The most amazing events in the world. The most incredible facts

IN long history In humanity, there are many such events that did not fit into any ideas, and therefore were remembered by people for a long time. Many people know the Guinness Book of Records, which records the most diverse human achievements, but it was impossible to collect the most incredible facts in the world.

1. About our planet

  • Every schoolchild knows that the highest peak in the world is Chomolungma or Everest. But there is a much higher mountain on the planet. This is the Hawaiian volcano Mauna Kea, which rises above sea level by only 4205 meters, but from its base on the ocean floor it has perched 10203 meters.
  • Between Russian Chukotka and American Alaska are the Diomede Islands, which are also divided between these countries. They are located only 4 km from each other, and the line dividing them also runs along the date line. Therefore, the time difference between them is 24 hours.
  • Most clean water can be found in Finland, but the most dangerous is in Italian Sicily, where 2 sources of fairly strong sulfuric acid flow from a volcanic lake. But in Azerbaijan there is a source of “flammable water” - as soon as you bring a lit match to it, the “water” breaks out with a blue flame.
  • In fact, there are so many diamonds on the planet that every inhabitant would have a full cup of this form of carbon.

2. About the plant world

  • The Cardiocrinum plant is so strange and rare that it is almost never described. It blooms once in a lifetime with large flowers, which consume all the plant’s energy. As a result, the plant dies immediately.
  • Bamboo can grow 75 centimeters per day.
  • The currently tallest tree in the world is the evergreen sequoia, which, like its relatives, has given name Hyperion. In 700 or 800 years, it managed to grow to 115.6 meters and continues to grow. Scientists deliberately hid exact location record holder to protect him from crowds of tourists.

3. About people

  • A person who finds himself in an unfamiliar environment will in most cases turn right. This mental property is successfully used by marketers.
  • Crime reporter and journalist Vlado Taneski from Macedonia was also serial killer, who often described his own crimes. But in the end he made a mistake when he published information that until that moment could not have been known to anyone except the killer.
  • Australian truck driver Bill Morgan is a real lucky man and not only because he survived a 14-minute clinical death after a heart attack. Soon after, he won a large sum in the lottery. The TV crew decided to film a story about him and asked him to erase it on camera protective layer from an instant lottery ticket. And guess what - he won $250,000 again!
  • 40% of people do not live to see their first birthday.
  • Culture Australian Aboriginals no younger ice age, so they remember the location and names of mountains that have been hidden under the waters of the Bass Strait for 8,000 years.

4. About food

The German statistical company Jacdec has compiled its authoritative ranking of the safest airlines in the world for 2018. The compilers of this list...

  • During the Prohibition period, owners of American vineyards adapted to concentrating grape juice to a semi-solid state - the so-called “wine bars”. They warned buyers not to leave the resulting liquid in the cupboard for three weeks after adding water, otherwise it would turn into forbidden wine. The hint was obvious.
  • The IOC has banned caffeine, so if an athlete drinks too much coffee or tea before a race, he will be disqualified.
  • In Thailand they make the most expensive coffee in the world, the beans of which have passed through digestive system elephants. A kilogram of the Black Tusk drink is estimated at $1,100, and a cup of tea will cost a daredevil who wants to try the rare delicacy $50.
  • When buying bottled water, you should not rely too much on it, since 40% of it comes from the tap.

5. About countries

  • In 1781, among the Articles of the American Confederation, a note appeared that if Canada suddenly wanted to become part of the United States, it would be immediately accepted.
  • The annual cost of keeping a prisoner in a British prison costs the treasury £45,000. Isn't it easier to send him to study at Eton, which costs 1.5 times less?
  • Arabs write texts from right to left, but numbers in reverse direction. Therefore, when reading Arabic texts replete with numerical data, you have to move your eyes here and there.
  • After the division of Korea into two countries, over 23,000 Koreans fled from north to south, and only 2 people in the opposite direction.

6. About the animal world

  • For the sake of sex, male Australian marsupial mice go to martyrdom- they are ready to mate for 14 hours without a break, completely devoting all their energy and dying from exhaustion. Biologists call this behavior “suicidal mating.”
  • Have you ever seen baby pigeons? Surely not, but all because they do not leave their nests for the first month, and after that they are already indistinguishable from adults.
  • In female plant aphids, new females that are already fertilized are born.
  • Beavers have transparent eyelids, so they swim calmly with eyes closed under the water.
  • Rats are known to be very intelligent animals; moreover, they are the only animal other than humans that can laugh.

7. About astronauts

Trans-Siberian Railway or Great Siberian way, which connects the Russian capital Moscow with Vladivostok, until recently was honorary title With...

  • In zero gravity, the astronauts' spine straightens, as a result of which, immediately after landing, they find themselves several centimeters higher than themselves before takeoff.
  • A person stops snoring in zero gravity, because weightlessness relieves the pressure on his airways. We snore because in our sleep soft fabrics The throat and tongue fall inward, especially when lying on the back. During breathing, the sunken parts of the body produce unpleasant snoring. One can only envy the astronauts, at least during sleep!

8. About diseases

  • On turn of XIX-XX For centuries, on the 21st birthday, it was fashionable to remove all the teeth of the birthday boy and insert artificial ones.
  • Residents of the Kazakh village of Kalachi experience a strange sleeping sickness - periodically they plunge into deep dream, in which they stay for up to 6 days. IN Lately the disease has been linked to exposure to abandoned uranium mines.
  • Having made an official visit to Australia in 1875, the king of Fiji contracted measles, which he brought back to his homeland, due to which he lost a quarter of his population.
  • At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, they tried to treat coughs with heroin.

9. About society

  • On average, American children have seen 200,000 murders on television by the age of 18.
  • Homeless people in Japan and Hong Kong have learned to take advantage of 24-hour McDonald's and live in these public catering establishments, for which they are nicknamed "Mcrefugees."
  • IN British galleries and museums receive 7 times more visitors per year than Premier League football matches.
  • If vampires existed and drank the blood of one person every day, then after 13 days the entire population of the planet would turn into vampires.
  • The whole world has learned the name of the most brutal Colombian drug lord of the last century, Pablo Escobar. But he was also loving father- his daughter recalled that when they had to hide from the police and were freezing at night, Escobar lit a fire of banknotes to warm his daughter. A night of such “heating” cost him more than 2 million dollars.

10. About sports

Most people want to get a window seat on an airplane to enjoy the views below, including take-off and landing views...

  • IN Egyptian tomb found objects resembling primitive skittles - this means bowling was played in the land of the pharaohs 5,200 years ago?
  • In 1958, the winner of the Jamaican table tennis championship was Jay Foster, who was only 8 years old at that time.
  • One Detroit newspaper was able to establish that 68% of professional hockey players lost at least one tooth during their careers.
  • Held in 1920 in Sweden Olympic Games made history by giving the world the oldest Olympic champion, 72-year-old shooter Oscar Swan.

Incredible facts

No matter how much knowledge you have, there is always something interesting in the world that you could learn about today.

6. The most a big wave, which we rode on, was height with 10-story building.

7. Hearing - the fastest of feelings person.

8. Since the rotation of the Earth’s axis has slowed down, dayduring the time when dinosaurs lived,lasted approximately 23 hours.

9. On Earth more plastic flamingos than real ones.

10. To cook eggs on the sidewalk, its temperature should reach 70 degrees Celsius.

11. 54 million people alive today they will die in a year.

12. Charlie Chaplin once participated in a Charlie Chaplin look-alike competition and took 3rd place there.

13. Most entries off-screen laughter in comedy shows was recorded in the 1950s. So many of that audience are no longer alive.

14. Antarctica – the only continent where corn is not grown.

15. Lighters were invented before matches..

16. Napoleon was not short. His height is 170 cm, which was considered average height for the French in those days.

17. Best time For nap between 1 and 2:30 p.m., since at this time the body temperature drops.

18. Children do not feel salty taste until 4 months.

19. Male pandas perform handstand, when they urinate to mark a tree.

20. If only The earth would be the size of a grain of sand, The sun would be the size of an orange.

21. The Dead Sea is not completely dead. Microbes halophiles live in its salty water.

22. The first horses were the size of Siamese cats. These were the smallest horses that ever lived.

23. Only about 100 people in the world can speak Latin fluently.

"Terribly interesting
All that is unknown."

(song of talking animals
from the cartoon "38 Parrots")

“- Yesterday, in short, I read on the internet...”

(conversation on a bench in the yard)

A white crow, a camel girl, an aquarium toilet, a cake in the shape of a laptop, a lady with a hairstyle in the shape of a frigate, and that's not all. Tetris tie, ghost towns, X-rays, theft of dentures and many more ideas for unusual gifts, events and travel - this is the Kunstkamera.

Curious and odious, shocking and attractive things, phenomena and people are collected from the crazy world one by one and sorted into more than 450 articles, each of which is neatly displayed on its own page. Most often they find us when they are looking for something about, or.... Fear of death and love still, like two packs of hounds, pursue every person.

Heavy and high hairstyles in the shape of ships were overthrown along with the royal power in France by the incorruptible Robespierre and the tongue-tied Danton. It turned out that hairstyles and outfits are nothing compared to the highest way of human expression, revolutionary activities. Who in memorable history our greatest revolutionary? That's right, this is a nice guy Che. In the treasury article, our eyes are opened to the star and death of an eternally young youth idol, who himself did not live to see 40. We learn about how Guevara abandoned the army in his youth, and then became a major and signed himself “Stalin II.” Or how the future Cuban minister Ernesto, on the orders of the police who detained him, coached and led a rural football team to victory in the interdistrict cup.

Science, fueling progress, turns the unusual into the ordinary. By creating a wide assortment of miracles, she exchanges the old boredom of life for a new one, one whim for a second, third and hundredth. More precisely, a cell phone. Nowadays, to be a unique person, if not a smart one, it is enough to buy an extraordinary device, for example, a mobile phone with an ultrasonic mosquito repeller. Or for one SIM card a phone in the form matchbox, and on the second - a la pack of cigarettes. This material will help you choose the life-changing gadget.

Another plane of human individuality is what our distant ancestors called “shame”, and our children called the “bikini zone”. Masterpieces of hidden unusualness, intimate hairstyles became popular in the last century, the fashion for shaving and decorating one place blossomed in the late 1980s and does not fade to this day. You can read about the most unusual intimate hairstyles, women's and men's, in. We warn you to be careful - there you will find... a clubfooted bear(s) and curly-haired Frank Farian, peeking out of ladies' panties.

If your career does not go beyond universal ideas of success, then to work you will most likely have to wear a neckerchief, called a tie or “kravatka” (the second name, oddly enough, is born from the word “Croatian”). In order to stand out from the office crowd, you will need an original tie. If the main and main thing in your work is the lunch break, then feel free to tie a “noose” in the form of a hot dog with mustard around your neck. You need to hypnotize the client - there is a tie with a crossword puzzle, there is nowhere to put a small pink player - buy an accessory with a special pocket. Full review of men's neck jewelry in the “crazy” style is presented on the page.

Or maybe you hate the office and don’t like nature? Yes, many computer and Internet users are indifferent to nature. They will never go to hot Asia to see how an elephant swims, stretching its spine and escaping the heat. But they will be happy to look at the photos. And about the elephant, and about the deer, whose antlers in the darkness mixed with the shadows of bushes and trees. About two bears, one of which is neck-deep in water, the other only ankle-deep. The article tells and shows what the arctic fox looks like when it comes, and some other living and beautiful things.

To the unusual beauties of living nature and sleeping stones one cannot help but add (to complete the bouquet of beauties) the aesthetic power of death. Not your own, but what happens in the small world of insects. If you look at the “predator-prey” relationship among insects through a macro lens, you will see enchanting pictures of a meeting between a black fly and a light-colored praying mantis, for example. Or a dragonfly and a bug it caught. That's what the article is called -. If these wonderful insects were even the size of a third of a person, we would not survive on planet Earth.

To avoid beautiful death a variety of skills, tricks and mechanisms help the living. As in humans, in fauna defense mechanisms are determined hormonally - if adrenaline enters the nerve, it leads to anger, if norepinephrine - to fear. Therefore, some opossums, at the moment of danger, plunge into a reversible coma, the larva of the Colorado potato beetle is covered with poisonous hemolymph, and the bombardier beetle pours boiling water on the oncoming person from its own backside. How different animals defend themselves differently is written and photographed in the article.

A fake sea maiden is a one-piece, relic item, but mermaids have a place not only on museum shelves, but also in private collections. Remember the gun millionaire from the movies who collected body parts of stars and celebrities? Such eccentrics exist in reality. The demand for outlandish chimeras gives rise to outlandish supply. In a series of articles, an unusual site introduces Russian-speaking consumers and amateurs to the achievements of North American taxidermy. The art of making stuffed animals and dummies presents us with a huge number of extraordinary gifts and souvenirs. Do you want to use the skull of the Soviet socialist Chikatilo as an ashtray “just like a real one”? There you are! Do you need the severed hands of those swindlers who cheated in poker? In a jar with a warning label? Let's do it! After all, everything terrible is charming for someone. And vice versa…

For those who do not risk New Year to give yourself or a friend/companion unnatural tits made from artificial materials, but craves fame, we recommend the digest. It tells the story of who and what eats from the Kremlin feeder for the holiday, why Santa Claus and his reindeer poop candy, as well as how much an inflatable Christmas tree costs these days and what happens to the psyche of a person who is given the corpse of a hare hit by a car on December 31st.

Let us hope that after becoming acquainted with the Unusual site, no dramatic changes will occur in your psyche, your mood will improve, your erudition will deepen, your creativity will deepen. Stay tuned!

which can be found underwater

A group of amateur speleologists discovered a river in Mexico, along the bed of which were slowly flowing water flows, and trees, moss and other plants grew along the banks... in general, a river, like a river. The researchers probably thought the same thing until they realized that they were under water at a depth of 8 meters.

Incredibly, the river actually flows underwater. This happens as a result of the fact that river water is a mixture of salt water and hydrogen sulfide, which is denser than sea ​​water, and, consequently, settles at the bottom, forming a kind of border separating the underwater kingdom from the river flowing along its bottom.

The discoverers of the underwater river said that when they swam over it, they had the feeling that they were floating in the air, flying over amazing world, invented by the imagination of a brilliant science fiction writer.

Below you can see a stunning photo of this place taken by one of the participants research group, Anatoly Beroschin:

Unfortunately, hydrogen sulfide is extremely toxic, and therefore, if fish swim there, it is only upside down. However, this does not mean that it is lifeless! The waters of the underground river are much warmer than those located above its surface marine environment what became decisive factor for hundreds of thousands of heat-loving species of mollusks that have adapted to life in the toxic waters of an underground river.

There are a huge number in the world underground rivers and lakes with sandy bottoms and rocky shores. Even though they are much warmer than their environment, scientists have given They have the controversial name “cold seeps”.

Even more surprising is that along the surface of the flowing under sea ​​waves Rivers also have waves. You can verify this by watching this video, which became the first evidence of the existence of underwater waves:

You, most likely, have already seen a stunning photo of the “Great Blue Hole”, which ufologists behind their backs call the landing site of little green men.

For many people, this hole evokes associations with a giant hole dug by an overly intelligent prehistoric creature that decided to wait out the meteorite bombardment that destroyed all the dinosaurs. But in reality it is natural geological formation, akin to the fact that recently, with periodic consistency, here and there they appear on the body of our long-suffering planet. A striking example is the sinkhole that appeared in Guatemala in 2010, which swallowed up an entire residential area.

The "Great Blue Hole" is a gaping laceration on the body Caribbean Sea 60 kilometers from the eastern shores of Belize.

According to experts, the Great Blue Hole was originally an ornate chain of limestone caves formed during the last Ice Age. Then the sea level was much lower, so the sinkhole appeared only several hundred years later, when the sea level rose and the caves collapsed as a result of flooding.

Today, the Great Blue Hole is a giant natural well with a diameter of 305 meters and a depth of 124 meters.

The discoverer of the sea 'hole' in 1972 was our old friend, Jacques-Yves Cousteau, who included it in his list of the 10 most best places for diving.

And in 2010, the “blue abyss”, that’s what they call the “Great Blue Hole"divers, attracted the attention of the world famous freediver Guillaume Nery, who decided to find out what was at its bottom and dived to a depth of 124 meters without scuba gear.

Let's watch a fascinating free fall Gayoma Neri into the darkness of the most picturesque sinkhole in the world:

Sometimes it seems that these arthropods have occupied the entire planet and the only way to hide from them is to lie down on sea ​​bottom, V literally this word. However, even there you run the risk of encountering spiders, and I don’t mean Japanese spider crabs or other sea creatures similar to these terrible creatures.

Indeed, there is a species of spiders that breathe air, but despite this, they spend most your life underwater. And they do this with the help of natural scuba gear - a small air bubble placed in a cocoon.

Silver spiders or water spiders (lat. Argyroneta aquatica) weave special bell-shaped cocoons underwater, into which they place air bubbles delivered from the surface at the tips of their abdomens. Thanks to this, the spider can remain underwater until it needs to rise to the surface to replace the bubble that has exhausted its resource with a new one.

The ‘diving’ cocoon is the silverfish’s nest, where the predator can while away its free time from hunting. However, this arthropod does not need an air-filled cocoon at all in order to navigate the sea. The hairs of the silverfish's abdomen are covered with a special fatty substance, thanks to which tiny air bubbles are retained between them, which are the main sources of oxygen for these creatures.

As you can see from this cute and not at all scary photo, published in the New York Times, the abdomen of an underwater spider, ambushed at the bottom of a reservoir, is actually covered with thousands of air bubbles:

The silverfish gets its name from these tiny bubbles, which make its abdomen appear silver underwater.

And finally a few more interesting facts about these spiders.

Serebryanka, like any other bloodthirsty killer, loves to hang trophies in her lair, which are the corpses of the creatures she has killed.

Despite the small size of this spider (an adult male is only 15 mm in length), its bite, although not poisonous, is extremely painful.

The ‘diving’ cocoon of a female underwater spider is much larger than that of a male and can reach the size of a walnut. This is due to the fact that the female, among other things, lays eggs in the cocoon.

Some underwater forests are kelp (this is such a delicious, delicious algae, better known to lovers healthy food called seaweed) grow to truly incredible sizes and in their density can only be compared with the impenetrable equatorial jungle.

In a matter of days, kelp can grow from a 45-meter depth to the surface of the water surface.

Incredible but true, every day kelp grows 0.6-0.8 meters in length. Now imagine for a second what would happen to our world if these organic tentacles, greedy for photosynthesis, chose not the depths of the sea, but the land!

Such forests are widespread throughout the world. Just don’t try to eat the kelp that you discovered while exploring the local stinking river, because... The name seaweed came for a reason, and this plant can only be found off the coast washed by the waters of the Japanese, Okhotsk and Caribbean seas.

Forests of algae... “Phi,” you say, “And what’s wrong with that: that’s why they are algae, to grow under water!”

Logical, my wise friend!

But don’t rush to close the page, because... Next on our list of the most unusual things that can be found underwater are forests of the most real trees!

As you all know, trees need oxygen to live, which they cannot get under water unless they acquire gills.

Hmm, by the way, it’s an excellent idea, even despite its nonsense, that in the ‘hands’ of a skilled science fiction writer can turn into artistic masterpiece about 20 volumes, telling the story of a race of intelligent trees with gills living under water, who decided to exterminate people after learning that they were making paper products for sanitary and hygienic purposes from their narrow-minded counterparts growing on land.

In general, you get the idea: not a single normal tree can grow under water! However, it may well end up there already in full bloom. For example, during the construction of hydroelectric power stations, entire forest areas are often flooded!

Let's take a closer look at the 400-meter Kaindy Lake, located in Kazakhstan, which is only 30 meters deep.

The trees originate at the bottom of the lake and rise upward, breaking through its dark waters.

From a geological point of view, this lake is very young, it was formed only in the last century, and the reason for this was landslides of limestone rocks, after which water flooded the resulting crater.

IN winter months Lake Kaindy is covered with a crust of ice, which does not stop many daredevils and beauty hunters from visiting the underwater forest.

Until a certain point in time, such trees were safer under water than on land and could calmly rot away their lives, without fear that one fine day they would be cut down by the hand of a tipsy woodcutter.

But everything changed with the invention of the underwater robot “Sawfish”, which, under the guidance of an experienced operator, can ‘knock down’ up to 10 underwater trees in an hour.

This unmanned underwater vehicle, capable of diving to a depth of 60 meters, having identified a victim, saws off the trunk, which, with the help of an air cushion pre-attached to it, rises to the surface.

What could be tastier than fish! And beer has nothing to do with it: now we will talk about birds, which, in their desire to feast on herring, or some other fish, fall onto the surface of the water with the grace of an ax. For example, a bird with the proud name cormorant.

But you already knew that! More than once or twice you have seen on TV birds that dive under water and a moment later appear on the surface with prey.

However, you could hardly even imagine that cormorants are capable of diving to a depth of 30.5 meters and staying under water for more than 4 minutes!

Oddly enough, creatures as far removed from the underwater kingdom as cormorants have several adaptations that allow them to feel comfortable underwater: a transparent nictitating membrane, which serves as a natural analogue of diving glasses, a throat pouch that plays the role of a scuba tank, and the absence of external respiratory holes.

Cormorants can often be found at depths of 25 to 30.5 m, where they, raking their wings, imposingly swim between schools of fish and shock local sharks with their presence.

Often, while “walking” along the bottom of the sea, you can stumble upon the ruins of ancient cities.

And this is not surprising, because in the last 100 years alone, sea levels have risen by more than 26 meters.

Let us give several examples of those resting on seabed cities:

And 110 kilometers from the eastern shores of Taiwan are the Yonaguni Islands, the main highlight of which are the underwater ruins ancient artifact, whose age is more than 8000 years.

The artifact is laid out on top of each other under right angle multi-ton slabs.

Many experts claim that this incredible structure is part of the continent of Mu (a hypothetical sunken continent Pacific Ocean, which became the cradle of life and the foremother of all world cultures), however, archaeologists claim that the neatly laid out slabs appeared as a result of a series of inexplicable geological processes.

There are only 5 underwater museums in the world. The largest of them is rightfully considered the National Marine Park, which is located at the bottom of the Caribbean Sea, not far from the Mexican resort city of Cancun, popular among tourists.

The museum's exposition consists of 480 concrete sculptures, the main task of which is to distract tourists' attention from the coral reefs, which are annually attacked by visiting vandals.

The filling of the “National Marine Park” with exhibits took place under the leadership of famous sculptor Jason de Caires Taylor, who had a hand in creating the world's first underwater sculpture park, located in Granada, Spain.

Made from pH-neutral concrete, the museum’s statues were instantly favored by mollusks and the mosses and algae that grew on them, which has a beneficial effect on both the maintenance of the coral reef ecosystem and its further development. Over time, the statues will begin to become overgrown with corals, and their original appearance will change.

“In just 5-10 years, this park will look like it has been sitting on the seabed since dinosaurs ruled the Earth,” says Jason de Caires Taylor, proud of the fruits of his labor.

Ice stalactite (also called brinicle - from the English brine icicle, which in translation sounds like a sea icicle) is amazing, but by no means rare, a natural phenomenon, originating in the subglacial waters of the World Ocean. The formation of ice stalactites occurs when ultra-cold water currents from the surface break through the ice crust and penetrate into the warmer marine environment.

When an icicle hits the ocean floor, it begins to unravel its ice networks, from which not a single living creature can escape alive.

And the bravest explorers depths of the sea will be able to look into the face of the abyss of the Pacific Ocean, the bottom of which is the deepest point on planet Earth.

Yes, you understood correctly, now we are talking about Once again will be about the Mariana Trench, which extends 10,971 meters deep into our planet.

The creatures living at such depths are not able to survive in areas with lower pressure, so they would literally be torn apart if you tried to bring them to the surface.

Humanity has been successfully navigating the expanses of near space for more than 50 years, but to the bottom Mariana Trench It descended only once and that was back in 1960. Therefore, we can only speculate about all the mysteries and secrets that this depth conceals.

And finally, a video of ice fishing under the ice. If you don’t understand what’s wrong here, then I’ll tell you a secret that eccentric fishermen, dressed in float suits (something like a life jacket), perform all their actions under water, standing upside down on the ice.