Passing the Unified State Examination Biology. Preparing the Unified State Examination in Biology on your own

Helpful information in preparation for passing the Unified State Exam in BIOLOGY.

Kadyrova I.Yu.

MBOU Secondary School No. 1 “Harmony”

Biology is not included mandatory exams, but very important for those students who have chosen a natural science major for admission: Department of Biology university, medical University, psychological and social specialties, faculties physical culture and sports and others. To become a student, it is enough to successfully pass the Unified State Examination individual subjects. Every year this form final exam is gaining more and more confidence among schoolchildren. The quality of the certificate and, accordingly, the possibility of continuing education at a university depend on the quality of preparation for the Unified State Exam.

So, where to start and when to start preparing for the Unified State Exam? From the very first biology lessons in 6th grade. It is necessary to introduce into the lesson structure test material, applied tasks, execution laboratory work, tasks for comparison, generalization, work with educational text and pictures. I widely use multimedia teaching aids, I include a lot of visual drawings, animations, videos in my presentations, and I use computer forms of control. You need to prepare for the Unified State Exam constantly, from lesson to lesson. It is important to use in teaching systems approach, thanks to which students develop skills: describe, recognize, define, classify, explain, compare, analyze biological objects and phenomena. For example, when studying cells in 6th grade, we teach children to recognize plant cells, their diversity and structure. In the 7th grade we consolidate knowledge about the cell and learn to compare animal and plant cells; in high school we analyze the relationship between the structure and functions of cell organelles and consider the cell as whole system. Over the years of study, schoolchildren develop basic competencies: informational, educational and cognitive, general cultural, communicative, systems thinking, understanding the fundamental theories and laws of biology.

High-quality preparation for passing the Unified State Exam is provided by specialized training , which involves a deeper study of the subject by increasing teaching hours, elective courses and consultations.

I begin detailed and systematic preparation for the exam in September of the 11th grade.

1. Psychological preparation to the Unified State Exam.

The first thing you need to start with is not to frighten students with the upcoming Unified State Exam and develop in them firm belief The point is that if you try hard, you can get a pretty decent score. Of course, schoolchildren should not be told that the Unified State Exam is easy and simple. But there is no need to instill in them the idea of ​​complete hopelessness. Preparation for the Unified State Exam should begin with a direct question to schoolchildren: what does each of you want to get in the exam? And offer to write diagnostic test V Unified State Exam format, which will determine the degree of readiness of everyone for the exam. Usually the results are not high, and this fact makes many students think that careful and serious preparation for the Unified State Exam is necessary.

2. Familiarity with documents and recommendations for passing the Unified State Exam.

At the first consultation, I introduce students to the main documents - the specification of the examination paper, the codifier, the structure of the examination paper, the distribution of tasks by content and type of activity, the evaluation system for individual tasks and the work as a whole, the conditions for conducting and checking the exam results.

Next, I recommend reference and educational literature, manuals for applicants to universities, CDs and Internet sites where you can get information on preparing for the exam, where you can conduct on-line testing, download demo versions different years, practice tests in biology, sign up for distance learning training courses, which are offered by Russian universities.

3. Studying the content of KIMs in biology .

.I introduce students to the features of completing tasks “A”, consisting of thirty test tasks basic level difficulty and twelve tasks higher level. For the test tasks of part “A” you can get 69% of the maximum initial score, so I recommend starting the exam work with part “A” and treating it with maximum attention. The first 30 questions are based on recognition of terms, concepts, objects, then the next 12 formulate questions more broadly, and for the correct answer it is necessary to apply existing knowledge to a slightly modified situation described in the question.

.I introduce students to the features of completing tasks “B”. Seven test tasks of part “B” are tasks of an increased level of complexity. Completing tasks in this group gives only 7 points in the maximum primary score, 11% of the maximum primary score. The right strategy will, when completing examination tasks, postpone the completion of this group of tasks “for later”, after completing the tasks of group “C”.

.I introduce students to the features of completing tasks “C”.

Part C contains six free-response items (C1-C6). When completing tasks C1-C3, you need to give an answer of one or two sentences (they are classified as an increased level of complexity), and tasks C4-C6 - a full, detailed answer (they are classified as tasks high level difficulties). Completing six long-answer tasks gives 12 points towards the maximum primary score, 20% of the maximum primary score.

The tasks in this part are complex; when answering them, it is necessary not only to provide a set of facts and information, but also to structure the answer, highlight the main and secondary aspects in it, internal structure object or phenomenon. These are tasks that are solved in stages, and the answer to them requires clarity, logic, consistency, and reasoning.

4. Technical training to the Unified State Exam.

On at this stage In preparation, I teach schoolchildren “test technique.” This technique includes the following points:

.Learning the technique of “spiral movement through the text”. This technique consists of the following - the student immediately looks through the text from beginning to end and notes to himself the tasks that seem to him the simplest and most understandable. These are the tasks the student completes first.

.Teaching objective and subjective difficulty of tasks. Children usually know their weak spots, knowledge gaps. If you come across such a question, skip it and do those tasks in which the student is strongest. And then, when there is time left to check, think again about the problematic issue.

.Pay attention to hidden clues in questions or answers.

.Training in constant strict self-control of time. All work must be completed within 2 hours. The rest of the time is for checking and rewriting from the draft into answer sheets.

. Do not leave test questions that you do not know unanswered. worst case bet intuitively or at random.

5. Repetition.

The key to success in preparing a student to successfully pass the Unified state exam in biology is a systematic review, which I spend in lessons in chemical and biological profile class, elective courses and group and individual consultations.

.The role of elective courses in preparation for the Unified State Exam.

Among the many courses, I chose courses to repeat educational material, but at a higher level: in the 10th grade, “Biology of Plants, Fungi and Lichens,” in the 11th grade, “Man and His Health.” The program included research, design work students, work with additional sources information, including Internet resources. I give lectures at electives profile level, and also conduct cross-sections of knowledge in various forms: seminars, tests, testing, reports on creative tasks.


In the first half of the year, we repeat zoology during consultations, because... this course biology remained not covered by repetition. So, when we repeated and deepened almost all theoretical material, from the second half of the year we begin to solve CIMs. I pay special attention to questions where, according to the analysis of previous years, there were more difficulties:

. chemical organization cells;

.metabolism and energy conversion;

.neurohumoral regulation physiological processes occurring in the human body;

.methods of speciation, definition driving forces and the results of evolution, paths and directions evolutionary process, aromorphoses in specific groups of organisms;

.features of mitosis and meiosis, photosynthesis and chemosynthesis, biogeocenosis and agrocenosis;

.characteristics of classes angiosperms, vertebrates and their complication in the process of evolution.

And also questions practical application knowledge.

.Individual work.

Students have different training, abilities, some missed lessons on objective reasons, so preparing for exams requires differentiated approach. Students receive assignments individually and, if necessary, provide individual consultations, clarification of complex topics in which there are gaps in the knowledge of individual students.

Good afternoon, dear colleagues!

While preparing for the speech, I thought about what experience I could show to those who, year after year, prepare everyone without exception for the Unified State Exam. My subject is most often chosen by motivated children.

The subject "biology" seems very simple. Birds, flowers... But in fact it’s about 500 the most difficult topics, one way or another connected with each other. It takes time to absorb knowledge! In order to realize them, see, feel, build logical relationships with what is already known.

One of the factors is time . Full preparation for the Unified State Exam in biology- this is a year of serious impact work, better than 2 years.

Some people think that biology can be crammed, that there are no problems in it. However, only a deep understanding and comprehension of biology will help you in exams. And the tasks are very diverse! - found in the Unified State Exam, and their wording is often ambiguous.

Regular school preparation, of course, not enough. After all, biology includes a number of interrelated sections - botany, zoology, human anatomy and physiology, general biology. Each section has its own specifics, its own difficulties. And in most schools, the student is often asked to master all this difficult and meaningful material in one lesson per week. However, the paradox is that even with 3 hours a week there is no time to repeat materials from grades 6-8 in the lesson system. Extra classes help.

  1. I analyze the most significant and difficult issues in more detail. It helps me to formulate participation in the audit Unified State Examination works and GIA. Most often, these are questions for which little time is allocated in the school course.
  1. Unload educational material by reducing descriptive and secondary components. - supporting notes


  1. Maintain a dictionary biological terms with their clear definitions, but not just stupidly write down the terminology there, but taking into account that one term can be designated in different terms. In this case, it is necessary to present to students all terminological options for designating a particular concept, since in the control tests measuring materials can be used various terms, denoting the same concept.
  • Work in this direction involves the use of dictionaries and encyclopedias, while attention to the Russian language increases, interest in the language is formed biological science, the language experience of students is updated, their oral and written language, the communication skills of students are most effectively formed.
  • Constantly engage different kinds students’ memory, use mnemonics techniques more confidently, and explain the meaning of terms that have Greek, Latin or other origins.

Tropisms (Greek tropos - turn, direction) - directed growth movements of plant organs, expressed by the unilateral influence of environmental factors, etc.

Students, having heard the translation, begin to remember that plants are drawn to the light, and the roots grow deep into the soil

  1. Use pass-through approach – ecological, evolutionary, functional. Evolution of organ systems
  1. When conducting classes on general biology make wide use of knowledge from the field of botany and zoology, involve it in illustrating and concretizing biological laws and derivation general patterns. (I’m not just talking about the paths of evolution, but I’m showing it on specific examples from previously studied courses

I widely use drawings, tables, pictograms and diagrams to illustrate and explain biological patterns - the principle is better to see once than to hear 100 times, no one has yet canceled it. And experience shows that tasks with specific drawings, graphs, etc. cause difficulties for students

On one slide I use English and Russian pictures, because... It’s difficult to find drawings without captions on the Internet

When conducting control activities, use tasks that require drawing up diagrams, drawings, pictograms and tables - many of the pictograms used now were invented by former graduates

Solve application problems biological knowledge in various practical situations;

Use tasks that require a clear and concise written answer - tasks C5 and C6.

19, 20

IN educational assignments include drawing up plans and notes of textbook paragraphs, plans for answering questions.

To master testing techniques, in the process of teaching biology, it is necessary to widely use testing with various types of test tasks similar to Unified State Exam assignments. In this case, pay special attention to difficult types of test tasks.

One of the problems in preparing students for the Unified State Exam in Biology is the repetition of program material in the courses “Botany”, “Zoology” and “Human Anatomy and Physiology”. There is no time allocated for repetition of these topics in the 10-11th grade during lessons, and since the material is taught by the students passed in grades 6-8, there is a possibility that it has been completely forgotten.

Thus, each student accumulates a set of notes with selected and adapted material. Later, for each topic, students are offered advanced level tests, the solution of which requires careful study of notes.

This approach to reviewing long-ago topics allows you not only to learn program material, but to develop skills in working with subject literature, master the technique of selecting the most important material and compiling notes, and master testing techniques. For this purpose, school textbooks are used, which are forgotten when preparing for the Unified State Exam. This is very bad, because... many drawings and diagrams are taken from school textbooks. Yes, there are them now huge variety, but in class I try to show the kids material on one topic in several textbooks.

And finally, so that students become familiar with the structure of the exam in Unified State Examination form, intermediate and final examination at 10 and11th grade is also carried out in the form of the Unified State Exam; in the second half of the 11th grade, students take a trial exam several times, which is carried out in compliance with almost all procedural features; based on the results, the work of each student is analyzed and their primary score, weaknesses in its preparation are identified. An analysis of several similar works shows the dynamics of the growth of his knowledge and the effectiveness of mastering test technologies

Knowing love modern schoolchildren for tablets and iPhones, I compiled kits teaching aids for viewing in these gadgets.

You can see a number of drawings on English language, it's not a mistake. I go through these drawings and diagrams with them in class, and for practice, let them be “Blind”

And last but not least, you can learn and understand the material in textbooks, you can learn to work with tables, diagrams and graphs, but you can’t talk about biology without having a visual representation of its objects.

I constantly face the problem of not knowing appearance different biological objects (plants, animals from different systematic groups), etc. Solving this problem, I am trying to create an illustrated dictionary of living nature.


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Slide captions:

Features of Preparation for the Unified State Exam in Biology Biology teacher of the GAPOU IOC named after V. Talalikhin Cherkalina Irina Alekseevna Moscow, 2014

Until the Unified State Exam... days

Analysis of the most significant and difficult questions and questions for which little time is allocated in the school course

Using reference notes

The essence of the method of pictorial-ideographic writing; the material is grouped into blocks; you can increase the volume of material studied without overloading students; coding educational information and the ability to read reference signals; the ability to present material using drawings-signals in an expanded form


This is what notes in notebooks look like

Maintain dictionaries of biological terms 1. Tropisms (Greek tropos - turn, direction) - directed growth movements of plant organs, expressed by the unilateral influence of environmental factors, etc. 2. Centripetal neuron = sensory neuron= afferent neuron

Idiomatic adaptation


Plant structure Vegetative organs: root and shoot Generative organs: flower, seed, fruit

Establish a correspondence between the peculiarities of the lifestyle and structure of coelenterates and the group of animals of this type. GROUP OF CENTEROCENTARIES 1) jellyfish 2) coral polyps LIFESTYLE AND STRUCTURE A) living in the thickness of sea water B) living in the surf C) form colonies D) do not form colonies E) have a calcareous skeleton E) do not have a calcareous skeleton A B C D E E

MULTIPLE ANSWER CHOICE In freshwater hydra, jellyfish and coral polyp 1) the body consists of two layers of cells 2) organs consist of tissue 3) closed circulatory system 4) the body has radial symmetry 5) stinging cells are located in the outer layer of the body 6) each the cell performs all the functions of a living organism

Find errors in the given text. Indicate the numbers of the sentences in which errors were made and correct them. 1. Coelenterates are three-layered multicellular animals. 2. They have a gastric or intestinal cavity. 3. The intestinal cavity includes stinging cells. 4. Coelenterates have a reticular (diffuse) nervous system. 5. All coelenterates are free-swimming organisms. hydra coral reef jellyfish

Plan for compiling notes on zoology. Taxonomy general characteristics Peculiarities external structure Peculiarities internal structure Reproduction Diversity Meaning

Many students who have decided to connect their lives with medical and biological fields ask the question of how to pass the Unified State Exam in biology with 100 points. The success of graduates primarily depends on the time they spend preparing for the exam. Accordingly, the more material covered during this time, the higher the chance of successfully preparing for the biology test. If a child has definitely decided to take biology, then he should start preparing now.

Every graduate should know that the motivating link in his successful learning there must be desire and interest. The set goal encourages a person to strive for perfection, study new branches of science, find and correct mistakes. In your goal, you need to clearly understand what can be solved at this stage and what cannot, how much work needs to be done to achieve success.

As a rule, children begin to prepare for exams in the 10th grade, and in 11th they only practice standard exam assignments. In fact, passing the theory on a certain topic does not mean that the student will be able to use it in practice. While undergoing training, the student should not “cram” the material, but understand the meaning of a particular answer and solution. The ability to apply theory in practice does not come immediately; sometimes, missing an important detail, the child cannot realize his mistake.

If the task seems very difficult and unsolvable, then you should keep a separate notebook for notes. In it you will need to draw up a summary of difficult topics and remember the stages of solving tasks.

Permanent Solution exam options- this is collateral successful completion exam. The more tasks completed, the more likely that it may appear on the exam.

You need to be able to manage time correctly. The child should not be brought to mental overstrain. 2 hours of work will be much more effective than 6 hours of cramming.

The first part of the exam consists of tasks of a basic level of difficulty. Solving each task in this part should not take more than 2 minutes. When choosing the correct answer, do not panic or lose your thoughts. If you are not exactly sure of the answer, then this question should be left for later. When the easy tasks from the first part are completed, you can move on to those that caused difficulties.

Part 1 theory includes: basic concepts about the life activity of organisms, genetic patterns, crossing different types, types of kingdoms, their properties and differences.

Innovations: analysis and synthesis of information on proposed topics.

The second part consists of tasks of an increased level of difficulty. To complete them, you need to remember the entire theory you have covered. Students are given tasks with choosing the correct options from 6 proposed ones, tasks to find correspondences and to establish correct sequence. You should spend no more than 5 minutes on each question.

Part 2 theory includes topics: the human body and its hygiene, macroevolution, living environments.

Innovations: finding errors in drawings, analyzing graphs and tables with statistical data.

  1. The third part consists of tasks of a high level of complexity. Here the examinee must demonstrate the ability to apply theory in practice. For each task, it is necessary to provide a solution and explain it in detail. It may take up to 20 minutes to answer one question.
  2. Part 3 theory includes: application of knowledge in practical situations, analysis of text and graphic information, evolution and environmental patterns, calculation problems in cytology and genetics.
  3. Dividing tasks into 3 categories is relevant when self-training for the exam. IN exam forms The distribution of tasks may be different.

About cheat sheets for the Unified State Exam in biology

Some people use hints, others don’t, but you need to be able to make cheat sheets. You should not rewrite the entire book or copy assignment options onto sheets, because this will not bring any benefit if the child sees the hint. Key points that should be taken into account in the cheat sheet:

  • basic concepts in short form;
  • examples of tasks that caused difficulty when solving independently;
  • formulas for calculation;
  • names of scientists and their discoveries.

Hints can be written on small pieces of paper, on pens, and even embroidered on clothes. You can also use pocket guide if there are difficulties in completing a particular task. It is up to the child to decide whether to use a cheat sheet or not. In any case, the written hint instills some confidence and optimism, but it’s possible to get a hundred points using your own mind.

Conducting the biology exam in 2017

This year, the biology exam was significantly more complicated, but the number of tasks was reduced from 40 to 28. The time to complete the work was also increased from 180 to 210 minutes. It is planned to eliminate choice questions in 2017 correct option answer, now the student will have to solve the task independently and get the correct answer. Now it will be a little more difficult to pass the Unified State Exam in biology with 100 points than last year, but for those guys who are already preparing for the exams, such innovations will not come as a surprise.

To enter universities, you must score at least 36 points on the exam.

The first task corresponds to the first section in the codifier, which can be easily found on the FIPI website.

The section is called “Biology as a Science. Methods scientific knowledge" What does this mean? There are no specifics here, so, in fact, he can include anything.

In the codifier you can find a list of content elements tested on the Unified State Exam. That is, everything you need to know to successful implementation tasks. Behind correct execution you can get 1 point.

We present them below for your reference:

  1. Biology as a science, its achievements, methods of knowing living nature.
  2. The role of biology in the formation of modern natural science picture peace.
  3. Level organization and evolution. The main levels of organization of living nature: cellular, organismal, population-species, biogeocenotic, biosphere.
  4. Biological systems. General signs biological systems: cellular structure, peculiarities chemical composition, metabolism and energy conversion, homeostasis, irritability, movement, growth and development, reproduction, evolution.

It looks very complicated and incomprehensible, however, during the preparation process you will still become familiar with all these topics; they do not need to be taught for separate task.

Analysis of typical tasks No. 1 of the Unified State Exam in biology

After viewing all the offers open bank assignments, you can distinguish two classifications of assignments: by thematic section and by the form of the question.

By thematic section

If arranged in order from more to less, you get:

  • Botany
  • human anatomy
  • Cytology
  • General biology
  • Genetics
  • Evolution

Let's look at examples of tasks for each section.


Consider the proposed structure of the organs of a flowering plant. Write down the missing term in your answer, indicated by a question mark in the diagram.

The stem, buds and leaves together make up the above-ground part of the plant - the shoot

Answer: escape.

human anatomy

Consider the proposed diagram of the structure of the skeleton of the upper limb. Write down the missing term in your answer, indicated by a question mark in the diagram.

The free upper limb includes the hand. If you don’t go into details about the bones that make it up yet, then you just need to remember three sections: shoulder, forearm, hand.

The shoulder begins at the shoulder joint and ends at the elbow joint.

The forearm, accordingly, should end with the elbow, and start from the wrist inclusive.

The hand is the bones that make up the palm and phalanges of the fingers.

Answer: shoulder.


First, you need to familiarize yourself with the concept of “cytology” in order to understand what we're talking about.

Cytology is a branch of biology that studies living cells, their organelles, their structure, functioning, processes of cell reproduction, aging and death. Terms also used cell biology, cell biology.

The word "cytology" includes two roots from Greek language: “cytos” - cell, “logos” - science, as in biology - “bio” - living, “logos” - science. Knowing the roots, you can easily assemble a definition.

Consider the proposed classification scheme for organelles. Write down the missing term in your answer, indicated by a question mark in the diagram.

From this diagram it becomes clear that organelles are divided into three types according to the number of membranes. Here, only one window is allocated for each type, but this does not mean that only one organelle corresponds to each type. In addition, in plant and animal cell there are differences in the structure of cells.

Plants, unlike animals, have:

Organelles are divided according to the number of membranes:

  • Single membrane organelles: endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi complex, lysosomes.
  • Double-membrane organelles: nucleus, mitochondria, plastids (leukoplasts, chloroplasts, chromoplasts).
  • Non-membrane organelles: ribosomes, centrioles, nucleolus.

In the diagram, the question is about double-membrane organelles. We know that mitochondria and plastids are double-membrane. We reason: there is only one pass, but two options. It's not just like that. You need to re-read the question carefully. There are two types of cells, but we are not told which one we are talking about, which means the answer must be universal. Plastids are characteristic only plant cells, therefore, mitochondria remain.

Answer: mitochondria, or mitochondrion.

(IN open jar both options are indicated)


Again, let's look at the definition:

Genetics is the science of the laws of heredity and variability.

Let's break the definition down into definitions:

Heredity-Complexity natural properties organism received from parents and predecessors.

Variability is the variety of characteristics among representatives of a given species, as well as the ability of descendants to acquire differences from their parent forms.

Consider the proposed classification scheme for types of variability. Write down the missing term in your answer, indicated by a question mark in the diagram.

Since the concept of variability includes the property of acquiring differences from parental forms, this gives us the term “heredity.” U healthy person 46 chromosomes. 23 come from mom, 23 from dad. This means that a child is a combination of characteristics acquired from parents, moreover, mom and dad also carry in their genetic code signs of their parents. During the rearrangements, some appear in the offspring, while others can simply be transferred to the genome. Those that have appeared are dominant, and those that are simply registered in genome-recessive. Major changes against the background of the whole species there is no such variability.

Answer: combinative.


Evolution in biology is irreversible historical development wildlife.

It is aimed at the survival of the species. One should not think that evolution is only a complication of the organism; some species have taken the path of degeneration, that is, simplification, in order to survive.

Biological regression obviously has no options. Those who regressed were unable to adapt to changing conditions environment, which means it is extinct. Biologists know that it is not the fittest that survives, but the fittest.

Biological progress has three paths, let's start with a simple one:

Adapt - the main objective. Another way to say “adapt” is “adapt.”

The next path is idioadaptation.

Idioadaptation is the acquisition of useful characteristics for life.

Or in scientific terms: Idioadaptation is a direction of evolution consisting in the acquisition of new characteristics while maintaining the level of organization of ancestral forms.

Everyone knows what an anteater looks like. He has an elongated muzzle, and all this is needed in order to get his food - small insects. This change in the shape of the muzzle did not make fundamental changes in the life of anteaters, but it became more convenient for them to eat than their ancestors with a less elongated muzzle.

Aromorphosis is the emergence during evolution of characteristics that significantly increase the level of organization of living organisms.

For example, the emergence of angiosperms greatly increased survival rates.

Answer: idioadaptation.

So, we have analyzed one example of tasks from different sections asked in the first task.

Second classification: by form the question asked. Although in the first task there are diagrams everywhere, the question can still be posed in different ways.

Question forms

1.Missed term in the diagram

You just need to enter the missing term in the diagram, as in the tasks above. These are the majority of questions.

Consider the proposed scheme of evolutionary directions. Write down the missing term in your answer, indicated by a question mark in the diagram.

We discussed this option above, so we are writing the answer right away.

Answer: idioadaptation.

2. Answer to the question from the diagram

The diagram is complete, based on your knowledge you need to answer the question according to the diagram.

Look at the picture with examples of chromosomal mutations. The number 3 on it indicates a chromosomal rearrangement... (write down the term in your answer)

There are several types of chromosomal rearrangements that you need to know:

Duplication is a type of chromosomal rearrangement in which a section of a chromosome is doubled.

Deletions are the loss of a section of a chromosome.

Inversion is a change in the structure of a chromosome caused by a 180° rotation of one of its internal sections.

Translocation is the transfer of a section of a chromosome to another.

The third picture clearly shows that there are more chromosome sections. The first four sections of the chromosome doubled, there were 9 of them, instead of 5, as before. This means that a part of the chromosome has been duplicated.

Answer: duplication.

3. Answer to the question regarding the circuit part

The diagram is complete, but I have a question regarding some part of it:

Consider the proposed reaction scheme between amino acids. Write down in your answer the concept denoting the name of the chemical bond marked in the diagram with a question mark.

This diagram shows the reaction between two amino acids, as is known from the question. Peptide bonds act between them. You will become more familiar with them when studying DNA and RNA.

A peptide bond is chemical bond, arising between two molecules as a result of a condensation reaction between the carboxyl group (-COOH) of one molecule and the amino group (-NH2) of another molecule, releasing one molecule of water (H2O).

Answer: peptide, or peptide bond.

According to FIPI, the first task is basic, so it does not pose any particular difficulty for the graduate. It covers a lot of topics, but is rather superficial. After studying all the topics, it is better to look through all the available diagrams for this task, since the answer is not always obvious. And do not forget to read the question carefully, it is not always the same.

The state exam in biology is alternative, that is, graduates take it by choice. On average, 17% of graduates pass biology. total number participants (every fifth): those graduates who plan to study in higher education educational institutions in training programs for all medical, veterinary and agricultural specialties, as well as biologists, psychologists and some others. After two compulsory subjects(Russian language and mathematics), social studies and physics, biology ranks fifth in terms of the number of participants. In 2011 year of the Unified State Exam 150 thousand people from 83 regions of the Russian Federation took the biology test.

The Unified State Exam in biology consists of 50 tasks, divided into three groups.

Part I consists of 36 tasks (A1–A36) with answer options from which you must choose the correct one. These tasks should ideally take 1-2 minutes each.

Part II consists of 8 tasks (B1–B8): 3 of them require choosing three correct answers from six proposed ones, 2 - establishing the sequence of various biological objects, phenomena, processes and 3 tasks to establish correspondence between facts. In the content of these tasks, the answer is not formulated in a ready-made form (with the exception of tasks with multiple choice). It must be compiled independently and written down, strictly following the instructions that are located in the text of the examination paper itself.

Part III contains 6 (C1–C6) tasks that require a detailed answer. These assignments deserve special attention, they allow graduates to demonstrate the ability to apply their knowledge in a non-standard situation, logically construct an answer containing certain conclusions, solutions and generalizations. When completing free-response tasks, you should take into account the instructions: “Explain your results” or “Explain your answer.” Lack of explanation in the answer reduces its quality and, accordingly, lowers the points.

On performing the Unified State Exam in biology, 3 hours (180 minutes) are allotted.

At evaluation of work, important factor is the degree of difficulty of the task. The task of the first part is scored 1 point, the second - from 0 to 2, the third - from 0 to 3. When done correctly 36 tasks of the first part of the work (A) can get 36 points, for correct completion of 8 tasks of the second part (B) - 16 points and the largest number 6 tasks of the third part of the work (C) are assessed - 17 points.

Answers to the tasks of the first and second parts are checked using a computer, and the third - by a special expert commission. For each task of this type, instructions are developed with an “ideal” correct answer, which helps the expert correlate the student’s answer with the standard and objectively evaluate it.

IN exam paper in biology includes tasks that require knowledge of the material for the entire school course. About 70% of the total are tasks in general biology, 15% are tasks in the “Human” section, and 15% are tasks in other sections.

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