The technique has a specific algorithm. No comma needed

The 4 and 2 rule (or 2/4 rule) was coined by Phil Gordon, and discussed in his book The Little Green Book, which is an excellent book on strategy for playing NL Hold'em.

In this article we will explain what Rule 2 and 4 are and how to use it during the game.

What is rule 4 and 2?

Rule 4 and 2 helps you calculate the percentage chance of completing a draw in Hold'em. To calculate your chances as a percentage:

  • Multiply the number of outs by 2 , If you on the flop and expect to see the turn.
  • Multiply the number of outs by 2 , If you on the turn and expect to see the river.
  • Multiply the number of outs by 4 , If you on the flop and wait for the river (when your opponent goes all-in).

When you multiply the number of outs by 4 or 2, you get a percentage that you can compare to your pot odds to determine whether you should call your opponent's bet with your drawing hand.

The 4 and 2 rule only works for calculating percentage odds, not for proportional odds.

Examples of the 2/4 rule

  • Flush draw: 9 outs * 2 = 18%
  • Straight draw: 8 outs * 2 = 16%
  • Two overcards: 6 outs * 2 = 12%
  • Two pair and you want a full house: 4 outs * 2 = 8%
  • Flush draw and your opponent goes all-in on the flop: 9 outs * 4 = 36%
  • Straight draw and your opponent goes all-in on the flop: 8 outs * 4 = 32%

Pretty easy. If you know the multiplication table for 2 and 4, then you will not have any problems.

Important - you'll actually rarely multiply by 4

Even though the rule is called 4 and 2, it should be called "rule 2 (and 4 in rare cases)", but this is obviously a less catchy name. Too many players make the mistake of flopping rule 4 every time and they lose a lot of money because of it.

The only time you should multiply your outs by 4 is when you're on the flop and your opponent is all-in. Because you won't be faced with another bet on the turn, which would force you to pay more to try to complete the draw.

Basically, you will almost always have to multiply your outs by 2 when you are on the flop or turn to get the correct odds percentage. On those rare occasions when your opponent moves all-in on the flop, you can enjoy the opportunity to multiply by 4 :)

Examples of using rules 4 and 2

Example of distribution No. 1

You're playing at a $0.50/$1 NL Hold'em table and the flop comes with a flush draw. Your opponent bets $10 into a $10 pot. The pot is now $20 and you should call $10 to try to make your flush. Should you call or fold?

Hand: A 2

Board: J 3♠ 7

Final pot size: $20

You need to call: $10

With a flush draw we have 9 outs, so since we expect to see the turn we will use rule 2.

  • Chances of completing our flush: 9 outs * 2 = 18%
  • Pot odds: 33% ($30 in the pot including your $10 call, which is 33% of $30)

Note: Remember to add the size of your potential call to the size of the pot when calculating pot odds. This is a little different from calculating odds as a proportion, but you should get used to it.

The odds of making our flush are worse than the pot odds, so we must fold. In other words, we don't want to call more than 18% of the pot to continue, so we fold.

Example of distribution No. 2

You're playing at a $0.50/$1 NL Hold'em table and the flop comes with two overcards. Your opponent moves all-in for $10 into a $30 pot. There is now $40 in the pot and you must call $10 to continue playing. Should you call or fold?

Hand: A Q♠

Board: J♦ 3♣ 7

Final pot size: $30

You need to call: $10

This is one of those rare occasions when our opponent moves all-in on the flop, so it's time to cheerfully shout "yay!" regarding the fact that you will be able to use the “rule of 4” this time. Let's also assume that if we pair one of our overcards, we will certainly have a better hand than our opponent.

  • Odds of winning: 6 outs * 4 = 24%
  • Pot odds: 20% ($50 in the pot including our $10 call, which is 20% of $50)

As it turns out, our chances of winning this hand are greater than the pot odds; Therefore, in this example, it is profitable for us to call and try to make an overpair. In other words, we can call up to 24% of the pot to make it profitable for us to continue playing, so we call.

Rule 4 and 2 in the error comparison table

You can get an idea of ​​how accurately the 4 and 2 rule works in the following two tables, which compare the percentage odds you get using the 4 and 2 rule and the actual percentage odds for the most common types of draws in Texas Hold'em.

Error table for rule 4

As you can see, the percentages are very close to the actual percentages when using rule 4 (that is, when your opponent is all-in on the flop and you can count on two cards).

The most noticeable difference will be for a straight draw + flush draw when you have 15 outs (5.9% difference), but that doesn't really matter because when you have more than a 50% chance of winning the pot, +EV will be absolutely any beta size.

Error table for rule 2

Rule 2 can be used on both the flop and the turn. So, to keep it simple, in the following table we will simply compare the percentage odds, when you are on the turn and waiting for the river.

Not bad, although not as accurate as rule 4.

However, 1% or 2% won't carry much weight to the actual weight and you won't make a terrible decision because of that kind of error, so just don't worry about it.

Note: The percentage odds when using Rule 2 on the flop are slightly more accurate than when you use this rule on the turn (as shown in the table above).


The 2/4 rule is a very useful rule when you are trying to quickly calculate percentage odds when you have a drawing hand.

If you know how to calculate pot odds as a percentage and prefer to work with percentages rather than proportions, then this is the rule you might find.

Although the accuracy will not be 100%, the actual percentages are very close to those of Rule 4 and 2. You could see that the error is approximately 1% with almost every drawing hand, but this error is not so large that you should worry. The simplicity and speed that this rule offers carries far more weight than the slight reduction in accuracy.

In our article on pot odds, we used the 2 plus 1 rule, which is a little more accurate. But for use during a game, the 4 and 2 rule is a much faster way that you can use to calculate percentage odds without going through a longer route to get a similar result.

We continue the conversation about how to protect yourself from various stressful conditions and protect yourself from the fear of public speaking. You already know about the first rule and understand that suffering in the form that we talked about in the previous article is very harmful to the human body. But suffering is not a piece of paper in your pocket that you take and simply throw away. The surest way to get rid of suffering is to force it out of your head with thoughts that can improve your mood personally.

Perhaps some of you are now thinking: “Easy to say, but not easy to do.” Try it!


Let's assume a situation where a person is afraid to speak in public and uses any excuse to avoid it. Believe me, this happens quite often in our lives.

But now is the moment when a person understands that he and only he will perform. Agree, this situation “hurts” the brain and provokes emotional discomfort.

What if something like this happened to you?

Without wasting a minute, try to do the following:

  • Inhale (through your nose, mouth closed) and hold your breath for 4-5 seconds.
  • While holding your breath, tense all the muscles of your arms, legs, torso, neck, and face as much as possible.
  • As you exhale (through your nose, mouth closed), release all tension.

This procedure with muscle tension at the height of inhalation followed by relaxation during a quiet exhalation must be done 5-6 times in a row. During execution, tension will begin to flow through the relaxed muscles, which poses a danger to a person’s mental health.


The most important thing is that after this exercise you need to think about what will personally bring you peace of mind and create a good mood. It is important that your consciousness is filled with positive thoughts, then there will be no room left for negativity at all, you will simply crowd it out. The new consciousness will automatically attract positive situations and people to you. Remember, like attracts like.

Try with all your might to hold on to these saving images and not think about the negative aspects. Protect your fortress of positive thoughts and do not allow enemy thoughts. Consciously dispel what is leading to your emotional discomfort and replace it with a new positive flow.

Over time, you will understand that the world is amazing and beautiful, and public speaking provides a lot of positive emotions and benefits. Only you didn’t notice it before. Why? Yes, because old negative thoughts and fears did not allow you to see it.

Our thoughts are like a radio, which wave you tune to is how you will live. Open yourself up to opportunities, tune in to humor and positivity. Then you are guaranteed a good mood.

The second rule will help protect yourself from stress and protect yourself from the fear of public speaking.


What is a mood?

Mood is a general emotional state that colors a person’s mental processes and behavior over a certain period of time.

Our life is not only holidays, but also “harsh” everyday life. Therefore, let’s agree that we will perceive the concept of “good mood”: both “elevated” and a calm, prosperous, balanced state.

What helps us determine the mood of others? Of course, the person's appearance. Posture, movements, gestures, gaze, intonation unmistakably indicate the presence of one or another condition in each of us.

When the mood is high, the person is cheerful, energetic, has an upright posture, decisive and precise movements, and a direct and luminous gaze. Cheerful people radiate charm; you want to meet and communicate with them. They are not shy to demonstrate their good mood and miraculously attract the attention of others.

Unfortunately, there are people who are afraid to show their positive state, act stiffly, speak very sluggishly, and frown. As a result, their initially good mood disappears by itself, and their mental state begins to correspond to their appearance.

Mood is the result of all those experiences that a person experiences at a certain moment. We are exposed to different emotions, both positive and negative. Our mood can be defined as an average derived from the sum of these emotions. Therefore, it is very important to learn how to react to various trials of fate in such a way that ultimately, if possible, always remain in a calm and balanced state.

Why is it so important to always be in a good mood?

In a person who is in a good mood, the body is in the most favorable state. The cardiovascular system works rhythmically, actively pumping blood and distributing it to all tissues of the body. The respiratory organs cope perfectly with their function, enriching the blood with life-giving oxygen and promptly freeing themselves from carbon dioxide. The liver successfully disinfects metabolic products. All this allows a person to work productively, think actively, be equal in relationships with others and not get irritated over trifles.

Cheerful and optimistic people are filled with strength and retain youth and good spirits for a long time. When a person is in a good emotional state, all functions work normally.

As a rule, such people cope more easily with various diseases. After all, the predominance of positive emotions contributes to the accelerated normalization of body functions. A clear confirmation of this can be seen in the performances of comedians who amused the audience and charged everyone with positivity. In the Middle Ages, there was even an opinion that the arrival of comedians was much more beneficial for residents than a bunch of medicines. The relationship between the state of the human body and the presence of positive emotions is obvious. It’s not without reason that they say: “The winners’ wounds heal faster.”

Cheerful people adapt more successfully to any changes. They are not characterized by panic; rather, on the contrary, they are programmed for pleasure. Including getting positive feedback from public speaking. Unlike people who are afraid to go out in public and run away from negative emotions, cheerful speakers boldly “are eager to fight” and get great pleasure from it.

Two simple and implementable rules “Don’t suffer!” and “Always be in a good mood!” will help each of you avoid negative moments in stressful situations.

If the fear of public speaking begins to “grasp you in its arms,” remember that your friends are optimism and cheerfulness, and maintain these states for as long as possible. And to avoid the negative influence of the pictures drawn by your imagination, switch to some interesting and exciting activity or memory. Program yourself only for the best and the best will definitely happen.


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Rule 2 Overcome shyness

Rule 2

Overcome Shyness

They say that a “shy” person is a person who has erected a wall that isolates him from other people. People who are shy, indecisive, suspicious, and lacking self-confidence find it extremely difficult to adapt to new realities and new interpersonal relationships. They are embarrassed to start a conversation with strangers, make friends, and enjoy it. Shyness can even prevent you from dating the men you like. Moreover, as a rule, it is accompanied by negative experiences, feelings of loneliness, anxiety, and sometimes depression.

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6. SHYSHY Shyness is a much more common phenomenon than many people think, especially shy people. Research shows that about 40% of teenagers and adults consider themselves shy. When you or your child are particularly acute

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Overcome Your Fear I'm talking about the need to step over fear. I suggest you dare something worthwhile. First determine what you want, and then you may have to realize that to get what you want you need to do something you haven't done before.

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Shyness Our daughter is very shy around strangers. I even have to go with her for a walk in the sandbox. Next year my daughter will go to first grade, and I am very worried whether she will find friends there, whether she will be able to answer in class, whether

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4.6. Shyness As F. Zimbardo (1991) notes, shyness is a very vague concept: the more closely we look at it, the more types of shyness we discover. According to F. Zimbardo, shyness is a human trait associated with the desire

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Rule No. 8 Shyness goes away with age, but confidence needs to be developed. Another character trait that is often called the antipode of confidence is shyness. A shy person is often embarrassed and feels a sense of shame, even when there is no reason for it.

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2 Learn to think correctly and overcome your fears We are what we think. Thoughts create the world. Buddha (563-483 BC) Make friends with fear Leaving your comfort zone is always a little scary. Even those life changes that we usually welcome - marriage,

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How often have we forgotten something or lacked the strength to finish what we started. The habit of procrastination seems harmless, but over time the burden of unfinished tasks becomes more and more.
Did you know that the Dalai Lama was one of the world's biggest procrastinators?
As a student, he put everything off until the last minute and was only willing to study and work when faced with difficulties or when deadlines were pressing. He has since learned his lesson and teaches others not to procrastinate: “Always prepare in advance so that if you die today, you will have no regrets.” We can achieve so much more when we stop procrastinating. The only problem is that laziness can be very difficult to overcome.

How to overcome laziness

There is a rule that will help you become much more productive.
Our brains are bad at making decisions because decisions involve some kind of change. At the same time, our instincts protect us from change. The 2-Minute Rule helps you avoid the decision-making process and encourages you to start doing things you've been putting off.
Here's what it sounds like:

Rule 1. “If something takes less than 2 minutes to complete, do it NOW.”

This is the most important principle to remember. You'll be surprised how much you can do in 2 minutes.
Here are a few of them:
Wash your plate immediately after eating.
Write an important letter
Write a plan for the day while you drink your morning coffee.
Remove the desk you are working at.
Call the person right now.
Make an appointment
Throw away the trash
Make your bed immediately after you get up.
If you keep listing what you can do in 2 minutes, the list will be endless.
The rule sounds very simple. When you find yourself thinking, “I'll send this email later,” resist the urge to procrastinate. Instead, think like this: “This will only take me 2 minutes, I’ll just do it now.”

Rule 2. If a task requires more than 2 minutes, break it into several stages.

Do you think your life won't change at all if you start making your bed as soon as you wake up? It will change when you develop a habit, and habit beats laziness.
Always remember the first rule and move on. If a task requires more than 2 minutes, you need to break it down into steps.
For example, you need to write an important report. You can't do this in 2 minutes. But you can break this task down into shorter goals, such as:

Collect the necessary material
Conduct research
Write an introduction
Write other parts, step by step
Ask a friend's opinion
Send report
If collecting information takes more than 2 minutes, break this task into smaller ones. What can you do in 2 minutes right now?
You can select two documents. Do it right now. Once you have passed this stage, you will be well on your way to achieving your goal. As they say, the main thing is to start.

How to overcome laziness

How does the 2 minute rule work in life?

When you read about this rule, everything seems quite simple, but in practice it really works: it is too simple to be ignored.
Want to become healthier? Eat a banana, right now!
Want to get serious about training? Do a 2-minute yoga sun salutation routine to warm up your body.
Want to read more books? Start reading right this very moment. Two minutes is enough for the first page.
The essence of this principle is to force yourself to start doing something. Once you take the first step, it will be much easier for you to achieve your goals.

How often have we forgotten something or lacked the strength to finish what we started. The habit of procrastinating seems harmless, but over time the burden of unfinished tasks becomes more and more. Did you know that the Dalai Lama was one of the biggest procrastinators in the world ?

As a student, he put everything off until the last minute and was ready to study and work only when faced with difficulties or when deadlines were pressing. He has since learned his lesson and teaches others not to procrastinate: “Always prepare in advance so that if you die today, you will have no regrets.” We can achieve so much more when we stop procrastinating. The only problem is that laziness can be very difficult to overcome.

How to overcome laziness

However, there is a rule that will help you become much more productive.

Our brains are bad at making decisions because decisions involve some kind of change. At the same time, our instincts protect us from change. The 2-Minute Rule helps you avoid the decision-making process and encourages you to start doing things that you've been putting off.

Here's what it sounds like:

Rule 1. “If something takes less than 2 minutes to complete, do it NOW.”

This is the most important principle to remember. You will be surprised how much you can do in 2 minutes.

Here are a few of them:

  • Wash your plate immediately after eating.
  • Write an important letter
  • Write a plan for the day while you drink your morning coffee.
  • Remove the desk you are working at.
  • Call the person right now.
  • Make an appointment
  • Throw away the trash

Make your bed immediately after you get up.

If you keep listing what you can do in 2 minutes, the list will be endless.

The rule sounds very simple. When you find yourself thinking, “I'll send this email later,” resist the urge to procrastinate. Instead, think like this: “This will only take me 2 minutes, I’ll just do it now.”

Rule 2. If a task requires more than 2 minutes, break it into several stages.

Do you think your life won't change at all if you start making your bed as soon as you wake up? It will change when you develop a habit, and habit beats laziness.

For example, you need to write an important report. You can't do this in 2 minutes. But you can break this task down into shorter goals, such as:

  • Collect the necessary material
  • Conduct research
  • Write an introduction
  • Write other parts, step by step
  • Edit
  • Ask a friend's opinion
  • Adjust
  • Send report

If collecting information takes more than 2 minutes, break this task into smaller ones. What can you do in 2 minutes right now?

You can select two documents. Do it right now. Once you have passed this stage, you will be well on your way to achieving your goal. As they say, the main thing is to start.

How to overcome laziness

How does the 2 minute rule work in life?

When you read about this rule, everything seems quite simple, but in practice it really works: it is too simple to be ignored.

Want to become healthier? Eat a banana, right now!

Want to get serious about training? Do a 2-minute yoga sun salutation routine to warm up your body.

The essence of this principle is to force yourself to start doing something. Once you take the first step, it will be much easier for you to achieve your goals.