Calendar of anniversary dates for. A galaxy of Russian writers

Calendar of significant dates for the 2018-2019 academic year



International Year of the Periodic Table chemical elements(resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly on December 20, 2017).

International Year of Indigenous Languages ​​(resolution adopted by the UN General Assembly on 12/19/2016).

International holidays:

In its resolution adopted at the 14th session, the General Conference of UNESCO recognized the need for concerted action in international efforts to promote literacy throughout the world and proclaimed 8 September as International Literacy Day.

In 1981, by its resolution 36/67, the UN General Assembly proclaimed the International Day of Peace and established its celebration on the third Tuesday in September. And 20 years later, in 2001, the General Assembly unanimously adopted resolution 55/282, which decided that from 2002 the International Day of Peace will be celebrated annually on September 21 as a day of general ceasefire and renunciation of violence.

Established in 1951, in honor of the creation of the World Federation of the Deaf and Mutes

On December 14, 1990, the UN General Assembly decided to consider October 1 as the International Day of Older Persons.

Celebrated in many countries annually on the fourth Monday of October, since 1999 at the initiative of UNESCO. Moreover, every year it is dedicated specific topic. In 2008, this event came out on new level— in January, project coordinator Rick Mulholland announced that International Day school libraries is transformed into a month - also international.
15th of November - International No Smoking Day (date for 2018).

This day was established by the American Cancer Society in 1977. Target International Day smoking cessation - to help reduce the prevalence of tobacco addiction, involve all segments of the population and doctors of all specialties in the fight against smoking, prevent smoking and inform society about the harmful effects of tobacco on health.

On November 16, 1995, UNESCO Member States adopted the Declaration of Principles on Tolerance. In 1996, the UN General Assembly invited member states to celebrate the International Day for Tolerance on November 16 each year with events aimed at both educational institutions and the general public.

In 1973, the holiday of greetings was invented by two American brothers Michael and Brian McCormack in the midst of cold war, in response to the conflict between Egypt and Israel. The day was necessary as a sign of protest against increasing international tension.

“We need a simple but effective act,” the brothers decided and sent letters with warm greetings to all corners of the world. They asked the recipient to greet someone else, well, at least ten more people! This idea has been supported in more than 180 countries. Since then, World Greetings Day has been celebrated by citizens of all professions and ages, major political leaders, industrial tycoons, and world-famous film and television personalities.

Held annually since 1994. On this day in 1992 the first International forum informatization.

In 1992, at the end of the United Nations Decade of Persons with Disabilities (1983–1992), the UN General Assembly proclaimed December 3 as the International Day of Persons with Disabilities.

On December 4, 1950, at the Plenary Assembly, the UN General Assembly officially established December 10 as Human Rights Day. This date was chosen to honor the adoption and proclamation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights by the UN General Assembly on December 10, 1948.

On December 28, 1895, the first session of the Lumière brothers' cinematography took place in Paris at the Grand Café on the Boulevard des Capucines.

International Mother Language Day, proclaimed by the General Conference of UNESCO on 17 November 1999, has been celebrated every year since February 2000 to promote linguistic and cultural diversity.

In 1999, at the 30th session of the UNESCO General Conference, it was decided to celebrate World Poetry Day on March 21 every year.

Established in 1961 by the IX Congress of the International Theater Institute

Since 1967, on the initiative and decision of the International Children's Book Council, on April 2, the birthday of the great Danish storyteller Hans Christian Andersen, the whole world celebrates International Children's Book Day.

Celebrated annually on the day of the creation of the World Health Organization in 1948. The purpose of this organization is to fight epidemics, create the right image life of the planet's population, giving publicity and drawing people's attention to improving health and prolonging life. And in order for humanity to pay attention, at least once a year, to the problems associated with an unhealthy lifestyle, a special world (international) health day was created. World Health Day 2018 is dedicated to access to health care.

Established by the UN General Assembly in 1993

Every year on May 24th in all Slavic countries they solemnly glorify the creators of Slavic writing, Cyril and Methodius - Slovenian teachers.

Public holidays in Russia:

Every year on August 22 in Russia the Day of State flag Russian Federation, established on the basis of Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1714 of August 20, 1994

This is the newest memorable date in Russia, it is associated with tragic events in Beslan, when militants seized one of the city schools. As a result of the terrorist attack at school No. 1, more than three hundred people died, including 150 children. Installed Federal law dated March 13, 1995 No. 32-FZ (as amended on July 23, 2010) “On the days of military glory and memorable dates ah Russia."

It all started with the fact that in 1998, the Moscow company IT Infoart Stars sent out a proposal to firms and organizations to support an initiative consisting of two points: designate September 30 as “Internet Day,” celebrate it annually and conduct a “census of the population of the Russian-speaking Internet.” At that time, the number of Internet users reached one million people.

Sign Language Interpreter Day was established in January 2003 on the initiative of the Central Board All-Russian Society deaf people in order to draw public attention to the problems of the deaf.

November 4- Day national unity. November 4, the day of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, has been celebrated as the Day of National Unity since 2005.

It is not known for certain how old the winter wizard is, but it is certain that he is more than 2000 years old. The children themselves came up with the date of the birth of Father Frost, since it is on November 18 that real winter comes into its own on his estate - in Veliky Ustyug - and frosts strike. Interestingly, in 1999 Veliky Ustyug was officially named the birthplace of the Russian Father Frost.

Established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation B.N. Yeltsin No. 120 “On Mother’s Day” dated January 30, 1998, it is celebrated on the last Sunday of November

Celebrated in Russia since 2014 in memory of Russian and Soviet soldiers who died in combat on the territory of our country or abroad. The decision to establish this memorable date was made by the State Duma in October 2014, and the corresponding decree was signed by the President of the Russian Federation on November 5 of the same year. The date for the holiday - December 3 - was chosen due to the fact that on this day in 1966, to commemorate the 25th anniversary of the defeat of German troops near Moscow, the ashes unknown soldier was solemnly buried near the walls of the Moscow Kremlin in the Alexander Garden.

On December 12, 1993, the Constitution of the Russian Federation was adopted in a referendum. Full text The Constitution was published in Rossiyskaya Gazeta on December 25, 1993.

9th May- Victory Day Soviet people in Great Patriotic War 1941 - 1945.

Day of military glory of Russia. (Established by Federal Law No. 32-FZ of March 13, 1995 “On days of military glory and memorable dates in Russia”).

Established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of May 27, 1995 No. 539 in honor of the founding of the State Public Library in Russia on May 27, 1795.

Historical dates:

120 years since the creation of the Moscow Art Museum academic theater(MKhAT) (1898)

75 years since the establishment of the Order of Glory (1943)

The Order was awarded to private military personnel, sergeants and foremen of the Red Army, and in aviation to persons holding the rank of junior lieutenant. It was awarded only for personal merit; it was not awarded to military units and formations.

320 years since the establishment of the Order of St. Apostle Andrew the First-Called

The first Russian order to be established (established in 1698 by Peter I), highest award Russian Empire until 1917. In 1998, the order was restored as the highest award of the Russian Federation.

25 years from the date of approval State Emblem RF (Established by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of November 30, 1993 No. 2050).

165 years since the victory of the Russian squadron under the command of P. S. Nakhimov over Turkish squadron off Cape Sinop (1853).

Day of military glory of Russia. (Established by Federal Law No. 32-FZ dated March 13, 1995 (as amended on December 1, 2014) “On days of military glory and memorable dates in Russia”).

430 years since the establishment of the Patriarchate in Russia (1589)

75 years since the beginning of the operation to lift the siege of Leningrad (1944)

75 years since the start of the operation to liberate Crimea from Nazi invaders (1944)

85 years since the establishment of the title Hero Soviet Union (1934)

Local history dates:

80 years old Rostov Regional Museum fine arts (1938).

90 years ago(1929 - 1933) was created Botanical Garden Rostov State University.

90 years ago(1929) - the first automatic telephone exchange in Russia with a capacity of 6 thousand numbers was put into operation.


190 years since birth L.N. Tolstoy(1828-1910), Russian writer

100 years since birth B.V. Zakhodera (1918-2000), children's poet, writer, translator

190 years since birth A.M. Butlerov, Russian chemist, (1828-1886)

100 years since birth V.V. Talalikhina, pilot (1918-1941)

100 years since birth V.A. Sukhomlinsky(1918-1970), teacher

80 years since birth Vladislav Petrovich Krapivin(1938), Russian writer

100 years since birth A.A. Galich (Ginzburg), poet, playwright (1918-1977)

440 years from the day of birth Dmitry Pozharsky, statesman and military leader (1578 - 1642)

200 years since birth I.S. Turgenev(1818-1883), Russian writer

130 years since birth A.N. Tupolev, aircraft designer (1888-1972)

160 years since birth Selma Lagerlöf(1858-1940), Swedish writer, author of the fairy tale “Nils’s Journey with the Wild Geese”

100 years since birth Mikhail Gluzsky, actor (1918-2001)

110 years since birth N.N. Nosova(1908-1976), children's writer

100 years since birth A.I. Solzhenitsyn(1918-2008), Russian writer and publicist

90 years since birth Chingiz Aitmatova, writer (1928 - 2008)

95 years since birth Ya.L. Akima (1923-2013), Russian poet

160 years since birth IN AND. Nemirovich-Danchenko, director, theater figure (1858-1943)

200 years since birth James Joule, English physicist (1818-1889)

110 years since birth E.V. Vuchetich(1908-1974), Russian sculptor

100 anniversary of the writer's birth D. Granina(Herman) (1919 - 2017)

260 years since birth R. Burns, Scottish poet (1759-1796)

140 years since birth P.P. Bazhova, writer (1879-1950)

190 years since birth A. Brema, German zoologist (1829-1884)

125 years since birth V. Bianchi, writer (1894-1959)

250 years since birth I.A. Krylova, writer (1789-1844)

150 years since birth N.K. Krupskaya(1869-1939), state figure

120 years since birth Yu.K. Olesha, writer (1899-1960)

90 years since birth F. Iskander, writer (1929-2016)

140 years since birth A. Einstein, German physicist (1879-1955)

130 years since birth A. Vertinsky, poet, prose writer, pop artist (1889-1957)

80 years since birth V.M. Voskoboynikova, writer, (1939)

70 years since birth A.B. Pugacheva, singers (1949)

120 years since birth Ch. Chaplin, American actor (1889-1977)

160 years since birth A-K. Doyle, English writer (1859-1930)

Every New Year, Russians celebrate many anniversaries dedicated to the birthdays of famous poets, prose writers, scientists, public figures, singers, satirists, actors, TV presenters and composers. 2018 was no exception; it was absolutely filled with...

Among those who will celebrate the milestone birthday are many popular stars who delight the hearts of Russians with their film roles, musical creativity and literary masterpieces. Of course, almost every star hero of the day is already preparing a surprise for his fans, because a real artist always celebrates his birthday on stage. Of course, among the anniversaries of the year there will also be those who, unfortunately, have long gone into better world, however, it still remains alive in the memory of descendants and loyal fans.

For example, events dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Solzhenitsyn will be held on a special scale in Russia. Decrees have already been issued regulating the celebration of the 150th anniversary of Maxim Gorky and the 200th birthday of Ivan Turgenev. So that you can plan to attend the most interesting events in the form of concerts, festivals, lectures, creative evenings and thematic exhibitions, let's talk about the anniversaries that fall in 2018 in a little more detail.

January anniversaries

Vladimir Vysotsky would have turned 80 in January 2018

The first month of the new year - January - is rightfully one of those that Russian residents look forward to especially impatiently, because it is the month of magical holidays New Year and Christmas, and the government provides it to all working citizens. Several anniversaries fall in January 2018:

  • January 3 is the 115th anniversary of the day he was born Alexander Alfredovich Beck- Soviet writer, thanks to whose talent the world saw the novels and stories “Volokolamsk Highway”, “A Few Days”, “General Panfilov’s Reserve”, “At the Front and in the Rear”, “Talent (The Life of Berezhkov)”. Many of them were successfully filmed, and even Che Guevara and Fidel Castro read Volokolamsk Highway;
  • January 25 – the outstanding actor and bard could have turned 80 years old Vladimir Vysotsky. Despite his short life, but filled with bright roles and concerts, this idol of millions managed to create an incredible legacy consisting of six hundred songs published not only in the USSR, but also recorded in Japanese, American, German, Bulgarian, Korean, Finnish, French and Israeli recording studios. In addition, in Vysotsky’s creative history, one can recall more than 30 bright roles - for example, in such popularly beloved films as “Vertical”, “Little Tragedies”, “Two Comrades Served”, “Intervention”, “Master of the Taiga”, as well as the TV series “ Meeting place can not be Changed". According to established tradition, on January 25 of each year, numerous fans of Vysotsky come to the Vagankovskoye cemetery to stand at the actor’s grave, honoring his memory. Separately, it is necessary to say about the cultural events dedicated to this date - the State Cultural Center, which is called “Vysotsky House on Taganka”, will open six more halls with exhibitions dedicated to the life and creative heritage of Vladimir Semenovich;
  • January 10 is the 120th anniversary of the day he was born. Sergei Eisenstein, a famous film director who exemplified extraordinary talent not only in film production, but also in script writing and theater pedagogy. Until now, many film fans enjoy watching his films “Ivan the Terrible”, “Battleship Potemkin”, “Alexander Nevsky” and “Free Land”, noting the innovative approach and stunning vision of the frame.

February anniversaries

In February, the film community will celebrate the 90th anniversary of the birth of V. Tikhonov

This month, Russians traditionally celebrate the holiday of February 23, and will also celebrate the following important dates:

  • February 4 – 145th anniversary of the day he was born Mikhail Mikhailovich Prishvin. Few people don't know this outstanding writer, a prose writer and publicist who raised in his works the themes of problems of existence, the meaning of life, human relationships and the interaction of people and nature. Many of his works, including “In the Land of Unfrightened Birds”, “Diaries”, “Wind of Wanderings”, are included in the mandatory and additional program literary reading in secondary schools;
  • February 8 – the legendary Soviet actor could celebrate his 90th birthday Vyacheslav Tikhonov, beloved by many viewers for his role in the series “Seventeen Moments of Spring” and work in the films “Burnt by the Sun”, “Waiting Room”, “It Was in Penkov”. Such a significant date requires particularly responsible preparation, which is why the Moscow division of the Russian Ministry of Culture has already announced several important events. Yes, on small homeland actor - in Pavlovsky Posad - preparations are underway for the opening of the memorial house-museum named after Vyacheslav Tikhonov. For this purpose, the house was purchased, the walls of which remember the actor’s childhood and teenage years. A park is being created near the building in which a monument will be erected. And already in 2017 they will hold an event called “17 Moments...” - this will be an entire film festival under the leadership of the actor’s daughter, who also directs charitable foundation named after Tikhonov;
  • February 14 – this date marks not only the holiday of all lovers’ hearts, but also the 90th anniversary of his birth Sergei Kapitsa. The famous theoretical physicist became famous not only in scientific world. He won the love of ordinary citizens of the USSR by inventing the amazing TV show “Obvious - Incredible.”

March anniversaries

In March 2018 we will celebrate the 150th anniversary of Maxim Gorky

All residents of the country are looking forward to the onset of the first spring month very impatiently, because they so want to say goodbye to the cold and snow, hear the first drops, see snowdrops and crocuses, feel the gentle warmth and, of course, congratulate the fair half of humanity on March 8th. There are also a significant number of anniversaries in March:

  • March 13 – 105th birthday anniversary Sergei Vladimirovich Mikhalkov, whom everyone knows as the author of the anthems of the USSR and Russia. Many of Mikhalkov’s works became the first ones that our parents read to us in early childhood- lines from “Uncle Styopa”, “Conversation with my son”, “What do you have” still often emerge in the memory of people born in the USSR. Our children continue to watch cartoons based on Mikhalkov’s scripts. Among them are “Tram No. 10”, “Forest Concert”, “Holiday of Disobedience”, “How an Old Man Sold a Cow”, and adults love to watch the films “Three Plus Two” and “The Reluctant Driver”;
  • March 16 is the 150th anniversary, which will become one of the most significant dates of 2018. It is on this day, according to the new calendar style, that the birthday of Alexei Maksimovich Peshkov, better known by his pseudonym, is celebrated Maksim Gorky. A native of Nizhny Novgorod has provided his small homeland with many interesting events announced by the Russian government - excursions and literary readings, new exhibitions are opened and festivals dedicated to the creative heritage of the writer are held. Work on the restoration of museums and memorials of Maxim Gorky will be carried out without fail, so the apartment within the walls of which “Mother” and “At the Lower Depths” were created, as well as the museum, which fans of the writer know as “Kashirin’s House” (children’s took place there) Gorky years) will be updated. Well, those who want to honor the writer’s memory on their own can simply re-read his “Childhood”, “In People” and “My Universities”;
  • March 20 – 50 years since the birth of the television presenter and actress Ekaterina Strizhenova. Of course, the old rule states that it is not customary to voice a woman’s age, but Ekaterina looks so young, well-groomed and fresh that it evokes sincere admiration all fans. Many fans of the presenter’s talent can’t even imagine how they can start the day without watching the program “ Good morning", lovers of the theater stage must have watched "The Nutcracker" and "Hamlet" with her participation, but film fans remember the role of Strizhenova in the series "Countess de Monsoreau";
  • March 22 – 60th anniversary will be celebrated Valery Miladovich Syutkin, under whose fiery songs many Russians wore down more than one pair of shoes on the dance floor. The lyricist and performer of the groups “Bravo” and “Syutkin and Co” gave fans of disco and pop music many pleasant minutes spent listening to “Hipsters from Moscow”, “Moscow Beat” and “Roads in the Clouds”;
  • March 31 – 70 years since the birth of the actor and satirist Vladimir Vinokur. For my long creative career he managed to star in “A Romance of War,” play roles in “The Bells of Corneville” and “The Furious Gascon” and, of course, make the viewer laugh with a huge number of sketches and parodies. It can be assumed that the audience will be able to see the best of them at the anniversary concert of Vladimir Natanovich.

April anniversaries

Ilya Reznik will celebrate his eightieth birthday in April

April cannot boast of additional holidays, however, in 2018 it will delight with a significant number of anniversaries of outstanding Russian poets and writers:

  • April 4 is the 80th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding songwriter Ilya Rakhmielevich Reznik. During his long career on the Russian music scene, Reznik managed to write so many great songs for the most different performers that for this significant date the viewer will definitely be shown a concert with the participation of their favorite singers, including Alla Borisovna Pugacheva, Vladimir Presnyakov, Natasha Koroleva, Laima Vaikule, Valery Leontyev, Philip Kirkorov, Masha Rasputina, Sofia Rotaru, Irina Allegrova, Edita Piekha, VIA "Jolly Fellows" and "Ariel". It is possible that the wonderful words and melodies of the compositions “Maestro”, “Marina”, “Photograph”, “It’s not evening yet”, “Apple trees in bloom”, “Little Country”, “Don’t be jealous”, “Bridge of Love” will flow from the stage again "and many others;
  • April 11 – 215th birthday anniversary Kozma Petrovich Prutkov. This date, of course, is somewhat “artificial” in nature. As we know, Prutkov is a kind of literary mask, under which articles, poems and aphorisms by Alexei Tolstoy, Alexei, Vladimir and Alexander Zhemchuzhnikov and Alexander Amosov were published for the magazines Iskra and Sovremennik. Why is Kozma Prutkov’s birthday celebrated on this day? Explained this fact very simple - the creative team approached the creation of this personality so responsibly that they came up with a real biography for him, which also indicated the day of his birth - April 11, 1803;
  • April 13 – 135th birthday anniversary Efim Alekseevich Pridvorov, better known under the pseudonym Demyan Bedny. The author of many songs, poems and fables of the Soviet period was compulsorily studied in the school curriculum of the USSR. Some of his works - such as “The Tale of Priest Pankrat” - were at one time filmed;
  • April 13 - on the same day a slightly more modest anniversary of 70 years will be celebrated Mikhail Zakharovich Shufutinsky, performing songs in the chanson genre. Connoisseurs of this genre, of course, have in their collection of recordings such songs as “Taganka”, “The Soul Hurts”, “Boys”, “Fly Away the Crows”, “Tanya-Tanechka”. By the way, despite his advanced age, the master of chanson still often gives concerts, so there is a high chance of organizing a show dedicated to the anniversary;
  • April 22 - 110 years from the day he was born Ivan Antonovich Efremov. The work of this writer is familiar to everyone who enjoys reading science fiction - “The Andromeda Nebula”, “The Razor’s Edge”, “The Hour of the Bull”, the cycle “ Starships"and are very popular these days.

May anniversaries

Max Fadeev will celebrate his 50th birthday in May 2018

Except for May 1 and the day dedicated to the anniversary Great Victory, Russians will have several more reasons to celebrate, because in May 2018 the time will come for such anniversaries:

  • May 6 – 50th birthday anniversary Maxim Fadeeva- producer and composer, who rightfully bears the title of one of the most successful showmen on the modern stage in Russia. It was Fadeev who managed to create unusual, progressive and, of course, commercial successful projects, introducing music fans to Monokini, Linda, Maria Rzhevskaya, Yulia Savicheva, Irakli, Glyuk’oZu, Pierre Narcisse and “SEREBRO”. It may very well be that a concert will be prepared for the half-century anniversary at one of the capital’s venues;
  • May 25 is the 100th anniversary of the day a wonderful actress came into the world Vera Orlova, which can safely bear the title of legend of Soviet cinema and theater. Orlova’s works in the films “Don’t Part With Your Loved Ones” and “When the Trees Were Big,” as well as in the film about the soldier Ivan Brovkin, still evoke the admiration of viewers today, but during the actress’s lifetime she could easily be called one of brightest stars of his era.

June anniversaries

In June, Sergei Bodrov Sr. will celebrate his seventieth birthday

First summer month Russians always wait, but in 2018 the male population of the country wants June to come as soon as possible. Why? The answer is extremely simple: it starts on June 14, 2018 incredible event sports world - . However, this does not mean that there are no more reasons to celebrate in June!

  • June 13 – 60th anniversary of birth will be celebrated Sergey Makovetsky, beloved by Russian filmgoers for his work in such films as “The Girl and Death”, “Demons”, “On the Sunny Side of the Street”, “Mechanical Suite”, “ Quiet Don", "Liquidation", "Tumbler" and many other works in cinema and theater;
  • June 28 – 70th birthday anniversary Sergei Vladimirovich Bodrov, who is rightfully considered one of the most talented directors and screenwriters of the USSR and Russia. For his cinematic works, Bodrov Sr. is not only loved by the audience, but also received nominations for the Golden Globe and Oscar, which indicates worldwide recognition. You can celebrate the director’s anniversary very simply - organize a home movie marathon by watching “East - West”, “Balamut”, “The Beloved Woman of Mechanic Gavrilov”, “Very Important Person”, “Mongol”, “The Seventh Son” or “Prisoner of the Caucasus”.

July anniversaries

Famous humorist Mikhail Zadornov would have turned 70 in July.

Mid-summer 2018 will not only be the height of the holidays, but also the time when several significant anniversaries will occur:

  • July 8 – the national favorite will celebrate the 80th anniversary of his birth Andrey Myagkov. There is no need to introduce the People's Artist, because for his work in the films “The Irony of Fate”, “Garage”, “Vertical Racing”, “The Brothers Karamazov”, “Cruel Romance”, “The Tale of Fedot the Archer” and “ Love affair at work“he is loved by more than one generation of TV viewers;
  • July 9 – 80th anniversary of birth Liya Akhedzhakova. The People’s Artist is familiar to all film lovers, because her roles as Verochka from “Office Romance”, Malaeva from “Garage”, Olga Pavlovna from “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears”, Lyuba from “Old Nags” and Fima from “Promised Heaven” are distinguished by their character and brightness and indescribable skill of transformation;
  • July 12 – 190th anniversary of the day he was born Nikolai Gavrilovich Chernyshevsky. Perhaps there are few people who do not know about this greatest materialist philosopher, writer and literary critic, who wrote the work “What is to be done?”;
  • July 13 – 90th anniversary Valentina Pikulya, who wrote many historical novels, among which are “Word and Deed”, “On the outskirts of the empire”, “Favorite”, “I have the honor”, ​​as well as many historical miniatures. The writer’s creative heritage still inspires Russian directors. We are sure that even those individuals who are not particularly fond of reading are familiar with Pikul’s work from the film “Boulevard Romance” or the TV series “Pen and Sword”;
  • July 14 – 275th anniversary of the day when he was born Gabriel Romanovich Derzhavin- a person who still arouses the interest of all historians. Derzhavin is not just one of the most bright poets era of the Russian Enlightenment, but also very influential statesman, who held the post of senator and had the title of actual privy councilor. Well, ordinary Russians know Gavril Romanovich as the author of numerous odes and poems, many of which are included in the school curriculum;
  • July 21 - one of the most famous Russian satirists and humorists would celebrate his 70th birthday Mikhail Zadornov;
  • July 24 – 120th birthday anniversary Vasily Ivanovich Lebedev-Kumach, whose poems are heard in the songs “ Holy war", "My native country is wide", "Cheerful wind". Many of his songs became the musical accompaniment of such films beloved by Soviet audiences as “Jolly Fellows”, “Circus”, “Volga-Volga”.

August anniversaries

Nina Menshikova could celebrate her 90th birthday in August 2018

The last month of the hot summer is not very rich in anniversary dates, however, one of them definitely needs to be mentioned:

  • August 8 – I could celebrate my 90th anniversary Nina Menshikova- an artist who rightfully bore the title of people's artist, because for the roles she played in the films “Girls” and “We'll Live Until Monday”, she was loved by all residents of the USSR.

September anniversaries

Main date September – 190 years since the birth of Leo Nikolaevich Tolstoy

The first month of autumn will also be remembered by Russians for several anniversaries:

  • September 1 is the 60th anniversary of the day he was born. Sergey Garmash. The theater and film actor is certainly loved by many film fans for his roles in the films “Anna Karenina”, “Black Lightning”, “Hipsters”, “Strostnoy Boulevard”, “12” and the TV series “ White Guard", "Death of the Empire", "Kamenskaya";
  • September 9 is the 190th anniversary of the birth of the writer, thinker and publicist Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. Overestimate his contribution to world literature It’s simply impossible - not without reason “War and Peace”, “Anna Karenina”, “Resurrection”, “The Kreutzer Sonata” and the trilogy “Childhood. Adolescence. Youth" was included in the curriculum not only in Russian schools and universities of philological orientation, but also studied in the world's best universities. By the way, the anniversary in 2018 will be celebrated not only by Lev Nikolaevich, but also by several of his most famous works - “War and Peace” will celebrate the 155th anniversary of its writing, and “Anna Karenina” has been delighting reading lovers for 165 years.

October anniversaries

In October 2018, Philip Yankovsky will celebrate his 50th birthday

Not the richest month for anniversaries, however, it will also contain several notable dates:

  • October 10 – 50th anniversary of the actor Philip Yankovsky, whose roles in the films and TV series “State Councilor”, “The Three Musketeers” and “The Miracle Worker” brought the audience many wonderful moments;
  • On October 16, the most popular singer, musician and frontman of the Mumiy Troll group will celebrate his 50th anniversary. Of course, fans immediately realized that we were talking about ageless Ilya Lagutenko. Even if the group does not give concerts dedicated to this date, you can celebrate Ilya’s birthday by listening to songs from the albums “Morskaya”, “Shamora”, “ New Moon April”, “Caviar”, “Book Thieves”, “Exactly Aloe Mercury” or “Amba”;
  • October 25 – 175th anniversary of his birth Gleb Ivanovich Uspensky, who published a series of essays in which he depicted the life of the poor. The series “Morals of Rasteryaeva Street” and “Ruin” are included in many literary anthologies.

November anniversaries

In November, Russians will celebrate the 200th anniversary of Turgenev's birth in a big way.

This autumn month will present Russians with many opportunities to bring an additional holiday into their lives, because the following anniversaries occur in November:

  • November 9 is the 200th anniversary of the day he came into the world Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. This date is recognized as one of the most significant in the Russian calendar for 2018, therefore many events dedicated to the occasion have already been announced. significant day. The plan of events includes the publication of an anniversary encyclopedia, commemorative collections and albums, the opening of a museum and cultural center called the “Noble Nest”, and the arrangement of an entire complex for tourists in Spasskoye-Lutovinovo. In the homeland of the author of “Fathers and Sons”, “Mu-mu”, “Asia”, “Notes of a Hunter” and “The Noble Nest”, which is the Oryol province, the most massive cultural events will be held;
  • November 20 - the people's favorite could celebrate his 90th birthday Alexey Batalov. Unfortunately, the actor did not live long enough to see this significant event - in the summer of 2017, the man who gave part of his acting talent to “The Star of Captivating Happiness”, “The Lady with the Dog”, “Three Fat Men”, the films “Mother”, “The Cranes Are Flying” , “A Purely English Murder” and who played the unforgettable Gosha, Zhora, Yura in “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears,” passed away. However, it is possible and necessary to honor the memory of Alexei Vladimirovich by watching films with his participation;
  • November 23 is the 110th anniversary of the birth of a wonderful children's writer Nikolay Nosov. The adventures of Dunno and his short friends can easily be classified as books that have been loved by several generations of children;
  • November 24th - the 80th anniversary of the birth could be celebrated Natalya Krachkovskaya. She was just a little unable to live up to this milestone – in the spring of 2016, the actress passed away. However, the memory of her still lives in the hearts of viewers, so don’t forget to watch “12 Chairs”, “Scammers”, “The Master and Margarita”, “ Russian miracle", "The Crazy Ones", or the films "The Man from the Boulevard des Capucines" and "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession" to once again enjoy her acting.

December anniversaries

Important date world calendar– 100th anniversary of A. Solzhenitsyn

December is not only the pre-New Year bustle, but also the month when several important anniversaries will be celebrated!

  • December 5 – 215th anniversary of his birth Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev- Russian poet and diplomat, famous for his lyric poetry. Well, the poem “Russia cannot be understood with the mind” is integral part programs school course literature, so most Russians know it by heart;
  • December 6 is the 60th anniversary of the day the actor was born Alexander Baluev. The viewer knows and remembers Alexander Nikolaevich from his roles in the films “Muslim”, “Oligarch”, “Antikiller”, “Two Winters, Three Summers”, “Life Line”, “Peacemaker”, “Mu-mu”, “Turkish Gambit”, “Crime and Punishment” and many others;
  • December 10 - 100th birthday could be celebrated Anatoly Tarasov- a coach who at one time managed to bring the Soviet Union hockey team to incredible sporting heights. It is a pity that people rarely live so long, because the merit of this talented person is a record figure - nine years of championship of Soviet hockey players;
  • December 11 is the 100th anniversary of his birth Alexander Solzhenitsyn. The anniversary of the author of “The Gulag Archipelago” is an event of global significance, so the date is included in the category of the most significant Russian events 2018, and preparations for the celebration are already moving at full speed. For this purpose, a Decree was issued, which prescribed educational and cultural events, the opening of a monument to the writer, the arrangement of museums and exhibitions, as well as the republication of Solzhenitsyn’s collected works;
  • December 13 – 145th anniversary of the birth of the founder and leader of Russian symbolism Valery Yakovlevich Bryusov. Many of Bryusov’s poems are included in the school curriculum, so almost everyone is familiar with this part of his creative heritage Russian resident, but few people know that Valery Yakovlevich is also an excellent translator, who introduced Edgar Allan Poe, Victor Hugo, Romain Rolland, Byron and Goethe to Russian readers, as well as the author of historical and even fantasy novels and stories, including “Altar of Victory”, “Mountain of Stars”, “Rise of the Machines”, “Mutiny of the Machines”, “First Interplanetary”, “Republic of the Southern Cross”. An anniversary can be a great occasion to get acquainted with new works famous poet and prose writer;

There will be many anniversaries in 2018 and significant events, which can be cheerfully celebrated both with your family and with friends, work colleagues or like-minded people. Let us remind you that the Year of the Yellow Dog according to the Chinese calendar begins on Monday, is not a leap year, and also does not foreshadow any man-made or natural disasters.

In January 2018 there will be 13 days off, 7 of which will be holidays. The traditional New Year holidays will last from January 1 to January 7, and residents of the country will celebrate Christmas on the 7th. Some non-working days, according to established tradition, can be compensated by working Saturdays, however, all these changes are still under development special commission. Among the anniversary dates of January 2018, the following should be noted:

  • On January 6, the favorite of many women in Russia, Adriano Celentano, will celebrate his anniversary. Worldwide famous actor The cinematographer, singer and cultural figure, who has been leading a reclusive life in his villa in Italy for several years now, will turn 80 years old.
  • January 10 marks the 120th anniversary of the birth of the brilliant director Sergei Eisenstein, who created a number of cult films: “Ivan the Terrible”, “Battleship Potemkin”, “Alexander Nevsky”.
  • On January 13, Lyudmila Senchina will celebrate her 70th birthday. According to the singer and Honored Artist of the Russian Federation, her date of birth is 1948, although her passport mistakenly stated 1950.
  • January 23 will mark the 230th anniversary of Lord Byron's birth.
  • The most ambitious cultural event will be the anniversary of Vladimir Vysotsky, who would have turned 80 on January 25, 2018. As you know, of all the people of the 20th century, Vysotsky is the most popular among the residents of our the country is coming in 2nd place after Yu. Gagarin. As expected, in all major cities countries will host memorial concerts dedicated to the outstanding artist, singer, bard and poet, and to his burial place

Significant numbers of the last month of winter

February 2018, in addition to Defender of the Fatherland Day, is notable for the following anniversary dates:

  • February 8, 2018 would have marked the 90th anniversary of the birth of the legendary Soviet actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov. His roles in such films as “Burnt by the Sun”, “Seventeen Moments of Spring”, “We'll Live Until Monday”, “The Waiting Room” still evoke admiring responses from critics, directors, and ordinary viewers.
  • February 10 is the birthday of one of the most famous French writers, J. Verne, who would have turned 190 years old.
  • February 14 is not only Valentine's Day. The Russian scientific community will celebrate the anniversary of Sergei Kapitsa, who would have turned 90 years old. The scientist, TV presenter, author of several dozen studies made a huge contribution to the development of physics.

As for the day of February 23, it will be special in 2018, since exactly 100 years will pass since the formation of the Red Army.

What holidays await us in March?

In the first month of spring there will be as many as 10 days off, one of which - International Women's Day (March 8) - is eagerly awaited by millions of the fair sex. Traditionally, March 7, on the eve of the holiday, will be a shortened working day. Also in March 2018 in Russia you can celebrate the following anniversaries:

  • On March 20, Ekaterina Strizhenova will celebrate her 50th birthday. The actress and popular TV presenter manages to combine her professional career with responsibilities. loving mother and wives.
  • On March 22, Valery Syutkin will turn 60 years old. The musician, singer, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation has not been actively involved in creative work for several years now, but his name is still remembered by a huge army of the artist’s fans.
  • On March 28, the 150th anniversary of Maxim Gorky, who, for many, is the very symbol of Russian literature, will be widely celebrated.
  • On March 31, Vladimir Vinokur will celebrate his 70th birthday. The theater, film, and pop actor is familiar to many thanks to his humorous performances and comedic roles.

April: what are we celebrating?

There are no national holidays in April, however, among the anniversaries of this month it is worth noting the following:

  • On April 4, Ilya Reznik, the famous songwriter and People's Artist of Russia, will turn 80 years old. His works still remain relevant for both modern listeners and experienced music lovers.
  • On April 13, Mikhail Shufutinsky will celebrate his 70th birthday. This recognized master of the national stage still attracts full houses at his concerts and regularly delights fans with fresh hits.

May: the most festive month

In May we celebrate Labor Day and the great Victory Day. At the same time, the list of 2018 anniversaries this month includes:

  • May 5 marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of Karl Marx, who was a legendary figure and wrote a number of fundamental works, and was also involved in active social and political activities.
  • On May 6, the anniversary of Maxim Fadeev, composer, singer and music producer, will take place. Surely there will be a festive concert in Moscow dedicated to this date, at which many contemporary pop artists will perform their hits.
  • May 25 would have marked the 100th anniversary of the birth of Vera Orlova, the famous actress and People's Artist of the RSFSR. She became famous among domestic audiences thanks to her brilliant roles in the films “Soldier Ivan Brovkin”, “Don’t Part With Your Loved Ones”, “When the Trees Were Big”.

June: the beginning of the main sporting event on the planet

The holidays this month traditionally begin with Russia Day, which we will celebrate on June 12.

Millions of fans are looking forward to June 2018, because the World Cup kicks off in Russia on the 14th. The World Cup will be hosted by 11 cities in the country, where spectacular matches will be held for the title of the best team in the world. Among other events that will be celebrated in the cultural environment, we note the following:

  • On June 13, Sergei Makovetsky, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, will turn 60 years old. The talented actor played in several dozen films, the most famous of which are “The Girl and Death”, “Liquidation”, “About Freaks and People”, “Brother 2”.
  • June 22 will mark the 120th anniversary of the birth of the German writer Erich Maria Remarque, whose works are well known to any educated person.
  • Sergei Bodrov, director, screenwriter, will celebrate his 70th anniversary cultural figure, who shot such films as “East - West”, “Prisoner of the Caucasus”, “Beloved Woman of Mechanic Gavrilov”.

July: Closing of the 2018 World Cup

The main event of July 2018 for Russians will definitely be the closing of the world football championship, the final match of which will take place on the 15th in Moscow. Among the anniversary dates in July, the following stand out:

  • On July 8, Andrei Myagkov, People’s Artist of the RSFSR, known to domestic audiences for his roles in the films “The Irony of Fate, or Enjoy Your Bath,” “The Brothers Karamazov,” and “Office Romance,” will celebrate his 80th birthday.
  • On July 9, Liya Akhedzhakova, People's Artist of the Russian Federation, will celebrate her 80th birthday. The most famous films in which the actress starred were “Office Romance”, “Garage”, “Promised Heaven”.

What's special about August?

The following anniversary dates await us in August 2018:

  • August 5th marks the 120th anniversary of Vasily Lebedev-Kumach, who wrote such imperishable songs as “Wide is my native country”, “Holy War” and the song of all pioneers “Merry Wind”.
  • On August 8, Nina Menshikova, People's Artist of the RSFSR, would celebrate her 90th birthday. She became famous for her roles in films such as “Girls” and “We'll Live Until Monday.”
  • On August 16, the icon of modern pop style Madonna will turn 60. The popular singer, actress, composer will probably organize a tour, which will become a kind of report on the entire period of creativity of this unique artist.

September: a scattering of anniversaries

The following anniversaries can be celebrated in September:

  • On September 1, People's Artist of the Russian Federation Sergei Garmash, known for the films “Anna Karenina”, “ Inhabited island", "Kamenskaya".
  • September 9 marks the 190th anniversary of the birth of Count Leo Tolstoy, from whose pen the epic work “War and Peace” and whole line others who made him a classic of Russian literature.
  • On September 10, People’s Artist of the Russian Federation Yevgeny Tatarsky (filmography: “Charlotte’s Necklace”, “Deadly Force”, “Jack Vosmerkin - American”) celebrates his 70th birthday.
  • On the 10th, cult British director Guy Ritchie, who directed such films as Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels, Sherlock Holmes, and Sherlock Holmes: A Game of Shadows, will turn 50 years old.
  • On September 25, famous American actor and hip-hop artist Will Smith turns 50.

Who will celebrate their anniversary in October?

There are not many anniversaries in October 2018. However, the following events can be noted:

  • October 10 is the 50th anniversary of actor Philip Yankovsky (“State Councilor”, “The Three Musketeers”, “The Miracle Worker”).
  • October 16 marks the 50th anniversary of Ilya Lagutenko, the leader and creator of the legendary Russian group"Mummy Troll".

November anniversaries

Anniversary dates for November 2018 include:

  • November 9 marks the 200th anniversary of the birth of Ivan Turgenev. It is planned that for such a significant date a special encyclopedia will be published and mass commemorative events will be held in the so-called Turgenev places.
  • On November 10, the famous Italian composer Ennio Morricone celebrates his 90th birthday.
  • On November 20, People's Artist of the USSR Alexey Batalov, who played in such cult films, would celebrate his 90th birthday Soviet films, like “The Star of Captivating Happiness”, “Moscow Doesn’t Believe in Tears”, “The Cranes Are Flying”. Unfortunately, in June 2017, Alexey Batalov left us.
  • November 23 will mark the 110th anniversary of the birth of the author of Dunno and other children's works, Nikolai Nosov.
  • On November 24, Honored Artist of the Russian Federation Natalya Krachkovskaya would celebrate her 80th birthday.

December: waiting for the New Year

Many residents of the country are looking forward to December 2018 not only thanks to New Year's holidays. The following anniversaries are expected this month:

  • On December 6, the famous actor Alexander Baluev (films “Muslim”, “Two Winters and Three Summers”) will celebrate his 60th birthday.
  • December 10 will be the centenary anniversary of Anatoly Tarasov, a coach without whom the legendary Soviet hockey and world victories would not exist.
  • On December 11, the literary community celebrates the 100th anniversary of the Russian writer Alexander Solzhenitsyn (author of the books “The Gulag Archipelago”, “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich”). Recently, UNESCO expressed its intention to include Solzhenitsyn’s work on the list of world cultural heritage.
  • On December 27, French actor Gerard Depardieu (films “The Runaways,” “The Unlucky Ones,” “Papas”) will turn 70 years old.

Thus, anniversaries and significant events in 2018 there will be a huge number, thanks to which the residents of Russia will not be bored.

The year 2018 of the Yellow Earth Dog is rich in significant dates, anniversaries and dates of memorable events. Some of them can and should be celebrated cheerfully and casually with family or friends, while others are celebrated by the whole country.

Some dates will make you sad, and the sadness will respond in your heart with gratitude to your ancestors. Other dates may mean nothing to one person, but cause a whole storm of emotions to another.

Be that as it may, every year Russia invariably celebrates a number of significant dates associated with some special events in the history of the entire country, as well as people who live, or once lived, on the territory of our Motherland.

Great figures of culture, science, literature and art - the majority famous people was born in Russia. Our country does not forget about the people and events that radically affected the course of Russian history.

In this article you will find a list of upcoming significant and memorable dates in 2018. Every Russian and true patriot of his state should remember and honor these dates.

Significant anniversaries in 2018

Anniversary dates are considered to be “round” dates ending in 0. Also considered anniversary dates are “half” dates that have the number 5 at the end.

If we talk about a specific event or a specific person, we count time from the occurrence of the notorious event or from the birth or death of a particular person. Anniversary dates are rightfully considered to be 5, 10, 15, 20, ..., 350, etc. years.


  • January 3 – 115th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian writer A. A. Beka;
  • January 6 – Italian actor Adriano Celentano turns 80 years old;
  • January 22 – 230th anniversary of his birth English poet L. J. Gordon Byron;
  • January 22 – 90th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian writer P. L. Proskurina;
  • January 23 – 235th anniversary of the birth of the French prose writer Stendhal;
  • January 25 is the 80th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian musician, poet and actor V. Vysotsky.


  • February 2 – 110th anniversary of the birth of the Italian composer Renzo Rossellini;
  • February 4 – 145th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian prose writer M. M. Prishvina;
  • February 8 is the 190th anniversary of the birth of the French writer and famous traveler Jules Verne;
  • February 8 is the 90th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian actor V. Tikhonova;
  • February 10 is the 80th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian writer and screenwriter G. Weiner;
  • February 14 is the 90th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian physicist and educator of science Sergei Kapitsa.


  • March 1 is the 115th anniversary of the birth of the Russian poet, writer and publicist F. Sologuba;
  • March 4 – 340th anniversary of the birth of the Italian violinist, composer and conductor Antonio Vivaldi;
  • March 5 is the 305th anniversary of the birth of the Russian poet, philologist and translator V. Trediakovsky;
  • March 13 – 105th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian writer, fabulist, poet and publicist S. Mikhalkova;
  • March 16 – 115th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian writer T. Gabbe;
  • March 17 – 110th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian prose writer and journalist B. Polevoy;
  • March 20 – Russian actress and TV presenter E. Strizhenova will celebrate its 50th anniversary;
  • March 22 – Honored Artist of Russia, musician and singer V. Syutkin will celebrate 60 years;
  • March 28 – 150th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer and playwright M. Gorky;
  • March 31 - Soviet and Russian comedian, TV presenter and singer V. Vinokuru turns 70 years old.


  • April 4 – 110th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian composer Sigismund Katz;
  • April 4 – to Soviet and Russian songwriter I. Reznik turns 80 years old;
  • April 6 – 110th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian composer Vano Muradeli;
  • April 13 – 135th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian poet, writer and publicist D. Bedny;
  • April 13 – Soviet and Russian pop singer, composer and producer M. Shifutinsky celebrates 70 years;
  • April 15 – 175th anniversary of the birth of the American prose writer Henry James;
  • April 16 – 140th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer A. Hesse;
  • April 22 – 110th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian science fiction writer I. Efremova.


  • May 5 – 200th anniversary of the birth of the German philosopher, writer, economist and journalist Karl Marx;
  • May 14 – 130th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian composer and conductor N. M. Strelnikova;
  • May 25 - 130th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian composer A. Alexandrova;
  • May 25 – 100th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian actress V. Orlova.


  • June 7 – 110th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian composer Yu. Matskevich;
  • June 13 – Soviet and Russian screenwriter, producer and film director S. Bodrov celebrates its 70th anniversary;
  • June 21 – 135th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian writer F. Gladky;
  • June 22 is the 120th anniversary of the birth of the German prose writer. E. M. Remarque;
  • June 25 – 115th anniversary of the birth of the British writer and publicist George Orwell;
  • June 30 – 195th anniversary of the birth of the French painter and poet Maurice Sand.


  • July 3 – 135th anniversary of the birth of the German writer Franz Kafka;
  • July 6 – 120th anniversary of the birth of the German composer Hans Eisler;
  • July 12 – 150th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer and playwright S. S. Yushkevich;
  • July 12 – 190th anniversary of the birth of the Russian philosopher, writer and thinker N. G. Chernyshevsky;
  • July 14 – 275th anniversary of the birth of the Russian poet G. R. Derzhavina;
  • July 27 – 170th anniversary of the birth of the German poet and writer G. Hoffman;
  • July 27 – 165th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer and publicist V. G. Korolenka;
  • July 30 – 200th anniversary of his birth English writer and poetesses Emily Brontë.


  • August 5 – 120th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian poet V. I. Lebedeva-Kumacha;
  • August 13 – 140th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian composer and pianist L. Nikolaeva;
  • August 16 – American singer Madonna will celebrate its 60th anniversary;
  • August 21 – 150th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian playwright V. S. Rozova;
  • August 29 – 80th anniversary of the birth of the Russian poet, prose writer and playwright V. V. Kazakova.


  • September 8 is the 95th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian poet, prose writer and publicist R. G. Gamzatova;
  • September 9 – 190th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer and thinker L. N. Tolstoy;
  • September 21 – 310th anniversary of the birth of the Russian poet A. D. Kantemira;
  • September 28 – 215th anniversary of the birth of the French writer Prospera Merimee.


  • October 16 – Soviet and Russian rock musician Ilya Lagutenko will celebrate his 50th birthday;
  • October 19 – 130th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer, essayist and journalist M. Osorgina;
  • October 25 is the 180th anniversary of the birth of the French composer and pianist Georges Bizet;
  • October 25 – 175th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer G. I. Uspensky.


  • November 5 – 285th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer, poet and playwright M. M. Kheraskova;
  • November 5 – 140th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer, publicist and playwright M.P. Artsybasheva;
  • November 9 – 200th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer, poet and publicist I. S. Turgeneva;
  • November 23 – 110th anniversary of the birth of the children's writer and playwright N. Nosova;
  • November 24 – 80th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet and Russian actress N. L. Krachkovskaya.


  • December 1 – 105th anniversary of the birth of the Soviet Russian writer V. Dragunsky;
  • December 5 – 205th anniversary of the birth of the Russian poet and diplomat F. I. Tyutcheva;
  • December 10 – 100th anniversary of the birth of the Russian tenor A. Tarasova;
  • December 11 – 100th anniversary of the birth of the Russian writer A. I. Solzhenitsyn;
  • December 13 – 145th anniversary of the birth of the Russian prose writer, poet and playwright V. Ya. Bryusova;
  • December 22 – 160th anniversary of the birth of the Italian composer Giacomo Puccini.

Humanity cannot live without holidays; if the calendar is empty, it means there is an urgent need to come up with something. Perhaps this is why Russians celebrate “Bastille Day,” which has nothing to do with the country.

On the other hand, on any day of the year you can find a memorable date or significant event for Russia to justify a feast or congratulate the hero of the day. Memorable dates have special historical, political, social, cultural significance for a particular state, and are sometimes enshrined in regulatory documents.

This material tells a story about important dates and events for Russia that will be solemnly celebrated in 2018.

Anniversaries of 2018 in the field of world culture

Many people remember the birthdays of their favorite writers, actors and artists; the activities of many of them are important not only for the country where they were born and worked, but also for all humanity.

If you flip through the pages of the 2018 calendar, you can find many anniversaries.

On January 6, one of the great Italian actors Adriano Celentano will celebrate his 80th birthday, and Vladimir Vysotsky will be the same age (January 25).

February 8 Russians and residents post-Soviet republics will remember the famous Stirlitz, actor Vyacheslav Tikhonov, who, unfortunately, did not live to see his 90th birthday.

But on March 20, all fans of the presenter and actress Ekaterina Strizhenova will be able to give her gifts and say kind words in connection with the half-century anniversary. In March, the country will celebrate the 150th anniversary of the Russian “petrel”, writer Maxim Gorky.

In April, the famous songwriter Ilya Reznik celebrates his 80th birthday, and fans of his talent, it seems, will be in for a big concert. On May 5th the communists of the world will celebrate important date– 200th anniversary of the birth of the author of “Capital” Karl Marx.

Summer will bring with it several important anniversaries: on June 13, director Sergei Bodrov Sr. will celebrate his 70th birthday, and on August 16, singer Madonna will celebrate 60 years since her birth.

Autumn is the time to sum up the musician Ilya Lagutenko on the occasion of his 50th birthday. Unfortunately, actress Natalya Krachkovskaya passed away in 2016, two years short of her 80th birthday.

Among the “very” round dates at the end of 2018, we can note the anniversary of the writer Ivan Turgenev (the same age as K. Marx) and the 100th anniversary of Anatoly Tarasov, one of the most famous Russian hockey coaches. Fans of Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s talent will celebrate the same anniversary.

Important historical dates

The Russian calendar is full important events, some of them will be “round” in 2018. It is to them that the attention of representatives of the official authorities will be drawn, and therefore Russians can expect holidays, festivals, and concerts.

On February 2, the whole country will celebrate an important date that played a role in World War II - 75 years ago, Nazi Germany suffered a crushing defeat at Stalingrad.

On February 23, we should prepare for Defender of the Fatherland Day with increased attention, since the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the Red Army will be celebrated. Another 100th anniversary associated with military theme, falls on November 11, it will be celebrated not only in Russia, but also in many European countries.

It was on this day that the First World War, which claimed millions of lives of soldiers, officers and civilians.

It is interesting that the renaming of the Russian police into the police made it possible to introduce a new holiday in the country; now employees of this department should celebrate their professional celebration not in November, but on May 6.

Moreover, next year there will be a glorious date - the 300th anniversary of the formation of the police department in the Russian Empire. Among the summer military events worthy of attention is the 75th anniversary of the Battle of Prokhorovka.

Important events of the next year

One of the most important events of 2018 is the FIFA World Cup. Russian athletes have not yet shown themselves very well in this sport, but fans hope that, according to the saying, “houses and walls help.”

From June 14, the whole country (and the whole planet) will be glued to TV and computer screens, and the happiest will go to the stands of the Nizhny Novgorod stadium to see the best game in the world and amazing goals.

A month later, on July 15, the championship final will take place in Moscow, and the closing ceremony of the football festival will also take place here.

In 2018, some Russian cities will also celebrate milestones, for example, the first residents of Amursk appeared in these places 60 years ago, the town of Solvychegorsk will celebrate beautiful anniversary– 525 years since its foundation. Large-scale celebrations await Novokuznetsk, which will turn 400 years old next year.

In 2018, you can also find specific literary celebrations dedicated to individual works of genius. Fyodor Dostoevsky’s novel “The Idiot” will be 150 years old, J. Verne’s “The Children of Captain Grant” will celebrate the same number of years, and even more – 200 years will be celebrated by the poem “Charles Harold’s Pilgrimage” by the immortal pen of George Byron.

As can be seen from this short list, a huge number of anniversaries, memorable dates and significant events are expected. If this is not enough for Russians, then you can look at the holiday calendar of your neighbors; they will be happy to share the joy with their friends.