Public associations for the prevention of drug addiction. The role of public youth associations in drug addiction prevention

Kinzibaeva Kamilya Arturovna, Dudina Regina Sergeevna



To achieve this goal, the following were put forward: tasks:






"Role public associations youth in drug addiction prevention"

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Lyceum No. 14"

Scientific director: Adiatova Olga Nikolaevna, teacher of history and social studies.

Nizhnekamsk - 2017


As Francois Mauriac believed, drug addiction is a long-term enjoyment of death. Teenagers chasing fleeting pleasure are becoming a problem in modern society. Thereby,distribution of drugs among teenagers youth environment is becoming one of the most pressing problems of our society.Every day more and more people fall into the terrible networks of vice, trying to use it to hide from daily problems. Payment for such experiments on own life is infinitely great, and the results are sometimes irreversible.

Of all the diseases that destroy the body, psyche and social life of a person, drug addiction is the most severe. Over the past 100 years, drug addiction has become a problem, former subject narrow field of medicine - psychiatry. It has become a global social problem.

Therefore, the modern approach to solving this problem, drug abuse, assumes the priority of preventive work with children and adolescents. The main task of educational prevention is not so much to prevent real acquaintance with psychoactive substances, but to help students master certain behavioral skills that will help them follow a healthy lifestyle. Each of us knows that an attitude towards health and, accordingly, a healthy lifestyle does not appear in a person on its own, but is formed as a result of a certain pedagogical influence.

In our opinion, one of effective options preventive activity is the public school movement, which is a new direction in the prevention of drug addiction among minors in our country. After all, it is easier for teenagers to understand their peers, and then, in turn, to entrust their problems and experiences and treat the information received from peers with great confidence.

Purpose Research work is to study the public school movement as one of the ways to prevent drug addiction among young people.

To achieve this goal, the following were put forward: tasks :

Reveal the harmful effects of drugs on the body of the younger generation;

Inform teenagers about offenses related to the distribution and use of drugs;

Promote a healthy lifestyle through the social movements “Forpost” and “Yunarmiya”;

Relevance of the topic. Happened in Russia in the early 90s. In the 20th century, significant social, economic, and political changes were accompanied by the aggravation and emergence of a large number of social problems. Among the most dangerous social phenomena, the widespread spread of drug addiction in the country, especially among young people, stands out. At the same time, since the future of any society is connected with a given socio-demographic group of the population, solving the problem of successful social adaptation of young people is important.

Research methods: method of cause-and-effect relationships, concrete historical, sociological (questioning) and other methods of cognition.

Chapter 1. Organization of the Youth Army movement at school.

"Yunarmiya" - all-Russian military-patriotic social movement, created October 29, 2015.
The main stated goal of the movement: to arouse interest among the younger generation in the geography, history of Russia and its peoples, heroes, outstanding scientists and commanders. Any schoolchild, military-patriotic organization, club or search party can join the movement. It is expected that members of the movement, in their free time from school, will engage in volunteer activities, take part in cultural and sports events, receive additional education, and first aid skills.
The head of the General Staff of the All-Russian military-patriotic movement is Dmitry Trunenkov.
Regional headquarters are open in all 85 regions Russian Federation, as well as in some other countries.
At the initiative of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation S.K. Shoigu, on October 29, 2015, the President of the Russian Federation V.V. Putin signed a decree on the creation of the All-Russian public-state children's and youth organization "Russian Schoolchildren Movement". In order to improve public policy in the field of educating the younger generation, creating favorable conditions for the harmonious development of children’s personalities, the formation of moral values ​​and guidelines, as well as military-patriotic education. The movement is designed to unite all organizations and bodies involved in pre-conscription training of citizens. The structure of the movement will be tied to the locations of military units, military educational institutions, the infrastructure of the Voluntary Society for Assistance to the Army, Aviation and Navy (DOSAAF) and the Central Sports Club of the Army. From the Russian Ministry of Defense, the movement is supervised by the Secretary of State - Deputy Minister of Defense of Russia Nikolai Pankov.
On July 29, 2016, the Yunarmiya movement received state registration, and from that moment on, the organization received its flag, emblem, and was registered as entity.
On September 1, 2016, the movement began its official work. To carry out events under the auspices of the movement, the infrastructure of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, CSKA and DOSAAF is used. By 2020, it is planned to create more than 100 centers of military-patriotic education in Russia, some of them will become specialized, where they will train detachments of young paratroopers, pilots and tank crews.
Large-scale events take place in the military-patriotic park of culture and recreation of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation “Patriot”, where the “Youth Army” sector is open. There, at the 1st rally of the movement in June 2016, the Russian Minister of Defense, Army General Sergei Shoigu, presented the Yunarmiya with a banner.
The number of participants in the military-patriotic movement “Yunarmiya” at the end of October 2016 is more than 26,000 thousand people aged 11 to 18 years. Membership in the organization is voluntary and open. Any schoolchild, public organization, club or search party can join the ranks of the military-patriotic movement “Youth Army”.
On May 22, 2016, at the Yaroslavl DOSAAF military-patriotic education center named after Valentina Tereshkova, the first 104 schoolchildren joined the ranks of the military-patriotic movement “Yunarmiya” as part of a pilot project. Also presented to the public was the Youth Army soldier’s room and elements of the training base, with the help of which it is planned to conduct military-patriotic classes. Similar classes will open in every educational institution and public organization where Youth Army detachments will be formed.
As of April 2017, the movement had 70,000 members, with headquarters open in all 85 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. As of June 2017, the movement has more than 117 thousand people, in September 2017 - more than 160 thousand members
The Youth Army movement originated back in 1990 on the basis of the children's and youth voluntary public organization "Movements of Young Patriots" (YUP), which was formed by merging the military sports games "Zarnitsa", "Eaglet", "Gaidar", posts at the Eternal Flame of Glory , military-patriotic clubs and others. The organization's motto was: “For the glory of the Fatherland!” The areas of work of the DUP were built around programs for preparation for military service, patriotic education, and inclusion younger generation to national history. Under the banner of the “Movement of Young Patriots” various competitions, gatherings and rallies for children and teenagers were held. The creation of the military-patriotic movement “Youth Army” is a revival of the traditions of military-patriotic education of youth.
Young Army soldiers will be trained to shoot, provide medical assistance, and navigate using a map. In their free time, Youth Army members will keep a memorial watch at the Eternal Flame, engage in volunteer activities, work to preserve memorials, and also take part in other events. In addition, it is planned to involve movement participants in the liquidation emergency situations, search work in the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War and assistance to veterans.
In every educational institution and public organization where Youth Army units will be formed, Youth Army Members' Rooms will be opened. The Yunarmeets room is a place of leisure and relaxation, intended for study and creative activities of schoolchildren. It contains: a banner, a detachment book, as well as educational fiction, reference and other literature.
Teachers, military personnel, and reserve officers are involved as teachers. Military and sports areas will become fundamental in the training program for movement participants. In addition, the basic course will include Russian history and the foundations of Orthodox culture, additional programs will remain at the discretion of regional authorities.
The heads of regional branches are elected at meetings of Yunarmiya participants. In October 2016, ex-commander of the Airborne Forces Vladimir Shamanov was elected head of the movement’s capital branch. Regional headquarters The Moscow region is headed by Olympic champion Alexander Legkov. The Main Headquarters of the military-patriotic movement "Youth Army" includes: famous athletes, cosmonauts and actors, such as cosmonaut Sergei Krikalev, commentator Dmitry Guberniev, actor Mikhail Galustyan and others.

2.Goals and objectives of the Youth Army at school.

2.1. The goals of the Movement are:

1) participation in the implementation of the state youth policy of the Russian Federation;

2) comprehensive development and improving the personality of children and adolescents, satisfying their individual needs for intellectual, moral and physical improvement;

4) preservation and enhancement of patriotic traditions;

5) formation in young people of readiness and practical ability to fulfill civic duty and constitutional responsibilities to protect the Fatherland.

6) propaganda healthy image life, strengthening physical strength and endurance;

7) introduction to military-technical knowledge and technical creativity;

8)improving value-oriented personality traits, providing conditions for self-expression of students, their creative activity;

9) promoting the development of active citizenship among adolescents.

This movement is growing and developing in our school. We are its active participants. After taking a solemn oath, we take part in all events of the school, city and republic. Promoting a healthy lifestyle is one of the directions of this movement. This is also a traditional autumn cross-country race, a festival for passing GTO standards, in which all students of our lyceum from grades 1 to 11 took part, and we were its organizers and curators. Environmental, song, dance, patriotic, and the “Good Poems” marathon are only a small part of the events that are held within the walls of our lyceum. Giving children the opportunity to show their talent, occupy their free time, develop and not look for false pleasures. Formation review and songs, Youth Army games “Instinct of Self-Preservation” develop us physically, foster patriotism and pride in our country.

Chapter 2. Organization of the law enforcement movement “Outpost” at the Lyceum

Along with the Youth Army movement, the youth law enforcement movement “Forpost” traditionally operates in the lyceum. The whole school knows these athletic, smart, serious guys. They are the main assistants in maintaining order and suppressing crime.

Youth law enforcement movement in MBOU "Lyceum No. 14":

This is a multi-age squad of 30 students in grades 8-10, which is created for a period of 1 academic year;

This is a multi-age squad that, over the course of 1 academic year, will try to be a unified team at 4 one-day community training camps;

This is a competition for groups of different ages, everyone wins, as he was with us always and everywhere!

This is a form of working with difficult teenagers who are not attracted to the educational process and who are lured by the street with its obscurity. Let's try to create worthy competition for her and win against her!

This is a form of working with teenagers in general and you shouldn’t divide teenagers into difficult and easy! They can all work together and solve common problems!

This is a form of interaction between adults and children! Teachers and teenagers will go through this competitive path! Let them also try to feel like a teenager again!

This is a set of social roles for everyone! If you want to be a leader, be it! If you just want to be an active participant, please!

This is a world where everyone feels good and comfortable, because the Outpost is the vanguard of something, somewhere, someday!

2.Goals and objectives of the “Outpost” detachment at school.

1) crime prevention in the Municipal Budgetary Institution “Lyceum No. 14”;

2) development voluntary participation young citizens in school security during school events;

3) providing assistance to adolescents and young people affected by crime;

4) promotion of legal knowledge and healthy lifestyle among students;

5) assistance to state organizations and institutions of the prevention system, public organizations in reducing the level of crime among youth;

6) promoting the development of voluntary participation of students in activities

7) a general educational institution to ensure internal regulations;

8) early professional guidance for students.

And our guys can handle it. This is confirmed by prize-winning places in competitions at various levels. Reducing violations within the walls of an educational institution. Order and discipline, compliance with the rules of the lyceum charter.

Chapter 3. Organization of drug addiction prevention activities by school social movements.

Drug addiction has reached epidemic proportions in our time.Its distributionis progressing much faster than measures are being taken to combat this terrible phenomenon. Therefore, it is of no small importance in modern society drug addiction prevention. It implies a set of measures to prevent the onset of drug addiction.

Drug addiction is a state of a person when he constantly thinks about drugs, strives to get them for certain pleasant sensations or to get rid of mental discomfort. In order to get a feeling of euphoria, a drug addict will do anything. He easily crosses the boundaries of morality, destroys his family, becomes a criminal and even a murderer. The personality of a drug addict becomes self-centered, and the body is depleted, as a result of which the addict “rolls” to his death with incredible speed.

Since the interests of a drug addict are focused only on obtaining and using drugs, his social circle includes mainly antisocial individuals. An experienced drug addict has no job, no friends, no family. He is completely useless to society and only causes problems. Therefore, society, not only for its own comfort, but also for humane purposes, strives to reduce the growth of drug addiction and return people addicted to drugs to a full life.

And the most accessible and in a modern way This is achieved through the prevention of drug addiction and substance abuse in schools. After all, it is teenagers who most often become victims of these addictions. Children, with the right approach and available information, are able to form their own opinions about such a phenomenon as drug addiction. They are able to clearly understand what drugs are, how they affect the body, and what the consequences of their use are.

The lives of potential drug addicts, their family members and society in general depend on the quality of preventive work. Therefore, prevention of drug addiction in adolescents should not be carried out carelessly and “for show.” Drug addiction prevention should become an integral part of education. For this purpose, schools hold lectures and classes on drug addiction prevention, and show documentaries and feature films. Good prevention work among adolescents produces tangible results and should be carried out continuously and on a large scale. Properly carried out preventive measures among adolescents will certainly become a deterrent and reduce the number of young people who become addicted to drugs.

Teachers, psychologists and social workers in their work to prevent drug addiction among adolescents and children can use methods developed in Russia. The main principle of this technique is based on filling the information vacuum and involves the creation of an active and constantly funded stream of advertising and publications in the media about measures to prevent drug addiction and alcoholism. Here their main assistants are peers of children who have become addicted. Social movements are actively involved in crime prevention and promoting a healthy lifestyle. They hold conversations, flash mobs, actions, distribute educational literature, publish wall newspapers, and perform with propaganda teams.

Information on drug addiction prevention must meet the following requirements:

  • be positive and not have a hint of hopelessness;
  • negative information should highlight the tragic consequences of alcohol and drug use;
  • the media should not show scenes of drug and alcohol use;
  • any publication must have a conclusion in the form of understandable information and recommendations for the prevention of alcohol and drug use;
  • each publication must have a motivational impact on the target audience;
  • preparation of materials should be carried out only by specialists - narcologists, psychologists, law enforcement officers, social workers;
  • Any information on the prevention of drug addiction and alcoholism must be approved by a special expert council.

This is very important work. Drug addiction at school reached the age category of children 10-12 years old. Prevention of drug addiction in school should begin from the first grades, otherwise it will be too late. In modern culture there is a lot of information in films, songs, literature that hints or directly states about positive properties drugs.

Information about the destructive power of drugs should be constantly placed on the back of the scale in the child’s mind. Drug addiction at school and drug addiction prevention at school is the opposite proportional quantities. A teenager is a self-determining individual. Imposing ideas won't work. It is necessary to give him accessible form the truth about drugs, and he will do it right choice. Effective prevention drug addiction should be introduced in every school.

Drug abuse prevention in schools should be carried out in a standardized manner by a specially trained specialist. It is important to convey to every child information that in the future can save his life. Drug addiction cannot develop in school if children consciously make a firm decision not to take drugs. For those schoolchildren who have already tried drugs, to reinforce the information, you can conduct excursions to the morgue to view the emaciated dead bodies of drug addicts.

Drug abuse prevention at school is not only the responsibility of government agencies, but also of you and me. Together we can stop the growth of this infection.

Prevention of drug addiction in our school consists in the use of educational - pedagogical methods with the help of the law enforcement movement “Forpost” and the military-patriotic “Yunarmiya”:

Formation in adolescents of ideas about universal human values ​​and a healthy lifestyle that prevent involvement in drug addiction;

Providing students with knowledge about the social and psychological consequences of drug addiction with the goal of sustainable abstinence psychoactive substances;

Instilling in students who have embarked on the path of their first attempts at psychoactive substances the skills and abilities of active psychological protection from involvement in drug use and anti-social activities.

Anti-drug work in our school is carried out in three areas:

  1. Working with students;
  2. Working with parents;
  3. Working with class teachers.

Work with students includes the following activities:

Conducting individual preventive work with minors prone to substance use, preventive educational program: “Being healthy is easy! Being healthy is great!”, “14 steps towards increasing self-esteem and self-confidence”, “Love your child”, “Healthy lifestyle”, “How to get out of a conflict situation”; class hours on the following topics: “About the dangers of smoking”, “About a healthy lifestyle”; School-wide class hour “On the dangers of drug addiction and taking psychoactive substances”, “Take care of your health from a young age”.

Meetings with the guys from the outpost and the Youth Army;

Sports competitions as part of the events: “Sports as an alternative to bad habits”, “School all-around” competitions in all sports: volleyball for grades 8-11, basketball for grades 5-9, football for grades 8-11, “Fun Starts” for grades 1-4 , “Health Day” for grades 1-11, participation in the All-Russian Health Month, participation in skiing competitions (grades 5-11).

Questioning of students in grades 5-11 “Your choice”, “15 answers to difficult questions”.

Drawing competition on the topic “Healthy lifestyle”, “About addiction” for grades 1-11.

Thematic conversations with watching video clips: “ Alcohol intoxication", "Children's alcoholism", "Drug addiction, substance abuse among minors" (grades 6-11); “Join the Youth Army!”; “Outpost - we are for a healthy lifestyle!”

Viewing and discussion of Eduard Palmov’s film “Voices of Escaping Truths” (grades 8-9).

The main forms of preventive work with parents:

– individual consultations;

– group consultations, parent meetings;

– comprehensive training for parents according to the “School of Responsible Parenthood” program (lectures, workshops, group discussions, exchange of experience family education);

– organizing joint leisure activities with children;

– organizing joint events and classroom hours with children.

The success of prevention largely depends on the ability of teachers to establish contact with parents, especially of problematic, difficult children. Educational work is carried out with parents, which includes: parent meetings at which the following topics and lectures are discussed with the involvement of specialists: “The role of the family in the prevention of drug addiction, smoking, substance abuse”, “The importance of physical activity and physical education for health”, etiquette lessons for adults and children “How to learn to be responsible for your actions”, “Parental responsibility”. Help from a school psychologist and information on the school website for parents “What do you need to know about your children?”; “Where to turn for help in different situations”, “The effect of drugs and surfactants on the body of children and adolescents”, a sports festival with the involvement of parents “Mom, Dad, I am a sports family”, recommendations for parents on how to conduct summer holidays for children.

Methodological recommendations have been developed to help teaching staff educational institutions, psychologists, social educators, parents and reveal the main points related to the organization of testing of students in general education institutions, primary and secondary education.

The Lyceum actively interacts with various services working in this direction. Prevention of drug addiction among minors is a special section in narcology, the work of which is aimed at reducing risk factors for the disease drug addiction among teenagers. Basically, the struggle of drug treatment and social services is against such risk factors as: raising children in families with drug addiction;

communication of minors with peers who use drugs;

child's personality traits - lack of self-confidence, lack of perception of social norms and values, low self-esteem; family instability, low income; communication problems at school and in the family, frequent absenteeism.

Developing resistance to environmental drug pressure in the younger generation requires close attention, since society urgently needs work to protect children and adolescents from the harmful effects of drugs. At the same time, preventing the use of psychoactive substances among schoolchildren should be an integral part of the entire educational system. Prevention is not only and not so much the prevention of something, but active process creating conditions and forming personal qualities that support well-being. The most important in preventive work is:

teaching schoolchildren the ability to withstand life’s difficulties and conflict situations; formation in schoolchildren of a negative attitude towards psychoactive substances and the consequences of their use.


There is an increase in the number of students using cigarettes and alcohol. In addition, the number of students prone to drug use increases every year. Our country is facing a dangerous and ruthless enemy, whose name is drug addiction, has become a colossal consumer of the drug. There are about 4 million drug users in Russia, mostly young people who are just taking their first steps in independent life. The “average age” of those who try drugs for the first time does not exceed 14 years.

Educational institutions carry out preventive work among adolescents on drug addiction. Currently, they are increasingly resorting to recruiting volunteers.

« Yunarmiya" and "Forpost"These are people who work for free.

We - Youth Army members and members of "Forpost" believe that the greatest value is in helping others overcome themselves by breaking free from bad habits, in disseminating information about the consequences of drinking alcohol, drug addiction and other psychotropic substances, in acquiring behavioral and communication skills aimed at establishing fruitful contacts with those around you.

The development of the movement among teenagers is, in our opinion, very important. Not only because our work is significant support and strength in solving important social problems, but it is also a real primary prevention of drug addiction, since our activities contribute to the formation in volunteers of such important qualities as mercy, responsibility for oneself and assigned work .

From the above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

Active school activities can help get children off the “street”;

To cultivate in them a sense of compassion and mercy;

Volunteers will help anyone find something they like in an educational institution; all you need is desire and will;

Young Army members and members of “Outpost” are carriers of the beliefs and values ​​of life without drugs, they will help prove their importance.

Thus, the stated goal of the research work has been achieved. ABOUT Public school movements are one of the ways to prevent drug addiction among young people.


  1. D.D. Rechnov, G.V. Latyshev “Step by step from drugs: A book for parents”, St. Petersburg, 1999
  2. J. Solomzes, V. Cheurson, G. Sokolovsky “Drugs and Society”, M. 1998
  3. S.B. Belogurov “Popular about drugs and drug addiction”, M., St. Petersburg, 2000
  4. I.N. Pyatnitskaya “Drug addiction” M., 1994
  5. B.M. Levshin, M.B. Levin “Drug addiction and drug addicts: a book for teachers” M., 1991
  6. N.V. Garansky “Drug addiction in Russia: state, trends, ways to overcome” M., 2003
  7. Danilin A.G., Danilina I.V. “How to save children from drug addiction” M., 2000

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The role of non-governmental organizations in solving drug addiction problems among youth






Scientific adviser:

Senior Lecturer

Zhusupova M. T._________

groups SR-402

Dzhumagulova D. N.______

Internal reviewer:

k.s. Sc., professor

Izteleuova L. I.________

Sembina J. J.__________

Accepted for defense


Head department:___________

k.s. Sc., Professor Izteleuova L. I.

Astana - 2009



1. 1 Organization of anti-drug work with youth in foreign countries …………………………………………………………………………………………7-18

1. 2 Working with teenagers to prevent drug addiction in modern Kazakh society (using the example of the Corporate Foundation “Future without Drugs”)………………..…………………………………………………………………… ... 19-29

CHAPTER 2. SPECIFICITY OF SOCIAL WORK WITH DRUG ADDICTED ADOLESCENTS................................................................... ......... 30

2. 1 Activities of a social work specialist

2. 2 Modern methods and prevention programs

drug addiction in teenage environment…………………………….……………40-50

CONCLUSION................................................. ........................................... 51-52

LIST OF REFERENCES……………………........ 53-57



Currently, drug addiction is one of the most pressing social problems not only in Kazakhstan, but throughout the world. IN scientific literature The social, psychological and biological roots of drug addiction are being studied, law enforcement agencies and public organizations are making attempts to intensify preventive activities, the number of institutions and organizations where drug addicts are provided with the necessary medical and psychological-social assistance is increasing. However, the drug situation in Kazakhstan over the past ten years has changed qualitatively and quantitatively in the worst side.

According to the Committee on Legal Statistics and Special Records of the General Prosecutor's Office, as of April 1, 2008, in the Republic of Kazakhstan, 55,781 drug users were officially registered with health authorities, including 4,165 minors and 4,769 women. Experts say that their real number is 10 times higher.

The associated social, criminal, economic and health aspects have become one of the most intractable problems.

Today it is generally accepted that drug addiction is not so much a medical problem as a social problem, the so-called social disease.

Practice shows that most often specialists limit themselves to stating the situation without offering forms and technologies of social therapy. As a result, various myths regarding drugs dominate among adolescents and young people, drug consumption is growing, and preventive work is carried out insufficiently.

Of particular concern is the fact that the most rapid growth in the consumption of psychoactive substances is observed among young people and among adolescents - the transition from traditional consumption to a youth consumption culture. According to sociological research in recent years, every seventh schoolchild has tried drugs at least once. If we compare the indicators of 1992 and 2005, the number of minor drug users during this period increased by 4.7 times (from 859 to 4843).

In this situation, the relevance of conducting preventive work to prevent the use of psychoactive substances (PAS) by children and adolescents is undeniable.

The spread of drug addiction in modern society allows us to characterize this phenomenon as the drugization of the population. Its scale is critical and gives the right to talk about a threat to the safety of society. The growing severity of the drug addiction situation also indicates a lack of preventive work. Moreover, to date, the effectiveness of treatment and rehabilitation measures remains extremely low; only 5-7% of drug addicts do not return to drug addiction after undergoing traditional courses of treatment.

Research has shown that drug abuse prevention is especially necessary among adolescents and young adults. However, given the extreme prevalence and growing level of drug use among adolescents and young people, effective technologies for the prevention of teenage drug use suitable for practical purposes have not yet been developed.

Purpose of the study: consider the content and role of non-governmental organizations in solving problems of drug addiction among young people.

tasks :

· consider the activities of non-governmental organizations in the prevention of drug addiction using the example of the Corporate Foundation “Drug-Free Future”;

· justify the need for the use of modern methods and programs for the prevention of drug addiction among adolescents by social work specialists.

Object of study

Subject of study: social and preventive work of non-governmental organizations with teenagers.

Research hypothesis: Involving teenagers in activities to prevent the use of psychoactive substances is an effective method of countering drug use.

Research methods:

· comparative method;

· method of group questioning, testing;

· quantitative, qualitative analysis results;

· advisory methods: observation, conversations with teenagers;

· method of individual and pedagogical documentation;

Scientific novelty of the research The results of the work are as follows:

Surfactants, as well as their active participation in the application of interactive techniques, are key factor regarding effective counteraction to drug use.

Empirical basis of the study:

Theoretical and practical significance of the work. The data obtained on the characteristics of the drug situation in adolescents and youth can become the basis for the development of social and prevention programs, intended for both drug-prone and drug-dependent teenagers.

Interactive methods and programs for the prevention of teenage drug use can be used in secondary educational institutions as part of drug prevention activities. The results of the graduate work expand the problem field of social worker practice and can be used in the development of effective programs and methods in preventive work with youth, as well as in the field of anti-drug education of the population.

Structure of the thesis


1. 1. Organization of anti-drug work with youth in foreign countries

Addiction - This is a disease characterized by drug abuse and addiction to them. The problem of drug addiction exists to a greater or lesser extent in almost all countries, and in this regard, Kazakhstan is rightfully included in global community. Drugs are now called the third threat to humanity after nuclear weapons and global environmental disaster.

According to statistics, the number of drug addicts in the world has exceeded 50 million people. At the same time, according to Interpol, people use drugs with varying intensity (from one-time use to daily use). various types 200 million people (95 percent of this number are users of cannabis, heroin, cocaine and synthetic drugs). The number of drug users is constantly increasing.

The problem of “drugs and drug addiction” throughout the world is perceived primarily as a youth problem. The main factor in the increase in drug addiction is age. Drug addiction is rapidly becoming “younger”; today we can note not only teenage, but also children’s drug addiction. This is a worldwide trend. According to the UN International Narcotics Control Board, in some countries the number of minors who have tried marijuana at least once exceeds 37 percent.

Due to the current socio-economic situation in Kazakhstan, children, adolescents and young people find themselves in a difficult situation. Destroyed value guidelines, the connection between generations is lost, behavioral stereotypes have changed dramatically. Increasing tension, stressful situations, uncertainty of the situation, instability, unemployment, difficulties in finding employment for minors, conflicts with the law - cause asocial forms of behavior in the younger generation, self-destructive in nature. Minors catastrophically quickly develop an attitude towards further drug addiction and at the same time stop personal growth, connections with the immediate environment are broken or deformed, family relationships are disrupted, and the subsequent formation of one’s own family and the birth of offspring are often difficult. Abuse of psychoactive substances often leads to early disability and death of minors.

which led to an exacerbation of problems such as homelessness, neglect, the growth of alcoholism and drug addiction, and crime. The practice of drug use, which has grown into a form of leisure, has become a “new” model of behavior. The topic of drug addiction has been raised in the media for several years. But there is another side to this problem, namely the propaganda of narcotic drugs.

into the youth and adolescent environment as an element of leisure or sociocultural youth systems.

aimed at overcoming the interest of minors in drugs.

Let us consider the features of primary prevention of drug addiction and substance abuse using the example of programs operating in the USA, England, Holland, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden and Russia.

In the United States of America, Since the passage of the Juvenile Act in 1899, much discussion has been devoted to the problem of deviant behavior of youth, in particular the prevention of drug addiction, and a huge number of prevention programs have been developed.

Researching drug use issues, US scientists came to the conclusion that the effectiveness of preventive programs depends on the chosen goal, therefore, the main stage of anti-drug education was programs where the goal was not to obtain information about drug addiction, but to develop in adolescents the ability to make decisions based on this information.

The implementation of such programs requires the combined efforts of many people and organizations. Thus, American scientists put forward 7 main categories of prevention: through family, religion, school, leisure activities, police, judicial and legislative bodies.

Programs aimed at peers, parents, and communities in which young people live play an important role. Since the opinion of the youth environment has a great influence on the behavior of minors, programs aimed at “street youth” have been developed.

common, but of interest to both. The experience of using this technique has shown that it has the main educational effect on young people acting as chefs. This technique has a much smaller impact on the sponsored ones.

There are also programs that focus on peer participation. The purpose of creating such groups is to develop the necessary work skills, achieve academic success, and form a positive opinion about the young person, his peers and friends, and school.

In addition to anonymous trust points in large American cities anti-drug prevention is carried out by various rehabilitation centers. A typical rehabilitation system abroad is specialized clinics in which drug addicts live from one to three years, acquire a new profession, and restore lost work skills. At rehabilitation centers enterprises are created, subsidiary plots, arts and crafts. All this allows the patient to rationally change previously established categories of values, break with the former criminal environment, and form an attitude towards a healthy lifestyle in the future. By the time the patient ends his stay at the rehabilitation center, a place of work and housing are found for him. According to National Drug Enforcement Administration Chief Barry McCaffrey, the United States has made great strides in reducing drug use and eradicating the consequences of drug addiction at the national level. The ongoing prevention and education programs have been successful. Over the past 15 years, they have managed to reduce the number of people using drugs by 50%. Drug-related homicides have dropped by 25%. More than 3.5 thousand public organizations to combat drugs have been formed in the cities of the country.

There is a strong social anti-drug movement in America. It covers over 3.5 thousand public associations. In an effort to reduce drug use, especially among youth, these groups collaborate with local groups and state and federal agencies. Such groups can mobilize community resources, organize collective action, combine prevention, treatment and law enforcement, and restore youth's sense of pride in living in a given city or region.

Thus, prevention and education programs conducted in the United States have proven to be the most successful. This country has made great strides in reducing drug use and eradicating the consequences of drug addiction at the national level.

detect a child’s interest in drugs, and even more so their use. Along with advice on prevention, parents and teachers are taught first aid techniques in critical situations.

everything about the consequences of their use, including the legal aspect. As part of this program, teenagers are offered theoretical and practical assistance. They are introduced to local organizations where they can turn for help, and even to specialists who can solve a specific problem.

about the goals and objectives of this campaign, and also provides methodological assistance.

Such programs give hope that young people, knowing all aspects of a given problem - medical, legal, social - will be able to make the right choice for themselves and will not succumb to the temptation to take a path from which it is very, very difficult to leave. And more often - it is impossible, due to the fleeting outcome.

The law on the legalization of soft drugs was adopted in Holland, and it was after its adoption that the number of crimes sharply increased, and the country became the drug center of Europe. In addition, the very word legalization leads to the erasure of the prohibition on drugs, and millions of people who were previously hesitant to try even soft drugs are now happy to do so.

Of course, there are arguments in favor of this law:

· drug addicts will be registered;

· the state will sell them only soft and refined drugs, and the proceeds from the sale will go to the budget.

However, this program will still cost the state much more in purely financial terms. After all, every registered drug addict should be monitored: such a person should not work in transport, in education and in many other places. In addition, the Ministry of Internal Affairs has extremely limited funds to combat drugs. Another interesting fact is that in Holland the drug mafia does not stand still: new varieties of anasha (originally an easy and therefore legalized drug) are constantly being developed, some of them are already stronger in their effect than heroin and cocaine.

There are special rooms in the country that only a drug addict can enter with an individual chip card in order to “inject” there, in relatively sterile conditions. This way there is less harm for them and for those around them.

In other countries, the Dutch model not only does not live up to expectations, but also leads to exactly the opposite results. Thus, in Spain, in the ten years following the introduction of the Dutch model, the number of drug addicts increased from 200 thousand to 1.69 million.

In countries Western Europe They are talking with increasing concern about the “Dutch trace” - that is, about the negative impact of the anti-drug system used there. In Holland itself, serious concern is caused by the pendulum migration of semi-criminal elements from all over Europe, who come to the country to have a pleasant “marijuana weekend”.

Having summarized the experience of many anti-drug education programs, experts from Holland came to the conclusion that programs focused only on information about the negative consequences of using psychoactive substances are ineffective, while programs teaching an adaptive lifestyle, communication skills, critical thinking, decision-making skills and resist in situations of supply of psychoactive substances - are effective.

When the question of which path to take in the fight against drugs was discussed in the Netherlands 25 years ago, there was a consensus that heroin and cocaine were dangerous drugs that needed to be fought. At the same time, relatively negative influence agreement on the individual and society of hemp products could not be achieved. Based on these provisions, Dutch drug policy was formulated. The idea was that by selling the less dangerous drug separately, it would be possible to divide the drug market so that authorities could concentrate resources on the so-called “hard drugs.” The core of Dutch drug policy was the position that caniabis is not dangerous.

In the Netherlands, as an experiment, the consumption of drugs, in particular “weed,” which can be purchased in specialized “cafes” in Amsterdam, has been legally permitted for several years now.

just as planned. A divided drug market has not resulted in fewer heroin, cocaine, amphetamine or ecstasy abusers compared to other countries.

It was in the Netherlands that the concept of “soft drugs” appeared. No international organization adheres to this terminology. The erroneous policy of the Dutch government led to the fact that the level of ecstasy consumption in the country increased so much that in 1997 it was necessary to create a special agency to combat its spread.

The UN and, in particular, the International Narcotics Control Board in its 1999 report indicated that the Dutch policy in this area has facilitated access to caniabis (marijuana) and increased the influx of drug addicts into the country from neighboring countries. The international organization Europe Against Drugs demands that legal marijuana distribution outlets existing in the Netherlands be banned. It is hardly possible to talk about any success in the fight against drugs in the Netherlands, since studies among children under 12 years of age showed that cocaine use is from 1.7 to 3%, i.e. the same as in Germany and Great Britain. Educational campaigns highlighting the dangers of drugs are worth considering. These programs are part of the primary school curriculum.

In Poland there is a youth movement to combat drug addiction - "Monar" with headquarters in Warsaw. The principle is “give yourself to others.” Monar does a lot of work against drug addiction. Assets of this movement- schoolchildren, students, working youth. Monar is funded by the Ministry of Health and Social Security. Self-government operates in the center. A differentiated approach is being taken to prevent bad habits among schoolchildren and young people.

Also, in Poland, for many years, classes have been conducted with schoolchildren using the game program “Thanks, no!” The goal of the program is to help teenagers and young people painlessly give up temptation, to form in them a negative attitude towards the involvement of peers, and even adults, in drug use.

Sweden has accumulated extensive experience in drug addiction prevention. In this country in the 60s and 70s there was an increase in the number of drug addicts. In recent years, a reverse trend has been noticed. The set of measures used in Sweden is called the “Swedish way”. It includes three levels of prevention.

Primary prevention consists of activities aimed at the entire population: relevant legislation, general information about drugs, concern for filling the free time of young people, etc. Secondary prevention is focused on the risk group. And tertiary is help and treatment for drug addicts.

Activities of the national information service is based on the following premises:

a) it is human nature to succumb to the influence of those in his environment whom he trusts. Therefore, the most important part of the information is carried out at the local level through daily non-spectacular events;

d) the best way to change a person’s position is to push him to independent reflection, and then to action. Naked facts are needed, but they must be complemented by efforts that will help a person apply his own capabilities to solving the drug problem.

Primary prevention activities are carried out in Sweden starting with children preschool age. But the main focus is on teenagers. Thus, the created society “We are the youth” organizes viewings and discussions of video programs aimed at audiences aged 8 to 13 years.

A particularly important role is given to educating parents of teenagers, who, as a rule, know little about drugs. Books for parents about drug addiction have been published.

Primary prevention in Sweden is carried out at central and regional levels. The Swedish Alcohol and Drug Information Council collects literature and factual materials on these issues and has its own library and collections.

In Russia, the issue of child drug addicts became acute in the first years of Soviet power, when the number of minors who took drugs reached 10% of the total number of adolescents, primarily street children. In 1921, the number of street children urgently in need of help was estimated at 7.5 million. In those years, the People's Commissariat of Health opened special medical and pedagogical institutions - psychoneurological schools and sanatoriums. In 1927, there were 11 such institutions in Leningrad, Voronezh, Saratov, Kazan and some other cities.

In the sanatorium schools, medical care was provided, special treatment was carried out, and adolescents were trained according to the programs of first-level schools. For physical labor there were carpentry and bookbinding workshops, vegetable gardens, and orchards. Cultural events were held regularly, and intense ideological and political work was carried out. Most children who suffered from a severe form of drug addiction returned to mainstream schools after treatment and became full members of society.

In 1925, a children's clinical department of a drug dispensary was opened for homeless minor drug addicts, whose work was mainly practical in nature and consisted of an in-depth medical study of the patient population for the purpose of their further treatment and education in appropriate children's institutions.

In December 1980, the USSR Ministry of Health issued an order “On further improvement of psychoneurological and drug addiction care to the population,” providing for the organization of adolescent drug treatment rooms as part of drug treatment clinics. And in accordance with the order in 1986 total number The number of adolescent drug treatment rooms in 68 administrative territories of the RSFSR has reached 81. Accordingly, the rates of attracting adolescents who abuse alcohol and other intoxicants to outpatient and inpatient examination and treatment have increased. At the same time, it became clear that the number of drug treatment service units to provide assistance to adolescents was extremely insufficient.

Numerous prevention programs designed for children and adolescents that have appeared in recent decades have not always undergone an examination of their effectiveness before or after their practical implementation. Despite this, public opinion considers widespread implementation of programs in schools desirable.

Consequently, the problems of drug addiction in the USA, England, Holland, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden and Russia are in many ways similar, sometimes even similar, but the methods for solving them and the results achieved in decisive degree depend on economic, socio-political and cultural conditions, which is of scientific and practical interest. Of course, the organizational scientific and other characteristics of domestic and foreign systems for the prevention of youth drug addiction are difficult to compare, but the essence of the object on which they influence is the same.

1. 2. Working with teenagers to prevent drug addiction in modern Kazakhstani society

The problem of involving children, adolescents, and youth in the abuse of drugs and other psychoactive substances continues to remain acute and relevant in Kazakh society. Various state and non-state structures are taking steps to overcome it. Over the past three years, the situation in the field of drug addiction prevention has changed significantly in a positive direction. The state and society are moving from a position of declarative recognition of the need for preventive activity to real constructive actions.

In order to ensure the implementation of a balanced state policy that allows for the establishment of effective state and social control over the development of the drug situation in the country, the Decree of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan dated November 29, 2005 No. 1678 approved the Strategy for Combating Drug Addiction and Drug Business in the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2006-2014.

With the support of the Secretariat of the Security Council, together with the Akimat of Astana, at the beginning of 2006, the program “Astana - a drug-free city” was developed, designed for 2006-2008, which provides for a set of measures to reduce the level of drug use and strengthen the fight against drug crime in the capital.

in the field of view of executive and legislative branch. Regular monitoring of the implementation of anti-drug measures is carried out by the Committee for Combating Drug Trafficking and Control over Drug Trafficking of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

A legal basis has been created for the development and implementation of measures to combat drug addiction and combat drug trafficking. In particular, laws “On narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, precursors and measures to counter their illicit trafficking and abuse", "About medicines", "About the media", "About advertising". A number of articles of the Criminal Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Code of Administrative Offenses provide for liability for offenses related to drugs, psychotropic and other intoxicating substances.

The solution to many prevention problems is within the competence of educational authorities and educational institutions, since almost the entire young generation of the country goes through the educational influence of this system. The drug addiction prevention carried out here is not limited to individual ineffective attempts to inform young people about drugs and the consequences of their use, but has clearly formulated goals, objectives and action strategies. The priority task of combating drug addiction among adolescents and young people is the organization of preventive work aimed at developing an orientation towards a healthy lifestyle in the younger generation. It is based on an integrated approach to the prevention of drug addiction in all spheres of life of children, adolescents and young people.

The Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan continued work to improve the scientific and methodological base that ensures the preventive activities of educational authorities and educational institutions. Curricula, printed and video materials for anti-drug education and promotion of a healthy and safe lifestyle have been prepared for general education institutions, secondary specialized and higher educational institutions. Published teaching aids on the prevention of substance abuse in the educational environment.

The status of educational work in educational institutions has been increased. Preventive work is carried out at all levels of education (from preschool to higher professional), in educational institutions of all types and types. As part of general education programs, the study of drug addiction prevention issues is provided in courses on the basics of life safety, biology, physical education, and a number of other academic subjects. Courses on the prevention of drug addiction among minors and youth are being introduced into the programs of educational institutions of secondary, higher, postgraduate and additional professional education.

Drug addiction prevention rooms and drug posts are being created in educational institutions, and trust services are being formed for children, adolescents and young people. Measures are being taken to create a network of regional rehabilitation centers for minors who abuse drugs.

Significant positive experience in solving problems of combating drug addiction has been accumulated by bodies and institutions of health care, sports and tourism, culture, youth affairs committees, law enforcement agencies and non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

The role of non-governmental organizations in drug addiction prevention is widely recognized throughout the world due to their flexibility and ability to freely work with target groups. However, NGOs working in the field of drug addiction and HIV/AIDS prevention often lack modern knowledge and experience and experience financial difficulties. Moreover, existing effective programs for the prevention of drug addiction and HIV/AIDS, their methods and approaches, must be properly assessed, documented and disseminated both within the region and beyond as best practices.

Currently in Kazakhstan there are more than 5,000 non-governmental organizations operating in more than 200 types of activities. The non-governmental sector employs more than 200 thousand people. About two million citizens are covered by the services of Kazakhstani NGOs. NGOs provide the population with a wide range of educational and educational services. A lot of work is being done to improve legal culture, electoral literacy, work with the poor and vulnerable segments of the population, and charitable activities.

As noted in the report of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev at the First Civil Forum, Kazakh NGOs have come a certain way. Their formation is inextricably linked with the period of the country’s independence and the implementation of large-scale market and democratic reforms. The activities of NGOs have largely ensured the attraction of non-state investments in the humanitarian sphere.

The Republic of Kazakhstan has 14 regions and 2 cities of regional significance (Astana and Almaty). Throughout Kazakhstan there are non-governmental organizations whose mission is to solve the problems of drug addiction and HIV/AIDS, including prevention issues. However, given the magnitude of the problem, the number of NGOs working in this area is very limited.

the most socially active and advanced in terms of development of the NGO sector. The policies of international donor agencies may also have played a role.

Despite the fact that all organizations include issues of drug addiction and HIV/AIDS among their main goals and objectives, only 75% of them have this activity as a priority. According to questionnaire, 60% of surveyed NGOs have been working in the field of drug addiction prevention for more than 3 years, and 52% of organizations have been working in the field of HIV/AIDS prevention. Most of these organizations are engaged in the implementation of harm reduction programs. And no more than 25% of NGOs are professionally engaged in primary drug addiction prevention. These organizations have quite a long work history and, most importantly, valuable experience, developed methodological material and trained staff and volunteers. However, it should be noted that due to the lack financial resources they are extremely limited in their ability to expand this activity.

Today in Astana there are several non-governmental organizations that are directly involved in the primary prevention of drug addiction. One such organization is the Drug-Free Future Corporate Foundation, which was created in February 2003 by a group of youth leaders involved in drug addiction issues.

The mission of the organization is to create a healthy lifestyle for teenagers and young people in Astana without alcohol and drugs.

The purpose of the organization is to create and support youth anti-drug movement in order to form a negative attitude towards drug use among peers. Achieving the goal occurs through the implementation of a number of tasks: · preparing youth leaders to work among their peers; · ensuring support for the movement from teachers and parents; · reviving the idea of ​​patronage as a means of spreading the ideology of the movement; · creating conditions that allow young people to carry out work on their own aimed at preventing drug use among teenagers; · organizing and conducting training courses for teenagers aimed at preventing psycho-emotional maladjustment and instilling healthy lifestyle skills; · working with at-risk teenagers, involving youth leaders in the activities of the movement; · creating conditions for self-realization of adolescents and increasing their social activity. Within the framework of the movement, there are the following programs: “Mentors” - based on the idea of ​​patronage and aimed at preventing addictions among younger schoolchildren and instilling healthy lifestyle skills. “Peacemakers” is based on the idea of ​​preventing conflicts and aggression in the school environment through the efforts of teenage leaders. “School News” is based on the idea of ​​promoting a healthy lifestyle and the inadmissibility of addictive behavior among teenagers through the efforts of schoolchildren through the creation of a correspondent network of students from educational institutions in the city to collect and process positive information about the lives and achievements of their peers, thereby creating an example to follow for other schoolchildren. “One plus one” is a program aimed at uniting teenagers around a good cause and creating conditions for realizing the need to be needed and increasing the social activity of teenagers.

each person depends on personal ability to work, active life and a decent existence. The main goal of implementing this direction is to involve young people themselves in finding solutions to problems, interest young people in creating a healthy lifestyle and creating a negative image of AIDS and drug addiction.

and seminars, release of special booklets, visual information; (See Appendix 1)

· promotes a healthy lifestyle directly among young people, as well as in the media through the release of social videos and thematic programs;

· creates an integral system of social work with youth, as a preventive measure in the fight against youth drug addiction by expanding the network of sports sections, interest clubs, introducing youth to mass sports and creative activities. (See Appendix 2)

Over the course of six years of work, the foundation has developed special programs and interactive methods for the prevention of teenage drug use, which are used in secondary schools, lyceums and colleges, contribute to the social rehabilitation of adolescents and are a key factor in effectively combating drug use.

><из ><новых ><элементов ><универсального ><предупреждения ><наркотизации ><в ><школах ><является ><общение ><в ><интерактивных ><группах. Так, ><общение ><в ><большей ><степени ><включает ><коммуникацию на ><равных,><>><а не общение ><между ><молодежью ><и ><инструктором. ><Примеры ><интерактивной работы ><включают ><ролевые ><игры, ><мозговой ><штурм, ><тренинги,><><><групповые дискуссии ><и ><т. п. ><Такие ><виды ><практических ><занятий ><предоставляют молодежи ><возможность ><сформировать ><собственные ><убеждения и ><><><><попракти><ковать ><полезные ><навыки ><решения ><жизненных ><проблем >< разрешения ><конфликтов, ><развития ><уверенности ><в ><себе, ><эффективного ><общения и т. п.

To ensure the effectiveness of prevention, the corporate foundation uses the most effective channel - the youth themselves, which is why preventive programs work most fruitfully according to the principle “Peer teaches peer.” The work is carried out based on the characteristics of the group and from a position “on equal terms”, which implies equality in communication - sincerity, openness; the ability to be yourself and speak in a language that people understand; respect for the lifestyle, opinions, feelings of other people. The essence of activities within the framework of equal education is that the information necessary for maintaining health is provided to adolescents by their peers.

which help a person understand why in a certain situation he acts one way or another and whether he can control his actions.

The construction of the program for preventing the use of psychoactive substances “Peer teaches peer” is based on a humanistic approach, on the ideas of A. Maslow and K. Rogers. One of the ideas embedded in this approach assumes that the “I” of an individual is formed in communication with other people. Human behavior is considered as the result of a restructuring of self-image.

The Peer Education Program (abbreviated as PEP) began its activities in 1988 in Los Angeles (USA), with the goal of educating young people about HIV prevention and training volunteer instructors from among them. The scheme of work was simple: first, volunteers learned reliable data about the infection and its routes of transmission, prevention methods, strategies for effective communication, conducting group classes with peers, etc. Then trained teenagers developed their own preventive classes and conducted them with other teenagers in schools, youth organizations, shared the information received with their friends, or simply applied important skills in their own lives.

peer side to drug use.

The use of the “Peer Teach Peer” method is not limited only to youth audiences and issues of HIV/AIDS and drug addiction. It is also effective and works among other social groups: medical workers, teachers, social workers. Any category of people would be more willing to entrust the expansion of their knowledge, especially on sensitive topics, to an equal - a friend, colleague, a person whom they respect and who professes the same principles and values ​​in life.

a network of organizations that carry out HIV prevention using the “peer education” method.

In Kazakhstan, there are many non-profit, municipal, and government organizations that support and develop the idea of ​​involving young people in solving social problems that are relevant to them.

The scheme for attracting potential volunteers is simple. Preventive information seminars are held for high school students, and they are given the opportunity to learn how to conduct such seminars themselves. Students initially have a professional interest in this kind of event, so they can be attracted by the opportunity to try themselves in group work.

><признать ><неоценимую ><роль, ><которую ><играет ><молодежь, ><привлеченная ><к ><разработке ><и ><реализации ><программ ><предупреждения ><распространения ><наркомании. ><Совместная ><работа ><с ><формальными ><и ><не><формальными ><молодежными ><лидерами ><и ><их ><поддержка ><помогают ><луч><ше ><донести ><программы ><до ><целевой ><аудитории, ><а ><также ><оценить, ><если ><это ><возможно, ><результаты ><и ><эффект ><проведенной ><работы.

on the prevention of the consumption of psychoactive substances have a huge impact on those who get involved in the work as leaders - they gain group leadership skills, experience in helping another person, experience in communication, managing a group, experience in responsibility for what is happening.

This is what gives a teenager the opportunity to satisfy his desire to be an adult, gain rights and functions that traditionally belong to adults, broaden his horizons and form a civic position in relation to social problems. As a result, we get an active member of society, capable of defending our interests and helping others.

It seems necessary to note the fact that the evolution of preventive programs used in the West goes from the simple dissemination of medical knowledge to the targeted formation of complex social and personal skills in the younger generation, as well as to the active regulation of the social environment in order to positively change the social environment of adolescents. However, significant adaptation of these social technologies in relation to Kazakh society is required. Modern social technologies are not always scientifically substantiated, labor-intensive to use, and require significant material, human and time resources. In addition, social technologies designed for the prevention of drug addiction among adolescents are practically absent. Therefore, the drug prevention system being created in Kazakhstan needs to be expanded and supplemented by developing new methods, programs, technologies, including both preventive measures and social diagnostics.


2. 1. Activities of a social work specialist with the specified target group

The social aspect of drug addiction is to understand the complexity of the relationship between a person who uses psychoactive substances and different levels of his social environment.

Social work specialists in addiction treatment have a wide field of activity. At the conditional pre-medical stage, they participate in programs for primary prevention of addiction to psychoactive substances, both in organized and unorganized contingents; identify people at risk and work with them; assist in attracting persons in need of treatment to treatment, establish contact with the families of such persons, provide them with advisory assistance and other support. At the conditional medical stage, when clients find themselves in the sphere of activity of medical workers, social work specialists work closely with medical personnel. They take part in special trainings that promote early readaptation and rehabilitation of patients with addiction to substances, organize family groups and participate in family psychotherapy, together with clients they look for ways to solve accumulated social problems. At the conditional post-medical stage, social work specialists participate in differentiated programs for the rehabilitation and reintegration of patients, the prevention of temporary disability and disability.

World practice shows that a social work specialist seeking to provide professional assistance to his client must have theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of medicine and healthcare. Regardless of specialization and workplace, he participates in solving problems of individual and public health, and acts as a “health teacher”.

Comprehensive social assistance, including medical-psychological, socio-psychological and pedagogical aspects for people suffering from addiction and members of their families is the main goal of medical and social work with drug addicts.

Social work in narcology, this is not just the emergence of additional functions for the narcological service, it is a radical restructuring of the entire treatment and preventive process and preventive work. In the system of relations with the patient, as a full partner, along with medical personnel, a social work specialist is included, coordinating the activities of several social workers or consultants.

difficult life situation. The object of medical and social work in narcology is various groups of people with pronounced medical and social problems, caused by abuse and dependence on psychoactive substances, which mutually potentiate each other and their solution is difficult in the scope of one-sided professional measures. Working with such populations is equally difficult and ineffective for both medical workers and social service specialists, since they inevitably face a range of problems that go beyond their professional competence and impede successful professional activity.

The peculiarity of social work with drug addicts is that, as a professional activity, it is formed at the intersection of two independent sectors - healthcare and social protection of the population. Domestic and foreign experience shows that, despite the ongoing coordination of efforts to help people with both medical and social problems, the actual coordination of departmental actions is not effective enough.

Another priority problem - development of medical and social work in narcology, taking into account the peculiarities of the organization of the healthcare and social protection system, as well as taking into account the specifics of the socio-economic situation in Kazakhstan. Currently, only the first steps are being taken in this direction.

Optimal interaction is developed only after long-term joint work in a related sector, after appropriate preparation and selection of special forms of work that make it possible to combine the actions of representatives of different specialties in the person of a new social work specialist who has received the appropriate medical (in our case, drug addiction) specialization.

In practice, medical workers are forced to perform a number of functions as social workers - domestic certified social work specialists have appeared only in recent years and their number is insignificant. In turn, social workers in their work very often work with clients who also suffer from physical pathology, that is, they also act as healers.

To indicate the place of medical and social work among related activities, it is necessary to note the coordinating role of the social worker in resolving the entire complex of problems of a client who finds himself in a difficult life situation and requiring the participation of specialists in related professions - doctors, psychologists, teachers, and other specialists.

The model for organizing social work, including in the field of drug treatment, is the most progressive and effective; it needs to be taken into account and mastered in the process of training social workers in Kazakhstan. Thus, the areas of activity of a social work specialist in any field of social assistance stem from his main functions: diagnostic, prognostic, human rights, organizational, preventive, socio-medical.

An increasing number of programs for the rehabilitation of persons dependent on psychoactive substances are being developed and implemented in practice with the direct participation of social work specialists, therefore, the activities of a social work specialist in drug treatment facility is acquiring an increasingly important role.

· solving organizational and therapeutic problems in close cooperation with medical staff;

· organization and participation in special psychological trainings that promote early readaptation and rehabilitation of patients;

· organization of family psychotherapy and participation in it;

The functions of social work specialists dealing with the problems of adolescent drug addiction, and the amount of knowledge they need for effective work, are determined by the job responsibilities of the social worker.

1. A social work specialist determines the system of socio-psychological and socio-legal relations in the field of prevention and treatment of drug addiction.

manifestations and consequences.

3. In the field of treatment: establishes primary contact with the teenager, his family and school, provides clients with the necessary information about the disease, ways to combat it, forms attitudes towards treatment; establishes the connection of the teenager with the treatment programs of the Center and self-help groups (“Anonymous Narcotics”), provides socio-psychological assistance to family members and relatives of the client, establishes their connection with treatment programs for relatives and self-help groups.

4. In the field of rehabilitation: coordinates the rehabilitation of a teenager in the family, at school, helps in solving social problems, collaborating with state, public and private organizations.

5. The specialist must know: regulations, instructions, orders of higher authorities, methodological and normative guidance materials on social work in general and drug treatment practice, modern methods of helping drug addicts and their loved ones, advanced domestic and foreign experience of social work specialists in the field of assistance drug addicts

For social workers who do not have a medical education in the field of working with adolescent drug addicts, special knowledge is required about the bio-psycho-social model of chemical dependence, about addiction and society in micro- and macro-manifestations, about models and principles of treatment for drug-dependent adolescents. A social worker must use in his work knowledge about family and codependency, about personal, ethnic, social and cultural factors in the formation and development of addiction, about AIDS and drug addiction, as well as about the prevention of addiction. A social worker must take into account the ethical features of professional counseling when working with the environment, society, and the media, analyze the results of work, have the skills of statistical processing and documentation.

In addition to the requirements for the professional skills of specialists, practical activity in the field of social work is associated with the fulfillment of certain conditions in terms of lifestyle and behavior, manner of communication, and image.

A specialist taking part in preventive work must not only have a good understanding and understanding of the psychological characteristics of the stages of development of children and adolescents, the real specifics and interests of the teenage environment, but also be proficient in psychocorrectional technologies, and also be able to patiently win the trust of adolescents. Let's consider several types of technologies used by a social work specialist in the prevention of drug addiction:

· "Extrusion" technologies drug addicts from a certain area. It leads to a temporary improvement in the situation, especially in schools, but is not radical, because in another area the number of drug addicts is increasing. Applicable for marginal and semi-marginal areas that have a ghetto character. The driving force behind this technology is the parents of drug addicts who have stopped using drugs and the parents of deceased drug addicts.

· Volunteer movement. community social workers on a voluntary basis. This technology has rather low efficiency due to the low potential for impact on distributors and consumers of surfactants. Applicable in areas where intellectuals live. The driving force is prosperous parents and teenagers who do not have problems with drugs and alcohol.

· “Baiting” technology. channel (pager, hotline number) where anyone can report a place where drugs are sold. Information about the addresses of distributors is verified by the public. The driving force behind this technology is the parents of drug addicts. Applicable in areas with different social composition of the population.

· Support groups, or codependent groups,- a traditional and effective form of work on tertiary and partly secondary drug addiction prevention throughout the world. The life experience of relatives of drug addicts in overcoming problems of addictive behavior makes a great contribution to the formation of public opinion, and when implementing a unified anti-drug policy, it is very important to direct public opinion in a constructive direction. Such groups are no longer a novelty, but many of them lack methodological and organizational support. Support groups are a grassroots movement. If at least 20% of relatives of drug addicts registered in drug treatment clinics take part in work on codependency, the region will receive 4-5 thousand citizens supporting anti-drug policy. In addition, psychological work with codependents (as well as supporting codependents with each other) leads to an improvement in the mental health of society.

based on target audiences.

· Training programs for parents of students in secondary schools, colleges, lyceums, vocational schools, technical schools. The main goal of training parents is to teach them how to build their relationships with their children. Avoiding conflicts. The program includes mastering the skills of early detection of chemical dependence and predisposition to it, and the formation of a volunteer workforce from among the parents of healthy children.

· Educational programs on the problem of chemical dependency for the entire population.

· Training programs for teachers, psychologists and social workers operating in educational institutions and centers. This type of educational programs is based on the “training of trainers” principle. Here you should adhere to special aspects of chemical dependence prevention.

· Educational programs for students of schools, vocational schools, lyceums, technical schools, and university students. These programs carry a fairly high risk of nonconformist behavioral reactions among adolescents. In response to information about chemical dependence, adolescents are becoming increasingly involved in the use of psychoactive substances; therefore, programs for the prevention of drug addiction and alcoholism among young people and adolescents should be carried out only by highly professional specialists.

Many researchers have concluded that the risk of drug use is greatest among young people aged 12-18 years. At this time, young people solve numerous developmental tasks, much more extensive than in any other period of their subsequent life: they must prepare their departure from home (symbolic, meaning complete personal independence), achieve recognition in their age group (and even better - not only in your own), establish friendships and partnerships in a microsocial environment, determine the prospects for your future profession and life in general, create a scale of values ​​as a basis own behavior.

Therefore, psychological support for a child is necessary precisely during the school period of life. Data from foreign studies show that a teenager must be kept from using psychoactive substances until he is 20-21 years old. Upon reaching this age, interest and the likelihood of contacting them decreases significantly.

understand yourself, critically reflect on your behavior, maintaining an overall positive assessment of yourself.

In addition, it is necessary to remember that among teenagers there are a huge number of myths, different kinds of interpretations and understandings of the problem of addiction and use of psychoactive substances. These are the so-called « » , which are difficult to correct through conversation with adults and easily change in their group. Therefore, in our opinion, efforts aimed at really helping teenagers in solving their psychological problems of growing up and creating conditions for self-realization are more effective.

Taking into account the specifics of work in an educational institution, the conditions dictating relationships with teenagers, it can be stated that the above falls into the category of what is desirable and not always easily achievable. But the peculiarity of preventive activities determines some mandatory conditions, the fulfillment of which directly determines the effectiveness of all work carried out.

the effect of intoxication, mention of the cultural background of drug use, psychoactive substances, the “historical” aspect of the use of psychoactive substances, justification for drug use, for whatever reasons.

Thus, in a generalized form, the rules of social work with adolescent drug addicts can be presented as follows: recognition, non-judgment, targeting (individualization), empathy, partnership, trust. Manipulation of patients' behavior, deliberate deception, selective treatment of clients of different character, intelligence, age, gender, wealth, nationality, religion are prohibited, that is, a social worker must be a guarantor of respect for all human rights for adolescent drug addicts.

Social work in narcology is at the initial stage of its development. The formation of social rehabilitation programs for patients has not yet been completed; the role of social work specialists in the overall process of treatment and interaction with specialists of related specialties has not yet been fully formed. Given the obvious relevance of developing the practice of medical and social work in narcology, the development of its theoretical, organizational and methodological foundations is no less relevant.

The task of primary importance is the creation of a system of street social work, including mobile groups of specialists focused on identifying informal teenage associations at the microdistrict level, organizing channels of communication between social institutions and the youth subculture, developing social programs on correction and rehabilitation.

Such specialists are called upon to serve as intermediaries between children and adolescents at risk and the operational services of territorial administration and self-government.

2. 2 Modern methods and prevention programs

drug addiction among teenagers

the results of which were subject to control. Program evaluation should be carried out by government agencies within the framework of a unified anti-drug state policy.

<В ><ходе ><осуществления ><образовательных ><программ ><перспективным ><является ><сочетание ><средств ><развития ><знаний ><о ><наркотиках ><и ><последствиях ><их ><употребления, ><а ><также ><практических ><навыков ><противодействия ><вовлечению ><в ><наркопотребление.

><<Одним ><из ><новых ><элементов ><универсального ><предупреждения ><наркотизации ><в ><школах ><является ><общение ><в ><интерактивных ><группах. ><Такое ><общение ><в ><большей ><степени ><включает ><коммуникацию на ><равных,><>><а не общение ><между ><молодежью ><и ><инструктором. ><Примеры ><интерактивной ра><боты ><включают ><ролевые ><игры, ><мозговой ><штурм, ><тренинги,><><><групповые ><><><><><><><><дискуссии ><и ><т. п. ><Такие ><виды ><практических ><занятий ><предоставляют молодежи ><возможность ><сформировать ><собственные ><убеждения и ><><><><попрактиковать ><полезные ><навыки ><решения ><жизненных ><проблем >< разрешения ><конфликтов, ><развития ><уверенности ><в ><себе, ><эффективного ><общения и т. п.>

Working methods: group work, behavior training, personal training, discussions, brainstorming, conversations, lectures, role-playing games, elements of individual and group psychotherapy, " round tables", meetings.

The object of work of teachers, educators, social workers and healthy lifestyle promoters is primary and partially secondary prevention; With a well-thought-out methodology for their implementation, preventing early drug addiction in children and adolescents is quite possible. Tertiary prevention is the prerogative of doctors and people close to the patient.

The multifaceted nature and complexity of the causes and conditions that contribute to the drug use of children, adolescents and young people necessitate the need for comprehensive measures to prevent adolescent drug use.

The main objectives of the educational program are to conduct educational work with children, parents and teachers, identifying risk groups, preventive work with such teenagers together with parents, law enforcement agencies and representatives social sphere. The goal of preventive work is to create a situation among young people that prevents the growth of demand and abuse of any intoxicants.

Prevention programs must provide students with accurate and sufficient information about drugs and their impact on a person's social and economic well-being. Information must be relevant and reliable, especially regarding the consequences of drug and psychotropic substance abuse, not only for the drug addict himself, but also for society. It is necessary to promote a healthy lifestyle, which allows, based on the formation of an optimal life attitude resist the urge to try drugs even in a stressful situation. Information should be targeted, i.e., taking into account the gender, age, and beliefs of the adolescent group. The anti-drug education strategy provides for the participation of parents and other adults, whose opinion is very important for the child.

· children 10 - 12 years old. They are interested in everything related to drugs: their effects, methods of use; Children have already heard about the consequences of their abuse, but do not take them seriously. They themselves do not use drugs (substance abuse is possible), only a few people know those who use them. Knowledge about drugs and their effects is fragmentary, unreliable, obtained from hearsay;

· teenagers 12-14 years old. They know a lot about drugs, mainly from the experience of friends; many information is unreliable; Few people tried drugs - mostly out of curiosity; many are familiar with the potion's users. The danger of abuse is underestimated. The main interest is in the possibility of using “soft” drugs; they talk about the problem among themselves, few think about its global nature;

Users and sympathizers - they are interested in issues related to reducing the risk of use, the possibility and duration of use without developing addiction. Consumption is considered a sign of independence. There are many leaders among the group members;

Radical opponents - “I will never do it myself and I won’t let a friend die,” most members of this group consider drug use a sign of weakness and inferiority;

A group that has not defined its attitude towards drugs. A significant part of it may become involved in their use under the influence of friends.

· teenagers 16 – 18 years old. The groups remain, but the number of undecided drug addicts is significantly reduced.

Knowledge about drugs is changing qualitatively, it is becoming more detailed and objective. In the group of users and sympathizers, the first bitter fruits are reaped; in this regard, the greatest interest is caused by the criminal consequences of drug use and the speed of processes that negatively affect health. Few people consider drug addiction a global problem. Among radical opponents, there is a growing number of people who realize the need for active action to overcome child, adolescent and youth drug addiction.

When working in drug education, intimidation tactics should be avoided because they are ineffective. One-time anti-drug measures are inappropriate, since this approach does not allow adolescents to develop skills to resist drugs. Every specialist involved in prevention needs to take a strong anti-drug position, allowing them to suppress any attempts by the audience to justify the non-medical use of drugs.

interaction with teenagers and thereby cause a certain beneficial, personality-activating effect.

A necessary condition for the success of preventive methods is the use of various approaches to work in group classes: these can be developmental and diagnostic programs, group discussions, role-playing games and other psychotherapeutic techniques.

Let's look at several modern approaches to preventing drug use.

The first approach is informational - it is the most common type of preventive strategies based on providing partial information about drugs, their harm and the negative consequences of use. The second approach is based on affective (emotional) learning. This approach focuses on a person’s sensations, experiences, and his skills to recognize and manage them. Affective learning is based on the fact that addiction to psychoactive substances most often develops in individuals who have difficulties in determining the expression of emotions, with low self-esteem and poorly developed decision-making skills. Third Role Based Approach social factors comes from the fact that the influence of peers and family plays an important role in the life of a teenager, facilitating or preventing the onset of drug addiction. An individual's behavior is formed as a result of positive and negative consequences his own behavior and the impact of examples of behavior of others and its consequences, i.e. source environment feedback- rewards and punishments. The fourth approach, based on the development of life skills - skills of personal behavior and interpersonal communication - allows people to control and direct their life activities, develop the ability to live with others and make changes in the environment. The fifth approach is based on alternative activities to drugs. Proponents of this approach suggest that meaningful activity is an alternative to alcohol and drug addiction to psychoactive substances. The forms of work to prevent drug addiction among teenagers can be very diverse. To work with a group, it is more effective to use group methods. There are a sufficient number of ways to provide necessary information: lecture, reading, audio-visual aids, use of visual aids, group discussion, learning by practice, acting as a teacher, training.

A person learns information faster if learning takes place interactively, when he has the opportunity, while receiving information, to discuss unclear points, ask questions and immediately consolidate the acquired knowledge and develop behavioral skills.

and life skills development.

The goal of group preventive training is to help a teenager understand the problem of drug addiction and develop protective behavior skills.

Particularly noteworthy are such collective group tasks as discussion, “ brainstorm", "role-playing games".

The following criteria for assessing the effectiveness of group work methods can be distinguished: increasing the level of awareness of the audience on the issues and topics discussed; formation of attitudes towards behavior change; assessment of the lesson as a process.

Based on the results of assessing the effectiveness of group methods, it turned out that young people almost unanimously consider the most effective means of preventing drug addiction to be showing films about the consequences of drug use.

Students named the creation of various “helplines” and centers as effective means of preventing the consumption of psychoactive substances. psychological support youth (which everyone needs educational institution), the opening of yard clubs for hobby classes, sections, and gyms.

Thus, simply lecture presentation of material, even by specialists, or training in itself does not have the desired effect on the individual in terms of behavior change. To improve information programs, the introduction of psychological and psychotherapeutic technologies is required. We must not forget that the ability to present information is a certain kind of art and requires from the trainer not only sufficient knowledge on the problem, but also personal, natural data. When many points come together, the effectiveness of informational and cognitive-behavioral programs increases.

One of the main means of influencing drug-addicted adolescents is social rehabilitation.

Social rehabilitation of your main goal considers the restoration or formation of the patient’s normative, personal and social status based on the disclosure and development of his intellectual, moral, emotional and creative potential.

For more effective impact per patient, treatment and social rehabilitation of drug addicts should be carried out in closed institutions, and for a long period of time (up to two years). At the same time, they must be based on strict adherence to the following principles:

· maximum individualization;

· integrated approach to treatment and rehabilitation;

· the principle of voluntariness.

The principle of voluntariness should be mentioned separately: in relation to patients with drug addiction, this principle can be applied conditionally, depending on the severity of the disease and the socio-psychological characteristics of the individual.

Let's consider the problem of technologies for rehabilitation work with drug addicts according to the following scheme:

· level of impact;

· basic methods and means of influence.

Type of therapy at the biological level - biologically oriented influence, the main method and means of which is drug treatment, that is, the use of drugs that regulate neuromediation: neuroleptics, antidepressants, neuropetides, anticonvulsants, receptor system blockers, tranquilizers, as well as non-drug methods - reflexology, electrical stimulation.

· methods that use predominantly manipulative strategies that are addressed mainly to pathological processes; (suggestive methods (suggestion), hypnotherapy, game methods (situational psychological training), group discussion methods);

In many ways, the success of treatment and social rehabilitation will depend on the coordination of efforts of both the narcologist, the social work specialist, and the client himself, as well as on the correct choice of technologies for treatment and rehabilitation work in each specific case, and on the ability to rationally combine these technologies.

At the social level of influence, the main target is codependency (codependency is understood as deformation of relationships and individual behavior, role shifts and distortion of the psycho-emotional state of members of the social environment of a drug addict - spouses, children, parents and others), type of therapy - socially oriented influence. The main methods and means of therapy of the group are self- and mutual assistance, the “12 steps” program developed within their framework, a patented method of rehabilitation of drug addicts. Of course, not everything in these steps to a normal life can be immediately understood, so a coach works with newcomers to the group - a person who himself has gone through these steps and got rid of drug addiction.

develop and implement new innovation programs social rehabilitation or “reanimate” programs that were successfully used in the past, but their use, unfortunately, ceased during the “heyday of democracy” in our state.

As an example, we can cite a developed network of medical and labor workshops in medical preventive institutions. Occupational therapy, as a form of social rehabilitation and readaptation of drug addicts, is undoubtedly effective, but it should be applied to them depending on the severity of the disease and the socio-psychological characteristics of the patient.

Occupational therapy is the treatment of various physical and mental illness by involving patients in certain types of activities. This allows patients to be constantly busy with work and achieve maximum independence in all aspects of their daily lives. The types of work activities in which the patient is involved are specially selected in such a way as to make maximum use of the abilities of each person. At the same time, it is always necessary to take into account his individual needs and inclinations. This technique plays an important role in the system of social and labor rehabilitation of patients. The technique was brought from Poland, where the experience of “Therapeutic Communes” has been practiced since 1978 by the non-governmental organization “Monar”. It's called the program of Polish monarchs. People at the center do physical labor, participate in labor cleanup days, help improve and clean the center’s territory, restore damaged equipment, and care for animals. The department has drawn up a daily routine, a weekly routine and a hospital routine. Upon admission, each patient and his/her caregivers receive information about these rules. As practice shows, the Polish occupational therapy system is effective. Out of five patients, as a rule, three drug addicts gain victory over themselves.

Rehabilitation centers for drug addicts around the world operate according to different programs. There are purely medical ones, there are Christian ones, some rely on occupational therapy (for example, Polish Monar), and the 12-step program for Narcotics Anonymous is also known. There are also proprietary programs. And in some centers they prefer to use several methods at once. For example, such as: art therapy (psychotherapeutic influence through artistic images); music therapy; meditation; body-oriented therapy (psychotherapeutic influence through awareness of the processes occurring inside the body); rational - behavioral therapy(psychotherapy through awareness of the cause-and-effect mechanisms of human behavior); communication trainings; fairy tale therapy (psychotherapeutic influence through special psychotherapeutic fairy tales through identification with fairy-tale characters); family psychotherapy.

It should be noted that employment and stimulation of creative and business activity among young people and adolescents are recognized throughout the world as the most effective way to combat drug addiction. This work is based on the following areas.

1. Club work. and significantly increases the child’s communicative and cognitive resources.

2. Additional education. Sunday schools (including religious ones) and electives reduce the amount of free time and increase the store of knowledge; they require not only time, but also the attention of the teenager. Organizing such events within one school or one territory allows one to raise the positive potential of children and their parents.

3. Temporary or part-time employment of teenagers. The measure is most effective in those segments of society that have low adaptive potential. Suitable for implementation in small villages and areas where many unskilled workers live. Where marginal and semi-marginal individuals are concentrated. The problem of creating additional jobs for teenagers is being solved through municipal funding.

Thus, the hypothesis that the involvement of adolescents in activities to prevent the use of psychoactive substances is an effective method of countering drug use was confirmed.


The results of this diploma research indicate the achievement of its main goals and the tasks they envisage, in accordance with which a number of significant and interrelated conclusions were made:

1. An analysis of foreign and Kazakhstani experience has revealed the importance of preventing drug addiction in adolescence, both for adolescents themselves and for society as a whole. It is noted that it is in the United States that great success has been achieved in reducing drug use and eradicating the consequences of drug addiction at the national level, while in Kazakhstan there is insufficiently effective control and monitoring of anti-drug work. Consequently, the mechanism for coordinating anti-drug activities currently requires strengthening.

2. The role of NGOs in drug addiction prevention is widely recognized throughout the world due to their flexibility and ability to freely work with target groups. However, NGOs working in the field of drug addiction prevention often lack modern knowledge and experience and experience financial difficulties. Moreover, it is necessary to constantly improve professional level organizations working in the field of drug addiction prevention. To this end, conduct various training events on a regular basis to obtain new information and work skills using modern and progressive methods and social technologies.

3. The activities of a social work specialist in a drug treatment facility play a significant coordinating role in resolving the entire complex of problems of a client who finds himself in a difficult life situation and requiring the participation of specialists in related professions - doctors, psychologists, teachers, and other specialists. The key to the effectiveness of social work in solving drug addiction problems is the use of existing effective methods, approaches and programs for the prevention of drug addiction.

4. According to the statements of psychologists and social educators, the program for the prevention of teenage drug use “Peer Educates Peer” gives a positive preventive effect of 90%. These methods are currently recognized by anti-drug service employees as not only the best, but also the most promising and are planned for active dissemination among organizations involved in the prevention of drug addiction.

Thus, the results of the study give reason to believe that the active involvement of adolescents in activities to prevent the use of psychoactive substances, as well as the use of interactive methods, contributes to the most effective counteraction to drug use.

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51. kz


  1. Youth policy

    Abstract >> Political Science
  2. Results of implementation and assessment of the effectiveness of state youth politicians

    Abstract >> State and law

    In adolescence and youth environment; - involvement of public youth and student organizations To decision problems employment; - assistance to public youth organizations in the field of implementation youth politicians...

  3. The formation of volunteer activities in youth environment Russia

    Coursework >> Sociology

    Opportunities before prevention drug addiction and distribution... among existing charitable organizations, occupy a significant place youth ... solutions problems... appreciated role organizations civil...According to non-governmental sources25 in...

  4. Role volunteer movement in the prevention of social problems youth in rural areas

    Abstract >> Sociology

    Domestic volunteers non-governmental organizations; volunteer... role V decision many problems patriotic and civic education of the younger generation can play youth... V youth environment. The main goal of prevention drug addiction - ...

  5. Youth politics in Russia

    Coursework >> Sociology

    Implementation involved non-governmental organizations and others... Of no small importance role V... youth environment it is very sad to see many social diseases such as alcoholism, addiction ... decision the most acute problems, taking place in youth environment ...

"Experience and prospects for interaction between the administration of Yekaterinburg, public associations and non-profit organizations for the prevention of drug addiction and other addictions"

October 18, 2004 :: S. V. SHIRSHOV, Head of the Department for Coordination of Work on Prevention and Combating Drug Addiction of the Yekaterinburg City Administration

The next ECAD seminar, “The experience of Swedish and Russian public organizations in the fight against drugs,” took place on September 24, 2004 at the St. Petersburg State University, bringing together representatives of politics and public organizations, specialists from city administrations, scientists and journalists from Yekaterinburg, Kazan, Moscow, Nizhny Novgorod Novgorod, St. Petersburg, Tula, Sosnovy Bor, Priozersk, Cherepovets and the Republic of Karelia. The head of the department for coordinating work on the prevention and fight against drug addiction in Yekaterinburg, Sergei Shirshov, spoke about the experience of the City Administration in preventing drug addiction and other addictions in his speech.

“Every year in the cities of Russia, including Yekaterinburg, experience in combating drug addiction is accumulated. The results of this work are also visible: in 2003, the main indicators reflecting the development of the drug situation decreased significantly. But, unfortunately, as shown, including , and world experience, the development of the drug situation is not a smooth path - there are ups and downs. This process is influenced by many reasons, both objective and subjective. Today, based on the results of the first half of 2004, we can assume that we are entering the second ( after 1999-2000) wave of the drug epidemic.

In these conditions, it is extremely important not to lose vigilance and to unite all anti-drug forces. We are convinced that the fight against the drug threat is a field in which one is not a warrior. Therefore we believe that the most important principle building anti-drug work is a partnership between state (municipal) authorities of all levels, the public, religious organizations, commercial structures, every citizen. The development of such cooperation is being updated in connection with the latest initiatives of the President of the Russian Federation on the introduction of an institution of non-state control - the Public Chamber.

In our opinion, the partnership between the government and the public is determined by a number of positions, which will be discussed below.

State (municipal) institutions, organizations whose activities are aimed at preventing drug addiction and other addictions to psychoactive substances (prevention of addiction to psychoactive substances), for a number of objective reasons they do not always work promptly in this direction and cannot promptly resolve a number of existing contradictions and accumulated problems. This manifests itself in the following:

    The mechanism of interdepartmental interaction between structures of various subordination to combat drug trafficking and drug abuse is complex and requires certain efforts to coordinate it.

    The state ideology of countering addiction to psychoactive substances has not been formed and, as a result, the mechanism for financing preventive work has not been established, the state order for scientific support of preventive work has not been established, etc.

    The structure of state (municipal) bodies for the comprehensive prevention of addiction to psychoactive substances is being formed quite slowly.

    The implementation of policies to prevent addiction to psychoactive substances is often blocked by limited budget funding.

    There is practically no training for personnel in the field of prevention of addiction to psychoactive substances; there is no system for training preventive specialists.

    There is no institution for licensing the activities of existing and created structures in the field of comprehensive prevention of addiction to psychoactive substances, as well as evaluation criteria and a licensing mechanism.

    The development of state (municipal) institutions in the field of comprehensive prevention is not balanced (for example, the removal of physiological addiction in drug treatment hospitals is not accompanied by a long period of socio-psychological rehabilitation and reintegration of recovering drug addicts), etc.

Analysis of the work of public associations allowed us to highlight both the positive aspects and disadvantages of this activity.

TO positive aspects In our opinion, the following can be attributed:

    Public associations are able to more effectively develop and adapt non-traditional programs, technologies, forms of work, which, in turn, on the one hand, creates an alternative to the activities of state (municipal) bodies, and on the other hand, complements these activities.

    The activities of public associations do not depend on budget funding, which makes it possible to attract additional resources from various sources to preventive work.

    The work of public associations, as a rule, is organized and led by enthusiasts who “live” this problem, which allows them to carry out work over a long period with the active involvement of supporters and followers.

    Public organizations bring together people of similar fates who have faced the same problems, which stimulates an active joint search for a solution to the current situation, facilitates understanding of each other, and allows those who have embarked on the path of liberation from addictions to overcome self-doubt.

    Public associations, depending on the available material base and other factors, independently choose their area of ​​activity, which allows them to expand the range of services provided on the issue.

At the same time, a number of shortcomings can be noted in the activities of public associations. Among them:

    lack of coordination in the activities of public associations, which scatters forces and resources;

    Not high level willingness to listen to the opinions of others, to see and adopt their positive experiences, lack of tolerance;

    low willingness of a number of public associations to invest efforts in implementing joint projects;

    the activities of public associations, as a rule, are not licensed, and the methods and programs they use are not certified;

    lack of professional knowledge increases the risk of using methods and programs in work that can bring more harm than positive results;

    not all public associations have a sufficient base for carrying out work that complies with sanitary standards;

    insufficient information support for the activities of public associations.

In our opinion, it is the interaction of state (municipal) authorities and public associations that makes it possible to neutralize the noted shortcomings. Therefore, we believe that one of promising directions improving the system of preventive work in Yekaterinburg is the active mutually beneficial cooperation of interested structures of various forms of ownership, which, with their targeted programs, will positively influence the development of the social situation in the city and society as a whole. Interaction with public associations by the Administration of Yekaterinburg is carried out at the city, regional, Russian and international levels.

Currently, more than 20 public associations are registered in Yekaterinburg, one of the statutory activities of which is the prevention of drug addiction, other addictions to psychoactive substances and HIV/AIDS and includes various areas of this work.

Most public associations operate in the field of primary prevention of addictions. Among them: “Youth against drugs”, “Rubicon-2000”, “Health of the Fatherland”, “Center for Culture and Health” “Sober Yekaterinburg” and others. These organizations hold mass events, festivals, scientific and practical conferences, drawing and poster competitions, talks, lectures and many other events.

Currently, public associations are being developed whose goal is the socio-psychological rehabilitation of recovering drug addicts in rehabilitation centers. Among them are such organizations and foundations as “Independence”, “Road to Life”, “Victoria”, “New Birth” and others.

One of important areas in the work on drug addiction prevention is the organization of assistance, mutual assistance, drug addicts and members of their families. In this area there are such clubs, societies, movements as “Kalitka”, “Optimalist”, “Vera”, “Swallow”, “Al-Anon”, “Revival”, Volunteer Movement of the Urals and others.

Sverdlovsky's work covers a wide range of problems regional office Russian Charitable Foundation "No to Alcoholism and Drug Addiction" (NAN), Public Organization "Ural Fund" social innovation", Charitable Foundation "Territory", Non-profit partnership "MPC "VUZ-TEST", "Narcological Fund of the Region".

Among public associations, there are also those whose work is related to HIV/AIDS prevention. Among them: Regional Public Foundation "New Time", Yekaterinburg City Charitable Foundation "Assistance 2000", Yekaterinburg City Charitable Public Organization "New Facets", Sverdlovsk Regional Non-Profit Organization "EveryChild".

The Children's Human Rights Foundation "Chance" does a lot of work to provide legal assistance and support to those in need.

In the Sverdlovsk region and Yekaterinburg, the Sverdlovsk Regional Public Foundation for Combating Drug Trafficking, “The 21st Century Without Drugs,” was established in 1999 by a group of veterans of law enforcement agencies. The purpose of the fund is to provide assistance to internal affairs bodies of other law enforcement agencies in the fight against drug trafficking.

In addition, in the city of Yekaterinburg there are a large number of public associations, the purpose of which is to develop attitudes towards a healthy lifestyle among minors, cultural, leisure, sports activities, organizing employment for children and adolescents and other areas.

Active cooperation between the City Administration and public associations began from the formation of the city Program “Comprehensive Prevention of Addictions in Yekaterinburg in 2001-2003.” On October 20, 2000, the City Administration held a joint meeting with the leaders of public associations, at which public proposals for the formation of the Program were discussed. Some of the proposals were taken into account in the action plan for 2001.

A logical continuation of the joint work was the creation in April 2001 of the Council of Public Associations of the City of Yekaterinburg working in the field of prevention of drug addiction, other addictions and HIV/AIDS (Council). At the time of the creation of the Council, it included 16 organizations.

The creation of the Council was aimed at solving the following tasks:

    Coordination of the activities of public associations of the city.

    Expanding interaction with the City Administration, including public participation in the work of the Coordination Council under the City Head on the prevention of drug addiction, other addictions and HIV/AIDS.

    Study, exchange of experience, mutual consultations, development methodological recommendations for the activities of public associations.

    Systematization of information about the activities of public associations for its subsequent publication in the city’s media.

    Participation of the Council in the activities of the city competition commission for a municipal grant.

    Implementation of international and interregional cooperation in organized forms.

To support the initiative of citizens in solving the problems of addiction to psychoactive substances and HIV/AIDS, taking into account the problems in organizing the work of the public, since 2000 the City Administration has been holding a competition for municipal grants for projects and programs presented by public associations and non-profit organizations. The amount of budget funds allocated for a municipal grant only under the Program “Comprehensive Prevention of Addictions in Yekaterinburg in 2001-2003” amounted to 500 thousand rubles. A total of 11 were submitted to participate in the competition for a municipal grant in 2000, in 2001 and 2003. 9 each, and in 2002 – 10 projects. The winners of the competition over the years were: Regional Youth Public Organization "Independence", Foundation "Social Rehabilitation Center "Road to Life", Sverdlovsk Regional Public Organization "Rubicon-2000", Regional Public Foundation "New Time", Public Organization "Ural Fund" social innovation", Ekaterinburg Maritime School ROSTO and others.

In order to optimally use the potential of public associations in the interests of citizens, the City Administration is studying the possibility of another way to finance their activities. For example, the issue of forming a social order to support the activities of primary care centers for drug addicts is currently being considered, the main executors of which are expected to be public associations included in the Council.

During the period of the Council's activities, with the direct support of the Administration of Yekaterinburg, public associations received the opportunity to post information about their activities on the pages of the specialized section "Breaking" of the newspaper "Ural Worker", on the website of the City Administration of the preventive direction "Active Position", radio broadcasts " Morning Wave" of SGTRK and "Studio City", television programs "Studio 41", "Channel 4", etc.

Every year, plans for the implementation of the Program “Comprehensive Prevention of Addictions in Yekaterinburg in 2001-2003” provided for the holding of training seminars for public associations, where specialists in various areas of activity are invited: lawyers, accountants, representatives of law enforcement agencies - the Federal Drug Control Service of Russia, the Ministry of Internal Affairs, tax services, etc. .

During 2001, a number of public associations took part in events held by the Administration of Yekaterinburg within the framework of the Program “Comprehensive Prevention of Addictions in Yekaterinburg in 2001-2003”. Since 2002, the activities of public associations working in the field of prevention of drug addiction, other addictions and HIV/AIDS have been included in a separate plan of events carried out by the Council of Public Associations.

At the same time, some public associations continue to take an active part in a number of activities carried out by the City Administration. This is due, first of all, to the fact that currently there are no municipal institutions that provide such services to the population, and the work experience and professionalism accumulated by public associations is sufficient to organize joint activities.

Thus, together with the Children's Human Rights Foundation "Chance" the activities of three specialized legal consultations on legal protection minors. In Yekaterinburg, for a number of years, together with the Non-profit partnership "Medical Preventive Center "VUZ-TEST", an experiment has been carried out on early detection students who have experience in using surfactants with subsequent organization of individual preventive work with them. The Yekaterinburg city charitable public organization "New Facets" is actively involved in providing primary care centers for drug addicts. The regional public Foundation "New Time" together with the Center for the Prevention and Control of AIDS and Infectious Diseases organized the "School of Living with HIV".

Examples of interaction between the Yekaterinburg City Administration and public associations in other regions of Russia (Russian level) include:

    participation in seminars held by the Russian Youth Union;

    release of the brochure "Be Healthy!" together with the public organization "Your Choice" in Tver;

    participation in training seminars organized on the basis of the St. Petersburg Regional Public Organization for Assistance to Drug Addicts “Return”;

    participation in conferences and implementation of projects to introduce juvenile technologies in Yekaterinburg with the Russian Charitable Foundation "NAS";

    contacts with a non-profit organization Charitable Foundation prevention and rehabilitation of drug addicts "Narkom" (Moscow), the public foundation "Choice" (Kazan), the republican youth volunteer movement of healthy lifestyle promoters "Together" (Ufa), the Association of Educational Technology Centers (Samara ) and many others.

An important area of ​​activity of the Yekaterinburg City Administration remains interaction with a number of international organizations within the framework of joint projects.

Cooperation is developing with the international non-governmental organization "European Cities Against Drugs" - ECAD. Let us note, for example, that the brochures of the “Drug-box” information package have become integral part school corners for the prevention of addictions, library clubs at the place of residence, other municipal institutions, universities and secondary educational institutions. It should be noted that the philosophy of the organization’s anti-drug policy is close and understandable to us. We view ECAD as a strategic ally in organizing preventive work. Therefore, we believe that consultations on the possibility of creating a representative office of this international organization for the Ural region in Yekaterinburg federal district which are currently underway should yield positive results.

A new impetus in the development of interaction between the City Administration and public associations was received with the start of the implementation of the British-Russian project under the patronage of the Department international development UK Government (DFID) - "Social Partnership". This project provides for the organization of close interaction between municipal authorities, the public, representatives of the business community, and science in solving the social problems of the city. To implement the project, the Executive Committee of public organizations of Yekaterinburg was created. The Committee has allocated the direction “Addictions, HIV/AIDS”.

In 1998-2002 International organizations such as the Open Society Institute (USA), Doctors Without Borders (Holland), took part in the implementation of the Russian-British project “Prevention of HIV/AIDS among injection drug users in the Sverdlovsk region” on the territory of Yekaterinburg. "Family Health" (UK). Let us note that, in general, the so-called harm reduction program is still assessed ambiguously in the world. But during the implementation of the project in Yekaterinburg, we received an unexpected result - 60% of those who applied to primary care centers for drug addicts had never sought help for drug use anywhere before. This prompted us to understand the need to integrate a rehabilitation component into the activities of syringe exchange points. And we didn’t just change the name, we are changing the ideology of these points. To strengthen the rehabilitation component, we are currently conducting consultations on the possibility of participation in the activities of the centers by ministers of various faiths, members of drug addicts anonymous societies and other associations.

The year 2003 was marked by the beginning of the implementation of the Russian-French project on methodological support activities of helplines for teenagers and youth, organized jointly with the France-Ural Association and the public organization "Ural Foundation for Social Innovation" with the support of the Administration of Yekaterinburg and other structures. I would like to note that this project allowed us to take a different approach to understanding the place and role of helplines in preventive work and to seriously think about creating a unified municipal helpline service in Yekaterinburg.

In June 2003, the Strategic Plan for the Development of the City of Yekaterinburg was approved by the decision of the Yekaterinburg City Duma. The structure of the Strategic Plan includes the strategic project “I Choose Life”, the goal of which is to create a negative attitude towards bad habits (smoking, alcohol, drug addiction), create conditions for preserving the health of the population of Yekaterinburg, reduce disability, mortality, economic damage, stabilize the spread of addiction to psychoactive substances . This fact suggests that the Yekaterinburg City Administration considers activities for the comprehensive prevention of drug addiction and other addictions to psychoactive substances important element in the development of the social sphere of the city, an integral component of the work to preserve and develop human potential.

One of the tasks that we set for ourselves within the framework of the project is to support civic activity in the field of preventing addiction to psychoactive substances and developing attitudes and norms of a healthy (sober) lifestyle among citizens. Fulfilling this task presupposes the preservation and development of already proven ones and the search for new ones. effective forms and areas of cooperation with public associations and non-profit organizations, which will help solve many social problems of the Ural capital and its citizens."