OGE schedule, deadlines for passing state exams. Early delivery period

In 2017, as before, ninth-grade students will face the State Final Certification – compulsory exams for students. Graduates of the ninth grade of secondary schools take the OGE (one of the forms), and students in boarding schools, correctional institutions, as well as disabled children and children with certain disabilities take the GVE.

The closer 2017 gets, the more often future ninth-graders think about upcoming exams. Already, schoolchildren and their parents are looking at information on the Internet to find out what date is the OGE in 2017?, what changes await examinees, etc.

When is the OGE in 2017?

Traditionally, the OGE takes place in four waves: the early stage, the main stage and two additional ones. Additional stages are established for ninth grade students who did not pass the OGE or received unsatisfactory results in one compulsory subject at the OGE.

So that we can “estimate” what dates the OGE will be held in 2017, let’s look at the data from the two previous years, which are collected, for clarity, in a table. To make it easier to navigate the information provided, the years 2015 and 2016 are each marked with a different color.

Dates for the OGE in 2015-2016:

date OGE
2015 2016 2015 2016
Early stage
April 20 (Mon) April 20 (Wed) Mathematics Russian language
April 22 (Wed) April 22 (Fri)
April 24 (Fri) April 25 (Mon) Russian language Mathematics
April 27 (Mon) April 27 (Wed) Foreign languages
April 28 (Thu)
Reserve days
April 29 (Wed) May 4 (Wed) Mathematics Geography, history, biology, literature, physics, social studies, chemistry, computer science and ICT, foreign languages
April 30 (Thu) May 5 (Thu) Social studies, chemistry, literature, computer science and ICT Russian language, mathematics
May 6 (Wed) May 6 (Fri) Russian language In all subjects
May 7 (Thu) Geography, history, biology, foreign languages, physics
Main stage
May 27 (Wed) May 26 (Thu) Mathematics Social studies, chemistry, computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT), literature
May 29 (Fri) May 28 (Sat) Social studies, chemistry, literature, computer science and ICT Foreign languages
June 3 (Wed) May 31 (Tue) Russian language Mathematics
June 5 (Fri) June 3 (Fri) Geography, history, biology, foreign languages, physics Russian language
June 7 (Tue) Foreign languages
June 9 (Thu) Geography, history, biology, physics
Reserve days
June 9 (Tue) June 15 (Wed) Mathematics Social studies, chemistry, computer science and ICT, literature, geography, history, biology, physics, foreign languages
June 10 (Wed) June 17 (Fri) Social studies, chemistry, literature, computer science and ICT Russian language, mathematics
June 16 (Tue) June 21 (Tue) Russian language In all subjects
June 17 (Wed) Geography, history, biology, foreign languages, physics
June 18 (Thu) In all subjects
Additional period (August-July)
August 3 (Mon) July 1 (Fri) Russian language Mathematics
August 5 (Wed) July 2 (Sat) Social studies, chemistry, literature, computer science and ICT Foreign languages
August 7 (Fri) July 4 (Mon) Mathematics Geography, history, biology, physics
August 10 (Mon) July 6 (Wed) Geography, history, biology, foreign languages, physics Russian language
July 8 (Fri) Social studies, chemistry, computer science and ICT, literature
Reserve days
August 11 (Tue) July 12 (Tue) Russian language Russian language, mathematics
August 12 (Wed) July 13 (Wed) Social studies, chemistry, literature, computer science and ICT Social studies, chemistry, computer science and ICT literature, geography, history, biology, physics, foreign languages
August 13 (Thu) Mathematics
August 14 (Fri) Geography, history, biology, foreign languages, physics
Additional period (September)
September 7 (Mon) September 5 (Mon) Mathematics
September 9 (Thu) September 7 (Wed) Social studies, chemistry, literature, computer science and ICT Geography, history, biology, physics
September 11 (Fri) September 9 (Fri) Geography, history, biology, foreign languages, physics Foreign languages
September 14 (Mon) September 12 (Mon) Russian language
September 14 (Wed) Social studies, chemistry, computer science and ICT, literature
Reserve days
September 16 (Wed) September 15 (Thu) Mathematics Russian language, mathematics
September 17 (Thu) September 16 (Fri) Social studies, chemistry, literature, computer science and ICT Geography, history, biology, literature, physics, social studies, chemistry, foreign languages, computer science and ICT
September 18 (Fri) Geography, history, biology, foreign languages, physics
September 21 (Mon) Russian language
September 22 (Tue) In all subjects

It follows from the table that in 2017 the early stage of the OGE will most likely begin at the beginning of the twenties of April, with reserve days at the end of April - beginning of May. The main stage of the OGE-2017 will probably be on the twentieth of May, with reserve days in mid-June.

Additional deadlines for passing the OGE in 2017 are more difficult to calculate, since in 2015 the additional stage began in August, and in 2016 - in July. The second additional period for taking the Main State Exam will most likely begin in early September, with reserve days falling in mid-September.

Also, you need to take into account some changes in the conduct of the OGE-2017. The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation decided to add another mandatory exam for our schoolchildren at the student’s choice. In 2016, the number of compulsory subjects is four, and in 2017, therefore, there will be 5.

Russian language and mathematics remain compulsory, and the rest of the schoolchildren must choose for themselves. And, for the first time in 2017, only successful passing of all subjects will serve as the basis for issuing a school certificate for grade 9.

Ninth-graders taking the OGE should remember:

  • All exams start at 10:00 am
  • The duration of exams in mathematics, Russian language and literature is 3 hours 55 minutes.
  • The duration of exams in social studies, history, physics and biology is exactly 3 hours.
  • The duration of exams in computer science and information and communication technologies is 2 hours 30 minutes.
  • The duration of exams in geography and foreign languages ​​is exactly 2 hours.
  • Duration of chemistry exams: model 1 – 2 hours; model 2 – 2 hours 20 minutes.

The schedule for the state final certification in 2016 has been approved (deadlines for passing the Unified State Exam and State Examination 2016 for eleventh and ninth graders). Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 26, 2016 N 34 was signed

Rosobrnadzor published approved schedule conducting the Unified State Examination (USE), the Main State Examination (OSE) and the State Final Examination (GVE) in 2016. The document was published on the official website of the department. In which deadlines will rent Unified State Exam and OGE (GIA) in 2016 graduates and ninth graders of secondary school? Complete schedule(calendar) for passing the Unified State Exam has already been presented.

1. Unified State Exam for 11th grades

The exams are planned to be held in two stages: early and main. In addition, this academic year there will be a retake of state exams, which will be held in the fall. As in previous years, there are reserve days for taking state exams for both 11th grade graduates and ninth graders.

On reserve days, participants take the Unified State Exam or the Unified State Exam in the following cases:

  • Coincidence of exams in different academic subjects on the same day (for example, a graduate chose to take exams in physics and a foreign language, which were scheduled for the same day);
  • Failure to complete one of the exams for a valid reason;
  • Absence from one of the exams for a valid reason;
  • Having an unsatisfactory result in the Unified State Examination subject (one at a time);
  • Removing a graduate from the exam, if, at the same time, the state examination commission decided to allow the graduate to retake the Unified State Exam on a reserve day.

One of the valid reasons for failure to appear at the Unified State Exam is absence due to illness. A graduate who missed an exam due to illness must provide a medical certificate to the school where he registered to take the Unified State Exam. After this, the school will transmit the information to the state examination commission, which will assign the graduate a reserve day for taking the Unified State Exam, provided for by the unified schedule.

On reserve days, passing the Unified State Exam is the same as during the main period.

State exams for 11th grades in 2016

On the first Wednesday of December, December 2, 2015, as in previous years, there will be an exam for graduates - write final essay(exposition). It will be possible to retake only February 3rd And May 4, 2016. To successfully pass the exam, a graduate must write an essay of at least 350 words, using references and examples from literary works to support his arguments, follow the logic of presentation and avoid grammatical errors. Students were given 3 hours and 55 minutes to prepare the text.

Unified State Examination calendar 2016

This year, eleventh grade students and all those who wish to take the unified state exam will begin on March 21. This will be the start of the early period.

Early delivery period

For persons entitled to an early examination, incl. graduates of previous years who have expressed a desire to take exams ahead of schedule:

March 21 (Monday) - ;
March 23 (Wednesday)
March 25 (Friday)- Russian language;
March 28 (Friday)
- mathematics (profile);
March 30 (Wednesday)- social science;
April 1 (Friday)- geography, literature;
April 2 (Saturday)- chemistry, physics;
April 8 (Friday)
April 9 (Saturday)- foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish), biology.
April 15 and 16- reserve days for the Russian language and mathematics, respectively.

The following have the right to take the Unified State Exam early:

  • graduates of evening (shift) schools called up for military service;
  • traveling to Russian or international sports competitions, competitions, shows, Olympiads and training camps;
  • those traveling abroad for permanent residence or to continue their studies;
  • sent for medical reasons to medical, preventive and other institutions for medical, health and rehabilitation measures during the period of state (final) certification;
  • graduates of general educational institutions of the Russian Federation located outside the Russian Federation, in countries with difficult climatic conditions.

Main period for passing the Unified State Exam 2016

According to the approved schedule for the main delivery period Unified State Exam 2016 will begin with subjects such as geography and literature on May 27.

G State final examinations (GVE) taken by students of special closed-type educational institutions, MLS, institutions of the secondary vocational education system, persons with disabilities, as well as students Crimean educational institutions.

The following days of the main period of the Unified State Examination in 2016 have been approved:

May 27 (Friday)- geography, literature;
May 30 (Monday)- Russian language;
June 2 (Thursday)- (compulsory subject);
June 6 (Monday)- specialized mathematics
June 8 (Wednesday)- social science;
June 10 and June 11 (Friday and Saturday)- foreign languages ​​(oral part)
June 14 (Tuesday)- foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish), biology;
June 16 (Thursday)- computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT), history;
June 20 (Monday)- chemistry, physics.

During the main phase, an additional six days are reserved for exams in certain subjects. It is emphasized that there are no plans to hold a “July wave” and there is no provision for an autumn retake of the Unified State Exam for 11th grade graduates. In the fall, only ninth-graders will be able to retake their exams.

At the same time, for the first time to conduct The Unified State Examination in Social Studies will have a separate day in 2016- it's June 8th. It is expected that this will allow a significant number of students to complete the examination period within the main deadlines.

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Additional days

Additional days (for persons re-admitted to take exams and graduates of previous years):

April 15 (Friday)- Russian language;
April 16 (Saturday)- mathematics;
April 21 (Thursday)- literature, chemistry, computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT), physics, biology;
April 22 (Friday)- foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish), history, social studies, geography;
April 23 (Saturday) - foreign languages ​​(oral), geography, physics, biology
June 22 (Wednesday)- foreign languages ​​(English, French, German, Spanish), chemistry, social studies, geography, computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT);
June 24 (Friday)- literature, physics, history, biology;
June 27 (Monday)- Russian language;
June 28 (Tuesday)- mathematics;
June 30 (Thursday)- in all academic subjects.

Minimum scores in Russian language and mathematics on the Unified State Exam in 2016

In order to receive a school certificate, a graduate must pass two mandatory exams in the form of the Unified State Examination - Russian language and mathematics.

Unified State Examination results in the Russian language are required for admission to universities for each field of study (specialty).

Minimum number of points in Russian language:

  • to obtain a certificate - 24 points;
  • for admission to a university - 36 points.

Minimum score in mathematics:

The results of the Unified State Examination in mathematics at the profile level allow you to enter universities that have the subject “Mathematics” in the list of entrance examinations for admission to educational programs of higher education - undergraduate programs and specialty programs.

  • profile-level mathematics – 27 points;
  • basic level mathematics – 3 points.

Minimum number of points in a foreign language:

The graduate himself decides whether to take the oral part, but this choice affects the receipt of the maximum grade for the exam.

100 points can be obtained if the graduate passes both the written and oral parts.

  • The maximum points for the written part are 80, and the oral part is 20.
  • The minimum number of points is 22.

Exams in 2016 for ninth graders

The main state exam (OGE) is taken by 9th grade students.

What are OGE and GVE?

Ninth-graders are required to take exams in the form of the OGE ().

Let us remind you that GIA- state final certification, the main type of exam for 9th grade graduates in Russian secondary schools. Passing the GIA is necessary to move to grade 10 or enter secondary vocational education institutions (colleges and technical schools).

Graduates of 9 classes of general education institutions take at least 4 final exams:

  • 2 compulsory (Russian and mathematics);
  • 2 optional (from the list of items).

OGE or the main state exam, which most ninth-graders will take, is similar to the Unified State Exam using. Since 2014 ninth graders take exams only in the form of the OGE. In 2016 OGE 9th grade students will also take the form of tests (KIMs). The only exception is GVE.

Who takes exams in the form of GVE

Final certification in the form GVE or the state final exam in the 9th and 11th grades is provided for certain categories of students:

    disabled children and children with limited health capabilities,

    pupils of special closed educational institutions,

    as well as for those who receive education in prison.

Instead of a single exam, the GVE is also taken by children who have completed a full school course as part of their secondary vocational education.

Calendar for passing the OGE 2016 (formerly GIA)

Ninth-graders also have a difficult time passing their final exams. They are also divided into early and main periods. In addition, there is an additional period in August and September.

Early period

April 20 (Wed)- Russian language
April 22 (Fri)- physics
April 25 (Mon)- mathematics
April 27 (Wed)- foreign languages
April 28 (Thu) -

Reserve days for taking state exams are provided on the following days:

May 4 (Wed)- geography, history, biology, literature, physics, social studies, chemistry, computer science and ICT, foreign languages
May 5 (Thu)- Russian language and mathematics
May 6 (Fri)- reserve: for all subjects

The main stage of the OGE in 2016

May 26 (Thu)
May 28 (Sat)- foreign languages
May 31 (Tue)- mathematics
June 3 (Fri)- Russian language
June 7 (Tue)- foreign languages
June 9 (Thu)

June 15 (Wed)- reserve days:, foreign languages
June 17 (Fri) - reserve: Russian language, mathematics
June 21 (Tue) - reserve: in all subjects

Additional period for GIA-9 (July terms)

July 1 (Fri)- mathematics
July 2 (Sat)- foreign languages
July 4 (Mon)- geography, history, biology, physics
July 6 (Wed)- Russian language
July 8 (Fri)- social studies, chemistry, computer science and ICT, literature,

July 13 (Wed) - reserve:

Additional period for GIA -9 classes (September terms)

September 5 (Mon)- mathematics
September 7 (Wed)- geography, history, biology, physics
September 9 (Fri)- foreign languages
September 12 (Mon) - Russian language
September 14 (Wed) - social studies, chemistry, computer science and ICT, literature,

September 16 (Fri) - reserve: geography, history, biology, literature, physics, social studies, chemistry, foreign languages, computer science and ICT,

Table of the complete schedule for the Unified State Examination (USE 2016), the main state exam and the state final exam in 2016

The schedule of the Unified State Examination and the Unified State Examination in 2016 has been approved.

Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated January 26, 2016 N 34 “On approval of the unified schedule and duration of the state final examination in educational programs of basic general and secondary general education in each academic subject, the list of teaching and educational means used in its conduct in 2016".
Registered with the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation on February 17, 2016 Registration No. 41113


Early period

mathematics B


computer science and ICT, history

computer science and ICT, history

Russian language

Russian language

mathematics P

social science

social science

geography, literature

geography, literature

physics chemistry

physics chemistry

foreign languages ​​(oral)

foreign languages, biology

foreign languages, biology

reserve: Russian language

reserve: Russian language

reserve: mathematics B, P

reserve: mathematics

Russian language

Russian language

reserve: literature, chemistry, computer science and ICT

reserve: literature, chemistry, computer science and ICT, physics, biology

reserve: foreign languages, history, social studies

reserve: foreign languages, history, social studies, geography

geography, history, biology,

geography, history, biology,

reserve: foreign languages ​​(oral), geography, physics, biology



foreign languages

foreign languages

social studies, chemistry, computer science and ICT, literature

social studies, chemistry, computer science and ICT, literature

reserve: geography, history, biology, literature, physics, social studies, chemistry, computer science and ICT, foreign languages

reserve: Russian language, mathematics

reserve: for all subjects

reserve: for all subjects

Main stage

social studies, chemistry, computer science and ICT, literature

social studies, chemistry, computer science and ICT, literature

Geography, literature

Geography, literature

foreign languages

foreign languages

Russian language

Russian language



Mathematics B


Russian language

Russian language

Mathematics P

foreign languages

foreign languages

Social science

Social science

geography, history, biology,

geography, history, biology,

Foreign languages ​​(oral)

Foreign languages ​​(oral)

Foreign languages, biology

Foreign languages, biology

reserve: social studies, chemistry, computer science and ICT, literature, geography, history, biology, physics, foreign languages

Computer Science and ICT, History

Computer Science and ICT, History

reserve: Russian language, mathematics

reserve: Russian language, mathematics

Chemistry, physics

Chemistry, physics

reserve: for all subjects

reserve: for all subjects

reserve: geography, foreign languages, chemistry, social studies, computer science and ICT

reserve: foreign languages ​​(oral)

reserve: literature, physics, history, biology

reserve: Russian language

reserve: Russian language

reserve: mathematics B, P

reserve: mathematics

reserve: for all subjects

reserve: for all subjects



foreign languages

foreign languages

geography, history, biology, physics

geography, history, biology, physics

Russian language

Russian language

social studies, chemistry, computer science and ICT, literature,

social studies, chemistry, computer science and ICT, literature,

reserve: Russian language, mathematics

reserve: Russian language, mathematics

reserve: geography, history, biology, literature, physics, social studies, chemistry, foreign languages, computer science and ICT,

Additional period (September terms)



geography, history, biology, physics

geography, history, biology, physics

foreign languages

foreign languages

Russian language

Russian language

social studies, chemistry, computer science and ICT, literature,

social studies, chemistry, computer science and ICT, literature,

reserve: Russian language, mathematics

reserve: Russian language, mathematics

reserve: geography, history, biology, literature, physics, social studies, chemistry, foreign languages, computer science and ICT,

reserve: geography, history, biology, literature, physics, social studies, chemistry, foreign languages, computer science and ICT,

Rosobrnadzor has provided the 2016 Unified State Examination schedule. The exams will consist of two stages: early and main.

The following dates for the Unified State Exam 2016 were received:

  • The early stage will be launched on March 21
  • The main stage will start on May 27

Graduates planning to take literature and geography will enter the examination river before anyone else. We haven’t forgotten about the “July wave” of the Unified State Exam. Applicants will have the opportunity to take exams in specific subjects on reserve days. Plus, one more day will be allocated for passing any subject.

Innovations in the Unified State Exam schedule in 2016:

  • Statistics have shown that social studies is popular among graduates, so in 2016 a separate day was allocated for this subject. Thanks to this, most schoolchildren will be able to cope with all exams faster and meet the assigned deadlines.
  • Graduates who received a bad mark on the Unified State Exam in Russian and Mathematics will be able to retake the Unified State Exam in these disciplines in the fall of 2016, in September.
  • Students who have completed 10th grade will be able to take the Unified State Exam in mathematics. The trial exam will take place in Moscow approximately in the 2nd half of the academic year. Its results will not affect anything.
  • For those who learn Chinese, good news: in 2016, the Unified State Examination in this subject will be tested. But not throughout the country, but in some metropolitan schools, St. Petersburg and the Far East will also be involved.

Exam schedule 2016

date Unified State Exam GVE OGE and GVE

Early period

March 21, 2016 (Mon) mathematics (basic level) mathematics
March 23, 2016 (Wed) computer science and ICT, history computer science and ICT, history
March 25, 2016 (Fri) Russian language Russian language
March 28, 2016 (Mon) mathematics (profile level)
March 30, 2016 (Wed) social science social science
April 1, 2016 (Fri) geography, literature geography, literature
April 2, 2016 (Sat) physics chemistry physics chemistry
April 8, 2016 (Fri) foreign languages ​​(oral exam)
April 9, 2016 (Sat) foreign languages, biology foreign languages, biology
April 15, 2016 (Fri) reserve: Russian language reserve: Russian language
April 16, 2016 (Sat) reserve: mathematics B, P reserve: mathematics
April 20, 2016 (Wed) Russian language
April 21, 2016 (Thu) reserve: literature, chemistry, computer science and ICT reserve: literature, chemistry, computer science and ICT, physics, biology
April 22, 2016 (Fri) reserve: foreign languages, history, social studies reserve: foreign languages, history, social studies, geography
April 23, 2016 (Sat) reserve: foreign languages ​​(oral), geography, physics, biology
April 25, 2016 (Mon) mathematics
April 27, 2016 (Wed) foreign languages
April 28, 2016 (Thu)
May 4, 2016 (Wed) reserve: geography, history, biology, literature, physics, social studies, chemistry, computer science and ICT, foreign languages
May 5, 2016 (Thu)
May 6, 2016 (Fri) reserve: for all subjects
May 10, 2016 (Tue)

Main stage

May 26, 2016 (Thu) foreign languages
May 27, 2016 (Fri) Geography, literature Geography, literature
May 28, 2016 (Sat) foreign languages
May 30, 2016 (Mon) Russian language Russian language
May 31, 2016 (Tue) mathematics
June 2, 2016 (Thu) Mathematics B Mathematics
June 3, 2016 (Fri) Russian language
June 6, 2016 (Mon) Mathematics P
June 7, 2016 (Tue) social studies, chemistry, computer science and ICT, literature
June 8, 2016 (Wed) Social science Social science
June 9, 2016 (Thu) geography, history, biology, physics
June 10, 2016 (Fri) Foreign languages ​​(oral)
June 11, 2016 (Sat) Foreign languages ​​(oral)
June 14, 2016 (Tue) Foreign languages, biology Foreign languages, biology
June 15, 2016 (Wed) reserve: social studies, chemistry, computer science and ICT, literature, geography, history, biology, physics, foreign languages
June 16, 2016 (Thu) Computer Science and ICT, History Computer Science and ICT, History
June 17, 2016 (Fri) reserve: Russian language, mathematics
June 20, 2016 (Mon) Chemistry, physics Chemistry, physics
June 21, 2016 (Tue) reserve: for all subjects
June 22, 2016 (Wed) reserve: geography, foreign languages, chemistry, social studies, computer science and ICT
June 23, 2016 (Thu) reserve: foreign languages ​​(oral)
June 24, 2016 (Fri) reserve: literature, physics, history, biology
June 27, 2016 (Mon) reserve: Russian language reserve: Russian language
June 28, 2016 (Tue) reserve: mathematics B, P reserve: mathematics
June 30, 2016 (Thu) reserve: for all subjects reserve: for all subjects
August 1, 2016 (Mon) Russian language
August 3, 2016 (Wed) geography, history, biology, physics
August 5, 2016 (Fri) foreign languages
August 8, 2016 (Mon) mathematics
August 10, 2016 (Wed)
August 12, 2016 (Fri) reserve: Russian language, mathematics
August 13, 2016 (Sat) reserve: geography, history, biology, literature, physics, social studies, chemistry, foreign languages, computer science and ICT,

Additional period (September terms)

September 5, 2016 (Mon) Russian language
September 7, 2016 (Wed) geography, history, biology, physics
September 9, 2016 (Fri) foreign languages
September 10, 2016 (Sat) mathematics B, P mathematics
September 12, 2016 (Mon) mathematics
September 14, 2016 (Wed) social studies, chemistry, computer science and ICT, literature,
September 15, 2016 (Thu) reserve: Russian language, mathematics
September 16, 2016 (Fri) reserve: geography, history, biology, literature, physics, social studies, chemistry, foreign languages, computer science and ICT
September 17, 2016 (Sat) Russian language Russian language
September 24, 2016 (Sat) reserve: Russian language, mathematics B, P reserve: Russian language, mathematics

The announced dates for the Unified State Examination 2016 have been approved, but may be changed in case of serious objections. Rosobrnadzor also took care of 9th grade schoolchildren by issuing a schedule for the OGE and GVE.

By the way

In 2016, ninth-graders will have to take four mandatory exams instead of two, as was previously the case. Russian and mathematics will remain compulsory subjects; students choose the other two independently.

Only those who successfully complete the State Examination in Russian and Mathematics will receive a certificate; two additional subjects will not be taken into account. However, already in 2017, all four disciplines will influence the certificate.

The Federal Service for Supervision in Education and Science has prepared a draft schedule for the Unified State Examination (USE), the Main State Examination (OGE) and the State Final Examination (GVE) for 2016.

The exams will be held in two stages: early and main.

The early stage of the Unified State Exam starts on March 21, 2016. The main stage of the Unified State Examination will traditionally begin with elective subjects: geography and literature, from May 27, 2016.

As in 2015, the draft schedule for the Unified State Exam does not provide for the “July wave”.

For the first time, the project provides a separate day for the Unified State Examination in social studies, which will allow a significant number of Unified State Examination participants to complete the examination period within the main deadlines.

In addition, along with the reserve dates for conducting the Unified State Exam, the Unified State Exam and the State Examination in individual academic subjects, an additional reserve day is provided for holding exams in all academic subjects.

Students who failed or received unsatisfactory results in March-June will be able to retake the Russian language and (or) mathematics in September 2016.

Rosobrnadzor, until September 24 of this year, accepts proposals and comments on the draft schedule by email: [email protected].



Early period

mathematics B


computer science and ICT, history

computer science and ICT, history

Russian language

Russian language

mathematics P

social science

social science

geography, literature

geography, literature

physics chemistry

physics chemistry

foreign languages ​​(oral)

foreign languages, biology

foreign languages, biology

reserve: Russian language

reserve: Russian language

reserve: mathematics B, P

reserve: mathematics

Russian language

reserve: literature, chemistry, computer science and ICT

reserve: literature, chemistry, computer science and ICT, physics, biology

reserve: foreign languages, history, social studies

reserve: foreign languages, history, social studies, geography

reserve: foreign languages ​​(oral), geography, physics, biology


foreign languages

reserve: geography, history, biology, literature, physics, social studies, chemistry, computer science and ICT, foreign languages

reserve: for all subjects

Main stage

foreign languages

Geography, literature

Geography, literature

foreign languages

Russian language

Russian language


Mathematics B


Russian language

Mathematics P

social studies, chemistry, computer science and ICT, literature

Social science

Social science

geography, history, biology, physics

Foreign languages ​​(oral)

Foreign languages ​​(oral)

Foreign languages, biology

Foreign languages, biology

reserve: geography, history, biology, physics, foreign languages

Computer Science and ICT, History

Computer Science and ICT, History

reserve: Russian language, mathematics

Chemistry, physics

Chemistry, physics

reserve: for all subjects

reserve: geography, foreign languages, chemistry, social studies, computer science and ICT

reserve: foreign languages ​​(oral)

reserve: literature, physics, history, biology

reserve: Russian language

reserve: Russian language

reserve: mathematics B, P

reserve: mathematics

reserve: for all subjects

reserve: for all subjects

Additional period for GIA-9 (August terms)

Russian language

geography, history, biology, physics

foreign languages


social studies, chemistry, computer science and ICT, literature,

reserve: Russian language, mathematics

reserve: geography, history, biology, literature, physics, social studies, chemistry, foreign languages, computer science and ICT,

Additional period (September terms)

Russian language

geography, history, biology, physics

foreign languages

mathematics B, P



social studies, chemistry, computer science and ICT, literature,

reserve: Russian language, mathematics

reserve: geography, history, biology, literature, physics, social studies, chemistry, foreign languages, computer science and ICT

Russian language

Russian language

reserve: Russian language, mathematics B, P

reserve: Russian language, mathematics