In short, the world is changing. Feeling dissatisfied with life is a dangerous phenomenon

In short, it’s significant. Why prove it with words if you can just show it - that’s what NASA decided. And they posted on their website a solid selection of satellite and archival photographs, showing that global warming is not an invention of scientists. And a phenomenon that we can all observe in reality and, one might say, in real time. Inside are footage from Russia, as well as a video about temperature records.

On the NASA website you can look at the changes associated with global warming

One shows the flow of the Ob River

Another comparison of boreal forests in Kamchatka

On the NASA website you can look at the changes associated with global warming in all corners globe. And also in some parts of the world's oceans. Most of the footage, naturally, is from the USA (for comparison, only 8 objects are presented from vast Africa). Even in Antarctica, three interesting points were chosen.

And here it is on the map huge Russia costs only two tags. One shows the flow of the Ob River. For comparison, two dates were chosen - May 1 and May 17, 2007. “When the thaw begins in early May, the Ob River and its tributary Irtysh flow out of the Altai Mountains Northern China and flows to the North Arctic Ocean. The Nord Stream Ob flows along flat plain And permafrost, and ends at the cities of Ozerny and Nefteyugansk in northern Russia. The river cannot cut deep channels into the frozen ground, so it spreads out onto the surrounding plains, which thaw in the spring. This is shown in the picture to the right."

Another comparison of footage in Russia shows a fire in the boreal forests of Kamchatka. Dates: July 18, 2015 and June 10, 2016. “A massive forest fire in Kamchatka has affected about 600 thousand hectares of taiga and tundra since the end of May 2016. Fires in the 2016 picture are shown orange, smoke – light blue. The large and brown area is the consequences of this burn of nature. The Times reported that the smoke was from Russian forest fires may have caused "exceptional sunsets" in the western United States and Canada. Newspapers determined that the Kamchatka and other fires that occurred that spring in eastern Russia were due to an unusually warm and dry winter and faster than normal melting of snow.”

In January, NASA also posted a short video also showing how the Earth has changed under the influence of changing global temperatures. Created on the basis of the combined data, the video clearly demonstrates climate change since 1880, when the era of universal weather observations began.

Our hearts demand change!!!

The emerging attraction is fraught with inexplicable charm, the whole charm of love lies in change.

The dilemma is that we hate change and love it at the same time. What we want most is for things to stay the same but get better.

No change will lead to renewal until a person looks at things with the eyes of a wild boar.

Bad mood? Depression? Is life not what it was before? Get your feet wet and head to the mountains... for a couple of days. Come back a different person!

It's never too late to change your life and start it over with a new, clean slate. Nothing is over for the one WHO LIVES.

I wonder what you need to do during your vacation to make your life change dramatically...

Sometimes changes are so rapid that you don’t have time to be shocked, let alone get used to it...

The environment in which we live is changing, and we must change at the same speed to remain relevant. same place and not disappear.

The world is not changing for the worse or for the better. The Earth just rotates and everything goes on as usual.

I want to change something in my life, but I don’t know who. Or to whom...

People don’t strive to become better, because who would want to get rid of what they have on their own?

It's not always possible to start life with clean slate... But, after all, you can change your handwriting.

Dare to change. Even when everything is good in your life, change your life situation- this way you will constantly grow and develop!

I need to change the program. I have a huge life control panel in my hands, and I'm ready to start pushing the buttons.

Nothing changed. Everything just changed.

Bachelors are consistent in their tastes and lifestyle! Don't try to change them!

It would be better if some things didn't change. It would be nice if they could be placed in a glass display case and not be touched.

Spring has come - it's time for serious changes.

When you feel unhappy, it is a sign that your life needs global changes.

If you usually find life boring, try living unusually. I don’t promise fun, but you won’t be bored.

If desired, every disadvantage can be turned into an advantage: for example, stubbornness into perseverance!

They say that time changes everything, but in reality change is the work of man.

Not all changes are for the better.

… it’s just that when you’ve already changed, it’s quite difficult to become the same...

Your life is like your reflection in a mirror. To change your life, you need to change yourself, not the mirror.

How often do we hear and say: “... it’s not us who are like this, this is how life is...” Oh times, oh morals... Only times are determined by people, and the world is corrected by people too!

It is impossible to meet another life, another life can only be imagined.

The only way to change your life is to go where you are not expected.

I changed the city, changed my hair color. And I found my happiness! Why didn’t I know before that everything was so simple?

All the changes for the better that you are waiting for have been lying deep in your thoughts for a long time.

If serious and unhappy events or changes have occurred in life, every morning when you wake up, your first thought is to realize them again... And so on every day until life is transformed in a new way...

Too much strong wind change blows away everything - right down to the heads.

We ourselves must become the changes we want to see in the world.

If we don't change anything, then nothing changes...

When the time for change comes, the main thing is that it is not blown away by the wind.

We turn everything over in our heads, but we are afraid to change anything in our lives.

Within a week I changed my place of residence, my job and Family status. Life turns out to be beautiful and replete with opportunities)))

Man can never write new page in his life if he constantly leafs through and rereads old ones.

You won't get far while sitting on a carousel. Without changing anything, you won't heal better.

Getting up early in the morning, a person has no idea how dramatically his life can change after returning from work.

Life is like a sharp turn: the straight road is boring and monotonous, but how good it is when the sharp turn takes your breath away!

“Our life is a series of changes. You think you know yourself, but things can change."

Everyone has their own weather on the planet... There are no identical rains in the world... Life, like rain, in this world, sometimes drizzles, sometimes there is a rainbow on it...

Every change, even the most desired one, has its own sadness, because what we part with is a part of ourselves. One must die to one life in order to enter another.

So much has changed this year that you can’t even imagine what to expect next...

We ourselves must become the changes we want to see in the world.

Change will not come if we wait for help from someone else or wait the right moment. You only need to wait from yourself. We ourselves are the changes we need.

Changes for the better in life appear literally before our eyes. Like tears.

Life is like an endless lesson... I'm waiting for a change!

Still, something broke in me... And I will no longer be the same with many people... And with myself too. It’s not scary, it means I’m not standing still.

A woman spends years raising a heartless bitch in herself in order to meet a man who will turn her into the sweetest creature in a second.

If it's easy for you, then you're flying into the abyss. If you're having a hard time, it means you're going uphill.

Statuses about changes in life

Bakhytzhan AUELBEKOV

Grandiose changes on the planet on which we live, oddly enough, often remain almost unnoticed by superficial observers. Before our eyes, events are taking place that completely change the face of the whole world, but not everyone knows how to connect seemingly disparate events taking place on different continents, in single complex and understand them in connection. Therefore, contemporaries, as a rule, do not clearly understand great value the processes taking place in their day for the future and their impact on what that future will look like. People usually live psychologically in the past and see the world, or at least feel it, as it was twenty or thirty years ago. The lag in psychological understanding of the ongoing geopolitical processes on the planet from the speed with which these processes themselves occur is probably main reason the fact that politicians, heads of state, and governments of many countries find themselves unprepared for the new reality in which they suddenly find themselves and cannot understand how to act in the changed circumstances. But new reality was formed before their eyes, only this formation escaped their attention. As Nietzsche said, great events come on the feet of a pigeon. Today we can say with confidence that the world we are accustomed to is rapidly becoming a thing of the past and completely different countries are coming to the fore in world politics, not those whom we are accustomed to consider as the leaders of the planet. Tomorrow will be completely different from today. But what will it be like? And which states will take leading positions in it?

The French philosopher Ernest Dimnet in his book told how at the beginning of 1917 he discussed the events taking place in Russia with his friends. Everyone agreed that after the abdication of the Tsar and the coming to power of the Provisional Government, nothing more significant would happen in this country. The Russian Tsar was compared to Louis XVI, the queen - with Marie Antoinette, Kerensky - with the Girondists. And it turned out that the future of Russia can be easily predicted based on history french revolution. But suddenly someone said doubtfully: “You think the crisis is over, don’t you? But what is this Council of Soldiers' and Workers' Deputies that held a rally at the Finlyandsky Station? Don’t you think that what is happening in Russia today is just the beginning? Wait and see what happens." One can only envy this man’s intuition and historical sense.

Another thinker, also, by the way, a Frenchman, wrote: “We believed that the main result of the First World War was the victory over Germany, but it turned out that its main result was the emergence of the Soviet Union. We believed that main result World War II - the defeat of the Third Reich, but it turned out - the creation of a socialist bloc and the split of the planet into two opposing camps." Today many probably think that the main thing world event the last quarter of a century - the self-liquidation of the Soviet Union and the collapse of the socialist camp. However, with common sense, it is easy to come to the conclusion that the main component of the processes that have taken place and are taking place before our eyes is the completely clearly defined retreat of yesterday’s world powers, at best, into the background and the emerging emergence to the first positions in the world table of ranks of countries , who just recently were not even considered as candidates for this role.

However, for the most far-sighted and insightful analysts, all this is not something unexpected; on the contrary, this trend they've figured it out a long time ago. Thus, Russian political scientist Andrei Stolyarov rightly pointed out almost ten years ago: “The world has completely changed over the past ten years. European period world history truly completed. New political subjects have come to the forefront of history - giant ethnic groups, supercultures: Chinese, Islamic, Indian and some others. They have their own idea of ​​a “natural” way of life, and they do not intend to give up these ideas. The desire of the United States to globalize the entire world space according to the liberal model is turning into a conflict for them with almost all of humanity." Literary newspaper", No. 5, 5 – February 11, 2003).

It is impossible to disagree with this opinion. Amazingly, this rapidly developing process remains unnoticed by many seemingly serious analysts. They, of course, note progress in certain countries, their strengthening or weakening, but what we are dealing with global process, increasingly gaining momentum, often escapes their attention. In general, it is common for a person to perceive the current situation as constant, almost eternal, therefore, as a rule, he simply does not notice the speed with which the balance of power in the world changes. Although, if you think about it, the pace of change on the planet is simply amazing.

Let us consider, for example, just some of the events that took place in world history from the beginning of the last century to the present day. For clarity, we will divide this period into short periods of 30 years. Here is the first segment - from 1901 to 1930. During this period the following occurred: Russo-Japanese War, first Russian revolution, Mexican revolution, second Russian revolution, First World War. During the same period, three empires collapsed - Austro-Hungarian, Ottoman and Russian. Great Britain lost first place among the most powerful powers United States, arose Soviet Union, in Italy the fascists, led by Benito Mussolini, came to power, in Spain a military-monarchical dictatorship was established, in Germany the monarchy collapsed and was created in its place Weimar Republic, in China Xinhai Revolution(1911–1913) under the leadership of Sun Yat-sen overthrew the Qing dynasty, the country began Civil War finally, in 1929, the world war broke out economic crisis(Great Depression), which shook the entire world economic system to its core and restructured it. And all this in just three decades! Just three decades, and the world has changed beyond recognition. The speed at which history moves is stunning.

Let's take another thirty-year period, from 1931 to 1960. This included: Adolf Hitler's rise to power in Germany, World War II, the civil war and Franco's victory in Spain, the transformation of half of Europe into socialist countries, the creation of a world socialist system, the defeat of France in Indochina, the victory of the revolution in Cuba, the victory of the Maoist revolution in China, decay British Empire, declaration of independence of India, Pakistan and several others former colonies, a sharp rise in the national liberation movement, which influenced the course of political processes throughout the world, the first war between Pakistan and India, the creation of the “club nuclear powers", which completely changed the military-political situation on the entire planet, the division of Korea into two parts, the division of Germany into two parts, the creation of the NATO bloc, the creation of the Warsaw Pact bloc.

Let's look at the next thirty years, from 1961 to 1990. During this period, the US war in Vietnam and Cambodia, the USSR war in Afghanistan, Caribbean crisis, final collapse colonial system, the second Indo-Pakistani war, the emergence of the Soviet Union into the category of a second superpower, the growing contradictions between the PRC and the USSR, which culminated in the conflict on Damansky Island, the rapid economic, and partly political, rapprochement between China and the USA, which today put Washington, and in general -then, and the whole world, into actual economic dependence on Beijing, a giant economic breakthrough in Japan, Singapore, Hong Kong, a giant economic breakthrough in the same PRC, an economic breakthrough South Korea, Salvador Allende's rise to power in Chile, Pinochet's coup, economic rise Western Europe, a sharp strengthening and activation in the eastern bloc of forces that ultimately destroyed it, victory in most of the neoliberal planet economic concept, which today delivered all world economy on the verge of collapse.

We have listed only some of the events in each of the thirty-year periods we have designated, but even looking at them, one can understand that although this does not fit well into the ordinary consciousness, global changes are actually happening at an incredible speed, and you don’t have time to keep track of them. And more detailed description of all the events that took place, collectively reshaping the entire world, will show a much more stunning picture. Even in such a historically instantaneous period as just thirty years - and this is less than half the life of one generation - there is an almost complete, at least very significant, restructuring of the entire geopolitical situation on the planet. And there is no reason to believe that in the future these processes will proceed at a slower pace. But all these processes are interdependent and mutually influencing. They are changing the face of the planet. Today we are also witnessing colossal changes in the world (although not everyone realizes this), and there is no doubt that in the coming years we will see many more interesting events. True, such a forecast does not inspire optimism, since global change is a painful process. However, we should study the nature and direction of all these processes in any case, if only in order to correctly navigate them and be prepared for them.

Let us finally take a brief look at the period from 1991 to the current year, 2012. Well, it is clear that in this period of time, which takes a little more than twenty years, the central event is the collapse of the Soviet Union and the self-liquidation of socialist states in Europe. It is also clear that the course of world history changed as a result. But during this same period, another process took place and is taking place, which, without a doubt, will have a huge impact on the entire subsequent course of human history. It is connected with the changes that are taking place today in Latin America. The existence of the USSR is a factor that influenced almost all political events that took place on the planet in the previous period (several decades). Of course, although the Soviet Union collapsed, the fact that it existed will have an impact on world history and in the future. However, one of the most significant regions for the future of the planet today is the Latin American region. Therefore, it is worth taking a closer look at it.

For enough long period At the time, almost all Latin American countries were in the position of almost semi-colonies of the United States. In the 90s, a number of these countries began to conduct economic reforms according to the recipes prescribed by the concept of neoliberalism. (These reforms themselves, in the form in which they were implemented, were actually imposed by the United States, which put pressure on the states of the region through the IMF.) The result was dismal, leading to the rapid decline of Latin American economies. President of Russian Railways V.I. Yakunin said: “This year, the Center for National Glory of Russia held a conference in Cuba, at which representatives of Latin America unanimously argued that an attempt to implement neoliberal economic theories in their countries only led to negative results. They even believe that this theory - I repeat their words - was specially invented to ensure dictatorship developed countries in relation to developing countries" (AiF No. 40, 2005). Let us note that neoliberal economic reforms are exactly what they are trying to implement in the CIS today. Apparently, other people's experience teaches us nothing.

However, something else is important. The failure of the neoliberal concept led to a sharp decline in the standard of living in Latin American countries, and the ruling regimes in them began to collapse one after another. As a result, in almost all of them today there are “red” or “pink” presidents in power, completely changing the economic course carried out in these countries, and accordingly, their political course is changing. Today, Latin American states are aimed at opposing themselves Western world, the United States, first of all, on internal rapprochement, on positioning itself as an independent political and economic entity and on establishing the closest possible contacts and cooperation with non-Western countries.

Of the major Latin American countries, Mexico was the last to “surrender.” In the presidential elections held on July 1, the candidate from the Institutional Revolutionary Party, 43-year-old Governor of the State of Mexico Enrique Peña Gomez, won a landslide victory. Previous President – ​​Party nominee national action Vicente Calderon was practically pushed into the post of head of Mexico by the United States, since they could get it from their southern borders Washington is clearly not smiling about the second Cuba. Gomez's program is in the spirit of his colleagues - Chavez, Morales or the veteran anti-capitalist Fidel Castro, who continues to ignite the spirit of the national liberation struggle against the Yankees among Latin Americans. As for Calderon, we must give him his due; when leaving his post, he honestly admitted the failure of the neoliberal economic policy he was pursuing at the instigation of the States.

In general, as Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez says, “new winds are blowing over Latin America.” Of course, the United States is trying to resist this trend, but it is doing poorly. First of all, because the States themselves have weakened. So, at the end of June 2009, a coup took place in Honduras; the putschists sent President Manuel Zelaya, who had been removed from power, in his pajamas on a military plane to Costa Rica. In November of the same year, the junta organized elections for a new president. According to available data, up to 65% of voters refused to participate in the farce. Zelaya's supporters were arrested and tortured. All influential independent media in the country were closed. Both the UN and the Organization of American States refused to send observers to the elections. The voting results were announced after the computers at the local Central Election Commission “accidentally” went down for three hours. But The New York Times editorialized that the will of the people was “clean and fair,” and the Obama administration welcomed it. With the blessing of the United States, the coup in Honduras was legalized. But this is all the “successes” of the United States in the region over the past two decades. In all other respects, they are complete failures. And the situation of the 70s - 80s of the last century, when the United States dictated to almost all countries in the region what they should do and how to act, will never happen again. The world is changing rapidly, has already changed.

Note that all these processes are superimposed on the catastrophic economic weakening USA. The essence of this weakening is quite simple. Back in 1970, 96% of all goods that Americans consumed were produced within the country. The economy was assessed by American experts as “the most self-sufficient economy in the world.” However, since the mid-70s, TNCs - transnational corporations - began to play a major role in the world economy. In pursuit of super profits, they began to close production in Western countries and transfer them to countries with cheap labor force- to China, Indonesia, India, Latin America, the Caribbean, etc. As a result, no one had time to come to their senses, and the West instantly deindustrialized.

Thus, already in the early 2000s, industrial and agricultural production combined accounted for only 18% of the US GDP. Almost everything else is services. Half of them are banking, another 10% are legal. The states have long been unable to provide for themselves. And cover your needs through international trade They can’t either, because they themselves produce too little. There is nothing to sell them! It is no coincidence that former adviser to Presidents Nixon and Reagan Patrick Buchanan gloomily states:

“The most powerful industrial power in the world has lost its power. The US industrial base has been undermined. The deindustrialization of the country was completed, and our men and women found themselves in Darwinian competition with foreign labor willing to work for a fifth or even a tenth of the average American's salary. Today, only 11 percent of Americans work in industry; we have entered the road to destruction, and this death will not be, so to speak, natural. This is premeditated murder...America today is showing all the signs of "sinking into old age." We spend more than we earn. We consume more than we produce... If you try to describe the current state of the state in one word, that word will be “unviability”. ( Buchanan P.J. Right and wrong. Per. from English – M.: Ast, 2006.). Like this.

The process of deindustrialization swept not only the United States, but the entire West in general. And this has also been well known for a long time. Thus, the famous Russian researcher Andrei Parshev in his acclaimed book “Why is Russia not America?” talked about his interesting conversation with a German economist. So, to the direct question of what Germany actually produces today, the German economist was unable to answer anything intelligible. “He agreed that consumer goods, electronics, cars, household appliances of German brands are all produced in other countries. It may say "Germany" but is made in Malaysia. By the way, this is not a fake: the inscription with the name of the country only means that the manufacturing company is registered in that country. When assembling Audi and BMW in Germany, only final operations are performed; parts and entire units are produced in other countries. “Mercedes are made in Slovenia and Turkey!”

But what are they doing in Germany itself? Yes, almost nothing, at best they do the final assembly. "IN Western Hemisphere American industrial capital is invested in the industry of Mexico and Brazil; industry moved from Japan to Southeast Asia, jobs are simply disappearing from Europe. It became profitable to close the plant in Germany and open it in China. Trade unions are afraid to go on strike! Recently, in response to the threat of trade unionists, one figure from the German Employers' Union said: “Now, in the era of globalization, are there any strikes to be held? Be glad that we are leaving at least some production in Europe!” (A. Parshev).

But we're talking about about Germany, whose economy is considered the most powerful in Europe. What then about others European countries speak? Frederic Beigbeder (France): “The Apocalypse is inevitable. France is a beggar country that finds itself in terrible debt. She's like a clochard. We ask the Chinese for money. And when one fine day they demand repayment of debts, we will begin big problems. However, the USA, Greece, Great Britain, Italy, Spain are in the same position” (“Izvestia”, May 20, 2010).

Parshev’s book was written more than ten years ago, but already then he clearly noted a trend that is obvious to everyone today: Western economy has long been on the road to self-destruction. Patrick Buchanan and many other researchers noted the same thing. Today this trend is in full swing. Economic problems Spain, Greece, Portugal and a number of other countries are just the beginning. Ahead lies a sharp decline, and most likely a collapse, of the entire Western, and therefore the entire world, economic system. And it’s difficult to say how the world will get out of this situation. The planet is experiencing a structural crisis of the entire global economy. Will he survive?

Understand the situation. For example, there was the Great Depression, there were millions of unemployed in the USA, factories and factories were standing still. But although the factories and factories stood, they existed. That is, industrial enterprises were available. And there were workers. It was enough to stabilize financial system, and it all worked. And now all this is gone. There are no factories, no factories and no workers, Americans today are anything but workers. Of course, to be more precise, there are both industrial enterprises and workers in the United States, but too few. When the global financial crisis broke out, American authorities rushed to save the financial system. Billions of dollars have been pumped into it. The system has been stabilized. Next, as after Great Depression industry had to start working. But it didn't work. Why? Yes, because in the States it has long been shrunk to such a pittance that there is simply almost nothing to work there.

Consequently, we must wait for a “repetition of what has happened,” only with even greater force, then again and again until complete collapse. And the situation is exactly the same throughout the West, not just in the States. And there is no way out. This entire system is based on the dollar as the world currency. That is, in the air, and not on a real material product. To produce material product, you need to have an enterprise that produces it, and a worker who will produce it. In the West now there is neither one nor the other. All hope is only for printing press USA, which prints everything and prints dollars. Sooner or later this whole system will collapse. Can't help but collapse, because material support under the ever-inflating mass of dollars, no. And it cannot be, because there is nothing and no one to produce a material product in the West due to its already completed deindustrialization.

Most Western politicians and economists in this situation are at a loss and do not know what to do. The maximum they can offer is to pump more and more portions of money into the economy again and again. But this does not solve the problem, since the reason for the collapse of the world economic system is not a lack of money, but a structural imbalance in the entire system. Money is just the opposite, much more than necessary. There is no real production in the West, and what still exists is too little. But the West is the world's main consumer. In exchange for the goods he consumes, he can offer nothing but empty pieces of paper, printed without counting. Such a hopeless and unviable system cannot but collapse; its collapse is just a matter of time. It is obvious. However, even those Western politicians those who more or less understand what is happening keep quiet about it, because otherwise on their political career it will be possible to put up a cross. Only those of them who, like Buchanan, are no longer out of work allow themselves to be frank. It’s like in the army: only retired generals decide to criticize the command; the rest either remain silent or praise the decisions of those higher in rank or position.

Former MEP Giulietto Chiesa says: “The amount of money in the last 15 years has reached such a level that no one can manage it. The financial development sector absorbed and eclipsed the other sector, the one that dealt with production. We make money. Money is looking for a use. And there is nowhere to use them anymore. You can no longer do anything with this money. And now we come to the end. To the last stop. Who would dare explain to 800 million Europeans or 300 million Americans that their standard of living was about to plummet? The President of the United States will not be able to - in three minutes he will be killed. Mrs Merkel? Berlusconi? Sarkozy?

That's right. Let us note, however, that Chiesa himself decided to make such revelations only after his parliamentary powers expired. While within the walls of the European Parliament, he kept quiet about all this. Only those who do not depend on government bodies, financial institutions, banks, employers, and media owners allow themselves to speak out without any euphemisms about the current situation in the West today. And there are very few of them. And no one hears them. Thus, the Western economy is sinking deeper into a quagmire, but society is disoriented, confused and does not understand what is happening or what needs to be done.

However, most politicians are also confused and disoriented. Psychologically, they still live in the 70s and 80s, when the Western economy was stable and the world was manageable. They have not comprehended or felt the changes in it that have occurred over the past decades; their mentality is still the same, lagging behind reality. Their thinking is ossified in the past, in past decades, they cannot understand that the world has long ago changed in the most radical way, and therefore they are trying to solve new problems using old, no longer suitable, methods. If the outlines of modern economic and political system outwardly they still retain their previous forms, then this is simply due to inertia. The content of this form has long changed, and over time its external signs will also change. But since most economic and political strategists see the world not as it has become, but as it once was, in the relatively recent, but still past, they will try to decide modern problems the way they solved them “in last time"- 25-30 years ago. They cannot change in accordance with the changed reality and change their thinking so that it becomes adequate to modern and future problems. Consequently, they are not able to solve these problems, and their actions will only contribute to the aggravation of the global crisis, which is flaring up more and more. But many are sure that everything will “work out somehow.” It won't work.

As the reader can see, the processes taking place in the world, and even more so the future consequences of these processes, do not inspire the author of this article with the slightest optimism. Let us note, however, the main thing. The world has changed extremely quickly in the last hundred-plus years (and before, too). Every 30 years he actually went into new era, although for the philistine consciousness this usually went unnoticed, since such consciousness notes only individual, albeit significant, events without linking them into a single whole. Events are happening no less violently these days; the “Arab revolutions” alone are worth it. But in recent decades, particularly significant events have occurred. They are characterized primarily by the sharp economic decline of the West, and this decline has clearly become irreversible. Accordingly, the western political influence. And although the West still has colossal military power, he will never be able to play the role in the world that he played before. There is no doubt about it. This discrepancy between the rapid general decline of the West and its equally rapidly increasing military capabilities is extremely alarming.

However, if we assume that humanity will find one way or another way out of the current extremely difficult and confusing situation and will be able to somehow stabilize the processes that are destroying the whole world today, then, in any case, new world, in which we find ourselves, and into which we are moving today, will be completely different from the previous one. And in it, the leading role will be played by completely different states, not those that are recognized today as world leaders.

What states will these be? Well, everything is clear with China; it has long taken the leading positions. And although his future is also by no means cloudless (he is weighed down by the burden colossal problems and it is unknown whether they will be resolved), yet there is every reason to believe that he will be the world leader in the foreseeable future. (Whether this will benefit the rest of humanity is another question.) We have already talked about Latin America. Let's repeat it if a whole continent with a population of over half a billion people and possessing gigantic raw materials, labor and other resources, becomes “red” and decisively breaks with the entire economic and political course that was pursued in Latin American countries in previous decades, then this will certainly affect the entire subsequent history of mankind. It can’t help but be noticeable that too enormous a scale is involved in these processes (an entire continent!). By all indications, India, Turkey, perhaps Iran, and perhaps two or three more countries are emerging as leading powers, or at least trying to emerge.

The future of the rest of the world seems uncertain, and maybe even sad. It is completely unclear how events will develop further in Arab world what will happen to African countries. The CIS countries are a sad sight, and the former socialist camp looks just as sad. All this, of course, leads to the most painful thoughts. One thing is encouraging. Still, the processes of restructuring the world are in full swing, and we still know too little about them. As these processes develop, when general trends will emerge more clearly, and perhaps it will be possible to develop a more or less acceptable model of human coexistence.

But for this you need to at least realize general progress the changes that are taking place on the planet and be able to comprehend them. And here is a reason for pessimism. Analyzing the actions and decisions of many state leaders, the most different regions planet, this also applies to the leaders of the CIS countries, it is easy to notice that they carry out these actions and make decisions based on the reality... of the 80s, perhaps even the 70s of the twentieth century! They seem to be psychologically stuck in the 70s forever. And they cannot escape from there, because their thinking is ossified. The world is changing, but they are not. They may understand on a rational level that the world has changed radically, but mentally they are still there in the 70s. In general, this is such a property human psyche- see reality as it was before, and not as it has become. And few people are able to “look beyond the horizon.”

By the way, an interesting conclusion follows from this. Since geopolitical processes on the planet are moving at a rapid pace, and most politicians are mentally simply lagging behind them, it means that the politicians themselves need to be changed. It is dangerous to hand over the reins of power to people who psychologically live in the past and, as a result, cannot make decisions that are adequate to the changed reality and, even more so, designed for the changing future. In this regard, the example of the United States is instructive. President Obama is clearly trying to be flexible in foreign and domestic policy and demonstrate new approaches. But he constantly faces opposition from the conservative Republican majority in Congress, demonstrating a Cold War mindset, which nullifies or weakens all his initiatives.

Whether Barack Obama could actually do something positive without such opposition is another problem. But he clearly has a desire to be more flexible and more in line with new world realities. In this respect, he compares favorably with his predecessor George W. Bush. And if in his fundamental strategic document published in 2002, Bush declared that the United States would “never allow” the rise of a rival superpower, then Obama, emphasizing that America has no rivals equal to it militarily, admits that its global power is "increasingly disintegrating." That is, he still looks at things with more sober eyes.

In general, the problem of matching the level of thinking of politicians to the level of the problems facing them is extremely complex. There is no clear answer on how to solve it. But in any case, it is clear that if events happen quickly, then at the helm of power we need people who can change themselves and, at least, understand what is happening. Today, when world processes are becoming more and more alarming and sometimes unpredictable, this is especially important. And this is a problem for the entire planet.

When failures are everywhere and you constantly want to escape from problems, it begins to seem that everything is in the world. That someone is stopping us from achieving our goal. But is this really true? After all, we all want to achieve our goals and live the way we dreamed of as children. So why does someone succeed in this, while others sit with nothing? Do you want to scarlet sails catch favourable wind towards your dreams and find out how to change the world?

It's all a conspiracy!

Everyone in life probably has the feeling that the Universe itself is putting a spoke in their wheels. After all, he tries his best, but still nothing works out. And the conclusion comes that someone else is to blame. Very often the culprits are successful people, because misunderstanding is growing: why luck smiles on them, but not on you. Surely they are doing everything dishonestly! But in fact, this is what envy says in a person.

If you are thinking about how to change the world around you in such a way that it makes you happy, then the way of thinking described above needs to be changed. The world will not become different if you yourself remain the same. Our environment is a mirror. And you can only see in it a reflection of yourself inner world. If you think that it does not suit you, then you need to change the source. And when you become better, the world around you will begin to help you achieve your goals.

Select your course

If you feel like a boat without sails or oars, just floating with the flow, then something needs to change. Identify and clearly formulate your main goal, and then move in its direction. Success accompanies those who strive for it, and not those who simply wait for it. How can you change the world if you don’t change anything in it?

Don’t wait, look into your heart right now and feel what exactly you want. To begin with, you can look for the fulfillment of some minor desire, but which you sincerely want. For what? Why shouldn't you immediately reach for what you want most? Because for this you will need confidence, and it can be cultivated in yourself after several successfully completed goals. Nobody says to forget the secret, always remember it, but first concentrate on the most simple purposes. Having chosen the direction, you can proceed to the next step.

The condition of your body

The body should give you only joy and admiration. How to change the world for the better? Literally start with yourself! You must love and respect the body. And we're not talking about narcissism. Of course, loving yourself for who you are is also important. But if your body has flaws that bother you and that can be corrected, then you simply need to get rid of them.

And don’t neglect your overall health. The first step is to undergo regular medical examinations. But simply is not enough either, the body needs to be strengthened. Sports activities, proper nutrition and simply healthy were invented precisely to ensure that the body remains strong and healthy. At first it may seem that everything is very difficult, because the body is not accustomed to discipline and routine, but even after a week healthy image life, you can notice changes in well-being.

You just need to look into long term: Do you want to always stay healthy and feel young? Lying on the couch eating chips won't achieve this. The choice is yours. And who do you think is easier to achieve success: a healthy and active person or a lazy person with a bunch of minor health problems that he simply does not want to pay attention to? We think everyone understands that the more pleasant we are in our body, the more it helps in realizing our goals and improving the world and life.

Our environment is our reflection

First of all, pay attention to the conditions in which you live. Be it a house, an apartment or just your own room. TO environment can also be attributed workplace, because you are there a lot of time.

To better understand how to change the world and how the environment influences it, imagine a swan living in a well-groomed and green protected area and swimming in clean pond with water lilies. The nature surrounding him will only further decorate the noble color of the swan’s feathers, and he will be able to give joy to everyone who looks at him. Now imagine that this beautiful snow-white bird will be put in a swamp with reeds scorched around and littered with bottles, candy wrappers and cigarette butts. How long will a swan's feathers remain white? And can he even survive in such conditions? Most likely no. This is roughly how a person’s physical environment affects him. Determine what needs to change and take action.

The environment can also be social. There are people who will always support you, and those who will doubt you and prevent you from moving forward. This does not mean that the former are good and the latter are bad. And it is not at all necessary to completely stop communicating with people who are “slowing you down”; it is enough just to slightly limit the scope of conversations. All people have fear, and perhaps these people are simply worried about you. Therefore, you need to avoid conversations on topics that may cause a negative reaction in some. Do you think this person doesn't share your belief in achieving your goals? Talk about buying yourself a new shirt or just about the nice weather. And with people who can inspire and support you, you can already discuss your plans and how to change the world in better side. Without like-minded people, you can be positive, but with them it becomes easier. After all, we are only human, sometimes we just need a little encouragement to believe in ourselves.

For example, you want to lose weight, then buy a membership to a gym where people have the same goal.

Way of thinking

This is probably the main thing that you should change in yourself when you start to think about how to change the world. Most of us probably don't even realize how much our thoughts can help or hinder us in achieving our goals. You need to not just think about success, but visualize it and believe in it. When you learn to think positively, you will be able to see the so-called law of attraction in action very soon.