Who is the child's real mother? Test

Every day we are faced with a difficult choice: dumplings or pasta with sausages, a light or dark shade of lipstick, white or black socks, saying “Bless you” to a passerby when he sneezes or not.

All this shows what kind of character you have. That's why we decided to introduce you to this wonderful intuition test. After all, it’s always interesting to learn something new about yourself, isn’t it?

So, take a closer look at this picture. In it you see two women sitting opposite each other, and in the center there is a child playing with his toys. Our question is: “Which of the women real mother child?

You can answer immediately, relying only on intuition, or you can carefully examine the drawing, analyze all the details and then give a balanced answer.

Who is the child's real mother?

Created on Aug 30, 2017

    Test result

    Did you choose the woman sitting on the right?

    Unfortunately your choice is wrong. But don’t rush to despair, 70% of people who take this test make the same mistake. Your choice characterizes you as creative and original person with a great imagination. Your ideas are always unique and simply breathe freshness.

    It's remarkable that you know how to listen and then give. useful advice, so friends often rely on you and take your point of view seriously. You are also very sensitive and always focused on your goals. You are a real person!

    What's the point?

    Test result

    Did you choose the woman on the left?

    Please accept our congratulations. You either have very good intuition, or you have analyzed everything carefully. Only 30% of people choose this option.

    This choice says that you are a person who always goes to the end, sweeping away all obstacles along the way. This is how you grow and improve.

    You are a very positive and kind guy. In addition, you are a born analyst who studies everything, even the smallest details, before making a decision.

    What's the point?

    The woman sitting on the right put her legs forward, as if subconsciously protecting herself from the child. She looks more tense than the woman on the left. But the most important thing is the position of the child. He sits with his back to the stranger and facing his mother. Children often glance at their mother, trying not to lose sight of her.

    Did you like our test? Did the description match your character? Write your answer in the comments and share the link with your friends.

I think this is one of the most interesting tests I have taken in Lately. It is very tempting to find out how developed the maternal instinct is in a woman!

Taking a test and learning something new about yourself is a very interesting activity.

Sometimes qualities are revealed that you didn’t even suspect about! And I looked at the picture, chose an object, read the transcript of my choice and was surprised at the accuracy of everything that was said there. Wow, well, it’s as if it was written right from me!

And generally speaking, psychological tests- This amazing thing, fascinating and in some sense educational. After all, we can really learn a lot of interesting and new things about ourselves from simple answers. And most importantly, to pass the test you don’t have to answer a lot of confusing questions, and it takes very little time, just a couple of minutes.

So today we want to offer you interesting test, after going through which you can find out how strongly the maternal instinct is developed in you.

I think this question interests every woman and girl who, sooner or later, will also become a mother.

Look at the picture and choose from the four proposed images of a woman the one that you think is most suitable for the role of mother for this baby.

Then read the explanation of your choice on the next page. We hope you will now learn something very interesting about yourself!

1. You chose the woman in the first picture.

You are wonderful, very a positive person, absolutely independent and full of energy. The most precious thing in your life is your family, which you value very much. You value your friends and always care about people, even those you don't know well. You have a big, kind heart, open to everyone, which is why everyone loves you. You are very cheerful and a kind person. You attract the attention of the opposite sex, but your beauty and self-confidence do not allow them to reveal your true feelings.

2. You think that the real mother of the child may be the woman in the second picture.

You are a very popular person. You have a huge amount of energy hidden within you. You have a lot of friends. But, first of all, you will always stand up for your family and your values. Do you strongly believe in certain things? life values, adhere to good morals and firmly stand on the fact that the secret happy life embedded in faith. You are the kind of person who believes that helping others is very important. You attract people to you with your positive attitude and cheerful disposition.

3. You chose the woman in the third picture.

People are drawn to you; they see you as an assistant, a savior and a friend who will be there and help in any situation. You are thoughtful about your feelings and guard your heart. You achieve success through deep relationships. A person like you is a giver in life. You do not take, but give all of yourself, and if you love, then love with all your heart.

4. You chose the woman from the fourth picture.

You are a strong-willed, infinitely free and absolutely free person. You don't go with the flow, but you go in the direction of the wind. People around you admire your strength and independence. All your feelings are open, you live with your soul open to love and kindness. Your feelings are broad and correct. Everyone considers you to be a truly genuine person.

Well, how did you like this test?

And finally, we invite you to watch a video in which you can take 3 more unusual tests, and at the same time check the state of your psyche. Almost four million people watched this video and made a rather original choice: are you crazy or not?

We wish you pleasant viewing and new interesting discoveries inside ourselves!

Tests are useful for developing our skills, they can tell a lot about your personality, during the testing process you test your intuition. Remember: the decisions you make every day say a lot about your lifestyle and how you see the world around you.

Take a look at the picture, you see two women, they are sitting and looking at each other, while a child is playing in the center. It's very simple, give the answer: who is the real mother of the child? Think as much as you need, analyze and decide.

Are you ready to find out the truth?

If you chose the woman on the right...

So you're done incorrect choice, like 70% of the other respondents. Your answer shows that you have impressive skills and that your ideas are fresh, original and attractive. You creative person, you have a good imagination.

You are a good listener and also make great suggestions. Your friends need you because your words contain a lot of wisdom and you know how to inspire someone who is discouraged. You are sensitive. You can be called mature man and very focused. You have an unmatched personality!

If you chose the woman on the left...

Congratulations - you have excellent intuition. Only 30% of those who took this test were able to answer the question correctly.

Your choice shows that you never give up, you are always searching. The best decision problems and are not afraid of obstacles, because by overcoming them you grow.

You try to see the positive in everything, you are not afraid to take risks and change something, although you always prefer to analyze every detail, since you do not want to make all possible mistakes along the way.

First you think, and then you act, trying not to offend anyone. You are proactive, but sometimes your inherent perfectionism takes over because you are also demanding.

Do you know your strengths and try to use them to the fullest. You good friend, so you will always be surrounded by friends who can trust you and rely on you.

Correct answer:

The woman on the right sits with her legs straightened, as if defending herself, while the child usually turns to face his mother during play. We see these two signs in the picture.

Did you like the test? Did the description match your character? Share the test with your friends so that they can test their intuition.

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Are you interested in discovering the most hidden aspects of your personality? We present to you one of the very interesting tasks. So, in the room there are two women who are sitting opposite each other, and a three-year-old boy is playing on the floor. Question: Who do you think is the mother of the child? Your answer says a lot about you.

1. Woman on the right

7 out of 10 people think (according to a survey of puzzle creators) that the mother is the woman on the right. Unfortunately, this is the wrong answer. Are you among them? Don't worry, we still have it for you good news because some of your personal qualities truly unique.

First of all, let's highlight your creative side. As a child, you were passionate about everything related to art. In addition, your fantasies often took you to imaginary worlds where you felt very interesting and comfortable. You have two qualities that are extremely valued by your loved ones: endless kindness and the ability to give. effective advice. You are able to effectively encourage and support people in the most difficult times. difficult times, and also motivate them to new achievements.

You work very hard throughout your life and you know that thanks to such hard work, the likelihood of achieving your goals is quite high. You may not have perfect intelligence, but your courage, tenacity and perseverance always lead you to success. Family is one of your priorities, and we have no doubt that in the future you will build great relationship, if they haven't already been built.

2. Woman on the left

Only 30% of people believe that the mother of the child is the woman on the left. Are you among them? If so, you're in luck as this answer is correct. Why? Because when playing, children prefer to face their parents in order to feel safe. It is quite logical that the baby is facing the woman on the left.

Congratulations, you are very advanced left hemisphere brain, and it is mainly associated with logic and intuition, so you always stand out for your erudition and high intelligence. You may even be approaching genius level.

You also stand out for your sociability and attentiveness to people. You are always surrounded by your friends, and you yourself make contact easily and love traveling to new and unknown places. Your friendly personality and enviable sense of humor make you very special person a pleasure to deal with. You are also absolutely sincere with everyone and know how to keep other people’s secrets. You can be called a very emotional and receptive person, madly in love with romance and sensuality in relationships. Follow your heart and everything will be great!



Mother for the child.

Hello, dear parents, today we will talk about the topic "Mother for the child."Why do you think a child needs a mother?

This question - why does a child need a mother - is probably the most important, but it is the one that is least often asked by parents who are thinking about the birth of a new family member. The mother is not just a source of satisfying the child’s needs, she is precisely the means and way of building herself and ideas about the world. About what this world is like for me, how it treats me, what to expect from it. And these functions of the mother in the child’s exploration of the world change all the time, and towards greater complexity. At first, the child completely “merges” with the mother, as if using her to understand himself, his states, and evaluate them (what is good and what is bad?). Then the child begins to “separate,” and this is also a gradual and very complex process, and most importantly, “partial.” The child builds his integrity as if in parts, finally “assembling” himself only in adolescence. This process occurs most intensively before the age of three, but begins already at the end of the first half of life. It is at this age (up to three years) that the main figure in which the World is embodied is the mother. Later, others “help” her.
While unification and the first stages of separation are taking place, the roles of mother and father (and other close adults) are almost the same. All of them are “united” in the mother’s position, thus creating a more “diverse picture of the world” for the child. Of course, this world must be stable, because it is still being built by the child himself (that is, these must be constant adults, and not frequently changing ones). There is still no significant difference in how boys and girls construct themselves and the world. But later it appears, that is, the role of the mother for children of different sexes becomes not the same. For girls after three years of age, the main task is to master the gender role. For her, the mother is a model, that part of the world that needs to be “tried on,” and at the same time everything that is connected with this: the attitude of the other sex (the father to the mother and to her as a future woman and mother), the attitude of children (the doll - model of a child, in relation to whom the girl plays the role of a mother, as her mother does to herself).
Boys at this age have a sincere, tender love for their mother, they are very touchy and jealous of “competitors” (father, mother’s friends, their brothers and sisters and even other people’s children). No less sensitively than girls do they perceive and assimilate the model of marital relationships. For them, affection, sympathy, and recognition of their “manhood” at the same time are important from their mother.
Thus, a child always needs a mother, at any age, and always “in different ways,” but this difference is not expressed quantitative measurement, but in quality.

What role does a father play in a child's life? Dad for the child.

In our culture, a family consists of a father, mother and their children, and the roles of both parents in raising children are not the same. Like a mother, a child always needs a father, and at each age “in different ways.” Of course, it is easier to replace a father in any of his roles in relation to a child than a mother; here there is a greater opportunity for other men in the family and outside the family to partially or completely fulfill this role. However, now we are talking about the father “in general.” In the first stages of a child’s development, the father can take on some of the maternal functions, performing them, of course, in his own way. His own role, distinct from the mother, is to protect and protect the unity of mother and child, providing them with confidence, calmness, support, psychological comfort. It seems to create a backdrop against which the child feels the world is strong and friendly, and feels calm and confident in it.

Somewhat later, the father becomes the standard social norms and rules, it embodies the functions of “demander”, “evaluator”, it supports the child in his desire to follow these rules. No less important is his role as a protector, mainly from influences external to the family. At the same time, the father performs another the most important function. It contributes to the personal development of the child, his separation from the mother, both mother and child. He becomes a “third force” that helps the child build a new world, separate from his mother. Even later (after three years), the father embodies the example of sexual, family and social role men. Here its functions for a boy and a girl begin to differ. The boy perceives him first as an example of his future role in relation to his mother (in whom the image of future wife, mother of his children). In this case, the father becomes a hypothetical competitor, jealousy of him is possible and legitimate. Later, for the boy, the father is the model of a man in society. Well, and of course, he always remains an example of the role of a father, which the boy will someday begin to fulfill himself.

Who do you think is the father of girls?

For a girl, a father is someone who first loves her, but in a different way than her mother, and then loves her “like a mother.” It is important for her that her father sees and appreciates in her the same qualities that, as she herself sees, he appreciates in her mother (femininity, coquetry, gentleness, and, of course, motherhood - the ability to give birth and raise children). IN preschool age a girl may be jealous of her father and mother. Later she tries on his image on her friends and potential partners. Of course, her father always remains her protector and connoisseur of her developing femininity.
Thus, the functions of the father and mother for the child are at first almost the same, then they begin to differ, and the further, the more. However, both parents are needed at any age. One thing is clear. A child absolutely needs parents, apparently even more than they need him.