Hiking trips for schoolchildren. (15) “Be able to be with children”: About school tourism

School tourism

Tourism and local history in their modern understanding are physical development, improvement and knowledge of the surrounding reality, the formation of valuable spiritual qualities of the individual. The theory of physical education considers tourism as one of the means of educational influence on the younger generation, along with physical culture and sports.

Usually, a small part of children in a school, regardless of the approach to tourism of the administration and teachers, shows a special, increased interest in tourism, and the school cannot ignore this interest.

There is no need to be afraid of school tourism. Whether on foot, skis, kayaks or bikes, get ready to take your class on the road. Live with the guys an interesting, original, autonomous, filled with the romance of wanderings common life. Become a friendly hiking family with your students, at least for a little while. A tourist trip is a radical means to humanize pedagogy, to make a sharp turn in traditional work with the class, move from the well-trodden rut of authoritarian pedagogy to cooperation.

School tourism: its essence and features

School tourism refers to temporary trips of schoolchildren in a group, with parents or close relatives, individually in groups of adult tourists, or their temporary residence in the families of foreigners. Trips are organized from the place of permanent residence for recreational, educational, sports or other purposes.

School tourism corresponds to the definition of the Manila Declaration on World Tourism, adopted by the World Conference of Tourism Leaders: “Tourism is one of the types of active recreation, which is travel made with the aim of exploring certain areas, new countries and combined in a number of countries with elements of sports.” 1. Official tourism website. Manila Declaration. Access mode http://cis.minsk.by/page.php?id=7668

School tourism refers to social tourism. carried out in whole or in part at the expense of the Russian Federation. Subjects Russian Federation, municipalities, as well as funds of legal entities and individual entrepreneurs.1. Official site. Federal Law on Tourism. Access modehttp://ozpp.ru/zknd/turi/

Schoolchildren themselves, endowed with a natural thirst for knowledge, increased, in relation to adults, physical activity, the desire to increase the amount of knowledge and expand their horizons not only through studying at a school desk, always show interest in a wide variety of travel. Often their interests coincide with the interests of their parents, and then family tourism arises - the best active holiday.

Since tourism provides an opportunity to organize leisure time for schoolchildren, combining recreation with health improvement and learning, society should be interested in school tourism. Being away from home and parental care, the student feels and understands the importance of the team, learns to make decisions and bear responsibility for them, feels the influence of positive moral qualities the people around him, evaluates these people and compares himself with them. This means that tourism is reliable and effective form educational process.

The educational function of tourism for schoolchildren is that during travel, school knowledge in geography, history, social studies, sociology, political science is consolidated, and new knowledge is acquired. While traveling, a student gets acquainted with the culture and customs of different peoples, studies his native land, and expands his knowledge in the field of local history.

Most important function Tourism, according to many scientists, is a health function. Change familiar surroundings, the influence of natural environmental factors on the teenager’s body, increased physical activity, development of adaptation capabilities in difficult conditions climate change, the use of active modes of transportation, a wide variety of motor actions, compliance with the rules of personal hygiene in conditions of self-control contribute to strengthening the child’s health and increasing the functional capabilities of his body.

In general, the student solves the problems of physical education during tourist trips, maintaining a balance of increasing the level of development motor qualities, abilities, skills, mental, aesthetic and moral development.

In this regard, it can be argued that the potential for tourism to influence schoolchildren is very large. In the same time modern schoolboy really needs this kind of influence. Official statistics indicate that secondary school students secondary schools, especially high school students, are susceptible to numerous chronic diseases. In some schools the number of unhealthy children reaches 90%. There are many explanations for this fact: low level income of the population, unsettled family life, parental alcoholism and drug addiction, excessive hobby computer work, watching TV shows, sedentary lifestyle, overload of schoolchildren with classes, low culture of spending free time, lack of regular physical education and much more. In such a situation, any morally positive means are good for the health and development of children.

In this regard, it seems undoubtedly relevant to fill children’s leisure time with trips and travel under the supervision of adult specialists with an appropriate cultural and health program.

IN modern conditions In our country, unfortunately, there is a very significant obstacle to the implementation of large-scale school tourism. This obstacle is the low standard of living of our population and the inability to allocate funds for schoolchildren to travel. However, this obstacle is not insurmountable. There are numerous examples of investing sponsorship funds and government subsidies in school tourism, collecting funds from several related families to support the trip of one schoolchild, etc. In addition, parents themselves strive to show the world to their child, and better yet, more than once.

All these features place additional difficulties on the shoulders of the organizers of school tourism - they must very accurately know the needs of this market segment and offer only what is especially interesting to schoolchildren and, as a result, will be in demand by them.

Since the student has not yet left parental care, the opinion of his parents and immediate family regarding his possible journey becomes decisive. This means that trip organizers should study these interests, which, together with children’s interests, should give an idea of ​​​​the optimal organization of tourism for schoolchildren.

In such circumstances, it is especially important to study the features of school tourism and give specific recommendations for organizing children's travel.

Tourism or local history

The concept of “school tourism” is identical to the expression “tourism and local history activities in school”, which has become widespread since the 80s. last century.

Tourism by its nature always contains elements of knowledge of the region. It is impossible to travel without learning something. But in a sports tourist trip, the priority is to follow the intended route.

Simple superficial observations are always made on hikes, but serious, deep local history has every right to life at school. And there is no need to impose sports tourism norms on such scientific local history - route, mileage, overcoming natural obstacles. Serious scientific work students are difficult to connect with athletic goals.

The experience of local history activities indicates the following:

· verbal and book local history is pedagogically ineffective. Ready knowledge- a brake on thinking, therefore it is necessary to go through an active study of the surrounding reality, its objects and phenomena.

Teachers often ask the question: “Is it possible to conduct local history and tourism work separately”?

The answer is clear: it is better for pedagogy if this is tourism and local history work. Scientific, research activities students and physical education and sports in general are quite compatible and complement each other well, provided that they are separated in time.

Big role in the development of TKD is the interest of the teacher and his physical capabilities. As practice shows, local history activities at school are most often carried out by women who, for one reason or another (age, health, marital status) cannot go on hikes, but see local history effective remedy pedagogical impact on students. Therefore, local history can be an independent activity, it can exist as separate species extracurricular educational work.

It is necessary to strive to use the entire variety of forms of TKD in school, because Only in this way can the diverse interests of children be fully satisfied.

Hiking trips in all their diversity constitute the main content of school tourism, because Only in this form is the most fully realized what pedagogy can extract from children's tourism.

Form, goals and objectives of tourism at school

The school should have two different tourism:

· mandatory for all classes (“class tourism”) - minimal in volume;

· for those who like to travel in the form of hobbies in clubs (“circle tourism”).

Both of these school tourism activities differ greatly from each other in many respects: the volume of movements, regularity, complexity, forms of activities and the number of children.

Pedagogical potential school tourism, if we take into account the whole complex of its forms and types, and, above all, hiking, is very large. But the coefficient of useful pedagogical action of tourism depends on the approach of the organizers to it, on their skills and experience, personal concept and professional training.

Tourist trips, according to the form of their organization, goals and objectives, are divided into sports, training and tourist expeditions. Birzhakov M.B., Kazakov N.P. Safety in tourism. - SPB.: 2006

Sports hikes have the goal of completing a route of a certain category of difficulty and meeting established sports standards.

Tourist expeditions are organized with the aim of exploring new areas, testing new types of equipment, and developing new technical techniques. On expeditions, biological, physiological, geological and other studies can be carried out by physicians.

At school, the most acceptable are educational and training trips, which can have different goals:

· health

· educational

· sports

· educational and other purposes.

It is difficult to clearly formulate one goal of a hike, but it must certainly be formulated and brought to the attention of each participant in the hike.

In addition to the applied goals of a tourist trip, other groups of goals can be distinguished.

· Physical activity- tourism is great for attracting children and teenagers to sports tourism activities in order to give them the opportunity to understand for themselves the benefits of regular exercise.

· Support good condition health is one of the main tasks of all organizations involved in sports. It is to encourage children’s desire to engage in sports tourism to maintain health. good physical health achieved through an active lifestyle. Sports tourism creates unique opportunities for this.

· Social activity - team building and social activity during the sports trek program. This is a program where every team member has great value. Promotion of sports tourism as a team sport encourages children to collaboration and to understand the importance of collaboration. Sports tourism enhances the educational capabilities of the school.

· The nature of the adventure - waiting for the result of a hiking trip, increasing interest in it, stimulates the teenager to prepare for the hike worldwide. The main feature of a tourist trip is the unknown final result and make it interesting

The influence of tourism on the body of a schoolchild

Regular tourism activities have a positive impact on the physical development of schoolchildren, their physical fitness, on the functional state of many physical systems. They have a noticeable effect on improving the physical fitness of schoolchildren. The natural influence of motor qualities on physical development is physiological, conditioned and most important factor optimal course of physiological functions of the body. Borilkevich V. E. Physical performance V extreme conditions muscle activity- St. Petersburg: Leningrad State University, 1992.

Many people have studied the impact of tourism on children’s bodies. An improvement in the functional state was established, manifested in an increase in blood volume, an increase in the power of inhalation and exhalation, an improvement in strength indicators, and endurance of schoolchildren under the influence of even one-time multi-day hikes. In addition to having a positive effect on the body, one-time multi-day hiking, cycling, and skiing trips have shown that different kinds tourism influence individual systems differently. Thus, skiing is more effective in increasing the strength of the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle, while hiking is more effective in increasing the strength of the back muscles. Exhalation power improves more effectively during hiking, mobility nervous processes- in skiing. Long-term (4 - 5 years) regular tourism activities have a positive impact on the physical development of schoolchildren, their physical fitness, and the functional state of many physiological systems. So, if the hand strength of girls who do not go in for sports, including tourism, by the age of 16 increases compared to their indicators at 12 years of age by 46.7%, then for those who regularly go in for sports - by 101.7%. In boys, the increase in hand strength is 881.2%, respectively; 99.9% and 126.5%. Kulikov V.P., Kiselev V.I. “The need for physical activity” Novosibirsk “Science” 1998, access mode http://www.agmu.ru/about/fakultet/pediatricheskiy-fakultet/kafedra-patofiziologii/nauchnaia-rabota/monografii/

That is why those engaged in tourism had a more pronounced improvement in many physiological indicators, and primarily in the cardiorespiratory system. Thus, those involved in tourism had a more pronounced decrease in heart rate compared to schoolchildren who did not engage in either tourism or sports, although it was less pronounced in comparison. With athletes. The depth of breathing of 16-year-old girls increased by 93.6% compared to their indicators at 12 years of age. In boys, the depth of breathing increased by 57.4; and 98.0%. Kulikov V.P., Kiselev V.I. “The need for physical activity” Novosibirsk “Science” 1998, access mode http://www.agmu.ru/about/fakultet/pediatricheskiy-fakultet/kafedra-patofiziologii/nauchnaia-rabota/monografii/

The health-improving role of modern tourism is increasingly increasing as an effective type of active recreation, restoring the body of those involved in the negative impact of industrial labor and production, educational and other activities, and other activities, and in preventing the impact unfavorable factors and conditions modern life. Hiking and traveling develop many valuable physical qualities of a person - endurance, strength, speed, agility, increased performance, etc. Systematic tourism leads to positive changes in both subjective and objective indicators: heart rate (from 67 to 63 beats/min) , level decrease blood pressure(from 126 ± to 115 ± 0.2 mm Hg), more fast recovery heart rate after finishing work.

Week-long tour, one-day hiking and excursions combined with comfort (trekking) in the mountain resort of Khadzhokh (Adygea, Krasnodar region). Tourists live at the camp site and visit numerous natural monuments. Rufabgo waterfalls, Lago-Naki plateau, Meshoko gorge, Big Azish cave, Belaya River Canyon, Guam gorge.

Purpose of the trip

Every hike, whether it's a Sunday getaway or a multi-day trip, should have a purpose. And not implied, but verbally formulated and brought to the attention of each participant in the campaign.

Before the trip, excursion goals can be set (to visit places associated with the life and work of V.I. Lenin; to explore the house-museum of P.I. Tchaikovsky; to get acquainted with the work of a millionaire collective farm); propaganda and military-patriotic (walk through the battlefields of the Great Patriotic War; visit a sponsored collective farm during the election campaign; give an amateur concert); goals related to the fulfillment of public tasks (collecting a herbarium, carrying out simple hydrological measurements.), etc.

The purpose of the trip may also be to walk along autumn forest, breathe fresh air, experience the charm of this time of year, praised by poets. The goal may be to visit some places famous for their beauty.

Many people find that tourism improves their well-being and relieves stress after a week of work. When going on a hike, these people set themselves primarily health-improving goals.

You can organize a hike to teach children how to make a fire, set up a tent, navigate the terrain, etc. This will be a hike for educational purposes. Sometimes they go on a hike to follow the compass, overcome obstacles, and get the better of stormy rapids or snowy passes. This is a hike for sporting purposes. You can go hiking in order to see some places, for example Caucasus Mountains or the Siberian taiga, get acquainted with the life and customs of the people inhabiting them. Such a desire often arises under the influence of books read, films or television watched, or stories of experienced travelers. This is a hike for educational purposes.

It is unlikely that it will be possible to list all the purposes of a tourist trip. The question arises: why then insist that the goal of the campaign must certainly be formulated and brought to the attention of each participant?

But why. This often happens to adult tourists. In some workshop, department or laboratory, someone suggests going on a hike on Sunday. Everyone happily supports this proposal, has been looking forward to this day all week, and is carefully preparing. And now the long-awaited day comes. Everyone sets out on the hike in the most cheerful mood. But an hour and a half passes, and now someone’s dissatisfied voice is heard: “Well, where else should we go? There’s a nice clearing here, there’s a river over there - you can swim.” A bivouac is organized, but before those who enjoy relaxing in the clearing have time to properly settle down to sunbathe, someone declares: “Well, what’s the good of sitting still? We took a swim and that was enough. Let's go better we’ll go into the forest, pick flowers, look for berries and mushrooms, and in the end we’ll just take a walk, otherwise it’s boring.” The bivouac is collapsing. The group enters the forest. And here again there are those who are dissatisfied: “Why are we still dragging on? Let's pick up the pace, shall we? Otherwise we won’t get anywhere in a day.” The group tries to “go at pace” for a while, but it soon becomes clear that someone is out of breath and cannot walk so fast, someone is dissatisfied that they cannot look for berries and pick flowers while walking. A debate begins: what to do next? Fans of passive recreation claim that there was no need to leave the clearing where the bivouac was, and suggest returning. Someone agrees with them that there is no need to walk a lot, but believes that it is not advisable to go back, but that it is necessary to go further and look for a new place to bivouac. The dispute flares up and a quarrel begins to brew. Some people just don't know what to do.

Thus, the overall joyful mood at first will be irrevocably spoiled. Most likely, some kind of interim decision will be made, which, in essence, will not suit either side. Beautiful dreams did not come true, Sunday rest was not a success. Perhaps it will not be possible to gather people for a tourist trip in this workshop or laboratory anymore.

Where are the reasons for such failure? People did not agree in advance on the goals of the hike. Some saw her in passive rest on fresh air- swim, lie down, sunbathe; others - in a walk through the forest, associated with picking mushrooms and berries, forest flowers. Finally, others wanted to take a good walk, feel pleasantly tired at the end of the day, and return to the city, as they usually say, tired but satisfied. Nothing like this would have happened if the one who proposed organizing the hike had formulated the purpose of the hike in advance. It is not at all necessary to state it in official phrases: “The purpose of the hike is passive recreation” or “The purpose of the hike is to master active ways movement." It is not necessary to use the word “goal” itself. One could say quite simply: “We won’t be in much of a hurry, we’ll pick flowers along the way, pick mushrooms and berries. If we get tired, we'll rest. We are not interested in the kilometers traveled, the main thing is to spend the day off in the forest.” Or like this: “We will walk 25-30 kilometers a day to properly warm up.” It is likely that if the question was posed in this way, someone would refuse to participate in the hike and would spend Sunday as they are accustomed to. But then all participants in the campaign would equally understand its purpose and no misunderstandings would arise between them.

Everything that has been said is quite applicable to the trips of young tourists. True, they usually do not have such fierce disputes - children are accustomed to obeying the decision of an adult leader. Disappointment, too, most often does not manifest itself very strongly - even if the trip did not go as desired, it is still better than sitting at home. But some feeling of annoyance still remains. And someone will say this: “Everything was fine. But I was thinking of learning how to make a fire, but we immediately entrusted this to Yasha. He was the only one concerned with the fire.” Or: “The hike went very well. It’s just a pity that they didn’t make it to the Tyutchev Museum in time. It was necessary for Sasha to guide us, he is good at using a compass.” And Sasha says: “Others also need to learn.” Well, we studied. As a result, we were late to the museum.

That is why the purpose of the hike must be formulated and communicated to all participants in the hike. Let each of them, after thinking, decide whether to go on this trip or not. This should be done so that the children do not expect from the trip what will probably not be included in it, and then do not experience disappointment. In addition, it depends on the goals

organization of the trip. If the purpose of the hike is sports, then the responsibilities in the group should be distributed as follows: let everyone do what he does best. If a group goes on a hike for educational purposes, then the distribution of responsibilities will be different: let everyone do what they are not good at, let them study and acquire skills. If the leader intends to use the trip to teach the children how to make a fire, he will ask everyone to take an ax and matches with them and provide for a long break so that everyone can work with the fire. This means that the route should not be too long. If the leader wants to teach the children how to navigate the terrain, then everyone must take a compass with them, and the daily break is made as short as possible so that there is more time left for transitions and everyone can play the role of a leader. The route in this case can be quite long, but allows you to leave it before reaching end point: It can always happen that one of the guys gets confused, the group loses a lot of time and will eventually need to take the shortest route to the station. For such a hike, it is best to choose a circular or semicircular route with access to the same or close to each other railway stations. And here is the linear route i)