Test what is most important in life. The simplest way to determine your purpose in life

Different people might have different stories to tell about how they first thought about getting a pet.

Some recall that one day the idea suddenly came into their heads to get themselves some kind of animal that they could look after, care for, and which would reward them with loyalty and friendship in return. Others simply buy a pet for their children, and then become as attached to their pet as they are. Still others say that this desire has been ripening in them all their lives, gradually overcoming parental prohibitions and moral teachings about the undesirability of having an animal in the house, and finally maturing for this already in adulthood.

Now we will not talk about short-sighted and mentally immature people who, having played enough with their pet, then simply throw it out into the street.

In this article, the subject of our close attention will be people who want to have a pet, but cannot because of a busy work schedule.

If you have to leave for work early in the morning and return late in the evening, then it becomes difficult to think about keeping a pet, because he needs not only care, but also love and attention.

However, if there is still a desire to have someone nearby, then it would be possible to select an animal that would somehow solve this problem. Those who are ready to give their cat an entire room to use, who order overalls for their iguanas from Australia, and who buy an extra bathroom for their dwarf crocodiles, don’t need to read this article.

1. Rabbit

These funny furry animals, which have long since become not only farm animals, but also pets, can be purchased without any difficulty. The size of domestic rabbits can vary quite noticeably in the range from one kilogram to twelve, depending on what breed of rabbit was purchased. Most likely, there will be no problems with keeping a pet rabbit, since it can be kept almost anywhere, be it in the hallway or in the kitchen. It’s enough to just set up a simple cage for him with a feeder and water bowl.

You don’t have to spend much on food for your rabbit, and you only need to clean the cage about once a week, which is very convenient for those who have a busy work schedule. However, it is worth remembering that in the evenings the animal needs to add food, remove what was not eaten, and be sure to change the water in the drinking bowl.

If you follow the above rules, then no “aroma” will be felt in the house, and if the owner cleans the cage even more often than once every seven days, then no odors will be guaranteed. You can simply carry the rabbit in your arms. At least for a short time, you need to let the rabbit run around the house. At the same time, he should be closely monitored during this time.

Those owners who cannot leave their pet alone in a cage for a long time, and who prefer to let the animal run around the house during this time, should immediately prepare for the fact that all the wires in the house will be chewed through. A rabbit is, after all, a rodent and it is more than natural for him to go up to the chair leg to “work” on it with his sharp incisors. In addition, it is worth noting that some measures to care for the animal will still be needed.

Rabbits are cute and kind pets.

For example, during the molting period of an animal, it needs to be combed. You should also trim his nails periodically. It is also worth noting that these procedures may be limited to once a month.

2. Canary

The house canary is a domesticated subspecies of the Canarian (hence the name) canary finch, originating from the Canary Islands. In its marvelous state, this bird inhabits the Atlantic archipelagos of the Azores and Canary Islands and the island of Madeira. These birds feed on seeds, plants and insects, and about five hundred years ago they were tamed by humans, and now the canary has taken its rightful place among other domestic animals. It is worth saying that the canary stands out among domestic animals in that only its vocal apparatus has changed (accordingly, its singing has also changed). It was these changes that made the canaries famous. Canaries are different, and their singing can also differ noticeably. Perhaps the most famous breed is the Harz Roller.

Having purchased a canary for yourself, you can enjoy its sonorous singing, which will remind the owner that he is not alone, and that there is someone else in the house. In addition, the canary does not require much care from its owner, which, of course, will be appreciated by busy people.

All you need is to purchase a cage with a tray, a drinking bowl and seats. The bottom of the cage usually serves as a toilet. If the bird owner has free time, you can sometimes add a little sand to the bottom of the cage. It is advisable to change it as often as possible. This will prevent the smell of canary poop. In addition, the sand will gradually crumble out of the cage, so again it should be added. If there is no way to monitor the sand, then you can use simple paper, which can be changed approximately once every 2-3 days.

As for feeding the canary, it will not be difficult to adjust it even to a very busy work schedule. If the owner has such an opportunity, then you can feed the bird every day. To do this, simply pour one or two spoons of food into the feeder. Alternatively, you can add feed only once every two to three days, but you should add several times more than with daily feeding. Of course, for those who are very busy or for those who work in shifts, the second option is much more convenient.

In addition, it is very advisable to let your feathered pet fly at least once a week. To do this, you need to take the bird into a room where there will be as little furniture and various equipment with flat screens as possible. She doesn't have to fly all day.

It is enough to follow the bird for fifteen to twenty minutes and that will be enough. It is necessary to monitor the canary in order to prevent damage to things. Those potential owners who are afraid that after a busy day at work the canary will wake them up “before dawn” should not worry. This problem can be easily eliminated by using a thick dark cloth that covers the cage at night.

3. Snake

The snake is certainly an interesting and exotic animal. And there are very few people who would keep such a reptile in their home. Snakes delight and disgust, are the object of reverent love of their owners, and plunge into horror all those whose ideas of beauty are limited to stereotyped forms and imposed clichés. However, fear is fear, but it is still advisable not to joke with the acquisition of poisonous snakes. And if the future owner of this ancient reptile is smart enough to refrain from buying poisonous and simply dubious snakes, then it would be possible to buy, for example, “climbing snakes” or a king snake. Both of them are not aggressive reptiles, but are quite capable of delighting their owners and terrifying their guests. All you need in terms of equipment is to purchase a terrarium, instead of which a regular aquarium equipped with an incandescent lamp will do just fine. The latter is very necessary, since snakes are cold-blooded animals and they need heat to keep warm. They will also need soil or sand.

If there are thin vine-like branches in the terrarium, the creeping pet would also most likely appreciate them, since snakes like to swing on branches, even slowly. Those who are horrified to think that in order to feed this merciless reptile will have to buy mice, which this creeping monster will then devour in front of its owner, do not have to worry, since snakes with great pleasure feed on small chicken eggs. Of course, at least sometimes it is advisable to pamper a snake with mice, but here everything depends on the sentimentality of its owner. In terms of feeding regime, snakes are almost ideal pets - it is enough to feed them once a week, which cannot but please busy people and outright workaholics.

4. Hamster

Hamsters are small, furry rodents similar to lighter, fatter mice. They are divided into a huge number of different species, although Roborvian, Djungarian or Syrian hamsters are most often kept for home use. These hamsters are attractive because they can reach several tens of centimeters in length. In addition, they have a very varied coat color, which looks very beautiful; if you provide them with normal care, they can live up to three years.

Hamsters are extremely popular as pets; they are unpretentious, gentle, and also very smart and even trainable. Their lifestyle is mainly twilight, in other words, they are most active in the evenings.

The main thing that is required from the owner of a hamster is to correctly build a feeding regime. An undoubted advantage is that the hamster does not need to clean too often, since this even harms his hamster psychology. This is explained by the fact that hamsters tend to accumulate, and excessive cleanliness will cause him to associate it with a deficiency. In a word, even if you feed your hamster grain and then thoroughly clean it, you can bring your pet to cognitive dissonance.

Of course, hamster waste should be removed, but you shouldn’t be too zealous in this direction either: two or three times a week should be enough. But it’s better not to touch your pet’s food - let the feeder always be full. If you don’t get too fancy with arranging a home for your hamster, you can limit yourself to simply buying a cage. You will also need trays for food and water, and you may or may not buy all sorts of accessories, like wheels and slides.

You should throw various rags into the cage, and the household rodent himself will make a storage room, a bedroom and a toilet out of them. About once a week, the hamster should be picked up, played with, and let out of the cage to run around. If for some reason you don’t have enough time to buy food, then you can simply give the hamster crumbled bread, fruit or vegetables once a day or once every two days.

5. Land turtle

Perhaps the most convenient pet for busy people is the land tortoise. As for waterfowl turtles, things are somewhat more complicated with them. The owner of a turtle should immediately prepare for the fact that his pet will spend six months in hibernation. Equipment for a turtle is practically no different from what a snake needs: a terrarium, a lamp, stones and soil.

You can feed your pet with specialized food, or you can use fresh vegetables, from which the turtle will also receive water. But you still need to install a drinking bowl. All care boils down to the fact that once a week the tortoise’s paws and shell should be cleaned with a soft brush.

Around mid-autumn, the lamp should be turned off and the turtle allowed to hibernate. In mid-spring, it needs to be gradually turned on so that it wakes up. Sometimes the turtle needs to be let out of the terrarium for a walk, and since it is not particularly fast, it will not require particularly close supervision.

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Allan Foster/Flickr.com

The main thing for a dog is to be close to its owner. Unfortunately, most of us are forced to leave our pets for at least eight hours a day, or even 12.

Some dogs tolerate loneliness relatively calmly, others begin to howl, bark and destroy the apartment. They do this not out of harm or revenge, but out of hopelessness and fear. If the animal thinks every time that you are leaving forever, there is no limit to its despair.

The dog's behavior can be corrected. To do this, the pet is taught that the owner will definitely return. The training occurs gradually: first, the owner leaves nearby and for a short time, teaching the dog not to follow him on his heels, then leaves it alone for a longer time. So the dog gradually gets used to the idea that no matter how long the owner is absent, he will definitely return.

This method helps to get rid of panic attacks during the owner’s absence, but does not eliminate the cause itself. After all, if the dog does not howl during your absence and does not damage the furniture, this does not mean that it is comfortable for it to be alone. She just believes that you will return and waits.

The dog suffers every day, left alone in an empty room.

She spends five days a week, eight hours at a time, without her most precious being, his love and attention. What’s even worse is that many owners, even when present at home, do not satisfy the dog’s need for communication. For example, they constantly kick her into the next room because she gets in the way, whines or tries to play.

Almost all dogs require exercise - some more, others less. If you want, that's great. The dog will receive both a share of communication with you and the necessary load. If not, you will have to think about how you will train it. Some owners only walk their dogs for a short time: half an hour in the morning, an hour in the evening. The dog spends the rest of the time in a closed room, where he cannot properly warm up and get food for the mind.

If you are enthusiastic about getting a dog and plan to spend a lot of time with him, just imagine that this will continue for another 10-13 years. Maybe in the first few months you will communicate with your pet, take long walks with him, give him a good stretch and play. But then the usual routine will drag you down - the dog will be at the very end of the to-do list. So is it worth torturing an animal?



Parrots are very lively and sociable pets. Left alone, without the attention of the owner and interesting toys, they begin to get bored. A stressful state leads to hysterics, which often result in self-plucking.

A similar reaction occurs in cases where a parrot shares a cage with an unsuitable partner. So, if you decide to add a neighbor to him, it is not a fact that the pets will get along in character and will live happily.

It is often advised to buy interesting toys for your parrot, so that in your absence he will have something to occupy himself with. But, if you do not play, do not communicate with your pet, or do this for a very short time, no toys will save your bird from boredom.


Sasha the Okay Photographer/Flickr.com

You can't really play with a rat, but it still needs your attention. However, here the problem of loneliness is solved more simply: buy two same-sex rodents and a large cage, equip it with toys, tunnels, houses and calmly go to work.

Rats are very social creatures and need company.

This confirms the experiment with rats and drugs, which Johan Harry spoke about in his TED talk. When a rat lived alone, without toys or communication, it easily became addicted to drugs and soon died from an overdose. And in a rat park where several individuals lived, they could interact, play and mate without hindrance. As a result, not a single rat became addicted to drugs, although the cage always contained a container with a narcotic substance dissolved in water.

Johan Harry told this story to show that loneliness and boredom lead to drugs and people. But this experiment also shows how rats feel bad without company.

If you are determined to have one rodent, he will need a lot of your attention and the opportunity to be outside the cage. Rats are very active and inquisitive; they constantly need to crawl, climb on high places, rummage through things, and find something new.


Will Scullin/Flickr.com

Raccoons are very mischievous and active creatures that require constant attention. If you leave a raccoon alone, it will simply destroy the apartment, climb into any cabinet, scatter, break and tear your things.

If you lock your pet in a confined space for a long time, for example on a balcony or in a cage, without playing or communicating with it, it will go completely wild and instead of an inquisitive domestic animal, you will get a wild striped creature.

Have you decided to get a raccoon? Remember that you will have to spend most of your free time entertaining the animal and making sure it doesn't break anything.

Suitable for busy people



Do cats miss their owner or are they just using him to satisfy their needs? There are different opinions on this matter.

A study by Daniel Mills, published in 2015, proved that cats are not that strongly attached to their owners. During the experiment, he compared the reaction of an infant to the departure and appearance of his mother and the behavior of dogs and cats in a similar situation with their owners.

The child crawled towards his mother with obvious relief after her appearance. The dog jumped around its owner, wagging its tail. And only the cat did not stop playing with the stranger and, it seems, did not even notice that her owner was going out somewhere.

However, some cat owners do not agree with the results of the experiment. They claim that these animals are simply inquisitive and easily distracted, but they miss their owner just as much when alone as dogs do.

Here is a video filmed in the absence of people, when a cat walks around the room with a toy in its teeth and calls its owner.

This problem can be solved by getting your pet a partner. For example, in Switzerland, according to animal standards, it is not allowed to have one cat unless it goes outside. Two pets will clearly find something to do in your absence.


Richard Elzey/Flickr.com

Ferrets get along well with dogs (not hunting breeds) and cats, as well as other ferrets. This animal sleeps 18–20 hours a day, and neutered ones can sleep longer. Therefore, your pet will not be bored for most of your working day. And when you return home, you will be able to devote enough time to him.

Dan Derrett/Flickr.com

These animals don't seem to need company at all. Moreover, it is not recommended to keep same-sex hamsters in the same cage to prevent fights. If you buy individuals of different sexes, be prepared for the fact that you will have to sell the offspring.

Playing with a hamster is quite difficult, since it does not understand that it is being played with. In general, he does not need your company, so you can safely go to work. The main thing is to take care of it.

Don't your pets get bored alone? How do they entertain themselves in your absence?

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What makes you get up in the morning and start getting things done quickly? What motivates you to overcome obstacles and? Why do you glow with happiness and why do your eyes begin to sparkle? Many people can easily answer these and other similar questions, and begin a conversation about their goals, dreams, plans for life and what they want to achieve. But, at the same time, there will be people who will think hard about the answer, but will not be able to say anything. The difference between these categories of people is that some are clearly aware of their purpose and have specific life goals, while others seem to be striving for something, however, both the meaning of their life and what they want to achieve look rather vague even for themselves.

Here we are not talking about such “goals” as earning money to provide yourself and your loved ones with everything you need, covering mandatory monthly expenses, new household appliances for your home, etc. All this is the urgent need of almost every person; his so-called vital necessity; something without which his life and everyday life will not satisfy even the most minimal requirements. Here we are talking about something more global; the fundamental direction of all actions performed in life; about what makes you grow, develop, work, work and achieve, despite any obstacles, and do it with pleasure, enthusiasm and inspiration. We are talking about specific life goals.

A little about not having a life goal

The desire to find your purpose and life purpose is inherent, perhaps, in all people. But often, under the influence of various factors and circumstances, such as, for example, upbringing, the worldview of parents, the influence of the environment, imposed beliefs and ideals, the promotion of a certain lifestyle, way of thinking and everything that you need to have and want to have, lead to that people just lose themselves in all this. They seem to fall asleep, their whole life becomes unconscious and mechanistic, and their thinking becomes stereotyped and standardized. As a result, all questions concerning the meaning of life lose their relevance, fade into the background or are completely discarded as unnecessary.

If a person is still concerned about such topics, and he has not completely lost his individuality, selfhood and the feeling that he needs to strive for something or at least look for it, the answers to the questions posed above are often difficult to find, which often significantly darkens existence , creates a feeling of purposelessness of existence, becomes the cause of apathetic or depressive states.

The lack of a life goal has an extremely negative impact on a person’s life. This is the inability to fully reveal your personal and creative potential, and the duality of thinking and behavior, and the loss of interest in activities and in life in general, and real happy moments can be counted on one hand. You can endlessly analyze this topic piece by piece, but this is not what is important at all, but what is needed, and most importantly, you can come to an understanding of your true purpose and determine specific life goals.

Why do you need to look for your life purpose?

The question of finding a life goal, just like the previous one, is very voluminous and multifaceted. But despite this, it is always viewed exclusively in a positive way. When a person has a clear life goal, he lives with the understanding of what his time is being invested in, that he is on the path to realizing what he wants, and this path is the right one. The goal fills his entire existence with meaning, which means there is a place for harmony and happiness in life. Having a goal, a person knows specifically in which direction to move. Making any choice in everyday life becomes easier, it becomes much easier to separate the important from the unimportant and discard the latter without regret. Always present, no need to force yourself to do anything. And if efforts are made to correct your behavior, then this is training that allows you to become stronger, and certainly not violence against yourself, as happens when you do everything while gritting your teeth.

A life goal is something that fills both a person and his life. This is what allows a person to walk through life with a firm and confident gait with his head held high even in the most difficult moments. And this is what allows him to come to the meaning of his existence and see even the most familiar life in a completely new perspective, as well as change it.

But reasoning is reasoning. They are, of course, good, but they may remain just a theory. And this, unfortunately, is the worst thing that can happen to a person looking for his destiny. To avoid this, you should use several recommendations that not only facilitate the transition from thoughts to actions, but also greatly simplify the search for your purpose and goals to which you can safely devote your life.

How to realize your purpose and find life goals?

Without lengthy introductions, let's move straight to the consideration of these recommendations.

  • First, analyze your interests and hobbies. Approach this issue consciously and seriously. Determine what interests you most: what kind of literature do you prefer to read? Are you interested in documentary films and if so, what kind? What do you enjoy learning more and more about? It is likely that the answers to these questions will be able to set the right direction for subsequent searches. If you don't think you have any special interests, you will have to make an effort to find them. Your life's work is 90% related to your interests.
  • Analyze your free time activities: what do you do, what do you like to do, what do you want to do when you think about your free time? What would you do if you had more of this time? Surely your leisure time, unless it is, of course, “stupid” or idle chatter on social networks, may be associated with your subconscious aspirations, talents, predispositions and goals. If you managed to find something like this, then think about whether there is an opportunity to somehow develop it and derive practical benefit from this activity?
  • Try to observe yourself, namely: observe what you notice around you. For example, you may often pay attention to other people's appearance or health, or you may be able to pinpoint the cause of a car breakdown. Perhaps with a keen eye you notice flaws in construction or repairs made in someone else’s house. What if you, without the appropriate education, easily find various errors in texts and know how to write and express your thoughts correctly, although you have never studied this? By observing yourself, you will most likely discover something in which you, without having deep knowledge, can be an expert. What is your activity now? Develop this idea further.
  • Make a list of 50 wishes. Include everything that comes to mind. Seems simple? Surprisingly, many people, after listings like: house, apartment, car, renovation, vacation, wedding, child, salary increase, new phone, new furniture and something like that, become confused. As a result, at most you can write 20-25 wishes. If you have the same situation, do not despair and write further - this will activate your creativity and the work of the subconscious. If you can easily write 50 wishes, increase the list to 100. It is the last and most “difficult” wishes that will largely reflect your global goals and life aspirations.
  • Monitor your conditions. In everyday life, a person is from time to time “covered” by waves of seemingly causeless inspiration and enthusiasm. Track these moments in your life and try to understand the reasons for their occurrence: some thoughts, actions, people. In many spiritual practices, inspiration is considered a sign that you are on the right path. Look for such signs constantly - they can lead you to the right “road”.
  • Practice meditation. is one of the most powerful spiritual practices. During meditation, the chaotic running of thoughts calms down, a feeling of calm, well-being and inner silence appears, which is perfectly suited for connecting with the subconscious. And, as you know, the subconscious knows and can do everything. As you practice, ask yourself questions without trying to answer, using your rational mind. Answers can come even after meditation - it could be an insight, a thought or image that came from somewhere in your head, a sensation in your body, a meeting with a person, or a book that “accidentally” fell at your feet. Strive for self-knowledge.
  • your future. Choose a quiet and peaceful place where you will not be interrupted for at least 30 minutes. Turn off phones, Skype, ICQ, Internet, etc. Sit down and take a comfortable position. Close your eyes, relax. Try not to be distracted by extraneous thoughts. Now begin to imagine your life in every detail, for example, in 5 years: where are you, where do you live, what kind of people are next to you, what are you wearing, what surrounds you at this moment, what do you have? Strive to keep your thoughts flowing calmly. There is no need to impose something on yourself and think in templates. Just surrender to the flow of your thoughts - where will it take you? The sharper and clearer the picture is, the closer you will be to finding a way to achieve its materialization. Do this procedure at least once every two days and over time you will begin to understand what you want and what you really need.

What more can be said? In fact, I would really like to continue to develop this topic and bring new ways of finding one’s purpose and life goals. A whole book could be written. But for obvious reasons, it is not possible to do this in this article. So all that remains is to summarize: the process of finding your life purpose and your purpose depends entirely on you. To find answers to the questions that concern you, you must find yourself, and this is a difficult, lengthy process, but very interesting and exciting. As already mentioned, strive for self-knowledge, engage in spiritual practices, read and watch educational TV shows, be alone with yourself, listen to your inner voice, etc. You can combine all this, or you can do it separately.

And always remember that our only real enemies are despair, laziness and unwillingness to see beyond our own nose. Believe in yourself and your strengths, and also in the fact that your life goals are already very close to you!

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