Seventh graders will write a mandatory independent diagnostic test in physics. Why are such checks needed? National Educational Quality Surveys

Moscow seventh-graders will write a mandatory diagnostic test educational achievements in physics, which will take place on April 5, 2017. The subject was determined by open drawing at an online conference call of the capital’s Department of Education on March 23.

“The draw is traditionally held two weeks before the diagnosis. This approach eliminates bias in the teaching of one subject to the detriment of others and provides a guarantee that during the year they will all be studied at the same level. Representatives of the city’s parent community help us make our choice,” said Pavel Kuzmin, director of the Moscow Center for Quality Education.

The open draw was conducted by the chairman of the City Parent Expert Advisory Council Lyudmila Myasnikova and the father of a 7th grade student at school No. 2005 - holder of the Order of Courage, Lieutenant Colonel Dmitry Fedotov.

“I believe that diagnosis is not just an assessment of academic performance. This is a foundation for the future, its results will make it possible to evaluate not only the successes of our children, but also to pay attention to what is worth working on in next year, before the 9th grade, because in the 8th grade our children will have to decide on their further profile of education, specialized training. Today we have to make a choice from three subjects - history, physics and geography. As a serviceman, I believe that all of them are key, and knowledge on them will be in maximum demand,” he noted.

The objectivity and importance of choosing a subject for diagnosis by drawing lots was also emphasized by the Chairman of the Association for Quality Management in Education Vasily Levchenko.

“The selection of a subject for diagnosis using an open draw and the procedure for carrying out the work are aimed at developing a culture of independent assessment of the quality of education in the school and in the city. The proposed format allows not only to determine the level of mastery of seventh graders necessary knowledge, but also to start systematic preparation for the main state exam. The work contains assignments on key topics in the seventh grade physics course. Analysis of the results of diagnostic work will help students, parents, teachers and deputy directors for education quality management determine directions further work", he noted.

Students will complete the work within 45 minutes. The diagnostic content covers the main elements of the physics course in the first three quarters of the seventh grade and includes topics such as “ Thermal phenomena", "Mechanical phenomena" and " General issues physics". Each option contains tasks of both basic and advanced levels of difficulty. Acquainted with sample tasks can be found on the website of the Moscow Center for Educational Quality in the “Monitoring and Diagnostics” section).

MCKO is classified as an autonomous local institution that checks the level of vocational education in the capital. The structure was formed in 2004, at the insistence of State Duma officials.

The organization is pursuing specific goals, in particular, checking and diagnosing educational institutions. MCCO will conduct monitoring and diagnostics in 2018-2019. After all, it is important to expand current tasks theoretically and practically, in order to increase the level of quality of students’ knowledge, and also to reveal their existing abilities. Additionally, specialists are selected who undergo advanced training. In addition, representatives of the organization prepare and then implement monitoring studies.

At the peak of popularity are events that are rational for diagnosing the work of educational institutions. This allows us to focus on the development of secondary schools and other institutions that operate in the capital. Thanks to such a system, officials can make informed decisions on the implementation of educational reforms; students receive optimal knowledge and skills, which in the future will allow them to develop their own professionalism.

Why are such checks needed?

The Moscow Center annually organizes a lot of inspections of educational institutions, and all because it is important to monitor the effectiveness educational system, simultaneously identifying shortcomings in the educational process.

Independent diagnostics demonstrate the best results; they are also in unprecedented demand. In any of the schools, internal monitoring of the educational process has been formed, different tasks prepared by teachers who then conduct an inspection. As a result, a subjective assessment is formed, which sometimes differs from the actual situation.

Independent assessment, as an excellent basis for considering the objective situation on this moment, you can compare the successes of schoolchildren with children from other educational institutions. When analyzing errors, it is quite possible to quickly and timely correct educational process, correcting shortcomings. The school management independently decides which diagnostics are rational at the moment, and the number of classes that will take part. The administration has the opportunity to pre-agreed the time, because diagnostics are carried out according to the annual plan.

It’s a pity, but it happens that schools present only 1, the leading class, for diagnostics. That is, they are trying to show Educational establishment with the highest possible result. But, in no case should we forget that diagnostics are not classified as competitions, we're talking about about a tool that allows you to improve the quality of the learning process. First and foremost, such checks are rational for schools, not the Ministry of Education.

In addition, there is a chance that data will not be saved in school portfolio. Over the course of 2 weeks, the management of the institution analyzes the result and can submit a request to the MCCS so that the results are not saved. Given chance It is extremely important for teachers that in the potential future they are preparing for certification for a higher category, and this takes into account the performance of the class where they teach.
Parents can view data in their personal account about the subject for which the diagnosis will be carried out and its timing. As a result, the child will be able to prepare well.

How is the audit usually carried out?

Carrying out diagnostics is considered a paid service; therefore, if on the appointed day of the inspection the school refuses, then you will have to pay money again for the repeated action. Most importantly, we must not forget that diagnostic data is published on the official portal of the Moscow Center for Clinical Assessment, 1 month before its start, and a demo version is also available there. The teacher is recommended to review the proposed materials in advance and then begin preparing the class. Important point– filling out answer forms. Indeed, all students must understand how to fill out the form before the test takes place.

This is a serious moment, because you shouldn’t make stupid mistakes. The portal contains instructions teaching materials, open to teachers and children, as well as webinars, the schedules of which are presented in the corresponding section. Webinars help because, in addition to receiving official data, you will be able to ask questions in online mode, and find out constructive answers to them. As soon as the check is completed, the result will appear in the school’s personal account, it can be rationally analyzed, and advice can be given to the teacher.

Sometimes the results are considered unreliable, suddenly violations were identified during the test, or there are a colossal number of corrections in the answer form!

Monitoring 2018-2019

All audit activities of the institution were divided into three large groups:

  1. Assessment of students' educational achievements educational organizations in the 2018/2019 academic year (on a budgetary and extra-budgetary basis).
  2. National studies quality of knowledge provision.
  3. International comparative quality studies educational process.

Each group differs in the MCCO diagnostic calendar 2018-2019, as well as goals, participants and verification tools. But they have a common regulatory document - a letter from the Moscow Department of Education dated May 14, 2018 “On measures to independent assessment educational achievements of students of educational organizations in the 2018/2019 academic year.”

Inspection Plan for Secondary Schools

This is the most popular plan among teachers and directors, as it applies to all budgetary educational institutions in the capital. In the new academic year it will consist of seven stages:

  • Mandatory diagnostics in grades 4,5,6,7,8 and 10.

  • Testing in those subjects that are studied at an in-depth level.
  • Inspections in organizations participating in the project on the organization of specialized training in basic general education programs.

  • Testing knowledge acquired in elective classes. For grades 8-9 this is " financial literacy"or "the history of Moscow", and for tenth graders these are "memorable pages of the history of the Fatherland."
  • Meta-subject diagnostics. Serves for analysis of achieving planned results in mastering the educational program.
  • Diagnostics in primary school(mathematics, Russian language, reading). Will take place in April 2019.

Important! The first stage of diagnostics will take place in September – November 2018. Applications for participation in it must be submitted on the website in the school’s personal account. Also on the official website of the institution in the section “instructional and methodological materials” you can familiarize yourself with complete information on conducting an audit.

In the current academic year, the Moscow Center for Education and Science will also conduct inspections in educational institutions, not related to budget (private schools). The MCCO 2018-2019 audit schedule for them is shown below.

National Educational Quality Surveys

This group includes two diagnostic tools. These are all-Russian testing work(VPR) and the program of National Research on the Quality of Education (NIQE).

The purpose of these methods is to ensure unity educational space with universal compliance with accepted general education programs.

Features are:

  • the level of testing of schoolchildren’s knowledge is carried out through the same task for the entire country;
  • uniform assessment criteria are used;
  • schoolchildren are provided with absolutely identical conditions when taking the exam (reflected in special instructions);
  • unified assessment criteria (after completing the work, schools gain access to assessment criteria and recommendations).

VPRs provide an opportunity for school leaders to timely navigate the correct organization of the educational process and check the level of knowledge of their students for compliance with the all-Russian standard.

Important! While writing such tests, the presence of observers from parents or teachers is allowed.

Features of the NIKO program are:

  • anonymous survey (technology computer testing or the use of machine-readable forms) of students to collect information about the learning process and its proper level;
  • the selection of participants is carried out at the federal level according to special technique(depends on the specific NIKO project).
  • the results of the surveys received are used for analysis current state educational system and the formation of programs for its development.

Important! When testing students under the NIKO program, assessing the performance of teachers and regional authorities executive power not provided.

Participation in the new academic year in the NIKO project is shown below.

International comparative studies of education quality

In 2018-2019, this monitoring group will be marked by three events, each of which is aimed at different categories of schoolchildren.

  1. Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (quality of reading and text comprehension). Will be conducted among students primary classes V different countries peace.
  2. International Computer and Information Literacy Study (testing computer and information literacy for eighth graders).
  3. Research on civics education for eighth graders.

Non-diagnostic goals of MCCO in 2018-2019

In addition to monitoring educational institutions, the Moscow Education Center has many other goals and plans in the field of improving the level of education in Moscow and, in particular, in Russia. These are various international conferences, seminars and certifications.

So, the very first in the calendar of the new school year planned an important event world-class - Moscow international forum“City of Education” (August 30 – September 2, 2018). The organizers plan to attract more than 70,000 participants, including representatives management team schools in Moscow, Russia and other countries of the world. The forum will end with a traditional Russian language festival.

And in February the main thing will pass organizational event of the year – international Conference on the development of a quality system for obtaining knowledge.

The center also offers advanced training courses for employees of educational organizations with the issuance of an appropriate certificate.

With detailed schedule diagnostic work 2018 – 2019 everyone can find out on the MCKO website

New school season 2018-2019 will again not be possible without independent monitoring and diagnostics of the Moscow Center for Education and Science in capital schools. So government agency additional professional education in Moscow has the opportunity to evaluate the effectiveness of teaching, draw conclusions about the quality of knowledge received by schoolchildren, identify the most capable teachers, prepare the ground for the introduction of new educational systems, and this is not the entire list of tasks that can be solved with the help of these checks.

Monitoring 2018-2019

All audit activities of the institution were divided into three large groups:

  1. Assessment of educational achievements of students in educational institutions in the 2018/2019 academic year (on a budgetary and extra-budgetary basis).
  2. National surveys on the quality of knowledge delivery.
  3. International comparative studies of the quality of the educational process.

Each group differs in the MCCO diagnostic calendar 2018-2019, as well as goals, participants and verification tools. But they have a common regulatory document - a letter from the Moscow Department of Education dated May 14, 2018 “On measures for independent assessment of the educational achievements of students in educational organizations in the 2018/2019 academic year.”

Inspection Plan for Secondary Schools

This is the most popular plan among teachers and directors, as it applies to all budgetary educational institutions in the capital. In the new academic year it will consist of seven stages:

  • Corrective mandatory diagnostics from grades 9 to 11. It will only affect those institutions in which the Unified State Examination results in Russian language and mathematics in 2018 were unsatisfactory.

  • Testing in those subjects that are studied at an in-depth level.

  • Inspections in organizations participating in the project on the organization of specialized training in basic general education programs.

  • Testing knowledge acquired in elective classes. For 8-9 grades this is “financial literacy” or “the history of Moscow”, and for tenth graders this is “memorable pages of the history of the Fatherland”.
  • Meta-subject diagnostics. Serves for analysis of achieving planned results in mastering the educational program.
  • Diagnostics in primary school (mathematics, Russian, reading). Will take place in April 2019.

Important! The first stage of diagnostics will take place in September – November 2018. Applications for participation in it must be submitted on the website in the school’s personal account. Also on the official website of the institution in the section “instructional and methodological materials” you can find complete information on conducting an audit.

In the current academic year, the Moscow Educational Center will also conduct raids on educational institutions that are not budget-funded (private schools). The MCCO 2018-2019 audit schedule for them is shown below.

National Educational Quality Surveys

This group includes two diagnostic tools. These are the All-Russian testing works (VPR) and the program of National Research on the Quality of Education (NIKO).

The purpose of these methods is to ensure the unity of the educational space with universal compliance with accepted general education programs.

The features of VPR are:

  • the level of testing of schoolchildren’s knowledge is carried out through the same task for the entire country;
  • uniform assessment criteria are used;
  • schoolchildren are provided with absolutely identical conditions when taking the exam (reflected in special instructions);
  • unified assessment criteria (after completing the work, schools gain access to assessment criteria and recommendations).

VPRs provide an opportunity for school leaders to timely navigate the correct organization of the educational process and check the level of knowledge of their students for compliance with the all-Russian standard.

Important! While writing such tests, the presence of observers from parents or teachers is allowed.

Features of the NIKO program are:

  • anonymous questioning (computer testing technology or the use of machine-readable forms) of students in order to collect information about the learning process and its proper level;
  • The selection of participants is formed at the federal level using a special methodology (depending on the specific NIKO project).
  • the results of the surveys received are used to analyze the current state of the educational system and formulate programs for its development.

Important! When testing students under the NIKO program, assessment of the performance of teachers and regional executive authorities is not provided.

Participation in the new academic year in the NIKO project is shown below.

International comparative studies of education quality

In 2018-2019, this monitoring group will be marked by three events, each of which is aimed at different categories of schoolchildren.

  1. Progress in International Reading Literacy Study (quality of reading and text comprehension). It will be conducted among primary school students in different countries of the world.
  2. International Computer and Information Literacy Study (testing computer and information literacy for eighth graders).
  3. Research on civics education for eighth graders.

Non-diagnostic goals of MCCO in 2018-2019

In addition to monitoring educational institutions, the Moscow Education Center has many other goals and plans in the field of improving the level of education in Moscow and, in particular, in Russia. These are various international conferences, seminars and certifications.

Thus, the very first in the calendar of the new academic year is an important world-class event – ​​the Moscow International Forum “City of Education” (August 30 – September 2, 2018). The organizers plan to attract more than 70,000 participants, among whom will be representatives of the leadership of schools in Moscow, Russia and other countries of the world. The forum will end with a traditional Russian language festival.

And in February the main organizational event of the year will take place - an international conference on the development of a quality system for acquiring knowledge.

The center also offers advanced training courses for employees of educational organizations with the issuance of an appropriate certificate.

Anyone can familiarize themselves with the detailed schedule of diagnostic work for 2018 – 2019 on the MCKO website

A graduate of school No. 1636, Yana Sura, received the highest result in three subjects at once - Russian, biology and chemistry. The three-hundred-score student told the press service of the Moscow Center for Quality Education what gave her strength during preparation, and also advised her to go to the cinema before the exam.

– 300 points for the Unified State Exam is an outstanding result. How did you do it?

– I worked a lot, studied. At school I had wonderful teachers. I think my successes are mainly due to them. But for me, the news about 300 points was still unexpected.

– What helped you pass so well? Was there any special training system?

– I think that you should start thoroughly preparing for the Unified State Exam in the 10th grade. You must study every day for two years, at least a little, with breaks for rest, but study. I didn’t have a special training system - I just did the tasks that the teachers gave me. But since the 5th grade they told us that first we need to learn theory, so in all the subjects I took, I first of all mastered theoretical basis. In parallel with this, I solved tasks from the Unified State Exam, which can be found on any preparation site. But don’t think that you have to “cram” all day long. I always found time to relax and go out with friends. You definitely need to rest! My hobby also helped – I’m interested in music. I graduated music school, I play the piano, and recently mastered the ukulele. Therefore, during breaks between classes, I sometimes sang songs for myself.

– Were you worried before the exam?

– Probably everyone has some kind of jitters before entering the classroom. But I realized from myself that when you sit down at your desk and see the task, you realize that everything is, in general, familiar, and the excitement goes away. And you calmly get to work.

Did you test your knowledge before the Unified State Exam?

- I wrote trial Unified State Exam in Russian, at school we had trial diagnostics from the Moscow Center for Quality Education. This helped me understand the exam procedure itself and find out how it goes. I also learned the structure of tasks. You look at the option and understand what to expect real Unified State Exam.

– What results did you write for in the trial exams?

– To be honest, I never wrote a hundred points. Therefore, I did not expect such a high result.

– How did you arrange your time for the exam, and was it enough?

– I always sit until the end. But this is due to the fact that I carefully check my work. And I think it’s imperative to check. In chemistry, for example, I checked my paper three times before turning it in, and found mistakes every time. Without checking, you can make a mistake simply due to carelessness. In general, there is more than enough time. By the way, thanks to the trial exam, you understand how to fill out the forms and do not waste time getting acquainted with this procedure.

Regarding time allocation: I always decide first mandatory part, I transfer it to the form and only then proceed to the additional one. I was in no particular hurry, because I knew that there was enough time to write the whole work.

– Is the process of preparing for each exam universal?

– The subjects are different, as is the preparation. Biology is one of the most complex subjects, because you need to study a large amount of material, there is a lot of theory. I prepared more for Russian written part– it is important to clearly formulate your thoughts. I wrote essays almost every day and was ready for many topics. This helped me a lot.

– When you took the exam, what did you expect as a result in accordance with your knowledge?

– Of course, I expected that I should write well, because I prepared a lot and, as I already said, my teachers helped me a lot. We decided with them a large number of options, and all tasks should have already been familiar. When I came to the exam, I really saw that everything, if not obvious, was at least clear. In principle, we prepared for this, and I cannot say that the tasks seemed very difficult. Of course, there are difficulties, but I haven’t come across any questions that were completely unfamiliar to me. The Unified State Exam is based on school curriculum.

– How did you spend the last day before the exam?

– Before biology, I went to the movies. It turned out to be an excellent unloading.

– Why did you decide to choose these particular subjects – chemistry and biology?

– These subjects interest me. Our school has four majors, but I chose the biochemistry class. I'm interested natural science profile, because our whole world is chemistry and biology, and maybe also geography. Initially, I wanted to become a doctor when I chose a major in the 9th grade, but now my desire has changed a little, and I decided to study ecology.

– Ecology is a promising area, what influenced your decision?

– Every year I participated in the Olympiad in ecology, starting from the 9th grade, and always became a prize-winner. At first I didn’t think that I would connect my life with ecology, but after taking part in the Olympiad and getting such a result, I realized that I would be interested in doing this in the future. We need to develop this area in order to transform the world. I care ecological problems, and I believe that they should concern each of us. And that's all today more guys who want to enroll in environmental direction.

– Which university do you plan to enroll in?

– I applied to MGIMO because I plan to work in international environmental policy. After graduation this direction you can get a job in international company, communicate with ecologists from other countries, discuss environmental issues and conduct various examinations. My favorite topic in ecology is sustainable development and "green" economy. Today this is one of the most popular destinations, and I would like our country to follow the path of sustainable development.

– What advice can you give to future graduates? What is your secret to success?

– There are no special secrets. The main thing is to study and be attentive. You need to believe in yourself and know that everything will work out. Especially if you prepared and tried. And of course, listen to your teachers and mentors - they really always say the right things. For example, my teachers always advised me to read assignments carefully. I've made mistakes before due to inattention, so I tried to pull myself together during the exam. If you read the assignment carefully, everything will work out. After all, if you understand the question correctly, then you will also answer correctly. And you need to go to the exam itself with the thought that you have been preparing for a long time and have already done everything that depends on you.

, Department of Education , Photo: Kirill Braga

Mandatory independent diagnostics educational achievements in physics were held in Moscow schools on April 5, 2017, in which all seventh-graders in the city took part.

The students completed the work within 45 minutes. The diagnostic content covered the main elements of the physics course in the first three quarters of the seventh grade and included topics such as Thermal phenomena, Mechanical phenomena and "General Questions of Physics". In each variant, tasks of both basic and increased levels difficulties.

According to the schoolchildren, the diagnosis did not cause them any difficulties and did not bring any special worries. All assignments were from the school curriculum; the knowledge gained in the lessons was quite enough for her successful implementation. You can view sample tasks on the website of the Moscow Center for Education Quality in the “Monitoring and Diagnostics” section (“Specification and demo version”).

The results will be available in personal accounts schools in the Moscow Register of Education Quality 2-3 weeks after the diagnosis.

The subject was selected by open drawing at an online conference call of the capital’s Department of Education on March 23.

“Traditionally, the diagnostics were chosen by open drawing at a conference call of the Moscow Department of Education two weeks before it was carried out. Its task is to see how objective and reliable it is internal system assessment of the quality of education in each school", - said Elena Zozulya, Deputy Director of the Moscow Center for Quality Education.

tags: Department of Education