Dear friend summary. Dear friend

“Bel ami” won, he is in power. But to what extent has the ability of the burghers to defend themselves fallen if they entrust their destinies into the hands of such unreliable people!

“Everything that is pure and good in our society has perished and is perishing, because this society is depraved, insane and terrible.”

Film adaptations

  • In 1939, a German film adaptation was made with Willi Forst in the title role.
  • In 1947, the American black and white film “The Private Affairs of a Dear Friend” was shot with George Sanders in the title role.
  • In 1955, the novel was again filmed with Johannes Hesters in the title role.
  • In 1976, a joint Swedish-French porn film was made based on the novel. Bel Ami.
  • In 2005, a Franco-Belgian film adaptation of the novel was released with Sagamore Stevenin in the title role.
  • In 2012, a film adaptation of the novel was released starring Robert Pattinson, Uma Thurman and Christina Ricci.



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Georges Duroy. Who is this?

Most likely, you are familiar with his name - the name of a charming and depraved adventurer and unscrupulous seducer; the name of a poor retired military man, striving to become one of the people and achieving his arrogant, shameless goal. This is Dear Friend, Georges Duroy, whose name is a symbol of the selfish seducer and the voluptuous ambitious.

Did such a person really live? Georges Duroy - main character novel by the French writer Guy de Maupassant "Dear Friend". And although one can only imagine how many prototypes and prototypes he had, not to mention imitators and followers.

What did the French writer want to show with his priceless work? What is remarkable about the characteristic Georges Duroy in the novel "Dear Friend"? And is it possible to find an excuse for his disorderly actions and actions? Let's try to figure it out.

Social issues of the novel

The events in Bel Ami take readers to France, during the period of the Third Republic. What was the focus of society at that time?

Most people have lost their spiritual core. They see happiness and prosperity only in money and noble origin. If you are a nobleman, you can do anything. And if you are rich, you can do the impossible. Unfortunately, this principle is also adhered to by Georges Duroy, the hero of the novel “Dear Friend.”

The people around him dictate their terms to him. A society corrupted by wealth loses its moral face and forgets about conscience. Women, both rich and poor, sell themselves in order to acquire wealth and luxury. Men look at the opposite sex only from a selfish point of view. Mothers and fathers are ready to sacrifice the happiness of their children in order to strengthen their personal material and financial affairs.

In addition to all this, it suffers from the absence of any moral and moral principles. Carnal love drives most of the representatives of the aristocracy; for them, the satisfaction of their physical desires and pleasures is at the forefront of all worries and concerns. Adultery, brothels and promiscuous sexual relations no longer surprise or puzzle anyone.

People live only to satisfy their bodily desires, regardless of the opinions of moral canons and the happiness of those close to them. Duroy has the same attitude towards morality.


Georges Durua (in French - Zhorzh Dyurua) from the very first pages of the novel appears before readers as an example of an insatiable and dissolute sensualist. For him, a woman is not a person who needs to be loved and taken care of, but an object of his greedy lust, which must be used as soon as possible in own purposes. By the way, most of the women with whom Duroy communicates themselves follow this slippery path and want to be used.

The sensual, animal revelry that Georges Duroy indulges in is the satisfaction of his primary need (along with the needs for food and clothing), so the main character does not feel remorse in following his own lust.

Without thinking, he uses his base passions to get out of poverty and squalor. He shamelessly plays with women, looking at them as a means of enriching himself and climbing the social ladder.

Having understood a little about the social and everyday issues of the novel, let's now briefly get acquainted with its content. This will help us see the image of the main character from the inside, in his actions and relationships with other characters.

Description of Duroy

Georges Duroy is a charming young man, with his graceful figure and beautiful face he can be liked and admired. He is the offspring of poor peasants, trying by any means to get out into the world.

The main character is ambitious and double-minded, seductive and beautiful. However, with the help of his appearance, he cannot achieve prosperity and universal recognition.

Apart from his good looks, Duroy has nothing else - he has no intelligence, no talents, no connections and, naturally, no money. However, there is a great desire to have them.

old friend

So, the main character works for pennies and dreams of better things, wandering around Paris, which is unfamiliar to him. He is hot and stuffy, and he doesn’t even have enough money for a glass of beer. However, he still, tirelessly and regretfully, wanders the streets of the city in search of a favorable opportunity. What kind of case is this? Perhaps a meeting with a rich stranger?

Be that as it may, wealthy ladies do not pay attention to the poor dressed man. The same cannot be said about poor and disadvantaged courtesans. One of them, Rachel, loses her head over a charming provincial and gives herself to him almost for free, awakening in his soul the desire to charm and use women in love with him.

Duroy is still waiting for the opportunity to meet a wealthy aristocrat, but he meets only... an old comrade. This meeting radically changes the life and future of the main character.

Charles Forestier is Georges' former colleague in Algeria. However, life in the capital did him good - he gained weight, acquired a fashionable profession as a journalist, and acquired money. Charles treats Duroy to a glass of beer and invites him to his social dinner in order to impress the right people.

It is clear from everything that the main character does not have any friendly feelings towards Forestier. The concept of camaraderie is foreign to him, but he understands that a thriving journalist can be useful to him.


At the party, Georges tries to please all the participants in the celebration, and he succeeds. He kisses little Lorina, and then the girl’s mother, Clotilde de Marel, takes a liking to him. Duroy impresses Forestier's wife, Madeleine, as well as the wealthy newspaper owner Walter and his wife.

From the first time, the main character manages to make his way: Walter gives him an order for an essay about a soldier’s life, Madeleine selflessly composes a story in his place, the essay is approved by the editor and published. Georges was also given a new task, however...

Pen samples

He has no talent for writing. Forestier is refused help by Duroy, who writes an essay on his own, but the newspaper rejects it. After suffering, Georges decides to become a reporter, not a writer. In this matter, what is needed is not talent, but persistence, charm and arrogance.

As a reporter, the protagonist wins Walter's favor and begins to earn a considerable amount of money. He moves in high circles, he manages to live better and richer. But still…

Not only Duroy's income increases, but also his desires. A young man cannot remain in the shadow of rich and noble acquaintances. He himself wants to live in luxury and reverence, dress smartly and eat expensive dishes.

Constant mistress

What should a cute, quirky reporter do to achieve his goal? He decides to find additional source income - Madame de Marel.

The young woman is a spectacular bright brunette. She rarely sees her husband and is constantly bored. In Duroy, Clotilde finds a reflection of herself. She is as risky as he is, as artistic and desperate.

The relationship with Georges begins with a small, inconspicuous affair, but ends with a burning, all-consuming passion that is destined to last the entire life of the main characters. Madame de Marelle plunges headlong into carnal pleasures, giving herself entirely to the new feeling. She rents an apartment for meetings with her ardent lover, gifts him with small but significant sums.

Realizing that Dear Friend has other women, Clotilde is very angry and jealous, but at the same time forgives Duroy again and again. She cannot imagine life without this charming adventurer and becomes his slave and maid.

Using the money and gifts of his mistress, the young man does not feel a twinge of conscience or regret. He pretends to borrow from her, but understands that he will never pay it back.

Relationship with Madeleine

The relationship between Georges and the wife of his friend Forestier is interesting and multifaceted. Intending to take revenge on his former comrade, Duroy tries to seduce his wife. However, she immediately saw through the unknown young reporter and offered him... friendship. And she even advised me to try to win the heart of Mrs. Walter.

However, Madeleine's husband soon dies, and the pretty widow marries Duroy. Their marriage is not a union of two lovers, but an agreement between two adventurers who are trying to improve their social and living status. Madeleine comes up with a title for her husband, writes articles for him, gets him from her lover honorary order. She is a real support and fighting friend, able to seduce and shine in secular society, giving thoughtful, wise advice.

The marriage of Madeleine and Georges is an example of a typical secular marriage of that time, based not on feelings and tenderness, but on reason and mutual benefit.

Virginia Walter

However, Georges Duroy is not satisfied with life together with Madeleine, no matter what mountains of gold it promises. He needs everything at once, he does not want to accumulate wealth slowly and gradually.

Other women can help Duroy with this. First, the main character seduces Mrs. Walter, an aging God-fearing lady, the wife of his boss and patron. As we can see, the main character has no boundaries of decency, feelings of gratitude or subordination.

It’s not easy for Virginia to fall - she struggles with herself for a long time, doubts and worries for a long time. And finally, she gives in to Georges’ persistent persuasion and becomes his mistress. She betrays her husband by telling her Dear Friend about his mysterious plans, she gets him money and jewelry.

But a relationship with a mature woman is not interesting to the unprincipled Duroy. He quickly loses interest in his passion and, despite her protests and scenes of jealousy, continues to visit Clotilde.

Second marriage

How can Duroy become rich and independent? The young man decides to marry again, but this time to choose a bride with a large and impressive dowry. Georges' choice falls on Suzanne Walter, a stupid and innocent eighteen-year-old beauty.

Duroy harshly seeks a divorce from Madeleine and takes away half of her fortune, without feeling a single drop of conscience towards the one who has done so much for his well-being!

Then the main character cynically seduces his daughter with his ex-lover Virginia, thereby forcing her parents to consent to this dishonest marriage.

Finally, desire young man came true - he took several million as a dowry. Now he will no longer feel hot or stuffy, and will never feel thirsty for beer. But will he be happy?


As you can see, the image of Georges Duroy is very complex and multifaceted. He creates a storm negative emotions and contempt, and yet evokes sympathy and sympathy. After all, Georges Duroy is only a consequence of the spiritual decay of the entire nation, the moral decline and moral corruption of an entire society.

It is noteworthy that the type of protagonist does not leave anyone indifferent. He is judged and interpreted a lot, he is made an example and accused.

It is interesting that the character of Dear Friend is reflected in modern music. Who was impressed by the shamelessness and impudence for which Georges Duroy became famous? "Chizh" in his song composition mentioned the name of the main character of the novel along with drunkards, drug addicts and unrecognized talents.

Georges Duroy, son wealthy peasants, the owners of the zucchini, by the whim of nature, is endowed with a happy appearance. He is slender, tall, blond, he has a wonderful mustache... Women really like him, and he is in Paris. But he has three francs in his pocket, and his salary will only be due in two days. He's hot, he wants beer... Duroy is wandering around Paris and waiting for an opportunity that should present itself, right? The case is most likely a woman. So it will be. All his cases will come from women... In the meantime, he meets Forestier.

They served together in Algeria. Georges Duroy did not want to be the first in the village and tried his luck in military service. For two years he robbed and killed Arabs. During this time, he developed the habit of walking with his chest out and taking what he wanted. And in Paris you can stick out your chest and push passers-by, but here it is not customary to mine gold with a revolver in your hand.

But fat Forestier succeeded: he is a journalist, he wealthy man, he is complacent - he treats his old friend to beer and advises him to take up journalism. He invites Georges to dinner the next day and gives him two louis d'or (forty francs) so that he can rent a decent suit.

Since this all started. Forestier, it turns out, has a wife - an elegant, very pretty blonde. Her friend appears - the burning brunette Madame de Marel with her little daughter. Mr. Walter, a deputy, a rich man, publisher of the newspaper “French Life” came. There is also a famous feuilletonist and also famous poet...And Duroy doesn’t know how to handle a fork and doesn’t know what to do with four glasses... But he quickly navigates the terrain. And now - oh, how convenient! - the conversation turned to Algeria. Georges Duroy enters the conversation as if into cold water, but he is asked questions... He is the center of attention, and the ladies do not take their eyes off him! And Forestier, Forestier’s friend, does not miss the moment and asks his dear patron, Mr. Walter, to take Georges to work for the newspaper... Well, we’ll see, but for now Georges has been ordered two or three essays about Algeria. And one more thing: Georges tamed Lorina, Madame de Marelle’s little daughter. He kissed the girl and rocked her on his knee, and the mother was amazed and said that Mr Duroy irresistible.

How happily everything started! And all because he is so handsome and well done... All that remains is to write this damn essay and bring it to Mr. Walter by three o'clock tomorrow.

And Georges Duroy gets to work. He diligently and beautifully brings out clean slate title: “Memoirs of an African shooter.” This name was suggested by Mrs. Walter. But things don't go any further. Who knew that it’s one thing to chat at the table with a glass in your hand, when the ladies don’t take their eyes off you, and a completely different thing to write! The devilish difference... But nothing, the morning is wiser than the evening.

But in the morning everything is not the same. The effort is in vain. And Georges Duroy decides to ask his friend Forestier for help. However, Forestier hurries to the newspaper, he sends Georges to his wife: she, they say, will help just as well.

Madame Forestier sat Georges down at the table, listened to him, and a quarter of an hour later began dictating an article. Luck carries him. The article was published - what happiness! He has been accepted into the chronicles department, and he can finally leave the hated office of the Northern Territory forever. railway. Georges does everything correctly and precisely: first he received a month’s salary at the cash register, and only then he was rude to his boss at parting - he got pleasure.

One thing is not good. The second article is not published. But this is not a problem - you need to take one more lesson from Ms. Forestier, and this is a pleasure. Here, however, there was no luck: Forestier himself was at home and told Georges that, they say, he did not intend to work in his place... Pig!

Duroy is angry and will write the article himself, without any help. You'll see!.. And he made an article, wrote it. Only they didn’t accept it: they considered it unsatisfactory. He redid it. They didn't accept it again. After three alterations, Georges gave up and completely went into reporting.

This is where he turned around. His cunning, charm and arrogance came in very handy. Mr. Walter himself is pleased with Duroy's employee. There was only one bad thing: receiving twice as much in the newspaper as in the office, Georges felt like a rich man, but this did not last long. How more money, the more they are missing! And then: after all, he looked into the world big people, but remained outside this world. He is lucky, he works for a newspaper, he has acquaintances and connections, he enters offices, but... only as a reporter. Georges Duroy is still a poor man and a day laborer. And here, nearby, in their own newspaper, here they are! - people with pockets full of gold, they have luxurious houses and piquant wives... Why do they have all this? Why not at his place? There's some kind of mystery here.

Georges Duroy does not know the answer, but he knows what his strength is. And he remembers Madame de Marelle, the one who was with her daughter at Forestier’s dinner. "Before three hours I’m always home,” she said then. Georges called at half past two. Of course, he was worried, but Madame de Marelle is the very cordiality, the very attractive grace. And Lorina treats him like a friend... And now Georges is invited to dinner at a restaurant, where he and Madame de Marelle and the Forestiers will be - two couples.

Lunch in a private room is elegant, long and spiced with casual, light chatter on the verge of obscenity. Madame de Marel promised to get drunk and fulfilled her promise. Georges accompanies her. In the carriage he was indecisive for a while, but it seemed she moved her leg... He rushed to the attack, she gave up. He has finally captured a real society woman!

The next day, Duroy has breakfast with his beloved. He is still timid, does not know how things will go further, but she is charmingly sweet, and Georges plays falling in love... And this is so easy in relation to such a magnificent woman! Then Lorina enters and joyfully runs to him: “Ah, dear friend!” This is how Georges Duroy got his name. And Madame de Marel - her name is Clotilde - turned out to be a delightful lover. She rented a small apartment for their dates. Georges is dissatisfied: he can’t afford it... But no, it’s already been paid! No, he cannot allow this... She begs, more, more, and he... gave in, believing that in fact this is fair. No, but how cute she is!

Georges has no money at all, but after each date he discovers one or two gold coins in his vest pocket. He's outraged! Then he gets used to it. Only to calm his conscience does he keep track of his debt to Clotilde.

It so happened that the lovers had a big quarrel. It looks like there's a disconnect. Georges dreams - in the form of revenge - to return the debt to Clotilde. But there is no money. And Forestier, in response to a request for money, lent ten francs - a pitiful handout. Never mind, Georges will repay him, he will cuckold his old Friend. Moreover, now he knows how simple it is.

But what is it? The attack on Madame Forestier immediately fizzled out. She is friendly and frank: she will never become Duroy's mistress, but she offers him her friendship. Perhaps this is more expensive than Forestier's horns! And here is the first friendly advice; pay a visit to Mrs. Walter.

The dear friend managed to show himself to Mrs. Walter and her guests, and not a week goes by, and he has already been appointed head of the chronicle department and invited to the Walters for dinner. This is the price of friendly advice.

What happened at the Walters' dinner an important event, but Dear Friend does not yet know that this is an important event: he is introduced to the publisher’s two daughters - eighteen and sixteen years old (one is ugly, the other is pretty, like a doll). But Georges couldn’t help but notice something else: Clotilde was still as seductive and sweet. They made peace and communication was restored.

Forestier is sick, he is losing weight, coughing, and it is clear that he is not living well. Clotilde, among other things, says that Forestier’s wife will not hesitate to get married as soon as everything is over, and Dear Friend thought. In the meantime, his wife took poor Forestier to the south for treatment. When parting, Georges asks Madame Forestier to count on his friendly help.

And help was needed: Madame Forestier asks Duroy to come to Cannes, not to leave her alone with her dying husband. A dear friend senses the space opening before him. He goes to Cannes and conscientiously fulfills his friendly duty. Until the end. Georges Duroy managed to show Madeleine Forestier that he is a dear friend, a wonderful and kind person.

And everything worked out! Georges marries Forestier's widow. Now he has an amazing assistant - a genius of behind-the-scenes journalism and political games... And he has a beautifully arranged house, and he has now become a nobleman: he divided his surname into syllables and took the name of his native village, he is now du Roy de Cantel.

He and his wife are friends. But friendship should also know boundaries... Oh, why does such a smart Madeleine, out of friendship, tell Georges that Madame Walter is crazy about him?.. And even worse: she says that if Georges were free, she would advise him marry Suzanne, Walter's pretty daughter.

My dear friend thought again. And Madame Walter, if you look closely, is still very good... There is no plan, but Georges starts the game. This time the object is respectable and fights desperately with itself, but Dear Friend surrounds it from all sides and drives it into a trap. And he drove it. The hunt is over, but the hunter wants to get the prey again and again. He has other things to do. Then Mrs. Walter reveals the secret to the hunter.

The military expedition to Morocco is decided. Walter and Laroche, the foreign minister, want to profit from this. They bought Moroccan loan bonds cheaply, but their value will soon skyrocket. They will earn tens of millions. Georges can also buy before it’s too late.

Tangier - the gateway to Morocco - captured. Walter has fifty million, he bought a luxurious mansion with a garden. And Duroy is angry: he doesn’t have the big money again. True, his wife inherited a million from a friend, and Georges chopped off half from her, but that’s not it. Suzanne, Walter's daughter, has a twenty million dowry...

Georges and the moral police are tracking down his wife. She was found with Minister Laroche. A dear friend felled the minister with one blow and received a divorce. But Walter would never give up Suzanne for him! There is a method for this too. It was not for nothing that he seduced Madame Walter: while Georges had lunch and breakfast with her, he became friends with Suzanne, she believes him. And my dear friend took away the pretty little fool. She is compromised and her father has nowhere to go.

Georges Duroy and his young wife leave the church. He sees the Chamber of Deputies, he sees the Bourbon Palace. He achieved everything.

But he will never be either hot or cold again. He'll never want beer that bad.

One of the most anti-bourgeois novels in the history of French literature is celebrating its anniversary. “Dear Friend” was originally published in feuilletons in the Parisian newspaper “Gilles Blas” from April 8 to May 30, 1885, and even before the completion of printing in the newspaper, it was published as a separate book. Apparently, Maupassant began working on the text of this novel about two years before publication, when he published the essay “The Male Prostitute,” which not only angrily castigated the vices of the then French Republic, but also directly contained references to the future storylines“Dear Friend,” which is embodied in the description of the career of the unprincipled journalist Georges Duroy, the story of the rise and fall of Minister Laroche-Mathieu, showing the morals of the editorial board of “La Vie Française” and the members of the Chamber of Deputies who are closely connected with the world of financial tycoons and stock speculators. The ignorant, corrupt, deceitful, unprincipled triumph in bourgeois society - this key idea for Maupassant’s novel is already outlined in this essay, as well as a direct comparison of the press and political spheres with naked prostitution:

“All of us in France are male prostitutes: fickle, capricious, unconsciously treacherous, inconsistent in our beliefs and aspirations, impetuous and weak, like women... Our Chamber of Deputies is overrun with male prostitutes. Here they form a large party of charming opportunists, who could be called “sirens.” These are those who rule with the help of sweet words and false promises, who know how... to change opinions without even noticing it, to be inflamed by any new idea, to be sincere in their convictions - the convictions of a weather vane, to deceive themselves as much as others, and forget the next day everything they said the day before. The newspapers are full of male prostitutes. Perhaps there are most of them there, but there they are most needed... The relationships of male prostitutes are unstable, their moods and feelings are subject to unexpected leaps, instant transitions from jubilation to despondency, from love to hatred, from admiration to indifference, because, after all, they have the nature of a prostitute, and the attractiveness of a prostitute, and the temperament of a prostitute; all their feelings are like the love of a prostitute..."

The novel "Dear Friend" was lucky. Six film adaptations, numerous re-releases, including in modern Russia. But at the same time, in the interpretations of literary criticism, with very rare exceptions, which, however, include such masters as the French Andre Maurois or Andre Wurmser or the major Marxist literary critic Yuri Ivanovich Danilin, who did so much to popularize Maupassant among Soviet readers , this work passes exclusively under the category “ love story" or in best case scenario, “a novel of morals.” But in vain. Deliberately ignoring the social-critical motives inherent in Maupassant’s novel, the story about the details of the “Tangier operation” and stock speculation closely related to French colonial policy, about the resignations of governments, the corruption of deputies and deception technologies public opinion, they not only impoverish the analysis of the book, but also try (usually without much success) to divert the reader’s attention to less important details and positions of the characters.

“Dear Friend” was perhaps the first literary work that revealed the mechanisms of influence of financial capital on the redivision of the world that began in the imperialist era, and the mechanisms of propaganda to support this redivision. It is no coincidence that the French socialist Paul Lafargue considered Maupassant’s great merit that he, “the only one modern writers, in the novel “Dear Friend,” he dared to lift a corner of the veil hiding the dishonor and shame of the bourgeois press.” Finding itself in difficult circumstances, seeking to increase sales and, consequently, circulation, the newspaper of Jules Guesde's supporters, The People's Path, began in February 1887 - with the knowledge and consent of Maupassant - to reprint the novel Dear Friend, treating its author as "one of the masters our modern literature" So the great French writer extended his hand to the French socialists with his novel.

This was quite natural for the ideological and political evolution of Guy de Maupassant. “We live in a bourgeois society,” he wrote. “It is terribly mediocre and cowardly.” Never before, perhaps, have views been so limited and less humane.” In a letter to Flaubert dated December 10, 1877, Maupassant expressed himself even more clearly and sharply:

"I demand destruction ruling classes- this rabble of handsome, stupid gentlemen who delve into the skirts of an old, pious and stupid whore called better society. Yes, I now find that 1993 was gentle, that the Septemberists were merciful, that Marat was a lamb, Danton was an innocent rabbit, and Robespierre was a dove. Because old ruling classes remain as unreasonable now as they were then, it is necessary to destroy the ruling classes now, as then, and to drown the beautiful gentlemen-cretins along with their beautiful ladies-sluts.”

In the novel, a succession of bourgeois businessmen, ready to trade in their “noble origins”, pass before the reader, impoverished aristocrats, high-ranking officials, members of parliament, stockbrokers, diplomats, newspaper editors, high-society party-goers, police commissioners, clergymen and cocottes of all ranks... All of them, without any seizures, live according to the laws of bourgeois society, where everything is sold and everything is bought, where a person’s authority and respect for him are determined by the amount of capital, where everyone is ruled external success and shamelessly flaunted wealth. Wide panorama French life(a direct echo of the name of the newspaper, where Georges Duroy goes back to the “tops of society”), created by Maupassant, is not only recognizable in the lifestyle and morals of the modern Russian elite, but also reliable, due to the characters participating in the novel’s action, private life which are logically and naturally built by the author into the depiction of social life. Maupassant managed to create a generalized image of bourgeois society in “Bel Ami” and realistically describe a world based on injustice and the magical power of money. The French realist writer acted in his best, in my opinion, novel not just as a writer of everyday life, but as an exposer and principled critic of this society and its hypocritical morality. Another thing is that to the world of cynical traders of newspaper lines, to the world of hardened businessmen who cleverly use political games to line their own pockets, to the world of unprincipled opportunists and speculators, Guy de Maupassant could not present a single convincing alternative in his novel, but this is not so much his fault as trouble.

“Bourgeois literary criticism, trying in every possible way to downplay the significance of “Dear Friend” as a social novel-pamphlet, tries to pass it off only as a story about negative qualities ladies' man Georges Duroy, for a collection of gallant erotic prints,” noted Yuri Ivanovich Danilin. – But if erotic motifs and frivolous scenes occupy a lot of space in the novel, then for Maupassant they do not represent an end in themselves, but play a service role: they are designed to expose Georges Duroy or the environment around him, the vulgarity, baseness and vulgarity of her interests. Exposing a negative character with the help of an erotic situation was generally one of Maupassant’s frequent techniques. Talking about the love adventures of Georges Duroy, Maupassant was forced to devote a lot of space in the novel to showing the totality of the circumstances related to this...

Maupassant especially clearly shows the corruption inherent in French bourgeois society, shows how it manifests itself in the life of the press, political spheres, French culture and generally everywhere. Everything is absolutely for sale, people sell themselves, all relationships come down to questions of buying and selling. In this setting, the full meaning of the image of Georges Duroy is clear... This is a genuine “typical character in typical circumstances.” This is the type of successful careerist who grew up in a favorable environment corrupt journalism. A degenerate descendant of Balzac's careerists, Duroy differs from Rastignac and Lucien de Rubempre in complete ignorance, vulgarity, tireless cynical greed and a true talent for the shameless exploitation of other people. He differs from Balzac's careerists and complete absence any hesitation, remorse; he is completely immoral. The easier it is for him to go from triumph to triumph, so that last page novel to reach a true apotheosis - the wedding in the Church of Madeleine, blessing and solemn speech bishop... With the help of all sorts of dirty and vile intrigues, any dishonest deeds, he eventually becomes a strong, dangerous and rich man. Everyone knows that he is a rogue and a scoundrel, but he has achieved success in life - and bourgeois society cannot help but bow before such a winner...”

The collisions that accompanied the rise of Georges Duroy allowed Maupassant to convey the specific charm of seduction, the game of love and death, poetic intimacy, never turning into outright vulgarity and pornography, revealed against the backdrop of a frank display of social ills and mechanisms by which modern capitalist society lives. The heroines of “Dear Friend” are tragic, each in their own way. The first wife of the future “pillar of the Third Republic” Madeleine Forestier, independent in her judgments and actions, outstanding in her analysis, understanding people and all the intricacies of political processes, a talented journalist, is cast aside by Duroy as ballast and forced into Once again start all over again. The late love of Madame Walter is depicted by the author with deep human sympathy and psychologically authenticity, as well as the mental torment of Clotilde de Marel. In the novel, she is a passionate, temperamental, sensitive woman, charming in her own way despite her distance from pressing problems surrounding society, full of social contrasts and conflicts. Not very happy in her family, dissatisfied with her surroundings, this victim of an ugly bourgeois marriage of convenience challenges secular conventions, takes revenge on those who humiliate her human dignity nonentities and tries to achieve freedom and independence in the only way available to her... The figure is tragic in its own way, typical of the works of Maupassant.

Reading the pages devoted to the unhappy love of these ladies for a creature that is clearly unworthy of them, you inevitably remember the soulful intonation with which Denis Diderot wrote about his heroines in the stories “This is not a fairy tale” and “Madame de La Carliere”, in “Jacques the Fatalist” and “ Nun." Guy de Maupassant saw his continuity with the work of the great French enlightener and was proud of it. “He pointed out, for example,” wrote Yuri Ivanovich Danilin, “that in the 18th century there were people of “triumphant thought,” like Diderot, and that the then “reading public, a demanding and sophisticated judge, had of the highest degree an artistic flair that has now disappeared.” The bourgeois system has hopelessly crippled man, endowing him with physical and spiritual ugliness, contributing to his mental degradation and transformation into an animal.”

It is against this degradation, against this transformation, against the ugliness of capitalist reality that the novel “Dear Friend” was written. The book is timeless, relevant to this day, an interesting book, a book that deserves to think again and again about the meaning of human existence, leafing through its pages.

Apr 8, 2015 Vladimir Soloveichik

The novel was written in the mid-1880s. Observing some of his opportunistic contemporaries, the writer Guy de Maupassant created the image of an unscrupulous adventurer who dreams of successful career and at the same time not possessing any special talents. The main character's only weapon in the struggle for a place in the sun is his spectacular appearance.

Maupassant's novel has survived a huge number of film adaptations. In 2014, the world premiere of the ballet of the same name took place on the stage of the Irkutsk musical theater named after N. M. Zagursky.

Georges Duroy lives in the French capital. Duroy does not know how to get rid of the poverty in which he finds himself. One day, Georges meets an old acquaintance named Charles Forestier, with whom he served in Africa many years ago. Charles succeeded, becoming a famous journalist. Forestier invites a friend to a dinner party and promises to help him.

During dinner, Georges meets Charles' boss, Monsieur Walter. Thanks to his natural charm the main character managed to charm everyone present, including Walter, who immediately offered Georges a job. First trial task Duroy receives an article in which he must describe his service in Africa. The main character has no writing talent, and despite all his attempts, he was never able to cope with the first task.

Georges turns to Madeleine, Charles's wife, for help. Madeleine wrote an excellent article, thanks to which the main character was hired. He again offers to write his next article to a new friend. However, Mr. Forestier, having learned that Duroy was using his wife for his own selfish interests, forbade Madeleine to help Georges.

The main character decides to become a reporter. After some time, he really was able to achieve success in his chosen field through not the most honest means. But the desired material wealth is still very far away. Duroy becomes the lover of Clotilde de Marelle, whom he met on dinner party at Charles's. Lorina, Clotilde's daughter, fell in love with the main character. It was she who gave him the nickname Bel Ami (dear friend). Georges managed to charm Walter's wife. In addition, he dreams of making Madeleine his mistress. But Madame Forestier does not agree.

Charles becomes seriously ill. After his sudden death, Georges offers Madeleine his hand and heart. The widow sets conditions: Georges must become a nobleman and allow her to live the way she wants. The main character is forced to buy himself noble title and become Monsieur du Roy.

New plans

After the wedding, Georges continues to be Clotilde's lover. The protagonist's wife writes articles for him, and du Roy himself takes the place of his deceased friend in the newspaper. Colleagues make fun of Georges and, as if by chance, call him by the name of the deceased. Du Roy managed to seduce Virginia, the wife of Mr. Walter. An unfaithful wife reveals to her lover a family secret about her husband's machinations.

Virginia quickly tired of Georges. He plans to marry Suzanne, the Walters' daughter. Suzanne is an enviable bride. Her father recently managed to get rich from his scams. Georges himself also finally became rich. Madeleine received an inheritance from her old friend, who was probably her lover or illegitimate father. Du Roy demands that his wife share the million received with him and thus save her reputation. People will certainly begin to spread gossip about Madeleine and the deceased. Madame du Roy is forced to give in.

Georges needs to get a divorce in order to carry out his plans for the boss's daughter. Du Roy was able to prove that Madeleine was cheating on him with a prominent politician Larochem-Mathieu. At the same time, Georges begins to court Suzanne, persuading her to refuse her rich groom. The main character is sure that Walter will not want to give his daughter for him. For this case, he has a brilliant plan. Having received a divorce, Georges organized Suzanne's escape and then hid with her for a while. Du Roy then brought the bride to his father and asked for Suzanne's hand in marriage.

Parents are against this marriage. Mrs. Walter, who knows well the character of her future son-in-law, is especially dissatisfied. However, Mr. Walter is forced to agree to the marriage. A girl who runs away with a young man is considered dishonored. No decent parents in Paris will allow their son to connect his life with Suzanne.

Norbert de Varenne, who worked with du Roy, is present at the protagonist's wedding. Looking at his colleague, he comes to the conclusion that the future of this world, unfortunately, belongs to scoundrels. Clotilde de Marel also came to the celebration. The lovers constantly look at each other, from which it becomes clear to the reader that Clotilde and Georges do not intend to end their relationship.

Bel Ami

The main character of the novel is pathetic, worthless good man. Nature gave him one single ability - the talent to skillfully manipulate the people around him. Georges manages to subjugate not only young naive girls, such as Suzanne Walter, but also more mature and experienced women, such as the seasoned Madeleine Forestier. Even men are unable to resist the onslaught of his charm.

Georges Duroy is absolutely devoid of conscience and any concepts of honor. Marriage to Madeleine does not prevent him from having mistresses. Justifying himself to himself, the main character assures himself that his wife is probably cheating on him, which means that his betrayal is not betrayal at all, but just revenge on his unfaithful wife. Duroy also considers the division of the inheritance received by Madeleine to be quite fair. After all, Georges, being caring and loving husband, is just trying to save his wife’s honor and protect her from gossip.

Analysis of the work

Who succeeds

Through the mouth of a pessimistic poet, the author comments on the triumph of Georges Duroy. The future belongs not to talented, conscientious people who could do so much for their homeland, and for all humanity, but to mediocre opportunists.

However, the author places the blame for such a coincidence of circumstances not on evil fate, unfair fate or any other otherworldly forces, but on the society in which opportunists like Duroy live. Evidence of this is not difficult to find.

Madeleine Forestier, doing Georges' work and receiving an offer to become his mistress, knew in advance that she was marrying a dishonest man. However, this did not save her from fatal mistake. Virginia Walter, a pious woman brought up in strictness, agrees to an illicit relationship with the main character, revealing to him the secret of her husband. Suzanne Walter accepts the advances of a man with a dubious past and an equally dubious present, refuses marriage to a worthy young man and runs away with Georges, thereby compromising herself.