How can we solve the problem of water pollution? Environmental problems - water pollution

Water is the most valuable natural resource. Its role is participation in the metabolic process of all substances that are the basis of any life form. It is impossible to imagine the activities of industrial and agricultural enterprises without the use of water; it is indispensable in everyday life person. Water is necessary for everyone: people, animals, plants. For some it is a habitat.

The rapid development of human life and inefficient use of resources has led to the fact that Environmental problems (including water pollution) have become too acute. Their solution comes first for humanity. Scientists and environmentalists around the world are sounding the alarm and trying to find a solution to the global problem.

Sources of water pollution

There are many reasons for pollution, and it’s not always to blame human factor. Natural disasters They also harm clean water bodies and disrupt the ecological balance.

The most common sources of water pollution are:

    Industrial, domestic wastewater. Have not undergone chemical cleaning system harmful substances, when they get into a reservoir, they provoke an environmental disaster.

    Tertiary treatment. The water is treated with powders, special compounds, and multi-stage filtered, killing pests and destroying other substances. It is used for household needs of citizens, as well as in Food Industry, V agriculture.

    - radioactive contamination of water

    The main sources that pollute the World Ocean include the following radioactive factors:

    • nuclear weapons testing;

      radioactive waste discharges;

      major accidents (ships with nuclear reactors, Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant);

      disposal of radioactive waste at the bottom of oceans and seas.

    Environmental problems and water pollution are directly related to contamination radioactive waste. For example, French and English nuclear plants contaminated almost all North Atlantic. Our country has become the culprit of pollution of the Northern Arctic Ocean. Three underground nuclear reactors, as well as the production of Krasnoyarsk-26, were clogged largest river Yenisei. It is obvious that radioactive products entered the ocean.

    Pollution of world waters with radionuclides

    The problem of pollution of the waters of the World Ocean is acute. Let us briefly list the most dangerous radionuclides that enter it: cesium-137; cerium-144; strontium-90; niobium-95; yttrium-91. All of them have a high bioaccumulating capacity and pass through food chains and concentrate in marine organisms. This creates a danger for both humans and aquatic organisms.

    The waters of the Arctic seas are subject to severe pollution various sources influx of radionuclides. People carelessly dump hazardous waste into the ocean, thereby turning it dead. Man has probably forgotten that the ocean is the main wealth of the earth. It has powerful biological and mineral resources. And if we want to survive, we urgently need to take measures to save it.


    Rational consumption of water and protection from pollution are the main tasks of humanity. Ways to solve environmental problems related to water pollution lead to the fact that, first of all, great attention should be devoted to discharges of hazardous substances into rivers. On an industrial scale, it is necessary to improve cleaning technologies Wastewater. In Russia, it is necessary to introduce a law that would increase the collection of fees for discharges. The proceeds should be used for the development and construction of new environmental technologies. For the smallest emissions, the fee should be reduced, this will serve as motivation to maintain a healthy environmental situation.

    The education of the younger generation plays a major role in solving environmental problems. WITH early years It is necessary to teach children to respect and love nature. Instill in them that the Earth is ours big house, for which every person is responsible. Water must be conserved, not poured out thoughtlessly, and efforts must be made to prevent foreign objects and harmful substances from getting into the sewer system.


    In conclusion, I would like to say that environmental problems of Russia and water pollution probably worries everyone. Mindless waste water resources, the littering of rivers with various garbage has led to the fact that there are very few clean, safe corners left in nature.Environmentalists have become much more vigilant, and numerous measures are being taken to restore order in the environment. If each of us thinks about the consequences of our barbaric, consumer attitude, the situation can be corrected. Only together will humanity be able to save water bodies, the World Ocean and, possibly, the lives of future generations.

Water pollution is a problem for everyone. First of all, the government and authorities should be interested in solving the problem local government, but each of us can also help. The first step is to become interested in the problem and try to study the issue.

Types of water pollution

Water pollution with nutrients

Wastewater is often contaminated with nutrients (biogens), which when released into the water encourage the growth of weeds and algae.

And these plants, in turn, often clog filters, make water unfit for drinking and consume a large number of oxygen, as a result of which aquatic organisms die due to oxygen starvation.

Surface water pollution

Among surface waters- rivers, bays, oceans and lakes. Chemicals entering water simply dissipate and pollute its volume and surface.

Groundwater contamination

Fertilizers and pesticides from fields fall into deeper layers of soil during rain and watering and pollute groundwater. When choosing a place for a well or borehole, first check the soil for the presence of groundwater contamination; otherwise, a dug well may be a waste of money.

Microbiological contamination

Water may be unfit for consumption even if it has not been chemically contaminated.

IN open sources inhabited by viruses and bacteria that are dangerous to humans. Unfortunately, in a number of poor countries, people are forced to drink water directly from rivers without purification, so in these countries there is a high percentage of illnesses and even deaths due to poor quality drinking water.

Chemical pollution

Factories and factories dump production waste into rivers, sometimes without proper treatment, sometimes even illegally.

Metals and solvents catastrophically pollute water; these poisons slow down the development of aquatic fauna, can make aquatic inhabitants infertile and even kill them.

Gasoline and oil leak

Oil and gasoline entering the water in one local place spreads over kilometers. Oil leads to the death of fish and gums up the feathers of birds, causing them to lose the ability to fly and become more susceptible to the cold.

Thus, in Australia this year, penguins were injured in an oil spill. But the Australian Penguin Rescue Foundation found a solution to the problem - sweaters were sewn for penguins that prevent them from pecking toxic waste from their bodies and keep the birds warm.

Water Pollution Control Methods

The first step is to protect yourself from negative impact contaminated water. A reverse osmosis water purification system can help with this, as it is the most advanced this moment cleaning technology. Below are the steps that each of us can take in order to reduce global pollution water.

Use water wisely

Turn off the tap when water is not needed, save water when bathing and when washing dishes. Do not think that you do not have a meter and you will pay a fixed amount for utilities, regardless of the amount of water used.

Think about the fact that in this way you reduce the amount of dirty water, which is then discharged into the Dnieper and other rivers without proper purification, after which the same water is filtered at city stations and returned to your water supply.

Not everything can be thrown down the sink.

Avoid throwing chemicals, medications, paint, and oil down your sink and toilet—these are some of the most difficult pollutants to deal with. Throw all of the above into the trash bin.

Buy environmentally friendly cleaning products

Nowadays, more and more environmentally friendly detergents are appearing: phosphate-free washing powders, dishwashing detergents containing fewer chemicals and other cleaning products. household use. Pay attention to them if you want to contribute to the future of ecology.

Switch to organic fertilizers

If you have your own garden or vegetable garden, then try to use less pesticides and chemical fertilizers. Pesticides are one of the major contamination problems in our tap water that chlorine cannot combat. As a result of field irrigation, pesticides enter deeper layers of the soil and mix with underground sources. It is better to use humus and natural fertilizers, which are pre-collected in a compost pit or barrel.

Most of Water resources on Earth are polluted. Even if our planet is covered with 70% water, not all of it is suitable for human use. Rapid industrialization, misuse of scarce water resources and many other factors play a role in the process of water pollution. Every year, about 400 billion tons of waste are generated worldwide. Most of this waste is dumped into water bodies. Of the total volume of water on Earth, only 3% fresh water. If this fresh water is constantly polluted, then water crisis will turn into serious problem soon. Therefore, it is necessary to take proper care of our water resources. The facts about water pollution around the world presented in this article should help in understanding the seriousness of this problem.

Facts and figures of water pollution in the world

Water pollution is a problem that affects almost every country in the world. If proper steps are not taken to control this menace, it will lead to disastrous consequences in the near future. The facts related to water pollution are presented through the following points.

Rivers in the Asian continent are the most polluted. Lead levels found in these rivers are 20 times higher than in water bodies of industrialized countries on other continents. The bacteria found in these rivers (from human waste) is three times higher than the world average.

In Ireland, chemical fertilizers and wastewater are the main water pollutants. About 30% of the rivers in this country are polluted.
Pollution groundwater is a serious problem in Bangladesh. Arsenic is one of the major pollutants that affects water quality in this country. About 85% total area Bangladesh's groundwater is contaminated. This means that more than 1.2 million citizens of this country are exposed to the harmful effects of arsenic-contaminated water.
The King River in Australia, the Murray, is one of the most polluted rivers in the world. As a result, 100,000 different mammals, about 1 million birds and several other creatures died due to exposure to the acidic water present in this river.

America's situation with regard to water pollution is not much different from the rest of the world. It has been noted that about 40% of rivers in the United States are polluted. For this reason, water from these rivers should not be used for drinking, bathing or any similar activities. These rivers are not capable of supporting aquatic life. Forty-six percent of lakes in the United States are unsuitable for supporting aquatic life.

Contaminants in water from the construction industry include: cement, gypsum, metal, abrasives, etc. These materials are much more harmful than biological waste.
Rising thermal pollution water caused by runoff hot water With industrial enterprises. Rising water temperatures are a threat to ecological balance. Many aquatic life is losing its life due to thermal pollution.

Drainage caused by rainfall is one of the main causes of water pollution. Waste materials such as oils, chemicals emitted from automobiles, household chemicals, etc. are the major pollutants from urban areas. Mineral and organic fertilizers and pesticide residues make up the bulk of pollutants.

Oil spills in the oceans are one of the global problems, which are responsible for water pollution on a large scale. Thousands of fish and other aquatic creatures are killed by oil spills every year. In addition to oil, huge amounts of practically non-degradable waste, such as all kinds of plastic products, have also been found in the oceans. The facts of water pollution in the world indicate an impending global problem and this article should help gain a deeper understanding about it.

A process of eutrophication occurs, in which the water in reservoirs deteriorates to a significant extent. Eutrophication causes excessive growth of phytoplankton. The oxygen level in the water decreases to a great extent and thus the life of fish and other living creatures of the water are threatened.

Water pollution control

It is necessary to understand that the water we pollute can harm us in long term. Once toxic chemical substances enter the food chain, people have no choice but to live and carry them in the body system. Reducing the use of chemical fertilizers is one of the the best ways to purify water from polluting elements. IN otherwise, these leached chemicals will continuously pollute the water bodies on earth. Efforts are being made to solve the problem of water pollution. However, this problem cannot be completely solved because it is necessary to effective measures to eliminate it. Considering the rate at which we are damaging the ecosystem, it becomes necessary to follow strict rules in reducing water pollution. Lakes and rivers on planet Earth are becoming increasingly polluted. Here are the facts of water pollution in the world and the efforts of the people and governments of all countries need to be concentrated and organized to properly help minimize the problems.

Rethinking the facts about water pollution

Water is the Earth's most valuable strategic resource. Continuing the topic of facts of water pollution in the world, we present new information that scientists have provided in the context of this problem. If we take into account all water reserves, then no more than 1% of the water is clean and suitable for drinking. Drinking contaminated water causes the death of 3.4 million people every year, and this figure is only increasing in the future. To avoid this fate, do not drink water anywhere, especially from rivers and lakes. If you cannot buy bottled water, use water purification methods. At a minimum, this is boiling, but it is better to use special cleaning filters.

Another problem is the availability of drinking water. So in many regions of Africa and Asia it is very difficult to find sources of clean water. Residents of these parts of the world often walk several kilometers a day to get water. Naturally, in these places, some people die not only from drinking dirty water, but also from dehydration.

Considering the facts about water, it is worth emphasizing that over 3.5 thousand liters of water are lost every day, which splashes out and evaporates from river basins.

To solve the problem of pollution and lack of drinking water in the world, it needs to attract public attention and the attention of organizations that can solve it. If the governments of all countries make an effort and organize the rational use of water resources, the situation in many countries will improve significantly. However, we forget that everything depends on ourselves. If people themselves save water, we can continue to enjoy this benefit. For example, a billboard was installed in Peru with information about the problem of clean water. This attracts the attention of the people of the country and improves their awareness on this issue.

Durakhanova Suna Jalalovna

The objectives of our mini-research are:

Analysis of the state of water bodies in the vicinity of our village;

Identifying causes irrational use water;

Possible ways to correct the situation.







Completed by: Suna Dzhalalovna Durakhanova,

student 9 a class of Mikrakh secondary school

Dokuzparinsky district RD

Head: Radzhabov Ruslan Radzhabovich,

Biology teacher at Mikrakh Secondary School

year 2012


It is useless to talk about the value and importance of water for all life on Earth, everyone knows this. But, even understanding the importance of the role of water in life, people still continue to harshly exploit water bodies, irreversibly changing their natural regime with discharges and waste. In addition, water also serves as a habitat for many living creatures. Water is of great importance in industrial and agricultural production. It is well known that it is necessary for the everyday needs of humans, all plants and animals. Population growth, intensification of agriculture, significant expansion of irrigated areas, improvement of cultural and living conditions and a number of other factors are increasingly complicating the problems of water use. The demand for water is enormous and increasing every year. Most of the water, after being used for domestic needs, is returned to rivers in the form of wastewater.


The objectives of our mini-research are:

  1. condition analysis water bodies in the vicinity of our village;
  2. identifying the causes of irrational water use;
  3. possible ways to remedy the situation.


According to our estimates, approximately 70% of all water consumption is used in agriculture. A significant amount of water is spent on the household needs of the population. Most of the water, after being used for domestic needs, is returned to rivers in the form of wastewater.

Fresh water shortage is already becoming a global problem. But in mountainous and foothill areas, which includes our region, this problem is imperceptible. Firstly, because our nature is quite generous with springs, streams, small rivers and other sources of fresh water. Secondly, their reserves do not dry out, since they are fed by precipitation, which falls in abundance here, and also by glaciers in summer. But having this does not mean that we should be reckless and uneconomical about it priceless gift nature.

Previously for the whole family out of several people, only a few jugs of water were enough for the whole day. They knew how to value water, as well as the labor of the women who brought it. Now the situation has changed. IN last years tap water Every household in the village is provided with food. Baths and swimming pools were built, with vehicles, and car washes were built in the yard. Every year the diameter of water pipes increases, but the culture of water consumption decreases. By the way, having provided for yourself water taps, not many thought about where this water would then flow. As a result, already unsightly roads and streets turn into an extreme skating rink in winter, and full of puddles and mud in summer. In our region, the areas covered by moisture-loving crops (primarily cabbage) are constantly increasing. This leads to a significant increase in water consumption. Therefore, with the beginning of the irrigation season, uncontrollable flows of irrigation water will literally pour in the direction of agricultural land through several channels. When water is withdrawn from the upper reaches of the Chakhichay River, it is lost on thousands of hectares of farmland. As a result, the number of landslides and potentially dangerous areas within the village has increased.

The drama of the situation also lies in the fact that no one is doing anything to solve this problem. For district and local administrations, the absence of complaints from the population and the provision of citizens with drinking and irrigation water, on the contrary, is a source of pride rather than a problem.


With an increase in the area of ​​irrigated land, the volume of drainage (waste) water increases. They are formed as a result of periodic watering, when there is excess water flow. IN large volume drainage water is discharged into the Chakhichay and Samur rivers. Another problem is soil leaching (salinization). In these cases, mineralization increases river waters. It should be borne in mind that with drainage waters that flow into rivers, nutrients, pesticides and other chemical compounds, providing harmful effects on natural waters. Many of the impurities in water are natural and fall there with rain or groundwater. Some of the pollutants associated with human activities follow the same path. Smoke, ash and industrial gases settle to the ground along with rain; chemical compounds and sewage added to the soil with fertilizers enter rivers with groundwater.

In places large cluster natural clean water is usually not enough for people and animals, especially if it is used to collect sewage and transport it away from settlements. If not much waste gets into the soil, soil organisms process it, reusing it. nutrients, and clean water seeps into neighboring watercourses. But if sewage gets directly into the water, it rots, and oxygen is consumed to oxidize it. A so-called biochemical demand for oxygen is created. The higher this need, the less oxygen remains in the water for living microorganisms, especially fish and algae. Sometimes, due to lack of oxygen, all living things die. The water becomes biologically dead - only anaerobic bacteria remain in it; they thrive without oxygen and in the process of their life emit hydrogen sulfide - poisonous gas with a specific smell of rotten eggs. The already lifeless water acquires a putrid odor and becomes completely unsuitable for humans and animals. This can also happen when there is an excess of substances such as nitrates and phosphates in the water; they enter water from agricultural fertilizers in fields or from wastewater contaminated with detergents. These nutrients stimulate the growth of algae, which begin to consume a lot of oxygen, and when it becomes insufficient, they die. Organic waste and nutrients become an obstacle to normal development freshwater ecological systems. But in recent years ecological systems Huge amounts of completely alien substances have fallen, from which they know no protection. Pesticides used in agriculture, metals and chemicals from industrial wastewater have managed to enter the food chain aquatic environment, which can have unpredictable consequences. Species at the beginning the food chain, can accumulate these substances in dangerous concentrations and become even more vulnerable to other harmful effects.


Polluted water can be purified. This water cycle long haul its movement consists of several stages: evaporation, cloud formation, rainfall, runoff into streams and rivers, and evaporation again. Throughout its entire path, water itself is capable of purifying itself from contaminants that enter it - products of decay. organic matter, dissolved gases and minerals, weighted hard material. But polluted basins (rivers, lakes, etc.) take much longer to recover. In its endless circulation, water either captures and transports many dissolved or suspended substances, or is cleared of them. Industrial emissions not only clog, but also poison wastewater. And expensive devices for purifying such waters are not yet available.

To purify drainage water, it is necessary to organize its demineralization with simultaneous purification from harmful impurities.

When developing irrigation, it is necessary to base it on water-saving irrigation technology, which will contribute to a sharp increase in the efficiency of this type of reclamation. But still the coefficient useful action irrigation network remains low, water losses amount to approximately 30% of total volume her fence.

A significant reserve for the normal use of moisture is the correct

selection and rational use in various ways irrigation of agricultural land. To save water in developed countries Sprinkler irrigation is used, which provides almost 50% water savings.

To natural systems managed to recover, it is necessary first of all to stop the further flow of waste into the rivers. To protect water from pollution, it is necessary to know the nature and intensity of possible harmful influence pollution at certain concentrations and especially the limit of permissible concentrations (MAC) of water pollution. The latter should not be exceeded so as not to violate normal conditions cultural and domestic water use and not cause damage to the health of the population located downstream from the wastewater discharge site.

Treatment plants are different types depending on the main method of waste disposal. At mechanical method insoluble impurities are removed from wastewater through a system of settling tanks and various kinds traps. In the past, this method was widely used for the treatment of industrial wastewater. Essence chemical method lies in the fact that reagents are introduced into wastewater at treatment plants. They react with dissolved and undissolved pollutants and contribute to their precipitation in settling basins, from where they are removed mechanically. But this method is unsuitable for treating wastewater containing a large number of different pollutants.

When treating domestic wastewater, the best results are obtained by the biological method. In this case, aerobic biological processes carried out with the help of microorganisms are used to mineralize organic contaminants. Biological method can be used both in conditions close to natural and in special biorefinery facilities.


1.Avakyan A.B., Shirokov V.M. " Rational use water resources". Ekaterinburg: “Victor”, 1994.

2. Cherkinsky S.N. " Sanitary conditions discharging wastewater into water bodies."

Moscow: Stroyizdat, 1977.


Do not use environmentally harmful detergents. A lot of pollutants enter water bodies from household wastewater. The artificial detergents we use cause a lot of harm to the environment, including water. Therefore, try to use only those products that are marked on the packaging as environmentally friendly.

When going outdoors (for a picnic, barbecue, camping trip, etc.), do not throw garbage into water bodies. This garbage remains in the water, dissolves and becomes another pollutant. Always take your waste with you and dispose of it in designated areas.

Returning to forays into nature, do not wash clothes in rivers or lakes using powder or other detergents. There is no system in open reservoirs treatment facilities, therefore, all these chemicals remain in the water, harming the living organisms living in it and the people themselves who want to swim. Take care of the cleanliness of water bodies!

Do not overuse clean water. Save water, turn it off while brushing your teeth or when you no longer need it, fix leaking taps. Remember, the more clean water we have, the less dirty it is.

Try to use only environmentally friendly products in your everyday life. This applies not only to its disposal - factories and factories that produce such things provide a guarantee that no harm was caused to nature when creating environmentally friendly products. Remember the terrible pollution x water industrial facilities and try to support only those industries that do not harm the environment.

Elementary - save energy. It would seem that there is no relationship between water and light, but this is far from the case. By turning off the lights, computer or TV, you save electricity produced by hydroelectric power plants, which are also one of the main sources pollution water.


  • how to save water

Water – important factor vital activity of all life on our planet. Meanwhile, the world is experiencing a reduction in the volume of fresh water so necessary for humans and animals. To cope with this problem, it is not enough just to social programs and the developments of scientists, the help of every person is needed. Moreover, it can be provided when performing the most ordinary tasks.


Save water. This will not only allow you to make significant contribution in preservation water balance on the planet, but will also save significantly family budget.

Wash dishes in the dishwasher. If you load it completely, the amount of water spent on cleaning the dishes will be half that needed to wash them under the tap.

If you do not have such equipment, wash dirty dishes in the sink with the plug closed. At the same time, try to use minimum quantity cleaning products. Washing the plates In a similar way, change water and rinse them in clean water. Even after changing water several times, you will not waste the amount that could pour out of a constantly open tap.

When cooking, wash all vegetables and fruits not under the tap, but in a pan of water. In this case, you should start with cleaner plants.

Run the washing machine only when the drum is fully loaded. At the same time, try not to use the extra rinse mode.

Use a shower instead of a bath. This will reduce the amount of water spent several times. In addition, this procedure is more beneficial for the body and takes less time. You should also turn off water while soaping.

Wash your face and wash your hands under a small stream of water. After all, more often than not, a very small amount of water is needed for washing, and the rest of it is wasted. You can also turn off the tap while brushing your teeth, and use a glass when rinsing your mouth.

Use rainwater for watering water. It is suitable for both indoor plants and those growing in flower beds. You can collect it in buckets or large barrels. It all depends on the required volume.

Fix all plumbing fixtures. A constantly dripping faucet or toilet can waste several buckets of water per day. And on the toilet, install a tank with a double flush system.

When in nature, do not throw garbage not only in water, but also to the ground nearby. After all, with contaminated soil there cannot be clean water bodies.

Video on the topic


  • Why and how to save water in 2019

In the light latest events in Japan the problem of protecting nature is special interest. Scientists are desperately fighting radioactive contamination, trying to prevent events from developing according to the scenario Chernobyl disaster. However, they are not the only ones spoiling the “health” of our planet. global disasters.


Start with everyday life and pay attention to the materials from which the things around you are made. Give preference to natural materials. By doing this, you will not only encourage manufacturers of high-quality goods that decompose more easily and do not require nature to process thousands of years for its own processing - you will also save your health and the health of your family.

Take care of yourself when you go out into nature. Picnics, barbecues and parties open air- this is very cool, but when leaving the “parking lot”, take care of the nature that welcomed you so warmly. Collect the garbage in a bag, do not leave anything - not a plastic bottle cap, not a piece of glass, not a cigarette butt. yours plastic bottle will not be able to absorb and put life into circulation. Take away unnecessary containers and throw them in a landfill: it is better to collect garbage in one place and decide what to do with it, than to scatter it all over the forest, where no one will find it or clean it up.
A fragment of a glass bottle or a smoldering cigarette butt is even worse: they can cause a forest fire, and this means the inevitable death of people and scorched areas where for a long time nothing will be able to grow, air pollution and a ruined summer. There is no need to go far: the fires of 2010 will remain in the memory for a long time.

Special attention pay attention to the plastic bags that you take with you on a picnic, on the road, to the country house. They can be used much more rationally, for example, instead of buying garbage bags separately, put the garbage in grocery bags. This will be easier and cheaper, and most importantly, better for nature, since instead of two non-degradable bags, only one will fall to its hard lot.

You can take care of nature day after day without making any effort. special effort and sacrificing little. Try to use sparingly communal amenities. Call a plumber promptly if something is leaking or dripping somewhere in the house: remember that tons of bleach are used to purify tap water, and this cannot but affect the environment. Don’t leave lights on in your rooms unnecessarily: hydro and thermal power plants give us light, allow us to cook food in the comfort and warmth of our own kitchen (and not, say, in the stove by the light of a torch), make phone calls, go online, but they pollute the environment and interfere with nature itself. Make the most of the daylight hours, purchase energy-saving lamps - the basic measures taken will not change your life dramatically.

It's no secret that one of the most significant sources of pollution environment traffic fumes. It is in your power to make sure that the emissions are at least not much, but less. Do not use your individual vehicle, be it a car, a motorcycle or a Belarus tractor. Think about how many planes take off every day, how many diesel locomotives smoke into the atmosphere, how many ships cross the seas, leaving spent fuel behind them. Break all these connecting transport threads; but if every car owner once again If he leaves his “horse” in the garage, won’t this be at least some kind of help to nature?

And finally, the simplest thing, what is taught and what sometimes remains unlearned: don’t litter! Even if you are not in the forest, but on a regular city street, go to the nearest trash can and put there what you really want to throw on the ground. Treat nature with respect even where its presence is sometimes not felt, teach this to your people, and when you find yourself in a forest clearing or on the bank of a river, neither you nor yours will want to ruin everything around with scattered beer bottles and empty bags of plastic bags. for chips.

No matter how reliable the equipment is, it is not immune to breakdowns caused by sudden changes in voltage in the power supply network. The above reason quite often leads to failure new technology. To protect, for example, a recently purchased TV from such an unpleasant surprise, you need to use special equipment.


read carefully specifications TV when purchasing it. This is necessary in order to find out whether special protection is built into it. Majority modern technology is equipped with special devices that protect against power surges and other unwanted surprises with the electrical power supply network. If you purchase a similar model, you will no longer need to protect your TV. We should also not forget that the uninterrupted operation time of any equipment depends not only on its internal parameters, but also on the quality of electricity.

Connect the power supply stabilizer to the network. Even if you bought a TV relatively recently and it has special measures to protect against power surges, additional protection measures will not hurt. As already mentioned, the stabilizer will help protect the TV from power surges in your electrical network.

Plug the stabilizer into a power outlet, and then plug the TV directly into it. The essence of this device is that it maintains the voltage supplied to your TV at approximately the same level, i.e. not below and not above any specific marks.

Buy a surge protector. It will also not be superfluous if you want to reliably secure your TV. It can be included in the protection circuit together with a stabilizer. The surge protector consists of electronic elements, passive induction-capacitor circuits and self-restoring fuses. So even if there is some kind of super strong power surge, it will not pose a threat to your TV. Such surge protectors can be purchased at any electronics and home appliance store. It is advisable to purchase such devices at the same time as purchasing a TV.