Safety matches year of invention. The history of creating matches for children and adults

Matches are a relatively recent invention of mankind; they replaced flint and steel about two centuries ago, when looms were already working, trains and steamships were running. But it was not until 1844 that the creation of safety matches was announced.
Before a match broke out in the hands of a man, many events happened, each of which contributed to the long and difficult path of creating a match. Since time immemorial, fire has played an important role in the development of mankind. The ancient Greek philosophers Plato and his student Aristotle gave fire a special place. Plato studied various natural phenomena and passed on his experience to his students while walking through the park among the trees, which sometimes caught fire from heavenly fire. Plato's ideas about the world formed into a philosophical system that dominated for more than two thousand years. The system of the universe was based on four elements: fire, water, air, earth.
Ancient scientists viewed fire as a phenomenon. but at the same time they completely excluded its practical application.
In Greek mythology, the gods jealously guard fire for themselves. they are in no hurry to give it to people, and moreover, they resist this in every possible way. The mighty Prometheus rescues humanity; he steals fire from Olympus and gives it to people.
The use of fire and the ability to make fire constituted one of the most characteristic features of human culture even in the early stages of development. It is impossible to establish exactly when primitive people began to use fire.
When people learned to make fire, this turned out to be the largest event in the history of mankind, which essentially made man human. Fire warmed man's home, changed the way of cooking, and taught him to smelt iron and copper, gold and silver. The production of the first earthenware and ceramic dishes is due to fire.
The first fire was produced by man in a primitive way - by rubbing two pieces of wood, and the wood dust and sawdust became so hot that they spontaneously ignited.
The wooden sticks were replaced by the famous flint. This is a very simple device: a piece of steel or copper pyrite was struck on flint and sparks were struck, which ignited some flammable substance. It is not surprising, but only a little over 200 years ago in Russia. and throughout the world, steel flint and wick were practically the only “matches” of the man who managed not only to build the Egyptian pyramids, but also to create James Watt’s steam engine. Robert Fulton's first steamboat, looms and many other great inventions, but not matches.

The ancient Greeks and Romans knew another way to make fire - using the sun's rays. focused by a lens or concave mirror. The great ancient Greek scientist Archimedes deftly used this method and, as legend says, set fire to the enemy fleet with the help of a huge mirror.
After 1700, a significant number of means for producing fire were invented, the most interesting of them being the Döbereyer incendiary apparatus, created in 1823. The inventor of the device used the property of detonating gas to ignite in the presence of spongy platinum. However, this device was of little use.
A big step forward in the manufacture of matches was made when phosphorus was discovered and obtained.
The German scientist A. Gankwitz came up with the idea of ​​making sulfur-coated matches that ignite when rubbed against a piece of phosphorus. But this step should have been improved and matches made more convenient for widespread use.
This became possible when the famous French chemist C. Berthollet obtained the potassium chlorate salt KClO3, called Berthollet salt. His compatriot Chancel took advantage of this discovery and invented the so-called French incendiary machines in 1805. Potassium chlorate with sulfur. resin and sugar were applied to a wooden stick, and upon contact with concentrated sulfuric acid, ignition occurred. The reaction sometimes developed very violently and was explosive in nature.
The German Wagemann used Chancel's invention in 1806, but added pieces of asbestos to slow down the combustion process. He later built the first incendiary device factory.

The world's first match appeared in 1826 thanks to the English chemist and pharmacist John Walker. An important role in the birth of the match was played by the discovery of white phosphorus made by a retired soldier from Hamburg, Henning Brand, in 1669. After studying the works of famous alchemists of that time, he decided to get gold. As a result of the experiments, a certain light powder was accidentally obtained. This substance had the amazing property of luminescence, and Brand called it “phosphorus,” which translated from Greek means “luminiferous.”
As for Walker, as often happens, the pharmacist invented matches by accident. In 1826, he mixed chemicals using a stick. A dried drop formed at the end of this stick. To remove it, he struck the floor with a stick. Fire broke out! Like all slow-witted people, he did not bother to patent his invention, but demonstrated it to everyone. A guy named Samuel Jones was present at such a demonstration and realized the market value of the invention. He called the matches “Lucifers” and began selling tons of them, despite the fact that there were some problems associated with “Lucifers” - they smelled bad and, when ignited, scattered clouds of sparks around.
In 1832, dry matches appeared in Vienna. They were invented by L. Trevani; he covered the head of a wooden straw with a mixture of Berthollet salt with sulfur and glue. If you run such a match over sandpaper, the head will ignite, but sometimes this happened with an explosion, and this led to serious burns.
The ways to further improve matches were extremely clear: it was necessary to make the following mixture composition for the match head. so that it lights up calmly. Soon the problem was solved. The new composition included Berthollet salt, white phosphorus and glue. Matches with such a coating could easily ignite on any hard surface, on glass, on the sole of a shoe, on a piece of wood.
The inventor of the first phosphorus matches was a nineteen-year-old Frenchman, Charles Soria. In 1831, a young experimenter added white phosphorus to a mixture of bertholite salt and sulfur to weaken its explosive properties. This idea turned out to be successful, since the matches lubricated with the resulting composition easily ignited when rubbed. The ignition temperature of such matches is relatively low - 30 degrees. The scientist wanted to patent his invention, but for this he had to pay a lot of money, which he did not have. A year later, matches were again created by the German chemist J. Kammerer.
These matches were easily flammable, and therefore caused fires, and besides, white phosphorus is a very toxic substance. Match factory workers suffered from serious illnesses caused by phosphorus fumes.

The problem was solved in 1855 in Sweden. Chemist Johan Lundstrom realized that red is sometimes better than white. The Swede applied red phosphorus to the surface of sandpaper on the outside of a small box and added the same phosphorus to the composition of the match head. Thus, they no longer caused harm to health and were easily ignited on a pre-prepared surface. Safety matches were presented at the International Exhibition in Paris that same year and received a gold medal. From that moment on, the match began its triumphal march around the world. Their main feature was that they did not ignite when rubbed against any hard surface. The Swedish match was lit only if it was rubbed against the side surface of the box, covered with a special mass.
In 1889, Joshua Pusey invented the matchbox, but the patent for this invention was given to the American company Diamond Match Company, which came up with exactly the same one, but with an “incendiary” surface on the outside (for Pusey it was located inside the box).
In 1910, the American company Diamond Match was the first to receive a patent for safe matches. The importance of the invention was so great that US President William Taft publicly addressed the patent holders and asked them to waive their copyright. The company agreed and on January 28, 1911, relinquished all rights to its invention. Now they belong to virtually everyone.

Matches came to Russia in the 30s of the 19th century and were sold for a hundred rubles in silver... Later, the first matchboxes appeared, first wooden, and then tin. Moreover, even then labels were attached to them, which led to the emergence of a whole branch of collecting - phylumenia. The label carried not only information, but also decorated and complemented the matches.
Modern wooden matches are made in two ways: the veneer method (for square matches) and the stamping method (for round matches). Small aspen or pine logs are either chipped or stamped with a match machine. The matches sequentially pass through five baths, in which a general impregnation with a fire-fighting solution is carried out, a ground layer of paraffin is applied to one end of the match to ignite the wood from the match head, a layer forming the head is applied on top of it, a second layer is applied to the tip of the head, the head is also sprayed with a strengthening solution , protecting it from atmospheric influences. A modern match machine (18 meters long and 7.5 meters high) produces up to 10 million matches in an eight-hour shift.
How does a modern match work? The mass of a match head consists of 60% berthollet salt, as well as flammable substances - sulfur or metal sulfides. In order for the head to ignite slowly and evenly, without an explosion, so-called fillers are added to the mass - glass powder, iron (III) oxide, etc. The binding material is glue.
What does the skin coating consist of? The main component is red phosphorus. Manganese (IV) oxide, crushed glass and glue are added to it.
What processes occur when a match is lit? When the head rubs against the skin at the point of contact, red phosphorus ignites due to the oxygen of Berthollet salt. Figuratively speaking, fire is initially born in the skin. He lights the match head. Sulfur or sulfide flares up in it, again due to the oxygen of Berthollet salt. And then the tree catches fire.

The word “match” itself comes from the plural form of the word “spoke” (a pointed wooden stick). The word originally meant wooden shoe nails, and this meaning of "match" still exists in a number of dialects. The matches used to start fire were initially called “incendiary (or samogar) matches.”
In Russia, 99% of all matches produced are aspen matchsticks. Rubbed matches of various types are the main type of matches throughout the world. Stemless (sesquisulfide) matches were invented in 1898 by French chemists Saven and Caen and are produced mainly in English-speaking countries, mainly for military needs. The basis of the rather complex composition of the head is non-toxic phosphorus sesquisulfide and Berthollet salt.

A light is instantly born from a simple small stick. But the fact of the matter is that the match is not a simple stick at all, but a stick with a secret. And its secret is in its small brown head. He struck the brown head against the box and a flame flared up.

Try rubbing your palm against your palm. Do you feel how warm your palms have become? That's the match. She also becomes warm from the friction, even hot.

But for a tree to catch fire, this heat is not enough. But the flammable head is quite enough. It lights up even with slight heating. Therefore, you don’t need to rub the match against the box for a long time, just strike it, and it will flare up once. And then a wooden stick lights up from the head.

When did matches appear?

Matches were invented about 200 years ago. In 1833, the first match factory was built. Until this time, people made fire differently.

First lighter

In ancient times, many people carried in their pockets a piece of iron - flint, a hard stone - flint, and a wick - tinder. Chirp-chirk flint on flint. Once again, again, again and again... Sparks kept falling. Finally, a lucky spark ignites the tinder and it begins to smolder. Why not a lighter? Only instead of one single item, as it is now, the ancient lighter consisted of three items. The lighter also contains a pebble, a piece of steel - a wheel, and tinder - a wick soaked in gasoline.

A match is also a lighter

And a match is also a lighter. Small, thin, very convenient lighter. She also flares up from friction. The rough side of the box is its flint. And the flammable head is both flint and tinder.

Making fire is a very difficult task. People have always come up with different devices for making fire. But no matter what trick people come up with when trying to start a fire, friction has always been an indispensable condition for getting fire.

At first, matches were harmful and dangerous:

  • were ignited only by caustic acid;
  • the heads of others had to be crushed first with special tweezers;
  • the third matches looked like tiny bombs. They did not catch fire, but exploded with a bang. These are phosphorus matches. When ignited, poisonous sulfur dioxide was formed;
  • At one time, huge and complex glass devices were used as matches. The devices were very expensive and inconvenient to use, and besides, all these matches smoked a lot...

More recently, about 100 years ago, “Swedish” matches were invented, which we still use today. These are the safest and cheapest matches ever invented by man. This is the history of the creation of matches.

Types of matches

Travelers, geologists, and climbers take signal matches with them on hikes. Each one burns with a small torch. It is bright and burns with a multi-colored torch: red, blue, green, yellow. It can be seen from afar.

Sailors have huge wind matches in stock. Their strong flame does not go out even in the violent sea wind.

During the Great Patriotic War, our soldiers had huge ignition matches. They set fire to bottles with a flammable mixture.

That's how much benefit a match has! She will light a gas stove, build a fire in the field, give a signal, and destroy an enemy tank. A match in good hands will do many good deeds. But if suddenly it falls into the wrong hands, then there will be no misfortunes. In this regard, it is necessary to explain to children how dangerous playing with matches is.

The biggest match in the world

On August 21, 2004, the longest match in the world was made and lit in Estonia. It is 20,000 times larger than our ordinary match. Its length is more than 6 meters. The match was lifted by a cargo lift.

And there was a time when simple matches had not yet been invented.To stay warm by the fire or cook meat, you need fire. But where can I get it? What about a thunderstorm? Lightning ignites a tree, and there you have a fire. Take a smoldering firebrand, take it home to the cave and make a fire there.People kept this “heavenly fire” as the most valuable treasure and never let it go out. And then they learned to make fire without a thunderstorm.They will take a dry, harder board, a stronger, dry stick, and drier grass. They insert the stick into the hollow of the board and begin to rotate it in their palms with all their might. Seven sweats will be shed while the grass begins to smolder. Then it’s easier: blow on it and it will burst into flames.

Primitive man produced fire by friction. Using a belt, he rotated a stick placed on a piece of dry wood. In order for wood to catch fire, it must be very hot. That is, to get fire you need to rub one stick against another for a very long time and hard. And how easy and simple it has become to start a fire these days thanks to the invention of the match!

Matches can be attributed to relatively recent inventions. Before the modern match broke out in human hands, many different discoveries took place, each of which made its own significant contribution to the evolutionary path of this subject. When were there matches? Who created them? What path of development have you overcome? Where were matches first invented? And what facts does history still hide?

The meaning of fire in human life

Since ancient times, fire has had a place of honor in human everyday life. He played an important role in our development. Fire is one of the elements of the universe. For ancient people it was a phenomenon, and their practical application was not even thought of. The ancient Greeks, for example, protected fire as a shrine, passing it on to people.

But cultural development did not stand still, and they learned not only to use fire wisely, but also to produce it independently. Thanks to the bright flame, homes became warm all year round, food was cooked and became tastier, and the smelting of iron, copper, gold and silver began to actively develop. The first dishes made of clay and ceramics also owe their appearance to fire.

The first fire - what is it?

As you already understand, fire was first produced by man many thousands of years ago. How did our ancestors do this? Quite simply: they took two pieces of wood and began to rub them, while the wood pollen and sawdust were heated to such an extent that spontaneous combustion was inevitable.

The “wood” fire was replaced by flint. It consists of sparks produced by striking steel or flint. Then these sparks were ignited with some flammable substance, and the very famous flint and steel was obtained - a lighter in its original form. It turns out that the lighter was invented before matches. Their birthdays were three years apart.

Also, the ancient Greeks and Romans knew another way to make fire - by focusing the sun's rays with a lens or a concave mirror.

In 1823, a new device was invented - the Debereyer incendiary apparatus. Its operating principle was based on the ability to ignite upon contact with spongy platinum. So, when were modern matches invented? Let's look at this issue in more detail.

A significant contribution to the invention of modern matches was made by the German scientist A. Gankwatz. Thanks to his ingenuity, matches with a sulfur coating first appeared, which ignited when rubbed against a phosphorus piece. The shape of such matches was extremely inconvenient and required urgent improvement.

Origin of the word "match"

Before we figure out who invented matches, let's find out the meaning of this concept and its origin.

The word “match” has Old Russian roots. Its predecessor is the word “spoke” - a stick with a pointed end, a splinter.

Initially, knitting needles were nails made of wood, the main purpose of which was to attach the sole to the shoe.

The history of the formation of a modern match

When modern matches were invented is a rather controversial point. This is explained by the fact that until the second half of the 19th century there was no International as such, and the base for various chemical discoveries were various European countries at the same time.

The question of who invented matches is much clearer. The history of their appearance owes its beginning to the French chemist C. L. Berthollet. His key discovery is a salt that, when in contact with sulfuric acid, releases enormous amounts of heat. Subsequently, this discovery became the basis for the scientific activity of Jean Chancel, thanks to whose work the first matches were invented - a wooden stick, the tip of which was coated with a mixture of Berthollet salt, sulfur, sugar and resin. Such a device was ignited by pressing the head of a match against asbestos, previously soaked in a concentrated solution of sulfuric acid.

Sulfur matches

Their inventor was John Walker. He slightly changed the components of the match head: + gum + antimony sulfide. To light such matches, there was no need to react with sulfuric acid. These were dry sticks, to light which it was enough to strike some rough surface: sandpaper, a grater, crushed glass. The length of the matches was 91 cm, and their packaging was a special pencil case in which 100 pieces could be placed. They smelled terrible. They first began to be produced in 1826.

Phosphorus matches

In what year were phosphorus matches invented? Perhaps it is worth linking their appearance with 1831, when the French chemist Charles Soria added to the incendiary mixture. Thus, the components of the match head included Berthollet salt, glue, and white phosphorus. Any friction was enough to light the improved match.

The main disadvantage was the high degree of fire hazard. One of the disadvantages of sulfur matches was eliminated - the unbearable smell. But they were harmful to health due to the release of phosphorus fumes. Workers at enterprises and factories were exposed to serious illnesses. Taking the latter into account, in 1906 the use of phosphorus as one of the components of matches was banned.

Swedish matches

Swedish products are nothing more than modern matches. The year of their invention came 50 years from the moment the very first match saw the light. Instead of phosphorus, red phosphorus was included in the incendiary mixture. A similar composition, based on red phosphorus, was used to cover the side surface of the box. Such matches lit up exclusively when interacting with the phosphorus coating of their containers. They did not pose any danger to human health and were fireproof. The Swedish chemist Johan Lundström is considered the creator of modern matches.

In 1855, the Paris International Exhibition took place, at which Swedish matches were given the highest award. A little later, phosphorus was completely excluded from the components of the incendiary mixture, but it remained on the surface of the box to this day.

In the manufacture of modern matches, aspen is usually used. The composition of the incendiary mass includes sulfur sulfides, metal paraffins, oxidizing agents, manganese dioxide, glue, and glass powder. When making coatings for the sides of the box, red phosphorus, antimony sulfide, iron oxide, manganese dioxide, and calcium carbonate are used.

You will be interested!

The first match container was not a cardboard box at all, but a metal box-chest. There was no label, and the manufacturer's name was indicated on a stamp that was placed on the lid or on the side of the package.

The first phosphorus matches could be lit by friction. At the same time, absolutely any surface was suitable: from clothing to the match container itself.

The matchbox, made according to Russian state standards, is exactly 5 centimeters long, so it can be used to accurately measure objects.

A match is often used as a determinant of the dimensional characteristics of various objects, which can only be seen in a photograph.

The dynamics of the production turnover of matches in the world is 30 billion boxes per year.

There are several types of matches: gas, decorative, fireplace, signal, thermal, photographic, household, hunting.

Advertising on matchboxes

When modern matches were invented, then special containers for them - boxes - came into active use. Who would have thought that this would become one of the most promising marketing moves of that time. Such packaging featured advertisements. The first commercial matchbox advertisement was created in America by the Diamond Match Company in 1895, which advertised the comic troupe Mendelson Opera Company. On the visible part of the box was a picture of their trombonist. By the way, the last remaining advertising matchbox made at that time was sold just recently for 25 thousand dollars.

The idea of ​​advertising on a matchbox was received with a bang and became widespread in the business sphere. Match containers were used to advertise the Pabst brewery in Milwaukee, the products of tobacco king Duke, and Wrigley’s Chewing Gum. While looking through the boxes, we met stars, national celebrities, athletes, etc.

Ever since Prometheus gave people fire, humanity has been faced with the task of extracting the gift received exactly when it is needed. In ancient times, this problem was solved by patiently rubbing dry pieces of wood against each other, and later - with a flint flint. Then chips coated with sulfur appeared, but not yet as a means of making fire, but only as kindling - fire was needed to ignite them. The first mention of such chips dates back to the 10th century (China). However, primitive matches ignited from the slightest spark, and this was so convenient for lighting lamps that the Chinese poet Tao Gu called them “luminous servants” in his book.

The history of matches as a means of making fire began with the discovery of phosphorus in 1669 by the alchemist Brandt. In 1680, Irish physicist Robert Boyle (the same one after whom the Boyle-Marriott law is named) coated a strip of paper with phosphorus and, striking it with a wooden match with a sulfur head, got fire... but did not attach any importance to it. As a result, the invention of matches was delayed by more than a century - until 1805, when the French chemist Jean Chancel proposed his version of a match with a head made of a mixture of sulfur, potassium chloride and sugar. The kit included a bottle of sulfuric acid into which you had to dip matches to light them.

Until recently, a box of matches was an absolutely necessary item in every home without exception.

In 1826, British pharmacist John Walker invented the first friction-lit matches. He made the match head from a mixture of sulfur, potassium chlorate, sugar and antimony sulfide, and ignited it by striking sandpaper. True, Walker's matches burned unsteadily, scattering the burning mixture, which often led to fires, and therefore their sale was banned in France and Germany. And in 1830, the French chemist Charles Sauria replaced antimony sulfide with white phosphorus.

Such matches burned perfectly, they were lit with one movement of the head on any rough surface, but... the smell of white phosphorus burning and splashing around was terrible. In addition, white phosphorus turned out to be very toxic - “phosphorus necrosis” quickly became an occupational disease of match factory workers. One package of matches at that time contained a lethal dose of white phosphorus, and suicides by swallowing match heads became common.

A replacement for toxic and flammable white phosphorus has not been easy to find. This was done by the Swedish chemist Gustav Erik Pash, who in 1844 understood one simple thing: if a match lights up upon mechanical contact of sulfur and phosphorus, it is not at all necessary to place phosphorus in the match head - it is enough to apply it to the rough surface that is being struck! This decision, together with the just-in-time discovery of red phosphorus (which, unlike white, does not ignite in air and is much less toxic), formed the basis for the first truly safe matches. And in 1845, two other Swedes - brothers Johan and Carl Lundström - founded a company that made safety matches a mass product, and the name “Swedish matches” became a household name.

Everyone has matches - this is the most affordable thing that you can buy, and which is always required.

In what ways did people make fire before the advent of matches? They rubbed wooden surfaces against each other, knocked out a spark with silicon, tried to catch a ray of sunlight through a piece of glass. And when they managed to do this, they carefully maintained the burning coals in clay pots.

And only at the end of the 18th century did life become easier - the French chemist Claude Berthollet experimentally obtained a substance that was later called Berthollet salt.

Thus, in Europe in 1805, “dummy” matches appeared - thin splints with heads lubricated with Berthollet salt, which were lit after dipping them in a solution of concentrated sulfuric acid.

The world owes the invention of the first “dry” matches to the English chemist and pharmacist John Walker. In 1827, he discovered that if a mixture of antimony sulfide, berthollet salt and gum arabic (this is a viscous liquid secreted by acacia) is applied to the tip of a wooden stick, and then the whole thing is dried in air, then when such a match is rubbed on sandpaper, it The head ignites quite easily.

Consequently, there is no need to carry a bottle of sulfuric acid with you. Walker set up a small production of his matches, which were packaged in 100-piece tin cases, but did not make much money from his invention. In addition, these matches had a terrible smell.

In 1830, 19-year-old French chemist Charles Soria invented phosphorus matches, consisting of a mixture of Bertholet salt, phosphorus and glue.

These generally ignited easily when rubbed against any hard surface, such as the sole of a boot. Soria's matches had no odor, but were harmful to health, since white phosphorus is poisonous.
In 1855, chemist Johan Lundstrom realized that red is sometimes better than white. The Swede applied red phosphorus to the surface of sandpaper on the outside of a small box and added the same phosphorus to the composition of the match head. Thus, they no longer caused harm to health and were easily ignited on a pre-prepared surface.

Finally, in 1889, Joshua Pusey invented the matchbox, but the patent for this invention was given to the American company Diamond Match Company, which came up with exactly the same one, but with an “incendiary” surface on the outside (in Pusey it was located inside the box).

For general development. Phosphorus matches were brought to Russia from Europe in 1836 and were sold at one hundred silver rubles. And the first domestic factory for the production of matches was built in St. Petersburg in 1837.