Class hour “Matches are not toys. Conversation with older children on the topic “Matches are not toys for children!”

Conversation: “Matches are not toys for children”
Age category of pupils: 6 - 7 years
Group focus: compensating
Venue: group room
Date: March 20, 2014
Prepared and carried out:
Klimova Marina Vitalievna, teacher
Goal: to develop children’s knowledge about matches.
Educational – developing children’s knowledge about the dangers of careless handling of matches;
Developmental – development of horizons, memory, attention, fine motor skills; encourage drawing conclusions and conclusions based on available facts; developing the ability to make crafts using an algorithm.
Educational – instilling caution and vigilance when handling matches; form the foundations safe behavior at home.
Preliminary work:
-reading “The Story of unknown hero» S. Ya. Marshak;
- conversation about fire hazardous items;
- a conversation with an examination of illustrations about the meaning of fire in human life “When fire is a friend, and when it is an enemy.”
-boxes of matches, different types of matches;
-illustrations “Fire Safety”;
- printed large print riddles about matches broken down into syllables;
-for making crafts: a sheet of white paper, scissors, pencil, glue, plasticine.
242633588265 Educator: Guys, to find out what we will get to know today, you need to solve a crossword puzzle. Do not forget that you need to raise your hand after listening to the riddle to the end. I write the guessed word horizontally, and “ keyword", we will read vertically.
29197301860551. Bonfire.
2. Firefighter.
3. Siren.
4. Man.
5. Helmet.
6. Fire extinguisher.
1. Bred in the forest for warmth,
So that the trembling goes away from the body,
I need it from the heart -
Just don't forget to put it out.
2. In a canvas jacket and helmet,
Forgetting about the chain mail armor,
Determinedly and without fear.
4336415106045A knight throws himself into the fire.
3. What is the name of the signal emitted by the fire department?
by car?
4. The main culprit of forest fires.
5. She often protected the fireman in the fire.
This “cap” is made of metal.
6. It hangs silently, but if you turn it over, it hisses,
And the foam flies.
2575560350520Educator: read the word written vertically with a red felt-tip pen.
Children: Matches.
What kind of cramped, cramped house is this?
A hundred sisters huddle in it.
And any of the sisters
It might break out like a fire.
Don't joke with your sisters
The story is a teacher's conversation about matches.
People have always thought about how to learn how to make fire. Why do people need fire? (warm the home, cook food, melt iron). Previously, there were no matches to which we are now accustomed. A long time ago primitive people They made fire by rubbing 2 dry pieces of wood against each other, but it was very difficult and time-consuming. Later, people came up with a device for making fire - a flint. A piece of steel was struck against a flint (hard stone), thereby creating sparks that ignited some flammable substance. Flint was expensive and hard to carry, so people continued to think about an easy way to make fire. Scientists came up with the idea of ​​covering the head of a wooden stick with a special substance that caught fire, but often such matches caught fire on their own - fires started and people died. Such matches are simply dangerous! Finally invented in Sweden safety matches, to which we are accustomed now.
Demonstration different types matches.
Children read riddles about matches:
From prison one hundred sisters
Released into the open.
They take them carefully
Rubbing my head against the wall,
They strike deftly once and twice -
Your head will light up.
In a wooden house
Dwarves live.
Such kind people -
They hand out lights to everyone.
Match device.
A match consists of a wooden stick and a head. The head is a mixture of special. Flammable substance (sulphur), special. Chemical salt, glue, glass powder. The skin is coated with red phosphorus and glue. When a match is drawn across the skin, the head of the match lights up, and then the wooden stick.
276098087630 A conversation about the dangers of careless handling of matches.
- Is it possible to take matches without asking? Why?
He's a friend of the guys
But when they play tricks on him,
He becomes an enemy
And it burns everything around. (fire).
- How dangerous is fire?
- What to do in case of fire? (Telephone fire. Services 01)
62865122555Did you know that matches can be safe? If you remove the head of sulfur and color a match with a felt-tip pen, it turns into a colored stick small size. These matches can be used to make various crafts or be used as counting sticks.
To prevent a fire, you should not play with matches.
Let adults make it a habit to remove them from children.
We will not take matches into the street or into kindergarten.
Poplar fluff. We will not set fire to the paper.
We won’t play with matches, we won’t take a lighter -
And we won’t ruin ourselves, and we’ll save our apartment.
Having matured, then we will boldly take matches into our hands.
We will use them in action and will not start a fire.
Making crafts - matches.
We wrap the paper around the pencil and glue the edge (it turns out to be a tube). We prepare the match head from plasticine. We attach the head to the tube.
Children and animals know -
Matches are not toys for children!


2nd junior group.

G. Winter

MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 10"

Goal: To introduce children to the rules fire safety.

Objectives: To give children ideas about the benefits and dangers of fire. Introduce the properties of fire. Foster a sense of caution and self-preservation.

Equipment: Matches, candle, illustration of fire, illustration depicting the beneficial use of fire and fire safety rules, bear toy.

Preliminary work: Conversations with children on the topic “Matches are not a toy for children,” looking at illustrations of fire hazard situations, reading the nursery rhyme “Cat’s House.”

Progress of the lesson

I. A surprise moment - Bunny comes to visit.

Educator: A very unusual guest came to us today. Do you want to know what kind of guest this is? Listen to the riddle:

The red beast sits in the oven,

The red beast is angry with everyone,

He eats wood out of anger,

Maybe an hour, maybe two,

Don't touch him with your hand,

He bites the palm (fire)

Educator: Yes, today in class we will talk about fire.

Children sit on chairs. There's a knock on the door. A little hare appears with a bandaged paw and

Educator: Hello, Bunny! What happend to you? Why are you bandaged?

Bunny: I decided to play with matches, I wanted to make a fire.

Educator: What are you doing, Bunny? Guys, is it possible to play with matches? It is very dangerous! (answers

Bunny: Yes, so I got burned. And Doctor Aibolit came to my aid, put out the fire and bandaged me.

me. Why is this fire needed?

Educator: Sit down with us, Bunny, we will talk about fire, and then you will understand that people need fire.

II. Conversation about useful application fire.

Educator: B distant times, people warmed themselves from the cold by the fire, prepared food for themselves, it gave them light. Time passed, and people “tamed” fire and “settled” it in their homes. Guys, do you have a fire at home? Where does he live? How does he help us? (children's answers)

Educator: And there are also factories where fire also lives in the furnaces. In the bakery, bread is baked in ovens. He eats such furnaces in which metal is “cooked”. Then they make cars and airplanes out of it. Fire helps such factories operate. You see, Bunny, how fire helps people. (The teacher accompanies his story by showing illustrations) Listen, guys, to a poem about good fire.

We are without a good fire

You can't get by even a day.

We need a good fire

And for that he is honored,

What warms up the guys' dinner?

He cooks soup and bakes bread.

Bunny: Yes, I like this kind of fire.

Educator: People put fire in such a house. What is this?

Children: Matches.

Educator: Now I will light one match. Look at the fire. Now I will light a candle (the children are watching the fire)

III. The game is transformation.

Educator: You see how the flame dances in the candles. Come on, you and I will turn into a candle. Our body is a candle, so we stand and do not move. And hands are a lit fire. Show how the flame dances.

(The candle goes out, the children sit on the chairs).

IV. Fire safety rules.

Educator: Today we lit a candle. Can children do this? What can happen? Has anyone ever burned you? (children's answers)

Educator: When the candle burns, the wax melts, it is hot, you can burn yourself with it. And if the candle falls, then what happens? (children's answers)

Educator: You see, Bunny, what can happen. To prevent a fire, small children should not pick up matches - this is the first rule.

The reading of the poem is accompanied by the display of the corresponding picture.

Don't have that habit

Poke your nose into the house to see where the matches are.

Because these matches

Not toys for kids.

Educator: A fire can also happen from the iron if it is left on.

Another rule:

And the iron cannot be turned on,

This is strictly necessary to know.

Closing the door in the house,

Check if everything is turned off.

To finger or nail

You didn't put it in the socket.

Electricity is dangerous.

Everyone should know this.

Educator: Well done, guys. These rules must be known and followed. And you, Bunny, remember them and never play with matches again.

Bunny: I remember. I will never play with matches again. Will you play with me?

V. The bunny offers to play the game “Stomp, Clap.”

Conditions: if children do the right thing, clap; if they do the wrong thing, stomp. Children stand in a circle.

I know now, friends,

That you can't play with fire. (clap)

Matches burn merrily

I will play with them. (stomp)

Roma ran behind the house,

There he plays with fire. (stomp)

He is dangerous, Masha knows

The iron no longer turns on. (clap)

Vika and Leroy are playing,

The gas is lit on the stove. (stomp)

Now the guys all know

Why can't you play with fire? (Yes)

Educator: Remember, guys, these are the rules. And you, Bunny, know that you cannot play with matches, otherwise disaster may happen. Get well and come visit us.

Municipal preschool educational autonomous institution

child development center – kindergarten"Fantasy"

Conversation with children

Senior A group

Topic: "Matches are not a toy for children. Call 01"

Prepared by: educators

MDAU TsRR – d/s “Fantasy”

Prokofieva M.A.

Roshchina L.B.



Target : To give children an idea of ​​the dangers posed by matches, fire, and fire. Introduce the properties of fire: clarify children’s knowledge that fire serves people in everyday life and is also dangerous. Clarify and consolidate children's knowledge that playing with fire is dangerous. To consolidate children's knowledge about dangerous situations, causes of fire and rules of conduct in case of fire. Help children master safe behavior skills: know how to behave in case of a fire, understand what things in the house should not be touched (matches, gas, electricity, etc.), know the emergency phone number. Reinforce children's knowledge that fire is afraid of sand and water. Cultivate resourcefulness, responsibility, independence: the ability to navigate problematic situations; instill in children the need to take care of their safety. Develop logical thinking, memory, speech, expand lexicon children on the topic of fire safety.

Progress of the conversation:

Guys, you know, today they brought us a letter. On the envelope it is written: “To the children of Khryusha and Stepashka.” Listen to what they write. “Hello, children! I’m in the hospital. I want to tell you how I got here. I was visiting Stepashka, we read books, drew, sculpted from plasticine, and then we got bored, and we decided to come up with new game. We found matches and started playing with them. At first it was fun and interesting. We really liked the way the match struck the box, how the fire flared up, and then the fire crept up to our paws, we were afraid of getting burned and threw the match on the floor. And then I don’t remember anything, I only woke up in the hospital with Stepashka. Now we feel very bad, our paws and ears hurt. Doctors are treating us. Guys, don't trust matches, they can cause a lot of trouble. They are cunning and always ask for children's hands. And Stepashka’s house burned down.”

Guys, why did Khryusha and Stepashka end up in the hospital?

Do you want to play with matches now?

Well, that’s right, you are smart kids, and smart kids come up with smart games for themselves.

Today we will talk to you about a very important topic for all of us. But which one, you decide for yourself. I’ll tell you a riddle, and you try to guess it and tell me what we’re going to talk about today:

A hundred sisters huddle in it.

And any of the sisters

It might break out like a fire.

Don't joke with your thin sisters... (with matches)

So what are we going to talk about in our lesson today? (about the benefits and harms of matches).

Released into the open.

They take them carefully

Rubbing my head against the wall,

They strike deftly once and twice -

Your head will light up.

Dwarves live.

Such kind people -

They hand out lights to everyone.

That's right, well done! These are matches. Children and animals know that matches are not toys for children!

Guys, what are matches for?

Children's answers: Light up gas stove, candle, fire, with the help of matches we get fire. Fire is needed to cook food, to keep it warm, to keep it light, etc.

That's right, well done! Fire is beneficial, which means it is our friend. What do you think, can such an irreplaceable fire become an enemy to man? Could he be dangerous? And when?

We say that fire is our friend!

But suddenly he will become an enemy,

If we forget about him

He will take revenge on people right away!

Let us also remember the proverb about fire. (Fire is a good servant, but a bad master. If you let the fire go, you won’t be able to put it out).

And now the riddles:

I saw smoke - don’t yawn, call us quickly (firemen)

Where people are careless with fire, there will definitely be a fire (fire)

In case of fire we don’t sit, we dial... (101)

Well done guys, everyone guessed the riddles.

Yes, we will talk about fire, why fires happen, how to prevent a fire, how to stop trouble.

So what are we going to talk about today? (about fire safety)

That's right, today we will talk to you about fire safety.

Let the boys know, let the girls know.

Matches, guys, are not toys for you!

There are often fires in the world

Only because children play in them.

And so let's say it loud and clear,

To make it clear to all children:

Don't touch the matches in the house,

A stray fire lives in them.

From a spark comes a flame,

And a fire brings disaster.

Let's say together, guys:

“I won’t pick up matches!”

Well done! What poems do you know that are good and, most importantly, useful! Guys, what should you do if a fire does happen? (Children's answers:you need to call the fire department).

Who knows what phone number to call?

If a flame suddenly breaks out,

Do you have a reliable friend?

Keep it handy!

Flame strangler,

Smoke tamer

Your fire extinguisher!

So that he does not become your enemy

Be careful with the iron.

Don't dry your clothes over gas

Everything will burn at once.

Educator: Look, what a small match, and what a big disaster can happen: a huge fire can break out. Listen to what happened.

The mistress and Vasily, the mustachioed old cat,

It didn't take long before they escorted the neighbors to the gate.

Word by word and conversation again,

And at home, in front of the stove, the fire burned through the carpet...

The cat Vasily returned and the cat followed him -

With a crash, a click and a thunder, the fire rose above the new house,

He looks around, waving his red sleeve.

Tili-bom, tili-bom, Cat's house is on fire!

A hen is running with a bucket, a cockerel is running with a jug,

A horse with a lantern, a gray bunny with a leaf,

And a dog with a broom.

What a disaster it was! Tell me guys, what did the cat do wrong in this case? (When a stove is left unattended, one coal can burn down the whole house).

Physical exercise “Pump”

Now we turn on the pump and pump water from the river

To the left - once, to the right - twice, water flowed in a stream.

(tilt to the right, left hand slides up along the body (to the armpit); tilt to the left, move up with the right hand.)

One, two, three, four (2-3 times) we did a good job.

(a slight bow is made, hands reach towards the floor but do not touch it, then straighten slightly)

Rules for safe behavior in case of fire.

  1. This applies to everyone, the first rule is the most important! On the street and in the room, guys remember: don’t touch the fire in the matches!
  2. You can easily remember: with electrical appliances, be careful with the iron and kettle, with the stove and soldering iron.
  3. Don't leave burning gas, you need to keep an eye on the gas.
  4. We want to warn you, do not light the stove without adults.
  5. It’s nice to sit by the fire in the forest, but when it’s time to return home, before leaving, don’t spare the fire, cover it with earth and fill it with water.

Everyone should know the following rules.

  1. If the fire is small, you can put it out by throwing a thick cloth or blanket over it, or pouring a pot of water.
  2. If the fire does not go out, then run away from the house. Call 101 or ask your neighbors about it.
  3. If you cannot escape from the apartment, immediately call 101 and tell them your home address. If you don’t have a phone, run out onto the balcony or shout from the window that there is a fire in your apartment.

If we guys follow these rules, then nothing bad will ever happen to us.

Experiment 1:

Three candles are lit on a metal tray.

When we lit the candle, what did we see? (light)

What light?

That's right guys, he's bright and beautiful. This is how it attracts attention.

Do you think it's possible to touch it? (No),

Explain why? (You can settle in).

What could happen if you accidentally drop a candle on the carpet or floor? (fire)

Yes, indeed, fire is bright, attractive, but at the same time very dangerous.

Experiment 2:

If the fire becomes dangerous, how can a person cope with it? (it needs to be put out). What do you think, what is fire afraid of? (Water, sand, earth). Let's check the correctness of your statements. Let's conduct an experiment: pour some water on a burning candle.

What happened? (The fire went out).

And why? (Because fire is afraid of water). Sprinkle sand on the burning candle. What happened? (The fire went out).

And why? Because fire is afraid of sand. And now for the remaining candle, we will sprinkle earth on it. What happened? (The fire went out).

And why? (Because fire is afraid of earth).

Now let's play with you. The game is called "Danger".

After the fire signal, you need to run to the phone, dial the number “101”, give your home address, give your first and last name.

Down the street like a bird

A car rushes towards a fire

The firefighters are not in vain!

The color of the car is bright red.

Near the house and barn

Don't you dare light a fire.

Maybe there's a big problem

For buildings and people.

Don't play with a match, my friend.

Remember, she is small

But from a match - not much

The house might burn down.

People have always thought about how to learn how to make fire. Why do people need fire? (warm the home, cook food, melt iron). Previously, there were no matches to which we are now accustomed. A long time ago, primitive people made fire by rubbing 2 dry pieces of wood against each other, but it was very difficult and time-consuming. Later, people came up with a device for making fire - a flint. A piece of steel was struck against a flint (hard stone), thereby creating sparks that ignited some flammable substance. Flint was expensive and hard to carry, so people continued to think about an easy way to make fire. Scientists came up with the idea of ​​covering the head of a wooden stick with a special substance that caught fire, but often such matches caught fire on their own - fires started and people died. Such matches are simply dangerous! Finally, the safety matches we are used to now were invented in Sweden. People have long learned to make fire. Fire serves man faithfully. Today we cannot do without fire. But when people forget to handle fire carefully, it becomes deadly. The fire spares no one and nothing.

To prevent a fire, you should not play with matches.

Let adults make it a habit to remove them from children.

We will not take matches into the street or into kindergarten.

Poplar fluff. We will not set fire to the paper.

And I won’t ruin myself, and I’ll save my apartment.

Having matured, then I will boldly pick up matches.

I will use them in action and will not start a fire.

Didactic game: "Listen carefully"

One, two, three, four - who has a fire in...? (apartment)

A column of smoke suddenly rose. Who didn't turn it off...? (iron)

A red glow ran. Who's with the matches...? (played)

The table and cabinet burned down at once. Who dried clothes over...? (gas)

A column of fire engulfed the attic. Who are the matches...? (lit)

The fire spread into the yard. Who was burning there...? (bonfire)

The flame jumped into the foliage. Who was burning at the house...? (grass)

Who threw strangers into the fire...? (items)

Every citizen remember this number...? (101)

I saw smoke - don’t yawn and firefighters...? (call)

Don't touch the matches, there's fire in the matches! Well done guys, you all did a really good job today! I really liked the way you answered questions today and didn’t get confused. Now I know that you will never take matches yourself and tell your parents how to handle matches! This concludes our lesson, be careful and think about safety!

Remember that playing with fire can turn into fire and evil, and you must always follow the rules and never play with fire.

Svetlana Mashkovtseva
Conversation with children “Matches are not toys for children”

Conversation with children on the topic:

« Matches are not toys for children»


Make it clear what dangers they pose matches

Instill in children a sense of self-preservation.

Preliminary work:

Reading fiction S. Marshak "Cat house", "ABOUT matches» .

Materials and equipment: boxes matches, painting of fire, fire truck, telephone.

Progress of the conversation

Educator: Matches speak that they really want to play with you. They offer to light them. They will burn, and everyone will be warm and happy. Guys, maybe someone wants to play with matches? Does anybody want?

Children: No!

Educator: Why? After all matches say that it will be warm and fun.

Children: Children should not take matches! There may be a fire!

Educator: Guys, what are they for? matches?

Children: Need matches to light a gas stove, candle, fire, stove. It can

Only adults can do it.

Educator: Yes, careless handling of fire can cause a fire. Fire is very dangerous.

Educator (hangs up a picture): Guys, let's take a close look at the picture. What do you see on it?

Children: A fire truck has arrived. Firefighters extinguish the fire

Educator: How did you guess that it was a fire truck? By what signs?

Children: the car is red, it has a ladder, the number 01 is shown on the car


All the guys stood up together (straightens up)

And they walked on the spot (walking in place)

Stretch on your toes (raise your hands up)

And now they've bent over backwards (bend back, put your hands behind your head)

We sat down like springs (sit down)

And they sat down quietly together (straighten up and sit down)

Educator: That's right guys, this is a fire truck, it is always red so that it can be seen from afar. Children, do you know that red is the color of anxiety, fire.

Educator: when a car drives along the road, it is not only visible, but also heard. I hear a siren. What does a siren sound like?

Children: Ooh, ooh, ooh!

Educator: Guys, what do you think is in the back of the fire truck?

Children: hose, fire extinguisher, axe, shovel, ladder.

Educator: Who came in a fire truck?

Children: firefighters.

Educator: Why are they called that?

Children: These people put out fires.

Educator: What kind of people work as firefighters?

Children: brave, strong, dexterous, courageous, courageous.

Educator: how does the water hiss as it pours out of the sleeve?

Children: Sh-sh-sh, sh-sh-sh.

Educator: Who else do you see in the picture?

Children: children.

Educator: what can you say about them?

Children: They were very scared and ran out of the house.

Educator: What do you think caused the fire?

Children: children played with matches, they lit them and it caught fire.

Educator: what do you recommend children?

Educator: to avoid trouble, you need to know the fire safety rules well, what not to do children?

Pick up matches!

Turn on the iron and other electrical appliances!

Insert objects into sockets!

Educator: Guys, who can tell me how to call a fire truck?

Children: by phone 01.

Educator: That's right guys, to prevent a fire you need to know the fire safety rules. Try to remember these rules and always follow them so that a fire truck never comes to your house.

Conversation with children on the topic:

"Profession of a firefighter"


Introduce children to the profession of a firefighter and the qualities of his character (courage, courage, kindness, dexterity).

Foster respect for people in this profession.

Preliminary work:

Reading a poem by O. Vacietis « Matches»

Guessing riddles

Outdoor game “In case of a fire, don’t yawn, pour water on the fire”

- conversation“What do the pranks of children lead to? matches»

Materials and equipment:

Fire extinguishing accessories (bucket, ladder, sand, axe, crowbar)

Fire engine

Illustration with images of firefighters

Progress of the conversation

Educator: Guys, a long time ago people learned how to make fire. And today there is no fire get by: it warms and feeds us. But when they forget to handle fire carefully, it becomes deadly. Fire, when out of control, does not spare anyone or anything. A fire breaks out. A fire is not an accident, but the result of incorrect behavior.

Listen to the riddle

The red beast sits in the oven,

The red beast is angry with everyone!

He eats wood out of anger,

Maybe an hour, maybe two

Don't touch him with your hand -

Bites the entire palm.

Educator: guys, what is this?

Children: fire

Educator: Right

Do you think fire is your friend or enemy?

Children: Fire is the enemy because it can cause things, an apartment, a house, a forest to burn. People, animals, birds may die.

Educator: Tell me, what is the name of the profession of people who come to help during fires?

Children: firefighters

Educator: What tools do firefighters need?

Children: firefighters need ladders, an axe, a crowbar, a bucket, and a fire hose.

Educator: What do you know about the fireman's uniform?

Children: The firefighter is dressed in a special suit that does not get wet and does not burn in a fire.

Educator: That's right, firefighters wear special clothing that protects them from fire and smoke. They wear a steel helmet on their head, their pants and jacket are made of thick tarpaulin, and they have strong and comfortable boots on their feet. After all, a firefighter fearlessly goes into a fire!

Guys, why does a fireman need a helmet?

Children: A helmet protects the head from impact if something falls on the firefighter.

Educator: That's right guys, when a fire happens it is very dangerous, and putting out a fire is not easy. Firefighters fearlessly make their way into burning buildings and save people. The fire escape helps them. The fire is extinguished with water or special foam.

Educator: What do you think a firefighter should be like?

Children: Firefighters must have courage, strength, courage, dexterity, kindness.

When people forget to handle fire carefully, it becomes deadly. A fire is not an accident, but the result of incorrect behavior. Therefore, it is necessary that every person be careful when handling fire and exercise caution.

Educator: Guys, where can a fire occur?

Children: a fire can occur on land, in the air, or on water.

Educator: What do firefighters use to arrive at the scene of a fire?

Children: Firefighters arrive in special fire trucks.

Educator: And if there is a fire, what should be done?

Children: call the fire department

Educator: how will you do this?

Children: Let's call 01

Educator: What should you tell firefighters over the phone?

Children: firefighters need to provide the address, last name, what is burning, telephone number.

Educator: What should you not do if there is a fire?

Children: if there is a fire, you cannot stay in the apartment, room, hide under the bed, closets. You need to quickly run outside and call for help.

Educator: that's right guys

Educator: In addition to the flame of fire, poisonous smoke is very dangerous, from which people lose consciousness and die. How can you protect yourself from smoke and fire?

Children: You need to tie or cover your nose and mouth with a scarf or scarf.

Educator: What should everyone do to prevent fires?

Children: fire safety rules must be followed.

Educator: to prevent a fire children are not allowed:

Pick up matches, lighter

Lighting and leaving a fire unattended

Turn on gas and electrical appliances in the absence of adults

Do not put objects into the socket.

Educator: guys, which of you would like to be a firefighter?

Children: Sasha, Vanya, Svyatik

Educator: and now Sasha will tell us a poem about a brave fireman.

I'll become a fireman

To the brave firefighters,

And I will save people from the fire.

I'll rush to the fire in a car with a horn,

Call for help and wait for me!

The fire will be hot

The fire will be strong.

Even if it’s hard for me to breathe in a cloud of smoke,

But I will do everything to defeat him,

I will be able not to be afraid and contain the flame!

The fire will choke

And it will turn into steam

The last ember will go out.

The fireman will smile tiredly at you all

And he will say “It’s not an easy day today!”

Educator: This is a wonderful poem Sasha prepared for us.

I hope guys that after our conversations will not pass you by, if you see someone playing dangerous games with fire.

Conversation with children on the topic:

“How to behave correctly if there is a fire”


Introduce children to fire safety rules and how to behave during a fire.

Form in children basic knowledge about the danger of playing pranks with fire, about dangerous consequences fire

Develop agility and endurance.

Preliminary work:

Looking at illustrations on the topic "Fire"

Reading fiction S. Marshak "Cat house"

Vocabulary work: fire extinguisher

Materials and equipment: sand, a sheet of paper with a picture of a fire, illustrations of pictures of firefighters.

Educator: Today, I want to talk to you about what if a fire happens, what needs to be done.

Tell me why there might be a fire in the apartment?

Children: electrical appliances not turned off, faulty wiring, games with matches

Educator: correct, forgot to turn off electrical appliances, faulty electrical wiring, children's pranks with matches, lighter.

Educator: Guys, what should you do if there is a fire?

Children: If there are adults at home, you should quickly run to them for help!

Educator: What if there is no one at home?

Children: you need to call the fire brigade

Educator: That’s right, we need to call the fire brigade. To do this, dial 01. Remember this number. You need to speak clearly on the phone and clearly indicate your address: street, house and apartment number, floor. Do you know your address?

Children: Yes (give your address)

Educator: most importantly, do not panic, do not run around the apartment in vain and do not try to put out the fire yourself. After calling the firefighters, slam the door to your apartment tightly and run outside. Try to inform your neighbors about the fire.

You need to remember the rules of conduct when fire:

Never open windows and doors wide into an apartment where there is a fire, this will increase the draft and the fire will become stronger.

Do not extinguish electrical appliances that are plugged in with water, you may get an electric shock! The plugs of electrical appliances must first be removed from the network.

During a fire, it is enough to inhale such toxic smoke two or three times, and you can lose consciousness. Therefore, immediately wrap your face with a wet towel or scarf and move around the apartment crouched down, because below poisonous gas less. But the main thing is to quickly leave the burning apartment! Because not only fire is dangerous, but also smoke.

Adults should remember that matches and lighters should be stored in places inaccessible children! Is not toys, these are dangerous items. Dear Guys! Never play with them, do not set fire to old newspapers or sheets of paper. Remember proverb: “There are a hundred fires in one box!”

Why do you think they say this?

Children: because there is a lot in the box matches and each one can cause a fire.

Educator: that's right guys

Listen to one story

I found a box of matches

And he poured it on the table,

I wanted to make fireworks -

Everything went up in flames, the light went dark!

I don't remember anything else!

Only the flame burns all of me...

I hear screams, the sound of water...

How much trouble comes from the fire!

They barely managed to save me,

But they didn’t manage to get the apartment.

Now I'm in the hospital

And I can barely stand the pain.

I want to remind everyone Friends:

Play with matches are not allowed!

Educator: this is a story about a boy who played with matches.

Guys, tell me can I play with matches?

Children: No

Educator: Guys, I think you all remember well all the rules of behavior in the heat. But I think that this will not happen to you.

Goals : introduce students to the causes of fires and the degree of their danger; teach the ability to act correctly in the event of a fire.
Progress of the conversation:

Educator:WITH for a long time fire became man's friend. He illuminated people's homes and heated their houses during the cold season. We can no longer imagine life without fire; it is needed everywhere: in homes and schools, in factories and factories, in cities and villages. Fire is man's friend. Without it, life on earth is impossible. But fire can be not only a person’s friend and assistant in all matters, but also an enemy. It depends on whether the fire is used correctly. Careless handling of it causes irreparable damage to people.

Therefore, you need to know the basic fire safety rules and strictly follow them:
1. You must not touch or play with matches.
2. It is dangerous to play with toys and dry clothes near the stove.
3. It is unacceptable to turn on electrical appliances and a gas stove without the permission of adults.
4. You cannot make fires or play near them.
5. If you see a fire, tell your parents or adults about it, or call “01”.

Conversation-game “Tili-bom, tili-bom. Why did the cat’s house catch fire?”

Educator: Now that you know the fire safety rules, let's remember the well-known poem by S. Ya. Marshak “Cat House” and figure it out: what caused the fire? Who behaved correctly during the fire? “Tili-bom, tili-bom. Koshkin’s house caught fire.” Do you remember what caused it to catch fire?
Children: Due to a faulty oven, the oven was left unattended.
Educator: What other reasons can lead to a fire?
Children: The children play with matches, handle fire carelessly, and set fire to dry grass.
Educator:. Who will continue the poem “Cat House” next?
Children:“The cat jumped out, its eyes bulging...”
Educator: Why?
Children: The cat was confused and scared.
Educator:. Who isn't confused?
Children: Chicken.
Educator: Why do you think so?
Children:“A chicken is running with a bucket, watering the cat’s house.”
Educator: Is there anything else that can be done to put out the fire?
Children: The fire can be covered with sand and earth.
Educator: What should the cat have done when she discovered the fire?
Children: Call 01 and call the firefighters.
Educator: Right. You need to call 01, give the exact address of the fire and what is burning.

Review of knowledge “We know how to behave in case of a fire, we know how to prevent a fire.”
1. Conversation on the following issues:
1) Why might a fire occur?
2) How can you put out a fire?
3) Give the phone number to call to report the fire.

2. Game “Guess it!”
Guess the riddles:
- If you feed him, he lives, if you give him something to drink, he dies. (Fire.)
“I walked through the village, there was nothing left.” (Fire.)
– 100 fires are kept in a small barn. (Matches.)

3. Creative task.
Draw pictures on the theme “Fire is a friend, fire is an enemy.”

Summary of the conversation:

Educator: Guys, what conclusions will we draw from our lesson? (Children's answers.)
Child:(narrates the poem).

There was a fire.
At this time, past the house
The boy Roma was walking home from school,
He hears: a girl screams;
He sees thick smoke pouring out,
The windows are engulfed in flames...
To a pay phone
Roma quickly ran up,
I dialed the number “01”.
The match is not big in height -
Don't look how small it is.
This little match
Can do a lot of evil.
Remember firmly, friends,
That you can't joke with fire.