How can you escape from a flood? Flood Survival

In a series of articles on the topic of emergency situations, we will consider such an event as flood, especially aggravated in the spring-autumn period due to heavy rainfall. No matter how it may seem that a flood is not as impressive a disaster as a hurricane, tornado or earthquake, nevertheless, floods occupy a leading position in the number of repetitions, coverage of territories and total average annual economic damage.

What is a "flood"?

Flood- significant flooding of the area as a result of rising water levels in rivers, lakes, seas, reservoirs, due to rain, rapid snow melting, wind surge of water to the coast and other reasons, which causes damage to people’s health and even leads to their death, as well as causes material damage. Floods occur in different ways; let us consider in more detail the main causes of their occurrence, based on the classification of hydrologists. More details:

Causes of floods:

  • Flood- an intense, relatively short-term rise in the water level in the river, caused by heavy rains, downpours, and sometimes rapid melting of snow during thaws. This type of flood can occur several times a year, as its occurrence is primarily influenced by heavy rainfall. A particular threat is posed by the so-called flash floods associated with short-term but very intense downpours, which also occur in winter due to thaws.​ ( For example, in 2016, as a result of prolonged rains, a number of floods occurred in France, Germany, and Russia)
  • High water- during the spring melting of snow, water does not have time to be absorbed into the frozen ground, as a result, its excess is directed to rivers and reservoirs, which leads to a sharp increase in water in them, and, as a result, to spills and flooding. Usually refers to minor floods, but sometimes the consequences can be catastrophic.

  • Tsunami- as a result of underwater volcanic eruptions or an underwater earthquake, a giant ocean wave arises that floods the entire coastline up to four kilometers deep. These floods are becoming catastrophic. ( a powerful earthquake followed by a tsunami occurred in Japan in 2011).
  • Raising the bottom- rivers gradually accumulate sediment, especially in riffles, estuaries and deltas. The depth of the river in these places decreases, and the flow of water overflows, flooding the coastal strip. Flooding occurs several years after the start of the process, is slow in nature, but easily predictable and can be eliminated by deepening and cleaning work.

  • Reservoir breakthrough- occurs when a reservoir, dam or dam cannot contain strong water pressure due to some circumstances (for example, an earthquake). The flood is very powerful and destructive ( demolishes everything in its path, regardless of weight) and uneven (in terms of destructive power, the water flow can be no weaker than a tsunami wave), but, as a rule, short-term.​

  • Congestion- formed in early spring as a result of blocking the river flow by ice blocks, causing water to rise above the ice. Floods of this type are characterized by a high but short-term rise in the water level in the river.
  • Zazhor- occurs due to an ice jam formed due to the concentration of loose ice in narrowing areas of the river. During floods, the water does not rise as much as during jams, but the flood lasts longer.
  • Wind surge- the rise in water level in the sea mouths of large rivers and on windy areas of the coast of seas, large lakes, reservoirs, caused by the impact of strong winds on the water surface, is characterized by a lack of periodicity and short duration, and as a result - unpredictability. ( Floods of this type were observed in St. Petersburg (1824, 1924)).

Classification of floods by scale.

Based on the consequences of damage, hydrologists distinguish four groups of floods:

  • Small floods - are formed by lowland rivers in small coastal areas, occur once every 5-10 years, and the population easily copes with the consequences of floods of this type.
  • Dangerous floods - occur less often than small ones: once every 20-25 years. They cover large areas of land in river valleys, causing significant material damage, flooding 10 to 20% of crops. In some cases, even evacuation of the population is required.
  • Particularly dangerous floods - occur once every 50-100 years. Such floods destroy about 50-70% of arable areas, and sometimes entire settlements. As a result, all agricultural production suffers, and the normal functioning of the region is paralyzed. There is a need for mass evacuation of people from the danger zone. ( A striking example of this is the flood in Tomsk in 1947).
  • Catastrophic floods- lead to massive loss of life, destruction of almost all agricultural land, flooding of entire cities and cover the area of ​​​​several water basins. To eliminate the consequences of catastrophic floods, the affected country often turns to international assistance because it is unable to cope with the damage on its own. These floods occur once every 200-300 years. ( Such a flood has befallenChina in the thirties of the last century).

What to do in case of floods?

Fortunately, modern scientists have learned to accurately predict the likelihood of a flood and warn the population in advance and evacuate people from the disaster zone. However, in the event of a dam failure or a tsunami, this is problematic.

If you live in a flood risk area, then you need to study in advance, together with your neighbors who live nearby, the boundaries of probable flooding, and also identify those high areas of the area where you can take shelter and wait out the flood together. It is also necessary to draw up a route in advance and agree on the location of the planned meeting with your family members, relatives, and neighbors in the event of a flood signal with subsequent evacuation. It is also advisable to find out where boats are located, or at least building materials from which a raft could be quickly built by joint efforts.

In case of warning the population about an impending flood, take with you a pre-prepared backpack with documents, medicines, valuables, warm clothes and a two-day supply of food. Before leaving home, turn off the electricity, turn off the gas, turn off the fire in the stoves, secure light objects outside the room so that they do not float away. Window and door openings should be locked and, if possible, boarded up on the outside with boards or shields. Make sure that your nearby neighbors hear about the evacuation signal and also leave the dangerous flood zone. When leaving, help, if possible, elderly people and women with children to leave the area of ​​possible flooding. After all, only through common, joint efforts can we overcome global cataclysms.

If you were unable to leave the house, then you all need to get out onto the roof of the house together and attach some kind of cloth so that the rescuers can find you. At night, you need to signal your location with a torch or flashlight. When rescuers approach, get into the rescue boat together and follow their instructions.

If you take shelter indoors, remember that safer areas in houses are places near the main internal walls, especially in the corners formed by the main walls, near the columns. Move away objects, especially glass, that could fall and cause injury.

If there is no help and the water continues to rise with the threat of flooding the shelter, use a raft or objects that can be used instead of a floating device and swim together from the disaster area, not forgetting to send distress signals. If you find more people in the water, show humanity and do everything possible to help them. If the person next to you begins to drown, panics and has trouble thinking, you need to swim up to him from behind and tow him by the hair to a safe place so that he cannot drown the rescuer.

If you find yourself in water, remember to never cling to wires or power lines. Most deaths during floods occur due to electrical shock from electrical lines. Try to find shelter in a safe place until rescuers arrive.

When you return home after a flood, first make sure that the building is strong and will not collapse, and only then go inside, then ventilate the room. Before turning on the electricity or even lighting a match, be sure to check that the gas pipeline, electrical wiring, and plumbing and sewerage are in good condition ( It is advisable to do these actions with specialists). After making sure that everything is in order, pump out water from the basements, dry the rooms, and clean the wells of dirt. The experience of people who have been in similar situations shows that it is best to join forces with your neighbors and unanimously restore their homes, helping each other. Thus, you will do it much faster than alone, and also with better quality, because one head is good, and the more of them, the better.

First aid.

In order not to get confused when you see an injured person during a flood, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with the rules of first aid, according to rescuer textbook of the Ministry of Emergency Situations. This is simple and necessary knowledge for everyone that will help provide assistance to victims right at the scene of the incident. There are situations when the victim is forced to provide first aid to himself. According to statistics, up to 90% of those killed could have survived with timely and qualified first aid immediately after the incident.

During floods, the most common reasons for providing first aid may be drowning, various injuries, and hypothermia. Although other reasons cannot be ruled out.

DROWNING - filling of the respiratory tract with liquid or liquid masses. Signs of drowning are foaming from the mouth, cessation of breathing and cardiac activity, blue discoloration of the skin, and dilated pupils.

First aid:

HYPOTHERMIA (hypothermia) - general hypothermia of the body, when the body is unable to compensate for heat loss. With general cooling, the victim is lethargic, indifferent, the skin is pale, with a bluish tint, cold, the pulse is rare, the body temperature is less than 36 ° C, because As a result of prolonged exposure to cold, the peripheral vessels narrow, and all the blood rushes deep into the body.

First aid for hypothermia:

If hypothermia occurs as a result of a person being in cold water for a long time, then, after being removed from the water, it is necessary to remove wet clothes and, if possible, change into dry clothes. Wrap up warmly, cover with heating pads and drink hot tea.

INJURY- violation of tissue integrity under the influence of external factors. Injuries can be mechanical, physical, chemical, biochemical, or mental.

INJURY- mechanical disruption of soft tissues without damaging the skin. Pain, swelling, bruising, and accumulation of blood appear at the site of the injury. When the chest is contused, breathing is impaired. Abdominal bruise can lead to rupture of the liver, spleen, intestines, and internal bleeding. A head contusion causes traumatic brain injury. ​

WOUNDS- damage to body tissues due to mechanical impact, accompanied by damage to the integrity of the skin and mucous membranes. There are puncture, bruise, cut, gunshot, and bite wounds. They are accompanied by bleeding, pain, dysfunction of the damaged organ and can be complicated by infection.

First aid for injuries, bruises, wounds:

If there is arterial bleeding, take measures to temporarily stop it. Remove pieces of clothing and large foreign bodies from the wound. Trim the hair around the wound with scissors. Treat the skin around the wound with alcohol and brilliant green (1% solution of brilliant green). Apply a cotton-gauze bandage from an individual package (you can apply several sterile napkins to the wound, cover them with sterile cotton wool and bandage them). To strengthen headbands, it is convenient to use a mesh bandage.

In case of extensive deep wounds, it is necessary to ensure the rest of the injured limb: hang the arm on a scarf or bandage it to the body, immobilize the leg with a transport splint.

Bandages on the torso and abdomen are best done as sticker bandages (the napkins are secured with a bandage or adhesive plaster).

In case of severe pain (if possible), administer 1-2 ml of a 2% solution of promedol intramuscularly or non-narcotic painkillers (tramal, etc.).

Uniting people during a disaster in the Far East.

In 2013, a combined team of volunteers of 96 people saved a microdistrict in the Far East, where about 100 thousand people live, holding a dam with their backs during a flood.

The dam protecting Mylki Lake from the microdistrict turned out to be not strong enough when the water level rose by 7 meters. As a result, a detachment of 96 volunteers held water-repellent sheets with their backs, standing waist-deep in water, which prevented water from breaking through while the strengthening work was going on. Rescuers stood in cold water for two days, replacing each other. The water was very cold, but they managed to survive and held the dam. The water didn't pass.

In conclusion, I would like to add that no matter the scale of the flood and its consequences, remember that you are first and foremost a Human being, so in critical situations, act as spiritual and moral people - helping each other. Show your best qualities by providing mutual assistance to other victims who are close to you.

“After all, everyone, no matter where they live today and no matter how confident and stable they feel, tomorrow can become a victim of natural disasters and disasters, a climate or other refugee. Everyone tomorrow can at one moment become a person without work and livelihood. Only human kindness can help people unite and survive these years. Everyone today can become someone who understands and shows this care and kindness towards other people. After all, where two live, there will always be room for two more; where five live, there will always be room for five more. If a person today is able to make room in his home for the sake of saving a “strange” family and their children, to share his food, clothing, shelter with those in need, if today he is able to become an example of the highest humanity and humanity for many, to defeat his evil, to create and multiply goodness throughout the world, then this is a guarantee that tomorrow is not yet lost for humanity...”

“...No one is immune from all sorts of growing risks, and each of us can become a climate refugee tomorrow. In this regard, it is extremely important to globally and quickly change the values ​​of society from a consumer format to a spiritual, moral, creative format, where goodness, humanity, conscience, mutual assistance, friendship, the dominance of spiritual and moral foundations would come first in relationships between people, regardless of their nationality, religion, social status and other conditional, artificial divisions of world society. When all people strive to create a life that is convenient for everyone around them, then in this life they will preserve themselves and their future...”

“We need urgent extraordinary measures to unite people into one friendly global family, because no one alone will cope with the global problems of the coming years, be it an individual, a family, a company, a city or a country. For this purpose, the ALLATRA International Public Movement was created - a nationwide world movement outside politics and outside religion, which today already unites hundreds of thousands of people from more than 200 countries. All his activities are aimed at friendship and uniting people from different countries through joint projects, mutual assistance, and consolidation of efforts in creative endeavors. It is necessary to exclude everything that divides people and look for everything that unites people, makes them more humane and more humane in all respects.”


FLOOD - this is a significant flooding of an area as a result of a rise in the water level in a river, lake or sea during snowmelt, rainfall, wind surges, congestion, floods, etc.

A special type includes floods caused by wind surges of water into river mouths. Floods lead to the destruction of bridges, roads, buildings, structures, cause significant material damage, and at high speeds of water movement (more than 4 m/s) and high heights of water rise (more than 2 m), they cause the death of people and animals. The main cause of destruction is the impact on buildings and structures of hydraulic shocks from a mass of water, ice floes floating at high speed, various debris, watercraft, etc. Floods can occur suddenly and last from a few hours to 2-3 weeks.


If your area often suffers from floods, study and remember the boundaries of possible flooding, as well as elevated, rarely flooded places located in close proximity to your place of residence, and the shortest routes to them. Familiarize family members with the rules of conduct during organized and individual evacuation, as well as in the event of a sudden and rapidly developing flood. Remember the storage locations for boats, rafts and building materials for their manufacture. Make a list of documents, property and medicines to be removed during evacuation in advance. Place valuables, necessary warm clothes, food, water and medicine in a special suitcase or backpack.


Upon receiving a warning signal about the threat of flooding and evacuation, immediately, in the prescribed manner, leave (move out) from the dangerous zone of possible catastrophic flooding to a designated safe area or to elevated areas, taking with you documents, valuables, necessary things and a two-day supply of non-perishable food. At the final evacuation point, register. Before leaving home, turn off the electricity and gas, turn off the fire in heating stoves, secure all floating objects located outside the building or place them in utility rooms. If time permits, move valuable household items to the upper floors or attic of a residential building.

Close the windows and doors, if necessary and if there is time, board the windows and doors of the first floors from the outside with boards (shields). In the absence of organized evacuation, until help arrives and the water subsides, stay on the upper floors and roofs of buildings, on trees or other elevated objects. At the same time, constantly give a distress signal: during the day - by hanging or waving a clearly visible towel tucked to the pole, and in the dark - with a light signal and periodically with your voice.

When rescuers approach, calmly, without panic or fuss, and taking precautions, get into the swimming craft. At the same time, strictly follow the requirements of rescuers and do not overload the watercraft. While driving, do not leave the designated places, do not board the aircraft, and strictly follow the requirements of the crew. It is recommended to get out of a flooded area on your own only if there are such serious reasons as the need to provide medical assistance to victims, a continuing rise in the water level, or if there is a threat of flooding of the upper floors (attic). In this case, it is necessary to have a reliable swimming device and know the direction of movement. During your independent deployment, do not stop sending the distress signal. Provide assistance to people floating in water and drowning.


Throw a floating object to a drowning person, encourage him, call for help. When reaching the victim by swimming, take into account the current of the river. If the drowning person does not control his actions, swim up to him from behind and, grabbing him by the hair, tow him to the shore.


Before entering a building, check whether it is in danger of collapsing or falling of any object. Ventilate the building (to remove accumulated gases). Do not turn on electric lighting, do not use open flame sources, and do not light matches until the room is completely ventilated and the gas supply system is checked to ensure that it is working properly. Check the serviceability of electrical wiring, gas supply pipelines, water supply and sewerage. Do not use them until you have verified that they are in good working order with the help of a professional. To dry the premises, open all windows and doors, remove dirt from the floor and walls, and pump out water from the basements. Do not eat food that has been in contact with water. Organize the cleaning of wells from applied dirt and remove water from them.


Procurement of building materials for flood control (sandbags, stones, soil).

Training the population on how to behave in a flood zone.

Diking of buildings and structures.

Breaking up accumulated ice.

Evacuation of people, material assets and farm animals.


If you receive a warning about the threat of flooding (flooding), inform your loved ones and neighbors about it. A flood warning usually contains information about the timing and extent of flooding, as well as advice to residents on appropriate behavior or evacuation procedures.

As long as you continue to listen to your local radio (unless it's a sudden catastrophic flood), prepare to evacuate.

Before evacuating, to protect your home, you should: turn off water, gas, electricity, extinguish burning heating stoves, move valuables and objects to the upper floors (attics) of buildings, remove agricultural equipment to safe places, close (upholster if necessary) the windows and doors of the first floors with boards or plywood.

When receiving a signal to begin evacuation, you must quickly collect and take with you documents, money, valuables, medicines, a set of clothes and shoes for the season, a supply of food for several days and go to the announced evacuation point to be sent to safe areas.

In the event of a sudden flood, it is necessary to occupy the nearest safe, elevated place as quickly as possible and be prepared for an organized evacuation by water. It is necessary to take measures to allow rescuers to timely detect the presence of people cut off by water and in need of help: during daylight hours - hang banners in a high place, during dark times - give light signals.


In a flooded area, you should not eat food that has come into contact with the incoming water or drink unboiled water. Wet electrical appliances can only be used after they have been thoroughly dried.

The main thing at this stage is to understand what the source of water is and at what speed it moves. For example, if it is raining, then there is more time to get ready than when a stream of water suddenly forms in clear weather. This situation indicates that somewhere nearby a dam or dike has broken, and in this case you need to run as soon as possible, since a wave of destructive force will soon come, and long preparations can lead to catastrophic consequences.

Gather the necessary things, children and, if possible, pets

No, where are the suitcases? In such a situation, you should take only what is necessary. Food, water, warm clothes and documents - that's the whole list. For food, it is better to take canned food or some other food that can “live” for at least two days. All food should be packaged so that moisture cannot render it unusable. The water supply should also last for a couple of days. Don't forget about passports and birth certificates. As a rule, the family keeps them in a certain place, so it won’t take too much time to search.

First of all, it is necessary to dress children in warm clothes; they are more vulnerable than adults, so they are more vulnerable.

Secondly, you should take care of yourself by changing into warm, dry clothes and shoes.

It is also worth packing a small backpack for the trip. Depending on the current time of year, it is worth collecting all the necessary things in plastic bags and tying them tightly. This will keep them from getting wet. In countries that are constantly flooded, people have come up with the idea of ​​using plastic bottles as life jackets or even in the form of boats. Boats, of course, cannot be made in a short time, but a vest for a child is quite possible. To do this, you need to tie several empty closed plastic bottles together, and then tie them on the child so that the vest does not fly off during a collision with water. The same can be done for a pet, as the animal also needs protection in this situation.

Select a place to evacuate

At this stage, it is worth remembering to assess the situation and plan your actions. If flooding occurs in the city, you must rise above the third floor and wait for evacuation. If in a countryside area, you need to find the highest points of the area and move there. It could be the roof of a house, a hill, a mountain. It all depends on the nearby buildings and the degree of flooding. When looking for structures for rescue, you should choose concrete structures; others simply may not withstand the force of the water flow. However, you should not go far from your place of residence, since rescuers will carry out evacuation within the populated area. After deployment to the position, distress signals should be issued. During the day it is a white flag, or just a piece of white cloth, at night it is the flickering of a lantern.

Collision with water could not be avoided

In this case, you should immediately get rid of heavy clothes and shoes, throw away all backpacks and bags. After all, they are the ones who can be pulled to the bottom by the weight of water. If you see a standing tree or pillar, then swim to it and cling to it. Trying to swim out of the stream is absolutely useless, so when swimming with the flow you should look for objects that will help you stay afloat, such as boards (a vest made of plastic bottles would be useful here)

After spending a lot of energy and nerves, I finally managed to get out. After the water flow rate decreases, you should move slowly, avoiding poles with electrical wires. A gap may form somewhere and all previous efforts will be in vain. If you decide to settle in a building, then before entering, you need to check whether any individual structures will collapse. Be sure to ventilate the room, and use gas or turn on the lights only after a detailed check of all wires and pipes. It is possible that water could damage these communications. All food that has come into contact with water should not be consumed under any circumstances. There could be some kind of infection in the water that has penetrated into the food.

And the most important

The site says not to panic under any circumstances! It is clear that it is more difficult said than done. But you need to understand that not only your own life, but also the lives of children and loved ones can depend on clarity of action and clarity of mind.

Be carefull!

How to escape during a flood Many regions of Russia are prone to floods. Even residents of large cities may find themselves in a flood zone. This danger can also catch tourists on vacation in other countries. Therefore, it will not be superfluous to know how to help yourself and others in the event of such a natural disaster. The following signs can warn of an approaching flood: prolonged heavy rains, rising water in rivers and flowing lakes, anxiety and restlessness in the behavior of pets. As soon as you notice a flood approaching, immediately notify your family, friends, and neighbors about it. Quickly gather yourself and help women, children, elderly and sick people gather. Take with you only the bare minimum: money, valuables, documents, food supply for 1-2 days, a survival kit. Try to leave the suspected flood area as quickly as possible. Not only your life, but also the lives of those who happen to be next to you depends on the speed of your actions. When choosing a driving route, only take roads that pass through elevated areas. If you need to hide somewhere, choose mountains, hills, plateaus. In the city - the upper floors and roofs of high-rise buildings. If the flood finds you far from populated areas, you will need warm clothes, knives, weapons, flashlights, and first aid kits to survive. Make sure you have a charged mobile phone. If possible, get out of the disaster area by car or boat. If for some reason you cannot leave the flooded area, collect the necessary things and pack them in waterproof bags. Climb to the roof of a private house or to the upper floors of a high-rise building. Do not forget to make sure that the structure is reliable - during a flood, unreliable and weak buildings collapse. Immediately after this, take care of preparing a raft from available materials - wooden furniture, boards, empty bottles. Be sure to secure the raft so that it does not get carried away. Collect a supply of plastic bottles, cans, and balls - they will help you avoid drowning if you find yourself in the water. Try to turn off the gas and electricity, or even better, turn off the power to the entire house. This will protect you from electric shock. Report yourself to rescuers or the Ministry of Emergency Situations. This will speed up your salvation. Don't forget about those who, by the will of fate, ended up next to you. Help the sick, elderly, women and children. From products, take something that does not take up much space, does not require cooking and can not spoil for a long time. These are canned goods, chocolate, candies, sausage and cheese, lard, dried fruits. For the sick, take the necessary medications, for children - baby food. Try not to get wet. Do not go into the water unless absolutely necessary. Hypothermia from prolonged exposure to water is the main danger to life and health. Even in warm weather you are taking risks. How to behave during a flood Flood is significant flooding of an area caused by a sharp rise in water in rivers, lakes or the sea. They usually happen suddenly and can last 2-3 weeks. Flooding is caused by melting snow, heavy rainfall, and more. You will need a boat, a lifebuoy, a rope, a ladder, signal equipment, a first aid kit, a supply of water and food Instructions 1 Find out if your village is in a possible flood zone. And if yes, then worry in advance and find out what routes the evacuation will take. Prepare boats, rafts, lifebuoys, ropes, ladders, and signaling devices in advance. 2 If there is a risk of flooding, turn off the gas, water and electricity before leaving the house. Take the necessary clothes, documents, valuables, a first aid kit, a supply of drinking water and food for 3 days. Put those things that you cannot take with you on the upper floors or in the attic. 3 Close the first floor windows and board them. This will prevent debris from entering the house and protect the glass from possible breakage. If you can, evacuate your pets. 4 If evacuation is not possible, go up to the attic or roof of the house. Tie children and weakened people to you or to the stove heating pipes. Attract the attention of rescuers with pieces of colorful or white fabric tied to an antenna or stick, and at night, give a signal with lanterns or torches. Do not climb trees, poles or weak structures as they may be washed away. 5 During a flood, provide first aid to victims. Save people cut off from others by the flood. 6 Use car tires, wheels, tables to stay on the water. Jump into it only at a moment when there is no hope of salvation. Take off your shoes and loosen tight clothing if there is a risk of ending up in water. Take a breath before you hit the water, grab the first floating object you come across and float with the flow, remaining calm. 7 After the flooding is over, check whether your house is in danger of collapsing. Do not use open flames. Check to see if any electrical wiring is exposed or if there is a gas leak. Do not eat food that has been in flood waters. Also test the water before using it for contamination.

Every year in Russia there are from forty to seventy major floods. It’s just that not all of them are covered in the central media. About five hundred thousand square kilometers of the country's area is in the threat zone. The annual damage from the disaster is about forty billion rubles.

We have collected the ten most destructive floods over the past 20 years in Russia. And we compiled a memo: what to do if you are flooded?

1994, Bashkiria

A dam broke at the Tirlyanskoye reservoir, releasing about nine million cubic meters of water. As a result of the disaster, 29 people died, 876 were left homeless. Four settlements were flooded, 85 residential buildings were completely destroyed.

1998, Lensk, Yakutia

During the ice drift, two ice jams formed on the Lena River, causing the water level to rise by 11 meters. 15 people died, 97 thousand people were in the flood zone. Damage from the disaster amounted to several hundred million rubles.

2001, Lensk, Yakutia

Before the city had time to recover from the tragedy three years earlier, the mighty river again made it clear who was boss. This time, 5,162 houses were flooded, 43 thousand people were injured, and eight died. The damage caused was even greater than the previous time: eight billion rubles.

2001, Irkutsk region

Prolonged rains led to several rivers overflowing their banks and flooding 63 settlements in 13 districts of the Irkutsk region. The city of Sayansk especially suffered. During the flood, 4,635 houses were flooded, three hundred thousand people were injured, and eight were killed. The damage was estimated at two billion rubles.

2001, Primorsky Krai

As a result of a major flood, 625 square kilometers, seven districts of the Primorsky Territory, were flooded. The disaster destroyed 260 kilometers of roads and 40 bridges. 11 people were killed and more than 80 thousand were injured. The damage is estimated at 1.2 billion rubles.

2002, Southern Federal District

More than 336 thousand people in the Stavropol Territory, Karachay-Cherkessia and Krasnodar Territory suffered from severe flooding. 114 people died. 337 settlements were in the flood zone. In this disaster, 8,000 residential buildings were destroyed and 45,000 buildings were damaged. 1,700 kilometers of roads, 406 bridges, 350 kilometers of gas pipelines, and about six kilometers of railway tracks were damaged. The damage from this flood is 16 billion rubles.

2002, Black Sea coast of Krasnodar region

A tornado and heavy rains hit the Black Sea coast. There were 15 settlements in the disaster zone, including Novorossiysk. About eight thousand residential buildings were flooded and damaged. The disaster claimed the lives of 62 people. The damage was estimated at 1.7 billion rubles.

2004, Khakassia

The flood flooded 24 settlements in the south of Khakassia. 1,077 houses were damaged and 9 people were killed. The damage was estimated at 29 million rubles.

2010, Krasnodar region

Heavy and prolonged rains caused major flooding in the Krasnodar region. Thirty settlements in the Sochi region, Acheronsky and Tuapse regions were in the disaster zone. About seven and a half thousand people were affected by the flood. 250 houses were completely destroyed, one and a half thousand were damaged. 17 people died, 7.5 thousand were injured. Material damage amounted to 2.5 billion rubles.

2012, Krasnodar region

It was the most destructive and dramatic flood in the entire history of the region. Ten settlements found themselves in the natural disaster zone, including Novorossiysk, Divnomorskoye, and Kabardinka. In Krymsk, 153 people died, and in total the disaster claimed the lives of 168 people. 53,000 people were affected, of whom 29,000 lost all their property. 1,650 houses were completely destroyed, 7.2 thousand were damaged. The damage amounted to 20 billion rubles.

2013, Far East

The memories of the events of the summer before last are still fresh. This flood in the Far East, which lasted almost three months, was the largest in the last 115 years. It covered 37 districts, 235 settlements in the Amur region, the Jewish Autonomous Region and the Khabarovsk Territory. More than 100,000 people were affected by the disaster, more than 23,000 were evacuated. Record flood and record damage - 527 billion rubles.

How to escape during a flood?

  1. First, find out if your locality is in a possible flood zone. If yes, then think through evacuation routes in advance (go to a hill) and keep rescue equipment at home (rubber boat, life jacket, rope, signal equipment, etc.).
  2. If there is a threat of flooding, then before leaving the house, turn off the electricity (plugs on the panel), turn off the gas and water. Take documents, money, valuables, necessary clothing with you and pack them in waterproof bags. Also take water and food for three days. Do not take perishable food - just like on a hike. The end result is a nice backpack. Put everything valuable that you can’t take into the attic or at least into mezzanines or closets.
  3. If you have a private house, board the windows on the first floor from the outside. This will not save you from water, but this way you will be able to preserve the glass and avoid debris from getting into the house. If you can’t escape, climb into the attic, onto the roof, tie yourself to something so that you don’t get carried away when you find yourself in the water.
  4. During the day, signal rescuers with a piece of bright or colorful cloth tied to a stick. At night - with a lantern or torch.
Remember, wet clothes are much better than no clothes. Wear more clothes to prevent hypothermia. 50% of those killed in floods died from hypothermia.

Text: Vladimir Erkovich

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