Comprehensive final work - my achievements. Functions of universal educational actions

  • Title: My achievements. Final complex work. 2nd grade
  • Description: The kit includes four options for the final complex work for second-graders and methodological recommendations for the teacher. The final comprehensive work is a system of tasks on reading, the Russian language, mathematics and the surrounding world, compiled to the text proposed for reading. The works contain tasks of varying levels of difficulty. The methodological recommendations for teachers provide a general description of the goals, structure, features of the content and form of tasks, instructions for conducting, evaluating, interpreting and using the results and forms for recording the results.

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UDC 37.01
BBK 74.202

Loginova O. B.
My achievements. Final complex work. 2nd grade /
O. B. Loginova, S. G. Yakovleva; edited by O. B. Loginova. - 2,e
ed. - M.: Education, 2011. - p. : ill., dep. l. ill. +Adj.
(32 pp.). — (Second generation standards). — ISBN 978.5.09.023254.8.
The kit includes four options for final comprehensive work for second grade,
nicknames and methodological recommendations for teachers.
The final comprehensive work is a system of tasks in reading, Russian language,
mathematics and the surrounding world, compiled to the text proposed for reading.
The works contain tasks of varying levels of difficulty.
The methodological recommendations for teachers provide a general description of the goals, structures,
tours, features of the content and form of tasks, instructions for conducting, assessment,
research, interpretation and use of results and forms of recording results.
UDC 37.01
BBK 74.202

ISBN 9785090232548

Publishing house "Prosveshcheniye", 2010, 2011
Publishing house "Prosveshcheniye", 2010, 2011
All rights reserved

Educational edition

Loginova Olga Borisovna
Yakovleva Svetlana Gennadievna

My achievements
Final comprehensive work
2nd grade
Head of the Center "Standards"
L. I. Linen
Editor I. A. Safronova
Art editor E. R. Dashuk
Technical editing
and computer layout
N. A. Razvorotnevoy
Proofreaders N.V. Burdina,
L. S. Vaitman
Tax benefit - All-Russian classification,
Product code OK 005.93—953000. Ed. persons
Series ID No. 05824 dated 09/12/01. Signed
to print 08/23/10. Format 60901/8. Paper
offset. Headset PragmaticaCSanPin. Seal
offset. Uch., ed. l. 3.66 + App. 1.7. Circulation
10,000 copies Order No. 3309/1692.
Open Joint-Stock Company"Publishing house
"Education". 127521, Moscow, 3rd passage
Maryina Roshcha, 41.
LLC "VP,print" 109028, Moscow, st. Zemlyanoy
val, no. 50/27, building 16.

How many children does anyone have?
In most large animals
usually there are no more than one or two
cubs. They can't feed them anymore:
difficult. A young moose cow lives in the forest. U
she has two elk calfs. But here he wanders
she-bear. There is one bear cub in her den.
It varies in birds. The little siskin has five
chicks. This gray partridge has twenty, and
ostrich dads a whole kindergarten - thirty kids.
Why is that? have fewer offspring
those that feed chicks in
nest. And the birds that have chicks themselves
raise more offspring.
Turtles and frogs care little about
to his offspring. They have many young: the turtle -
twenty, and the frog has ninety.
Pisces have even more children. At the stickleback
In the nest, fry hatch from the eggs+.
There are a hundred kids in total. Bream has a lot
thousand. There are countless numbers of cod: probably
Animals often have a difficult time: their places
habitats are being destroyed. People cut down forests and
They drain swamps and build dams.
There are no small jobs in conservation. Help
animals: hang a feeder, plant a tree, clean up
garbage. And enjoy the singing of birds!

1st option
Last name, first name


Do them in order.

Exercise 1.
Who is being talked about in the second paragraph of the text?
Answer. It talks about

Task 2.
Find in the text the answer to the question: “How do they care?
turtles and frogs about their offspring? Write it off

Task 3.

2. Find

Write above them: noun.

Task 4.



Task 5.
The ostrich hatched 30 chicks, and the siskin hatched 5.

30 - 5 = …
Count and write down the answer:
2. How many times fewer chicks does a siskin have than
ostrich? Write down the expression and calculate its value:

Task 6.

Mark with

more than cod, but less than moose.


2 m

90 cm

100 cm



The gray partridge has many babies. What about
the animal is said to have four cubs
times less than that of a partridge? Write down the name of this

Task 8.



Who's in first place
number of cubs?
What places do
the rest?


Swallows bring food to their chicks in the nest.
And ducklings can get food themselves. What do you think?
what kind of bird - swallows or ducks - is usually found
fewer chicks? Mark the answer with a icon

A. The swallow has fewer chicks.
B. The duck has fewer chicks.
B. The swallow has as many chicks as

Task 10.

Task 11.
Write what the word “fry@” means.

2nd option
Last name, first name

Try to complete all the tasks in this part.
Do them in order.

Exercise 1.
Who is mentioned in the fifth paragraph of the text?
Answer. It talks about

Task 2.
Find in the text the answer to the question: “What actions
people destroying animal habitats? Write it down
this is a proposal.

Check your entry and correct it if necessary.

Task 3.
1. Find the words in the sentence you wrote down,
denoting action (verbs). Write above them:
2. Find
denoting objects (nouns).
Write above them: noun.

Task 4.
1. Find and write out two names from the text
2. Underline the soft letters in the written words

Task 5.
The turtle has 20 babies, and the siskin has 5.
1. Write down the question of the problem, if it is solved like this:
20 - 5 = …
Count and write down the answer:
2. How many times fewer babies does a siskin have than
turtles? Write down the expression and calculate its value:

Task 6.

Mark with
what animal has body length
less than that of a bear, but more than that of a fox.


2 m

90 cm

100 cm

Tasks 7-11 can be completed at any
Try to complete at least three tasks.

Task 7. Solve the problem using text data.
The father ostrich has many babies. What about
the animal is said to have children six times
less than an ostrich? Write down the name of this
animal. Explain your answer with calculations.

Task 8.
Fill in the table using the text data.



Who's in first place
number of cubs?
What places do
the rest?


Task 9. Answer the question and briefly explain your
answer. If necessary, re-read the text.
Sparrows bring food to their chicks in the nest. And
Chickens can get their own food. How are you
you think which bird - a sparrow or a chicken -
Are there usually fewer chicks born? Mark the answer

A. The sparrow has fewer chicks.
B. The chicken has fewer chicks.
B. A sparrow has as many chicks as

Task 10.
There are no small things to do in nature conservation. And you
what do you do to save nature?

Task 11.
Write what the word “den” means.

3rd option
Last name, first name

Try to complete all the tasks in this part.
Do them in order.

Exercise 1.
Who is mentioned in the first paragraph of the text?
Answer. It talks about

Task 2.
Write out the sentence from the text that says
about where the moose lives.

Check your entry and correct it if necessary.

Task 3.
1. Find the word in the sentence you wrote down,
denoting action (verb). Write above it: ch.
2. Find
denoting objects (nouns).
Write above them: noun.

Task 4.
1. Find and write out two names from the text
2. Underline the soft letters in the written words

Task 5.
The partridge has 20 babies, and the siskin has 5.
1. Write down the question of the problem, if it is solved like this:
20 + 5 = …
Count and write down the answer:
2. How many fewer babies does the siskin have than
partridges? Write down the expression and calculate it

Task 6.

Mark with
what animal has body mass
less than cod, but more than eagle.

Weight 3 kg

Weight 4 kg

Weight 6 kg

Weight 5 kg

Tasks 7-11 can be completed at any
Try to complete at least three tasks.

Task 7. Solve the problem using text data.
How many cubs does a mother bear have? What about
the animal is said to have cubs five times
more than that of a bear? Write down the name of this
animal. Explain your answer with calculations.

Task 8.
Fill in the table using the text data.



Who's in first place
number of cubs?
What places do
the rest?


Task 9. Choose the correct one, in your opinion.

End of sentence. Mark it with
Support your answer with a sentence from the text. If
you need to re-read the text.
A cow usually has as many babies as
How many…
A. In a frog or stickleback.
B. In a partridge or turtle.
B. In a female bear or elk.

Task 10.
There are no small things to do in nature conservation. And you
what do you do to save nature?

Task 11.
Write what the word “offspring” means.

4th option
Last name, first name

Try to complete all the tasks in this part.
Do them in order.

Exercise 1.
What does the last paragraph of the text say?
Answer. It talks about

Task 2.
Find in the text the answer to the question: “Which fish has fry
are hatched in the nest? Write this sentence down.

Check your entry and correct it if necessary.

Task 3.
1. Find the word in the sentence you wrote down,
denoting action (verb). Write above it:
2. Find
denoting objects (nouns).
Write above them: noun.

Task 4.
1. Find and write out two names from the text
2. Underline the soft letters in the written words

Task 5.
A frog has 90 babies, and an ostrich has 30.
1. Write down the question of the problem, if it is solved like this:
90 - 30 = …
Count and write down the answer:
2. Write down the question of the problem, if it is solved like this:
90: 30 = …
Count and write down the answer:

Task 6.
Which fish has the closest body length and mass to that of
and body weight of the fox? Mark the answer with a icon

35 cm
Weight 4 kg

9 cm
Weight 5 g

90 cm
Weight 6 kg

115 cm
Weight 5 kg

Tasks 7-11 can be completed at any
Try to complete at least three tasks.

Task 7. Solve the problem using text data.
Which animal is said to have babies?
twice as much as the ostrich and gray partridge
together? Write down the name of this animal. Answer
Explain with calculations.

Task 8.
Fill in the table using the text data.



Who's in first place
number of cubs?
What places do
the rest?


Task 9. Answer the question and briefly explain your
answer. If necessary, re-read the text.
What kind of animals do you think - animals, birds,
amphibians or fish - more babies? Mark
answer with icon

A. Animals have more cubs.
B. Birds have more young.
B. Amphibians have more babies.
D. Fish have more babies.

Task 10.
There are no small things to do in nature conservation. And you
what do you do to save nature?

Task 11.
Animal homes have different names. In the text
there are two such words. One of these words is nest -
already recorded. Find and write down one more word from
text. Give your example.

"My achievements. Final comprehensive work"

Ed. ABOUT. Loginova. (The set of 4 books includes manuals for grades 1-4.)

The final complex work is a system of tasks of varying levels of difficulty in reading, the Russian language, mathematics and the outside world.

Each kit includes four options for final complex work for the whole class and methodological recommendations for the teacher.

These works make it possible to identify and evaluate both the level of development of the most important subject aspects of learning and the child’s competence in solving various problems.

Carrying out a comprehensive written test is also useful because it is in this form (within the framework of the developed assessment system) that it is intended to evaluate the success and efficiency of the activities of educational institutions and regional education systems. It is advisable to make sure in advance that children are ready for this form of work, that they will not get confused in a new learning situation, and will be able to demonstrate their successes achieved over the years of study in primary school.

3.10 Assessment of skills in working with information using the educational complex “Perspective”

As a result of studying all subjects of the Perspective educational complex without exception, students will acquire primary skills in working with information. They will be able to record, create, find necessary information, systematize, compare, analyze and summarize, interpret and transform, present and transmit it. Here are some examples:

Learn to create your own texts, fill in and supplement ready-made information objects (tables, charts, diagrams, texts) Examples of tasks: Writing texts of different types “Creative notebook” according to literary reading author T.Yu. Koti; writing essays, presentations “Russian language”, composing stories about the traditions and customs of the peoples of their native land “ The world"; filling out the technological map for the implementation of the product “Technology”; filling out tables, drawing up diagrams “Mathematics”, “Mathematics and Computer Science” A.L. Semenov, M.A. Positselskaya, etc.

Learn to convey information orally, accompanied by audiovisual support, and in written hypermedia form (i.e., a combination of text, image, sound, links between different information components).

Examples: the heading “Our Theater” in the textbook “Literary Reading” teaches children to dramatize literary works; presentation of products, search for additional material, the section “Man and Information” in the subject “Technology” encourages the child to use the information space.

Describe an object or observation process using a certain algorithm, record audiovisual and numerical information about it,

using ICT tools.

Examples: creating an essay (presentation) describing “Russian language”; finding a description of an event or main character in the text, expressing one’s own opinion or judgment about an event or character based on the text or based on one’s own experience “Literary reading”; observation and recording of phenomena and changes in nature “The world around us”, etc.

Use the experience gained in perceiving messages (primarily texts) to enrich sensory experience, express value judgments and your point of view about the message received (text read); draw up instructions (algorithm) for the action performed. Examples: a didactic manual for “Literary reading” lessons and organizing extracurricular activities “The Magic Power of Words” allows you to teach a child to express moral and value judgments based on the text read; dedicated tasks for completion in pairs and groups allow you to teach how to distribute responsibilities and understand the importance of joint work (All subjects);

In the municipal educational institution "Secondary school No. 10 IM. V.P. POLYANICHKO" MAGNITOGORSK

4.1 Goals and objectives

The program for the formation of universal educational activities at the level of primary general education (hereinafter referred to as the program for the formation of universal educational activities) specifies the requirements of the Standard for personal and meta-subject results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education, complements the traditional content of educational programs and serves as the basis for working curricula.

The program for the formation of universal educational activities is aimed at ensuring the system-activity approach that forms the basis of the Standard, and is designed to contribute to the realization of the developmental potential of general secondary education, the development of a system of universal educational activities, which acts as an invariant basis of the educational process and provides schoolchildren with the ability to learn, the ability to self-development and self-improvement. All this is achieved through the students’ mastery of specific subject knowledge and skills within individual disciplines, as well as their conscious, active appropriation of new social experience. At the same time, knowledge, skills and abilities are considered as derivatives of the corresponding types of purposeful actions if they are formed, applied and maintained in close connection with active actions the students themselves. The quality of knowledge acquisition is determined by the diversity and nature of the types of universal actions.

Program for the formation of universal educational activities for primary general education of the Municipal Educational Institution “Secondary School No. 10 named after. V.P. Polyanichko" establishes value guidelines for primary general education; defines the concept, functions, composition and characteristics of universal educational activities in primary school age; reveals the connection between universal educational actions and the content of educational subjects; determines the conditions that ensure the continuity of the program for the formation of universal educational actions in students during the transition from preschool to primary and basic general education.

4.2. Values ​​of primary education

The introduction of the second generation Federal State Educational Standard led to a change in priorities in the education, upbringing and personal development of primary schoolchildren. From the recognition of knowledge, skills and abilities as the main results of education, there has been a transition to an understanding of learning as a process of preparing students for real life. There is a transition from mastering individual academic subjects to multidisciplinary (interdisciplinary) study of complex life situations; to the cooperation of the teacher and students in the course of mastering knowledge, to the active participation of the latter in the selection of content and teaching methods. This transition is due to a change in the value orientations of education.

Relevant are the problems of forming the foundations of a person’s civil identity, psychological conditions for the development of communication, cooperation, development of the value-semantic sphere of the person, the ability to learn, independence, initiative and responsibility of the individual.

We believe that a high level of personal self-development can be achieved subject to effective work on the formation of general educational skills in younger schoolchildren.

4.3. Concept, functions, composition and characteristics of universal educational activities at the level of primary general education

The increasing role of general learning skills in the development of students leads to the need to change teaching technologies. The most effective technologies for solving the problems of developing general educational skills are those based on the activity approach.

Consistent implementation of the activity approach is aimed at increasing the effectiveness of education, more flexible and durable learning by students, the possibility of their independent movement in the field of study, and a significant increase in their motivation and interest in learning.

Within the framework of the activity approach, the main structural components are considered as general educational actions educational activities- motives, features of goal setting (educational goals and objectives), educational actions, control and evaluation, the formation of which is one of the components of the success of training in an educational institution.

When assessing the maturity of educational activities, age specificity is taken into account, which consists in a gradual joint activities teacher and student to jointly-shared (in primary school and early adolescence) and to independent activities with elements of self-education and self-education (in early adolescence and older adolescence).

The concept of “universal learning activities”

IN broad meaning the term “universal educational actions” means the ability to learn, i.e., the subject’s ability for self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience.

Achieving the ability to learn requires students to fully master all components of educational activity, which include: cognitive and educational motives, educational goal, educational task, educational actions and operations (orientation, transformation of material, control and evaluation). The ability to learn is a significant factor in increasing the efficiency of students’ mastery of subject knowledge, the formation of skills and competencies, the image of the world and the value-semantic foundations of personal moral choice.

Functions of universal educational actions:

    ensuring the student’s ability to independently carry out learning activities, set educational goals, seek and use the necessary means and methods to achieve them, monitor and evaluate the process and results of the activity;

    creating conditions for the harmonious development of the individual and his self-realization based on readiness for lifelong education; ensuring the successful acquisition of knowledge, the formation of skills, abilities and competencies in any subject area.

The universal nature of educational activities is manifested in the fact that they are of a supra-subject, meta-subject nature; ensure the integrity of general cultural, personal and cognitive development and personal self-development; ensure continuity at all stages of the educational process; are the basis for the organization and regulation of any student’s activity, regardless of its specific subject content. Universal educational activities provide the stages of mastering educational content and the formation of the student’s psychological abilities.

Types of universal educational actions.

As part of the main types of universal educational actions that correspond to the key goals of general education, four blocks can be distinguished: personal, regulatory (also including self-regulation actions), cognitive and communicative.

Personal universallearning activities provide students with value-semantic orientation (the ability to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, knowledge of moral standards and the ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior) and orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships.

Regulatory Actions provide students with the organization of their educational activities.

Cognitive universal actions include: general educational, logical educational activities, as well as formulation and solution of problems.

General educational universal actions:

    independent identification and formulation of a cognitive goal;

    search and selection of necessary information; application of information retrieval methods, including using computer tools;

    structuring knowledge;

    conscious and voluntary construction of a speech utterance in oral and written form;

    choice the most effective ways solving problems depending on specific conditions;

    reflection on methods and conditions of action, control and evaluation of the process and results of activity;

    semantic reading as understanding the purpose of reading and choosing the type of reading depending on the purpose; extracting the necessary information from listened texts of various genres; identification of primary and secondary information; free orientation and perception of artistic, scientific, journalistic and formal business styles; understanding and adequate assessment of the language of the media;

    setting and formulating the problem, self-creation algorithms of activity when solving problems of a creative and search nature.

A special group of general educational universal actions consists of sign-symbolic actions:

    modeling - transformation of an object from a sensory form into a model, where the essential characteristics of the object are highlighted (spatial-graphic or symbolic-symbolic);

    transforming the model to identify general laws, defining this subject area.

    Logical universal actions:

    analysis of objects in order to identify features (essential, non-essential);

    synthesis - composing a whole from parts, including independent completion with the completion of missing components;

    selection of bases and criteria for comparison, seriation, classification of objects;

    summing up the concept, deriving consequences;

    establishing cause-and-effect relationships;

    building a logical chain of reasoning;


    putting forward hypotheses and their substantiation.

    Statement and solution of the problem:

    problem formulation;

    independent creation of ways to solve problems of a creative and exploratory nature.

Communicative actions provide social competence and taking into account the position of other people, communication partners or activities; ability to listen and engage in dialogue; participate in collective discussion of problems; integrate into a peer group and build productive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults.

Towards communicative actions relate:

    planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers - determining the purpose, functions of participants, methods of interaction;

    asking questions - proactive cooperation in searching and collecting information;

    conflict resolution – identification, problem identification, search and assessment alternative ways conflict resolution, decision making and its implementation;

    managing the partner’s behavior - control, correction, evaluation of his actions;

    the ability to express one’s thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication; mastery of monologue and dialogic forms of speech in accordance with grammatical and syntactic rules native language.

The development of a system of universal educational actions as part of personal, regulatory, cognitive and communicative actions that determine the development of an individual’s psychological abilities is carried out within the framework of normative age development personal and cognitive spheres of the child. The learning process sets the content and characteristics of the child’s educational activity and thereby determines the zone of proximal development of these universal educational activities (their level of development corresponding to the “high norm”), and their properties.

Universal educational actions represent an integral system in which the origin and development of each type of educational action is determined by its relationship with other types of educational actions and the general logic of age development. So:

    from communication and co-regulation, the child’s ability to regulate his activities develops;

    from the assessments of others and, first of all, the assessments of loved ones and adults, an idea of ​​oneself and one’s capabilities is formed, self-acceptance and self-respect appear, i.e. self-esteem and self-concept as a result of self-determination;

    from situational-cognitive and extra-situational-cognitive communication are formed cognitive activities child.

The content and methods of communication determine the development of the child’s ability to regulate behavior and activity, to understand the world, and determine the image of “I” as a system of ideas about oneself and attitudes towards oneself. That is why special attention in the program for the development of universal educational activities is paid to the formation of communicative universal educational activities.

As the child’s personal actions develop (meaning formation and self-determination, moral and ethical orientation), the functioning and development of universal educational actions (communicative, cognitive and regulatory) undergoes significant changes. The regulation of communication, cooperation and cooperation projects certain achievements and results of the child, which secondarily leads to a change in the nature of his communication and self-concept.

Cognitive actions are also a significant resource for achieving success and influence both the effectiveness of the activity and communication itself, and the student’s self-esteem, meaning formation and self-determination. A high level of universal learning activities effectively influences the formation of basic competencies, so we classified educational activities according to basic competencies, the core of which are personal, regulatory, cognitive, and communicative universal actions.

4.4 Content of universal learning activities

Table 12

Key competencies



Evaluation form

1. Problem solving competence

The ability to see strengths and weak sides results, their activities,

the ability to obtain additional data, choose a method for solving,

ability to clarify the formulation of a problem,

ability to put forward and test hypotheses,

transfer relationships and patterns to tasks with similar conditions,

ability to identify and use analogies,

evaluate the product of activity based on criteria,

formulate a conclusion about the compliance of the resulting product with the design,

compare the characteristics of the planned and received product,

carry out current monitoring and assessment of your activities according to the algorithm,

ability to plan solutions to a problem, determine resources

Educational and project (interdisciplinary, multi-age) tasks;

Collective decision in a small group, public presentation of the results of the work, expert assessment of the actions of each group member with the help of an expert, based on a specially developed expert map;

2. Academic (educational) competence

The ability to select the necessary tasks to eliminate learning problems

the ability to freely choose a product presented “for evaluation” to the teacher or class

ability to independently assign criteria for assessment

the ability to evaluate your work according to given criteria

the ability to find samples to check work, compare your work with a sample

the ability to determine for oneself the complexity of a task (make an adequate choice)

the ability to see (identify) dangerous places (possible errors) when solving a practical problem

the ability to determine the scope of tasks necessary to solve problem areas in training

ability to carry out simple planning of their activities

conscious selection of tasks of different levels of difficulty, material for training and preparation of creative works

identifying the causes of one’s own and others’ mistakes and selecting from the proposed tasks those with the help of which one can eliminate the identified errors

making assumptions about the unknown, proposing a way to test your hypotheses, initiating a search and testing known (unknown) methods of action

assessment of a task (situation) as suitable for a given method of action or beyond the boundaries of the method

redefinition and redefinition of the task in specific conditions

the ability to determine the boundaries of one’s own knowledge/ignorance

Organizing and performing independent homework

The results of students’ reflection on completed independent work, analysis of independent work by the teacher, comparison of the student’s assessment with the teacher’s assessment.

3. Information competence

Correct execution of actions in accordance with given instructions

finding the answer to a question of interest in reference books, dictionaries and computer search systems

reading simple graphs, diagrams and tables containing information about objects and processes

presentation of data results in the form of simple charts and tables

using comparison to establish general and specific properties of objects, making judgments based on comparison results

the ability to classify objects based on a given (or assigned) parameter

verbal description of the object of observation

ability to recite simple text according to plan

drawing up a simple outline of a simple text for retelling

definition main idea text, finding unfamiliar words in the text, determining their meaning in different ways

correct, conscious reading (to oneself) of a simple popular science text (regardless of speed)

the ability to formulate direct conclusions, conclusions based on the facts present in the message (text)

ability to interpret and summarize message information

distinguishing points of view expressed in text

reading information from the text, distinguishing between descriptions of facts and phenomena and their explanation

the ability to filter out unnecessary “noisy” data and the ability to see data shortages

the ability to isolate from the information provided that which is necessary to solve a given problem

the ability to find information in a message that is specified explicitly or implicitly

ability to choose ways to obtain information

ability to plan information searches, formulate search queries

Project tasks, projects, three-level tasks

Problem solving and scoring

4.Communicative competence

The ability to understand the positions of different communication participants and continue their logic of thinking

ability to carry out productive interaction with other research participants (including attempts to communicate on the Internet)

the ability to present your achievements (transform the result of your work into a product intended for others)

mastery of methods of intra-group and inter-group interaction when solving educational practical problems

ability to lead and participate in discussions

interview skills

ability to perform with multimedia accompaniment

creating a text-reasoning that substantiates one’s hypothesis or conclusion from experience

creating a text describing the observations and experiments carried out

formulating one’s own opinion in a form understandable to the interlocutor and the audience

ability to create messages of various natures (oral, written texts)

Organizing group interaction, oral and written discussions, writing creative works, essays, creating presentations

Public presentation of results, expert assessment of adults and schoolchildren

5. Interaction competence

Ability to negotiate and come to a common decision working together, including in situations of conflict and clash of interests

ability to initiate and carry out collaboration with peers

ability to initiate and collaborate with an adult (teacher)

taking into account and coordinating different opinions in communication and cooperation

showing interest in different points of view

taking into account or using another opinion different from your own.

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    Section I. Target section: I. Explanatory note Maineducationalprogramprimarygeneraleducation(OOP) MOUsecondary school No. 3 was developed by the Coordination Council and the working...

  • Basic educational program (153)

    Main educational program

    ... programsprimarygeneral And maingeneraleducation; - Basic curriculum. - Conceptual provisions of the educational complex “Perspective initial

  • Marina Afanasyeva

    Final parent meeting in the senior group

    "Our achievements and successes"

    Form: family living room.

    Target: summing up the results of the joint educational process as a means of comprehensive development of the child.


    Analyze the results of educational, cultural and leisure activities of children during the school year;

    Reveal individual characteristics in the development of children and outline the paths of their development;

    To support parents' confidence in their own teaching capabilities, to help them realize their educational role in family;

    Help create an environment of general joy and good mood.

    Meeting agenda.

    1. Speech by speech therapist E. A. Shakirova.

    2. Analysis of the achievements of the children in the group (results of monitoring of children at the end of the school year).

    3. Consultation “School maturity”

    4. Prospects for next year. Brief information about the graduation ceremony.

    5. Gratitude to parents for their active participation in the life of the group.

    6. Report of the parent committee

    7. Discussion of organizational issues in the form of “Question and answer”

    8. Memo “Indicators of educational success for a child in the senior group.”

    Progress of the meeting. Hello, dear parents.

    1 title slide.(question 1)

    At the beginning of our meeting, the floor is given to the teacher - speech therapist Ekaterina Anatolyevna.

    2 slide.(question 2)

    Congratulations on the successful completion of the academic year. This year has not been easy, sometimes not everything was easy, but we can say with confidence that it was an interesting, eventful year, events, victories and successes.

    3 slide.

    Our children have become one more year older, which means healthier, smarter, smarter. Together with the guys, we went through many trials and difficulties, and everyone acquired new knowledge, skills and abilities.

    4 slide.

    For some, everything was easy, for others it was necessary to make considerable efforts to achieve their goals, but everyone walked the difficult path called “Senior Group” with dignity.

    Today we invite you to make a small portrait of your child.

    5 slide.

    Do you know your child's talents? Come up with a nomination for your child: “He is my most...” and write it down on a green strip that needs to be glued to a white sheet of paper.

    I would like to say that every child is interesting, inquisitive, active in himself, and each has a zest - a treasure that needs to be discovered!

    And now we invite you to get acquainted with the achievements and minor difficulties that your children have today.

    6 – 7 slide."Chamomile"

    Pay attention to your child's petal, on which the 5 educational areas of the OP are written. To begin with, we suggest you get to know what types of activities these areas include.

    8 slide.

    Let's look at the results.

    Red circle – the skill is not formed, yellow – the skill is being formed, green – the skill is formed.

    The petal also reflects the child’s achievements and points that should be paid attention to by both educators and parents.

    If you have any questions based on the diagnostic results, you can approach them individually after the meeting and ask questions.

    Slide 9

    On May 18 (Thursday), kindergarten methodologist Olga Mikhailovna carried out a diagnosis of children at the end of the year in senior group. Below the table there is a line with numbers. We would like to introduce you to the questions that were asked to the children. All questions and tasks correspond to the tasks of development of OP of senior preschool age.

    10 slide.(question 3)

    Next year our children will be preparing for school. When a child reaches the age of six or seven years, many parents are concerned about issues related to his enrollment in school. How to make your child learn easily, go to school with pleasure, be good, or even best student in class?

    Do you think there is a criterion that allows you to adequately assess the degree of preparedness of a child for school life?

    There is such a criterion, and in psychology it is called " school maturity", or the child's psychological readiness for schooling. This is our main task. Exactly from psychological readiness depends on the child's success in school. Preparing the hand for writing, development cognitive activity child. It’s not scary if he can’t remember letters or learn to read - he’ll learn everything at school if he goes to it with pleasure.

    11 slide.

    As you read, what is the most important indicator of school readiness? Take green leaves and write the most important indicator, in your opinion.

    Parents are offered the following indicators of children's readiness for school (on the slide)

    Take everything one flower at a time. Color them. (On the tables there are flowers of the same size, shape, and colored pencils). Now compare your flower with the flowers of your neighbors. All the flowers were the same in size, color, and shape. Tell me, after you have painted a flower, can you find two that are exactly the same? (No) We, adults, under the same conditions, do everything differently. Hence our RULE: Never compare your child with another! There is no one or something better or worse. There is OTHER!

    What do you think will help your flower grow and delight others? This is fertile soil, which consists of the knowledge that the child will receive in the family and kindergarten.

    Currently, the task of a kindergarten is not to accelerate the development of the child, but to create conditions for each preschooler for the fullest development of his individual capabilities and interests, taking into account his age.

    “Every child is a reason for us, and we need, in essence, not to extinguish the reasons, but to make them feel like confident people. And instead classical formula“learn, study, study”, we say “develop, develop, develop”.

    If you agree with us, draw a sun, if you have your own opinion on this issue, draw a cloud.

    12 slide.(question 4)

    And now we move on to the next question - GRADUATION in the preparatory group.

    The prom falls both on the shoulders of the teachers and, of course, on the shoulders of the parents. What this event will include - it all depends on your desire, what kind of holiday you want to give the children!

    Part 1 – the ball itself (the work of teachers and music workers)

    Slide 13

    Part 2 – (parent preparation)

    Photo album (can be any you wish)

    Decorating the hall with balloons

    Gift for graduate

    Cake or personalized pastry

    Small congratulatory number with gratitude for employees

    Gift for a group (small) 2-3 toys possible

    Family newspapers in A3 format “What I have become.”

    Slide 14

    Children's clothing:

    Girls - dresses that are not to the floor, without bare shoulders, new white socks are a must, white Czech shoes. Let's talk about hairstyles closer to the holiday.

    Boys - a white shirt with long sleeves (new), black trousers and a belt, everyone has the same bow tie, black socks and shoes.

    After the holiday in music. in the hall, if there is cake, the children drink tea and everyone goes home. If you wish, you can order a cafe.

    There will be no employees at the holiday, but we believe that, having worked with your children for 4 years, they deserve to receive at least a bouquet of flowers. That is, after the holiday in June, all preparatory groups organize a concert for employees and give small gifts, but more on that later.

    But I would like to immediately note that do not think that all the responsibilities for holding the prom will fall on the shoulders of the parent committee. Over the summer, it is necessary to think and come to a decision on previously voiced points, and at the next meeting in September. The committee will divide all parents into mini groups and distribute responsibilities to all parents. I repeat that teachers are only responsible for holding the ball itself and preparing the children. And how our holiday will go will depend only on how much you parents can approach the task in a friendly and responsible manner.

    Slide 15(question 5)

    We would like to express our gratitude to our dear parents moms and dads for participating in the activities of our group, participating in events and creative competitions, for assistance in creating a subject-development environment.

    We want parents

    Say a huge thank you.

    Thank you for being

    They always helped us with everything:

    You sewed the costumes at night,

    We created and drew with the children.

    Thank you for your warmth,

    For friendship, peace and understanding.

    Thank you for the children too

    Because they trusted us with them.

    For your sensitive hearts

    We say thank you!

    Presentation of certificates

    16 slide(question 6)

    PTA report

    Slide 17(question 7)

    Discussion of organizational issues in the form of “Question-answer”

    Notebooks for preparing your hand for writing.

    Physical education uniform - for 2 years (not to be worn during free activities)

    Reminders for parents.

    Thank you for your attention!

    8. System for assessing the achievement of planned results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education


    1. Introduction.

    2 General approaches to the formation of a system for assessing the planned results of program development primary education

    3 Assessment of personal, meta-subject and subject results

    4 External and internal assessment in primary school. final grade

    5 Assessment procedures and mechanisms.

    6 Organization of a cumulative assessment system. Portfolio.

    7 Final grade of a graduate and its use in the education system

    8.Measuring materials for the final assessment

    1. Introduction

    The assessment system is a complex and multifunctional system, including current and final assessment of the performance of junior schoolchildren; assessment of the activities of teachers and schools, assessment of the results of the education system. The Federal State Educational Standard contains clear requirements for the system for assessing the achievement of planned results. In accordance with them, the assessment system should:

    1. Fix the goals of the assessment activity:

    a) focus on achieving results

    Spiritual and moral development and education (personal results),

    Formation of universal educational actions (meta-subject results),

    Mastering the content of academic subjects (subject results);

    b) provide an integrated approach to assessing all of the listed educational outcomes (subject, meta-subject and personal);

    c) ensure the possibility of regulating the education system based on the information received about the achievement of planned results, in other words, the possibility of taking pedagogical measures to improve and improve the educational processes in each class and school.

    2. Fix criteria, procedures, assessment tools and forms for presenting its results.

    3. Fix the conditions and boundaries of application of the assessment system.

    Its main advantage is that it actually switches control and assessment (and therefore the entire activity of educational institutions) from the old educational result to the new one. Instead of reproducing knowledge, we will now evaluate different areas of student activity, that is, what they need in life while solving various practical problems.

    To achieve these goals, it is first necessary to change the tools - forms and methods of assessment.

    The priority in diagnostics (tests, etc.) is not reproductive tasks (for reproducing information), but productive tasks (tasks) for the application of knowledge and skills, which involve the student creating his own information product in the course of solving the problem: conclusion, evaluation, etc. P.

    In addition to the usual subject tests, it is necessary to carry out meta-subject diagnostic work, composed of competency-based tasks that require the student not only cognitive, but also regulatory and communicative actions.

    Diagnostic results personal development can be carried out in different forms(diagnostic work, observation results, etc.), it involves the student’s manifestation of the qualities of his personality: assessment of actions, designation of his life position, cultural choice, motives, personal goals. This is a purely personal area, therefore the rules of personal safety and confidentiality require such diagnostics to be carried out only in the form of non-personalized work. In other words, the work completed by students should generally not be signed, and the tables where this data is collected should show results only for the class or school as a whole, and not for each specific student.

    The usual form of written test work is supplemented by such new forms of monitoring results as:

    Targeted observation (recording of actions and qualities exhibited by students according to given parameters),

    Student self-assessment using accepted forms (for example, a sheet with questions on self-reflection of a specific activity),

    Results of educational projects,

    The results of a variety of extracurricular and extracurricular activities, student achievements.

    It is proposed to change the traditional rating scale. It is built on the principle of “subtraction”: the student’s solution to a learning task is compared with a certain sample of the “ideal solution”, and errors are looked for - discrepancies with the sample. Such an approach focuses on the search for failure, negatively affects the student’s motivation, his personal self-esteem. Instead, it is proposed to rethink the scale according to the principle of “adding” and a “level approach” - the student’s solution to even a simple educational task, assessing part of the task as unconditional success, but at elementary level, followed by a higher level, to which the student can strive.

    Instead of an official class journal, the main means of accumulating information about a student’s educational results should be a portfolio of achievements (portfolio). The official class register is not cancelled, but the final grade for primary school (the decision to transfer to the next level of education) will be made not on the basis of annual subject grades in the magazine, but on the basis of all results (subject, meta-subject, personal; academic and extracurricular) accumulated in the student’s portfolio of achievements over four years of primary school.

    2. General approaches to the formation of a system for assessing the planned results of mastering the primary education program

    A system for assessing the mastery of educational programs is created with the aim of obtaining objective information about the level and quality of mastering educational programs of primary general education.

    The object of assessment is the educational achievements of students, defined in the requirements for mastering educational programs, which are specified in education standards.

    Requirements for educational outcomes are a description targets general education, implemented through relevant educational programs of primary general education.

    In accordance with the concept of second generation educational standards, educational results include:

    subject results ( knowledge and skills, experience in creative activities, etc.);

    meta-subject results(methods of activity mastered on the basis of one or more subjects, applicable both within the educational process and when solving problems in real life life situations);

    personal results(system value relations, interests, motivation of students, etc.).

    In accordance with the activity-based paradigm of education, requirements for subject and meta-subject results are set in a subject-activity form, which includes subject and general educational skills and methods of activity, as well as the levels of their mastery by graduates.

    A feature of the implementation of the activity approach in developing educational standards was that the goals of general education are presented in the form of a system key tasks, which students should be able to solve as a result of learning.

    Requirements for personal learning outcomes ( value orientations, interests, readiness for learning at a given level of education and continuing education at the next level, motivation for learning) are presented and formulated taking into account the main goals of general education.

    Priority is given to those personal results that are predominantly formed in the educational process, and not in the family or sphere additional education, precisely those results for the formation of which the educational institution is primarily responsible.

    Assessment methodology

    In pedagogical measurements, three levels of educational outcomes are distinguished

    First level - planned, the one that is laid down in state educational standards and implemented in textbooks and teaching aids.

    Second level - realizable - characterizes the results that the teacher strives for - depending on his personal attitudes, attitude to the subject, professional qualifications.

    Third level - achieved, the level of real achievements of students.

    All three levels of presentation of educational outcomes differ from each other. Real achievements students below the planned level in educational standards and implemented by teachers.

    Standard guarantees the possibility for each student to achieve the planned educational results while fulfilling the conditions of the organization educational process specified in the standard.

    One of the main purposes of the educational outcomes assessment system is to identify the achievement of the requirements for mastering general education programs, which are specified in educational standards. Consequently, the content of the requirements serves as the basis for determining the content and evaluation criteria.

    The educational standard fixes the volume and level of full-fledged education in each of its areas, academic discipline and course. Everything that a student is required to master at the level of requirements for educational outcomes planned by the standard must become his personal property, mastered consciously and firmly.

    The first step in updating the assessment system is the obligation to check and evaluate the student’s mastery of the knowledge and skills that can be relied upon when organizing subsequent training, its further differentiation and specialization.

    The objectivity of the assessment presupposes Firstly, compliance of the meters with the planned goals, in this case – the requirements for educational results, i.e. validity of the content of the test work.

    Secondly, the objectivity of the assessment is impossible unless the unambiguous assessment of the student’s work by any assessor is ensured. The fulfillment of this condition largely depends on the choice of form and method of assessment.

    This assessment system includes various forms and methods of assessment, the use of which ensures the validity of the meters and assessment procedures of the accepted system of requirements for the development of educational programs.

    To assess the achievement of requirements for educational outcomes (constructing assessment scales and describing results), a level approach to presenting results is used.

    To increase the effectiveness of assessing educational achievements, stimulating the development of students, it is necessary to create a system for assessing the educational achievements of students, taking into account the dynamics of their development. It should include the creation of a system for monitoring the educational achievements of students from initial diagnosis to determining the individual progress of students.

    Thus, the following new directions appeared in the second generation standards:

    The assessment system is the instrumental core of state educational standards;

    – assessment of subject, meta-subject and personal results of general education;

    – orientation of the assessment to the activity approach;

    - an integrated approach to assessing educational outcomes ;

    - “integration” of assessment into the educational process;

    Assessing individual student progress.

    3. Assessment of personal, meta-subject and subject results

    The standard specifies three main groups of results − personal, meta-subject and subject.

    Personal results are considered as achievements of students in their personal development.

    Achieving personal results is ensured through all components of the educational process: educational subjects presented in the invariant part of the basic curriculum; the variable part of the main educational program, as well as the additional education program implemented by the family and school.

    Main the object of assessing personal results serves the formation of universal actions included in the following three main blocks:

    Self-determination - formation internal position schoolchild;

    Sensemaking is the search and establishment of personal meaning (i.e., “meaning for oneself”) of a teaching;

    Moral and ethical orientation - knowledge of basic moral norms and orientation towards fulfilling norms based on an understanding of their social necessity

    Basics content of personal results assessment in primary school is built around assessment:

    – the formation of the student’s internal position, the student’s emotionally positive attitude towards school, orientation towards the meaningful moments of school reality - lessons, learning new things, mastering skills and new competencies, the nature of educational cooperation with the teacher and classmates, - and

    orientation to the model of behavior of a “good student” as an example to follow;

    – the formation of the foundations of civic identity - a sense of pride in one’s Motherland, knowledge of significant events for the Fatherland historical events; love to native land and small Motherland, awareness of one’s nationality, respect for the culture and traditions of the peoples of Russia and the world; refusal to divide into “us” and “strangers”, development of trust and the ability to understand and empathize with the feelings of other people;

    – the formation of self-esteem, including awareness of one’s capabilities in learning, the ability to adequately judge the reasons for one’s success/failure in learning; the ability to see one’s strengths and weaknesses, respect oneself and believe in success;

    – the formation of motivation for educational activities, including social, educational, cognitive and external motives, curiosity and interest in new content and ways of solving problems, motivation to achieve results, the desire to improve one’s abilities;

    – knowledge of moral norms and the formation of moral and ethical judgments, the ability to solve moral problems based on coordination various points vision, the ability to evaluate one’s actions and the actions of other people from the point of view of compliance with/violation of moral norms.

    The formation and achievement of the above personal results is the task and responsibility of the education system and educational institution. Therefore, evaluation of these results educational activities carried out in the course of external non-personalized monitoring studies, the results of which are the basis for making management decisions in the design and implementation of regional development programs and programs to support the educational process.

    The subject of assessment is not the progress of the student’s personal development, but the effectiveness of the educational activities of the educational institution,

    This distinguishes the assessment of personal results from the assessment of subject and meta-subject results.

    Within the framework of the internal assessment system, a limited assessment of the formation of individual personal results is possible, which fully meets ethical principles protection and protection of the interests of the child and confidentiality. The assessment is aimed at solving the problem of optimizing the personal development of students and includes three main components:

    – characteristics of the student’s achievements and positive qualities,

    – determination of priority tasks and directions of personal development, taking into account both the achievements and psychological problems of the child;

    – a system of psychological and pedagogical recommendations designed to ensure the successful implementation of developmental and preventive development tasks.

    Another form of assessing students' personal outcomes could be assessing the individual progress of personal development of students who require special support. Such an assessment is carried out only at the request of parents (or at the request of teachers or administration and with the consent of the parents) and is carried out by a psychologist with special professional training in the field of developmental psychology.

    Achievement meta-subject results is ensured through the main components of the educational process - educational subjects presented in the invariant part of the basic plan.

    Main object of assessment of meta-subject results serves as the formation of a number of regulatory, communicative and cognitive universal actions - that is, such mental actions of students that are aimed at analyzing and managing their cognitive activity. These include:

    – the ability to accept and maintain educational goals and objectives; independently transform a practical task into a cognitive one, the ability to plan one’s own activities in accordance with the task and the conditions for its implementation and look for means of its implementation; the ability to control and evaluate one’s actions, make adjustments to their implementation based on assessment and taking into account the nature of errors, show initiative and independence in learning;

    – ability to carry out information search, collection and selection of essential information from various information sources;

    – the ability to use sign-symbolic means to create models of studied objects and processes, schemes for solving educational, cognitive and practical problems;

    – logical operations of comparison, analysis, generalization, classification according to generic characteristics, establishing analogies, referring to known concepts;

    – the ability to cooperate with the teacher and peers when solving educational problems, to take responsibility for the results of their actions.

    Basics content of meta-subject results assessment in primary school it is built around the ability to learn, i.e. that set of methods of action that ensures the ability of students to independently acquire new knowledge and skills.

    Features of assessing meta-subject results are related to the nature of universal actions. Meta-subject actions constitute psychological basis and are an important condition students' success in solving subject problems. The level of formation of universal educational actions can be qualitatively assessed and measured in the following basic forms.

    Firstly, the achievement of meta-subject results can be the result of performing specially designed diagnostic tasks aimed at assessing the level of formation of a specific type of universal educational actions.

    Secondly, the achievement of meta-subject results can be considered as a condition for the success of completing educational and educational-practical tasks using educational subjects.

    Thirdly, the achievement of meta-subject results can be manifested in the success of completing complex tasks on an interdisciplinary basis.

    The advantage of two latest methods assessment is that the subject of measurement is the level of student assignment of a universal educational action. Assessment of meta-subject results can be carried out during various procedures. For example, in final test work in subjects or in complex work

    on an interdisciplinary basis, it is advisable to assess the maturity of most cognitive learning activities and skills in working with information, as well as assess the maturity of a number of communicative and regulatory actions.

    During the internal assessment, recorded in the portfolio in the form of assessment sheets and observation sheets of the teacher or school psychologist, the achievement of such communicative and regulatory actions that are difficult (or impossible and impractical) to verify during a standardized final test can be assessed. For example, the level of development of such skills as “interaction with a partner”: orientation towards the partner, the ability to listen and hear the interlocutor; the desire to take into account and coordinate different opinions and positions regarding an object, action, event, etc.

    Grade subject results are

    assessment of planned results in individual subjects.

    The achievement of these results is ensured through the main components of the educational process - educational subjects presented in the invariant part of the basic curriculum.

    Subject results contain, firstly, a system of fundamental elements of scientific knowledge, which is expressed through educational material various courses, and, secondly, a system of generated actions that are refracted through the specifics of the subject and are aimed at applying knowledge, transforming it and obtaining new knowledge.

    In the system of subject knowledge, one can distinguish supporting knowledge (knowledge, the assimilation of which is fundamentally necessary for current and subsequent successful learning and, with special purposeful work teachers, in principle can be achieved by the vast majority of children) and knowledge that complements, expands or deepens the supporting system of knowledge, as well as serving as propaedeutics for subsequent study of courses.

    On elementary level Of particular importance for continuing education is the acquisition by students of a basic system of knowledge in the Russian language and mathematics.

    However, when assessing subject results, the main value is not the mastery of the system of supporting knowledge and the ability to reproduce it in standard educational situations, but the ability to use this knowledge in solving educational-cognitive and educational-practical problems.

    Actions with subject content (or subject actions) are the second important component of subject results. Many objective actions are based on the same universal actions, primarily cognitive ones: the use of sign-symbolic means; modeling; comparison, grouping and classification of objects; actions of analysis, synthesis and generalization, establishing connections (including cause-and-effect) and analogies; search, transformation, presentation and interpretation of information, reasoning, etc. However, in different subjects these actions are performed with different objects, for example: with numbers and mathematical expressions; with sounds and letters, words, phrases and sentences; statements and texts; with objects of living and inanimate nature, with musical and artistic works, etc. Therefore, with all the commonality of approaches, both the algorithms for performing actions, and the very composition of the actions being formed and practiced, have a specific “subject-specific” coloring. Therefore, in particular, the contribution of different educational subjects to the formation and formation of individual universal educational actions is different. The contribution of technology to the formation and formation of regulatory educational activities is invaluable.

    The totality of all educational subjects provides the possibility of forming all universal educational actions - provided that the educational process is focused on achieving these results.

    Subject actions should also include those actions that are inherent mainly only to this subject and the mastery of which is necessary for full personal development or further study of the subject.

    The formation of the same actions on the material of different objects contributes first to their correct implementation within the range (circle) of tasks specified by the object, and then to their conscious and voluntary implementation, transfer to new classes of objects.

    That's why object of assessment Subject results include students’ ability to solve educational-cognitive and educational-practical problems based on meta-subject actions.

    Assessment of subject results can be carried out both during non-personalized procedures in order to assess the effectiveness of an educational institution, and during personalized procedures for the purpose of final assessment of the results of educational activities of graduates.

    Wherein final grade is limited to monitoring the success of mastering actions performed by students with subject content reflecting the supporting knowledge system of a given training course(supporting educational material for the section “The graduate will learn.”)

    Assessment of the achievement of these subject results is carried out

    during the final verification work.

    Their achievement can also be checked during current and intermediate assessments, and the results obtained are recorded in a cumulative assessment system (for example, in the form of a portfolio) and taken into account when determining the final grade.

    4. Internal and external assessment in primary school

    final grade

    Internal assessment is an assessment of the school itself (child, teacher, school psychologist, administration, etc.). It is expressed in current grades given by teachers; in the results of student self-assessment; in the results of observations conducted by teachers and school psychologists; in the intermediate and final grades of students and, finally, in the decision pedagogical council schools about transferring a graduate to the next grade or to the next level of education.

    Internal assessment functions:

    Firstly, provide feedback, informing:

    Students about their progress in mastering the program (and at a certain stage - about the general level of mastery), about their strengths and weaknesses;

    Teachers about the effectiveness of their teaching activities.

    Secondly, provide positive motivation for learning, stimulate student learning: focus on success, celebrate even minor progress, encourage students, celebrate strengths, allow you to progress at your own pace, etc.

    External assessment- an assessment that is carried out by services external to the school authorized to conduct assessment activities. External assessment performs its main functions:

    Firstly, the function of orienting the educational process towards achieving planned results through clarification on specific examples content and internal assessment criteria.

    Secondly, the feedback function, which is based on the possibility of obtaining objective and comparable data for the purpose of managing the quality of education.

    External evaluation can, in principle, be carried out within

    the following regulated procedures:

    State final examination graduates;

    Certification of education workers;

    Accreditation of educational institutions;

    Monitoring studies of the quality of education.

    In primary school, the influence of external assessment on internal assessment is carried out indirectly, through personnel certification, accreditation of educational institutions, monitoring studies, in which the main element is the result final graduate evaluations.

    This puts forward certain requirements for the structure of the final assessment. It should make it possible to record individual progress in a child’s educational achievements, and allow one to obtain objective and reliable data on the educational achievements of each child and the entire population of students.

    Consequently, in the final assessment of a graduate it is necessary to distinguish two components: accumulated assessments, characterizing the dynamics of students’ individual educational achievements, their progress in mastering the planned results, and assessments for standardized final works, characterizing the level of assignment by students of the main formed methods of action in relation to the supporting knowledge system at the time graduation primary school.

    Recording the grades accumulated during training and conducting final work is the area of ​​competence of teachers and the school. The final grade in primary school, in full accordance with the Law “On Education”, is an internal assessment of the school. Carrying out the final work is determined by the need to obtain objective and comparable data on the levels of educational results achieved by the primary education system. Therefore, in order to ensure objectivity and comparability of data, it is advisable to use a single, or at least comparable, toolkit for final work - developed either centrally or by regional education authorities or educational institutions based on specifications and demo options created within the framework of the external assessment system.

    The connection between internal and external assessment can be strengthened if

    Regular external monitoring of the educational achievements of primary school graduates is carried out, based on a representative sample (at the federal and regional levels);

    Attestation procedures teaching staff and accreditation of educational institutions provide for analysis of:

    – aggregated data on the results of final work completed by graduates;

    – sample data characterizing the cumulative assessment system used by the teacher and school.

    It must be emphasized that in the system of final works, a special place is occupied by works that verify the achievement of subject planned results in the Russian language and mathematics, as well as works that verify the achievement of meta-subject results.

    It is these results, which characterize the level of students’ assimilation of the basic knowledge system in the Russian language and mathematics, as well as the level of mastery of meta-subject actions (and, in particular, the skills of conscious reading and working with information), that are crucial for successful learning at the next level. Therefore these

    the results are of particular importance for assessing the performance of the primary education system as a whole, educational institutions of primary education and teachers working in primary schools.

    It is advisable to verify the above results when carrying out three final works:

    1) final work in the Russian language;

    2) final work in mathematics;

    3) final comprehensive work on an interdisciplinary basis.

    5. Assessment procedures and mechanisms

    I .Achieving the planned results of mastering the content of primary school subjects and the formation of universal educational activities

    Goals of assessment activities

    Determine how the student masters the skills to use knowledge.

    To develop the student’s ability to independently evaluate the results of their actions.

    Motivate the student to succeed, create a comfortable environment, save psychological health children.

    Description of the valuation object

    Any particularly successful action is evaluated, and only the solution of a full-fledged task is recorded with a mark. The student's grade is determined on a universal scale of three levels of success.

    Contents of the assessment

    General academic skills

    1 class. Determine the purpose of the lesson with the help of the teacher. Discuss the procedure for the lesson. Express your assumption (version). Evaluate the work of the class during the lesson. It is incorrect to distinguish a correctly completed task from a completed one.

    2nd grade. Determine the purpose of the lesson with the help of the teacher, independently find and formulate the problem of the lesson together with the teacher. Plan your work in class. Express your version, suggesting a way to check it. Work according to plan, use a textbook, simple devices and tools. In a dialogue with the teacher, determine how successfully the task was completed.

    3 – 4 grade. Formulate lesson goals independently after preliminary discussion. Learn to discover and formulate educational problem together with the teacher. Draw up a plan for solving a problem (task) together with the teacher. Work according to the plan, compare your actions with the goal and, if necessary, correct mistakes with the help of the teacher. In dialogue with the teacher, evaluate the performance of your work.

    Qualitative assessment

    Mark - success points (B.U.)

    5 - point system

    Not even the required level has been reached

    An empty circle is a mandatory task that was never completed

    2(unsatisfactory). Opportunity to fix it!

    Required level

    1 used - partial development

    3(satisfactory). Opportunity to fix it!

    2 used - complete mastery

    4(good). The right to change!

    Software level

    3 used - partial development

    4+ (close to excellent). The right to change!

    4 used - complete mastery


    Maximum level

    5 B. u. - approaching or reaching the maximum level

    5+ or 5 and 5 (excellent)

    Evaluation procedure

    1. Any, especially successful, action is evaluated, and only the solution of a full-fledged problem is recorded with a mark.

    2. The student and teacher, if possible, determine the assessment in dialogue (external assessment + self-assessment). The student has the right to challenge the assigned grade with reason.

    3. For each learning task or group of tasks that demonstrate mastery of a separate skill, its own separate mark is given.

    4. For each task of the test (control) work based on the results of the topic, marks are given to all students. The student cannot refuse to give this mark, but has the right to retake the test.

    For problems solved while studying a new topic, a mark is given only at the request of the student.

    5. The student’s grade is determined on a universal scale of three levels of success. The required level is the solution of a typical problem similar to those that have been solved many times already, where it was necessary to apply the formed teachings and acquired knowledge. Software level - solution non-standard task, where it was necessary to apply either knowledge of a new thing being studied in this moment topic, or old knowledge and skills, but in a new situation. The optional maximum level is the solution of a “super task” based on unstudied material, when either independently acquired knowledge or new, independently acquired skills were required.

    6. The final mark is expressed in the characteristics of the level of capabilities demonstrated by the student at a given period of time. The final grade is an indicator of the level of educational achievements. It is calculated as the arithmetic mean of the current grades assigned with the consent of the student and the mandatory grades for tests and tests, taking into account their possible retake.

    At the last stage of forming objective self-esteem of students, children are given the opportunity to independently determine their final grade and mark.

    Composition of assessment tools

    The main components are: development of students’ self-control and self-esteem skills, recording of control results, differentiation of assessments according to a special scale of success levels.

    II . Spiritually moral development

    Goals of assessment activities

    · Determine the success of implementing the tasks of spiritual and moral development of primary school students.

    · Adjust the content and (or) conditions for implementing the program if low results are obtained.

    · Give younger students the opportunity to monitor their own progress.

    · Motivating students’ personal responsibility for their studies.

    Description of the valuation object

    Category "Knowledge": ability to reproduce facts. Supporting details, problems, concepts, ideas; ability to discover, define and explain basic concepts, topics, problems, ideas; understand the relationships between facts and details; appropriate use of facts and details.

    Categories “Abilities” and “Skills”: ability to interpret, apply and evaluate information; the ability to find and use information to solve simple problems; ability to formulate a judgment.

    Criteria for evaluation

    Evaluation of moral criteria (4 - very bad, 3 - satisfactory, 2 - good, 1 - excellent): respect, interest in others, ability to listen to others. Persistence in work, sensitivity to the needs of others, fair judgment of others, interaction with others, ability to think before acting, honesty, willingness to help others, ability to admit one's mistakes.

    6. Organization of a cumulative assessment system


    Another component of the final grade is the cumulative grade. The optimal way to organize a cumulative assessment system is student portfolio , understood as a collection of a student's work and results that demonstrates his efforts, progress and

    achievements in different areas. At the same time, portfolio materials must allow for independent external assessment, for example, when conducting certification of teachers.

    A portfolio is not only a modern effective form of assessment, but also an effective means for solving a number of important pedagogical problems, allowing:

    Maintain high learning motivation schoolchildren;

    Encourage their activity and independence, expand

    training and self-study opportunities;

    Develop the ability to learn - set goals, plan and organize your own learning activities.

    The portfolio may include the results achieved by the student not only in the course of educational activities, but also in other forms of activity: creative, social, communicative, physical education and health, labor activities, taking place both within the framework of everyday school practice and outside it. .

    It is advisable to include the following materials in the portfolio of primary school students, which is used to assess the achievement of the planned results of primary general education.

    1. Samples of children's works- formal and creative, completed during compulsory classes in all subjects studied, as well as during elective classes attended by students, implemented within the framework of the school’s educational program (both its general education component and the additional program


    A mandatory component of the portfolio is materials from initial diagnostics, intermediate and final standardized work in individual subjects. The rest of the work should be selected so that their totality demonstrates increasing success,

    volume and depth of knowledge, achievement of higher levels of formed educational actions.

    Examples of this type of work could be:

    In Russian language and literary reading, foreign language- dictations and presentations, essays on a given topic, essays on an arbitrary topic, audio recordings of monologues and dialogic statements, “reader’s diaries”, illustrated “author’s” works of children, materials of their introspection and reflection, etc.;

    In mathematics - mathematical dictations, compiled results of mini-research, records of solutions to educational, cognitive and educational-practical problems, mathematical models, audio recordings of oral responses (demonstrating skills oral counting, reasoning, evidence, speeches, messages on math topics), materials of self-analysis and reflection, etc.;

    About the world around us - observation diaries,

    formalized results of mini-research and mini-projects, interviews, audio recordings of oral responses, creative works, materials of self-analysis and reflection, etc.;

    For subjects of the aesthetic cycle - audio recordings, photos and videos of examples of performing activities, illustrations for musical works, illustrations on a given topic, products of one’s own creativity, audio recordings of monologues and descriptions, materials of introspection and reflection, etc.;

    By technology - photos and videos of products

    performing activities, audio recordings of monologues and descriptions, products of one’s own creativity, materials of introspection and reflection, etc.;

    In physical education - video images of examples of performing activities, diaries of observations and self-control, independently compiled schedules and daily routines, sets of physical exercises, materials of self-analysis and reflection, etc.

    2. Systematized observation materials(evaluation sheets, materials and observation sheets, etc.) for the process of mastering universal educational activities led by teachers primary classes(acting both as a subject teacher and as a class teacher), other subject teachers, school psychologist, organizer

    educational work and other direct participants in the educational process.

    3. Materials describing achievements students in extracurricular (school and extracurricular) and leisure activities.

    Analysis, interpretation and evaluation of individual components

    the portfolio and the portfolio as a whole are maintained from the standpoint of achieving the planned results, taking into account the main results of primary education established by the requirements of the standard.

    The assessment of both individual components of the portfolio and the portfolio as a whole is carried out on a criteria-based basis, therefore the portfolio must be accompanied by special documents that describe the composition of the portfolio; the criteria on the basis of which individual works are assessed, and the contribution of each work to the cumulative grade of the graduate. The criteria for assessing individual components of the portfolio can fully comply with the recommended ones or can be adapted by the teacher in relation to the characteristics of the educational program and the population of children.

    All components of the portfolio, due to the undeveloped tools, can only be assessed qualitatively.

    When assessing them, it is advisable to be based on the features described above new system assessment and, above all, such features as a level approach to constructing meters and presenting results. According to this approach, the assessment of individual educational achievements is carried out using the “addition method”, in which the achievement of the reference level and its excess are recorded, which makes it possible to encourage student advancement, build individual trajectories movement taking into account the zone of proximal development.

    Therefore, in current assessment activities and when assessing individual components of a portfolio, it is advisable to correlate the results demonstrated by the student with assessments like:

    . “pass/fail” (“satisfactory/unsatisfactory”) - i.e., an assessment indicating mastery of the core knowledge system and correct execution educational actions within the range (circle) of given tasks, built on supporting educational material;

    . “good”, “excellent” - assessments indicating the assimilation of the supporting system of knowledge at the level of conscious voluntary mastery of educational actions, as well as the horizons and breadth (or selectivity) of interests.

    This does not exclude the possibility of using the traditional system of marks on a 5-point scale, but requires clarification and rethinking of their content. In particular, achieving the reference level in this assessment system is interpreted as the child’s unconditional academic success, as his fulfillment of the requirements of the standard, and is correlated with a “satisfactory” (“pass”) rating.

    Based on the results of the accumulated assessment, which is formed

    Based on the portfolio materials, conclusions are drawn about:

    1) the formation of universal and subject-specific methods of action, as well as a supporting system of knowledge, ensuring the possibility of continuing education in primary school;

    2) the formation of the foundations of the ability to learn, i.e. the ability to self-organize in order to formulate and solve educational, cognitive and educational and practical problems;

    3) individual progress in the main areas of personality development - motivational-semantic, cognitive, emotional, volitional and self-regulation.

    4. Approximate portfolio structure can be represented by the following table


    Portfolio sections

    My portrait

    My teaching assistants

    My work materials

    My achievements


    Meaning line “I myself”, “I feel”, “My attitude”

    Self-portrait, “My Family”, “World of Hobbies” diagram, questionnaires

    Table “You need to know this in order to...”, rules of conduct at school, laws of class life

    Examples of tasks from textbooks and workbooks, table “What is good and what is bad?” (conclusions from your own life and literary events)

    Products of creative activity, reflecting information from the diagram “The World of My Hobbies”, “My Most Important Actions at School and at Home”


    Meaning line

    “I can”, “I know how”, “I know different ways»

    “What can I do?”, “What do I want to do and what can I learn?”

    A reading list, a work schedule for a project, a plan for solving problems, a reminder on how to proceed stressful situations(if danger arises)

    Independent work on subjects

    The best works

    General education The meaning line "I'm learning"

    “I go to school - that means I am a student”, “Tree of Problems”, “My favorite books”

    Questions for working with different types of text

    Texts, magazine clippings on the chosen topic, samples independent work

    Dictionary of new terms, best works, essays


    The meaning line “We are together”, “Ways of Communication”

    "My friends"

    Memo “Rules of Communication”, picture questionnaires

    Examples of tasks from textbooks and workbooks

    Products of joint creativity (with parents, classmates)

    7. Final graduate assessment and its use

    in the education system

    The final grade of the graduate is formed on the basis of the accumulated grade in all academic subjects and grades for completing at least three final papers (in the Russian language, mathematics and complex work on an interdisciplinary basis).

    At the same time, the accumulated assessment characterizes the implementation of the entire set of planned results, as well as the dynamics of students’ educational achievements during the period of study. And grades for final papers characterize, at a minimum, the level of students’ assimilation of the core knowledge system in the Russian language and mathematics, as well as the level of mastery of meta-subject activities.

    Based on these assessments for each subject and for the program for the formation of universal educational activities, the following conclusions on achieving the planned results.

    1 . The graduate has mastered the basic system of knowledge and educational actions necessary to continue education at the next level, and is able to use them to solve simple educational, cognitive and educational and practical problems using of this subject.

    This conclusion is made if the materials of the cumulative assessment system record the achievement of planned results in all main sections curriculum with at least a “pass” (or “satisfactory”) grade, and the results of the final work indicate the correct completion of at least 50% of the basic level tasks.

    2. The graduate has mastered the supporting system of knowledge necessary to continue education at the next level, at the level of conscious voluntary mastery of educational activities.

    This conclusion is made if the materials of the cumulative assessment system record the achievement of planned results in all main sections of the curriculum, with at least half of the sections given a grade of “good” or “excellent”, and the results of the final work indicate the correct completion of at least 65% of basic level tasks and receiving at least 50% of the maximum score for completing tasks higher level.

    3. The graduate has not mastered the basic knowledge system and educational activities necessary to continue education at the next level.

    This conclusion is made if the materials of the cumulative assessment system do not record the achievement of planned results in all main sections of the curriculum, and the results of the final work indicate the correct completion of less than 50% of the tasks at the basic level.

    The decision on successful completion of the primary education program and the transfer of the graduate to the next level of general education is made by the pedagogical council of the educational institution on the basis of the conclusions made about the achievement of the planned results of mastering the basic educational program of primary general education.

    If the final grades received by the child do not allow an unambiguous conclusion to be made about the achievement of the planned results, the decision to transfer the graduate to the next level of general education is made by the pedagogical council, taking into account the dynamics of the graduate’s educational achievements and contextual information about the conditions and features of the graduate’s education within the framework of regulated procedures established by the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation.

    The decision of the pedagogical council on the transfer of a graduate is made simultaneously with the consideration and approval of the characteristics of a graduate of the primary school in which

    Educational achievements and positive traits graduate;

    Priority tasks and directions of personal development are determined, taking into account both achievements and psychological problems of the child’s development;

    Psychological and pedagogical recommendations are given to ensure the successful implementation of the intended tasks at the next stage of training.

    All conclusions and assessments included in the characteristics must be confirmed by portfolio materials and other objective indicators.

    The educational institution informs the governing bodies in the form established by the regulations:

    On the results of final work in the Russian language, mathematics and final complex work on an interdisciplinary basis;

    The number of students who completed primary general education and were transferred to the next level of education.

    Assessment of the performance of federal, regional and municipal education systems is carried out on the basis of monitoring the educational achievements of graduates, taking into account the operating conditions of educational systems.

    If a single, centrally developed toolkit is used to carry out final work, the most appropriate form is regular monitoring of the results of three final works: in the Russian language, in mathematics and a final complex work on an interdisciplinary basis.

    At the request of educational authorities, the results of final work in other primary school subjects may be included in the list of monitoring objects.

    The assessment of the performance of educational institutions of primary education is carried out during their accreditation, as well as as part of the certification of education workers. It is carried out on the basis of the results of the final assessment of the achievement of planned results, taking into account

    Results of monitoring studies at different levels (federal, regional, municipal);

    Conditions for the implementation of the educational program of primary education;

    Features of the student population.

    The subject of assessment during these procedures is also

    internal appraisal activity educational institutions and teachers, and in particular - tracking the dynamics of educational achievements of primary school graduates of a given educational institution.



    The final grade is formed on the basis of the accumulated grade, which characterizes the dynamics of the individual educational achievements of students over the years of study in primary school, and the results of the final test work.

    At the same time, final testing is carried out within the framework of regulated procedures in two main subject areas (mathematics and Russian language) and two interdisciplinary programs (“Reading: working with information” and “Program for the formation of universal educational activities”).

    The purpose of the final tests in mathematics and the Russian language is to assess the ability of primary school graduates to solve educational, cognitive and educational and practical problems using the means of mathematics and the Russian language.

    Complex work evaluates the formation of individual universal teaching methods actions: cognitive (general educational, logical, problem posing and solving), communicative (for example, the ability to express one’s thoughts in accordance with the tasks and conditions of communication) and regulatory (for example, the action of control and evaluation in

    internally) on an interdisciplinary basis.

    The content of the final assessment is determined by the content and structure of the planned results, presented in a generalized form. Therefore, before starting the development of tools (individual tasks and test work), it is necessary to specify the planned results, present them in a form that makes it possible to create standardized

    measuring instruments. This procedure is called operationalization. During this procedure, each planned result is clarified with a focus on “attainability” and “measurability”, i.e. all skills and elements of knowledge that students must master in the learning process are indicated and which can be measured within the framework of the assessment procedures used at different levels of their development. Thus, in

    In the process of operationalization, the content and criterial basis of the assessment are clarified.

    It is advisable to introduce the following two levels of achieving the planned results: basic (or basic) and advanced (or functional).

    Basic (reference) level achieving the planned results indicates the assimilation of the supporting system of knowledge necessary to continue education at the next level, and the correct implementation of educational actions within the range (circle) of tasks built on the supporting educational material; about the ability to use actions to solve simple educational and educational-practical problems (usually familiar and mastered in the learning process). Assessing the achievement of this level is carried out using standard tasks(tasks) in which the solution is obvious.

    Increased (functional) level achieving the planned results indicates the assimilation of the supporting knowledge system necessary for continuing education at the next level, at the level of conscious voluntary mastery of educational actions. Assessment of achievement of this level is carried out using tasks (tasks) in which there is no explicit indication of the method of implementation, and the student has to independently choose one of the studied methods or create a new method, combining the studied ones or transforming them.

    As an example of operationalization, we give one of

    planned results in mathematics: “Assess the correctness of the solution and the reality of the answer to the question of the problem.”

    This planned result is divided into two (the skills that characterize the achievement of this planned result were clarified) and tasks at the basic and advanced levels were developed for each element. In this example, tasks are given only for the first element of the planned result.


    Planned result: evaluate the correctness of the solution and the reality of the answer to the question of the problem.


    Check the correctness of the progress of solving the problem;

    Analyze the answer to the problem from the point of view of its reality.

    Examples of tasks

    Skill: check the correctness of the problem solution.

    Setting the baseline

    Grandmother baked 30 pies. Each of the three brothers

    I took 4 pies. How many pies are left? Choose the correct expression to solve the problem. Circle the answer number.

    1) 30 - 4; 2) 30 - 4 x 3;

    3) 30 - (3 + 4); 4) (30 - 4) x3.

    Answer: 2) 30 - 4 x 3

    Advanced quest

    12 bags of rice and 4 bags of millet were brought to the store. How many kilograms of cereal were brought to the store if a bag of rice weighs 10 kg and a bag of millet weighs 15 kg?

    What expression can be used to answer the question in the problem? Circle the answer number.

    1) (12 + 4) x 10 x15; 2) 15 x 4+12 x 10;

    3) 10 x 12+15x 4; 4) 15 x 12+10 x 4.

    Answer: 3) 10 x 12 + 15 x 4

    To assess the achievement of planned results, tasks are used different types. Classification of tasks can be carried out on different grounds:

    - according to the form of the answer: tasks with a closed answer (with a choice of one or more correct answers) or an open answer (with a short or detailed answer);

    - according to the level of knowledge, skills or methods of action being tested: basic or advanced level tasks;

    - according to the means used during the work: assignments for written work or oral conversation, practical assignments;

    - according to the form of work: tasks for individual or group work.

    In this case, it is proposed to evaluate the maturity of the skill

    “check the correctness of the progress of solving the problem” multiple choice tasks. Such tasks have the ability not only to assess the student’s ability to give the correct answer, i.e., to demonstrate their knowledge and skills, but also to carry out diagnostics in case of an erroneous answer, i.e., to understand what mistake the student made. The use of professionally designed multiple-choice tasks, taking into account typical student errors, allows for effective feedback, i.e., based on the results obtained in the assessment process, decisions about individual assistance for individual students can be made.

    Short answer questions, in which the answer can be presented in the form of numbers or individual words, lines or simple drawings, are mainly intended to assess students' ability to give the correct answer. In this case, it is not assessed how the student received this answer, what his train of thought is, or what method of solution - what is important is the correct result.

    To evaluate the process of completing a task, the ability to explain or justify the result obtained, to express one’s opinion in connection with the problem presented, or to evaluate other productive or creative skills, are used long-answer assignments. These tasks are divided into two groups:

    – tasks with a limited detailed answer, p When completed, the student gives an answer to the question posed within the expected pattern, for example, explains a natural phenomenon, using the studied material, as well as

    composition(essay), during which the student expresses a creative expression in connection with the problem raised.

    These two groups of tasks mainly differ in their assessment criteria. For the first group, you can describe the student’s expected answer, indicating what knowledge and skills he must demonstrate in the answer; for the second group, you can only set the general framework of the answer, for example, assess whether the problem is disclosed, whether own opinion and whether it is reasoned. It is very difficult to describe the student’s thought process in advance

    or the content of arguments taken by the student from his life

    or books he has read.

    Form for presenting evaluation criteria achieving the planned results may be different. It depends on what result is being assessed; how the summative assessment is carried out; what type of tasks is used in the final work; and also on the purpose for which these criteria are used. For example, to explain to teachers or parents how this result, you can provide a sample answer and comments to it. And in the final test work For the convenience of examiners, it is advisable to briefly present the correct answers in the form of a table, and present the assessment criteria in a separate document, supplementing them with special recommendations.

    When using multiple-choice or short-answer tasks, most often the criterion for achievement is only the correct answer (for example, choosing or independently recording the answer in mathematics). However, this is not true for all tasks. In some cases, a conclusion about the achievement of the planned result can only be made if the child repeatedly applies the evaluated algorithm, rule, etc. to a row homogeneous objects(as, for example, when assessing the development of the rules for writing unstressed vowels). In this case, the criteria must indicate how many times the child must correctly apply the algorithm or rule being assessed. Therefore, in tasks in the Russian language, as a rule, not one word is given, but a set of specially selected words or phrases. The planned result is considered achieved if the tested spelling or rule is used correctly in more than 65% of the presented cases.

    Assessment criteria are always developed for tasks with a detailed answer. Two approaches can be distinguished for developing criteria: analytical, in which the student’s answer is divided into parts according to content or skills being tested and the assessment is determined in accordance with the number of elements in the student’s answer, and integral, in which the entire answer is assessed for completeness and correctness. Depending

    Depending on the characteristics of the planned results, in some cases restrictions are given in the criteria, for example, a comment is given that recording explanations is optional.

    In accordance with the requirements of the theory and practice of pedagogical measurements, assessment procedures, based on the results of which are adopted important decisions(in our case - about the transfer of a primary school graduate to a secondary school) must have a high degree of objectivity, which is manifested through two main characteristics: the validity and reliability of assessment tools and procedures.

    Under validity of the final assessment it is understood that the content of the assessment corresponds to the planned results. The validity of measurements and assessment procedures implies the completeness of coverage of all planned results and the adequacy of assessing their achievement. This requires an integrated approach, i.e.

    inclusion of various forms and methods of assessment.

    Reliability of the final assessment should be provided through professional development tools, including experimental testing of individual tasks and work as a whole, criteria and assessment scales, as well as compliance with all requirements for standardization of assessment procedures.

    Development of tools for summative assessment includes the following steps:

    – planning the final work;

    – development of tasks;

    – design of test work;

    – preparation of instructions for carrying out work.

    The decision to adopt or not to adopt educational material accepted on the basis of the results of completing tasks at the basic level. The criterion for mastering educational material is set depending on the type of tasks used, possible measurement errors, and the validity period of the standard.

    The minimum criterion for mastering educational material, accepted in the practice of pedagogical measurements, is in the range from 50 to 65% of the maximum score that can be obtained for completing the entire work. If the test contains tasks with only multiple choice answers, then the mastery criterion is 65%. If in the test work only tasks with a free answer (short or extended) are used, then the mastery criterion is 50%, provided that the standard (planned results) is introduced and its mastery in the educational process is ensured.

    If a student scores a number of points equal to or exceeding the given minimum criterion for mastering educational material, then we can conclude that he has mastered the basic system of knowledge and educational actions necessary to continue education at the next level, and is able to use them to solve educational and cognitive problems. and educational and practical tasks using the means of this subject at a basic level.

    Completion of advanced level tasks can be assessed different numbers points depending on the completeness and correctness of the answer provided. The criterion for mastering educational material at an advanced level is also set depending on the type of tasks used, possible measurement errors, as well as the deadline for introducing the standard. The main basis for determining the criterion for achieving an advanced level is to establish a score at which the student can clearly demonstrate the ability to perform tasks at an advanced level.

    For an advanced level, you can use the same criterion as for a basic level: 50-65% of the maximum score, but for completing tasks at an advanced level. However, this is only possible if the standard (planned results) is introduced and its mastery in the educational process is ensured.

    It can be considered that a student has demonstrated the ability to apply knowledge to solve educational and practical problems of an increased level of complexity if he has scored at least the established minimum criterion for completing tasks at a basic level and at the same time has scored at least the established number of points for completing tasks at an advanced level.

    difficulty level.

    In this case, a conclusion is made about mastery of the supporting system of knowledge necessary to continue education at the next level, at the level of conscious voluntary mastery of educational actions, i.e. at an increased level.




    Assessment of the achievement of planned results in mathematics by primary school graduates has a number of features that distinguish it from both traditional forms current, thematic and final control, as well as from the assessment of mathematical preparation in accordance with the 2004 standard.

    The main difference is that only those knowledge and skills that fully meet the planned results are subject to assessment, that is, they are final upon completion of primary school. In this regard, the final test does not include as independent elements such knowledge and skills that are integral part complex knowledge and skills and, accordingly, are controlled either in the current and thematic review, or, indirectly, when testing complex skills in the final work.

    The content of the final assessment of the achievement of planned results in mathematics is equally distributed between the main blocks of content, i.e., none of the blocks is given special attention. This approach ensures complete coverage of the various sections of the course, the ability to identify topics that cause the greatest and least difficulty in mastering younger schoolchildren and also install

    typical mistakes of students and thereby identify existing methodological problems in organizing the study of material in various sections of the course.

    Particular attention is paid to assessing the ability to consciously work with the task conditions. The tasks of the final work are formulated in the form word problems, which describe an educational or practical situation. The chosen form of tasks reflects the focus of the standard on the formation of generalized methods of action that allow students to successfully solve not only educational problems, but also problems approximate

    to real life situations.

    According to the accepted approach to the final assessment of graduate training, failure by students to complete tasks of increased complexity is not an obstacle to moving to the next level of training.

    The content of completed basic and advanced level tasks allows us to establish the student’s capabilities and prospects for his mathematical development.



    Section "Numbers and quantities"

    Planned result: read, write, compare, order numbers from zero to a million.

    Skills, characterizing the achievement of this result:

    Understand the meaning of the decimal composition of a number; explain the meaning

    digits in positional notation of a number;

    Characterize a number (even-odd, comparison with other numbers, positional notation, etc.);

    Establish a sequence of numbers and quantities within

    100 000;

    Perform operations with numbers (increase/decrease a number by

    several units or several times); increase and decrease

    the value is several times.

    Examples of tasks

    Skill: characterize a number (even-odd, comparison with

    other numbers, positional notation, etc.).

    Exercise 1 basic level

    From the numbers 284, 4621, 5372, choose and write down a number that contains two tens.

    Answer: 4621 .

    Advanced level task 2

    Write it down three digit number, which ends with the number 5 and less number 115.

    Answer: 105.

    Skill: set a sequence of numbers and values ​​within 100,000.

    Basic level task 3

    Write the numbers 8903, 8309, 83009, 839 in descending order.

    Answer: 83009, 8903, 8309, 839.

    Advanced level task 4

    Write down the quantities 5 t, 500 kg, 50 t, 50 kg, 500 g in ascending order of their values.

    Answer: 500g, 50kg, 500kg, 5t, 50t

    Section "Arithmetic Operations"

    Planned result: perform written operations with multi-digit numbers (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division by single-digit, two-digit numbers within 10,000) using tables of addition and multiplication of numbers, algorithms for written arithmetic operations (including division with a remainder).

    Skills characterizing the achievement of this result:

    Understand the meaning of arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction,

    multiplication, division);

    Perform arithmetic operations using learned

    algorithms (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division by single-digit, two-digit numbers within 10,000);

    Understand the meaning of division with a remainder;

    Calculate and check the result of an arithmetic operation.

    Examples of tasks

    Skill: understand the meaning of arithmetic operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division).

    Basic level task 1

    The organizers of the table tennis competition plan to buy 300 balls. Balls are sold in packs of 25 pieces each. How many packs should I buy? Circle the answer number.

    1) 7500; 2) 325; 3) 275; 4) 12.

    Answer: 3) 12.

    Advanced level task 2

    Participated in the Russian Language Olympiad

    480 students. Participated in the Russian Language Olympiad

    290 students less than in the Mathematics Olympiad

    ke. How many students participated in the Math Olympiad?


    Answer: 4) 770 students.

    Skill: perform arithmetic using

    studied algorithms (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division

    to single-digit, double-digit numbers within 10,000).

    Basic level task 3

    Calculate: 2072: 37.

    Answer: 4) 56.

    Series "Working with a speech therapist." Addressed to speech therapists, teachers, parents for classes with older preschoolers and younger schoolchildren.
    Notebook No. 1 is addressed to children experiencing difficulties in developing reading and writing skills at the development stage sound-letter analysis and synthesis. The proposed tasks are aimed at consolidating visual images of letters, ensuring the process of merging sounds into syllables and syllables into simple words, mastering the correct articulated reading of simple speech units. The manual is also intended for children starting to read and write.
    The workbook consists of 35 lessons and has a comprehensive structure.

    Download and read From letter to word, from word to sentence, Notebook No. 1 for classes with children, Bezrukikh M.M., Loginova E.S., Flusova N.V., 2010

    The manual is a school chemistry course in the form of calculation and chemical formulas, explanations for them, as well as reaction equations.
    The manual is compiled taking into account the currently existing standards of secondary (complete) general education in chemistry for basic and specialized levels. Material that corresponds only to the profile level is indicated in the text with the sign “*”.
    The manual is intended for students of educational institutions to review a chemistry course in preparation for seminars, tests, final and entrance exams.

    Download and read Chemistry, Collection of basic formulas, Savinkina E.V., Loginova G.P., 2013

    The final comprehensive works are aimed at assessing the development of students' conscious reading skills, the ability to work with text, understand and follow instructions, using knowledge of mathematics, the Russian language and the outside world.
    The set includes four versions of basic-level tasks for the same text and one version of tasks of increased complexity for working in pairs.
    The methodological annex for teachers provides recommendations for conducting, assessing, interpreting and using the results of complex work.

    Download and read My achievements, Final complex works, 3rd grade, Loginova O.B., Yakovleva S.G., 2011

    The kit includes four options for final comprehensive work for first-graders and methodological recommendations for the teacher.
    The final comprehensive work is a system of tasks on reading, the Russian language, mathematics and the surrounding world, compiled to the text proposed for reading. The works contain tasks of varying levels of difficulty.
    The methodological recommendations for teachers provide a general description of the goals, structure, features of the content and form of tasks, instructions for conducting, evaluating, interpreting and using the results and forms for recording the results.

    Download and read My achievements, Final complex works, 2nd grade, Loginova O.B., Yakovleva S.G., 2011

    My achievements, Final complex works, 1st grade, Loginova O.B., Yakovleva S.G., 2011

    My achievements, Final complex works, 1st grade, Loginova O.B., Yakovleva S.G., 2011.

    The kit includes four options for final comprehensive work for first-graders and methodological recommendations for the teacher.
    The final comprehensive work is a system of tasks on reading, the Russian language, mathematics and the surrounding world, compiled to the text proposed for reading. The works contain tasks of varying levels of difficulty.
    The methodological recommendations for teachers provide a general description of the goals, structure, features of the content and form of tasks, instructions for conducting, evaluating, interpreting and using the results and forms for recording the results.