Schedule of mtsko monitoring and diagnostics. This section includes several programs

MCKO certification in 2017-2018 is a process intended for absolutely all workers in the educational sector, which includes various webinars and techniques with which you can easily and simply improve the quality of your self-development. What else does this give? First of all, this means a transition to completely new level and the stage of education in the state, which will become more qualitative and effective.

Webinars and courses.

It is now officially known that various webinars will be held at the Moscow Center for Quality Education. What is the main task such webinars? Of course, this is acquaintance, study, and application of diagnostics of student achievements.

If this information interests you, now you can use the services of webinars in real time via the Internet.

What does this give? First of all, anyone can receive useful and necessary information via the network, sitting at home at the computer.

Regarding these courses and webinars, we can note and list the following most significant and important points.

  • Firstly, these courses will cover all those actions that are necessary in order to register for level three diagnostics.
  • Secondly, this type of monitoring will become mandatory for students in grades 4 and 7.
  • Thirdly, for senior students, that is, 10th grade, diagnostics will be carried out in a strictly in the indicated direction. What are these directions? Training in professional organizations, engineering class, medical grade.
  • Fourthly, detailed and detailed study all the nuances and aspects associated with conducting verification work « Healthy image life." Why this particular topic? It’s simple, since this particular topic is considered one of the list of mandatory ones for every educational institution.

It is also worth noting that middle and entry-level teachers can also become participants in these webinars and courses. secondary school and even deputy directors.

Monitoring and diagnostics.

The Moscow Center for Quality Education also carries out various diagnostics and monitoring regarding educational achievements students. This is exactly the order that was received relatively recently from the Department of Education of the Russian Federation.

What is the essence of this work? According to the new established rules, all activities and work must be carried out directly in 3 main stages, each of which has its own characteristics and rules of conduct. Remember that before starting various diagnostics and monitoring, you should prepare the necessary local acts. What activities are carried out at each stage.

  • Stage 1. Submit an application about your desire to take part in the event, which in turn is directly part of the first stage. All events are scheduled immediately at the beginning of the year and will continue until its end. To obtain better results, you should carefully and thoroughly familiarize students in grades 9 and 11 with all the necessary webinar materials before starting. The list of subjects in which all webinars will be held includes Russian language, mathematics, history of Russia for grade 10.
  • Stage 2. Apply for participation in next stage diagnostics, which is scheduled until the end of February.
  • Stage 3. Submitting an application for participation in all events final stage diagnostics, which is scheduled for the period from March to April.

The diagnosis will also affect the initial level, but at this stage each form will be carried out strictly and specifically the place designated for this. For example, a diagnostic test in a subject such as mathematics for 4th grade students is scheduled for April 14. The question arises - why exactly this time, and according to what parameters were the dates assigned? The answer is simple, the choice of dates was carried out in the process of a special draw carried out by the Department of Education of the Russian Federation.

From everything we can conclude that the Moscow Center for Education and Culture of the Russian Federation has planned for 2017-2018 big list a wide variety of activities aimed at improving and testing the quality of knowledge of students at absolutely every level and stage educational process, in which anyone can take part. All this work is fully paid for by the educational organization that applies for participation. First of all, this concerns the preparation of specially designed kits, the creation of the necessary diagnostic information, the processing and verification of test results, as well as the implementation of the work of independent observers. All detailed information can be obtained from the official website of MCCO.

MCKO certification in 2016-2017 is for all employees of the educational sector various techniques and webinars, with the help of which you can improve your self-development, as well as bring the quality of education in the state to a new level.


Today we can say with confidence that the Moscow Center for Quality Education is going to hold a webinar on the use, study and application of diagnostic achievements of students in 2016. If such information is of interest to any representative of the educational sphere, then now you can use the vibinar services in real time by connecting to the Internet. This will help anyone through the network without leaving home to obtain useful information.

There are a few points worth noting regarding the marked courses.

1. It will take place here detailed consideration all those actions to register for the third level diagnostics.

2. For students in grades 4 and 7, monitoring and diagnostics will be mandatory.

3. For 10th grade students, diagnostics must be carried out in a strictly specified direction: training in professional organizations, an engineering class or a medical class.

4. It is necessary to study all the nuances of the future testing work “Healthy Lifestyle”. The marked topic is considered one of the list of mandatory ones for each school.

Participants in such courses and webinars can be teachers of secondary and primary levels of secondary schools or deputy directors.

Monitoring and diagnostics

Today, in addition to the above-mentioned work, the Moscow Center for Educational Education carries out various diagnostics regarding the educational achievements of students. This is the order of the Department of Education of the Russian Federation.

All noted work must be carried out or planned in 3 main stages. Each of them is characterized by a set of its own features and execution rules. Before starting diagnostic or test papers Regarding various maps, it is worth preparing local acts in advance. In this case, the primary task of the administration of the educational institution is to plan the noted diagnostic measures, or select their exact number for the future.

Stage 1. Initially, you must submit an application stating that you want to take part in the event, which is part of the first stage. They will all continue from the beginning school year until the end of November. For a more effective process, it is necessary to properly familiarize 9th and 10th grade students with all the necessary webinar materials in order to diagnose the Russian language and mathematics. Since 2017, this list of subjects also includes the history of Russia for the 10th grade.

Stage 2.
At the second stage, an application is submitted for participation in the next stage of diagnostics, which will take place until the end of February 2017.

Stage 3. Submitting an application for the opportunity to participate in all events of the final stage of diagnostics, which will take place from March to April 2017.

Diagnosis of primary classes

For the very first link of the entire educational process, its own forms of diagnostics and monitoring are also prepared, each form of which can take place at a specially designated time. For example, diagnostic testing in mathematics for children in grade 4 should take place on April 14, since it is scheduled for the allotted time. The question immediately arises: why was this particular subject chosen at this time? Everything is much simpler than it might seem; the exact choice of discipline depending on time is carried out using a drawing of lots, which took place on March 31, 2016 at a meeting of the Department of Education.

MCKO certification can also be called an autonomous educational institution of the state type; in 2017 it plans to carry out quite a large number of a whole range of diagnostics and monitoring according to previously compiled requests from various educational organizations. This will primarily concern the issue of student achievements relative to the extra-budgetary basis.

It is worth noting that all the work, which consists of a whole list of actions, is fully paid for by the educational organization that applies for participation. This includes the preparation of specially designed kits, the creation of diagnostic information, the processing and verification of all test results, and the payment of the work of all independent observers who understood the participation in the survey. This point is worth thinking about before an organization decides to submit an application to participate in the ICC certification for the next year.

Taking part in such webinars or diagnostics is not mandatory for 2017, but for every institution for which it is important to monitor the knowledge of its students, such work will be very useful. Other information regarding the conduct of the marked test surveys, as well as the rules for conducting them, can be found on the official website of the MCCS.

MTsKO (Moscow Center for Quality Education) – autonomous government agency additional vocational education Moscow. Created on October 20, 2004 by Government Order No. 2090.

The purpose of this organization is monitoring, diagnostics educational institutions; expansion of practical and theoretical problems related to increasing the effectiveness of assessing the level of quality of students’ knowledge, as well as the disclosure of their abilities; identification and training of the most capable youth representatives; improving methods of certification of various educational institutions; preparation and conduct of monitoring studies.

MCCS regularly conducts a number of events aimed at diagnosing the work of educational institutions. This contributes to the development of secondary schools, technical schools, universities and other similar institutions located in the capital. Thanks to such a system, the government can make more informed decisions on implementing reforms in educational processes, and students receive current knowledge and skills required for further development professionalism.

Types of diagnostics

In the period from 2017 to 2018, ICCO plans to conduct a number of mandatory diagnostics according to the following types:

  • mandatory diagnostics (grades 4-8, 10);
  • remedial (grades 9, 10, 11);
  • in general education subjects studied at a deep level for educational institutions participating in certain projects (medicine, engineering, cadet class);
  • in professional educational institutions that participate in a project to organize specialized and pre-profile training in accordance with the basic general educational programs Oh.


The schedule of mandatory diagnostics for the 2017-2018 academic year is presented in the table:

date Class Item Form of conduct
October 129 Mathematicsblank
the 25th of October9 Russian languageblank
November 1610 Russian languageblank
November 235-8, 10 by drawRussian language, Mathematics, Foreign language, Literature (6-8, 10 classes) or history, Geography (6-8 classes), Physics (8, 10 classes), Biology (7-8 classes, 10 classes), Social studies 10th grade. By lottery 3 days before diagnosiscomputer
November 30th11 Mathematicsblank
5th of December10 Mathematicsblank
December 13th11 Elective subject: social studies, history, physics, biology, chemistry, computer scienceBlank
January 1811 Russian languageBlank
February 279 and 10Diagnostics of reading literacyBlank
March 19 Foreign languageIn OGE format
March 15th4-8, 10 by drawRussian language, Mathematics (4-8,10), The world, Biology (5-8, 10), Geography (5-7, 10 cells), Social Studies (6-8, 10), Music (6), Physics (7-8, 10), Literature (6-8, 10 ), Chemistry (8.10), Physical Education (7), Information Technology, Life Safety (8), Computer Science (10) The subject and class are determined 3 days before the diagnosisComputer
April 2410 engineeringMathematics
25th of April10 and 11AstronomyComputer
May 1510 EngineeringPhysicsComputer form with completion of tasks with detailed answers on forms


There are types of optional diagnostics. These include:

Detailed schedule diagnostic measures conducted by the Moscow Center for Quality Education is possible.

For extra-budgetary educational institutions

For these institutions, MCCO offers 2 types of diagnostics: independent and within the framework of VMCO. The detailed independent schedule is presented in the following table:

date Item Class
November 29, 2017English language5
English language8
Meta-subject skills10
December 5, 2017Meta-subject skills4
December 13, 2017Russian language4
January 23, 2018Computer science9
Social science9
January 31, 2018Biology9
February 1, 2018Russian language7
Russian language8
February 13, 2018Mathematics7
Russian language6
March 22, 2018Information Technology6
March 28, 2018Geography7
March 29, 2018Geography6
April 25, 2018Social science8
Social science10

The schedule of diagnostics within the framework of VMKO is presented in the table below.

Submitting applications

There are 2 stages of application. The first stage (from September to November 2017) has already passed, but the second stage (from December to February 2017-2018) is still relevant. The application can be submitted on the official website of MCKO and in the school’s personal account.

Presentation video clip about MCCO:

2018-2019 academic year

02/11/2019 Adjustment of the VPR and NIKO schedule

Order Federal service for supervision in the field of education and science (Rosobrnadzor) dated 29.01. 2019 No. 84 “On the conduct of the Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science of monitoring the quality of training of students educational organizations in 2019"

We inform you about posting on the website of the Federal State Budgetary Institution "FIOKO" samples and descriptions of verification work for carrying out VPR in 2019.

You can view the materials at the link

  • Sample test work in the Russian language. 4th grade. 2019
  • Description of the test work in the Russian language. 4th grade. 2019
  • Description of the test in mathematics. 4th grade. 2019
  • Sample test work on the surrounding world. 4th grade. 2019
  • Description of the test work on the surrounding world. 4th grade. 2019
  • Sample test work in the Russian language. 5th grade. 2019
  • Description of the test work in the Russian language. 5th grade. 2019
  • Description of the test in mathematics. 5th grade. 2019
  • Sample test work in the Russian language. 6th grade. 2019
  • Description of the test work in the Russian language. 6th grade. 2019
  • Description of the test in mathematics. 6th grade. 2019
  • Sample test paper in social studies. 6th grade. 2019
  • Description of the test work in social studies. 6th grade. 2019

By decision of the school, 7th grade students take tests in the Russian language, mathematics and social studies.

  • Sample test work in the Russian language. 7th grade. 2019
  • Description of the test work in the Russian language. 7th grade. 2019
  • Description of the test in mathematics. 7th grade. 2019
  • Sample test paper in social studies. 7th grade. 2019
  • Description of the test work in social studies. 7th grade. 2019
  • Sample test work in English. 7th grade. 2019
  • Description of the English language test. 7th grade. 2019

Demo versions of municipal monitoring for December

Primary classes (Russian language and mathematics)

16.10.18 V region will take place Stage I of regional tests in mathematics in grades 9

October 18 on site Saratov region The first stage of regional testing in mathematics (RPR) will take place for 9th grade students of educational organizations in the region .

During the 2018/2019 academic year, 3 stages of the RPR will take place:

More than 20 thousand people will take part in the first stage of the RPR.

Regional testing works are aimed at determining the level of students’ mastery of educational programs of the main general education in the academic subject "Mathematics" in accordance with the Federal State educational standards basic general education.

RPRs are carried out using control measuring materials in mathematics, developed by Saratov regional institute development of education and passed the examination of the chairman of the subject commission in mathematics, as well as answer forms. Participants are given 90 minutes to complete the tasks.

To carry out regional verification work, institution coordinators, organizers, duty officers, technical specialists and public observers are involved. Monitoring compliance with the procedure is carried out by the school administration.

Works are assessed in points and then converted into grades according to five-point scale. The institution may decide to include positive marks in the class magazine at the request of students.

You can get acquainted with the results of the first stage of regional tests in mathematics on November 8.

10/16/18 Rosobrnadzor will conduct NIKO in geography in grades 7 and 10

The Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science will conduct national survey quality of education (NIKO) in geography. On October 16, the study will be held for students in grades 7, on October 18 - for students in grades 10.

The purpose of the study is to identify the level geographical training basic and high school. More than 50 thousand schoolchildren from 647 general education organizations in 80 regions of Russia will take part in the study, a quarter of which are at an “advanced” level (gymnasiums, lyceums, etc.). Among the educational organizations included in the sample, 38% are rural, 62% are urban.

“The results of the study will be presented to the scientific and educational community. We will compare them with data from other monitoring studies, results final certification and send our findings and analytics to the regions. Final goal research - to increase the level of teaching the subject not only throughout the country, but also in individual regions and schools,” Deputy Head of the Department Anzor Muzaev said at a press conference at the Situation Information Center of Rosobrnadzor.

“Geography is a science that develops a person’s ideas about the world that surrounds him, about his country. You cannot love your country if you don’t know it, and geography helps a lot with this,” noted the famous Russian traveler Matvey Shparo during a press conference.

On initial stage teaching the subject “Geography” (in grades 5-7) lays the foundations of knowledge about the planet Earth, masters basic concepts and develops basic skills that a person can use in his further education in any field and apply in ordinary life situations. First of all, attention is paid to checking these aspects in the work for grade 7. The main component diagnostic work is to check the level of knowledge acquisition and the formation of skills that are necessary for further mastery of the subject. This is knowledge of the names of the largest geographical objects, special terms and concepts, knowledge of the features of nature different parts our planet and understanding the basic patterns of this diversity. These are the skills to work with geographical map, tables, graphs, illustrations and texts.

In diagnostic work for grade 10 more attention paid to checking the level of mastery of that educational material which schoolchildren will need to study geography in high school. This is the knowledge of such special concepts like density, natural increase and population migration, forms of government and administrative-territorial structure of countries, Natural resources and their types, anthropogenic landscapes and other related concepts. Special attention is given to knowledge of economic sectors.

While completing the work, tenth graders will have to demonstrate the ability to work with maps and recognize countries and regions Russian Federation on maps, the ability to use graphic sources of information, in particular, diagrams, maps, charts, graphs, and analyze tables. The results of the study will be summarized in December 2018.

For reference:

National Research on the Quality of Education (NIQR) is a nationwide program for assessing the quality of secondary education, launched in 2014 on the initiative of Rosobrnadzor. Research is conducted on a sample of schools from various regions of the Russian Federation for individual academic subjects at specific levels of general education and include diagnostic work and questioning. Monitoring studies have already been carried out within the framework of NICO: quality mathematics education in grades 5, 6 and 7 (October 2014); quality of primary education in the Russian language, mathematics and the surrounding world in grade 4 (April 2015); quality of education in the field information technologies in grades 8 and 9 (October 2015); quality of education in history and social studies in grades 6 and 8 (April 2016); quality of education in foreign languages ​​in grades 5 and 8 (October 2016); quality of education on the basics of life safety (life safety) in grades 6, 8 and 9 (April 2017); quality of education in chemistry and biology in grades 10 (October 2017), literature and world artistic culture(April 2018). Planned NICO: quality of education in physical education in grades 6 and 10 (April 2019); quality of education in mathematics in grades 5, 7 and 10 (October 2019).

The results of the research can be found on the NIKO portal:

08.10.18 On innovations in the All-Russian inspection work in 2018/2019

In October of this year in all municipal areas regions will take place parent meetings, dedicated to clarifying the issues of organizing and conducting All-Russian inspection work.

Minister of Education of the Saratov Region Irina Vladimirovna Sedova spoke about the innovations in the All-Russian testing work in 2018/2019.


2017 - 2018 academic year

Demo versions of diagnostic work, deadlines for diagnosing educational achievements - December 2017.

Demo version of diagnostic work on the Russian language in grade 9 (demo version, answers, answer form)

In Moscow early period single state exam 2018 continues. On March 30, over 2,700 participants passed the math exams. Of these, almost 1,500 people took mathematics basic level and more than 1200 - specialized.

The Unified State Exam in mathematics has been divided into basic and specialized levels since 2015. Successfully passing the basic level exam allows you to receive a school leaving certificate, as well as apply to those universities where mathematics is not on the list entrance examinations. Profile Unified State Exam must be passed for admission to universities in specialties where mathematics is one of the entrance exams.

“2,763 people took part in the Unified State Examination in mathematics, of which 1,484 participants took the basic level exam and 1,279 took the specialized exam,” the head noted regional center processing information of the city of Moscow Andrey Postulgin.

Examination paper in basic level mathematics includes 20 tasks, 3 hours (180 minutes) are allotted for its completion. Examination paper profile level consists of two parts, including 19 tasks. Profile exam lasts 3 hours 55 minutes (235 minutes). All tasks in the test materials had no test part and required a short or detailed answer.

Installed minimum score in profile-level mathematics is 27 points. The Unified State Examination in basic level mathematics is assessed on a five-point scale, for successful completion It is enough to score three points in the exam.

The exam was conducted at 19 exam locations. At all points, video surveillance was carried out online and printing technology was used complete set exam materials in classrooms and scanning the participants’ works at the PES headquarters.

“To ensure control over compliance with order conducting the Unified State Exam 54 were scheduled for the exam public observers, accredited by the Moscow Department of Education,” said Andrey Postulgin.

results Unified State Exam graduates this year will be able to find out at their schools, and graduates of previous years will be able to find out at the places of registration at the following addresses:

– Teterensky Lane, building 2a, building 1;

– Zelenograd, building 1128;

– Semenovskaya Square, building 4;

– Moskovsky, 1st microdistrict, building 47;

– Aerodromnaya street, building 9.

Also, exam results and images of forms can be seen on the portal no later than April 11.

Let us remind you that in 2018 early wave passing the Unified State Exam began on March 21 with exams in geography and computer science and ICT. On March 23, 26 and 28, exams were held in Russian, history, chemistry and foreign languages ​​( oral part). The next exam will take place on April 2. On this day, participants will take biology, physics and foreign languages. The schedule of all exams can also be viewed on the website.