Compatibility of different personality elements. Yin Tree, Yin Tree

The main characteristic of a person’s character is hidden in the person’s birthday. The mistake of many is that they begin to analyze the date of birth from the year. But this is not true.

The element of a person’s birthday is fundamental .Personality element or Mister of the Day stores basic personality characteristics and character traits. There are only 10 Personality Types, you can find out about them .

Dzya tree.

This is a strong and strong tree. These are honest and reliable people, whose greatest weakness is lack of tact.

Basically, these are progressive people, purposeful, striving for self-improvement. But, just as in nature a tree grows slowly, so the Yang Tree people spend a lot of time achieving their goals. These are quite predictable individuals.

Just as a tree is ready to shelter a traveler from the heat, so are people with Mr. of the day The yang tree is generous, kind and compassionate.

These are active, emotional and creative people, supporters of novelty and optimists. They have a lot of interests and childlike curiosity. They are often creative people.

But, just as in nature a tree is not bendable, so the people of the Yang Tree are stubborn and straightforward. They do not like to compromise and constantly defend their point of view.

They are overly emotional and irritable, sometimes translating their feelings into anger and aggression. They often lack tact and diplomacy, especially in dispute situations. Therefore, others get the impression that they are callous and insensitive.

They make decisions quickly, without deep thinking and consideration, thereby often making mistakes and blunders. But the Yang Tree cannot and does not like to redo it, and often these mistakes come to fruition.

The self-esteem of a Yang Tree often depends on the position in which they find themselves. If a person has a good job and income, or successfully develops a career, has status and success, then the people of the Yang Tree are proud and satisfied with themselves. If they work in a low position, then they develop an inferiority complex. It is difficult for them to motivate themselves and force them to work in full force.

Yang Tree Man.

This is a reliable person you can rely on and cry on his shoulder. He is compassionate and will listen to you and console you. But do not think that he will immediately rush to do something. They are listeners rather than doers.

By nature, Yang Tree men are rarely romantics and sometimes they don’t even think that you need attention and flowers not only for March 8th and your birthday. Ask! Say in plain text what you need.

Of all the 10 personality types, Yang Tree men are the least amenable to any kind of change! Therefore, girls, forget about his changes, do not try to remake him, but accept him as he is.

Woman Tree Yang.

She is stubborn, resourceful, practical and not particularly romantic. This is not to say that they do not like courtship; rather, they prefer that the man in communication with them be direct and clear in his intentions.

Consistency is an integral part to successfully winning the heart of a Yang Tree woman. She is not deliberately playing coy and showing that she is difficult to achieve, it just takes a long time for her to understand that your intentions are serious.

To achieve such a woman, you need to demonstrate passion, determination and consistency. A Yang Tree woman, unlike a Yang Tree man, can change for the sake of a loved one, but don’t expect it to be easy and quick.

Do you recognize any of your loved ones or acquaintances as this type of personality? Check it out.

Good luck with your Feng Shui studies.

Yin tree.
This is a flower or vine. These people adapt well and quickly. They see opportunities where others do not. Excellent diplomats and psychologists. In anger, the flower turns into a rod! And it can become harsh and hurtful. They are friendly and sociable. It’s good if there is a strong, reliable person nearby: relying on his intelligence, experience, capabilities, the Yin Tree can make a career or business in a short time. Its success depends critically on its environment.

Yin Tree on Rabbit. Fashionable and charismatic, attractive and desirable, but at the same time there may be problems in marriage due to compliance. He wants to build relationships with an equal partner. Diplomatic. Loves to study and communicate. Lively, energetic, but not an upstart.

Yin Tree on the Snake. Smart, somewhat calculating person. But at the same time, in relationships he is inclined to care and give. Loves children. Wants to enjoy everything beautiful and pleasant that he can reach. He sees the meaning of marriage in children, although he is not particularly eager to get married. Loves to travel. The spouse may be from another city or country.

Yin tree on the Rooster."Topiary bush." This type of personality is able to see ahead, plan, and go towards their goal without being too scattered. He strives to occupy a high social status and is also looking for a suitable match for marriage. Often has a second marriage. The character is contradictory, it is difficult for him to make a choice.

Yin Tree on Pig. Sensitive person, vulnerable, with high emotional intelligence. Loves to read, understand subjects of interest, and is able to make beautiful, high-quality things with his hands. Seeks understanding and support from a partner.

Yin Tree on Goat. Loves money, beauty, entertainment, is friendly and charming. He loves to dress beautifully, and even with a modest budget he is able to create a super image and look expensive. Often works for himself. Hardworking. He makes great money and spends it with pleasure.

Yin Tree on Ox. Practical, attentive, methodical, he calculates money in such a way as to make it comfortable, but not to spend too much. Expresses his thoughts well and slowly. A contradictory nature makes it difficult to focus on what needs to be done here and now. Wants to control life and loved ones.

Yan Tree People
have a good imagination, learn and develop throughout their lives. They have a great need for communication. A tree is safe in the forest, but a lonely tree does not feel safe. People are stubborn, tough, straightforward. Often these are politicians and athletes.

Yang tree on the Tiger. A strong tree, capable of overcoming, defending rights, fighting, courageous, active. They have an active life position. Relationships with a partner are built on equal terms.

Yang Tree on the Dragon. They are interested in esotericism, mysticism, superintuition, they combine the ability to plan and follow the plan. With the help of intuition and abilities they can earn money. They have the opportunity to influence their lives and those around them.

Yang Tree on the Rat. Smart, thrifty people. Excellent at searching and structuring information. He looks for support in his partner and happily delegates all the chores to his spouse. They love to study.

Yang Tree on the Dog. They are brave and active, love active sports. They love money and are willing to work hard. Ready to take responsibility for yourself and your neighbor.

Yang Tree on a Horse. Sexy and active, very bright. Such a woman is perceived as a competitor by other women. But men are ready to do a lot for her. Strong maternal instinct. The meaning of marriage is children.

Yang Tree on Monkey. Tough, cold, domineering. Good leaders. They have a cold mind and are ambitious. They know how to set and achieve goals. It is difficult to lead them astray.

Fire Yang.
These are passionate, inspired people. If the amount of fire is normal, then these are polite, caring people. If there is a lot of fire and it is not useful, then people are hot-tempered, straightforward, and then it is difficult to control emotions. They love to be the center of attention and arrange the space around them.

Yang Fire on the Horse. Loves adventures, risks, adventures. Their whole life is emotions, passion, romance. Very attractive, charismatic, sexy. Not everyone can keep up with them! Relationships are built on equal terms! It is important that the partner is like-minded. Optimist. Easy to climb.

Fire Yang on the Dog. Truth-seeker. Honest, reliable, friendly, caring, loves children. She always strives to create conditions, atmosphere, and comfort for her partner. Tends to give more than to take. Talented, creative.

Fire Yang on the Tiger. Image of the sun over the forest. Restrained, strict. You can feel some kind of inner strength and core in them. Looking for a caring partner. Smart, tend to think a lot.

Yang Fire on the Dragon. Creative, mystical personalities. Able to dive deeply and understand a subject of interest. They cannot stand it when their personal boundaries are violated. Ready to give a lot of energy to the family. There is often a big age difference with your partner. Values ​​safety. Loves pleasures in the form of food, beautiful interiors, art.

Yang Fire on Monkey. They quickly adapt to new things and learn easily. They are economical and tend to work a lot, as they value wealth in the home. They love beautiful and practical things. Big cars, big houses, lots of space. Strives to control everything around him.

Yang Fire on the Rat. Extremely attractive people, such women are a mystery to a man, now she wants one thing (romance), after 5 minutes she dyed her hair red, it’s never boring! The attention of the opposite sex is guaranteed. There are problems with gynecology. They can try many contradictory methods on the way to achievement.

Fire Yin.
Tactful, polite, diligent. The element most attached to mom. If you want to please Yin Fire, make friends with his mother. Emotional, suspicious. Creative. They are prone to mood swings and depression, but not for long.

Yin Fire on the Snake. Looks younger than his age. Prone to sudden changes. Life is like a swing: up and down. In marriage, they are looking for equality and a close soul. These are intuitive, creative, talented people. I can do a lot alone. They have an internal rod. Due to emotionality, there may be problems with the cardiovascular system.

Yin Fire on the Goat. Caring, attentive, they want to do everything beautifully and according to the rules. Strong maternal instinct. He sees the meaning of marriage in children. They want to enjoy life, and often they succeed. Good professionals.

Yin Fire on the Rooster. Bright, fashionable, charismatic, energetic, sexy. They love change. They have an active life position. They are endowed with moral and ethical qualities, and they also want to see this in their spouse. They love money, jewelry, brands. They perform well and are photogenic.

Yin Fire on the Pig. Conflicting natures. They love the road, cars, flights, travel. Without emotions there is no point in activities and relationships. Relationships are often complex and emotional; quiet happiness is not their scenario. Easily offended, very sensitive and vulnerable inside. Very moral and decent.

Yin Fire on the Ox."Lamp in the Snow" Kind person, sensitive, caring. Can achieve goals. Soft character, touchy. Girls are good wives, close to their husbands and children.

Yin Fire on the Rabbit. Sexuality and charisma itself: pretty, smart, talented. They understand fashion, beauty, art. They strive to stand strong on their feet, are very attached to their mother and want their spouse to provide maternal care.

Earth Yang. This is a mountain, a rock, a stone. People are strong and resilient. Their friends and family were lucky. It's hard to imagine a more devoted friend. Straightforward and stubborn, multi-lamp costs them dearly. It is believed that people of this type are more faithful husbands (this, of course, is subjective).

Earth Yang on the Dog. Strong, brave, straightforward. It is extremely difficult to convince him, and it can be difficult to encourage him to do something new. There may be a problem with conception if there is no or little Water in the chart. Relationships are built on equal terms. You give me - I give you. But at the same time loyal and intuitive. It is difficult to deceive such a person.

Land of Yang on the Tigris. Status and recognition are important to a person. He/she wants the same partner. Often wants her partner to be jealous. But in practice, jealousy can lead to conflicts. Loves to travel. May often feel “special, not like everyone else.”

Earth Yang on the Horse. Often quite lucky people. There are always people who are ready to support and help them. The partner tries to please this type of personality and create good conditions for him. Wants to receive more than to give. Uncaring partners are transparent to them.

Earth Yang on the Dragon. A shy and at the same time intuitive person. Stubborn in achieving the goal. Often has a philosophical mindset. Relationships are built on equal terms. Has authority. They are often tall or broad-boned.

Yang Earth on Rat. Smart, active person. Adapts well to circumstances. Men are often amorous. Strives to control himself, his life and, especially, his partner. If a partner does not want to “submit,” he will look for someone over whom he can extend his influence. Usually beautiful people. Money is a great value in their life.

Earth Yang on Monkey. A sensitive, responsive person. Always ready to help relatives and friends. He masters high technologies well, his technical mindset is surprisingly combined with creative talents. Well-produced voice. Can be impatient. Easily goes to work. The body quickly becomes beautiful if you play sports.

Yin Earth (like Yin Water) is the most feminine sign of all. The personality type shows stability, trust, and consideration for others. But if there is too much Earth, then laziness and stagnation sets in. People with this personality type are possessive and tend to rely on the traditional point of view. Adapt well to any conditions.

Yin Earth on Goat. The most fundamental people. They are able to immerse themselves in an activity that interests them and dig for hours, but do not tolerate being distracted. They have good taste and build relationships on equal terms. I tell you - you tell me! This is the only scenario for them. Honest. There are problems with childbirth.

Yin Earth on the Ox. Hardworking, unhurried, principled and truthful. They don't like to be rushed and pulled. Emotionally stable and reasonable. They act more logically. Relationships are built on equal terms. They can write poetry well, draw, sculpt...

Yin Earth on the Snake. This is a desert land. The abrupt decisions of such a person can confuse others. Loves to travel. Has its own philosophy. He thinks and reasons a lot. In relationships, he wants support and help, but not intrusive. Intuitive. Has a desire to change countries and cities.

Yin Earth on the Rabbit. Sheer charm. Tactful and diplomatic, caring. These people are extremely comfortable and calm. The women are very attractive, calm, and in a slightly upbeat mood. But it is difficult to get close to them.

Yin Earth on the Rooster."Land of Jewels" Purposeful people want to shine and conquer the World. They have an active life position. If they don’t like something, they will simply and quickly exchange it for something else. They speak well and are sharp-tongued. The meaning of marriage is seen in children. They have a need to take care of loved ones.

Earth Yin on the Pig."Sand on the Beach" He has a changeable character, loves money and strives to bring all the blessings to the house. Prefers a socially active life, but loves comfort and peace in the house. Loves to travel. He is looking for a partner with money and already knows in advance where they will spend this money together.

Metal People
(both Yin and Yang) are associated with the mind, mental activity, and politics. Honesty, punctuality, decency, strategy - it's about them! But, if there is too much Metal and it becomes not useful, then everything changes to the opposite. Calculation, selfishness, it is difficult to be punctual.

Metal Yang- this is a weapon, a sword! Handsome, strong, fearless, fair!

Metal Yang on Monkey. Artistic, active, sociable, he is interested in everything! Strong will and core! Capable of overcoming a lot and not breaking down. He prefers to build relationships on equal terms and with his own kind. Often has its own ideology, and follows it. Brings what he starts to completion.

Metal Yang on the Rat. Endowed with oratorical abilities, often has a very sexy voice and is also attractive in appearance. In relationships, he is ready to give, help and support. There is a tendency towards multiple marriages. Appreciates beauty in a partner. Doesn't like to lose.

Metal Yang on the Tiger. Likes to control his life, his partner, himself. A strong card succeeds in this, but a weak one finds it difficult and brings neurosis. This combination wants money and comfort. Life has sharp ups and downs. Over time, he tends to change his views.

Metal Yang on the Dragon. The “Kway Gang” type is a leader, a fighter, for him everyone is a competitor. These are talented, strong people. Great for business and career. They know how to organize people so that they support them and work for them. They don't know how to obey.

Metal Yang on the Horse.“Golden Hairpin” are very beautiful, well-groomed people. Such girls are always beautifully looked after. These are the women who are given Lexuses, houses (if the card is rich and the money is useful), if the card is not rich, then more modest, but the daylight is very beautiful. Such people are jealous and controlled.

Metal Yang on the Dog. Leaders. Managers. In relationships they are able to “build” everyone. It’s better for a man’s card; I recommend that girls with this type of personality take command at work and delegate everything to their husband at home. Sensitive, has an interest in mysticism. Can develop well in a mystical direction.

Metal Yin
is a precious metal. He likes to shine in the ray of fame and recognition. Neat, clean, and pay great attention to image. They value relationships and are sentimental. Rough, physical work is contraindicated for them. If you want a Yin Metal person to do something, first praise it, then ask. Such a woman is unlikely to agree to marry a poorly wealthy man.

Metal Yin on the Rooster. Irresistible and beautiful, and everything around him should correspond to him. But it does not tolerate competition. Relationships are built on equal terms, very photogenic. For him, the result is important in everything.

Metal Yin on the Pig. Friendly, has the desire to create something, invent something, and constantly move. They love cars, the road, their spouse may be from another city or country. The meaning of marriage is often children. Ready to give more than to receive (within reasonable limits, of course)

Metal Yin on the Rabbit. A sincere, kind person, he strives to take care and control himself and others, but does this tactfully and gently. Vulnerable. Loves home, comfort, money and luxury! A wealthy partner is especially important. Very stylish. They understand brands and fashion.

Metal Yin on the Ox. Often physically strong, brooding, does not like to show his emotions, charismatic and a bit self-absorbed. Wants to receive help and support from a partner. He has good intuition and is not a gambler, but he can be lucky in lotteries and draws.

Metal Yin on Sheep (goat)- a handsome, enthusiastic person, creative, easy to communicate, but not frivolous, impulsive, decisive. Intuitive, sometimes wary of people, despite outward openness. More often they are slim, dry, athletic. They want support and admiration from their partner.

Metal Yin on the Snake. Wise and beautiful, sophisticated and intuitive. It is very important for a woman of this combination to be married so that her husband is like a husband! Like behind a stone wall. She doesn’t want and doesn’t need to solve complex problems, she needs to be a muse! And if fate is favorable to her, then she finds happiness in marriage. But if fate did not give this, then they can be fast, powerful and decisive. Which is good for your career!

Yang Water People.
They are distinguished by their courage. Able to overcome any obstacles. Like ocean water, they can wash away everything in their path. They love to talk, and they always have a lot of interesting and useful information. They are often the life of the party and resistant to stress.

Yang Water on the Rat.“Ocean”, a man with a powerful core, tough. Does not like details, perceives life in large strokes. Everyday life and calm in life are not about them. He always has his own opinion and is able to defend it. Although he is capable of accepting wrongness if he was wrong. He builds relationships with similar, strong, intelligent people.

Yang Water on Monkey. Image of a sunken ship. People are agile, sharp, fast, act first, think later, brave. Where others waste time, this person has already taken action and received results. In relationships, he wants support and approval.

Yang Water on the Dog.“Lake in the Mountains”, calmer and more reasonable than other Yang Waters. Wants power and status in society, this often succeeds. Able to control himself and his emotions. There may be problems with the genitourinary system and fluids in the body in general. They are often jealous and controlled by their other half.

Yang Water on the Horse.“Bubbling Spring”, This is something with something. Emotions, ideas, feelings over the edge. These are often beautiful people who have whirlwind romances. They are not consistent and constant because they want to embrace the whole world. They are interested in everything, the feeling that there is too little time, but there is a lot to do. They strive to control themselves, others and life. They love money! The spouse wants rich and beautiful, the rest is transparent to them, and there are often mood swings. Temperamental, sexy.

Yang water on the Tigris."River in the Forest" Very creative. Strives for comfort. The meaning of marriage is often seen in children. Strong, brave people. They strive to leave something important behind for many years. Reliable.

Yang Water on the Dragon."Waterfall". They are very ambitious, they want to be a leader in all interactions, this gives them a “kway gang”, they can manage several business projects at the same time. They are often very pretty in appearance.

Water Yin.
The fastest changing sign. They can make money the fastest. They easily change their minds and priorities. Very smart, do not tolerate restrictions. They value freedom of choice, communication, and movement.

Yin Water on the Pig. Dark water, full of mysteries and secrets. Tough, calculating, or wise. Vulnerable and hypersensitive. Always follows the chosen course. Relationships are built on equal terms.

Yin Water on the Rabbit. Romantic, charismatic, tactful! Usually very beautiful and have a tendency to remarry. In relationships they want to give. They have a sense of taste. Inspiration and pleasure are important to them.

Yin Water on the Snake. Beautiful, temperamental, purposeful. They have intuition. They are brave, but can be inconsistent in their actions and promises. They strive to dominate in relationships.

Yin Water on Goat. Intuitive, sophisticated people. More often they want to be led. They can live in their reality and create great things. Quite stubborn and hardworking. Need mentoring.

Yin Water on the Rooster. This is a mineral spring. He speaks well, sings, and works with information. Sexy and sharp-tongued. Confident. Often has a second marriage. Wants to receive more than to give, but does not tolerate other people's rules.

Yin Water on the Ox. Image of snow. Loves mysticism, balanced, stubborn, talented, has good reflexes and reactions. Intuitive. Your spouse and others will seek to control it.

You can find out your personality type using: You just need to fill in the fields for date, time and place of birth. All hieroglyphs are signed.

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The person whose personality is represented by the sign Yang tree , can be described as a stubborn and principled nature. Like a big powerful trunk, it is absolutely not flexible, and it is almost impossible to break it.

Not wanting to adapt to circumstances, such a person does not accept compromises and will be faithful to his convictions to the end. Internally suffering from unexpected life changes and downfalls, he will never bend to the situation and defends his principles to the last. Such a person will not look for opportunities to soften his words so that others will meet him halfway.

He, like a tree, grows throughout his life, and not necessarily in the literal sense - he develops mentally, spiritually, with pleasure learning and learning new things.

Similar to a tree providing shade, this person is benevolent and full of compassion. Possessing amazing sensitivity, he is able to fairly assess the situation and provide decent support and assistance to those in need. With an emphasis on high moral values, he puts honesty at the forefront without giving in to temptation.

Like the Yang Tree, which firmly embraces the earth with its roots, this person has a reliable and stable character. He is smart, confident in his goals, straightforward and not afraid of difficulties. The lack of reaction speed is compensated by high persistence, and the day comes when such a person conquers all the peaks.

Like a yang tree, its formation occurs slowly, but is characterized by high organization and great patience with people. In his work, such a person is meticulous, professional and has outstanding leadership abilities. Excessive stubbornness and ambition prevent you from quickly getting along with people, although one can only envy the cheerfulness of such a person. He clearly understands what he wants to achieve and decisively moves towards his dreams.

Yang Tree Compatibility.
Yang Tree combines well with Yang Fire. The warmth and kindness of the fire element can warm the heart, even the most wooden one. Since both partners are smart and not vindictive, their union can be long and strong. Occasionally, when an unrestrained fiery character makes itself felt, short family “battles” are possible.

Everything is also good with Yin Fire. The thoroughness and calmness of the Yang Tree allows you to endure all the unpredictable antics of your other half and support you in all your endeavors. The energy of the fiery partner serves as a kind of fuel for the powerful and indestructible trunk.

A union with Yanskaya Land is not the best option for starting a family. Both are conservative, both are inflexible, difficult to lift - they will gnaw at each other with moral teachings and prove that they are right. Although, if they do get together, they will remain faithful to the end, but they will never experience a feeling of happiness.

The relationship between the Yang Tree and the Yin Earth can be ideal when the earth element is represented by a woman. Thanks to her selflessness and natural maternal instinct, she will be completely devoted to her Tree husband, surrounding him with care and home comfort.

In their eternal rivalry, the Yang Tree and Yang Metal resemble a cat and a dog. Their absolutely polar worldview leads to hopeless misunderstanding, endless quarrels and, as a result, separation. A short-term union is like a flash of adrenaline that enters the blood during a parachute jump, that’s all.

An absolutely doomed option is Yang Wood combined with Yin Metal. Even after a casual acquaintance, they are “sick” of each other. A spoiled and thoroughbred representative of the metal element is irritated by the simplicity and some clumsiness of his interlocutor’s nature. Therefore, such an acquaintance will not go beyond a fleeting conversation.

An alliance with Yanskaya Water can be very successful if partners learn to hear and adapt to each other. Shared interests, creative projects, walks will help you get closer and feel mutual need. They take raising children very seriously, completely devoting themselves to the pedagogical process.

Yin Water complements the Yang Tree very harmoniously. With a life-giving stream, it promptly feeds the mighty roots of its wooden giant, gently smoothes out all the corners, receiving in return the necessary protection, compassion and support. This family will overcome all difficulties on the path to harmony and unity.

Two Yang Trees get along well with each other. They catch at a glance what their partner wants to say and are happy to please him. Enormous mutual support and overwhelming trust are the engine for overcoming difficulties and realizing the most ambitious plans. As a rule, they are very successful in their careers, complementing each other perfectly.

The meeting of the Yang Tree and the Yin Tree is a great success. These people get along well with each other and know how not to waste their energy on trifles. Having a mutual creative touch, they are completely compatible with each other and make their lives rich, interesting and extraordinary.

How to win the heart of the Yang Tree and people of other elements

This is just a general characteristic. To more accurately analyze compatibility, all eight signs should be taken into account in the fate cards of two people.

Famous Personalities of the Yang Wood Element

Whitney Houston, Britney Spears, Philip Kirkorov, Elvis Presley, Larisa Dolina

Personality Element Yang Tree

Personality Element甲 Yang tree

In the practice of Ba Zi, the first thing we look at after calculating the chart is the Heavenly Stem of the Day. It was located there Personality Element . It is also called Master of the day, Daytime dominant.

Each Personality element has its own characteristic. You can find out your Personality element by calculating your Bazi map. There will be a hieroglyph in the top line in the Day column. This is the element of Personality. It says Element of Personality there.

The description of the element of Personality gives us the initial image of a person. Then other parameters of the map are added, but we start primarily from the element of Personality.

Characteristics of the Yang Tree.

Personality Element Yang tree indicates firm and strong people who hold tightly to their principles and will not compromise. After all, a large tall tree is more likely to break, but not bend.
The person is benevolent and full of compassion. Slow sustainable development, organized and patient approach. Great hard work and activity. A fair and straightforward person, he can be unbending and stubborn when it comes to personal principles.

Very responsible, meticulous, they try to finish what they start, they don’t like to give up. They are organized and patient. Hardworking and persistent. They like to stick to the plan, although they are quite ready to listen to new proposals, but may not immediately accept them. They need time to think.

An important task in the life of such people is development and self-development. If a Yang Tree person stops there and does not want to learn something new, his luck in life will begin to deteriorate.

Yang Tree people are patient and self-possessed; they can go through periods of adversity for a long time without losing optimism and faith in the future. As soon as there is at least some opportunity to improve their situation, they grab onto it with all their “roots” and begin to grow. These people know how to grab luck by the tail and often quickly achieve success. At the same time, they clearly see the final goal and persistently move towards it. They do not tend to change their life priorities; on the one hand, this property helps them very methodically achieve what they want. On the other hand, if they have chosen the wrong path, they can walk along it for a long time, refusing to listen to the advice of others.

Among the shortcomings of Yang Tree people, one can note their stubbornness and the fact that they do not easily compromise. They do not adapt very quickly to changing situations. They are not too talkative and often do not express grievances and problems. But if the situation bothers them, such people become unstoppable and do not listen to any excuses.
They can be independent and do not seek to expand their social circle. It cannot be said that they are loners by nature, but people of the Yang Tree have a desire to own something individually. They do not like to share their dreams and desires.

These are persistent, persistent, but not flexible people. They prefer to bend the situation to themselves rather than adapt to it. But if the circumstances are completely bad, then the Yang Tree person can break down emotionally and psychologically, completely lose faith in himself. After such a breakdown, it is quite difficult for a person of the Yang Tree to recover.

They make strict but fair leaders. Executive and reliable workers, although they do not like to obey too much, a sense of responsibility makes them do their work brilliantly.

Of course, the characteristics given for the Personality element are not unambiguous. It is hardly possible to divide all of humanity into ten types.

However, the Ten Elements of Personality are the basis for studying Ba Zi. And despite the fact that the description of the Personality type contains only the first, most general level of analysis, it can and should be taken into account as a basic characteristic.

Do you belong to the Yang Tree pillar on the Rat? Then you are always ahead of everyone - and this is your advantage! Most likely, you are independent and are used to doing everything on your own. This is one of the easiest characters for us to evaluate.

The Qi in the pillar on the Rat is filled with Yin Water (Direct Seal). The Yang tree is a progressive element, such a person has a natural tendency to grow and develop. They will find a way to survive as long as they have at least some resource. Water representing wisdom and Direct Resource is knowledge. Such a person is like a beautiful diamond. He will never give up his position, and is always looking for opportunities for growth and development.

They are lonely because their environment is so. They do not notice others, locked in their intellectual world. This insulation makes them cold. Their mother usually plays a large role in their lives and they are often called "mama's boys." They love and appreciate friends and relatives who sometimes drop by for a visit. For them, this is the main source of knowledge (at least, this was the case until Google appeared).

“The Rat of the Horse is not a friend!” - Miss “Grey Tail” said to her friend Bull (Ba Zi card)

The Rat is combined with the Ox, consisting of Yin Metal (Right Power) and Yin Water (). This is a good sign for both men and women when it comes to relationships. Only they need to agree with the mother, which is included in this case. Wealth and power go straight into their hands; such people become good managers and have a stable income.

The Rat is in conflict with the Horse, which pushes away Yin Fire () and Yin Earth (Direct Wealth). Men in relationships keep a little distance. The woman will be very loyal to her partner. The career is a bit unstable because they value intellectual value over monetary well-being. Sometimes they do not want to share their knowledge if they consider the recipient unworthy of it.

What's the result:

In general, Yang Tree and Rat men behave more modestly at work. The wealth that someone else has seems unworthy to them. They can barely make ends meet, but do not advance very far in their careers; these are people with little ambition. Bosses love them because they pose no threat in corporate political battles.

For them to be effective, Yang Fire (Spirit of Pleasure) must be present in their chart. He will transform their knowledge into something more tangible.

And in their hearts there is a lot of generosity, but so little warmth.

Ba Zi Calculator:

Analysis of your Ba Zi card:



The remaining pillars are considered in relation to the day pillar. We no longer look at exactly what Elements are there, but look at what they are in relation to the Lord of the Day. Details on the main page:

Go to page 60 Jia Tzu:

Low bow for science to the respected Ba Zi master, Kevin Chan.