English New Year for children. Competitions for children's parties in English

The presenter names some part of the body, for example, the head, and touches the hand. Children must follow those commands and touch exactly the part of the body that is named, and not the one that the leader touched. You can name body parts by adding numbers to them.

For example: one, two, three – hand!

2.Simon Says

The presenter says the following phrase: “Simon says: “Stand up (Sit down, Run, Touch your nose, Jump...).” Participants must follow all commands only if they are preceded by the introductory phrase “Simon says.”

3. The Opposite

1 participant pronounces a phrase or word, the other must name and depict the opposite.
Stand up – Sit down.
Stop - Move
Be quiet – Be noisy
Close your eyes – Open your eyes
Smile – Cry

4. Run-Freeze

The presenter says: “Run!” All the children run around until they hear: “Freeze! Animals! Participants must take the pose of any animal. The presenter guesses by asking questions: “Are you a bear....?” Children answer: “Yes, I am / No, I am not.” Such games can also reinforce the themes “Professions”, “Sports Games”, “Musical Instruments”.

5. Sea - Ground

Draw a circle with chalk or place a regular circle on the ground. “Sea” is the center of the circle, “Earth – Ground” is outside the circle. The presenter gives the following commands:
- Sea! (Children quickly jump in a circle).
- Ground! (Children jump out of the circle as quickly as possible.)
If there are a lot of children, you can arrange a competition - whoever jumped out of the circle last becomes the leader

5. Movers

We first practice different commands with the children.
Look up, look down, look left, look right,
Clap up, clap down, clap left, clap right,
Turn around and sit down
Touch something...brown!
Then one participant in the game gives commands, and the children carry them out. If someone performs a movement incorrectly, he leaves the game (if there are a large number of participants).

6. Eatable – Uneatable

The presenter throws a ball to the children, naming inedible or edible objects in English. When the presenter calls something edible, the child tries to catch the ball, and if it’s inedible, throw it away.

7. Hide and Seek

One child stands in a certain place, closes his eyes and slowly begins to say a counting rhyme in English.
“Hide and seek” - we play together.
“Hide and seek” - whatever the weather.
1, 2, 3, 4, 5 – I’ll look for you and find

While he is saying the counting rhyme, everyone else is hiding. Then the leader tries to find everyone hiding. Seeing someone, he runs to knock at the place where he said the counting rhyme and says: “Tap, tap on .. Sveta.” while calling the name of the one he saw. If one of the players runs out of his hiding place, then he tries to run to the leader’s place and knock on him, saying: “Tap, tap on me.”

8. Letters or Numbers

Use colored chalk to write numbers or letters. Then you name a number or letter, and the child tries to find and stand on it.

9.Where Is It?

The presenter closes his eyes. Participants hide any object. The presenter opens his eyes and asks: “Where is the...?” They help him find the hidden object, giving clear instructions in English: “The pen is at the bag...”

10. Hot and Cold

You hide any toy or object, and the child looks for it using your clues “cold-cool-warm-hot” (“cold - cool - warm - hot”). When he is very close, say the word hot.

11. Animals and Birds

12. Imitators

You name any animal, bird or profession, and the children try to portray what is named with facial expressions, voice and gestures. Whoever does it better is the winner.

13. Claps

The presenter calls a number from 1 to 5. Depending on which numeral was named, the children must clap their hands the same number of times.
Presenter: “Four!”
Children clap 4 times.
Whoever makes a mistake is punished. For example, jump or dance.

14. Can and can’t

Children listen to the leader’s question, answer it positively or negatively: “Yes, I can. / No, I can’t.” If the answer is positive, perform the named movements.
Can you hop like a fox? No, I can't. The rabbit can hop.
Can you fly like a bird? Yes, I can.


You name a color in English, for example, red. Children must find the named color on their clothes, on the street or in the room, touch it and repeat its name.

16. Bring me

Various things are laid out in the room or outside. The presenter asks the children to bring him some thing, naming it or describing it in English. Whoever finds and brings this item first wins.
Bring me a pencil….

17. Bob, Be Nimble

The child tries to jump over a stick (jump rope), which is at a certain height. If there are a lot of children, then you can arrange a competition to see who can jump over the stick (jump rope) at the highest height. Before jumping over the stick, children recite the following rhyme:

Bob, be nimble,
Bob, be quick,
Bob jump over
My brown stick.

Very soon, decorated Christmas trees will appear in our apartments and the magical spirit of the holiday will settle in our hearts. English grammar and new words will gradually fade into the background, giving way to a dreamy mood and anticipation of a miracle.

Let's combine this miracle with an English lesson!

Christmas for the little ones

My child and I are now intensively studying numbers, so this presentation, in which we will count New Year’s items, will be an excellent addition to mathematics lessons in English. And we’ll also help three reindeer find their way to Santa Claus so that he can deliver New Year’s gifts to the children.

You can also learn a short poem about snowflakes and surprise Santa Claus at the matinee:

Snowflakes are nice, (Snowflakes are nice,)

Snowflakes are white. (Snowflakes are white.)

They fall by day, (They fall by day)

They fall at night. (They fall at night.)

Christmas for schoolchildren

For children over 12 years old and with a language level of at least A2, you can talk about the traditions of celebrating Christmas in England and the USA, solve a crossword puzzle and talk about holiday traditions in Russia and the student’s family. The last task can also be used with adults.

Christmas for adults

We will definitely talk to adults using Speaking Cards and edit them a little, and watch the first and second episodes of my favorite series from the British Council, Word on the street (for shopping lovers there is a story about Christmas shopping).

Or let's listen to Mariah Carey's Christmas song and do exercises for it.

P.S. Almost all materials are taken from the ESL Printables website.

Happy holidays to everyone, dear friends! Let the New Year holidays leave only positive memories for you and us, and let us, adults, be able to plunge into the world of childhood, fairy tales and sleep!

MBOUDOD "House of Children's Creativity No. 4" Novokuznetsk, Kemerovo region.

Summary of an open lesson in English

"Santa Claus is in a hurry for the holiday"

Additional education teacher

Kaverzina Marina Vladimirovna.


Subject:""New Years is soon"".

Title of the lesson:"Santa Claus is in a hurry for the holiday."

Target: Prepare students for the final lesson on the topic “New Year is Coming.”

Tasks: 1. In training : consolidate vocabulary from past lessons; familiarize children with speech patterns “My name is ...”, “What is your name?”, and initially consolidate them; introduce the phrase “Santa Claus”; train children in the use of speech patterns “I have got a ...”, “My ... is yellow”, “My ... can run” and in listening to riddle texts.

2. In development : develop semantic conjecture, logical thinking, volitional sphere, imagination.

3. In education : to instill a love of sports, the ability and desire to come to the aid of fellow players and friends.

Visual aids: 1. A figurine of Dunno made of cardboard.

2. Pictures: “Santa Claus on skis”, “Santa Claus on skates”, “Santa Claus on a sleigh”, “Cat on skates”, “Fox on skis”, “Pig on a sleigh”, “New Year’s toys”.

3. Cards on the topics: “Verbs of motion”, “Colors”, “Animals”.

4. Toys – animals – 10 pcs., ball.

Equipment: audio recorder, stand for visual aids.

Progress of the lesson

1. Organizing time.

The bell has already gone! Good afternoon, dear boys and girls!

Children: Good afternoon!

Sit down, please! I am glad to see you!

Children: Glad to see you too!

Now I want to know who is absent to do.( Roll call)


Guys, today we will continue to prepare for the holiday. What holiday is coming soon?

Children: New Year!

Of course, let's wake up our tongues, Mr. Tongue, wake up!

2. Phonetic exercise.

Mr. Tongue is still sleeping and even forgot to put out the candle last night, let's help him:


the dog gets angry at him and growls:


the bee wakes him up:

[ð] - the ;

the wind whistles in his ear:

[θ] - thank you;

Mr doesn't wake up Tongue, let's ring his doorbell:

[ŋ] - morning;

knock on me :


Finally, Mr. Tongue woke up, looked out of the house and said:

Good morning!

It is for Mr. Tongue still morning. And we woke up a long time ago, let's say hello to Mr. Tongue.

Children: Good afternoon, Mr. Tongue!

ABOUT . TO ! I think you are ready for our lesson!

3. Main part

So, New Year is coming! Let's remember in English.

Children: New Year! (Word training.)

There are many guests at the holiday, but who is the most long-awaited of them?

(Picture “Santa Claus on a sleigh» and a card with the symbol of the verb “to sled” on the stand.)

Children: Santa Claus!

He looks like Santa Claus, you're right. Santa Claus is in a hurry to come to us. There is snow all around. Do we remember what snow is called in English?

Children: Snow! (Word training.)

What is he driving? How does is called? (The teacher points to the sled.)

Children: Sledge! (Word training.)

That’s right, that’s the name of the sled itself and the phrase “sledding.” The mountain ended, Santa Claus got on his skis (picture “Santa Claus skiing” and a card with the symbol of the verb “skiing” on the stand). Let's remember this word.

Children: Ski! (Word training.)

We came across a frozen lake, Santa Claus went skating (a picture of “Santa Claus on skates” and a card with the symbol of the verb “skating” on the stand). You know this word.

Children: Skate! (Word training.)

(Below are “support-symbols” that stand on the stand and serve as a hint for children.)

- Ski – go skiing (skis).

- Sledge sledding (sleigh).

- Skate – skate (skates).

That's how skilled Santa Claus is, he can ride everything. He's probably good with sports. Do you guys play sports? Who does exercises in the morning? (Children answer and talk about the benefits of playing sports.)

What do you do in winter? What can you do?

(Children, relying on the symbols written on the board, speak one at a time. The next one first translates the previous one’s phrase into Russian, then says his own in English.)

I - I can ski. – I can ski.

I - I can sledge. – I can sled.

I - I can skate. – I can skate.

And who is this? (Figurine “Dunno”.)

Dunno: Hello, children!

Children : Hello, Dunno!

Dunno is sad. He had already tried sledding, skating, and skiing, but nothing had worked out for him. How does he talk about himself?

(On the “support-symbols” stand: I ... Children take turns speaking for Dunno and translating phrases.)

I - I can't ski. – I can't ski.

I - I can't sledge. – I can't sled.

I - I can't skate. – I can't skate.

Dunno, I realized that you need to love sports, do exercises in the morning, and then you can learn everything. He promises us that he will not be lazy and will try to become a good athlete.

Guys, look at this Santa Claus (the above pictures with Santa Klaus), because this is not exactly our Santa Claus, not like ours. Where is he from?

Children: from England.

And his name is probably different? How can we find out his name? The friends of Winnie the Pooh, whom this Santa Claus met on his way, will help us.

(Picture “Cat on skates” on the stand.)

Listen to what the kitty will ask Santa Claus and what he will answer. Try to translate their conversation into Russian.

Kitty: What is your name?

Santa Claus: My name is Santa Claus!

(The children themselves guess the meaning of the dialogue, translate new expressions into Russian. Next, the new material is consolidated. The teacher repeats these expressions again, the children repeat in chorus. Then exactly the same dialogues occur between Santa Claus and the rest of Winnie the Pooh’s friends: a fox , a pig. First, the children repeat phrases for the teacher, then the teacher invites the students to speak in chorus for the characters from the pictures. Pictures with animal characters are placed on the stand as needed, for the names of the pictures, see “Visual Aids.”)

O.K. Do you remember the name of the English Santa Claus?

Children: Santa Claus!

Children when Santa Claus will come to us for a holiday, he will definitely ask us what their name is, and you will have to answer him in English. Let's try this now.

(A dialogue takes place between the teacher and each child - the use of new vocabulary.)

What is your name?

My name is (Sasha).

We have been working with our tongues for a long time, and now we will train our arms and legs.

Phys. just a minute.

Stand up!

(The teacher gives commands and, if the children do not know this vocabulary very well, puts cards with “support-symbols” of verbs of motion on the stand. Children perform teams. )

Sit down!

Guys, what do you think Santa Claus has behind him?

Children: Bag of gifts!

What could be in it?

(Children list possible gifts.)

And certainly in this bag there will be these toys, Winnie the Pooh drew them and sent them to us. We talked about them in the last lesson.

(The picture “New Year’s toys” is on the stand. Children are asked to remember the names of the animals drawn in the picture, their color and the text of the poem, which the children met in the last lesson. Next, the children recite the text of the poem in chorus.)

"A frog is green"

a parrot is bright,

a fox is orange,

a hare is white! »

There may also be colored balls in the bag.

(The teacher shows multi-colored cardboard circles and reads rhymes in Russian on the topic “Colors”; children insert English names.)

There is no passage for people

The red light came on - red !

We have to wait, even if we’re tired!

You see, yellow means - yellow !

The way is clear, sir,

Look, green - green !

I really love this color

He's blue like the sky - blue !

Frau's brown umbrella

This color is called - brown !

Two pigs entered the ring,

Both are pink pink !

Tell me quickly

The color gray is called - grew !

Every schoolchild knows for sure

White in English – white !

Every person should

To know that black is - black !

Where is the bitterness in the orange?

In the peel, which is the color - orange !

Well done! Fine!

At the New Year's party, Santa Claus may invite us to play a relay game with a ball with toys from a bag.

Let's play! You are the first team!

You are the second team!

We divide into two teams and take turns playing. First, the members of the first team each receive a toy, and the first one is given a baton (ball). The first person in the team says the first phrase and passes the baton to the second, the second to the third, etc. When all team members have said the first phrase, the baton returns to the first player and he says the second phrase, then everything is repeated. Each of you must talk about your animal. Now we will remember how we did it before. Let's talk about the cat! (Teacher points to symbols written on the board: - animal name, got - “have got”, - “ can », - color of the animal -is . Children say the following three sentences in unison.)

(The teacher reads the riddles, the children answer one by one. If they answer correctly, the teacher shows a card with the guessed animal.)

    I am white. I can run and jump.

(a hare)

    I'm brown. I can climb and sleep.

(a bear)

    I am bright. I can fly and sing.

(a parrot)

    I'm orange. I cannot fly. I can run.

(a fox)

Good children! Everyone guessed right.

Now let's listen to one song. It is sung by English students who know Winnie the Pooh; we already remembered him today. When Winnie the Pooh misses his country, he turns on this cassette and listens to the song. Do you understand what this song is about?

(Audio recording plays songs "What is your name ? from the audio manual of the educational complex for the second grade of schools with in-depth study of the English language I.N. Vereshchagina, task 1 and task 3.)

What is your name?

What is your name?

Now tell me, please,

What is your name?

My name is Helen,

My name is Helen,

My name is Helen,

That is my name.

(Children say what the song is about.)

What song can we sing for Santa Claus?

Let's sing!

(Children sing a song based on song No. 12, Galina Dolya, language course “Happy English”, part 1, publishing house “Khimera” 2000. Words changed by the author of the notes.)

One, One, One,

Giraffe can run.

Two, Two, Two,

Tiger sees you.

Three, three, three,

Bird in the tree.

Four, four, four,

Frog on the floor.

Five, five, five,

Mouse can drive.

Six, six, six,

Camel likes sweets.

Seven, Seven, Seven,

Lion is clever.

Eight, nine, ten,

Let's sing again.

Now, I think we are ready for the arrival of our English Santa Claus!

4. Summing up.

We learned that he was in a hurry to come to us for a holiday.

What's his name? How did he answer the animals' questions?

What is your name?

Children : My name is Santa Claus!

When will Santa Claus come to us?

Children: For the New Year!

Let's remember - New Year!

Children: - New Year!

And why Santa Claus is so skillful, he can ride everything?

Children: He plays sports. This should be done by everyone who wants to become skillful and dexterous.

Very good! At home, come up with riddles, remember poems and songs to tell them at the New Year's party.

And now the lesson is over!

Travel game for primary school students in English

Description: The game summary can be used by English teachers to conduct extracurricular activities with primary school children. Students of the same class are divided into teams and go through classes using a route sheet, completing different tasks.
Target: development of children's creative abilities and English language skills
1. Develop teamwork skills.
2. Provide children with the opportunity to demonstrate their skills
Organization of the game:
Several teams take part in the game, 3-4 people per team. Each team must go through a certain path, which is indicated on their sheet. In this way, children travel around the school and end up in various places where they receive special tasks. Children receive medals for completing tasks. Each medal indicates how many points they received (medals can be made in different colors. For example, orange for 5 points, yellow for 4 points and gray for 3 points). The team that scores the most points wins.
Route sheets for all teams with station names, sheets with fillwords for each team, disposable plates and cups, plastic bottles, tinsel, rain, glue, scissors, tape, colored paper, felt-tip pens, Whatman paper.

Progress of the game:
I welcome all team members to our New Year's event. New Year is a holiday that is loved by adults and children not only in Russia, but also in other countries. Today you will see what tasks children in England and America perform in order to receive a New Year's prize. At the end of your trip, you will return back, and together we will discuss what you liked and remember, and we will also find out which of the teams was the most friendly and active.
You can come up with the names of your teams and write them on the sheets that we will give you. Don't lose these sheets, they tell you where you need to go.
After all the teams write their name, at the signal they set off.

Test 1. Quiz
In this test, team members will need to answer 5 questions correctly. All questions have 4 answer options. In this task, participants are tested on their knowledge of the culture of the country of the target language. For each correct answer a point is given.

1. In Russia, the holiday celebrated from December 31 to January 1 is called New Year, but what is it called in England?
a) Silly dog ​​b) Christmas tree c) New Year d) Fireworks
2. On New Year's Day, Father Frost comes to children in Russia and gives gifts, but who gives gifts to children in England?
a) Snow Maiden b) Santa Claus c) Snowman d) Grandmother Frost
3. You take a word that does not apply to the New Year.
a) Snow b) Presents c) Cat d) Christmas tree
4. What should you say in English to wish Happy New Year?
a) Happy New Year b) Good New Year c) Lucky New Year d) Better New Year
5. Choose the color of the New Year symbol
a) Black b) Purple c) Blue d) Green

Correct answers: 1.c 2.b 3.c 4.a 5.d

Test 2. New Year's web.
In this challenge, teams need to find the largest number of words hidden in a fillword. For each word 0.5 points are given. To make it easier for participants, they are given a list of words to find at the beginning of the test. You have 10 minutes to complete the task.
Words: Santa, Present, Snow, Tree, Toys, Decoration, Cake, Deer, Magic, Cold

F c o l d n o
d l f p e d b
o r t r e e o
t y o e r c m
r l y s n o w
f k s e u r p
v c r n y a o
s a n t a t t
a k m a g i c
x e d q v o f
v n b e x n d

Test 3.“Dress up the Christmas tree.”
Participants are given words in different languages. Their task is to choose only words in English and hang them on the Christmas tree.

Test 4. DIY or DIY card.
Team members are given a sheet of whatman paper, colored paper, glue, scissors, markers, paints, glitter, etc. Their task is to make a postcard; the faster they make it, the more points they will receive. If the card turns out to be very beautiful, the test leader may award an extra point.

Test 5. New Year's mosaic.
In this test, in 5 minutes, participants will need to assemble sentences that have been cut into pieces in advance (to make the task easier, you can specially cut the whole sentence not into words, but simply into different pieces, which can then easily fit together). For each proposal, participants are given 1 point.
1. Santa Claus gives presents
2. Children like New Year very much
3. People eat tasty food and sweets
4. Kids like playing snowballs
5. Some people make a snowman

When each team passes all the tests, it returns to its original place and turns in its sheets, after which the jury counts the points and announces the winner. While the jury signs the certificates, the presenter asks the participants about their impressions.

Download Travel game for elementary school on the theme: New Year (in English)

Vera Yudina
New Year's holiday script in English.

New Year's holiday scenario

Exit to the song Let is snow.

Semyon: Hello, ladies and gentlemen! Hello ladies and gentlemen.

Masha_: Hello my friends! Hello, friends.

Arisha G: We are glad to see you! We are happy to greet you.

Vadim_: Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas!

Pauline: And a Happy New Year! And happy New Year.

Rodion: Where is Santa Claus? Where is Santa Claus?

The fairy comes out to the song: How are you my friends?

Elya: Who are you? Who are you?

Lisa: I "m a little fairy. I am a little fairy.

Rodion: where is Santa Claus?Where is Santa?

Lisa: I don’t know! I don't know.

Lisa: Let's call him all together. Let's call him all together.

All together: One two three Santa Claus comes to me.

The snowman comes out to the song

I'm a little snowman.

Elya: Who are you? Who are you?

Anya: I'm snowman. I'm a snowman.

“What a nice snowman!”

The children will say.

What a fine game

For a cold winter day!

“What a beautiful snowman!”

The guys are very happy.

How fun it is to sculpt

From morning until night!

Rodion: Where is Santa Claus? Where is Santa?

Who's suit is all red?

And the same cap?

Who is cheerful and rosy

This kind old man?

All in unison: Santa Claus!

Santa Claus coming out

Song: Santa Claus coming to town.

Santa Claus: Hello, my dear friends. Merry Christmas! And a Happy New Year! My name is Santa Claus. I am glad to see you.

Arisha T:

Christmas Day! Christmas day

Let is sing, let is play! Let's sing, let's play!

Song Hello, Reindeer. Hello reindeer.

Santa Claus: Children look at our Christmas tree. She does not Shine. Let's all say together: “One, two, three, Shine the Christmas Tree!”

Together: One, two, three, Shine the Christmas Tree!

Santa Claus: One more time: One, two, three, Shine the Christmas Tree!

Santa Claus: Let's sing for our Christmas trees song.

The lights on the Christmas tree are lit!

Song Bells.

Santa Claus: Very good. What great guys you are.

How many songs do you know. How many songs do you know?

Do you know the poems? Do you know the poems?

Children recite poems.

Merry, merry Christmas

Is likely to come. ELYA

Merry, Merry Christmas,

You are welcome!

Snow in the window,

Much confetti, Arisha G

Bright-blue, red and yellow

Lights on the tree.

It is winter, it is cold.

Santa Claus very old.

But he is always full of joy, Danil

And glad to give me a nice toy.

It's winter, it's winter,

Let's skate and ski!

It's winter, it's winter

It's great fun for me!

Winter days have come - POLINA

All on skis and skates!

Winter has come

Fun, brought joy!

I am running on my skis

White and silver are the trees! SEMYON

Merry Christmas mother

Merry Christmas father

Merry Christmas sister ALINA

Merry Christmas brother.

Santa Claus: Very very good! How many poems do you know? Well done.

Can you solve riddles? We'll see now.

1. I don't need running and boxing.

I'm cunning. After all, I (A fox)

2. Having knocked over the cans on the floor,

Sits in the corner (A monkey)

3. What a surprise, Mr. Brian:

He put on his jacket (A lion)

4. For some reason he climbed onto the closet

and got stuck there (A giraffe)

5.Look at our Christmas tree.

What can you see?

Our tree and hall glance

We can sing, play and (dance)

You are just great! Let's dance around our Christmas tree.

Stand up children. Let's dance,

Song If you are happy.

Santa Claus: Let’s play my favorite game – “Please”!

Game 1 Freeze.

One, two, three all freeze.

Game 2 Confusion.

Show me what I say, not what I show.

Game 3 Athlete.

One, one, one boys run; One, one, one boys swim; One, one, one boys fly

One, one, one girls jump; One, one, one girls sleep; One, one, one girls go.

Santa Claus: Well, you and I had a lot of fun.

And I would like to once again wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Christmas magic,

Merry Christmas, Everyone!

Song Coming Home For Christmas.

Publications on the topic:

Dramatization in English of the Russian folk tale "Teremok" "A House In The Wood" Children of the preparatory group 6-7 years old. Objectives: To develop children's communication skills and maintain interest in learning English.

How to play the construction game "My Home is My Fortress" in English 1. Invite your child to play with you with his favorite construction set from which to build a house. Invite him to help you build “a.

Concert for parents in English “We Are Kindergarten Leavers” Objectives: To maintain children's interest and desire to study at school, to expand their active vocabulary through words denoting school supplies.

New Year's holiday scenario New Year in the senior group. 2016. Children holding hands enter the hall and stand around the Christmas tree. Presenter Happy New Year, with a joke.

Open fun for parents. Theatrical performance in English “The Frog in the Mirror” Purpose of entertainment: Increasing children's interest in learning a foreign language, developing communication abilities and creativity.

Rhymes and guesses with vocabulary in English on the topics “Colors”, “Parts of the Body” and “Meals and Food”. Rhymes and guesses “Colors” I have no doubts. The color red is of course – red. Here is an unripe tangerine. It's still green. I'll draw a ship.