What kind of holiday is it and when is the Day of the Formation of the Russian Pacific Navy celebrated? Day of the Russian Pacific Fleet.

Today, May 21, Russia celebrates 3 official holidays: Day of the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy, Day of the BTI Worker and the professional holiday Day of the Military Translator.

Day of the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy

Every year on May 21, Russia celebrates the Day of the Pacific Fleet of the Russian Navy, which was established on April 15, 1999 as the Day of the Formation of the Pacific Fleet by order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy of the Russian Federation. The date of May 21 was chosen for the celebration due to the fact that it was on this day in 1731 that the Okhotsk military port and the Okhotsk military flotilla were established - the first Russian naval unit operating in the Pacific Ocean.

BTI Worker's Day

Today, May 21, BTI employees celebrate their professional holiday. BTI specialists are a technical inventory bureau that collects detailed statistical data on the technical characteristics of the housing stock. BTI specialists also provide relevant documents for transactions and assist in the legal registration of property. It is believed that the history of inventory in Russia began on May 21, 1927, when at an economic meeting at the Council of Labor and Defense of the RSFSR, the Resolution “On approval of the Regulations on the inventory of property of Local Councils” was adopted.

Professional holiday Military Translator Day

Today, May 21, is a professional holiday in Russia - Military Translator Day. This date was chosen due to the fact that on this day in 1929, Joseph Unshlikht, Deputy People's Commissar for Naval and Military Affairs and the Chairman of the Revolutionary Military Council of the USSR, signed an order “On establishing the rank for the command staff of the Red Army “Military Interpreter”,” which legitimized the military profession translator, which existed for many centuries in the Russian army. The importance of this profession in the army today is an obvious fact.

Unusual holidays

With the most sincere wishes for goodness and creativity, you can celebrate today the Day of Muses and Inspiration, as well as celebrate the cheerful holiday Day of Exchange of Talismans.

Day of Muses and Inspiration

When the muse suddenly bursts into your window
You open it quickly, your heart,
Don't hold it, let it beat often,
Inspiration is the door to creation.
How else can you celebrate the day of muses and inspiration, if not with beautiful poems? Read poetry today everywhere and to everyone and may your muse never leave you.

Talisman Exchange Day

We keep our talismans for Good Luck, for Happiness and for Love. Let's exchange our luck, happiness and love today on this wonderful, cheerful holiday, Day of Exchange of Talismans, so that each of us has these three inseparable friends.

Church holiday according to the folk calendar

Ivan Dolgiy

On this day, Orthodox Christians honor the memory of one of the most famous twelve apostles - John the Theologian, who, according to scripture, was the younger brother of the Apostle James.
Jesus Christ called John and James to be his disciples when he saw them fishing on Lake Gennesaret. John the Theologian is the author of five books of the New Testament, three epistles, one revelation, and the Gospel of John.
According to a long-established tradition, peasants sowed wheat on this day. Since those ancient times, several sayings and proverbs have been known about this day: “Plow the land for wheat, driving in the mare.”
There were also signs on this day that were associated with sowing. Wealthy owners baked votive pies on this day and treated them to their neighbors, travelers and beggars.
Especially for this, the old people went out onto the road so that, after praying to God, they would meet a kind person with whom they could share their piece of bread.
It was considered a good sign, foreshadowing a rich harvest in the future, if some poor man or wanderer passed along the road on that day. If it was not possible to share the votive cake with poor people, one was not allowed to eat it himself, but had to feed it to the birds.
Name day May 21 from: Adrian, Arsenia, Ivan, Nikifor, Pimen

May 21 in history

1945 - Syria and Lebanon declared their independence from France
1946 - Law on the nationalization of coal mines in England.
1955 - Sergei Shoigu, Russian statesman, Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation since November 6, 2012, was born. Army General (2003). Hero of the Russian Federation (1999).
1961 - The first television broadcast of a football team match from abroad took place in the USSR (Poland - USSR)
1969 - First flight of the An-26 transport aircraft.
1973 - I. S. Konev, Soviet commander, Marshal of the Soviet Union, died.
1983 - Alexander Vasilyevich Peryshkin (b. 1902), teacher, author of the famous school physics textbook, died.
2006 - A referendum on independence was held in Montenegro.
2008 - A rumor spread throughout St. Petersburg about an alleged release of radioactive substances into the atmosphere at the Leningrad Nuclear Power Plant. The entire supply of iodine-containing drugs was sold out in city pharmacies.

On May 21, Russia celebrates the 284th anniversary of the formation of the Pacific Fleet. Back in 1731, during the reign of Empress Anna Ioanovna, the Senate established the Okhotsk Flotilla, which became the first relatively combat-ready facility on the Pacific coast. Together with the flotilla, its base was also established - the Okhotsk seaport.

The role of the Okhotsk flotilla in the development of the entire Russian Navy and the Far East itself is difficult to overestimate. Indeed, in fact, it was with the formation of the flotilla that economic research on the Pacific coast intensified. Since the early 30s of the 18th century, the region began to experience an increase in the Russian population, which mainly settled along the shores of the Sea of ​​Okhotsk.

With the transfer of the office from the Anadyr fort (actually the administrative center of the Russian Far East of those years) to the port of Okhotsk in the early 60s of the 18th century, the efficiency of economic activity increased. The fur trade on the islands of the region intensified, which made it possible to significantly increase the volume of revenues to the state treasury. However, the main problem of increasing the efficiency of the management process on the shores of the Pacific Ocean was its remoteness from the capital. The lack of more or less suitable ground road infrastructure led to the fact that the courier service delivered documents and other correspondence from St. Petersburg to the port of Okhotsk within three to four months! By the end of the 18th century, the “travel” time had dropped to two months, but this did not solve the problem of the region’s virtually insurmountable separation from the center.

The difficulties of managing the port of Okhotsk and the Okhotsk flotilla were also associated with the fact that being sent to serve in these regions was considered identical to exile, and therefore those who received “regional” power into their own hands did not always think about purely state interests.

From the report of Colonel Zubritsky in 1772 (Okhotsk port) about the officer composition of the flotilla:

There are 15 officers, and seven of them are drunkards and worthless.

The problem of personnel shortage in Okhotsk was solved to some extent by the second Bering expedition (second Kamchatka expedition). The officers who were part of it formed the basis of the flotilla and the control system for the distant region. Their names: Vasily Rtishchev, Vasily Khmetevsky, Fedor Plenisner, Andreyan Yurlov.

Vasily Khmetevsky, a native of the Suzdal village of Ostafyevo, rose in the rank to captain of the second rank. He received a brilliant education for those times. First he studied at the Moscow School of Mathematical and Navigational Sciences, and then studied at the St. Petersburg Academy of Naval Guards. In 1733 he received the position of navigator in the Baltic Fleet, and in 1734 he became an adjutant of Vitus Bering and joined the Kamchatka expedition. In 1739, Khmetevsky sailed from Okhotsk to Bolsheretsk on the boat “St. Gabriel” to describe the shores of the Kamchatka Peninsula as the vanguard of Bering’s detachment. In 1742, Khmetevsky explored the Kuril Islands and Hokkaido. He was the first to compile sea charts of this region, as well as detailed maps and descriptions of the coastline of Kamchatka itself. Khmetevsky and his colleagues trained students of the local navigation school in Okhotsk, many of whom became naval officers in the future.

In the 19th century, the flotilla, which by that time had turned from Okhotsk to Siberian, found a rebirth.

But first, a deep-sea seaport appeared in the region, which began to be used for ships arriving from the Baltic along the established northern route. By 1851, due to the loss of military and economic relevance, the port of Okhotsk was abolished, and the port of Petropavlovsk became the main one for the region.

However, after 4 years, Nikolaevsk was declared the new main seaport, and the flotilla, which, as already noted, was called the Siberian, included both transport and military ships. One of these ships was the steam frigate America, built in the USA. Two more ships purchased for the flotilla are “Japanese” and “Manchzhur”.

This is all about the initial formation of the Pacific Fleet. In the history of the fleet of the century before last and last century, there is the heroic defense of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky, battles in the Russo-Japanese War.

Of course, the history of the fleet also contains the heroism of Pacific sailors during the Great Patriotic War.

The crew of "Shch-128", transferred to "Shch-130". In the center is the commander of the submarine A.T. Coachman. 1944

During Soviet times, the Pacific Fleet was divided into two fleets - the 5th Navy with a base in Vladivostok and the 7th Navy with a base in Sovetskaya Gavan. The division took place from February 1947 to April 1953. In 1953, the Pacific Fleet was once again a single entity, and Yuri Aleksandrovich Panteleev became its first commander after the unification of the 5th and 7th fleets.

On May 22, 1987, a large anti-submarine ship of Project 1155, which became part of the Russian Pacific Fleet in 1992, was named in honor of Admiral Panteleev.

The Pacific Fleet today is an operational-strategic association of the Russian Navy. To carry out its tasks, the Pacific Fleet includes the following equipment: strategic missile submarines, multi-purpose nuclear and diesel submarines, surface ships for operations in the ocean and near sea zones, naval missile-carrying, anti-submarine and fighter aircraft, as well as ground forces and units coastal troops.

On board the guards missile cruiser "Varyag" (Avacha Bay)

The sailors of the Pacific Fleet are given the following tasks:
maintaining naval strategic nuclear forces in constant combat readiness in the interests of nuclear deterrence;
protection of the economic zone and areas of production activity in Russia, suppression of illegal production activities;
ensuring the safety of maritime navigation;
carrying out foreign policy actions of the government in economically important areas of the World Ocean (visits, business visits, joint exercises, actions as part of peacekeeping forces, etc.).

Today, in the Far East, in honor of the fleet, the commander of which is Admiral S.I. Avakyants, festive events are held: the ritual of raising the State, St. Andrew's and topmast flags on ships of the Pacific Fleet, laying flowers at monuments, memorials, military graves assigned to military units, participation of the fleet command in the wreath-laying ceremony at the “Combat Glory of the Pacific Fleet” memorial complex, a festive congratulation concert at the Fleet Officers’ House.

“Military Review” congratulates the personnel of the Russian Pacific Fleet and its veterans on the holiday!

On May 21, Russia celebrates Pacific Fleet Day, established by the order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy dated July 15, 1996 “On the introduction of annual holidays and professional days in the specialty.”

In 1871, Vladivostok became its main base, but the combat power of the flotilla remained at a low level. Its position improved somewhat after the transfer in 1894 of the Mediterranean squadron to the Far East under the command of Rear Admiral Stepan Makarov.

During the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905), part of the ships of the flotilla was included in the 1st Pacific Squadron, based in Port Arthur, and the Vladivostok Squadron and took part in the battles. The tragic outcome of the war revealed the need to strengthen naval forces in the Pacific. By 1914, the Siberian Military Flotilla already consisted of two cruisers, nine destroyers, ten destroyers, and eight submarines.

During the First World War (1914-1918), some of the ships of the flotilla were transferred to other fleets, and the remaining ships escorted caravans of transports traveling from the USA to Vladivostok with military cargo. In those years, ships of the Siberian Military Flotilla took part in hostilities in the Northern and Mediterranean maritime theaters.

During the Civil War and military intervention (1918-1922), the flotilla was captured by the interventionists. The sailors left the ships and took part in battles with the invaders on land. In those years, almost the entire ship's crew was lost. Some of the ships were taken abroad, others fell into disrepair.

In November 1922, from the remnants of the Siberian flotilla, the Vladivostok detachment of special purpose ships of the Pacific Ocean was formed, which became part of the Red Fleet in the Far East (then the Naval Forces of the Far East).

In 1926, the Naval Forces of the Far East were disbanded, and the Vladivostok detachment of ships was transferred to the Maritime Border Guard.

In 1932, due to the aggravation of the international situation, the Naval Forces of the Far East were created again and on January 11, 1935, renamed the Pacific Fleet (PF).

The material was prepared based on information from open sources


Last update: 08/14/2017 at 12:34 pm

May 21 – Pacific Fleet Day is celebrated. On May 21, 1731, the Senate of Tsarist Russia established the Okhotsk military port, which became the first Russian military port permanently operating in the Far East in history. This date is considered the birthday of the Pacific Fleet.

The Pacific Fleet, as an integral part of the Navy and the Russian Armed Forces as a whole, is a means of ensuring Russia's military security in the Asia-Pacific region.

To protect the eastern borders of the Russian Empire, maritime trade routes and trades, on May 10, 1731, a Russian military flotilla was created in the Far East with the main base in Okhotsk, which later received the name Siberian. It consisted mainly of small-tonnage vessels.

During the Russian-Japanese War (1904-1905), some of the ships of the flotilla were included in the 1st Pacific and Vladivostok squadrons and took part in battles.

During the Great Patriotic War (1941-1945), the Pacific Fleet not only vigilantly guarded the maritime borders in the Far East, but also provided all possible assistance to the fighting fronts and fleets. In 1942 alone, the Pacific Fleet sent more than 100 thousand people to the front.

In the post-war period, the Pacific Fleet underwent fundamental qualitative changes. It was equipped with the most advanced types of weapons - submarines and surface ships, missile carriers with great autonomy, unlimited seaworthiness and striking power.

Currently, to carry out its tasks, it includes strategic missile submarines, multi-purpose nuclear and diesel submarines, surface ships for operations in the ocean and near sea zones, naval missile-carrying, anti-submarine and fighter aircraft, ground forces, units of ground and coastal troops.

Pacific sailors have completed hundreds of long-distance voyages, clearing the ports of Chitagong and the Gulf of Suez from mines, protecting shipping in the Persian Gulf and the Horn of Africa, unique hydrographic surveys, rescue operations, friendly and official visits to many countries of the world.

The personnel of the Pacific Fleet successfully fulfill the tasks of strategic deterrence, worthily represent the interests of Russia in the Asia-Pacific region, demonstrate the power and greatness of our Motherland - Russia, and honorably fulfill their constitutional duty to ensure the security of the Far Eastern borders of the Fatherland.

The headquarters is located in Vladivostok. The flagship of the Pacific Fleet is the guards missile cruiser Varyag.

Chief of Staff of the Pacific Fleet, Rear Admiral Igor Osipov, answers questions.

– Igor Vladimirovich, how does the Russian fleet live in the Pacific Ocean today, what tasks does it solve in its area of ​​responsibility?

– Currently, the Red Banner Pacific Fleet is one of the largest operational-strategic formations of the Russian Navy. This is primarily due to the presence of Strategic Nuclear Forces in its composition and the significance and scale of the tasks being solved. The fleet ensures the protection of the state interests of our country in the Asia-Pacific region, in the designated operational zone covering about half of the entire World Ocean. To carry out this key task, it includes nuclear-powered strategic and multi-purpose submarines, surface ships, naval aviation, as well as marine infantry, units of the Ground and Coastal Forces - from Primorye to Kamchatka.

Among the important tasks are the protection of the economic zone, areas of industrial activity, ensuring the safety of navigation, and the implementation of foreign policy actions of the government in economically important areas of the World Ocean. To this end, our sailors conduct joint international exercises and make friendly visits to foreign ports. Let me note: the time has passed when many ships, for various reasons, rusted against the wall. For many years now they have been on permanent combat service in the Pacific and Indian Oceans, in the Sea of ​​Okhotsk, the Sea of ​​Japan and the South China Sea. And about five years ago we started hiking in the Mediterranean.

For example, since April, a detachment of ships consisting of the guards missile cruiser “Varyag” and the tanker “Pechenga” has been on a long ocean voyage. During this time, he made calls to the ports of Busan in the Republic of Korea, Cam Ranh in Vietnam, Manila in the Philippines, and Sattahip in Thailand. Last week, the Varangians took part in the international naval parade dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Navy of the Republic of Singapore, and then the cruiser moored at the Changi naval base of this country to take part in the exhibition of weapons and military equipment “Imdex Asia - 2017”.

Our other ships - large and small, surface and underwater - are busy with fairly intense planned combat training. For example, the Metel MPK successfully completed all elements of the second course task, including carrying out artillery firing at sea and air targets. The basic minesweeper “BT-100”, in the process of searching and sweeping mines, neutralized four of the four training mines placed and skillfully organized anti-sabotage and air defense. The crew of the Admiral Vinogradov BOD carried out a complex of anti-aircraft missile and artillery firing at various targets, hitting them. Two naval search and strike groups consisting of small anti-submarine ships worked out the tasks of delivering a missile strike and repelling an air attack from a mock enemy. There are many examples of this kind. After all, studies are in full swing at naval combat training ranges; formations and military units undergo final checks for the winter training period, during which military personnel pass standards for fire, physical and professional training.

– What are the preliminary results of the winter training period? Who are among the right flankers?

“We focused our main efforts during this period on maintaining combat readiness, the completeness and quality of completing course tasks by ships, submarines and units of coastal troops in strict accordance with the governing documents. I will name only some of the achieved indicators. 10 tactical groups, more than 50 ships and boats, and more than 20 submarine crews have been trained. The sailing time of all types of ships was about three thousand days. More than 140 flight shifts were carried out in naval aviation. As a result, 56 aviation specialists will be able to improve their qualifications.

Aviators, marines and personnel of the Pacific Fleet intelligence department made more than four thousand parachute jumps. The fleet also includes five command and control units, more than 100 tactical exercises, and more than 200 combat firing of squads and platoons. Behind this arithmetic is the intensive work of commanders at all levels, their desire to make their native fleet even stronger.

Landing of the Pacific Fleet Marines at the Far Eastern training ground

Based on the training results, the submarine forces under the command of Rear Admiral Sergei Rekish and the Troops and Forces in the North-East of the Russian Federation, Rear Admiral Sergei Lipilin, were recognized as the best among the formations. Among those who distinguished themselves were the brigade for the protection of the water area in Kamchatka and submarines in Primorye, where the commanders were Captain 1st Rank Sergei Sinko and Captain 2nd Rank Alexander Bagdasarov, an air base under the command of Colonel Igor Kireev, and a marine unit led by Hero of Russia Colonel Vladimir Belyavsky.

But our fleet is not only proud of these achievements on its holiday. The successes of the past year are still fresh in memory, when the Pacific Ocean became winners in 13 of more than 30 types of competitions for the prize of the Commander-in-Chief of the Navy. The dynamics of professional skills competitions tested the readiness of naval groups, ships, units of coastal troops, and naval aviation to perform missions for their intended purpose at sea, in the air, and on the shore. As a result, the commander-in-chief's cups were won by the crews of the nuclear submarines Tver and Podolsk, the destroyer Bystry, the diesel submarine Mogocha, and the missile division of the coastal missile formation. Prizes were awarded to both the naval strike group consisting of missile boats “R-18” and “R-19”, which distinguished itself in competitions among tactical groups of missile boats, and the anti-aircraft missile division of the Marine Corps formation, which became the best in organizing air defense with the development of fire and tactical training, and naval aviation pilots for brilliant anti-submarine training and air combat. The victories of naval reconnaissance officers and the medical service are encouraging.

Traditionally, representatives of the fleet performed successfully at the International Army Games. The “black beret” teams won first places at all stages of the “Baltic Derby”, “Suvorov Onslaught”, “Engineering Formula” and “Depth”, and took silver in the finals of the artillery fire masters competition.

During the summer training period, Pacific Islanders will have to conduct more than a hundred combat training events.

In 2016, a research expedition of the Ministry of Defense and the Russian Geographical Society was organized to the Kuril Islands of Matua. Its main goal is to study the possibilities of future basing of fleet forces, and in addition, military personnel and specialists of the Russian Geographical Society carried out a number of unique works. Preparations have now begun for the second such expedition to Matua, which is planned from June to September.

– What is being done to develop and strengthen the power of the fleet?

– The process of re-equipping with new models of ships, weapons and military equipment is underway, and the issue of their modernization is being systematically resolved. In recent years, the Pacific Fleet has included strategic nuclear-powered missile submarines "Alexander Nevsky" and "Vladimir Monomakh", the landing boat "Ivan Kartsov", the sea tug "Alexander Piskunov", two anti-sabotage boats of the "Rook" type, several auxiliary vessels, including Project 21300 rescuer “Igor Belousov” with unique equipment. The corvette “Sovershenny” is undergoing final tests at the Primorsky plant; in the near future, the corvettes “Gromky” and “Hero of Russia Tsydenzhapov” will also join the fleet. Coastal units received the Bal missile system, and the S-300 air defense system was replaced by the S-400 Triumph anti-aircraft missile system. Naval aviation in Primorye and Kamchatka was replenished with modernized Il-38N anti-submarine aircraft and Ka-29 naval helicopters. A separate marine brigade near Vladivostok has mastered new parachute systems.

So there are positive changes. Therefore, the development of new projects for ships, submarines, combat boats, weapons and equipment entering the fleet is one of the most important tasks of our personnel at the present stage.

Another main direction of development of the Pacific Fleet is the improvement of the basing system, including in the Arctic zone. We also have to put a lot of effort into this.

The implementation of planned activities requires highly professional activities of headquarters at all levels, comprehensive training of officers, midshipmen, warrant officers, petty officers and sailors. The Pacific Islanders are up to this task.

– How do you think the summer training period will turn out for Pacific Islanders?

“There are more than a hundred combat training events ahead for military personnel, aimed at increasing their naval, field, air and special training to the level necessary to successfully solve combat missions as intended. We will participate in 15 Army Games competitions as part of the Pacific Fleet and Eastern Military District teams, prepare and conduct international competitions “Sea Cup” and “Amphibious Assault” in Vladivostok within the framework of Army Games 2017. In addition, naval exercises with colleagues from China, India and Japan are coming up.

On May 21, Russia celebrates Pacific Fleet Day, an annual holiday in honor of its formation. This day was established by the order of the Commander-in-Chief of the Russian Navy dated July 15, 1996 “On the introduction of annual holidays and professional days in the specialty.” The fleet traces its history back to the Okhotsk flotilla, which was created to protect the Far Eastern territories of the Russian Empire, its sea routes and fisheries on May 21 (May 10, old style) 1731.

The Okhotsk flotilla became the first permanent Russian naval unit in the Far East. The Okhotsk flotilla consisted mainly of small, low-tonnage vessels. Despite its small numbers, this flotilla played a decisive role in ensuring the protection of the country's interests in this remote region. These ships and vessels of the Okhotsk port can be considered the seed from which the Russian Pacific Fleet will grow in the future.

In 1850, the flotilla was already based in the port city of Petropavlovsk (today Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky). An important historical event in the life of the fleet was participation in the heroic defense of Petropavlovsk in 1854 during the Crimean War of 1853-1856. Together with the garrison and coastal batteries, the crews of the frigate Aurora and the transport (brigantine) Dvina with 67 guns took part in the defense of the city. The small garrison of the city withstood the assault of the superior forces of the Anglo-French squadron, covering itself with glory and forever writing its feat into history. In 1856, the Okhotsk flotilla was transferred to the Nikolaevsky post (Nikolaevsk-on-Amur) and was renamed the Siberian flotilla.

Squadron battleships "Sevastopol", "Poltava" and "Petropavlovsk" in Port Arthur

In 1871, Vladivostok became the main base of the Russian fleet in the Far East, but even in those years the power of the flotilla remained at a low level. Its position improved significantly after the transfer of the Mediterranean squadron to the Far East in 1894 under the command of Rear Admiral Stepan Makarov. During the Russo-Japanese War (1904-1905), part of the ships of the flotilla was included in the 1st Pacific Squadron, which was based in Port Arthur, where it died, as well as in the Vladivostok squadron.

The tragic outcome of the Russo-Japanese War showed that the Empire should seriously strengthen its forces in the Pacific Ocean. By 1914, the Siberian Military Flotilla consisted of two cruisers “Askold” and “Zhemchug”, a gunboat “Manzhur”, 8 destroyers, 17 destroyers and 13 submarines. During the First World War (1914-1918), some of the ships of the flotilla were transferred to other Russian fleets, and the warships remaining in the Far East were used to escort transports that were traveling from the United States to Vladivostok with military cargo. At the same time, the ships of the Siberian Military Flotilla took part in hostilities in the Northern and Mediterranean theaters of combat.

During the years of the civil war and the subsequent military intervention, the flotilla practically ceased to exist. The sailors left their ships and took part in battles with the invaders on land. At the same time, almost the entire ship composition of the Siberian military flotilla was lost, some of the ships were taken abroad, and some fell into disrepair. Only in 1922, from the remnants of the Siberian flotilla, the Vladivostok detachment of special purpose ships of the Pacific Ocean was formed, which was included in the Red Fleet in the Far East (in the future, the Naval Forces of the Far East).

In 1926, the Naval Forces of the Far East were disbanded, and the Vladivostok detachment of ships was transferred to the Maritime Border Guard. Only in 1932, due to the aggravation of the international situation, the Naval Forces of the Far East were formed anew, and only on January 11, 1935 they received the current name of the Pacific Fleet (PF). In 1932, the fleet received a division of torpedo boats, and 8 submarines were also included in service. Then the fleet was replenished with warships transferred here from the Black Sea and Baltic fleets, and naval aviation and coastal defense were created. In 1937, the Pacific Naval School was opened.

In August 1939, the Northern Pacific Military Flotilla was created as part of the Pacific Fleet, with Sovetskaya Gavan becoming its main base. The main task of the flotilla was the defense of sea communications and the coast in the area of ​​the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and the Tatar Strait. During the Great Patriotic War, part of the forces and assets of the Pacific Fleet was transferred to the Northern Fleet, taking part in battles in the Barents and other seas. Also at the front, more than 140 thousand Pacific sailors fought the enemy as part of naval rifle brigades and other units. They took part in the battle for Moscow and the Battle of Stalingrad, the defense of Leningrad and Sevastopol, and the defense of the Soviet Arctic.

At the final stage of World War II, from August 9 to September 2, 1945, the Pacific Fleet, in cooperation with the troops of the 1st Far Eastern Front, carried out amphibious landings at enemy ports on the Korean and Manchurian bridgeheads. Fleet aviation actively carried out bombing attacks on military installations of Japanese troops in North Korea and took part in airborne landings in Dalny and Port Arthur. For the courage and heroism that were shown during the Second World War, more than 30 thousand sailors and officers of the Pacific Fleet were awarded various orders and medals, 43 people became Heroes of the Soviet Union. For military merits, 19 ships, units and formations of the Pacific Fleet were awarded the honorary title of guards, 16 were awarded orders, 13 received honorary titles.

In January 1947, the Pacific Fleet once again underwent organizational changes; it was divided into two fleets - the 5th Navy (main base - Vladivostok) and the 7th Navy (main base - Sovetskaya Gavan), this division lasted until April 1953 , after which the fleet was united again. In 1965, the Pacific Fleet was awarded the Order of the Red Banner. In the post-war years, the Pacific Fleet underwent a radical reorganization, its power was constantly increasing. The fleet was replenished with modern nuclear submarines and missile ships, other weapons and military equipment. By the early 1970s, a new full-fledged ocean-going nuclear missile fleet had been formed in the Pacific Ocean, which took part in numerous sea and ocean voyages of varying lengths.

Today, the Pacific Fleet is an operational-strategic association of the Russian Navy. As an integral part of the country's Navy and Armed Forces, it is a means of ensuring the military security of the Russian Federation in the Asia-Pacific region. To carry out its tasks, the Pacific Fleet includes strategic missile submarines, multi-purpose nuclear and diesel submarines, surface ships for operations in the near sea and ocean zones, naval anti-submarine, missile-carrying and fighter aircraft, and units of ground and coastal forces.

The main tasks of the Russian Pacific Fleet at this stage are:
- maintaining naval strategic nuclear forces in a state of constant readiness in the interests of ensuring the policy of nuclear deterrence;
- protection of areas of production activity and economic zone of Russia, suppression of illegal production activities;
- ensuring navigation safety;
- carrying out foreign policy actions of the government in economically important areas of the World Ocean (official visits, business visits, actions as part of peacekeeping forces, joint exercises with the fleets of other countries, etc.).

Corvette "Perfect" of project 20380 Pacific Fleet

Currently, the process of replenishing the fleet with new ships is underway. According to plans by 2020, the Pacific Fleet was to receive 40 new warships, including modern nuclear submarines, corvettes, frigates, landing and anti-submarine ships. In 2015, the ocean-class rescue vessel Igor Belousov was added to the fleet. In 2016, the second strategic nuclear submarine of Project 955 Borei, Vladimir Monomakh, was delivered, which formed a pair with the Alexander Nevsky boat already in the fleet. In 2017, the first Project 20380 “Sovershenny” corvette entered the fleet.

Today in construction for the Russian Pacific Fleet are frigates of project 22350 “Admiral Golovko” and “Admiral of the Fleet of the Soviet Union Isakov”, corvettes of projects 20380 and 20385 “Gromky”, “Hero of the Russian Federation Aldar Tsydenzhalov”, “Rezkiy”, “Greyashchiy” and “ Prompt". Project 955A strategic nuclear submarines “Generalissimo Suvorov” and “Emperor Alexander III” are also being built for the Pacific Fleet. In addition, a large number of various support vessels are being built and the existing surface and submarine forces of the fleet are being modernized.

These days, the Pacific Fleet is the real pride of Russia and the country’s outpost in the Far East. At the end of 2017, the Pacific Fleet was recognized as the country's best fleet in combat training. Over the past year, ships and vessels of the Pacific Fleet completed about 170 course missions, during which about 600 missile, artillery and torpedo firing, mine laying and bombing were carried out. Over the past year, naval aviation of the fleet conducted more than 20 tactical flight exercises, including using various drones. The coastal forces of the fleet have chalked up numerous field trips, as well as about 100 tactical and special tactical exercises and about 6 thousand parachute jumps of varying degrees of difficulty. In addition, in 2017, warships and auxiliary vessels of the Pacific Fleet performed long-distance ocean voyages, making 21 calls to ports in 13 countries.

On May 21, Military Review congratulates all active sailors and officers and, of course, veterans of the Pacific Fleet, all people whose lives were connected with the Pacific Fleet, on their holiday!

Based on materials from open sources

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