What is the constructive result of conflict resolution? Constructive conflict

Conflicts, causes of conflicts, types of conflicts, methods of conflict resolution

Conflict- this is the disagreement of the parties or the conscious behavior of one party that comes into conflict with the other party. Conflicts are designed to help meet people's needs. IN conflict situation each party strives to achieve its goal, solve its problems, approve and accept its point of view. In practice, this is often done by infringing on the interests of opponents and eliminating the positions of opponents. Conflict is the highest stage in the development of contradictions; it is a lack of agreement between two or more parties, which may be specific individuals or groups.

Causes of conflicts:

  • Resource Allocation . Resources are always limited and management must decide how to distribute them among different groups in order to most effectively achieve the goals of the organization. Allocating a large share of resources to any one manager, subordinate, or group means that others will receive a smaller share of the total.
  • Task Interdependence . The potential for conflict exists whenever one person or group is dependent on another person or group to complete a task. Since all organizations are systems consisting of interconnected elements, if one department or person performs inadequately, task interdependence can cause conflict.
  • Differences in Goals. Specialized units They formulate their own goals and can pay more attention to achieving them than the goals of the entire organization.
  • Differences in beliefs and values . The idea of ​​a situation depends on the desire to achieve specific purpose. Instead of assessing a situation objectively, people may consider only those views, alternatives, and aspects of the situation that they believe are favorable to their group and personal needs.
  • Differences in behavior and life experience . Differences in life experiences, values, education, seniority, age and social characteristics reduce the degree of mutual understanding and cooperation between representatives of different departments.
  • Poor communications . Poor communication is both a cause and a consequence of conflict. It can act as a catalyst for conflict, preventing individuals or groups from understanding the situation or the points of view of others.

Types of conflicts

1. Intrapersonal conflict . He can take various shapes

o role conflict, when conflicting demands are made on one person regarding what the result of his work should be

o production requirements are not consistent with personal needs, interests, values,

o response to work overload or underload.

2. Interpersonal conflict . The most common and manifests itself in different ways:

o the struggle of managers for limited resources, capital or labor, equipment usage time or project approval. This group includes well-known conflicts between two candidates for promotion when there is one vacancy,

o clash of personalities. People with different personality traits, views and values ​​are sometimes simply unable to get along with each other.

3. Conflict between individual and group .

o if the expectations of the group are in conflict with the expectations of the individual,

o the manager may be forced to take disciplinary action, which may be unpopular in the eyes of subordinates.

4. Intergroup conflict theory .

o In organizations, conflicts may arise between formal and non-formal groups. Informal groups who believe that the manager is treating them unfairly may rally more tightly and try to “get even” with him through a decrease in productivity or a conflict between the union and management.

1. Structural methods of conflict resolution:

Clarification of job requirements - this is one of best methods management, preventing dysfunctional conflict theory It is necessary to clarify what results are expected from each employee and department. Parameters such as the level of results to be achieved, who provides and who receives various information, the system of authority and responsibility, and clearly defined policies, procedures and rules should be mentioned here. Moreover, the leader does not clarify these issues for himself, but conveys them to his subordinates so that they understand what is expected of them in a given situation.

Coordination and integration mechanisms - This is one of the most common mechanisms - a chain of commands. Establishing a hierarchy of authority streamlines the interaction of people, decision making and information flows within the organization. If two or more subordinates disagree on any issue, the conflict can be avoided by turning to a common superior, inviting him to make a decision. The principle of unity of command facilitates the use of hierarchy to manage a conflict situation, since the subordinate knows whose decisions he must implement.

Organization-wide comprehensive goals - Effective implementation of these goals requires the joint efforts of two or more employees, departments or groups. The idea behind this technique is to direct the efforts of all participants to achieve a common goal.

Reward system structure - rewards can be used as a method of conflict management, influencing people to avoid dysfunctional consequences. People who contribute to the achievement of organization-wide integrated goals, help other groups in the organization and try to approach the problem in a comprehensive manner should be rewarded with gratitude, bonuses, recognition or promotions. It is equally important that the reward system does not encourage unconstructive behavior individuals or groups. Systematic, coordinated use of reward systems to reward those who contribute to the implementation of organization-wide goals, helps people understand how they should act in a conflict situation so that it corresponds to the desires of management.

2. Interpersonal conflict resolution styles:

Evasion - this style implies that a person is trying to avoid conflict. His position is not to get into situations that provoke the emergence of contradictions, not to enter into a discussion of issues that are fraught with disagreement. Then you won’t have to get into an excited state, even if you are working on solving a problem.

Smoothing - with this style, a person is convinced that there is no need to get angry, because “we are all one happy team, and we should not rock the boat.” Such a “smoother” tries not to let out the signs of conflict, appealing to the need for solidarity. But at the same time, you can forget about the problem underlying the conflict. The result may be peace and quiet, but the problem will remain, and eventually there will be an “explosion.”

Compulsion - within this style, attempts to force people to accept their point of view at any cost prevail. Anyone who tries to do this is not interested in the opinions of others, usually behaves aggressively, and uses power through coercion to influence others. This style can be effective where the leader has great power over subordinates, but he can suppress the initiative of subordinates, creating high probability that the wrong decision will be made because only one point of view is presented. It can cause resentment, especially among younger and more educated staff.

Compromise - this style is characterized by accepting the other party's point of view, but only to some extent. The ability to compromise is highly valued in management situations, as it minimizes ill will, which often makes it possible to quickly resolve a conflict to the satisfaction of both parties. However, using a compromise on early stage a conflict that has arisen over an important issue can reduce the time it takes to find alternatives.

Solution . This style is an acknowledgment of differences of opinion and a willingness to engage with other points of view in order to understand the causes of the conflict and find a course of action acceptable to all parties. The one who uses this style does not try to achieve his goal at the expense of others, but rather seeks best option solutions. This style is the most effective in solving organizational problems. Suggestions for using this conflict resolution style: Define the problem in terms of goals rather than solutions; Once the problem is identified, identify solutions acceptable to all parties; focus on the problem, not on the personal qualities of the other party; create an atmosphere of trust by increasing mutual influence and information exchange; When communicating, create a positive attitude towards each other by showing sympathy and listening to the other party's opinion.

In the process of labor and social activities teacher interacts with other participants school life. At the same time, conflicts are an inevitable phenomenon. But what remains after a conflict situation largely depends on the teacher. Universal recipe constructive solution conflict, the aftertaste of which will be the satisfaction of all parties and the acquisition of valuable skills for living in society, is discussed in this article.
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In the process of professional activity In addition to his immediate responsibilities related to teaching and educating the younger generation, a teacher has to communicate with colleagues, students, and their parents.

In daily interactions, it is hardly possible to avoid conflict situations. And is it necessary? After all, by correctly resolving a tense moment, it is easy to achieve good constructive results, bring people closer, help them understand each other, and achieve progress in educational aspects.

Definition of conflict. Destructive and constructive ways to resolve conflict situations

What is conflict? Definitions of this concept can be divided into two groups. IN public consciousness conflict is most often synonymous with hostile, negative confrontation between people due to incompatibility of interests, norms of behavior, and goals.

But there is another understanding of conflict as an absolutely natural phenomenon in the life of society, which does not necessarily lead to negative consequences. On the contrary, when choosing in the right direction its course, it is an important component of the development of society.

Depending on the results of resolving conflict situations, they can be designated as destructive or constructive. The result destructive collision is dissatisfaction of one or both parties with the outcome of the collision, destruction of relationships, resentment, misunderstanding.

Constructive is a conflict, the solution of which became useful for the parties taking part in it, if they built, acquired something valuable for themselves in it, and were satisfied with its result.

Most people consider conflict to be a purely negative phenomenon that only leads to quarrels, contradictions and destruction. However, this is a misconception. In addition to destructive ones, there are also constructive conflicts that lead to the resolution of many hidden problems.

Definition of concepts

A conflict is a certain contradiction or opposition that arises due to the incompatibility of the interests of the parties. May occur between by individuals or their groups in the process of life.

In accordance with the nature of the consequences, psychologists distinguish between destructive and constructive conflicts. In the first case there will be nothing but quarrels, negativity and strained relations. Sometimes destructive conflicts can progress to the stage of physical violence. They often arise out of bias and the desire for profit.

Absolutely opposite meaning have constructive conflicts. They help resolve obvious and hidden problems, relieve tension in the team, strengthen friendly relations. If we're talking about about enterprises, managers sometimes deliberately provoke conflicts in order to defuse tense situations.

Constructive and destructive conflict - difficulties of assessment

It is worth noting that the confrontation between individuals or their groups is quite difficult to assess. It is not always possible to determine the variety due to the following objective factors:

  • There are no clear criteria according to which constructive and destructive conflict are distinguished. Most often, this can only be done after the confrontation is over, when the consequences can be assessed (and even then the answer may not be clear-cut).
  • Most conflicts, regardless of the environment in which they arise, are characterized by both constructive and destructive functions simultaneously.
  • The characteristics of the confrontation can vary significantly depending on what stage it is at. A constructive conflict can become such only after an acute phase or, conversely, move into the realm of destruction.
  • When assessing a conflict, it is always worth considering the subjective side. So, one side may consider it constructive, but for the other it will be destructive character. In addition, it is important to take into account the interests of third parties who may initiate the confrontation.

Constructive functions of social conflict

Despite the general negative connotation of such a phenomenon as conflict, it performs a number of functions of positive significance. So, the constructive side of conflicts is as follows:

  • conflict allows us to identify contradictions and problems at the very moment when they have reached the stage of maturity and need immediate elimination;
  • can act as a mechanism for relieving tension in society and resolving situations that are a source of stress;
  • in the process of finding ways out of the conflict, individuals can integrate, showing mutual assistance and understanding;
  • as a result of resolving a controversial situation and eliminating its source social system becomes more stable;
  • A conflict that arises in time can warn against more serious clashes and contradictions.

Thus, it is impossible to speak unambiguously about negative nature conflict. Constructive social conflict is aimed not at aggravating, but at resolving problems.

Constructive functions of interpersonal conflict

Constructive interpersonal conflict performs the following positive functions:

  • allows you to discover the opponent’s true character traits, as well as identify true motives his behavior;
  • conflict situations contribute to strengthening character and personality development;
  • contributes to the adaptation of the individual in society, his self-realization and self-affirmation.

Destructive functions of conflict

Conflicts are characterized by the following destructive functions:

  • due to the fact that the confrontation can move from verbal to physical, there is a high risk of material losses, as well as human casualties;
  • disorganization of society due to tension in relations;
  • slowdown in the pace of socio-economic development due to disruption of interpersonal and intergroup connections;
  • in the process of confrontation, new conflicts may open up, which will be even more destructive;
  • decreased level of discipline and disorientation;
  • deterioration psychological climate in a team or society;
  • from the point of view of an individual, self-doubt may develop, disappointment in beliefs and values ​​may occur;
  • negative assessment of others;
  • During the conflict, protective mechanisms of the psyche can be triggered, which can lead to painful conditions.

Types of conflicting personalities

A constructive solution to a conflict is not always possible due to the individual characteristics of its participants. Psychologists identify six personality types that most often come into conflict with others:

  • demonstrative- they like to be in the center of events, they are quite emotional, and therefore are often the initiators of disputes and confrontations;
  • rigid- due to high self-esteem and touchiness, they often neglect the opinions and interests of others, which leads to serious conflict situations;
  • uncontrollable- characterized by excessive impulsiveness and lack of self-control skills;
  • ultra-precise- too demanding of themselves and others, picky about little things, distrustful;
  • conflict- purposefully enter into confrontation with others, considering such behavior as a way of manipulating and achieving their goals;
  • conflict-free- they are afraid of any disputes and confrontations, as a result of which they can provoke aggression and irritation of others, which leads to the opposite effect.

Models of conflict behavior

There are three main models conflict behavior, namely:

  • Destructive characterized by a desire to escalate confrontation and increase tension. A person may try to involve more in the conflict more participants, expanding its scope. This model is characterized by the following:
    • neglect of the partner in order to reduce his role in resolving the dispute;
    • personal insult and negative performance assessments;
    • open expression of mistrust and doubt;
    • deviation from moral and ethical standards communication.
  • Constructive behavior in a conflict is aimed at “extinguishing” the confrontation as soon as possible and solving the problem diplomatically. If one of the participants is aimed at reconciliation, then he will show restraint and self-control, regardless of the opponent’s behavior. It is important to behave openly and kindly, while maintaining few words.
  • Compromise model of behavior aimed at searching alternative solution, it is characteristic of insecure individuals. They act rather passively and avoid direct answers to questions. Participants do not insist on respecting their interests and willingly make concessions.

Constructive development of the conflict

In order for the conflict to develop according to a constructive scenario, the following conditions must be met:

  • participants acknowledge the existence of disagreements, try to understand their nature and recognize the opponent’s right to respect their rights and defend their personal position;
  • before proceeding to eliminate the causes of the contradiction, they must be completely eliminated negative manifestations conflicts, such as increased tone, mutual insults, and so on;
  • If on our own If it is impossible to reach a consensus, then it is possible to involve a third disinterested party in resolving the controversial situation, who can give an objective assessment of the problem;
  • agreement of all parties to the conflict with the established rules of behavior, which contributes to effective communications.

Smoothing out destructive conflict

It is worth noting that a conflict that is destructive in nature can have a completely favorable outcome. In this regard, the following are highlighted: constructive ways conflict resolution:

  • Eliminating the cause of the confrontation by limiting contact between the parties. If we talk about managing an organization, then we can talk about the division of powers or
  • Strengthening interaction between conflicting parties. If the confrontation does not directly concern the duties performed, then it is advisable to confront them with common goal, which will force participants to search for a common language.
  • Stimulation to independent search Moreover, we are not necessarily talking about encouragement in the event of a speedy end to the confrontation. It is quite possible to develop a system of sanctions that will apply if the dispute is not resolved.

Conflict management

Managing constructive conflicts includes the following basic techniques:

  • A clear distinction between its participants. It is unacceptable to criticize personal qualities or interests. Thus, all attention is focused directly on the problem.
  • Development of options that satisfy both parties. To come to a common decision, the parties to the conflict must direct all their efforts not to personal confrontation, but concentrate them on finding alternatives. It is worth uniting against the problem, and not opposing each other. The method works well here " brainstorming", which can also involve third parties.
  • The use of objective criteria implies an objective view of the problem, regardless of the interests of the parties to the conflict. In this case, a decision can be made that will be stable and neutral.
  • Elimination of the influence of principled positions. First of all, each party must decide what kind of rational interest in one way or another. It is quite possible that the conflicting parties will have them in common, or at least will not be mutually exclusive.

Ending the conflict

The end of the conflict can occur in the following forms:

  • permission- the opposing sides, through joint efforts, came to final decision, which to one degree or another satisfies their interests;
  • settlement- elimination of contradictions through the efforts of a third party;
  • attenuation- this is a temporary or complete cessation of active confrontation, which can be associated both with the depletion of the resources of the participants and with the loss of relevance of the cause of the conflict;
  • eliminating the conflict consists of "liquidation" of it structural elements (withdrawal from the dispute by one of the parties or a long absence of contacts between opponents, neutralization of the problem);
  • in some cases, an ongoing conflict may lead to the emergence of new confrontations around objects, which were identified during attempts to resolve it.


Despite the fact that most people consider conflict to be a purely negative phenomenon, this is not entirely fair. It may well be constructive in nature. Moreover, in some cases it is simply necessary. For example, the leaders of some organizations deliberately provoke constructive conflicts in work collectives. This helps to identify existing problems, relieve emotional stress and create a healthy working atmosphere. It is also worth remembering that with a competent approach to conflict management, even destructive confrontation can have a constructive conclusion.

  • Yamalov Ural Buranbaevich, master
  • Bashkir State Agrarian University

The article discusses the features of the conflict. The outcome of a conflict situation will largely depend not only and not so much on the causes, factors and patterns of the conflict, the degree of its development, but on the attitude of the participants themselves to the conflict situation.

  • Algorithms for effective conflict management

Social conflict is the highest stage of development of contradictions in relations between people, social groups, social institutions, which is characterized by the strengthening of opposing tendencies and the clash of different interests.

The world is structured in such a way that in almost all areas human activity conflicts arise, which are most often based on emotions and personal hostility, and they are associated with aggression, threat, and hostility. Conflict is defined by the fact that the conscious behavior of one of the parties: an individual, group or organization conflicts with the interests of the other party. Conflict management is one of the essential functions manager (on average they spend about 20% of their working time). To manage them, you need to know the types of conflicts, the causes of their occurrence, the characteristics of their course, as well as the consequences to which they can lead.

Social conflicts in the life of society are inevitable, since social development is carried out in conditions of confrontation between various interests, attitudes, and aspirations. However, in a developed society there are mechanisms for preventing and peacefully resolving conflicts within the framework of normalized relations.

Individuals and social groups involved in a conflict are called subjects of the conflict. The issue requiring resolution, or the good over which there is a conflict, is called the subject of conflict. The cause of the conflict is the objective social circumstances that predetermine its occurrence. The reason for the conflict is a specific incident or social action, which provokes a transition to open confrontation.

The difference between conflict and peaceful confrontation, competition and rivalry for the possession of certain goods lies in the severity of the conflict, which can take the form open aggression and violent actions.

At the heart of any social conflict lies an acute contradiction.

Contradiction is the fundamental incompatibility of important interests and aspirations (political, economic, ethnic, cultural) of individuals and social groups. Dissatisfaction with the current situation and readiness to change it is expressed in the growth of social tension. A conflict arises when one of the parties begins to openly realize its aspirations to the detriment of the other, which causes an aggressive response.

A contradiction does not always develop into an open clash; it can be resolved peacefully or persist in society as an implicit confrontation of ideas, interests, and tendencies.

Based on various criteria, types of conflicts are distinguished:

  • by duration: short-term and protracted conflicts;
  • by scope of participants: global, interethnic, national, local conflicts;
  • by area public life: economic, political, labor, sociocultural, national-ethnic, family and everyday life, ideological, spiritual and moral, legal conflicts;
  • by area of ​​contradictions: interpersonal, intragroup, intergroup conflicts, as well as conflicts between the group and the external environment;
  • by the nature of development: intentional, spontaneous;
  • by means used: violent (military, armed) and non-violent conflicts;
  • By social consequences: successful, unsuccessful, constructive, destructive conflicts.

Social conflict goes through several stages in its development:

  1. pre-conflict situation - awareness by the parties of the existing contradiction and increasing social tension;
  2. direct conflict open actions aimed at realizing aspirations and meeting the needs that caused the confrontation;
  3. conflict resolution - ending the confrontation, eliminating the causes of the conflict or reconciling the parties on the basis of compromise;
  4. after the conflict stage - the final elimination of contradictions, the transition to peaceful interaction.

Typically, a social conflict is preceded by a pre-conflict stage, during which contradictions between subjects accumulate and gradually intensify.

Before the conflict begins, the parties are aware of the existence of tension due to dissatisfaction with some important needs, look for ways to resolve the contradiction that has arisen, choose ways to influence the enemy.

Most often, social conflict arises due to differences in the level of material well-being, access to power, cultural goods, education, information, as well as due to differences in religious, ideological, moral attitudes and standards of behavior.

The severity of a conflict situation and ways out of it are determined not only by the significance of the contradiction, but also by the socio-psychological traits of the participants in the conflict: characteristics of temperament, intelligence, level general culture, communication skills.

The reason for the outbreak of a conflict is an incident - an event or social action aimed at changing behavior opposing side and entailing a transition to open confrontation (verbal debates, economic sanctions, changes in legislation, etc.).

The next stage in the development of the conflict is its escalation, i.e. growth, increase in scale, number of participants, publicity.

The direct conflict stage of social confrontation is characterized by a combination of certain actions, which is undertaken by participants in order to realize their interests and suppress the enemy.

All participants in a large-scale conflict play a certain role in it, although not all of them are necessarily in a state of confrontation with each other.

Witnesses to a conflict observe events from the sidelines without actively participating in them.

Mediators are people who try to prevent, stop or resolve a conflict, look for ways to reconcile conflicting interests, and participate in organizing negotiations. Instigators are people who provoke the beginning and further development conflict.

Accomplices may not directly participate in an open clash of warring entities, but through their actions they contribute to its development, supporting one of the parties.

Resolving a social conflict is overcoming the main contradiction in the interests of the parties, eliminating it at the level of the causes of the conflict. The resolution of the conflict can be achieved by the conflicting parties themselves without the help of any outsiders, or by involving a third party (mediator) in the solution. Thus, the conflict resolution model is a set of certain techniques overcoming it. This is not a randomly chosen method, but directly depends on the indications of the diagnosis of a specific conflict.

Models used in conflict resolution are formed on the basis of cultural and legal attitudes towards conflict existing in society, encouraging or prohibiting one or another method of conflict resolution. The model for resolving any conflict is based on the use of various methods - violent (repression, demonstration of force, various forms of coercion) or peaceful (negotiations, agreement, compromises).

There are four fundamental ways (models) by which conflicting parties can resolve their differences and exit the state of conflict:

  1. Forceful (one-sided dominance).
  2. Compromise.
  3. Integral model.
  4. Separation of the parties. It is also possible certain combination the four named methods (symbiotic model).

One-sided dominance(power model) – a method that involves satisfying the interests of one of the conflicting parties at the expense of the interests of the other. Forceful methods of resolving a conflict, in fact, lead to the destruction or complete suppression of the interests of one of the parties to the conflict. In this case, a variety of means of coercion are used, from psychological to physical. Often this is a way of transferring blame and responsibility to the weaker party. Thus, the real cause of the conflict is replaced and the dominant will of a stronger subject is unilaterally imposed.

Separation of the parties to the conflict. In this case, the conflict is resolved by stopping interaction, severing relations between the conflicting parties, isolating them from each other (for example, divorce of spouses, separation of neighbors, transfer of workers to different areas production). The separation of the conflicting parties can be accomplished by their retreat, when they both leave the “battlefield”. This is how, for example, a squabble between bus passengers ends when one of them gets off at his stop, or a quarrel between neighbors in a communal apartment, which stops after they move.

Trade-off model– a method of reconciling conflicting interests, which consists in mutual concessions in the positions of the conflicting parties. It is important to know that the compromise model of conflict resolution is based on concessions to conflicts precisely in their interests. Thus, the concept of compromise is used in different meanings: in the ordinary understanding, these are various concessions to each other, and in a conflict of logic, this is the mutual refusal of the parties to the conflict from any part of their claims, mutual sacrifice of interests, in order to achieve agreement.

The main advantage of peaceful resolution of a conflict through compromise is introducing the conflict into a constructive framework and establishing the process of communication between the parties, finding certain points of agreement (compromise). However, a compromise, in the words of the famous Western conflict expert C. Lasswell, “is patchwork quilt, which the conflicters are pulling over themselves.” Compromise, as a model for resolving a conflict, is certainly preferable and more civilized than force or separation, but it is not universal and has its limits of applicability. One should not think that any conflict can be easily resolved on its basis.

Integral model (integral strategy)– provides for the possibility of satisfying the interests of all conflicters, subject to their revision (audit) of their previously formed positions, the goals that they intended to achieve in the conflict. It is called integral not because it combines the qualities and advantages of previous models, but because it is capable of integrating the interests of conflicting parties. When using it, no one sacrifices their interests. Each conflicter seeks to satisfy his interests, and therefore feels like a winner. To achieve such a desirable outcome, conflicters must abandon their position, reconsider their goals that they set in this conflict.

As a rule, the integral model is achieved as a result of negotiations between conflicting parties, ending with the adoption of an agreed decision. In order for the conflict to be truly resolved, it is important that the conflicting parties agree among themselves, so that they themselves find the most suitable way out of the conflict situation. In practice, conflicting parties usually enter into some kind of negotiation before resorting to violence and or disunity. Integral model of conflict resolution – important discovery twentieth century in the region public institutions. One of the many paradoxes of modern Russian society is that the most effective and rational way conflict resolution is used much less often than it should be. In Russia, the majority of our fellow citizens do not know that a similar model for resolving conflicts exists, and if they do know, they do not like to use it. This is explained by a complex of reasons, among which we note the peculiarities of the mentality of Russians, expressed in an increased commitment to forceful decisions, with the peculiarities of upbringing - we are always taught that the goal is above all and the Russians’ misconception about integrity. Many people equate adherence to principles with stubbornness in one’s own way, with refusal to reconsider one’s position in a conflict, regardless of what caused this position. At the same time, it is overlooked that the interests of people and their groups are always more important than the goals that they set for themselves in order to achieve these interests. You must be flexible in setting and changing your short-term goals, while constantly taking care of your long-term vital interests. Unfortunately, many do the opposite. Refusing to reconsider their positions, without taking into account the new conditions that made them unreasonable, they continue to defend them, which complicates the achievement of fundamental interests.

There are also symbioses of conflict resolution methods - models that combine in a certain sequence - force, compromise, separation and integral models of conflict resolution.

In conclusion, it should be noted that it is difficult to foresee all the variety of conflict situations that life creates for us. Therefore, in conflict resolution, much must be resolved on the spot, based on the specific situation, as well as the individual psychological characteristics of the participants in the conflict.


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Conflict management in school groups is carried out in two main areas. The first and main one is conflict prevention. However, it is impossible to prevent all conflicts. Therefore, a psychologist, teacher, schoolchild should be able to constructively end a conflict if it does arise. The main ways to end a conflict are: resolution, settlement, fading, elimination, escalation into another conflict (Diagram 8.2).

Conflict resolution is the most desirable and at the same time the most complex shape the end of the opponents' fight. Conflict resolution is Team work its participants, aimed at a mutually beneficial solution to the problem that led to the clash, at eliminating the contradiction that caused the clash between opponents.

Resolving interpersonal conflict is quite difficult, since usually both opponents consider themselves to be right. Rational, Objective assessment the conflict situation is greatly complicated by each opponent due to the negative emotions of the conflicting parties. Let's consider the 17-step sequence of actions of one of the opponents, who decided to take the initiative to resolve the conflict.

1st step. Stop fighting with your opponent. Understand that through conflict I will not be able to protect my interests. Assess the possible immediate and long-term consequences of the conflict for me.

2nd step. Internally agree that when two people conflict, the one who is smarter is wrong. It is difficult to expect initiative from this stubborn opponent. It is much more realistic for me to change my behavior in conflict. I will only gain from this, or at least not lose.

3rd step. Minimize my negative emotions towards my opponent. Try to find an opportunity to reduce his negative emotions towards me.

4th step. Be prepared for the fact that it will take some effort to solve the problem through cooperation or compromise.

5th step. Try to understand and agree that the opponent, like me, is pursuing his own interests in the conflict. The fact that he defends them is as natural as my defending my own interests.

Basic ways to end a conflict

(according to A.I. Shipilov)

6th step. Assess the essence of the conflict as if from the outside, imagining our counterparts in my place and the opponent’s place. To do this, you need to mentally get out of the conflict situation and imagine that exactly the same conflict is happening in another team. It involves my double and my opponent’s double. Important to see strengths, partial correctness in the position of the opponent’s double and weak sides, partial incorrectness in the position of my double.

7th step. Reveal what are true interests my opponent in this conflict. What does he ultimately want to achieve? See behind the reason and external picture of the conflict its hidden essence.

8th step. Understand your opponent's main concerns. Determine what he is afraid of losing. Find out what possible damage the opponent is trying to prevent.

9th step. Separate the problem of conflict from people. Understand what main reason conflict, if you do not take into account individual characteristics its participants.

10th step. To think over and develop a maximum program aimed at the optimal solution to the problem, taking into account not only my interests, but also the interests of the opponent. If you completely ignore the interests of your opponent, then the conflict resolution program will remain only a good wish. Prepare 3-4 options for solving the problem.

11th step. Consider and develop a minimum program aimed at mitigating the conflict as much as possible. Practice shows that mitigating a conflict and reducing its severity create good foundation for subsequent resolution of the contradiction. It should be remembered that starting a conflict is easy and quick, but resolving contradictions is almost always difficult, slow and gradual. A partial solution to the problem is still much better fight to mutual destruction. Prepare 3-4 options for partially solving the problem or mitigating the conflict.

12th step. Determine, if possible, objective criteria for resolving the conflict.

13th step. Predict possible responses of the opponent and my reactions to them as the conflict develops. If my forecast for the development of a conflict situation is correct, then this will have a positive impact on my behavior and make it constructive.

One step forecast. I did something bad to her and it made me feel good.

Two-step forecast. I - She responded to my actions.

Three-step forecast. I - She - I answered her answer.

Four-step forecast. I - She - I - She.

Five step forecast. I - She - I - She - Me.

How better prognosis on the development of the situation, the less losses of both sides in the conflict.

14th step. Have an open conversation with your opponent to resolve the conflict. The logic of such a conversation could be as follows:

· the conflict is not beneficial for both of us; we will still have to work and live together. This is much better, we need to help, not harm each other;

· I propose to stop the fight and discuss how to resolve the problem peacefully;

· admit your mistakes that led to the conflict;

· make concessions to the opponent regarding what is not the main thing for me in this situation;

· in a soft form express a wish for concessions on the part of the opponent and give reasons for your proposal;

· discuss mutual concessions;

· resolve the conflict completely or partially;

· if the conversation is unsuccessful, do not aggravate the situation with negative emotions. Offer to return to discuss the problem again in 2-3 days.

15th step. Try to resolve the conflict by constantly adjusting not only tactics, but also the strategy of your behavior in accordance with the specific situation.

16th step. Once again evaluate your actions at the stages of the emergence, development and completion of the conflict. Determine what was done correctly and where mistakes were made.

17th step. Assess the behavior of other participants in the conflict, those who supported me or my opponent. Conflict itself tests people and reveals those characteristics that were previously hidden.

Each conflict is unique, and it is important to see its specificity. However, the above 17-step resolution algorithm interpersonal conflicts can still help find a more constructive way out of difficult situations.

There are often situations at school when a psychologist is forced to intervene in conflicts between students (teachers) as a third party in order to resolve them. We propose a possible scheme of actions for a teacher or director when resolving conflicts in school groups in the role of a third party. It, like the conflict self-resolution algorithm, includes 17 steps. The proposed sequence of actions can be clarified and changed taking into account the characteristics of a specific conflict situation.

1st step. Try to present a general picture of the conflict and penetrate into its essence, analyzing the limited information that we have. Roughly assess the features of the conflict, positions and hidden interests of both parties.

2nd step. Talk to one of the opponents, whom we will tentatively consider more right-wing in this conflict. Reveal his ideas about the causes of the conflict, find out what he wants to achieve from his opponent and what he fears. Establish his opinion about the main interests and concerns of the second opponent.

3rd step. Be sure to talk with the second opponent. A typical gross mistake is intervention in a conflict based on information received only from one of the conflicting parties.

4th step. Talk about the causes and nature of the conflict with the friends of the first opponent. They will provide new and, most likely, more objective information about the interests and concerns of the first opponent. It is useful to find out their ideas about the interests and concerns of the second opponent.

It is necessary to discuss with the friends of the first opponent the prospects for the development of the conflict and possible ways its settlement. You should not waste time communicating with the friends of the first opponent, since in the future they can provide significant assistance in resolving the conflict.

5th step. Talk about the reasons, nature and methods of resolving the conflict with the friends of the second opponent. The content of the conversation with them is the same as with the friends of the first opponent.

6th step. Discuss the reasons, development prospects and ways to resolve the conflict with the informal leaders of the team in which the conflict is developing between the first and second opponents.

7th step. If necessary, discuss the conflict problem with the leaders of both opponents and find out their attitude to this problem.

8th step. Understand what the main cause of the conflict is and do not take into account the individual characteristics of all its participants, but imagine that abstract people are acting in the conflict.

9th step. Determine what are the deep, subconscious motives hidden behind the external reasons that caused the confrontation between opponents. Try to identify as accurately as possible the hidden content of the conflict, what everyone is silent about.

10th step. Determine what each opponent is right and what is wrong. Subsequently, without getting bogged down in the conflict, support each opponent in what his demands are fair, and show the vulnerable positions of each.

11th step. Assess the best, worst and most likely scenarios

events, as well as a situation in which a third party actively intervenes in the conflict

he will not, he will only try to get his opponents to come to a compromise themselves.

12th step. Assess the possible hidden, delayed and long-term consequences of third party intervention in a conflict. It should be remembered that each of the opponents, as a rule, sees the third party as an ally, and not as a dispassionate arbiter. If you don't live up to their expectations, you can turn from a friend into an enemy.

13th step. Think over and develop a maximum program aimed at fully or partially resolving the conflict. Prepare 3-4 options for proposals to opponents and joint action for the implementation of this program.

14th step. Consider and develop a minimum program aimed at, if possible, mitigating the severity of the confrontation and the destructive consequences of the conflict. Prepare 3-4 options for proposals to opponents and joint actions to implement this program.

15th step. Discuss the maximum program and the minimum program with friends of each opponent, informal leaders, and, if necessary, with managers. After discussion, make adjustments to plans general actions on conflict resolution.

16th step. Try to resolve the conflict by constantly adjusting not only tactics, but also the strategy of action taking into account the specific situation. Actively involve friends of each opponent, informal leaders, and, if necessary, managers in mediation. They can sometimes have a more noticeable influence on their opponents than we do. It is better to resolve the conflict with their hands. If time permits and there is opportunity, it is better for us to play the role of coordinator in the conflict resolution process.

17th step. Summarize the positive and negative experience acquired as a result of intervention in this conflict.

The sequence of actions proposed above for resolving conflicts can naturally be simplified when we are talking about simple conflict situations.

If a deeper resolution of the conflict is necessary, and the psychologist understands that the reasons are not so much obvious conflicts of interests as the psychological characteristics of the participants in the conflict, conflict resolution techniques can be used together with psychocorrectional techniques.

Conflicts are an integral part of people's lives.

The ability to behave competently in adverse circumstances is the key to calm and self-confidence.

For this reason, it is useful for any person to study examples of what conflict situations can be and how to resolve them.

Concept and psychology of conflict management

- what it is? In short, this is clash of interests, opinions and views.

As a result of the conflict, a crisis situation arises in which each participant in the conflict seeks to impose his point of view on the other side.

Conflict not stopped in time may lead to open confrontation, in which the subject of the dispute is relegated to the background and the ambitions of the parties come first.

As a rule, as a result of a conflict, there are no losers or winners, since all participants expend effort and ultimately do not receive positive emotions.

Special danger represent internal conflicts when a person is tormented by conflicting thoughts and desires tearing him apart. Protracted states of internal conflicts often end in depression and neuroses.

A modern person needs to be able to recognize a beginning conflict in time, take competent steps to prevent the conflict from growing and eliminate it at the inception stage.

If, nevertheless, it is not possible to extinguish the conflict immediately, it is necessary to be able to build the correct and get out of conflict wisely with minimal losses.

How does it arise?

As a result of numerous studies, it has been determined that most conflicts arise without the corresponding intentions of their participants.

Often people involuntarily react to the conflictogens of other people, or they themselves are a source of conflictogens, as a result of which a stressful situation arises.

Conflictogens- words, actions, deeds leading to conflict. They occur when there are any psychological problems participants, or are used purposefully to achieve their goals.

Most conflictogens manifest themselves for the following reasons:

  • thirst for superiority. The desire to prove one's worth;
  • aggressiveness. Initially aggressive behavior in relation to other people, caused by a negative emotional state;
  • selfishness. The desire to achieve your goals at any cost.

How do conflicts arise? The real reasons and resolution methods:

Popular methods for resolving situations

The most effective strategies that are most often used in practice to manage conflict:

About ways to resolve conflicts in this video:

Resolution Methods

WITH scientific point In our opinion, there are specific methods for resolving conflict:


Most often used in professional field. These include:


How to resist aggression and successfully resolve conflict? Similar methods of conflict resolution are more used in communication.

For successful resolution situations with the help constructive methods necessary to form among the participants adequate perception situations, arrange them for open interaction, create an atmosphere of goodwill and trust, and jointly determine the root of the problem.

Construction styles include:


Allows each side to feel like a winner. A similar effect is achieved when the parties agree to abandon their original positions, reconsider the situation and find a solution that satisfies everyone.

The method can only be used if the parties to the dispute demonstrate flexibility of thinking and the ability to adapt to new circumstances.


The most peaceful, mature way resolution of the situation.

The parties decide on mutual concessions in order to eliminate the negative factors that caused the dispute.

Such behavior of people allows not only to peacefully resolve emerging contradictions without harm to anyone, but also to build long-term communication connections.

Way out of the conflict

How to get out of conflict situations? To get out of the current situation unpleasant situation the following steps need to be taken:

  1. Stop using words or taking actions that provoke a negative response from your opponent.
  2. Do not react to such behavior on the part of your interlocutor.
  3. Show affection towards another person. This can be done using gestures, facial expressions, and words. Smiling, patting the shoulder, shaking hands, and using polite phrases all help smooth out arguments.

    The interlocutor immediately acquires a positive attitude and the situation is soon resolved.

Examples of conflict situations

In society

Best resolved using constructive methods.

For example, neighbors of an apartment building may enter into a conflict caused by the distribution of parking spaces in the courtyard area.

Some neighbors will insist on organizing clear markings, according to which each car is assigned specific place for parking. Other residents will advocate for the possibility of free placement of cars.

In this situation most effective methods dispute resolution will be building dialogue, joint resolution of the situation through compromise.

Residents just need to organize a meeting and decide that part of the area in the yard is allocated for individual parking, and the other part remains for supporters of free parking.

Between employees

It is better to solve using structural methods.

For example, employees of the same team may come into conflict due to inability to work together in the same direction.

Each person defines for himself a range of responsibilities that is not approved by his colleague. The result is the emergence of a conflict situation and ineffective teamwork.

The manager of the employees involved in the dispute needs to apply methods of clarifying requirements, setting goals and assigning rewards.

Each employee will be explained the principle of his work, a clear spectrum job responsibilities. In front of colleagues joint goals will be set, upon achieving which they will receive the promised reward (bonus, promotion, etc.).

How to resolve conflicts correctly? Find out from the video:

Completion Forms

What is the form of ending a conflict? A conflict of interest can be resolved as follows:

  1. Permission. The prerequisites may be that the parties have a desire to end the dispute and not return to it in the future. To finally resolve the conflict, it may be necessary to involve third parties. This is especially true in the field of professional relationships.
  2. Attenuation. The dispute may cease to be relevant for one of the parties or for all participants in the process. In the first case, the second party does not find a response to own words and actions and finds herself forced to end the conflict. In the second case, the parties simultaneously decide that they do not want to continue the dispute due to fatigue, the end of the arguments, loss of interest in the subject of the dispute, etc.

    This type of conflict is not always completed, since when a new stimulus arises, the dispute can resume with renewed vigor.

  3. Settlement. The parties come to a compromise and reach mutual agreements. As a result, the dispute is resolved through constructive dialogue and effective interpersonal interaction.
  4. Elimination. The basis of the conflict is eliminated, transformed, modified, etc. In other words, the subject of the dispute ceases to be relevant at this moment time and the fact of a conflict of interests automatically disappears.
  5. Growing into a new dispute. Unexplained contradictions on one issue can become a source of new conflicts generated by the primary dispute. This effect is especially often observed when a remark made by one of the spouses on any issue develops into mutual exchange reproaches.

Completion is not always resolution

Does ending a conflict always mean resolving it? It is important not to confuse the concepts of ending a conflict situation with its resolution.

Ending the conflict- this is the moment of completion of the parties’ actions at the current moment in time, the termination of the dispute over various reasons(fading, escalating into a new dispute, etc.)

Ending the dispute in currently does not guarantee that he will not arise again after some time. This is due to the fact that the source of the conflict has not been resolved, and the parties have not achieved any result.

Conflict resolution involves the conscious use of methods and techniques aimed at correcting the negative situation that has arisen.

A resolved conflict allows the parties to reconcile and no longer return to the subject of the dispute.

Thus, conflict can arise in any area of ​​a person’s life. as a result of a clash of his interests with the interests of other people.

There are many ways to resolve conflict. It is important to be able to put them into practice before the situation reaches a serious level.

About how to communicate with other people if you have an issue with them various points perspective on some issues in this video: