People's work in autumn average gr planning. Children's games with external materials

Planning is educational - educational work. Group “Rosinka” Topic: “Vegetables. People's labor in gardens and fields"

Educator: Kotegova Zhanna Sergeevna

Day of the week


Methodological support

Group, subgroup


OD in regime moments

10/16/17 - Monday


Social – communicative, cognitive, physical

Moral and educational conversation “Autumn has come to visit us”

Reinforce the concepts of “vegetables” and “fruits”, the names of individual vegetables and fruits. To instill in children respect for the work of adults.

Didactic game “Say it in one word”

Strengthen the use of generalizing words in children’s speech: “vegetables”, “fruits”

Morning exercises

D/i “Guess what to do” Purpose: To develop auditory attention. (Dima, Misha, Sasha)

Game “Put everything on in order, become more cheerful and cheerful” Goal: education of CGN, self-service skills and relationships when dressing

Methodological developments.

Create conditions for modeling on the topic: “Lots of delicious vegetables for friends”;

Promote play with building materials

Morning reception of children.

Invite parents to visit a vegetable garden or grocery store with their children


Social – communicative, speech, physical

1. Music (according to the music director’s plan)

2. Artistic creativity(applique)

Topic: “Magic Spikelet”

Purpose: To give an idea of ​​​​the extraction of flour.

Objectives: To develop the ability to perform applications. Develop accuracy when performing work. Cultivate a desire to see things through to the end.


Conversation: “What are your parents’ names?”

Goal: Talk with children about your family members, consolidate their names.

P/I "Round Dance"

Goal: to develop children’s ability to dance in a circle and practice squatting.

P/N “One, two, three - run”

Goal: To teach children to act on cues

“Jumping over lines” Purpose: observing the ability to perform jumps over 4 lines in turn. (Katya, Carolina, Vitalina, Vika)

Labor activity

Cleaning up trash in the garden.

Goal: to consolidate gardening skills.

Create conditions for the “Run Quietly” program. Goal: learn to move silently.

Create conditions for games with external material Goal: to develop the ability to play together


Cognitive, artistic - aesthetic, physical

Reading E. Moshkovskaya “Alien Carrot”, Y. Tuvim “Vegetables”

Game exercise “Treats for guests.” Goal: Learn to find similarities and differences between vegetables.

d/i “One-many” Purpose: to form a form plural nouns (Polina, Ilya, Vika)

Make sure you dress properly after sleep.

Methodological developments

Create conditions for organizing role-playing games “Vegetable shop”, “Family”

An evening walk

Physical, speech.

P/i “Twisting Path” Purpose: to reinforce stepping over obstacles

P/i “Take care of the object” Purpose: to consolidate the ability to navigate in space

Create conditions for playing with balls and hoops Goal: increasing YES

Walking with long strides with Varya, Misha, Maxim

Encourage children to learn simple games

Games with external material

Exchange of individual information.


Planning educational work. Group “Rosinka” Topic: “Vegetables. People's labor in the garden and fields"

Target: Fix the general concept of “vegetables”, the names of vegetables. Expand children's knowledge about autumn. Continue to introduce agricultural professions.

Cultivate caring and loving relationship to nature, which generously gifts us with its riches, respect for the work of people working on the land.

Educator: Kotegova Zh.S.

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Cooperative activity adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Methodological support

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


OD in regime moments

10/17/17 - Tuesday


Social – communicative, cognitive, physical.

Morning exercises

Conversation “What grows in the garden” Purpose: to summarize and systematize children’s knowledge of vegetables, where they grow, who cares for them.

Solving riddles on the theme “Harvest” Purpose: to express positive emotions, interest, joy, admiration.

Musical game "Cucumber"

Goal: introduce children to a new game.

D/I: “say it right”

Purpose: to practice selecting verbs

Development of KGN. Morning exercises

A situational conversation about the rules of behavior with each other, about the need to be polite, not to fight, not to be greedy.

Methodological developments.

To create conditions for viewing new pictures of vegetables. Goal: to develop children’s speech and attention, to teach them to correctly pronounce new names of vegetables.

Morning reception for children

Consultation of parents on issues of interest.


Social - communicative, artistic - aesthetic

1. Physical Culture(according to the physical instructor’s plan)

2. Cognition: FCCM

Topic: “Vegetables. Garden"

Goal: To expand children's knowledge about vegetables and the benefits of vegetables.

Objectives: Continue to develop children’s ability to distinguish vegetables by touch, name them, and group them. Develop phonemic awareness, coherent speech. Guess riddles about vegetables. Cultivate a respectful attitude towards your comrades, listening to their answers to the end.


Cognitive, social - communicative, physical.

Observing the sky and clouds. Goal: continue to consolidate knowledge about phenomena inanimate nature; clarify the concept of “Cloud”.

P/n “The sea is agitated.” Goal: to develop imagination, the ability to express a conceived image in movement.

Jumping in place on one leg.

Goal: improve coordination (Maxim, Seryozha, Ilya, Yura)

Problem situations “What to wear for a walk in wet weather” Purpose: to teach children to dress according to the weather.

Games with external material.

Create conditions for the s/r game “Journey to the Autumn Forest” Goal: To form ideas about the rules of behavior in autumn forest. Introduce the characteristics of leaf fall.


Cognitive, social - communicative, speech, artistic - aesthetic.

Gradual rise, gymnastics after sleep.

D/i “Wonderful bag (fruit or vegetable)” Purpose: To teach to name, examine and describe familiar vegetables and fruits, highlighting external features(color, shape, taste).

Reading N. Egorov “Radish, pumpkin, carrot” Purpose: to introduce children to new works, to develop dialogical speech

D/i "Motors" Goal: Develop phonemic awareness, speech attention of children. (Katya, Carolina, Ksyusha, Polina)

Formation of self-service skills.

D/i “Every thing has its place” Goal: to cultivate a desire to maintain order in the group, put toys in their place

Methodological developments

Create conditions for the dramatization game “Let’s make delicious soup from vegetables.” Goal: to teach children to independently choose a role, to play together

An evening walk

Physical, speech.

“Bird and Cat”, “Colored Cars”. Target: learn to move in all directions without bumping into each other.

With Ksyusha, Katya, Maxim, develop dexterity and eye. Game "Hit the Target"

Development communication skills.

Games with external material

Conversation with Yegor's parents about changes in his behavior


Planning educational work. Group “Rosinka” Topic: “Vegetables. People's labor in the garden and fields"

Goal: To consolidate the general concept of “vegetables”, the names of vegetables. Expand children's knowledge about autumn. Continue to introduce agricultural professions.

To cultivate a caring and loving attitude towards nature, which generously gifts us with its riches, and respect for the work of people working on the land.

Educator: Kotegova Zh.S.

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Methodological support

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


OD in regime moments

10/18/17 - Wednesday


Social - communicative, cognitive, physical, artistic - aesthetic

Morning, finger and articulation gymnastics.

Development of coordination of tongue movements, fine motor skills.

D/i “Vitamins” To consolidate knowledge about vitamins that are found in vegetables and fruits; their importance for the growth of the body

Individual work with Ilya, Misha, Karolina, consolidation of knowledge of the parts of the day

Conversation: “How to use individual items personal hygiene? Goal: to form CGN and self-service skills

Methodological developments.

Create conditions for looking at pictures of vegetables. Purpose: to teach how to describe vegetables, to introduce the method of growing vegetables.

Morning reception of children.


Social – communicative, cognitive physical

1. Music (according to the music worker’s plan)

2. Cognition: Speech Development

Topic: "Vegetables"

Goal: To promote the development of speech as a means of communication.

Objectives: Expand lexicon. Improve the correct structure of speech. Train your memory to remember short poems and nursery rhymes. Promote articulation and voice apparatus, speech breathing, auditory attention.


Cognitive, social - communicative, physical.

Observations of weather conditions, changes in the color of leaves and fruits on trees. Labor/socialization (Remove fallen leaves. Outdoor game: “Into the forest along the path” - balancing with hands to maintain balance

Ind. working with Ilya, Seryozha, Varya. Walking along a short and a long path."

Purpose: To consolidate ideas about length.

Cleaning the area from autumn leaves, twigs.

Methodological developments

Independent activity on a walk.

Role-playing games at the request of children.


Cognitive, physical

Gymnastics after sleep.

Hardening procedures

D/i: “Recognize and name vegetables” Outdoor game “Who can collect vegetables and fruits faster”




“Find the same one (by color, size)”

(Vika, Poilna, Alena, Alina)

Formation of self-service skills

Watching cartoons. Listening to audio stories.

An evening walk

Physical, speech.

P/I: “Birds and a cat” (similar to Sparrows and a car)

Develop dexterity with Egor, Ilya, Dima, Sasha.

Games with external material

Exchange of individual information.

Draw the attention of parents to various forms of collaboration with children labor activity in kindergarten and at home.


Planning educational work. Group “Rosinka” Topic: “Vegetables. People's labor in the garden and fields"

Goal: To consolidate the general concept of “vegetables”, the names of vegetables. Expand children's knowledge about autumn. Continue to introduce agricultural professions.

To cultivate a caring and loving attitude towards nature, which generously gifts us with its riches, and respect for the work of people working on the land.

Educator: Kotegova Zh.S.

Day of the week


Integration of educational areas

Joint activities of adults and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas

Methodological support

Organization of a developmental environment for children’s independent activities

Interaction with parents/social partners

Group, subgroup


OD in regime moments

10/19/17 - Thursday


Social – communicative, cognitive, speech

Morning exercises.

Conversation “People’s work in the fields and gardens”

Goal: To introduce children to the profession of plowman and tractor driver. Bring up careful attitude to nature and respect for the work of adults.

D/i “One-many” Purpose: to form the plural form of nouns.

Looking at pictures of vegetables. .Goal: learn to describe vegetables.

Saying the quatrain “There is a harvest on the plate, choose whatever you want. For borscht and salad, mom will be very happy.” Goal: speech development. (Dima, Misha, Seryozha, Yura)

Morning exercises.

Breathing exercises “Whose leaf will fly away first.”

Inoculation of the KGN “Long live scented soap”

Goal: To introduce children to personal hygiene items (soap)

Methodological developments.

Introduce an album on introducing agricultural professions Goal: to introduce children to agricultural professions, expand children’s vocabulary

Morning reception of children.

Individual consultation of parents on emerging issues.

take part in the compilation of the “Book of Vitamin Recipes”


Social – communicative, cognitive, physical

1. Physical culture. According to the plan, physical instructor.


Topic: “Identifying two properties of shapes (shape and size)”

Goal: Ability to highlight essential features, according to which objects are combined into groups. Strengthening spatial relationships.

Objectives: To develop the ability to identify essential features by which an object is combined into groups. Develop the ability to simultaneously identify two properties of figures (shape, size). Strengthen the spatial relationship (right - left, up - down, back - forward). Develop independent work skills.


Cognitive, social - communicative, physical.

Weather observation.

Goal: To expand children's knowledge about seasonal changes in nature.

P/I "Sparrows and the cat".

Goal: To strengthen the ability to jump, bending your knees, and run without touching each other.

Individual work with Ksyusha and Karolina. Who will throw the cone next?

Goal: To strengthen the ability to throw an object at a distance.

Labor assignment: work on caring for plants, weeding, watering.

Situational conversation “Why you can’t burn dry leaves” Purpose: to form ideas about the rules of behavior in the autumn forest

Construction games.

Independent activity during a walk.

Role-playing games at the request of children. Productive activity“Let’s bake Easter cake”


Cognitive, communicative.

Health-improving gymnastics after sleep, walking along massage paths

D/i “Take not take” Goal: increasing vocabulary on the topic “Vegetables”

reading E. Moshkovskaya “Alien Carrot”, Y. Tuvim “Vegetables”

finger game “Finger-boy”, “My family”

Goal: develop speech, fine motor skills, memory (Anya, Carolina, Vika.P)

"We are friendly guys"

Develop children's skills

it is advisable to treat children and adults in a child care setting;

learn to communicate with each other

Create conditions for coloring on the theme “Harvest” Goal: independently choose the coloring you like, paint carefully without going beyond the outline.

Talk to Maxim's mother about his health (snot, cough)

An evening walk


Outdoor games: “Geese”, “Shepherd and Flock”. Goals: - improve coordination of movements; develop dexterity.

With Maxim, Misha, Alena, developing skills in the long jump.

Development of communication skills, teaching to follow the rules of the game.

Games with external material

Talk with parents about the upcoming parent-teacher conference.

Calendar plan for educational work in the senior preparatory group “Solnyshko”

Subject: “What has autumn brought us? People's work in autumn"

Target: expanding children's knowledge about autumn, autumn phenomena nature, autumn harvest and agricultural work.

Final event : exhibition "Gifts of Nature", date – 10/09/2015.

Date of: 05.10.2015 Monday

Regime moments

Group (subgroup)

form of work


form of work


1. Morning exercises.

2. Conversation “Vegetables from our garden.”

3.Looking at the illustrations “Vegetables”.

4.Games - instructions:

“Gather vegetables in a basket.”

“Take the round vegetables out of the bag


5. KGN - continue to improve the culture of behavior during meals.

Individual work on
attention, comparisons:

“Find what doesn’t fit” - with Vika, Irina, Anton.

1. Didactic games: “Gather the harvest.”

"How to make tomato juice."
2.Finger games
"Sorting vegetables"

3.Independent games if desired.

2. Offer to parents

cook with
children's vegetable salad.


I. Fiction

Retelling of Ukrainian adv. Fairy tales "Spikelet"Ushakova, p.264 (5-6)

Goal: teach children to retell a fairy tale on their own. Convey intonation the characters’ characters, your attitude towards the characters
tell in person (changing voice, intonation); develop the ability to understand figurative content and the meaning of proverbs

2. World of music

According to the plan of the music worker

3. Natural world

Gifts of autumn. People's work in autumn.Gorkova, pp. 48, 138

Goal: to consolidate children’s knowledge about autumn, to draw attention to the beauty of this time of year; clarify children's ideas about the gifts of autumn -
vegetables and fruits, mushrooms and berries. Form the beginnings of ecological culture.


1.Weather observation.
What sky? What's on it? How
can you talk about the weather? Is the wind blowing now? How do we know that he is blowing? What sways and flutters in the wind? What can you say about this weather? Is it cold or warm today? What
worn by children? How can you say
about this weather?

2.D/i “Raise your eyes to the sky, lower them

look at the ground, close your eyes.

turn your face to the wind, turn away from

him - the result is that we are going with the wind.”

Artistic word: not a beast, but howls


Sign: In autumn, cobwebs - on a clear day

Individual work on PHYS with Artyom, Lesha, Fedya: running


- “Traps” - development of running,

- “Fishing Rod” - develop
attention, dexterity,
endurance; practice in
jumping in place in height.

2.Work orders: remove
leaves from the veranda.

Returning from a walk

Reading say "Big Carrot".


1. Conversation on the topic: “Why do we need

2. Didactic games “Useful or

3. Reading: G. Gorn “Encyclopedia
health in fairy tales."
4.Looking at vegetables and fruits,
writing descriptive stories.

1.Individual work with
David, Semyon, Dominica:
“Blind the vegetables.”

2.Individual work on
preparing your hand for writing with Vika.
Arthur, Maxim:
stencil around the vegetables and
shade them.

1.S/r game “Family”, plot
"Summer Preparations"

2.P/i “Vegetables”


1. Observation of trees on the site kindergarten.

2.P./And:"1,2,3 run to the tree"

Throwing pine cones at a tree with the right and left hand,

"Catch the Fungus"

3.Finger gymnastics "Autumn"

4. Didactic games: "Find the tree", "Compare".

5.Hood. Word:I. Bunin "Leaf fall"

Individual work on PHYS
with Ira, Dominika, Vika:
jump over the track from

"Collect only yellow, green, red leaves"


- "Homeless Hare" -
development of running, jumping skills
on two legs.

Round dance game “Valya walked along the path”

2.Work orders: collect
bouquet of leaves.

Individual conversations,
consultations upon request

Date of: 06.10.2015 Tuesday

Regime moments

Joint activities of adults and children in restricted moments

Involving families in educational activities:

Group (subgroup)

form of work


form of work

Independent activities of children


1. Conversation " Golden autumn» -
remember with children about the change of times
of the year. Repeat the names of the seasons and
their order. Together with children
highlight the signs of autumn.

2.D/I “When it happens” - pin
signs of summer and autumn.

3. Observation in a corner of nature

blooming balsam - fix the name of the flower and its parts

1.Individual work with Nastya,
Katya, Vikoy - pin
ability to compare objects

2. Individual work with Roma, Kirill - continue to improve food culture: use canteens correctly

1.D/i “Phone”.

Modeling “Bun”

2.Look at the picture
I. Shishkina “Rye”.

3.D/i " Related words»

Offer to parents
introduce your children to
variety of products from


1. Speech development

Conversation about autumnAji, s. 38-43

Goal: to clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about seasonal changes in nature and people’s work, to clarify the signs of autumn, to remind children
Name autumn months. Refine your knowledge about other seasons. Learn to listen to music about autumn, determine its character and mood
Develop auditory attention and quick thinking.

2. Artistic activity(drawing)

What's ripe in the garden?Bondarenko, p.413

Goal: to arouse in children interest, an emotional response to the proposed topic, and a desire to depict vegetables and fruits. Develop creative
activity, imagination, creative thinking. Strengthen the skills of drawing a variety of rounded shapes. Clarify children's ideas
about still lifes.

3. Physical development(Street)

Jam #6Penzulaeva, s. 14 (pre-year)

Goal: to train children in walking and running between objects, in rolling hoops to each other, to develop attention and speed of movement.


1.Observation inanimate object -
looking at a birch tree. What
what colors are the leaves on it? What leaves
more green or yellow? Whether there is a
leaves under the tree, on the ground? What
are they colors? Where are there more leaves?
tree or under it?
2.Drawing a birch tree on a sheet of paper and

3. Round dance: “There was a birch tree in the field.”
4. Literary word: Alena is standing,
green scarf, thin waist, white
sundress; without worrying about the weather
wears a white sundress, and in one of
autumn days september yellow leaves
gives it to her.

Individual work on PHYS
with Lesha, Ulyana. Camilla,
Kirill: jumping on two legs
with movement around the birch tree.


- "Ocean is shaking" -
development of coordination
movements, imagination

- “Crucian carp and tuka” - develop
ability to perform movements
on signal: practice running and
squatting, in formation in
circle, in catching.

2.Work assignments: collect birch leaves for the herbarium.

Returning from a walk

Situational conversation.

“Why can’t you eat a lot of flour?”


1.D/i “Which tree is the leaf from?” -
consolidate knowledge about trees (maple, birch).

2.Reading “Falling Leaves” by I. Bunin -
show the features of poetry
text, help you understand the content.

Individual work with Alina,
Semyon, Nastya - search engine
activity: propose
count the number of grains in
spikelet, remember that spikelet
grew from 1 grain.

1.Drawing by design

“What autumn brought us” - develop pencil drawing skills, talk about your work.

2.Reading Russian folk tale: “Tops and roots”

3.D/game: “Recognize by smell”


1. Conversation: “How animals and birds prepare for winter”

2.Bird watching.

3.P/I: “Migration of birds”, “At the bear in the forest”

4. Finger gymnastics"Sparrow"

Individual work but PHYSICAL
with Arthur, Roma, Maxim:
jumping over the path from


- “Trap, take the tape” - development of running and agility.

- “Entertainers” - develop
resourcefulness, dexterity;
practice walking in a circle,
in coordination of movements.
2.Work assignment: collect flower seeds.

Feed the titmice.

Individual conversations and
consultations on requests

Date of: 10/07/2015 Wednesday

Regime moments

Joint activities of adults and children in restricted moments

Involving families in educational activities:

Group (subgroup)

form of work


form of work

Independent activities of children


1. Conversation “Gifts of Autumn” - consolidate children’s knowledge about vegetable crops. Cultivate a grateful feeling for nature and people who, thanks to their work, receive harvests.

2.D/I “Guess the vegetable” - consolidate the generalizing concepts of “vegetables”, distinguish them by their appearance

by sight and touch.

3.Learning the finger stroke

gymnastics " we will leave

collect..." - development of small

hand motor skills, intonation

expressiveness of speech.

4.Work order: distribute spoons to
breakfast - to develop skills
set the table.

Individual work with Anya, Artyom, Nastya.

Strengthen the ability to paint over
objects without going beyond the contour.

1. Situational

conversation “Why you can’t burn
dry leaves" - form
ideas about rules
behavior in the autumn forest.
2.Reading “Autumn Leaves by
circling in the wind" A. Maikov -
emphasize on
melody and melodiousness
poetic form.
3. Problem situations “What
wear for a walk" -
develop the ability to do
simple conclusions.


1.Mathematical development
Art.-Lesson No. 2.
Pomoraeva. With. 15

Goal: to practice counting and counting objects within 5 by ear and touch. Strengthen the ability to compare two objects in length and
width. Improve the ability to move in a given direction and define it in words: forward, backward, right, left.
Preg.g. - Lesson No. 2.Pomoraeva, s. 18

Goal: to practice dividing a set into parts and combining parts into a whole group, to improve the ability to establish dependencies
between a set and its part. Learn to count straight and reverse order within 5. Strengthen the ability to divide a circle and a square into 2 and |
4 equal parts, compare and name them. Strengthen the ability to name familiar geometric shapes.

2. Physical development (gym)

Lesson No. 4.Penzulaeva, s. 11(pre-year)

Goal: to train children in uniform running while maintaining a distance; develop coordination of movements in jumping while reaching
subject; repeat exercises with the ball and climbing under the cord without touching it.


1. Observation “Looking”
autumn tree"

Goal: to develop knowledge about basic
parts of the tree, their height and thickness;
Cultivate the ability to rejoice
beautiful, treat with care

2.Game with external material - ball,
“Who can name more fruits?”

Individual work on PHYS
with Ulyana, Katya, Luda:

“Hit the target” - reinforce the ability to throw bags at a horizontal target

1.Games with natural and
waste material

2. Outdoor game “Geese -

Goal: to teach how to act

3.Work order:
pour sand into the sandbox -
instill interest in work

Returning from a walk

Reading the Norwegian fairy tale "The Pie".


1. Joint activities of the teacher and children

“Sculpting vegetables for the game “shop” - consolidate the ability to sculpt familiar vegetables using previously learned techniques
2. Role-playing game “Shop”
vegetables" - fix the names
vegetables; rules of behavior in the store,
professional actions of the seller.
3.Reading “Windy” by I. Tokmakova -
show as a literary word
in tune with nature itself.

Individual work with
Kirill, Roma, Maxim: development of movements - the ability to tap the ball on the floor with both hands.

artistic creativity
"My favorite fruits and

2. Didactic game:
"Where does it grow"


1. Observation - walk around the area, examine and name what trees and shrubs grow on it; detect signs of the beginning of autumn on them,
admire the colorful leaves,
examine the cover of the earth and note
that the grass is still green, there are many autumn
colors. Are there many green flowers in the area? Is the area beautiful? What creates beauty? Is the property someone's home? For whom? What is someone's home? For whom? What does this house have for the living inhabitants of the site?

Individual work on PHYS
with Luda, Semyon,
Artyom: walk on the leaves
clearly stepping on the laid out


- "Homeless Hare" -
development of running, jumping skills
on two legs

- “Hares and the wolf” - teach
that's right, jump on two
feet, listen to the text and
perform movements according to

2.Work assignments: collect flower seeds.

Individual conversations and
consultations on requests

Date of: 10/08/2015 Thursday

Regime moments

Joint activities of adults and children in restricted moments

Involving families in educational activities:

Group (subgroup)

form of work


form of work

Independent activities of children


1.Introduction to the profession of “Grain grower”.
2. Reading the story by I. Tokmakova “Who

3.D/i “Who Grows Bread”,
4. KGN - talk with children about table manners

5. Physical education lesson “From a grain -

6.View the presentation “Where the bread came from.”

Individual work:
form the habit of following
neatness of clothes and hairstyle.

1.Memorization of the poet
I. Maykova “Autumn”.
2.Looking at paintings
"Autumn Nature".

3. P./i “Collect apples by touch”

Offer to parents
together with children
prepare yeast
dough and bake a pie.


1. Speech development (learning to read and write)

St.g. - Lesson No. 2.Eltsova, p.75

Goal: to form an understanding that thoughts are expressed in words, words in speech are connected into sentences, to cultivate speech attention,
phonemic hearing. Practice orientation on a sheet of paper.
Preg.g. - Lesson No. 2.Eltsova, s. 157

Goal: to introduce children to the history of the emergence of writing: to enrich the vocabulary with proverbs and sayings, to develop
phonemic hearing; introduce the letter "O". Develop fine motor skills and orientation on a sheet of paper.

2. Physical development (gym)
Lesson No. 5Penzulaeva, s. 13 (pre-year)

Goal: continue to train children in even running while maintaining a distance; develop coordination of movements in jumping
reaching the object: repeat the exercises with the ball and climbing under the cord without touching it.

H. Artistic activity (applique/sculpting)

Application “Still life of vegetables and fruits”Shvaiko, s. 163

Goal: to teach children to place objects in an appliqué on a wide surface, partially blocking one object with another. Bring up
ability to perform jointly general work. Exercise children in cutting out initial shapes of the required size and shape.


1.Conversation about autumn (signs) - proverbs and folk signs about autumn.

2. Excursion to the autumn park.

D/game: “The Fourth Wheel”

3.Artistic word:K. Balmont« AUTUMN"

S/r. game: "Flower Shop"

4. Observation of blooming flowers in the flowerbed.

5.Riddles about autumn.

Individual work on PHYS with Katya, Lyosha, Ulyana: jumping in the form of a frog.


- “Hopscotch” - teach children to jump rope,

- "Homeless Hare" -
running exercise,
dexterity, courage.

2.Work assignments:
put in order

Returning from a walk

Reading the story “Autumn” by G. Skrebitsky.


1.Learning proverbs:
“Bread is the head of everything”, “Bread
Rye is our dear father.” "Without bread -
half lunch."

2. Series of pictures

Planning educational activities

Topic: AUTUMN / People’s work in autumn.

Average age, 4-5 years
Goal: Expanding children's understanding of agricultural professions and the profession of a forester.
educational objectives: to form an idea in children about a person’s autumn preparations for winter in the garden, in the garden, in the field; how animals prepare for winter; introduce seed preparation.

developmental tasks: promote speech development, creativity, imagination, memory.
educational tasks: to cultivate respect for the work of adults, the desire to help them; cultivate love for the environment.
Result, product: multimedia presentation“At the Bear’s Forest”, video presentation “Our harvest is not bad”, virtual tour"Visiting the forester" interactive game“How animals prepare for winter”, album “Work makes a man beautiful!”, tabletop didactic game“Which tree is the leaf from, an exhibition of drawings, a photo exhibition “Don’t stop me from working”, crafts from natural material.
Final event: “Walk in the autumn garden” entertainment

Motivation: Children, what do you think people care about in the fall? And who, with the onset of cold weather, helps the animals and keeps order in the forest? Today I brought you a video presentation “Our harvest is not bad” (view). Do you want to know about people's work in the fall? And on Friday you and I will do virtual trip to the forester. Do you agree?

Cooperation with family (social partners) involving parents in the creation of the photo exhibition “Don’t stop me from working”, assistance in the selection of photographic material.


Time period of the day

Conversation “What grows in the garden”, the purpose of the conversation is to interest children and encourage cognitive interest find out what grows in the garden.
Introducing the new didactic game “Which tree is the leaf from?”
Group holiday “Luba’s birthday”.
Board game “Which tree is the leaf from?”

P.i. "Cat and Mice"
Making a gift (congratulations card)

practice throwing, jumping on 2 legs;
Drawing: “Gift for the birthday boy”
Make children want to do something nice for their friend. Foster a sense of teamwork

Target walk around the garden, watching the trees.
P. and "Day-Night"
D. and “Run to the tree”
Fun game “Pebble” (individually).

Gymnastics in cribs - k-ks “Kitties woke up”, kinesiological, breathing, finger gymnastics “Kitty took a brush”.
s/r. game "Barbershop".

P. and “Geese-geese”; P. and "Traps"

Game, motor


Creation/organization of subject-spatial development educational environment for independent activities of children and support of children's initiative

Time period of the day
Joint activities between teacher and child

Morning Gymnastics k-ks. No. 1, kinesiological gymnastics, breathing, visual, finger exercises. Speech with movements “Let's go to the garden”
Repetition of previously learned poems about autumn, repetition of the song “Autumn” for the holiday.

Pictures, illustrations on the topic “Fruits”;
Board game “Tops and Roots”.

Plasticine, modeling boards, stacks;
The artistic word of the teacher.

Surrounding World: "Walkthrough" ecological trail»
Give elementary representations about the relationship between man and nature.
Modeling: “Basket with lingonberries”
Continue learning to place small plasticine balls between your palms.

P.i. “Hit the ball into the circle.”
P. and "Leaf Fall".
Cognitive, Games with external material.

Gymnastics in cribs - k-ks “Kitties woke up”, kinesiological, breathing, finger gymnastics “We salt the cabbage”.
P.i. "At the Bear's Forest"
S.r. “Mothers and Daughters” (let’s prepare dinner)
Playful, communicative, educational, children's initiative.

P.i. "Day and night".
P. and "Traps".

Gaming, physical activity.

Creation/organization of a subject-spatial developmental educational environment for children’s independent activities and support of children’s initiative

Time period of the day
Joint activities between teacher and child

Morning Gymnastics k-ks. No. 1, kinesiological gymnastics, breathing, visual, finger exercises.
Conversation “People’s work in autumn”, the purpose of the conversation is to interest children and stimulate cognitive interest in finding out what worries people have in the fall.
Watch the video presentation “Our harvest is not bad.”
Compiling the album “Labor makes a man!”
Invite children to take pictures of how they help adults and organize a photo exhibition “Don’t stop me from working.”
Pictures, illustrations on the topic “People’s work in autumn”; video presentation “Our harvest is not bad.”
Listening to the song "Harvest".
Watching the cartoon "Gardeners".
P.i. "Rabbits."

Music: to develop the skills of a culture of listening to music (don’t get distracted, listen to the piece to the end).
Phys.: develop in children the ability to move in a team, find their place on the playground;
practice crawling, running, jumping on 2 legs;

A targeted walk to the vegetable garden, flower garden.
P. and “We won’t tell you what we can do, but we’ll show you what we do”
D. and “What grows in the garden”
Cognitive, gaming, motor activity. Games with external material.

Gymnastics in cribs - k-ks “Kitties woke up”, kinesiological, breathing, finger gymnastics “What Happened in the Forest”.
s/r. game "Gegetable shop".
Play, examination, discussion, distribution of roles.

P. and “It flies - it doesn’t fly.” Fun game “Pebble” (individually).
Playful and physical activity.

Creation/organization of a subject-spatial developmental educational environment for children’s independent activities and support of children’s initiative

Time period of the day
Joint activities between teacher and child

Morning Gymnastics k-ks. No. 1, kinesiological gymnastics, breathing, visual, finger exercises.
Conversation based on pictures. Examination of the illustrations “Labor in Autumn.” Reading the poem “Autumn the Artist.” Memorizing a poem.
Illustrations, board game“Tops-Roots”, board game “From which tree does the leaf come?”
Fiction: poems by Agnia Barto “Autumn the Artist”

Physical: according to the physical plan. employee
Speech development: contribute to the enrichment and deepening of ideas about trees: structural features and parts of trees - root, trunk, branches; mastering the ability to tell stories consistently, coherently, while speaking clearly and loudly; develop skills in composing comparative stories.
"Which different trees"(compilation comparative stories about trees (birch - poplar).
Di. “Which tree is the leaf from?” Di. “Find the tree according to the description.” P.i. "1,2,3 run to the tree."

Observing changes in nature (insects)
P.i. “By the bear in the forest”;
learning the outdoor game “Find Yourself a Mate.”
Cognitive, gaming, motor activity. Games with external material.

Telling the fairy tale “Half-Maker Bear.”
Crafts made from natural materials as planned.
Pictures for flannelgraph, flannelgraph, natural material, plasticine.

P.i. "Rabbits." P. and “It flies - it doesn’t fly.”

Playful and physical activity.


Creation/organization of a subject-spatial developmental educational environment for children’s independent activities and support of children’s initiative

Time period of the day
Joint activities between teacher and child

Morning Gymnastics k-ks. No. 1, kinesiological gymnastics, breathing, visual, finger exercises.
Conversation about working in the field. Dramatization of the fairy tale "Spikelet".

Masks of the characters from the fairy tale “Spikelet”
educational cards with leaves of different colors,
autumn leaves – attributes, music. works.

FEMP teach to compare two groups of objects by superimposition and application; find identical items; navigate in space;
Music contributes to the development of emotional and imaginative performance of musical and gaming exercises (leaves are spinning).

Excursion along the ecological path of the kindergarten.
Conversation with children on:
- What fruits ripen in autumn? (Nuts, acorns, mushrooms, rowan.)
- Why are there fewer insects?
- How do they prepare to meet harsh winter animals? (They build holes, stock up, change coats.)
- What kind of work do people do in the fall in the garden, in the vegetable garden, in the field?
Making autumn bouquets.
Cognitive, gaming, motor activity. Games with external material.

Gymnastics in cribs - “Kitties woke up” camp, walking barefoot along the massage path, kinesiological, breathing, finger gymnastics (performed by children)
Making a collage of autumn leaves and berries.
visual, communicative, productive.

P. and "Day-Night".
D. and “Run to the tree”
Playful and physical activity.


Creation/organization of a subject-spatial developmental educational environment for children’s independent activities and support of children’s initiative

Time period of the day
Joint activities between teacher and child

Morning Gymnastics k-ks. No. 1, kinesiological gymnastics, breathing, visual, finger exercises.

motor, play
Sports equipment, balls, paints, brushes, album sheets, illustrations by artists on the theme “Autumn”.

Phys.: practice throwing right hand, accustom to perform actions on a signal.
Drawing: “Golden Autumn” to teach children to depict autumn; practice the ability to draw a tree, trunk, thin branches, autumn foliage.

P. and “Find the same one.”
Labor on the site, collecting leaves for the herbarium.
Observing the behavior of sparrows.
Cognitive, gaming, motor activity. Games with external material.

Gymnastics in cribs - k-ks “Kisonki woke up”, kinesiological, breathing, finger gymnastics (performed by children)
Experiments "Magic Brush"
introduce the production of intermediate colors by mixing two (red and yellow - orange; yellow and green - brown; blue and yellow - green).
visual, productive, research
paint 3 colors, palette,

P. and. “Shaggy Dog”, “Traps”.

Playful and physical activity.


Creation/organization of a subject-spatial developmental educational environment for children’s independent activities and support of children’s initiative

Time period of the day
Joint activities between teacher and child

Morning Gymnastics k-ks. No. 1, kinesiological gymnastics, breathing, visual, finger exercises.
Consideration of the album “Labor in Autumn”. Repetition of the poem “Autumn the Artist.” Design of the photo exhibition “Don’t stop me from working.”

cognitive, communicative, visual, productive
Colored paper, glue, brushes, oilcloths, napkins.
Artistic word of the teacher, demonstration of technology.

The World around us: Virtual excursion “Visiting the forester” (multimedia presentation)
Application: “Autumn carpet”
teach children to find on their own characteristic features autumn, clarify and consolidate children’s knowledge about seasonal changes in nature and people’s work.

Observing the work of a janitor.
P. and “Geese-geese”;
P. and "Traps"
D. and “What happens, does not happen”;
Cognitive, gaming, motor activity. Games with external material.

Gymnastics in cribs - k-ks “Kitties woke up”, kinesiological “Smart Dwarf”, breathing, finger gymnastics “We salt the cabbage”.
Final event:
"Walk in the autumn garden" entertainment
Let's walk along the path to the garden, how beautiful everything is around

Cognitive, gaming, motor activity.
Attributes, masks, toys

P. and “Shaggy Dog”
D. and “What has changed”
Playful and physical activity.


zђHeading 115

Attached files

Lyubov Sazina
Work plan with children for two weeks “People’s work in autumn”

date: October 16 (Monday) Subject: «»

Final event: Holiday: "Golden autumn» Exhibition of creative works"Fantasy of Nature"


2. Looking at the ears of corn in a vase. Target: develop the ability to examine and compare ears of different cereal crops

3. D/I "Find out and name" with Anya K., Kirill Ch. Target: expand your understanding of bakery products

4. Ind. work with Veronica Sh., Anton L., Lisa B. Target (bread - bread, rye - rye, etc.)

5. Situational conversation “Why does a person need bread?”

6. Five minutes of health "Baker"

Morning exercises

WALK 1. Car monitoring, bringing bread to the village. Target: introduce one of the stages of bread delivery from the field to our table.

2. D/I "Pick up a word" Target: Dictionary enrichment.

3. P/I Target

4. Ind. working with boys. Target: Exercise boys in passing the ball to each other with their feet (elements of the game "football")

5. Situational conversation “What would happen if there was no bread”

6. Work Target work.

7. Independent activity on the site. Remote material: skittles, flags.

1. Gymnastics after sleep

2. Reading a Belarusian folk tale "Spikelet" Target: Introducing children to fairy tales of the peoples of the world.

3. Previous art work. creativity, looking at illustrations of transport.

4. D/I "Riddles about bread" Target: cultivate respect for the answers of comrades.

S/R game "Bakery" Target: cultivate a caring attitude towards each other.

4. Ind. work with Alina F., Kirill A., Target: Exercise children in the ability to compose a story using a mnemonic table.

5. Situational conversation “How to behave at the table, how to handle bread” Target: develop together with children rules for handling bread.

6. Organization of experience "Growing Rye Seeds".

Independent play activity children in employment centers.

date: October 16 (Monday) Subject: « People's labor in gardens and fields» Final event: Holiday:"Golden autumn» Exhibition of creative works"Fantasy of Nature".

Cognitive development FEMP – preparatory group. (Pomaraeva)

No. 6 Topic: “Introduction to the composition of the number 10. Temporary relationships”.

Physical development (general)

Subject: 1. Hitting the ball.

2. Crawling on a gymnastic bench (side grip) .

3. P/n "Colorado Beetles"

(Applique) (general)

Subject: « Autumn carpet» . (decorative)

Educational activities in special moments

date: 17 October (Tuesday) Subject: « People's labor in gardens and fields»

"Growing Bread" Target: cultivate respect for people's work.

2. D/I "Cut pictures" Target: learn to collect images various types bread products.

3. Exercise Denis A, Trofim Ch., Yulia R. in laying out numbers 1-5 from wheat cereals. Target

4. Canteen duty Target

6. Five minutes of health: Finger gymnastics "Bread", "Baker" Target

Morning exercises


1. Observation Target: learn see beauty autumn

2. D/I "Pick up a word" Target

3. P/I "Third wheel" Target: introduce children to the rules of the game, develop dexterity.

4. Exercise Sasha G., Anya K., Danila M. in walking backwards

5. Situational conversation “Loaves and rolls do not grow in the garden”

6. Work Target: to cultivate the ability to complete a task started.

material labor

Gymnastics after sleep.

1. Reading thin. literature V. Kuprin "Father's Field"

2. D/I "Who's doing what?" with Yulia R., Veronica Sh., Kirill Ch. Target: teach children to form verbs.

3. S/R game "Grain growers" Target: learn to apply previously acquired knowledge about growing bread in the game.

4. Exercise Lena P., Anya K., Roma K. in counting objects, consolidate forward and backward counting to 10.

Walk with children in the evening.

date: 17 October (Tuesday) Subject: « People's labor in gardens and fields»

(with speech therapist).

No. 4. Subject: “Ordinal count. Parts of the day".

Physical development (general) (on air)

Subject: 1. Who is the most accurate.

2. Jump over - don't hit.

3. P/n "Owl".

Artistically – aesthetic development (Drawing) (general)

Subject: "Freight transport (subject, color chart).

Educational activities in special moments

date: October 18 (Wednesday) Subject: « People's labor in gardens and fields»

1. Conversation “What people say about bread” Target: introduce folk signs, proverbs, sayings about bread.

2. Word game "Continue the proverb" Target: consolidate knowledge of proverbs.

3. D/I "Pick a Pair" with Polina K., Maxim R., Vika Sh. Target: learn to select pictures depicting bread products and cereals from which they are made.

6. Duty during class. Target

7. Observing the germination of rye, make sketches in a journal observations.

8. Independent play activities in employment centers

9. Five minutes of health Target

Morning exercises.

WALK 1. Observation Target

2. P/I "Wolf in the Moat" Target

3. Ind. Job. Target

4. D/I “Guess whose leaf it is” Target: fix the names of the trees.

5. Work– collecting fallen leaves. Target: cultivate a desire to help adults, teach work together.

material: balls, skittles, equipment for labor.

Gymnastics after sleep.

1. Reading thin. literature Datskevich "From grain to harvest". Target: fix the path of bread from field to table.

2. Learning with fairy tales for children"Spikelet" for showing dramatization in the younger group.

3. D/i "Cinderella" Target: learn to lay out familiar numbers and letters from cereal seeds.

4. Making attributes for staging a fairy tale "Spikelet"

5. Design activities. Target: develop imagination, constructive skills.

6. Independent play activities

Walk with children in the evening.

Directly - educational activities.

date: October 18 (Wednesday) Subject: « People's labor in gardens and fields»

1. Speech therapy sessionsenior group.

Cognitive development FEMP – preparatory group (Pomaraeva)

No. 7 Topic: "Number 10. Counting forward and backward".

Artistic and aesthetic development (music)

Educational activities in special moments

date: October 19 (Thursday) Subject: « People's labor in gardens and fields»

Target: learn to wipe dust from plant leaves.

2. Examination of illustrations by I. Shishkin "Rye" Target: teach children to look at a picture, make descriptive story according to the picture.

3. D/I “What’s behind what” Goal: drawing up an algorithm "Where did the bread come from".

4. Exercise children in coloring books. Target: learn to color in one direction, without going beyond the contours of the picture.

5. D/I “What’s extra?” with Vika Sh, Maxim R., Kirill Ch. Target

6. Selection of illustrations about bread, a series of sequential pictures about bread.

Independent play activities in employment centers

Morning exercises.

WALK 1 Watching leaf fall. Target: invite children to talk about their feelings when they see leaves falling, to develop interest in natural phenomena.

2. D/I “It happens - it doesn’t happen”, "Correct the mistake" Target: fix signs autumn.

3. P/I “Run to the named tree!” .Target: Develop speed, consolidate the knowledge of tree children.

4. Excursion to the kitchen “How to prepare dough for pies” Target: cultivate respect for people's work.

Experimental activities "Games with spinners" Target: establish the relationship between the wind and the windmill.

Labor on site: collecting fallen leaves. Target: cultivate a desire to help adults.

Independent play activities on the site. Remote material: balls, skittles, equipment for labor.

Gymnastics after sleep.

1. Reading thin. literature Y. Vanag "Bread, self-made» .

2. Looking at the album "Bakery products" Target: consolidate knowledge about bakery products.

3. S/R game "Family. Cooking lunch" Target: consolidate early knowledge gained in the game.

4. Repeat the dramatization "Spikelet" Target: learn to tell stories by role, practice expressive reading.

5. Making patterns and drawings from cereals, laying out ornaments from grains, cereals.

6. View from children presentations on the topic "How bread is grown" Target: consolidate children’s knowledge about growing and making bread.

Directly - educational activities.

date: October 19 (Thursday) Subject: « People's labor in gardens and fields»

1. Speech development (general)

Subject: 1."How We Harvest"

(Composing stories from experience children working in the garden).

Physical development (general).

Subject: 1. Walking on the rail of a gymnastic bench.

2. Hitting the ball.

3. P/n "Colorado Beetles"

Artistic and aesthetic development (drawing) (general)

Subject:"Ears in a Vase" (from life, water paints)

date: The 20th of October (Friday) Subject: « People's labor in gardens and fields»

Final event: Holiday: "Golden autumn» Exhibition of creative works"Fantasy of Nature"

1. Conversation "Man is glorious labor» Target: involve children in a conversation about people's work who grow bread.

2. D/I "I'll start, you continue" Target: consolidate proverbs and sayings about bread.

4. D/I "The Journey of a Seed" Target: fix the algorithm for the appearance of bread on our table.


6. Conducting the experiment "Growing Rye" Target: note changes in their growth, make sketches in a journal observations.

Morning exercises.

WALK 1. Observation of leaf fall. The wind blew a little and the leaves swirled around the branches and then slowly fell to the ground. Offer to think and explain the reason for the falling leaves. Target: To develop the ability to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

2. P/I "Homeless Hare" Target: Introduce children to the rules of the game. Practice agility.

3. Exercise Masha Sh., Tonya A., Anya K. in jumping rope.

4. Situational conversation « Man's labor feeds, but laziness spoils", “If you want bread, don’t lie on the stove” Target: consolidate the idea of hard work and laziness

5. Work on the site - offer MaximuR. Kirill Ch. sweep the path. Target: develop skills hard work.

material: balls, skittles, equipment for labor.

Gymnastics after sleep.

1. Household group work. Target

2. How the dough is made" Target: consolidate the dough kneading technique (salted)

3. Modeling from salt dough "Sculpt bakery product» Target: Continue teaching children how to make salt dough

4. Watching the rain. Target: learn to describe weather phenomena.

5. Watching a cartoon "Magic Millstones".

Walk with children in the evening.

Directly - educational activities.

date: The 20th of October (Friday) Subject: « People's labor in gardens and fields» .

Final event: Holiday: "Golden autumn» Exhibition of creative works"Fantasy of Nature"

Artistic and aesthetic development (music)

Holiday Autumn

(By music worker plan

Educational activities in special moments

date: October 9 (Monday) Subject: « People's labor in gardens and fields»

Final event: Holiday:"Golden autumn» Exhibition of creative works"Fantasy of Nature".

1. Duty in a corner of nature - caring for plants. Target: learn to regulate watering of plants

2. Looking at fruits and vegetables. Target: develop the ability to examine and compare fruits and vegetables.

3. D/I "Vegetable Lotto" with Anya K., Kirill Ch. Target: expand children’s understanding of vegetables and fruits, exercise their ability to solve riddles.

4. Ind. work with Veronica Sh., Anton L., Lisa B. Target: Exercise children in the ability to form adjectives from nouns (carrot juice - carrot juice, etc.)

5Five minutes of health: Learn finger gymnastics "Vegetables"

Morning exercises


1. Rowan Observation. (use of artistic words) Target: expand children’s ideas about rowan, give an idea that the berries are food for birds, consolidate children’s ideas about the structure of trees.

2. D/I "Pick up a word" Target: Dictionary enrichment.

3. P/I “Whose team will assemble faster” Target: to train children in speed, in the ability to quickly navigate in space.

4. Ind. work with Kostya K., Danil M, Kirill A. Target: Exercise children in jumping on 2 legs

5. Work on the site - collecting fallen leaves. Target: teach to receive joy from accomplishment work.

6. Independent activity on the site. Remote material: skittles, flags.

1. Gymnastics after sleep

2. Writing riddles about vegetables and fruits with Veronica Sh, Masha Sh, Polina K. Target: Expand children's vocabulary.

3. Previous drawing work. Target: Repeat rules work with aqua. paints.

4. S/R game "Shop" Target: Develop the ability to jointly develop the game, cultivate goodwill.

5D/i "Wonderful bag" (with vegetables and fruits)

Target: Exercise children in the ability to recognize objects by touch.

6. Independent play activities of children in employment centers.

Directly - educational activities

date: October 9 (Monday) Subject: « People's labor in gardens and fields»

Final event: Holiday:"Golden autumn» Exhibition of creative works"Fantasy of Nature"

1. Speech therapy session – senior group

Cognitive development FEMP – preparatory group.

No. 4 Topic: “Composition of the number 9. Number 9.

Physical development (general)

Subject:1. Standing long jump.

2. H. on a gymnastic bench, swinging your leg.

3. P/n "Trap with Ribbon".

Artistic and aesthetic development (Modeling) (general)

Subject: "Ear of Bread" (item.)

Educational activities in special moments

date: October 10 (Tuesday) Subject: « People's labor in gardens and fields»

1. Review of the series story pictures on the topic « Work in the garden and vegetable garden» Target: Develop coherent speech skills, cultivate respect for people's work.

2. D/I "Whose seeds" Target: consolidate children’s knowledge about plants and their seeds.

3. Exercise Denis A, Trofim Ch., Yulia R. in shading. Target: develop fine motor skills of the hands

4. Canteen duty Target: consolidate the ability to set the table for breakfast.

6. Five minutes of health: Finger gymnastics "Orange". Target: develop fine motor skills of the hands.

Morning exercises


1. Observation according to the weather conditions. What's the weather like today? What was it like yesterday? Target: learn see beauty, distinguish characteristic signs autumn, recognize them in literary texts.

2. D/I "Pick up a word" Target: practice selecting adjectives for nouns.

3. P/I “Whose team will assemble faster” Target: develop agility, speed.

4. Train Sasha G., Kirill Ch., Kostya K. in standing long jumps Target: continue to teach children to perform jumps, combining them with a swing.

5. Work on the site - Offer to Masha Sh., Lena P. to sweep the veranda Target: encourage work skills, cultivate the ability to bring the job started to the end.

7. Independent play activities on the site. Remote material: balls, skittles, equipment for labor.

Gymnastics after sleep.

1. Watching a cartoon "Merry vegetable garden"

2. D/I "What why?" with Yulia R., Veronica Sh., Anya K. Target: continue to introduce children to the sequence of execution work(making butter, expand children’s ideas about adult labor.

3. Exercise Lena P., Anya K., Roma K. in counting objects. Target: consolidate forward and backward counting to 10.

5. Printed board games at the request of children.

Walk with children in the evening.

Directly - educational activities.

date: October 10 (Tuesday) Subject: « People's labor in gardens and fields»

1. Speech therapy session – preparatory group (with speech therapist).

Cognitive development FEMP – senior group (Pomaraeva)

No. 3. Topic: “Count within 7. Comparison by width. Orientation in space"

Physical development (general)

(on air)

Subject: 1. Throw it - catch it.

2. Don't get caught 3. P/n "Shapes"

Artistic and aesthetic development (Drawing) (general)

Subject: “Creation of did. games "What do we need autumn brought» . (subject matter, paints)

create items for the game.

date: October 11 (Wednesday) Subject: « People's labor in gardens and fields»

1. Invite children to look at cards with vegetables and fruits. Target: consolidate children’s ideas about vegetables, fruits, and their distinctive features.

2. Offer children colored pencils and stencils for creative independence. Target: develop fine motor skills, creativity

3. D/I "Vegetable Lotto" with Alina F., Kirill Ch., Vika Sh. Target: learn to select pictures for riddles.

4. Duty during class. Target: teach children to prepare everything necessary for GCD.

6. Five minutes of health: Articulation gymnastics. Target: develop the articulatory apparatus.

Morning exercises.


1. Observation behind trees and bushes. Target: determine which trees and shrubs are the first to shed their leaves, fix the names of the plants.

2. P/I "Geese" Target: Reinforce the rules of the game, develop running skills in one direction.

3. Ind. Job. Target: Practice children jumping in pairs.

5. Work– invite Maxim R., Masha Sh. to collect large garbage on the site Target: to cultivate a desire to help adults, to complete the work started.

6. Independent play activities on the site. Remote material: balls, skittles, equipment for labor.

Gymnastics after sleep.

1. Reading thin. literature N. Nosov "Cucumbers". Target: teach children to listen carefully to the story, empathize with the main character, and understand the meaning of the work.

2. S/R games "Family" Target: expand the game concept. develop the ability to distribute roles and negotiate. 3. Repeat with children poems and lyrics to autumn holiday . Target: develop children’s memory, desire to participate in the holiday.

5. Previous manual labor work(prepare the plates for the decorative panel - coat the cardboard blank with a thin layer of plasticine). Target: develop fine motor skills, perseverance.

Walk with children in the evening.

Directly - educational activities.

date: October 11 (Wednesday) Subject: « People's labor in gardens and fields»

1. Cognitive development FEMP – preparatory group

No. 5 Topic: “Repeat the numbers. Weight. Grouping geometric shapes.

2Musical development

3. Cognitive development (general)

Subject: « Autumn chores of people» (Volchkova) D/i "Wonderful bag" (identify the subject)

Educational activities in special moments.

date: October 12 (Thursday) Subject: « People's labor in gardens and fields»

1. Duty in a corner of nature. Target: teach to wipe the leaves of plants from dust, cultivate a desire to help adults.

2. Duty during class. Target: teach children to prepare everything necessary for GCD.

4. D/I “What’s extra?” with Lena P., Kirill A., Anton L. Target: learn to identify the odd one out of a series of pictures, name its distinctive feature

5. Guessing riddles about vegetables and fruits. Target: To train children in the ability to solve riddles, to cultivate respect for their comrades.

Independent play activities in employment centers

Morning exercises.

WALK 1 Targeted excursion to the vegetable garden. What has changed in the garden? How do you remember the garden? Target: develop children's powers of observation and coherent speech. Encourage children to express their point of view.

3. P/I "Third wheel" .Target: Develop speed and agility. Cultivate interest in outdoor games.

5. Experimental activities "Games with Sultans" Target: exercise children in determining the strength of the wind.

6. Work on the children's site: help in collecting fallen leaves. Target: teach children to diligently, carefully carry out instructions, cultivate a desire to help kids.

7. Independent play activities on the site. Remote material: balls, skittles, equipment for labor.

Gymnastics after sleep.

1. Looking at the album « Autumn» Target: consolidate children's knowledge about autumn signs, autumn months.

2. S/R game "Family. Cooking lunch" Target: develop creative imagination, the ability to deploy the game. Continue to develop the ability to negotiate.

3. Reading a story: “How a shirt grew in a field” Target: expand children's ideas about adult labor.

4. Ind. work with Sasha G., Danil M., Sonya K. working with scissors. Target: practice children in cutting out round and oval objects.

5. Offer children a construction set constructive activity. Target: continue to teach children to create different buildings according to drawings, cultivate friendly relationships between children.

Directly - educational activities. date: October 12 (Thursday) Subject: « People's labor in gardens and fields»

1. Speech development (general)

Subject: “Differentiation of sounds with -ts”. (sound culture speech).

Di "Guess by the description".

Physical development

Subject:1. Crawling on a gymnastic bench on all fours.

2. Standing long jump.

3. P/n "Trap with Ribbon".

Artistic and aesthetic development (drawing) (general)

Subject: “What do you like to draw most?”

Educational activities in special moments

date: October 13 (Friday) Subject: « People's labor in gardens and fields»

1. Looking at illustrations "How rich is this autumn» . Target: repeat the names of vegetables and fruits, their beneficial qualities.

2. D/I "Whose children" Target: consolidate knowledge about plant fruits.

3. Exercise Kirill Ch, Danil M., Sasha G. in shading various forms. Target: develop fine motor skills, accuracy in painting.

5. Duty in a corner of nature. Target: mark plants that need watering.

6. Five minutes of health: Articulation exercises.

Morning exercises.

WALK 1. Note the weather conditions. Target: learn to notice changes, find and name signs, signs autumn. Strengthen the ability to establish cause and effect relationships.

2. P/I "Colorado Beetles" Target: introduce children to the rules of the game, show creativity.

3. Labor on site: invite Kirill Ch., Sasha G., Polina K. to sweep the paths. Target: teach children to independently agree on the distribution of responsibilities, develop the ability work with tools. Remote material: brooms, rakes.

4. Offer jump ropes to Masha Sh., Tonya A., Anya K. Target: practice children jumping rope.

5. Independent play activities on the site. Remote material: balls, skittles, equipment for labor.

Gymnastics after sleep.

1. Household group work. Target: To instill in children a desire to help adults and maintain order in the group.

2. S/R game "Vegetable growers" Target: complicate the rules of the game, introduce equipment (tractor, cultivate goodwill, the ability to negotiate with peers.

3. Watching a cartoon "The Adventures of Cippolino".

Walk with children in the evening.

Directly - educational activities.

date: October 13 (Friday) Subject: « People's labor in gardens and fields» .

1. Speech development (familiarization with fiction)

Introduction to a new genre - fable.

Subject: Reading a fable by I. A. Krylov "Dragonfly and Ant".

Artistic and aesthetic development (music)

(By plan musical director)

Artistic and aesthetic development (manual work)

Subject: "Decorative panel" (natural material).

Planning educational activities in middle group kindergarten

Subject: Autumn. People's work in autumn.
Average age 4-5 years
Target: Expanding children's understanding of agricultural professions and the profession of a forester.
educational objectives: to form an idea in children about a person’s autumn preparations for winter in the garden, in the garden, in the field; how animals prepare for winter; introduce seed preparation.

developmental tasks: promote the development of speech, creativity, imagination, memory.
educational tasks: cultivate respect for the work of adults and the desire to help them; cultivate love for the environment.
Result, product: multimedia presentation “At the bear's in the forest”, video presentation “Our harvest is not bad”, virtual excursion “Visiting the forester”, interactive game “How animals prepare for winter”, album “Work makes a man beautiful!”, educational board game “Which tree is the leaf from, an exhibition of drawings, a photo exhibition “Don’t stop me from working,” crafts made from natural materials.
Final event:"Walk in the autumn garden" entertainment
Motivation: Children, what do you think people care about in the fall? And who, with the onset of cold weather, helps the animals and keeps order in the forest? Today I brought you a video presentation “Our harvest is not bad” (view). Do you want to know about people's work in the fall? And on Friday we will take a virtual trip to the forester. Do you agree?

Cooperation with family (social partners): involving parents in the creation of the photo exhibition “Don’t stop me from working”, assistance in the selection of photographic material.

Download Planning educational activities in the middle group according to the Federal State Educational Standard using ICT "PEOPLE'S WORK IN AUTUMN"

Presentation "People's work in autumn"

Presentation "The owner of the forest (the work of a forester)"