Stankevich Igor Valentinovich Deputy of the State Duma contacts. Igor Stankevich, Hero of Russia, head of the Samara regional public organization “Heroes of the Fatherland”: “The main thing in war, oddly enough, is not to kill

Stankevich Igor Valentinovich - assistant commander of the 81st Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment for educational work of the Volga Military District, guard lieutenant colonel. Born on August 31, 1958 in the city of Nizhny Tagil, Sverdlovsk region. Russian. In the Armed Forces since 1975. In 1979 he graduated from the Novosibirsk Higher Military-Political Combined Arms School. He began his officer service as deputy commander of a special forces company for political affairs. In 1985-1987, as commander of an agitation and propaganda detachment, he took part in hostilities in Afghanistan as part of a limited contingent of Soviet troops. In the early 1990s, he was deputy commander for educational work of the 81st Guards Petrokovsky twice Red Banner, Orders of Suvorov, Kutuzov, Bogdan Khmelnitsky motorized rifle regiment as part of the 90th Guards Tank Division of the Volga Military District. In 1993, the regiment was withdrawn from Germany near Samara and placed in an open field. However, it was this regiment that had to take part in the first Chechen war from the first day. In December 1994, the regiment was urgently sent to the North Caucasus. The regiment as part of the military group “North” fought from the administrative border of the Chechen Republic to Grozny, suppressing the resistance of individual Dudayev’s formations. At 12:30 p.m. on December 31, 1994, following the order of the command, units of the regiment (two motorized rifle battalions) entered the center of Grozny. A few hours later they were subjected to a massive enemy attack in the area of ​​the railway station. The actions of the troops in Grozny in those days were completely unprepared. There were no maps of the city at all, there was no interaction between the attacking units. In fact, instead of a plan for a combat operation, there was a plan for the redeployment of military equipment and personnel to the city of Grozny, in which the enemy was not taken into account at all. The regiment commander, Colonel Yaroslavtsev, and the regiment's chief of staff, Lieutenant Colonel Burlakov, were among the first to be wounded and shell-shocked. The assistant regiment commander for educational work, Lieutenant Colonel Stankevich, took command. Under his leadership, the regiment's units defended themselves for about two days in complete isolation in the center of Grozny. Then he independently organized a breakout from encirclement. Units of the regiment suffered significant losses (out of 1,300 military personnel, 98 were killed, 59 were missing and captured, more than half of the armored vehicles were lost). However, the regiment avoided defeat and continued to take part in hostilities until March 1995, successfully fighting at Shali and Gudermes. For the courage and heroism shown during the performance of a special task, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 19, 1995, Lieutenant Colonel Igor Valentinovich Stankevich was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. He continued to serve in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The last position was the head of the educational work department of the Volga Military District. Since 1999, Colonel I.V. Stankevich has been in reserve. In 1999-2005 he worked as head of the administration of the Leninsky district of Samara. Since 2007 - Chairman of the Samara regional organization "Heroes of the Fatherland". Lives in Samara. Awarded the Soviet Order of the Red Star, “For Service to the Motherland in the Armed Forces of the USSR” 3rd degree, the Russian Order “For Merit to the Fatherland”, medals. His name is engraved on the memorial stele of Heroes, installed at the House of Officers of the Volga-Ural Military District in Samara.

During the elections, city residentsas well as villagesUst-Kinelsky and Alekseevka showed a high turnout.

The elected deputy, member of the United Russia party, Hero of the Russian Federation Igor Valentinovich Stankevich, made a statement even before the elections: the municipal entity that showed the best results in the elections will be visited first by the deputy. Igor Valentinovich kept his promise: a little more than a month after his election, on October 28, the parliamentarian came to Kinel on a working visit. Igor Stankevich’s travel schedule was tightly scheduled. There were meetings ahead with the political activists of the municipality, with representatives of the City District Duma, and a reception of citizens was also planned.

Links of a single chain

At a meeting with politically active residents of Kinel, representatives of the Public Chamber, education and health care, public utilities and other structures, Igor Valentinovich first of all thanked the townspeople for their high trust. He assured that he would make such working visits regular. To resolve issues coming from residents, State Duma deputy assistants will begin working in each territory of his constituency. Stankevich emphasized that he was a member of the Duma Committee on Agrarian Policy, but would not leave the issues of his voters unattended. " The elections were difficult, but the work ahead was even more difficult,- noted Igor Stankevich. - All levels of government must be strong links in a single chain, and I have no doubt that through constructive dialogue and interaction we will be able to solve the problems of our territory. And it is effective to involve representatives of science in solving problems in the agricultural sector, because our academy is one of the best agricultural universities in the country.”

The conversation with the deputies of the Duma of the city district was detailed and thorough. Igor Valentinovich explained to his colleagues how work is structured in the state parliament, noted the innovations used there and called for active interaction. “You work on the ground and see what is happening in Kinel, what problems need to be solved first of all. We are doing one common thing, and I hope that our cooperation will be constructive and successful.".

Continuing the meeting, the State Duma deputy presented the head of the city district Vladimir Alexandrovich Chikhirev Letter of gratitude for assistance in organizing and conducting the Unified Voting Day. " Igor Valentinovich is a caring and responsive person, he knows our problems well, - noted the head of the municipality . “I am sure that our city district will not be deprived of his attention in the future.”

Personal questions

and general

An obligatory part of a parliamentarian’s working visit is receiving voters on personal matters. Having learned that a recently elected deputy of the State Duma was coming to the city, residents rushed to identify the most important problems. The first questions from the townspeople were raised at the meeting between Igor Stankevich and political activists. A hot topic is roads and landscaping. They asked the parliamentarian about the repair of roads on the northern side of the city, about the possibility of cleaning up the lake located on the southern side of the city, next to the railway crossing. Highlighting a block of issues related to improvement, Igor Valentinovich noted: “ In fact, a lot here depends on ourselves. Often visiting abroad, I saw that for a European not cleaning up the area near his home is shameful. Therefore, let's actively involve residents. I’m personally ready to come and, for example, plant flowers in the city flower beds together with the Kinel residents.”

Another issue that worries city residents is the long wait at the railroad crossing between the north and south sides of the city. To drive a few hundred meters to another part of the city, motorists have to wait half an hour or more. Igor Valentinovich intends to involve a fellow party member, a deputy of the Samara Provincial Duma, and a representative of the Kuibyshev Railway in solving this problem Sergei Grigorievich Blokhin.

A veteran of the war in Afghanistan asked an interesting question to a State Duma deputy: there was a proposal to establish a single day of remembrance for residents of the Samara region who died in the line of duty.

The next question came from representatives of the cultural sphere. There is a desire to open our own cinema in the area. The townspeople asked the deputy for assistance in obtaining a state grant for these purposes. Igor Valentinovich promised to study the information and the possibility of receiving a grant. However, it is good to think through the business plan and calculate whether the multi-million dollar costs for equipment and other purposes will pay off.

Residents of the private sector came to the deputy with a problem that affected an entire street on the southern side of Kinel. In Volzhsky Lane, a private owner installed a radio tower on his land. The neighbors are extremely concerned - the non-capital construction site is dangerously close to the gas pipeline. The municipal administration is already dealing with the residents' applications, but, according to experts, the issue cannot be resolved in a matter of days. Having considered the appeal, Igor Valentinovich noted: “ The problem is serious, and there are several possible solutions to it. It is legally possible to punish the owner of a plot for the misuse of land for individual housing construction. In general, higher taxes should be imposed on such antenna structures.” The State Duma deputy promised to keep the solution to the problem under control.

At the end of the meeting, Igor Valentinovich Stankevich spoke with journalists. “Residents of Kinel are always willing to engage in dialogue and share their problems. We must meet the expectations of our voters. There is a huge and difficult job ahead. I am confident that we are on the path to success and development.”

In the Armed Forces of the USSR since August 1975. In 1979 he graduated from the 1st company of the Novosibirsk Higher Military-Political Combined Arms School. He took part in hostilities in Afghanistan as part of a contingent of Soviet troops.

In the early 90s, he was deputy commander for educational work of the 81st Guards Petrokovsky twice Red Banner, Orders of Suvorov, Kutuzov, Bogdan Khmelnitsky motorized rifle regiment as part of the 90th Guards Tank Division of the Volga Military District.

In December 1994, the regiment was urgently sent to the North Caucasus and, as part of the military group “North”, fought from the administrative border of the Chechen Republic to Grozny, suppressing the resistance of illegal armed groups.

At 12:30 p.m. on December 31, 1994, following the order of the command, units of the regiment (two motorized rifle battalions) entered the center of Grozny. A few hours later they were subjected to a massive enemy attack in the area of ​​the railway station. In a very difficult combat situation, when the commander, Lieutenant Colonel I.V. Stankevich, was seriously wounded. took command of the regiment. Under his leadership, the regiment's units defended themselves for about two days in complete isolation in the center of Grozny. Confidently managing units, subjugating groups of soldiers from other units who had lost control, he led the breakthrough of units surrounded by rebels to the main forces of the group.

Units of the regiment suffered significant losses (out of 1,300 military personnel, 98 were killed, 59 were missing and captured, more than half of the armored vehicles were lost). However, the regiment avoided defeat and continued to take part in hostilities until March 1995, successfully fighting at Shali and Gudermes.

Colonel Stankevich I.V. He repeatedly held negotiations with the militants, as a result of which he managed to save the officers and generals of the Headquarters, organize a “road of life”, and take a number of important objects without firing a single shot.

For the courage and heroism shown in the performance of military duty, by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of October 19, 1995, Lieutenant Colonel Igor Valentinovich Stankevich was awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation. Awarded medals.

He continued to serve in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The last position was the head of the educational work department of the Volga Military District. In 1999 he was transferred to the reserve.

Currently lives in Samara. Since 1999, Hero of the Russian Federation, veteran of Afghanistan and Chechnya, reserve colonel Igor Stankevich worked as head of the administration of the Leninsky district of Samara. Today he is actively involved in social activities - he leads the Samara regional public organization “Heroes of the Fatherland”.

In Novosibirsk, a bust of Hero of Russia Igor Valentinovich Stankevich was erected at the memorial to the Hero-graduates of the Novosibirsk Military Combined Arms Command School.

“I devoted 24 years of my life to military affairs. During this time I saw a lot and now I can say one thing with confidence - our youth are ready to serve the Motherland. They have a deep sense of Patriotism. Yes, young guys can be a little hooligan, a little broken But the fact that they have love for their country in their hearts is unambiguous...", - Hero of Russia Igor Valentinovich Stankevich talks about young guys serving in the army, with special warmth in his eyes and voice. This is what a father could say about his sons, in whom he believes and who, he knows, will not let them down. However, the commander is also a father in his own way. After all, everything depends on him and he is not just a boss, but also an authority.

I was very glad that Igor Valentinovich agreed to give this interview in exactly this format: during an early morning walk in Gagarin Park. Without extra ears and eyes. You can’t communicate with such people in a throne or office setting - I’m sure of that. In my opinion, offices don’t suit them at all.

Stankevich's name is engraved on the memorial stele of Heroes, installed at the House of Officers in Samara, and a bust is installed in the memorial of the Novosibirsk Military School. Participant in hostilities in the North Caucasus, former head of the Leninsky district of Samara and founder of the public organization "Heroes of the Fatherland". Whatever position he held, I am sure he has never been and will never be a typical office dweller.

Igor Valentinovich, do you always get up so early?

Yes, the habit of getting up at six o’clock in the morning has remained since the army. If possible, before starting the working day, I take a walk. This is a good exercise for the body for the whole day.

Are there any favorite places in Samara for this?

I have two favorite places in Samara: Strukovsky Park in the Leninsky district and Gagarin Park in the Industrial district. I have many good memories associated with Strukovsky Park: in 1999, all districts of the city came together to restore it. It was a vivid example of how a large group of completely different people work for one common cause. The park itself, although small, has its own special atmosphere. You feel it especially well when you go there early in the morning. Fresh air, quiet... Amazing. And my granddaughter likes Gagarin Park...

How old is the girl?

It'll be seven soon. The young lady is already an adult. They walk here more often with their grandmother, but I also try to be with them.
This park also took many years to restore; it was once in a very neglected state. But the various teams working in the city leadership put effort into it. And today we see that it has changed a lot and has become in demand by children and youth.

Early morning is the time when Yuri Gagarin Park is just beginning to come to life.

In general, I have always liked parks. And the embankment in Samara is beautiful. Walking from end to end is a pleasure.

Over the past 20 years, the city has changed a lot in a positive way. In recent years, development has generally been progressing by leaps and bounds. In the Industrial District, where I now live, this is felt especially strongly. These include construction projects, road repairs and the development of other infrastructure. Moreover, not only the Moscow Highway is developing, but also the courtyard areas. And the flowers? What beautiful flowers were planted in the city! We often don't notice this and take it for granted.

It must have been difficult to adapt to ordinary life after the army?

On May 1, 1999, the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation signed an order for my dismissal, and on May 12 I was appointed head of the administration of the Leninsky district. That is, there was no transition period.

Army life is remarkable because you are used to being in extreme conditions almost every day. This is a fairly strict regulation - both temporary and functional. He doesn't allow you to quit, not do something, or put it off until tomorrow. And this way of life, it shaped the attitude towards any business in general.

A month after I started working as head of the administration, I was offered to return to the army. Yes, I wanted to stay in the military profession - I saw certain prospects for myself. But when I started working in a new position, I realized that people here needed me. And then they asked me the question: “Where is it harder: in the army or at work as the head of a district?” To this I replied that life in the army, despite today’s workload, is relaxation. Yes, the territory under my jurisdiction has shrunk, but the scope of tasks and regulations have changed. And solutions to problems are not always on the surface. Especially when it comes to utility issues.

Probably, few people imagine now, but in 1999 in the center of Samara there were 4,800 stoves in houses that were heated with wood and coal. And there were 498 cesspool toilets. And this is the center!

I can imagine it very well. Until 2004, I lived in exactly this house: with a toilet outside. Gas heating was installed... I think it was in 2000. But I spent my entire childhood near the stove.

Yes. But when you see all this, you know that the situation needs to be resolved, then you look for certain ways, meet completely different people. And your army psychology changes at this moment. You begin to rethink your behavior and manner of communication.

I worked as the head of the district for seven and a half years. In 2006, the work of our team ended. After that I took a year off. And quite unexpectedly for me, the heroes of the Soviet Union, participants in the Great Patriotic War, among whom was Vladimir Ivanovich Chudaikin, asked me to create a public organization for Heroes. I didn’t quite understand then - why? And then they showed me documents according to which these great people did not receive the payments they were due. Then everything turned upside down inside me - how could this be? After all, for one of them, the cost of the medications that he had to take regularly was higher than the small benefits that were still transferred to him. The people who forged the Great Victory were simply forgotten, they were bureaucratized...

And then I began to understand how the families of the fallen Heroes live, what is happening now to those who are alive. And then certain problems became obvious to me. A little later we met with the Veterans and discussed the situation. And after that I created the organization “Heroes of Russia” and officially registered it. And as soon as she started her work, I saw that all this was not in vain, there was a result! Our letter and seal worked flawlessly for many officials. And the first thing we did was solve the issue of providing medical supplies to war participants in need.

And in 2008 we held the first Day of Heroes of the Fatherland. Three people took part in the rally. And in 2009, several hundred people already gathered. And for the development of our public organization, the Day of Heroes of the Fatherland holiday has become basic. In 2010, we were so pleased to hear from the top officials of the city and region that Heroes Day generally unites everyone. Because pilots, astronauts, and tank crews were Heroes. Moreover, the athletes became heroes. That is, this is a Day where there is a place for outstanding people from both the past and the present.

We perform a lot in urban and rural schools. During this time, I realized: if we tell children the truth about the history of the country, then we shape our future. Once in Kinel-Cherkassy, ​​a schoolgirl talked about the Chapanna uprising. It was a grave tragedy, a terrible historical event. And this girl, talking about him, utters the phrase: you can’t live only with bad memories. Even from tragedies we need to draw conclusions. We need to remember them so that this never happens again.

That is, our young people are still growing up conscious? There are just a lot of skeptical opinions on this matter. Like, they don’t have any authority, that upbringing is bad...

May I, with your permission, give another example?

Of course!

On April 16, 2014, we held a gala event in Tolyatti dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the establishment of the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. While we were preparing on site, I heard some of the young people say, why are we doing this? Let's go and have a beer. Yes, at first it was offensive to hear this, but in the process of communicating with us, their eyes lit up and they already forgot that they would like to spend this day a little differently! And most importantly, this is what happened in the hall during the official part.

When the presenters asked Vladimir Ivanovich Chudaikin, a Hero and participant in the Great Patriotic War, to come up on stage, the audience stood up and began to applaud. And there were children there... Was it possible to force them to do this? At the same time, in one impulse? And they applauded so much that the mayor of Tolyatti Andreev, who was sitting next to me, and I looked at each other, and I thought then - if only the building didn’t collapse! Because the children, applauding, entered such a resonance that this could very well happen.

This is the clearest example of how children relate to Heroes. After all, children do not need the bronze speeches of officials, they want the ordinary truth. And no matter in what locality we hold such meetings, if you speak to young people in ordinary, human language, you get a lively, emotional reaction from them. They get interested.

We have good youth. And most importantly, they want to take part in real life.

Wow... How well said. That is, roughly speaking, is this the best example of a particular activity?

It is embodied in different ways. Different personalities. Not all guys can become scientists, singers, artists - this is normal. It’s not given to everyone and it’s natural, but! What is close to the heart is what a person will strive for. And look for examples and authorities in this environment. See who is the best and look up to him. A physical education teacher, believe me, can be an authority.

In Kinel-Cherkassy, ​​for example, there is a settlement called Krasnaya Gorka. Four heroes of the Soviet Union returned there from the Great Patriotic War. And when they were deciding whose name to give to the school, the village meeting made a decision - the director. I didn’t understand the logic then, but, as it turned out, it was the school director who created this village after the war. And this is their authority.

Unfortunately, false authorities are now appearing. As a rule, social networks contribute to this. Those people who spend more time there think a little differently than those who are involved in real life. But time puts everything in its place.

And you know, I would like to note... There is an expression: “do not make yourself an idol.” But, in fact, there must be an idol. Because you need to strive for something and in this desire to be equal to the best. I am sure that every young man, every girl has her own idol. Maybe they don’t tell everyone about it, maybe they don’t tell anyone at all. But believe me, in the heart of every schoolchild, every student, every soldier there is an idol.

Igor Valentinovich Stankevich

Date of Birth August 31(60 years)
Place of Birth
  • Nizhny Tagil, Sverdlovsk region, RSFSR, USSR
Affiliation USSR
Type of army Ground troops
Years of service -
Rank Colonel
Part 81st Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment
Commanded Deputy regiment commander for political affairs
Battles/wars Afghan War (1979-1989)
First Chechen War
Awards and prizes
Retired since 1999


early years

Born on August 31, 1958 in the city of Nizhny Tagil, Sverdlovsk Region, into the family of a military man. Son, grandson and great-grandson of Russian officers.

Military service

  • From 1975-1979 he studied at the Novosibirsk Higher Military-Political Combined Arms School. He began his military service in special forces units, where he served for six years.
  • In the period from 1985-1987, he served as part of the Limited Contingent of Soviet Forces in Afghanistan, a participant in the Afghan War (1979-1989) as commander of the “agitation and propaganda detachment” of the 201st Gatchina Motorized Rifle Division in Kunduz.

For exemplary military service he was awarded the Order of the Red Star and the Order for Service to the Motherland, third degree.

  • From 1992-1996 he was deputy commander of the 81st Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment of the 90th Guards Tank Division for political affairs. Eberswalde West Germany, Samara PriVO, Grozny North Caucasus Military District.

Political activity

During the Soviet years he was a member of the CPSU. In stock since 1999. He worked as the head of the Leninsky district of the city of Samara. He carried out patriotic work and worked in the administration of the Samara region. Head of the Samara regional public organization "Heroes of the Fatherland", chairman of the Samara branch of the Russian Military Historical Society.

After being elected as a deputy of the State Duma, he gave up the post of secretary of the Samara regional branch of the party to Ekaterina Kuzmicheva.

In 2018, as a deputy in the State Duma he voted for raising the retirement age.


  • other departmental awards


  • The name of the Hero is engraved on the memorial stele of Heroes, installed at the House of Officers in Samara
  • A bust is installed at the memorial of the Novosibirsk Military School



Anton Bocharov. Stankevich, Igor Valentinovich. Website "Heroes of the Country".

  • ON THAT NEW YEAR'S NIGHT... Dmitry SEMENOV, "Red Star".
23rd Separate Guards Motorized Rifle Brigade

23rd Separate Guards Motorized Rifle Petrokovskaya twice Red Banner, Orders of Suvorov, Kutuzov and Bogdan Khmelnitsky Volga Cossack Brigade - motorized rifle formation of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

81st Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment

The 81st Guards Motorized Rifle Petrokovsky Twice Red Banner, Orders of Suvorov, Kutuzov and Bogdan Khmelnitsky Regiment is a Guards Motorized Rifle Regiment of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Heroes of the Russian Federation - C

This list presents in alphabetical order Heroes of the Russian Federation whose last names begin with the letter “C”. The list contains information about the branch of service (service, activity) of the Heroes at the time the title was awarded, date of birth, place of birth, date of death and place of death of the Heroes.

Heroes awarded posthumously are highlighted in gray in the table.

Hero of the Russian Federation

Hero of the Russian Federation (Hero of Russia is an unofficial abbreviated version, used more often) is a state award of the Russian Federation - the highest title awarded for services to the state and people associated with the accomplishment of a heroic feat.

The Hero of the Russian Federation is awarded a sign of special distinction - the Gold Star medal.

The title of Hero of the Russian Federation, along with the title of Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation established in 2013, refers to a separate type of state awards - the highest titles, which are in first place in the hierarchy of state awards of the Russian Federation.

If a person is awarded the title of Hero of the Russian Federation and the title of Hero of Labor of the Russian Federation in his homeland, on the basis of a decree of the President of the Russian Federation, a bronze bust with the corresponding inscription is installed.

Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School

The Novosibirsk Higher Military-Political Combined Arms School named after the 60th anniversary of the Great October Revolution (NVVPOU) was one of the leading military universities in Russia and the former USSR. Founded June 1, 1967.

Since 2009 - a branch of the Military Educational and Scientific Center of the Ground Forces "Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation".

Since 2015 - FGKVOU VO "Novosibirsk Higher Military Command School"

Located on the territory of Akademgorodok in Novosibirsk, at the address: st. Ivanova, 49, postal code 630117.

Results of candidates in single-mandate constituencies in the 2016 State Duma elections

See also the main article Elections to the State Duma (2016). List of candidates for single-mandate constituencies in the 2016 State Duma elections. In 225 single-mandate constituencies, candidates could be nominated by parties, as well as through self-nomination. As of the election date, there were 2,030 people on the lists of registered candidates.

Winner of elections in a single-member district

Invalid ballots

The percentages are determined from the total amount of valid and invalid ballots.

United Russia faction in the State Duma of the 7th convocation

The United Russia faction in the State Duma of the seventh convocation is the deputy association of the United Russia party in the State Duma of the seventh convocation (2016-2021). In the elections of September 18, 2016, the United Russia party received a total of 343 deputy mandates, of which: 140 from federal lists and 203 from single-mandate constituencies, ultimately gaining 76% of deputy mandates and gaining a constitutional majority in the State Duma.

Vyacheslav Viktorovich Volodin, a member of United Russia, was elected Chairman of the State Duma. Of the eight deputy chairmen of the State Duma, five are members of United Russia: Alexander Dmitrievich Zhukov - First Deputy Chairman of the State Duma; Neverov Sergey Ivanovich - Deputy Chairman of the State Duma; Timofeeva Olga Viktorovna - Deputy Chairman of the State Duma; Tolstoy Pyotr Olegovich - Deputy Chairman of the State Duma; Yarovaya Irina Anatolyevna - Deputy Chairman of the State Duma. Of the 26 committees and 4 commissions of the State Duma, members of United Russia headed 13 committees and 4 commissions.

Sergei Ivanovich Neverov was elected head of the United Russia faction in the State Duma. The head of the faction has six first deputies: Andrey Konstantinovich Isaev - First Deputy Head of the faction; Karmazina Raisa Vasilyevna - First Deputy Head of the faction; Kidyaev Viktor Borisovich - First Deputy Head of the faction; Pankov Nikolay Vasilievich - First Deputy Head of the faction; Pinsky Viktor Vitalievich - First Deputy Head of the faction; Shkhagoshev Adalbi Lyulevich - First Deputy Head of the faction.