Lecture "Organization, preparation, conduct of sports trips, responsibilities during the trip." How to prepare a hike - distribution of responsibilities

Parent meeting on the topic

“Family traditions are the basis of family well-being”

Dear parents! Today we have gathered to talk about family, family traditions and their importance in the upbringing and development of a child. WITH for a long time they talked about home and family with a smile and love. From this far away, legends, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings have reached us. Let's remember them. I start, and you finish.

1. Away is good, but... (at home is better).

2. The hut is not red in its corners, but... (red in its pies).

3. There is discord in the family, and at home... (not happy).

4. The family agrees that this is how things go... (great).

5. When the family is together and... (heart in the right place).

6. Family is the key to... (happiness).

The family gives the child the most important thing - what no other family can give social institution: intimate-personal connection and unity with family. Social function families are a psychological rear, protection, refuge.

The moral health of a family, its spiritual values ​​and, consequently, its potential educational capabilities can be judged by the traditions established in it.

Tradition means “transmission” in Latin. Tradition is something that has been passed on from one generation to another, something inherited from previous generations (views, tastes, ideas, customs). (Dictionary of the Russian language by S.I. Ozhegov).

Here's what your children told you about holidays and family traditions. They all, without exception, like to be at home, because there are a lot of toys at home, a TV, a computer, one of the respondents said that it’s quiet at home, you can relax, the other said that you have family at home, it’s fun there, we play together. Do your children remember such national holidays as New Year, February 23, March 8, Valentine's Day, Easter, Sabantuy. Among the holidays that happen in your home, they named New Year and Birthday. They love birthdays because they are given gifts, and only a few say that friends come on this day and remember the clown, cake, candles.

To the question “Where do you like to go with your parents?” children answer: to the store, to the carousel, to the circus, to bowling, to McDonald's. A few said that they like to go to the theater, walk, ski, and go to the village to visit their grandmother.

If you say the word “childhood” and close your eyes, then along with your loved ones and your native walls, something special will appear in your mind, unique only to your family. This “something” is a family tradition. And it is remembered only because it was repeated many times, firmly settled in the child’s memory and is already inextricably linked with a certain reaction to any event. What traditions live in your home? Surely those that you remember in childhood, which were painted with bright colors of various impressive little things.

1. It could be the smell of pies on Sundays.

2. Bedtime story.

3. Apple pie is a traditional dessert on the holiday table.

4. Saturday cleaning, when roles are assigned: who should vacuum the carpets, who should wipe the dust, who should wash the floors. And after that the smell of cleanliness throughout the whole house.

5. This is the evening when everyone gathered for evening tea and told each other about the events of the day.

You can give many examples of different family traditions. What they have in common is the reverence with which everyone remembers them, the desire to bring them into their family. If your family doesn’t have traditions, create them. It will make your life. And your children's childhood is much richer.

Tell me, what holidays do you celebrate in your family?

These holidays are nationwide, and in every family they have become a tradition. But you can add something of your own to this tradition that your children will remember for a lifetime.

For example:

New Year is my favorite holiday.

Holiday of hopes. Every family welcomes him. You can decorate the Christmas tree with your children, you can decorate it when the children are sleeping to surprise them, or you can go with the whole family to the forest and decorate the forest beauty with treats for birds and animals.

On the eve of the New Year, you can start a tradition of visiting a museum, theater, exhibitions, and sculpting a snow woman with the whole family - a symbol of winter.

On Maslenitsa, find an opportunity to take the children on a sleigh ride, burn unnecessary things with them, so that everything old and unnecessary goes away, it would be nice to teach them how to bake pancakes.

Nowruz is the time to begin. In the old days there was a custom to go out into the field and throw the first grains into spring land. Nowadays, you can introduce the tradition of planting trees near your home.

Victory Day - on this day it would be good to introduce the tradition of coming with children to the monument to those who fell in the Second World War and laying flowers; you can read stories to children about how our soldiers fought, look at photographs with your child, talk about relatives who fought, remember them, if they are alive, be sure to congratulate them.

Giving gifts is a solemn moment and it needs to be extended and made memorable. For this:

1. Leave the child the right to choose: he wants to make a gift with his own hands or he will give a purchased gift. If a child goes to a burning club or art school, he will be pleased to show his work.

2. Give up standard forms gift (plasticine figures, cones and flowers on cardboard). It's boring? Let your imagination run wild and be sure to ask your children for advice. They have a lot of interesting things to offer you. You can buy several white T-shirts (for the whole family) and paint them with special paints and felt-tip pens. Or you can use plastic bottle caps to make a curtain for a door or make an original vase from a bottle, painting it with glass paints.

You never know how many ideas will come to your mind. Think it's so exciting.

3. Remember that the main thing is not the gift itself, but the way it is presented. If you want this holiday to be remembered for a lifetime, think through the scenario inside and out. Discuss it with your child, ask what role he would like to play or what song to sing.

4. Involve in the process as much as possible more people. If you give a book, invite your son’s and daughter’s girlfriends and friends, all relatives and neighbors to participate in your mini-performance based on the contents of this book. In general, all those people who love and know how to have fun. In this case, I am sure that neither your children nor you yourself will ever forget this holiday.

In addition to national holidays, in the life of any family there are events that are celebrated according to tradition: seeing off the army, weddings, receiving a passport, birthday.

A birthday for a child is an event in a child’s life. What can you do to make it memorable for your child?

1. You can prepare invitations with your child (make an applique, draw), you can prepare invitations in poetic form(come up with poems yourself).

2. Think about how to decorate the apartment (this will create a festive mood).

3. Think over a birthday scenario:

A). it could be puppet show(prepare decorations and dolls with the child) during intermissions, children go to the “buffet” and sit at the table.

b). Games, hide and seek, round dances.

V). Cutting toys with closed eyes.

G). Win-win lottery.

d). Game “Look for a gift” - based on notes.

4. You and your child can draw and hang a holiday newspaper. In the center of which is the birthday boy, and around depict the expected guests in humorous way and leave room for wishes.

5. The holiday will be decorated with surprises and fairy-tale characters, in whose costumes adults can dress up.

Celebrating holidays in the family, we show children an example of our relaxation and leisure time. Having grown up, our children will rest just like we do.

But traditions can not only be observed, but also created. Let us now try to create a “September 1st tradition - a holiday” (dedicated to the beginning school year), “Everyday Traditions”, the “Let's Relax Together” tradition. The work will be carried out in groups.

Come up with the first one "September 1st" " - a holiday dedicated to the beginning of a new school year. This holiday can be celebrated in your family, or you can unite with other families.

To make the holiday memorable for your children:

1. Clearly distribute responsibilities, because to hold the holiday you will need a screenwriter, decorator, make-up artist, and cook.

2. Decorate the apartment with balloons with funny faces. It is enough to cut out eyes, nose, mouth, bangs from paper and glue everything with PVA glue.

3. Release by September 1st family newspaper about how the summer went or about a first-grader, fourth-grader going to school - the hero of the day. Show his journey from cabbage (stork) to today.

4. Start the holiday with gifts. Give your child something unusual. For example, a toy with a pocket. You can make it yourself, or you can buy and sew pants or a sundress with a pocket for it. Every morning the child will have a small surprise in his pocket: an apple, a candy, a nut, a note with humorous advice, wishes, tasks, reminders, a to-do list, a map with a diagram of where to find the surprise.

5. Create a family theater. Turn the doorway into a screen, sew a doll with living hands. The doll consists of two parts: a head on a stick and a robe, with slits for the hands held together with an elastic band. Give the artist a name.

He can act as the host of the INS home studio (the most interesting news). This is news “from mom,” “from dad,” “from the briefcase,” “from the nursery.” On children's party With the help of a doll you can hold a quiz, a lottery, or tell about the guests. If you make endless comments to your child, nothing will change. But if a doll talks about this on your home news, gesticulating funny, depicting horror, there will be more order.

1. Organize a riddle competition in which the winners receive the answer as a prize. Choose riddles that are known and related to school, or come up with your own.

2. You can play a game that will allow everyone to receive gifts. Prepare 5 boxes, glue one letter on each of them - w, k, o, l, a. Place prizes that begin with the same letter in boxes with letters. For example:

Sh – shampoo (small bag), chess, box, chocolate.

The presenter places a box with a letter in front of him, and the players name the word starting with that letter. If there is a prize with the same name, the presenter gives it to the person who guessed it.

3. Announce the competition: “Master of bookmarks.” Help the children make bookmarks for their friends.

"Envelopes of Love" can also become a tradition in your family. This game will help you tell each other how important you are to each other, how much you love each other - exactly what is so rarely done in words. How important it is to know this!

“Love Envelopes” can be hung on the refrigerator, with the owner’s name written on each and his portrait placed. You can put a note to each other or funny cards in the envelope. Sometimes you can give the younger ones some candy. Children can draw drawings for adults. And all this can be done when you want to say something to each other, support one of the family members, or simply pamper each other.

You can praise children for their achievements, tell them about their good qualities, and how much you love them. If interest in the process wanes a little, you can remove the envelopes for a while and then return them again. This tradition will help you become closer to each other.

And tourist and kayak trips , where children have a lot of new, non-home activities: a fire, firewood, a tent, backpacks, fishing rods, new responsibilities and new experiences.

Or travel around To my native land , visiting various cities and historical places, from which you are sure to bring various trinkets and souvenirs that will keep fond memories of your family vacation.

It is very good if the family has a tradition of collecting any collections at home. If not, then it’s not too late to start doing it. What can you collect in your family? These are shells, pebbles, driftwood. It's good to collect stamps, candy wrappers, postcards.

In addition to traditions of spending holidays together, relaxing together, your family may also have everyday traditions.

¨ This is a ritual of meeting and seeing each other off to work and school, when everyone present at home tells you good words parting words;

¨ This and caring attitude to each other, when someone comes home later than everyone else, a warmed dinner is waiting for him on the table;

¨ This also includes work coherence, when everyone participates in household chores to the best of their ability and ability.

For example: Father and son do what is required physical strength- go to the store, vacuum, beat out carpets. The girls are cleaning up the house and watering the flowers.

This includes reading a book to a child at night;

¨ Evening tea, when the whole family gets together and tells each other the events of the day, joint discussion of the family budget - what to buy first, what things need to be done, who will do them;

¨ Family Readings, when not only parents, but also older children, grandparents read - this is a great opportunity to spend a useful evening with your family, relax, chat and leave a memory for the child unforgettable experience about these evenings.

Listen, this is my family

Grandfather, grandmother and brother.

We have order in the house, okay

And cleanliness, why?

We have two mothers in our house,

Two dads, two sons

Sister, daughter-in-law, daughter.

And the youngest is me.

What kind of family do we have?

(6 people)

With the help of this comic task, we touched upon the topic family relationships.

There are many people around each of us, relatives with whom we are connected, and each of us is a successor of our kind. And the roots of each family, like the roots of a tree, go far into antiquity. And that family is strong who remembers and protects their ancestors.

It will be very good if in your family you begin to collect the history of your family, to compile a pedigree. This will be a kind of bridge between the generations of your ancestors and descendants. The Fayrushin family has already begun to compile this family tree. Let's hear what this work gave them?

Tell me, what else can help us preserve the history of the family? (family album, family archives). Family archives– this is not the past, it is always tomorrow. The family should have its own archive - certificates of honor from grandfathers and fathers, the history of their merits, their work, the history of the family and surname, your biography, simply and clearly retold for grandchildren.

A family album is a huge, meaningful space of life, on the one hand simple and understandable to a child, on the other – mysterious and amazing. Selection of photographs, Design of album pages - exactly the communication that an older preschooler needs in his joint activities with parents. A specific image in a photograph is associated with a particular story from the life of family members, which arouses the child’s keen interest and stimulates its memorization.

Respect for the past is the trait that distinguishes education from savagery. A. Pushkin

The book “Domostroy” tells a very interesting story about the life and traditions of our ancestors. It contains the experience of ancestors who lived several centuries ago. Possible various points view when reading this book, but one cannot dispute moral value this historical document. This book contains the advice we need today (how to start a family, how to raise and raise children, build relationships with them correctly, pressing issues are raised: family breakdown, difficulties in relationships between spouses, parents and children).

To summarize what we heard, we can say that:

Good family traditions have a huge impact on children, primarily because they unite the family, allow them to preserve those seeds of wisdom and goodness that were found earlier by older family members and make them the property of the younger generation.

Parent meeting

Subject: "Family traditions"

Purpose of the meeting - help parents understand the importance of family in a person’s life

Tasks: activate the attention of tired parents, create a festive atmosphere, a friendly attitude and mutual understanding between teachers and parents, promote more easy to remember the essence of conversations.

Preparing for the meeting

1. Write posters:

"The only true luxury is luxury human communication" (Antoine de Saint-Exupery) .

“Happy is he who is happy at home” (L.N. Tolstoy).

"The family is a material and spiritual unit for raising children, for marital happiness and joy."

“Only happy parents raise happy children.”

(A.S. Makarenko)

2. Conduct a survey of parents on the topic “Family Traditions.”

Progress of the meeting


Dear parents! Today we have gathered to talk about family, family traditions and their importance in the upbringing and development of a child.

The only real luxury is the luxury of human communication. Do we know how to use this luxury in our families, among friends, do we teach this to our children?

Family traditions are not only holidays, although these are the ones we will talk about most, but also a gala dinner every Sunday, when the whole family is gathered and the festive service is taken out of the sideboard - then, after many years, elderly parents will not sit at the Sunday table alone.

If on September 1 you plant a tree with your child, or on New Year’s Eve you go out into the yard and decorate a Christmas tree with them, or on May 9 you specially congratulate a grandfather or a veteran neighbor, all this strengthens family ties and helps in raising children.

For a long time, people talked about home and family with a smile and love. From this far away, legends, fairy tales, proverbs and sayings have reached us. Let's remember them. I start, and you finish.

"Finish the sentence"

1. Away is good, but... (at home is better).

2. The hut is not red in its corners, but... (red in its pies).

3. There is discord in the family, and at home... (not happy).

4. The family agrees that this is how things go... (great).

5. When the family is together and... (heart in the right place).

6. Family is the key to... (happiness).

And now there's a quiz for you.

1. Tell me how to say “family” in Latin. (Surname.)

2.Now say “family” in Italian. (Mafia.)

3. As you know, the Greek goddess Athena was the goddess of wisdom, and the owl was considered her bird. But the goddess Hera, the wife of Zeus, was considered the patroness of the family in general and motherhood in particular. Guess which bird was considered the “bird of Hera”? (Stork.)

4.What do they say about those who divulge internal family troubles and quarrels?

(Wash dirty linen in public.)

5. Here is a Russian proverb: “To live for oneself is to smolder, for the family – ... (verb missing), and for the people – to shine.” Name the missing verb.


6.According to legend, Russia is guarded by three sisters: Vera, Nadezhda and Lyubov and their mother. Name the mother of three sisters. (Sophia, that is, Wisdom.)

7. The first, eldest child in the family is the first-born. What was the name of the third child in a family in Rus'? And the last one?

(Tretyak, scratch.)

8. What is the Russian “fruit” proverb about someone who has inherited bad, unseemly behavior from their father or mother?

("The apple never falls far from the tree".)

9. What Russian toy is this quote from the encyclopedia about: “It personifies the idea of ​​a strong family, prosperity, procreation, and carries the idea of ​​unity”? (About the nesting doll.)

10. At what age, according to the legislation of the Russian Federation, can one get married without parental permission?

(From the age of eighteen.)

11. What is the name of a woman before her marriage?



13. In which Andersen fairy tale is the child’s right violated: “Children have the right to live with their parents, and no one is allowed to separate them”?

("The Snow Queen"From grandmother's house, the Snow Queen took little Kai to her ice palace.)

14. Name the most family-friendly geometric figure.

(Circle. Close family circle, in the family circle.)

15. Parental instruction in one word is...


16. What is the name of the home of a large, hardworking bee colony?

(Beehive, board.)

18. Which plant represents both a native and an adopted relative?


19. There is a letter family in which, according to numerous verses, there are “thirty-three siblings.” What kind of family is this?


20. In what month is International Day of Families celebrated?

(Celebrated annually on May 15 since 1994. Proclaimed by the UN General Assembly.)

Well done, they answered all the questions.

Discussion of the situation.

The baby turned 6 years old, his mother wanted to celebrate his birthday and arrange a home party for him. But the neighbor said that there is no point in spoiling the child, he will grow up, and then let him celebrate. The mother thought, perhaps the neighbor was right, to buy a gift, and that’s all.

Is it necessary to organize parties for a child’s birthday?

Are holidays necessary for children in the family?

What kind of birthday parties do you host?

Who do you invite to visit your baby?

Can holidays help in raising a child? positive traits character?

Two mothers met and started talking. “My son will have a birthday in two days,” one of them shared her joy. - I think I’ll invite the guys, I’ll bake pies, prepare salads, there will be music. Let them celebrate." “And that’s all? “- the interlocutor asked. “What else can you advise me? Why should I be a clown in front of them?

Imagine that such a conversation took place with you, and your interlocutor asks you for advice. What would you suggest?

Will it interesting holiday, if there are pies, cakes, salads on the table, does music play?

Will the children remember it?

What was interesting in your family?

How can you involve children during preparation? (Experience exchange.)

How do holidays help in raising a child?

Riddles, quizzes, educational games- develop the child's mind. There is a holiday in the house - you need to prepare gifts, decorate the room, wash everything, clean it - this is how work enters the life of a child.

And when we draw, sing, read poetry, dance, put on makeup, listen to music - aren’t we educating our children aesthetically?

What holiday would be complete without fun outdoor games, where dexterity and intelligence help healthy growth? And one more thing: a family is a team. It may be small, diverse in age, but a team. And the educational richness of collective work is clearly manifested in holiday worries.

Questions for parents.

What should you do if you have to celebrate a holiday, for example, “Your birthday,” with your friends and adults, and the child, feeling prepared for it, asks: “Can I celebrate with you?” What will you answer?

Is it possible to seat children at the same holiday table with adults? In what cases is it yes or no?

Listen to how your children answered these questions:

Children, have you ever celebrated a holiday while sitting at one festive table with adults?

What do you remember about this holiday? »

Oddly enough, sometimes adults also organize children's parties for themselves. Adults have their own interests and conversations, and children at such a holiday are bored and sometimes offended: no one remembers the hero of the occasion.

Often at adult parties the child is given Special attention. He is left behind common table, he witnesses adult conversations and often interferes in them. A child will say or do something funny - everyone will like it, adults expect new jokes from him. The child gets used to being the center of attention, which develops immodesty and swagger in him. S. Mikhalkov talks about such a holiday in the poem “Poor Kostya”.

If guests suddenly come

To the house for a birthday cake.

Mom and dad ask Kostya:

Sing, please, son!

Kostya begins to hesitate.

Pout, whine and sniffle.

And it's not hard to guess:

The boy doesn't want to sing.

“Sing! " - Mom insists, -

Just stand straight in your chair! »

Dad whispers: “Konstantin,

Sing a couplet! At least one! »

Out of frustration and anger

Everything is boiling in Kostya’s chest.

He stands up on a chair, groaning.

He sings with disgust.

And he sings, oddly enough,

Serenade of Don Juan,

What did he remember?

It is unknown why.

The guests clap their hands:

“Oh, what a good singer! »

Someone asks: “You, baby,

Better sing “The reeds rustled.”

The guests are laughing at the table,

And no one will say: “Come on!

Stop pestering

It’s time for the baby to go to bed.”

And sometimes we love to demonstrate our child’s abilities. And if several children are present, unique “talent competitions” are organized. And children do not like it when adults persistently demand performances from them. Shy guys feel especially shy. They should not be forced to perform; they are much more willing to sing, dance, and tell stories when they have the opportunity to do so during a game or for a forfeit. Please remember this.

On birthdays, and sometimes on holidays, we give our children gifts, they love them and always look forward to them.

What gifts do you prefer to give your children?

Should you give them as gifts during the holidays? Which?

How to give gifts on New Year's Day? (experience exchange)

Gifts should always be a little extra, but not too much, but in moderation. Each toy should develop the child’s thinking, attention, and memory. Don't forget about balls and jump ropes, sports equipment, sketchbooks and markers, books, the alphabet in pictures, CDs with fairy tales, and children's songs. Boys can be given the simplest set of tools: a hammer, flares, pliers, a screwdriver. small sizes. It is advisable that before entering school, the child has several favorite books, videos, and cassettes. Of course, gifts for children are by no means pampering, but, nevertheless, it is with gifts that it is easy to spoil children.

The child becomes a year older. From year to year, explain to your children: you have become older, stronger, smarter, you know more, you can do more.

In many families, there is a custom on birthdays to mark the height of the child on the wall (usually near the door). Let him see how much he has grown in a year.

It’s not bad if you take a photo of the child alone or with his family on his birthday.

You need to think about the holiday, draw up a program, and invite guests in advance so that the children can prepare. Together with your child, figure out how to invite guests; these could be intricate invitation cards (show me, homemade cards with children’s drawings, appliqués based on the time of year when your child was born.)

To make your child’s birthday memorable, you need to think through the program in advance. Let there be games, attractions, competitions, concerts. They will decorate holidays and surprise moments. This could be the appearance of a fairy-tale hero - an adult in the role of Dunno, the wizard, Cheburashka, or a theatrical performance using puppets from favorite fairy tales. They can appear from behind a homemade screen, a mock-up of a TV, or from behind curtains: it is advisable to arrive before the children sit down at the table, as they can remind guests of the rules of behavior at the table.

Why did we touch on these issues? How we, adults, spend the holidays, unwittingly setting an example, determines how our children will relax when they grow up, what values ​​they will cherish, what they will rejoice at, what they will strive for. Our holidays should be just as fun and interesting, with creativity and pleasant surprises. Success depends on invention and fantasy.

During the special holidays, which are usually spent with family, think about those who are lonely. Let no one in your home feel forgotten and abandoned. Congratulate your neighbor, give a bouquet of flowers, a sprig of willow, Christmas tree toy made with your own hands. And you will see: this small act of kindness will not only bring joy to another person, but will also sow the seeds of kindness in your child.

For full development, a child needs a holiday like air. Remember your childhood, how you treated holidays - not like now, this really was an event in a child’s life, and a child counts his days from holiday to holiday, just as we count our years from one important event our life to another. And vice versa, ". This childhood would be dull and gray if the holidays were thrown out of it,” wrote K. D. Ushinsky.

Good family traditions have a huge impact on children, primarily because they unite the family, allow them to preserve those seeds of wisdom and goodness that were found earlier by older family members and make them the property of the younger generation.

You can give many examples of different family traditions. What they have in common is the reverence with which everyone remembers them, the desire to bring them into their family. If your family doesn’t have traditions, create them. It will make your life and your children's childhood much richer. We offer you a memo that we hope will help you increase the number of family traditions (memo to parents: “Basic family traditions.”

Memo for parents

Basic family traditions

The tradition of celebrating birthdays is one of the first significant events in a child's life. Emphasizes the importance of each family member. Brings joy, mood, anticipation of the holiday to both children and adults. Special preparation, gifts, and refreshments make this day stand out from a series of others.

Household cleaning, putting toys in their places, household chores for family members. Constancy and orderliness for a child ensure the safety of the world and fulfill an important need for him. Household responsibilities from an early age include the child in the life of the family, give the right to share responsibility equally with all household members, and allow them to show care.

Joint games with children. It is very important what parents do with their children, setting an example, teaching the child various skills, introducing the child to a variety of activities, showing their feelings and moods. Interest in activity is important for any person.

Family council, which brings together all family members. In order to discuss the situation together, plan later life for a certain period, discuss the family budget, its expenses. This allows the child to be aware family events, participate in important decisions, have the right to vote, bear responsibility.

Traditions of hospitality, family dinner. It is believed that hospitality is national tradition, this unites many families and strengthens friendships.

Celebration of significant events in the life of a family: family birthday, anniversary, special successes in work and study (graduation from school, university, awards for relatives, etc.).

Bedtime story;

Wishes for good morning, good night, kiss before bed, meeting when you return home. Such contacts with a child, even at an older age, are very important. After all, the condition for the formation of a positive perception of the world is attention and care from adults. A child who lacks love and affection grows up cold and unresponsive. Outstanding teachers say: “A person becomes humanized because another person is interested in him.”

Questionnaire for parents:

1. Do you consider the relationships in your family:

1) good 3) normal

2) excellent 4) not very good

2. Do you consider your family friendly?

1) yes 2) not really

3. What family traditions help strengthen your family?

1) holidays 5) holidays and trips

2) dinner with family 6) I don’t know

3) trips 7) going out into nature, watching TV, dinner

4) everything, a lot

4. How often does your family get together?

1) daily 4) whenever

2) often 5) rarely

3) as it turns out 6) always

5. What does your family do when they get together?

1) everyone minds their own business 8) we watch TV programs

2) everything (a little bit of everything, everything, a lot of things) 9) we communicate

3) discuss studies 10) spend leisure time together

4) we do work and go to the site in the summer 11) we read

5) watch TV, discuss life problems 12) joke, laugh

6) doing family and household work 13) relaxing

7) share our impressions

6. Are there quarrels and conflicts in your family?

1) rarely 2) sometimes 3) no

Parent meeting "Family Traditions"

Target: interest parents in family traditions.

Introduce the interpretation of the word “tradition”

Draw the attention of parents to the problem (lack of traditions in modern families)

Organize work on issues

Help make a symbol of the New Year.

Draw attention to class traditions

Necessary equipment : presentation for the meeting, questions (on pieces of paper), colored paper, scissors, glue, stars different colors

Progress of the meeting

Teacher: Good afternoon, dear parents! I'm glad to meet you. Now you will be presented with slides from the presentation, think about what will be discussed and name the topic of our parent meeting, (slides)

Parents' answers: family traditions

Teacher: Right. We will talk to you about family traditions. (Slide)

Tell me, what is tradition?

Parents' answers.

Teacher. IN explanatory dictionary this is the interpretation of this word (slide).

Teacher: What are the family traditions? (slide)

Parents' answers.

Teacher: I suggest you join groups. Before the start of the meeting, you chose stars of different colors, create groups by color.

I offer each group a situation that often occurs in our lives. Analyze it and answer the questions. (Slide)

Group work, parents' answers

Teacher: Most married couples understand that family traditions are important factor spiritual unity and strength of the family, but despite this, they bring a minimum of such traditions into their family, focusing only on big holidays or other events, while family traditions are not only celebrating birthdays and New Years, but also family breakfast or dinner, reading books, going to the movies, going to nature, or just sharing a hobby.

Without these small rituals there will not be enough communication and intimacy, which is necessary in full-fledged life. family relationships. It is in families in which there are no family traditions that when divorcing, the question: “Why are you getting a divorce?” Answer: “Nothing connected us.” According to statistics, such divorces are 30%. Most often, this happens not because the couple does not want to create something in common, but because they do not know how to do it. From all that has been said, the following important question follows:

“How to create family traditions?”(slide)

I invite you to think about this question (work in groups)

Parents' answers.

Teacher: Family traditions should not be disturbed common interests and the wishes of your family; they should not be difficult to implement; all family members should want what you make a ritual and tradition; all family members should be able to perform this ritual or tradition. These may be rules accepted in society (for example, saying “ Good morning", "Good night"); traditions of your parents or other families. Taking the above points as a basis, you can come up with a tradition that will be an integral part of your family life. In order for any of the chosen activities to become a tradition, it is necessary, no matter what extraneous matters, to carry out the plan. That is, if you decide that you will bake pies on weekends, then no matter what the circumstances are, wherever you are invited, you must stay and bake pies. Only then can it be called a tradition, and only in this case will there be any sense in such an activity, because sometimes you have to step over some desires, putting family values to first place. That is why in traditions it is easy to instill in children a sense of responsibility and duty that you will instill by example. Considering these principles, you will be able to make family traditions desirable and natural, because imposed traditions may never become part of your family life, since they were not accepted by the soul, but were only an imposed necessity. And children, when they grow up, will not rebel and say, “We don’t need this,” since it will be part of their life.

Now let’s think about it: traditions have been created, but they need to be preserved somehow:

Parents' answers.

Teacher. Of course, the most strong memory is sealed on our hearts, but another important keeper of happy and important moments for family members are family photo albums. Their compilation, careful storage and continuation are the work of more than one generation. This is where the deep ancestral connection is visible, helping each family member in the difficult task of self-identification. Conversations with children, memories of my childhood.

Holidays should be memorable and bright. It would be good if these holidays were described different members family either with essays or drawings, you will get a kind of chronicle of your family’s holidays. It will be very cool!

Teacher: The best one is coming family celebration- New Year. Remembering my childhood, I remember how, on the eve of the holiday, our whole family made New Year's toys with our own hands. Now this is a tradition for my family.

I suggest you make a symbol of the New Year - a Christmas tree. Maybe making New Year's toys will become your family tradition. (Slide)

Work in groups, making a Christmas tree.

Teacher:(slide) Our Parent meeting. Regardless of whether you are trying to preserve old home traditions that are dear to you or your husband, or are trying to come up with and instill in the family something new, remember that childhood shapes a child for life. And the main thing in childhood is that the child has it. And also, I think that a family is not only children, parents, but our class is also big family. Let's create ours too cool tradition. But what, I suggest you discuss this with your children at home and at the next meeting we will discuss your proposals.

Teacher. Let's summarize our meeting .

Continue the sentences:

At the meeting I was interested...

I thought about creating traditions... (slide)

Thank you, see you again!


Tourism, as we know, has great educational opportunities. It creates favorable conditions for education. During the hike, the children learn to overcome obstacles, cook food, chop wood, and pitch a tent. The trip allows students to expand and deepen the knowledge acquired at school. A teacher who goes on hiking trips with his class instills in the children a love of native land, its fields, forests, rivers, cities, the heritage of past centuries, which must be appreciated, studied and protected.

Responsibilities and rights of the tour leader.

The leader of the trip is responsible for the life and health of children, the safety of the trip, the implementation of the plan of planned activities, the maintenance of health, educational and cognitive work, rules fire safety, nature protection, historical and cultural monuments.

The leader of the trip is obliged to:

- before the start of the hike, ensure that the tourist group is staffed, organize the training of the hike participants, check that they have knowledge and skills that ensure safety, prepare route sheet and an order to conduct a campaign;

— together with the participants, get acquainted with the hiking area, develop a route based on cartographic material, outline the place and time of group gathering, and the timing of return from the route;

- take on a hike necessary measures aimed at ensuring the safety of participants, up to changing the route and stopping the hike due to emerging dangers, take urgent measures to deliver injured or sick participants to the nearest medical institution, organize, if necessary, prompt assistance to another tourist group located in the area.

For violation of instructions, the tour leader bears disciplinary liability, unless these violations entail other liability provided for by current legislation.

Security organization.

The main task is to ensure the safety of the trip. Effective way is a safety briefing. The instruction can be read to the children as “Safety rules on a tourist trip” with comments from the teacher.

Safety rules on a tourist trip.

1. Accurately follow all instructions from your manager.

2. If you notice a danger, immediately inform your supervisor.

3. While following railway: leave the carriage only with the permission of the manager; do not stand in vestibules; while the train is moving, do not open the doors, do not lean out of the carriage; board the train and get off the platform only when the train has come to a complete stop.

4. Do not use passing vehicles, use only equipped cars and buses.

5. Strictly follow traffic rules. When driving along the road, do not break down. Drive along the left side of the road, facing traffic, be extremely careful when crossing the road, and do not interfere with the movement of the group.

6. Before going on the route, check the serviceability of the equipment, go out on the route with the equipment specified by the leader.

7. When driving, observe the established interval.

8. In windy and cold weather, do not stop in open places.

9. At rest stops, do not leave the camp territory without the permission of the leader.

10. Do not drink water from wells, rivers and reservoirs without the permission of the manager; observe the drinking regime. There is no snow.

11. Immediately report any signs of illness to the group leader.

12. Do not go near the water or swim without the permission of the manager.

13. Do not make fires in the forest without the permission of the leader. Do not light candles or matches in tents.

14. Handle fire and boiling water carefully, work around a fire only in clothes, and have gloves.

15. Pack axes, saws and other cutting tools in cases and carry them inside a backpack.

Preparation for the trip and distribution of responsibilities.

Persons at least 18 years of age are allowed to lead a weekend hike, and the size of the group should be 6-10 people. If more than 10 people go on a hike, then a deputy leader is needed. When conducting hikes, you should pay attention great attention educational and literary-local history work. In order to develop initiative, activity, independence and creativity of children, each participant in the hike is assigned to perform certain responsibilities: group commander, nutrition manager, medical instructor, repairman, physical education leader, artist, zoologist, chronicler, equipment manager, topographer, treasurer, photographer, biologist, fireman. Each participant in the hike keeps notes of observations and takes an active part in the design of the collected materials.

Tourist equipment.

Equipment is of great importance for the health of the tourist and the success of the hike. Only the essentials are taken on a hike. It’s not without reason that they say that on a hike even a needle weighs a pound. The main requirements that tourist equipment must meet are lightness, reliability, durability, portability and ease of use. Equipment is divided into personal (individual) and group (general use).

Personal equipment for a weekend hike: 1. Backpack. 2. Mat (polyurethane, two-layer). 3. Tracksuit. 4. Rain cape. 5. Headdress. 6. Sneakers or sneakers. 7. Cotton socks - 2 pairs. 8. KLMN (mug, spoon, bowl, knife). 9. Notepad, pen, pencil. 10. If necessary, individual medications.

Group equipment for a weekend hike: 1. Fire equipment (axe, spatula, saw, taganok, cauldrons, the volume of which depends on quantitative composition groups). 2. Polyethylene. 3. Repair kit (plain and nylon threads, needles, thimble, Moment glue, electrical tape, nylon cord). 4. Camera. 5. Cartographic materials, guidebooks.

First aid kit. On any hike or walk, even a one-day one, you must have with you a first aid kit with a set of first aid supplies.

In a first aid kit for tourist trip should include: sterile bandages (4 pcs.), cotton wool (50 g), tourniquet (1 pc.), adhesive plaster (2 packs), alcohol solution of iodine (5%, 10 ml), analgin (10 tablets), validol (10 tablets), sulfadimethoxine (10 tablets), Activated carbon(20 tablets), hydrogen peroxide solution (50 ml), potassium permanganate (crystals, 5 g), bicarbonate of soda, drinking soda (10 g), ammonia (25 ml), chloramphenicol (10 tablets), cream " Children's" (1 tube), thermometer (1 pc.), ammonia (1 pack), elastic bandage (1 pc.), alcohol (96%, 100 ml.), aspirin (Yutable), scissors (1 pc. .).

Tourist system.

On hiking trips, it is customary to walk in formation, one at a time in a column. This makes it easier for the teacher to manage the group. Everything is in sight. The movement is orderly - no one will fall behind or get lost. When we build a forest, walking through the forest is much safer and easier: you can walk through it in less time longer distance, having spent less strength. It’s nice to look at the beautiful, organized structure. All this can be explained to the children before the trip, playfully playing out: “Sheep walk in herds, kindergarten- in pairs, tourists walk in formation!” This will be remembered for a long time.

Where is the place of the teacher in the tourism system? It is more convenient to go at the beginning of the column. It is easier to regulate the pace and direction of movement. At the end, it is better to place a strong, savvy, authoritative assistant at the end. After all, his task is to help everyone in need so that no one falls behind. It will help the teacher “see” the whole system. It is good to discuss signaling methods between the leader, guide and group leader in advance.

Any class is divided into micro-teams of children who are friends with each other. They are pleasant and interested in being with each other. These small groups have their own informal leaders. During the hike, members of microgroups will also strive for joint communication, and the teacher needs to use this. In formation, members of micro groups can walk together. And the teacher officially instructs their leaders to lead the children as they move along the route. He can tell informal leaders that it is more convenient for them to go at the end of their micro-team, closing it: this way there is no need to look around to see if anyone is lagging behind; those who need help are always visible.

This organization of movement along the route contributes to the development of the germs of self-government and disciplines the group. And on a hike, discipline is a form of achieving the goal of conducting it safely.

Organizing a bivouac.

The success of a weekend hike largely depends on how the campsite was organized. When determining the location of the bivouac, the manager needs to take into account many things: is there nearby drinking water, firewood, are there any rotten trees that can be blown over by the wind.

You cannot place a bivouac on hills, near lonely trees, since during a thunderstorm they can be struck by lightning. It is also dangerous to be located under wires electrical lines, in the forest under low-lying tree crowns, at the foot of steep banks, where there may be landslides. But the most important thing is that the bivouac site must be safe in all respects.

Having chosen a place for bivouac, tourists, at the command of the leader, take off their backpacks, then for 5-10 minutes. rest and change clothes, after which they begin to perform their duties.

A place for a fire is chosen away from dry forests and peat bogs. If possible, you should use a place where a fire has already been lit. If there is no such place, then you should carefully remove the layer of turf and save it so that before leaving the bivouac (after extinguishing the fire) you should lay it in place of the fireplace. There are different types of fires: for cooking, heating, drying things and equipment, repelling mosquitoes and midges, and signaling. Tourists need to know what types of fires there are.

A large fire is not suitable for cooking over a fire. The most appropriate are “hut” or “well”. If the group is large, a fire made from parallel logs is useful. For warming up and spending the night in the open air, a “taiga” fire is convenient, when 3-4 thinner ones are placed on a thick log, and as they burn, they move closer to each other.

The best fuel for a fire is dry wood. Small sticks and dry pine branches with needles are also convenient. Thin dry branches are placed below, then larger ones. When the fire flares up, firewood is placed on the very top. To preserve vegetation, it is recommended to use primus stoves such as “Bumblebee” and gas stoves.

Water for drinking and cooking is taken from a proven source. You should not drink water from a river or lake, especially near settlements, since it may contain pathogenic microorganisms.

Any water (except spring water) must be boiled. Disinfectants are first thrown into the contaminated water - aluminum alum (a pinch in a bucket), crystals of potassium permanganate (until a very faint pink color of the water), panthocide tablets (one tablet per 0.75 liters of water for 30 minutes) or at least table salt. At the same time, the water brightens, and the turbidity settles to the bottom, it is drained.

Camping life.

The daily routine on the hike depends on the composition of the group, but general rule is as follows: get up early because morning hours most pleasant. The attendants get up one to two hours before the general rise time.

Set out on the route as early as possible, and stop for the night 1-2 hours before dark.

When it gets dark, the camp should already be standing, firewood should be prepared, and dinner should be cooked on the fire. The duration of the day's lunch break is determined by the weather, route, and time schedule. When moving with backpacks, it is necessary to make regular stops every 40-60 minutes. course lasting 10-15 minutes.

Ability to find clean drinking water- a necessary skill for tourists. The water from the spring is very good. Intensive boiling of water is the easiest way to purify it. If you don’t have time to boil water, you can disinfect it with a few drops of iodine or potassium permanganate. There are also special tablets for disinfecting unboiled water.

When choosing a place for a camp, you need to take into account: its safety, provision of firewood and water, comfort of existence (protection from the wind, dryness of the place, relatively convenient location of the fire and tents, kitchen arrangement).

When you arrive at your overnight stay, set aside 5-10 minutes. for a short rest and changing clothes. Then start organizing the camp. It is necessary to clear a place for setting up tents, determine where the kitchen will be located, and prepare firewood.

When most of firewood collected and general accommodation The camp has been decided, those on duty make a fire, and the rest of the guys set up tents and help in the kitchen.

Monetary norms for food expenses in tourist events are established by the heads of institutions and organizations conducting these events, based on natural norms for actual prices, developing in the region where they are carried out within the limits of available funds.

Better after us than before us.

Participants in the hike must realize that they are going to someone else’s house, hospitable, but living according to its own laws. A broken green branch, plucked and discarded flowers will not add joy to communication with nature. It is better to walk along the paths, as there is less risk of disturbing any animal or bird on the nest. A fire built simply on the grass, when the turf is not removed, will then turn black for several years. And in urban forest parks, making fires is generally prohibited.

A tourist group of schoolchildren stopped at a lunch stop. And you need to catch the train. It takes time to carefully stack the remaining brushwood, remove the trash, pour on the fire, and cover the fire site with turf, and the train won’t wait. And the schoolchildren, led by the teacher, quickly pack their backpacks and leave, leaving the resting place uncleaned. What a lesson in practical “ecology”! He will be remembered better than any lecture.

Where to put the garbage? The garbage, of course, needs to be removed, or even better, just don’t litter, provide special bags of unnecessary packaging and paper left over from lunch, and take it all with you. Combustible waste (paper, plastic bottles, plastic bags) burn on a fire, tin cans burn on a fire and bury, and bury toilet places. Cover the remaining firewood with branches or lean it against tree trunks: they are more likely to rot on the ground. The fire must be filled with water and the fire pit covered with turf. Everything that birds and animals can eat is left under the trees in a visible place. When leaving the bivouac, they check to see if anyone has forgotten their belongings.

Summing up the trip.

For a long time now, tourism has not been looked at as a fun pastime, as a primitive recreation and entertainment in nature. Tourism is a search, new discoveries, new experiences.

The hike, as a rule, creates an emotional and joyful mood in the children. They are eager to exchange opinions. This is a convenient opportunity for teachers to class hour Together with the students, sum up the results of the trip. What do you remember? What was the most interesting thing on the route? What contribution did each person make to the common cause? What shortcomings hindered us? What will we do differently on our next trip?

A significant and memorable event for the children will be the awarding of the “Young Tourist” and “Tourist of Russia” badges.

The hike will bring more satisfaction to the children if everyone invests a piece of their work in its preparation and implementation: prepares a thematic local history essay with the help of a subject teacher, takes photographs of the hike, makes a video, what the group needs equipment will help in preparing the tourist chronicle.

If every teacher spends at least one trip in a year and compiles a tourist chronicle, the school will receive an excellent library methodological developments tourist routes. Every teacher can find his or her interest in this work. In developing routes, the local history approach to teaching is put into practice. Materials collected by tourist groups on hikes can be used in lessons.

Day 4.
Day 5.
Day 6.
Day 7.
Day 8.

The hike begins from the route to the village of Guzeripl, we get off the bus at the confluence of the Kisha River and the Belaya (between Khamyshki and Guzeripl). We cross Belaya along the old bridge and go out onto the path leading to the cordon of the Caucasian Kish Nature Reserve. About a kilometer later the trail passes over a bridge over Chernaya Balka. In the same place you can go down to the river.

The trail goes through a beech-fir forest up the Kisha River. The river itself mostly flows in a canyon, the current is stormy, and there are many rapids. IN Once again We go down to the water in the area where the Bezymyanka River flows into Kisha.

Along the way there are many streams flowing into the river. Some streams have beautiful waterfalls. Closer to the cordon there are several clearings with the aroma of herbs dried in the sun.

The result of the first walking day is access to the Kish cordon. The length of the route was 17 km. At the cordon we stopped for the night.

On the second day you need to reach the Shisha River, the trail passes through the forest. On Shisha we set up camp near the river bed and put up a tent. We will set up a fire pit right next to the river. Watch the video for more details.

On the third day we plan to go to the camp on Port Arthur. The transition is complicated by a significant climb, although the length is not very long. Since there is a house on Port Arthur, we leave the tent with Shisha, throwing some of the unnecessary things into it.

Along the way we organized a short lunch break.

The second half of the route was walked in heavy rain and fog. Eventually we reached the house. The house doesn't look very good, the inside is partially broken. We dropped our backpacks and I went in search of firewood.

Having walked 300 meters further along the path, I discovered another house - a new one, in better condition. This was a real bummer, especially considering that my companion had time to change into dry clothes. I had to put on my wet clothes again and move on to the new house.

The view from the house is simply wonderful. A clearing with flowers, grass wet after a thunderstorm and mountains with several chains of ridges, each of which is higher than the previous one.

It turned out to be very difficult to find firewood. The basis of the forest is made up of birches, which do not really burn. I found a couple of fallen pine trees, they became the source of firewood for the entire time I was in this camp. We melted a potbelly stove and brewed vitamin tea: blueberry leaves, young pine needles, mantle flowers and a little thyme. With this, the third day of hiking came to an end.

The next day the sky became cloudy and it began to rain. As a result, we spent the whole day in the house. In the intervals between rain, we managed to run out for a new batch of firewood. The water in the stream from which we took water became cloudy.

On the fifth day the weather improved. We got ready early in the morning, had breakfast and started climbing the Solontsovy Ridge. A large herd of bison was waiting for us on the ridge. The bison lay in the grass and basked in the sun. However, having noticed us, they began to go into the forest, creating a powerful roar. The weight of a bison can reach up to a ton.

From the Solontsovy Ridge you can see the view of Thach with its characteristic rocky cliffs.

Meanwhile, the bison finally disappeared into the forest.

And we continued moving towards the top of the ridge. Along the way we met a lonely bull that had strayed from the herd. We managed to get very close to him.

Below in the valley a mother bear and her cub were prowling. They did not notice us, digging in the ground in search of something to eat.

On the other side of the valley towered Mount Acheshbok (Devil's Gate).

The top of the Solontsovy ridge is 2475 m. At the top there is an old geodetic tower.

Bambaki is clearly visible from the top.

And under your feet there are alpine grasses. In particular, the alpine aster is found.

Since yesterday we spent the day in the camp on Port Arthur due to a thunderstorm, our plans for today were not only to visit the alpine highlands, but also to go down to the Shisha River. Therefore, there was not much time for walking. We went down the ridge to look at the lake.

Thach is from a slightly different angle.

And a view of the Devil's Gate pass.

We met a grazing chamois, already the second one that day.

The lake doesn't make much of an impression; the water is dirty. There is still snow on the slope nearby, although it is already the month of August.

Closer to Bambaki, you can see a trailer that can be used to shelter from bad weather. It’s quite far from the trailer, so I take a photo with zoom.

From this place we moved back to the house on Port Arthur, but in a different way, not along the ridge, but along the bottom through the forest. The trail turned out to be difficult, constantly getting lost in the grass, and periodically going off to the side along animal paths. All this was complicated by the height of the grass, which was taller than a man, and the deep, steep beams. We went out to the house tired and exhausted. We had lunch, collected our backpacks and began our descent towards Shishi.

We passed clearings through which we got lost in the fog and rain as we walked forward. The Afonka rock is visible through the pine trees.

Further in the forest we came across another herd of bison. I have never seen bison in the forest before, as this is quite a rare occurrence. There are no photographs of forest bison, I just didn’t have time to take them. But I filmed the animals on video.

Towards evening we went to a tent near Shisha.

On the sixth day of the hike, you need to return to the Kish cordon, and this is not so far - half a day's journey. We spent the first half of the day near Shisha, swam in the river, sat by the fire, and relaxed.

We went out after lunch, by this time the sky began to become cloudy and peals of thunder were periodically heard. And the rain covered us, and very heavy rain. They arrived at Kisha completely wet. We settled into a house on the cordon, started drying things and preparing dinner.

The next day we went to the Kisha River and to the other bank.

There is no particular hurry; on this day, according to plans, we are going to reach the fourth kilometer, that is, to the trail, where there are 4 km left to the highway. But after lunch the weather began to deteriorate again. We managed to reach the parking lot before it rained, set up a tent, and then began to pour downpours. The water in the river became very dirty and light brown in color. However, nearby there was a good spring with clean, clear water.

On the last day of hiking, we packed our tent and things and went to the highway. In the Chernaya Balka area we went down to the river and had breakfast. Then we went out onto the highway, where we waited for the bus and headed back to civilization.