Reading day at the library. As part of the All-Russian Reading Day, the libraries of the Krasnoarmeysky district held the event “Reading Aloud Day”

Based on letter No. 3736/021-12 of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports of the Kaluga Region, November 24 was declared Reading Day.

As part of this day, the school held thematic events:

  • 1-4 grades – drawing competition “My favorite book character”;
  • 5-8 grades – conversation “On the benefits of reading” and quiz “Through the pages of books”;
  • 9-11 grades – messages “The Evolution of Books”.
  • exhibition of books and drawings on the topic.

The best drawings of the competition “My Favorite Book Character”, the content of the conversation “On the Benefits of Reading” and the quiz “Through the Pages of Books”, the best message “The Evolution of Books” is attached.

SUBJECT: "On the benefits of reading"

Target: convince of the benefits of reading.

Form: conversation.

Design and equipment:exhibition of books, drawings on the topic.

Progress of the event.

“The mind is in vain if there is no food for wisdom, which is provided

Good books, full of good instructions, examples,

Moral covenants, laws and godly rules.

Like sincere friends, they willingly talk with us...

They teach us, encourage us, console us, and visibly show us

Things far from our eyes..."

Jan Amos Comenius.


  1. Listening to messages “The Evolution of Books.”
  2. Test "Genre of Literature".
  3. Conversation.
  4. Summarizing.
  1. Message “The Evolution of Books.”

The first book... She was two-legged, two-armed, and never wanted to lie on the shelf. She knew how to speak and sing. Because the first book, if you can call it that, was a man. After all, in those days when there was no paper and ink yet, storytellers and writers already existed. Their works were stored not in bookcases, but in human memory.

A person who is able to firmly remember and retell this or that work with inspiration seems to have become a book. Many people know about the great writer Homer, but those who don’t know will definitely get acquainted with his works. His Iliad and Odyssey are now published annually in all countries of the world. The author himself was not able to see his book. After all, his books were written down several centuries after he composed them. And before that, storytellers, or aeds, as the Greeks called them, told a fantastic story about the wanderings of Odysseus.

One man started a library of human books. This happened in Rome. The wealthy merchant Itzel ordered the collection of the most capable slaves. Everyone should be a book of some kind. Itzel achieved his goal. Soon everyone in Rome was talking about his library. One day, after a sumptuous dinner, the conversation turned to all sorts of scientific subjects. We started talking about how people feasted in the old days.

There is a nice passage about this in the Iliad,” said Itzel. “Bring me the Iliad,” he ordered the manager.

Here the manager fell to his knees and reported in a trembling voice:

Sorry, sir! The Iliad gave me a stomach ache! He can't get up!

With the advent of writing, books began to be written down. The first handwritten books appeared. Before the invention of paper, what kind of books were not invented! In India, for example, there were books on palm leaves. They wrote on them with a needle. Having trimmed the edges, the leaves were sewn together with thread, having previously trimmed the edges. The edge was gilded, so it turned out very beautiful.

They wrote books on clay. The clay, dried in the sun and baked in a kiln, became as strong as stone. Each tile was numbered and each had a name.

What can you say about books that can be melted?

We will talk specifically about wax books. This invention, like many others, belongs to the ancient Greeks. The wax books were several tablets the size of our notebooks. Each plank was planed in the middle.

The resulting square recess was filled with wax - yellow or painted black. Holes were punched in the corners. Laces were made through them, which fastened the boards into one book. They wrote on wax pages with the sharp end of a stick, but with the blunt end they could immediately erase the mistake, like an eraser. Until the end of the 18th century, wax books could be found in France and some other European countries.

Imagine, you took a long, very long book to read – about a hundred paces. This is exactly what the books of the ancient Egyptians were like. Then they came up with the idea of ​​arranging the text in columns. It was also impossible to slam such a book. It was written on papyrus, which could not be cut and sewn. The Egyptians realized that such a book could be rolled into a tube. The end of the stick was decorated with intricate carvings to make the book look beautiful.

This book was read like this: with your left hand you held the stick by the curly end, and with your right hand you unrolled the scroll. If you lower your hand, the scroll will immediately roll up. Start over. Then leather books appeared, that is, written on parchment. Special ink was invented for parchment. A parchment book looked like this: it is, as a rule, a huge, heavy volume bound in a strong binding made of two boards covered with leather. To protect the binding from scratches, copper plaques and squares were attached to it. Such a copper-bound book looked like a chest, especially since it was locked with locks or clasps.

Expensive book bindings were covered with morocco or velvet, bound with silver and gold, and decorated with precious stones.

With the advent of paper, the cheapest material for writing, all other materials became a thing of the past. But books were still copied by hand.

And now an interesting fact.

Once upon a time, book owners were considered treasure owners. In European libraries, books were chained to tables. This was done to ensure that the book remained intact.

Books have always been valued and considered treasures.

  1. Test "Genre of Literature".

Each of the children receives a piece of paper on which they need to write their favorite book. Then the results are summed up and it turns out that the most popular genre of literature among students is adventure and fantasy.

  1. Conversation.

The fire is stirring in the stove again,

The cat curled up in the warmth,

And from the lamp he lies down on books

Peaceful circle on the evening table.

So our worries are over:

The problem book is asleep, the notebook is closed.

Hands reach for the book. But what are you

Compressed by ice, without fire and compass,

In the twilight of the Arctic countries

We will save the eccentric Hatteras,

Crossing the icy ocean.

Through gorges, underground lakes,

Through caves, in darkness and dust,

Let's do it with unyielding zeal

Journey to the center of the earth.

With the kind help of cards and sextant,

With a half-erased note in hand

Captain, unfortunate Grant,

On an unknown island we will find.

You will see the Orinoco forests,

Cities of monkeys and elephants,

A hot air balloon, floating low,

Will cast a shadow over Lake Chad.

And in the coral reefs, where it prowls

"Nautilus", wanderer of the seas,

A remote cemetery will be shaken

Ships sunken in battle.

What is more beautiful than such adventures,

More fun than discoveries, victories,

Wise wanderings, happy crashes,

Flights between stars and comets?

And closing the read volume,

Gratefully leaving the ship,

Just think, my boy, what

Full of mystery, the earth awaits us.

How much you can learn from books, learn a lot, understand a lot and find answers to questions.

Listen to what Boris Pasternak said: “A book is a cubic piece of a hot, steaming conscience - and nothing more.”

Talking is nature's concern for the preservation of birds, its external ringing in the ears. The book is like a capercaillie on a lek. She hears no one and nothing, deafened by herself, overheard...

Without her, the spiritual lineage would not have continued. He would transfer. Monkeys didn't have it.

They wrote it. She grew up, gained wisdom, saw the world, and now she has grown up and is like this. It is not her fault that she can be seen through. This is the way of the spiritual universe.

And recently they thought that the scenes in the book were staged, this is a delusion. Why does she need them? They forgot that the only thing in our power is to be able not to distort the voice of life that sounds within us.”

The inability to find and tell the truth is a shortcoming that cannot be covered by any ability to tell a lie. A book is a living being. She is in memory and in full sanity: pictures and scenes are what she took out from the past, remembered and does not agree to forget.

Books without a companion are dead.

They can remain silent for many years. But when the interlocutor comes, they come to life. They have a special destiny. Unlike things, they know how to be sad and rejoice, because in addition to intelligence and insight, passions are invested in them.

We were not yet in the world, but passions already lived in books, the same ones that gripped us when we were born. We thought about our existence, and the paths of our thoughts have long been laid out in books. We invented bicycles, and in books there was an indication that the bicycle in this area had long been invented.

The books are waiting for the interlocutor. And unlike things, they don’t care at all who comes to them in this capacity. Because they can be secretive and talkative, crafty and simple-minded, shy and eloquent.

People use things the same way. In order to get drunk, everyone opens the tap in the same direction. But everyone handles a book differently. One reads in it what is written, the other not what is written, but what he wants to read, the third does not see what is written because he does not want to see. Things live in time. Time lives in books.

Time fits into them in infinitely small spaces, measured, calculated, predetermined.

Time is wiser than things. Books are wiser than time.

Because time, once in a book, freezes in it as it really was.

Books are wiser than time. They leave behind time that has passed. In them we find fallen leaves that never decay, and fresh flowers that never fade.

Time obeys books. Sometimes it burns them and tramples them in despair or anger.

But both ashes and dirt remain on the pages. Time is running out, and books are rustling with their wings...

Time obeys books. Because they contain those who did not coincide in time. In them the one who has not yet been born will meet with the one who is gone forever. They will meet to find each other to talk...

The years float at us, and we go into them, leaving our affairs and books behind us. Truths and errors remain on the pages waiting for an interlocutor who will come to separate the chaff from the grain.

Books are probably also going to the New Year's feast. It’s easy for them to do this – they don’t need to leave the shelves to do it. They gather for the most silent feast imaginable and raise silent toasts.

They raise a toast to their fellow men who are born and must be born to speak of us.

And they rejoice with the joy of wisdom...

  1. Quiz "Through the pages of books."

1. Name a fairy tale by an Italian writer, where all the heroes are fruits and vegetables?

(Gianni Rodari. “The Adventures of Cipollino”)

2. How many journeys did Gulliver, the hero of Jonathan Swift's book, make?(Eight)

3. What were the names of the three fat men from Yuri Olesha’s fairy tale “Three Fat Men”?(They didn’t have names)

Behind the mountains, behind the forests,

Across the wide seas

Against the sky - on the ground

An old man lived in a village.

The old lady has three sons:

The eldest was a smart kid,

Middle son and this way and that,
The younger one was completely stupid.

(Pyotr Pavlovich Ershov “The Little Humpbacked Horse”)

  1. How does A.S. Pushkin begin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan...”?

(Three maidens by the window

We spun late in the evening)

  1. What are the words with which A.S. Pushkin ends “The Tale of the Golden Cockerel”?

(The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it!

A lesson to good fellows)

  1. Name the girl Ellie’s companions who went with her to the Emerald City.

(Based on the book by A. Volkov “The Wizard of the Emerald City”,

Totoshka the dog, Scarecrow stuffed animal,

Tin Woodman, Cowardly Lion)

  1. What is the name of the author of the famous fairy tale “The Nutcracker and the Mouse King”?

(Erist Theodor Amadeus Hoffmann)

  1. What were the names of the three bears from Leo Tolstoy’s fairy tale “The Three Bears”?

(Mikhail Potapych, Nastasya Petrovna, Mishutka)

  1. Summarizing.

Teacher: I would like to end our conversation with the Egyptian “Glorification of the Scribes,” which Anna Akhmatova translated into Russian.

A man fades away, his body becomes dust,

All his loved ones disappear from the earth,

But the scriptures make me remember him

Through the mouths of those who convey it into the mouths of others.

A book is more necessary than a built house,

Better than the tombs in the West

Better than a luxurious palace

Better than a monument in a temple.

Yes, indeed: a person dies. And after death the Book represents him. A book in literature is the same. What are notes in music? The book, essentially speaking, is just a notebook of the spirit. It initially contained something living, some vital and magnetic force, even...power.

Appreciate books, take care of books, read books and you will become the owner of untold wealth.

(the best student in the drawing competition, the best student in the message competition, the best conversationalists, the best in the quiz are awarded with gifts-books; the rest of the event participants are given consolation prizes - bookmarks).

Every year, thousands of people around the world dedicate every first Wednesday in March to reading aloud. This year, World Read Aloud Day fell on March 2nd. The slogan of this day is “Reading is moving forward!” The main goal of this day is to show reading as a way of interacting with the world around us and as an opportunity to convey one’s emotions to another person along with the spoken word. Libraries of the Simferopol region held the following events:

Employees of the central library of MBUK SR “RCBS” organized the “Book is looking for a reader” campaign for library users. All readers were asked to read works by different authors: A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu, Lermontov, S. Yesenina, A.N. Kuprin and many others. Readers really liked this event, and they expressed a desire to continue to take part in such events in the future.

On this day, the Simferopol regional children's library joined this action. The youngest pupils of the Center for Assistance to Families, Children and Youth in the village of Gvardeyskoye were invited to visit the library. Loud readings of “The Master’s Work is Afraid” were held with the kids, dedicated to professions. First, the children watched a puppet show of the same name and played games. They built houses from blocks, helped the cook set the table, like real doctors did a bandage. Then the librarian read poems about professions to the children, and those who could read were asked to take a book and read it aloud as well.

A specialist at Denisovo Rural Library Branch No. 57 organized a literary lounge “Fairy Tales Beloved from Childhood” for the library’s young readers. Participants in the event read aloud excerpts from their favorite fairy tales. At the end of the event, a quiz game “Ears on the Top of the Head” was held.

This date was not ignored by the Dobrovskaya rural library-branch No. 2. On this day, a big break “School Stories” was held for students of the 1st grade of the Dobrovskaya gymnasium school, where the children listened to the librarian Khalilova N.Yu. and the class teacher E.E. Veliyev, and then they themselves took turns reading the stories of Viktor Golyavkin. Short stories, in which the funny and the sad coexist, left no one indifferent. The guys laughed merrily at incidents from the lives of Golyavkin’s heroes, and then thought and looked for answers to complex life questions, because there are no trifles in a child’s life. Everything in it is serious, everything is important and significant.

In the Ivanovo rural library branch No. 24, loud readings “Adventures await you on the island of reading” were held for students in grades 1-5. Students took an active part in conducting loud readings on the works of Pushkin, Barto, Zhidkov and other writers. At the end, a quiz “Reading with passion” was held. The children received a lot of positive impressions from the event.

The librarian of the Kizilovskaya rural library branch No. 54 held World Read Aloud Day with students in grades 3-4 of the Kizilovskaya elementary school “This happens in childhood - fairy tales come to life there.” The children read their favorite Russian folk tales “Kroshechka-Khavroshechka”, “Morozko”, “Geese-Swans”.

An employee of the Konstantinovskaya rural library branch No. 28 held with 3rd grade students of the Konstantinovskaya secondary school the World Read Aloud Day “A wonderful, wise and interesting fairy tale,” dedicated to the fairy tale by A.S. Pushkin’s “The Tale of the Priest and His Worker Balda”, this tale turned 185 years old this year. All the children took turns reading a fairy tale.

The librarian of the Krasnozorkinsky rural library branch held a literary carpet “Time to Read” at the elementary school. For the children, the librarian prepared their favorite works and for the first time introduced them to the work of Pyotr Ershov “The Little Humpbacked Horse.” The children listened to the fairy tale with interest and retold it with great pleasure, then each of them talked about their favorite fairy tale or book.

For the day of reading aloud, a specialist from the Krasnolesskaya rural library branch No. 31 held a flash mob “Book Run” at the Krasnolesskaya school. At exactly 12 o'clock, students left the classrooms and read their favorite poems. They were joined by school teachers.

Within the walls of the Mazan Rural Library Branch No. 5, loud readings of the works of A.S. were held for library users on World Read Aloud Day. Pushkin “The Tale of Tsar Saltan”, V. Kalashnikov “Wonders of Nature. Animal world".

World Read Aloud Day was held at Mirnov Library-branch No. 58. All readers who came to the library that day were informed that today was World Read Aloud Day, after which they were asked to choose a book of their choice and read a passage aloud. Children chose their favorite children's books, adults chose poetry and works of classical Russian and foreign literature. The attention of readers was drawn to the exhibition-viewing “Books of the Year 2016” and many works for reading were selected from there.

Novoselovskaya Rural Library Branch No. 9 took part in World Read Aloud Day. For 3rd grade students, a literary assortment “Crimean Writers for Children” was held. Students learned many interesting bibliographic facts about Vladimir Orlov, Lydia Ogurtsova, Tamara Obrinskaya, Gennady Glushnev, Evgeny Belousov, Nezeta Umerov. The librarian, teacher and students read poems by these children's writers in Russian, Ukrainian and Tatar. There were lines about the native land, about friendship, about mother and family. The librarian suggested reading aloud as much as possible, and that the motto of this day, “Reading is moving forward,” would become the motto of their entire lives. In addition, throughout the day, library readers could choose a book from the library and read it aloud.

World Reading Day “Read always, read everywhere, and you will find the path to your dream!” was held at the Partisan Rural Library Branch No. 35. The goal is to show reading as a way of interacting with the world around us and as an opportunity to convey one’s emotions to another person along with the spoken word. Reading aloud

– one of the best exercises for speech development. Why out loud and not to yourself? Because reading aloud is speech practice, while reading silently is silent absorption of information. In the same way, to learn to dance well, you need to dance, and not just watch others dance. It also allows you to learn to express thoughts easily and accurately, helps to increase vocabulary, improve diction, intonation, emotional coloring, brightness, correctness of speech and its other elements. Therefore, regular reading aloud allows you to learn to speak smoothly, as if from writing. The children, coming to the library, were able to listen and touch the magic strings of poetry, read their favorite books out loud. Everything was imbued with kindness and affection, because the main theme was poems about mother from the “Poetry Box” - on the eve of International Women's Day. Young readers listened with interest and listened to the power of words, because it’s so nice when reading is enjoyable.

Perovskaya rural library branch No. 60 held a reading aloud “Beyond the mountains, beyond the forests...” (160 years of P.P. Ershov’s fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse”) for the international day of reading aloud. In her introductory speech, the librarian said that the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” was written by a nineteen-year-old student at St. Petersburg University P.P. Ershov. After the fairy tale was published, Ershov became famous throughout Russia. However, Ershov did not become a professional writer. After university, he returned to his homeland, Siberia. Where he continued to work as a gymnasium teacher and then as a director. Ershov also does not abandon his poetic creativity. But none of the subsequent works managed to even come close to the glory of “The Little Humpbacked Horse.” Then the children read excerpts from the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse.” At the end, the guys answered quiz questions.

Pozharskaya rural library branch No. 11 was pleased to join the world reading aloud campaign, holding a benefit performance for students of grade 2-A of the Pozharskaya school “Orlov’s magic word will sound again and again,” dedicated to the work of the Crimean poet. The librarian briefly told the biography of the writer, as well as his creative path. Next, the children were invited to participate in loud readings of the poet’s poems.

Ravnopolye Rural Library Branch No. 53 on the playground in the village of Ravnopolye, the librarian held a small but exciting quiz “Fairytale Experts!” The children were asked to read excerpts from famous fairy tales aloud, and the rest were asked to guess what kind of fairy tale it was. The one who guessed it became the leader and read the next disguised book.

In the Rodnikovskaya rural library branch No. 12, loud readings aloud were held under the title “Our respect to books and reading.” The event was held for different categories of students. First for 8th grade students as part of the “Library Math Club” club, then for 2nd grade students. As part of the circle, students read the works of M.Yu. Lermontov, both out loud and by heart. And little readers (some even came with their grandmothers) read poems by A.L. Barto, K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak. The guys recited Agnia Barto by heart. Between readings, we discussed the actions of the heroes of the works. Young readers listened and read with interest, everything was imbued with kindness.

The librarian of the Skvortsovskaya rural library branch No. 13 conducted loud readings and readings with commentary entitled “Book scattering” with children from preschool to adolescence. We spent time

individual readings of poetry and prose by Russian authors. We didn’t forget to pay attention to the magazine articles of the Crimean magazine “Treasure Peninsula”.

Within the walls of the Solnechnenskaya rural library-branch No. 59 loud readings “Reading aloud to children” were held, dedicated to the International Read Aloud Day. The event was attended by everyone who wanted to read aloud the works of different authors.

Teplovsky rural library branch No. 40 took part in World Read Aloud Day. Guests of the book extravaganza “Long live the reading man!” It was no coincidence that children of preschool age were chosen, since the library works according to a targeted comprehensive program called “Preschooler. Book. Library". Where the main goal is to attract children to reading and books. Children at this age do not mind listening when people read aloud to them. The librarian chose the book “Pedestrian Traffic Rules” for reading. The children listened carefully, and then actively participated in the discussion, answering questions, which is quite important at their age - to learn to analyze and understand what they heard or read on their own. In conclusion, those who wished were invited to read the work of K. Chukovsky “Telephone” in roles. The more active preschool children agreed with pleasure and completed the task. When leaving, the children thanked us for the many impressions they had received. Also, for this holiday, a wall newspaper was created for all library visitors, promoting reading and books.

A specialist from the Trudovsk Rural Library Branch No. 56 organized the “Let’s Open the Pages Carefully” event for 3rd grade students of the Trudovskaya School. Together with the librarian, the children read poems by B. Zakhoder, the story by V. Dragunsky “Main Rivers” in roles, as well as poems about mothers, dedicating them to their mothers for International Women’s Day.

A specialist from the Ukromnovskaya rural library branch No. 14 conducted loud readings “Puzzle of Reading Hobbies” for students of the Ukromnovskaya school. Participants in the event read aloud their favorite works, passing the baton to someone else.

An employee of the Chistensky rural library branch No. 16 conducted loud readings “How to be able to read well - to understand the world through a book!” with the children of the choreographic club "Rosinka". First-graders enthusiastically read aloud the poems they liked, passing the baton to their grandmothers and mothers. On this day, children's voices of children happily reading books were heard in the library.

The librarian of the Verkhne-Kurganovsk Rural Library-Branch No. 19 held a literary hour “Paying Tribute with Pictures and Words” for visitors to the social day care center. The worker told the biography of the poet, about the life and work of Maximilian Voloshin. Participants in the event read aloud the author’s works with an enthusiast.

The Medicinal Rural Library Branch No. 32 hosted a reading aloud day under the motto “Read together, read aloud.” On this day, everything in the library was imbued with kindness and affection, because the main theme of the event was poems about mother. The children tried to read expressively, with warmth and love. I especially liked the poems: E. Blaginin “Let’s Sit in Silence” and “Mother’s Day”, A. Barto “Mother Sings”, I. Tokmakova “Read to Me by Mother”, S. Baruzdin “Mom is Studying”, N. Sakonskaya “Talk about Mother "

Literary gatherings “Reading Aloud” were held at the Shkolny village library-branch No. 18. In the library, works of favorite children's writers were read aloud, and Russian classics were played. Representatives of the settlement administration read excerpts from the works of Crimean writers. Pensioners of the village were invited and pleasantly surprised by reading poems by Anna Akhmatova, love lyrics and poems about Crimea.

Olga Grigorieva
Scenario for the holiday “World Read Aloud Day”

Kind day guys, Kind day dear adults!

Today in our beautiful and cozy music hall we have gathered on the occasion of a very unusual day, an unusual holiday, which will celebrate its tenth anniversary next year. World Read Aloud Day!

There is no need to pester your mother,

No need to shake grandma:

“Please read it! Read it!”

No need to beg your sister:

“Well, read another page.”.

No need to call

No need to wait

A book is a fascinating, educational and entertaining friend of man. With a book in hand, a person cannot be lonely; he cannot be bored in the company of a book. So today we won’t be bored, we’ll read everyone favorite stories by Nikolai Nosov, make yourself comfortable and remember that you should not disturb the one who is reading and to everyone who is listening...

So: "Mishkina porridge"….

Upon completion reading....

In the library for the kids

There are books in a row on the shelves.

Take it, read it and know a lot,

But don't insult the book.

She will open up the big world,

What if you make me sick?

You are a book - forever

The pages will then fall silent.

Just imagine for a moment

How would we live without books?

What would a student do?

If there were no books,

If everything disappeared at once,

What was written for children:

From magical good fairy tales

Until funny stories?

You wanted to relieve boredom

Find the answer to the question.

He extended his hand for the book,

But it’s not on the shelf!

Your favorite book is missing -

"Chippolino", for example,

And they ran away like boys

Robinson and Gulliver.

No, you can't imagine

For such a moment to arise

And you could have been left

All the heroes of children's books.

From the fearless Gavroche

To Timur and to Krosh -

How many of them, guys friends,

Those who want the best for us!

A brave book, an honest book,

Let there be a few pages in it,

In the whole world, as is known,

There are no boundaries.

All roads are open to her,

And on all continents

She speaks many

A variety of languages.

And she can go to any country

Through all the centuries it will pass,

Like great novels

"Quiet Don" and "Don Quixote"!

Glory to our children's book!

Swim across all the seas!

And especially the Soviet one -

Starting with the Primer!

Teachers and children are invited to visit the book exhibition and take them into the group. ... Thanks to all.

Publications on the topic:

Every year on November 13, it has become a good tradition for many countries to celebrate World Kindness Day. It's no secret that in the modern world it's becoming more and more common.

It is no secret that in the modern high-tech and high-speed world, human feelings and moral qualities are increasingly taking second place.

Hello, dear colleagues and guests of my page. I present to your attention a photo report “World Children's Day”. This day is World Day.

Celebrated: in Russia, Ukraine and other countries of the world. Established: in Russia in 2009. A day when people help each other, a reminder.

October 9 is World Post Day. On this day, a meeting took place with Alena Sergeevna Yu. Mama Varya in the music room of our kindergarten.

Early Group B developed booklets for parents that present very important information in a concise and accessible way. Children's rights are.

2016 employees of the branches of MBUK. Samara "SMIBS", as part of the "Reading Samara" program, held a campaign for World Read Aloud Day "Reading Relay". The purpose of the event is to show reading as a way of interacting with the outside world and as an opportunity to convey one’s emotions to another person along with the spoken word.

Various events were held as part of the campaign.

So, branch No. 2 introduced the pupils of the preparatory group of kindergarten No. 000 to the writer’s work. The event took place in the form of a long mob: the participants and their teacher read the fairy tale “The Little Humpbacked Horse” in advance, and on World Read Aloud Day they had the opportunity to voice the characters in the cartoon based on this work. Silent fragments were shown on the screen, the children easily got into the role, even improvised. At the end, a quiz was held on “The Little Humpbacked Horse” by P. Ershov. All the guys showed activity and good knowledge of the fairy tale, for which they received sweet prizes.

The staff also went to visit the pupils of kindergarten No. 000 branch No. 13. For the event, a dramatization of Boris Zakhoder’s fairy tale “Little Rusachok” was prepared. The children, with the help of their parents, made character masks. The librarian read the story aloud, and the children listened carefully, and when the librarian mentioned the hero, the child in the mask demonstrated it. All the children really enjoyed the performance. Little actors received prizes. The Reading Relay ended with a fabulous quiz.

Branch No. 8 Together with SPK volunteers, they held the “Let’s Honor!” event. The campaign started in the library, in the information and entertainment center. Librarians told the story of this holiday, noting the positive aspects of the tradition of family reading aloud, and then the children read excerpts from their favorite works. The action continued on the street, where library staff and student volunteers delighted the residents of the microdistrict with lines from the famous works of M. Lermontov, S. Yesenin, V. Tsoi, as well as other poets and writers, reading the works aloud and inviting passers-by to join the action - read read aloud an excerpt from a work or a favorite poem.

The employees also took to the streets branch No. 18. For reading aloud, the librarians chose the work “The Master and Margarita.” Participants in the action randomly opened a page of the novel and read the passage aloud. Both librarians and passersby received a lot of positive emotions. The event ended with the distribution of flyers.

Employees branch No. 27 held a flash mob “Long Live Reading!” as part of the campaign. for children with disabilities at boarding school No. 000. Each child introduced the author, the work and read out an interesting fragment, loudly and with expression. Lines from favorite books were read: “Alice in Wonderland”, “Ressi - the Elusive Friend”, A. Kononov “The Big Tree”, P. Travers “Mary Poppins”, etc. The librarians read to the children a story from the funny stories of A. Usachev “Smart the dog Sonya”, fragments from the book “Animals. 150 amazing facts." All flash mob participants received small prizes.

Branch No. 13 chose for the event a dramatization of Boris Zakhoder’s fairy tale “Little Rusachok”. For the event, pupils of kindergarten No. 000 prepared masks of the characters from the work. The librarian read the story aloud, and the children listened carefully, and when the librarian mentioned the hero, the child in the mask demonstrated it. All the children really liked this format of reading and playing. The Reading Relay ended with a fabulous quiz.

Russia is a country of people who love and know how to read. And it is not surprising that on this day in branch No. 11 listened with great attention to the works “Don Stories” by M. Sholokhov. Library visitors who took part in the action expressed gratitude to the librarians for the pleasure they received from reading excellent literature.

Branch No. 14 For an adult reading aloud, I chose the book “Crossing on the Volga” by V. Volodin. And the children read fairy tales from Samara writers - the Bondarenko brothers. Both children and adults took part in the event with pleasure: they read poems, counting rhymes, and excerpts from works. At the end, everyone watched a cartoon based on the Bondarenko brothers’ fairy tale “About Bunny Oy and Bunny Ay.”

All day in branch No. 16 Sergei Dovlatov's stories were heard. Dovlatov is a man-legend, a man-anecdote, a man-myth. The writer’s biggest dream is to be published and read in his homeland. Visitors to the branch had the opportunity to read an excerpt from the stories included in the collection “March of the Lonely Ones.” Readers took part in the action with pleasure. Some were already familiar with the writer’s work, had read his works, while others met this author for the first time and wanted to take the book home to read. The action left no one indifferent - everyone listened to the power of words, shared their emotions, and simply had fun.

Readers and employees were happy to join the global action branch No. 28. They showed that they love and know how to read aloud! On children's subscription The kids expressively read poems about their mother, and the older kids read excerpts from the works of Russian classics. And how much pleasure and laughter there was when the librarians read aloud the stories of the wonderful children's writer Oleg Kurguzov! The guys laughed contagiously and asked them to read more and more. And the children took the books they read aloud in the library home to read.

Readers also took part in the action branch No. 34. For reading aloud, the librarians chose Sevastopol Stories, which this year marks the 150th anniversary of its writing. Library visitors enjoyed the classic literary Russian language of Lev Nikolaevich, which so vividly conveyed the heroic defense of Sevastopol.

Branch No. 35 invited the preparatory group of kindergarten No. 65 to the “Reading Relay”. For the 90th anniversary of the poems “Confusion” and “Telephone”, librarians read these wonderful poems. Children excitedly traveled through fairy tales and solved riddles. At the end of the meeting, the guys performed a performance based on the poem “Telephone”.

Branch No. 38 introduced the children to the country's first film storyteller, Alexander Arturovich Row. We read the film fairy tale “Varvara – Beauty, Long Braid” with great pleasure.

Branch No. 40 As part of the event, he introduced children to books by Samara writers - the Bondarenko brothers, who wrote 15 collections of fairy tales, on which 16 cartoons were made. The librarians read aloud to the children the fairy tales “The Magic Bag”, “The Fox Hare”, “Children of the Same Mother”, examined the actions of the heroes, and discussed their behavior. At the end, the children watched the cartoon “Forest Tales” based on the works of V. Bondarenko.

Branch No. 41 For the “Reading Relay” event I chose Dina Rubina’s story “The Copper Box”. Before reading aloud, the librarian introduced listeners to the biography and work of D. Rubina. The reading of the story itself was creative. The narrative was divided into parts, after reading which, the listeners assumed the further development of events. It turned out to be a very lively conversation. Everyone enjoyed Rubina's artistic expression.

185 people were invited to participate in the Reading Relay. The action once again reminded everyone that reading is the best teaching!

Workers Central Library named after. Yu. Gagarin As part of the republican campaign "Read Aloud Day", loud readings were held for students of class 1 "B" of MBOU "Secondary School No. 8" (25 people). The children got acquainted with Marina Dorochenkova's story "Who Lost a Feather."
The book is part of the series of children's educational literature "My Cognitive World" and introduces schoolchildren to the world of forest birds. The work tells in a language accessible to young readers about the appearance, habits and lifestyle of birds. The book is colorfully illustrated; the librarians showed all the illustrations to the children in a slide presentation. The reading ended with a quiz on the book read.

The information was prepared by Elena Kraeva.
Phone number for inquiries: 77-38-02.

Family Reading Library named after. A. Nikolaeva invited pupils of the senior group "Pansies" of kindergarten No. 44 and students of grade 2 "B" of school No. 12 to take part in the action.
On this day, young lovers of books and reading listened to a fairy tale in verse by Julia Donaldson, translated by Marina Boroditskaya, and looked at the wonderful illustrations of the artist Axel Scheffler. D. Donaldson is a modern English writer, author of prose, poetry, plays and educational literature for children. She is an MBE for services to literature.
Once in a wonderful country - the Library - each participant in the Reading Day made a small discovery for himself and made new friends - the Snail and the Whale. The children listened with great attention to the touching story about the friendship of a giant whale and a small snail and about the fact that everyone can do a Big Deed and make their dream come true. The giant whale shows the snail a huge, diverse world by placing it on its tail, and when misfortune happens, the baby snail saves the whale.
After reading the fairy tale, the children took part in the games “Fisherman”, “Snail House” and competitions “Beware of the Whale!”, “Who Lives Where”. We watched with interest the educational films “Facts about the snail and the whale.” We made DIY crafts “Whale” and “Snail” using the origami technique. A total of 37 children took part.

Information prepared by Elena Kostina.
Phone for information: 75-91-02.

IN children's and youth library On October 9, for the Reading Day, the students of the NSRCN were offered the story “Kitten” by Sergei Georgiev.
Cats are our four-legged friends. The guys learned interesting facts about these mischievous, charming animals that have been with us for thousands of years. We remembered books, poems and songs, the main characters of which are cats, cats and kittens. The main characters of the story "Kitten" are schoolchildren who are in third grade. The third-graders were afraid that the teacher would react negatively to the kitten that was brought to school, and the teacher, meanwhile, was herself a participant in a similar situation in childhood. Those present noted that the book teaches how to be friendly, responsive and help comrades in difficult times.
During the event, the children answered questions from a “cat” quiz, drew their favorite cats, and got acquainted with the funny books of the exhibition “Book Heroes - Four-Legged Friends.” 19 people attended the event.

Information prepared by Elena Tavinova.
Phone for inquiries: 73-28-47.

IN Family Reading Library named after V. Davydov-Anatri spent an hour reading aloud. Students of class 7 "B" of Lyceum No. 18 (28 people) met the author of numerous novels, science fiction stories, and fairy tales, Tamara Kryukova. After the librarian’s story and watching the video “Tea Party with Tamara Kryukova,” another talent of the writer was revealed as a wonderful storyteller. The schoolchildren reacted vividly to the author’s emotional, brightly colored story about his light, mischievous and instructive works. Role-play reading of the story “Duty” from the book “Potapov, to the blackboard!” caused a heated discussion among the guys. This is a collection of hilariously funny stories and poems about school. The plots of some of the stories were used to make a comedy film of the same name. For a series of stories about Zhenya Moskvichev and Lyokha Potapov, Tamara Kryukova was awarded the title of First Prize laureate of the IV All-Russian competition of works for children and youth "Scarlet Sails".

The information was prepared by Gulnar Kalakova.

IN children's and youth library The participants of the action were young pupils of the “Forest Polyanka” group of MBDOU No. 12 (22 people). The educational book by Marina Dorochenkova and Anna Kravchuk “Who Lost a Feather?” was chosen for reading.
Everything about the book caught my attention at once - the intriguing title, the bright cover, colorful illustrations by artist Alexandra Malkova, the main characters and many interesting facts from the life of birds. After reading, the guys got acquainted with the way of life of birds. Librarian Anzhelika Igoshina said that bird feathers come in different types: large and elastic, soft and fluffy, and those that are used for decoration. The children enjoyed studying real bird feathers. After conducting a series of experiments with feathers, the guys found out what happens if you put it on your palm and blow on it or drop water on a feather. It was interesting to find out what was inside the pen. The children also enjoyed reading poems about birds, solving riddles and dancing a “bird” dance.
It was a real holiday of reading, where the Book, the Reader, the Word and the Listener reigned. 22 people attended the event.

The information was prepared by Anzhelika Igoshina.
Phone number for inquiries: 73-27-48.

October 9 at library named after N. Nosova Pupils of preschool educational institutions No. 43, 2, 50 (104 people) were invited to the Reading Day.
On this day, young library readers got acquainted with the works of modern children's writers. Library staff read aloud the books: “Jingliks. A No-Brainer” by Oleg Roy, “The Incredible Adventures of the Brownie Mokhnatik and the Banevenka Venichkin in Russia” by Svetlana Krivoshlykova and “Notes for My Descendants” by Ariadna Borisova.
The children enjoyed listening to the reading, playing the game "Praise the Brownie", putting together a mosaic, demonstrating their talents and making pets using the origami technique.

Information prepared by Natalia Arkhipova.
Phone for inquiries: 77-26-47.

IN library named after P. Huzangaya Students of the 3rd and 4th grades of the “Novocheboksarsk secondary school for students with disabilities” (17 people) got acquainted with the work of S.G. Kozlova. They learned about the touching friendship of a hedgehog, a bear cub and a hare by listening to fairy tales: "Rub! Hello!", "How a hedgehog and a bear cub rubbed the stars." The children sang the song “Clouds” with great pleasure with the characters from S. Kozlov’s works. The meeting ended with watching the cartoon "Autumn Ships".

Information prepared by Olga Mironova.
Phone for inquiries: 73-29-66.

B library named after N. Polorussova-Shelebi With students of grades 2 "B", 5 "A", 4 "B" and 6 "A" I held a Reading Day based on Tamara Kryukova's book "Unlearned Lessons" (99 people). At the presentation “Funny Stories of Tamara Kryukova,” the children were told a fascinating biography of the writer’s interesting life.
“He’ll go to the blackboard...” - every student is familiar with this phrase, which causes absolute silence in the class. The theme of her collection is the life of modern schoolchildren with funny stories. Lekha Potapov is a poor student, and Zhenya Moskvichev is an excellent student. Lekha is slow-witted, Zhenya is the most “ideological” person in school. But friends are inseparable Lekha never became a “person of a new type”, or an ultra-rapid, no matter how hard his friend Zhenya from the story “A Person of a New Type” tried for him. The story of "Potapov, to the blackboard!" caused a lively discussion among the children, and the schoolchildren enthusiastically shared their impressions.
Acquaintance with the book “Unlearned Lessons” became a holiday for young readers and aroused real interest in it.

The information was prepared by Lyudmila Shumilova.
Phone number for inquiries: 73-77-35.

Employees family reading library named after. S. Marshak As part of the campaign, we went to visit 4 "A" class of secondary school No. 5 (29 people) to introduce schoolchildren to the wonderful stories of Marina Druzhinina.
First, the guys learned a short biography of the author. M. Druzhinina worked as an engineer at a metallurgical plant and wrote stories for adults. When her son was born, she began writing for children. Until now, Marina Druzhinina is a regular author of children's magazines "Murzilka", "Funny Pictures" and others.
The children listened with interest and then discussed the stories “Call me, they’ll sing for you”, “It’s good to be an optimist”, “You and I are of the same blood!”, “My friend is a superman”. The reading, using a projector, was simultaneously accompanied by a display of wonderful illustrations by the artist Andrei Lukyanov. The children really liked the book “It's Good to Be Optimistic”, and they wanted to read other works by this author.

The information was prepared by Natalya Zebrova.