What kinds of wildlife phenomena occur in winter? Autumn natural phenomena in the development of preschool children

It is very important for the comprehensive development of children to pay their attention to seasonal changes the world around us. For example, with the beginning of September, autumn natural phenomena, both living and inanimate, should be celebrated. This is done on walks, during drawing, manual labor, and speech development.

Autumn natural phenomena in the inanimate world

First of all, seasonal changes should be noted. Older children can already keep a weather calendar, drawing special icons in it and tracing with previous months. It is very important to observe the plants and animals that inhabit the zoo corner. The children should be brought to the conclusion that autumn natural phenomena are divided into changes occurring in inanimate and living nature. To the autumn phenomena in inanimate nature include a number of signs of this season.

1. shortens: morning comes later, and evening comes earlier.

2. The air temperature decreases - it becomes colder every day.

3. Sunny days becomes smaller, often the sky is hidden by clouds and clouds.

4. It is raining outside more and more often, and the wind is blowing.

5. The wind has become stronger and colder, the air is filled with dampness.

6. Trees lose leaves green color, become dry.

7. The grass has withered and the flowers have withered.

8. Leaves fall from the trees and fall.

The aesthetic side of autumn phenomena

It is extremely important to draw children’s attention not only to autumn natural phenomena as such, but also to help emerging individuals feel the beauty of the world around them. Learning tongue twisters, riddles, poems, and autumn-themed songs develops lexicon teaches kids to notice the beauty in the ordinary. Excursions to the forest or park are very useful, where children are given the task of collecting beautiful leaves, cones, acorns, dry twigs interesting shape, from which subsequently in class manual labor under the guidance of the teacher, the children will make various crafts, applications, and paintings.

Autumn phenomena in wildlife

It is imperative to lead children to find the answer to the question: “What are the natural phenomena in the living world around us?” The answers to this question may be as follows.

  1. Insects hide with the onset of cold weather.
  2. Many birds gather in flocks at the beginning of autumn, preparing to fly to warmer countries, and by the middle of this period their departure begins.
  3. Many wild animals stock up on food for the winter.
  4. Fur-bearing animals change their summer coats for winter ones: gray hares turn into white ones, red squirrels into blue-gray ones, and the fur of the animals becomes more abundant.
  5. People harvest from their gardens and prepare them for storage.
  6. Work is being carried out in the areas: the soil is being dug up with the addition of organic fertilizers, some crops are being planted, and beds with perennial plants are being insulated.

Properties of natural phenomena

When getting acquainted with them, you should note their relationship with each other. For example, a decrease in temperature in the fall causes all insects to hide and fall asleep. And the trees shed their leaves because winter is approaching, when daylight hours will greatly decrease. But leaves need the sun to live. And with the onset of frost, the amount of moisture in the ground will be limited, almost reduced to zero. To keep inside useful material, the tree sheds its leaves, because internal moisture evaporates through it.

pp. 24-25

1. Nature is what surrounds us, but is not created by human hands.
2. To live, plants and animals need sunlight, warmth, water, and nutrition.
- Living and inanimate nature.
- Alive - a tree, a person, a butterfly, a bear.
- Lifeless - sun, stone, cloud, icicle.
- Living beings are born, grow, eat, die.

Live nature cannot exist without nonliving things, since living beings need air, water, and heat to live.

P. 27
- Animals and plants cannot do without water, air and sunlight and warmth.
1. Inanimate nature - the Sun, Earth, stars, air, water, stones.
Wildlife - humans, animals, plants, mushrooms.
2. Living beings are born, breathe, move, feed, reproduce, die.
3. Living beings cannot do without water, air, solar heat and light.

Natural phenomena

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1. Inanimate nature includes the sun, Earth, stars, stones...
To the living - trees, animals, flowers...
2. The source of light and heat for all life on Earth is the Sun.
“An icicle can melt, a cloud can rain on the ground, a dandelion can bloom, a caterpillar can turn into a butterfly...

- Phenomena in inanimate nature - ice drift, snowfall, low tides, high tides. Phenomena in living nature - the birth of cubs in animals, hibernation of a bear...
- 1) spring - snow melting, 2) summer - everything is green, blooming, 3) autumn - yellow leaves, 4) winter - bare trees, except spruce and pine.
— Autumn is leaf fall, spring is thaw.
— In autumn, all the leaves on the tree turned yellow and flew off; in winter, its branches were bare. In the spring, buds appeared on it, and then leaves blossomed. In the summer, earrings with seeds appeared on it.

Temperature is used when reporting on the weather or when worrying about a person's health. A thermometer is a device that measures temperature. A thermometer can measure the temperature of a person’s body (1), water (2), air (3).

1. Natural phenomena are all changes that occur in nature. For example, leaf fall, snow melting, trees blooming, animals hibernating.
2. Thermometer is a device for measuring temperature.
3. The number of degrees of heat is written with a “+” sign, and the frost - “-“. Instead of the word degree, use the ° sign, for example +15°, - 15°.

What is weather

P. 32

1. In the summer it was hot, the sun was shining brightly. In autumn it became colder and there were frequent long rains. Winter is the coldest time of the year, it snows. In spring the sun warms up again and it becomes warmer.
- To dress for the weather. You can learn about the weather from forecasts on TV, radio, and the Internet.
— Weather is air temperature, precipitation.

1. Weather is a combination of air temperature, cloud cover, precipitation and wind.
2. Basic weather conditions- these are changes in air temperature, cloudiness, rain, snowfall, wind. There are others, for example: thunderstorm, blizzard.
3. The science of weather is called meteorology.
4. Scientific predictions help predict the weather with the help of special equipment - these are weather satellites, meteorological planes, ships that collect necessary information and process them using computers.

On a visit to autumn

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1. It was hot in the summer. It became colder in autumn. With the arrival of autumn, it began to rain more often.
2. Migratory birds are birds that fly away to winter in warm regions in the fall and return back with the arrival of spring. For example: starlings, rooks, geese, swans, cranes.

1. In autumn, the sun does not rise as high in the sky as in summer. The days are getting shorter. This leads to a decrease in air temperature and cooling.
2. Autumn phenomena in inanimate nature - cooling, prolonged rains, thick fogs, first snow, freeze-up.
3. Autumn phenomena in wildlife - herbaceous plants wither, insects disappear, many birds fly away to warmer climes.