The spring sun warmed the earth to determine the tense of the verb. Dictations in the Russian language

Dictation No. 1 on the topic “Proposal”.

Autumn in the forest.

How beautiful the autumn forest is! The birches put on golden dresses. The maple leaves turned red. The dense foliage of the oak tree became like copper. The pine and spruce trees remained green. The colorful carpet of leaves rustled underfoot. And how many mushrooms are there in the forest! Fragrant saffron milk caps and yellow mushrooms await mushroom pickers. (43 words)

Exercise. 1 option: Describe 1 sentence. Highlight the grammatical basis in sentence 2.

Option 2: Describe 1 sentence. Highlight the grammatical basis in sentence 3.

Dictation No. 2 forIquarter.

Autumn forest.

October. The trees have long shed their yellow leaves. It is raining in the forest, and the leaves on the paths do not rustle underfoot. Blackbirds circled over the mountain ash. They pecked at bunches of berries. Jays were screaming in the oak trees. A titmouse squeaked over the spruce tree. The hazel grouse flew into the forest thicket. (41 words)

Exercise. Write out words with the same root from the text, highlight the root.

Option 1: Highlight the grammatical basis in sentence 4.

Option 2: Highlight the grammatical basis in sentence 7.

Dictation No. 3 on the topic “Spelling unstressed vowels at the root of a word.”

Snow figures.

A wet snowball was falling from the sky. The guys ran out into the yard and began to sculpt figures out of snow. Kolya made a snowman. Nice snowman! There was a red carrot in my nose. There is a broom in his hand and a bucket on his head. Zhenya was building a tower with ice windows. Tolya and Ilya sculpted Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. Santa Claus had a beard. The Snow Maiden was holding a green Christmas tree in her hands. (58 words)

Exercise. Write out 3 words from the text with an unstressed vowel at the root, write a test word, highlight the spelling. Write out a group of related words from the text, highlight the root.

Dictation No. 4 forIIquarter.

Festive forest.

The night blizzard decorated the forest. It became like a wonderful fairy tale. Young bushes were covered with snow coats. Spruce paws put on soft mittens. The giant snowdrifts resembled giants. The sun has risen. Snowflakes lit up with bright sparkles. A black grouse flew out from under the snow. He examined the area and flew up onto a flexible birch branch.

Exercise. Write down 2 words: the first - for the spelling of a paired consonant in the root, the second - for the spelling of an unpronounceable consonant; Write a check next to each word.

1 option: Highlight the grammatical basis in 1 sentence. Disassemble the word according to its composition wonderful.

Option 2: Highlight the grammatical basis in sentence 5. Disassemble the word according to its composition spruce

Dictation No. 5 on the topic “Spelling suffixes and prefixes.”

It was a winter day. Zinka the titmouse was jumping on the branches. The tit's eye is sharp. She hunted for insects under the bark of trees. So Zinka gouged a hole, pulled out a bug and ate it. Then a mouse jumped out of the snow. The mouse is trembling, all disheveled. She explained to Zinka her fear. The mouse fell into the bear's den. The big bear and the little cubs were fast asleep there. (54 words)

Exercise. Write out one word from the text with a separating sign b and b, highlight the spelling. Write out 2 words with a prefix from the text, highlight it.

Dictation No. 6 forIIIquarter.

Trip to the village.

In the summer we decided to visit our grandmother in the village. What a lot of hassle before leaving! Now we are already on the train. How interesting it is to look out the window! Departure soon. The train stopped. I see my grandmother. There is a joyful smile on her face. She waves to us. Now we are being carried by the horse Orlik. There are wide fields on the sides of the road. Grandma explained to me how bread grows. In the evening we entered the village. (63 words)

Exercise. Option 1: Perform analysis of sentence 7. Parse the word grandmother by composition.

Option 2: Parse sentence 9. Parse the word train by composition.

Dictation No. 7 on the topic “Adjective”.

Early spring.

Nice early spring in the forest! The spring sun is shining brightly. Light clouds decorate the blue sky. You can hear the wonderful trills of birds. The fragrant buds smelled like resin. Young grass appeared. A blue snowdrop appeared. A talkative stream began to babble from the hillock. Happy baby squirrels were frolicking near the pine tree. A little hare was gnawing on the bark of a young aspen tree. A brown bear brought her cubs into the clearing. A cheerful and joyful forest in spring! (58 words)

Exercise. Write down any 3 adjectives in the singular, determine their gender, highlight the ending.

Option 1: Highlight the grammatical basis in sentence 8, sign all parts of speech. Disassemble the word according to its composition blue.

Option 2: Highlight the grammatical basis in sentence 9, sign all parts of speech. Disassemble the word according to its composition snowdrop.

Dictation No. 8 on the topic “Pronoun”.

Spring has come. The sun drove the snow from the fields. The buds on the trees opened. Young leaves appeared. The bee woke up. She woke up her friends. The bees flew out of the hive. They saw a blue flower under a bush. It was a blue violet. She opened her cup. There was sweet juice. The bees drank the juice and flew home happily. (51 words).

Exercise. Write out pronouns from the text, determine their person and number.

Option 1: Parse 4 sentences.

Option 2: Parse 7 sentences

Annual dictation.

The spring sun warmed the earth. Spring drops began to ring. Noisy sparrows are buzzing around the houses. Talkative streams ran from the hills. The fields were green with grain. The willow branches were covered with golden balls. Blue snowdrops bloomed in the forest. The titmice flew merrily from branch to branch. They looked for worms in the folds of tree bark. The black grouse flocked to the clearings. The birds traced the ground with their wings and started noisy games. The cranes will soon fly home. (64 words)

Exercise.Option 1: Parse 3 sentences. Disassemble the word according to its composition loud. Determine the tense of the verb in 1 sentence.

Option 2: Parse 4 sentences. Disassemble the word according to its composition talkative. Determine the tense of the verb in the last sentence.

(module Adaptive Adsense block at the beginning of the article)




The dictations presented here are conducted with 3rd grade students of secondary educational institutions. The purpose of writing dictations is to check the degree to which 3rd grade students have mastered the topic studied. The level of difficulty of dictations and other tasks corresponds to the level of preparation of students in the 3rd grade of primary school.

Selective dictations

1. Write down the verbs, indicate the tense of the verbs.

I. 1) The stream rings over the pebbles, the river makes noise (S. Drozhzhin). 2) The sky darkened. Clouds came running from everywhere. They surrounded, caught and covered the sun (A. Gaidar). 3) Soon the birds will sing, the bushes in the forest will turn green (I. Surikov).

II. 1) Thunderstorms rumbled. 2) One day lightning struck an old oak tree on the top of a hill. 3) The wind will blow and shake the birch tree. 4) The ground was covered with snow. 5) There are slanting snowdrifts, and only here and there branches of bushes stick out from them.

2. Write down verbs with the particle not, indicate the tense of the verbs.

1) She doesn’t speak, doesn’t sing, but whoever goes to the owner, she lets him know. (Dog.) 2) I can’t sweep it, I can’t sweep it, I can’t bear it, I can’t bear it, when it gets dark it will go away on its own. (Shadow.) 3) He who does not spin does not weave, but clothes people. (Baran.) 4) I didn’t count miles, I didn’t travel on roads, but I went overseas. (Starling.) 5) The silver horse ran all over the sea, but didn’t get its feet wet. (Month, moon.)

Restored dictations

Write down verbs from the spoken text, then reconstruct the text using supporting verbs and write it down.

Willow Feast

The willow blossomed. Each willow lamb is a downy yellow chick: sitting and glowing. The guests are rushing to the feast.

The bumblebee has arrived. He got excited, tossed and turned, and got covered in pollen. The ants came running. They pounced on the pollen, and their bellies swelled up like barrels. The mosquitoes have arrived. The flies are buzzing. Everyone is buzzing and in a hurry.

The willow will turn green - the feast is over.

Spring is red

The sun is shining joyfully on a spring day. The snow is quickly melting in the fields. Cheerful, talkative streams ran along the roads. The ice on the river turned blue. Smelly, sticky buds swelled on the trees. The rooks have already arrived from warmer climes. Important, black, they walk along the roads. The guys set up birdhouses in the trees. They rush from school to see if there are any spring guests - starlings.

Migratory birds

Quails were flying home from warm countries. They were flying over the sea. On the way they were caught in a storm. The birds are tired. They sat down to rest on the mast of the ship. The sailors sprinkled bread crumbs and seeds on the deck. The birds began to peck food. The sun came out. The sea has calmed down. The birds warmed up, took off, spread their wings and set off.

Words for reference: embankment, on deck, seed, calmed down.

Warning (explanatory) dictations

View from the window

I looked in the window. The fog has long since disappeared. Sun was shining. The river splashed lazily below. Bird cherry bushes grew along the banks. Bird voices rang. A reddish clay cliff went straight to the water. The path snaked down to the water. Beyond the river was the green taiga, so elegant in the sunshine.


April is the month of spring. The spring drops ring merrily. Puddles sparkle in the courtyards. The sun and blue sky are visible in the puddles. The sparrows chirp provocatively. There is no snow in the fields anymore. The ice turned blue and swelled. Wild ducks have already arrived from the south. Young green grass appeared in the clearing. The first flowers appeared. The merry song of a lark rang in the blue heights.

Thunderstorm on the river

I came to fish. I threw my fishing rods at the willow tree. The sun floated calmly over the forest. Suddenly a cloud rolled out from behind a hill. The sky darkened. Thunderstorm began. Then I got hooked. The line tightened. Copper ide shone in the depths. I brought the fish to the shore and threw it into the grass. Lightning flashed across the sky, thundered overhead, and the ide jumped in the grass. The rain hit the water with force. The river began to boil and began to stir. Lightning flashed over the water. It became scary. Suddenly the rain stopped.

Test dictations

in spring

The spring sun warmed the earth. Spring drops began to ring. Noisy sparrows are buzzing around the houses. Talkative streams ran from the hills. The fields were green with grain. The willow branches were covered with golden balls. Blue snowdrops bloomed in the forest. The titmice flew merrily from branch to branch. They looked for worms in the folds of tree bark. The black grouse flocked to the clearings. The birds traced the ground with their wings and started noisy games. The cranes will soon fly home. (64 words)

Spring in the forest

Nice spring in the forest! The birds are singing loudly. Spring streams ring under the trees. The fragrant sticky buds smell like resin. The sun gently warmed the earth. A warm wind ran through the high peaks. The foliage on the trees turned green. Young grass appeared. White and blue snowdrops bloomed in the forest clearings. Voiced nightingales sang over the streams. Busy ants were running over the hummocks. The first bumblebee buzzed. Elks were grazing in the sun. (62 words)

Words for reference: in the heat, affectionately in.

In field

It was good in the field. A warm breeze was blowing. The spring sun gently warmed. The tractors pulled the plows easily. Plows turned over black layers of earth. The first to see the work in the field were the jackdaws. The whole flock of birds flew to plow. Starlings and rooks flew to the field. The seagulls flocked to the poultry yard. Birds peck worms. The bravest ones climb right under the plow. The spring earth gave the birds a good lunch. (60 words)

Words for reference: affectionately, turn over, plow.

(module Adaptive Adsense block at the end of the article)

Dictations in the Russian language 3rd grade A dictation is a type of spelling exercise, the essence of which for students is to write down a sentence, word, text perceived by ear... Test and control dictations in the Russian language for 3rd grade Farewell to autumn The weather is damp in October. It rains all month. The autumn wind is blowing. The trees are rustling in the garden. At night the rain stopped. The first snow fell. It's light all around. Everything around became elegant. Two crows sat on a birch tree. Fluffy snow fell. The road is frozen. Leaves and grass crunch on the path near the house. Words for reference: it became frozen. Grammar task: In the first sentence, underline the subjects and predicates. Disassemble the words according to their composition: autumn, garden. Write out a word from the text that has more letters than sounds.

Autumn forest October. The trees have long shed their yellow leaves. It is raining in the forest, and the leaves on the paths do not rustle underfoot. Blackbirds circled over the mountain ash. They pecked at bunches of berries. Jays were screaming in the oak trees. A titmouse squeaked over the spruce tree. The hazel grouse flew into the forest thicket. (41 words) Grammar task: Write out words with the same root from the text, highlight the root. Option 1: Highlight the grammatical basis in sentence 4. Option 2: Highlight the grammatical basis in sentence 7. Dictations in the Russian language 3rd grade 2nd quarter Snowman It’s a wonderful winter day. Light snow is falling. The trees are dressed in white coats. The pond sleeps under the ice crust. Bright sun in the sky. A group of guys ran out. They began to build a snowman. His eyes were made from light pieces of ice, his mouth and nose from carrots, and his eyebrows from coals. Joyful and fun for everyone! Grammar task: Underline the main terms in the second sentence. Disassemble the words according to their composition (option 1: winter, fur coats; option 2: white, carrots). Find in the text words with the unstressed vowel being tested at the root. Choose test words for them. Write these words. Festive forest A night blizzard decorated the forest. It became like a wonderful fairy tale. Young bushes were covered with snow coats. Spruce paws put on soft mittens. The giant snowdrifts resembled giants. The sun has risen. Snowflakes lit up with bright sparkles. A black grouse flew out from under the snow. He examined the area and flew up onto a flexible birch branch. Grammar task: Write down 2 words: the first - for spelling a paired consonant in the root, the second - for spelling an unpronounceable consonant; Write a check next to each word. Option 1: Highlight the grammatical basis in 1 sentence. Disassemble the word "wonderful" according to its composition. Option 2: Highlight the grammatical basis in sentence 5. Disassemble the word spruce according to its composition. Dictations in the Russian language 3rd grade 3rd quarter The first days of spring The bright sun is shining over the fields and forests. The roads became dark in the fields. The ice on the river turned blue. Sounding streams began to gurgle in the valleys. Resinous buds swelled on the trees. Soft down jackets appeared on the willows. A timid hare ran out to the edge of the forest. An old moose cow came out into the clearing with a calf. The bear took her cubs out for their first walk. Grammar task: Parse the sentences by members: Option 1: fourth sentence; Option 2: fifth sentence. Underline the main members of the sentence and write down the phrases. Choose adjectives that have opposite meanings. Option 1: narrow stream - ...; diligent student - . ..; Option 2: cowardly boy - ...; tall bush - ... Trip to the village In the summer we decided to go to our grandmother’s village. What a lot of hassle before leaving! Now we are already on the train. How interesting it is to look out the window! Departure soon. The train stopped. I see my grandmother. There is a joyful smile on her face. She waves to us. Now we are being carried by the horse Orlik. There are wide fields on the sides of the road. Grandma explained to me how bread grows. In the evening we entered the village. (63 words) Grammar task: option: Parse 7 sentences. Parse the word grandmother according to its composition. option: Perform analysis of sentence 9. Parse the word train according to its composition. Dictations in the Russian language 3rd grade 4th quarter Spring morning It happened in April. Early in the morning the sun woke up and looked at the earth. And there, overnight, winter and frost established their order. Snow covered the fields and hills. Icicles were hung on the trees. The sun came out and ate the morning ice. A talkative stream ran down the valley. Suddenly, under the roots of a birch tree, he noticed a deep hole. A hedgehog was sleeping sweetly in a hole. The hedgehog found this secluded place in the fall. He didn't want to get up yet. But a cold stream crept into the dry bed and woke up the hedgehog. Grammar task: Disassemble the 7th and 9th sentences. Disassemble the words according to the composition: Option 1: lit up, morning, birch trees; Option 2: hung up, cheerful, place). Determine the tense, number and gender of the verbs: ran, looked, covered. Knowledge control - Russian language 3rd grade 4th quarter dictation Early spring Spring has come. The sun drove the snow from the fields. The buds on the trees opened. Young leaves appeared. The bee woke up. She woke up her friends. The bees flew out of the hive. They saw a blue flower under a bush. It was a blue violet. She opened her cup. There was sweet juice. The bees drank the juice and flew home happily. (51 words) Grammar task: Write out pronouns from the text, determine their person and number. Option 1: Parse 4 sentences. Option 2: Parse sentence 7. Annual dictation in the Russian language, grade 3. Morning in the steppe. Early spring morning. The steppe is cheerfully full of flowers. Gorse turns bright yellow. The bluebells are modestly turning blue. The fragrant chamomile turns white. Wild carnation burns with crimson spots. In the morning coolness there is a bitter, healthy smell of wormwood. Everything joyfully reached towards the sun. The steppe woke up and came to life. The larks fluttered high in the air. The grasshoppers raised their hasty chatter. Grammar task: Write out two words from the text with unstressed vowels at the root. Write test words for them. Write down two words with prefixes. Select prefixes. Parse the 2nd and 4th sentences by members (by options). Spring came! The spring sun warmed the earth. Spring drops began to ring. Noisy sparrows are buzzing around the houses. Talkative streams ran from the hills. The fields were green with grain. The willow branches were covered with golden balls. Blue snowdrops bloomed in the forest. The titmice flew merrily from branch to branch. They looked for worms in the folds of tree bark. The black grouse flocked to the clearings. The birds traced the ground with their wings and started noisy games. The cranes will soon fly home. (64 words) Grammar task: option: Parse 3 sentences. Disassemble the word noisy according to its composition. Determine the tense of the verb in 1 sentence. option: Parse 4 sentences. Disassemble the word talkative according to its composition. Determine the tense of the verb in the last sentence. Spring Spring did not open for a long time. In April the weather was clear and frosty. During the day, the snow quietly melted under the rays of the sun. Suddenly a warm wind blew sharply. The surroundings were shrouded in a thick milky fog. The waters flowed in a muddy stream. Giant ice floes broke on the river with a furious crash. Late in the evening the fog cleared. The sky has cleared. In the morning the sun ate the thin ice. In the warm spring air, the larks began to sing in a wonderful chorus. Cranes and geese flew high in the sky with joyful cries. Real spring has come. Grammar task: Sort out the words frosty, thin. Write out three words from the text with an unstressed vowel sound at the root of the word, verified by stress. Choose a test word. Underline the main parts of the sentence and label the parts of speech. 1st option - 2nd offer. Option 2 - Sentence 7. Dictation on the topic “Proposal” Autumn in the forest How beautiful the autumn forest is! The birches put on golden dresses. The maple leaves turned red. The dense foliage of the oak tree became like copper. The pine and spruce trees remained green. The colorful carpet of leaves rustled underfoot. And how many mushrooms are there in the forest! Fragrant saffron milk caps and yellow mushrooms await mushroom pickers. (43 words) Task: Characterize 1 sentence. Highlight the grammatical basis in sentence 2. Describe 1 sentence. Highlight the grammatical basis in sentence 3. Dictation on the topic “Spelling unstressed vowels at the root of a word” Snow figures A wet snowball was flying from the sky. The guys ran out into the yard and began to sculpt figures out of snow. Kolya made a snowman. Nice snowman! There was a red carrot in my nose. There is a broom in his hand and a bucket on his head. Zhenya was building a tower with ice windows. Tolya and Ilya sculpted Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. Santa Claus had a beard. The Snow Maiden was holding a green Christmas tree in her hands. (58 words) Task: Write out 3 words from the text with an unstressed vowel at the root, write a test word, highlight the spelling. Write out a group of related words from the text, highlight the root. Dictation on the topic “Spelling suffixes and prefixes” In winter It was a winter day. Zinka the titmouse was jumping on the branches. The tit's eye is sharp. She hunted for insects under the bark of trees. So Zinka gouged a hole, pulled out a bug and ate it. Then a mouse jumped out of the snow. The mouse is trembling, all disheveled. She explained to Zinka her fear. The mouse fell into the bear's den. The big bear and the little cubs were fast asleep there. (54 words) Task: Write out one word from the text with a separating sign b and b, highlight the spelling. Write out 2 words with a prefix from the text, highlight it. Dictation on the topic “Adjective” Early spring Early spring is good in the forest! The spring sun is shining brightly. Light clouds decorate the blue sky. You can hear the wonderful trills of birds. The fragrant buds smelled like resin. Young grass appeared. A blue snowdrop appeared. A talkative stream began to babble from the hillock. Happy baby squirrels were frolicking near the pine tree. A little hare was gnawing on the bark of a young aspen tree. A brown bear brought her cubs into the clearing. A cheerful and joyful forest in spring! (58 words) Task: Write down any 3 adjectives in the singular, determine their gender, highlight the ending. Option 1: Highlight the grammatical basis in sentence 8, sign all parts of speech. Disassemble the word blue according to its composition. Option 2: Highlight the grammatical basis in sentence 9, sign all parts of speech. Disassemble the word snowdrop according to its composition.

Dictations in the Russian language 3rd grade 1st quarter

Dictations in the Russian language 3rd grade 2nd quarter

Dictations in the Russian language 3rd grade 3rd quarter

Dictations in the Russian language 3rd grade 4th quarter

Annual dictation in Russian language 3rd grade

Dictation on the topic “Proposal”

Autumn in the forest

How beautiful the autumn forest is! The birches put on golden dresses. The maple leaves turned red. The dense foliage of the oak tree became like copper. The pine and spruce trees remained green. The colorful carpet of leaves rustled underfoot. And how many mushrooms are there in the forest! Fragrant saffron milk caps and yellow mushrooms await mushroom pickers. (43 words)

  1. Describe 1 sentence. Highlight the grammatical basis in sentence 2.
  2. Describe 1 sentence. Highlight the grammatical basis in sentence 3.

Dictation on the topic “Spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of a word”

Snow figures

A wet snowball was falling from the sky. The guys ran out into the yard and began to sculpt figures out of snow. Kolya made a snowman. Nice snowman! There was a red carrot in my nose. There is a broom in his hand and a bucket on his head. Zhenya was building a tower with ice windows. Tolya and Ilya sculpted Father Frost and the Snow Maiden. Santa Claus had a beard. The Snow Maiden was holding a green Christmas tree in her hands. (58 words)

  1. Write out 3 words from the text with an unstressed vowel at the root, write a test word, highlight the spelling.
  2. Write out a group of related words from the text, highlight the root.

Dictation on the topic "Spelling of suffixes and prefixes"

in winter

It was a winter day. Zinka the titmouse was jumping on the branches. The tit's eye is sharp. She hunted for insects under the bark of trees. So Zinka gouged a hole, pulled out a bug and ate it. Then a mouse jumped out of the snow. The mouse is trembling, all disheveled. She explained to Zinka her fear. The mouse fell into the bear's den. The big bear and the little cubs were fast asleep there. (54 words)

  1. Write out one word from the text with a separating sign b and b, highlight the spelling.
  2. Write out 2 words with a prefix from the text, highlight it.

Dictation on the topic "Adjective"

Early spring

Nice early spring in the forest! The spring sun is shining brightly. Light clouds decorate the blue sky. You can hear the wonderful trills of birds. The fragrant buds smelled like resin. Young grass appeared. A blue snowdrop appeared. A talkative stream began to babble from the hillock. Happy baby squirrels were frolicking near the pine tree. A little hare was gnawing on the bark of a young aspen tree. A brown bear brought her cubs into the clearing. A cheerful and joyful forest in spring! (58 words)

  1. Write down any 3 adjectives in the singular, determine their gender, highlight the ending.
  2. Option 1: Highlight the grammatical basis in sentence 8, sign all parts of speech. Disassemble the word blue according to its composition.
  3. Option 2: Highlight the grammatical basis in sentence 9, sign all parts of speech. Disassemble the word snowdrop according to its composition.