Determination of personnel efficiency and ways to improve it. How to increase staff efficiency by opening all doors to employees

The education, qualifications and work experience of an employee are not as important for the head of the organization as the specific result. Therefore, the main criterion for assessing work efficiency is the productivity of personnel. Other indicators - personal data, qualifications, experience - are taken into account as an auxiliary, and not a primary criterion.

Performance Assessment: Concept and Meaning

The HR manager, immediate supervisor or employer has the right to assess the effectiveness of the performance of duties by the organization’s personnel. Analysis of the productivity of the professional activity of an individual employee and assessment of his fulfillment of assigned tasks make it possible to note the effectiveness of the functioning of the entire company.

When assessing staff performance, the following are taken into account:

  • volume of work performed;
  • complexity of the tasks;
  • features of the assigned functional responsibilities;
  • labor results.

A person can cope with his responsibilities, but never meet deadlines, constantly distract colleagues to help with work, while efficiency consists of two indicators:

  • Time spent achieving results.
  • Resources expended.

An experienced HR specialist knows well: it will be possible to increase the efficiency of personnel if three conditions are met. And all three conditions are aimed at the interaction between the manager and the subordinate:

1. The desire to work must become mutual. To get a “return” from an ordinary employee, the boss should talk about “bonuses” in the form of a bonus or career growth. Thus, both parties benefit: the employee improves his financial situation or acquires a new status, and the organization increases profits due to the efficient use of personnel.

2. Using the subordinate's "personal"/"selfish" needs to increase its efficiency indicators. Everyone has their own interest. If you can find out what is important to a person, this can be used as motivation.

3. Management's interest in the workforce. If subordinates feel “needed” and understand that the company is interested in each of them, they try not to disappoint management, and the results of their work will serve as a reward for both the subordinate and the manager.

Assessment Objectives

How did the idea of ​​job evaluation come about? Every employer wants to know what they are spending their money on. It is important for him to understand that the benefits from the employee’s activities correspond to the funds invested in him. Performance assessment is carried out to find out:

  • the level of operation of the management system, as well as the organization of the distribution of functional responsibilities among personnel;
  • whether an individual employee copes with the tasks assigned to him, and to what extent;
  • the “need” of an employee for the company: the ratio of the company’s expenses for maintaining the employee with his personal contribution to the profit of the enterprise;
  • correspondence of the volume of work performed to the earnings received;
  • what methods of motivation will be effective for staff;
  • How promising is the employee, and is it worth investing in his training to increase the efficiency and productivity of his work, based on the interests of the organization.

The introduction of personnel KPI (key performance indicators) assessment is a popular technique for modern managers.

In practice, it looks like this: the boss sets certain goals and objectives for the staff. Some employees complete tasks, others do not. According to the assessment, there is a reward: those who fulfilled the plan - a bonus (monetary reward), the rest - thanks for the work (or an attempt to cope with it). The purpose of such assessments is fair wages.

Who needs the assessment?

The employer is primarily interested in evaluating performance. Based on performance indicators, he assigns salaries to the staff. For example, a sales manager may be interested in a percentage of completed deals. The higher his personal efficiency, the higher his average monthly income. For office workers, salary is important. And the amount of salary will depend on the assessment of the effectiveness of their work. But with creative personnel - designers or programmers - everything is much more complicated. Russian companies are just beginning to use the KPI indicator in assessing the productivity of creative work. Remuneration for hired employees of companies is based on the subjective assessment of the manager or employer. Only some managers admit to their assessment method, while the rest diligently hide it.

Problems in implementing an assessment system

Not all managers are able to successfully implement a performance appraisal system for their subordinates. And the reason lies both in the unsuccessful method and in the insufficient effectiveness of the leader himself. What problems of performance analysis may arise and why?

The first barrier to the successful implementation of a system for assessing the level of performance of staff in performing their duties is the resistance of the team. Why is this happening? There are a number of reasons:

  • fears about innovation. Staff are afraid of changes, believing that the amount of work will increase and the salary will decrease;
  • complex scheme. A multi-level system for assessing the effectiveness of personnel use confuses and demotivates the employee. If an employee cannot understand what he did wrong and why he was paid less, this negatively affects his performance and attitude towards work;
  • incomprehensible wage system. If a bonus is paid based on the results of work for the last, or even the month before last, the employee turns out to be disoriented: he worked worse, but earned more;
  • the difference in the assessment of completed tasks and overall effectiveness between the employee and his manager. And such assessments rarely coincide;
  • achieving a set goal does not always completely depend on the employee’s activities. What he considers correct and aesthetic may not please the customer at all. And the work will have to be redone, making changes again and again. Therefore, when assessing the activities of “creative” employees, the manager should use a special method or an individual approach;
  • the need to spend time on reports. Who will like to write a detailed report after completing the work, indicating the time spent, meeting deadlines and analyzing their own mistakes.

So, the main problem in introducing assessments of productivity and labor productivity is the subjectivity and opacity of assessment methods.

Features of assessing the quality of work

The main criteria for assessing the productivity of staff in performing their duties are:

  • the organization's total profit;
  • personnel involved.

Profit levels alone do not guarantee equal performance for every employee. The assessment of the work of the entire team may not correspond to the assessment of an employee who “hides” behind his colleagues and only “looks” like an effective employee.

Specially developed assessment methods aimed at determining the amount of effort put in by an employee, his potential and external factors influencing his activities help determine the level of staff performance.

Assessment methods

The assessment of the professional level of personnel is based on an analysis of:

  • the amount of theoretical knowledge of the organization’s employees;
  • the ability of staff to apply knowledge in practice.

Methods for assessing a specific employee allow the manager to determine the ability of a subordinate to create a “product” needed by the organization, with minimal costs on the part of the latter.

The most popular methods of personnel assessment are:

  1. Certification.
  2. Tests.
  3. Management By Objectives.
  4. Performance Management.


The certification method makes it possible to check the level of professionalism of company personnel. Certification is carried out collegiately, and the knowledge of employees is assessed by a commission consisting of specialists from individual areas. Assessments during certification are given for:

  • theoretical knowledge of personnel;
  • ability to apply them in work;
  • whether the employee is suitable for his position.

Certification is the only method for assessing the professional level of personnel provided for by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation. If an employee receives a low or unsatisfactory assessment, the employer has the right to terminate the contract with him.


Test methods for personnel assessment help to form an objective opinion about a candidate for a position when hiring.

The practical application of test assessment methods has earned the trust of HR managers due to the ease of implementation and reliability of the results.


A formal method that gives an idea of ​​the employee’s subjective assessment of himself. Provides the employer with the opportunity to analyze the qualifications and experience of a job applicant based on the facts presented and the documents provided.


Questionnaires are divided into two categories. Qualification- a job applicant is offered to take specialized tests to assess his level of knowledge. The most objective analysis of knowledge is carried out using specially developed computer programs. For example, the free program Airen, based on the method of testing knowledge locally or via the Internet. Such tests consist of a set of tasks:

  1. with a suggested answer;
  2. with a detailed answer;
  3. on the ability to classify concepts into classes;
  4. to establish compliance.

Psychological gives an assessment of a person’s stress resistance, efficiency, emotionality, and moral principles. Such tests are popular in law enforcement agencies, as well as in companies where personnel daily deal with processing large amounts of information or working with clients. Psychological testing makes it possible to identify such a problem as professional “burnout” among staff and to weed out candidates “unsuitable” for productive work.


Installation of special equipment, for example, Yaware, TimeTracker or TimeInformer. They provide the employer or manager with the opportunity to observe staff throughout the day. This method allows you to monitor the activities of each employee, assess communication skills, level of professionalism, efficiency, and competence. The main disadvantage of such an assessment is its subjectivity. The observer's opinion does not always reflect reality.


This technique is used in personnel selection. During the interview, the manager analyzes the applicant’s communication skills, his previous work experience, conflict, and adaptation to the new team.

Regular interviews with current employees help identify problems among staff, avoid or resolve conflicts that arise among colleagues during work, and identify potential leaders and outsiders. Of course, the disadvantage of such assessments is their subjectivity. After all, the interview is often conducted by one specialist.

A game

The business game provides the manager with the opportunity to evaluate staff according to the following criteria:

  • activity;
  • initiative;
  • quick mind;
  • creativity;
  • prudence.

Carrying out an analysis of the game allows us to identify the most promising employees, from whom a reserve of applicants for career growth is formed.

It will not be possible to objectively evaluate the performance of personnel based on test methods alone. They serve as an auxiliary element for assessing the labor productivity of individual employees and all company personnel as a whole. Most test methods are used for preliminary assessment of a candidate when applying for a job.

Management by Objectives

An objective method for assessing the effectiveness of an employee and his work, as well as the person’s suitability for the position held.

How does it work? The manager sets several tasks for the staff and specifies the deadlines for their completion. This could be a week of intense work, or maybe several months. A prerequisite for setting goals is their clarity, accuracy, and feasibility.

The staff’s opinions on strategic and tactical areas of work must be listened to, and the digital indicators of the plan are agreed upon.

One of the areas of assessment according to the MBO is the formation of a staff motivation scheme by creating a remuneration system based on performance indicators. The relationship between performance indicators and salary is set by the manager.

Assessment using the MBO method is carried out according to two schemes:

  1. Payment is made for each performance indicator achieved. Exceeding standards by staff does not matter under such a scheme. But failure to fulfill the plan entails a reduction in wages. There are acceptable performance indicators at the level of 80-85%.
  2. In order for staff to understand the tasks assigned to them and organize their activities in accordance with them, as well as to simplify the analysis of performance indicators of individual employees, an MBO matrix is ​​being developed. It contains information about problems and their numerical coefficients.

Performance Management

Another objective method for assessing the work of company employees, which involves setting tasks and monitoring their effective implementation by company personnel. Performance management is an improved MBO methodology that allows you to assess the professionalism and competence of personnel. In turn, the employee is interested in quickly achieving his goals.

The advantages of the methodology in the ability to evaluate the work of employees:

  • Encouraging staff to improve their professional level.
  • Increased labor productivity.
  • Objective assessment of a person’s suitability for the position held.

Stages of RM:

  1. Preparation of labor performance indicators (KPI).
  2. Setting tasks for personnel based on KPI indicators.
  3. Assessing the work of employees based on the results of the implementation of the KPI.
  4. Modeling personnel competencies based on assessment results.

Criteria and results

There is no single mechanism capable of objectively assessing the work of an individual employee or the entire company’s personnel. This is due to the variety of methods for calculating performance, the specifics of the functioning of individual enterprises, the peculiarities of the distribution of professional responsibilities assigned to personnel, as well as the “portraits” of an ideal employee in a particular organization.

The use of the listed assessment systems makes it possible to calculate the level of productivity of an individual employee by adding up the scores given for various parameters, based on the assigned tasks.

A little madness, or the main thing is not to overdo it

The head of a small but steadily operating Sibiriks studio in Moscow, studied a mountain of methods for assessing employee productivity and decided to introduce fair wages in his business. By the way, it was decided to introduce such “fairness” to employees involved in website development, creative ideas and other areas of IT technology. For this purpose, a detailed plan was developed. It was prescribed to take into account the performance of employees according to the following parameters:

  • Compliance with the production of working hours as planned.
  • Monthly standards for the “sales” of services.
  • Number of subordinates and their salary.
  • Number of thanks from clients.
  • Number of repeat orders from “regular” customers.
  • Awards for participation in specialized competitions.
  • Number of negative customer reviews.
  • Amount of receivables.
  • Number of books read and so on.

This is a very detailed list. Thus, a unified assessment scheme was created. And in order to practice it, it was decided to practice not with real money, but with virtual “forfeits”. A large board with pictures of all the employees was placed in the office. On it, with the help of badges - “forfeits” - the successes and failures of each employee were noted, which were taken into account when calculating wages. Drastic changes in the team occurred within the first hour after the launch of the “project”. The faces became gloomy. After a couple more days of “working in a new way,” a fierce struggle for “forfeits” began. The friendly atmosphere in the team gave way to a wary one. After seven days, estimating the project took five times longer than before. And whole battles flared up between the developers and the project manager. A month passed and there was no talk of helping my colleague. Everyone had their own job. Endless conflicts began. “Forfeits” became the subjective opinion of management. Everyone refused to work without money. Tension in the team increased, but work efficiency, on the contrary, fell. In the third month of testing, the “fair payment project” was quietly abandoned. And after a month and a half, the anxiety disappeared. Everyone became friends again and stopped competing. The number of satisfied clients and completed projects has increased.

Let's sum it up

There are many assessment methods. And each has its own pros and cons. To what extent, what method and how to apply it is up to the manager to decide. The main thing is not to transfer theoretical knowledge directly to your subordinates. It is necessary to take into account the specifics of the work, the characteristics of the personnel, and the relationships that have developed in the team.

And one more thing: the employee treats his responsibilities the way management treats him. If an employee is confident that he is valued, his work is respected, he is valued, he strives not only not to let the team and the company as a whole, but also to bring as much benefit as possible. He knows that his efforts will be noticed, appreciated and fairly rewarded.

The main capital in the age of robotization is employees. It sounds paradoxical, but it is true. Soon everyone will have robots, and they will all work the same way. People will become an indicator of effectiveness - only they can make a company unique and most attractive to customers.

The secret of staff efficiency is simple - everyone is in their place, everyone values ​​their place. But how can this be achieved in practice?

Everyone in their place

First, it is necessary that each employee understands what is required of him. Where possible, we set standards. They are needed not only to evaluate the employee’s performance. The norm is a guideline that will not allow you to relax or “burn out at work.” The norm must be reasonable - there is no need to wishful thinking.

When there is an understanding of what an employee should do, you can move on to assessing staff performance. There are different assessment methods - qualitative and quantitative. Qualitative, or descriptive, are based on opinions, reviews, and compliance with an ideal. Quantitative methods are more objective because they are based on numbers. For example, the KPI (Key Performance Indicators) system - key performance indicators.

To determine KPIs you will need:

  1. Criteria for employee evaluation. What is the most important thing in his work? Number of transactions concluded, number of repeat orders, quality of request processing
  2. Quantitative performance indicators: minimum sufficient (base), standard (norm) and desired (goal)

(Act minus base/Norm minus base) × 100% = result (%)

  • If the result is more than 100% - excellent, the employee is in the right place
  • If the result is not satisfactory, a detailed analysis of individual KPIs according to criteria is needed. It may make sense to employ this employee in another position where he can use his strengths

Everyone values ​​their place

Methods of motivating employees are divided into tangible and intangible. Now in trend. This works for Western companies, where the salary of a specialist is almost the same for all employers. It makes sense to attract employees with additional bonuses.

But we live in Russia. Some statistics: how much does a lawyer earn in Novosibirsk? Which company will receive more resumes?

Therefore, the first level of motivation is material. You can set the average salary for the region. This is the base salary. But it is necessary that the employee understands that the final amount will depend on his KPI. Moreover, the bonus calculation scheme should be as transparent and understandable as possible for the employee.

Motivation of the second level is socio-material. Experts in the survey: 44% of Russians would like to pay at the expense of the company, 40% want to receive a voluntary health insurance policy, 32% - preferential vacation vouchers, 28% - paid fitness, 26% - meals at the expense of the employer. And of course, material incentives are always valuable - for a birthday, for a wedding, in connection with the birth of a child. This money is a gesture of goodwill to the company and is therefore highly valued by employees.

Level three motivation is comfort in the workplace. This includes coffee, cookies, a place to relax, and fast Internet. The list is endless and limited only by the company’s imagination.

Monitoring the work of personnel

Few words . Oddly enough, this is also a method of motivating employees. There are companies where every conversation between a manager and a client is listened to and analyzed. This is the best way to kill motivation. There is no need for total control. Monitoring KPI indicators - the final result - is quite enough. Let employees choose how they will achieve it. Trust is a great motivational tool.

Efficiency at work is of great importance. But many people do not take advantage of their limitless possibilities. Many people forget that every person has enormous potential. And you need to learn how to use it. And then your labor productivity will increase many times over, your work will become more efficient. The main thing is to follow a few simple recommendations. And your success is guaranteed.

How to increase labor efficiency

We wake up before eight in the morning.

When a person gets up early, he has a better chance of doing everything he has planned. And work productivity increases.

Let's do exercises.

This will charge you with a portion of energy and mobilize your internal resources. And it will help you wake up.

We set ourselves up in the morning for effective work.

Attitude is of great importance for effective work. Believe in your success and it will lead you to success. Tell yourself that everything will work out for me.

In the morning we take a contrast shower or douse ourselves with cold water.

This has a beneficial effect not only on your health and immunity, but also gives you vigor and good mood for the whole day.

We are planning.

Every day before you go to bed, make a plan for the next day. And act according to your goal setting. If you neglect this important activity, then a lot of time is spent thinking about what to do now. Without a plan, you lose the most precious thing you have - your time.

Set realistic goals.

If you set unrealistic goals for yourself, you will not be able to achieve them, and this will negatively affect your self-esteem.

Alternate your activities.

Swap activities that require attention and brain activity with those that involve physical activities.

Don't forget about the 5 joys.

Do something that makes you happy every day. This can be any little thing, for example, taking a walk in the fresh air after a working day or singing a song at karaoke. This is very important, as positive emotions increase your effectiveness at work.

We do the more difficult work first, and leave the easier work for the evening hours.

After five hours of work, your performance decreases, and you will no longer be able to cope with a difficult task one hundred percent.

The golden rule is that how a person starts his day, what he does in the first hours, is how he will be busy throughout the day.

If you start your day by browsing various forums on the Internet, you will continue to read them until the evening. There is no point in loading yourself with useless information early in the morning. Better get busy with important things. And don’t switch from one point of the plan to another until you finish what you started.

We alternate work and rest.

Rest on time. Give yourself ten-minute breaks every hour. If the situation allows, do relaxation or exercise.

We support ourselves with positive reinforcement.

To increase your work efficiency, you should reinforce yourself with rewards and praise.

Noise reduces productivity.

If noise irritates you, be it from your computer fan or conversations at work, put on headphones and listen to pleasant music.

Don't neglect sports.

Sports and active recreation relieves stress and improves cerebral blood supply. Also, playing sports increases the level of endorphins, energizes you with positivity and increases performance.

Eliminate things that distract you and waste your time.

During work, no games, asecs or forums. Also, do not waste your working time talking on the phone about personal issues.

Watch your posture - keep your back straight.

A straight back means good blood circulation. If it is very difficult to monitor your posture, use a posture corrector and do exercises to restore your spine.

Buy yourself a diary.

There is no point in overloading your brain with various little things. Write down your plans and impressions, telephone numbers and addresses, appointments and their dates. Take care of your head.

Set deadlines for work.

The deadline for completing the work must be clear and realistic. And don’t put off until later what you can do now.

Follow your daily routine.

The habit of working is developed over time. And a certain operating mode should be observed, since the human body adapts to it and during these hours brain activity increases.

Don't overexert yourself

Work no more than 12 hours a day. Sleep at least 8 hours a day. If your body is always tired, then there can be no talk of any effectiveness. Love yourself and your body. And be healthy and full of strength!

Hello! In this article we will talk about personal effectiveness.

Today you will learn:

  • What is personal effectiveness;
  • What does it affect?
  • How to be truly effective.

What is personal effectiveness

Let's start with the theoretical part. The very concept of personal effectiveness for the average person is understandable, but somewhat vague. Due to the fact that there is no clear definition, problems arise in the methodology, and in general in the field of application. Let's try to define a person's personal effectiveness.

Personal effectiveness a person’s ability to perform certain tasks as quickly and efficiently as possible.

Based on this definition, it is already possible to identify the main problems that a person faces when performing certain everyday tasks:

  • Switching attention;
  • Not working at full capacity.

That is, we can say that personal effectiveness implies a clear concentration on performing a specific task at the maximum level. Today, psychologists are increasingly giving priority to issues of personal effectiveness. In a world full of information, it is quite difficult not to drown in such a flow and filter out what you need.

Why is it important to evaluate and improve personal effectiveness?

The effectiveness of one specific person can influence not only the performance of one specific task at work or school, but also the overall pursuit of certain human goals.

Based on personal effectiveness, we can judge not only how quickly you complete the task assigned by your employer, but also how quickly you can climb the career ladder, receive and use new information, and achieve your goals.

Personal effectiveness is responsible for an important parameter – performance. A person with little effectiveness will endlessly trail behind while more successful ones use their potential to complete their tasks. In order to better understand the very meaning of using personal effectiveness, you need to raise the topic of talent and using your potential.

It is a well-known fact that success consists of hard work and talent. Moreover, people put forward different proportions, from 10% talent and 90% labor, to 50/50.

Personal efficiency is an analogue of work using your talent. That is, you use your resources to achieve your goal as quickly as possible, using the minimum possible amount of effort.

This does not mean that the task will be performed poorly; on the contrary, the more efficient a person is, the more efficiently he will complete the work in a short time.

Accordingly, increasing personal efficiency will inevitably lead to the fact that a person will spend much less time on everyday activities.

Example: The employee is entrusted with the task of analyzing competitors in his company's industry. Based on this report, he will need to make his analysis, assess the company’s development prospects and, in general, give his verdict on the advisability of entering the market. An employee will cope with this task from 1 week to 1 month. And the higher its efficiency, the shorter the time it will take to complete this task.

We talk more about the timing of tasks rather than their quality, primarily based on modern realities. The problem of the current job is not to cope with the task at the level - there are almost never problems with this. The main problem is .

Everyone has noticed this phenomenon: for the first 20-30 minutes at work, you, with burning eyes, begin to carry out the tasks assigned to you. Then, the effectiveness drops, the eyes stop burning, and what took 5 minutes gradually takes 10, 15 and 20.

If you look at yourself from the outside at this time, you can notice endless distractions, weakening concentration, switching from one task to another and other truly ineffective things. And this phenomenon is observed everywhere, not only at work, but also at school, when conducting, training, reading, etc.

It is in order to reduce the time it takes to complete one task, thereby increasing your productivity, that you need to train personal efficiency.

Who is recommended to increase personal effectiveness first?

Absolutely every person needs to train personal effectiveness, but some professions require a special approach to this. Let's figure out who needs to take care of themselves first and foremost.

Freelancers. Let's start with them. This is a special category of workers who perform various tasks. This could be the creation of programs, design, accounting, etc.

This category of people is most susceptible to information attack due to constant contact with information. If at work in the office social networks, news sites and other ways to kill time and distract from work are blocked or under surveillance, then when working from home there are no such restrictions.

Often, in order to complete a task that would take a maximum of 15 minutes, the average freelancer spends more than an hour. It is in order to cope with work faster, increase earnings, the number of clients, and at the same time free up time for more interesting things - freelancers need to constantly improve their personal effectiveness.

Businessmen. This category will include everyone who has any kind of money, as well as directors and top managers of large companies. In the realities of the modern economy, businessmen and senior management have a very limited amount of time to solve important problems.

Moreover, they have more responsibilities than ordinary employees. It is in order to find time for everything, and leave a few more hours for life outside of work, that you need to develop your personal effectiveness.

Students. Anyone who learns something can be included in this category. Regardless of whether it is school or a two-month accounting course, using their academic potential to the full is the primary task of these people.

Getting the maximum amount of useful information, filtering it from unnecessary garbage, and making it suitable for use for your own purposes is a task that is influenced by personal effectiveness.

When personal effectiveness is formed

A person’s personal effectiveness is a subjective factor. It begins to form in preschool age, and its peak formation occurs at the age of 19-25, a time when people are just starting to work, using everything they received during their education.

But the whole foundation is acquired at school, when the same multitasking of students manifests itself: they need to do their homework, do what they like, surf on social networks, hang out with friends, complete their parents’ tasks around the house, and so on. It is during this period that priorities are set.

But this does not mean that increasing personal effectiveness is impossible at a later age. It is after 23-25 ​​years that people think about how they can increase their efficiency in order to devote time to their family and leave a little for their hobbies.

That is why it is necessary to improve one’s own effectiveness as early as possible, but even at a later age one cannot say that a person will not be able to change himself and begin to be more efficient.

The basis of personal effectiveness is made up of three factors:

  • Setting goals;
  • Resource usage;
  • Socialization.

Setting goals is the most important factor of all three. In order to work effectively, you need to understand why you are doing it. A well-set goal is the basis of the result. At the same time, it is important to set intermediate goals. The shortest time period for one goal should be 1 day.

Resource usage. Comparing personal effectiveness with the economy is a great fit here. Economics is the science of using a limited amount of resources to satisfy needs. If we draw an analogy with a person, then everyone has their own supply of resources that must be used in order to fulfill their goals.

Socialization. Also quite an important factor. He is responsible for communication and implementation of goals in society. Every day a person inevitably encounters other people, and they also influence the fulfillment of his goals, just like himself.

It is in order to train the skill of achieving goals that you need to learn to build relationships with people and make sure that they help achieve goals in one way or another.

A person who wishes to develop his personal effectiveness must move in these three directions:

  • Learn to correctly set your goals;
  • Try to use your resources more wisely to achieve them;
  • Interact with people to implement your plans.

Methods for increasing personal effectiveness

There are a lot of methods for increasing personal effectiveness, but they all say about the same thing. We have collected for you the 10 most popular ways to increase personal efficiency, and by following at least half of them for several months, you are guaranteed to notice an increase in your performance.


One of the most important ways to increase efficiency is to plan your day wisely. This is one of the main skills that can increase your performance throughout the day.

Abraham Lincoln was a truly brilliant man who was able to achieve the most ambitious goals only through his personal effectiveness. He worked to the maximum almost always, and this distinguished him from everyone who stood in the way of achieving his goals.

Working according to your goal is the primary area that you will have to work with first. It is best to write down your goals on plain paper - this makes them more tangible. It’s best to carry a goal journal with you and look at it periodically.

But plans for the day are just the tip of the iceberg. Goals should also be set for longer periods. Also, a person should have one goal - a mission that he should align himself with. This is usually a big and ambitious goal that can take almost a lifetime to achieve.

At the same time, drawing up a competent mission is the first step to becoming effective.

It is also advisable to carry a sheet of paper with your main goals and mission with you. It will help answer the question: “Why am I doing this at the moment,” and will also provide additional motivation for work.


Prioritizing is an important skill to learn as soon as you learn how to set your goals. Prioritize – decide which task should be completed first and which task should be completed after. Arranging such a sequence allows you to solve the most important tasks at the beginning of the day using maximum resources, leaving less effort for unimportant ones.

Mark Twain said: “If you eat a frog at the beginning of the day, the rest of the day promises to be wonderful. After all, you have already done all the hardest things.”

That is, you need to complete one large and complex task at once, without putting it off for a long time. After this, everything else will not seem so difficult and you will be able to complete everything without much effort.

Psychologists also share a similar point of view. After completing a difficult task, a person experiences a surge of endorphins - the hormone of joy, and as a result - an increase in the internal supply of resources. That is, after a difficult task, you will happily take on something less difficult. At the same time, the most enjoyable task should be left for the end. Striving for it will also increase your performance.

Prioritization allows you to choose the biggest and meanest frog, then the slightly smaller frog, and so on.

Concentration of attention

One of the most complex methods that allows you to accelerate personal effectiveness to the maximum.

Concentration – the ability to focus on something specific. That is, when completing a task, you are not distracted by extraneous things, completely devote yourself to the work and complete it much faster.

The problem of concentration today is one of the most pressing issues that psychologists attach importance to.

Some statistics:

  • The average length of time a child concentrates on one thing is 7 minutes. For an adult, this figure can increase to 40 minutes.
  • After 40 minutes of the same type of work, no matter how creative it is, a loss of concentration and a decline in performance occurs. This has a negative impact on personal effectiveness.

Today there are several methods for improving concentration, but the principle is the same: you need to periodically take breaks and, after long periods of doing the same thing, change your field of activity. One of the oldest but most effective methods of maintaining concentration is the Pomodoro method.

The essence of the method is that you need to engage in one type of activity for 25 minutes and after that take a 5-minute rest. After you have done this Pomodoro cycle 4 times, you need to change the activity, even if the work was not completed. And after 1-2 cycles, return to it and finish the job.

There are many other methods that you can learn about online.

Gradually giving up gadgets at work

This follows from the previous paragraph. Mobile phones and tablets negatively affect concentration. They force a person to constantly be distracted by unnecessary information. Gadgets at work should only be used for communication.

Limiting time spent on social networks

Social networks are an ideal tool for reducing personal effectiveness. They take up a huge amount of time without bringing anything in return. In order to make good use of your personal and work time, you will need to limit yourself as much as possible in terms of social networks.

Spend as little time as possible on VKontakte or Odnoklassniki, and you will notice that you have much more opportunities to do what you really like.

Monitoring your well-being

Poor health is one of the reasons why a person cannot use his maximum potential. During illness, a person will be practically useless at work, since he will not be able to perform everyday tasks as quickly and efficiently as he did before.

Therefore, it should be remembered that sometimes it is much better to spend 1-2 days to finally recover than to work while sick for 1-2 weeks, thereby reducing your effectiveness.

It also doesn't hurt to relax well before starting work. A hot bath can be a great option for this. For lovers of oriental arts, meditation can be a real salvation. During it, the human body rests at an accelerated rate, and literally after 20 minutes of meditation, you will feel a real surge of strength.

Entering Flow State

Flow is the name of a rather interesting psychological state of a person, which is characterized by peak performance. In such a state, a person is able to give his maximum, or even go beyond his own limits.

In order to enter the flow, you can use internal or external stimulants. Internal stimulants include everything that concerns a person’s personal motivation. External stimulants include everything that one way or another can make a person calm down and tune in to the desired mood.

Suitable for this:

  • Suitable premises;
  • Hot bath;
  • Meditation.

With internal stimulants, things are a little more complicated. They are individual for each person, but they are similar in one thing - they cause a positive charge of emotions, which allows you to focus on one thing for a long time. They also relate to internal motivation. Just learn about your motivational levers, and you can easily influence yourself and enter a state of flow.

Know how to rest

This is one of the most important skills that most people have lost. As they say, in most dictionaries, rest is a change in activity. Therefore, you cannot relax by simply lying on the sofa. You need to do something different that uses your other muscles and abilities.

Changing the type of activity is something that you should learn in a short time. If you work with your hands, play chess, poker, force your brain to think. If your work involves mental work, everything is done exactly the opposite - you need to rest, taxing the body physically, without giving it much time to think.

There is a common misconception that people who work a lot on the computer can relax by surfing social networks. But this is far from true. Time spent at the computer negatively affects the eye muscles, as well as the brain, which is forced to filter huge flows of information.

Stop overworking

This point relates to health, but it should be highlighted separately. Each person must clearly understand his limit - the amount of work performed, after which he will harm his body.

We know that the capabilities of the human body are quite large, and it is not uncommon to go beyond one’s own limits, especially when it comes to urgent and important work. But the consequences of such cases are not positive.

In order to competently refuse overtime, you just need to experimentally find out your redistribution - that state when nothing works out anymore, work goes 2-3 times slower, and physical fatigue simply throws you out of balance. And next time, when you reach a similar amount of work, you need to slow down and put it aside for a while, after resting.

Learn to delegate authority

This applies to a greater extent to employees in management positions. Most bosses, especially old-school bosses, try to do most of the company's work alone. And that's wrong. After all, a manager who is busy at an enterprise becomes a worker, but a worker who makes a decision will not become a manager.

That is why it is better to create a clear hierarchical structure, with freedom of choice for each link - to transfer part of the powers that rest with you to the rest, lower working links. This will allow you to relieve yourself and increase the efficiency of each individual link and employee.

The personal effectiveness of a leader is what the entire company rests on. The more efficiently its management team works, the more management decisions can be made, and the better the economic situation of the enterprise will be.

These are fairly simple methods that are known to almost every person. But their implementation may require a significant amount of time. To make the most of them, you need to make these methods your habits.

Laziness and fear of change as obstacles to success

Laziness is the proverbial engine of progress. In fact, this is one of the main brakes that prevents a person from moving on. Along with it comes fear. And for the most part, it is the fear of change.

A person is afraid that in a new environment he will lose stability. And stability for most modern people is one of the main aspects of a successful life.

At the same time, if laziness is something that can and should be fought against, and every person understands this, then the fear of change is almost insurmountable alone.

A great way to combat laziness is to develop the habits of successful people. One of the most important methods that you should follow in life is to watch what successful people do and bring it into your life.

Another popular excuse is age.

We will not focus special attention on this, we will just give a few examples of successful people who realized their ideas at a fairly advanced age:

  • Suze Orman is one of the most famous American writers. She worked as a waitress until she was 30. Success came only after 40;
  • Harrison Ford is a fairly famous director. Until the age of 30 he worked as a carpenter;
  • JK Rowling is the author of the Harry Potter books. At 31, she was still living on welfare;
  • Ray Kroc is the current owner of the McDonald's chain. Until the age of 52 he worked as a traveling salesman;
  • Henry Ford - no need to explain who he is. Only at the age of 40 did he manage to launch his first automobile plant.

And there are hundreds and thousands of such examples around the world. That very figure - 30 years, after which a person becomes so difficult to climb, according to statistics remains just a number. It's never too late to start moving forward.

Of course, age makes people’s brains less pliable, information becomes more difficult to assimilate, and new skills are acquired with great difficulty. True, there is one thing. This will be typical for those who simply stopped developing after graduating from school/institute.

If a person pays attention to his life, studies new information, learns about new issues that interest him, then with 100% probability his brain will work no worse than in school until he is 50-70 years old.

It is no coincidence that we touched on the issue of success. After all, the majority of readers who opened this article expect that increasing personal effectiveness will lead them to success.

And in most cases, the criteria for success are: financial well-being, good health and family. It is personal effectiveness that is responsible for a person’s path to success. The more effectively you use your internal resources, the greater your chances of being among truly successful people.

Personal effectiveness and self-education

Here we need to touch on the issue of education and self-education. Let's start with the fact that many people in their lives have thought more than once about personal effectiveness, although they called it by different words.

They read quite a lot on the Internet and bought various books on the topic of how to become rich, famous and successful. And a fairly vivid illustration of all such literature will be the work of Evgeny Gordeev - “how to make a million.” The book consists of 200 pages, 100 of which are taken up by the endless repetition of the word “work”, and the remaining 100 are lined out according to the plan. This is the most truthful book about how to become a successful and rich person.

That is, you need to understand once that there is no such magic pill that will suddenly make you successful and rich. You need to develop, and one of the main directions is to maximize your own effectiveness. From childhood, people are surrounded by useless knowledge without being taught the most important thing - how to set goals, use their own resources and achieve them. That is why the first thing you must learn if you want success is to use your own resources.

Personal effectiveness and comfort zone

The title of another book speaks about how to deal with your comfort zone – “Get Out of Your Comfort Zone. Change your life. 21 methods for increasing personal effectiveness" from Brian Tracy. In order to increase your personal effectiveness, you will need to get out of your comfort zone and into the real world as early as possible.

A person cannot achieve the maximum if he remains stagnant. Of course, your comfort zone is what makes you truly calm and even happy. At the same time, you are marking time and not achieving more.

Successful people never remained in their comfort zone, they endlessly moved forward. A striking example is the founder of the Virgin brand, Richard Branson. A person who has chosen 7 types of activities for his company and continues to expand his business.

Of course, leaving your comfort zone comes with challenges. First of all, it is the fear of failure. The second obstacle is laziness. Third, the wrong environment. All three of these factors negatively affect personal effectiveness, preventing you from using your full potential. It is in order to do your best, set ambitious goals and achieve them, you need to use methods to increase efficiency, implement them in your life and increase your performance to the maximum.

Personal effectiveness in the company

From the personal effectiveness of an individual, let's move on to an entire company or enterprise.

The effectiveness of company employees is no longer a question of psychology, but of literacy. That is why a good leader must work in several areas at once - study applied psychology (methods of influencing people) and know the basics of management. This combination will allow you to competently manage people and push them in the right direction.

The methodology for improving employee effectiveness is not very different from the personal effectiveness of an individual. At the same time, it will be necessary to build a competent system that will allow you to reward effective workers and somehow influence those who do not work to their maximum.

Motivational systems can be completely different - from monetary (which is not effective enough) to ideological (the most effective).

Let's consider two extremes: ideological motivation. You can motivate with money for successful completion of work, or for exceeding the plan. But there is a significant drawback - for some workers, money is not the main motivation, and perhaps they do not go to work because of it.

Ideological motivation is the ability to inspire your employees in such a way that they are imbued with the idea of ​​the company and independently come to the conclusion: they need to work to the maximum to help their employer achieve its goals. This is a rather complex, but interesting method that minimizes the cost of monetary rewards, but increases the efficiency of workers.

But it is almost impossible to find two such methods of motivation in their pure form. Therefore, employers have to combine several approaches: giving bonuses to particularly distinguished employees, and declaring their high-profile goals at general meetings.

A small life hack for businessmen: a competent mission statement is a great way to motivate employees. The larger, more interesting and “whiter” the company’s mission is, the more employees are willing to believe in it and give it their all.

In addition to the mission, a great way to motivate staff is to lead by example. The story of top manager Lee Iacocca deserves attention in this regard. This top manager took it upon himself to pull Chrysler out of the crisis. And to show all employees that he is part of the team, he set himself a salary of $1 per annum.

These are, of course, extremes, and this method has long been popular and is already somewhat hackneyed. But the main principle is clear: if you want to inspire your people to do their best, show them how to do it.


Personal efficiency is a person’s ability to complete the tasks assigned to him as efficiently as possible and in a short time. Personal effectiveness is the basis of success in life, without which the average person will never be able to climb the social ladder.

The psychology of personal effectiveness in the 21st century is such that a person has to protect himself from excessive flows of useless information. That is why a decrease in personal effectiveness should be associated with distractions and the creation of incorrect goals.

Methods for increasing personal effectiveness are quite simple: they all, to one degree or another, include concentration on a specific task, prioritization, and a balance between workload and overtime.

You need to increase your personal effectiveness by developing certain habits, the acquisition of which will have a positive impact on your performance and will bring positive results both in life and in your career.

The performance indicators of employees at the enterprise are what you should pay special attention to. The performance of each employee to the maximum is the main task of management personnel.

Dmitry Kandybovich, General Director of StaffCop

An incredible amount of articles and books have been written about improving employee performance. They talk about motivation, training, competencies, professionalism, personal qualities and much more. Today I want to talk about the other side of working with personnel - control.

I think many managers are familiar with the situation “The cat is out of the house and the mice are dancing,” when the boss goes on vacation or goes on a business trip, and the subordinates “relax” and do not perform their direct tasks, shifting various tasks to the next week. The number of smoking breaks and lateness increases, people prefer to leave early, because the bosses still don’t see.

How can you be sure that employees are working and not idle without the supervision of their boss? How to control lateness, smoking breaks, leaving work early? How to record unproductive time when employees endlessly drink coffee and do personal business at work?

Of course, colleagues from HR departments will find answers to these questions, but I, as a professional with extensive experience in the IT field, primarily use a monitoring system as a solution - a software package that provides analysis of personnel activities.

How does the monitoring system help solve the above issues? I'll tell you in order. A program is installed on every computer in the company - an agent that collects and transmits information to the server. On the server, information is processed and generated in the form of visual reports that the manager can view and analyze. The monitoring system records the beginning and end of the working day, PC idle time, what exactly the employee does at the workplace: what programs he uses, what sites he visits, what files he creates, changes or sends by email, to sites, to the cloud.

Let's imagine a situation: you are a manager, you see your employees sitting in an open office at their computers and working. The head of the sales department is conferring with colleagues in a meeting room, two sales managers have left for a meeting with a client, the office manager has gone to lunch, and the marketer is at a conference today, the rest are at their desks. It looks like everything is going according to plan, but let’s open the monitoring system report and see what’s really happening. First, all meetings with clients or any events should be scheduled on the calendar. Secondly, the monitoring system is integrated into the IT infrastructure and sees that absence from the workplace is associated with certain events in the calendar; if there are no events in the calendar, then downtime and absence from the workplace are recorded, which requires an explanation. So, it may turn out that the meeting is just a chat over a cup of coffee, one of the managers actually went to the client, and the second decides on his personal matters during working hours, for example, taking the car for maintenance. The office manager has been at lunch for 20 minutes, and the marketer was supposed to return from a conference in the afternoon, but he decided not to return to the office. And two more employees are systematically late by more than 30 minutes.

Now count how many hours of working time were wasted, and you paid your employees a salary for these hours. Draw conclusions. But I want to draw the attention of managers that there is no need to view the monitoring system as some kind of punitive solution to catch an employee doing idleness. A productivity report will allow you to see bottlenecks and analyze why this is happening.

First, inform your employees that the company now uses a monitoring system. You will see an increase in the quality of work discipline simply because employees are aware. They will no longer be so easy to run home early or be careless about being late, because they know that all incidents are recorded. Employees will begin to take a more responsible approach to planning their working time and spend less time on entertainment sites, because they will know that the system records everything.

Second, analyze the reports. Perhaps you should talk to one of the employees and reschedule working hours from 10 to 19, or from 8 to 17 - the employee lives far away and during rush hour he simply gets stuck in traffic jams and is systematically late, or tries to escape from work early so as not to get caught traffic jam Analyze how much time employees spend on non-core entertainment sites and simply block them - the monitoring system has this functionality.

Third, prevent incidents. The system records all actions with files - if someone wants to steal the customer database, you will know about it. If someone is looking for a job, you will see this by visiting sites, or by keywords that will be recorded from correspondence in personal mail or instant messenger from your work computer. And of course, insure yourself against illegal actions of employees, for example, gray schemes of working with customers - this can also be judged by the content of correspondence or sending important files from a work computer.

So, let me summarize. The monitoring system provides analysis of personnel activities, protects against internal threats arising from the actions of employees at a work computer, allows you to monitor business processes and monitor the performance of employees, and prevents possible data leakage. Monitoring systems are used by companies of various levels, both small businesses with up to 30 people and holdings with thousands of people. Now monitoring systems have begun to be actively used in government agencies, where they resolve not only issues of labor discipline, but also security issues, for example, within the framework of the anti-corruption law.

A personnel monitoring and control system is one of the important tools for increasing employee productivity.