Days of painful thoughts. Days and nights of anxious thoughts

In June 1882, Turgenev’s cycle “Poems in Prose” was published, which included the poem “Russian Language”, which is usually hung on the walls in the classrooms of our schools. And not in vain - in this poem the author expresses his love for the Motherland, and here it is not far from patriotism :) Here is this poem:

In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland, you alone are my support and support, oh great, mighty, truthful and free Russian language! Without you, how can one not fall into despair at the sight of everything that is happening at home? But one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people!

This is exactly what Turgenev writes about his native language in June 1882. This poem is part of his cycle of “Poems in Prose”, most of which touch on the socio-political problems of the country and are devoted to reflections on the fate of the Russian people, their past, present and future, the eternal value of human relationships, and happiness.

"Poems in Prose"

The cycle “Poems in Prose” includes such poems as Dog, Fool, Two Quatrains, Sparrow, Rose, Alms, Azure Kingdom, Two Rich Men, In Memory of Yu. P. Vrevskaya, Last Date, Threshold, Cabbage soup, Enemy and Friend, “ How beautiful, how fresh the roses were..." We will fight again! and Russian language. You can get acquainted with the work at this link.

These poems are written in the first person, with their help Turgenev conveys his thoughts, feelings and experiences to the readers. Although this is blank verse, i.e. not divided into stanzas by rhyme, the rhythm here is very expressive, subordinate to the author's intonation. The language of these poems is somewhat reminiscent of the language of a lyrical letter to a close friend.

This cycle partly continues the Notes of a Hunter, which also centers on Turgenev’s reverent attitude towards his homeland, towards ordinary Russian people, towards Russian nature and culture. This topic has always been his favorite.

Expression of love for the motherland in the poem “Russian Language”

The miniature of the Russian language should be highlighted separately, since here Turgenev writes about such an important part of Russian culture and the Russian soul as language. He calls on his contemporaries and descendants to take care of their native language, since it is with its help that in the future it will be possible to create new great literary works.

He connects the fate of the people with the fate of the language. It must be remembered that in the year of creation of this poem Turgenev lived abroad, therefore, language is one of the few things that connected him with his homeland. It is precisely because of separation from his homeland that the Russian language is so valuable to him.

Turgenev did a lot for translations, so that foreigners could read Russian literature. However, the main thing for him remains in Russia. He believes in the spiritual strength of his people, believes that with the help of faith in the language, Russian people will be able to overcome any difficulties.

In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts
From the prose poem “Russian Language” (1882) by I. S. Turgenev (1818-1883): “In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland, you alone are my support and support, oh great, mighty, truthful and fluent Russian language!.. Without you, how not to fall into despair at the sight of everything that is happening at home. But one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people!”
Usually the beginning of this phrase is quoted when describing a difficult, crisis moment in someone's life.
In its entirety, this phrase is quoted as a reminder of the richness and independent value of the Russian language.

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In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts
From the prose poem “Russian Language” (1882) by I. S. Turgenev (1818-1883): “In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland, you alone are my support and support, oh great, mighty, truthful and fluent Russian language!.. Without you, how not to fall into despair at the sight of everything that is happening at home. But one cannot believe that such a language was not given to a great people!”
Usually the beginning of this phrase is quoted when describing a difficult, crisis moment in someone's life.
In its entirety, this phrase is quoted as a reminder of the richness and independent value of the Russian language.

Encyclopedic Dictionary of winged words and expressions. - M.: “Locked-Press”. Vadim Serov. 2003.

See what “In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts” is in other dictionaries:

    Quote from a prose poem by I.S. Turgenev Russian language (1882): In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland, you alone are my support and support, oh great, mighty, truthful and free Russian language! .. Without you, how not... Dictionary of popular words and expressions

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    Alexander Dulov, concert 1998 Alexander Andreevich Dulov (1931 2007) Russian chemist, Doctor of Chemical Sciences (1995), bard, composer. Contents 1 Biography 2 Editions ... Wikipedia

    Alexander Dulov, concert 1998 Alexander Andreevich Dulov (1931 2007) Russian chemist, Doctor of Chemical Sciences (1995), bard, composer. Contents 1 Biography 2 Editions ... Wikipedia

    Alexander Dulov, concert 1998 Alexander Andreevich Dulov (1931 2007) Russian chemist, Doctor of Chemical Sciences (1995), bard, composer. Contents 1 Biography 2 Editions ... Wikipedia

    Alexander Dulov, concert 1998 Alexander Andreevich Dulov (1931 2007) Russian chemist, Doctor of Chemical Sciences (1995), bard, composer. Contents 1 Biography 2 Editions ... Wikipedia

    Choice of preposition

    Choice of preposition- 1. When choosing a preposition in synonymous constructions, the difference in semantic and stylistic shades between them is taken into account. Wed: comments addressed to someone - comments addressed to someone (in this combination, the first option has ... ... A reference book on spelling and style

    Venedikt Vasilievich (1938 1990) Russian writer, cult figure of Russian intellectualism of the 1960s-1990s. Coming from a family of a professional diplomat. E.’s life and works have been the subject of a number of biographical and textual... ... The latest philosophical dictionary


  • , . “In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland, you alone are my support and support, oh great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language!.. Without you, how not to fall into...
  • The great and mighty Russian language. Aphorisms, Kodzova S.Z.. `In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland, you alone are my support and support, oh great, mighty, truthful and free Russian language!.. Without you, how not to fall V…

« In days of doubt, in days of painful thoughts about the fate of my homeland,
- you alone are my support and support, oh great, mighty, truthful and free Russian language!
Ivan Turgenev


Stunned on December 11 by the fact that there were so many Russians in Moscow and taking revenge for their own confusion in dispersing the “fascist putsch” of Moscow children, the capital’s police apparently received instructions to deal with “Russian fascism” i.e. systematically. Well, what kind of system can there be today - only one - DESTALINIZATION!

It must be said that current ideologists of liberal democracy interpret it (de-Stalinization) as a stupid imitation of historical anti-Stalinism. If we assume that the “Stalinist” era covered the period from 37 to 53 in the history of the USSR, then it is quite clear that everything outside of these time frames, and especially what is directly adjacent to them, is an example of classical anti-Stalinism. Before 1937, it was Trotskyism, the satanic dictatorship of Yagoda and the bloody dictatorship of Yezhov. Afterwards - the anti-Orthodox madness of the Khrushchev Thaw. It is significant that both before 1937 and after 1953, Khrushchev was one of the main figures in anti-Stalinism. And we, Stalinists, think - what was common in those damned years (Yezhovshchina-Khrushchevism before and after)? Is it not that the “elite” of that time was frantically and selflessly engaged in denunciation, trying to elevate their “revolutionary impulse” to a high degree of civil madness.

But a liberal democrat views things differently: before ’37, there was an era of revolutionary geniuses; after ’53, there was an era of geniuses and cultural sufferers. What about organs? What organs? Their purpose is to transform the passions of fighters against religious obscurantism, anti-Semitism, Great Russian chauvinism and counter-revolution into boring lines of criminal cases, into prison gruel, into fear of the “masters of life” - fighters for a bright future. It seems that the announced de-Stalinization is trying to restore the classic traditions of anti-Stalinism of the 20th century: the GPU, Yezhovism and Khrushchevism at the same time.

This is exactly how the employees of the Orthodox publishing house “Holy Mountain” perceived the appearance of a police squad with machine guns at stand No. 69 at the “Christmas Gift” exhibition-fair. The senior law enforcement officer sternly explained that there were numerous complaints about the extremist activities of the publishing house. We need to react. Stop extremism and fascism!

What did the voluntary and anonymous police assistants, and with the help of their pointing finger, the vigilant guards themselves see as extremism? But before we suffocate with indignation along with the freedom-loving fighters against extremism, let us explain to the reader some circumstances of the case.

The publishing house “Holy Mountain” ( is a highly respected publishing house in the Orthodox world. The main activity of the “Holy Mountain” is the translation and publication of the spiritual treasures of Orthodoxy in Greece, Athos, Romania, Georgia... - i.e. universal Orthodox spiritual heritage. It was the publishing house “Holy Mountain”, based on the blessing of the heirs of Elder Paisius of the Svyatogorets, that translated and published the 5-volume book of the Elder, his Life, which has already become a long-standing bestseller. Among the treasures of Greek Orthodoxy translated and published by the “Holy Mountain” are the works of Equal-to-the-Apostles Cosmas of Aetolia and theological studies about him, the writings of such authoritative Greek theologians as Archimandrite George (Kapsanis), Archpriest Theodore Zisis, the Romanian theologian Hieromonk Raphael (Noika), the life of Archimandrite Gabriel (Urgebadze) ), Russian theologian and philosopher M.M. Dunaev. For many years, the Publishing House has been maintaining the School of Byzantine Singing at its own expense. Books and CDs on Byzantine church singing are published. The voices of the School students can be heard in the church of the Bulgarian courtyard (on Taganka) during festive services. But what does extremism have to do with it? - the pious reader will ask. Indeed, he has nothing to do with it. But, advertising its translation works at an Orthodox exhibition-fair, the Holy Mountain Publishing House dared to place billboards with the inscription “They speak Russian here”!

Are you a fool or an enemy of the people?

Note that the advertisement was not placed on Manezhnaya (where it might not always look reliable), not in a public chamber or other public place. She was at a fair, an Orthodox(!) fair, at the stand of a publishing house of translated (into Russian!) literature.

When in 2003, during the “direct line” V.V. Putin was asked a provocative question about the admissibility of using nationalist rhetoric (in particular, the slogan “Russia for Russians!”) in election campaigning; Putin replied that in multinational Russia such rhetoric is unacceptable: “Whoever says: “Russia is for Russians,” you know, it’s hard to resist not to characterize these people - these are either dishonest people who don’t understand what they are saying, and then they are just idiots, or provocateurs, because Russia is multinational country. What is Russia for Russians? Are they in favor of separating certain territories from Russia, do they want the collapse of the Russian Federation? What are they trying to achieve, such figures? The answer here is clear. Most likely, these are provocateurs, people who want to make some cheap capital on some problems, want to show themselves as radicals and gain something here.

We have relevant articles in the Criminal Code. The prosecutor's office must respond to manifestations of this kind if it finds elements of a crime in certain actions...

As for those parties that allowed things of this kind during the election campaign, frankly speaking, I did not see this, because I did not follow all the debates so closely. I don’t know, it seems to me that a person of sound mind could not have done this; the burden on the voter has been too great over the past time. But, if there are such facts, I will definitely talk with the Prosecutor General and ask him to analyze everything that is known on this topic. There must be a reaction"“, - said Vladimir Putin, rightly posing the Stalinist question (Are you a fool or an enemy of the people?) to those who were pushing the country to split with provocative slogans. And we know that a helpful fool is more dangerous than an enemy. And after this, the obliging fools and enemies of the Russian people, having changed their colors (don’t doubt it, colorful liberals are good at this), have been teaching us for many years that Russia is for anyone, but not for the Russian people. And if someone thinks differently, then he is a fascist. And the same figures are pouring dirt on Putin, just as they throw garbage on Stalin’s grave. And now, after Medvedev’s menacing shouts about the necessary measure of democratic severity towards Russian fascists, they are trying to make the Russian language a sign of this fascism. They are trying to explain to us that the very fact of speaking Russian is also a sign of fascism. To hell with you, good gentlemen!

Not even a month has passed since the Russian cry at Manezhka - “Give us back our Motherland, bring back justice!” - like the same Russian police guys, instead of dealing with informers who are inciting national hatred, they are helping to incite this hatred. Instead of grabbing the hand of dirty provocateurs trying to slander the Russian people, “explanations” are taken from those who speak Russian simply because it is their native language. But the killers of Volkov have not yet been arrested, the killers of Yegor Sviridov have not been convicted, and the killers of Pavel Kazakov and Maxim Sychev have not been caught. Gangs with traumatic weapons and knives are still running around the streets of Moscow. The police have nothing to do? Why did they come to the Orthodox book fair to buy books? And who did it? It is unlikely that a gloomy sergeant with a machine gun will reveal the informant’s secret. Let us remind the police and their volunteer assistants:

“Everyone has the right to use their native language, to freely choose the language of communication, education, training and creativity” (Constitution of the Russian Federation, Article 26.2)

“The state language of the Russian Federation throughout its entire territory is Russian”(Constitution of the Russian Federation, Art. 68.1)

Russian language as the highest ideological level of defense of the Fatherland

There is still no broad clear understanding that the most valuable resource of our society and the main direction of attack on us is the Russian language, which determines the information stock (resource) of our society, and not oil, gas and other material resources. Our enemies have long understood this well. The campaigns of hordes of Mamai, Teutons and other knights on our lands began in ancient times, when neither oil nor gas had been heard of... Many have read the excellent book by A. Parshev “Why is Russia not America?”, dedicated to precisely this issue. The author convincingly shows the economic unprofitability of any kind of production in our natural extreme conditions of anything other than ice cream. But it leaves open the question of why the West is right there and is not going to leave our unprofitable spaces voluntarily. What's the matter? And the fact is that Russia has a more valuable and unique resource than natural minerals combined. All experience in the development of science and technology shows that breakthrough discoveries in science and the development of pioneering branches of technology are possible only on the basis of the root, i.e. systematized language, which is the living Russian language. In the West, the role of a systematized language is still played by dead Latin, created in ancient times precisely for this purpose. It is for this reason that Gagarin’s live “Let’s go!” for the first time it could sound only in Russian!

The creation of silicon valleys in Russia, which we are enthusiastically undertaking, must be understood from this point of view. The West has long been faced with the problem that Russian brains that have flown to the West quickly wither and turn sour, torn from their roots. They realized long ago that it is much more rational to skim the cream of daring scientific insights at the very deposit of the Russian language, i.e. in Russia.

After all, our language has the most perfect root coding system, i.e. rational storage of countless figurative wealth and knowledge. It is the root system of the language that allows one to obtain the necessary knowledge as needed. The root system of the Russian language is like a systematic library catalogue. After the destruction of the catalog, order in the library will remain for some time, but inevitably the books will get mixed up, and finding the necessary knowledge in them will become increasingly difficult and, finally, completely impossible. New books also cannot find their way to readers through such a library. But books are just “canned” thoughts of people. Russian thinkers have long come to the conclusion that There is no force more destructive than the transition to a rootless language.

The content of the ongoing reforms of the Russian language, aimed specifically at destroying the root system and reducing the number of letters, has not yet been the subject of widespread discussion and understanding. Moreover, the Russian language is taught en masse only in secondary schools, and the elimination of the compulsory exam in Russian literature entails the optionality of a deep study of Pushkin, Gogol, Tolstoy and other sources of the pure Russian language, and destroys the core of the cultural space of Russia. I would like to remind all readers of the site the wonderful words that Russian President V.V. Putin said in his Address to the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on April 26, 2007:

“...society is only capable of setting and solving large-scale national tasks when it has a common system of moral guidelines, when the country maintains respect for its native language, for its original culture and original cultural values, for the memory of its ancestors, for every page of our national history.” stories. It is this national wealth that is the basis for strengthening the unity and sovereignty of the country, serves as the basis of our daily life, and the foundation for economic and political relations.”