Self-awareness is the mind and power of imagination. Revelations from the Universe - Imagination: The Most Powerful Force

In principle, a person can change the surrounding reality in two ways: physical and metaphysical, but they all require action.

In the scheme of energy-informational interaction, I highlighted “word” and “action” as factors that directly affect the outside world. And if “action” (deed) can be attributed to a physical method that involves influencing matter, with a material object through direct contact, which allows you to change the location of the object of influence in space and (or) its appearance. That “word” can be called a “transitional” method, because with a word we can also change the surrounding reality. Example? Please!

In a store, you ask the seller to give you “that piece of sausage and cut it.” Your request is being fulfilled. Has a material object (sausage) changed its location in space? Yes! Has the item changed its appearance? Yes. Has reality changed? Yes! But the most interesting thing is that for this you did not have to enter into a direct physical contact with the subject.

Changes have occurred in the surrounding reality thanks to your request addressed to another person, expressed in verbal formulation, or rather due to directed energy, inducing certain actions.

A word is a voiced thought, one of the forms of its materialization, which has a certain energy potential and acts on a spiritual level, being expressed on the physical plane in the form of sounds that make up a verbal formula.

The “action” here is the very pronunciation of the word - the external manifestation of a directed thought.

The metaphysical method of influencing the surrounding reality can, in turn, be divided into two: magical and natural.

“Magical” - turning to supernatural forces for help, we will not consider; we will turn our attention to the “natural” method, to the possibilities given by God to man from birth.

Can a person change reality directly, mentally, without expressing his ideas in words and actions? Maybe! Let us recall the facts recorded, but unexplained by official science, such as:

  • telepathy (transfer of thoughts over a distance);
  • telekinesis (moving objects with the mind);
  • exteriorization (separation of thought).

But this is again from the realm of mysticism and such phenomena are observed quite rarely, in people who are gifted from above, who have specially developed such abilities in themselves, or they arise on a short time in special, sometimes life-threatening situations that also give rise to other phenomena human being. We will turn to natural process, which flows in the consciousness of every person and is so familiar that few people pay attention to it. This is the process of constructing mental images that accompany the emergence of any ideas, their internal video reproduction, called imagination.

Take a closer look at your thoughts. Think or say to yourself, for example, “watermelon” - and immediately before your eyes you will see the green side of a striped beauty with a cut out appetizing slice of scarlet juicy pulp. You can even taste and smell it. Or “fishing”, and immediately pictures of a lake-river, fishing rods, floats, a pot with fish soup over a fire, mosquitoes, “Russian special”, smoked sausage and other attributes of active recreation will float.

“Imagination is a specific form of spiritual activity of the subject in cognition and creativity, associated with the reproduction of past experience (reproductive imagination) and the constructive and creative creation of a new visual or visual-conceptual image, a situation of the needed future (productive imagination).” (Spirkin A.G. “Fundamentals of Philosophy,” M., 1988 p. 285).

Imagination is the creative force that brings all kinds of ideas to life; stage, stage of materialization of thought.

Just as a thought in itself is nothing, it must be accepted in order for it to become effective, so the imaginary picture accompanying it is nothing until it is accepted (together with the thought) for action and begins to develop along with it.

Example. The thought arose: “lemonade,” accompanied by a picture of a glass with a bubbling drink, a steamy bottle from the refrigerator, or, at worst, a “one and a half” with cheap booze. That's all! Thought and image simply state a fact.

But the accepted thought-idea: “I want lemonade”, accompanied by the same images, developing, may look like in the following way: views of a store with display cases of soft drinks; a kiosk with a façade lined with dusty bottles; an image of a phone with a delivery service number, etc. That is, the creative work of the imagination has begun to satisfy your desire.

Let's look at the entire path of materialization of thought, from an emerging idea to a physical object embodied in the surrounding reality. Let the “experimental” object be a “birdhouse”. Yes, yes, an ordinary wooden house for migratory birds, which old times hundreds were made by pioneers and schoolchildren.

So, a thought-idea appeared in the head of a certain person: “to make a birdhouse.” She came to his “liking,” “to his heart,” and he accepts the idea, full of joyfully excited feelings that accompany desire.

First, the textbook appearance of the starlings’ “summer residence” appears before the mind’s eye, then the imagination begins to draw its “blueprint”: back wall, front, roof, bottom, entrance... etc. and so on. The options for the material used to build this “monument of wooden architecture” are also considered, from Lebanese cedar to Scots pine, the original style of construction (for example, in the form of a Gothic tower or an imitation of a rustic log hut); decorative finishing... etc.

After this, the mentally crafted product is mentally “nailed” on a favorite tree in front of the house, with a “video listing” of the tools required for this process: ladder, hammer, nails...etc.

And so, in the end, the consciousness observes the following picture: a birdhouse is comfortably hidden in the greenery of the crown, to which happy starling parents fly up one by one, carrying prey in their beaks, intended for the chicks, who greet mom and dad with a joyful squeak.

Everything planned already exists, although it is still in the imagination.

Its materialization in reality directly depends on the person and can be realized even in an hour if he complies with his desire (have the necessary materials and tools) and begins actions leading to the fulfillment of desire, which can be divided into two groups.

First: actions that directly lead to the fulfillment of a desire, these include the process of making a birdhouse itself.

Second: final actions to realize your goal. Target this person a birdhouse that is fully suitable for settling by birds, that is, fixed to a tree. So the “action” that belongs to the second group will be strengthening it on the selected tree, like The final stage embodiment of what you want in the surrounding reality.

Well, with this function of the imagination, which makes the “blueprint” of what is planned clear. All people use this all the time, and some have chosen it as their profession (engineers, designers, architects), transferring the images that arise in their imagination onto paper and building scale models of their ideas. In fact, any object created by human hands is his materialized thought-idea.

You might be very surprised to learn that the quantum physics in collaboration with cosmology, she put forward a theory about the universe - thoughts: the universe was born from a single thought, is a thought, and everything around (material) is a condensed thought.

"The concept of the Universe as a world of pure thought sheds New World to many of the problems we have encountered in modern research in physics." (Sir James Jeans, physicist, mathematician, astronomer).

This concept is very close to philosophical trend Energeticism, which asserts that only energy exists in the Universe, in all its diverse manifestations, right down to matter. All physical objects are materialized energy.

So: the Universe is thought (energy), the energy of our consciousness is thoughts, objects created by human hands are his materialized thought (energy) - everything is very closely interconnected. The process of creating a mental model of the desired situational space with the help of the creative power of imagination directly affects the energy-information field of the surrounding reality, creating in it its not yet materialized structure. “Action” here will be special ways to do this.

If the process of imagination in all other cases precedes words and actions, then here it is an independent factor influencing reality, becoming so due to volitional effort, clothed in desire and corresponding emotions that distinguish creative imagination from fruitless fantasy.

Thus, a third factor of active influence on the surrounding reality can be introduced into the scheme of energy-information interaction - “imagination”. In relation to it, we will draw up a Plan for fulfilling what we want, although it is also valid for actions at the physical level. Only its fourth point is composed taking into account the specifics of the imagination.

  • The first thing required to fulfill it is the presence of desire; a clearly stated and defined goal.
  • The second is to live up to your desires.
  • The third is to carry out actions leading to the fulfillment of what you want.
  • Fourth - feel and behave in Everyday life the way they would feel and behave if the desire had already been fulfilled.

Because your desire already exists. It acquired a metaphysical form in that split second when you accepted this thought (idea).

A mental construction modeled by the imagination will be translated into reality through a series of events that fulfill the plan. “How”, “when” and “in what way” the desired materializes in reality is not necessary to know, and it is simply impossible. A person should only strive to fulfill his desire, working on compliance and its direct embodiment in reality.

Well, now, let's analyze in detail all the points of the plan and consider the accompanying auxiliary techniques.

This article is dedicated to the opportunities that a person can gain when moving to the fourth and fifth levels of consciousness.

As has already been said in previous articles, four-dimensional and five-dimensional spaces are very closely related to each other. Therefore, the abilities that open up when mastering these realities are difficult to attribute to the fourth or fifth level. Generally, we're talking about about the possibilities of interaction with information and energy, and when the ability allows to a greater extent to operate with information, then it can be considered four-dimensional, and when it is associated with the ability to feel energy and interact with it, then this quality can be called five-dimensional. For example, many modern contactees (channelers) are able to receive messages from representatives upper levels, or energy entities located in the Earth's field. If these messages convey more meaning, but not the emotions of representatives of the subtle plane, then this method of contact can be classified as four-dimensional. If the contactor manages to convey the emotions of a spiritual entity, then such channeling already demonstrates more of the capabilities of fifth-dimensional consciousness.

However, most people can still only approach the abilities of the fifth level, but not realize them in their entirety. This is due to the fact that the possibilities of the fifth level open up through the interaction of one or more people who are able to finely tune into each other’s state. If someone activates their energetic qualities independently, then first of all he develops individual consciousness. Fifth-dimensional abilities have to do with collective consciousness, and manifest themselves at the level of a group and a larger community of people.

The reason is that the possibility of moving to the fifth level largely depends on the energetic conditions in which people find themselves. While a person is engaged in personal development, he can only prepare for the transition to the fifth level, realizing his desires, through which it is possible to feel his deep state. The ability to manifest this state is the most important need of a person, and for this he is born. By carrying out internal preparation for the disclosure of his unique energy, a person can activate many of his body’s abilities related to both handling information and sensing energy. This process of personal activation can be carried out through the energy contained in human desire, and this source of emotional energy opens up at the level of the body. Thanks to this activation, a person’s vital energy is colored by his individual vibrations, and due to this, the deep vibration that is the individual’s individuality begins to resonate in the body. Such a process allows for the integration of the energy body, attuning its flows and balancing its structure. The coherence of energy processes will be reflected in the physical body, a person will feel greater ease in movements and will spend less energy during physical activity. In the same way, this will affect the emotional state, which will become calmer and more even, making the perception of the surrounding world cleaner. In addition, internal integration will be reflected in the mental sphere, which will also become a purer conductor of information and will allow any reasoning to be carried out easily and undistorted.

Thus, the process of internal integration of a person will affect his three main bodies - physical, energetic and mental. Such integration consists of uniting the individual parts that make up a person’s consciousness. Each part of consciousness is a part of the human information-energy field, relating to the manifested (everyday) consciousness, or the subconscious. For example, everyday memory consists of many cells into which a person places details of situations that happen to him in life.

The boundaries between memory cells are needed in order to systematize information coming from the outside world. However, such boundaries do not allow one to gain a holistic sensory perception of what is happening. The energy located in the memory cells has to circulate within a very compressed framework, so its flows become intermittent and limited in vibration. This in turn leads to dim memories, which may convey information about past events quite well, but the emotional content may not satisfy the person. The reason is that everyday memory is organized according to the principles of four-dimensional reality, and is a matrix consisting of many units of information. Such a memory device is most convenient for perceiving ordinary patterns of the physical world, which is why it has found such wide application both in living organisms and in modern technologies.

For example, a computer's memory consists of cells; the rest of its boards and microcircuits can also be considered part of the consciousness of this device. Each such detail has its own energy structure, manifested in matter. A similar connection between energetic and physical processes is observed in the human body, and for example, memory is manifested in the neural network of brain cells, and the cellular structure of organs can be considered other parts of consciousness, each of which performs its own functions. For example, the heart allows you to feel and express emotions, and its structure helps it to be a high-quality resonator of energy vibrations. The stomach is a kind of portal through which a person’s sensual communication with outside world, and in particular the emotional energy contained in food is absorbed by the body and becomes part of its vital energy.

Each organ is manifested not only on energy level, but also on the mental one, that is, it is a kind of repository of information. Most organs of the body, like the head and spinal cord are divided into memory cells, and they contain knowledge that can be useful for life. If the information recorded in the brain is more related to everyday life and can be easily understood, then the information stored in the cells of the rest of the body is related to the subconscious, and is usually not used by a person. It is believed that the reason for the inaccessibility of subconscious information is its inapplicability to everyday life, but this is not entirely true.

The subconscious stores a person’s own memories related to those moments of life that are not important for implementation in society. However, many such experiences could provide emotional support and support the person at the state level. Remembering some bright and valuable event for oneself, a person is energetically renewed, the channels of his body are cleared and allow vital energy to flow more easily and harmoniously. In fact, any qualitative impression, experienced in real time or as a memory, is a real energy supply for the body, renewing and maintaining its structure.

The subconscious is a unique repository of human sensory experience, and these memories are often much more saturated with emotions than the information contained in the everyday memory of the brain. The fact is that inside the brain there is a perception filter that sifts through all vibrations accepted by man through the physical senses. The memory structure of the brain usually retains only bare information on which human actions that are appropriate in society can be based. Emotional content is considered by the brain to be excess information, and it is put away in a long box - the subconscious.

On the one hand, the work of such a perception filter is justified, since it allows mental activity to become easier and more practical, since when accessing memory a person does not need to restore many subtle details. If we compare a person’s mental activity with the work of a computer, then such facilitation of the brain’s work allows it to increase its productivity and increase RAM by freeing up space for analysis. One way or another, during evolution human body, the brain has become a kind of analytical center, and it can cope with this task perfectly.

However, the mental activity of the brain does not allow a person to carry out equally important work related to the feeling of energies. Human brain practically deprived emotional experiences, and its cells exist in an extreme deficit of sensory impressions. The only way the brain can experience emotions is to create associations using visual images in mental activity. For example, when a thought arises in a person’s head, he can visualize it, connecting it in his imagination with some situation that happened earlier, with some object or phenomenon that reminds him of this thought. Thanks to the creation of such associations, mental activity occurs more qualitatively, because each thought, acquiring its own individuality, can be perceived and remembered more qualitatively.

As mentioned earlier, any thought form can be filled with energy, and this happens precisely with the help of associations. By connecting his imagination, a person activates energy flows in the body, which restore the lost connections between the bare information stored in the brain and the emotional content contained in the subconscious. In essence, an associative image is a kind of symbol through which a person is able to activate in his body a certain energetic connection that passes between the memory cells of the brain and the cells of some organ that capture the feelings experienced by a person in some situation, which he now seeks to recreate. That is, the associative activity of the brain allows the integration process to begin human body, which is a preparation for the transition to the fifth level of consciousness.

In general, a person who fully uses the capabilities of his imagination helps his body renew its energy structure and create subtle relationships between its parts. For example, if a person uses visual images during communication, he gets the opportunity to convey his feelings more efficiently, and this tool is used by actors and many artists. But even if social activities a person is not associated with the expression of emotions, connecting the imagination helps him realize his goals more efficiently. For example, an engineer can use associations when creating complex circuits, and such images will allow him to easily understand his drawings, making his perception three-dimensional and multifaceted. The driver can use associations when remembering the route, thereby not relying only on the capabilities of the navigator, which at the most inopportune moment can fail, directing a person along the wrong route. The athlete can associate each exercise with some pleasant or vivid image. During training, he can remember these pictures, the visualization of which will help his body fill with emotional energy and make physical processes more active, which will have a positive impact on the results.

All these examples indicate that imagination is one of the key human abilities, which allows you to activate the internal resources of your body and launch energy flows. Each person has enough vital energy to activate many of his abilities, and access to them can be opened through the imagination. However, most of this energy is in an inactive state, and usually circulates in minute circles within the organs and tissues of the body. The reason is that when carrying out mental activity, a person rarely accesses the memory of the subconscious, and therefore does not create associative connections, thanks to which energy could circulate freely throughout the body.

If such relationships were built inside the body, uniting different cells of consciousness, then the energy flows would become more amplitude and active, and the memories contained in the subconscious would become more accessible. This building of internal relationships can be considered a process of revitalizing the energy body, which will have a positive effect on the other two bodies - the mental body, expressed in information structure cells and organs, and on the physical body.

For most modern people, throughout their lives energy connections between organs and tissues continue to weaken, and this is the main cause of aging. In essence, old age occurs due to an imbalance internal processes, as a result of which energy begins to concentrate in certain parts of the body, and in others it becomes depleted. Tissues and organs that are oversaturated with energy begin to work especially actively and wear out faster, and areas of the body experiencing an energy deficiency seem to fall asleep and do not work to their full potential, ceasing to use their potential.

Moreover, most of the body usually exists in an inactive state, and only some zones of individual organs remain active. For example, during mental activity, only the cerebral cortex is usually used, and its entire volume opens up possibilities associative thinking, is used in hundredths of a percent. When playing sports, a person’s muscles are only partially activated, working with a small number of their fibers, and most of them continue to be inactive. Such partial inclusion of the body leads to premature wear of some of its parts and weakening of others, which, if inactive, gradually lose their capabilities.

That is, the cause of aging is an uneven load on the body and an imbalance in its physiological processes. Physical imbalance is associated with imbalanced energy flows, and one of the reasons for this imbalance is the dominance of the analytical activity of the brain over other processes.

It can be said that main reason aging and many physical abnormalities - in the hypertrophy of the brain and its dominance over the rest of the body. This tendency is manifested in the theory of emotion, according to which the development of animals occurs through cephalization, that is, enlargement of the brain and complication of its structure. All this is also manifested in many survival instincts, for example, in case of danger, a person covers his head with his hands, and not some other part of the body. Of course he is unconditioned reflex justified, since the head contains most of the physical sense organs. On the other hand, exclusively careful attitude to the head makes people think that their whole life depends on this organ. However, the brain is only an analyzer, absolutely necessary for life, but not superior in importance to the rest of the body.

Each cell of the body carries not only biological functions, but is also a resonator of emotional energy, as well as a keeper of valuable memories. From this point of view, all cells of the body are equal, and should be used equally by a person throughout life. It can be said that the principles of equality and justice mentioned in last article in the context human society. Just as each person has an individuality, each cell has such extraordinary value. Perhaps if a person remembers the potential inherent in his cells, this will help him manifest himself.

The key tool for awakening cells is the human imagination, through which the harmonious circulation in the body can be restored and vital energy can be evenly distributed. This process of cell integration is similar to the building of multifaceted sensory relationships between people, which can occur during the transition of human society to the fifth level of consciousness. Therefore, establishing circulation in the body is the most important preparation that a person can make to carry out the transition of his consciousness. Despite the fact that in this case the person will not yet be able to demonstrate fifth-dimensional abilities outside, he will already be prepared for the process of unification with other people. The final activation of the energy body will occur when favorable external conditions are created, which may consist of the presence of a group of like-minded people, sensual communication with whom will allow a person to manifest his deep state.

Nevertheless, the most important part a person can carry out the preparation independently, and it consists in gaining connection with his individuality, manifested in the unique vibrations of his life energy. If a person knows himself, then communication with group members will become simple and understandable for him, he will simply need to expand his energy field to other people. If a person is not aware of his own deep needs, then his interaction in a group can lead to even greater loss when the fields of other people overlap his energy structure, preventing him from understanding his own feelings.

Of course, if relationships within a group are built not on competition, but on mutual support, then those around them can help a person believe in himself and literally build his energy structure. Thus, the energy field of the group will become holistic and harmonious, supporting each member of the community in revealing their internal resources. However, if a person spends independent work, preceding the connection with the group, will create the prerequisites for the high-quality and unhindered advancement of one’s consciousness to the fifth level. In the continuation of this article, the nuances of such preparation will be considered, and the opportunities that can open up in the process of integrating one’s own body will be described.

Summarizing the above, we can come to the following conclusion: human imagination is one of the most valuable tools through which personal activation and transition to a higher level of consciousness can be achieved. Imagination is capable of activating both four-dimensional and fifth-dimensional qualities, and moreover, it allows for a systematic and harmonious transition from the fourth to the fifth level. For example, the habitual mental activity of a person can be considered a limited tool, forcing him to operate with bare thought forms devoid of energy, and therefore limited only by the capabilities of four-dimensional perception, which cannot independently expand to the fifth level. But by connecting the imagination and using associations, a person begins to restore energy flows inside his body, and the energy structure of the brain finds contact with the rest of the body. At the same time, the human mental body, which usually feeds solely on the activity of the brain, begins to receive support from other organs, and gains sufficient strength to establish contact with other bodies - emotional and physical. That is, imagination is such an ability of a human being that is ensured by the work of all three bodies and contributes to their gradual integration. Perhaps if many modern people realize the power of their imagination, then this will be enough to conduct personal preparation for the transition to the fifth level of consciousness.

In general, the process of activating most of the extrasensory abilities is built on the possibilities of imagination, the acquisition of which may indicate a person’s successful movement to the fifth level. For example, by developing energy vision, a person can create an association for each experienced emotion, thereby literally visualizing the flow of energy coming to him from the outside. The contactor can also use visual images to make the flow of information lively and voluminous. Thanks to this, in the thought forms transmitted from the subtle plane, the emotional component will appear, which could remain unclaimed when using only the mental abilities of perception.

A person engaged in breathing practices can also use his imagination, thereby his breathing will become more active and affect not only the usual physiological processes, but it will also open subtle channels through which energy has not passed before. That is, the imagination is able to fill the missing link in any human action, connecting two more to the work of one body. For example, during standard channeling the mental body is usually used, while the other two are practically inactive. Using the imagination allows the emotional body to join the process, which will pull the physical body along with it. For example, the channeler, having begun to perceive the flow of information at the level of feelings, will be filled with inspiration and will no longer be able to speak evenly and calmly. The vibrations of his voice will be colored by subtle intonations and overtones, through which the nuances of the emotional state of the spiritual entity transmitting the message will reach the listener. Then the channeler will relax even more, allowing his physical body to become even more fully involved in the process, and will begin to make arbitrary gestures with his hands, trying to express what he feels, or even start to dance freely, showing a flow of emotions in his movements. This example shows that the joint work of two bodies - mental and emotional - ensures the gradual connection of the third - physical. Such integration can be achieved in other ways, by establishing a relationship between any of the two bodies, helping the third one to join.

As in the above case of channeling, the most important tool for creating contact between bodies is the imagination. For example, through imagination, yogis transform simple physical exercise into energy practice. That is, yoga comes from physical body, and using images include energy body, which in turn activates the resources of the mental body. The manifestation of the capabilities of the mental body lies in increasing awareness, as well as the ability of many yogis to connect to high levels of consciousness, drawing from there subtle thought forms and becoming familiar with the structure of the Universe.

A person can begin the process of integration from the emotional body, for example, a healer who has a good sense of energy flows can, through imagination, visualize what is happening on the subtle plane and begin to understand more about energy processes. By developing energy vision, the healer becomes more conscious, and therefore includes the capabilities of his mental body. This expansion of perception will also affect the physical body of the healer, since the use of visual images will help the body to be more fully involved in the flow of energy, and it will become a better resonator.

Thus, using imagination, a person can align his three bodies - mental, emotional and physical, and thereby begin the process of energetic integration. In general, internal restructuring can be carried out not only with the development of extrasensory abilities, but also in any aspect of human life. Moreover, many people already carry out such preparation, but most often they connect their bodies unconsciously, and therefore do not note to themselves the nuances of their state, through which they are able to understand their essence. If they feel the value that their hobby or favorite activity can reveal to them, they will already begin the process of rebuilding their body.

For example, most artists use the possibilities of their imagination in their work, and using the power of visual images they make their emotional body active and sensitive. This helps such people diversify their drawing technique and turn it from a strict system of knowledge into creative process, in which all three bodies fully participate. The mental body, containing knowledge about various visual methods, finding a connection with the emotional body begins to act not only on the basis of logic, but also to describe visual image at the level of feelings. The physical body, through which the drawing process occurs, can also become more fully involved in this process when emotions are connected. This will manifest itself in unusual grace and coordination of movements, through which the artist’s brush will draw the image observed in the imagination. We can say that the body will begin to follow the flow of feelings, and will go beyond the limitations that are instilled in the artist during standard training. This is how a person who has received an artistic education becomes not just a specialist in his field, but also a real master.

Thus, the path to mastery lies in the coordinated work of all three bodies of the human being, and every person strives to achieve this path. This process can be started in any area of ​​human life, and by paying attention to each of the three bodies, the best possible result can be achieved.

For example, a scientist can free himself from the limitations of purely mental perception if he begins to use his emotions in the process of cognition. Many researchers are sincerely passionate about their work, which means they are already using their feelings and are close to fully involving their emotional body in the process. However, in most cases, their attention is only in mental constructs, so the energy of their being cannot go beyond the limitations supported by the programs of the standard scientific approach. In essence, the mental body of such people works separately from the emotional one, and although both are active, the lack of communication between the bodies does not allow the researcher to expand perception. But if a scientist begins to use the power of imagination, then his passion turns into a stream of inspiration, expressed in many new ideas that appear in vivid images and experiences.

Acting in this stream of new impressions, the scientist begins to test his sensory guesses, and sooner or later he can make a discovery. The flow of inspiration also activates the physical body, which manifests itself in greater efficiency, as well as in the subtle nuances of the researcher’s activity that can beneficially influence the course of the experiment. For example, a breeder may be filled with special care for his plants, which will be felt in his sensitive touch and glance. The emotional involvement of the scientist will help the plants to feel his requests more deeply, and the sensory support they will feel will help them realize their plans.

So, in this article we looked at a key tool that allows us to prepare for the transition to the fifth level of consciousness - imagination. It allows you to establish the relationship between the three main human bodies - mental, emotional and physical. When realizing his goals in society, a person in most cases uses only two out of three bodies, or even limits himself to one. The source of restrictions is standard programs, that is, generally accepted thought forms, the use of which does not require the full inclusion of the entire organism. Such partial use of internal resources leads to overload of some parts of the body and gradual falling asleep of others, which generally manifests itself in the aging of the physical body.

To get away from such an undesirable tendency, you should help your body work more harmoniously and fully. Imagination can help with this, the use of which implies the inclusion of all three bodies, which helps them restore a holistic relationship. IN ideally, harmonious work Connecting two bodies allows you to connect a third, but standard programs create blockages at the level of consciousness that prevent energy from flowing freely and lead to the isolation of each body from the other.

Using your imagination and showing your creative potential, a person is able to bypass this limitation. Imagination allows you to use associative connections that connect the brain with the rest of the body, where the memory of the subconscious is stored. Due to this, all parts of a person’s consciousness acquire unity, allowing the mental body to become more holistic. Restoring the integrity of the mental body will have a beneficial effect on the other two bodies, which will help them integrate.

The energy flows of the emotional body will begin to flow more harmoniously, and will contribute to easier and more resourceful emotional state. The updated structure of the physical body will help a person act more collectedly, and at the same time more relaxed. In general, the beneficial effect of the internal integration process is to extend the period active life and weakening the aging process. Therefore, it is possible that people who have begun the path of preparation for the transition to the fifth level will feel a surge of strength and gain inspiration to realize many of their desires. Resuming the harmonious circulation of vital energy will not only have a positive effect on health, but will also help a person to know himself. The vibrations of the human body will acquire greater richness and variety, and will create the preconditions for the manifestation of the deep state of a person, which is his individuality. The realization of this state is the most important goal for the sake of which a person is born, and therefore the process of body integration will help him fill his life with special meaning.

The following articles will take a closer look at the process of a person’s personal preparation for the transition to the fifth level, which can begin at the present time.


Guardian of the Encyclopedia.

Find Health, Wealth and Happiness Using the Power of the Subconscious Mind Murphy Joseph



Your imagination is an inexhaustible treasure. It allows you to extract priceless masterpieces of music, art, poetry and ingenuity from the depths of the subconscious.

The fulfillment of your desire depends on the power of your imagination, and not on the presence of any external conditions or factors.

Imagination is the process of forming mental images or concepts that cannot be directly perceived through the senses. That's why they say that where a common person sees an acorn, a man with imagination sees an oak tree.

Ask yourself: “Which this moment Do I represent my personal and professional life? Does my image only serve my interests, or does it also reflect what other people in my life would like for themselves?” If you stay true to this mental image, it will develop in your subconscious and then manifest itself in real life.

A visual image of what you want is the first step to achieving what you want.

Thoughts and images materialize through the strength of your emotional attachment to them. Any idea charged with emotions and felt by you as truth is unconditionally accepted by your subconscious for execution and becomes a reality.

Your outer world and everything that happens in it are projections of your inner mental images. When you recognize the differences between the inner world of causes and the outer world of effects, you begin to truly understand how your desires come true.

Before anything can be created, it must be conceived and imagined. This is why the language of imagination is the language of God. At the beginning of time, Infinite Intelligence created everything in the Universe through the power of its creative imagination. “And God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female he created them” (Genesis 1:27).

The Infinite Mind began with the idea of ​​the world, imagining the Sun, the Moon, the stars and all other objects contained in the limitless cosmos. All his dreams came true. The Infinite Source of All becomes what it imagines itself to be.

You have the same power of imagination.

Identify yourself with your goal by mentally and emotionally connecting with it. Fill your imaginary ideal with vital energy by often visualizing its implementation. If you remain unquestioningly faithful to this image, Infinite Energy will flow through your visual images and will make your desire go all the way from idea to subconscious embodiment.

What you imagine and feel like reality Necessarily will come true - even if all objective signs indicate the opposite.

Consciousness can be likened to a camera, and the subconscious mind to a sensitive film on which your visual images are imprinted. Then these frames appear in the dark room of your subconscious.

When you are able to imagine your desire as a reality come true and experience the joy of this fulfillment, the subconscious mind will definitely fulfill your desire.

Imagination is one of the most important human abilities; it is a bottomless treasure trove. Disciplined, controlled and directed, the imagination is a powerful tool to penetrate the depths of the subconscious and bring to the surface new inventions, discoveries, poetry and music. Scientists, artists, musicians, inventors, poets, composers draw their works and discoveries from the treasury of their imagination and bring joy to all humanity.

You can use your imagination constructively and get whatever you want out of life, or you can use it in a negative way, imagining fears and anxieties about what you don't want.

When everyone around says: “It can’t be done,” a person with a vivid imagination replies: “Yes, it’s already been done!”

You can imagine yourself being rich and successful just as easily—but with more passion—as you imagine yourself being poor and unhappy. If you want your dreams and ideals to come true, visualize them in your mind; Constantly imagine the real existence of the object of your desire. And then your wish will truly come true.

What you imagine has happened has already happened in your thoughts, and if you remain true to your ideal, it will happen in objective form. The Great Architect hidden within you will project onto the screen of the visible world what is imprinted in your subconscious.

Mental images that you consciously accept as truth are imprinted in the subconscious and then realized. This was proven by Dr. Hans Selye from the Institute of Experimental Medicine and Surgery at the University of Montreal. Dr. Selye demonstrated that the subconscious mind does not differentiate between stress caused by imagined worries and stress caused by real problems. He showed that if a person torments himself with imaginary fears, his body releases stress hormones in excessive quantities, causing psychosomatic diseases.

Therefore, remember that your subconscious mind reacts to the thoughts you hold in your consciousness according to their nature. The subconscious is not going to argue with you. If you direct your imagination in a negative way, imagining fears and anxieties, those are what will come true. When you use your imagination constructively, you get everything you want from life, according to your faith.

Until the image of the goal appears in the mind, the movement will not begin, because there is nothing to move towards. You must accept your prayers as images before the subconscious mind begins to realize them.

With a disciplined and controlled imagination, you can rise above all contradictions and objective facts and to imagine things as they should be, realizing the highest principle of harmony inherent in all things.

Every image that you create in your mind, especially if it is emotionally charged, will come true. It will definitely manifest itself, either externally or internally. If you hinder it external manifestation, it will inevitably make itself felt in the form of a mental, physical or emotional disorder.

As you visualize your desire, you will find that there comes a point when you no longer want to visualize it. This is a sure psychological sign that your desire has already subjectively come true. Having realized your desire subjectively, you no longer feel the need to pray for its fulfillment.


Dr. Lothar von Blenk-Schmidt, a distinguished electronics engineer, briefly talks about how his subconscious and imagination helped him avoid certain death at the hands of cruel guards on coal mine in a Russian prisoner of war camp. Here's his story:

“As a prisoner of war, I worked in a coal mine in Russia and saw people die around me like flies in these terrible conditions. We were looked after by guards, arrogant officers and the ever-present commissars. After a short medical examination, each prisoner was assigned a production quota. For example, I was supposed to mine forty-five kilograms of coal a day. If a person did not fulfill the established norm, his already meager rations were reduced, and soon he found himself in a cemetery.

I concentrated all my thoughts on escaping. I knew that the subconscious would find some way out. My home in Germany was destroyed, my family died; all my friends and colleagues were either killed or sent to prisoner of war camps like me, so I told my subconscious: “I want to get to Los Angeles, and you will find a way there.” I saw postcards with views of Los Angeles and had a good idea of ​​some of the boulevards and buildings of this city.

Every day and every night I imagined myself walking along Wiltshire Boulevard with an American girl whom I had met in Berlin before the war. In my imagination, I visited stores, rode buses, and dined in restaurants. As a special highlight, I imagined myself driving an American car through the streets of Los Angeles. My images were extremely alive and vibrant. They were as real to me as the trees growing outside the camp fence.

Every morning, the senior guard out loud counted the prisoners lined up in a line: “First, second, third... One morning, when the seventeenth number was called - mine - I, as expected, took a step forward. At that moment, the guard was called for a minute, and when he returned, he mistakenly called the prisoner standing behind me number seventeen. When the brigade returned in the evening, the number of people was the same as in the morning, and no one caught my loss in a timely manner, and when the mistake was discovered, it was already too late.

I left the camp unnoticed by anyone and continued walking for a whole day until I found myself in some deserted town. Having rested, I moved on. In order not to die of hunger, he fished and sometimes managed to hunt. Having reached the railway, I climbed onto a freight train bound for Poland. Kind people from Poland helped me move to Switzerland.

One evening at the Palace Hotel in Lucerne I met a couple from the United States, and they invited me to stay with them in Santa Monica. I agreed and, arriving in Los Angeles, found that a chauffeur sent by my friends was driving me along Wiltshire Boulevard and many other streets that I had so vividly imagined in my imagination during the long months I spent in a coal mine in Russia. I recognized the buildings that had so often visited my thoughts. My goal was achieved."

Truly, real miracles are hidden in the subconscious! The American woman whom von Blenk-Schmidt met in Berlin and with whom he walked along the boulevards of Los Angeles in his imagination ended up becoming his wife!

Multimillionaire Henry Flagler, who founded the Standard Oil company, argued in one of his magazine articles that the main secret of his success and untold wealth was the ability to present things in a finished form. In other words, he visualized the final goal, the final result, and all the powers of the Infinite Mind came to his aid. He knew how to see a project that was just beginning in its finished form. And he controlled this mental image, consolidating it in the subconscious.

For example, having learned that there was oil in such and such a place, he would close his eyes and imagine a railway track laid to the place of oil production, rumbling and smoking trains, drilling rigs, oil workers going to work, talking and laughing. He heard the whistles of steam locomotives and saw smoke escaping from the chimneys. He imagined the whole scene with amazing realism, feeling the reality of the whole project until it became completely natural to him. When this mental image was fixed in the subconscious, all the forces of Infinity were taken to its implementation. According to the law of attraction, Flagler received everything he needed to make his dreams come true.

While in South Africa on a lecture course, I met a man of very interesting fate, and he allowed me to retell his story in one of my books. During World War II, he was at the front and was seriously wounded in the leg. After that, he was confined to a wheelchair for a long time.

Somehow he thought about his fate and said to himself: “Infinite Intelligence created me, which means it can heal my leg.” He began to imagine himself doing all the things he would have done if he had remained unharmed. Before the war, he was an athlete and now he mentally turned into an athlete and supported this image in his imagination. He saw himself as the hero of a mental film, often replaying this film in his imagination, feeling the reality of what was happening. Then he couldn’t even walk, but in his wheelchair he felt like riding a bike, conquering mountain peaks or playing football. In addition, this man constantly told himself that he was strong and dexterous.

As a result, several years later, his leg was completely healed, all the broken bones had healed perfectly. He began to participate in sports again and achieved considerable success.

A schoolteacher who regularly listens to my daily radio program wrote me a letter in which she told me that she had set aside four pages in her notebook, which she titled “Health,” “Wealth,” “Love,” and “Career.” At the same time, she explained that her health had always been poor, she didn’t have enough money, she was unmarried and dreamed of getting a job as a teacher at a college.

In her notebook, under the heading “Health,” she wrote: “I am perfectly healthy; God is my health."

Under the heading “Wealth,” she wrote, “God’s riches are now my riches. I'm rich."

Under the heading "Love" she wrote: "I am divinely happy in my marriage."

Under the heading “Career” she wrote: “Divine Intelligence directed me to Good work, which I do well, receiving a decent salary.”

Every morning and every evening she reread what she had written and proclaimed: “All these desires are now being fulfilled by my subconscious.” Then she imagined the end result for each of the indicated aspects of life. She imagined her doctor saying, “You are completely cured. You're all right now." She imagined her mother, who lived with her, saying: “You are rich now. We can travel all over the world. I'm so happy". Then she pictured in her mind the priest saying, “I pronounce you husband and wife,” and felt the wedding ring on her finger. The last visual image of her before going to bed was the headmaster, who said: “It’s a pity that you are leaving us, but, on the other hand, I’m glad to hear about your appointment to the college. Congratulations!"

She scrolled through each mental movie for five minutes, being in a calm and joyful mood and knowing that these images would plunge into the depths of the subconscious, where they would mature and eventually right time will come true.

All her wishes came true within three months.

Techniques for using the power of imagination and visualization

The great German philosopher and poet Goethe used his imagination very wisely. He was used to having imaginary conversations in silence for hours. He imagined one of his friends sitting in a chair opposite him and answering his questions correctly. If he was tormented by some problem, he imagined that his friend was giving him the correct answer, accompanying the words with his usual gestures, so that the whole mental scene turned out to be as close to reality as possible.

Visualize visual images before going to bed. Play a mental movie of achievement in your mind desired goal, making it as realistic as possible and knowing that these images will be imprinted in the subconscious and then come true.

When working with the imagination, you must first of all discipline it and not let it off the leash. You have to get rid of everyone negative emotions such as envy, greed, fear, anxiety and jealousy. You must remember that fears exist only in your sick imagination. Failure is only possible when you hold a negative image in your mind, emotionally charged with fear. If you allow such images to constantly occupy your mind, then of course failure is inevitable, because when choosing between success and failure, you choose failure.

Focus all your attention on your life goals associated with achieving wealth and happiness, and do not give up on them. Be completely absorbed in the reality of your desires.

Fill your mind with images and ideas that heal, inspire, enrich, strengthen you, and you will see them take on material manifestation. You truly become who you imagine yourself to be.

Your imagination, if constantly fueled, is enough to radically change the world around you. Only stable the mental image matures and is embodied in the depths of the mind.

Believe that the laws of reason will bring you good, and you will receive all the grace and all the riches you dream of.

Principles to Remember and Apply

Imagination is one of the main human abilities. If you learn to control it, it will allow you to realize your ideas, dreams and hopes by projecting them onto the cosmic screen.

In the evenings and mornings, play through mental movies, imagining your consciousness as a movie camera, and your subconscious as a sensitive film that appears in the dark depths of the mind.

Imagine a happy ending or resolution to your problem, feel the joy of a fulfilled desire, and what you imagine and feel will be accepted by your subconscious for fulfillment.

When visualizing mental images, you must feel them to give them more realism.

When you are clear about your goal, the Universe will provide you with everything you need to achieve this goal through the power of your subconscious.

The truths you recognize on a conscious level must be emotionally charged and extremely real in order for the subconscious to accept them.

The ways of the Infinite Mind are inscrutable. Imagine the final goal, but don’t even try to understand how the subconscious will realize it.

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Imagination is a part of reality, a tool with which a person transforms the world. And since it is a tool, it can be used both for evil (this is what Jung is talking about) and for good purposes.

Imagination becomes reality because one of the fundamental aspects human existence becomes a game.

The ability to think outside the box is often the key to successful work And brilliant career. It grows out of children’s fantasies and rich imagination, which we often forget about when, in response to yet another fairy tale or invention we have written, we shout to our child: “It doesn’t happen!”, “You’re making it up!”, “You’re a liar!”

But imagination, even without our shouts, becomes poorer with age.

It's human nature to play

He's been around since early childhood lives in the game, perfectly separating the imaginary from reality, but not wanting to return from the game to reality.

For example, a little girl playing with a doll, of course, understands that her doll is not a real living child, but a plastic toy. But for her this is not of fundamental importance - she will desperately resist taking her out of the game.

In adults this is not so noticeable, but getting them to leave the imaginary world is even more difficult than for a child. All politics is based on such games of the imagination, and such games cover gigantic masses of the population...

It is this human feature that we will take advantage of.

Many times in our lives we could see how a person changed his opinion about something to literally the opposite. What previously seemed important began to seem like a trifle, what was desperately wanted became indifferent.

Imagine, for example, young guy. He gets acquainted, dates different girls, considers it very important to impress them, and he himself evaluates them - by beauty, character, intelligence, etc.

But then he finds the one and only one, falls in love with her, and after that his whole life changes. Now the rest of the girls are becoming indifferent.

He still sees and can appreciate the girls he meets, but this no longer has any meaning for him. He will no longer agree to meet with any other girl, because... will perceive this as betrayal of the one and only.

Thus, we must make one important conclusion: if we are attached to something, if we passionately desire something (sweets, flour, alcohol), then this is just our Current state. In principle, it can be changed and made so that this desire simply disappears by itself, naturally.

The young man in our example did not persuade himself to stop paying attention to other girls. He did not make any volitional efforts. It’s just that what previously seemed desirable and important to him became indifferent.

In approximately the same way, you can try to work with your bad habits; to do this, you need to find an object of love to whom this bad habit would cause significant harm. In this case further application this bad habit will begin to be perceived as betrayal of your love object, and this will gradually lead to abandoning the bad habit.

For example, in the case of constant alcohol consumption, the greatest damage is caused to the liver. One’s own liver can easily be considered an object of love. Can anyone say that they don't love their liver?

For greater effect, it will be useful to talk gently to the liver, mentally stroke it, and calm it down.

Such communication with your own liver is, of course, a game. But this important game, which has far-reaching consequences. 5 minutes of conversation with your own liver will subjectively make it a friend for you.

You will begin to mentally perceive yourself as an older friend, and her as a younger, reliable comrade who constantly defends your interests and works for your benefit. And now you will think a hundred times before taking alcohol, which kills some of the liver cells and kills your reliable and faithful friend.

Such a conversation will gradually change our attitude towards our body to a more attentive and more responsible one. Each cigarette smoked will be perceived as a betrayal of the lungs; drinking a shot of vodka is like cheating on the liver; eating a bun - treason thyroid gland and joints, etc.

Yes, this is a game, but this game is no less real than any ideology. We simply accept another ideology - the ideology of the party, our personal party, the party of our personal body.

Do you remember how often V.I. Lenin used the words “party philosophy”? All actions and thoughts had to be analyzed through the prism of usefulness for the party; any action harmful to the party was considered a provocation.

We must learn to do the same. Only our party is represented the only person- by ourselves. But that's the only difference. As for the rest, there are no differences - the principle of “party philosophy” should always clearly set our priorities under any circumstances.

With the help of this game, these conversations with our body, we find ourselves. Let's stop betraying ourselves. Let's stop cheating on ourselves.

Imagine you are walking through a dense dark forest. You are an adult and strong, confident person. And suddenly, passing by a ravine, you hear faint children’s crying and sobbing. What is this?! Where is there a child in the dark forest, and even one? You rush into a ravine, begin frantically raking last year's leaves and suddenly stumble upon a baby wrapped in an old shawl. You hug the defenseless trembling body to yourself, warm it with your warmth and turn around in anger.

Who could abandon a child in the middle of a dark forest?!

Shyly, you carefully unwrap the shawl and look into the child’s face.

But what is it? This can't be true! In this abandoned defenseless baby you will recognize YOURSELF!

It was YOU who betrayed yourself many years ago, closed your ears, ran away so as not to hear your weak cries, your pleas, you did not want to hear this little baby, turned away and left to earn money, make a career, change the world...

And he lay in a gloomy dark forest, alone, abandoned and quietly crying, trying to attract your attention. All these years he cried quietly and waited for you almost without hope.

But you didn't come.

Hug him, hold him close and vow never to betray him or betray yourself again. And he will bloom from your affectionate touches, from your voice.

He waited! You both waited! Because you, too, suddenly realized that HE is the only thing that has value for you in this world. That it was this moment that you had been waiting for all your life and that you missed it so painfully. You have become whole!

In my imagination I am free to draw like an artist

Imagination more important than knowledge. Knowledge is limited. Imagination spans the entire world. When you realize how far humanity has come since cave times, the power of imagination is felt on a full scale. What we have now was achieved with the help of the imagination of our forefathers. What we will have in the future will be built with the help of our imagination.

Willpower to achieve a goal requires an enemy to overcome. She tries to be tough and, as often happens with tough characters, turns into whipped cream when things get tough. But in order, for example, to get rid of bad habits, there is an easier and softer way to resort to the help of imagination. The imagination hits the mark and gets what it wants.

Now you understand why I have placed such emphasis on the need to learn lifelikeness in visualization at deep levels of the brain state. If you stimulate your imagination with faith, desire and expectation of the result and train it to imagine your goal so vividly that you can see, hear, taste and touch it, then you will definitely get what you want.

When will and imagination come into conflict, imagination always wins, wrote Emile Coue.

When you think you want to quit a bad habit, it's likely that you're only deceiving yourself. If you really wanted it, it would fade away on its own. What you want is not to quit the habit, but to gain the benefits of breaking it. And once you learn to want to achieve these benefits, you will free yourself from the unwanted habit.

Thinking about a habit and making a firm decision to quit it can make you even more attached to it. It's like making a firm decision to go to sleep: it will in itself keep you awake.

With the power of imagination you can really change reality

Psychologists Christopher Davoli and Richard Abrams from Washington University in St. Louis (USA) proved this.

The scientists' experiments involved a group of students, who were required to quickly find letters pre-selected by the experimenter among those scattered across the monitor screen and mark completion of the task by pressing a button.

During the test, participants were asked to imagine one of two situations: in the first of them, the subject holds the monitor with both “imaginary” hands, and in the second, his hands are behind his back.

It turned out that all volunteers spent significantly more time searching for letters when they, in their imagination, were leaning on the monitor screen. Scientists explain these results by the fact that people tend to analyze objects closer to their hands more carefully (the truth of this statement was confirmed in a previous study conducted by Richard Abrams and his colleagues; the figure on the right shows general form created by specialists of the experimental installation). The authors were thus able to show that the effectiveness of performing a certain type of task can increase not only with a physical change in body position, but also with a mental change in posture.

As the researchers note, such effects probably provide a person with some advantages (for example, they allow them to realistically assess their strengths and determine whether there is an opportunity to perform a particular action). “The results of our work confirm the truth of the concept that sports psychologists co-authored with John Lennon put forward: the power of imagination really can change reality,” the scientists conclude.

- Imagination. Impact on life
— The power of imagination changes reality
— Mental training method

Imagination is the ability to form mental images of something that cannot be perceived by the senses. The ability of the mind to construct psychological scenes, objects or events that do not exist, do not exist, and did not happen in the past. Memory is actually a manifestation of fantasy.

Every person has some ability of imagination. In some it may be highly developed, while in others it may appear in a very weak form. This manifests itself in varying degrees at different people. Imagination allows you to imagine the whole world in your mind.

This makes it possible to look at any situation from a different point of view, and allows you to mentally explore the past and future. It manifests itself in various forms, one of which is dreams. Although simply daydreaming can make you impractical.

Some dreams, when not doing something that requires attention, provide temporary happiness, peace of mind, and relief from stress. You can travel at the speed of light in your imagination anywhere without any obstacles.

This makes it possible to feel free, albeit temporarily and only in the mind, from tasks, difficulties and unpleasant circumstances. Imagination is not limited to just seeing pictures in your head. It includes all five senses and sensations. Can you imagine a physical sensation, smell, sound, taste, feeling or emotion.

Some people find it easier to see mental pictures, others find it easier to imagine feelings, and some feel more comfortable imagining the sensations of one of the five senses. Imagination training makes it possible to integrate all the senses.
A strong and developed imagination does not make you a dreamer and impractical.

On the contrary, it strengthens your creativity and is also an excellent tool for creating and reconstructing your world and life. This is a great power that can change your whole life. It is widely used in magick, creative visualization and affirmation. They are the creator and circumstance of the event.

When you know how to work with it, you can make your wishes come true.
Imagination plays a big role and is of great importance in the life of each of us. This is much more than simple daydreaming. We all use it, consciously or unconsciously, in most of our daily activities.

We use our imagination when planning parties, trips, work or meetings. We use it when we describe events, explain how to find a certain street, write, tell a story, or prepare a cake.

Imagination is the creative force needed to invent a tool, design a dress or building, draw a picture or write a book. The creative power of imagination plays a big role in any field to achieve success. What we imagine with faith and feeling comes to us.

These are power, creative visualization, positive thinking and affirmations.
Visualizing an object or situation, a frequently repeated mental image, attracts the object or situation into our lives. This suggests that you need to think only in in a positive way about our desires.

Otherwise, we can create life, events, situations and people that we really don’t want. In fact, this happens to most of us because we do not use the power of imagination correctly. If we do not recognize how important the power of imagination is, even if it is rebellion, your life cannot be happy and successful, as you would like to see it.

For some reason, most people prefer to think in a negative way. They will not succeed. They expect the worst, and when they fail, they believe that fate is against them. This attitude must be changed, and accordingly, then life will improve.

Understanding how to use your imagination correctly, and putting this knowledge into practice, for your own benefit and for others, will set you on the golden path to success, satisfaction and happiness.

— The power of imagination changes reality

Scientists have proven that the power of imagination really changes reality.

Psychologists Christopher Davoli and Richard Abrams from Washington University in St. Louis (USA) have proven that imagination influences existing reality.

During the experiment, the subjects were required to quickly find the letters pre-selected by the experimenter among those scattered across the monitor screen and mark the completion of the task by pressing a button. During the test, participants were asked to imagine one of two situations: in the first of them, the subject holds the monitor with both “imaginary” hands, and in the second, his hands are behind his back. The results showed that when mentally changing their posture, volunteers spent significantly more time searching for letters.

Thus, the effectiveness of performing a certain type of task can increase not only with a physical change in body position, but also with a mental change in posture. According to scientists, this proves the truth of the concept put forward by sports psychologists: with the power of imagination you can really change reality. The main thing is to believe in what you see. works wonders.

Many people devote a lot of time to improving their body - a swimming pool, horizontal bar, gym and much more serve to build muscles - but it is impossible to increase gray matter by such means. But meditation helps to increase the volume of some parts of the brain. Scientists from the University of California (Los Angeles) came to this conclusion.

Using high-precision brain scanning, it was found that in people who regularly practice meditation, the areas associated with the manifestation of emotions are noticeably larger than in the control group. People who systematically practice meditation often exhibit positive emotions, have the ability to maintain peace of mind and engage strangers in a caring attitude towards others.

All 22 subjects had been meditating for quite a long time: from 5 to 46 years. average duration was 24 years old. Most of them devote 10 to 90 minutes a day to this activity.

— Mental training method

The power of imagination is the same skill. And it needs to be pumped up, like many other things! There is even a .

1) Take 20 minutes to spend in a private, quiet environment. This can be done in the morning immediately after waking up or in the evening before going to bed. You can also work out during your lunch break if there is a park nearby.

2) Relax. And imagine the situation that you want to see, imagine what is so important to you. The picture should be bright and colorful. See how well events turn out and everything happens the way you want.

3) Turn on the sound. Bring the picture to life. Hear what people say to you, what you say back to them. What other sounds are heard nearby - a car horn, the sound of rain, the ticking of a clock, or perhaps a pleasant melody.

4) Feel yourself in this situation. How are you dressed? What is your hand touching? What is your posture, how do you hold your head, how do you stand or sit, how confident do you feel.

5) Inhale the smells - what does your picture smell like - freshly ground coffee, autumn leaves... What emotions do these smells evoke in you?

6) Feel satisfaction, inspiration and joy from the result.

7) Finish your exercise.

IMPORTANT! Conduct such classes regularly and constantly. Then your consciousness will learn to quickly process the request received and implement it.

The material was prepared by Dilyara specifically for the site