Solemn speech of the school principal at the last bell. Solemn speech for the teacher at graduation, presentation of certificates and last call

A touching, inspirational and beautiful speech on the last bell at school is an important attribute of the holiday. It should sound optimistic, bright and bravura, automatically setting everyone who hears it to positive. The director and representatives of the local administration, the class teacher, members of the teaching staff and parents of students in grades 9 and 11 can say parting words. We suggest that you get the best text ideas for such speeches from our examples presented below, both in poetry and in prose.

Sincere speech on the last call from parents 9th grade - options for thank you texts

The last bell in 9th grade is a little different from all similar events in that for some students it symbolizes the end of school, while for others it is just the beginning of the next vacation before the new school year. Parents are no less worried than the children on this day. After all, for them, a child’s education at school also does not pass without a trace and evokes a variety of emotions. They are proud of the first achievements of their sons and daughters, but they are terribly worried when the child brings bad grades and receives reprimands or comments for inappropriate behavior. However, during the holiday of the last bell, all the worst is erased from memory and the soul resurrects only the best, kindest memories. And parents come to the microphone to thank the teaching staff for the love and care given to the students from the bottom of their hearts. In their sincere and touching speech, fathers and mothers admire the patience and endurance shown by the teachers and promise that in the future the children will show more attention to their mentors. They want schoolchildren to be even more diligent in acquiring knowledge and always remember their classmates, who on this day will forever leave their native school walls and go off to conquer the big adult world.

The last bell has rung! The results of the next academic year have been summed up. Our children spent nine years shoulder to shoulder with each other. Now someone will leave to conquer new horizons, and someone will sit at their home desk for a couple of years. We wish you to find yourself, find your purpose and decide on the place you want to occupy in this world. I wish you success, good luck, ease and great achievements!

Nine years of study are behind us.
Our children have changed a lot.
And on this difficult path
They learned a lot from you.

Our dear teachers,
We thank you today.
You gave our children a way
Into this very complex adult world.

Let your work be a pleasure,
Let every student be happy.
All turns lead only to the better.
Let every moment be happy.

You have already come a long way in your school life. For some of you, today is really the last school bell, and adult worries lie ahead. We wish them to achieve their goal and get the desired profession. And for some, there are only a couple of school years left before the coveted certificate. We wish you a good rest during the holidays - and forward to battle, gaining new knowledge. After all, you shouldn’t relax; a large number of formulas, tasks, and works of art await you. We express special gratitude to the teachers. Thank you for investing your knowledge and soul into our children. Your work is invaluable! Heartfelt thanks!

A beautiful, inspirational speech on the last bell in 11th grade from parents

Graduating from school is an exciting moment for every parent. This means that your beloved baby has finally grown up and is preparing to enter adulthood. At this time, a variety of emotions are mixed in the souls of fathers and mothers - from boundless joy to slight sadness. On the one hand, parents are proud and happy that their child has successfully completed the school curriculum, gaining the knowledge necessary for future life and building a career. On the other hand, they are worried that now their son or daughter will leave their home to continue their education and will independently make all the most important decisions. Parents talk about all this in beautiful, inspired and reverent speeches at the last bell celebration in 11th grade. They thank the teachers for their work and patience, and wish graduates to believe in themselves, overcome difficulties with a smile and always remember their beloved school, which gave children not only knowledge in specialized disciplines, but also an understanding of basic moral principles and life postulates.

Our dear children, 11 wonderful years of carefree school life are behind us. Today you have received your certificates and are ready to enter adulthood. We sincerely wish each of you to enter the university you want to go to and get the profession you dream of. May everything go smoothly in your life. Be happy. Dear teachers, thank you for giving our children a “ticket to life”, putting up with their antics, and putting a piece of your soul into each one. Low bow to you!

We will never forget how little you were. It seems like just recently we were getting you ready for first grade, and today we’re already getting you ready for last. I remember your first meeting with school: everyone was fussing, afraid, worried, and we confidently led you to first grade, promising that everything would be fine. And now, after so many years, nothing will change - we will always be with you, we will be your support, support, your faith. After all, you are our children, our world, our happiness. Today not only you have matured, but we too have grown up together. Our dears, we wish you that this last call will be the beginning of a new life for you, in which you will definitely achieve success and make all your dreams come true!

How quickly time has flown by
How quickly have you grown up?
And it seems just recently
We took you all to first grade.

You were so cute
They were afraid to let go of their hand.
Our dear children,
We will remember our childhood.

Today is your last call,
You are the graduates
And you won't go to class,
The school prom is ahead of you!

Good luck, success, happiness!
And we will always be close.
We wish you not to know bad weather,
For us you are the same kid!

Last call speech from graduates to teachers

The last bell rings in the school building. Young graduates smile at each other, teachers and parents, and furtively brush away tears from their eyelashes. Today their carefree childhood has officially ended and the door to the huge, bright and shining world of adult responsible life has opened. You will no longer have to run to school in the morning, worry about tests, joke around with teachers and enjoy the upcoming holidays. All this is behind us and will never happen again. And this thought makes my soul a little sad. But there are so many roads, interesting events and the most vivid emotions ahead. And the school years will always remain in memory as one of the significant periods of life’s journey, which became the foundation for future success. And now is the time to thank your beloved teachers for the knowledge received, love, care, attention and instilled human qualities. The best way to do this is by speaking to the teaching staff with a beautiful, inspired and reverent speech. One of the students can read it on behalf of the whole class, and the students will say the final phrase with gratitude and pleasant wishes in a friendly chorus. Mentors will be very pleased and flattered to hear on the day of the holiday heartfelt, warm words and a promise from their students to never forget all the good things they learned within the walls of their alma mater.

School graduation is just around the corner:
The last bell rang slightly alarmingly.
After all, the school has become so dear to us,
It is, of course, impossible to forget her.
Thank you, teachers, for your great work,
You taught us without sparing your strength.
Bow, parents, we give you ours.
We sincerely thank everyone for everything!

We've passed a whole stage, the door slams,
We are anxiously awaiting the last call.
Everyone will leave a piece of their heart here,
And we have a new round of life ahead of us.
We will forever remember the golden days,
Let us warmly remember all the strict teachers,
From this memory of you, dear ones,
Our souls will immediately become more cheerful.

The bell will ring for us today,
For the last and farewell time.
The teacher will quietly invite us all,
To the decorated classroom we love.
Teachers, we thank you,
For all your lessons and efforts!
We will repeat everything sincerely today:
“Forgive us for all our pranks!”

Touching speech by the class teacher at the last bell in grades 9 and 11 - texts in poetry and prose

The class teacher is a special person for each student. It is he who receives the children after completing the first four grades and stays with them until the very last day of school - the holiday of the last bell. He spends as much time as possible with the boys and girls and watches almost every minute of their growth. He, sometimes better than parents, knows about all the problems that worry schoolchildren and never refuses to help on any issues. When graduation comes for 9th and 11th grades, the mentor is happy for his students, but at the same time he is worried. After all, over his long school years, the children became like family to him and he really wants their lives to be successful and prosperous.

When planning a speech at events in honor of the last bell in grades 9 and 11, the class teacher prepares a touching, heartfelt and very sincere speech for the students, in which he wishes the children never to deviate from their chosen path, to value friendship and the good attitude of loved ones, and to always come to the rescue of those those who need it and in any, even the most difficult situation, remain human and act according to their conscience. Because qualities such as kindness, responsiveness and humanity are no less important for everyone than knowledge of specialized subjects and disciplines.

Speech by the class teacher at the last bell at school - texts in verse

Walk boldly along the road:
Take risks, act wisely.
Look into the distance, not at your feet,
Let life take its course.

Don't forget about each other
Stay together always.
Help in difficult times
Your school friends will be able to help you.

Don't forget your parents.
They are wiser than the sages!
Don't give unnecessary advice
And stay away from scoundrels!

From the class teacher
Take a little advice:
You love your fate and life,
Then you won't encounter troubles
I wish you inspiration,
Today is your graduation party,
I want you to be happy
So that everyone becomes a human being!

Dear and dear ones, my children,
The last bell has rung for you,
And today is graduation, let it be your evening
It will be like a farewell class lesson.

I wish you well and good luck,
Meet more kind people in life,
Don't run from difficulties, don't give up,
Don't be afraid of closed doors.

I wish the way to the top
Everyone chose, albeit difficult, but their own,
So that everyone becomes the master of life,
And I could be proud of my destiny.

Examples of texts in prose for the class teacher’s speech on the occasion of the last bell

Dear graduates! From now on, you begin a difficult and unpredictable journey into an independent life full of exciting events. The school became a familiar haven for you, where teachers generously shared useful knowledge and experience. Now you are called upon to apply your own knowledge and experience correctly in solving the problems of life. Good luck!

My dear children, we walked together along the path of knowledge. The time has come for you to leave school. And I want to wish you the ups and downs of life and the pursuit of your desires, great human happiness and blooming youth. May everyone succeed, may luck be nearby, may each of you meet true love. All the best and good health.

My dear graduates! It seems that just recently I was sitting in your place and listening to the parting words of my class teacher, and today I stand before you as your teacher, mentor, and I’m already saying parting words to my children. How quickly time flies!

Today seemed very distant to you and me, but now it has come. The day when you and I will need to part, and part not for the summer, as was usually the case, but forever. The day when the door with the beautiful and kind name “CHILDHOOD” closes behind your backs. A big, adult and complex life awaits you ahead. No one knows what surprises she has prepared for you. There will be everything in your life: ups and downs, joys and failures. This is normal, this is life, my dears. Take all the twists of fate for granted.
I sincerely wish each of you to reach your goal, so that it doesn’t cost you. Rather, find your happiness, find your place “under the sun.” I wish you and your loved ones great health. Let comfort, harmony and peace be constant guests in your homes, and let adversity always bypass it.

I love you, my dear children!

Solemn speech at the last bell from the school principal for students and teachers

The speech of the school principal at the event dedicated to the last bell is a very important and responsible moment. A suitable ceremonial speech must be prepared in advance and be sure to be written in a heartfelt and elevated style. First of all, you need to address the graduates, because for the most part this is their holiday, very joyful and at the same time a little sad. For these boys and girls, a wonderful and carefree time called childhood ends and a completely new, important and responsible stage of fate begins - youth and adulthood. Eleventh graders will be pleased to hear that the principal is proud of the students leaving the school today and has great hopes for their future successes. Two or three phrases are quite appropriate to say to those schoolchildren who are simply finishing the school year and will return to their desks in the fall after the summer holidays. They need to be wished to pass exams quickly and effortlessly, have a great rest and gain strength for the next school year. Separately, it is necessary to thank the entire teaching staff for the fact that every day the teachers tirelessly take care of the children and strive to give them as much knowledge and various important and useful information as possible.

The school years are over - this unforgettable time called “childhood”, but the wonderful time of youth awaits you ahead. The last bell rang. There are many new uncharted roads ahead. With all my heart I want to wish you good luck on your journey. From the many paths, choose the one that will lead you to your goal.

Throughout your life, carry with you the sound of school bells, the uniqueness of your first school lesson, the bright sadness of graduation, the spirit of school camaraderie, heartfelt gratitude and appreciation for your teachers.

Be proud to be a graduate of your school. May the knowledge you gain at school be useful to you in making your dreams come true. Good luck, graduates! May everything be excellent for you!

Dear Guys! Today is a very solemn day in your life, because all roads are opening before you. From this day on, you are considered adults, and this is very responsible. You will have to make your own decisions, and your future life will depend only on you. You are the young generation that is replacing us, and the life of the entire society will depend on how you build your life. From today on you are responsible for the future. I want to wish you a smooth road in life, good friends, good luck and the easiest challenges! Be confident in yourself and your knowledge. Good luck again and be happy!

The last call is the end of an important life stage and the beginning of a new, no less exciting one. I wish that bright memories warm your hearts, and that the future attracts you with its vast possibilities. Believe in yourself, in your strengths and dreams. Let all your plans come true, let your plans come true, let victories and triumphs appear on the horizon. Happy holiday and enjoying the moment, bright grandiose prospects!

Official speech on the last call from the administration - ideas and examples of text

Not only members of the teaching staff, the head teacher and the director, but also representatives of the city, district, regional or state administration, deputies and social service workers can address graduates and other schoolchildren during the last bell ceremony. The speech should sound formal, but at the same time not too dry and serious. Still, this is an appeal to children, even if they are preparing to enter adulthood. It is better to choose good, kind and optimistic parting words for this purpose, instilling in students hope for a bright future and conquering new horizons. The main emphasis should be on addressing the graduates, because all the other children will return to school and will repeatedly hear beautiful and touching phrases about the last bell. As for eleventh-graders, for them these words will sound like the final chord, putting an end to school life, but at the same time opening the door to a fascinating and vast world full of bright impressions.

Dear friends, in a moment the long-awaited bell will ring - a symbol of the end of the school year, a new step, on the threshold of adulthood. For some, this call will be the last, because today many students, like birds, will fly out of the school nest, to new heights, to new knowledge and new victories. Today I really want to wish them: strive for the best, new and bright, let the obstacles recede on the way. Let your wings grow stronger. Let school life be a strong foundation for a happy future. Happy holiday, dear students!

So the difficult lessons, fun breaks, tests and exams are left behind. A fabulous prom night awaits you ahead, which will allow you to forget for a moment! And the very next day a completely different life awaits you, you will be thrown into a whirlpool of events, people, mistakes and victories. You should not be afraid of difficulties, without which life is impossible! You must have a goal, before which nothing should stop you! Happy holiday and good luck to you!

Dear Guys! Today the last school bell will ring for you. Soon you will pass your final exams, and unforgettable school years will remain behind you. During this time, you learned a lot: you mastered the basics of science, began to understand the process of social life, learned the joy of communication, friendship, and maybe even love. You defended the honor of the school at sports competitions, at subject Olympiads, and at amateur art shows. Thank you for this, dear guys! I wish you to successfully pass your exams, choose the right path in life and not forget your home school! I also thank my parents, from whom we have always received understanding and support.

The last bell in 11th grade is the line that divides life into “before” and “after”. For students, this is a “go” command; for parents, it is a signal that their children have grown up. And for teachers, a moment of farewell to their beloved students. Time will pass, and one of today's graduates will bring a first-grader to the walls of their home school. This is the cycle of school life: teachers stay and wait, and students leave to return and bring with them a worthy replacement.

I would like to congratulate everyone present on this significant date. Our graduates are saying goodbye to the school today, and this last call is addressed to them. A new stage is beginning in their life when they will have to make independent decisions. In the distant future, they will learn what nostalgia for their school years is. And now we are glad to see them so beautiful, solemn, slightly excited and looking forward!

Today is an exciting and solemn day. My heart is filled with emotions, because over the years we have become a family, my beloved children. We overcame difficulties together, joked, fell in love, dreamed and supported each other. I admire and am proud of you. It’s hard for me to let you go into the big, adult world, but I know for sure that you will succeed! Know that my doors are always open for you, I always wait and miss you!

Parting words to graduates from the class teacher in prose

As a class teacher, I would like to wish each of you smooth roads, open doors and good people. May the school of life favor you and send teachers on your path to success who are able to teach, understand, advise and correct. Strive for your dreams, go forward and never stop there. Don’t forget that the doors of your home school are always open for you.

Dear graduates, I will remember your friendly class for its unique enthusiasm, glorious passion, wonderful characters and ability to make friends. I hope these wonderful qualities will help you in your adult life, which will begin soon for you! Happy last call! Let it resonate in your young hearts with the melody of good luck!

My dear children, today you will open a new door and step into adulthood. But there it’s the same as at school. I wish you to pass all life lessons with honor and pass the exams of fate with flying colors. Let there always be a faithful friend nearby who will give you a cheat sheet and a loving heart that will share with you the sweetness of victory. Happiness to you, my beloved guys, high achievements and well-deserved grades.

Parting words to graduates from the class teacher in verse

May you succeed in everything in life, and may all paths be open,
Good luck will smile on the one who walks, although it will be difficult ahead.
Dare, discover, find out, give birth to children. And the time will come,
I believe you will bring them to school and cross the threshold.
We will welcome them as relatives and raise them, teach you and your Motherland to love,
Life goes on, I know that for sure, and each of you has to be someone in it.
I will watch you furtively, I will be proud and worried,
And now, as a mother, I will be glad to see you on my doorstep.

My dear guys,
I wish you
Reveal your talents
Be loyal to friends.
Going through life is not easy
But I believe in your passion,
If only with a fair wind
Your bold step coincided!

Graduates, you solved the problems,
We learned songs, did long jump...
The last bell is ringing! And good luck
I wish you, and more than one!

I'll open an empty classroom tomorrow,
It’s sad, I’ll smile quietly.
And proud of you guys
Sadness will immediately give way.

You were once chicks,
Now you are a flock of white birds.
May fate be good to you
And may life give you happiness.

The graduation speech turns out to be a truly touching, memorable and important moment for many people. In addition, there is an opportunity to feel a real closeness with a person who must leave the walls of an educational institution. In your graduation speech, you need to thank your parents and teachers and address your classmates. In fact, only the student should write the text, taking into account numerous nuances, trying to show how important the time spent in an educational institution is to him. What should be the approach to writing a speech? What should you take into account?

Preparations need to be done in advance.

The end of the year is a truly important and nervous period. Many understand that daily classes should remain a thing of the past and graduates will go their separate ways in life. It seems that a special future has finally arrived. In any case, there will be worries about studying, tears and emotions due to a forced separation, but you need to remember that you have already passed such an important stage in life as studying at school. Despite the fact that you feel emotional intensity, you have not yet experienced the most important thing in life. You have just taken another step into your future, so there is no need to focus on emotional experiences in a solemn speech. Graduation from school should not be perceived as the most important event of your entire life. It is best to perceive the event as a life revolution and an opportunity to open new roads and perspectives. You must actively strive to achieve your existing dreams. At the same time, there is no need to use hackneyed phrases in your speech. Of course, in order to avoid failure, it is best to start preparing earlier.

The text should reflect your essence.

You had a lot of time to show your character and worldview. Your classmates have already managed to recognize you, understand and imagine what events you experienced at school. For this reason, you don’t need to seem like an adult and strive for manifestations that are not characteristic of you. Try to reflect your essence in your speech.

You can be emotional and honest, and briefly talk about your experiences and self-improvement. You have to show other people what the motivations will be, what experiences are actually truly valuable. Try to demonstrate everything that you have learned so far.

Take your own and others' opinions into account.

In fact, writing a graduation speech is a truly important responsibility, so it is recommended to take into account numerous nuances. In addition, there is the possibility that you will have to write a valedictorian speech for the entire class. In any case, you find yourself responsible for representing the interests of all graduates.

You can talk to students at school about their experiences. Even if you don't get along with someone, the conversation should take place. In fact, the speech will represent revelations of those who are waiting for the end of the school year and may shed a tear, but at the same time want to open a new path in their lives. In fact, the attitude of graduates to the event will be radically different and this must be taken into account. Try to understand all existing opinions and ideas and express them in a solemn speech.

Only after it is clear what needs to be written about, it is recommended to proceed to the subsequent stages.

We are writing an introduction.

You need to think about how best to gain the attention of your listeners. They, of course, should have a sincere desire to listen to the entire solemn speech. This task is not always easy to cope with, but still there is a chance.

The classic, boring and simple way to enter is to introduce and talk about graduation. It is not advisable to go in this direction if you really want to gain increased attention to yourself.

It's best to start with a joke or gag, a unique and beautiful quote. Try to show your enthusiasm no matter what you are experiencing. You have to wake up your listeners and try to gain their attention. Only the introduction will allow you to attract worthy attention.

You should express gratitude.

Say thank you to everyone who has made a difference in your life and that of all other students. Be sure that this will play a truly important and pleasant role. At the same time, you can attract increased attention from other people.

You can use a tactful and short anecdote, after which you can read out to your classmates and say who helped with their ideas. Try to express your true feelings towards everyone. In addition, we need to thank the school teachers, the director and his deputy. Words of gratitude from students, which show how valuable education was, will definitely turn out to be truly pleasant and important. In addition, the speech may immediately seem truly important.

You may have written a paragraph for each person. You can shorten the text in this case. You don't need to tell your whole life story. At the same time, you should show not only brevity, but also humor.

Speech should be sensitive and tactful, warm and friendly. Try to show amazing optimism in every word.

The text should also contain words of gratitude towards parents, because they also play an important role. All parents turn out to be important and close people, because they were the ones who gave life, the opportunity to live through an important stage and reach a special event.


You can talk about your memories, but they should be fun and joyful. You should not show sadness and sadness at such an important event as graduation. Most likely, you managed to survive dances and parties, holidays during your school years. It is these events that need to be remembered, as they deserve increased attention.

Think about what is special about your school and class. Perhaps these aspects can be included in the ceremonial speech.

Tell us about how you went through the stages of growing up and coped with shyness and emotionality, and strived to cultivate the best character traits in yourself. Besides, you once didn’t know each other at all, but later you met and managed to become friends, friends. At the same time, there is no need to be overly sentimental.

Confession to each other.

At the very end, it is recommended to talk about each other’s achievements, show admiration and recognition. If desired, highlight the best graduates. In any case, each student has some special achievements that are best described.

You can even talk about the fact that in your team there are people with a sweet tooth and people with a good sense of humor. However, in this case you need to clarify who you mean.

Tell us about the special talents of different classmates. Trust that this will make the speech truly unique and important.

Do I need to name names? If you choose to say your classmates' names, you are showing openness and appreciation. If you wish, you can give everyone the right to guess who the text is about. The best option is the first one, namely with the names.

Avoid hackneyed phrases.

In fact, there are many common and hackneyed phrases that have already lost their effectiveness. Try to avoid such phrases, as they will not allow you to achieve the desired result.

You must give up presumptuous statements that all graduates will definitely achieve amazing success in their lives. You don’t even have to say that your school years are the best of your life, because you will experience many more pleasant and special events.

In order not to be stereotyped, it is best to avoid predicting the future and excessive sentimentality. Only openness and honesty will give meaning to a solemn speech.

Without a doubt, you need to use positive and motivational quotes that will definitely give you hope to live your life in a special way.

A graduation speech requires some effort when writing it, so it is extremely important to try to think through numerous nuances and understand what text is best to write. Rehearse your speech and believe that everything will be successful.


You are strong, smart, kind and will definitely cope with all obstacles! The order for admission to exams for students in grades 9 and 11 is read out. Music sounds, with the presenters in the background: 1st century. The sun is above the desk, summer is at your feet. How long does the last call last? The universe does not fit in the windows, the School looks on, but itself shrinks. 2nd century Views fly over the distant helm, a sharp lancet, a mighty machine, And over the country, as over an assembly hall, the day is filled with blue and scarlet, a school, crystal, farewell bell. Q. Another remarkable date appeared in the biography of each of the graduates standing here - May 25, 2007. And it means that school lessons are over for them, there will be no more homework, answers at the blackboard, long-awaited breaks, “5” and “2” in diaries and class magazines. You have an independent life ahead of you.

Scenario for the last bell line: “today, leaving school...”

When composing a speech for the Last Bell, the school principal should be as sincere as possible, avoiding banal phrases. Dear Guys! I would like that when, when you look at a worn-out school photograph that you accidentally see in an album or a certificate of merit received many years ago, your heart suddenly ache, when memories come flooding back and you feel cramped with feelings overwhelming your soul, you remember today and all the words of congratulations, which will be addressed to you today.

Last call. ceremonial ceremony script

Thanks to those whose proud calling is Teacher, educator, educator. Livintsov A.: Galina Vasilievna, we often tried to avoid your office and - to be honest - we were seriously afraid of you.

Tell me, which class visited your carpet more often than us? But, even trembling with fear in your office, we knew for sure that you love us. And, believe me, your love is mutual! Smirnova I.: Nina Ivanovna, we felt your care always and everywhere: during breaks and lessons, during tests and exams.

For several years, we have been in the zone of your increased attention. Thank you! Demkin V.: Irina Nikolaevna, forgive me: we swam around the world map in search of some Korea and could not find it, we confused the climate of America and Africa, and did not understand the economy of Australia.

Your heart worries when you hear the bell, The very last one within the walls of this school, You no longer need to rush to class... It’s your holiday, although not very cheerful. You close the door behind you, The door behind which is a carefree childhood, And if suddenly you feel sad sometimes, Know , that it is somewhere in the neighborhood. It’s a little sad that everything is behind, And it can never happen again, But there is still a whole life ahead, Many different events await you. I wish you victories and good luck, So that you can achieve success, So that you can solve any problems So that you can find yourself in this life! Congratulatory speech at the Last Bell from the school administration At the end of May, on the Last Bell, the school administration, represented by the head teachers, always makes congratulatory speeches to graduates.

Sample speech of the school principal at the last bell line


Thanks to those who proudly bear the title: Teacher, educator, educator. Thank you, teachers, For the fact that the Earth is round, For Troy and for Carthage, For benzochloropropylene, For ZHI and SHI, for twice two, For your kind words Those that we now keep within ourselves, For everything we THANK YOU! What a proud calling - To give education to others, - To give away a piece of the heart, To forget empty quarrels, After all, it is difficult to explain to us, Sometimes it is very boring to repeat the same thing, To check notebooks at night.

Thank you for always being so right. We would like to wish you, so that you do not know troubles, health, happiness for a hundred years! Every day and every hour, devoting yourself to hard work, you live with one thought about us, with one concern.
It is customary for the class teacher to give his graduates an order, some parting words. And I'm no exception. I want to wish you great pure love, the creation of a strong family, because this, I am sure, is the main support and support for every person! Of course, I wish you and your family health! Always remember that you are unique, talented, cheerful, kind, open, worthy people! Be confident! Achieve the goals you have set for yourself in the future! And then you will become truly happy! Well, now I’m incredibly happy, because I also achieved my goal - I’m graduating such wonderful kids! Thank you for all these years! I love you very much! Remember, you will always be my first!!! Parting speech on the Last Call from the school director The school director is the person responsible for each of the students.

Prosperity and prosperity to you, and patience to us!” A beautiful speech for the Last Bell holiday from graduates A person devotes on average one seventh (!) of his life to school and studies! This fact alone makes graduates think about how important all the years spent within the walls of their favorite educational institution were for them. Yes, it is at school that we make our best friends for life; It is here that we lay the foundations of knowledge that we will use later for decades.

The Last Bell holiday for every graduate is a special day of summing up his life for 9 or 11 years. Many schoolchildren make decisions about further education on this May day, listening to the beautiful speeches of their comrades.

Giving a valedictorian speech after graduating from high school is a difficult but interesting task that brings pleasure not only to the audience, but also to the speaker himself. The purpose of such a speech is to say words of gratitude to your teachers, once again remind everyone about graduating from school and lift your spirits. In addition to saying goodbye to your teachers, your speech should include inspiring words of parting. Fitting all this into one short speech is quite a difficult task for a speaker. However, you will have a great speech if you plan and prepare in advance before speaking.


Part 1

Plan your speech

    Read more graduation speeches. One of the best ways to prepare for what you need to do is to find people who have already done it. Ask your classmates to read their graduation speeches to you, listen to how these speeches sound, what jokes are used in them. There is no need to copy these speeches, just find something interesting in each speech, some ideas and topics that you can use for your speech.

    Find a topic for your speech. Your speech should be structured around something that you are trying to convey to your classmates and teachers. Once you find a topic, you can build your speech around that main idea. Thanks to the topic, you can easily understand what phrases and sentences to include in your speech.

    Make a sketch. Before you sit down and start writing a moving speech, make an outline. Find a big topic, write down point by point everything you want to include in the speech. Mention a few jokes or funny stories in your speech. Such a plan will help you navigate when writing a speech and not forget any of the points. In addition, this way you can estimate how long your speech will be. Some aspects may need to be reduced.

    Talk to other students. This ceremony is held not only for you, but also for all other graduates, so everyone's opinion about this event will be different. Talk to other students, not just your friends, but also those with whom you don't interact much. Find out what school time was like for them, what memories they have.

    Remember your audience. This speech is not only for you, it is also for your classmates and teachers. Therefore, it would be a good idea to thank your teachers and parents for giving you an education. Remember that the focus should be on you and your classmates. First of all, your speech should be dedicated to graduates.

    Try not to drag out your speech. If your performance is part of some kind of formal ceremony, most likely, guests are not in the mood to listen to half an hour about nature, friendship and the Universe. Try to speak clearly and to the point. Plus, if you're shy about public speaking, a short speech will make you feel more confident.

    Leave the most important things for last. Chances are, your viewers won't be hanging on every word. Therefore, the most important idea for which you prepared this speech should be said at the end of the speech, even if it is just a rephrased idea that you already said at the beginning of the speech. The last sentence of your speech that your audience hears is likely to be the one they remember the most.

    Part 2

    Include important points in your speech
    1. Express your gratitude to people. Even if you were writing a graduation speech, take a few minutes to thank the people who helped you get your education. You can make a list of names of people to thank. Include the names of your parents, teachers, friends. Do not drag out your speech, briefly thank your family and move on to the main part of the speech.

      • One way to end the words of gratitude is to remind the other graduates to also thank their families and teachers.
    2. Add some humor and jokes. A few funny stories or jokes are needed to lift your spirits and relieve stress. In addition, humor is needed to dilute your speech, so as not to strain the audience after a serious topic. Of course, you don't have to act like a clown to make your listeners smile. Just relax and be confident, even if the audience doesn't laugh at your joke, pretend nothing happened and continue speaking.

      Think about the past. Give credit to your background with your classmates and the different things you did together in school. Graduation is the time to remember everything that connects you with school, right up to the day you graduate.

      • You need to mention your achievements in your speech. Think about sports competitions, awards, charity events - anything where you or your classmates took an active part. The more school-related events you can remember, the better. It's important to celebrate your entire class's accomplishments, not just your own.
    3. Talk about what happens next. Graduation is a time to look to the future. Talk about what might await you after graduation. You don't know for sure what will happen to you in the future, so this part of the speech may be vague and dreamy. Think positively and think that there are many good things ahead of you.

      • Perhaps after high school you will go to college. It's unlikely that all of your classmates will do this, so be sure to mention other possible paths others might take to get an education and a job. If you don't know what your classmates plan to do after graduation, talk to them about this topic.
    4. Tell me a story. This is a good way to expand on the topic of your speech and connect your story with real events that happened within the walls of your school. Think about what happened to you at school, what lessons you learned, and how they relate to your topic. If this topic concerns not only you, but also your friends and other acquaintances, it will be even more interesting. This is a good way to expand on the topic and tell your classmates about something interesting that happened at school.

      Avoid templates. Of course, a speech topic is a great thing, but try not to use clichés like “the real world,” “the future is ours,” or “today is not the end of our education, but only the beginning.” Such phrases and sentences sound beautiful, but are used so often that they already seem meaningless to us. If your audience hears a few of these phrases, they may lose interest in your speech, and you definitely don't want that.

    Part 3

    Present your speech

      Practice giving a speech. Before graduation, you should read your speech out loud several times. You can practice in front of a mirror or in front of friends. This way, you will understand how long your speech takes (for example, it may be too long), and also evaluate how it sounds when you say it out loud.

    1. Bring a copy of your speech with you. Even if you do a great job practicing in front of the mirror or friends, you will find it harder to concentrate at graduation. Therefore, a copy of the speech as a reminder will not hurt you.
    2. Warnings

    • Try not to be distracted while speaking. This means that you need to be sure to turn off your phone, remove noisy key fobs and coins from your pocket, and do not chew gum during your speech. People will have a hard time understanding you if they don't listen to you carefully.
    • Many schools will first check your speech to make sure it is on topic and does not raise controversial issues. Therefore, rehearsing one speech and delivering another is not a good idea.
    • Avoid plagiarism. This should be your speech, not someone else's speech. Your speech must be original and unique. Keep in mind that there are many different speeches available online and it can be tempting to just copy one for yourself, but remember that people can easily spot your deception.