Her boss loves women. Advice for women, advice for men, advice for wives

How should a leader behave with subordinates?

Why do some managers behave with their subordinates in such a way that they always do their job “excellently”? And other bosses, like Professor Higgins from the famous play by Bernard Shaw, although unconsciously, treat employees in such a way that they, having good abilities, work much worse than they could. How should you behave with subordinates?

The whole point is that the effectiveness of their work depends on the boss’s manner of address and the expectations that he places on his subordinates. Scientists who study the problems of human relationships argue that a person tends to behave in accordance with the expectations and hopes that his superiors place on him.

There are two main systems leadership: authoritarian and democratic. Each leadership system has its pros and cons.

Authoritarian style leadership is inherent large companies, in which an ordinary employee plays the role of a cog, regularly performing his functional responsibilities. « Human factor» is almost not taken into account by authoritarian management; employees are obliged to strictly fulfill the goals and objectives assigned to them.

In a democratic style the manager and subordinate do not adhere to subordination. For effective collaboration the method of persuasion is used. Thus, subordinates feel like full partners in common cause, and the responsibility they bear is perceived as high trust on the part of their superiors.

But it should be remembered that with any leadership style, the main thing is not to rush to extremes, but to find a “golden mean” between subordination and democratic methods in the team, that is, to alternate the “carrot and stick” method.

Practical advice for the manager:

1. You should clearly formulate the requirements and tasks for the work of your subordinates.

2. Study the capabilities, talents and inclinations of each employee and give them the appropriate amount and type of work. If an employee doubts his ability to do a good job, he loses his motivation.

3. A manager should not limit himself only to criticizing the erroneous actions of his subordinates; he must also explain how they can be corrected.

4. Encourage and praise employees for a job well done in public, and if there is a need for criticism, express it to your subordinate privately.

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Types of subordinates, as well as behavioral style

IN different situations subordinates behave completely differently. If you know all the nuances of your employees’ behavior, you can skillfully manipulate their behavior using their strengths and weaknesses.

"Universal"– “irreplaceable” employee: manages to do not only his own work, but also replaces and replaces colleagues. He understands his boss perfectly.

"Narcissistic" - guided by one’s own “I”. Likes to participate in social work. Out of vanity, he will cope with any task set by management.

"Business"– a practitioner who achieves results by any means necessary. It is necessary to set goals for him. Does not need control over work.

"Interested in"— works with passion until he “burns out.” Periodically needs a “shake-up”. It is necessary to remind him of the responsibility that he bears for work not completed on time.

"Vigorous"– loves public affairs. Rarely on site. He is constantly traveling and on business trips. He enjoys representing his department during business negotiations.

"Moralist"- powerful, loves to educate and teach when the opportunity arises. Perfect for a consulting role.

"Doubting" — starts working after a few comments. Almost useless in a team, with the exception of “ brainstorming“- with his doubts he cools down too “hot heads”.

"Bureaucrat"- works “according to instructions”. You can ask for advice regarding correct design documentation. Working with innovative technologies is contraindicated - it will “ruin you in the bud.” Works great with incoming and outgoing documentation folders.

"Creator"- is proactive in his work. Works better, faster, more creatively than others. His ideas should not be ridiculed and rejected, it is better to praise and say that his idea must wait for the right time.

Considering all of the above, you can find an approach to any employee, and a smart and experienced manager must remember - he sets the rules, and the effectiveness of his subordinates depends on him. favorable climate a team.


There is an opinion among people, both women and men, that it is not easy to work when woman as a leader. Of course, in this case we are not talking about the fact that a woman is not smart enough to be a politician or strategist. But a leader is primarily determined by gender, and business qualities fade into the background.

Why does this happen? The manager’s task is to create a team, coordinate and plan the actions of workers, and control the execution of his orders. Being a professional is not enough; here you need to have such a quality as “leadership”. In order for subordinates to recognize the authority of a leader in their boss, it is necessary:

Be discerning and look to the future;
Be able to take the initiative;
Earn the title of arbiter of interpersonal views;
Make decisions without being afraid to take risks.

Usually a woman is ascribed a mysterious, passive, soft image, which is not at all compatible with the qualities listed above. An excellent example of what has been said is the “candy-bouquet” period between a woman and a man. When conquering a woman, a man is aggressive, assertive, and enterprising. The quality of a leader, a conqueror in premarital relations extends to relationships in the service.

Classification of women managers.

"Man in a Skirt". A woman leader has a weak emotional sphere Therefore, to compensate for this, they behave more harshly and emphasize their authoritarianism in relations with subordinates.

Having such a leader, you will not envy your subordinates. By industrial life female leader leads with an iron hand and iron fists. Exchange of opinions and free thought are completely excluded. In such a team there are worst sides human character- sycophancy and quarrelsomeness. As a rule, workers with insufficient qualifications cooperate with a “man in a skirt”, since professionals have nothing to do next to such a boss. But if it so happens that you had to work under the leadership of a “man in a skirt,” you need to remember that any service mistake can cause stress for the boss. Therefore, your task is to try to make a dialogue out of the scandal, preferably constructive. The ability to remain silent and the gift of persuasion are here, more than ever, you may need them.

"Good mother"- a woman as a leader looks like complete opposite the characteristics described above. Work is based on emotions. The main working tool is personal charm, the style of address is politeness and friendliness. Sooner or later, chaos reigns in the team headed by “Good Mother”, since the management is super-liberal. Ignoring the neighbor's opinion, everyone expresses their opinions. But there is no one to choose the only correct point of view.

If you work under the guidance of a “good mother” and have categorically decided to work time dedicate to work, address problems not to a colleague, but to her directly. Try to describe your proposal as emotionally as possible, without resorting to technical details and details. If she liked the way you spoke, she will definitely delve into your proposal.

"Situational" a woman as a leader stands closely next to the previous type. “Everything for victory” is her slogan both in life and at work. Woman leader of this type- enthusiast. She is the first to arrive and the last to leave. There is complete chaos on her desktop, all the papers are mixed up, nothing is in its place. With subordinates female leader The “situational” type is the same disordered relationship. She may forget who is responsible for what, when the project needs to be prepared, etc. For people who are accustomed to the slow and measured pace of things, such work is a real punishment. However, if you know your job responsibilities well and can easily explain them to management, then things don't look so bad.

Woman leader is in many ways superior to his male counterpart. She firmly defends her opinion and the interests of the team, makes concessions more easily during negotiations, pays her subordinates more generously for their work, without adventures and leaps, like her child, and patiently “grows” her business. Therefore, a business headed by a woman is stable. A woman as a leader is always clean and tidy, which helps once again do not listen to reproaches in her direction, with the help of spiritual grace she gives orders in such a manner that no one’s pride is hurt.

Today, no one is shocked by the fact that the company is headed by a woman. Of course, the total number of businesses headed by women is not so large compared to the number of businesses headed by men.

How is women's management different from men's?
Women are more emotional, they openly express their feelings (what they like and don’t like), every employee of the company knows their agenda. Male managers, on the contrary, are more restrained, less emotional, self-centered, and not everyone in the company knows their agenda.

In addition, women's leadership style is considered softer and more flexible than men's. Women are more communicative by nature; they to a greater extent focused on establishing contacts, relationships, and creating a strong team. They are better developed verbal abilities, and, moreover, they are emotionally and spiritually more versatile than men. The well-known management researcher J. Rosener believes that the leadership style of female managers can be called “transformative”, in contrast to the “command” style that is more characteristic of male managers. The main characteristic of the "transformative" style is active interaction with subordinates.

Bosses more often share information with their subordinates, motivate them in every possible way, and involve them in managing the company. Managers who adhere to this style believe that if their subordinates are given the opportunity to contribute to the development of the company, then everyone will benefit from this. After all this opportunity his own contribution will certainly make it clear to every subordinate that he is needed and valued. Women very often use a dialogue style in management to achieve the goals they need. Another characteristic feature of the “transformative” style is maintaining respect for oneself in employees. They certainly praise their subordinates, and they do this both orally (personally or in front of all employees) and in writing.

Further, women managers who adhere to the above-mentioned style tend to always support employees who find themselves in stressful situation, which is due to constant competition in the market and work with clients. J. Rosener believes that the “transformational” leadership style of women managers is natural, that it is the result of the socialization of women. The researcher also notes the disadvantages of this style: it often takes a lot of time to discuss some issues with subordinates, borrow ideas, and often you have to delegate part of your authority and allow yourself to be criticized. If a female manager often asks her subordinates for their opinions on a particular issue, they may form the opinion that their boss simply does not have his own ideas. In addition, it should be taken into account that in any organization there are people who prefer to receive orders rather than “participate” in decision making.

Research conducted by the International Women's Forum also found that there are differences and overlaps in management styles between men and women. For example, differences are evident in the assessments that men and women give of their leadership roles. Men view their activities as a deal with their subordinates: bonuses for Good work, punishment - for unsatisfactory work. Men are more likely than women to use the power that comes from position or formal authority. Women managers believe that the basis of their management style is to align the interests of all employees with the interests of the company. They attribute their power not so much to their official position as to such personal characteristics as increased intuition, the ability to establish personal contacts, and ability to work.

Women leaders are more willing to share power and information because they believe it will make their employees trust them more. They are more likely to give up the privileges that come with their official position; often emphasize the leading role of the contribution of their subordinates, often downplaying their own role. In addition, female leaders have greater personal rationality and less ambition regarding their place in the hierarchy of power, due to the fact that they know their worth. They are less inclined to “double play” and do not claim power in the company “for the sake of power.”

How to behave with a female leader:
- Always treat a female leader with respect.
- If you are a male subordinate, do not try to compete with your manager, but treat her as a mentor.
- Do your job well, so you will win the trust of your manager, and therefore his respect.
- Learn to understand a woman boss. A female manager needs to understand employees more than a male manager.
- Be patient. Don't expect your ideas and strategies to be instantly approved by your boss.
- Always remember about the deadlines for completing the work. Try to complete everything on time. Women managers are especially “sensitive” to completing work on time.
- Be honest and open. Women don't like double play, because they themselves prefer to play openly.
- Study yourself. Understand what you want, what you want from your manager, and most importantly, be realistic.

Is your boss a woman? Congratulations, you are back in transitional age Iponova plays out all the emotional scenes of the relationship between her daughter and her mother. Let's figure out how to build good (or at least bloodless) relationships if your boss is a woman or you yourself are a boss.

Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada

Many are smart and successful girls We are convinced that working with women is much more disgusting than working with men. Why? It turns out that our natural strengths - emotionality, observation, empathy, the ability to listen, notice everything, remember, give advice - can irritate at work, not only the boss, but also colleagues. “Girls behave unpredictably,” complains my friend Lena, the head of a department in a large investment company. – They get offended, cry, ask too many questions, chat, gossip, intrigue, lie... And this is a terrible rivalry! With men it happens completely differently, somehow more honestly. Men at work don't play games with you. With them I can be a boss and a woman at the same time - flirt and command. And with women, for everything to work out well, I only have to be the boss.”

To be honest, I wouldn’t really want to work for a boss like my beloved Lena. Authoritarian, uncompromising, manically controlling everything around.

Lena, for example, can call her subordinates closer to midnight on Friday and demand that they prepare a multi-page document by seven in the morning on Saturday. However, I understand that in real life There are far more bosses like her than many would like - which means that in any case we will have to build competent relationships with them.

My boss's color

Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks in the movie "The Secret File"

In her book Strike Like a Woman, New York businesswoman and writer Ronna Lichtenberg takes an original look at the theory of female and male leadership. No, she, of course, does not call for beating anyone - on the contrary, she suggests taking a closer look at psychological type your boss and, depending on this, build the right tactics of behavior.

What kind of psychotypes are these? Rosa claims that according to the style of their self-realization at work (and in life in general), all people are divided into the so-called pink, blue and striped. This has nothing to do with sexual orientation - just as it has nothing to do with gender. For pink people (and these are the majority of women) it is important to be friends at work. Relationships for them are an integral part of the work process, they think in images, remember grievances for a long time, always notice what you are wearing today and what mood you are in, they like to chat about abstract topics, they make decisions based on feelings and intuition, and prefer business issues decide over a plate of delicious pasta in a restaurant.

A typical representative of the pink breed is Reese Witherspoon's heroine in the movie Legally Blonde: she even dressed in all pink.

Reese Witherspoon in Legally Blonde

Blue people care not about the process, but about the result, even at a high cost (in particular, at the cost of damaged relationships with colleagues). They are used to thinking systematically and use logic and numbers to make decisions. There are more of these among men. Finally, there are striped people - those who combine pink and blue traits and “include” one or the other qualities, depending on the situation and the character of the people with whom they have to work.

It is curious that most conflicts between women at work, according to the author of this theory, occur precisely between representatives of the pink and blue breeds. “The pink woman sees the blue woman and, of course, first of all wants to make friends with her. Just like that, “to the heap,” writes Ronna Lichtenberg. – And making friends at work is not in the nature of a blue woman. Pink is offended, and blue doesn’t understand what’s going on.”

However, it is “striped” workers who combine “feminine” and “masculine” traits who feel best in an office environment. Because they know how to quickly respond to a communication situation. They are the ones who manage to maintain smooth and productive relationships with both colleagues and superiors - even with a female boss.

The whole problem with pink and blue is that both of these types are the same egoists, and dominant ones at that. They persistently try to force the team to behave in a way that is more convenient for them. No one will like this, especially women, who are hot-tempered than men.

Margaret Thatcher could well be an example of a blue boss

And we must also take into account that a female boss, especially in Russia, where feminism is not in fashion, outside the office very often tries to behave with men according to the traditional pattern: “Yes, dear. As you say, dear,” even if she earns four times more than her dear, and is used to being in charge. She is ready to make an exception for men, but not for a subordinate girl - this fool will have to suffer both for herself and for that guy.

It’s better to be “striped” - they are smarter and generally somehow more humane.

And also, for God’s sake, don’t try to enter into healthy competition with your boss - this is a dead end, because women are very sensitive to the ripening intrigue. Be friends with her without familiarity, help her - just like when you came to visit your parents, you would help your mother or grandmother bake a pie in the kitchen. And if you want career growth, then don’t worry - whoever needs to notice that you are not only capable, but also know how to be loyal. And this one who needs to promote you. Moreover, the less you hint to him that he should do this, the sooner it will happen.

Bumblebee Queen

Meanwhile, the more success we women achieve in the professional field, the more relevant the topic of chronic problems in women's (and not only!) groups becomes. This topic is now being discussed especially actively in America - in particular because, thanks to the high life expectancy, representatives of at least three generations at once can easily sit in the same office today - baby boomers (those born in the 1950s), Generation X ( those in their early thirties) and those very young, just out of college – we used to call them millennials.

However, we're talking about not only about the conflict of generations. To wage open or covert war, it is not necessary to have a thirty-year age difference. It turns out that just being a woman is enough.

Helen Hunt in the film "What Women Want"

When your boss is your new mom

Does a tornado swirl in your stomach at the sight of your boss? This is also not uncommon, and the reasons similar phenomena(like everything else, however) psychologists look for in childhood. We subconsciously perceive the boss as a father, and the boss as a mother. With spam girls, relationships are usually more distant and non-competitive - we just want them to like us. But mom is a generous field for a psychoanalyst!

We subconsciously expect reactions from our boss that are familiar from childhood.

Judi Dench in the movie "Casino Royale"

For example, if our mother was strict and scolded us for every mistake, we will become afraid of dismissal and expect to be called to the carpet with or without reason. If mom was caring and accepting, we will wonder why we are not praised five days a week. Well, if in childhood we lacked the attention of our parents, we will seek it from the boss. Be that as it may, it will be difficult to call our behavior adequate, because the boss is not our relative and the relationship we share is completely different. To avoid inappropriate infantilism, we urgently need to understand several important things and, if necessary, change the behavior pattern.

First, remember which situations in your relationship with your mother are the most important for you. bright colors. Why did she scold you, praise you, under what circumstances did she laugh at you? What feeling did you have at these moments? Then draw a parallel - does the same feeling occur at work? Under what circumstances? In every possible way, avoid finding yourself in them in the future, and if avoiding it is not possible, try to return to that childhood situation, feel like a little girl, and then look at everything from the outside.

Tell that mother who lives in your memory: “Mom, I have already grown up!” Repeat this mantra before entering the boss's office. Only to themselves – employees talking to themselves scare their colleagues.

Your boss - who is she?

Five types of female leadership in the office and the same number of strategies for interacting with their representatives, or why with one boss you will have to completely turn off your emotions, and with another you will have to master the technique of endless chatter about nothing.

Type one: general in a skirt

Alisa Freindlich in the film "Office Romance"

What does it look like? Like a man who decided to have sex reassignment surgery. In a word, it doesn't matter. This creature has female sexual characteristics, but its brutality is such that no hormonal therapy can eradicate it. In general, a determined, career-oriented transsexual.

Does she bite? She does not like either men or women, since she does not know how to behave with both. However, she respects the manifestation of masculine qualities more. Therefore, it is better for talkative, sensitive young ladies to stay away from her. Or learn to be more restrained and rational.

What to do? In the unconscious of each of us there is a masculine part, which Jung called the “animus.” So, in order to come to an agreement with a transsexual boss, you first need to establish contact with your own animus. If you were a man, what would you look like? This is approximately how you should appear before such a boss. There is no need to wear a tie, but you will have to leave the coquetry at home.

Type two: American dream

Safra Katz - CEO of Oracle

What does it look like? Quite good. A little boring, but that's not her fault - the dress code doesn't rhyme with the word "creative". She is young, and even if not very young, she is youthful, smart and purposeful. This female boss may be American, English, or Russian, educated abroad. In general, she is a person with a Western type of thinking and cultivates this in herself in every possible way.

Does she bite? If you have worked in a Russian company all your life, you may be shocked when you encounter this type of boss. You will try to get her to have a frank conversation, talk about your daughter or son, show off your manicure, but she will remain polite and distant.

What to do? Respecting boundaries is fundamentally important to her. She was taught that respecting boundaries - one's own and others' - distinguishes an adult from an infantile person. It’s boring only at first glance, because any children’s game also has rules, which doesn’t make the game any less exciting.

Type three: kind mommy

Anne Hathaway in the film "The Intern"

What does it look like? Caring, protective, interested in details personal life her subordinates, this boss can look like anything. A plump, middle-aged woman or a young, fit, active girl about thirty - the main thing in a mother is not external, but internal.

Does she bite? What could be scary about this sweet man? It's okay if the relationship is with you a real mom were smooth. Psychologists call this “transference,” meaning that you transfer your feelings and expectations of your mom onto your boss.

What to do? Play the game "Find 10 differences between the boss and mom." When communicating, focus on the differences. And make sure that your voice is a little lower, your speech is slower than usual. Drop your shoulders down, let your gestures and facial expressions be a little more stingy than in a conversation with a friend. This way you won't look like a child reporting to his mother about his success at school.

Type four: stepmother

Anne Hathaway and Meryl Streep in The Devil Wears Prada

What does it look like? She would really like for everyone to walk around in rags, and she alone would be the queen. Of course, she is unlikely to achieve anything with her dream of rags, but, in principle, she can make her subordinates walk around with bags under their eyes.

Does she bite? If your mother was strict and controlling, be careful - there is a risk of transference here too. Although your consciousness tells you that mom and boss - different people, you have difficulty coping with feelings of anxiety.

What to do? Think about what the boss was like as a child, was anyone friends with her, what games could she play? If you met her in school yard or at the dacha, could you make friends? What would unite you - love for dogs, Pokemon stickers? When entering the office, imagine this girl with pigtails and address her, not adult woman in a large leather chair.

Type five: daddy's girl

Gina Torres in the series "Suits"

What does it look like? Like the girls in gossip column photographs. Expensive.

Does she bite? For those who dream of joining the ranks of social beauties, such a boss is either a stone around the neck or a high-speed elevator to the sweet life. Main danger is that you can begin to envy and try to compete with her.

What to do? Alternate between the roles of a caring older sister and an uncomprehending younger sister. Well, what if Savor seems to you like the scenery of a bad performance, you can take on the role of a girl from another party - the boss will not be offended and will even be interested. Or pretend to be a young mother, start taking care of her and sympathetically listen to stories about nightly adventures in the Soho or Roof of the World clubs.

Photo: Getty Images, press service archives

How to build a relationship with your boss if the boss is a woman

When working in a company run by a woman, you should immediately understand that, in addition to those requirements that are put forward by a male boss, a female boss Special attention will pay attention to your appearance and ability to behave in society. At the same time, knowledge of at least the basics of etiquette can have a beneficial effect on your career, and at least it will not harm.

So, turning to the norms of etiquette, which are impossible to do without, let's start with the manner of dressing. As in all other companies, the female boss will require you to wear a business suit, be prepared for this and if you don’t have one, purchase or sew one. Such a waste will only add to your respect and weight in society. The most important thing is that you will not have to be complex in cases where the need for business negotiations forces you to take part in this event.

It is not customary to wear suits that are too light. The most suitable colors would be dark blue and dark grey. This is due to the fact that it is often unknown from the very morning where and with whom you will have to communicate during the day. A formal suit of this color will allow you to look great and, accordingly, feel great in any unplanned situations.

But we already talked about this in the previous chapter. Let's return again to those provisions that will help you acquire a proper reputation with your female boss. You know very well that the best reason, in order to create a reputation as a reliable worker, is precision. Remember in the recent past there was such an advertisement when Julius Caesar was late for the forum? The sentiment of the entire advertisement was in the following way: "Accuracy - the politeness of kings". And not just kings.

Of course, it is known for certain that most kings were not distinguished by this accuracy, but remembering that in modern world, where “time is money”, your punctuality will be regarded both as a sign of good form and as high level your responsibility. People who know how to work, and most importantly, know how to do it, spending every working minute usefully, which is reflected in arriving at work on time, are always valued at all enterprises and firms.

You will only benefit from the ability not to be late, namely skill, since you can wake up in the morning three hours before work starts and be fifteen minutes late, although it’s a couple of minutes walk to your workplace.

The ability to properly “organize” your desktop and plan your day is absolutely useful. It will be highly appreciated by your female boss.

In general, relationships with a female boss are built completely differently than with a male boss. The difference is not even that a woman is unlikely to pester you with her sexual desires, although this does happen, and quite often. main feature lurking in psychological differences between man and woman.

The woman comes to her workplace like going to your kitchen. Don’t think that we advocate for a woman to spend her entire life in the kitchen at the stove, it just so happens that in our understanding the kitchen is the place where expression feminine. And women themselves sometimes affirm this thought in the minds of those around them with the words “the kitchen is my territory, I ask you not to cross its boundaries,” driving out all the unfortunate people who caught her eye.

So, immediately get used to the idea that a female boss will strive to adjust everything to suit herself, to her taste. Nothing can be done about this state of affairs, such is female nature. Only by understanding this and taking into account all the ensuing consequences will you be able to make a career for yourself. But any woman understands this, since she herself is not alien to similar attitude to life.

What else characterizes the female model of government? High level responsibility for decision, no matter who, you or your superiors. A woman boss, before deciding to take one step or another, thinks about it for a long time, weighing all the pros and cons. Always be prepared to prove that you are right and the legality of a particular action. But if the phrase " The best way to avoid responsibility is to say that I am responsible for it,” then with a female boss you will still have to explain a lot, since your boss will not stop doubting the correctness until she herself understands the motives and finds your arguments reasonable, and the calculations - faithful.

Speaking about women, we must admit that the vast majority of them are people of mood. How this can contribute to success or, conversely, not contribute to it, we will now try to figure out.

The advantage of this phenomenon female psychology we can consider the fact that in the positive or at least normal course of things, a woman’s performance is quite high. It is not so much the level of performance that is the main criterion in assessing the qualities of a subordinate, which is considered first of all, but its stable level. No wonder there is a saying “Stability is a sign of mastery.”

Thus, a logical conclusion follows: a woman directly depends on her mood. A female boss is no exception. You should not catch her eye during an exacerbation. negative perception reality. You could get into huge trouble. However, it is not always possible to avoid close attention from superiors at this critical moment. You yourself know very well that a person in a disgusting mood is capable of finding fault with any little thing and scolding you like a first-grader.

All this happens because many cannot control their emotions. This is where constant irritability comes from, which should find a way out in such people. Therefore, that unfortunate person - we really wish you not to be extreme in this situation - is a kind of lightning rod.

In this situation, all that remains is to sympathize. And some simply cannot stand this situation, when one person feels bad, while others’ misfortunes give them no desire to take part in his suffering. Therefore, they adhere to the principle “if it’s bad for me, then it must be bad for everyone else.” This leads to numerous reproaches and discontent.

Try to be reasonable and not engage in open confrontation. Time will pass, passions will subside, and you will be delivered from negative impact superiors and colleagues. Usually after such troubled days There is always a need to defuse the situation and receive some “rewards”.

What else can cause the difference between male and female leaders?

Attitude to life. This is one of the most important aspects worldview and attitude. A woman is a creature with a keen sense of beauty - great attention adds ambiance. We have already said that appearance, if it matches necessary requirements and situations, will help solve many problems. Again, we repeat, order in your workplace, on your desk, that is, will also play into your hands and characterize you as an employee who knows how to organize his working day.

It is impossible to imagine such a picture: your female boss is sitting at the table, comfortably resting her feet on it. Similar situation is real only under the leadership of a male boss.

In principle, such a situation is impossible, since a woman values ​​​​her reputation and status in society, because it is so difficult for her to become a boss. A woman is prone to analytical thinking. Therefore, such a woman, possessing charm and tenacity of mind - a quality inherent in all representatives of the fair sex without exception, is capable of making a dizzying career for herself. However, this is not particularly desired by men who are accustomed to running the show. But having achieved a ruling position, a woman will not allow her subordinates to take any liberties with their work responsibilities. Be prepared to always be in good shape, both physically and mentally.

In general, if we consider management models and leaders, we can easily identify a certain pattern, which is that under a male leader, a male subordinate feels quite free, because he is confident in his security. This confidence comes from the fact that men find it easier to find mutual language. Add to everything else a commonality of interests. With a woman in a leadership position, the male subordinate is also relatively safe. Don’t do anything unnecessary – that’s all. Following this attitude, a man is able to stay in the workplace for a fairly long period of time.

But under any leader, a woman feels quite defenseless. They can find fault according to various reasons, and sometimes without them at all. Carelessness in clothing and work, an unacceptable, in the opinion of the authorities, tone in conversation with him. All this is just shortest list those reasons that can poison your life for a long time.

Female bosses do not like gossip that directly concerns them. Be careful and careful. Sometimes there are provocations from the authorities. Namely, it can happen in the boss’s office, where you are simply asked about latest news a team. You should not be deluded by such “attention,” because if you fall for this bait and lay out everything about what is happening in your environment, you may fall into the category of people spreading gossip. It’s not worth repeating that people don’t like people like that. Look after yourself.

Another important aspect of female psychology, which, without a doubt, is reflected in the behavior of a female boss. It's no secret that today's world is led by men. The times of matriarchy are over, women have lost their leading positions, and men have become accustomed to their leading role and are not going to give it to women. That is why a situation arises when a woman must prove to everyone that she is worthy of holding a leadership position due to her qualities, such as: the ability to lead, the presence necessary knowledge, the desire to work for the good of society.

The modern world is a world of men. Remember, are there any women among the oligarchs? None. Which, however, does not indicate some kind of inferiority and inferiority of women. Not at all. It’s just that strict hierarchical rules do not give women a single chance to rise to the “top” business world". A simple conclusion follows from this: a woman works day and night in order to prove to everyone that she is no worse, and often better, since she compares favorably with men in her thoroughness and scrupulousness, diligence and diligence.

The next stage in the life of such a woman is recognition from her superiors. It is quite logical to transfer to a leadership position. But even here the woman continues to be closely monitored. Naturally, the lady boss, not wanting to fall in the eyes of others, tries to conduct her affairs strictly and very rationally. Hence, official behavior towards subordinates is emphasized.

Consider this feature when talking with your female boss. What you perceive as dryness and an unfriendly attitude towards you personally, in fact, is not such. This is just a necessary attribute of the behavioral model of a female boss. It is quite possible that her attitude towards you is very good, she appreciates you, but no one needs communication at the level of friend-neighbors, especially not her, a person who has become what she is now with the greatest difficulty.

In addition, the need to make decisions for others also does not add much good mood. Eternal busyness and the obligation to think about the prosperity of the company also leave a certain imprint on the behavior of the lady boss. What about household chores? After all, no one said that a woman in a leadership position should forget about family and household responsibilities. It is very good if your female boss has a sensitive and loving husband at home who understands the importance of work for his wife and tries to help her in everything. And if not or he is no less busy fair half? Then this “home fatigue” will fall heavily on the shoulders of your subordinates, and therefore, of you personally. Not everyone is able to leave their domestic troubles and problems outside the office. In this case, the boss’s irritation often, although not always, lashes out at his subordinates.

You must understand this and try not to focus your attention and that of others on unjustified irritability and, perhaps, even nagging towards you. Try to understand and, if possible, forget. But just don't confuse the one-time flash negative energy with constant dissatisfaction on the part of the boss with you and your affairs. If this is exactly the situation, think about whether it is worth staying at a job where you are constantly the “scapegoat”? It often happens that people do not agree in character. And a female boss is no exception. In this case, there are two solutions: the first is to change something in yourself, this applies to “minor” miscalculations on your part, that is, we offer you the same compromise; the second, more radical, is that you will simply have to leave this workplace. It is unlikely that you will be able to change your boss. In any case, the choice is yours.

Finishing the story about female bosses, let's consider one more situation. It's no secret that many people get jobs with their friends and acquaintances. In principle, this course of things has a fairly rational basis. The essence of the argument is that people are hired who are already familiar and there is already a very definite established opinion about them. That is, instead of " dark horse“A person with well-known moral and physical qualities is hired.

However, what can happen after hiring is divided into two options possible development events.

First: you were hired at the workplace with the direct help of your boss, that is, you are actually his protégé, but you don’t focus on this and don’t boast about your close acquaintance with management team. We can say that you are exactly the employee who was needed, and if you are also a smart specialist, then your lady boss was not mistaken in choosing you.

But there is also a second option. You try in every possible way to emphasize your acquaintance with your boss, repeating every now and then that she is your old friend. In addition, you allow yourself unforgivable remarks addressed to her, criticizing her actions and orders. Believe me, no one will like this. You have a real chance to quit your job. There is one very good rule, whose loyalty has been tested by generations: you should never say nasty things behind the back of your superiors, there will always be a “well-wisher” who with great pleasure will convey your words to the person being blamed. In principle, everyone, regardless of gender, finds such “criticism” a betrayal, but a woman will react especially negatively to this. And besides, it’s unlikely that anyone will be able to forgive whispers about them behind their back.

In any case, you must behave correctly and officially in the workplace. Whether you like it or not, you are at work where all informality and familiarity are strictly prohibited. Try to draw a proper conclusion from all of the above. Your rating will rise both in the eyes of your boss friend and in the eyes of the colleagues around you.

This is all about relationships with a female boss. We really hope that we were able to show you their differences from male bosses and identify some character traits management carried out by a woman. Knowing them, you have good chance behave adequately in the most unpredictable situations.

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