vacuum-matter phase transition is absolutely impossible without the presence of an Intelligent Creator, who gave the nascent matter an unimaginably super-giant initial mega-reserve of negentropy.
    I’ll express it directly in Russian: without God, this initial fantastic reserve of negentropy simply has absolutely nowhere to come from.
    God not only gave the Laws of Nature to matter, but also such an unimaginably titanic primary resource of negentropy, which simply absolutely could not be taken from any other sources during the creation of matter.
    Tell me, can a cold kettle SPONTANEOUSLY heat up and boil spontaneously on a cold gas stove disconnected from the gas?
    And all, all, all the teapots of all earthlings at the same time?
    Could the Moscow-Novosibirsk train spontaneously grow spontaneously in the field of farmer Sidorov as a result of purely natural processes?
    Believe me (and mathematical calculations confirm this well) that all of the above-described SPONTANEOUS purely random phenomena of a spontaneous increase in negentropy in many unimaginable trillions of trillions... trillions of trillions of decillions are incomparably more likely than the sudden purely random purely spontaneous appearance of such an incredible initial resource - touched upon the negentropy that took place during the materialization of our material Universe from the vacuum.
    So think about it, pure chance or God gave birth to our unimaginably complex, unimaginably negentropic world from the initial emptiness that lay in complete entropy.
    In accordance with the S-theorem of Yu.L. Klimontovich, such a fantastically incredibly mega-huge decrease in the entropy of the vacuum is possible only if it is an OPEN system and it will be brought into an UNEQUILIBRIUM state by an unimaginably powerful EXTERNAL (in relation to both the vacuum and the matter emerging from it) organizational structuring cause.
    Only God Himself is fundamentally capable of becoming such a cause.
    Only God is able to give birth to the world.
    If there were no God, matter, our entire complex, grandiose material world, could not have arisen.
    The second law of thermodynamics fatally dooms matter left to itself to inevitable degeneration.
    The essence of the S-theorem of Yu.L. Klimontovich, briefly and without formulas that are obscure to the general reader, comes down to exactly the following:
    “if we take the “equilibrium state” corresponding to zero values ​​of the control parameters as the starting point for the degree of chaos, then as we move away from the equilibrium state due to a change in the control parameter, the entropy values ​​related to the given value of the average energy decrease.”
    In other (everyday) words, that is, without God or another powerful EXTERNAL MANAGER, matter would inevitably always inevitably remain in a state of complete chaos if it were eternal.
    And if it were not eternal, then over time it would still inevitably fall into complete and eternal chaos, and would not escape it anywhere.
    And not only matter.
    And the vacuum would also forever remain in the highest entropy, the lowest negentropy.
    And then the vacuum would definitely not be able to generate matter.
    It was and only the influence of the EXTERNAL MANAGER on the vacuum that gave birth to matter itself and the intelligent us in it.
    According to the S-theorem of Yu.L. Klimontovich, it is exclusively only with the openness of the vacuum to an EXTERNAL organizational structuring super-cause that it is possible to materialize and give birth to both matter itself and such exorbitant reserves of negentropy for its (matter’s) development and generation of life and humanoids for many billions of years. Reason.
    The same First Cause gave matter the Laws of its development.
    Matter definitely has an EXTERNAL MANAGER!!!
    Returning to the question raised by the talented scientist Andrei Makarov about whether matter materialized from a physical vacuum or from NON-physical entities, I will say the following.
    Physical here (in relation to the zero-dimensional vacuum) is synonymous with the concept SUPERNATURAL.
    For my dear friend Andrei Makarov, it is difficult to visualize a zero-dimensional vacuum outside of space and time.
    Of course, matter itself will not come from NOTHING; NON-physical, for example, spiritual and rational entities, are also involved in the materialization of matter from NOTHING.
    I have already proven above that the emergence and functioning of the material world known to us would be completely impossible without the key role of the EXTERNAL MANAGER.
    But the complete absolute NOTHING is either a zero-dimensional vacuum outside of space and time or a very real entity, concealing within itself something more than a complete absolute TOTAL nothing.
    Here is the answer for the respected Andrei Makarov: from the TOTAL complete absolute nothing, nothing can ever, is fundamentally incapable of taking on, arising.
    But from such a phenomenal NOTHING as a zero-dimensional vacuum outside the space and time of the material worlds, matter by God’s will could well materialize.
    After all, a zero-dimensional vacuum outside of space and time is not a sterile absolute nihel, but it is both nothing and something “in one bottle” in their highest inextricable unity.
    I’ll give you a more clear example for dear Andrei Makarov.
    Dear Andrei Makarov, real-life objects like black holes are well known.
    And black holes have such an outer radius - the Schwarzschild radius, which in simple cases approximately coincides with the gravitational radius of the black hole.
    So, the event horizon of a black hole passes through there.
    For an external observer Andrei Makarov, when I fall into a black hole, I will begin to flatten (to zero) in space and my biorhythms will begin to stretch endlessly in time (well, or the time rhythms of the destruction of my corpse killed by the black hole - these are already details).
    And on a sphere of a given horizon radius, space is compressed to zero and time stops for an external observer.
    Therefore, this horizon will become the event horizon for Andrey - no information will ever be received by Andrey because of this horizon.
    Not a single material carrier of information is able to overcome the exorbitant gravity of a black hole and escape from under the sphere of its event horizon.
    But I, falling into a black hole, will quite successfully overcome this horizon.
    Despite these relativistic effects, both the fall of stars into black holes and the collision of two black holes can be quite successfully observed from the outside in real finite time.
    This was recently recorded and led to the discovery of gravitational waves.
    So, for an external observer Andrei Makarov, the vacuum on the surface of the horizon sphere shrinks unimaginably in space and unimaginably stops in time.
    And it is precisely in this pale semblance of the primary zero-dimensional vacuum outside (inherent in material worlds) space and time that the most interesting things will begin to happen.
    There, on the event horizon, MATERIAL PARTICLES MATERIALIZE from virtual particles of a degenerate space-time vacuum, as if out of nothing, and new matter arises.
    Of course, without the active assistance of such a great EXTERNAL MANAGER as God, nothing worthwhile or complex will materialize there or arise.
    Only the simplest elementary particles, mainly photons.
    My conclusion: in order to materialize something worthwhile from a vacuum, the vacuum must be precisely zero-dimensional and outside of space-time.
    It is precisely such a vacuum (zero-dimensional and outside of space-time) that becomes the ideal highest potential for the creative self-realization of the Creator through His creation of matter from the vacuum.
    After all, for such an exorbitantly huge superquantum (initially developed into a non-quantum) supersystem like all matter (that is, our material world, our Universe, born in the cradle of the Singularity) to break through quantum potential barriers and other insurmountable restrictions with a tunneling salvo, for this ordinary tunneling effect is absolutely not enough.
    It’s the same as dragging not a camel, but the entire galaxy through the eye of a needle.
    Of course, God is capable of not such tasks, but why is it unreasonable to create such fantastic unnecessary difficulties for oneself in vain?
    It’s one thing to tunnel through an overwhelming potential barrier for a small photo niche, but quite another thing to tunnel all the supergiant substance to build trillions of galaxies (and not only that, because these trillions of galaxies make up only about 4% of the mass of our Universe).
    It is by working with the zero-dimensional vacuum outside of space and time that the Creator minimizes the potential barrier and maximizes tunneling underneath it.
    He apparently makes this great creative task easier for himself.
    Follows the principle of Occam's razor blade - cuts off everything unnecessary, all additional difficulties unnecessary to Him when creating worlds.
    He doesn’t run into any unnecessary troubles that he doesn’t need at all.
    God needs both worthy self-realization through the creation of matter and the ideal, best, gracious fundamental principle for the optimal implementation of this.
    And on the horizon of the sphere of events of a black hole what is happening, in comparison with this great matter of the demiurges-materialization of ALL MATTER, is so... sheer nonsense...
    Perhaps the Creator, during His creative work with the vacuum as the initial essence, was also guided by the principle of “cosmic censorship.”
    I'll quote Wikipedia a little:

    “The principle of “cosmic censorship” was scientifically formulated in 1970 by Roger Penrose in the following figurative form: “Nature abhors naked singularity.” It states that space-time singularities appear in places that, like the interiors of black holes, are hidden from observers."
    It is quite possible that the Creator has an antipathy known only to Him towards the more dreary materializing creativity from the ordinary vacuum, completely permeated with the banal Euclidean and non-Euclidean space-time continuums of the material worlds.
    Give him the most selective, blessed virgin zero-dimensional vacuum outside the four-dimensional space-time continuums we are accustomed to.
    And therefore unimaginable visually, figuratively, and associatively by the brains of modern homo sapiens.
    I understand that this will be more difficult than visually imagining a quantum as a particle-wave or the visible appearance of an information wave.
    But I assume that this is most likely the case.
    God most likely materialized matter precisely from the zero-dimensional vacuum outside space and time.
    Space and time arose (were created) along with matter itself.
    Matter definitely arose and materialized from a vacuum about 14 billion years ago.
    The properties of the vacuum are such that without an EXTERNAL MANAGER our material Universe could not have arisen from it.
    It is sometimes very difficult for some older people who were once atheistically brought up to get used to the correct, true idea that the matter given to them in their perception actually did not always exist, not Eternally.
    Now on Earth all living beings are generated only by other living beings.
    But it wasn’t always like this, not forever.
    Life once arose for the first time.
    Likewise, material phenomena and entities now arise from other material entities.
    Matter does not arise from nothing, but only transforms, moves, develops.
    But this was not always the case either.
    Science has firmly established that all, all, all matter was created 14 billion years ago by the Supreme Mind through the so-called Big Bang, that it (matter) has a FINITE mass and a FINITE volume, a FINAL energy, develops FINALLY with a number of irreversible moments (such as a steady increase entropy and the steady burning out of hydrogen), that matter is NOT SELF-SUFFICIENT, that it is fundamentally impossible to adequately explain matter from itself, that the material world is INTELLIGENTLY arranged, that MIND-SPIRIT IS PRIMARY, and matter is secondary, derivative!!!
    Our material world has a finite mass and a finite volume (this has already been strictly irrefutably proven) and was created by a Higher Power about 14 billion years ago, most likely from the so-called NOTHING - it is also NOTHING (dialectics of something and nothing), namely from a super-energetic complete physical vacuum outside of space and time.
    Some isolated backward orthodoxies of the so-called (long historically bankrupt) Diamatism are still illiterately convinced that the physical Universe supposedly (it is not clear why) has always existed.
    But science has definitely established that due to the predominance in the Universe of the so-called dark energy, which has ANTI-GRAVITY properties, our physical Universe is expanding with ever-increasing ACCELERATION.
    Matter scatters with ACCELERATION.
    And, according to modern calculations, it will NEVER COMPRESS INTO A NEW SINGULARITY!!!
    The hypothesis of a pulsating Universe, as well as the hypothesis of a stationary Universe, have been completely rejected by modern science.
    That is, SCIENCE (SCIENCE, not priests and not mullahs, and not lamas, not different Mahatmas!), SCIENCE has proven that matter is not eternal, matter itself arose about 14 billion years ago (created by someone?), happened together with all your space and time.
    Indeed, the physical Universe will most definitely never shrink back again.
    There will be no eternal cyclicality.
    And it never was.
    Matter all happened smoothly.
    The biblical hypothesis about the linear directional development of the EMERGING world (and about the SECONDARY importance of cycles and the predominance of a non-cyclical linear vector of the development of the universe) turned out to be incomparably more accurate than the misconceptions of some individual ancient Eastern soma-smokers (and having seen enough glitches-fairy tales in a stupid drug trance at the demonic instigation) wise about supposedly ETERNAL cyclicity matter.
    Dear readers, modern science has precisely found out and calculated that matter absolutely arose and will never shrink again, will not return to its so-called circles.
    My opinion: God created matter.
    As you know, most famous (and other) scientists also believe in God and at the same time move and develop science well.
    Comrade Stalin himself once gave Archbishop Luke (Valentin) Voino-Yasenetsky the first degree large Stalin Prize of 200,000 Soviet rubles for the development of science (surgery).
    According to militant atheists, we (believers and those who admit the existence of God) are supposedly ungrateful enemies of science because we are allegedly against the dialectical method, supposedly fundamental in science.
    Firstly, the dialectical method in science is not the main one - it is a fact.
    It is generally little known in foreign science.
    Secondly, the dialectical method of knowledge originates from Hegel’s IDEALISM dialectic and is most beautifully compatible with the presence of the Creator of matter.
    God is not a hindrance to the dialectical method.
    Thirdly, Marx and Engels were not militant atheists and did not consider believers to be ungrateful pests of science; they adequately assessed the enormous scientific contribution of many believing scientists.
    But on the basis of the materialist dialectic of Marx-Engels, in the early 30s, at the ideological order of Comrade Stalin, the so-called Soviet Diamat was created.
    Attempts by the Stalinist officialdom to impose this same diamat as a methodology of science led to the persecution of genetics, cybernetics, etc., to such ugly ideological pseudo-scientific harmful phenomena as Lysenkoism, etc.
    To the lag of many areas of Soviet science from the West, where diamat was not popular.
    Many outstanding Soviet scientists from Vladimir Vernadsky to Ivan Pavlov were then resolutely against Diamatov’s dictatorship in science.
    Thousands of scientists, following Academician Vavilov, paid very cruelly for this disagreement with the dominance of Diamatov’s officialdom.
    Before Feuerbach and Marx and Engels, atheism was very rare and extremely unpopular among the population.
    And militant atheists in general were curiosities from the Red Book in those days, and (to be honest) they were usually mentally unhealthy people in those eras.
    Social indignation against the Catholic Church as a human organization was the indignation of people who believed in the existence of a Creator.
    Even the Jacobins in France established the cult of the Supreme Reason, the cult of the Supreme Being.
    But political prostitutes, commissioned by Stalin’s ideologists, hid and distorted the truth not only about Trotsky and other associates of Stalin, but about this too.
    They falsified the long bearded pseudo-history of the supposedly thousand-year struggle of powerful dialectical materialism with idealism invented by the exploiters.
    This was a shameless lie from the ideologists of Stalinism.
    Long before any classes there was idealism and belief in the existence of supernatural entities, in spirits.
    Idealistic views were inherent in our ancestors at the very dawn of humanity, and materialism became widely known only in the 18th century.
    The very first intelligent people who appeared on Earth already (ALREADY!) believed in the supernatural, they were already idealists.
    Already Homo Neanderthalis believed in the supernatural.
    In different populations of Neanderthals, archaeologists have discovered different types of funeral rites, with different orientations of skeletons relative to the cardinal directions, different rituals for the funeral use of ocher and related objects, etc.
    For example, Middle Eastern Neanderthals buried their dead in the fetal position.
    It seems that what distinguishes man from ape is not so much work as, first of all, the presence of faith in the supernatural and understanding of one’s biological mortality, and the desire to somehow continue in another existence after earthly death.
    And completely wild chimpanzees can make primitive tools in the wild - this has already been precisely proven and filmed in detail.
    Moreover, primitive artificial tools were excavated that were made by chimpanzees several centuries ago, extremely similar to the products of today's modern chimpanzees and in the same places (human Africans then made completely different tools, even bronze and iron).
    Chimpanzees even have preconsciousness, but they have no real full-blooded consciousness and no religion.
    For example, the Diamatov paid manufacturers of lies first of all enrolled Voltaire among the militant atheists.
    As is known (and easy to read, and even on Wikipedia), Voltaire caustically ridiculed the then extremely small number of militant atheists.
    To quote Wikipedia:
    “Fighting against the church, the clergy and the religions of “revelation,” Voltaire was at the same time an enemy of atheism; Voltaire dedicated a special pamphlet to criticism of atheism (“Hom;lie sur l’ath;isme”). A deist in the spirit of the English bourgeois freethinkers of the 18th century, Voltaire tried with all kinds of arguments to prove the existence of a Deity who created the Universe, in the affairs of which, however, he did not interfere, using evidence: “cosmological” (“Against Atheism”), “teleological” (“Le philosophe ignorant”) and “moral” (article “God” in the Encyclopedia).”
    Diamat ideologists thought of declaring even Alexander Nikolaevich Radishchev one of the founders of materialism.
    The author of “Journey from St. Petersburg to Moscow,” who was in opposition to the autocracy, was very convenient for them for this role.
    Although A.N. himself Radishchev quite definitely wrote (and his manuscripts were preserved and published) about exactly the opposite - that God exists and the human soul, in his opinion, is immortal.

    Well, two more words about the so-called Soviet diamat, which failed miserably in 1991-92. As you know, Christianity has existed for more than two thousand years.
    Well, and the belief of various Epicureans in the real existence of the Olympian gods, consisting of a special kind of atoms.
    But the Epicureans are a marginal and undialectical movement.
    The dialectics were precisely the post-Socratic IDEALISTS, Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, etc.
    Let me also remind you of Hegel’s IDEALISMIC dialectics.
    But the materialist dialectic of Marx-Engels has existed only since the 40s of the 19th century.
    The Soviet diamat, created by the ideological order of Comrade Stalin, is exactly the same age as my grandmother, he is just a youth.
    Moreover, he was already a dilapidated, decrepit youth, refuted by science, almost bent and thrown into the margins of philosophical thought.
    Soviet diamatism was based on the axiom: the material world is eternal, has always been.
    Science has proven the opposite - MATTER HAS ARISED.
    In the beginning there was no matter.
    And then it happened.
    Our material Universe fundamentally cannot be eternal and self-reproducing, moreover, it is fundamentally finite in its parameters - mass, volume, etc.
    As for the general (total) entropy of the physical Universe, it is steadily increasing.
    But it fundamentally cannot increase to infinity.
    There is a line, a limit.
    So draw scientific conclusions.
    How could our entire Universe arise from NOTHING?
    An absolutely unscientific mistake with a misfortune of the historically bankrupt so-called Diamat created on the ideological order of Comrade Stalin (created personally by Stalin and several of his half-educated zealous lackeys Mitin-Gershkovich and Yudin, half-educated in everything with Stalin (at whose limitations Stalin himself more than once made fun of) on the basis The materialist dialectic of Marx and Engels, already outdated by that time), was Stalin’s failed attempt to base the entire worldview of the Soviet people on the preconceived myth about the supposed primacy of matter.
    About the primacy of matter, the infallibility of Comrade Stalin and the speedy construction of beautiful communism.
    Neither the second, nor the third, and especially the first (the primacy of matter) was confirmed.
    By the time the Soviet Diamat was created, by the 30s of the 20th century, the picture of the universe described by F. Engels in his “Dialectics of Nature” had ALREADY been refuted by science.
    Real science that searched for the TRUTH.
    Science, but not at all based on the dogmas of the eternal infallibility of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin (who crowned their search with the sacred “eternal” diamat) by an artificially specially fabricated quasi-religion - the Soviet diamat.
    Diamat, a product of Stalinism, is the most natural dogmatic unscientific pseudo-scientific quasi-religion.
    This quasi-religion not only stupidly and violently ignored many millions of solid, serious facts about the presence of supernatural phenomena in the world, but also blatantly contradicted the perfectly verifiable purely scientific truths of the most natural sciences.
    If the concept of the Creator of matter received only many new important and interesting indirect confirmations, then objective science completely refuted the most fundamental axioms of diamata and revealed their deepest falsity.
    Diamat has not stood the test of time.
    Now it is essentially a historical corpse.
    A long-smelling dead man, a pitiful ghost who still wanders around Russia, frightens serious scientists and finds dark, ignorant admirers, sectarians and even individual priests, and above all from among the rabid intolerant fanatics of irrational militant hatred of God and the feelings of believing ordinary workers. .
    Fortunately, less and less of their diameter finds itself.
    Few people already uncritically believe in the cool archaic Stalinist diamatism, in the dilapidated dogmas of this historical relic of a throwaway moment.
    More and more people, including non-churched and non-orthodox people, believe in the sovereignty of matter by God.
    Into the intelligent creation of our world.
    Some of the so-called militant atheists believe that their opinion is true, although it is absolutely unfounded and unproven.
    They believe that they are not at all obliged to prove that matter is primary.
    They believe that it is their opponents who should shoulder the burden of proof that matter is secondary and created by the Creator.
    Excuse me, I (for your sake, my dear dear readers and opponents) have taken upon myself such a heavy (I’ll tell you) burden and will now convincingly prove not only the secondary nature of matter, but also the fact that all this (secondary, derivative) matter (and the so-called inanimate matter in particular) is also inherently inherent in SPIRIT (its lower levels)!!!
    Listen, dear readers, here it is - the naked, killer truth about the undoubted secondary nature of matter and its filling with spirit (its lower levels).
    Matter is not only created by the Spirit, not only secondary, derivative, non-eternal and finite.
    Matter, it turns out (being generated by divine energies, emanations of the Spirit), contains within itself the spirit as its inseparable intention.
    How exactly matter has spirit (its lower levels) in itself, I will now strictly scientifically irrefutably tell you, my dear respected patient readers.
    When the blinders of the historically bankrupt (created by the ideological order of Comrade Stalin) Soviet diamat fell, it turned out (to the surprise of the comrades ossified in diamat) that the so-called inanimate matter is not at all the inert moving substance given to us into sensation.
    The latest science has discovered: matter most definitely contains SPIRIT.
    Below I will tell you how science discovered this phenomenon.
    And this is how all matter conceals the spirit within itself.
    Matter is not only absolutely certain (and this has been irrefutably proven by modern science!) not eternal and not infinite.
    Matter is not only finite in space and time.
    The physical Universe not only has finite mass and finite energy, finite negentropy, finite volume and other finite parameters.
    But it is also inextricably immanently filled with SPIRIT.
    Spirit is the organic, primordial intention of matter, and of all, all, all matter.
    As strict modern science has discovered, calculated and proven, all matter is absolutely secondary, derivative.
    Matter is not eternal and not infinite.
    Matter is a secondary, created entity.
    But the latest science has also discovered that matter is also involved in SPIRIT.
    All matter contains within itself, contains within itself the very spirit.
    That is, she was not only created by an otherworldly superintelligent Creator-Spirit, but she herself is the bearer of lower forms of spirit.
    Here are the interesting conclusions of the author of this site, Sergei Bakhmatov, his opinion that matter is not a bare substance, that spirit is a property of matter (I will quote a little from the article of the respected dear Sergei Bakhmatov, “Note to the main question of philosophy”):

    “Matter is an objective reality actively reflected on itself.
    Spirit is an immanent property of objective reality (an active reflection of objective reality onto itself), which is the cause and law of structuring and development of the material world (microworld, macroworld and megaworld) in terms of inanimate nature. Since the display is active, it must contain information about the states of matter over the entire history of its existence. The mapping of objective reality onto itself explains all known forces of interaction (gravity, weak, electromagnetic, strong) and the self-development (motion) of matter. Thus, Matter is not a substance, but a manifestation of objective reality (substance) through an active reflection of itself (Spirit).
    Consciousness is a product of the active reflection of matter in general and the spirit inextricably linked with it onto its part (highly organized matter or living nature, as you wish), which is a consequence of the development of the material world. Consciousness owes its existence to the emergence in highly organized matter of the ability to store and distinguish between images of the material world, followed by their analysis and synthesis. Highly organized matter, endowed with consciousness, in turn, is actively reflected on the material world around it, changing it. This active reflection and the corresponding changes in the material world receive a new quality due to the presence of consciousness in highly organized matter. Thus, in addition to spirit, the consciousness of highly organized matter is also connected to the development of matter.
    The question of the primacy of spirit or matter is illegitimate, since these are two aspects of one existence. The way of existence of objective reality is in its active reflection on itself. Here you can answer the famous question of Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, “Why is there something and not nothing?” Objective reality would be “nothing” without an active reflection on itself, and with it it becomes “something”. This reveals the illusory nature of the distinction between science and religion. For representatives of the former, the active reflection of objective reality onto itself is identified with the impersonal forces of interaction, and for representatives of the latter - with God, that is, the creator and manager of all things. True, in the first case there are signs of a worldview that can lead to pride, since science deals with what is known by humanity (at least so it is believed), and religion also deals with what may yet to be known.

    Consciousness is derived from matter and spirit and has freedom (unlike the spirit, in which everything is determined) and for this reason - subjectivity, which can be explained by the fact that the bearer of consciousness (individual) cannot reflect matter and spirit in its entirety, which is required for true knowledge, but displays only part of it. This subjectivity is overcome in time thanks to the collective mind of humanity, based on the experience of existence, and directs the process of knowledge of spirit and matter into infinity. Not only because the process of full knowledge of complex truth is possible only to the limit, but also because the constantly changing material world poses new challenges. Highly organized matter, represented by humanity, is actively reflected on itself both in the literal sense (genetics) and on its consciousness. The reflection on consciousness creates a spiritual product (ethics), which is a reflection of part of the universal Spirit (the law of the universe and its mover) in relation to humanity and its natural environment. Ethics is the science of distinguishing between good and evil. Good is the relationship between people, as well as the attitude of people to nature, which contribute to the self-affirmation of humanity through full and harmonious development in all aspects of human existence, and evil, on the contrary, contributes to self-denial and self-destruction. Self-preservation and development are the universal law of existence of intelligent beings, and deviation from it is an aberration in the reflection of the universal Spirit, which leads to complete self-destruction. The concepts of Spirit and universal Spirit are qualitatively different: the first concept is related to the universal law and the reason for the development of the material world in terms of inanimate nature, the second is related to the material world in general, including highly organized matter endowed with Consciousness by nature.
    Consciousness is derived from the universal Spirit and Matter in the sense that its very existence and development is a consequence of the active reflection of the latter two on the former. The process of learning (displaying) them is endless, but it is getting closer to the truth.
    With the appearance in the developing material world of highly organized matter endowed with Consciousness, the Spirit receives a new quality: a conscious (subjective) component is added to external necessity as the cause and law of the flow of material processes. Depending on how it fits into the harmony of the universal Spirit, the very fate of highly organized matter, endowed with Consciousness by nature, will be determined.
    Matter, the universal Spirit and Consciousness determine the further course of development of all things. The first two, actively reflected on the third, lead to its development, and as a consequence - to a corresponding change in the material world.

    In relation to human society and its existence, we can say that social existence is reflected on social consciousness and thus determines it, but it is the reflection of the universal Spirit on the latter that sets both of them in motion. This reflection is much broader than what can be described within the framework of the development of productive forces and production relations, since it represents the ethics of the existence of humanity as a whole. It follows that a free, just and prosperous society cannot be built through immoral means. The acceleration of the pace of historical development of society occurs due to the fact that the more adequate this reflection is, the more opportunities appear for humanity to reflect the universal Spirit on social consciousness.”

    The great scientist Newton, who discovered the laws of motion of celestial bodies, as if exposing the greatest secret of the universe, was a believer and studied theology. When he pronounced the name of God, he stood up reverently every time and took off his hat.

    The great Pascal, a genius of mathematics, one of the creators of new physics, was not just a believer, but also one of the greatest religious thinkers in Europe. Pascal said: “All the contradictions that most seem to want to remove me from the position of religion have most of all led to it.”

    The great founder of all modern bacteriology, the thinker who penetrated deeper than others into the mystery of organic life, Pasteur says: “The more I study nature, the more I stop in reverent amazement at the works of the Creator.”

    Even Darwin, whose teachings were later used by semi-scientists to refute the belief in God, was a very religious man all his life and for many years was a churchwarden in his parish. He never thought that his teaching could contradict faith in God. After Darwin outlined his doctrine of the evolutionary development of the animal world, he was asked where is the beginning of the chain of development of the animal world, where is its first link? Darwin replied: “It is chained to the Throne of the Most High.”

    The great geologist Lyell writes: “In every investigation we discover the clearest evidence of the foresight, power and wisdom of the creative mind of God.” The learned historian Müller declares: “It was only with the knowledge of the Lord and through a thorough study of the New Testament that I began to understand the meaning of history.”

    The greatest scientist of our century, Max Planck, who received the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1918, says: “Religion and science are not at all mutually exclusive, as was previously believed, which is what many of our contemporaries fear; on the contrary, they are consistent and complement each other.”
    But among scientists there are also so-called materialists.
    But even they admitted that modern science has irrefutably proven:
    Now think, dear readers, whether the so intelligently structured material Universe of trillions of galaxies (each large of which has hundreds of billions of stars) could also arise by pure quantum chance as a virtual particle, and not just arise virtually, but materialize for billions of years and give birth to life and mind?
    I personally believe that without an intelligent spiritual root cause, without the Creator, without the Demiurge, matter on such a megascale and with such an initial supply of negentropy could not have arisen in any way.
    This means that SOMEONE created her from a vacuum and gave her the laws of nature, and in a surprising way, precisely the same laws that allowed matter to give birth to Man.
    Why do the believing majority of earthlings, Russians and scientists adhere to the opinion that God exists?
    Why do so many atheists, having become deeply acquainted with science, then become believers in the existence of God?
    That's why, because science has revealed to humanity this amazing reasonable picture of the world:
    It all started with a “naive” question: why do the so-called physical constants (PPs), for example, Planck’s constant, have such and not some other values, and what would happen to the Universe if these values ​​turned out to be different? An increase in Planck's constant by more than 15% deprives a proton of the ability to combine with a neutron, i.e., makes it impossible for nucleosynthesis to occur. The same result is obtained if the proton mass is increased by 30%. A change in the values ​​of these PTs downward would open up the possibility of the formation of a stable 2He nucleus, which would result in the burning of all hydrogen in the early stages of the expansion of the Universe. The change in existing values ​​required for this does not exceed 10%. But the “random” coincidences don’t end there. The combination of numerous accidents is called the “fine tuning” of the Universe. No less surprising coincidences occur when considering the processes associated with the emergence and development of life. Thus, science is faced with a large group of facts, the separate consideration of which creates the impression of inexplicable random coincidences bordering on a miracle. The probability of each such coincidence is very small, and their joint existence is completely incredible. The situation is reminiscent of a sharply sharpened pencil that stands vertically on a sharp lead. From this point of view, the very fact of the existence of a directionally developing Universe appears as unlikely. But no one forces us to consider such facts to be random coincidences. It seems quite reasonable to raise the question of the existence of as yet unknown patterns (the consequences of which we are faced with) capable of organizing the Universe in a certain way. SCIENTISTS INcreasingly agree that the amazing fine-tuning of natural laws and constants, as well as the huge number of coincidences that allowed life to evolve, indicate that the universe apparently arose as a result of deliberate planning and the work of some mind. In fact, this “fine-tuning” is so evident, and there are so many “coincidences” that many scientists have been forced to agree with the “Anthropic Principle”, according to which, from the very beginning of its existence, the universe was intended for the birth of man. Even those who do not accept the Anthropic Principle nevertheless admit the existence of "fine tuning" and conclude that the universe is "too wisely constructed" to be the result of random factors. In the BBC science documentary The Anthropic Principle, the most brilliant scientific minds of our time talk about modern discoveries that support this conclusion. Dr. Dennis Scania, distinguished director of the Cambridge University Observatories: "If you change the laws of nature just a little, or modify the natural constants just a little - for example, the charge of the electron - then the path of the universe will change so much that intelligent life is unlikely to have the opportunity to develop." Dr. David D. Deutsch, Institute of Mathematics, University of Oxford: "If we nudge any of the physical constants slightly in one direction, stars might only last a million years before they burn out, leaving no time for evolution. If we nudge this constant in the other direction, then there will no longer be elements heavier than helium in nature - they simply will not be able to form. There is no carbon - which means there will be no chemistry and there will be no trace of structural complexity at all." Dr Paul Davies, eminent author and Professor of Theoretical Physics at the University of Adelaide: "The most amazing thing is not that life on Earth is balancing on a razor's edge, but that the whole universe is essentially balancing on a razor's edge. The universe would be in complete chaos." , if only one of nature's constants were slightly altered. You see, Davis adds, even if you dismiss man as a random phenomenon, you still cannot erase the truth that the universe seems amazingly well adapted for. existence of life. It seems to be specially designed for this, you can even call it a pre-planned work." According to modern scientific hypotheses, the matter of the universe originated from a huge explosion of energy - the so-called "Big Bang". At the very beginning, only hydrogen and helium existed in the universe, which then condensed and turned into stars. All other elements were subsequently formed inside stars. The most common (in descending order) chemical elements are hydrogen, helium, oxygen and carbon. When Sir Fred Hoyle studied the origin of carbon in the “furnaces” of stars, his calculations showed that it was very difficult to explain how stars were able to produce the amount of carbon necessary for life on Earth. Hoyle discovered that the existence of multiple, one-time "favorable" coincidences of circumstances proved that deliberate "adjustments" were made to the physical and chemical laws to produce the required amount of carbon. Astrophysicist Fred Hoyle summarizes his findings as follows: "A COMMON SENSE INTERPRETATION OF THE FACTS LEADS TO THE FOLLOWING CONCLUSION: FIRST, SOME "BIG BOSS" HAS INTERVENTED PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY AND BIOLOGY; SECOND, THERE ARE NO WORTHY MENTIONS OF THE BLIND FORCES OF NATURE. I THINK THAT ANY PHYSICIST, CONSIDERING THE EXISTING DATA, WOULD COME TO THE CONCLUSION THAT THE LAWS OF NUCLEAR PHYSICS WERE SPECIFICALLY DESIGNED WITH THE OPERATION OF THESE LAWS INSIDE STARS."
    Statements by scientists about the anthropic principle. The discovery of a design of this level in the Universe made a deep impression on astronomers. As we have already noted, Hoyle concluded that "a higher mind has played a trick on physics, chemistry and biology," and Davies concluded that "the laws [of physics] ... seem themselves to be the product of purely ingenious design." He further writes: “It is quite obvious to me that there is something behind all this. ... It seems that someone perfectly calculated everything before creating the universe. ... An incredible sense of design." Astronomer George Greenstein, in his book The Symbiotic Universe, expresses the following thoughts: "When you examine all the evidence, the inevitable thought arises that some supernatural Power is behind it all. Is it possible that suddenly, without meaning to, we stumble upon scientific evidence that there is a Supreme Being? Didn’t God so skillfully and carefully create the cosmos for us?” And Tony Rothman, a theoretical physicist, sums up his article on the anthropic principle (the principle according to which the Universe has very precise characteristics that provide a natural environment for human life): “A medieval theologian who looked into the night sky through the eyes of Aristotle and saw angels flying in harmony through the spheres, has become a modern cosmologist who looks into the same sky through the eyes of Einstein and sees the finger of God not in angels, but in the constants of nature. ... When you come face to face with the order and beauty that reigns in the Universe, and with the strange coincidences in nature, there is a great temptation to move from faith in science to faith in religion. I'm sure many physicists want this. I wish them to have the courage to admit it.” Physicist Freeman Dyson defined his interpretation of the anthropic principle as follows: "The problem here is to formulate some statements about the meaning and purpose of the universe. In other words, the purpose is to read the mind of God." Vera Kistiakowski, a physicist at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and recent president of the Association for Women in Science, comments: “The immaculate orderliness demonstrated by our scientific understanding of the physical world evokes a sense of the presence of the Divine.” Arno Penzias, who received the Nobel Prize in Physics for his discovery of cosmic background radiation, noted: “Astronomy brings us to a unique discovery: we live in a Universe that arose from nothing, which requires a very delicate balance in order to provide the conditions for the existence of life, the Universe , which is based on a (one might say “supernatural”) plan.” Long before the fall of the communist regime, Alexander Polyakov, a theorist and researcher at the Moscow Institute. Landau, stated: "We know that nature is described by the best mathematics because God created nature. Therefore, there is a chance that this mathematics will be created as a result of physicists' attempts to describe nature." Cosmologist Edward Harrison concludes: “This is the cosmological proof of the existence of God - the concept of Paley's design - only improved and updated. The amazing harmony of the Universe provides direct evidence of the Divine plan. Choose: blind chance, which requires countless universes, or design, which requires only one... Many scientists, when they confess their views, lean towards the theological concept, or the concept of design. Allan Sandage, winner of the Craford Prize in astronomy (equivalent to the Nobel Prize), remarked: “I find it quite incredible that such order could arise from chaos. There must be some organizing principle. God is a mystery to me, but He is the explanation for the miracle of something coming out of nothing." Perhaps astrophysicist Robert Jastrow gave the best description of what happened to his colleagues after they measured the cosmos: "For a scientist who lived by faith in the power of the mind , it all ends like a bad dream. All his life he climbed the high mountain of knowledge; he is already ready to conquer its main peak; and when, having made the last push, he is at the top, he is met by a group of theologians who have sat there for centuries." Robert Griffiths, who received the Heinemann Prize in mathematical physics, said: "If we need atheists for discussion, I go to the philosophers to find them. You won’t find atheists in the physics department.”
    Our Creator, in addition to our familiar matter, creates and created other material worlds that are inaccessible to our senses.
    Our bodily sensations and physical devices physically perceive precisely matter-substance.
    The very one that materialists prejudicially declared to be primary and unique, eternal and infinite.
    It is definitely not eternal, it is finite and derivative.
    But besides it, there are other layers of reality, including the highest reality of the Universe.
    They really do exist, but their existence is different and relates very differently to our physicality.
    Only the matter of our material Universe physically substantially interacts with our corporeality, flesh, nature, but it is not the only thing that has the gift of existence, being.
    Matter cannot be explained SELF-sufficiently from itself.
    It is impossible to explain in this way its finitude, the existence of universal laws given to it by the Creator, and a host of its other properties.
    It is also impossible to explain the anthropic principle, even in a weakened form.
    If matter had not been intelligently created specifically for humans, for humanoids, then it would have been completely different.
    Change the world constants a little - and neither life nor atoms would exist at all, they just physically would not be able to arise at all.
    There would not be such a suspicious isotropy-consistency of all matter even beyond the event horizon.
    That is, the horizon of physical influences of some material objects on others.
    Everything was coordinated by the Creator.
    If matter had arisen on its own, then without an intelligent spiritual God, by the will of the blind elements, an equal amount of mother and antimatter would have arisen in the material world.
    With all the ensuing consequences, such as our absence.
    But this is not the case, God did not allow this.
    The Creator did not limit himself to creating the world.
    In order to save us and open to people the true saving spiritual and moral path, most likely God (the divine essence itself) materialized, incarnated, became human into a beautiful, amazing earthling, an earthly man, Jesus Christ.
    He could do this and had very good reasons for this.
    For the sake of love and humanity for us, He came to us and defeated evil.
    The evil He defeated has not disappeared and exists in the sublunary world.
    In general, the problem of theodicy is the problem of the existence of evil in the mortal world despite the goodness and humanity of God, this is a big, very serious and interesting philosophical problem, but this is not the topic of this particular article.
    God created a truly great material world about 14 billion years ago - with a predominance of mysterious dark energy and dark matter.
    And all the matter familiar to us makes up only about 4.5% of the mass of the Universe.
    But it also forms many trillions of Galaxies, including our Galaxy from hundreds of billions of stars rotating at crazy speed around a colossal black hole.
    On planets near some other stars of our Galaxy (and not just this one), our Creator most likely created our brothers in mind through evolution.

    EVEN modern materialists (!!) now admit that the ideal can quite easily exist outside the human head.
    Here are their timid arguments and partial belated confessions on this matter:
    “It should be noted that the term “objective reality” in the definition means matter that exists really and independently of man. It was noted above that the ideal can exist objectively from a person and his consciousness. At the same time, the human body does not exist objectively in everything, that is, independently of it and its consciousness. The dependence of the human body on itself is very significant for regulation, motivation, maintaining normal functioning and other parameters. Other material phenomena may have ideal characteristics, especially in the culture of society. The ideal can also be recognized as an objective ideal independent of man. In this sense, the term “objective reality” can cover both material reality (matter) and the objectively ideal.”
    In a word, the old Soviet diamat has been debunked by modern science.
    And most of his elderly followers rushed to God in churches in their old age.
    Those who never believed in the presence of a superintelligent Creator in matter, the Creator of all things, due to the inconsistency of their ancient myths about the eternity of matter with modern strict, accurate scientific data, suffer en masse from neuroses and depression.
    The main reason for the modern epidemic of neuroses and depression was very well revealed and shown by the famous psychologist, candidate of psychological sciences Marina Lebed.
    Now you will read (published with Marina’s consent) the bitter truth about the main causes of modern mass ill-being with borderline mental disorders.
    Here in front of you are the very wise, piercing lines of the respected Marina Lebed:
    “Metaphysical fear of death exists, its invisible power over the psyche is enormous. Of all critical situations, the most pathogenic are those in which a person faces death. Such situations can be incurable diseases, loss of close relatives, participation in war. However, even outside such situations, every person immersed in everyday affairs knows deep down that victory over physical death is an illusion.

    Knowledge of the fact of death is being driven out of public consciousness by all means. Society behaves as if no one dies; moreover, it purposefully diverts understanding of these issues by creating systems of semi-forced labor, distraction and entertainment. And, indeed, people sometimes manage to forget themselves for a long time, but the ritual side of death, any reminders of it, direct confrontations with its terrible mask recreate suppressed and repressed fear, recalling the fact of the mortality of the physical body. The overwhelming horror of awareness of mortality is called fear of “nothing” or existential frustration, a thousand other names, but whatever you call it, the main thing is that it exists and has a tremendous impact on a person’s psychological state. The psyche develops defense mechanisms against the awareness of mortality. The mechanisms of such protection are individual - some people go into the visual world of television, others into the virtual space of the Internet, others find oblivion in reality - in the pursuit of power, romantic hobbies or sexual adventures. Unconscious impulses of horror, in the case when they do not become a source of neuroses, temporarily give way to passions and hobbies and, especially, to short-term deceptions of erotic love, but, in moments of greatest clarity of consciousness, a person even more deeply, in contrast to the beating of life, realizes the inevitability the fact of his finitude.

    The topic of death is a kind of taboo for atheists - it is not customary to talk about it, it is not good to think about it, you need to live as if it does not exist. But metaphysical fear of death exists, moreover, its invisible power over the psyche and its unconscious impulses is enormous. This is proven by even the most superficial analysis of works of contemporary art. Modern psychoanalysis is also unthinkable without working on unconscious impulses of horror before the inevitability of death, because for modern people, suppressed and repressed fear of death is the source of neuroses.

    At first glance, the world in which we live seems safe, there are no predators waiting for their prey, ready to deliver a fatal blow at every second; terrible epidemics seem to have been defeated in it. But deep down, everyone knows that victory over death is an illusion and not a single person can change the natural course of events. You can push back the final event of your life, but you can’t fundamentally change anything; you just have to wait passively, and, as far as possible, calmly await your fate. The horror of realizing one’s own finitude is joined by understanding the course of human development as a meaningless “bad infinity”, an endless replacement of the dead by the newly born.

    No one knows what will happen beyond life, but atheists, claiming that after death a person is forever destroyed by the eternal Nothing, do not leave even a small loophole as hope. There is nothing more destructive for the psyche, nothing worse for education, than such supposedly scientific and consistent materialism. The most harmful are philosophical systems based on the denial of the Eternal and Divine, which make it an axiom that death is inevitable and is an immanent part of the existence of the living. Materialist thinkers such as J. P. Sartre represent a dead-end branch of the most repulsive kind of philosophy - atheistic existentialism. Their worldview is pessimistic, and atheistic systems are too vague, unformed and unspoken. And how could it be otherwise? After all, criticism of the idea of ​​God and the idea of ​​the soul is nothing more than destruction without positivity. Attempts by existential materialists to derive psychological and psychotherapeutic recommendations from their anti-life philosophical systems naturally turn into failure, since it is impossible to derive anything supportive and inspiring from deeply pessimistic teachings. Such philosophers argue that thanks to the awareness that after death there is Nothingness waiting for a person, he tries to realize his potential and achieve a deep authentic being. In fact, such a worldview only increases fear and horror. It is no coincidence that the same Sartre, in an eternal search for oblivion from the philosophical truths he invented, was a representative of extreme leftist views and a defender of bloody methods. According to Sartre, death is the last opportunity through which existence can achieve a higher form - this is a statement based on nothing.

    The negative consequences of an atheistic worldview are colossal, but its destructive forces are difficult to assess: who counted the number of people suffering from depression caused by the fear of death, who counted suicides committed precisely for this reason?

    The ideological emptiness of everyday life, an attempt at oblivion, hushing up the problem of awareness of death, and, especially, atheistic existentialism as well as any other newfangled materialistic systems - all these are dead ends that lead to only negative consequences.

    Humanity needs new, truly humanistic ideological guidelines that allow for the presence of a Higher principle in the Universe and an Eternal principle in the human soul. Only such a system of views on the world gives a person deep optimism and faith in the eternal existence of his immortal soul.”