Nowadays you can’t trust anyone, sometimes even yourself. Quotes and phrases from Soviet films

Stirlitz, I’ll ask you to stay!

* * * * *

Never before had Stirlitz been so close to failure.

* * * * *

Now you can't trust anyone. Even to myself. I can.

* * * * *

Don't get carried away, Stirlitz! Don't get carried away!

* * * * *

True Aryan. The character is Nordic, persistent. Fulfills his official duty impeccably.

Quotes and phrases from the movie "Office Romance"

When I'm drunk, I'm violent...

* * * * *

And go to the accounting department!!!

* * * * *

- What if it doesn’t fit in the closet?

- Let's shove it in!

* * * * *

I have two children: a boy... and a boy!

* * * * *

And off she went!

* * * * *

She's not a woman, she's a director.

* * * * *

- Blazer is a club jacket.

- For the “House of Culture”, or what?

- You can go there too.

* * * * *

Bublikov died, and then he didn’t die.

* * * * *

- Vera, you know everything about everyone.

- Such a profession.

* * * * *

They promoted me to public work and since then they haven’t been able to push me back.

* * * * *

- And they actually sent me to the accounting department!

- Yes, you need to plow!

* * * * *

The eyebrow should be very thin, like a thread. Surprisedly upbeat.

* * * * *

Where did you get this vulgarity! You're swaying your hips like... an obscene woman.

* * * * *

- Head forward! Chest forward!

- Breast? You flatter me, Vera.

- Everyone flatters you.

* * * * *

Bad legs, Lyudmila Prokofievna, must be hidden.

* * * * *

- How do you like my hairstyle, hmm?

- To die is not to rise!

* * * * *

If anyone else dies or is born today, I will be left without lunch.

* * * * *

- We love you... deep down. Somewhere very deep.

- Very deep! So deep that I don't even notice it!

* * * * *

Don't hit me on the head! This is my sore spot!

* * * * *

I have such an impeccable reputation that it’s high time I was compromised!

* * * * *

Statistics is a science; it does not tolerate approximation.

* * * * *

This is how I will always look like now!

Quotes and phrases from the movie "Heart of a Dog"

Gentlemen, everyone is in Paris!

* * * * *

Get off, you bastard!

* * * * *

Dirty apartment...

* * * * *

- Don’t read Soviet newspapers before lunch.

- Hm... But there are no others.

- Don’t read any of them.

* * * * *

Abyr... abyr... abyr... abyrvalg... abyrvalg...

* * * * *

Make a mysterious face, fool!

* * * * *

Those of my patients whom I forced to read Pravda lost weight.

* * * * *

- Last name? I agree to accept the hereditary one.

- Namely?

- Sharikov.

* * * * *

– We, the management of our building, came to you after a general meeting of the residents of our building, at which the issue of densifying the apartments of the building was raised!

- Who stood on whom?

* * * * *

It is very possible that my grandmother sinned with the diver.

* * * * *

Give me a cigarette, your trousers have stripes!

* * * * *

Are you going to hit me, dad?!

* * * * *

I cannot remain without food. Where will I eat?

* * * * *

You are wrong to call him adorable!

* * * * *

You're painfully oppressing me, dad!

* * * * *

I sat on my 16 square arshins and will continue to sit!

Quotes and phrases from the movie "That Munchausen"

- Chatting?

- Silent.

- Clever boy. He'll go far.

* * * * *

Get married by all means. If you get a good wife, you will become happy; if you get a bad wife, you will become a philosopher. I don't know which is better.

* * * * *

- 32nd!

* * * * *

We have forgotten how to do little stupid things. We stopped climbing through the window to see the women we love...

* * * * *

-Where is the commander?

- Commands.

* * * * *

An intelligent face is not yet a sign of intelligence. All the stupid things in the world are done with this facial expression... Smile, gentlemen, smile.

* * * * *

The clock struck 2. The Baron fired 3 times. So - 5 hours!

* * * * *

There is no such thing as truth, baby. Truth is what is currently believed to be true.

* * * * *

Seven o'clock in the morning. Dispersal of clouds, establishment of good weather.

* * * * *

I had a friend - he betrayed me. I had a loved one - she renounced. I'm flying light.

* * * * *

- What are you doing?

- Nothing. I live.

* * * * *

I am an old sick man and I have a weak heart, the doctors forbade me to worry.

* * * * *

Do you really have to kill a person to understand that he is alive?!

* * * * *

- And the chest?

- What about breasts?

- Should we leave it where it is?

- No, we take it with us.

* * * * *

- They say that humor is useful. The joke is that it prolongs life.

- Not everyone. For those who laugh, it extends it, and for those who joke, it shortens it.

* * * * *

There are couples created for love, but we were created for divorce.

Quotes and phrases from the movie "Formula of Love"

* * * * *

The word heals, conversation drives away thoughts.

* * * * *

And this abyss swallowed her up in one moment. In general, everyone died.

* * * * *

There is no need for loud words, they shake the air, but not the interlocutor.

* * * * *

He who eats little lives long, for with a knife and fork we dig our own grave.

* * * * *

Creepy city: no girls, no one plays cards. Yesterday in the tavern I stole a silver spoon - no one even noticed: they thought that it was not there at all.

* * * * *

- Come here. Do you want big but pure love?

- Who doesn’t want her...

- Then come to the hayloft when it gets dark. Will you come?

- Why not come? I'll come. Only you too come. And then the sir over there also called, and then he got scared.

- And she will not come alone, she will come with a blacksmith.

- With which blacksmith? No, we don't need a blacksmith. What am I, a horse or what?

* * * * *

Billy! Charge!

* * * * *

- Jack! What can you do for money?
- For money... I can do... anything!

* * * * *

Remember, gentlemen: corruption will destroy this country.

* * * * *

If a woman asks for something, you must give it to her. Otherwise she will take it herself.

* * * * *

It seems to me, gentlemen, that this man is not a gentleman!

Multi-part film about a Soviet intelligence officer Maxim Isaeva, which infiltrated the highest spheres of the fascist Third Reich, remains one of the most popular Soviet films. Immediately after the release, all 12 episodes were stolen for quotes, and the main characters Stirlitz, whose role he played Vyacheslav Tikhonov, and SS Gruppenführer Heinrich Müller played by Leonid Bronevoy, have become characters in countless jokes. On the day the legendary film was released on television, remembered several famous quotes from it.

1. — Of all the people living on earth, I love old people and children most of all. (Stirlitz)

2. - They all want to be like the Fuhrer. (Stirlitz)

3. - Everyone - scientists, writers, artists - is insane in their own way. They require a special approach. Because they live their own life, invented by them. (Stirlitz)

4. - How was it with Pushkin? “Oh yes Pushkin, oh yes son of a bitch!” Hey Stirlitz! (Stirlitz)

5. — In order to defeat the enemy, you need to know his ideology, right? And to learn this during a fight is to doom yourself to defeat. (Stirlitz)

6. - Stirlitz, I’ll ask you to stay. (Muller)

7. — A counterintelligence officer must always know, like no one else, that in our time you cannot trust anyone, sometimes even yourself. I can. (Muller)

8. — Clarity is a form of complete fog. (Muller)

9. - Have I ever given anyone a beating at least once in my life, huh? I am a good old man about whom rumors are spread. (Muller)

10. - I love silent people. If a friend is silent, then he is a friend, and if an enemy, then he is an enemy. I respect them. (Muller)

11. - This is not nonsense, this is not nonsense at all, my friend Bittner. (Muller)

12. - I better know where to start! (Muller)

13. - In general, the matter is rotten, but try to dig into it. (Muller)

14. — Old people are the source of all the evil in this world. (Muller)

15. — Without the past there is no future. (Radio Operator Kat)

16. — He slept deeply and calmly, but in exactly 20 minutes he will wake up. This is also one of the habits developed over the years. (Voice behind the scene)

17. — Stirlitz never rushed things. Self-control, he believed, was the other side of speed. Everything is determined by proportions: art, intelligence, love, politics. (Voice behind the scene)

On December 9, 2017, at the age of 89, the outstanding theater and film artist Leonid Bronevoy died. We conclude the publication of the interview that Dmitry Gordon took with Leonid Sergeevich in 2012. Part III.

(Continued. Beginning in No. 3, in No. 4)

“Brezhnev called Gradova and asked: “Where is Stirlitz?” “I thought they lived together...”

— Let’s return to Muller: Vsevolod Sanaev, who was originally planned to be cast in this role, as far as I know, said: “I can’t, I...

- organizer of Mosfilm...

- ...and settled on your candidacy...

- Yes, and then we were going somewhere with him, and he was perplexed: “How did I refuse so much?” “You didn’t understand anything, but I immediately understood: the most interesting role.”

— Did you know that the real Mueller remained alive and worked closely with the Americans after the war?

- Well, these are rumors... He survived - yes, but no one knows where he dropped anchor ( according to one version - in Latin America, according to another - in the USA, according to the third - generally in the USSR. — D.G.), and what a wonderful text Semyonov composed! Which, by the way, was not given the State Prize of the RSFSR: they gave it to us, but they didn’t even put him on the list - what kind of rudeness?

- And why?

- How do I know? The man was offended to the core: look at the work he wrote! I’ll just remind you of one scene - with the one-eyed Iceman, who was played well by Kuravlev, remember?

- Still would!

“I tell him that Kalten-brunner “has grown a huge grudge against Stirlitz.” Eisman asks: “Who?” — “Yes, yes, to Stirlitz. The only person in Schellenberg's intelligence service for whom I have sympathy. Calm, not a sycophant, without hysteria and without ostentatious zeal - I don’t really trust those who revolve around the authorities and speak unnecessarily at our party rallies: mediocrities, talkers, slackers, and this silent one, I love silent people. If a friend is silent, then he is a friend, and if an enemy, then he is an enemy - I respect them, there is something to learn from them.” Isn't it wonderful? This is music!

Further, Aysman-Kuravlev convinces: “I have known Stirlitz for eight years, I was with him in Spain, near Smolensk I saw him under bombs - he is carved from flint and steel,” and I, that is, Muller, told him: “What are you getting at?” Are you drawn to epithets? Tired, huh? Leave the epithets to our party bosses; we detectives must express ourselves in nouns and verbs: “He met,” “She said,” “He conveyed.”

Then another amazing moment. "What to do?" — I ask Eisman. He replies: “I personally believe that you need to be completely honest with yourself - this will determine all subsequent actions and deeds,” and Muller: “Actions and deeds are the same thing.”

- What a character!

— And at the end it’s wonderful: “And remember that in our time you can’t trust anyone, sometimes even yourself. I can. He-he-he!

- Class!

— Well, the film did not receive the State Prize of the USSR - only Russia. Eight years later, the sick Brezhnev looked at it, cried - and gave Slava Tikhonov the “Gold Star”, Oleg Pavlovich Tabakov and me - the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, and the rest - the Order of Friendship of Peoples.

- Well, he gave him the “Gold Star” because he thought that he was a real intelligence officer Isaev, right?

— (Laughs). Well, I got it wrong. I called Gradova and asked: “Where is Stirlitz?” — I thought they lived together.

— Did you call Gradova personally?

- Well, yes, yes! “This is Brezhnev,” he introduced himself, and she: “Stop playing around!” - and hung up. A second call immediately followed: “It’s really me, Leonid Il-ich.” - "Yes?". I didn’t believe it because many people portrayed him.

— I remember Muller’s nervous tic...

“It happened by accident - the collar of my uniform really bothered me, so I kept turning my head, and suddenly Lioznova said: “Let’s confirm this - like nervous paint in especially difficult places, for example, when Muller finds out that Stirlitz is a spy.”

- Cool moment!

- Yes, it worked, but this is an external detail, and the text, I repeat, is so wonderful! “As soon as somewhere instead of “hello” they say “heil” to someone’s personal address, know: they are waiting for us there, from there we will begin our great revival. How old will you be in 1965? Under 70. Lucky! You will live to play your part: 70 years is the prime age of politicians, and I will be nearing 80, so I am worried about the next 10 years. If you want to place your bet without fear of me, but, on the contrary, counting on me, remember: Müller, the chief of the Gestapo, is an old tired man, he wants to live out his years somewhere on a small farm with a blue pool, and for the sake of That's why I'm ready to play activity. And further. Of course, you don’t need to tell Borman this, but remember it yourself. In order to move from Berlin to a small farm in the tropics, you should not rush. Many of the Fuhrer's mongrels will run away from here very soon and get caught, but when the Russian cannonade rumbles in Berlin and the soldiers fight for every house, it will be possible to leave here without slamming the door behind you. To leave and take away the secret of the party's gold, which is known only to Bormann and the Fuhrer, and when the Fuhrer goes into oblivion ( Tikhonov looks at me with horror. — L.B.), you need to be very useful to Bormann: then he will be the Monte Cristo of the twentieth century, so now there is a struggle of endurance, Stirlitz, and in the background there is one essence, one - a simple and understandable human essence.

By the way, when Mikhail Andreevich Suslov - the second person in the Soviet state - attacked this film, and his head of the Main Political Directorate of the Soviet Army, General Epishev, supported him, Andropov defended our film very sharply, but they still won: they did not give us the USSR State Prize. Andropov appointed Tsvigun, a remarkable personality, as the chief consultant. A huge man who strangely passed away...

- Very strange! — he shot himself, so that, as they say, he would not receive capital punishment for corruption on a particularly large scale.

— Suslov said: “You can’t play a fascist like this Borovoy, Bronevoy or whoever he is!”

- Make it charming, right?

- Kind and so on, and And-ropov: “No, these are the ones we need to play - then we show that we fought with a charming, strong and intelligent enemy and won, and if we make the Germans look like fools, then who did we fight with?” ?.

“Medvedev asked: “What are your requests and wishes?” I shrugged my shoulders: “None.” He was surprised: “How?” Me: “What, everyone begs for something, right?”

— I know that “Seventeen Moments of Spring” was Andropov’s favorite film, but when he signed the decree on awarding artists in place of the sick Brezhnev, he did not remember your name and simply wrote: “Müller.”

— This is probably not true, because when Lioznova brought three episodes to his dacha, she said that Andropov had heard my name.

Lack of information is complete blindness - those who are not informed find themselves in a very bad position. For a long time I was not informed that she went to his dacha, and Andropov looked and said: “This is Plyatt, this is Evstigneev, this is Tikhonov, but this one, who looks like Churchill, is the one who is Muller, who? Armored? I knew Bronevoy in Kyiv - I was studying then, and a man with that last name gave me shelter. I lived with him for two months, he fed and watered me - without him I would have died of hunger.”

- Amazing!

- It was my uncle, but I didn’t even know! The same story as when I visited Dmitry Anatolyevich Medvedev.

— For your 80th birthday?

“Yes, he invited me to Gorki, and when I told the singer Dolina about this, she exclaimed: “You’re an idiot!” Because Medvedev asked: “What are your requests and wishes?”, and I shrugged my shoulders: “ None." He was surprised: “How?” Me: “What, everyone begs for something, right?” - "All!". - “Well, I don’t need anything.” - “Do you have a dacha?” - “A dacha, Dmitry Anatolyevich, a normal person cannot have a dacha here - Putin, you or Luzhkov can have it.” - "Why?". - “Because you have three shifts of security, 50 machine gunners, helicopters - that means the house won’t be burned down or blown up,” and Galkin built a dacha, out of his stupidity...

— In the village of Gryaz...

- Yes, yes, and he will receive it in due time, when he gives in. You can't do this! - this is possible in Germany, France, England, America, but not here.

— Is that how you explained it to Medvedev?

“Yes: I have a two-room apartment, he said, and I don’t need anything else,” he was very surprised.

“For the first time, a German, and a high-ranking one at that, was portrayed so damn charmingly in Soviet cinema - I know that you even received letters: “Grandfather Muller, we all really want to be like you,” wrote Baltic third-graders.

- Well, yes, but the Soviet government, as you understand, was not very happy with this.

— There were a lot of jokes about Muller and Stirlitz.

- And the most successful of them: “Stirlitz shot at Muller - the bullet bounced off. “Armored,” thought Stirlitz.” So short, so witty... Tikhonov, by the way, didn’t like them. I said: “What are you doing, Slava? - You seem to have a sense of humor. Anecdotes are an indicator of people’s love: look how much there is about Chapaev.” No, he didn't perceive them...

— After “Seventeen Moments of Spring,” national fame fell upon you—belated?

- Of course, but better late than never. How did I become an artist? Someday I should write a book or something: “The Reluctant Artist.” They didn’t take me anywhere, well, nowhere! I wanted to go to diplomacy - closed, to military school - closed, to journalism - closed. Where can I go? To the theater school, but not to Moscow - the Moscow Art Theater School-Studio is not waiting for me either, so only after Tashkent did I try to go there.

“One newspaper wrote: “How insolent this Bronevoy became after “Seventeen Moments!” “He doesn’t even want to walk on stage, he rides in a wheelchair and only got up once!”

—Nevertheless, did you feel this fame, did you feel the crazy popularity?

— Probably, yes, because I began to earn more, but I worked as a guest performer at the Moscow Regional Drama Theatre, and there was such a wonderful director - Isidor Mikhalych Tartakovsky: his son is now the director of the Moscow Operetta. He invited me to play “Three Minutes of Martin Grow”, I portrayed a disabled person in a wheelchair and only stood up at the end, so one newspaper wrote: “How insolent this Bronevoy became after “Seventeen Moments”! “He doesn’t even want to walk on stage, he rides in a wheelchair and only got up once!”

One day I say: “Isidor Mikhalych, I have a question for you. Explain to me: at the Theater on Malaya Bronnaya I play up to 30 performances a month, sometimes three a day - morning, afternoon and evening, and I get 98 rubles, but here I perform this easy role in a stroller - and for one performance I get 69 rubles 75 kopecks you pay me. Five performances - 300 rubles: crazy money! Why?". Tartakovsky replied: “You know, I advise you never to ask anyone this question again. Are you getting it? Do you pay tax? Well, that’s all!”

— You once admitted that you don’t understand the origins of the popularity of Müller’s role in “Seventeen Moments”...

- ...still. I didn’t try to play on purpose - you can’t play charming on purpose: I followed the text. What a wonderful phrase there is! In a monologue, my hero says: “Those who are 10 today don’t need us: they won’t forgive us for hunger and bombing, but those who don’t understand anything now will talk about us as a legend, and the legend needs to be fed.” . We must create those storytellers who will transform our words into a different way - the one in which humanity will live in 20 years.”

- Today this film is often shown - do you watch it?

- No, I can’t do it anymore! - and “Pokrovsky Gate” too. They are probably showing it so that the viewer will hate it or because there is nothing else to broadcast, but you can’t endlessly play “The Irony of Fate”, “Seventeen Moments”...

- ...“Gentlemen of Fortune”...

- ...“Pokrovsky Gate” - well, that’s enough, create something new.

—Have you seen the color version?

- Disgrace! - but I don’t blame Lioznova: she was paid, she needed it.

- Have you become better in person in color?

- Much worse. One time I actually noticed that I was “studying” a red armband with a swastika on the screen, and at the same time there was text - I missed it, besides, there were a lot of documentary footage shot on black and white film. Well, “Cinderella” could probably be made in color and bright, but why use this film?

— In one of your interviews, you admitted that you wouldn’t mind returning to Mueller again...

- No, it's too late.

- But was it possible before?

“They say you should never come back.” So I returned to Kyiv and didn’t find my home: what’s good about that? I still don’t understand where he went.

- You often played villains - why?

- Such a face.

- Fat, as Efros said?

- No, the facial structure is not positive. Positive - for Strizhenov, Ledogorov, Kuznetsov...

- ...and here is negative charm, right?

- Maybe.

— Is acting a female profession?

— Yes, a profession in which the main task is to please the viewer is female. A man should not, has no right to live with the task of being liked, this is not his business - therefore, a terrible craft, a woman’s one.

— I really love your Velurov in “Pokrovsky Gates” - in general, by and large, an amazing film, and it gets better and better over the years...

- ...Yes Yes...

— ...what is your favorite movie role?

- I don’t know, it’s hard to say. Everyone's favorite: when you work, you love, and then... It's like childbirth: I gave birth - and slowly forgot, let it go into life.

“The first wife, Valya Blinova, died, and she left behind a four-year-old daughter. I didn’t get married until she graduated from college, so as not to injure her.”

— You once admitted: “I was a beggar, I lived in a communal apartment: only a cot and cockroaches were all I had.” I know that you even played dominoes to feed yourself...

- Yes, on Tverskoy Boulevard to win a ruble, but I didn’t know the rule: if you win, you must continue further, you have no right to break down. I was young and explained to the old people that I really needed this ruble... My first wife, Valya Blinova, died, and I had a four-year-old daughter left behind. I didn’t get married until she graduated from college, so as not to injure her - what are you saying? - and I’ve been living with my current wife for 47 years, soon to be half a century: she’s wonderful!

— Was the poverty terrible?

- It’s terrifying, but a person gets used to everything, the stomach becomes small: you eat a crumb and it’s enough for a day.

— In order to somehow survive, you heard that you translated poems of Uzbek poets...

— That’s right, and a couple were even at a high level. Well, not like the one who translated Rasul Gamzatov - I forgot what it was.

- Naum Grebnev?

- Yes, yes, the Jew is so old, his wife is an artist - he translated: “Sometimes it seems to me that the soldiers who have not returned from the bloody fields ....”

- Naum Grebnev.

- What a wonderful translation!

— How did you translate from Uzbek? Did you know the language?

— Interlinearly — I reworked it in the same rhythm. By the way, when I was a student, I worked as a radio announcer - there was no television yet. I opened the broadcast in Russian, and my friend, an Uzbek guy, opened it in Uzbek, and one day he didn’t come, and it was five minutes past seven - it’s time to start! The authorities came running and asked: “Can you open it in Uzbek?” - “We need to practice.” - “No time, go on air!” I said, "Okay." Do you know how much time has passed since then? I’m about 65 years old, and that phrase has been etched in my memory for the rest of my life.

I turned it on and said ( speaks first in Uzbek and then translates into Russian): “Tashkent speaking, Tashkent time is such and such, we are reporting the latest news.” He received a 12 ruble bonus for being late, my young Uzbek told him: “Well, you set me up well!” He couldn’t speak Russian because he spoke with an accent, but I remembered the phrase with which he usually started.

“I have never been in show business and never will be: I can’t stand idle nonsense!”

- They say that you have a complex character, and in one of your interviews you said: “I was born with a terrible feeling of self-doubt - I hate my eyes, my hands, my face.” Are you a Samoyed by nature?

- Yes, and although Zakharov was warned: “You shouldn’t take him: he’s a difficult person, terrifying - you can’t work with him, he’s a nightmare!”, Mark Anatolyevich is stubborn and never listens to what they tell him. Like Lyubimov, whom Vysotsky was asked not to take: “He’s a drunkard!” “Well,” he replied, “there will be another drunkard besides you, but he’s a wonderful artist.”

- One more, one less...

“Zakharov said something similar about me and accepted me, thank him very much, and although I played very little with him, it doesn’t matter how much, the main thing is that the theater is very good.” Whoops, unfortunately, Peltzer, Leonov, Larionov, Abdulov, Yankovsky... Nightmare! - but this is a necessity, that is, not a necessity - there’s simply no escape from it ( nervously lights a cigarette).

— The era is gone, isn’t it?

- He leaves - the ranks are already breaking nearby.

— As far as I know, you are unsociable and don’t like parties...

- I hate it! I have never been in show business and never will be: I can’t stand idle nonsense! “I have a watch worth 300 thousand dollars.” - “And mine is for 500 thousand”: well, go to hell with your watch! “I bought champagne for four thousand euros” - well, drink it, but I’ll buy it for 50 euros and drink it with pleasure. I don’t understand this show business and I don’t want to understand.

— You once said: “I don’t like nice people”...

“I don’t like people who are always smiling.” There are those whose smile never leaves their face, and I want to ask: “What are you like if you get angry? Probably scarier than gloomy? There is no need to smile on purpose. Yes, I am heavy, I took after my mother: she was not easy, and I am the same, and if I am stupid (by the way, sometimes I am very stupid), then it is in my father, but the talent and not very sweet character come from my mother, I I feel this genetics.

- There's nowhere to go...

- Yes, and if they suddenly say something wrong, I explode!.. - and after five minutes I think: “What have I done? I had to answer quietly, but I screamed.” Then you definitely need to ask for forgiveness, apologize - it’s so shameful! - but with age, fortunately, I no longer have the strength to explode.

-Can’t stand injustice?

- Well, she’s there at every step, so you have to endure it, Dima. You know, Chekhov did not like people, and I understand him: he saw them to their guts and showed them as they were - helpless, sometimes talking a lot.

- Empty...

- Not saying anything. What a shameless Tolstoy, Lev Nikolaich! - forgive me, Lord! Once Chekhov was visiting him, and he told him: “You don’t need to write plays, you can’t do anything,” and poor Anton Palych decided: “I won’t write any more.” If it weren’t for Nemirovich, who objected: “What are you talking about?!” Just look: “Three Sisters” ( At first they failed in Alexandrinka. — L.B.), "The Cherry Orchard"...

- ... "Seagull"...

- ... “Uncle Vanya”, “Ivanov”... God be with you!” Lev Nikolaich thought that the play “The Living Corpse” was better, or what? Nothing like this! Do you know what I like from Tolstoy more than anything in the world, more than War and Peace?

- “Power of Darkness”, probably.

- No, I don’t like the pathological... Little fairy tale - “The Lion and the Dog”: haven’t read it?

- No.

“They let a small dog near the lion - at first she was wildly afraid of him, and he looked at her, ate the meat, and after a few days he began to leave the meat for her too. Then she began to command him, and when she died, the lion did not eat for three days and also died - this is such a short tale, wonderful. I’m starting to get confused in “War and Peace”; I don’t understand “Anna Karenina” at all: what did he want? Show that women are prostitutes and that you can cheat on your husband? Well, okay, you don’t love your elderly spouse, but he’s a prominent political figure, even if you spare his name, what are you doing? And at the end of which you lay down under the train - what is this? I don’t understand Anna’s behavior and am always on Karenin’s side.

— Do you remember how gorgeous Karenin Gritsenko was?

— Did you see what he was like in the play “On a Golden Bottom”?

“He’s actually a genius, in my opinion.”

- Genius, genius! - but ended up in a mental hospital, poor fellow. He climbed into someone else's refrigerator, beat him up, died... People's Artist of the USSR, a great actor! - Why are such endings so terrible?

- Peltzer has it too.

- On the other hand, any ending in itself is terrible, no matter what it is. Whether Belyavsky jumped out of the window, or someone shot himself, or died calmly in his bed - it doesn’t matter: anyway, life is not endless, and death is a terrible thing. When I stood at my mother’s on Baikovo, I thought: how strange... By the way, she asked to be burned, that’s why there was only an urn there.

I asked one priest a question: “Explain to me - the human body is such that there is no finer electronics: veins, arteries, capillaries, liver, intestines, gall, all this is connected... Why create such an amazingly complex machine so that it can live in this world for one minute?” He explained: “Well, actually, the Lord wanted to immediately make a person immortal, but then he realized that this was impossible: it would be terrible - for the person himself. Live 500 years? Well, what are you talking about, a person will get tired...” I asked him a question: “Why did God take Pushkin at 37, Lermontov at 26, Vysotsky at 42, and Kaganovich, who killed people.

— Lived to almost 100.

- Yes, sat and played dominoes? What's the matter? Is this the devils winning? “Perhaps,” said the priest. “There are many black angels against the Lord—apparently, sometimes they gain the upper hand.” - “What, God doesn’t intervene? After all, he decides how long someone should live?” In general, the priest could not answer all the questions, and I did not inquire further.

“When you get old, life is so disgusting. Dealing with death is a difficult thing."

— You spoke very interestingly about Anna Karenina, and I know that women loved you very much, but Lyudmila Senchina told me that when you starred with her in a bed scene in the film “Armed and Very Dangerous,” you were too tight—surprisingly ( They were afraid of how their spouse would react to this scene). Senchina still cannot understand what was happening to you then, according to her, even the operator suggested to you: “Leonid Sergeich, well, should I show you something?”

“Yes, I wasn’t pressed there: I grabbed her breasts properly when necessary.”

- Liked?

- Well, big breasts, good, he lay on her - that’s how it was supposed to be according to the role. By the way, Senchina and I almost crashed: there was a tarantasis for two, we sat down and the horse bolted. I thought it was the end: there was a steel cable ahead, where I had to stop... How I coped with that horse, I don’t understand. I was scared, Luda was sitting on the right, the stroller was narrow.

— You are 85 years old: what is it like to feel old with such clarity of mind? Here I am talking to you - and I’m delighted, honestly!..

- Well, Pushkin said: “In old age, life is so disgusting” - how did he know this at the age of 27-28? He probably felt it, he saw it from his father, from his mother, from the guy who borrowed all his money and didn’t give it back. What does it feel like? Of course, it’s not easy, work is becoming more and more difficult, but it’s impossible not to work in our country. Maybe if I acted in Hollywood, I would be so well off that if I wanted to, I would work, if I didn’t want to, I wouldn’t work, but here it’s impossible.

— Do you want to live, Leonid Sergeevich? Are you tired?

“Sometimes there is, and it’s terrible, but that doesn’t mean that... I want to, I have a wonderful wife, that’s why I live so long: she takes care of me like a child.”

— Your father and mother, however, were long-lived...

- And according to the laws of genetics, you should also live a long time.

— Not necessarily: Sasha Lazarev died at 73, and his parents lived until they were over 90. This is not an indicator, you know?

- I still want you to live 120 years, and I sincerely wish this for you...

- Talent is a sense of proportion, which means that you need to know the limit in how long you live. There’s no need to go overboard with this either, because it’s terrible to reach a state where you’re helpless and can’t do anything. I think Belyavsky jumped out of the window on purpose.

- I think so too...

- Because he was a strong guy, although they say that he lived on the third floor, and for some reason fell from the fifth and from the corridor, where there is a huge window sill... I don’t know what it was, let them investigate...

They leave, they leave, they leave... I loved Oleg Ivanovich Yankovsky very much. ( Pause). Can you imagine, three days before his death, he sat down and made a list to whom he wanted to give half a million rubles - from his fund: Zakharov, Bronevoy, Yarmolnik, Lyubshin... There were 10 people there with whom he worked, and his widow Lyuda Zorina called : “Do you want to take the money owed to you?” - “What do you mean “I don’t want”? I consider it an honor! When did he write this? - “In three days”: this is what kind of person you need to be, huh? - knowing that you are dying, think about others! During the last “Marriage” Yankovsky could no longer stand. I said: “Oleg Ivanovich, sit down, it doesn’t matter here.” - "Yes?". - "Well, of course. Sit down." He sat down...

(Sad). The fight against death, Dimochka, is a difficult thing.

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Yes, I started to remember about my practice, started talking about a 100% guarantee. It turns out that I am agitating to believe me. But my friends who have been reading my blog for quite a long time know. I can talk about women. Come up with and tell a funny joke. Sometimes I feel like chatting about the USSR, the 90s, etc. on the topic of nostalgia. But the lion's share of my communication on this blog is POLITICS!

Because… In our time, you can’t trust anyone, not even yourself. I can!

Why you ask? I no longer practice and have no intention of doing so. I can help my friends (if I feel strong enough to do this, sometimes the task seems completely beyond my strength) and I do it exclusively for free for friends. Because, as intelligence reports, some blogs specialize in psychology and make money from it. I’m not going to take away anyone’s bread or anyone’s readers. I have not been a psychologist for a long time, but simply an old and sick person. Rather a philosopher who follows life, a loser. How fashionable it is now to say beggar. I haven’t made any money and I won’t make any more money. He didn’t have a career, and with personal happiness... health problems and his happiness is not there and it looks like it won’t be anymore. So…

November 25th, 2014 , 10:00 am

What could be more reliable than your own speech? You say the words, many times, hear yourself - and then you are told that you were silent. And what is characteristic: they are right. You really didn't say anything. Alcohol, memory loss, etc. – none of this has anything to do with the situation. Are you okay. You are simply participating in a scientific experiment.

People put on a virtual reality helmet, they see a room with a mirror in it. In the mirror, an animated figure moves in sync with the participant. For example, a woman waves her hand, a figure in the mirror does the same. After five minutes, the woman has the feeling that she sees her reflection in the mirror. Then the main thing happens - the reflection begins to speak. The avatar's lips move, and the woman's headphones play a recording. And to enhance the effect, the plate attached to the larynx vibrates synchronously. This experiment was carried out with 44 participants, and they, as a rule, admitted that yes, they pronounced the words themselves.

The person understands perfectly where he is. He is fully conscious. The fact that not only the body, but also speech was included in the image of “I” is still unexpected. It's hard to convince yourself that you're saying words without intending to say them. But the illusion worked. The avatar's voice was selected to be higher in frequency than the participant's voice. people later asked say the same words - and they did this, unconsciously increasing the frequency. In other words, they brought their real voice into line with the virtual one.

The inclusion of an avatar in the image of oneself led to the fact that along with the avatar, its actions were appropriated. The authors give the supposed logic of the brain: this is my body, I move it and I see it - it speaks, therefore, it is I who speak. I think the experiment tells us [once again] an important idea: the brain craves causality. He does not tolerate uncertainty; it is difficult for him in such a situation. As a result, people find it difficult to understand such things as probability, quantum mechanics, chaos, etc.

There is more and more evidence that the sense of oneself and one’s boundaries is very flexible. From the first experiments with the rubber hand, a whole direction has grown where people are deceived in ever more sophisticated ways. They look not only at how the perception of the body changes, but also at the properties of the psyche, which seem to be completely unrelated. A fashionable topic is racial prejudice. Like: people who sincerely do not accept racism are susceptible to it on a subconscious level. Research is multiplying. But it turns out that racial prejudice can be changed using the RHI - the rubber hand illusion.

If you are white, the rubber hand may be black. Having experienced the illusion that the dummy belongs to you, you will at least temporarily become more tolerant of blacks. Instead of a cheap rubber hand, you can use expensive virtual reality. The white person sees himself as dark, and - lo and behold - his attitude towards people with darker skin changes. In fact, it’s not so surprising - prejudices are also more flexible than we think, and change with the external environment. More about this some other time.

I think it’s time to think about how to create the illusion of ‘your’ thoughts. Usually a person is aware of what he is thinking about at the moment. Is it possible to make him deceive himself about the contents of his own consciousness? The subject is sure that he is thinking “A”, but in reality he is not thinking. At first glance, such an illusion is not prohibited and does not contain a contradiction. But in practice, I can’t imagine.

D. Banakou and M. Slater -- Body ownership causes illusory self-attribution of speaking and influences subsequent real speaking– PNAS, 2014 [