Heroes and Feats of our time! For which they are awarded a high award.

Lesson #4

Subject : “Life is full of military feats”

Program content. Heroic pages from the history of our country.

The rise of patriotic feelings of Russians during the era of liberation wars. Examples of heroism of soldiers. Participation of the church and clergy in organizing the defense of the Fatherland.

Basic methods and techniques.

1. Finding an answer to the question “Is it true that in the struggle for the Motherland Dmitry Donskoy was strengthened by faith in God”? Additions and generalizations by the teacher about the feat of the Russian army in the Battle of Kulikovo.

2. Work with the heading “Picture Gallery”: description of the hero of the picture, verbal portrait of Dmitry Donskoy.

Icon "Sergius of Radonezh and Dmitry Donskoy" Sergey Simakov (XX century).

Target: determine what are the main sources of spiritual and moral culture.

Lesson type: gaining new knowledge

Planned results:

Subject results:

1) expanding knowledge about the heroic pages of Russian history;

2) the ability to work with information presented by different means;

3) expanding the cultural experience of schoolchildren.

Personal results:

1) the ability to evaluate one’s actions;

2) fostering a sense of tolerance towards people of other nations and faiths;

3) formation of aesthetic needs, values, feelings.

Meta-subject results:

1) mastery of semantic reading skills;

2) mastery of logical methods of cognition;

3) ability to work in pairs and groups;

4) the ability to solve creative problems.

Training technologies: activity approach technology, problem-dialogical learning technology, health-saving technology, project technology, technology for assessing educational achievements.

Organization of space: frontal, individual, group.

Educational and methodological support and resources:

textbook N.F. Vinogradova, V.I. Vlasenko, A.V. Polyakov “Fundamentals of the spiritual and moral culture of the peoples of Russia” 5th grade;


electronic supplement to the textbook "ODNKNR".

Technological lesson map

Motivates students to start the lesson

I see everyone is ready for serious work. Take your jobs

Greet the teachers and sit down.

2. Checking homework

Organizes work on checking homework

Messages about heroes - defenders of the Fatherland

3. Updating basic knowledge

Encourages students to independently formulate the topic of the lesson and the purpose of the lesson.

Conversation with students.

In the process of becoming acquainted with the history and culture of his country, a person grows spiritually. Without knowledge about the life of ancestors, about their exploits in the name of the Fatherland, it is impossible to cultivate in oneself a feeling of love for the homeland and pride in one’s compatriots.

You already know that our homeland was attacked by enemies at different historical periods. In these difficult times, all peoples united in the face of common misfortune and stood up to defend their homeland. Russia gave birth to many heroes, whose memory we have preserved for centuries. And in our time there are courageous people, true patriots who are ready to give their lives defending their land, their people.

Write down the topic of the lesson

“Life is full of military feats.” What is the purpose of the lesson? Get acquainted with military feats.

Compare and clarify your wording.

Slide No. 1

4.Learning new material.

1. Let's discuss it together

All children should know this:

Once upon a time in this world there lived a boy. He prayed to God

He asked for help with his studies.

One day the youth met the Elder,

And he said: “You are bright in spirit.

You will be able to study well and distinguish yourself before God."

He became a hermit, a monk;

In the forest I fought with fear at night,

Driving away demons with prayer,

Filling nature with light.

Over the years, he took root in the forest,

I even became friends with the bear.

He was pure in heart and prayed a lot.

And with this he pleased God.

When they learned about Sergius,

People began to reach out to him.

First the monk disciples

They flocked to him like birds.

And so the work began to boil.

Everyone tried so hard to get the job done:

Build an abode of God and set up life in God’s way.

This is how the ascetic of Orthodoxy lived,

Showing your mercy,

The Most Pure One appeared to him

And she promised that the Abode

Our Lord Almighty will save.

God's Word is revealed to people.

The path of the earthly Saint is over,

And the Reverend in eternal life

He prays for our Fatherland.

The body of the saint is incorruptible - His holy work lives.

He showed us all the way

Which leads to God.

Slide No. 2, 3,4,5

Who are we talking about? (About Sergius of Radonezh)

What do you know about him?

Guys, today in class we will talk about an amazing and great man who glorified our land, about the famous Russian saint - Sergius of Radonezh. Information about his life has come to us thanks toEpiphanius the Wise , who in his work "The Life of St. Sergius of Radonezh" wrote the following words about him: “He shone like a bright light in the Russian country in the midst of darkness and gloom.” Why do you think the author calls St. Sergius a “bright luminary”?


One of the most revered saints in Rus' is Sergius of Radonezh, who became famous exclusively for his peaceful exploits. He came from an impoverished boyar family that had possessions near Rostov from his parents Kirill and Maria. Before being tonsured as a monk, the monk bore the name Bartholomew - in honor of one of the 12 apostles. The date of his birth is known - May 3, 1314.


At the age of seven, Bartholomew and his brothers were sent to learn to read and write, but unlike his brothers, he did not make any progress. One day in a field, the boy saw an old man praying under a lonely oak tree. Bartholomew asked the elder to pray for him so that he would learn to read. The elder blessed the boy, and he pleased his parents by freely reading the psalter (a collection of church chants used to teach literacy in Ancient Rus') before dinner.


Around 1328, the boy's parents moved to the small town of Radonezh, not far from Moscow. Bartholomew's brothers got married, and he, having buried his parents, decided to go to a monastery. By this time, his elder brother Stefan was widowed, and they settled together in a deep forest twelve miles from Radonezh. However, it became difficult for Stefan to live in such a deserted place, and he moved to one of the Moscow monasteries. And Bartholomew took monastic vows under the nameSergius.

Formation of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery

Gradually, other monks began to come to Sergius, wanting to serve God with their labors. The monk gladly received them. This is how the Sergius Monastery was conceived - the current Trinity-Sergius Lavra (in Greek laura - large, large monastery). “By the example of his life, by the height of his spirit, St. Sergius raised the fallen spirit of his native people, awakened in them confidence in himself, in his strengths, and inspired faith in the future.” From his generation came the founders of 150 new monasteries. They lived in small huts-cells, carried water themselves, chopped wood, cultivated the garden and prepared food. St. Sergius did most of the hard work, setting an example for the brethren.

Children express their opinions

Write it down in a notebook

Write it down in a notebook

Slide No. 7,8

Slide No. 9

6. Physical exercise

Organizes physical training

Children make movements to music

Slide No. 5

Continue learning new things

2. Using the text about Dmitry Donskoy, create a verbal portrait of him

The name “Kulikovo Field” finally came into use as the site of the battle on September 8, 1380 only in the second half of the 15th century, and before that it also had the name “Mamai-lug” or “Momay-meadow”. The morning of September 8 was foggy. The Grand Duke of Moscow Dmitry Ivanovich galloped all the regiments, giving the last orders and addressing the warriors before the battle: “My fathers and brothers, for the sake of the Lord, fight for the sake of the saints, for the sake of the churches and for the sake of the Christian faith, for this death is not death for us now, but eternal life. Don’t think about anything, brothers, because we won’t retreat, and then Christ the God and Savior of our souls will crown us with victorious crowns.” Dmitry Ivanovich himself wanted to fight on the front line, leading the soldiers by personal example, and not stand behind the army, as was customary: “... I want to be the first in both word and deed and in front of everyone to lay down my chapter for my brethren and for all Christians. Let others, seeing this, be desperate in their audacity.” The Grand Duke received the last blessing from Sergius of Radonezh and a prosphora, which Dmitry Ivanovich shared with his comrades. The battle began at about 11 o’clock in the morning with a duel between the heroes Alexander Peresvet, a monk of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery, and a Bryansk (according to another version, Lyubech) boyar before he was tonsured. His opponent turned out to be the Tatar hero Temir-Murza (Chelubey). When they fell, piercing each other with spears at the same time, thousands of troops converged. Russian regiments withstood the first attacks. The Russian knights fought bravely, many thousands laid down their lives, but in the third hour of the day the superior forces of the enemy seemed to have already begun to overcome ours. Mikhail Brenok was killed, the princely banner was cut down. The Golden Horde cavalry began to go to the rear of the Moscow army, which threatened the encirclement and destruction of the Russian regiments. Mamai was already rejoicing, seeing this from his hill, but prematurely. Here the Reserve Regiment under the command of the Lithuanian Prince Dmitry Olgerdovich entered the battle, and then the cavalry Ambush Regiment, hiding in the forest, under the command of Prince Vladimir Andreevich and the skilled governor, boyar Dmitry Mikhailovich Bobrok-Volynsky, unexpectedly struck the breakthrough Horde in the back. The general offensive of the Russian army began. Mamai's best cavalry was crushed and fled, trampling its own infantry. Encouraged, the Russians began to advance so quickly that Mamai barely had time to pack up the tent and run away. Mamaev's army was completely defeated. The Russian cavalry, led by Vladimir Andreevich, nicknamed the Brave for his military valor, drove Mamai about 40 km to the Beautiful Sword River. A terrible picture of the massacre appeared before him. It seemed that the entire earth, covered with mountains of corpses, was soaked in blood and groaning. No one knew where the Grand Duke of Moscow was or whether he was alive. After persistent searches, two simple warriors found the wounded prince at the edge of the forest, carefully covered by someone with a cut birch tree. Fortunately, Dmitry Ivanovich’s wounds turned out to be non-life-threatening (later he received the nickname “Donskoy”). The victory on the Kulikovo field was “joy with tears in our eyes.” Presumably half of the Russian army was killed. The Horde's losses were even greater. Over the next seven to eight days, they dug mass graves and buried the dead. Funeral prayer services were held everywhere. There is a legend that the body of governor Mikhail Brenok was buried on Ugresh, in the chapel at the site of the miraculous appearance of the icon of St. Nicholas to Prince Dmitry Ivanovich. Soon a stone church was erected here, which has not survived to this day. Yes, the first monument to the heroes of the Kulikovo battle was the church on the Kulikovo field, assembled shortly after the battle from the oak trees of the Green oak grove, where the regiment of Prince Vladimir Andreevich was hidden in ambush. On the Red Hill of the Kulikovo field in 1848, a 28-meter cast-iron column was built - a monument in honor of the victory of Dmitry Donskoy over the Golden Horde (architect A.P. Bryullov, brother of the painter). In 1913–1918, a temple was built on the Kulikovo Field in the name of St. Sergei Radonezhsky. Every year the Russian Orthodox Church commemorates those who died on St. Demetrius Parents' Saturday in early November. The army that won the victory on the Kulikovo field included not only ethnic Russians, but also Lithuanians who converted to Orthodoxy, as well as baptized people from the Horde who went into the service of the Russian princes. However, in their consciousness these people were precisely Russian. Victory in the Battle of Kulikovo is a triumph of Russian weapons and the Russian spirit. It opened the way not only to liberation from the Tatar-Mongol yoke, but also to the unification of Russian lands, to the creation of the Russian state and in the future - Russia

Verbal portrait IN The Grand Duke of Moscow Dmitry Ivanovich (1350–1389) entered Russian history as the conqueror of Mamai, the holy Prince Dmitry Donskoy, a statesman who laid the foundation for a united and independent Russia. In the unification of Rus', Dmitry Donskoy relied on the Orthodox Church and the help of the spiritual leaders of the Russian land. Dmitry Ivanovich founded the Nikolo-Ugreshsky Monastery. During his reign, monasteries were opened in Moscow, Serpukhov, Kolomna and other places in the Moscow principality. Among Dmitry Ivanovich's closest associates was the rector of the Trinity Monastery, Sergius of Radonezh, who blessed the Russian army before the legendary battle on the Kulikovo Field. In 1988, the Grand Duke of Moscow Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy was canonized by the Local Council of the Russian Orthodox Church.

For the curious, pp. 27-28 of the textbook “About Tsarevich Kasim”

Are heroes of different nations similar?

What qualities do they have in common?



Work in pairs

7. Reflection.

Today I found out...

I will tell my parents about.....

I remembered…

Take turns answering questions.

Slide No.

8. Homework

Displays homework on a slide

Write down your homework in your diary.

Using reference books and the Internet, prepare a presentation about Demetrius Donskoy or Sergius of Radonezh.

Record homework in diaries.

Slide No.

* Features of organizing project activities:

1) Unite into groups and choose a leader;

2) Analyze the proposed topics and collectively select a topic for the project.

3) Distribute responsibilities in the group: search for information; selection of illustrative material; development of presentation composition; analysis and evaluation of selected material; preparation of presentation text; selection of speakers.

They say that there were too many tragic events in the past year, and there was almost nothing good to remember on the eve of the New Year. Constantinople decided to argue with this statement and collected a selection of our most outstanding compatriots (and not only) and their heroic deeds. Unfortunately, many of them accomplished this feat at the cost of their own lives, but the memory of them and their actions will support us for a long time and serve as an example to follow. Ten names that made a splash in 2016 and should not be forgotten.

Alexander Prokhorenko

A special forces officer, 25-year-old Lieutenant Prokhorenko, died in March near Palmyra while carrying out missions to direct Russian air strikes against ISIS militants. He was discovered by terrorists and, finding himself surrounded, did not want to surrender and drew fire on himself. He was awarded the title of Hero of Russia posthumously, and a street in Orenburg was named after him. Prokhorenko’s feat aroused admiration not only in Russia. Two French families donated awards, including the Legion of Honor.

Farewell ceremony for the hero of Russia, senior lieutenant Alexander Prokhorenko, who died in Syria, in the village of Gorodki, Tyulgansky district. Sergey Medvedev/TASS

In Orenburg, where the officer is from, he left behind a young wife, who, after the death of Alexander, had to be hospitalized in order to save the life of their child. In August, her daughter Violetta was born.

Magomed Nurbagandov

A policeman from Dagestan, Magomet Nurbagandov, and his brother Abdurashid were killed in July, but the details became known only in September, when a video of the execution of police officers was found on the phone of one of the liquidated militants of the Izberbash criminal group. On that ill-fated day, the brothers and their relatives, schoolchildren, were relaxing outdoors in tents; no one expected an attack by bandits. Abdurashid was killed immediately because he stood up for one of the boys, whom the bandits began to insult. Mohammed was tortured before his death because his documents as a law enforcement officer were discovered. The purpose of the bullying was to force Nurbagandov to renounce his colleagues on record, recognize the strength of the militants and call on Dagestanis to leave the police. In response to this, Nurbagandov addressed his colleagues with the words “Work, brothers!” The enraged militants could only kill him. President Vladimir Putin met with the brothers’ parents, thanked them for their son’s courage and awarded him the title of Hero of Russia posthumously. The last phrase of Mohammed became the main slogan of the past year and, one might assume, for the years to come. Two small children were left without a father. Nurbagandov's son now says that he will only become a policeman.

Elizaveta Glinka

Photo: Mikhail Metzel/TASS

The resuscitator and philanthropist, popularly known as Doctor Lisa, accomplished a lot this year. In May, she took children out of Donbass. 22 sick children were saved, the youngest of whom was only 5 days old. These were children with heart defects, oncology, and congenital diseases. Special treatment and support programs have been created for children from Donbass and Syria. In Syria, Elizaveta Glinka also helped sick children and organized the delivery of medicines and humanitarian aid to hospitals. During the delivery of another humanitarian cargo, Doctor Lisa died in a TU-154 plane crash over the Black Sea. Despite the tragedy, all programs will continue. Today there will be a New Year's party for the guys from Lugansk and Donetsk...

Oleg Fedura

Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Primorsky Territory, Colonel of the Internal Service Oleg Fedura. Press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations for the Primorsky Territory/TASS

Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Primorsky Territory, who distinguished himself during natural disasters in the region. The rescuer personally visited all the flooded cities and villages, led search and rescue operations, helped evacuate people, and he himself did not sit idly by - he has hundreds of similar events on his account. On September 2, together with his brigade, he was heading to another village, where 400 houses were flooded and more than 1,000 people were waiting for help. Crossing the river, the KAMAZ, in which Fedura and 8 other people were, collapsed into the water. Oleg Fedura saved all the personnel, but then could not get out of the flooded car and died.

Lyubov Pechko

The entire Russian world learned the name of the 91-year-old female veteran from the news on May 9. During the festive procession in honor of Victory Day in Slavyansk, occupied by the Ukrainians, the column of veterans was pelted with eggs, doused with brilliant green and sprinkled with flour by the Ukrainian Nazis, but the spirit of the old soldiers could not be broken, no one fell out of action. The Nazis shouted insults; in occupied Slavyansk, where any Russian and Soviet symbols are prohibited, the situation was extremely explosive and could at any moment turn into a massacre. However, the veterans, despite the threat to their lives, were not afraid to openly wear medals and St. George ribbons; after all, they did not go through the war with the Nazis in order to be afraid of their ideological followers. Lyubov Pechko, who took part in the liberation of Belarus during the Great Patriotic War, was splashed with brilliant green directly in the face. Photos showing traces of brilliant green being wiped off Lyubov Pechko’s face have spread across social networks and the media. The sister of an elderly woman, who saw the abuse of veterans on TV and suffered a heart attack, died from the resulting shock.

Danil Maksudov

In January of this year, during a severe snowstorm, a dangerous traffic jam formed on the Orenburg-Orsk highway, in which hundreds of people were trapped. Ordinary employees of various services showed heroism, leading people out of icy captivity, sometimes putting their own lives at risk. Russia remembers the name of policeman Danil Maksudov, who was hospitalized with severe frostbite because he gave his jacket, hat and gloves to those who needed it most. After that, Danil spent several more hours in the snowstorm helping to get people out of the jam. Then Maksudov himself ended up in the emergency traumatology department with frostbitten hands; there was talk of amputating his fingers. However, in the end the policeman recovered.

Konstantin Parikozha

Russian President Vladimir Putin and Orenburg Airlines Boeing 777-200 crew commander Konstantin Parikozha, awarded the Order of Courage, during the state awards ceremony in the Kremlin. Mikhail Metzel/TASS

A native of Tomsk, the 38-year-old pilot managed to land a plane with a burning engine, which was carrying 350 passengers, including many families with children and 20 crew members. The plane was flying from the Dominican Republic, at an altitude of 6 thousand meters a bang was heard and the cabin was filled with smoke, panic began. During landing, the plane's landing gear also caught fire. However, thanks to the skill of the pilot, the Boeing 777 was successfully landed and none of the passengers were injured. Parikozha received the Order of Courage from the hands of the President.

Andrey Logvinov

The 44-year-old commander of the Il-18 crew that crashed in Yakutia managed to land the plane without wings. They tried to land the plane until the last minute and in the end they managed to avoid casualties, although both wings of the plane broke off when it hit the ground and the fuselage collapsed. The pilots themselves received multiple fractures, but despite this, according to rescuers, they refused help and asked to be the last to be evacuated to the hospital. “He managed the impossible,” they said about Andrei Logvinov’s skill.

Georgy Gladysh

On a February morning, the rector of the Orthodox church in Krivoy Rog, Priest Georgy, as usual, was riding home from service on a bicycle. Suddenly he heard cries for help from a nearby body of water. It turned out that the fisherman had fallen through the ice. The priest ran to the water, threw off his clothes and, making the sign of the cross, rushed to help. The noise attracted the attention of local residents, who called an ambulance and helped pull the already unconscious retired fisherman out of the water. The priest himself refused honors: " It wasn't me who saved. God decided this for me. If I had been driving a car instead of a bicycle, I simply would not have heard the cries for help. If I started to think about whether to help the person or not, I wouldn’t have time. If the people on the shore had not thrown us a rope, we would have drowned together. And so everything happened by itself"After the feat, he went on to perform church services.

Yulia Kolosova

Russia. Moscow. December 2, 2016. Commissioner for Children's Rights under the President of the Russian Federation Anna Kuznetsova (left) and Yulia Kolosova, winner in the "Children-Heroes" nomination, at the awards ceremony for the winners of the VIII All-Russian festival on the theme of safety and rescue of people "Constellation of Courage". Mikhail Pochuev/TASS

The Valdai schoolgirl, despite the fact that she was only 12 years old, was not afraid to enter a burning private house after hearing the screams of children. Julia took two boys out of the house, and already on the street they told her that their other little brother remained inside. The girl returned to the house and carried a 7-year-old baby in her arms, who was crying and afraid to go down the stairs shrouded in smoke. As a result, none of the children were harmed. " It seems to me that in my place any teenager would do this, but not every adult, because adults are much more indifferent than children", says the girl. Concerned residents of Staraya Russa collected money and gave the girl a computer and a souvenir - a mug with her photo. The schoolgirl herself admits that she did not help for the sake of gifts and praise, but she, of course, was pleased, because she is from a low-income family - Yulia’s mother is a saleswoman, and her father works at a factory.

The scenario of the solemn event dedicated to Defender of the Fatherland Day fulfills educational and educational tasks, so the presented holiday can be held both within the framework of subject history weeks, and in terms of organizing extracurricular activities as an independent event.

The event shows the connection between historical events and modernity, which is very relevant.

Goals: To increase knowledge about the history of our Motherland, to develop a sense of patriotism, love for the Motherland, a sense of pride for one’s country through the example of the heroic deeds of people in wartime, to show the historical connection of generations, to awaken educational interest in the history of the state and its culture.

Progress of the event

Defender of the Fatherland Day is a holiday that unites generations of defenders Russian land. This is the day on which we are obliged to remember the heroes of the liberation wars that were fought on the territory of our country not only in the twentieth century, but also earlier.

We bow to the courage of the heroes of the war of 1812, to the defenders of the Russian land during the difficult time of troubles, to the memory of Russian warriors from the squads of Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy...

The heroic pages of our history teach us to deeply respect the military exploits of our ancestors, defenders of the Fatherland, who spared neither strength nor lives to preserve the independence of our state and the safety of its inhabitants.

We must remember the heroes who gave their lives so that we could live. Remember and be worthy of their memory.

The chronicle of Russian history is filled with many glorious events. In the first half of the 13th century, the world was shocked by an unprecedented invasion that swept away entire peoples and states in its path. From the depths of the Asian steppes, black clouds of Mongol-Tatar cavalry moved towards European civilization.

Khan Batu came to Rus'. Russian cities were on fire.

“Many, countless people died. And there was crying and crying and sadness throughout the cities and villages.”

In the summer of 1237, the godless Tatars came to the Ryazan land and began to fight the Ryazan land. Grand Duke Yuri died in a battle with Mongol regiments. Having ruined the Ryazan land, Batu left to ruin Vladimir.

At that moment, Evpatiy Kolovrat, who was in Chernigov during the invasion, rushed to Ryazan. Gathering a squad of 1,700 people, he suddenly attacked the Tatars.

“And he chopped them down so mercilessly that even the swords became dull, and the Russian warriors took Tatar swords and flogged the enemy.”

Evpatiy Kolovrat died in another hopeless and desperate battle, but his memory lives on.

From Olshany to Sviva Zavod
They know songs about Evpatiy
They are sung by the white nobles
To the servile homespun.
Even though there are a lot of songs
Not a word is respected.
The praises of that prowess cannot be counted
Do not glorify bold valor. (S. Yesenin)

– The great defender of the Russian Land was Prince of Novgorod Alexander Nevsky, who went down in history as the winner of the German dog knights, who defended the independence of the northwestern Russian land.

On blue and wet
Peipus crackling ice
At sixteen seven hundred and fiftieth
From creation year
On Saturday the fifth of April
Damp dawn sometimes
Advanced considered
The marching Germans are in a dark formation.
Everything was devilishly beautiful
As if these gentlemen
Having already broken our strength,
We went here for a walk.
Ice below us, sky above us,
Our cities are behind us,
No forest, no land, no bread
Never take it again.
All night, crackling like tar, they burned
Behind us are red fires.
We warmed our hands before the battle,
So that the axes do not slip.
Angle forward, especially from everyone,
Dressed in fur coats, army jackets,
They stood dark with anger
Pskov foot regiments.
The prince placed them in the middle,
To be the first to take the pressure,
Reliable in dark times
A man's forged axe!
Today by the power of the people
He blocked the way with the Livonians,
And the one who took the risk today -
He risked all of Russia.
And, only after waiting for the Livonians,
Having mixed ranks, they were drawn into battle,
He, blazing his sword in the sun,
He led the squad behind him.
It was a severe mess
Iron, blood and water
In place of knightly detachments
There were bloody trails.

Soon after the defeat on Lake Peipus, the crusaders sent envoys asking for peace. Alexander Nevsky replied:

“Whoever comes to us with a sword will die by the sword. This is what the Russian land stands for and will stand for.”

The struggle for liberation from the Mongol-Tatar yoke was long and bloody. Its apotheosis was the battle on the Kulikovo Field. In this battle, the talent of Dmitry Donskoy was fully demonstrated.

Khan Mamai in 1380 decided to carry out the second Batya invasion of Rus'. Saint Sergius of Radonezh blessed Grand Duke Dmitry to fight Mamai.

“... And both great forces came together menacingly, firmly fighting, brutally destroying each other, not only from weapons, but also from the terrible crowding under the horse’s hooves, they gave up their spirits, for it was impossible for everyone to fit on that Kulikovo field... And there was a crash and great thunder from broken spears and blows of swords.”

The victory of the Russian people on the Kulikovo field is a turning point in Russian history. This event has been inscribed in the chronicles of the history of Rus' and Russia for a century. The heroes of Nepryadva and the Don stand in the same ranks of fighters for the freedom and honor of the Motherland, and this is how they will forever remain in the memory of posterity.

September morning in the fog,
like fear and courage in one person.
Donskoy's troops, a horde of infidels
ready to get together. And they will get together forever.
Mountains of cut corpses will remain,
grief will grow old in widow's sheepskin coats.
Both glory and blood are knee-deep.
Heroes decay, but glory is imperishable.
Hunter, and stinker, and bearded fisherman
forever known as the Unknown Soldier.
The grass swirls on the graves of the forgotten.
The flesh may not be alive, but the soul is not killed!
And into the forged tramp of destructive force
a whisper is woven in: “On horseback, Russia!”

The example of Dmitry Donskoy and his soldiers inspired

sons of Russia always when. she was threatened by danger, foreign invasion and a new yoke.

This was the case at the beginning of the seventeenth century, during the hard times of the intervention of the lords of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. During the period of anarchy, bloody unrest, when the misfortunes of the Russian land reached the extreme, Russia seemed to be perishing.

But then, in different parts of the country, there were courageous people who raised a militia to save the Motherland.

Zemsky headman of Nizhny Novgorod Kuzma Minin and Prince Dmitry Pozharsky became the head of the people's militia, which managed to liberate the country from Polish and Swedish invaders.

A hundred years after the Time of Troubles, Emperor Peter the Great, being in Nizhny Novgorod, in the cathedral, asked where Minin’s tomb was. They showed it to him. Then the Great Emperor fell prostrate before the remains of the meat merchant, saying: “Here lies the savior of the Fatherland.”

Another century has passed. Russia again stood up to defend the Fatherland, this time from the invasion of Napoleon. Like many other conquerors, Napoleon strove for world domination. All of Europe lay at his feet. Only one thing prevented him from realizing his plans - mighty Russia.

The Russian army was led by a student of Alexander Vasilyevich Suvorov, Mikhail Illarionovich Kutuzov.

“There is no higher honor than wearing a Russian uniform,” the commander said proudly.

Well, it was a day! Through the flying smoke
The French moved like clouds
And everything is at our redoubt.
Lancers with colorful badges,
Dragoons with ponytails
Everything flashed before us,
Everyone has been here.
You will never see such battles!
Banners were worn like shadows,
The fire sparkled in the smoke,
Damask steel sounded, buckshot screamed,
The soldiers' hands are tired of stabbing,
And prevented the cannonballs from flying
A mountain of bloody bodies.
The enemy experienced a lot that day,
What does Russian fighting mean?
Our hand-to-hand combat!
The earth shook - like our breasts;
Horses and people mixed together
And volleys of a thousand guns
Merged into a long howl.

Our entire people rose up against the invaders. The attacks of the army and numerous partisans destroyed Bonaparte's army. The Battle of Borodino was the beginning of the catastrophe of the “great army”. Its significance in our history can be compared with the significance of the battles on the field of Kulikovo or Lake Peipsi.

The Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945 occupies a special place in the history of our state.

Over the centuries-old history of mankind, not a single nation, not a single state has shown such courage, such mass heroism and self-sacrifice in the name of noble goals, as the people of Russia did during the Second World War.

At dawn on June 22, 1941, Nazi Germany attacked the Soviet Union without declaring war.

The longest day of the year
With its cloudless weather
He gave us a common misfortune
For everyone, for all four years.
She made such a mark
And laid so many on the ground,
That twenty years
And thirty years
The living can't believe they're alive...

On Red Square on November 7, 1941 it was said: “Let the courageous image of our great ancestors - Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, Kuzma Minin, Dmitry Pozharsky, Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail Kutuzov - inspire us in this war.”

– The speech of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief was listened to by generals, officers, soldiers - participants in the future defeat of the Nazi troops near Moscow, Stalingrad, Kursk and Orel.

The names of the greatest commanders of the Patriotic War: Zhukov, Rokossovsky, Konev, Vasilevsky and many others will forever be included in the chronicle of Russian history.

The skill and skill of Soviet commanders was forged in difficult battles. “The commander is the main figure in battle” is on the left of the order. They are certainly true. The image of the commander of the Soviet army is covered with special romance and love of the people. This is beautifully expressed in the poet’s verses:

There is charm in the Russian officer,
See you - and you're ready for him
For the biggest test
Walk through the storm, through fire and smoke.
He is like a father - and there is nothing dearer to us
People on this battle path.
He is dear to us because he can
Leading to death, leading away from death.

The feat of ordinary soldiers and home front workers, of the entire Soviet people, during the difficult years of trials is unprecedented.

From walls of Moscow and Stalingrad to the walls of defeated Berlin - this was the path to Victory. The fighting showed the complete superiority of Soviet military art, Soviet military equipment and the Soviet soldier, whose training, courage, perseverance and courage turned out to be unparalleled.

Yes, the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union defeated the enemy and won an unprecedentedly difficult and bloody war. But how could it be otherwise! Indeed, in the fight against fascism, our people had behind them the great history of the country, the wonderful military traditions of their ancestors, which took shape over the centuries: strengthening, developing, passing from generation to generation.

– Don’t go to Rus'! - Monomakh addressed his neighbors.
Who will come to us with a sword,
He will die by the sword! - Said
Holy Prince Alexander.
And in eternally unfading victory
The truth of these words
He proved it with a fair sword.
Don't go to Rus'...
But they trampled other people's horseshoes
Golden fields,
Golden hearts
And bodies.
And then
Prince Dimitri
I came to my Kulikovo -
Field of life, where Russians
Glory was waiting!
Don't go to Rus'!..
But the riches of Rus' were exhausted
Those who are like water
Peaceful plowmen have red blood.
Pozharsky stood up,
Susanin and Minin stood up,
And a short rest
Found the Fatherland again.
How many plowmen are there?
You lost, Russia,
How many best sons
You gave it to the bloody centuries!
Don't go to Rus'! -
You have been asking for one thing for centuries,
Not addressing friends,
But only to enemies.
But the enemies didn’t listen
A word from the heart.
They would trample your glory,
Conquer your people.
Borodino field
Was able to repeat
Poltava battlefield
With glory
I was able to repeat it!

We fought for peace
Giving acceleration to five-year-olds,
Patriots were raised
For the glory of their fatherland.
But fascist clouds are like spiders
An ominous shadow
The stinking smell of burning
We reached our fields.
And Mamayev Kurgan
He will be forever proud of his sons,
What's alive and dead
They were loyal to their homeland.
And always above the Kremlin
will fly
Victory banner,
Overshadowed for centuries
The military path of the country's patriots.
Don't go to Rus'! -
We repeat the words of Monomakh.
Who will come to us with a sword... -
Let us remember the prophetic syllable,
Don't go to Rus'! -
We speak to our enemies not out of fear.
Who will come to us with a sword,
The people will be truly strict with this.

– The history of our people is rich in heroic events and brave deeds. The greatness of the goal is the basis of any feat, and the basis of the feat is high morality and love for the Motherland. We will always remember the exploits of our fathers and grandfathers, the exploits of our people, accomplished in battles and on the home front.

Remember and be proud!

Amulet from the White Sea shores

“Life will be full of feats of arms”

He lived only twenty-three years and five months. How much more he would have done for the country!.. How would the history of Russia have changed if he had accepted the royal crown and lived longer? But it is known: history does not like the subjunctive mood. What I managed to do is a lot. It’s in vain that people don’t call their contemporaries “the hope of Rus'.”

In November 1586, a son was born to the boyar and prince Vasily Fedorovich Skopin-Shuisky and his wife Elena Petrovna. They named him Mikhail.

M. V. Skopin-Shuisky

The old clairvoyant women who lived in the mansions of the Skopins-Shuiskys noticed that when the baby was born, the “aged” pearls on Elena Petrovna’s long-unclaimed kokoshniks and numerous robes suddenly began to play and came to life.

“This is a good sign,” the old women said. - From now on, “Zenchug” will be an eternal companion and amulet for Prince Mikhail Vasilyevich...

They said it was as if a sentence had been passed. The noblewoman Elena Petrovna and the head of the house himself, Vasily Fedorovich, believed them.

And clairvoyants also predicted a “headlong life” for the baby Michael, full of military feats and victories, people’s love and unkind envy...

The old women were not mistaken. Contemporaries of Mikhail Vasilyevich Skopin-Shuisky noted that this young man was tall, of heroic stature, possessed of “great fortitude” and “great intelligence.”

Victories on the battlefield and in negotiations

He was not even eighteen when he received the high rank of steward at that time. And two years later, in 1606, after his relative Vasily Ivanovich Shuisky took the Russian throne, Mikhail became a governor.

The famous historian Vasily Klyuchevsky wrote about the new monarch: “After the overthrow of the impostor, Prince Vasily Shuisky was elevated to the throne, but he was elevated not like Boris - without the participation of the Zemsky Sobor, but only by the party of big boyars and a crowd of Muscovites devoted to him, whom he raised against the impostor and Poles.

Upon ascending the throne, Tsar Vasily limited his power...

The tsar pledged not to execute anyone without condemning them in a true court with his boyars, not to extend the disgrace of a criminal to his relatives and family and not to confiscate their property if they did not participate in the crime, not to listen to denunciations, to punish false informers, to decide all cases in court and investigation."

Twenty-year-old Skopin-Shuisky was sent by the tsar against the rebellious army of Ivan Bolotnikov. Near Moscow, on the Pakhra River, Mikhail won the battle. Despite his injury, Emperor Vasily immediately appointed his nephew as commander of a detachment of the royal army that was besieging Tula. This well-fortified city was the last stronghold of Bolotnikov’s army.

And again the young prince proved himself to be a talented commander. Bravely and stubbornly, Bolotnikov’s army repelled the assault and attacks of the enemy besieging Tula. But at the beginning of October 1607 the city was surrendered.

Then, for his valor, Mikhail Skopin-Shuisky received the high rank of boyar.

Vasily Shuisky

Ivan Bolotnikov confesses to Vasily Shuisky

In the spring of 1607, military actions against Russia by Polish magnates resumed. They nominated False Dmitry II into the political arena. Interventionist detachments besieged Moscow, operated in the northern lands of Russia and even reached the Volga region. Tsar Vasily Shuisky was unable to provide a worthy rebuff to the enemy troops.

In March 1608, he sent his nephew, boyar Mikhail, to Veliky Novgorod for political negotiations with the Swedes. And here the young military leader was successful. He proved himself to be a talented diplomat. The Swedes agreed to act together with Russia against False Dmitry II and his Polish patrons.

Soon Skopin-Shuisky managed to assemble a new military detachment from poorly trained young nobles, free peasants, and Cossacks. There was no time to thoroughly prepare them for military service. In the spring of 1609, Mikhail and his army came to the aid of Moscow.

In July, after stubborn fighting, the young commander liberated Tver from the invaders. Soon his small army was joined by detachments from the Volga region, from Nizhny Novgorod and from the northern Russian lands.

The successful actions of Skopin-Shuisky's troops forced the interventionists to lift the siege of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra.

It was then that Prince Mikhail began to be called “the hope of Rus'.”

"Always carry it with you..."

According to legend, in those days when the Trinity-Sergius Lavra was freed from the enemy siege, a blind pilgrim came there from the north. He asked Skopin-Shuisky to receive him.

Trinity-Sergius Lavra

The prince met with the wanderer. After a few words of greeting, the young commander pulled out a fish bladder from his bosom and handed it to Mikhail Vasilyevich.

- Accept, bright hero, a modest gift from the White Sea...

The prince looked at the offering and was surprised. There was a pearl in the dried fish bladder. Mikhail Vasilyevich had never seen such large ones.

He took it out and brought it to the candle flame. And the pearl seemed to be waiting for that! She showed all her beauty and shone with a bluish-silver color.

- Where does this miracle come from? - asked the prince.

Mikhail Vasilyevich thanked the poor wanderer and generously, like a prince, presented him with gifts. That's where we parted.

And Skopin-Shuisky fulfilled the wishes of the pilgrim regularly. He always carried the treasured pearl with him. And at feasts he used it to check the quality of drinks.

The most ancient Russian decoration

In Rus', in the old days, pearls were called “zenchug” and were greatly revered. These minerals were used to embroider the clothes of rich and middle-income people, decorate the frames of icons and all kinds of church accessories.

The poetess Anna Prismanova has the following lines:

We ourselves generate tears of love -
So pearls are born from the oyster.
We do not convince anyone with tears,
but it has been like this since the beginning of all time.

It is known that a pearl, or pearl, as it is called in many Western countries, originates in an oyster. This mineral appears due to the protective properties of the mollusk.

A grain of sand that gets into the shell begins to be enveloped in a pearlescent substance. Time passes, and the hardened substance secreted by the mollusk finally turns into pearls.

In Rus', in the old days, pearls were called “zenchug” and were greatly revered

In a textbook on mineralogy, published in 1877 in St. Petersburg, it is written: “Pearls were considered the most ancient decoration of the Russians; it is difficult to count all the decorations for which it was used; the mantles of princes, the wrists and kokoshniks of their wives, the frames of images, church vestments, vestments, etc. were constantly decorated with pearls...

At the beginning of the 16th century, Novgorodians went to Azov and Kafa (Feodosia) to buy pearls; When buying pearls in foreign lands, the Novgorod Trade Book recommends the following rules: “Buy pearls that are all pure white, but don’t buy yellow ones, no one will buy them in Rus'.” However, Novgorod pearls were also known “not small, good and clean”; they were mined then on the Dvina River, in Kholmogory and in the rivers of Veliky Novgorod...

In the old days in Russia, the best pearls were called “sloping”, that is, round, rolling. In ancient Russian epics and fairy tales it is often mentioned. So Ilya Muromets, in order to appease the evil Tsar Kalina, brings him a bowl of pure silver, another of red gold and a third of rolling pearls.”

Many peoples believed that this mineral has healing properties, increases vitality, gives strength and protects against poisons. In ancient Russian books on medicine, it was recommended to use pearl powder for: “scrofula, caries beetle, development of acid in the stomach.”

It is known that this gift of seas and rivers can grow old, dry up and fade away. And, as they said in ancient times, he is afraid of dungeons. It exists for about one and a half to two centuries, and then turns into a grayish powder.

Fifty years after being mined, pearls already need treatment. In different countries there are many ways to rejuvenate this mineral. It is kept in salt water, in a fish bladder, in special solutions, in the stomachs of animals. In Rus' there were even special healers who knew how to treat and rejuvenate “zenchug”. In Moscow, this art was mastered by the witches who lived on Presnya.

There was a belief that the destinies of pearls and their owner were closely interconnected. When the owner is sick, this mineral immediately becomes dull. And when the owner died, his pearls turned to dust.

Delight, envy and intrigue

In March 1610, the army of Mikhail Skopin-Shuisky defeated enemy troops on the outskirts of Moscow and victoriously entered the capital.

Residents of the Mother See enthusiastically greeted the famous commander. But in the royal palace, the envious ill-wishers of Prince Mikhail Vasilyevich began to weave intrigues.

In the chronicle of that time it was reported about Skopin-Shuisky: “The Moscow people, seeing his coming to Moscow and giving him great honor: they met him honestly and beat him with their foreheads that he had cleansed the Moscow state and came to Tsar Vasily.

Tsar Vasily granted him the gift, but he began to hold his opinion on the throne after the award of Rezansky and saw that the Moscow people gave him great honor and beat him with tears.

...Uncle Prince Mikhailov, Prince Dmitry Ivanovich Shuisky with the princess, the great power of Prince Mikhail Ren; the belief that he is looking for a kingdom under Tsar Vasily; but all the people of the whole earth know about this, that he had no such thing in his mind.”

Why did Tsar Vasily Shuisky’s attitude towards him change sharply during the days of the young commander’s triumph? After all, the sovereign loved his nephew, generously rewarding him for military exploits and diplomatic successes.

Probably this secret was that Skopin-Shuisky, having replenished his army, was preparing for a decisive battle with the interventionists. He hoped to completely cleanse Rus' of conquerors. The main enemy forces were besieging Smolensk at this time. But, besides this, the country was raided by the Crimean Khan. It was restless both in the Caucasus and in the Volga region.

The alarming situation in Rus' was reflected in the song of that time about Mikhail Skopin-Shuisky:

And it happened, it happened:
The kingdom of Moscow is strong all around.
Lithuania is surrounded on all four sides,
And with her strength - a long-brimmed magpie,
And those Circassians from Pyatigorsk,
Are the Kalmyks still with the Tatars,
With the Tatars, with the Bashkirs...

The Polish and Lithuanian feudal lords, fearing the talented Russian commander, decided to strike him preemptively, but not on the battlefield, but in Moscow itself, in the royal mansions.

A provocative proposal and the king's cunning

There is an assumption that the Ryazan nobleman Prokopiy Lyapunov was bribed for this purpose. In 1605, he went over to the side of False Dmitry I. And during the Peasant War, he was one of the leaders of the army of Ivan Bolotnikov. But a few months later Lyapunov went over to the side of Tsar Vasily.

In the days of triumph and preparation for Skopin-Shuisky’s campaign, this fickle nobleman invited him to “unseat” his crowned uncle and become a sovereign himself. Prince Mikhail rejected the provocative proposal. But rumors about such a possibility spread throughout Muscovy.

Whether at his own request Prokopiy Lyapunov began to whisper to Skopin-Shuisky about replacing the tsar or at the instigation of the Polish feudal lords is not known for sure. However, there is documentary evidence that the news of the alleged conspiracy reached Vasily Shuisky and quite frightened him. Although he promised upon his accession several months ago not to pay attention to denunciations, he decided to deal with Prince Mikhail. What if the talented nephew really decided to stage a coup and crown himself king?..

In his works, the famous historian Vasily Nikitich Tatishchev wrote about how the sovereign summoned Mikhail Skopin-Shuisky and, “... having called him to himself, he accidentally began to tell him that he was allegedly looking for the kingdom and wanted him, his uncle, to seize him and supposedly he had already made a promise to the people asking him.

Skopin, on the other hand, with all humility, asserted his innocence in this and showed that no one except Lyapunov had told him about this, and he did not give anyone any indication of this. And the fact that he tore up Lyapunov’s letters, he did it, destroying what was supposed to be a useless matter, and he didn’t give him any answer to that, because he was unworthy. And therefore, out of regret, and especially from the abstinence of his youth, he, his uncle Tsar Vasily, conveyed the truth about what all the people were complaining about him, and asked him, fearing God and preserving his honor, from all those tyrannies and cunning people invented He lagged behind oppression and, more by life than by destruction, attracted the people to himself. And he reasoned that it was better for him to voluntarily give the crown to someone else, rather than wait for it to be taken away by force...

Tsar Vasily pretended to be, and answered him very touchingly: “I agree to this, if it is for the benefit of my fatherland.” But first I want the Polish troops to come out and the thieves to be pacified, so that the choice is free and not forced.” And although Skopin again told him that he wanted to establish him in the kingdom and lay down his life for it, only asking for a change of actions, but Tsar Vasily was cruelly inflamed with secret anger at him ... "

The idea of ​​Ekaterina Shuiskaya

It was not only Procopius Lyapunov who contributed to the tsar’s discontent against the talented commander. Mikhail Vasilyevich’s own aunt Ekaterina Grigorievna Shuiskaya also played a significant role in this. She was the wife of the Tsar’s brother and the daughter of the famous associate of Ivan the Terrible, Malyuta Skuratov.

At the beginning of April 1610, a stranger appeared in the mansion of Ekaterina Shuiskaya. The princess received her, and ordered the servants not to interfere with the conversation. As rumor later claimed, the guest was a witch from Presnya. One of those who perform rituals and gain strength in the dungeons there.

The old woman allegedly gave Ekaterina Shuiskaya a bag of pearls. It is unknown who the gift was from. However, rumors spread throughout Moscow that the pearls were handed over by Polish military leaders.

One hay girl of Ekaterina Shuiskaya later stated that she had heard her mistress’s conversation with the wanderer. She did not understand everything that was said, but the following words were heard in the conversation: “Our zenchug in the Presnensky dungeons has been sustained, absorbed dark forces. So he’ll cope with his zenchug... Just take the amulet from your nephew when you treat him with an irresistible potion...”

Maybe the girl made it all up, but Ekaterina Shuiskaya really asked her nephew for the treasured pearl for a day or two. She referred to the fact that she wanted to show someone a wonderful gift from the White Sea region.

Trusting Prince Mikhail gave the amulet to his aunt. And the next day, on the eve of leaving for the war, he was invited to the house of Prince Vorotynsky to baptize the baby.

There, Ekaterina Shuiskaya presented her nephew with a glass of intoxicating mead. Unsuspecting Mikhail drank without checking the drink with his amulet.

The taste of honey seemed strange to Skopin-Shuisky. He demanded that his aunt return the treasured pearl to him, but she assured that she would give it back tomorrow.

In the Middle Ages, the radiant gift of the seas and rivers was used not only for decoration and the manufacture of medicines. In Europe at that time they knew how to make poisons, which included pearls treated with some substance. Then the mineral was kept underground for several days. And after that, they turned it into powder and boiled it with herbs. This is how poison was allegedly made, quickly soluble in drinks.

Fall of the Shuisky House

The day after his aunt’s treat, Skopin-Shuisky died.

The chronicle of that time noted: “...Prince Mikhailo Vasilyevich fell into a serious illness, and his illness became evil: his nose was constantly bleeding. He was honored to repent and partake of the divine mysteries of the body and blood of our Lord God and unction with oil and gave up his spirit, departing from this vain life into eternal rest.

In Moscow, the crying was quick and the groaning was great, as if it were likened to that crying, as those blessed in memory of Tsar Fyodor Ivanovich wept. Tsar Vasily ordered him to be buried in the cathedral of the Archangel Michael at the time of the birth of John the Baptist.

Many people in Moscow say that his aunt, Princess Katerina, spoiled him...”

People subsequently composed a song about the death of Skopin-Shuisky:

Otherwise, what happened here in Moscow -
Have we rung our bell since midnight?
And the Muscovites will burst into tears:
“And now our heads have fallen,
Why our governor is gone
Vasilyevich Prince Mikhail!
And the prince-boyars gathered opposite them,
Mstislovskaya-prince, Vorotynskaya,
And they said a word to each other,
And they said a word and grinned:
"The falcon rose high
And I hit the ground on my mother’s cheese!”
And the Swedish Germans will cry:
“Why is our governor gone?
Vasilyevich Prince Mikhail!
The Germans ran to Novgorod
And they locked themselves in Novo-Gorod
And they destroyed many world-people
And they turned it into a Latin land...

The talented commander passed away, and dark days began for the Shuisky family.

Vasily Tatishchev wrote about this period: “And through the death of this great commander, Tsar Vasily and his brothers lost all the renewed love among the people, and this alone is the greatest reason for the deprivation of the throne and life of both Tsar Vasily and his entire family, ruin can be considered , through which the entire state, as punishment from the Almighty Creator, suffered extreme ruin.”

In April 1610, the Tsar's brother Dmitry Shuisky was placed at the head of the Russian army. Before his departure from Moscow, Catherine presented her husband with a pearl - a talisman for their nephew.

But either the “flaming zenchug” remained faithful and brought good luck only to his former owner and took revenge on the new one, or Prince Dmitry was completely mediocrity. Or maybe both. In June 1610, the Russian army led by him suffered a crushing defeat.

A handful of gray ash

Less than a month passed after this, Vasily Shuisky was overthrown. The coup was led by Procopius Lyapunov's brother Zakhary. Power in the country passed to the boyar government. In history this period is called the Seven Boyars. In August 1610, its participants concluded a treaty with the Poles that was treacherous for Rus', and then allowed an army of interventionists into Moscow.

The fate of Skopin-Shuisky’s secret and open opponents cannot be called happy. Tsar Vasily and his brothers were captured by the Poles and taken to Warsaw. The overthrown and disgraced Russian autocrat was imprisoned in Gostynsky Castle, where he soon died.

Almost at the same time, the corrupt Prokopiy Lyapunov was killed by the Cossacks. His brother Zakhary hid for some time, oddly enough, in the basement of Catherine Shuiskaya’s palace. It is unknown why she sheltered the man who was at the head of the conspiracy and arrested her husband. Another betrayal?..

However, both Zakhary Lyapunov and Princess Catherine did not survive their relatives for long. Rumors circulated around Moscow that Shuiskaya was poisoned with the same poison with which she killed her nephew. A few days later, on the street, not far from Arbat, they found Zakhary Lyapunov strangled with a belt.

When they were sorting out the jewelry of the deceased Ekaterina Shuiskaya, they found a handful of gray powder in one small box. And one of the knowledgeable people suggested:

– This is the faithful White Sea “flaming zenchug” who left after the owner. For Prince Mikhail Vasilyevich he was a talisman, and for his opponents - an avenging force. Let’s take these ashes of the zenchug to the owner’s grave...

“The most pleasing stone to the eye...”

The Moscow dungeons have some kind of mysterious relationship with all sorts of events taking place in distant and near corners of the planet at different times. This is what experienced explorers of the capital’s subsoil claimed in the last century.

In the old days, it was believed that this gem has power over the mind, luck and the elements, affects the strength and direction of the wind and changes its color when the weather changes, helping a person see in the dark. Therefore, they often took him with them on swimming trips and descending into caves.

In Nikolai Shcheglov’s book “On Precious Stones,” published in 1824, it is said that amethyst “... is never found in large masses and even in one large crystal its color is not even...

Amethyst generally takes a good polish and has been in great use since ancient times.

The gold frame exalts its beauty and, after the emerald, it is the most pleasing stone to the eye...”

In a popular medical book in Moscow of the 17th century, it was reported about amethyst: “... the power of that stone is: to drive away drunkenness, dashing thoughts; a good mind does and gives help in all matters.”

Amethyst "in great use from the earliest times"

He was also credited with the ability to help a person find a way out of any, even the most confusing, dungeon.

The owner of this gem is always lucky in gambling, and if he is a beggar, he can count on generous alms. True, it is not clear why a successful player should ask for alms.

The legendary Count Saint-Germain advised those who went to caves for various reasons to be sure to take an amethyst with them.

This stone was used to decorate the crowns of sovereigns, icon frames, panagias, bishop's miters, and church utensils. And many wealthy people turned it into talismans and amulets.

Until the 18th century, amethysts were brought to Russia mainly from Asian countries. But during the time of Empress Catherine II, these minerals were discovered in the Urals.

Academician Alexander Fersman noted that “...Ural amethyst has no equal among Brazilian and Ceylon stones.

While amethyst from other deposits under artificial light loses its play and all the beauty and richness of tone, Russian stones retain their shine, and the Talyan stones near Murzinka or Sanarka even light up with bloody reflections.”

In the 18th century, the official discovery of the Ural amethyst deposit took place. But long before that, the peoples and tribes of Western Siberia and Russian pioneers already knew about it.

In various ways, Ural amethysts ended up not only in Moscow palaces, towers and rich houses, but also in dungeons.


None of the common people who lived in Rus' in the 16th century have as many songs, epics, and legends written about them as about Ermak.

Already about four centuries ago, this song was heard in Muscovy, the Volga region, the Urals, and Western Siberia:

The trumpet doesn't ring a bell,
The speech did not speak loudly, it spoke -
The ataman said
Ermak Timofeevich himself, Timofeevich:
“Listen to me,
Guys, give me some thought!
How does the warm summer pass?
Winter is coming, cold, cold.
Somewhere for us, guys,
Do you have to spend the winter for the winter?
We will be on the Volga -
On the Volga we are all considered thieves,
be reputed to be thieves;
We should go to Yaik -
On Yaik the transition is great, the transition is great;
We should go near Kazan -
Ivan Vasilyevich the Terrible Tsar stands there.
He has a lot of strength,
The powers of that one hundred and forty thousand,
one hundred forty thousand
Should we go, should we not go?
To the great Siberian Irtysh River.
We'll take it to the fullest,
Let's take the town of Tobolsk full,
nice city.
And how did you take the city?
Let's go to the king and bow down,
let's wake up..."

In the historical notes entitled “Perm Antiquity” it is said about the legendary ataman Ermak: “... and this Vasily was strong and eloquent and quick-witted, walked with Stroganov on plows in work along the Kama and Volga rivers, and from that work he took courage and, having taken for himself small squad, went from work to robbery and from them was called ataman, nicknamed Ermak.”

Although there are many songs, epics and legends about Ermak, his exact origin is still unknown. Where is he from? Where and how did he spend his childhood? There are different versions of these questions. Some consider Ermak a Don Cossack, others - a Uralian, and others believe that he comes from Suzdal or Vologda.

None of the common people who lived in Rus' in the 16th century have as many songs, epics, and legends written about them as about Ermak

Death of the chieftain

Facts from Ermak's biography have been documented since approximately the 70s of the 16th century, when Ivan the Terrible ordered the famous entrepreneurs the Stroganovs to create outposts on the Irtysh and Ob rivers with the help of armed detachments. A small army of 540 people was led by Ermak.

His main opponent was the rebellious Khan Kuchum. In 1581, a Russian detachment defeated the army of the ruler of Western Siberia.

Then there were many battles between the warriors of Ermak and Kuchum. The Russians won one after another victory over the khan. But he did not give up and refused to submit.

Tsar Kuchum with his household

More than once Ermak declared to his Cossacks that until Kuchum was broken, they would not see complete victory.

In the summer of 1584, the Khan’s warriors managed to deliver an unexpected blow to the enemy. A small detachment of Russians was defeated. Fleeing from his pursuers, Ermak rushed into the Vagai tributary of the Irtysh and tried to swim to the plow. But the heavy chain mail donated by the king failed. The wounded chieftain could not remove it...

When Kuchum learned about the death of Ermak, he did not celebrate the victory, but told his entourage: “I have lost an enemy and a rival, Rus' has lost a great warrior. However, there is no joy in my heart, because I will never have a rival like Ermak again.”


After the death of his main opponent, the ruler of the Siberian Khanate continued to resist the Russians for a long time. His raids and unexpected attacks stopped only when Kuchum suffered a final defeat in 1598.

In the work of Vasily Tatishchev it was noted: “That same year in Siberia, governors from Tara went against Tsar Kuchum, his army was defeated and his 8 wives and 3 sons were taken, who were sent to Moscow. And for this, these governors and servants were given gold, and the Stroganovs were given great lands in Perm. He gave the princes unlimited food and fair maintenance.”

He managed to escape from his pursuers. But just as the exact year and place of his birth are unknown, it is still not clear where and when he died.

Of course, there are fewer songs and legends about the last ruler of the Siberian Khanate than about his rival, Ataman Ermak. And so far, only from the surviving legends can we speculate about the origin, the escape, the hidden treasures and the last days of Kuchum.

"Don't say his name"

When in 1563 Kuchum defeated the army of Ivan the Terrible’s tributary, Khan Ediger, overthrew him and proclaimed himself ruler of the Siberian Khanate, a wanderer came to him from somewhere in the distant southern mountains.

“You, Kuchum, are a descendant of the invincible Temujin - Genghis Khan, I come from a great family of shamans of Daegu,” said the stranger. “My ancestors passed on a lot of knowledge to the Lord of the East. It was they who buried Genghis Khan and his nine treasures so that no one would find them until the sacred hour.

- Well, will you tell me the secret of my great ancestor? – asked Kuchum, looking at his interlocutor with suspicion.

“And I have no right to open it to you.” May the second coming of Genghis Khan come to our world soon! – the wanderer humbly answered. “Everything that the great warrior took with him to another life belongs only to him.” Genghis Khan will give you a special sign for your brilliant victories and exploits. At night you must go alone to the steppe. Look at the stars, listen to them and then you will feel where to stop. In that place, perform the ritual of “silent conversation” with the great warrior. Do not move until his word addressed to you has ceased.

Kuchum of the wanderer obeyed and on the very first night went to the steppe.

He did not tell any of his close associates what was happening there, but suddenly, out of the blue, he ordered his soldiers to return the lame foal intended as a sacrifice for Lake Chany.

The wanderer approved of this and said to the khan:

- He will grow into a good horse. You have already heard his name during the ritual of “silent conversation” with Genghis Khan. But don't tell anyone this name. The horse will only respond to your whistle...

Light on the funeral hill

The mysterious wanderer soon left the khan. And after a while the foal actually turned into a beautiful horse.

Kuchum’s warriors were amazed: earlier in the battle they kept two spare horses for him. Now the leader abandoned them and trusted only one stallion in battles - the one that responded to the whistle.

The khan's servants tried to explain to their ruler that the nameless horse was a bad omen. After all, it is known from distant ancestors: such a horse can at any moment rush away with its rider to another world when the great warrior Genghis Khan beckons him.

The fears of those close to Kuchum were in vain. The stallion, who responded only to a whistle, served his master faithfully, and neither an arrow, nor an enemy bullet, nor blows from a spear or saber could harm him in battle. It seemed that he was bringing good luck to the ruler of the Siberian Khanate and this would continue for many years to come.

But one day during the battle, the Whistling horse suddenly reared up, and an arrow intended for Kuchum pierced the horse’s head. So he saved his master.

After the battle, the khan ordered to bury the faithful horse as a warrior. And then he ordered everyone to leave. Kuchum was sad all day at his friend’s grave, and at night he saw a light on the funeral hill. He bent down, extended his hand, and in his palm was a beautiful large amethyst.

Without knowing why, the khan whistled, and in response a familiar neigh was heard, either from the heavens or from underground. Kuchum understood: this is a good omen. And from now on, a gem that looks like the eye of a dead horse will be a reliable talisman.

He ordered a gold frame and chain to be made for the amethyst and began to wear the purple stone on his chest. And again, the ruler of the Siberian Khanate was lucky. And Kuchum’s warriors claimed that when their leader was in danger, the “Eye of the Whistling Horse” stone began to shine. And from its magical light, even on a starless night, the most inconspicuous road is visible. And when Kuchum rushes through it, the impenetrable darkness instantly thickens, so much so that the khan’s enemies cannot illuminate it with any torches.

And called him to him

The Cossacks somehow managed to steal the “Eye of the Whistling Horse” from Kuchum. And from then on, luck turned away from the khan. The army of the ruler of Western Siberia began to suffer defeat after defeat until it was finally defeated. His friends and relatives - some died, others were captured by the Russians, and others fled to foreign lands.

One of the Russian governors sent a messenger to the former ruler of Western Siberia with a proposal to reconcile and come under the rule of Moscow. But Kuchum proudly answered: “If I did not go to the Moscow Tsar in my best times, will I go now, when I am blind, and deaf, and poor?..”

They said that the former ruler of Western Siberia fled to the lands where the mysterious miraculous lakes are located. There he once hid several treasures for his sons. But the children died, and the lonely old Kuchum himself was unable to get those treasures. And the khan’s wealth has become useless.

Class hour

“Life is full of military feats.”

Explanatory note

The classroom script can be used when organizing extracurricular activities as part of the celebration of “Great Victory Day” and “Defender of the Fatherland Day,” as well as as part of moral and patriotic education.

Target : formation and development of students’ value attitude towards joint educational and cognitive activities when familiarizing themselves with new concepts “defender of the Fatherland”, “feat of arms”, “hero”.

Achieving this goal is planned by solving the followingtasks:


Formation of a respectful attitude towards the history of the Fatherland, spiritual values;

Instilling love and respect for family, Motherland, and the memory of ancestors;

Fostering respect for the warriors-defenders of the Fatherland through the images of historical heroes: Alexander Nevsky, Dmitry Donskoy, K. Minin and D. Pozharsky


Development of communication and cooperation skills while working in a group;

Forming a willingness to listen to the interlocutor, conduct a dialogue, recognize the possibility of the existence of different points of view and the right of everyone to have their own.


Deepening students' knowledge of the following concepts: “defender of the Fatherland”, “feat of arms”, “hero”;

Expanding, clarifying and consolidating children’s knowledge about the defenders of the Fatherland.

Preliminary work: distribution of the class into 3 groups with the task for each group to prepare a report about 1-Alexander Nevsky, 2-Dmitry Donskoy, 3.-K. Minina and D. Pozharsky.

Forms of student work : conversation, vocabulary work, work with illustrated material, independent work in groups, participation in dialogue.

Required technical equipment - computer, projector.

Expected results of this event

instilling respect for the exploits of defenders, respect for the older generation, love for the Motherland; a sense of pride in the heroic past of one’s ancestors.

Relevance of the event:

The Concept of Spiritual and Moral Development and Personality Education of a Russian Citizen defines the basic national values:patriotism, citizenship -love for Russia, for one’s people, for one’s small Motherland, service to the Fatherland.

Therefore, the younger generation must remember and know the history of their country, their family. Education of the individual as a citizen becomes significant for the modern school.

Regulatory UUD

    ability to work with a book using an algorithm of educational actions;

Cognitive UUD

    predicting the content of a book before reading, using information from the book’s apparatus;

    selection of books on the topic;

    answering questions, completing assignments, analyzing proverbs and sayings, completing test tasks;

Communicative UUD

    participation in conversation, expression of one’s opinion and the ability to argue one’s point of view;

    assessing the behavior of heroes from a moral point of view;

    ability to work in pairs and groups;

    the ability to determine one’s role in the overall work and evaluate one’s results;

    friendly communication, mutual assistance of students during the preparation of class events, student presentations with messages.

Books for registration:

G Storm “On the Kulikovo Field”,

N. Kochergin, P. Fedorov “Russian horsemen”,

M. Yu. Lermontov “Borodino”,

V. P. Kataev “Flag” (abbreviated story).

E. Kholmogorova “The Generous Russian Warrior” (Raevsky)

V. Ryzhov “Hero of Chesma, Lieutenant Ilyin”

M. Lobodin “Courage” (Suvorov)

History of Russia in pictures, stories, travel.

Progress of the class hour:

I. The teacher greets the students.

II . Summing up the topic of the class hour

Sound of bells, slide showTemple, bells


Among the oak groves

Shines with crosses

Golden-domed temple

With bells...

He pulls towards himself irresistibly,

He calls and beckons to his native land...

And my heart is happy

Trembling and melting

While the ringing is blissful

Doesn't freeze.


Guys, have you heard the bell ringing before?

Student answers.


It is impossible to imagine Russia without churches and the ringing of bells. These, like symbols of Russia, are its integral part. The bells also rang on great holidays - bells(expand the concept), and a difficult moment of testing - alarm bells(expand the concept),who warned people of impending danger. The ringing of bells greeted their warrior heroes who defended their native lands from enemy attacks.

And our land has long been rich in heroes.

Visual range:

Dmitry Donskoy, Alexander Nevsky, Kuzma Minin and Dmitry Pozharsky

Who is depicted in the paintings?

Children's answers

What unites all these people?

Children's answers - Defenders of the Russian Land.

What are you famous for?

Children's answers - They performed feats


What do you think we'll talk about today?

Children's answers


The theme of the class hour is “Life is full of feats of arms,” each of you today will learn something new for yourself, about the glorious defenders of our Fatherland and, using the example of the life of Prince Alexander Nevsky and Prince Dmitry Donskoy, we will clarify our knowledge about feats of arms.

III . Vocabulary work:

Who are the defenders of the Fatherland?

Children's answers

Define the word MILITARY FEAT

Children's answers

The teacher summarizes:

Feat - a heroic act performed in difficult conditions.

Ratny - military, combat. (Explanatory Dictionary of Ozhegov S.I.)

At different historical periods, our Motherland was attacked by enemies. In these difficult times, Russia gave birth to many heroes, the memory of whom we have preserved for centuries.

Who is a hero?

Children's answers.

What qualities should a hero have?

Children's answers

The teacher summarizes the children's answers. Slide

Russian people have always been distinguished by courage, bravery, and combat ability to repel invaders.

IV . Speeches by children about each of the warriors. This could be an oral history or a presentation.

Let's talk about this in more detail. We will work in three groups.

1 group. Alexander Nevsky-1240

July 15, 1240 Shortly before this day, Swedish ships landed on the swampy shore here. An enemy army landed from them. The enemies decided to take advantage of the fact that the Russian people were exhausted under the Horde yoke and attack Rus' from the north. The invaders were confident that victory would be easy for them. But this invasion did not take Novgorod and the Novgorod state by surprise. The Novgorod prince Alexander Yaroslavich had very good reconnaissance, and she reported on the enemy ships in time. This helped the prince to prepare well.

Having received news of the arrival of the Swedish army at the mouth of the Neva, Alexander urgently decided to stop the enemy’s movement as early as possible, before the invaders managed to reach Novgorod. In addition to his cavalry squad, Alexander's army included ordinary Novgorodians - foot soldiers, as well as a hastily assembled militia of Ladoga residents. Since the Swedish forces significantly outnumbered the Russians, the surprise factor of the attack was very important, which could ensure success. The young commander used it to the fullest. The Russian attack took the Swedish army by surprise, and this predetermined the success of the battle in favor of Alexander. The onslaught was so fierce that the Swedes became confused and began to retreat. The Russians pressed them back step by step, striking them with their fast swords. Prince Alexander Yaroslavich himself, on a dashing horse, fearlessly led his brave warriors forward. His cavalry squad, as an important striking force, acted simultaneously with the foot squad led by the Novgorodian Misha. It is known about him that he and his squad attacked Swedish ships, and then, skillfully maneuvering, sank three enemy ships. As a result of the battle, the Swedish army, having suffered heavy losses, suffered a crushing defeat. For the glorious victory on the Neva, the Russian people gave Prince Alexander the nickname Nevsky.

Two years later, a new enemy invaded Russian soil - German knights. Wherever they appeared, they left behind smoking ruins and ruins, corpses of people. “Let’s go against Alexander and, having defeated him, take him prisoner!” the knights boastfully declared. Prince Alexander and his army went out to meet the enemy and began to wait for him on the ice of Lake Peipsi. Knowing that the knights were strong and experienced, Alexander wisely placed his troops: the weaker squad was in the center, and the stronger squad was on the flanks. In addition, he hid a strong regiment under the command of Gavrila Oleksich in ambush. The Novgorod warriors had no doubt about their victory over the German “pig” - that was the name of the battle formation of the Livonian knights. On April 5, 1242, at sunrise, a famous battle took place, known in history as the Battle of the Ice. The battle was great. The roar of battle was heard many miles around. The ice was covered with blood. The leading Russian regiment fought bravely with the enemy, but still could not resist the knights clad in iron armor. They wedged themselves deeply into the location of Alexander Nevsky's troops. The Grand Duke was just waiting for this moment. Military trumpets thundered over the field, and immediately fresh Russian squads rushed towards the enemy from both sides. They crushed the “pig” and drove it across the ice. Heavily armed knights moved to help the Germans. But they could not save the situation. The ambush regiment of Gavrilo Oleksich suddenly fell on them from the rear. The knights mixed up and huddled together. The spring ice beneath them could not stand it and began to break. Many invaders died here. Thus, Russian troops led by Alexander Nevsky defeated the formidable forces of European chivalry.

Quiz “Test yourself” Appendix 7

(as an option - Watch an excerpt from the film: “Military Feats of Alexander Nevsky” Appendix 3.)

2nd group. Dmitry Donskoy - (1350-1389)

Dmitry Donskoy ascends the throne in 1359 after the death of his father Ivan Ivanovich the Red. Dmitry was only 9 years old.From the age of 10 he takes part in all campaigns, battles, and meetings of the boyars. Over time, this allowed him to become a good ruler and military leader.

From the age of 9, Prince Dmitry was forced to fight for his reign in Vladimir with other princes. After enmity with the Lithuanian prince Olgerd, peace was concluded with Lithuania. Gradually, Donskoy established relations with Novgorod and Tver. The power of Prince Donskoy grew more and more over time.

In 1363, 13-year-old Dmitry received the label of Grand Duke of Vladimir. 1367 - the grandiose construction of the stone Kremlin begins. Moscow is increasingly called white-stone.

As the wealth and power of the Moscow principality grew, the princes became increasingly burdened by their dependence on the Golden Horde. Under Prince Dmitry Ivanovich, an attempt was made to overthrow the Mongol-Tatar yoke.

The Horde began a conflict with Dmitry, defeating Nizhny Novgorod. But after the attack on Moscow in 1378, Mamai’s army was defeated on the Vozha River.

This was the first victory of Russian weapons over the Horde. Frightened by the strengthening of the Moscow ruler, Mamai decided to break the growing power of Rus'. Therefore, having strengthened his army, he set off in 1380 towards Moscow.

Dmitry gathered an army for the battle with the army of Mamai. Never before have Moscow streets seen so many warriors. The squads arrived from Kostroma, Pereslavl, Mozhaisk and Zvenigorod, Serpukhov and Uglich. Everyone needed victory: the warrior, the blacksmith, and the plowman.

Shortly before the performance, Dmitry went for a blessing to the rector of the Trinity Monastery, Sergius of Radonezh. On his advice, two monks joined Dmitry’s army: Alexander Peresvet and Rodion Oslyabya.

Not wanting to let the Horde near the walls of Moscow, Dmitry moved his troops towards the enemy, to the Don River. The crossing continued all day, and when it ended, the prince ordered the bridges to be destroyed. This bold step testifies to the determination of the Russian army to fight to the end - no one thought about retreat!

There was a brutal slaughter on the Kulikovo field. The chronicler describes: “Both armies came together, fought hard not only with weapons, but also killed each other hand-to-hand, dying under horse hooves, suffocating from the great crowding, for it was impossible for them to fit on the Kulikovo field, since the place is cramped between the Don and Nepryadva.”

Dmitry, wearing the armor of an ordinary warrior, fought along with everyone in the front ranks. For the victory, Prince Dmitry received the nickname Donskoy, and his fame was preserved in people's memory.

Dmitry Ivanovich Donskoy died on May 19, 1389 at the age of 39. He was buried in Moscow in the Archangel Cathedral.

Quiz “Test yourself” Appendix 8

(as an option - Watch an excerpt from the film: “The Battle of the Kulikovo Field”. Appendix 4)


The Battle of Kulikovo is one of the most grandiose and bloody battles between Russian soldiers and the Tatar-Mongol army.

Here, on the Kulikovo field, the power of Russian weapons defeated the countless hordes of Khan Mamai.

Many thousands of Russian soldiers, at the cost of their own lives, liberated their native land from the foreign yoke...

But again our country was attacked by new conquerors who wanted not only rich Russian lands, but also to force the Russian people to forget the Orthodox faith. Group No. 3 will talk about this

3rd group. K. Minini and D. Pozharsky-

StartXVIIcentury in Rus' was called the “time of troubles”. On the throne sat the weak-willed Tsar Fedor, the son of Ivan the Terrible. Boris Godunov, whose sister the tsar was married to, helped him manage. The boyars constantly fought for power and influence at court, using the help of foreigners: Poles and Swedes. After the death of Boris Godunov, who became king after Fedor, riots and unrest began in Rus'. The boyars proclaimed the Polish prince Vladislav the Russian Tsar and let the Polish army into Moscow. The Poles openly ruled Moscow, disrespected Russian customs, offended civilians, and seized their property.

Then the people's militia rose to defend the Fatherland. In Nizhny Novgorod, Kuzma Minin’s call was made to help his homeland, not to spare the treasury and his life if he needs to sell yards and houses. It was he who began collecting money for the new militia and himself gave away all his savings and part of his property.

Prince Dmitry Pozharsky, who was known for his personal courage, was invited to become the supreme governor. And he agreed without much hesitation.

The assembled troops hastily moved towards Moscow, which was occupied by a Polish garrison. A battle broke out near the walls of the capital. There were hot battles for several days. Reinforcements did not help the besieged Poles. Pozharsky’s troops took Kitay-Gorod by storm, and then the Kremlin garrison surrendered. The approaching reinforcements were stopped and defeated near Volokolamsk.

Quiz Appendix 8

(as an Option - Watching a film excerpt: “Liberation of Moscow 1612”. Appendix 5)


On the monument there is an inscription: “To Citizen Minin and Prince Pozharsky - grateful Russia, summer of 1818.”

Assignment: Explain the meaning of the words on the monument to Minin and Pozharsky.

Human life is not counted in days and years, but in good deeds and useful labors, says popular wisdom. And also feats.

Not only the lives of holy warriors, but also other sources of Russian culture tell about the exploits of the defenders of the Fatherland. Name them.

(Chronicles, epics, poetry, literature, icons, architectural structures, musical works - So the famous Russian composer S.S. Prokofiev wrote a piece of music - the cantata "Alexander Nevsky").

We must remember the military exploits of our ancestors, paying tribute to their dedication and heroism.

V . Problematic question:
Is there room for heroism in modern life?

Student Discussion and Opinion


The story about .... Evgeniy Rodionov Appendix 9

Elizaveta Chaikina

Nikolay Goryachev

Ina Konstantinova - partisan scout


Yevgeny Rodionov was 19 years old when Chechen militants executed himcut off his head. During his lifetime, he was an ordinary boy from an unremarkable provincial town, strumming a guitar, writing poetry and dreaming of becoming a cook. But, having died, Evgeny Rodionov ceased to be ordinary.

For his admirers, Evgeny or Zhenya, as they affectionately call him, is a modern crusader who made a great sacrifice in the name of his country, coming face to face with Russia's main enemy at the moment - radical Islam, which is personified by Chechen militants.

Evgeniy was killed on May 23, 1996 during the first Chechen war. This happened on his 19th birthday. He, along with three other Russian border guards, was captured and held in a cell for 100 days, beaten and starved. He did not participate in hostilities. He and his comrades were captured at a remote Russian-Chechen border post by the most feared Chechen combat commander.

Since 1994, when Russia first sent tanks into Chechnya to crush the separatist movement, thousands of Russians have died there. But Eugene’s death is different from them.

His mother, Lyubov Vasilievna Rodionova, says that Evgeny was promised to save his life if he converted to Islam and took up arms against Russian federal forces. As she says, he only had to symbolically take off the silver cross that he had worn around his neck since he was 11 years old and accept the faith of his tormentors. Eugene refused and chose death.


VI . organizes consolidation of knowledge,

offering to take part in the game: complete the proverbs of the peoples of Russia (knowledge of a just war, its goals, and the criteria of heroism is tested):

1) We don’t want war, but we are ready for war (ready)

2) It’s not hard to start a war, but it’s hard to end it (to end)

3) The sage is drawn to goodness and peace, the (fool) is drawn to war and strife.

4) Clouds cannot cover the sun, war cannot (win) the world

5) The enemy of my people is mine (enemy)

6) There is no (death) for the hero

7) He fell by the death of a hero, but did not (sell) his homeland

8) Hero - for the Motherland (mountain)

9) Whoever takes up the sword will die by the sword (and die)

10) If you fail to protect your hearth, the (enemy) will take over

11) He is our enemy, to whom peace (is not dear)

12) I’m going to war to defend (the country)

13) Our victory is not for the sake of war, but for the sake of (peace)

14) He who fights hard for the truth is a real (hero)

15) You will win not by force, but (by truth)

16) To love a friend - not to (spare) yourself

Students take part in the game.

VII . Reflection

Continue the sentence.

Today I found out...

It was interesting…

It was difficult…

I realized that...

Gave me a lesson for life...

I wanted…

We all, adults and children, are indebted to those who gave their lives for the Motherland to live. How to pay this debt? There is only one answer to such a question - love for the Motherland, readiness to defend it from any enemy, as our ancestors did. And you must now prepare yourself to defend the Fatherland, to be worthy of its sons and daughters

Many songs have been composed about our beautiful Motherland. We will now perform (listen) to one of them.

Performance of the song “Serve Russia.” Appendix 10

VIII . Homework.

In 2015, our entire country celebrates the 70th anniversary of the Great Victory over Nazi Germany. I propose a task:

Prepare a story about the soldiers of your family, about their courage, heroism, bravery. At the next class hour we will continue the conversation about feats of arms using the example of family stories