Unified State Exam test in geography online tests. Online solution for the exam in geography

Passing is a crucial moment for a graduate. This moment is a kind of milestone that every school graduate must cross. Testing for knowledge of a particular discipline does not simply characterize the level of knowledge. The exam provides an opportunity to enter educational institution a certain level and, as a result, obtain a profession and specialty. The choice of a particular subject in which a future graduate will take the Unified State Exam is usually based on the desires of the student himself, his decision to enroll in a particular educational institution and conscious choice future profession. It would also be useful sober assessment own capabilities, which is possible by taking some tests online. On our resource you can solve online Unified State Examination in geography and other disciplines, and draw certain conclusions from the results obtained and have time to fill all gaps in knowledge.

All tests are compiled in FIPI for each new graduation of students, which eliminates the possibility of falsifying results or using already ready-made solutions. On the other hand, each student has the opportunity to be tested using the example of tests taken by his predecessors. On our resource, we offer to take the online Unified State Examination in geography and other subjects, which will allow you to assess your capabilities and level of knowledge. After passing, you will be able to really assess your strengths and decide whether you can pass this exam, or whether it is better to choose another discipline. It often happens that a failed exam cancels out plans for the future, so both the choice of the subject to take and the preparation for passing must be taken seriously.

The demo versions of the Unified State Examination in Geography offered to your attention fully correspond to the state ones in the following characteristics:

  • difficulty level;
  • subject;
  • ability to use terms;
  • ability to solve practical problems.

The preparation required by the tests is standard, so when solving a test test, you can be sure that questions similar in complexity and the required level of erudition and knowledge may come up for you on the Unified State Exam.

What do you need to know about the Unified State Exam in Geography? – 37. The questions are divided into three large parts:

  1. 24 questions where you can choose 1 correct answer out of 4 proposed;
  2. 13 questions requiring the correct number to be entered in the answer;
  3. 6 tasks increased complexity. It is these tasks that you should devote as much time as possible out of the 3 allotted hours.

You can take the online Unified State Exam in Geography 2015 on our website, you don’t need to pass complex system registration. This testing includes tasks And answers on them, as close as possible to those that can be included in the real exam. Having answered all the questions and correctly assessed your knowledge of geography, you can not only check your level of preparation, but also decide what you should pay attention to when preparing for the Unified State Exam.

The Unified State Exam in Geography is somewhat different from the classic version, which involves a detailed story and work with a map. But, despite this, students pass the Unified State Exam in Geography quite successfully. Apparently the test version makes the task easier, and finding the correct answers is much easier. But you shouldn’t rely on this conditional ease. Unified State Exam in Geography still remains final exam, on which the place at the institute depends. So you shouldn't treat him condescendingly. You need to prepare for it just as carefully as for other exams. After all, even one point can deprive you budget place in selected.

Trial online exam test in geography on the website

The website is posted on the educational portal trial options online USE tests. Anyone can try their hand at one or another subject. On our website there are no restrictions on the time and number of times you can take tests. Every visitor to the site can test their knowledge and use a trial online Unified State Exam test in geography to prepare for the real exam. After all, this does not require registration or SMS. And this distinguishes our educational portal, from other services that provide their services only to registered users.

The benefits of online USE tests

Any workout improves the final result, and online Unified State Exam tests will contribute to successful writing of the final exam. Experts in the field of psychology and pedagogy say that the Unified State Exam is a huge stress. And it is stress that worsens exam results. But frequent training Unified State Exam format help you get used to the situation and reduce the level of stress during the final exam. And this has a positive effect on the points received. So anyone can practice in free time. You don't even need to make a huge effort to do this. Just take the test and test your knowledge. In addition, it is possible to identify weak sides and forgotten material, who will allow gaps in knowledge to be eliminated in a timely manner. Such control of your knowledge does not take much time, but has a positive effect on the results.

Last week, the main stream of graduates began taking the exam - the main modern horror story of eleven school years. Is the devil really that scary? We invite readers to find out for themselves. Over the course of several issues we will publish assignments on various subjects, mainly humanitarian orientation. Let us remind you that students take the exam in an atmosphere of strict secrecy and total control. At the set time, having passed passport control, schoolchildren gather in the classroom under the surveillance of video cameras. Everyone receives a sealed package with individual task, the contents of the packets are kept secret until the results are announced. Fill exam forms you need a strictly black (gel, capillary or fountain) pen. Answers should be entered in special cells (one for each letter or even comma). A blot on the answer form will be considered an error during verification. The exam consists of three parts: test, open questions and tasks requiring a detailed answer.

We can do without such strictness. In the Unified State Exam from Pskovskaya Pravda, it was decided to include only the first test part, since you will have to test yourself in a week, when the correct answers are published. There is no time limit for completing the task; you can solve it for at least seven days, sitting on the couch in your slippers. Just don’t look on the Internet for answers! To get closer to the exam atmosphere, you can stock up on a black pen. The tasks are real, from the official website of the state exam, where they are posted training options, recommended by Rosobrnadzor.


For this test you can get a maximum of 26 points: 2 points for task 7 and 1 point for all others.

Demo version of CMMs Unified State Exam 2015 in Geography does not contain a complete list of all tasks that will be tested using CMM options in 2015. Full list assignments are presented in the codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of graduates educational organizations For conducting the Unified State Exam in geography in 2015.

This demo Unified State Exam version 2015 in geography is intended to form an objective idea of ​​the structure of CMM options, types and levels of complexity of tasks.

The presented criteria for assessing the completion of tasks with a detailed answer, included in this demonstration complex, give an idea of ​​the requirements for the completeness and correctness of recording a detailed answer.

The archive set, which can be downloaded for free from our website, also includes KIM (codifier of content elements and requirements for the level of training of graduates of 11th grade of secondary schools for the Unified State Examination in Geography in 2015.

The presented codifier includes elements provided for by the requirements of the standards of secondary (full) general education in geography, both basic and profile levels to the level of training of graduates; in addition, it includes a set of elements reflected in the standard of basic general education in geography and having great importance for the success of continuing geographical education.

List of content elements. tested at the unified state exam in geography, compiled on the basis of the section “Mandatory minimum content of basic educational programs» Federal component state standards basic general and secondary (complete) general education in geography at basic and specialized levels (Order of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated March 5, 2004 No. 1089).

The first column indicates the section code to which large blocks of content correspond. The second column contains the code of the content element for which test tasks are created.

Number of elements Content elements tested on the Unified State Exam
1.1 Geographical models. Geographic map, area plan. Their main parameters and elements (scale, conventional signs, cartographic image methods, degree network)
2.1 Earth as a planet, the modern appearance of planet Earth.
Shape, size, movement of the Earth. The relationship between land and ocean on Earth
2 2 Earth's crust and lithosphere. Composition and structure. Relief earth's surface. Plate tectonics
2.3 Stages geological history earth's crust. Geological chronology
2.4 Hydrosphere. Composition, structure of the hydrosphere. The world ocean and its parts. Superficial n The groundwater sushi. Glaciers and permafrost
2.5 Atmosphere. Composition, structure, circulation. Distribution of heat and moisture on Earth. Weather and climate
2.6 Biosphere. Diversity of plants and animals. Soil cover. Soil as a special natural formation, conditions for soil formation various types
2.7 Geographical envelope Earth. Latitudinal zonation and altitudinal zonation, cyclicity and rhythmicity of processes. Natural and natural-anthropogenic complexes
2.8 Features of the nature of continents and oceans
3.1 Geographical features of population distribution. Uneven population distribution globe: main features and factors
3.2 Geography of world religions
3.3 Dynamics of the Earth's population. Demographic transition concept. Geographical features of world population reproduction. Constant growth population of the Earth, its causes and consequences. Population policy
3.4 Sex and age composition of the population
3.5 Urban and rural population peace. Urbanization as a worldwide process
3.6 Migration. Main directions and types of migrations in the world
3.7 Level and quality of life of the population
3.8 Population employment structure
4.1 Sectoral structure of the economy. Geography of the main industries of production and non-production spheres
4.2 Leading countries exporting major types of industrial products. Production location factors
4.3 Leading exporting countries of main types of agricultural products
4.4 Main international highways and transport hubs
4.5 International economic relations. World market of goods and services. Geography of international economic ties. World trade and t\"ism
4.6 Integration industry and regional unions
5.1 Natural resources. Main types of natural resources, their location
5.2 Rational n irrational nature use. Features of the impact on environment various fields and industries
6.1 Diversity of countries of the world. Main types of countries
6.2 Modern political map of the world
6.3 Capitals and big cities
6.4 Features of natural resource potential, population, economy. culture large countries peace
7.1 Peculiarities geographical location Russia
7.1.1 Territory and water area, marine and land borders
7.1.2 Time zones
7.1.3 Administrative-territorial structure of Russia
7.2 Nature of Russia
7.2.1 Peculiarities geological structure, spreading large forms relief of Russia
7.2.2 Types of climate, factors of their formation, climatic zones Russia. Climate and economic activity of people
7.2.3 Inland waters And water resources, features of their placement on the territory of Russia
7.2.4 Soils and soil resources, placement of the main soil types in Russia
7.2.5 Natural and economic differences of the seas
7.2.6 Vegetable and animal world Russia. Natural areas. Altitudinal zone
7.3 Population of Russia
7.3.1 Number, natural population movement
7.3.2 Sexual and age composition population
7.3.3 Accommodation. Main settlement zone
7.3.4 Direction and types of migration
7.3.5 Peoples and main religions of Russia
7.3.6 Urban and rural population. Cities
7.4 Economy of Russia
7.4.1 Features of the industry and territorial structure Russian economy
7.4.2 Natural resource potential and the most important territorial combinations natural resources
7.4.3 Geography of industries
7.4.4 Geography Agriculture
7.4.5 Geography the most important species transport
7.5 Natural and economic zoning of Russia. Regions of Russia.
Features of the geographical location, nature, population, economy and history of the development of large geographical regions: North and North-West Russia. Central Russia. Volga region, south of the European part of the country. Urals, Siberia and Far East
7.6 Russia in the modern world

The presented set (archive) also contains the specification of control measuring materials for holding a unified state exam by geography.

The content of the KIM Unified State Examination in Geography is determined by the requirements for the level
training of graduates, recorded in Federal component state-
gift standard of secondary (complete) general education in geography.
Selection of content to be checked in exam paper Unified State Exam 2015.
carried out in accordance with the section “Mandatory minimum content
basic educational programs." This document highlights the main
sections of the geography scale course, which are taken as the basis for identifying blocks
content subject to testing in the Unified State Examination.
. Sources of Geographic Information
. Nature of the Earth and man
. World population
. World economy
. Nature management and geoecology
. Regions and countries of the world
. Geography of Russia

During the exam, knowledge of geographical phenomena and processes in the geospheres and geographical features nature, population and economy of individual territories, as well as the ability to analyze geographic information, presented in various forms, the ability to apply acquired geographical knowledge to explain various events and phenomena of everyday life.
Number of tasks testing knowledge of specific sections school course geography, is determined taking into account the significance of individual content elements and the need to fully cover the requirements for the level of preparation of 11th grade students.

11th grade is a decisive year, when the future graduate is required to mobilize all his knowledge and skills for passing the Unified State Exam on selected subjects.

Geography is the academic subject, according to which only those who really need it rent. Where can you apply for exams? Unified State Examination in Geography in 2015? This subject is necessary for the study of such specialties as geography, geology, cartography, ecology and other similar specializations. Statistics for last year 2014 showed that only 3% of the total number of graduates pass this subject.

Structure of the Unified State Examination in Geography in 2015

Unified State Exam in Geography passes within 3 hours. Allowed to use simple measuring instruments(ruler, protractor, a simple calculator). All 44 tasks are divided into three groups:

  1. Basic, a basic level of(A1-A24). You must choose 1 correct answer out of 4.
  2. More tasks high complexity(B1-B14). It is necessary to solve the problem, give an answer to the question posed, and establish correspondence.
  3. Tasks of the highest possible complexity (C1-C6). You must be able to draw the relief of any place, solve problems in detail, and be able to analyze data.

For each solved task, points are awarded, 1, 2 and 3, respectively. Minimum scores in the Unified State Examination in Geography in 2014 and 2015 identical – 37.

Changes in the Unified State Examination in Geography in 2015

Unlike basic items, changes in the Unified State Examination in Geography in 2015 Hardly ever. The sequence of tasks in part 1 was slightly changed and the structure of the CMMs itself was changed.

The Unified State Exam in Geography 2015 will be held in February for those who completed studying the subject in the 10th grade and for graduates of previous years. This innovation was introduced for the first time, allowing students to pass geography and Russian language ahead of schedule.

Preparation for the Unified State Exam in Geography

To gain enough a large number of points, you should learn a large amount of accurate information, be able to analyze it and apply it in different formations. For successful completion The Unified State Examination must carefully review the KIMs for past years, highlight everything that is incomprehensible or quite difficult and look for the correct answers. Preparation also includes solving tests from the task bank. Necessary and very significant assistance in preparing for the Unified State Exam is provided by . Demonstration tests of the Unified State Exam in geography can also be taken in mode. In passing geography, the position “I’ll just solve the Unified State Exam and pass” will not work; the subject requires good knowledge factual material, operating with terms, the ability to solve problems and handle a map.

Statistics for the past 2014

According to statistics, slightly less than 3% of all graduates passed the 2014 Unified State Exam in Geography. This is an average of 1 student per 2 schools. Total countrywide in 2014 geography in quality of the Unified State Exam chosen by 21,561 people. What Unified State Exam results in Geography 2014? Average score, which was scored by everyone who passed the subject - 53, 12. Maximum amount 58 people scored 100 points.

Many noted that in 2014 it was more difficult to pass the Unified State Exam than in previous years due to enhanced security measures.

Exam Schedule