Possession of constructive interaction skills. Basic Research

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Constructive interaction between employees of an enterprise can be based on the authority of managers, a system of lifelong employment, high level income, rational management style, psychological atmosphere in the team.

Combination of national efforts, constructive interaction for the sake of survival and development, this course is in international relations dictated by the interests of humanity, interdependence and integrity of the modern world.

The main provisions of the new environmental concept of the Russian Federation should become the basis for constructive interaction organs state power of the Russian Federation and its constituent entities, local governments, entrepreneurs and public associations to ensure a comprehensive solution to the problems of balanced economic development and improvement of the environment. These provisions should form the basis for the development of long-term state policies that ensure sustainable economic development of the country while respecting environmental safety society.

The condition for universal human progress is the search for joint decision global problems, establishing constructive interaction between states and peoples on a planetary scale, and the inadmissibility of using war as a means of achieving political, economic, ideological and other goals.

It combines the historical competition between the two systems and the growing tendency towards constructive interaction of all states, without which it is impossible to solve problems global problems who stood before humanity. Objective conditions have arisen when the confrontation between the two systems can and should take place exclusively in the forms of peaceful competition and peaceful rivalry, and peaceful coexistence is intended to become the highest universal principle of international relations.

Implementing democracy through military means is certainly less realistic than through cooperation and constructive interaction. I do not mean to suggest that my vision of responsible American leadership is diametrically opposed to the policies pursued by supporters of the idea of ​​American supremacy. Both approaches involve the possibility of US intervention in the internal affairs of other states, but I insist that this must be done only legally. For the rest of the world, the Bush Doctrine is not a legitimate basis. This is why I think the Bush administration's policies are so disastrous. It closes America's path to leadership in the community of democracies before it even takes it. My personal experience suggests that cultivating an open society is not easy, even with the best intentions. The task becomes almost impossible when America is perceived as a country pursuing its own interests.

Our remark is closely related to van Hove's remark that scattering should be considered as the result of a constructive interaction between the wave function and the function complex conjugate to it. The evolution of each of these two functions in time cannot be considered independently, since they give rise to the evolution of the density operator in time.

With the combined method, parts of elements and devices are depicted together (in close proximity to each other) taking into account their constructive interaction.

The main provisions of such a policy are contained in the Presidential Decree Russian Federation dated February 4, 1994 No. 236 O state strategy of the Russian Federation on environmental protection and sustainable development, which approved the Basic provisions of the state strategy of the Russian Federation on environmental protection and sustainable development as the basis for constructive interaction between government bodies of the Russian Federation, its subjects, local governments, entrepreneurs and public associations on providing a comprehensive solution to the problems of balanced economic development and improvement of the environment.

Constructive interaction is any step in communication that leads to expected actions or to successful adjustment of previously committed actions. Constructive interaction obliges the sender to pay special attention to all decisions throughout the communication process. You should ensure that each of the twelve elements listed is sufficiently developed to ensure that the intended action is taken by the recipient. If you miss even one element, the communication process may fail.

For constructive interaction, the ability to form the correct personal opinion and make an adequate decision is very important. To ensure effective communication with employees and achieve long-term organizational goals, any information exchange at the operational level must be very flexible. As we know, the mentioned factor is already significant today, and for the organization of the future it will simply become an urgent necessity.

Experienced negotiators strive to create an atmosphere of constructive interaction and use persuasion rather than pressure. Even if counterparties refuse to accept the terms of positive play, behave illogically or try to put pressure on you, be restrained, reasonable and polite and maintain communication as long as possible.

It is impossible to solve universal, global problems through the efforts of one state or group of states. What is needed here is cooperation on a global scale, close constructive interaction between most countries.

His calm and democratic manner of resolving controversial issues with which our academic reality is full, his willingness to compromise when it came to details, and his firmness in defending positions in which he was convinced, significantly contributed to the adoption of many decisions useful for the Academy. His daily and painstaking work also helped to establish constructive interaction between the Academy and the authorities of the Republic of Bashkortostan.

One of the main goals of an additional education teacher is to help the child adapt to the environment, teach him to live with peers and people around him without unnecessary quarrels and conflicts, to be tactful and sociable.



Development of constructive interaction between students

in conditions joint activities.

But the only salvation for the world

Kindness, kindness, kindness.

E. Stewart

At first school year in the process of formation study groups Additional education teachers are faced with a problem: how to create a cohesive team from children of different ages, coming from different schools with different abilities and characters.

A team is a highly developed small group of people, relationships in which are built on positive moral standards. The team has increased efficiency at work.

It is very important that in groups there are good, conflict-free relationships between students from the first days of training. This will allow children to more successfully master program knowledge in the future and achieve better results. During the learning process, children enter into interactive communication: they not only exchange information, but also engage in joint activities, study, spend leisure time together, and relax.

One of the main goals of an additional education teacher is to help the child adapt to the environment, teach him to live with peers and people around him without unnecessary quarrels and conflicts, to be tactful and sociable. At the same time, it is important that the teacher constantly encourages children to reach mutual understanding, in difficult situations gave them the need to negotiate. To strengthen the cohesion of the team and the mutual sympathy of its members, it is necessary to place students in such conditions that they provide various services to the teacher and each other, show sincere attention, care, and give kindness.

A special role in children’s interactive communication is played by informal leaders. These are individuals who, due to their social status, act as organizers various types activities. And it’s good if they have attractiveness, charm, the ability to understand another person, a willingness not only to sympathize, but also to empathize and, what is much more difficult, to rejoice in the successes of others. Leaders with such character traits provide significant assistance to the teacher in forming a team. If there is no such leader, then the teacher must take the leading role and cultivate these traits in the active members of the group and each of its members.

First of all, the teacher must help the child to know himself: to look closely at his appearance, think about own character and behavior, to realize their importance to others. For this purpose, at one of the first lessons you can play a game to get to know each other: “Tell me about yourself”, “Chest”.(For the game method, see V.I. Maksakova, “Organization of the education of younger schoolchildren”)During the game, children get to know each other more actively, because everyone talks about themselves; emphasizing his individuality, the child understands how unique and interesting the other is. For educational activities a personality-oriented approach helps the child realize that his value is determined not so much by what product he was able to make, but also by how interesting he is to others, and what good he can do for people.

Children interact most productively if an atmosphere of cooperation is created in the classroom; in this case, children easily compromise, mutual concessions, which is impossible without the ability to communicate, negotiate, and overcome oneself.

For truly friendly relationships, it is important that the partners are at approximately the same level of development, so that they have approximately equal strengths and weaknesses. We tend to subconsciously choose not so much the smartest and most beautiful, but rather those who are also smart and beautiful like us.

Training exercise “A seat at the desk.” After the end of the lesson, a discussion takes place and the rules are formulated:

  1. You need to keep your distance.
  2. A request is different from a demand.
  3. A calm tone is better than shouting.
  4. A beautiful outcome.
  5. Look for similarities.

Without mutual understanding there can be no true partnership, no friendship, no successful teamwork.

A group can become friendly if children are engaged in common activities that are exciting for them, if there is a friendly atmosphere in the group, if everyone strives to understand themselves and each other. To do this, you can offer to complete some task in pairs, in groups (compose a crossword puzzle, complete a general creative work, play the game “Communication”).

The development of children’s ability to cooperate and at the same time be independent occurs through the creation of a special context for the entire life of a creative association. This context is created by the democracy of relations between adults and children, the organization of diverse, interesting joint activities, and humanistic values. Educating children to live together and be independent is carried out and continues outside of class: on holidays, during excursions and walks, trips out of town, to competitions, etc. Children easily get close and make contact in an informal setting. Holding holidays, competitions, birthdays, trips to nature, joint trips to the cinema, to the museum contribute to the emancipation of the child.

A psychologist, testing students for the comfort of their stay in classes, states increased level anxiety in some pupils, and hence – aggression, conflicts, and learning problems in potentially capable children. The situation is aggravated by the increasing trend of falling interest in knowledge as an enduring value, the decline cognitive activity, decreased interest of parents in the process of raising children.

Speech by a psychologist

Conflicts can be horizontal (between people of equal hierarchical level - between students) and vertical (between the teacher and students). Conflicts arise in business and on a personal basis. A business conflict disappears as soon as the problem is resolved. It is constructive and stimulates the development of the team. Personal conflict usually lasts much longer. It is a consequence of psychological incompatibility. They can be explicit, open or implicit.

What associations do you have when you hear the word “Outcast”?

In every children's team There are popular children and not so popular ones. There are active, sociable ones, and there are quiet, loners. Some are satisfied with their secondary role in the group, others suffer from this situation, but do not know how to change it. Some children are so eager to be the center of attention of their students and teacher, to take a leadership position, that, not being able to behave in accordance with their aspirations, they seek attention “with a minus sign” - they become the object of ridicule and contempt. These guys are often called outsiders, outcasts, and this very rejection is, unfortunately, a frequent and difficult to correct phenomenon.

One of the most bright examples The interaction of the outcast with the collective is the plot of Hans Christian Anderson's fairy tale “The Ugly Duckling”. I would like to remind you a little of this fairy tale, or rather, one episode of it.(Read the beginning of the fairy tale before the duckling decides to leave poultry yard).

So, we have the heroes of the fairy tale: ugly duck, mother, brothers and sisters, inhabitants of the poultry yard.

Now we will try to immerse ourselves in this fairy-tale world, but first we need to divide into four subgroups: “ugly duckling”, “mother”, “brothers and sisters”, “poultry yard”. Each group receives worksheets with a task. You have 10 minutes to complete the task. Participants record their thoughts on paper, representatives voice their options.

Now we will compare what each group offered us: “poultry yard” and “ugly duckling”; "mother" and "brothers and sisters". You and I see that the duckling is not ready to accept all offers and options; perhaps he never had such thoughts. Now let’s see what the poultry yard – society – offers us and why the duckling doesn’t accept it. The reason here is obvious - the difference in value priorities. What conclusions can be drawn? In order for the “ugly duckling” to adapt and become one of his own, he needs to accept the rules and requirements of the “poultry yard”, which do not always coincide with the values ​​that exist in his immediate environment - the family.

And our task, working in additional education, from the first days of children’s stay in creative association teach them the rules of communication and interaction. The child’s attitude towards others and his internal state, from self-esteem. Low self-esteem makes it difficult to communicate with people. We can say that this was also the reason why the ugly duckling was not accepted by the poultry yard.

We must not forget that a student cannot be forced to “be good.” He can only become good himself. It is important to strive not for unquestioning discipline - silence and order, but for creative discipline, aimed at mastering knowledge, skills and abilities.

Very important quality teacher - the ability to see in an offense not hooliganism, but childish, not always correct, but quite understandable motives: to prove oneself in front of comrades, to give vent to accumulated energy. Violations of discipline should not be abruptly and tactlessly suppressed. You cannot stand on the same level as discipline violators. Shouts and constant tugging bring an irritable tone to the work and exhaust both the teacher and the students.

Let's try together to develop teacher rules to prevent conflict situations.

  1. Correctly formulate the purpose of education.

Often, a teacher sees the main task of education in the classroom as the suppression of violations of discipline. But the first task of education is to create everything the necessary conditions For successful work, study, communication of pupils.

  1. When working with children, take into account their individual characteristics.

One child quickly masters new knowledge, another slowly; one prefers unfamiliar work associated with overcoming difficulties, the other, on the contrary, likes to perform monotonous, well-known duties. One should be told about responsibility before starting work, and the other should be reassured. The misconduct of one can be sorted out in a group, while it is better to talk with another face to face. Children differ from each other in their communication skills.

  1. The teacher must broaden their horizons, conduct the lesson brightly, give tasks that can interest students, and involve them in collective creative activities.

All this will help distract children from the conflict, will help resolve controversial issues, working in groups and in pairs will help to get to know each other better.

  1. Conducting classes in a playful way.

Didactic games and game modeling of situations will help the child more easily come into contact with other children and the teacher.

5. Proper stimulation of schoolchildren with rewards and punishment. It is unacceptable, for example, to reward and punish only for the result of an action, ignoring its motives. If a child has not shown hard work and diligence, he should not be thanked for his academic success. On the contrary, execution difficult task for a beginner, even a C grade should be accompanied by praise.

  1. The first remark to the offender should always be made face to face.

Failure to comply with this rule quickly creates a bad reputation for the teacher and leads to even more serious violations of discipline.

  1. Reliance of the teacher in his work on the informal association of students.

No official relationship can regulate the many situations that arise every day when working with children. The teacher is not able to regulate a huge number of small and large communication situations among schoolchildren. This leads to the spontaneous formation of an informal structure of the team. Informal group strives to achieve the support of the teacher. The teacher, in turn, seeks to coordinate the interests of the group with the requirements of the entire team.

  1. Organization of leisure activities.

Organizing leisure activities, games, and communication at odd times contributes to the formation of a cohesive team and will help children establish friendly contacts.

Analysis of globalization processes has quite clearly outlined the trend of changes in the traditional distribution of roles in managerial relationships between the state and business. Big business is gradually transforming from a state-controlled entity into an entity that begins to influence interstate relations, socio-economic processes, international and regional politics, etc., using all its advantages for these purposes. It is likely that in the not very distant future, large business represented by transnational and transregional corporations may become a dominant factor in the development of both global and regional economy, while exercising latent management of state and regional authorities, as well as political parties and public organizations. Attention should be paid to the fact that the above trends are developing in conditions of passive participation in them by society itself, which is actually an outside observer. The reason lies in the fact that today there is no civil society in Ukraine that can clearly and unambiguously formulate the priorities of its interests with their presentation both to the state and to business.

Considering the increasing complexity of the relationship between society, state and business, approaches to building a workable mechanism for their interaction must be sought on the basis of creating a congruent system of interests of all three subjects of interaction, while implementing the principles of their mutual social responsibility. The solution to this problem is possible only on the basis of the fundamental principles of a systems approach to managing complex socio-economic systems. In this case, one should proceed from the position that in the triad “society-state-business” the main role is played by society, as a complex social system, the main element of which is people with their many connections, relationships and interactions.

An important subsystem of society is the state, as its image of organization, as the governing subsystem of society. As a subject of governance, the state exercises its powers through legislative, executive and judicial bodies. Business is the center, a subsystem of society, producing various goods, products and services necessary for the normal sustainable development of society and meeting the diverse needs of all its members.

Many researchers in last years express and justify the point of view about the growth crisis phenomena in the relationship between the state and big business. It is possible to prevent these phenomena from developing into a systemic crisis only on the basis of an objective account of the properties of a purposeful system, namely the properties of self-preservation, the desire of the system and its subsystems to ensure their own survival. Here it is no longer necessary to consider not the state and business as such, but representatives of government bodies and τοπ-managers of business structures. In this case, it is this goal, that is, self-preservation, that becomes primary.

If trends develop towards intensifying confrontation between big business and power structures The very understanding by the parties of the catastrophic consequences should contribute to the formation of new mechanisms of their interaction, which would exclude the very possibility of a systemic crisis.

Considering that the state and business are elements of a complex socio-economic system - society as a whole, reasonable forms of compromise relations between them can only be found on the basis of recognition of the priority of system-wide goals and interests. System-wide goals should reflect, on a compromise basis, both the interests of business and the interests of the state and society.

Unfortunately, in Ukraine, a system-wide strategic goal that would be unambiguously perceived and recognized by all three subjects of relations under consideration has not yet been formulated. In the most general view In our opinion, it is legitimate to formulate such a goal regarding modern Ukrainian society in the following way: maintaining the integrity of society as a single social organism based on the formation market economy, is developing dynamically and is aimed at improving the quality of life of the population and bringing its living conditions closer to those of leading developed countries peace.

Translating the indicated main goal of the development of society to the lower levels of the management hierarchy, we can say that:

1) the state as a management entity, expressing the interests of society, must consolidate the efforts of all economic entities at the state and regional levels to achieve main goal facing society as a whole;

2) regional authorities, as the main goal of the socio-economic development of their subject state, can set the task of increasing the competitiveness of the economy and increasing the well-being of its residents on this basis;

3) any socially responsible business structure as a strategic goal should set the task of achieving long-term competitive advantages, allowing to provide sustainable development and improving the level and quality of life of both the employees of its enterprise and the population of the local community in which it operates.

Based on the above approach, society itself, as an objectively system-forming element, must solve the problem of creating conditions for the effective joint functioning and development of the state and business in the interests of society, that is, to achieve the main goal of its development. And for this it is necessary that society, on the one hand, forms targets development of the state and business, and on the other hand, exercised continuous, fairly strict control over the activities of both state authorities and the activities of business structures. It is obvious that neither business nor government authorities are unlikely to be able to autonomously solve this problem rationally from a systemic perspective. Most likely, both of these subjects of society in a free, uncontrolled mode will try to solve system-wide problems, based on their own objectively existing interests, which is confirmed by world experience and domestic practice recent years.

Thus, we're talking about about the need to form some kind of consolidated structures representing various components civil society, which could have a significant impact on the functioning of both government bodies and business entities, while exerting a cementing influence on their relationships aimed at developing common positions on decisions problem situations in the development of society as a whole. The point is that civil society can delegate a significant part of its interests and powers to non-state non-profit organizations, which can contribute to building relations between the state and business, using the principles of social responsibility. In our opinion, ensuring productive participation of society in solving the above problems is possible only on the basis of resuscitation of the social partnership system

Social partnership is a constructive interaction between organizations of three public sectors (state, business, non-profit sector), beneficial to each of the parties and society as a whole and aimed at solving social problems. Most often, social partnership comes down to a decision economic problems society, in the social and labor sphere. This refers to the relationship between employees and employers or the relationship between the state (the so-called first sector) of the economy represented by its authorities, entrepreneurs (the second sector) and trade unions. A more correct view seems to be that social partnership methods can be applied not only in labor relations, but also in those areas where the interests of various social groups intersect.

The ideology of social partnership is based on the fact that business, government and public organizations representing the interests of the local community and employees, must interact and build their relationships based on the need to ensure:

A) social stability and order in society;

b) sustainable and dynamic development of the economy;

V) legal protection and implementation of fundamental rights and freedoms of the individual;

e) conditions harmonious development person.

It is obvious that the specificity of the subjects of these trilateral relations undergoes significant changes in the transition from higher levels hierarchy of government of the country as a whole to the level of the state and regions, and then to the level of regional communities.

Noteworthy is the fact that in the Ukrainian practice of interaction between business and government bodies, there is no third party to tripartism - structures or organizations representing society - as such. Scientific discussions are being held and urgent issues are being discussed lively applied problems on the directions of development and optimization of relationships between business and government at the state and regional levels, highlighting various types, types, methods and models of such interaction. Thus, Yu. Friedman, understanding the model of interaction between government and business as a set of formal and informal norms, rules and practices of their interaction that have developed in a certain territory, identifies four types of relationships and interaction:

1) patronage model (administrative pressure on business)

2) the model of “privatization of power” by big capital;

3) model of suppression (use of the repressive apparatus by the authorities in relations with business)

4) partnership (compromise) model.

IN modern conditions In most Ukrainian regions, the partnership system of interactions should become dominant, the distinctive features of which are:

Exchange of resources as the basis of relationships. Businesses receive “special conditions” (exemption from regional taxes and other benefits) and access to additional economic resources(cheap loans and reliable guarantees for them, participation in federal programs), and government officials can count on business funding for programs for the social and economic development of the region, on the participation of regional businesses in the implementation of priority national projects, etc.;

Refusal of business from the struggle for power. This is not only about the business community abandoning claims in the struggle for control over all structures of regional power, but also about effective business support for an agreed model of power in the region;

Business efficiency as a condition for consensus between business and government. An ineffective business does not “fit” into any model structure used by the regions, much less into the model of partnership relations;

Joint development of comprehensive programs for social and economic development of the region. From the very beginning of its operation in the region, a business must clearly understand the strategic goals and objectives of the region’s development in order to develop effective models business.

One of the most serious problems further positive development of the relations under consideration is the insufficient development of instrumental forms of interaction between the subjects of the economic space of the region (state and regional authorities and business entities). Now the main instrument for coordinating interests is an agreement on the principles of interaction. The purpose of such agreements is to establish partnerships between government and business and increase the social responsibility of business. The subject of the agreements are activities aimed at achieving a balance of interests, mutual interest of the parties and information openness (for example, public communication of the rating of the quality of interaction between companies and authorities will allow companies to position themselves as socially responsible, and regional authorities to assess the level of interaction with business).

In the final rear of relations, authorities and business act as participants in a “common cause.” Within the framework of the “common cause” economy, the government agency acts as a “coordinating partner” and is directly involved in solving business problems. Target settings businesses are socially responsible. It acts as a “partner” focused not only on profit, but also on solving common local problems. The rules of interaction are determined during status bidding on target institutions of the municipal economy as an economy of “common cause”. The main subject of these auctions is to determine the relationship between business goals and social objectives within the framework of this “common cause” economy. The interest of authorities in the bargaining process lies in the fact that, using the exchange of mutual obligations, regional and local authorities The authorities not only have the opportunity to expand the extremely meager sources of fulfilling their socio-economic functions, but also to overcome the budgetary limitations of their activities. The consent of a business to an implicit contract with authorities is conditioned by its special interest to participate in such auctions for two reasons:

1) gaining access to real resources (rent, property, etc.);

2) achieving more sustainable position and reducing political risks.

The institution of social responsibility of business is important in the interaction between government authorities and business at the regional level. What actually happens active formation sustainable socially acceptable standards of behavior of business structures in the spirit of social responsibility, supported by authorities and self-government. At the same time, it is at the local level special meaning it becomes necessary to take into account the interests of government, business and the population. Unfortunately, in these relations, only government bodies (regional and local) and businesses (large and small) are the active parties, while the population remains a passive observer.

In this regard, the task of building fairly strictly regulated relations between the interacting parties, and, above all, delimiting the areas of responsibility of the state and business, is becoming increasingly urgent.

However, here too, representatives of big business talk about delimiting their powers and responsibilities only with the state as the subject of management. The third party - society itself - remains on the sidelines. At the same time, if we consider state power as a form of organizing an effective system of managing society, then, consequently, society itself, represented by organizations that represent it, and not the state, must place orders and give instructions government agencies authorities to optimize their relationships with business, aimed at improving the living conditions of all members of society.

It should be noted that due to the unformed and underdeveloped institutions of civil society at the present stage of its development, society in our country is not yet ready to fulfill this important role.

The maximum effect of society's influence on the positive interaction of government structures and business can be achieved with a systematic approach, which provides for the formation of certain consolidated structures representing various layers and categories of the population of society. Among public structures that interact with business and government, the institution of public chambers has the most significant potential for influence on them, including expert capabilities. However, this potential has not yet been tapped. The fact is that the Public Chamber is called upon to ensure coordination of public significant interests citizens of Ukraine, public associations, state authorities and local governments to solve the most important issues economic and social development, ensuring national security, protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens of Ukraine, the constitutional system of Ukraine and the democratic principles of the development of civil society in Ukraine. Effective mechanisms for coordinating socially significant interests have not yet been developed. At the same time, in the law on public payment, business, as a subject of coordination of these interests, is not at all designated. However, in our opinion, this does not mean that the institution of public chambers should exclude business from its sphere of influence.

Public chambers operate at the state and regional levels, while they remain outside the area of ​​targeted and constant public attention. It seems that at least daily life citizens should be under the control of society, therefore it is advisable to vest these powers with the Social Policy Council, created at the regional level, have public status and are designed to perform the functions of influencing the formation of social policy and the implementation of social investment programs of regional communities.

Taking into account the increasing complexity of relationships between society, state and business, methodological approaches to developing a mechanism for their constructive interaction should be based, in our opinion, on the following output principles (settings):

Congruence of the system of interests of all three subjects of interaction;

Social responsibility of the interests of all three subjects of interaction;

Social partnership;

Recognition in the systemic triad “society-state-business” of the dominant role of society and, consequently, the priority of public goals, that is, society as a whole.

Based on the foregoing, the mechanism of interaction between business structures, authorities and society is understood as the totality of the subject (body) of management, the subjects of interaction themselves, the means, methods and methods by which they influence each other and objects social sphere corresponding administrative-territorial formation of a specific socio-economic system (country as a whole, region, regional community) for the most effective achievement goals and objectives. With this approach, it is legitimate to distinguish several blocks in the interaction mechanism (Fig. 4.5):

Block 1 is the subject (body) of interaction management;

Block 2 is a set of subjects of interaction, that is, authorities (self-government), business structures and organizations representing the interests of residents living in a given territory;

Block 3 is a bank for accumulating information about possible ways, means and methods of influence of subjects on the control object, that is, problem situations;

Block 4 includes objects of influence, that is, the entire list of the most acute social problem situations of the territorial entity;

Block 5 is the resulting control body, evaluates the functioning of the mechanism as a whole.

Rice. 4.5. Mechanism of interaction between business structures, authorities and society

In our opinion, the block structure of the mechanism for constructive interaction between society, state and business will be unique at the level of the country as a whole, regions and regional communities. However, the structure of each of the blocks of the mechanism for any of the subjects of interaction will be different for each of the three levels of the management hierarchy. Naturally, the algorithms for the functioning of the proposed interaction mechanism at the level of the country as a whole, region, and regional community will differ significantly from each other.

As a subject (body) of management, we propose to create tripartite commissions similar to commissions for regulating social and labor relations. The above commissions operate on the basis of concluded agreements between representatives of authorities, trade unions and employers at the level of the country as a whole (general agreement), region (sectoral), territory (special) and individual organizations (so-called collective agreements).

Block 3 of the proposed mechanism accumulates information about possible ways, methods and means of interaction between the three specified subjects, as well as the impact on control objects, that is, on various social problem situations that require resolution (block 4). Naturally, the number and complexity of social problem situations that require solutions in the near future are incommensurate as we move from regional communities to the region, and then to the country as a whole. If for local authorities the main ones are often environmental problems and problems of providing social assistance to low-income categories of the population, then at the country level as a whole the main ones are complex problems of modernization of all spheres of society.

A variety of problem situations requires a variety of ways, methods and means to solve them. It is necessary for the authorities to create a situation in which business would have self-interest to investments in large socio-economic projects necessary for the country to successfully modernize, first of all, the economy. And a lot of resources are needed to solve a huge number of problem situations, and we are talking not only about financial resources, but also about intellectual and human capital. It is obvious that it is impossible to ensure constructive interaction of all three parties only by administrative, command methods; it is necessary to use economic and socio-psychological methods as widely as possible.

Block 5 represents the control body, which includes representatives of all three subjects of interaction, and which must assess the degree of implementation of planned activities for each problem social situation. An important role in this group is assigned to representatives of civil society (although it is quite significant, of course, at the stage of assessing the severity of a particular problem, as well as the resources allocated to solve it). special social significance The problem of control at the municipal level is emerging. If at the country level we have fairly large representatives of society (for example, the public chamber, trade union associations, etc.) and operate relatively effectively, then at the regional level there are no such powerful public structures. It is at the local level that mechanisms of public control and effective public participation in the management of territories can and should be developed.

Modern science pays great attention to issues related to the study of contacts between people. Life activity modern society impossible without active interaction its members with each other. High quality and quantitative characteristics interactions affect the effectiveness of work in all spheres of public life.

In the most general form, in the philosophical and social sciences, interaction, according to N.E. Yatsenko is understood as a universal form of connection between bodies and phenomena, expressed in their mutual influence on each other and change. Stolyarenko, A.M. Psychology and pedagogy: Textbook. / A.M. Stolyarenko. - M.: UNITY, 2014. - 543 p.

In the psychological and pedagogical literature there is no single interpretation of the concept of “interaction”. For consideration this phenomenon a definition based on the organization of joint activities is essential. Cognition and mutual influence of people on each other, says A.A. Bodalev, is an essential element of any joint activity. The nature of their interaction and the results they achieve in joint activities largely depend on how people reflect and interpret appearance and behavior and assess each other’s capabilities.

Interaction, from the point of view of L.V. Bayborodova, is a universal form of development, a mutual change in interacting phenomena, both in nature and in society, bringing each link to a qualitatively new state. Interaction reflects a wide range of processes in the surrounding reality, through which cause-and-effect relationships are realized, exchange occurs between the interacting parties, and their mutual change occurs.

Philosophy points to the following signs of interaction as real phenomenon: simultaneity of existence of objects; two-sided connections, mutual transitions of subject and object into subject; pattern of connection at the entity level; interdependence of changes between the parties; internal self-conditioning of objects. Gromkova, M.T. Pedagogy high school: Tutorial/ M.T. Gromkova. - M.: UNITY, 2013. - 447 p.

In psychological and pedagogical sciences interaction is often associated with two phenomena: communication and joint activity. One of the aspects of communication (interactive) is called interaction by G.M. Andreeva. The interactive side of communication, the scientist believes, is a conventional term denoting the characteristics of those components of communication that are associated with the interaction of people, with the direct organization of their joint activities. The study of the interaction problem has social psychology long tradition. Some authors simply identify communication and interaction, interpreting both as communication in the narrow sense of the word, others consider the relationship between interaction and communication as the relationship between the form of a certain process and its content. Sometimes they prefer to talk about the connected, but still independent existence of communication as communication and interaction as interaction.

Interaction can also be interpreted as the organization of joint activities. During it, it is extremely important for participants not only to exchange information, but also to organize an “exchange of actions” and plan a common strategy.

The psychological content of the process of exchange of actions includes three points: taking into account plans “ripe in the head of the other” and comparing them with own plans; analysis of the “contributions” of each interaction participant; understanding the degree of involvement in the interaction of each of the partners.

The basis of social activity, T. Parsons believes, is interpersonal interactions consisting of single actions. A single action is an elementary act; systems of actions are subsequently formed from them. Each act is taken on its own, in isolation, from the point of view of an abstract scheme, the elements of which are: the actor; “other” (the object towards which the action is directed); norms (by which interaction is organized); values ​​(which each participant accepts); situation (in which the action is performed). Rabotnov, L.D. School theater pedagogy: Textbook / L.D. Rabotnov. - St. Petersburg: Planet of Music, 2015. - 256 p.

The structure of interaction: people, their connection, influence on each other, and, as a consequence of this, their changes (M. Weber, P. Sorokin). J. Shepanski proposed a description of the structure of interaction from the point of view of the stages of its development. For him, the central concept in describing social behavior is the concept of social connections. It can be presented as a sequential implementation of: spatial contact; mental contact (mutual interest); social contact(Team work); interaction (which is defined as “the systematic, constant implementation of actions aimed at causing an appropriate reaction on the part of the partner...”); social relationship (mutually related actions).

There is another descriptive approach to analyzing interaction - constructing classifications of its various types. The most common is the dichotomous division of all possible types interactions into two opposite types: cooperation and competition (consent and conflict, adaptation and opposition, association and dissociation). In the first case, such manifestations are analyzed that contribute to the organization of joint activities and are “positive” from this point of view. The second group includes interactions that in one way or another “shatter” joint activity and represent a certain kind of obstacle to it.

In our study greatest attention is given to cooperative interaction, meaning the coordination of the individual forces of the participants. The attributes of cooperation are processes such as mutual assistance of participants, their mutual influence, and their involvement in interaction. Cooperation is a necessary element of joint activity, generated by its special nature. Stolyarenko, L.D. Psychology and pedagogy: short course lectures / L.D. Stolyarenko, V.E. Stolyarenko. - M.: Yurayt, 2013. - 134 p.

A.N. Leontyev named two main features of joint activity: the division of a single process of activity between the participants; a change in everyone’s activity, since the result of everyone’s activity does not lead to the satisfaction of his needs, which means a discrepancy between the subject and motive of the activity. The means of connecting them are the relationships developed during joint activities, which are realized primarily in cooperation.

The essential features of pedagogical interaction that are important for our study were highlighted by G.M. Kodzhaspirova and A.Yu. Kodzhaspirov. They understand this phenomenon as accidental or intentional, private or public, long-term or short-term, verbal or non-verbal personal contact between teacher and student, resulting in mutual changes in their behavior, activities, relationships, and attitudes. In a humanistically oriented pedagogical process The relations between the participants are partnership, equal, parity, and the interaction itself is characterized by such terms as mutual understanding, mutual knowledge, relationships, mutual actions, mutual influence. In their opinion, interaction can take two main forms: cooperation and competition. Cooperation is characterized by the achievement of mutual agreement and solidarity in understanding the goals of joint activities and ways to achieve them. In competition, the success of some stimulates or inhibits the purposeful and productive activities of other participants in joint work. Stolyarenko, L.D. Social pedagogy: Textbook for bachelors / L.D. Stolyarenko, S.I. Samygin, I.V. Tumaikin. - M.: Dashkov and K, 2014. - 272 p.

All the main characteristics of interaction are reflected in its types. The most significant type of interaction for our research is social. In understanding its essence, we agree with the concept of L.V. Bayborodova and by social interaction we mean the totality of life processes in which a person and essential characteristic which are mutual changes of interacting parties as a result of mutual influences and influences. In this meaning, any subject activity man, his communication is social interaction. In a narrower sense, social phenomenon Not any human interaction is considered, but only that which provides positive, socially valuable changes in the interacting parties. In the third meaning, social interaction is seen as social attitude between people and social groups. Important specific forms of such interaction are joint activities and communication.

Socially, human interaction is also seen as a way to ensure the continuity of generations. The transfer of experience and information from generation to generation contributes to the interaction of people: specific behavior on the one hand and imitation of this behavior on the other.

A direct and specific indicator of effectiveness is the development of the main characteristics of interaction between participants:

1. By mutual knowledge - objectivity of knowledge of personal characteristics, best sides each other, interests, hobbies; the desire to know and understand each other better, mutual interest in each other.

2. By mutual understanding - understanding common goal interaction, community and unity of tasks, understanding and respect for each other’s difficulties and concerns, understanding of the motives of behavior in various situations, adequacy of assessments and self-esteem; coincidence of attitudes towards joint activities.

3. In relationships - showing tact, paying attention to each other’s opinions and suggestions; emotional readiness for joint activities, satisfaction with its results; respect for each other’s position, empathy, sympathy; desire for formal and informal communication; the creative nature of the relationship, stimulating initiative and independence of partners.

In terms of mutual actions - the implementation of constant contacts, active participation in joint activities; initiative in establishing various contacts coming from both sides; teamwork, coordination of actions based on mutual assistance, consistency; safety net, help, support each other.

5. By mutual influence - the ability to come to agreement on controversial issues; taking into account each other’s opinions when organizing work; the effectiveness of mutual comments that are justified and specific in form, changes in behavior and actions after recommendations addressed to each other. Gurevich, P.S. Psychology and pedagogy: Textbook for bachelors / P.S. Gurevich. - M.: Yurayt, 2013. - 479 p.

In general terms, the development of interaction can be judged by the enrichment of the content of joint activities and communication between partners, methods and forms of interaction, expansion of external and internal relations, and implementation of continuity.

The main characteristics of interaction manifest themselves differently depending on the conditions and situations in which the interaction takes place, which may indicate many types of interaction. IN practical work characterize interaction by optimality, efficiency, frequency and stability. Different approaches to classifying types of interaction do not exclude each other, but once again emphasize the multidimensionality and versatility of this process. It is possible to take the nature of interaction as a basis for classification, highlighting the following three features: the attitude of the interacting parties to each other’s interests, the presence of a perceived common goal of joint activity, and the subjectivity of the position in relation to each other in the interaction. Various combinations These signs are given by certain types of interaction: cooperation, dialogue, agreement, guardianship, suppression, indifference, confrontation. Stolyarenko, L.D. Psychology and pedagogy: Textbook / L.D. Stolyarenko, S.I. Samygin, V.E. Stolyarenko. - Rn/D: Phoenix, 2012. - 636 p.

Behavior in an argument should be simple: do not listen to your interlocutor, but look at him or hum while looking into his eyes. At the most critical moment, ask for a document, check your registration, ask for a reference from your place of work, easily switch to “you”, say: “But this is none of your damn business,” and your partner will soften as if scalded.

M. Zhvanetsky

It should be noted that the practice of interaction in contradictory situations - competitions, conflicts, disputes, disputes - has also formed constructive traditions of activity. This is exactly how, for example, the specific principle of “negative cooperation” arises: “The agonistic principle is the principle of struggle in compliance with certain norms and rules, the principle of fair competition, worthy discussions, dialogic dispute, which presupposes respect for the opponent. Compliance with this principle presupposes a dispute, but not a personal quarrel, a fight according to the rules, but not
rough aggressiveness, competition, but not shameless competition, respect human dignity opponent or opposing coalition and the denial of all anti-humanism in dialogic interaction” (Bush, 1985, pp. 261-262).

However, as already noted, methods of constructive interaction in conflict are less obvious, no matter how paradoxical this may seem.

The traditions of the classics in this area - Aristotle, Schopenhauer, Povarnin - are continued modern researchers. As an example of fundamental research in this area, one can cite the works of F. van Eemeren and R. Grootendorst. According to their point of view, “every speech act has as its goal a communicative effect, which implies understanding of what is said on the part of the listener, and an interactional effect, the achievement of which means that the listener will accept the speech act or react in a certain way to it”; thus, “every speech act imposes certain obligations on the person who performed it” (van Eemeren and Grootendorst, 1992, p. 29). " General principle communication”, which, according to the authors, provides all verbal communication, sounds like this:

Be clear, honest, effective and precise”, which implies adherence to the following principles: 1) “Do not make incomprehensible speech acts”; 2) “Don’t commit insincere speech acts”; 3) “Do not perform excessive speech acts”; 4) “Don’t perform meaningless speech acts”; 5) “Do not perform speech acts that are not appropriately related to antecedents.” speech acts"(ibid., pp. 50-53).

In addition, from these general postulates the authors derive specific rules for argumentative discussion, which, in their opinion, is speech communication, the purpose of which is to facilitate the resolution of a dispute or conflict of opinions. In total, the authors formulated 10 rules of discussion, and also described typical errors that arise in connection with their violations.

One of the most well-known descriptions of interaction techniques is the rules for conducting a constructive dispute according to S. Kratochvil (Tables 8.3 and 8.4), including descriptions of positive and destructive techniques of verbal communication in a conflict situation.

The most common methods of conducting a discussion and presenting one’s position are the methods of argumentation and counter-argumentation. Argumentation techniques usually include the presentation of arguments, the development of arguments and the method of positive answers, and the techniques of counter-argumentation include the “reversal” of the partner’s arguments, their dismemberment and the counter-development of argumentation. For example, the method of positive answers involves setting specific issues, with the help of which the opponent’s agreement is achieved on each individual point and thereby both partners gradually come to the same conclusion; the reversal method is aimed at leading the partner to opposite conclusions by gradually tracing the solution to the problem together with him; the dismemberment method involves specifying and dividing the partner’s arguments with their subsequent elaboration, etc.

(Dermanova, Sidorenko, 1996).

Table 8.3. Constructive debate on Kratochvil. Argument style

(quoted from: Psychotherapeutic Encyclopedia, p. 210)

1. Specificity In a dispute there is a subject, attack or defense comes down to specific behavior “here and now” Generalization: behavior is said to be “typical”, a reference to past or unrelated events
2. Engagement Both are passionate, giving and receiving strong “blows” One of the participants is not involved, is on the sidelines of the dispute, is insulted, ends the dispute prematurely, etc.
3. Communication Clear, open, everyone speaks for themselves, means what they say. You can understand him and answer him. Good feedback Repeating your own arguments too often and not paying attention to the arguments of others. Hidden signs of misunderstanding, hints, ambiguities, “noise”
4. "Fair play" “Low blows” are not allowed and what is taken into account is how much the partner can bear Arguments do not relate to the subject of the dispute, but are aimed at a sensitive place
Table 8.4. Constructive debate on Kratochvil. The result of the dispute (quoted from: Psychotherapeutic Encyclopedia, p. 211)
1. Information content Learned something or received something, learned something new Didn't learn anything new
2. Response Tension has disappeared, anger has decreased, grievances have been clarified The tension did not disappear, but remained or intensified
3. Rapprochement The dispute led to mutual understanding and rapprochement between the partners. There is a feeling that this concerns them, that this is how it should be. Maintain their dignity Partners are more distant than before. Feeling misunderstood or greatly offended
4. Improvement Eliminating the problem, resolving the situation, excuses, apologies, plans for the future Nothing is resolved, the participant does not try to fix anything or leaves it to someone else and does not want to forgive him

In the effective implementation of confrontation, Sidorenko distinguishes next stages: reporting your feelings caused by your partner’s actions; strengthening the message (if the first attempt is ineffective); expressing a wish or request; imposition of sanctions; implementation of sanctions (Sidorenko, 1997).

Psychological confrontation, in addition to confrontation, counterargumentation, constructive criticism, includes techniques of “psychological self-defense”, etc. Among the techniques of psychological self-defense, the author includes the “technique of endless clarification”, “technique of external consent” and “technique of a broken record”, when a participant in communication, in response to the actions of a partner that does not suit him, asks clarifying questions , agrees without changing his position, repeats the same thing, etc. (Sidorenko, 1995, pp. 95-101).

We will return to the methods of constructive interaction in conflict when discussing the problems of resolving them.